v .J. JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Propter. THECE COXJIsTT", THE STA :::n;:i: FtrTn: . . vol xxn r:J' LOUISBURS, N. C, FRIDAY, DLCEMDER 13, 1901. .;c::::: I II i i, . ! ' A-i. 1 CHURCH. DIRECTORY ' METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. II. , Gao. S. Baker, Supt. -Preachlog'ftt 11 A. M.; and 8 P, every Sunday. - - Prayer meeting AYednesday nighW M. T, Plylke. Pastor. BAPTIST. x Sunday School at 9 :30 A;' M. Thob. B, V ildes, Supt Preaching at 11 A. M,., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. - . Prayer mating Thursday nighC Forbbst Smith;- Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30. -Services, morning and night i oh 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays, livening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Albas Gbayes. liectoriVi IIMm Fifty . it. VCll HI Organized. ate that if all the ambitions, hopes ana schemes harbored in the 450 heads of those two bodies, could be dragged forth and put Into print,, what an eye opener it -would be! How many of that - ; I number are Incubating plans to sup- I the coioneL vonsrress : v . - . 1 e iuauJ 1 At Lottrh-d. did.- He tock occasion to read tbe jh bor unionists a lecture on the futility and Injustice of strikes, which was r. sented. by the Federation "of" Labor, which passed resolutions denouncing OB. 8. P.BURT, . ' - - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. " Office la the1 Ford'Building, corner - Main aud Nash streets. Dp stairs front. ' SCENE -VEET - IMPEESSIVE t v t : ' s ' Most Powerful Legislative Body " lathe World. . : and garish mansion -which he now occupies, for it Is certain that he Will Tint ha rn--Tno.n1 r.-.Ti.n How rn-n - r happening to Indicate that Jb- prca nrM0n.i i:r' T:J.. vaunted harmony amosg m-pub-run as two and two of" President to Increase the CONDENSED STORIES, A'hen John Meech Carried HI Audi - "".c With Him. - A stand' "- joke for years among r.ctors Las cen an expression alxiut ; carrvin;r a i audience alon rith. Signs are-not.wantinS to those irtoi con:-.:ny. "I shall carry my tj or.-a-tan'.l' an J orchestra with me r.-xt f c?.;C-, says a manager in di- la oil a v-i n n r f rtnm r. ( aik . ; t n I r,,r:ir ? f . r -i a 1'-. make four cne result t . . . i w . J McKmlev's death will be 1 . ...r ' .Voar 'n nco, too," replies a nuciber of ascirants for l ....... . . . .. ... niicr.cT. -I tucro 13 on record ono Ui course, any man i i t . - crasinla ol a manner Joinrv that i iiHii v i iniii"! I'll l it t t tin 'iv ii ii . i iiuit u a " A POTEST PEESOHAQE. D T : - R. B. P. YABBORQUGH, YSICIAN AND BCEQEON, . Loi'l-BOJta, N. C. OUlce Snafloo- Ke. bailding, phone' S3 NigHt calls anBwerul froito I, w . iliokeli'b residence, phoae 74. . B. MASSKSBBBQ, U 1 'f ' ATTORNEY AT LA!X,, lts: 't; 1 tOUlSBDBa. H. 0. F1U practice in all the Courts yt :tb State OlHce UfCourt House. . 0. M. UOOKB ft SOU, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, . " lOUlSBTTBe. K. Ci V - i Wia attend the courts of .Nash, Franklin, iir&nvllle. Warren mi a waKecoauaes,aicso&tf -Qpreuie Court of North Carolui, ana the V. S. clroait and Distxiot Court. v . ( r i( DR.J.E. M ALONE, ' 1 .? . ' , ; , , ; ; ? J-' rjiACTICIO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOU1SBUEQ, S. C. - OUlce over Stokes & Furgurson's. ..r, i. ii-i-.-iiiaat Soooad In the Land la Govcrnmemtal Vic Presi.t ('Mere Yig- Clevis cf tlie House Sometime a Kir.Iity Kau-Story of John Qaincy Aaaras-rlie Cart Before the Horse. Exit of tlie Colored Coosreiiraaa, Despotic Action .of Trusts G. o. P. Torn by Dissension Slsna of the , T!ucs. - ' - . . - Special Washington Letter. J'Tis done! The Fifty-seventh ."con gress Is organized and is now ready for business. It is an impressive scene to witness the organization of the most powerful legislative body In the world, for much of happiness or woe hangs upon its action and nonaction in the two' ensuing years. Over in the house, where everything is burnished and new second ; place". wouia rather be elected to tha presl dency than to Inhej-it it by death, but It is better to reach the presidency in the latter way than not at all, so here after candidates for V. r. will be plen tiful as berries In June. How ; many are ambitious to win nn f.rtirrnT famely accomplishing something not-j able for their countrymen X ".All, I hope, 1 fWYr many are carrying concealed about their- jtersoiis axes which they desire to : grind? Too ,.ciany,." I fear. How many upon taking stock-at Tiigli noon March 4, 19G3, wiU Cnd that they have done the country any good or Increased theirowu fatnc?? None raay tell. l Let us hope that all will Ro-find..: - Speaks Before Teliirg Cath. Z From the foregoing it will be observ ed " that the speaker jdeii 'vers his in augural address before he takes the oath of office, which looks like the old and condemned performance of put ting the cart before the horse' TVhere- fore? I never heard but one explana tion for this reversal -of-what appears to be the natural order of procedure, and that was by a cynic, wholedared that by making his speech before--Le Burning Tebacc. A rtriTaliit caniej A. Ws- -c l it been rrrachir. in Koir.fAc, Ya, and aavlsicg tie frrr.rri to l-rn their tolcco crop ia order to ari I burning thcm5elve ia the r.ul world. llatthe-w Jvcarrf, a rt!l known farcer, crcpticd ri-lt I -rr.i which were filled with Cne tola-xo, piled it ia one immense heap, invit ed hu neighbor ia -and then fl fire to the whole crop. It wa val ued at 13,000. The other far:- -r. howcTer, are tellicr thtir to' n. badly ripped np rthe front as tlie Democrats ever wcr In faet, they are Lab'e to re-enact for the amusement of mankind the famous and belligerent role of the cats cf lillkenny., More power tq their claws! Up in Wisconsin the G. O. P. U divided luto two warring factious, the La Fcl- f lettiles .- and . the Anti-lJi FoIIetUte. whose. hatred Is as bitter and lritciui cilable as that of the Guclphs and -jnew d(isks, new carpets, new furni- was sworn- the-speaker had pteater 'ture promptly at high noon, Washing- latitude in making promises. - It may uulcu iu passmg iuai me presiuem also delivers his inaugural and then takes the oath. It is a strange historic B, E. S. FOSTER, r-RAUTICINa PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Louiflborg, IL C. - I . fit 4 i ' . S Offlce over Aj4ocke.Irnir Contlany.! i VV M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-IAW, V IU1SBUS, K. C Will practice in all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in the supreme Court, and lu the United Stales .District and Circuit Courts. . - . Oince lu cooper and Clifton BuildinK. - ' fjHOS. B. WILDKK, . " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . ' LOtnSBtTBe, X. 0. Cralce on Haln street, over Jones ft Cooper's .tore. . : ' " i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - LOCISBUBO, V. C. , Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake coantHs, ak the Supreme Court of North Carolina, Prompt attention elven to collections -. : OUlce over JSgertofl's Store : i g v ATTORNBT AND- COUNSELLOR AT LAW, utnsB0Be s. a. ton time, Major McDowell of Pennsyl vania, .clerk of the house, ascends to tlie speaker's pulpit, seizes the speak ers gavel, calls the horfte to-order and requests -the . blind chaplam. Dr. Cou den. to pray, which-he does fervently, pathetically and In extenso, after wiich General David Bremner Hender son of Iowa, upon being, re-elected Weaker J ascends to his lofty perch, lays hold of his gavels delivers hia in hngural. Hakes the Oath and becomes the second most powerful personage In the land, for in point of power the vice president is not to be compared to the speaker. "The V. P, is a mere figure bead. Old Ben Franklin wittily, pro posed n name him "your superfluous highness." He is at best .a waiter for a dead man's shoes, while the speaker Is a mSst potent factor in legislative cnd.r;ovei'nmental affairs. General Hen derson Is 'the picture of health as he returns his thanks for the high honor just bestowed. i -. ' --" Two Blind Chaplains.' - - Over in the senate, which is a con tinuing body, President Pro Tern. Wil liam P.. Frye of Maine called to order the eighty -eight .senators from forty four states, the forty-fifth Delaware being unrepresented -because of Ad dicks 'and his boodle. Senator Frye asked the blind chaplain. Dr. Milburn. to pray, osvich he did with great unc tion, eloquence, learning and lang pow er. : ""One of Dr. Milburn's most elabo rate prayers is equal in. conrprehensive pess to a president's message. Hlg .prayer, "st the: opening of the- session Iras' n Krea fuiietienr ; ; - t -j s"; . It v,-fl be" cbserveof from the forego irsg thni"bcth the chaplaln'of the house and his brother of the senate are blind as bats.J I have often wondered wheth er it is another case of the blind lead ing the blind aDd all tumbling Into the ditch together. "We- get there often eioieh any way..: Dr. Milburn has a eer Jjatt4-wbenever he meets a per- f(m-jvnonl netnows, or wnen new in troduced to a stranger, be shakes hands cordially! rand says in a most cheery voice, "I am glad to see your; Just as truth that at least two presidents took the oath of office privately before be ing sworn m puuiicm; They were Hayes and Arthur, 'nayes because Sunday was the 4th and he was ndt publicly installed till Monday, the Cth, and because of the Tildeu-Hayes con test. : GeneraUArtliur prudently took the oath at once privately upon being notified of Garfield's death, as-his was tile only; life between the poople and no government. Exit the Colored Conjrres-iiuaW ' The Fifty-seventh' ccngress 'la nota ble for the fact that It is the first con gress since : reconstruction days In which no colored man sits in either house or senate. Last . February Mr. White of . North Carolina delivered-in the house what he waspleased to de nominate the ""valedictory address" of the colored race and predicted that he was the last colored man who would sit in congress for a genc?ratto?i. Per haps who knows? in less time than that some northern constituency will send a colored representative to con gress. ' ' "" ; ""Queer Faciilcation. , . - ;it is high time that Otis, MacArthUr or some ether commanding general Is sue another" pronunciamento declaring for the' severalth time that the war Is over in the Philippines; otherwise peo ple will wonder at the curious order of General Smith, which makes It neces sary for every soldier iu-the Islands of ' Samar andeyte to sea to it that he is never separated from his arms, even at mealtime. No matter how inconven ient It may- be, he.is to eat breakfast. dinner and supper-with h's guivTeside him 1 and his cartridge belt buckled about bis waist. Queer pacification. thatl . . - Oaaseroct The signs of the times Indicate that the trusts have entered upon a course of uncalled for and idiotic despotism- which may lead to their undoing a consummation devoutly, to be wished and that Is. to persistently delay the Prompt and painstaking attention given to I though he had two good eyes. He also fining 0f orders. The New York Jour- ReLrtoChfJehdfH bas published a very entertaining book M, of Commerce says .i. a oht w Winston. Hon. i. cvl pntii-ierl f'What a Blind Man Saw In I Haxtoii, rre. rirat rtauoun xu t Enroce." I d passing XI may :oe Btaieu WSSS Sat both Dr. Milbu and Dr. Couden Office ln'court House opposite Sheriff's. yy. H. PERSON, ' - ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Praetiee m all 'barts.? Offleei 18 Neal I Boll ding. .".iilUHHKt. w. H YARBOROUQH, JB..; are most delightful companions and manage to extract much pleasure from life notwithstanding .they cannot see the beauties of this earth. i " . Clerk With the Biff Head. If wiUlie observed, from the forego ing that Major McDowell, clerk .of the bouse in the last congfess, called the bouse of the' Fifty-seventh - to order and presided tiU the speaker was sworn in., ror, tnouga mciwueu very thir II. Xctci; , in cn c'S- and the ;i- fraail. . He hM i fore ti:? attci r.v' Sorac rears no John preferring that some one c Ghibelllhesi and which la opening up I tour 1 -r. i - f V r. . , to redeem the state. . Senator Spooner's chances for re-election ta Hi house of the . conscript fathers are involved. It being generally taken and accepted that Governor La Fo'lt ttc Las his covetous eye fixed on the fcpocner toga which Intensifies the feud. Out in Minnesota Governor Van Sunt, a Republican, Is cutting such capers before high heaven touching the latest and vastest trust vmovemeut the .con solidation of several of the largest rail roads In the country that be. causes the cold chills to chase each otht r vp and down the spinal columns of several Republican statesmen. - Van Sant wants to scotch perhaps kill that parth-ular trust, while the average Republican statesman knows that to kill the trusts is to kill the party deader than a smelt. deader than a doornail, deader than Governor Leslie M. Shaw's pres'den- tial boom. Hence the average Repub lican statesman who makes to himself friends of the Mammon of unrighteous ness gazes upon Governor Van Sant and his antics In open mouthed 'Konder and regards that worthy functionary as fit for a strait waistcoat and a padded ccIL - Without being a prophet or the son of a prophet it Is 6afe-to predict that the result of the Van Sant crusade against the trusts will be- nil; but while the Republican leaders and the federal courts may be able to souekh Governor Van Sant and his nntltrubt movement, he -may create such dissat isfaction among the rank and file by his wild gropings after Justice that tho state or Minnesota may go Democratic, a consummation devoutly to be wisLeC Especially is that a reasonable prog nostication when it Is remembered that ex-Governor and ex-Senator Washburn, a powerful personage, shows Indubl- on liu son a. a star ??dv.jcnl!ed "Arabian performance was bjid, ices were grotesquely occh was undaunted. I to brinrr his son bc- l ; notice. or die in tha :..-'i.v.- list stand of the '.i Lancaster, N. Y a vil- e Democrats j lae of about 3,000 population lj ator Johu'd ih j ten miles onfsidV of Buffalo. Iho day of tho performance Meech came to a youns man in Buffalo 'ALL1 OVER THE H s-t Part cf H:.i;rk. Br fji'.-ra HZ I r troll r 5 tu cf tho niar.T Lit!-? W. tc U W hid tt trr cot t?n ilhwMhiZ. r.. cicrocj Cz'.y cf C. hcl? r?j'i- cf h :-: ore a 1 c r. cca. t w!. c--!c-t cr!; it crdi tw'.l-: 1 of ill wcr. ;-r -rJr at t! way th -r.j l-s IA- t ., . .. burn it auer they ret t lie rrwo.T for it. : St. Luls Nutcrackcra.- In St. Loci tho r.utcrarkin ia duBtry rites cmp!oyrr.ent to a con siderable number of pcror.. Tl i rc are thre plants in the citr. iht nutcrackers are driven bv clcctric- itj, each nnt being fed indiviJcAilv into the crasher. After the i!.c!'. are cracked the nuts are winnowpd by an air blast, and the meat is ricked from the cracked sb!L b aio 1. , ..... ' named Kvcr-on and requested hU cornea ana gtru being cm- fit ll.c performance. So tlvJ lul Vi .1 1 presence ot II. Kverson journeyed to Lancaster. When he entered tho theater, there were about "03 persons, all ia evening- dross, in the house. Lverson afterward srjd that he never saw a worse performance in his life and never a more enthusiastic audience. Almost every line met with a hearty laugh or .boisterous applause. At the cuEcluslon of each act the per fonacr3 were called before the cur tain. Still vonderinjr, Everson walk ed ont to tlie front of the house after the performance. Meech met him and told him that two special trolley cars were waiting to take the audience hf:ne. "Are all these pee- On Mare "L."" The Belle riaice (Kan.) Defend er remarks: "Horseless carnars wireless teierraphy, t-mokclos pvr. der, hornless cattle, seedless rsm-i and brainless dudes hare long l- n the.TOgne, but this tear the t,l teems to have taken hold of t!? farmers all OTer the country, n::J they have raised earless corn. Tapped Um ftts. Farmers about Cortland,. N. Y., a prohibition district, were puz:.ci to find that their hands rot dmr.k without any risible lionor su?r!t. i-t: u.-.ra u a r:;t y t a; cotr-pllih thU txk with out iijir.;, ah ! at it nriit ro on ir. ttrrilr.atlr, t a r- xUr cr nt I tczt, ia all ivnti the rirht way U well w-ri?u Vr.3ir.r. lit rrct fho-l ir.Ul cf cr.i, as is the coir.;cn rricv, w;.h th c-xl-izx Kt'T- Jf -. "Ccan as yoa j" ii the lao'.ta ev ery co--k hou!l cvr.j-i-rt:tior:Iy fid low. There U r.o wir r-norr. y ef tin:e, to iay rolhirg of UVor. As toin as the ccsUr-ts cf a p-'t or raa are t-rr.c! u.to the Kmrr .h t! s. -.0 i h-. I at be pl ? -;:i- ha-k to BafTalo tonight?" V J Ti 7 , . i . UZ Krcr.on. "Oh, yes," answer- P1?, h'd U the .ilo for the cd Mccch. "I brought them with to1 rrc corneUlk , which. r.:e. I bound to have an audi- raent rnakes a hquor Uhat m er.ee." "Well, what-what were tho Pt lt most lemb'.e BSSBSBBBBaSBBMMBBBBBBBBBBBaBSSBBWaSSBBSSBSB wajihci, wir-cd a-1 rlc-l on the back of the rar.,7c ti dry thoro--ly. Thii cin ar. 1 t--ccU.!f cccocirliihrd if wire d.hrg ail rt scrar-r cr tc-I. " If, as il $orr.cur:;x the es e. thii p!an ii rot tu,V.c, .'A each tcu1 with miUt ar,d cTer clt'y, thi rrca.?y cue w-.ih 1. i wUr, V-t in th.c;i err. t?Vit or ar.r C-t:r ciiturc hss la eocf-l tk"cc!d ;tor. In t-.e UlUr ir.- tar.ee Lot water woH xrvo ei!? to form a crjst ar. 1 triVe the wort cf cleaner? do-l!r hard. iron cr porctuia lir.-i te;i are r t f c r coo Uagta rpts. Tn. brasi tr.d corrr are ill a be af- fect-l by r-,U. oil ar.l ',!, it. I in the r.ar.hi cf the cart!-i are very Car:r rou. Tin tcj: ahoall be Kick jc zzd he Lilts yru He Uts you ar.d ) ou luck Lis. The more ycu ludc the ncre he V.'.zs ar.d the rr.crehs L'lta the rr.crc rcu kick. Eodi rrakes the ether went. A thin tod nukes thij Llood. Thin Llood roika a thin body. Each nukes the r li there is o:r: to Lc a cLir.g the help muit corr.c from outiidc Scott's Erauliicn is the HLt hc!p. It breaks cp such at combination. First it sets the right. Then it en riches the tiood. That strcr.thcrs the body sd it begins to grow crrar fiesh. A strong body nukes .rich blood ar.d rich blood nukes a strong body. Each nukes the ether b-ctter. This istheirsT Scott's Emulsion puts the thin body on its feet, Nctt it can get alcr.g by itstli IConeed ci median e. 1X1 m.tg Pi 1 1 Is L . a4 is CU actual receipts" tonight, if I may askr" continue! Everson. - "Two dollars . ai'd twenty-five cents," re pIiLil Mooch. "You pee. I couldn't char.j my jucf ts." And the entire auuieiue catered the cars that Mccch had chartered and returned to Buffalo. , " ;Two Tnlngs In His Favor. ,C 'JT - 3 krrst fr.- fmt r-:t TT-t r i Il ' n be eecorr.rluhfd br mlV.zz tletaiL IV 1 wt:i Lt:i lh Uri then , M 1 ! iUr. dir.g thra in the oven t-.'.:l V K 7 I i I lu rc thcrer: -L!t Lot h W.rc LyVOUUUOia VrUl U lUvy r.-r-;r rot or."r ta t- . rTrAx a a h"l " Ut -!.. b-t scott ft totrxi; yjc si t aZ irttz hi i!'4.jjn of t;zfir a: trVCS -Tn-tisA .of the bouse Jn the Fifty-seventh, $ fte had not be . LOUISBURa.K. c. : Offlce ia Opera House DUilding, Court street All lira.l business fntrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. - i. i I i'-.J "i ' n. I DENTIST, LOtJISBUBa, N. C. Om t ot Aicockk Dnvo CoMPAirr. With an experience of twtnty-flve years a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession.. ', -' that complamt spread and inti mates that the "delay Is deliberate pol Icy on the part ot tha trusts rather than Inability to fill tlr ordei-s. One dealer Is thus quoted: . - ' - - I wish to call your attention ta.a phase ol the trust derelopment to which I hs not as yet seen any illusion. ' I thick If you wHl iiiVesrisate you "will find that all trusts make a policy ot restrict ing production to a point which l.repj them oo an average orersold from one to throe wrefcs. . Be fore trusts were formed la. ear business we. rarely ever had delay In filling orders of orer forty-eight hours on any kind of merchandise, but now. it Seems impossible to have our orders on sugar, alt, tobacco and certain cereal produced by the American Cereal company fiiltd with any kind of promptness, end during the past year the delays have been in iD2ny instances orer three weeks, causing a grant deal of demoralization. I. under stand that the leather men and the steel men are having the eame trouble, and consequently de moralization, because the leather and tteel trusts are" oversold In their producuMronTtbree weeks to-' a month. This delay in filling orders mutt cause the general business public serious loss. To a , mere. looker "on in Vienna It would appear that such conduct un justifiable and ruthless would raise up opposition to them. Shakespeare says something about it being a fine thing to havea giant's strength, but tyrannous to use it after the condemned manner of a giant, a remark which the paper, va3 u.mns lately with a liter cry dinin; club in London; one of who?o rule is that each member should introduce his smestsIormsllT table signs of a desire to re-enter pub-n(1 ia Eet .hra,0 to tbe cornpny. 5i?M "J5Trr" This unusual custom appealed to Twftiit, and when it came to his turn to return thanks he referred to it eHlotii-tica!ly. "I hke it, he drawled, "for it re minds r.ie of a time I lectured in a little ;to.;-n in the Kockics. My chairman, vas a well tj do 'cow puncher, who found the situation evidently irki ime.. 'I'm told I must introduce tLii yer man tT-c, boys, he sail. Lut .1 can onlysce two thirds Ln l.U favor. One is that he's nevcrH.ecn in jail and the other U that I dm t know whv, and then be sat down," as Mark Twain did. A Practical Joke. 0re cf fio mojt popular play wrights in l'arii was recently a vic tim cf a practical joke. In order to ret peace and quietness to finish a play he -a-cat to a country town.v At the static, to his astonishment, he was received with hooting and also Mark Twain, says a London neTS- ,pr',:nUi)0cB,t L!,C! then to U nnl wt".l ani cartf Sant' In his effort to pose as a trust buster. , In Pennsylvania, if ex-Governor Ro! ert D. Pattlson succeeds In rnb-injr the $200,000 necessary to Investigate lec tion frauds In Philadelphia, we will behold the unusual and exb!larathi spfcctacle of the complete overthrW jOjthe Quay tins. All good citizens will wish Covernor Tattison and his co adjutors success in tbclr pious and laudable undertaking. They at lest have courage. - - . . "' ... Slgas of Dlsiatrcrallon. P.urit is here In vTashlngtou where the signs of-Jtepubllcan disln terra Con are the plainest and most abundant. U Is largely tb.west against tbe east Western Republicans fear annihilation unless congress busts tbe trusts aud re vises tariff rates down, while the east ern Republican contingent hs'fina as a rock 1n favor of maintaining tbe pres ent statusand the latter stand to win, in wjilcb event the great agricultural northwest Is liable to go Into a state of Insurrection and to send enough Dciuj cratie congresKmeno Washington nest year to control the bouse. In the -meantime Hon. Sorono C Payne & Co. are betwixt the devil nnd the deep. sea with the whisky meu.de-' manding a reduction of $G0.00O.C0O an nuallySnd tbe beer men demanding a reduction-of $40,000,000 annually. Hon. Sereno & Co. could be bnppy "were either dear tTbarmer away." but ad in terim they are Ia the.6lough of de f pond." HOTELS. r m ANKLINTOJS HOTEL yEAITKLINTON, N.C. SAWL -MERRILL, Prp'r. - i flood accomodation for the traveling, pablie. - .-- f Good Livery Attached. M1SSENBURG HOTEL. . r . r : - j .. ; J 1? JjJtassonburar ' Propr; . . . - . i . .. ' - '- HENDEBSdII, llr ,0. been elected when he called the house to order and presided on the 2d Inst., and be performed those acts as the retiring clerk of the Fifty-sixth under.a rule of the house. Ordinarily ;his'dt:ty in that; regard Is purely per Ifua'ctory aiid speedily ends; but where "there is a deadlock in the election for speaker, as has sometimes been the ease,-the clerk in his role of presiding officer of the house becomes a person age of vast power, and he. sometimes becomes somewhat obstreperous. In one ' of the last congresses In which inhri Oninev Adams sat after he ceas ed to-be president-there was a bitter tmst magnates would do well to pon- and long drawn out struggle in tne uer. veu ue .wwuj,m iuin m ias4 election of a speaker, extending over as they may discover, to their sorrow. Several VeekSi .'The'elerk, as presiding General Lew Wallace Dlsprantled. rer,- "was doing a large political stunt : - General Lew Wallace.-" author of aod acduired a h acute case of big head. en-Hur,M- "The Prince of I ndla," He lorded it over tbe house much as et(Tf alg0 wants to be vindicated as to Aid Oooi Thomas Brackett Reed when mijitary career. Unlike "Colonel speaker tbe first time. Finally .Mr. jtussei however, be does, not apply to Clerk flatly refused to put some mo- e war department, but to the Society Jidn ' otfered ' by :John Qulney, which Df tb Army of -the Tennessee. Geuerr nade4 that . Irascible ' and testy oiq TifiW vanta a committee to decide .statesman mad through and through, j Whether he was to blame for getting Members ;sat speechless with amaze- i jost Qn tte march to Shiioh on the nrst I meat aott seemeu iw miuu ium u,: r flay. The commirree reiuse.u uia o- SATS HE WAd TOKTCRED. "I suffered such pains from corns 1 eoold hardly walk" writes II. Robinson, Hillsborough Ills, bot Baoklen s Arnica Salve completely cared tbm." Acts like maeio ' on sprains braises cats seres scalds bnros boils ulcers. Perfect healer rot skin diseases and pil-s.' Care troaran teed by M. K. & V. li. Pleaasnta 25c. It sometimes happens that love is the only widsom of a fooh' dl?eUnta and dlU all kinds cf rood. It rives Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food yoo waot. Tee mmt setuuive stomachs can take It. I'f Its ue rranr iooQanis or criperU'i have tca cared afur averythlctr tle failed. Il prerrnV formation of gason tbettn avh, relleTloj all dUlrv after eat lr. Dieting CDOecrtMry. PlcL&inl to Uk. lt czn't help in a n.t. i'HEIiLESS STLUI COOIIE L'tfu!fta of Lm. If yoti Kate a throtbir : tnlarh ..ce a lessen ar.d rib the b.u oir tr.e trow 14 ib p;n w-i 5.n a.y. If jiT hair t tiZ.Tz c: rub i'.. of !crao:i th?rc -jrhly Hia the rco'. ar. 1 o; tie with- but do yoa rood I l"" th? Uil ':fr1" "jrJ face ar.i r.:-k errry r.'-ht tzl j:t wul rrue in the jma yosr c-i.i.rr.. Mix !-rrin jive ar. 1 jr.n, r-.S TbUU tbetlaecf aJl Ubh evtry Leokt?r slti larw Ta H. hvu wtalas li uania awe Ajcockc Uruj Coapacy. p jf I El: Music is the ooivemt lacgoige ol coaokiod. Loaf ktllow. , Cmraw IU attain ortAtArrh Ihixnixh theXUood. Con N'ocblas; to Try. VToa4 yo lika l gt ri ( last trn rnevasaUaai (iiM(f eatTh frf Tbra take a VotUe ! S4aai U-l iVa-. watch fee -arl UiMds kf rl- rw thai ha4 rau4 doctors aa4 tvUit arcUr- eiae trvauaeau Boiaaie UkKHl IWIas (Q. U. E.) ewrs thr(h tk tlovd tT dnlrvj it t lh toiaa wcu.a its atsl act ia lie bos, Joiau, aaw;j a44ta aa4 bk. swellea Klaacs.aawklaf.apiuiac. fc4 b rii, 1 r x 4, aartc( ,lau sui.t a perfect ear. Baai 14 him ih.r s(bly Wat4 fr SO vtara. Casipsstl t4 para lioUaia Drar. ! rtJ y aaia s take ty el4 aai yr- Ctracr-ata, f 1. Tr-al Ueauaeal frea ay wrillcf 1m4 tUlm I AUaata, lis. iacib troatla aai fr taeUicaJ a4riw gitrta aatit ear 4. iV-a"! give ap aopt bat five B.U.B-. wtick aaaks ue tlool pare aa4 rwa aad eauaa 11 ta I "aJl raa doaa,"- UrA k-sy. R. B. U. aukw U blood mx. fiviD tat aaoa ia rca ciw I ot part tel kealta. e? are r. t'? r.Tto.1 nr Urr oil . tsi i w.;; we- '.it at their dss.i2 wL.Vr.a.. If voa 1.11 a Wirt cr a ti .:- cm, rz'j brr "n j e- ,?h c-. l.r.r tti xt l.i dtjir.- ta t- c-v-qii'..s ;ih the lich (f 9r I'.lU yc.ow f L Tit rtaVft ccatitlitee cf all Ls the rsaijLrs FriAaf Ooctxa. It sates TIME,' LXI02, JXXL aad FCOD. Aey ej-aaUljr f fr tlal U tnpUi qsariecf watar V-t'liti; will U tbe ce cf Tttxijm liii?. j. aIttjoixjls. A c-t cf t lie A a. The backbiter nevcT baa toy decaf- ed teeLh" by a Met cf fr ksow how a ul tr.:tfl Itrn litujh cin retire the wrary : ach. If to? i cn a 4'.er vja;?. yoa czit ccrtali.y tale it uh j&a. far r-ro Utr.zn y.:t wJi rost all iJi.r.i arl i'ai .eldest. Cara of P U eta. The frit tl'r. rcnry t tc? boaje rljr.ti ii the trr; inU-n ef the -.!. It U ri 1 that a rol is rvadi It p-lt;r. leather e-. -il parts cf the thrte fv'.!oin th-rp: 5od frn tho til s cf a Urrri.-J. warn, tuttrr. ha tr. ;.litUT.ca, Isarm riiiEj IE mznn un LociiEcr.0. rf. a r;i rr.tt rntj iihoi I Hi t'X 11 kl aa awraj.vr Urn tva IfUnlM Xm-m rilatl IWrw well ratted r-a:.ure ccd leaf rzt'l fr?a the woo!i, or crth frca th iniide cf aa o!dtree or it:r.?. Add a small car.tity cf ssnd. tcr cac- nCALTII AD CEATVT. A poor eooaplciloa U usosIIt the r. aott of a torpid Utar ol ImjfoUr actios otthobowala, Uala aatora's ft ae la I carried c5 It will faralyeaoao Impor bocld. PimcUa. bolls sad othararsp- tiona follow. This U sator method 4 j tz.i put &$ r.-:a n 1 as of ether tbrowioa ol ths poWoos which tho bo-. Catcru'.i izl a little f r.e clarccal. eia laiiaa to raioovw. ltw n tvt im Early lUawrs sro world fa moos for ra driaf this ecadlUoa. Tber fUcaolat tbe liroT aed prooaoaa rag alar aad taalvb r action ox tho bowels but aoter case g-riplag, cramps or dlatresa. 8afa plUl. Ay 00c la vrojc to. "Duty deferred until tomorrow in sures defeat and leads to sorrow." A .T. SDell wanted to attend a nafir, but whs afraid to do-rro on account of paius in kis stomach, which he feared would grow worse. He says, "I was telling my trouble t? a? lady friend, who said: t hamberl.inV Colic, Cholera acd Diarrhoea lUmedy will putvouin conditiou for the party ' I bon?Ut a bo'tttle and take pleasure in stating that twx doses cured me and enabled me to have a good time at the party." Mr. !?nell it a resident of Summer Hill. K. Y. This rem edy is for Sale by M.K. fc F. R. TlcasauU. flood accommodations. Good fare; lita and attentiTa aarraas- . tWrenrtoB. NORWOOD HOUSE f V 1; clerk refused to put tbe motion tne bottom bad dropped out., the end had come and the jig was up.. Not so JoDn Qulney. however. He shouted: with rage, 'IT1 put the question myself." And. jumping to tbe top of his desk. tyellcd: "All infarorof the motion say 'Aye!' "All opposea say 'ayr in ayes have UP- And thus "the Old Mao ElcRuent as he was called, rebuked a fc i - headed Clerk: and proka a deadhjek. -Jiothing like 'beIngQual.te. W. gency, you know. There wasu eense in Dan ton's famous motto, : L AtM dace r li'Audacel Trou jours L'Audace But Major McDowell, present clerk f r rill 0 frl 51 modest jovial, obliging gentleman and m nowise resembles the clerk whom John Qulney Adams felt W. j. NORWOUD, irprieior. Patronage of Commercial vrellog aUlo BoUcited. Toorlffta and quest and also refused to publish the: old -soldier's letter, which Is said to have been.a decidedly hot number. Strange that the general baa waited thirty-two years to clear up that great mystery which has caused so much heartburning and so much, of crimina tion and recrimination. Did Oroueby fio his duty at Waterloo? Ought FLtz John Porter t have been shot for his Conduct at the second Bull. Run? Was General Lew; Wallace lost on his vnj to Sbiloh ? . are- questions ? which will cause old" soldiers to fight and with which civilians have no license to med dle.-;- - ' . - - . . . A la ParrM. ( It appearfi'that old age Is not neces sarily productive of wisdom, also that Colonel William Cabie t-resion xrecH. UU".""-.-.r'-- 7 " , J lf.(nf IJOlOnei V UUUUU uiur..iw- caUad'upon.to, squelch.; Indeed of Kentucky, like the- famous McI)f,weU,rather shrinfesTfom the von- too mu,b e tine duty fit callingthe house Prdey JJ .RecentI Between " condolence and consola tion fljws the ocean of tears. : - f h J- T . FAMILY JARS are more often tbe reeolt of indiges tion than anythiog else. Dvspeptiea are usnally irritable, nervous, cranky indi viduals who make trouble for all thoms around them. Dr. Loyal Ford's Dy epep- ticide makes th stomach ripht and re stores health and happi Dtrfi8 ia the Lou 36- hold.. M. K.-F. R. Plesants. r If the victims remain sirgla there can be.no otj;ctions to love at sight. OF BENEFIT tO YOU. . P. S. Mitchell, Fulord. Md : "Darinir a long illness I was troubled wib b d sores was a adritk-d to try DeWiU's W11 eh ' Hazel gave and did so with won derfol resolta. I was perfectly elred. It is the best salvo on . the market-" Sore core for piles sores turns. Beware cf counterfeits. Ayeucke Drag Co. "and holding speuker. ' -Axes to Grind. 1 vnr-' t as 1 looked over the new ho'-i -and .took a eaoint At the new sen-j even if he has a tly- there was a labor conveiition at Lexington, ana uie 1 . on t.i Rn'v.ileiiiort I . , . 1.1. I Firhrirnr. Macpa In hp a uirln.i There is, however, a limit at which tha mayor's ST';CCU .nnthpr snciseh of welcome, which he j Edmund Barke, . WA3 EECCIVED III A CHOWP. cordial shakes of the hand from a crowd of entire strangers, lie found his villa surrounded by a great throng, and his appearance was the signal for hooting and cheering. In despair he went to the mayor of thcJ.own, who calmly informed him that ho was Dreyfus ia disguise- Slept White the Kaiser. Preached. 'Emperor William of Germany prcach.33 sermons .occasionally on uonrd his yacht, the Kohcnzollcrn, and the story is told that a sailor was once brought to book for sleep- in; let kr before ed was COUGHS A.ND COLDS IX CHILD RUN Recommendation of a Well Known Chlcaxo Physician. I ate aod preseriba Chamberlain's Cocc' Remedy for tmott all obstinate, eooairictru eooRba, with direct reaalu. Irtcnvi. to eblldreo cf all age. Am f lad to rrcom mead it to ail ia need aad saek relief frn eulda axsd eoag as aad broacbial aSretioo It ia Bon-oarcoue and ami ia Ua baaxis ol tbe most aDprofesaioaai. A aattersal ra- aawa for all msnkiad. Uri. Mary K.' M To rr.aVe !.: p.ar.ts crow a most etrrlhr.t thizz it said to be to saturate the rarth arorsi then every dar with the ccTce left OTtr at brcakfait. Fire lo sit dr-7 cf srr.ncr.: t" every pint of water once a week wi'.l make ho..-e plants Ci-rbh. A S way to kcp prar.icr.s in winter i t! take the rhtsU ot cf their poti, trim oJ the Icitcs and 1 outer 1 rir.c;,. , :.ake cZ a J th-j oil from the root, har. then in t-ar-ch'.-, mti upward, in a dry. r. jr. nntrn. tv l S IllikUJ, J a TH-Jsf i W. l!UI, C H tli HTlUat. t. w. r : Ki-rr. w. w. t W.J. kit lit. Is'. mat aS mm Vpaikf o4 MsarC la tUl. Loaaw sa3e arTWvwl awswHty. lendy, U.V Dt Cbldajo, Ll. Tb.s remedr it for aalo bv U. K. A F. K. Pie- anta. A live beat has a hundred per cent, more terrors than a dead one." dark closet or ctl'.ar where they cannot le touchc-J by the froL In the sprisr rtpct thctn in c;ool rich soil. A Co-jawet cf Hcrta. In French cock cry l-:ks we are cfun dirccte-3 to r.e "a Lvi-ct of hcrK" in a-.akir. little d.l. TJ.e terra is pcrp'ex;::; to the Kr-ikiUe-J cook, sr.! Kt r.-.rj I f'i 1 to know EEKCERSC1 TILEPHCIE C3. Gsjirjua. ScrxDrrxrcaatT! Ornau IlrsttKAc, K. Dec 3, 1 tO. TL- corspasy t?-s to acnotseV that tho follow 122 towrj smtw txrw' ' cooo-tI ty Co ozg dia-tAoe awr k. and tho rwe temriti pstLd will t !!rtiT0 03 aid Cr:Ic -3rd, 103: rnoktrLouiSECxa to !nar::r.to3. o0.Vaahvl, 25 ! City. Oitord. 1j narkaTi, SJ Pet f 3 Dana. 40 Ilocky Mor;t,S3 I3rh:tn3t S rVotland NJtt 40 'during the royal sermon. "Oh. Ati.s'W Pct" PhUlies- of par-'ey, a ricre cf thyrce. lfE';B it VlVC the poor fellow ofT. said the I bar N. J. has tratad Uonvaritacf Foley I a l.tt'.e li ci rarur. a ly lea., a , . . user when the matter was brought Uonoy ad Tar with this molt: 1 ; havr co-'e of c'.ots an! sotr.e p 7 ; i)utt.J' ' in WarrratJa 2.1 him. IIc lias been punisli- 1 rt?y a .a cores. The r arity Is n;rd 'tu.W 20 WaaUtrtJau 43 enough a!rcdy. Besides, it 5.rLu: fo.nJ Ik cr hc:U 1 llnd Hi?h 1'oiaf.. M V,ica; li ;n t raucli ot a sermon, anvhow. I beat thina-of tho klad I karo or swJ u four, j lu. iii.:ioro, w 03, rJ y.trrrr. A Uui ian's Awful IVrlL " ii-.-r- tuctp to save your hlo i k1' an operation were liu- f r' i; ; r.is heard by Mrs. f. I'. Iiuriti t l.nue I.je, jri fro u her doctor he bad v,i:cly tried to enre ber .of a fritfi'tful c.:-c cfstoir-arh trouble anj ytl liwj t:icfli. . (ia'i clones bad formed acd he cimtiUit! v irrcw worse. Then jhe be. sran to tie l.U ctrie Ilittrs a hich wholly cured her. lt a wondtrfal Momicb, Lirer and Kidnry remeiir. Cure 'ysppia. Loss of p;'s.'e. I ry it. V)-ly f eta. i'u -tr.wu.-cd. ' l".r sale by 21. K." i F. B. I'leajitnl. this- aod I eaooot aay too ta oca ta prabo cf it aL K. & F. IL naaBU. Tbe want of comraoa seas ta wone than the need of copper ceaL'- A G..r touih !"U IFfBS lif ;sjtt. Jo9 cKi, Asstro I a.1 I i4 Ctest-?Ula CrS t" a rr t r.t l.c.rt. I I ba - m rri 1-r iMm tar. I li; ih at is good for nuk.cg excuses 13 S J' Frackl.n. , i.t aiythicg else h.ur? c..cL.e. : ar,i t: . Haw DeiA Near. "It oftea snad toy beart ache." writ I. C Overstreel. of I :.ui, Ttaa, U tear tny wife eougtt aaul it taed br wrass an4 sora loa;i wald eoliapsct. Ci v&d doewn aid she w o fa too I'.h C.niswptj.a ihml no med.cma or earthly b:p euM v. ber, bat a triced recomra.odad IV. k.!r' New I'i.eovrry and pTittat ee cf It eie!lnt mediciaa st i fcrr Lf." It's ab Sfitrlr r-armnted ir Cocrhs, C"U, I'.rt.Bcl. '.::, Attha aal all Thmat aaJ t M. K. A .ctHtr. . i. -,.aw i osrc, f.t rl frtS r.JU. sod h t tCj'Ur. t r0 i f U H i"' ri ! Va lxt'?!. a?.'f. u It... r. 4r is .ci 1 b x' art: -oMtit, a r --e iv a ; ; t ..- COl It r.'. X - r". 1- 1'lta.aaU. TrJ fcr.'.Ue frt. A c 5. e .. - vr : cr - y't II "- "7 it lT .... 1 ' .- T ' ' t ... ... er ta r. c.Tor.rLrjiAN, ci fr;u DON'T FORGET y: -r liar, c? arvtl'.sr That wbea ji w c'ti, Eai-y, T.'ar ia tl:s l.u re 7 a iro i yea f. i rao rear tho rir kr'.is ea l' rit ilio cf ITaia sL-ett. i . L- JT AT. ! re r.s , V 1 .1 t': .1: f--: Cood gaunrlclUoora.