-J I 1 7 ( JJ :,l I. , r JAS. A. THOMAS, Eiit:: Fr:;rict:r. 7THE COTJHTY, rrjT :::::::?t;:i: Fir tur. j u j. '" . .- : . ' r " ' " ' ; i " VOL. XXXI CHUR08 DIHKCTOUY MKVHODIiiT. . Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ." ; Gaor S. Baker, Bupt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. H. every Sunday. . prayer meeting Wednesday night. - M. T, Phlek. Pastor , . BAPTIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder,-Supt JSEt1"? aQd M'M Prayer m-eting Thursday night. ; : Foekbst Smith, pastor. . , ' : ' ' episcopal; -Sanday School at 9:50 ' Services, .morning -and night , .on 1st, 3rd ana 4ta Sundays. Evening Prayer,--Friday afternoon. : i . - v Albah Gbsaves. Kector. i.-rot"eiS!Sioim.I oni-dn D E. 8. P.BUBT, PfiAOriCITO PHYSICIAN AND SORQEON. ' Louisburg, N. C.v . OtHce In the Ford Building, corner Main and Aasn streets. Dp stairs front. I) B. E. P. TARBOROUGH, T8ICIAN AND SURGEON, LOUISBCH8, N. C. . - Cffflce 2nd floor Neal -baliatncr. uhone S Nlgtit mils auawere'i from X. w . Bickett'a remaeuce, yuuuit . B. MAHSKNBUBQ, .-1 ATTOKNBX AX LAW. - J.0UISBUB8. H. 6. - Will practice In all the Courts of the Bute Office In Court House. . . . 1 yL COOKB St SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ' l LOUISBCSS.H.Oi Will attend the courts of Nash, Eranklln, OrsnvlUe, Warren aui Wake coonties, also tne Kupraine uourt 01 iMortn Uaroliu, ana tne It B. J. K. M ALONE, JtACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND StfRQEON. . ? LODI8BCK6, N. O. ' C--:" Office over Stokes & Furguraon's. " R.E.P. FOSTBK.". PRACTICING PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Louisburg, N. C -: :. - ... ...... '- - ..." ; OUce over Aycocke Drug Company. ' w M. HAYWOOD RCFFIN. yy ATTORNEY-AT-lAW, i f ' Will practice in aU the Courts of Franklin J and adjoining counties, also tn the Supreme Court, and in the United (States- District and Circuit courts. - - office la Cooper and Clifton Building. V X H08. B. WILDKB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, v . s - .... ', ' - wuisBDBS, a. a. - -, - - s- CtBce on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper' tore. . ., .. . - -.- . ' F. S. SPliUILL.v ' - V. ... . - - .' . . . -i , - ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, LOtribBUBO, K. C. - WUI attend the courts of Franklin, Vance ni-nviii wrM and wak ennntiu.' also 1 tne Supreme court ot Korttt uaroiina. i Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egarton's Store., - j t W.BICKKTT, s- ATIOBNEY AND COHKBELLOB. AT LAW, Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter to trusted to nia hands. - Refers to Chief J ustice shepherd, Hon. John If ..... i n U7 U.n T n Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win- ton. Glenn k Maul v. Winston.-Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. K. Taylor, Pres. Wake. For- siuoiiege, Hon. J5. W. ximteriaae. --.- Office in Court House, opposite SherifTs. M. PERSON, V ; V "... ....". ... 1 ' ATTORNEY AT-LAW lOClSBDBe, K. C - " - Practtces In all courts. Office lit Neal Building. XT H YARBOKOUGH, JBT " T i ' - -: ATI OENEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG, N. C. ' - Offlce in Opera House DuildingrCourt street All legal business ; intrusted to nxm will receive prompt and careiui attention, jR. R.S. KING, ; DENTIST; : IrOUISBUBa, N. 0. .- - : Orri i oveb Aycockk I)kco Company. Win, f t,er.t.ir-fivp veara a Butncient guarantee ot my wort .in au . r . i. .11 the up-to-date lines of the proieesion. . V: HOTELS.- PRAKKHNTOJS HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prfr. .. " V-r l' Good aicomodatidn for the traveling public. r ... . " , - Good Livery Attached. MASSENBUPtG HOTEL J P 2Hnss3iiturs- J?iropr HEirDEHSOII ii. c. fteod accommodations. Good farei Po lite and attentive aerva8' ;' tVrenrton. re"- W. j. momvouD, proprietor. ptronage of Commercial - Tourists and 'vriirjfiiMic eollclted.--'. nun i! 33 I ? .mm e ? Ha rmrtmr" Tn -"r - " t- AiarinOny in tile RepUb- J lican Party. PESETA " UNDESSTANDING. Niger's Book Causes Discord at -the Love Feast " EAISES .THE LID OF THE CESSPOOL Shonia Have Avraited a Time When Its Stencil V.oaJd Not Be So Appar ent Setli Low's Amhition-Hnngry .JJLpnchmcn PiglitJig For -Pie A Ciiuncc f or Gongressmaa 'fcoatell. Tlie ntesldent Surfeited With; Ad--rlce Fry e to Fight For" Ship Snb sidles Fight Is on He t ween Koose Telt and the Machine Henderson's Views on.,,. Tariff- Revision Th Com las Elections. - . - Special Washington Letter. This, According to Republican papers and orators, is another era of good feel ing, putting--' to .blush' that 'era ot good' feeling whicl characterized James Mowoe's" -.second term.; At Towanda. I'a., In bur joint lecture on politics Congressman Xandis harped on that theme perpetually, .but the harmony now prevailing in the Republican par ty, like the peace of God, parseth all understanding. -. .: ' . : It's a far cry from any sort of god dess, ancient or modern, mythological. or otherwise, to Generar.Rns&eH A. Al ger, late secretary of war; but, never- he is playing most successfully the role of that Indignant goddess who, not being invited to the feast, . interrupted the harmonious .proceedings by casting the apple of discord Into the midst of the 1 revelers. It wis cruel of Alger, too the time he selected; to precipitate a riot. Just as the air, or, more properly speaking, the newspapers, were full of sweet talk. about -'the new era of good. feeling,' and jnsf r as the easy- boss. Piatt,- was .snuggling1 up" to-the presi dent, 'and while Mark Hanha waspub- lishing to an expectant vvorld the im portant fact thathe-isnowra full part ner with the occupant of the ; White House, and while the Schley , court of Faquiry was fixing to condemn Schley for thrashing the Spaniards, and while another court wasfixing' to whitewash the. great Philippine Hemp company, Alger, with a nerve that IS colossal, 'with a recklessness that- is .appalling and with a sang froid. that Is amazing, sets all the world by the ears by pub lishing a book whicnwill precipitate half a dozen new feuds, half a dozes hew courts martial and raise Cain gen erally. . Really Alger ought to --Iiave . waited till coldest winter to raise the lid on the cesspSol . which gives, forth tuck horrifying stench. .He bugbt ta be-prosecuted for cruelty to animals. Why do not .Alger, - M iles, Eagarand the rest of the yawlihg, howling, cater- wauIiHg Republicans give the public a rest by. .retiring, to some cool and se- nntowiil ennt nnA rmttln' in ft lirlA im""" - - ' .. ; ..x season -commraing - to - memory mat beautiful psalm whicn begins "Benold, how, good and how pleasant it. is for brethren to dwell together in unity1 or "mutiny," as one brother made It read? - Miles Bays Algeria administration of the war office was rotten as the beef pulp heifurnished Miles' army. Alger retorts-that Miles is a liar, and so it goes in this happy family "in this era of . 1 . 1 ' T .1.!. .1 . I. . 1. n iKJOd feehng.XIf tbis is dose in the green tree, - what "will be done in tue dry ? 1 ' Wnnts to Be "It." 'v. - Eon. Seth Low appears to be ambi tious to. be the political "It" in New York." According to his philosophy, fw- Htical Reform always spelled, with a big. .big R--begins ahd ends in bis election to the mayoralty of New York, which be fondly believes will lead to the "governorship of New York and .ll- (rlflnnL. iiAncnmm'tHnn'fn thi """J'-" " - " White- House. V; Those two; superemi- cent reformers, Hon. Thomas Collier Piatt and Ms understudy,' Hon. Lem uel Ell Quigg." are whooping it up for Seth, evidently "believing that they will control the pie counter when Seth comes into his. kingdom, which will" be just after the last note of Gabriel's trumpet dies away on the 6tartled air of the great Judgment day. ' - . , Tow Bad! " . . '. ' - . -The much vaunted ra of good feel iag among the Pepublicans'appears to be about to end in arfera of wool pull ins, and it's a pity that all the bad I . . . a . " ,1 nn Pvts t blOOO now ueing geueratcu v-yuifa hulu . i- ..ix. a i tt in r ap aunormat ayyeuie iui pic. Ilirnois the IteDUblican angry passions are rising rapidly because tJncle Shel by M. Culloni, with a smile that was childlike arid bland, grabbed the first piece of pie, the very first,' from Pres- Ident- Roosevelt, ana a uanuS piece it. was, too, and, worst of alL he gave it to his son-in-law Ridgley. So nepotism is to be added.jto Dncle Shel by's sins. Whereupon "young Governor Dick Yates waxeth wroth and oils up. bis; machine to bust the era- of G. I'V Meanwhile and . simultaneously Mr. Dawes re-enters Suckerdom: with his fenalorial bee buzzing so loud that, all men may hear, especially Billy Mason, who, having greased . up bis nyacm thin& and- leonine locks, "is down In eouthern lUinois-Egypt, as.It is local ly known kissing babies, discussing pumpkins and raking in Instructions for members of the legislature to de feat Dawes Yates, Dncle Shelby and all the rest injhis era of G. F. "Meanwhile, with not half enough of. ficcs to go around among Republicans, President Roosevelt appears to be look ing for Democrats to fill offices, which cidila to the era of G. F. r - " A Professor's Spoons. . rrt, a mm-'pnri Economist unwitting ly publishes an article which BhwMo what a demoralized state our high tar p oT-cm will ' reduce a man. i.ne wnmiRt heads its article "Professor TToronrir's. Sdoous." and it runa as follows:. ' ; "' Uambure-American pier Ui Hobolen covered at T r-r wv a a. I S - . I - l is m while thry sang man. wlio proved nearer, uu, to be Professor suit Dat, according to The 7 r rutin e . -i 10flttll IT.B nn. a I. . .. I "rT' ra.UCD m-cootcmpt of public opinion as in reirard for a. drawn e had secreted tbere. . Professor Hattstcadt bad just declared -tbat -he had. nothing dutiable, and possibly his falsehood would Hot have Lccn discw. tred H the' spoons had been so fastened tlat th bat -OU,d be removed without .detection. w fitting to notice in UH connection that . "oji .uaiisieaoi leciurea to lu clasi antnS I U r or b? iniAi cither self respecting parents f Sll f-i LK PUbl'C "'th W" Uarf,in eral Rncation. uuwSuirm oi uruuu Views aiKL a 11 D- ! -J ; Possibly-tiie anarchv has pni the whole civilized world in mourning might not be so rampant if those whose profession, it is-4o instruct our youth had less sordid views. - No . doubt lots of other men smuggle in spoons and sich Republicans at that; : .- - -, A Last Year's- Bird's Nest. V" Hon. Henry S. Boutell, Republican member of 'congress , from Chicago, is "still harping jon my daughter" "the Rush-Bagot convention" of whose ex-, istence most people have been living la blissful ignorance." Somehow the Hen'. Henry S. B. aforesaid discovered, "the- convention," to ""which nobody ever paid the slightest attention,; and. he la laboring valorously to. make its abro gation a matter of live politics, lion. H. S. B. should consider the Intensity of feeling always mamfested in a last year's bird's nest and let up. "If he wants a really warm subject on which to expend his great literary and foren sic ability and facility, let him explain "why Republicans are busy prosecuting bculey for gaming a glorious victory. ' Advice" Is' Cheap. ' Recent events have "demonstrated for the millionth time, if another demon stration were needed, that '-'advice is cheap." ; President Roosevelt has been absolutely surfeited with it. - He must be sick-of it, poor man L It has flowed in upon him in abundant streams from every conceivable, .source. It comes from all parts of America and all parts of Europe. Asia, Africa, Australia and South and Central "America. -Democrats have, vied "with Republicans" In advising the president until it looks as though anybody is .fit to be president. Just as anybody is capable-of running a newspaper or conducting a hoteL Un less all signs fail advising Colonel The odore is the -old and condemned per formance of pouring water on a duck's back. Yes, advice is cheap dog cheap. V::Se:? -' '- Persistent. l: :-' Senator William P, Frye of ilaine is not only a most delightful man socially J ad personally, but be is also a most persistent' fighter when he sets his head on anything. And he has set it and set It good and strong on the ship subsidy bUL Ja commonly called the Hanna rayne "bill, which was defeated in the last congress and vchich,. let us most fervently hope, will be defeated In the present congress." Senator Frye shows how thoroughly he is in earnest by re fusing to- accept "the great place of chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, to which he naturally succeeds by seniority through the death of Sen ator Cushmatt K. Davis, and takes hi lien thereof the .chairmanship of the committee ' on commerce. - Evidently there will be a great fight to pass the ship subsidy -bill, .which should -never pass never. ,; ; , . -;;. Trusts.' .-" ' Antitrust talk, like Tennyson's brock, goes on forever. Likewise the trusts go on "raking- in Independent cotrjrns, thereby shutting-out competition. he latest purchase of an independent con cern made by a trust is that of the Ad dison Tinsley -Tobacco : company of Louisiana, Pike" county, Mo., by the Continental Tobacco company. . The Tinsley company began business In 1SGS and has a. splendid reputation all over the country, especially In the west and south, t It . held out against the tryst, till among the last, giving em ployment to more than "250 persons. It is given , out that the trust . will cn tinue to operate the plant, at least for the, present," htk the citizens of Lou isiana fear, that ltwiU fee closed down and the operatives thrown out of em ployment. -. :.-; -"' - Tnft War Is Out --" Hard" upon the -beela of the report that Senator-Hanna would resign the chairmanship of the Republican na tional committee comes a declaration of principles from President Roosevelt. The war is on." It is a case of chalfenge and counterchallenge. Roosevelt means to be president himself after hifown models," plans and specifications. He declares that be will do as he pleases regardless of all cliques or combina tions. In talking from the shoulder to some South Carolina Republicans, the president said: " . -. - - -- " " I id BOiri to select the very best men lor pub lic positions. Men appointed to high public places must be hih.in mCtals and many other ra ipects. It the American people cure to show their ipproTal of my course during the three and a balf years that I fcave to sane by placing rr.e at the head of the Republican ticket in 1D04, 'I should ieel deeply grateful.. It would be an honor that it would be difficult for any. rr.an to de-i cline. But if 1 have to psnder tosny cliques. combinations or movements for their approval I would not give a; snap of my. finger for it or si nomination for it under such circumstances." Uy: Indorsement must come from, the people of the eountry. ( At this distance from the date of the nominating convention It looks like a; Bafe bet that Roosevelt stands an ex ceedingly, slender show ' to "cop out" that nomination. Any Republican who defies the cliques and combinations in that organization defies the power that runs the machine. , . ; The public will watcii tne war wita Interest, for war It will be war to the knife and the knife to the hilt. If any person vainly Imagines that Uanna, Kerens and men of that UK wiu tameiy sjubmit to the humiliating spectacle of seeing their indorsements consigned to the "White House wastebasket, tliat person . knows them not - when It waxes "warm, all good people will hold their noses, for factional war brings out all vie stench there is m a party. Dangersns. Really the great strain on the Wash ington Jenkinses to find something new wherewith to please the public is . be coming dangerous. Two weeks ago it was announced that there would be no entertaining at the White House thl3 winter. Society was. in the dumps. Now it Is given out fiat that this will be the most hilarious .season known to thai historic mansion. Society is in the seventh heaven. Selah! The Speaker Almost Persuaded. . The Hon. David B. Henderson, speak er of the house, is more amenable to reason on the tariff question than 6ueh patriots as Hon. George -W. Ray of New York. In short, Henderson is not a fool and admit3 thatrperhaps the tar- if ml?lit need revision. Ia a recent interview he says l - " I never was a firmer believer in the doctrine cf Protection than I am today. After some tiircs .. ; ? . . ... . , 1 , 1 r.n n. LOUISBURG, X. C, FRIDAY, NOYEMIiKR 8, 1 T convictions. o on polka Ms Cir.r 11 m-.v the development of our rvuftrr. f-.r V.,t !- of labor on the farm ai:d in ihe cp as II. :s r-,t policy. Some are urIns a rrvi.-i'-n of ti e U: I am Doi prrsarcd to uy wt.e.ix-r the a;;ua:i. a warrants revftion or not at thi tm.e, bat if r viiion i enterrd -cpon'I !! as ciJ our lawr.'i l piesijnt when he Rave out thf rknJ:J uiU'-i'i e at Euflalo, tliit a:.y aet:in taken m-i--t r.'K r-:- party will Cndoubteelv nk uch rcv,n vf th, uritf a, Is nr.J,J .wben tl n.cty anJ t. e iuty becom. p:a,n. . Sampoi-5UoId Be Whllewaihtd. 'If til's "era of good "full a,;" hista ranch Jongcr. there wSil bo a quai'tity of Republican fur aud cuticle fi'.Kng the atmosphere that will startle even those most-familiar with lU-puLKccn intrigue. Now Alger Jalisnfoul of Sampson, to say nothing of'wLat Le does toMUes. The Washington Post wonders If Sampson will be as rra 'y to call for an inquiry as was ScLly. The Fost very pronely jays: If vilification by the.fmpor.deral.'e Marljtr -?.r-ed Ailmiral ScWey to c'ci:iatid in oi-.ia: . in.-i.' jr.to-his record, bow mu h mere ur-r.i:- ., ( ! t1? rhai-jos- prcferrc-i by Oci.erl Arr.nuv Sampson to a similar eJort at inlK j:l-l To be abused and libeled by. a tutiiizI ub ii-r-trapper is an experience of no great hangup. To be deliberately and--pec;.Bcally ami.icJ, ef bad faith, of false vllneaa, of n ct of duly, by cu so liilily placed as Central Acr should be In tolerable to any ft 1 ro-iatin frcntlimsn. &.fc!ey went Into court on comparatively slender proroga tion. What wf!l Sampson do in tlie face of thi. challenge of hit prolcssional and personal lutcy rityt - - A Thlnit Hoch Seeded. The public prints say that Washing ton Is slated for a union station. May Providence and congress be propitious! At present the capital of the United States boasts or 'two little stuTy do pots that .would be a disgrace to any western town of 20.000 people. Taniucnv Better" Than Philadelphia - Republican ninjr. , .' Every time the Democrats carry New York city, every time that they are about to carry It and every time New York politics comes up for dlscuvion the Rcpublfcjia "papers, the mugwump papers and the hybridized sheets nil over the " country proceed to berate Tammany. Tammany may bo cor rupt, but sensible men will continue to believe that Tammany gives New York better streets, better government arid less stealing la "office thai- any other organization has ever given- to that city. But while so much Is being said of Democratic corruption In New York, why Is that horrible, tccking, stinking cesspool of political eorruptUin In Phil adelphia allowed to go unmcnticned and unwbippe'd of Justice? Only two or three eastern newspapers have at tacked the hydra headed monster cf the City of-Brotherly Love. - John "Wanamaker's Philadelphia North American has led the. Jightfor clean politics tbore. A Washington paper refers to "the brazen front of the ring that has long rioted in the spoils cf municipal misrule." Pious John 'Wana maker has alleged and proved that In the registration stuffing in Philadelphia even the pet dogs the clipped eared bull terriers were registered and voted by their facetious owners. The people who value our freelnstitutions will .thank God-that there is but oue Philadelphia In the land." . Comlac Elections. Governors are to be elected this fell In Iowa. Ohio; "Massachusetts. New Jersey. Virginia and Maryland- The first three of-these states are frvcly claimed by fco Republicans, but they lack confidence In New Jersey. Mary land and Virginia are safely Democrat ic. The former 6tate orpects to send back to the senate her old "warborse of Democracy, Arthur P. Gorufao. " McKlaley Paomlsea. It Is curions'to note the large num ber of persons who are recollecting that the late President McKInlcy "promised" them something or other. President Roosevelt Las -carried out sevtyal of these promises so promptly that I much fear there will be an- epl demlc of remembered promises that will necessitate the abolishing of the civil service commission and a turning over of the spoil3 to the victors. It Is true In a double sense that "the, people" have long memories." The New Jersey Democrats have put tip a capable man for governor In the person of James M. Seymour, New Jersey was Democratfc prior to the late evidences of lunacy and shows symptoms of couVing back to hrr far mer faith. Should Mr. Seymour suc ceed in ' redeeming the state,' who knows but that the eye3 of the Demo crats of the country mny.be turned fondly upon him la 1004? Spreads Lie WlKUlre. When thiDga are "th beet" they le come "the best fwllfcg. Atrahra liar, a ladiDsf.dragciBt. cf Btllrill. O., writes- "Electric Bittern are th left selling biUers L have bacilel la 2r years." Y"oa know v.bj? Hc-ft dia.s begin in dixordera cf atomich, liter. kidnpysTp" bowel-i, blood and nerve. Electric Bitters tones up the stmftch. regulates liver, kidoeyaand bowl's, ror- ineB the blood, strengthens lh nerves. hence cures moltitodea cf maladies. I' builds up the entire sybfem. Tnt nw life and vigor ico any weak, sickly rou down man or woman. Trice to cents. S-ldby 51. P. R. P!-asnt , droggifi. . - - - . t irrtl hasn't time to take a vacation. 'Great Luck of an lillior.' ' "For two years all efforts to enr T.c z-mi in the palms cf enr hands f aiVd," writes Editor II. N. Leter, rf tyrsu-. Kan., "then I was wholly cored by r.oet len'a Arnica Salve." It's tL wcrhl's best for Emptions, Sores and a!l-kia dipeases. Only .'- at ?'. K. & F. R. PIearant8. - You miht as well tallc to an echo as to a person ho always agrees with you. To the Public. Allow me to s.iy a few worJs ia r rs!e tf Chamlcrl ita's Cr.nrh P.t-m.-Jy. I a very severe" C 'li ;li &inl c! 1 a J f .".rcJI would get pneiiir.ni.i.1, l i t aiu-r t k:: - tlie secor.a dose of 'this meJli in I f ' J r, throe hotile tf it eurcd my r pains in luv eliect Ji-.!' f ' ! 11 ..-t -rejj.tctfuliT J Ral) h S. lliytrt. Ci Th.r.j V. Let lhi W. Va. Fur sa!o by S J lit i . S r.. rio.-u :.:s. .AUhcvgh. educated -c-; !c -m-i;c.s t ib. tit into.er?r.cc by Trutrg to jertnit others toerpy that fretd to of cj-ir.inn ihty cliim f r iKeiu?e!c. it ii ncerthc!ci- a jrni'crt oi :gr.or- , ar.ee. There are rniuy k r.'.i knoAlde, tut e have leccn.e acciw'umed lo.afsoculmg kroi'cJ RMb tf k Icauii g i hat e are l.o t t- aume ttat ih-se ho have, read much are in'.tll fcr.t atd that tl j;e who hae r. jt rrasl arc igtrin'. T.Vi is not alaj, not ter peoerallr, true. Ti tie are m:ry wcU ir.formei mm who have l:t!e UKk Icarn r., tu; hivear-'j u4 kr,.vki'a" cf n.en end thirrs l rl:frat'o3 ard tic an!x tiCu i.i ii.t; leaaji.iotf (aci,tir to lht r liuuttd fttid cf Icarr.iiv. There are others ho jrd much, but .never thii.k, ai.d ftey acqiite l.uie kool cc'ge, evrn 1htufth they a-iy remiro. ber what the j t.ay; read. Therefore, auhcuh.the iniolcrani I ... man is r.etearily. int rant, he cetd nol Le, ur.tdfcattd. Hs intcA-iance, I hoever( ilcfs to h:m the gitcs nil taming, iie u uany smarts wiin ruts, r r fiuiatik-n ai d trto ."jervetstly te-1 fues. to listen tu any txt tanatioo or la J hae his wrong ies corrected. Ilelfourtd io every l.brarv. Ol -", ets up his on be'.t cr opinions as! uiqutatu rably ccrrtct, not after fa r j vxamiran"D of otbrr tei-efj ami op:n- cr, but in disregard of them. netsj. jrcily cijist, for, while demand ir. fi r rimjtlf ire .u'tnou freedem of J opinion, re rentes it lo air tbo do nt.t gree with hirr. The inlolenrcc j otop5t.sirg Lelxls or of inions, tad at that may te, is rot nniie so iceacus-1 atlc as inu lcrat.ee cf matters of facT, tntu vthit b lie n.an ol strong juj11 diccs may he led. A fertal i spy stories and yU)i thai are rcc u v.nl-coed ru a not ex:t but for the ic.iolcrar.ee c f fact ex hiLi td by lha charicurs ia a manntr I which !s arin:i:cil to be natoral. AjeTiced. Uc the mu&t cartfjljidg word speken at Ihe right lime or an explanation given at a cr'uical rao-1 nient wou!d destroy-lhe plot, but the -.nlolcract man cr wom'an refuses tol listen or acts upon ruiMcfotmation. or ujlon bearicg half cf a story, and o we have a novtl or a Eve-act play to siraighteri out the situation. It is unfortunate that these stories and pf2?; ihcogb "sometiroes txsggera'.cd, have in Una a germ cf truth. Intol erant men and women are responsible lor a treat deal of human distress. Lesidc-s the novels ar.d the plays. They refuse to be icbtmed or taught, and are equally-obstinate enough lo compel :ome other people to follow their bid example. . In contract with the into'crant man s the philosopher seekirg io format ion from every sourer, pleased to hear vicwi contra'dicting his on because of Jhe liXhlthrown upon a su', jtcl ty distursion, humbly acknowledging hi fallibility and 'willirc to allow all others Ihe freedom he a.lks for himself. There sre pot many such ph:l.-oj.hers, cor need we aspire to le of their euro- Ler. Eut we should aU ol us endeavor !lo control whatever disposition we may have, to become so intolerant rf others as fn'deprivc curselv.es tf ihe informaiioa they nuy have la import. Our beliefs should le slrcngly held. Ihe man who, to avui.I tnio'eratte. em:,raccs any lei.u presca-ca u n ra, .... hi.Idirg hs own cpioior.s tectatively, awaiticif further lieh?, may te a it: I- osrpher, tul licks decision. HoUlirs our on beliefs strocgly. we reed notte inlolesant rf othert. but may and sh:u!J retct ih'. who: hc.'.d other heliefi. We shall better abie in k Ai them when we know ho chcrslr-ok cjon them ard whit dtf- fcr;nt vies roar be taken r( ihe iimt sutiect. lntulcrar.ee is tun founded urjfi bjt helps ti p;rpc'uate iiar- arce. 1 re mtoiersnt rota is n n ia litq'jentiy f.tund IiIowin.5 a p-rly name af:er the party has dtrerted it, as it does sirn: tiroes. Or.a More b'tep to lllsrfjeuitlou. C -d set up the barrier letween the races. ra t resi-Icnl 01 th.s or any ether country can break 1: (!jd. A dinner given Ly or.e mart loan c.t rr in in? r.-me atd privacy ol tit bnitly meini that the gnest rr t: s."3 t-Mj vo'i ard win ihe h'.'s daughter. When ihz cf.e man i a whit? cna and tJeosher blatk it iear.s th.allh;re is tut one step lo rr.!rrenat:.i- sit.fol ar. 1 wilful break. rg ol Goi's Jp'ain law MaconTelf graph. Juiiijc1 oil Ten IVnny 'ilt. Tl.e little l..- .-l.t r .f Jfr. J. N". IV-t:i jumped va an invert.- I rile rrale cf 1-a prr riy calls, so J thrat e-ne r12 m'.i-'r tLroujh her foot an 1 s- srrur-I cue tall way throah. ( h amber lain l"i IU'm wsj l-r--t.. (Jr spi-'ird a e4 f. r..mi later li e j iia ha4 dlaprare4 sr. 1 c- t-tr n.i'.Vric; e t rerirnr-L Io ll.rr.u t:Je' e'.-..;j stij '.:h ?." !! i a Srin'n; Ler sh u tr.i! ' r.-r'.r no r..-.-n.f-.'t, ilr. , '. i V r n r ' r 1 li t r f I, '. Vt. r-in 5' if S u i - : c an . - S'i u " t v --1 r.. a 1 u - r. . .'--I 1 . r-v M. il- I. Th Firm. r" I.ihrjrr. c'.ivi oj pe-;;'t H t mar csre'1 reading thin d in't'irrii farmer, and whu it oite ipirtin',- i (n: r.n.ct m xt n the re l.r.g i.-.e Tl e u ie ol firm l..e and ,tk Ci)n-Jciv it thought. Nit, i t evenini lengthen ao1 itinc tr.u ciitur are Iccnel. rralic n nlorc au'i ni jre tir iln.." Tr.e $t)!e of read.nj iMt farm:' !.. ,. "n i.-v : seen in the character ol i ; b . i i.i thc.'r h;rr.e. lew r.jvi, r; I i . J tliere. Tl.e b;k j.tc ti nif CO tel,iuj ::jC'j, or - r . cv cr b.gri; h a i '4 r-.:j nardirj p-, : t. 'V- t .-, 1 1 t .-t j n.ir.y It k of h i ?t?. i u ..i I ' vilue, txcrji It ir r t , U their y into theve hou.ee Te-"f lv.ks are a-u a'i'.r 11 on fi'. ;;; . The frRi:r and tit fatn.lf ate lar lUom b-x V'.err, act the jjh'j agfot Imake hit took see n mui'uhil! atd ike ale tj to le; h Is I f lie turn ,-:ti f r I:, rnioy l;niC icn je Jiatle and valuable bojkt c L' l lt secured. ir.ereare tiiniiM coutct f.c;m lhat arc who!c?oa.e an l s.u'.d tr read. Reliable t ogf i; h!t h-iM books pertaining ll.e ar eJ drprt meats of ftrtn work iJ k matk ti jeviuer.ee. The Chief fact r ia ejecting hx-kt is that they b by rel:l!e anthers Many b ks ar; wr-tttn to tYcj .!' nil wrhoit rcgsid t ll- t;e rl tbeir Content. If fiver icr ! 'it ate to l it vested ia b k, be crt?i" to set the best. For pi mn fl rnulake Can be made Ihin 13 rrovid? spurious ar.diascecrifc reau ng f r a family. . ll a mittake is nJs ia l parcha.-e of treed. og s::ck, tnech is 1 is to Tjc resreitcj, ine an:rr ais caa co l ihe iaughter r s, but "wiorg cff tal im j res.ons can never be K I!; mct in Klrcting lx:k. Colxaa Rural World. 1 be-Unready Seek rr A ueoriia darky meat ral Han J old 6eli to ck acd pray " It as dusk, and he knell down arc! pot up a Ijog prt-.tu-j that the argr 1 vrcu'.J come and ruiaUter acta him. Presemly he heard a fiappirg as oi ings behind him, and ia a second .t as' makicg rjee hcr lime on the home road, where he jjmped Into Wd od covered ha hcaj frora 'ght. Suddenly there was a lots! k cock j fog at Ihe dor, and his startl'd wile I cried: "JhOf C; o? lr. tt de J kel De angels jou teen Kckia i comic' far sr-u',". Le'm stay darJ. was the trrnb ling answer. "Tell 'era thoo de key hole dat I ain'l go! n-i wmgs ter Cy wid, en I lo heavy io tttt!" - A t"4i rutins: I)ioiivrry. From Cr rutin, Jl'tb tota wcri I o( a wor-J-rfol dUcotcrr c( a t.-asat j taU& liquid" thai wtta c4 tfor rstlriof by acy cl lvoti-d wiib a tJ eoofcb alwsy esara a goti !;ht"a rest. lt 'mill a ear li eooch tc. writes Mrs. S. ' H!oibsrKr, fcr llr C-aers'k es f or fatsUy Lav tl Vt Kiel's New Diry fc Cocst.rap'.h a i acd eTr fobl :s eqcsl f Cocts artdCo'.J." It aa oortir-l I..'r when turii fee dxrcnlt lasir dim t m i , - - - ;0,6, t, u: .5, ,0 4 j, ctl M. K, I & P. IL I'lriiicii'. Trial WtUa fr-w. Poverty i a secret ihal every tnsn tiiei to keepliom k re (Vlor. ItrlUUo ar-t Gentle. "A t".'l 1 my l . !: I" 'tt sr ptils sa l j-i.l'. Vt tl t iU vl. 'i l ct-Kaio, lirreia atj fi'. VI ('! grip. DtVVitt' Lill'e iji'f r.r lis tiH. t"r!v tri-HsU" I t f- 11 km!1 Ih tosvi to u;tic sal iunrrit. Pnu'i ao4 mr u Uk', Ar eola Trv t;o. Vani'y street '.met j'.sr,:i the jt of roodn,ty I r a j cp r. . r4 ir:li e "f I'r. I'cr4" I'i fr utii. y ly H ls lso Iht Wi'.-V cf ls pej t.ci-ic cj !, I t..ti-, yf-Msts'. s torsi el IoCif ef u.j :.cs as I t i halr.. stri a a as tf' rout!4 l-r t t y t ac -.- ySars- it a es sol et.r r.c-j it c ' J v.i.en a tuia putt h t ward If I should try tr ker p i VAtrayos fI t ' 1 I ' t I -' r s . S tli can '1 jr cf ( Usb'Ii'' !r '.-uis' U e4 I r T V" .,' clean yoftr alr3'i. I: a ,- t i.iif ac J rr yter lx ls. t- l 1-a y-! !,kt tc a. 1 r t M. K. a, 1" J". r!cscv. II. j Vxoacy h lie ir.ttrrtt.. i I I) 1-,-. rae f A 4 -"r S Iisff, Ij-r4 K'r !. Ia. r.u ' 1 t. n ic'.j's 1.'it if j Tar ia bst f 4 -. ;t iui -. ' it ia ti rtS e r e ; tie (, t. I ,..! f o-l W r.' act il is tk Iili', a t.. ' f is :' . - : t J I r .j-.t' l i r '. (. I.. A r r-I".cji ic u. Aa I'lJ 1 : cu li a r, 5 rr.l'K in 1 .'.'n ti..:int c. i ni) ir,! 11 :i - W f - ! J - 1 t to t'..; Tuu ".t a la Iff .' u i. r. u,ir.ir.tt rri c?t ;t put f t it Gtt:.xn t :-r '. i tr.i 2 T 1 r I a; . I fra l f c cz'l Wi'b r...l w(r,u . , r , . ttx.fat.en-Jr.i t, ,.if '.V,-. rr . I 41 I j rr. t I 1 nreeisar laitrl t(k..sa T r ise .Irvct w- lit :'.. r us acrtt cf U-. 1 ao-i (t: cv: n ia J :i t 1 n tne tjrf n tf 1 ; 5- v. tit lfy f. i i: : r.ii-.tt j r rk ir. J i Vt( I i : r - : c ;;-- : In s'it At :. I! al.-M'r!.. rrt.v u--.cr te f.it i.t anl tit ia e !-. t'l t-,-;'..n:3 U ,eo.c-:-a ia S at s:r.'. i u t ii a . liti a iv. a t cfSJ.h Cm I -.a. ar J eo 4 c "!rj ns : hjh A" K:j!-'3 tift '..rr.l ia A':4 3 co!!oa.rajT lir a' s.JeJ w trt -:s cf t-np . y c f fti: tf t r.e;ivri ii -w -s a t.et I ',r. .i tt is hr cr t lvty -'1 S-c d.ocrr:a C c --' 1 ?t ihtta "n (;t.-r a?e ay bark an ! t Q' l rrk. aikrr. r i s ;r e vara? f . c !. at. i tre ia U f. .a! tt Kta tf t' e t- i:tf,-.rtL ptpp'tal l is t-TT m t ie o J: ' a lrfcelt;;:i r?s.r:a.Jf.e a f A-arr aa t '. tJ rre at wtll as i. ty d ia Ar tr ie, t.sj'eii'" iv.i iVa; it a r 'i'. I I ; Hi e cr5. I ho Chillrv-w'a rlroj. Yoijllts' t".4 I- !:. 3I;V-t m aw. Yc a:'irs ij t,:'..tt i Wirt' Ct.,1! l'sf tr I.'.. Alia pf'csjv.'y. li U ttrt t 'tiMtiio ti ttu w. ;.-., Kf i tt Ovr Lf.' t r5 -. :rX4 m'.'.S t(i lu e ai-t t I - I. -var, di.;4 tsr4.y ;-4. 'Ufiti tr l fjca tt Oa li t! t 3v. Curt. It rlitf4 ar lan l.tulf uui al it "ff. Hl i ssxia it sortiBf U4 m .;( tesn or Xjtl rg C. Love st'l s.Irtr C - Ur art les'cJ tj ihe r.tf. Vvir llirwtwisw T-J. IJrj, ! l! s"l, sws i t 4 sot s.kt -J aV a kU;- f roath, tc4 set t f.; tf Tclaj's sad T r".o4 t m - C mtt fm Mary a tsta ll s ever h oK'f irrvtr j la f.tl ahei i ef chert. 13 A rtJtlcU Trwllbw "t ka Ukta K l.r-fp" C -4 ha s-t r t4 tf j'.'.i.-f ia s;u 4 4 i!s j34 ttsl 4l.m ? ' rviurus t,. W. K-rescf tf I ciy. t.a. "IV :x s f t J "' I ttf ntrr,U.l il a4 ,'vt it Ij fit t'.t fT.it. II itt !e4 ya t ttt i ti wi 4 i yrcf tcl It 4rs iktt si 4 y .-c v l.. rfrs. Us cu irtiiit t. If ' iv s-i ilal bm --.ri c kJ i'T't"f Cats 4. slil y Y T a4 J;3s tt'-.ttt 4 f-t .s a Ntt.r '-'- Aje-e lti :6ti' ra. re c jrs, : rt a made up cf ei;ert wb .twa.vira. '""To Cure m Onmgh Cils , s il fff.Jai . htri. isi.t lltntsCttt I' s iftry aa4 "I f . m.:ttt ,( rsi is li iw. S li ;fni - rci. ilflis'.s U. tk. t f. t I '(ttfcSttt. li-.tl ratite n le Utr.? iv w .i'.J over, ii a utter tt s e wt'l at a fre Urci c -na'cr. CASTOR I A Tct IrtTaid Chirrs- Tt3 KI-J Y:: H-u Atujs E::M U-ly a .u't e ia '. '( ; t -1 trr-ilt L-i pin ijt m Mst l't t f tC t;ivi: rfrr. iit 1 1 ! 1 A . Tvaa ' v I V r-; . : :.. ll l-?.: t! l" " : 2 y la tl " r"i 1, '( c!-iv""y l i r"- t .? t! f. 1' r-t. I ' -1 ! . " x 1 - p -' f t- - 1 -ry tr'-V, -j a - t r- 1 l--:.. !s tit. 1 - t Uf -- ; - T . : i :. " .-'"I tv J... l.vt i v t . r.- .-. :.'..i.-t ! -. .1 U :.'t; T"' t '. , 1 ! nr " !' r r,.' . i '.. s-e , -. 4v-'j -'- . I - I" '..' I t r. . if a ; , " 5 V. . H. Vi. .. N. I 1" t'. a t! vire.;t .- s. r 1 c V v. irlt'r t .- l.l ' w y f-ff ." At-'! 1 r ' . t a 1 3 r ;!:.'.:;lti t! I" r s - . r - : 4 I ' j 1 . r c i. f .:. 1 i ; r. -, f , r " t r a . 1". r t; 1- a" ir A r !,; . t i 1: 1 1. j 1 f 4. . ( , n I r l f t i i- w ' " ttr ' t"t ' S ! . i Tl r t' . :r 1 -1 - r . 1 ir 1 t'ii.:i. t : 1 .. ir !,ar f . 1 i J (,-', - - an 1 " .a: IJtul! rt : 1 - l ; 1 ' : - r. : -5 X : - v . . I . r r rv rr V J fruit tr--s5-:. c-JLy th-L : J L. YcU CZTl iI"Aa."i them fvm t'-: rtL They r.tver do xr It 1$ wcrc ti st-c a-i.:v., stride ch.'.ircn. G l J.cih u t!.c r::ud Hrh: cl cUti.tr. tKflr rhs V.h:! t?.c rest jro-T l!j it. I I'.rcr.g cr.c s'.iji i-r.it! ir. 1 i cil- Scctx's L.iW.zn an t!:p 1 - t " ..... .3 r. j rti on v,hy su:h achttl she -! I it a rr.cc'ct.tc -aiih cf strtr.r.ti t: t'.c Ur.i cl t;;i: 'rr.iKCa th:r.n " Sect's Itrr.'-!'::n r.its ct,:!i:cr rov, it.ikci them tHU n-.alcs tt.cm tcp, rvilc3 then f.iy. chance. Cr.cthc ucak chiti x Sect: s Err.-tshn ts-r.I rr.;i:e it cz'.di aI'Ji the rest. T -s '- rwsfi ? ;--r S.SJ l tf Ot vr. Sets! I: H satretv. . J SCOTT ft r"jrtN'T, , ! rs.-i 5' !.e J p a.-! ft. mZ Cnik-jk rEEHLKSS STLLMK00XEI1 TlljItU t:ccf all lit wita Lata ttry . i-aatef;r ahii'.i very cotftctfca ;cii'a. Tl? grtlit CwSTiiU tea ef all U tba rtxixi.-i rxjua Cxtit, Il iattt TIME, LAEUH, FUEL aadjrCOD. Acj r;-t,U7 ci : Vial H! kp two cfsarUcf ai-r k-ei'.itr; ill 17. c-tef4a FttalAia ElX-aic Cocata, c& at tsaL llll. 2. A.TU0MAH, fcstUT. rsw . s. mti:t. S tt f lm . J.tllltT. C.4. LocirEuno. ::. c. tt.u' ! 1 t . . v" rc t 1 : laua'.a lit " J I 1 Srf mmr f tr . 1 wssu rnt t U"m'u"r y , :7r- t 1 1 nr J r. T ".: 1 . w r I'll r. r r t. if i'd, t 1 1. 1 r;. "W . W f ! i W,J '. 4.-.A.T. tl'M.4 s..rk4rwt "7- m Cnuc i.7tairt.: Ct-:. I.'tv;ii.. ...(. I -r. z, 1 ;. tXj i"- iwl". t' v t- w eritrff -J t t J.l. ; . .sl.vt.-w fcft. . 9 T... 1 I .. f ,-. VS trf?t . . J J 5 .."-J 1 t " d. I J : . i a u! r - 4 1 . t.'.i , i 1 .! J.J Iaie- t ) i.Mf . 5 ' i- ; ( -''-'. " J r. 4 h: 'vt, t t T v t 1 r, 1! 1. j , 'tt ... 1 r.'.t. a.. . 1 il S i DON'T FORGET 1 it 1 t - r . I ; . I - w 1 i . ;. . r - ti r.. t- r. 1 montlis sper.i uus wiaavi - ---- ( v Ui-J E-ic 1 aa cr.ir su-2-iir.hr-t - i tho I.niveriirv nf ! I'.vk'j!.?"- r-

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