JUS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor, yol xxxiy ; CHURCH DIRECTORY . Mxaausnt. sv. snndar School At Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. ry Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M, T, Pltle&. Pastor BAPTIST. " Snndav School at 9:30 A. M. THOS. B. WlLDBE, Sup-t!" : Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P, M.; erery Sanday. ' -Prayer meting Thursday night. Foreest Smith. Pastor. '. EPISCOPAL, I V Jff I i I i WW Sniinav scuuui sk l 1 ... n.nrt V K Services, morning ana-ninr," en 1st, 3rd and 4th Sandays. Kfening Prayer, Friday. afternoon. Albajj GBEA.YES. Kector. , . f1 1) e.s. p;JBouT..;jUc iLouisbprg, lS-,Cfr-iul ij Ofllce In the Fird, BailduSft rcqroer Jd&in idNusli streets.' Up stirs--Tront. ' -' -v tad g. B. F. TARBdROtiGEf' t Loi'i,-bu8, 9;,, ,;..,. Office 2nd nouu jNeti-. building . uhone.39. Sunt cam ausw.irt-t from . n. BicKett's wideDce, phone 74. . , ,r - B. MASSRNBURaA" ; B. 'jiij ATTOBJSBT AT LAW. : - '.I Will practice in all the Courts of te State oiflce m cbwtyous o ill : 1 -m - -. -w, - 1 COOKB ft BOW, ; - ; " J; attend the courts of Nash, Fraukiin. drtnville, Warren aud Wake ooun ties, also the Mioreuie Court of Nortli Caroling aiia the (.larcait and Diatrxct Coarta. D E. J. E. MALo!NE; 7 AN7gl?HaMll3 tiACTICIN'd PHYSICIAN LOUISBUBS, N. C. Offlceover Stokes & Pargoraon's. R. E. 6. POSTER, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Louisborg, N. C it s Office over AycoSfee pftog CJnJafiifJ w M. HAYWOOD MUFFIN. ATT ORNEY-AT-l AWj LOUISBUB8. IT. 0. , ffin nractice in all the Coarta' of Franklin ion idjuiuiug coontlea, also in the Supreme Circuit Uouxia. omce la yooperjuia uuiion cuuoiiik.. PE08. B. WILDSR, ATTORNB I- AT-LA W, LOUiflBOBO. . a Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's dote. : -""i F. S. SPKDILL; ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LODIHBUR0. K. C Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance UrauvlUe. Warren and Wake connties, also Iht MuDreme Court 01 JNorUi caroiuia. Promot aUenMon-Klven to eolAectoatts. umce over untenan t EW ; . - ."V .- . . s J W.BICSXTXt7 mORNSY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAWt LOVISBUB4 H. 0L rromot and uainBtakinir attention siTen to r matter intrusted to bis bands. - Helen to Chief J uBtice gnepnera, aou. unu Muinlnir Hnn Rnht. W Winston. Hon. J. C. Buxton, IP ret. "First National . Bank i of Wln- f Monroe, Ch&n. E. Taylor; Pres. wake 'J?oi. tuonege, Hon. a. w. ximDeruuia. - vuioe in uoun touse. oppowbe uuwm. w - - : . H. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, iimsmiW . o. A ? T A I Practical 1 Eoiiduig. - . ... .i' .;- v . H YARBOROUGH, JB. , ATIOENEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG. N. C. - OtSee la Oaera House building. Court street All leiral hnniness intrusted 'to him Till receive prompt and careful attention. -f g f jB. R.B. RING, DENTIST, - LOUISBURG, C i, ' 9 4 0m t ovm Atcoceb Dbuo poMPAirr,7,-(Tl With an xnrtn of twentv-Bve years aanfficipnt. (nutrnnhM nf - mv work in all up-to-date lines of the profession. - HOTELS. PRANKLDiTO HOTEL i 3J FKANKLLNTON, 0. SAM'LtiE lift' itj )ist wt?':J iUf Good aceomjodation, tlift travelina ood Livery Attached, 3- - MASSENBURG HOTEL HENDEBSOir rlJV Of tin ed accommodations. Good fare; - Po lit and attentive servants : ; . unnvfnnn unnec riBrtoa. w J. NOp-WDoD Proprietor.-a 'tronagB 0 "commercJftl "Ung ubUc Solicited. Tourists and ft w V. minim n. . I'ihi Fill. Ill 111 f II I I M lTi Kentucky and Indiana jGnyexnors,, at. Odds. DTJRBIN CUTTING.; CAPERS. .?ttpes FantasticExhibitionWiU Land Him In Senate: ;THE; SCHEME, TO PTTHISH BAB000K. eodlng Repablleani Crslns Speak. Henderson ,to L,enve Him Off kl Way. and Beam Committee So r'AZnclt "For Backing tbe Traata. ; Degraflal ion of Delaware Pbila , aelphlj. Election Frana tioosevelt Hoiiioriiit Uanna In a NeTT 'ol? rteH Tariff Commiaaion. Banker Caldwell's Lack A Tale of SeTr" tbntroll -T.'d "vtSpeciai; .Washington Letter.! 1 ' x That is a great linguistic war which is, imaging betw.eea Governor Beck liani of Kentucky and Governor Dur btn of Indiana. . While what thev sav redhot-stuff, none of their sizzline CGniar&sVjlV 'survive iso'lonz as- that Tanroira' 'one5 Hidde by the governor 'of bouth Carolina to the governor of qrlh Carolina touching1thei length-pf tune-' Detwixt drinks. Macau lay says t hatf George f 1. of. England, the most tiissf iblej t4 'njon'archsf wanted f to challenge -Frederick the Great to mor tal, comaj;, J 3The ' great, historian rather regrets- Vhatr; that performance did -opt ltee placed ; Soine; sqch j thoughts ureur u me ,wnen reaamg tne ceck the t Kehtuckian is right there can be . uo; rmestioii. Governor , Taylor t and ecpetary or State Finley were prop-' ."i'lTi a n9i fflgntoriy: todicted, by, s Ken. tucky grand jury for .having a hand in t ,Gqe JieJ i jm urder ; and . Governor Beckham is entirely within his rights inflemandlng jtbatithey: be extradited, wbile Governor Durbin, notwithstand. jng fjis h'jgh sounding claims to vir- te;-rtiders ; himself, as Governor Beck- ham?fruIy1says:; ao( accessory after the faetAcrtlie Goeber murder by shield ing and protecting them. The chances are also in favor of . the Dmnositinn Mcbafes TOat ff'rrbin fs cutting bis fan tastic capers before high heaven in hopes of lectins. himself to the sen- Taxe a Dase purpose surely. ' The Expected. The French savant who declared that it is frequently; the ; unexpected that happens ; only -covered part bt the ground,: for frequently it is the expect od that happens and that is about to happen to the beloved Babeockv: l. tekl-Ba4-sefBe tee- ago "that- the Republican -party is no place for a re former and that if he wisbed to do any good reforming the trusts and the tariff he musl cpme ou of that Sodom and Qpnrf ahjut hi jvopld; 0ot hearken m rdiy .T0fce.'. . l S. -'"V- k. -T&VeTashtggtoii jdispatches ln ..formr; us that certain ' leading Repub Mcaii statesmen "are urging Speaker Jlendersoh to reorganize' the ways and means committee and to degrade Bab cock-by? leaving him off - that com mittee. Wherefore? Because Babcock pfii fayof pf trying f to curtail the Irufcts. Woiideri what has become of 1 lid celdicatedXittlefieldJ antitrust bill rfriicF Ray s uogus constitutional amend ment .by which bill snd amendment 'lliose illustrious statesmen proposed to smasb all the: trusts into smithereens. Why were . not those reformers dis ci plined as it is now proposed to rdis iCiplaie epoorj (Babcock? ri Bab" appears 1o be. the.' .victim of tircwmstances i He ' -took. jCenttblican antitrust, talk.serl usly; iWodftfce&a. bill that contained 'some ragat "and is to be spanked and reduced in rank. Poor Bab! - Awfal.-, jarryypdy.' wants knowj tpjwhat fj ihipeaUble ;6gradapon unrestrained pjyinisoiiyili bpinsli coinnxuaify. let him read in toe Kovemuer rorum an amazing article by Willard Sauls- .Jburf Q4rac!aware, eatitled Preserv liig &$Stif&frMpnor&J shovs,what ftae'taarf iapde - Wh6 has'Tabundant boodle and who is willing to use it freely. Surely the" Delaware of today is a strange and sickeniug contrast to Jbe Delaware of tbe.RoJueys,the, Clay- And cj? j 4alMP,-,1Ifc dragged her from tier 'high estate and-made her a 'biss and byword among the states, jnd his name is Addicks, popularly jjnowD as "Gas" Addicks. It is due to his.money.that -Delaware -hast no Unit- in' ri : ' ': i ' Corvaptlon : It is said .'that Postniastr General Smith's paper has declared for a con test in the recent Philadelphia elec tions on the grounds of gross and; pal eds; liiieleaiing thf -Augean stables itfthe City-!of- Brotherly I-ove. &(8 will deserve a . rae equal "to that of Her cules. It is,-' not -certain ,bnt : that 'Hsi rlgniory's .oughr'to rbef greater, h fortif : fe 'to' ie "Houbted 'wlieiher; a li; "of ftUEf fwelvet labors of - Hercules rolled LiritO'Ooeieqtfaled' In difficiilly' the laboH U oQpurtfyinS;tlii iBepabhcanj poJitics or PbiIadClppi vVVnaiever iue. resuii, uc ceot people wifbout reference to polit ical a ffitlatlons will wish tho postmas ter general well in his tight for purer elections. . " . . " Iimebii patronitea a pyp pihg Ddreaar nebas no cause to vaunt himself by, reason of the condition or politics and morals in the great com- luck Or'-good sense? - , The JlaMOll " 4 inner im 'n n 'i read two lines wbk'b ran ucmcthing in this wise, "Kthfif a iiWto turn Ibe wind away..; ram&BOtfb4rla'ry ihat ttiis the'exact Veadf ns; but i have tfot the a uf bonty it rhr,i ti ivprifviL and it - Is near eBough'for my .purposA 5' - ; - ; : I was forcibly reminded of thnti-oup-let recent! v when ; I U'ctured at Mer cer:;, P;iv niid-Kiv?. following- udver- tis.'irl.Mif ' V lli1 v:i!l: " 'Room No.-12. noteltlumes. MfcT ?rjST)le traads.;4f tljej, postmaster gen 4f3?lvfel Ifallyl' jack., pf . Jhpntest,: it Mrs vfaWdi ntHa'so met blngfc.i If he -suc- faoJ a fceot r. iuckilyv - he- ha his Lank: Insured against loss.- Was It monwealth which he founded and to which 4ie gave his name. Quite the contrary. - - A a rule, the public press, even the Democratic publie press, is rather con gratulatory In its remarks when speak ing Of i how. Father, Knickerbocker shook Tammany. But the public press, even the Republican public press. Is rather censorious in speaking of the continued and unbroken grip4of Mat thew Stanley npou bis bailiwick of Quaysylvania. .The editorial fraterni ty, except the most sodden Republicans," seems to regard Pennsylvania as given over to reprobacy of spirit and hard ness of bear . ; For Instance, The Public Ledger, founded by that Illustrious patriot and philanthropist, George W. Childs, and edited f by that distinguished - gentle man, ueorge W. Childs DrexeL In an editorial on the Charleston Exposition and Philadelphia" says: ' . - Philadelphia's exhibit at the emosition will hm important, 'and the city is officially hy a-Philadelphia building properly enoush. Ust week the Joint apedal committee of councils od Charleston exposition approved the second pay ment on the building which, is tq cost about iO, 000. If the buildwg is an ornate structure, repre senting worthily the city of Philadelphia, no one win mane oojecuon to the ontlay, but If it is merely an excuse: for throwing away or sequestrat ing money,- like the Pennsylvania State buildin? at the Buffalo exposition, it is unfortunate that the aty should have any building. When Penn syiTanians go to expositions and find "tbeir state bunding ridiculous, mean, an architectural hint standing . alongside of dignified and beautiful buildings erected by other states at less cost, thev re scandalized to find that the jobbery of iheir- omciala is shamelessly flaunted and advertised to the worldT It is to be hoped that the building at Charleston is a model of good taste and repre sents in -good sound work every "dollar ol public money appropriated. " " Now, that's dignifled. but caustic. It puts the cold steel Into the Republican gang now running the state in a way that. Is cruel holds them up as not only looting the state, but as making her to stink In the nostrils of man kind. -V v .The Shame of It. r Marse Henry Watterson In an edi torial In The Courier-Journal entitled ."Oh, the Shame of It!"" says: '" ' In Philadelphia and in the state of Pennsylvania th was a fusion of the Democratic forces with the dissatisfied Republicans to put an end to the rule of the Quay machine. It did not win either In. the city or in the state. Philadelphia had been ruthlessly robbed by the Republican machine. its valuable franchises had been seized and di vided, out as booty by gang of political buc caneers. A Republican district attorney had been , proscribed by the gang because he --insisted.', in obedience to Bis qath of office, on prosecuting such of its members as were notoriously guilty of crime. Me was taken up by the revolting Repub licans and by the Democrats, but be -was defeated by a plurality of 43,667. The total vote .In the city for district attorney was 7,000 more than was cast last year for president. That was Philadel phia's response to the demand for reform. That's putting It good and strong, as Uncle Henry always "puts things. " ' Humor. " It Is rumored that President Roose velt opens his cabinet seances by telf- Ing a few tales to his advisers of the strange and unusual Experiences which befall hlm.. .If .the report is true, con gratulations are due both to the presi dent and ithe country. Only one gen nine humorist ever occupied the White; House, and he was among the greatest pf.aU our presidents, Abraham Lincoln Others had traces of humor. AlLwould have been better off for a good, hearty laugh now and then, and the country would have been better off if the pres idents had laughed more and told more stories to the cabinet. So let us hope that the report Is true and that Presi dent Roosevelt Will tickle the risiblea or his cabinet at every meeting. : - - --..-' )In m Near Role.: "j - f - Senator MarcuS ATHanna is a con stant wonder. Last year, witn prac tically no ; experience In public speak ing, he developed Into one of the very best stumpers the . Republicans bad. This year he perpetrated the only mot worth remembering of the recent am palgn and . It is; "Let ' well enough alone." It had its effect." It made votes. It ia not as sparkling as some of Rochefoucauld's or Beaeonfleld's. It will not live as long' as ; Solomon's proverbs," bot iV Is fully equal to G ro ver Cleveland's "A public ofllce Is a. Dublic trust" and Tell the truth." . If Mark keeps on be may rival Grant s I'll fight ; It out on this line if it takes all summer" or ''Let ns have. peace." There are great possibilities ahead of Mark as a phrasemaker. if not as president maker.7 v It really : looks as though President Roosevelt has been persuaded into the scheme for;a tariff commission. More's the .pity! . A commission "of any sort is a demonstration of "bow not to do It." In this case that is its intention. It Is for the purpose of heading off Babcock . and Babcoekery. f 'There must be no tariff tinkering;"- even at the hands of its friends, is what the commission; means. - . - tse'k. '.:": '-. :u " ; There Is an -old saying, ."Better' be born lucky: than rich," which applies with peculiar force to that sterling Democrat- Hon. Ben F, CaldwelL who represents the Springfield (III.) district M congress. He Issabumlantly sup- pliedTtvlth this world's goods and'his supply is not likely to. run out If his luck'continues.- Among bis possessions is a bank in a small town named Chat ham,, near iSprlngfield. Recently cer tain : ambitiousVpci'sons. burgled", the bank and got away with ? 1,500, which would absorb most of the assets 6f any 3er. Pa. .Established 1817. It may In- 'tcrest the weary traveler who finds his home for the. time being in this room to know that it. has been used by other distinguished people . besides himself, notably the Marquis de la Fayette, marshal f France and American gen eral of the army of Independence. - "It was In the summer , of 1S25 that this distinguished rench'ma-n revisit-, ing the nation which his valor had pontribnted .to create, as its honored guest, with his brilliant suit, was car ried up and down, the lengtft and "Passing from Pittsburg to Urie In coach and 'four, the marquis, as the' guest of this town of Mercer, -with the' brilliant suit aforesaid, was quartered at this hotel, then.known as theHack- ney tavern, jwhere fi. public dinner as : given them at which the marquis met the more important citizens of tbe town and county. "President Zachary Taylor, while traveling from Washington city to the lakes, -during his . brief presidency of the United. States made this house and room a resting- place.: ; ' ' ! ' - . "Here also President Buchanan, with gdvernors and senators out of number, as well as soldiers, sailors, statesmen, judges and lawyers of high and low degree, have within these walls court ed the drowsy god of slumber. , "Its latest guest of national fain wsa General John B, Gordon, governor COTJITTY, THE LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, "DtCLMDER 6, 1901. oua ifmiMi suites aeuutor rroru unr gia. a major, general of the lost cause; on the night of April 21. 1S07. AuJ there are others," ; ; . All In an;- that is a most soothing and remarkable document, putting the Marquis de la. Fayette. marshal of Francej-etc, to a brand new use. Xbe ' word "aforesaid", shows that It was written by an "Ingenious lawyer, and certainly It deserves n place In Dis raeli's "Curiosities of Literature." Goveraor CartLa'a Gall ictry. t'nuosopuicany considered every, vo cation or even avocation has its rem-, pensations. Lecturing Is no exceptU-n ! to the rule. While loss of sieon and weariness of the flesh by reason of much travel are pullbacks, It has other compensations besides the fee. Oue of. these Is the meeting with old acquaint ances and the forming cf new ones. The new anecdotes picked up are not to be despised. Recently Congressman Charles B. Landis of Indiana and my self delivered, our joint lecture on "Im perialism" at Wellsboro, Pa. Ex-Con gressman Packer, with whom we had both served In the house, presided, and he gave us-a most gorgeous. introduc tion to the vast and enthusiastic au dience. After the lecture Packer gare us a sort of stag party or soiree at hi? office. The name of the great war governor. Andrew G. Curtin, was mentioned. He Is one of the best beloved of I'eunsj l vania heroes and statesmen. Whenever tie is spoken of some one has a floe anecdote to tell. This occasion was no' exception. Packer said: "In his ex treme old age, when be was between eighty and ninety. Governor Curtin vis ited Ilarrisburg. While there he was the guest of the governor. The legisla ture adjourned to call on him. In com pany with the governor Curtin called at the residence of an aged Penna vania matron who for many years had been hh? friend and supporter. The servant said her mistress was not ret up, being in feeble health, whereupon ex-Governor Cnrtin, taking the liberty of an old acquaintance, proposed to his gubernatorial brother that they ascend to her bedroom and pay their respects. After chatting awhile they arose to go, when ex-Governor Curtin, with that gallantry, for which be' was famous. raised the lady's hand to bis lips. Iu stantly she snatched it aWay. exclaim ing. GoYeracr Cnrtin. I would have you understand that I have a nionthT wierenpon the ex-governor planted up on her lips a kiss , that resounded throughout the Keystone State." ."What Detaloed Tost?" The .conversation drifted along, and Landis told this marvelous tale of self control: . 'I had a friend who attended the race and bet on them, always on the losing side, till he only had a hundred dollars left.' He resolved hot to risk that un less he had a lead pipe cinch on the re sult. 'Consequently he put off Invest ing till he saw an old friend named George, a Jockey,-come prancing In oa a splendid horse, and to George he un folded his tale of woe.' asking Llru if he could give him a tip. George could. - He said: "The" race' Is fixed. My horse is a dead sore winner. - Bet your money on Dim.' My friend did so. The race was pulled off. Georze'a horse not only did not win, but be was only about the third quarter post when the others were finishing. Finally when George and-his slow horse got In my friend. Instead of Jerking him off And mopping: up the struck with him. approached him and in a most tender voice inquired, "George, what detained you?"" TJIT?to Uvea Bealtate." Then Lan lis capped his own story with another, as follows; "In lra T.rf ll STATE, TOE3IE5 XTTIO. city there wss a rtjiHsa eolorva mn who one Sar.il.iy pn ivd io h la friends that they waU to a ubtirlian riHajre about ten rii :!.- out and rUli hnrk Iu the even'.cg on tlje oars. itHi-g wi-t In their day an 1 ci:ernt:o:t Ki-.d know ing something r.f tlie ra!lro::d fx-lx-d- 0,08 ,n 'hat par'-cnlar-Tiil isi-. hi-y il- c!inel the duk-'fi In vit.ition wlili thanks and .with many wink at tif-y other. So he allied forth alone. I.ong after dark he iimicd back Into the city, footsore and wvary. 'IIi-HoT alj bis friends. V"e thought "you were pt Ing to ride back in the train. Didn't It stop? 'No. implied the dudet 'it did not even hesltat. " mutt - Kaw Death Near. " "ll often tu ic'o l.-iy btnrt ache," writr . - Oversirec. cl Limn. Jvun.. -to hr Ui lie ough uo: f it seemed ber weak and Mire lungs Auu.d coliapfe. OonJ doctura i-aiii he was o i;r goue with Contomi tioo tiit i-v.nivdici or earthly ln-!p rout. I save ner, uui a :niiu reccmiut iidtj ir. htng New Discovery audf criU-nl w-m of bia ncellent ainJirtue sAtcd her hfe." It's ab solulrlv guaranteed for Toucha. Colds. UronciiilU, Asthma aod ali Throat aod Lon? diaiafe 60c and tl.Q'' at U.K. k r. 1.. fica.-aiit. trial bottle free. Lutkv li the man who makes more money il.so his wife can spend. A Woman's Awful Prrll. "There isoulv oue chance to save roar life and that is through au operatinna." were the Mar-ling words heard by Sirs I. II. lluiil of Litue liiJ-e, aia fro .. her doctor lie had vmnly tried la cure her of a fr:i(htful cane i-f stouiach trouble and yrl low j.iuodicc. (Jail Honrs bad formed and he constantly grew worse. Then she be gan to use hkclrio l-itira which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful Momach, Urer and Kiduey remrdr. Cures Isrspepsia, oi Aip(ue. iry iu tMy tQ el. rnaranleed. r"r sals y M. K. F. K. rieataots. Srroe titled roroout broom: individuals are -all har.dlr. like FAMILY J AIM are more ofien lb rrtolt of iadljr iio than anrthioK Dynpeptlea are cxu.tiiy it ri.ab!. crrvcui. cracky iadi tiduuls to make trccUe for all tboee a too ml lh-ru. Dr. Loyal Ford's Dyspep iictca miiKa tu sttuaca ntit aod re- store health and tappiot ia the house hold. U. K. F. R. Pleoasta. Every man knows a lot of olber men that bo would like to claaa a strangers. OF BK.NLFIT to TOC D. 8. Mitchell, Folord. Ud t "Dorioa a long illness 1 was troobled with bed soma was a adtlaed to try D Witt's Wiicb Uazl r?ala and did au with ot derfol resalta. I was perfectly el red. It ia the best salte cn the marke- Sore eoro for piles sores boras. Beware ct eounterfeits. Ayeocka Drag Co. For every foel that dies i more aro born aud one has hie nat ural davs-exteojed, THTlmmmmm BSSSBSBSSBS1 SBBSBB) , A Good Coach Slrdiclne. l'rom the Giielle. TooWoomba, Aaatrs lia.1 I bad Ciiaruberlaia s Coogh Eemedy is as excellent nedicipe. I have beea saOer it) g f rota a severe coach for the last iw mouth.", aad it has tCecicd a carer' I have rreat pleasure la reconniendins; it V. t Work ner. This is ths opinion of on of oar oidet and most rerperted reaidenU, and has beeu volontarily piten in good faith that others mar fry the remedy aod be benefited, Mr. vv oekner. Tb.s reoit dy is sold by 117 K. A F. IL l1csaoia. I. .Hetimm to vow cte&iei'8 - o o Cigarette asjwasBwaw -perSo and lue will Hive yoa 2ie o J cv- a- , a. a s m ' Cigarettes aav"Vstsaa. bjbjbv MMeMaTiV ayaBV 7 n n Dyspepsia Curo Diacsts what you cat. This prepantJoa cnntxlo U of Ux dl?eUnu and d'.gta all kind cf food. It rives Instant ttliet and cever fills tocure. . It allows ytm to eat tli the food jou want. TL mmt rn.itJva stomachs can take it. I'.y its cvj cacy thousands cf drrttl-a have ln cured aftr every thintr el failed. It prcTCQU formation cf cMon theafota arh, relieving all distrtafter eating. Die tlog unnecessary. I'kasjnltotako. It can't belp out do Yoa rood rtfion'rkyr.C rWrrtrn. i,-mo Urn H. twtt Gwotalos I 4 luu tb Mc. AjCCXkr Ufttg Corrj:rj. JTbe cartful busband alwaj tin bis wife an allowance so at to hate somebody to borrow fron. Cstrea RlveninatUm or C(arr b thrux ft the Blontl. foa Nothing lo Try. Woa'd too like to rl rid of that Li; rheamatiam or ff.o.ne ra-.rrtt forf Theaukea botU of X-ia.e IUoJ tuim. which ras eared thooJUoda of boprleet ukv that bad resisted doctors sad tx-teet arei. eiae treatment, ftouoie Vlm IB U Uleares IhrouKh the blood bvd'ttrtytin the poisoa whir h eanaes the awful ac ia the bones. JoinU. sboaidrt b'aJra m.1 back, swoliea r!aBcy.hakiot.t-.a.er. bJ breath, impaired, hearing l.U. snakier a perfeet cere. Ilotaoie LUwd Uiirj t bor onghly teated for N year. Coar'd cf purs loDi Urar. IVferuy sole lo like by old and youag. Oni(;iii., l. Tui Uraimeot free by writing i,ood lUlin (, Atlanta, Oa, Describe trouble aad frv medical ad vice given naitt eared. Isi five up hop. Int give Il.lt. Hi which, stk the blood pare and rich aad baud a? "il rua dana. urtd bode. It. It. It. auiit the blood red. ttivlag the akja the rich glow of t erfect bealia. HCiLrn and rrtiLT- A poor eotapJiloo 1 ooa!!r tbo re call cf a torpid titer oa IrmtoUr aeti'-a of the bow la, UaUea oatore'e ref tw carried off it will forelyraoa ieporv boold. Pi ob plea, boils aad tber erst. Uooe follow. Tble 1 eai ore's catb'4 c f tbrowlDST off the poiaOD Sibich tbe bow els failed to remove. DeWUfe Little Early Rlaers are world farnooa far rr dyiar this eoadiUoa. They aticaalate tbe liver and proeooterrjrolsr aad healths aetioa of the boaela bat sever r e eripinr. eraopa or dUtreaa. Sefe fdll. Ayeocka Drtur Co. All delicate lUoationf are mora or lees indelicate." co re us axiTu)Ldiix rmiDRiLX sssaasBNBBBassaft Recomnvradaliua of a 'etl Kaovaa Chicago I'bjaicUan. I ave aad rreecribo Ckamlxrlaia" s Ceac H Eemedy for aovoat aJl cixtiaaw. eoaa:rirti4 eouha, with dirwet revolt. I prvcne it I children of adl sk Ass glad la rveota enend it to all ia aeed aad sk raiivf fn evtds aad eoochs aad brooch Ul sSaeUota ll is aoo-aarcvue aad awf i Ike bsaoa lh taoet aorofeioaaJ - A aaitrrul to. aaeea for all snankiad. Mra. at a ry U. SiU endr. M.D.. Ih. It.ChUjf. LU It remedy if foe sal by it. k. a F. it PU- eats. - Sometimes it is toaraao'ecredil to forget wbat he koows. Editor trcch of Daily Feat PcUlif. borg J. basteated tbeeoeriuof Fol-y' Uooef aad Tar with UU rolt I tst aaed a greateaaay ratestrerda ia tar faoti'y for eoofhs aad toll aad less hooeatly say yoar iioaey aal Tsrlstl beat thiof of tb klad I bar r avi aad I can net say too notb ia f rU cf It. B. K. 4 F. H PWaata. M OIL, wrap e . 9 n l: a i 0 1 jri aw i FOB THE LITTLE ONES.' Haw iht S-iitr ireia Cabia At.-wt V...'e Cms 8;t-a. jit ir-rr a Ur;t $:.ltr r: jn it ton cf a ie-aT cch trs w:".h f few Urt tLat tt 1 in plain vjcts. I racr;t i:r.t cf I It: f.rt isl.t'.s i!d; ti Llrli r j tun, soerr.f-i to tt : t ar l r front t!.-; t.- cf t. tret 1 f n tot, is? to a le.vjr.r.e w;re rr. f;t hit ar.l t ewhai : thin It w o. - a , - r'.n-!.?u tv- -.r, e wrst ar:r. 1 ' ;ir.l tK'n la k. In iL'.nr. the j l.tuaiicn I foe-1 thai ti.Vrb vil j 3 l-x-.strvj ll.il it rfj-rl a cal! j to Lc. I it cr. ar. J the ;;! Lai ia orze tjt rt er.c cvr ll.o wirt f.r aar. Thli cal! ai, cf co-n a et. l:r .:krr. t;.ra 1 'r.;c.H eti ilrr.t'j ihc l.a tLmm c-t, as! ta artor.t cf iu 1; -V.r.e-n it Ktl S"a. h! ta the i-i-ht jlar-e ars 1 Was a! titled thtr It IM p!a!;oocj rrrp ertic. It iT--t r.t:.arkai: liul it erto. i.j r.ita a. .. rr-i 14 t.a w.r frrr.lj er.or-b tY.tv vj larr? aa iomtI t ckrsb ttr it, bici sh d.d etcry ilay. A WsLanco' CvL, a- iil . 1 1 ,1 t"a t t a ati. " T . WtUi a-ut--ae uml SM v- lie ones cj CM-.t. C 6ivy 1 mm. rv w 3 il Mr -.. U3m UmI rWf tnaut ! VaC 4 mm wwv o s wse U lew 14 m.:t wl rw . ' la m,A:j-m t' Uti HE A TWKTt'jttD, "I a!Tr4 so'b taiaa froo r-raa I etU Lsrtly walk wr.t ll. Cc,it.o, lli.l.tcrveii ll s.t,t iUckUa's AraWa eotepStIr srJ ttrta."" Ae.j l.ke tai! ra st-ralta braiw '. -w raiit boraa botU tlrra. Perfect turar cakia c! as t ;-. Ccr t-esrsa-teed by at. K. 4 F. U. Fssi ji. It's all op -Jitb a- tea tztn wbco ttej jjet dawn ia tl, crU. A J. "! i( i i aiuai a tri.t :(a4 t Cm o e- aal at ia kjHru'i, W k be frr4 rw . He r. l we w...r oe ir-ve lo a Mv rM,l it .titavWiWi t'o'ie- Cae"rrs atd I-rTka t ntj . I pit vai .:. l-e ti fJlf.' IU(I t li Ulit'lti it atat.sx - lea d : C ifJ te i 4 i 4 Ov lfM4 I:9V si l f iflt." Mt. i a rv-od'cl of 8v li l. S. Y tw. xie t o v u. ar.i i Wbeo Ataericao tre!fr tie clauc are La can't read it. A Ui.aa e-e Uct-rrw rsa t ?a'r r 1 la lb bod. wi'k a d- oe two cf Plr'e lioaer aad Tar. l'-sr ef eaV atitatea. H. K. & V. U. Ta4au. - . 1 " Oji 'Ljr K - SiK rirfy i U1-. L "J L IL'D Docs your l.crc "frcl cati? Whit atiitTcrcr.c: to tuTcn the rir fcJ z?A the groAvfcJ I.orcI The fnt UroT.g x-vj fu!I c i pr.-tr. the t cccr.J tUhby. -arak ar.4 tirrd cut before he L-c-gir.i. The fecdir. rr.il.es the t!l:Tc rtr.ee. ChilJrcn arc r.c! i!;lc chher. Ore is rosy, bnsht-cx-J. fu!l cl IJc ar4 Uughtcr. ar.cihcr i rale, wral: ar.d du!L TT.c fctri- fctflir.-. TV.cydzTk'tlihzlt cab". Scott i HT.u!iIcn juit the ri-ht richr.es.. to their diet. It is 1.1 griln to O.c Kctsc The chr.j ft u r.tw appetite ar.J strcr. ditistlcr Scctt's 12 mu Is Jon is rr. ere than food. It is a strcr.-r medicine It reuses up CS. chndrcn, p-ils he.v Ccrih cn Cln ones arvl r-ci V.ycd tzlo pi!c ones. It rralw children rrcw. Scctt's Emulsion rules crdi rory fcd da iu TV. fuTv r ;- is T tmm Kt--t mi Jar I I .avail; aat U T-cwt c a-y-tr Iec. - -i ' l s-cctt a nwr. r. J-x aaI ft. 3 4-ixmm. PEERLESS STEAH COOKER TlUls tb t;ntcf a, tlsfi vita ttery ie3ai;tr ile-sll lava ery cctviiititt rt:t'.. lXfTatjt crteltt tt all la tia rxaaut hrtaat CcacssA. Itiatea TIME, LAL02, JXEL aJ FCOD. Aay q-iaatijy tt r tiat i:i ktpta qtaarltsf ur Ic'Mt? win wlla tV ci cf a FaxxiXM ErruM Cxaa. tcUniil MK. J, A.TL'OHAS, a. e. nit: . Traa. ra. W.J.IIDLl.faall. mnn itj !e:ilvii mi Locif bcko, c. rf'-i ! U'rM rr-tfa iue.ro kmmfm r x X 1 --i M wvr j U t Vo .t ml tmw1sr tviW iim N!M sVerw twmt $.m wt'.J, Trtji, T.M Lawaa. r.jt. r-.Tir-t. tv a. a HiikiH J . 7 I S ' H I K. t:u T. C KtiillTttltt, T. w. nam. w. w. i i iV w.J. MfciLT, Istaewai mZrwrmi mm a4 m. at km (Wa. laws saaioaa i-ftvt swrari. ELKDEBSOI IWIWi CD. Ccxtxax .Tixrjrrur r txt' Orrax IIr3tetxoif, N. C, IVc 3, 1 W. Tt eor:raT trc to avsrocsr ti..M tb-a lioa ; totvs are tow eoaictl ry t-e ioz z C rrr- krw. a&J ti- rt b"er.:S r -;.aLvJ iJ t ZmzUrm a avs-4 awr:Ir. 2rd,l0: IX0VXL0UI5L"I.a TO i Tsrlrioa. 5 N1tL, 21 CfcavawU:. OxiorJ, CTarLsvr, Vi T-w-b. Z. 3 Ih:a. 40 ll Xr Woif, Z.I lrtars, Z.) Sv..r.l.tL 4 3 ..;. :itr i, z: I raii:;SU53, !!c;e, D ti'rvmslro, 4i Trt Z tirercvu, 40 Vv i'crvwt. S t-'.i!jro, 40 Ta.'rt;:-a, Ilfal'mkia, - 3 a L : jiu, ij t I i Io:'f, Z'l Ve'ts, ZTt l!.!-ro, j i.S, Z- 3 Iitltoa Z.) Wi'j, CO LtTxtr, Zt 0 r.CTO CPLLIU.V, C qT F c r U DON'T FORGET Tlatatiajei aisl Je,f Har tefj. I3 ;;y, Vi;-:., cr acyilit I ia Uti liL r?;aire i yea -1 citm li nr triit ca Lie Teit alie cf Hal a mm. . . B. C 'WAT. r. b. i .; a ? j C 3 t : . : .: - ---'

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