I l i JAS. A. THOMAS, Efiiior v,i Prepristx THE COTJ1TTY, THE STATE, THE TJXTIOiT. ?i:T.:r. ; j :i l: , 4 , . i VOL XXXI LOUISBUItG, N. C, Fill DAY, XOVEMDEU 15; 1001. I -: iV-lilV.-; CHURCH DIUECTOttY ' : - - ' "METHODIST. i Sunday School at; 9:30 A. M. - Qbo. S. Baker, finpt; Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. , - Prayer meeting Wednesday night. ; AL-T, Pltleb. Pastor. V . . BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:3a A'.'M; . Thos. B. WlLDERSupt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. . Prayer me ting Thursday night. . Forrest Smith. Pastor. episcopal, : - Sunday School at 930.- -;- 1 Services, morntng- and bight , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. . i -. - Alban G heaves. Rector. . irot'esHion.a.1 . cards iVR.S.P.BDRT .4 , " .--'-.' paaiticiNa physician and surgeon. Louisburg, N. C. Office la the Ford Building, corner Main and Nanh streets. Up stairs front. . 1) R. R. PI YA.RBOROTJOH, YSICIA.N AND SURGEON, . r.- Li't-'tfUt-'e, N. C.V - . : " i. OiUce 2nd Uuor"?tMt. building, phone 39. Nignt calls ausw.ra-i from X. v . iSicKett'u residence, phone lis' t B. MASSENBURQ, 'It , . . v ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOGISBCRS, K. C Will practice In all the Courts of the State ' Office In Court House. : " 0. U. UQORB b SOU, ' ATTORNEYS-A.T-'LAW, . LOUISBUBS, H. O. -. - Wui attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren ana Wake counties, also tea Supreme Court oiiortn uaroun, ana mo u f. Circuit and District Courta. JJR. J. B. MALONE JtACTICpQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IiOUISBDSS, N. C .v omce over Stokes & Furguraon's. R. E. e. FOSTER. PRAUTICINa PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, -DbuiBbarg, N. OL .-.v.." Omce over Aycocke Drag Company. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . : tOUIHEURS, K. C . -;' ' Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in the Supreme Court, and lu the United Htates District and Circuit Courts. -:- Oince la Cooper and Clifton Building. fHO& B. WILDEB, - - ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, : LOUISBUBS, K. 0. -,, -, Oflioe on Main street, over Jones h Cooper's tore. . - F, S.SPKUILL. . ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOUISBUBO, K. C ' ', Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance OranvUle. Warren and Wake comities, also the Supreme Court of North "Carolina.. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerlon's Store. i - . T. W. BICKETT ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LouiBBuae k. a. - - Prompt and painstaking attention giren to very matter Intrusted to his hands. . Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. J ohn Manning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. RnTnn p. Vint Natinnal Bank of ;Wln- tiin aisnn . MmiIt. Winston: Peoples Bank Of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- Ot College, lion. JS. w . XimoeriM.c Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. w. M. PERSON, ., ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LonsEUBe, jr. c ptuMiw in all courts. Office in Neal Building. H YARBO ROUGH, JB. ATIOENEY AT LAW", J ' LOUISBURG. N. C. Office in Opera House building, Court street All Wl husiness intrusted - to rum will receive prompt and careful attention rR. R- E. KING, DENTIST, ... . LOUISBURG, N. C. ; Ofn t ovi:k Atcockx Dbuo Compabt.' With an experience of twenty -five years a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines oi tne proiessiwu. , HOTEL o FRAN KLIN TON HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAM' L MERRILL, Prp'r, Good accomodation for the traveling public. , Good Livery Attached. - HASSENBURG HOTEL af I Massenburff Propr HENDEBEOH, II. C - eood accommodations. Good fare: Po lite and attentive ervalls . - lavtUlvJw l.wwwa. a vnortsa. M C:r;..:a W. j. won WOOD, proprietor. p.t.n... nr.tnmATc.ial" Tourists and m mvuwa,v vi w . - rMlnjr nwie Solicited. --- mm m I P rtAf aTH T T T T . ' Republican Party. ESTRANGING-. THE SOUTH. Dining of Booker T. Washington Starts' a Big Row. ' OAK'T STAND " HE(JE0 "EQUALITY." Henry Waiter son I . . Presidential JPoibUityJiaTal In- , imry KfjrcaU the Berolim Bj "Ability of Schley Baseness of tie CroTrnlrtEhteld Cabal Exposed-Ad--ministration Remains Pro-British. Sew Canar; Treaty MlSht Be In prOTed Perry Heath Bnys a. News paper Case Stirs Up a. Hornets' Krrr Taxation. - Without Represen tsrlou In the FhUlppinesThe Mla cionary Cosiness. Special Washington" Letter. . Ana - go Marse - Henry Watterson wants to be yoyenior of Kentucky and president of the United States? ' Small er men have filled both of those offices. Watterson is one -of -the most lovable of nien and is powerful with both pen and tongue, - lie will most likely be governor- and may who knows? bo president, for at thte writing it. looks as. if rresident Roosevelt would wreck the Republican party. - ,v ;. President Roosevelt has "dined Book er T. Washington, and no sooner were the dishes cleared away than the row began. - After all the south was tip In uiius over it me president offered the careless explanation that he Invited Washington in order that he "might get information as conditions In the south;. Couldn't President Roosevelt find any white man In the south who eould furnish him this information? No. doubt the" president sees his mis take. Probably he had misgivings at the time he Issued the invitation, for Roosevelt, the son of a southern moth er, knows Show "negro equality" is looked upon In the south. Forty pres idents inviting forty negroes to din ner at the White House could not make the south lelleve that it is toler able, right or wiser - Schley,- the Cool Hero. - The naval court of Inquiry still ham- mers away. It IsSchley's Inning now, and his friends feel good as day after day the witnesses-who were present during the memorable fight off Santi ago testify to his cool bravery, his en- 1-1 - - j . m , LuuBiustu, nis iuuugui.iuiness vnen Yeoman Ellis was killed, his cheering signals to the Oregon the only Amerl- xan VesseTr in . sight during the latter half of the engagement his encourag ing messages- to the men below, at the guns," In the - engine rooms every where. It requires no second sight, no clairvoyance, to foresee that this gal lant tar will come out branded a hero of the sort that Americans love to hon or. : -Who knows but that the Demo crats will find their standard bearer In tills joviaL democratic old salt? The man who could fight his .vesseljso well on that memorable occasion could doubtless- steer the ship of state with equal success. - - . - Crowninshleld and Congreii, Under this alliterative heading the Washington Post- takes a few accu rately aimed shots at the Schley perse cution. J It says; - C There can be nd doubt that, as Admiral Crownin shield suggests, we , need more officers and, in a greater degree, more enlisted men for the navy. The question of real importance "is whether con- ETess, in view of the nasty revelations of the Schley inquiry,- can be induced to take any seri ous interest in the navy as it is now conducted and inspired. The 'Post is an ardent advocate of the new and greater navy. : Withou; that our splendid scheme of politicah and commercial eii pansion must come to naught if, indeed, it do not end in .humiliation and defeat. " But how is the public ciind to differentiate between the navy and iw (at present) controlling spirits How can the eountry be made to bejieve that additions to the strength of the service will not mean, simply, an increase of thejcandal and demoralization now in evidence? It is already patentthat the influ ences dominating the department are mischievous to the last degree. - The spectacle of a court 01 inquiry converted into a ferocious and indecent prosecution ; has. aroused the resentment of the American people. Lemly does not count. noDocy suspects him of anything worse than a careful obedience of orders., uut tiunt 01 tne -auspices under which such orders can be issued without immediate rebuke!- Think of a condition of af Tairs which permits a- transformation so--flagrant and bo offensivol - Will congres hasten " to strengthen and therefore ,to 'perpetuate a regime which stains our . national dignity and honor? WUI not congress, on the contrary, seek to mini mize this public disgrace, either by cleaning the Augean-stables or by eradicating xnem aitogeineri Crowninsliield's recommendations are well enough, but how about Crowninshield himself and the cabal which uses the department to Such base ends as have been revealed within the past few weeks? - .. ' ' ' ' :" - -. Gnglasd's Hot Time. The tight little kingdom over the wa ter is in about the worst fix " It has known since' Napoleon contemplated a grand Invasion of -the British islands. President' Kruger's prophesy anent the "price that would stagger humanity", has come true. The last time Jt was figured up the statisticians found that the direct expenditure in money on. the part of the British had amounted to $700,000,000. - And now the most seri ous crisis of all faces the English, for all of Cape Colony is In a state of tur moil and threatens to rise in open revon in the nest few weeks. It is said that 15.00Q of these subjects are now-, in arms. In England all is confusion-, and public men realize that the situation is roost apprehensive. At tne time uvu. Paul's prophesy was made it was met with derision In : England; today they re all pointing to it as an accomplish ed fact in history, uruiy tne price iu blood and treasure has' staggered ou manity. and . the ttnglisn may couui themselves as fortunate If It does not loctrnr their nrestieeon land ana sea. cfatrflft-'in the White House is still In status quo. ; President : Roosevelt - Is .. .. cn nrrw-'Rnff- r.lr.P1-trt the same old set of pro-En; T.nnis ReDnblic In a HSU 1UU18. J-tLC special from Washington says:; "President Boosevelt is mbgr with the policy of theJate President Mckinley ! In all matters connected with the war in South Af . .. . b o irnnwir amour his roost lnu- rica, aim . " ; . fRMl nwociates there is no reason to De- Ueve he will change his attitude in the least. nn..-. ..nmfflt. coming from a high au .v .:,,.; onrter. will set t . rest all. rumors VUUJ Han - M ' ... whirh have been in circulation Einc Mr. Boose' . a-t-:..- U.a rinf hft nt0- nosed to intervene in some way m behalf of the Boers. Beam In Oar 0,TI1 E'e- :rc-ti7 c-.:'.r'--rthst thla ccr Tbe try might Interfere In the Soutn AXrt. can outrage, still all sane men know that It is out of the question so long as we are conducting a somewhat Blmitar Performance tn "thf Jalpa of tho nrlont I sea. The news from Manila inr11rntos I coo rri, m ........ I wui -me eua or our war is about as far distant as the finale of the Boer affair. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat is as .strongly partisan in Its Republicanism as any newspaper Ih the land. Here Is one xt Its editorial utterances on the subject: . .. " , . The recent new from the island of Samar makes unpleasant reading lor the American peo ple. Two fierce attack by the insurgents on the United States -troops xn the island in less than three weeks,. in both of which many soldiers were killed, ia a record which is as disquieting as it was unexpected. Moreover, in each case the Americans seem to have been taken by surprise. In the first instance, on Sept. 23, forty-five sol diers were killed, and in the second case, on Oct. 16, ten were killed and six wounded. Moreover. the same regiment, the Ninth infantry, was the sufferer in each instance. That regiment, too, has a ttne record in fighting qualities. - The New Canal Treaty.. The new treaty is doubtless an Im- provement on the Hay abortion, but It j could still be Improved greatly by 6pec- j ifying that the United States shall have the exclusive right to fortify and de- ,fend the canaL Otherwise than held I and fortified by us, in time of war it might become a great menace to us j Instead of an advantage. I Heath Buys a Newspaper. . The Hon. Perry S. Heath has nur- chased , the Salt Lake Tribune. Mr. Heath ia a courteous gentleman, and all those who knew him as first assist ant postmaster, general will wish him success In his new field. Probably Heath is "callatin' " . on coming "to the senate from Utah. Gage In Hot Water oJee Mere. Secretary Gage has proposed to retire the greenbacks, and as a result he has stirred up a hornets' nest. The Wash ington Posty independent but proadmln- Istration. discusses the question at length and ably, as is Its custom. In the course of its editorial it says: The movement for retirement of the greenbacks will encounter the solid opposition of the regular Democratic organization and of both wings of the Populists. This might be overcome, fcrmidabla as such a combination would be, for the Repub lican party has full control oi the government snd will bold it for a certainty until the expiration ofthe Fifty-sevento congress. But in addition to the regular Democrats and the regular and irreg ular Populists a very large contingent of the Re publican party ia as omen opposed to this move ment as any member of either of the other par ties or factions. ... . Bcfore the end of the first session of the Fifty- teventh congress - the campaign for th Fifty- eighth congress will be -on. Hw many of th Republican representatives would venture to make an- antigreenback record on which to go back to their constituents asking indorsement? . There arc veteran statesman on the Republican aide of both houses who believe that the passage of a green back retiring bill would ba fatal to their party's prospects not only In 1902, but in 190. They be lieve, too, -that not merely sentiment but sound policy Is on the tide of the greenbacks. They are not favorably disposed toward any of the plans proposed for filling the vacancy which re tirement of the greenbacks -would' create. For these and other reasons that might be offered, if necessary, we beUev that th Fifty-seventh con gress will leave the greenbacks as it finds them as good as gold and exchangeable only for gold. Onr Procoaiali Ia the East. Several able Democrats have toured the Philippines this last summer. One of them, John F. Shafroth of Colorado, who is one of the. most capable repre sentatives in the house, has written some views on the subject of the gov ernment of the Philippines. Speaking of the action of tbe civil commission sent there from theUnlted States, he tells of the salaries voted to the carpet bag officers sent over there these sal aries, mind you, coming out of the taxes levied on. the natives; This is "taxation without representation" with a venge ance." Mr. Shafroth says: v They voted to the governor, who Is a member of the commission, a salary of 115,003 per annum and $15 a day for subsistence, making in the ag gregate a salary of $20,375 a year. The governor is also furnished a fine house in which to reside. To each of th commission tbey voted a compen sation, including subsistence, of $15,000 per an- - num. They voted a yearly salary of JT.50O to the secretary of the commission, of ST.OOO to each of the six (an exceedingly large number) associate Judges of the supreme court, of $7,500 to the ohief justice, of $6,000 to the auditor, of $6,000 to th treasurer, of $5,000 to the director general of posts and of $6,000 to the collector of customs. All of these, salaries are paid In gold. ' I do not wish to impugn the honesty of the commissioner. but to call attention to th fact that such action naturally grows out of the attempt of on people to govern another. If that commission were sponsible to a constituency, does any one imagine that such salaries would bare been voted T ; Mr Shafroth concludes: - The la of our being is that "th lust powers of government are derived from th consent of tba aroverned." Then why continue a policy which means the continuing loss of millions to the gov ernment, the weakening of the military power of the nation and the destruction of the policy under ..which we have grdwn so great? Why not be true to our nature and fulfill the prayer of Lincoln that "government of the people, for the people snd by the people shall not perish from the earth r" ; How can we expect anything but massacres in Samar and plottlngs of uprisings In Manila so long as these things continue? And the Filipinos are not such fools that they are In the dark with regard to these things. Senator Hoar to the Reacne. Following the deplorable shooting and death Of President McKInley.there was a wave of genuine sorrow, mingled with a certain amount, of hysteria and a good deal of hasty and untempered language concerning : the abridgment of free speech. Senator George Frisbie Hoar speaks Borne sensible words on this subject part of his speech before the Republican state, convention of Massachusetts. 1 This is not Republic anism I quote, though good and patri otic Republicans will Indorse it, but it is broad Americanism. Senator .Hoar said: - - . 1 . ;-We - can undoubtedly provide additional legal safeguards against this terrible crime (the assas sination of presidents), but we cannot give up free speech or constitutional liberty because oi tne danger of the recurrence ol sucn crimes. 1 ne re straining of free speech snd of th press, disagree able aa are their excesses, must come in the main from th individual sense of duty and pot by law. . You and I are Republican, You and I ar men of the -north. Most of us sre Protestant in re ligion. We are men of native birth. Yet if ev ery Protesta-at were to b atricken down by a lightning stroke our brethren of the Catholic faith Would still carry on the republic in the spirit ol S true and liberal freedom. ; I believe il every man of nstiva birth within pur borders were to die this day the men of for eitrn birth who have com here to seek homes and 'liberty under tbe shadow ot the republic would . .L. . V.M .. J flnAm .niuiint.il VIV - T carry on vue ceywuiiu . -1'-" j believe if every man of the north were to die this day the new and chastened south, with the virtues It has cherished from tbe beginning lov of bom and lov of state and lov of freedom with Ita courage and ila constancy, would take the coun try and bear It on to th achievements of its lofty destiny. - The anarchist must slay 75,000,000 Americans before he can slay the republic Frankness From Philadelphia. The Republican rottenness In the mls pamed Cltr of Brotherly Love Is still coming out, but let no man think that it is all out yet It Is so foul that even the religions papers are commenting on jt. The St. Louis Christian Evangelist, a nonpartisan weekly-of wide circula tion and immense inHuenee, eays: A representative of tbe Quay-As'-triJjt r.--pub ..... ---vj i- j w t-f gviiumrna ucanct txpriiito ct lh truth, ir whole truth an 1 nothing but the truth -.acrniaf the working 4 practicml pulititi in the C;:y tl Brotherly Ixve ad niuniripl Jobtwry. II frr,t ly uyt; "TTie cohiv power of th onrmiut.ca ia the office. "Hwre r 1J.XO of thn at tiw P0"1 tb creinlation. The loU, llworuot. Italian and oti.er forrigc foreigner! Tctc with u l--u' we control the offlc. Thvy want fircrt an I sUnd In wifj tue orKaniMtion. I cl i wy li,.y vote witn lamn-. ,n-.any ia New Vct.- This t He stripped of all Tiir tf poiitirl j pretense, it ij . ct 1 naked truth, s: public well ire cr iriite honor. Ijut ju 1 mjttr j sonnuirv ana Dreu?ne. it is uoi u of Jobs. . Pulillc efflce is no loivrr a.v-.j".:e i-ot. 1 It find a hishef U9c?u'nes ia tirai i..e 1 cohesive power of the or(pinirtuB." The Missionary flaslaess. The abduction or .missionaries seeim to threaten to become as proCtaMe to Turkey anJ Bulgaria as the catlns of missionaries ones was in the Sandwich Islands. It will be rememberwl that all the good that could be found In the character cf the la to "King Calico" was traced'to the number of missionaries eaten by his ancestors, this on the prin ciple probably that a child's education should begin 10O years before he Is iborn. Many thousands of Americans wou'd like to see tbe ransom paid. Miss Stose safely landed in Boston and the Cs'at ing Admiral Schley recalled to the ac- tive list long enough to take his place on the biiJse of the Brooklyn aud again give that famous ""Co for thcmT order. It is probable that even the mis- slonary society would "be willing to Lv sue permit for him to use one or two mild cuss words. This use of vigorous English seems to -have Lccn the basis of one of the most serious charges trumped up by-tile navy gang against Schley. Have the culture and niotheti clsm of Boston so permeated tLe navy that a "well executed "damn" In the heat of battle offsets a victory won? I wonder if John Paul Jones didn't make the cordage smoke when the crazy Landis fired into him in that memora ble fight against odds? Does any man think that Farragut didn't forsake h!a drawing room manners -when the sul tan of . Turkey sent him word that only princes of the blood royal" werei permitted to anchor their ships In the Inner harbor at the Golden Horn? Good sailors, like good fighters, from those famous, troops that "swore terribly In Flanders" down to the present day aro apt to use forcible English at times. Possibly the kidnaper and brigand peoples of the eastern Mediterranean have received the Impression that hero ism Is at a discount in this country and that to win a battle means to invito criticism and an investigation. It would seem that the man who would avoid these evils must be at Siboney or equally distant from the burstius shells and the hurtling shot Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail.. The little daughter of Mr. J. N. Torell jumped vn an inverted rake made of ten peony nails, aud thrust oue nail entirely through her- frot acd a fceooed -ono .half way through. Chamberlain's Paia Halm was promptly applied and five minotcs later the pain Lad disappeared and do more suffering was exferieeced. Ia three days the child was wearing her shoe as usual and w-ith absolutely no discomfort. Mr. Powell ia a well known merchant of Fork land, VL Pain Balm is an antiseptic aud heals such injuries without maturation and in one-third the time required by the usual treatment, For sale by At. K. t F. R, Pleasant. " - Subscribe to the Times. r ! il iL V TT IX IX Mints Fcr ts Housewife. VTLcn the lea CO i n't throw it ciay, tut dilute it with u-cter and wash Your oilcloth with it. Cold tea i &so the Lc?t thir.,; to water ferns with. When yoa have to tsc currant. Wasll T.J t! TV then Wtll Sti'l t!ifn Jrop them, a'ft'W at a ti.T.C, OH to ft , . ... , . . .. r'a Jou M sxn hear if then are 8!1V Eton03 itl 1!k!X rr- 4i ,. v f l"v " " - jam f'aze a j ieeo i.t y.ix.i r with tha MLitc of an cp nr.il tie over t!ie top after-tlie jam Is coil with-a piece of string which l as bcea soak td ia vin'zur. Kmfmber. when making thort paste, that the butter i3 nd !cl to the flour. before tho inrrciier.ts are raixcJ together, but in the c.ise cf pul ietc (pooj for tarts) the I :t tcr is not n Uo-i till after the mix tare is ca the bor.rJ. Pprrada Like WtlSHrw When It-iocs ire "lb trf tby te- . ... .... 1 .. I vvi.j7 lu-v-B' FTi.tH. ......I.-". 1 1 a Wading drug8:it. rf IMW !'. 0 I write: "KUctric Hi!'.. r are tie leaf wlliiu b:Uer I ha tanJ'.ed ia Co years." Yon know wby? Meat di.-wa- j begin ia difcrdera tf aUiraaeh. liver, I kidnrya. toe!, b.ooi aod tertea. Eietr:e Hitter" Ina. op the stomach. rvanNtea liter, kiiceys aod bow!, t ur-1 iflrattn b'ood, etrnttea the I hece CGf taoItitcl'S cf nila !';. It bnilds op lb eutire j ta. PoU ow life acd tkor Into any weak, atckly, rnn d'jwn tsaa cr wutnao. rric 50 nta J-ld by M. K. & ?. U. IMeataata. droggisU. " The wcild is never warm-fcearted. cold to the A Phjfclclan TcMlf ie. ! hare tnVeii Kodol Dvpepiia Cjre and have never nel anythirg ia tny l.fe that did rae the cofd that diJ," aay rounty I rhTifiao C. w. crPK".it H11 Coaatjr. I Ca. 'Iin a physician I fcare preer5brl it and (onr. J it t gift tr.e bet rctnit. I If the fod yiu tat remain ndiirtl4 in I your stcmach it dersys th rc and poiou I the system. Vou eaa prevent th'. by McV injr, but that meana alartatioa. Kodol " . f . J 1 - -1 . - X 'JPrI u,e 'gva ui yuu c.k vw c rd auScr iroui ncrther dypepia aor starvation. The worst caaet quickly cored. Never fail. Aycoke Drug Co. When a mart hat gone lo teed il is time to plant him. For IluarwencMt. r.enj. Ingeraoo, of Hot ton, lod asys he had not spoken a word above a whUper for months, and one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar rcMortJ his voice Ue sure yow get Foley's. M. K.iF.R. rieaaanu. JJe sure jou're right before attemp ting to put your neighbrcs right. To Care Ccogh 8top Coaching, as It irritatra the loot, I aod girea ibem no ebaaee Xu ba. t oiey Uoncy asd Tar cures without causing a atraia in throwing f the rhlcr in like common einectoianl. M. K. A F. R. ricaaKOta. The man who finds fault with h!s neighbor's religion should spend a lit tle tirne'repaljlog his own. M.etes to Tonan? dealei v: vc? w r' ' L, o o i r. . - m KsTA at Cigarettes c r a ttritt c?M Ta tiw. I'st li.-. A Ba to ut a I. w otit ia r - ' CIsir.br:i..o' t or Ira.Jy. I fc4 tttr micm e -o.H ar-J c'.I at4 J-f4 1 ctan";!!, tit s.tef Uli; (i)n1 of ills ne!;tia I tt't '. K , , three to:Ur of It eor4 any clj tt I C paia ia rnv tbtil J'..i .irl sal. f 47. I am tot miKfidl r toun le t".t Leriii-. W. V l .r .a c 1, ! a I. I'.. iiracLBU. - II t.tr I: I one . t I a Coxf n f.,li ihjn a t. I r lU to f-Jl tre vc tnaif. Aatoondlr. lUacosrri . of a sreo i.tfol d;fjirty tf a f tasting K-j-jii tLst b owl t retiring If toy ct trrttU-4 ! L a UJ exofia s!s)s c3r a g:-l , rt. "It will toc-a ttr tie r-elk too. t rltrs J!ra.S. 1 ' nr u,,m'u, n isr iim..j cave e i I' f Klo'e New )i-ry for C6au5p-o leal ttr foaaJ lis iial f .1 CooiL I s.0d tV.ie." It's aa ocritaVJ V,'. .r bea c4 for deptat Isc dfa Guaranteed bo til re toe aoI i CO at M. K. ym f. pl.a4tU. Trial bottl f 5rre chant tcT at l.crr.e, t-' the Lrt brrd ud.rcvtcd io-a; i th hotntle. IUl table and Gentle. 'A pitl'a a fill, ? It aw tsl l'i are pill and puis. Tow waeta rii; ia rrrUia, tSjortnjsH a&J ('.:. yti erip. PcWitt LiUle Hailj T..r 61 C. bill. rrl rtble, I4 al for li aiittkc LowaU ! art Mtmiktn r.4 ibtignrate. ftuatl a&J af l Ul. Ay. coke I'r o Co. F.lsreo livet bate tctn lust to Mt- una, oicuy, D RmKJ ta;anU f a reams. c g. Arnold. f loawy.towe. I::, la wruie( of tr. Ferd'e IrirpU'.J. mt "Wy !' ba takes Uirvw txtJ ef !. I pepticide an J I, I t !;, pfran.t'.:; I eortd ol injigeatioa, roc.i.f sl.oo as J .f k I , t ... ... . . . i oeauarne, wun Whitn tr a lre I troubled fcr tweatv r tnott ytara. V-Ja.v I eaa aot tstimate the rv4 it tat cUse bcr." H.K. r.R. r.eeaaou. Womeo wouiJ trobatjftalk lets il men refused to Lto. tVkea yoa fl thai hfe U lazily wmS I the candle take a dote cf CtmctrliVa I Stomach and Liter TabUu. Thrj m,.i I eleaoae yosr toaa-h. toee ep year liv.f aod rrruUte yoor lowc!. nsliaz joe ! hk a ac w man. For mU by it. K. A T. V, rieatanta, mice ts so great that it catcof be icSaenced bj a small oee. Adolph risaer. Graad UJ. I., writes: I bav ed Felry U?ey aa4 Tat la my family aol Ulak It U ILe U.t I eouh cure ta the cmIH. t wam',4 tlU aithool it ia tny retwe. aa lhe ia lUf ao rood for coafha saj eolia. M. Laf. IL ileaa icU. This is a sad world fr the poof ft whose only cew elclbes are sococ ot bet raoihet'i oM cnt. o t Mmy a ! i FOIL Will &TV3 pa.clla.ge o CD- ALL CVEH THE HC'JCL li" f ft T - : Ttt C t Mt a rrftt , ! i 1. -v ;..- x r cr fc-r rirrov $ Utt jr tc iz.. i tro-Isc.- cf a c! r! J:r. Th. f itra a :-r'..i? .Tc:1. lh t.-. cf th ch.ra a.rtr a a U cf t-S.cr f r th; we ri.;r f-; cr thcltct rr.ir l rli-c l ot tr the U- tiir.irr ;i;,ial ia th a; ;rtr.':.: litfhrr., f.r w7 i ar. 1 th- TU trrr t n: t3t ctrTo-T r -.!n ro-h T"h nn-.c ctirrr rjr corate Jjw. rr i.;;; c f tha at-otc. A tr - r the c - f " rt t fir th tx ! snc-Tc:.a;re-J a u.srr.yj tru Ccr j.;tir. A S";!l ti't. e cf'.rfnt rv.--e fcr hc-'.l, ccc" Lot.i., rcwui'irn, etc-, l i;oihJ l fo-r.4 in cttrr l.'.chrn. i! Ct?: t j,ttor.; than U.e ort- c- t :?-. of s.i: r-.ii? c o u : y m cTcrrJii. r,c-'rats h:rr. it i u! iocs, tt ia the trfc-t kitchen it lo-!l be tizzL Vaah- irr'.oa S'.Ar. Crrat ljm cf mm 14 llo. "For two year a'J ?r?a la tare E ttca ia tie jala tf cr !! fa.il, write Editor II. 5. Lee. ct graea. Ka, nta I waawl ::? tari t Ck. Ua" Araka ive." ie tie wft; bt f 3f Krsj'.tete, Foa ati aj k! Ure. Oaty tU at X. K. F. K. Id !e en a. ti gateketjrf rctsfy sj 4iJtttf la et.l. TtM tLiHrra' rV4. Yor"".;t-i 4 tli wia'e. VsyW yew see w. Va-at et.ilf wa wfl. rf -j, ry VeiC.. fr'p sat ali-af .a",r ;!. t t,1 U.aate C-a fa? aw ptoMai Cy. f t if ry f "i.miI l U U'. aJ pffsy ktf;-a. C. T Crr. 9"ii(:r, Ky. wit 0t l-i.Uf-fl aa atck.J w.ti Ui i.i aaJ waa o k.-i4 ake ra!4 tywaA. VI e re Vf fw i r el Owe af .asu Cf Car. It r:.v-4 tt tm-m4ulf stl nn::f ake a!sif a.ark ( mif Ayt'ls tra( C. .- - - . ......... 1 O. ar f i.T. rr . r- - x :. 1 Liii a I tit i.i tl i rri" '.1 t.-.-i -- f - r i.t ; -n, a r. . h , i ' rir a h ir r. ; -r U:! i S n i-r.i!!. ii -.'.': j I t -r-'t HT" If r.j I". 1 1 1 th c -.; ' r .:.), it j . V - j a :.r;ht l -:-. If th I t i '.;.; i. I i ti, !. e -!- v i : f i t x !.'.'.! -j. i:t. 1", : j . - r r 11 !. -! v 1 1: ' . Vf rv Z i.rtt! : a v-:h J ?..-. c. i-lfl rf (,; : ;.J I.s- !r-i el diMi.v:- hith r-tr ' to frf v-rrt:r :v '.. 4-J lea-.' swh.Ij m-.',h 1 r.f. I . . (a I T . . . V . .. . I . -j, . m i I r f-r r :n f!..n i-l I aL;kr . ..,,, , , r ... . ..i . t - . t . i - , dak ' .. . .. ax r a t:y ;! -c f r t.-.. rri-..:Ar, j a t:r..:i a-I tthr r.r.uM V..- thirl i r oil 1 f-Ii cf etcr. Ixr T! t' .A t'-wl j r.at Ue tuie It t!;c;- thrr - "v h O c o i 's . k S f rt ; tr f ; c-i. r srej r. tr r.e C-c:-c If thr do r:t e.-r.x vtc r. T,cy rti a L;'J hc!p to ret LSc cf-;Lc cod iLivnr? oil vIH er.criTy ccrrtct twl Ifyc-u vZ3 fut trcrn cr.c fxrLS to hi!f a tti-p-xrJJ Ln biby's bct:!c tVcc tf l:cr tirr.ts a diy y.Q v -13 kci kc a trried LTprtAtrvcri. Fcr lircr cbJdftn, (rc.n ha'l to a tcxfocr-rJ, 4ctcrid5 to aC dlitc!ed Li LcIr r-IX, if you so dc-Ve, vCI try soon jhew jU grtit rcurl:S-L-i po tr. U LS nxLSer'i rri! doi tv.t nourih M-x bibv jhe rccdi L1- .ct.-!. lion- It vZl ihiw in c"t it exc bclh 17c n rr'J-Jtr ar.d tL turn, mmt S a : a f SC3TT C at, tS-wMMk. w T. PEEHLESS STLM COOSEP. TlltU lit tlstcf all t!s4 alia rirj trzMlft.wr s-till it,? Tcry fct;tti jti ;t!t. Tit frtaUil crr.Tilftc cf aH Ii lasts Tllin, LALOn, ITEL ael FC0D. Atj rpaf.ilT f irt lial is4pt q:ari cf iUt VtlUsif r.I sil'.lj iVe am tf . rst&xtt TJk at C--'c A tx, t k a cith tatLrr. a. MJttttH 1 tm T p V J.tTtXIT.t 4 r. rnin3 i5i in37i mi LOCL-iiCRO. C. A I : i i . j ; kn-4 a. mmmtr ' Wi. ! fv-w fA 7r; T' aw LwU. t t.-Wt'W JW r tv;rtr- r- a r k;. jam a 1 w sr t. r. r c t st " tkt, T w.t 1 i v. w.t 1 ; . J. 1 1 1. ii.T. 1 1 teirwil -.ir-t .c;-:Mi 's t :4 ( 2 l Wa, Leafed ava..' a aj-j"v -iy. H Lf S X TEax C w CtniiAi. S.7a;:: ijit'i Crnru lice rx.. v. N. l. 2. 1 Th cr r '-z v -- to arr thai tl-e ! .1 ..-- t.:.a rre t-- jvic, . 1 t.e rt' trfww.ti) r . "!! w l-p ! ca awl Jte.l"t. rr.ou ixviri vzi 10 HamO'.t. i lt! r l. n P..vrkt., i) hiii -3 I'lra. 4- L. --if 1!- . r;rL..vi C 1 Sor-.l 4 I . r.c'.: j. r. i .- r .- . Iratk it. a, - S," li r. tifwsi1" 4 ""!. ?. r f!ft .'.-, 4'.) at ':fvet. I't- ".l":....rw, 4-'i V'rr'.-s, , H 1!t. 1 l Ka. i '. llb Pi f 1 T- r ; s. li..'-!. rv, Z-'j Vi J..- . r . r . .. -. C3 r. T ;:; Lhu iN. c-.i i DOK'T FORGET Till j: a ai'-S 7:"T fft. I"-ccy. ''.-- . cr a-, v '.'-.-r ;n i-i l.s-e r; s.f 5 y ' .3 . '. ' - i ic tfir the ri"f Ir-.!.-'! c n .':. I '.."eft t'.ia cf a f.r' A T. i P. i " . I w . .1 t " 1!-,tt-,-. !: