t V v, ; r O . ; Si JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor mil Proprietor. THE GOTJInTT", THE STATE, THE TTZtTIOlSr. FuTn: .... j . . VOL. XXXI LOUISBURG, N. a, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1001. I .VI S3' i(" jll.-ta CHURCH DIRECTOUY v V METHODIST. . ,r Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. v , Gbo. S. bAKEa, Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M.,' and 8 P. M. every Sunday, frayer meeting Wednesday night. ' - M. T, Pltlbr. Pastor .- - BAPTIST. " " Sunday School at 9:30 A. M.' h Thos.' B. Wilder, Sapt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. . -- Prayer m eting Thursday night. - . Fokkest Smith. Pastor. :. . EP1SCOPAI, Sunday' School at 9:30. ' -Services, morning and night , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. . Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Albah Obeaves. Rector. i.-rottesion.a.l oax-ds I jB. 8. P. BURT, , . , PiAOTICISa PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'iiouisbarg, N. C. - Office la the Ford Building, corner Maiu aad Mush Btreete. 'Upstairs front. yySL. R.F. YARBOROUGH, "-YSICIAN AND BURGEON, - Lotjisburg, N. C. " OlUce 2nd floor Neal balldlncr. vfcone 89. Nigox calls aaawertfl from T. w. Bicaett'a remueuoe, ynuue .. w ... , ; B. MAS8ENBURG, " ; ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBUB6. a. O. ' Will practice in all the Courts of the State OUIce in Court House. -A. OOOKB b SON, ; ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW," IiOdisbubs, ir. a, -. Wul attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, tlranriUe, Warren and Wake counties, also U3e supreme Court of .North Carolina, and the U. B. circuit ana jjistxiucuoarts. JQR. J. K MALONB, ' - ACTICIG PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ,- LOU1SBUB0, 2. C. ' . " ." . OJlce over Stokes & Fargaraon's. Hanna and Roosevelt Are Partners. fays. -"We have, to a large extent out grown tUe . necessity of protection of our Industries." If Ihe. theory of pro tection itself is correct, this must be so. since its central idea is one of pro giession to independent strength, and the -facts of today prove that in our present; advanced state 'of industrial development, with oor unrivaled skill and. Ingenuity, we have little to fear from any competition and that we are irtQntrinty a vara j-Tnnn t SO SAYS THE DOUGHTY BOSS There are few procerus of infant in dustries left to be solved now, while Sad News For Republican Presi dential Aspirants. MATT QUAY VS. JOHN WAHAMAZEBT i) B. E. H. FOSTER. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON, Louisburg, N. c. ; Offlce over Aycocke Drug Cans pany. w m. HAYWOOD KUFFIN. TTORNBY-AT-lAW, v. ; '-i. - XOTOSBTJBe, V. 0. w" Will practice in all the Courts ' of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in the ttuprttme Court, and in the United States District and Circuit Courts.: ii -r uince iu cooper and Clifton Building. a flHOS. B. WILDK&, - ' ATTORNBY-AT-LAW.v " LotrisBUBS.ir.o. Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper'a - 8. SPRUILL.- - ''j'LZ- . ATTORNeV-AT-IjAW, , - " IiOUISBOBO, ir. C ' . ' Will attend the courts ot Franklin, Vance aranville. Warren and Wake counties, aiao the Supreme - Court of North Carolina. frompt attention given to collectionft. ..- ; Oihue over Egerton's Store.- . . . ; T . "' T. W.BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief i ustice Shepherd, Hon. J onn Munliii Hnn Roht. W. WiUBtOn. HOD. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win- Hon, uienn s ua.au iy, w iuhwju, x cuo, umm. mt Monroe, Unas. n. layior, irres. nu.v w st College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. - j; - Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. M. PERSON. w. -- ATTORNEY AT-LAW, - MUISBVM,!. 0. , PftW in all ' oourta. Office In. Neal BuUduur. - yy H YARBOROUGH, JB. " - ATIOENEY ATLAW, - . LOUISBURG. N. C. ' , Office in Opera House building. Court street ill lucraT Ytnainesa intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention fVL R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. " .. Om oveb Atoockk Dbuo Coupant. With an experience; of twcnty-fl-ve years a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines ol tne proiession. HOTELS, FU AEKLliNTOS HOTEL fbanklinton;n. c. ' SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling pablio. - r Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL . ... .,. ., ...... . --y . J , P Massenbarff ; Propr HENPEIlSOIIi II. O. Good accommodations. Good fare: Hte and attentir serraBtr f isrntlnsT Kcpnblican Factions In rennayiTRnia Still at It Hammer and Tongs The Vnitaralleled Per secution of SeUIey Alser"s Attack on General Miles Growing Demand .(O ADollsa Tariff! FnToring the Trusts Roosevelt's Southern Pol. lcj-Uepen a Better Lover Than Prophet-L'seless Slaughter of Our - Soldiers Republican Partr Hopes For Recruits In the South Army Demoralised Slavery In the Phil - Ippincs. .'. . ... ' - ' Special Washington Letter. Most assuredly politics makes strange bodfeilows: j Mr.. President Roosevelt's political history is one - of resistance to the .Republican bosses. Neverthe less quite recently Hon. Marcus A, 12 a una, chief boss, delivered himself of the sententious remark, "President Roosevelt and I are partners In the Re publican party" which ' will be sad news to Messrs Fairbanks, Odell, Bev eridge and other Republican aspirants for the presidency. A long time ago ThuiloW Weed remarked, "Seward and I -are oner' which killed William H Seward dead as a smelt for the presi dency, for many people1 who would otherwise have been X or Seward dis trusted Weed. So it jnayi turn out that as Boss W,eevK killed Seward by his declaration Boss Hanna -' may kill Roosevelt by his declaration " - - David Wilmot. ; Congressman Qharles B. Lasdis ot Indiana and myself delivered our joint lecture on Imperialism to a crowded house at Towanda, Pa theold home of David Wilmot, who made more rep utation out of fewer words than any other man that ever lived, betwixt the Atlantic and Pacific. Hon. Galusba A. Grow,' who succeeded Wilmot In con gress,, says that Wilmot did not origi nate his famous proviso either in thought or words; that it was originat ed by others and he was asked to offer it because of his being persona grata to the southern proslavery Democrats. No matter as to that; he got the glory and keeps It. The history of the United States cannot be written or understood if Wilmot and his proviso are left out. Landis and I made the pilgrimage to h;s tomb and thought of many things and personsMatthew- Stanley Quay and John Wanamaker, who are now once more doing the Kilkenny cat act. this time for the" benefit of Hon. Boise Penrose, who deserves six years more in the senate. It Is awful X To hear the two Republican factions of Pennsylva nia cuss each other is to have heard the bosses in profanity, v It is really strange that their intense hatred for each other does not lead to more blood shed. It looks like they . would grow weary of tongue lashing each other and go to downright killing. - ' "' ' ' i. :r:- Schley. "' . L ha ve . neyer ' seen an audience 7et that is not on the side of Admiral Win- field Scott Schley in his contest with Sampson, Long et aL I ran a parallel at Towanda betwixt Schley and Dew- ey, and the audience gave Schley the lion's share of the applause, notwith standing the fact that of the 2,000 per-' sons who - heard : Brother Landis and myself at least three-quarters of them are Republicans. - History furnishes few examples of men being persecuted for "having gain ed a great victory, thereby adding lus ter and glb'ry to their country and her flag. Every patriotic citizen will wish Admiral 'Schley a safe delivery from the hands of Long, Sampson & Co. j ' More Republican Harmony. .: . Harmony . with a. big. big H appears to be the chief stock in trade of our Republican friends. . While Quay and Wanamaker are at each other's throats, while the Schley- rourt of inquiry is drawing its slow length long. General Russell A. Alger, aforetime secretary of war, pLumps down his great story of how. the Spanish war was waged, Incidentally taking a fall out of Gener al Nelson -A,. Miles, lieutenant general commanding the American army, fjow be it known that Alger and Miles are both top hbtcher Republicans and are pulling wool for all it is worth. Alger bops Miles; and that Indignant warrior responds that Alger's conduct of "the wa r office was as corrupt" as the beef slush, etc. c . : . j r Another Daniel Come to Judgment. Esr-United States Senator William "D Washburn of. Minnesota, astanch Re publican,and a man of large business interests, favors drastic legislation against trusts, "a general revision of "the tariff providing for' lower duties and the enlargement of the free list, espe cially ; where protection may be. re moved from trusts the increase of rec iprocity treaties, free -'trade with Cuba, and with all the territories bow' called colonies." "No duty." he says, "should ever be levied on any article coming -from any section where our. nag That Is a pretty large legislative pro gramme to map out 'for the-coming winter, but it Is fairly representative in the main of Republican opinion 18 the' west. Its one weak .point la the ,.,,o.EHmv fnr eeneral antitrust legis. latinn Rlnce-the laws, federal and state, fcave gone about as far as they the problem of simplifying the revenue laws Is a pressing one. Cuba, as The Record-Herald has sug gested, would find her shortest road to free trade" through annexation, for there is undoubtedly a powerful com bination at-work against even lower duties on sugar and- Jobacco. Of course, this same combination might fight . annexation . also, but it would have aharder battle then because our own people would take naturally to annexation. Finally . absolute free trade under the flag is a popular cry. .and it is likely to sweep the country like a whirlwind when the "colonists' reiterate their appeals' for equal laws and -thus invoke the national pride of all Americans. '. Roosevelt and the South. Notwithstanding ' President Roose velt's much quoted declaration that his great desire is to -carry Arat Presi dent McKinley's policy without break, there are signs which seem to indicate that Mr. Roosevelt has a policy of his own, especially as . to southern ap po!ntees. . W'hen he made a federal judge, of ex-Governor- Jones of Ala bama, he was appointing not a rene gade Democrat, but a ' genuine Demo crat of - high character a Democrat whose whole life appeals to the best sentiment, of , the country and is a sufficient guarantee that his duties will be thoroughly and intelligently and patriotically performed. , Mr. Roose velt's, action will not be popular with Republican bosses. . .. ." Our Chauncey. "All the "world loves a lover," so It- 1s said, "and Senator CSauneey Mitchell Depew's way of taking an his coun trymen and-- countrywomen Into the secrets of his love affairs would ap pear to indicate that a lover loves all the world. The junior senator from New York has as many things as the next one to make him happy health. wealth, honors, troops of friends, an acquaintanceship with just about all whom he would-wish to know, wit. humor, learning, now a new wife In deed, Chauncey ."while no longer young. can congratulate himself in his fine, large way as being one of the luckiest of human beings.. Chauncey "succeeds better as a hxver.tban as a prophet. Useless Slaughter 'of Americans. It will be remembered by the curious that on the 4th day of last July the pacification of the Philippines was de clared to be complete" and civil gov ernments were almost everywhere es tablished. ; . " : Congressman Hull of Iowa, chairman of the house committee tn military af fairs, was In the Philippines at the time, and gave it as his opinion that such establishments' of civil govern ment were premature. It turns out that Hull knew what he was talking about most of the civil governments having toppled to the ground, andthe slaughter": of our . soldiers proceeds. Wrhat a pity that young white Amer icans should be so sacrificed.- ' For" Sale T . i It is intimated from London that Mr. William Waldorf Astor.'.who recently expatriated "himself., expects to be given a title by King Edward on the occasion of his coronation provided the aforesaid Willie Wallie expends $500. 000 in charities, $50,000 of which be has already expended. We are by no means certain but that Is the best use to which an English title or Astor'3 money can be placed What title he is to receive is not stated, but it may be. safely affirmed that If King Edward is selling titles to rich Americans be can do a land office business, as there are many who are title hungry, though it hasn't been long since they were bread hungry.- Astor ought to lift an earl dom for $500,000. -;A : Republican Recruits In the South. "Hope springs eternal In the human breast." So said Alexander Tope, the greatest epigrammatist that ever lived. Sosays the esteemed Globe-Democrat; nappens that nearjy all the top notcn ers among the tarlfl doctors Lave teen expressing their opinions or glvlrj forth iheir various diagnoses osJo Un cle .Sam's condition. The pbysiciar.i have remedies galore, but the trouble Is that they dont agree as to the pa tient's symptoms or as to the remedy. In his Buffalo Speech, which many re gard aa a farewell message.. Mr. Mr Kinley took high grounds in favor of reciprocity, which is nothing but free trade in spots.. Nevertheless vast num bers of his fellow Republicans are op posed to- reciprocity tooth and nail. Most of them are careful of their ut terances, but The Irish World, a high tariff jshouter. says: The Yictorie ot free trad In this country al ways hart been won by Indirection. The foV.tf ol protection to h-jtne industry has so much to commend it to; the patriotic Instinct!, ol th American people and fit to ananifmly into our needs as a country that it is almost usrlro to at tack it directly, but some pretrnse hia i!wi;-s becjL'orthcoming to make the otT cast hia tul frage against it by making him be'ieT that be was voting upon quite another matter. f jS were the conciliations of the aouth lit JicX time, the hope of capturing the English market for grain in Tolk's administration, the revenue re duction of the Cleveland era and others l-.',-!e Sow it is tie necessity of reciprocity tcr the en largement of our commerce, and on this cKle 1 sue the tree trade faction are trying to get rid cf protection. I am itimatiiinsr their course ai a pretente de liberatcly, for in discussing; the subject they never make the actTnisaion that they want free trad and nothing else, but always try to put the cat as though they regarded protection aa having con ferred solid benefits on the country and as bavliuf "outlived its usefulness. Now and thes th cloven foot peep out, and they drop incautiously into remarks which exhibit their cordial dUlike of the tari!T, but it is only by inadvertence aud when they are off their guard. Judging by that extract and by state- ts in the same article more vig orous still, it is clear that the whole hog tariff men will not be held in check in the expression of their opinions by any feeling of respect for out martyred president Tire-tariff war is on Inside the Republican party. . Slavery la the Philippines.. Duriug the campaign of 1300 our Re publican friends denied bitterly . that slavery exists In the Philippines. Nev ertheless and notwithstanding, the Chi cago Tribune radical" Republican or gan grinder thinks it will do no barm to dish out -the truth in homeopathic doses, now that the election la over and the Republicans are in possession of their glorious victory. So The Tribune rises to remark; ' ALL UVER THE HOUSE. lOUBETS QUEER TROUSERS. How to Arrange Cut Flowers, to 3 euro Pleasing Effect. - In onIcr to secure the best unJ - mo?t pleasinar efToc-U in the orranrv- j-ment o cut fiowprs it u necenAjirj that their manner of growth bo con fiilereJ. Flowersthat prow on tall stalks ehoulj be put in high vases, which permit tho lor. prota'ttcras to rie in a natural fashion, with Home of the pretty leaves appearing gracefully anions them. Tiny Cow ers should be placed in email re ceptacles corresponding to their fize. The aim should be to give, as far as possible, a natural appear ance to each kind of flower. - Vi'hen gathering field daisies, also psthcr some of the scel grasses that grow among then, then place aU loosely i:i a suitable vae, remember ing that thev do not grow with their 1 heads clo.o together. This arrange ment, with the help of a stretck of the imsginatbn, will remind one of small field of daieies with the grasses -waving and nodding in the wind. Koscs should not bo crowded into . las a vase, dui tumbled loosely into a bowl, and a little study will enable one to -add the ncccFsary touches that help to give to these beautiful cut flowers their natural grace and beauty. Tansies should be cut with stemi and leaves and massed in a low, flaring vase, where they have & chance to appear as f still growing, To Clean Oil Painting. . An art journal suggests raw pota toes to clean oil paintings." Have a few potatoes at hand, each cut in halves ; the fresh surface is damp- I encd slightly with cold water and used to rub the canvas; as the pota toes show soil the surface is sliced oS. and the rubbing continued. This process will create a little lather, khich should be wired oil as ia2t a. it accumulates with a clean, damp sponge.- When the whole canvas is cleaned, it should be wo?hcd over lightlv with clean water, from which xe oi trouble on account I ji - L'11 ' i I re 11 lt ic on. master to another, the chill is taken ofT, ird finally the evef a Question relating J wattT lightly and Carefully Wiped oil with, an old clean silk handker chief. For Fall Houtecleanlng. ' One method of cleaning carpets which has been pronounced in every way satisfactory is to make a suds with good white soap'and hot water, adding enough fuller's earth to se cure the consistency of thin cream. Then, after providing a number of clean cloths, a scrubbing brush, a large sponge and a backet of fresh water, pour some of the cleaning mixture into a bowl, dip he brush into it and brush a small piece of the carpet at a time, washing it with the" sponge and cold water and dry ing with the cloths. When it has all been gone over in this way, let it dry. For Stair Landings. In most houses now being -built the staircase is likely to be broken by a landing after a few steps. An effectivo way to make use of the lower rail is to make it tho back support of a high 6ettce. The scat to this should be rounded out in front and be provided with a cush ion covered with some velvety fab ric like velours or corduroy. The effectually aa it does th slleged Utl ol th EUPPOrt for the Scat should match fcumb.ett farmer in th. Philippine archipelago. tne -.. -ml Xn 0f the Btair- That will be conclusive to all who oeo r .t-,t PrefMor.t LouhH ha f.ve Prbte Albert coat two for sanncr, two for winter ar. 1 one extra f r grtt-J Kfiu-ior.j. TUs lajt.or-e haj "bc-cn worn or..T three time at the cran ing of the exposition of 1?00 tt the ; rtx-eption of the kb of Si.m and ! f 5 c : at the garden partv ia honor rf tho j : 1 oft!. viz. Win-ir-.i.t C!et;c.!y. .I"Ttri? tt'tgj ff-ni wir.-l !.t lv-:j 4 ;ti!ir lU:r.-l 13 l''.v. ll::g!in-! and 0rs..ir.y, Lit ll u in the Uixtr 'tn-'ry tKit is l.n !r. fc.:r ;.!: r - t ir.to'ci-. II. U. Cett r. ta!.! S riiau iiill LlLi i.T.'l t dLTers from, the otliers ia that it j hnsTiCavy nik l;n:r.g snd Upc.i. II. LouUt invanibiy wear a r'aia. black satin tie not ti.-l by ..r.. but sewed together and attache! with a cbp. M. LouVt U51 formerly to wear f!.-e cuC.s but or.e day whi!e making a fj-! !cn gture tirtH-u o- and ro'Jtvl on 'the f.r. Tli harp'nl at the Luxembourg pahce, ul.on 51. Loubct was prc-ilcr.t of tire icr.jte. Since then M. Ivict's il.irU have been made with ptrtnancr.tly ettach ed wri?tbandj. M. Louljct's troupers arc Terr pe culiar. TIict arc black or rray in color, but their cut ii of the old fashioned pattern, with the top of the trousers coming up a high as the armpits. M. Loubct has always worn trousers ci this quaint type, and is so accustomed to them that he has an inveterate dklike for evening clothes, which, with Ion cut, open waistcoat, reader tho arm pit trousers impossible. The presi dent 6 wardrobe is, however, pro vided with sereral pairs of rvcr.snj trousers suitable for low cut, pen w cist coats. Argonaut. Built With Tomato Cant. A remarkable little build'sg stand on the lawn of Dr. Xaaman H. Kcyscr hou?e-on Church Ur.e, Gcrrflantown. It w-aj erected bT Df. Kevser himself when a lor. Tt t il . ! ; lltrr i a i! whit t! rrol tiiity ti.ii it u 1-4 small t;!".ag"t in (Uz:-t.j r. 1 s:- p'J :.v't sn Isr t l C"- Tht AT.trican CirU iliniiUr Viu at that as as r-irr-.s- ft ecr.trned the Arz-r.;a:i girl ii too parti-ctar. lit do tot ntn to r?Lre tl t the fact ita'.c l keep up the t'.ir. lirl cf the Ameri can rr.aa. He j-- frcn tho cricr.tal point r.re r-"rl tr. grU - The i r-.l tales w. Tie Cll- cL!t ti.' whit she can w! at th u'j, izl it stimuletci tho Arr,:.i r-ia fzler iz.o tie corxt-tioa. tl. to Haltimore American. Ejmir 3 Trisir Ft- neorntlT an I r. !.-. pi'.ls jcry brought m a tri.:t f jrIty artiatt a wonun chared with pro far.;tv, and thta pa,:A the Lzt inj pocI ep-oa her thttr-tltrs. At f.rt it w&s i-jppotd that thry wtre ir.Hurr.cfd ty g'.!ar.trT, cnt.I it u 'rtrcw.Ic-1 that their rwn Ut-t for fcrrire in the j-ry lx dvpn-l"! upon a ontiction. Tor a--r,.t;ie r.ertc that jury i fn'.isl'd fa the blue nhVor. Jvan 1'ra-civo Chron icle. TcUtji Ctvlnion cf Wrn, Trm rrr own rri r.il tr In the third district ot the department, where Major O. J. Sweet is in command, th a'avery question ia a constant source ot trouble on account of slaves escaping from That jofliccr says: "Whenever to slaves comes before m I aimuly make th owners prove their slaves beyond doubt, ia whii h case I have nothing to do with them, but ia csm I can pick, a flaw in their title I give th alleged slaves freedom papers. Thousands cf lloros ax held as slaves who ar by right tree people." It would be interesting-for the people of th United States to see on cf their srmy officers oa territory where United Stites sovereignty has been proclaimed sitting in Judgment on th own ership of human beings. H is reassuring to bs told by this Solomon, now sojourning in the Phil ippines as the representativ ot th. greatest re public on earth, that whenever a question relat ing to slaves comes before him be "simply makes the' owners prove their slaves beyond doubt." It would be at the more Interesting 1f this srmy offi cer would reveal fo the American people th char acter of evidence which he requires la such cases. Certainly the evidence must b strong, beu b insists that the proof shall be "beyond doubt." What proof can establish titlS to a human beicg according to American law t It is also interesting ta be told y this army officer "in case I can pick a Ctw In their title I give th alleged slaves freedom Jpers," aad yet we are st liberty toInfer from the tons of this officer's statements that there have been esse la which he could not "pick s flaw in their title." Perhaps ir has never occurred to this or sny other srmy officer that it is th easiest thing sntder te tun to pick a Saw ia any alleged title to a human being on territory over which United States so- ereignty has been declared and over which th United States flag waves. The evidence st hand Is riot ths mer word of sn irresponsible Filipino native; it is not th unsupported testimony of a bystander; It is nothing more nor less than the constitution of th United. States, the. thirteenth amendment of which declares that neither tlatery nor involuntary servitude shall exist "within th. -United States or sny plac subject to their Juris diction." That is the weapon that hews to pieces ny claim made oo territory under United Ststea sovereignty to th body of a human being, and that weapon destroys the slleged title of the sul tan of Sola or any other pretending monarch ss believe true what they see In Repub lican newspapers. rail had a dull rod cushion that was extremely effective. Washing Lace Handkerchiefs. By putting lace handkerchiefs in warm water in which arc a few drops of ammonia and using castile soap Ihey are easily washed and mada a beautiful clear white. Then do not iron, but spread the handker chief out smoothly on marble or . - How It Happened. No, sun." said the old man. "my boy "didn't 6teade mule. He wuz practic- ln tpr tine n Hrrna.. en whilst ho wni at'least, the' following quotation from a-turnln' er double somerset up in de P1ass gently pulling out or shaping that interesting: Republican organ elements he lit on de mules back, en I vne lace, just ueiore u u enureiy de croetur got scart en run away wld J dry fold evenly and smoothly and 'imr-Atianta constitution. i nlaceundcr a heavy weight ol soma kind, and you will find handker chiefs lasting thrice as long as be fore. tome addition "or alteration bcin; made to it each year during his va cation. The architecture of the quaint little building is old En-lLfh. The lower part is wooden, ar.d the up per part has the eject of tiling, the tiles being made out of old tin. cans. Tho. youthful architect persuaded the boys of the neighborhood to cd Ject cans from the various demr, 1,000 of thctn being used on the building. The bottoms of the cans blocked over wool formed circular tries, with which the roof is covered, and the remainder of the tin. Uin? beaten out Hat and also blocked, made square tile for the upper part of the Wadls. Philadelphia Uecord. Anarchy lit Franc. An item of news from Paris girrs indications of serious conditions in France. A party of soldiers, re serves, oncnlv cheered anarcht and shouted tor social rcvoleticn. When tho police attempted to quell tho disorder, the were charged upon by the soldiers and overcome. Paris lives in constant dread of a recur rence of the commune. It is small wonder. When the red chapter of history was written by tho com mune, the army was not so potsc d of anarchistic doctrine as at pre- ent. Hie communo sprang main.y from obscure streets and bywavs, but at present anarchy stalks open ly upon the boulevards of the gay capital, Ends lodgment m the ar nals and expression in the military barracks. Pittsburg Dispatch. Aatuundlosr Dltarxrvrrj, From Coperst ll!r. UIcbm kb wotd if a wooderful discovery cf a tie Mai i tastiag liquid that wl.a csd twfor retiring by say ottroabl4 wltb a tad cough always rosorew a food allt rest. "It will aoo enrt tb ccogh too." write Mr. 8. IicDibrr, "fee tfcrv gvof railoos of ocr fixtUy lata ckJ Pr Kloff'a New Disory for Coosoovtiia and never Tooo 4 Its eqaal for Co'cti odC:!," ll'srao onrlald lif-s wbea osd for derrat laOjt disease Goaraolred betllea 5o sod ?1 00 at 11. K. LT.tl FSeassota. Trial boltlew frew. to men. CoaU ToUtot Interrieir. ta a mer Paris " a-m m tm aJ .V-.' . - f e pa -! L m mi Kr m - - m w : c f fun". TT.at .is the rcru!ir rrjxirt trcm the nxr..ry czgz cf Dimun's Circui c-.-cr sir.ee the lccrrs beg ia Javir. t.c r.cr.lcyi u-ith Scot's Emu! sion. Ccr.surrl:oauci-T'-ir- c:T tax thL-dcf then CAxry ) -cor a.vj . the circus hij to buy r.cvr enca. One day a lqxr ice: Jcnt allylrckea Ut'Je cf Scxtts Lrr.u:5:ca near ihc irr.lcy Cic ar.d the rr.or.lcvs azir lafixd itup frcrn .the.ilocr. This sug-cstci the L!ea thzt it rr.ih: c'o then ryL Size hen the rr.or.Lcys brc received regular doses ar-i the Lcrpcrs report very fcV deaths, frco cor-surnptica. Of cctsrse its cheaper to hzy Scctts' Err.d- sion than r.ew irnkryv-aiJ that suits the drccs rr.en. Ccr-surr.pticn in mcr.aKrrs and in man is the same dlscavc. If you have it cr arc threaten. ed with it can take the h:r.!? . Tte CrM4ra-a l YmT1 tst. e'4 ttl wiave. Vail. yoa bat sw. Vr k:Ura jn mtt lx. Tef k.x, rs VrsviiL., f p aaj ;Vr isUf n.rU:ait t altaal. Ce; t are -tt f .'-. Arts rjetijCy. Is U try tinuii l U Us;. and rertert'y IhrrUtm. C. C Oe-erye, Vijtr, Ky enuic- Ost t.u!. g.l was atUrie-l wi'.S rt? tat f a, (VI tcJ ti m Vu tit r;i tar-i'j rck- c f tcr a Its da f Oa. x.aat. tS(h Car. Il rvt.v-4 Vef laast4ietv aa4 she vrtl to aif. WM aa. acit atoraUg sis i.l a ct iuarwr. s a rroep." AjeeU iVag C- Moat wefceo bo sol (or cotorli- rcttu clerccd cpoo ibe f ciit. V c ascra 4 SCOTT k t o vvyx. J aJ f t. ai L-tct-. VnZU'SS STEAH COOKER for tt PJ. lsrvT-. f llsius, la.l mv 1 lk4 act )ttsi a v'rJ lUtt a stwtf tt aoataa, aa4 aa tti f rlj Ileaey Tsr tes'crv I k.I t- fvl I t'rj . Ji. K. 4 F. TL lumi. Tlve s(tsc twso acvUS tLtxh rath er be t ijht thaa fc ptndeet ol sthocl boatd wuboct any talary. A rtsicia) Traslfkwt. "1 Late Ulrs Kc-J 4 tvvffa C re ad ksv atver a-4 aejtiiag la as t.f ilbsl 4.4 ace U g o-4 Ust 41." says Caaaty lay rias) Ceo. W. -r;, ( ttC: Casfv. Oa. "F-eUj a ttr.u I a-at. jwtWJ iiae4f-aa4 it t. t" iv Vt f: -a." tf ll. fo4 sal Irau st aad gi44 yaar ntrar s tl aij tasrw as smw r:tKk. Yes rss fftftsl tils Vtw. let. t ttal rseaas tarvati. k f.'J'T-'i- Car d.gt rsi f u Ys et4 saJef fsa a.'.i.f r.jr,i. a4 javadoa. TK nl ru .l ij rar4. Nvr ft.!. A;eeV trf (". Tils Is the ties cf all ticM wtta vry toM.tpr ibcli 1st 'try coot ssitneo rtaltlt. Tb rtaUt ccsvi&If cr cf all U tho Psxwt brtkn CiKtxx. Itsatti TIME, LACOH,. FUEL aadJFCOD. Aay f"3aUt7 ef Ir lhal will kttp two cuarlt cf iUf Veillcjc will wltb il B cf a rsxxtxM ErsuK Coccaa, cock a ctal. J. A-TFOUAy, Ooly the cowatd'.tl kicJ c4 a co. aid will slap a txaa's (ace Lctitvd la back. Ts Cars) a Cish S!T C.tr.a(. aa It rv.U tlk. Ifx ao4 gv tkeea a eaaac ta k-eial. IC"s Ifaae a4 lit efv iOut tst a-ss,n:Lrr. 1 f fnv ia ta thrwaiaf mf tirl.2aaU. K. A i l.a. r. c Po lOTf'COD HOUSE tYtrre:t:a. KcrtaC:r S4 W. J. NOBWOOD, proprietor. . .,i Tourists aad F-T.rirnair s f.vr ellniratUo' Solicited. ,. ; . - -H9o4. Eir-rl"0wrl t thnt direction." without aceom Tllshinsr much. Rut there is undoubt- edly in this part of the-country a leet rr-tt indignation" over the ep ioment by the trusfs of-tariff favor. lhf.h-nnhi them, to monopolize our markets at high! prices when they are underselling Tall competitors abroad . a to ppneral hat subh fcmrntv to. those who do not need . lt ii hp discontinued. " ... ' TCaci.imrn reflects western sen .. ' .,.. .h0n in dealins more timenc aistr - - - brldlv with the-taria-Question, to grinder means the same thing There is a general feeling among Democrats snd Republicans that the Republican party in th. south Is going to receive strong re-enlorcements from the Democrats ol that section in the next lew years. . . " v . - It requires neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet to foretell with some thing approximating : certainty -the number of re-enforcements the Repub licans" will receive in that .quarter. They may be able to buy some poor. worthless Democrat with an offlce, but just as soon as the offices are exhaust ed the recruiting stops. - Ctterjlw Demoralised. The utter demoralization of the regu-' lar .army undet. Republican auspices' was completely demonstrated the other day when Major Hawkes, denounced Colonel Helstand as a liar while on the .itness stand with a3 perfect sang froid as though be had been asking hlra to accept a cigar -or to buy an other block of stock in the great and Ely Philippine Hemp company How can It be expected tnat suoaiterns wut have respect for authority when gen erals, colonels, majors - ancV captains bandy the lie about like a" lot of black guards In some nameless cesspool ot iniquity? Hawkes squealed as to the hemp ring steal; hence thl3 uproar. ' The Hawkes-Heistand disgrace, tak en In connection with the persecution of Schley7 Is not calculated to appeal to the American love of decency and fair play.- Hitherto the people of this country have set great store by -our soldiers and sailers, but their Interest In our professional fighters la likely te suffer curtailment unless scandals cease to be one of the chief features of service on laud and sea. -Public memory ii not so short as to have forgotten -how General Eagan was retired on three-quarter pay foe abuse, of General Miles at an age at which Eagan could hope for many years . of successful business lifer so that his pretended punishment was really a reward. Dlsagrreelnjr Fnxslclans. There is an old saying as to the per- .Spreads tiiko AViiatlre. s When things are "the best" tby be come "the.best Bvlling." Abraham llare. a leading drngarUt. of " Belleville. O., writes: ."Electric Bitters are the best Belling bitters -1 have bandied in 2o years." Yon know whjT Bloat diseases begiir"in disorders of- stomach, liver kidneys, . bowelo, .blood and nervi. Electric Bitters toaes np the stomach, I regulates liver, kidneys and. bowels, par. ISes the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cares tnaltitads of maladies. It builds up the entire system. Pots now life and vigor into any weak, sickly. ran-down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by M. K. & F. U.- Pleasants, , druggists. "V ' Many a man who has a small spark of genius imagines he possesses a large conflagration' . . m . Great "Lack of an Editor. "For two years all efforts to core Ec- ntn in the palms of mr hands failed," writes Editor H. If. "Lun'.er, of Syraea, Kan., "then I was whpllv cared by Bock leu's Arnica Sai?e." It's the world's beat for Eruptions, Sores and all akin diseases.' Only 25c at J. K. A F." TL Pleasants'. " . A Combination Salad. . A satisfactory combination of fruit and savory- salad is made with pineapple, celery and a bit of sweet red pepper. A small ripe pineapple is peeled and shredded and a cup of finely chopped celery and diced red pepper mixed with it. .Marinate this with a little French dressing and set on ice for fifteen minutes; then toss throuch.it with a silver fork a little mayonnaise first and afterward a half cupful of stiiSy whipped cream. Arrange on let- tuce hearts. - - It taies more than a woodeo tat to produce thoughts that burn. Reliable and Gentle. 'A rail's a Jitl," save th saw. Eat tlwt. art pill n4 jiU. You .l a fill fci'b la rerlaio, ll.oreu;S atd getCr. Uta'i Uripa. iHWjtt. Little Faily I. --rs fc: th bill. Pnrly vrretable. To act force bai asaltt th. towela to art. trratribeci anJ lavtgorate. Small aa4 easy to Uk.. Ay- coke Proj Co. When raao ujs he I kes in jet u in the ceck" someumts he tueani trr nrck ol the"ihr feH sr. . Hit oce th:ef . it greaser lKaa ic- tcz, acd that la ra.lsrt. aaottcr tZjti al er a CASTOR I A Tor Izixzlt ard Clilirtt Tt3 Kbi Yea H2T3 AIisjs E::-l?t EiiTiAtara cf C&ffi&i&i: It costs the average vescl 860 to pass through the sue z canal. To the Public. - Allow me to say a f;w worJs ia praise of 1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I bad a very severe, cough and cold and feared I would get pneumonia, bnt alter taking the j second dose of this medicine I felt better, I three bottles of it eared pny cold cJ the pains in my chest dUappesred entirely. I 1 am most respectfully yoors for health, iireie wui. KaphS. Mevers, 64 Tl.irty-aeventh H plexed condition of the average eitt- 1 - ' v innrr In vman. ' when em- Wheeling, U.a. For ale by M. iX 4 -pent physicians disagree. - Now, It so F. E. Pleasants. . To Polish. The best ihlv.z for nolishinz win dows is a small hand nop made of 3crap3 of chamois. Pieces no Larger than a dollar can be used, and if well wom it will work so much the better. Slrir.z them all together on a piece of strong twine, then tie together. in a bunch. When dirty, wash it out, dry and before using rub it soft beneath your hands. Good Housekeeping. 1 . . . 1 f Jumped on a X'"" Penny Nail. The littl daughter of Xtr. J. N". Torell jcfnir.eJ oa aa invert j rake made of tea peony nails, and thrust oae asll entirely throozh her foot and a -reoad 00. bsUf way through. Chamberlain's Fain IWltn was promptly applied and five roinstr later the paia bad disappeared ao l no mora su florins wa eiterienccd. Ia three csvs the child was wearing her shoe as us-ial anJ with abnolntclv no disoomfort- Mr, Powell is a well known roerchactof Fork land. Vt-"i-ala T-ilm J aa antiseptic and . - - - r LeaJs lura injnnes wnnoui msiuranv uw in cne-third the time required by th. usual treatment. For sale by VI. K. 4: F. K. PlesssnU. C, ft. Arnold.. of Yoncg.lowa. tls In ri'Uog of Ir. Ford's I v-jr tiei Jc -c My wife baa taken three bot:! f !; pepliciJe and l, I be'.. eve, .tr.tati- ared ot ioOlilio, eoavslipaUoa sad s'-K bcadarbe, with which she has Vvea troobfed for tweely or sovr year. y!v eaa tot tt trmate" the f ed il has Owe her." M. K. A F. R. ricasaeU. The mao who uu hincseit while ahaving r.cver Watoes it 00 the hp- cess ot the ra-r. When yoa feel tl.at I.fe l kanl'y -tb ; the candle take l" f t b betU:' ... .v. -li - -r.S.1... Tl.. -! c!ea var st.maoh. tone p yr iit and reculste joar bf'a. daktai j.ra fe! j like, a ew wat. For '-e by M. K. A F- H. I'.caucU. Keep in te ua M acd pitruw jvalh and avoid the tf o 1. AdoifS i Hlaaer. CrscJ ifaeal. Is,, wr'.les: -l bv. 4 roiey's tloaey saJ Tar io my family and tKiak It le t b.l couth eurv oa the snarkeu 1 woaij t be iUir-at It in b; rowe, a there is aMbirg good for eooha sod ex.! is. Vf. K. A T. U. P'rasUiU. H the gl dtda'l d.e jourg; ca ccc knows bow bad they tniftt te. CilVi: VtCIt IWOD In t.- AmnkAii Pjrrty lYitr pioy, rd Nt-w Ycrk. th lariat .irrty to:n; any la the world cVvot-d rt clu-'UVf! ta fraarar.!. ir.r the t-VLty I of pTwtit boLJi: p .'. iot-a t! -r- r-rjtiary trot. ana nctjr g na acrrtT 00 lrnd nod cn-UrtAkiu;--. l'-Z- r.ll l v th lm tf Nrta Csjru.z. ne tt.fcutit -?rr!r t rt !. : - - at !.::. (llttuV ! rterT For rat. a.!!rt-' tlf Sjrvtr Co., Itrj I'rtw t . YorkTor nrply to i . II. tisaosorca. Ji., .tt r. dT-j" t joa. A trwrsrna ar, New r.l.tTW.LT.Ca-4i. - - LocisBcno, c. far 4 ta. '.4 rrstl. 3 fX 1muI:V i Watrni U tie si -Mi-liars. W iv it -m fsMt aWnsr t'uT aJW a.'. Tr joe F-sa L-mSsl. tuwe r. r-.r.v r Htski't, J ft. Til ta. ww, r it. 1. r. n tut trt tat. T W. 1 i kiTT. w. w . r 1 1. w.i. U.l.tT. tsWewsf aoe-ae w tramim awe Vjar tm iWi. Uu avA r";-fel vwnty. KttCERSCI TElifrCXS CD. GistajLi. Ss.riaiTt3r urt's Otncu lltjr-,t-uc-i. N. CL. Iv-r. 3, JH The tnT'r'r t-gi io a.. " rr thAt tw tUwu-g to-ia tre tow Cr0i---:tl 1 T Vxt d-stA-i-w aV-TT- toe. an-4 th ra.!- tT'rw .".b j-i hC- mCl t- v'-tTe oa avd aJ:T IX. 3rd,13J: i . it.ou ion.ntT.a td (i'.ct)oti f jfiWrl Air List txil way Vrvf. Effeetlee Ag-it -b. train ser vice ii otatr.ecre 1 ca ttt rreta mh & I;ir-a!t(Laa Ilai'rcad, eperalies frora Tt.al-nat.n, Oa , C the raboar l Air Llpe t-a T.ror.a talcs. C.a.o F;tetaber 1 at. through train will t Ir m-rt. J l tweets Prsrwck at J ha eat-tab, Car'.-a. .1 Naht., J C"iuaa U;v. "".. ii! rl, tljrkat, l.a t. ' T. J lzz, AO lU'if Jio-rt. 3 iKirh-i-a. " js-v.Thts. 1 !a, Fratk..tta. :1 iie, ti-wtisfT, 4j Tarl..-rv. ?,j Cjrwt;;. 40 Vake F rt. t.j".'.lrr. 4a Varr-tt -, ZJt i I frlrt-ir-a, T . is. grf- rt- i i Ila !Vir., ZS U"e;..Icr-j, ..! ! . i? o, Z ' .'-. ";, 21 li'.tVt.a r3 m 5, t ) DON'T FORGET Thai eh-i j f watt ;:r Ha: fee. E j i T 7 . a : r. . cr a: ; Tti the 5-atcarJ Air j - Ue" ff.r i yc 1 .. I I Line n tttrarceto Trat .-k. e e ear im nur in!; ci ts r!. .itsou 1-lar.d. Cua t -Tla- 1 c f - U ' r Islacd. and Jekyt Mar. J, atd fcrsi the ahctt lice telaeta h'ttisc acd llr-cswiek a&d l-e'.weea llranswics; i Jat.;aT;llt i'La- C. H, I e.'.l i'm da t ; U, t.';.;'.'.: ; tzz '.-re, '"IT. '.;V.ir. A,