. 1 I Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Gso. S. Basse, Snpt. ' preaching ataL A. ;M.. and 8 P. M. wry Sanday. ; f Prayer meeting Wednesday" nihtiM - - m. x , n.rLMuraBtorr baptist, v. flnndnv School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. WiLDBaTSapfc Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. -, v ; Prayer m-eting Thursday, mgbt., M Fore est Surrp. Pastor; J ' kpisoupaUJ4 jQfJj Sanday School at 9:30. -Serfices, morning and night , ' on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays, j K rening Prayer. Friday afternoon. Albas Ghkayss, Rector. 1ro t'esMonaL carda jE. S. r. BOTItV 7 U-i ; t . r,v rSAOTICINO PffXSICIair AND BURGEON. Louisburg, N. Ci 4 b Office In the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Op stairs -front. 1) B. B. T. TARBOROUQH, , XS1CIAN AKD. 8TJRaEON,V. ' omce Snd floor Mm. building, phono 88. Higbt calls answer! from T. W. iilckett's (twldenoe, phone 74. ATTORNBT AT LAW. . I)UISBUES, H. a Will Dr&ctice In all the Courts of the State Office in Coort HoTisa. ' ' ' 0. u. cno&B k boh, . ATTOBNBtS-AT-LAW. ? ' I f L0UISBUB9. K- C. 0? Win attend the courts of Nash,' Franklin, annville, Wsrrensad Wake eouaUes, also the Supreme uonn oi nurui wuuuu., B. Circuit and District Courts. . . R. J. E. MALONB, i'aACTICIHO PHYSICIAN AND SUKQBON, LOCISBUBO, k. a . -' OiOce over Stokes & Farguraon's. . D B. B. 8. FOBTBR. PBACTICINO PHYSICIAN fc SURQEON. Louisburg, N. C " ' v 1 T f - 3 . j F Office over Ay cockeDrug Company. .J. 4.. . " m. HAYWOOD KCFFIN. ATTORNBY-AT-X A W, ' . LOUISBUBS, H. O. Will practice In aU the Courts of Franklin and Adjoining counties, also in the ttupreme Court, and iu the United tttales District and Circuit Courts. ' Vi Oiflce Id Cooper and Clifton Building., rjaOB. B. WILDXB, ' ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, . LOUI8BUBS. . O. Office on Main street, over Jones at Cooper' tors. y S. SPKUIIiL. J -'jf J P ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. ! t LOUI8BUBO.S. C." Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Branville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Bgerton's Store. . , - i - f ii $ t TW.BICKBTT.I ' ''f i I I":;; f A ii ? J 1R0BBBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUB H. a Prompt and painstaking attention glTen to very matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John sUuning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of WlD- lon. ainnn ik Uuilv. Winston. Peonies Bank H Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- sh uoiiege, uon. J&. w. iimueruuw. . Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. W. M. FBRSON, ATTORNBY AT-LAW, IADI8BUBS, V. a Practices In an coorta. ' Offlca Irj Neal Building. ..; -J 'ninin l H YARBOROUQH, JB. ATI OENEY AT XtA VVt'? 5. I" i - LOUISBURO. NTC. Office is Opera House building, Court street All leeal bnsiness ; intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention a. R. E. KJSQ, ft y DENT1S1Y LOTJISBTJRa, N. O. Orn ovib Atoockx Dbtjo Compakt. With an experlence'ol twtnty-nW years s a sufficient guarantee of my work in all me uD-io-oate lines of the proiession. - HOTELS. .- . 7 J it ,,, ' FRAKKLINTO HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. Good aeeomodatioa dt the? traveling "wo tiivery Attaenea. MASSENBURG HOTEL HENDERSON, W. O. e4 aeeommedations. Good fare; Fo lit and attentivs sarraafr ; NORWOOD house; Norwood, Proptieter. is woage of Commercial Tourists and CHURCH DIRECTORY UlTHODIST. Jf" '5 ""FOR THE LITTLE 0NES."i The Pretty ' Playthings That Mary r Made Out of "Sticker.' ; Little "Mary ia ' the rmnninp- cbildreir usuaUy, but one day her 'Auiitie-Joy found' herlooVirtw niost doleful.' . "I'm tired of ev0Tctrt;-n t '"Lj. to play, with," said Mary. . 1 wish I; had some, new nlaythings eome playthings 4hat nohody had erer thought of before'. : .-' Idon.elieve 'there are any playthings like that," . said Auntie Joy smiling, fbut come with me and 1 11 show you how to play with some playthings, that used, to make me very happy when I was a little girl, but that I never see any little chil dren playing with now." ' By the time Mary had found her hat Auntie Joy was ready with two paper' bags from the kitchen. They went out to the empty lot near the nouse ana Auntie Joy told Mary to be careful. ! -' tcWe shall like the playthings we are, after , much better in our bags than, clinging to . our skirts," she Baid, laughing. -: .' : - , So they, filled the two bags with the -''stickers"- which Mary had al ways i hated before and went back to the veranda. And -here Auntie Jpx poured the stickers"; out-on a big 'paper and showed Mary how to make them into doll's furniture. t ' .Mary enjoyed the' play so much that t was supper time long before bejpected. it. i-f; Jt f. -: ; 1 'T havea't had such a good time this, summer,", she told Auntie Joy tis they' went i into the v house to-r gether., v-. And if any of Jane Jerome's lit- j i le girla twanfe to : make doll's f urnit tuje out of "stickers" all they have Ho do i3 td;-stick 'the; "stickers" to gether in any shape they want them. And the boys, who don't care about doll's furniture, may make .pretty oasiteis in xne same way. - Pet' Eagles. , - There are a few cases in. which eagles have been made pets, so that we may . suppose that . if the . birds were commoner they could be tamed at least as easily as bears. v An im perial; eagle J;aken from the nest ac cepted' caresses, answered to. a call and did not fly away when -at ; lib erty. At Alva there used to be an eagle kept on "a chain," which shows, perhaps, that it could not be trusted to roam about the Ochus. A gold en eagle, caught when fully grown, was successfully domesticated, but its wings were cut when it was first taken and so it had. time to get ac customed to its new home and new life. Sometimes it went off for two or three weeks,r but- always came back. " It was fed oh crows, shot for it. Whenever it attempted to seize a crow on its own account it always failed, J nn,j being much too - artful ioj it) ! s . i' . " - . '-v.- J-' " - -- "Rhyme of the Presidents.. " First stands the lofty Washington, " . Thit noble, great, immortal one. . The elder Adams next we see. And Jefferson makes the number three. Then Madison is fourth, you know, - ' The fifth one on the list, Monroe. The sixth, and Adams comes again, V " With Jackson Seventh in the train.. i Yaa Bnreni eighth, falls into line, i J . Ajh$ HanlSon makes number nine. - " "---: sThe' tenth is Tyler In his turn, And Polk, eleventh, as we learn. : . , . The twelfth is Taylor in rotation," f Fillmore, thirteenth, in succession, - Fourteenth, Pierce has been selected! Buchanan,, fifteenth, is elected. As sixteenth Lincoln rules the nation, ' And Johnson, seventeenth, fills his station. , The eigfiteenth; thenTIs Grants yon know, " " And, nineteenth, Hayes from Ohio. ' ''Then tomes another Buckeye son,' ' - Garfield, the loved and martyred one, - ' ' ' Whose term was filled by Arthur through, . When Cleveland comes as twenty-two. - Then Harrison as twenty-third, - When Cleveland once again is heard. , As twenty-fifth, McKinley great, "Who, too,, has shared the -martyr's fata, , T And, though the deepest grief is felt. , We hail th gsllint Booseveltt . ,- I JP : i i - , . Mamie and. the Verse. . lamiesaid- the. father, wrun cut Slid pUyltfi1!16" is something I wish to tell your mother." - fWell. papa," answered Miss Ma mie, "my verse at school today said He that hath ears, let him bea?l so I t.ink I ought o:tay and hear Vha' yptfare going to say. ; -5 Playing Barber Shop. Tom has the ccissocs, tnd Ted's in s chair; - - Tommv is Dlavintr cut Ted's curly hair. What'stile sirf" says Tommy. srpring te lopi "LlkpapaV says Teddy "a hole at tijs top," Harriot Brewer sterling in im. r)capMa i wditor tvnnh of Daily Poet iPtiflHpi barg N. 3 i ha tefjted the merita of Foley's Honey" and Tar wftb T thla resnlti I bae nsed a great many patent remedies ia ray fumilr fnr eonirhs and eolds and I can honestly say yoar Honey and Tap is the tjest.thinj? of the kind I have ; ever used ana 1 cannot say too uiuou iu yiiam v 11.. JL, A Jf-.K-Flesants. ....... .;. -v; j r Many a man who is .anable to tel the truth evens things ap by refusing to tell lies. -' '''-' ' ' A ni1. Aohc'b.' or laarr!iMe can be 'fnip ped In the bad, with a dose or two of Folev'a Honev and Tar. Keware of sub- - K - CONDENSED STORIES." V... - ' How! Kipling's Great Memory Serves Him In Story Writing. . i ?4rty years aS" eays an Anglo-Indian civil engineer to a London-correspondent, "I traveled out to India on the same steamer as a Mrs. Lockwood -Kipling. She had with her a baby girl and a boy of .u.viv.j, os cue vauea xum, was a solemn, -yellow faced little chap, with a-big hat and frilly round the ends of his Itiny trousers. We soon struck up a friendship. He would walk up and down the deck with me for hours, holding on to my thumb. In after years, as you' know; 'Kipling f obtained the sub editorship ;. of an Indian paper. I was engaged about that time in building a great railway bridge. The editor of Kipling's paper wrote to me asking permission for one of his reporters to come and write a series of three or four articles on the sub ject of the bridge, which was one of the biggest undertakings of its time. I replied, saying that if Huddf cared to come he should have every privilege, dui x Qidn't want anybody else. : r- ' . - r ' "-. ' : . . "Sure enough Buddy' came, and a great time he" had. "We him everything, and heTtjok every- mmg m. - jtus teye lor detail was Wonderful. "He was. like a hiiman camera, with a memory for names as well. Years afterward he wrote 'The 'Bridge Builders and in "it he used the information he picked up irom me ana my men then. " It is all. as accurate as possible. There's not' a technical error in. the whole thing. ' As, far as I can see every one of his engineering stories is ab solutely correct. . Helping Out. Mr. Gladstone. The announcement from Canada that the Duke and, Duchess of Corn wall had to rive up promiscuous .handshaking . while -on their visit tnere recalls an incident "of Mr. Gladstone's memorable' Midlothian tour. At " "one time " there was a HX GAVE EACH COMER A GEIP THAT HAD NO LACK OP COKDIALITY. great handshaking, ordeal, at " the window of the old gentleman s rail way carriage, t and he . was rapidly getting the worst of it. A stalwart young policeman who accompanied Mr. Gladstone proved equal to the occasion. Crouching behind the great man and thrusting his hand under Mr.. Gladstone's Inverness Caper the muscular- policeman gave each qomer in. turn a grip that had no lack of cordiality. "The aiild man's :uncbmmon veegorous at his time o life' observed one unsus pecting Scot as he streked his fingers. "He is that," concurred another of the policeman's victims, "but did ye notice his nails ?" . ' . Testing His Wit. " Charles. Battell Loomis recently gave a lecture .in a little Church in scotch Jflams, where he makes his home. The subject of his lecture was "American Humor." "After the author had quoted from and criti cised several so called American humorists and had eulogized a few that pleased him well he drew to the close of his lecture by reading What be called ; several bits of really exquisite humor. When the lee tore was over, and the author was on his way home, a friend who had accompanied .him asked interestedly:..-- - . . ' "By the way, Loomis, who was the author of those last few bits you gave?" ; -'v , ; . .. - -. Well, I'll tell, you," :said the author, lowering his Voice confiden tially, "I've 'received so many con trary criticisms on my wit' that I was anxious to know whether I really had any or not. I decided to put it to a test, Those last few bits which j sent . our rural friends into spasms of laughter were 'poor things, but mine own I'" - ' He Bolstered the Collection. yf, i A minister in a Kansas town re cently adopted a novel scheme for bolstering up the church collection, which ' had been diminishing.' He pifofmed his congregation just be fore the plates kVgre passed around that the members who were in debf were not expected to contribute. The collection that day was double the usual gum." ; J-i OF BENEFIT tO YOU. D. S. Mitebell, Fnlord, Md": . "Daring along Illness I was troubled with bed sores was a advised to try De Witt's Wiich Hapel Save and did so with won dsrf ol resntta. J was perfectly cjred. It is the best salve on the market.": Sore core for piles sores barns. Beware of counterfeits. Ayeoeke Drag Co. " He who knows most, for wasted time. grieves roost Chamberlain's Stomsoh and Liver Tablets cure biliousness, constipation and head ache. They are easy to take and pleasant in eflect. For sale by M. K. & F. R. Pleas- LOUISBURG, X. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1901 - T ALLdVEfVTTlE"Mf."" Read This, and You Will Know How to Make a Perfect Omelet. " l To the average cook an omelet is 6imply eggs, salt, pepper and but ter in combination with a hot skil let. To those who eat the omelet it. is well known that it is of nil dishes the most uncertain. One may draw a pme in the shape of a tender, . delicate, creamy omelet flavored to a turn and tempting to ine last degree, or the dish may be tougn and leathery, solid and taste Bess a' most TmaTmptiziTitT ManV ,The omelet is usually made" with the eggs broken together in a bowi and beaten just enough to mix thor oughly.- The skillet should be kept for the purpose and should be per- ieetly clean. Holding a bit of but ter the size of a walnut it is put J over a clear, hot hre. l'our in the egg and fold over as it "sets,' tak ing care to add the salt and pepper just before it is taken from the fire. An expert chef put3 a few drops of vinegar in the edge of the pan, let ting 'it run -around the omelet, which gives an' additional touch of delicious -tendernes3. The ome let puff ha3 the whites and yolks beaten separately and thoroughly. the whites folded in carefully as the' egg 13 poured into the saucepan. Harper s Bazar. . - Crisp and Appetizing Celery. To prepare celery so it is crisp ejid appetizing cut off all the out side stalks, leaving only the tender white part. Tim is not wasteful, as all the coarse Etalks and the root ends- may be used for soup's or for stewing. After ' stripping off the outside stalks, split the edible part in halves lengthwise or in quarters if the 6talk is very thick. ' Whittle the root end down to a point. Wash each portion perfectly clean in very cold water,- then puj a layer of chipped ice in the bottom of a long deep dish and place a layer of celery, on the- ice, dust the celery with granulated sugar, then put on - layer, of chipped ice, then one of celery and so on till all the celery is closely packed in ice, not forget ting to dust each layer lightly with the sugar. When all is packed, 8tand the dish in the icebox until ready to serve, then take the celery but of its packing and lay it in a celery dish with freshly chipped ice over it. . . For the Housewife. -"In cleaning papier mache articles use a 6ponge moistened with cold water.' They may be polished with flour and a flannel cloth. On a large 6cale, but equally sim ple in design,- are the desks that open at both sides and thus may be used by two persons at the Bame time without any y inconvenience. They are supplied with a double set of pigeonholes and do not take up much room. " i - For the country cottage game of euchre or bridge whist an ingenious manufacturer has devised a round table of convenient size, with low backed, comfortable chairs that slip in under the table when not in use. To Remove Dirt From Carpets. For housewives who pride them selves upon spotless floor coverings The Drugsdsts' Circular rives the following recipe for removing spots 01 dirt irom carpets : " ''. : "Make a suds with a good white soap and hot' water and add fuller's earth 'to this until the consistency of thin cream. Have plenty of clean drying cloths, a small scrub bing brush, a lanre sponge and a pail of fresh .water., Put some of the cleansing mixture in a bowl and dip the brush' in it; brush a small piece of the carpef with this; then wash with the sponge and cold water. - Dry as much . as possible with the sponge and finally rub with dry cloths. Continue this till you ere sure that all the carpet is clean; then let it dry." - Imitation Antiques. There not being enough antique furniture to go around, and antique being "tho' thing nowadays, the Arms which make a specialty of that 6ort of goods are overwhelmed with orders for imitation antiques. Imi tation . Chippendale 'does not, of course, cost as much as the real arti cle, but it is possible to spend a good deal of money upon "new an tique" furniture. It is a fad that a poor man cannot indulge in with impunity;' At the Faris exhibition replicas - were shown of famous pieces of antique furniture which were valued at $50,000. ' To Wash Scarlet Flannel. ' '." To. wash scarlet flannel mix a handful of flour in a quart of cold water and boil ten minutes. To thi3 add some warm suds made with castile soap and then wash the flan nel gently, rinsing rather than rub bing it. Now-rinse in two or three waters of the same temperature just comfortably warm to the hands, not hotter and hang out to dry in the . shade. By this method the color should remain unchanged in the flannel after many washings. COTQHS AX1 tXlDij CHILDREN Recommendation of a Well Known Chicago Physician. I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Coneh Remedy for smost all obstinate, constricted oonghs, with direct results. I prescribe it to children of all aces. Am glad tn recoro mend it to all in need and seek relief from Colds and coughs and bronchial affeotions It ia non-narcotic and safe in the hands of the most "unprofessional. A universal pa nacea for sll mankind. Mrs, Mary R. Mel endv. M, D., Ph. J , Chidaeo, 111. This remedy if for sale by M. K. a F. R. Pleas tlnts A fool must now and thea be right . C::LY TWELVE KNEW 4t. Only twelve oat..of iho '400 enlist ed force on the receiving 6hip Iiiih-mond-at the League island, raTj yard ordered to learn the wenrda of TT.e Mar Spangled 'Banner 'giYe cviJcnce receutly thai they, kr.c-ar the song. . Captain Leary of the. Bichmond 6ent forth the order a few week ago that no leaves of aTj?ence ashore wonld be granted unless the men sho.vcd thct they knew the words of the national anthem. Tp-ascertain how many of the faijjra and lial-men really . hadLre meir.onzed the song Captain Leary decided to hold a test examination. In the morning after the men had been lined up at roll call Chaplain a r .... - -Aiornson requested all those who knewthe 'words to step' forward. To the surprise and dismay of the officers only twelve stepped oyt from the rankTo relieve the nervous-tension and merriment tho lieu tenant in charge immediately gave the order to 'air beds.? . Some of the sailors say that while the captain lies authority tocorapel them to learn rules of ordnance he has no right to order them to learn "The Star Spangled Banner.'! As a Jarge majority of the men who crave leaTe of absence declaro they will not "learn the song the situation promises interesting development. Intrcducirj the Oats Palm. The dale pslra may solve the problem of wlint to do with the arid and alkali lands of Arizona and oth er western states. Experiments have been made in the past, but re newed interest is being taken by the section of plant introduction of the department of agriculture. Accord- ing ro ine sev iors un I'roicssor. D. it. Fairchild, agricultural ex plorer for the department, now traveling in Africa, has procured a number of stickers, or offshoots. from the delta of the Xile, which will be distributed in the southwest ern portion of this country. In the united btatc3 the date is an article of luxury, but in its native country it is a most important food, many regions in Arabia and the Sahara being uninhabitable but for the date palm. . ,: ' After "Old Obadlah." "'Old Obadiah,' the boss bull moose of middle Maine," say3 the Kennebec Journal, ' has been seen several times this Eeason by ports men a?d guides, and several blood thirsty hunters are up around Mos cow hoping" to- see him first next time, lie is described as a rival for the famous moose of eastern Maine -the one with antlers twelve foot spread and is a genuine black tack. He trots over five rail fences and small outhouses without discov ering their presence, and they do tell bigger tales of his size and fierce mug. He certainly is a prize for some bold hunter unless said hunter should become the prize of Oba dkh." - . The Largest Warehouse. " - Liverpool has the birrrrest ware house in the world. It is built be side the docks, and is intended to house the imports of tobacco which form so important a part of Liver pool's trade. The warehouse " 725y2 feet in length, ICS -feet wide and 124 feet 10 inches high. The ground area is 13,300 square yards and the area of the several floors 174,093 square yards. There are at present in bond in Liverpool some 93,000 hogsheads of tobacco, weigh ing 50,000 tons, which is equal, roughly estimated, to a custom duty of 18,000,000. j" , - ' . . A Dij Price. - " Charles M. Hays," who recently gave up his place a3 president of the Southern TaciHc railroad, is said to have received a check for 135,000 a3 payment in fall for his' services. His yearly salary was to be $35,000. He serveS ten months, and upon his acquiescence in tho wishes of the narriman syndicate that he retire a full year's salary and a bonus of $100,000 were paid him, according to current report. This is the lar gest sum ever paid to a railroad man for a like term of service. Sauerkraut. There is an international interest to the reported increase in the American demand for sauerkraut A Lebanon (Pa. maker has just filled a contract for a fifteen ton 6upply of the great German deli cacy.' Germans have long ma in terned that lack of appreciation of such food varieties as theirs was re sponsible for American .dyspepsia. Is the sauerkraut market to furnish the open door to our better educa tion ? New York Tribune. Not to Ds Mads Fun Of. Much f un is poked at New Jersey os the hoadquartcis of mosquitoes and malarin, but according to Fred erick Ij. HoUman, an expert on the comparative mortality of different countries, 2s ew Jersey has the low est death rate of any civilized coun try, excepting Norway only. New York World. " A J. Snell wanted to attend a party, bat wai airuu (u uo so do bccoudi 01 raios b his stomach, which he reared would trow worse, lis says. I was telling my troubles to a lady friend, who saH: I hatnberUin't Colic. Cholera acd Diarrhoea iUtnedywUl put you in condition for the party.' I bought a botllle and take pleasure in UUcj tual two doses cured ine and euaUed me U have a good time at tie party." Mr. Sacil li a resident of Summer Hill. N'. Y. 1 Lis rem edv is for sals by M. K. A F. 1L PiasaoU. Clever men are good, but f they' are not the best.' ' ' ; ' TOCrHBACOLD I omk nit,' Take Laxative Promo Q jioine TsV.ri-s Aa drii!-ri?u rfuod the 1:1 njr f it fut ta cure. L W Orove's i isavare it oa tic t-x. ::o. -: ' X . , - e --v. ' e 1 .1 f "AHtORGA?r INTERVIEW." J Ticrpost arm-wriia.:!! boast that h r l.ki boa infr-V viewed.. ru:I J jr' Ahat ia ihn lT,t4. :3 j stveaVars but ct:e ictnritwcr eVcr tas bceVi:cJt.'itoai& Lin. TLI waa oa a recent tr.p to EuropcVUat . - . . t Iinice wo-iIJxot-Uke "No"-for anwer. -' k !- a .' frell Tha Tines man hrr' time i? worth . 10 rniut" at'liit 'tAil ilpranl : . ".. 1 . Mke .Time man tart hc"4l t.Ve two r.uiuto$ at thif.-.carae Urk-thM ""Vf."1 M r ' w,4e. v-.: :. in Zl?:''":1'1 Why did yon warrt to iemc?"! Morgan nA.a-Jn rt,; toUh, I wserrrd 100 that I wo-Jli interyiew: rou pcrionsj au, wa iii reply.. i - MPTn'concra'tulaicd CntemtlSO. ri;unuusi him wit h-i ' . M in- thtr -third-m'jrute of his call'H A-hea VUJ,nhe other day if kept. the. j5. Ma wii. -Yt. tnd.I.havcTi't'ea'mcd taoner in loiigitiin thai - the amikf LUon that 20 did. . Th o "ol H tlu t ' w c re a featon of Queen Victoria'i hocehold hat been rcUtncd by the king., Jhe. ecrvacts nave airats been noted for their faithfulaew of service and.r!iin" PfAa-ncsMieo ta itt ua. frankness of nUchJ. Eecentlr the-1 king, exhaxuted-ty,a long work, ordered some flight rc ment, which was brought by . think change placeal with yon, . MarMonitd,". fcd"the kmc. with a tzzZt. -.. . Awm- daarin'-i tar thcfak, vour mawjasty," replied the honest Scot J uiai ii iaKea.au unco guia moa tae i be tre a guiiic-,v- j ...Do yoa ir.eaa that I'm not Vaid j eaouffftr ; at AwH no 6Ay thit,"? anrwered the undaunted Mac, " but awcC makta boldtaf tcll,Trarr tsawjusly that you'd hauv aXU Ur loi tae lorn." ' , I ''Ypn're-rijh: jraWonaldy was LilTe "smiling jetocy.; "Some kingi' are maae, oox cicvenpu;es arc.torn, riot made" London Mail. ; ,-". it" rrr r t . . The Preslderirt' NsVe. - The . nsia - of I the? president ii 'Kosyvelr riot "BooecTelt.! -The indiscriminate pronunciation of the presidents name by the -Jiundirda of "callers who't5ig theWf;t House these dars has resulted in.an oflkial and authorirfl itstemcntjo the correct way in which the nan-.ij of the chief executive should b pro ttpunccd. .This , tUtcmcnt a'n Louncca: Th accent is oa th first of three syllabic! and this first jHa"hId. Lf prono-3fel with the ouz Bound of thrWUf V u in the- word 'rose, and fidt'&i ia the'worX The first letter 'e' ts a!o Eoundcd "ad7i He,' entire name l( spoken ica" thouzlv it were written. wot. 'lJoyTe!t. 'The' statement con cludes' that all oilier Jwayi of pro nouncing the preside flt'i name, of wmcn were is 4 a rr-.it vinVtv .rf f-4'' ''' tt.:c -- I .r. rs- f 4 S11 variety, ,cisrre-trt!i i V.Tt.y v.iq-.:u , ,..--iw4 . -5 tiift asdreoots'v-TiUrasJtrsliaf incorrect. Tfta Cmj Taru'ftervanta. ' lbo Aaxtar arraaU of the cxar V.1 .1'. iljili maiixca.ui.oiu a.,ixapiegne. ir.ej i . 7. ; ri'.y. Z, only drank milk'water or tea', were i!;,,(tCLUJ itf ijj-ati id, sober ia eatiij ar-1 .quite as faith-! VIT, . , ' . alwajf with: hi. ,TUr re iocs of, J ! . ... . the prophit."i Xhm Orthodox tttr' ' ,,v'i $!iT'i,'il rt ants were too'f'TM cf the iuice of iiZ.j.' .-.v . t Ihe'Tico a'V ol'itvlo 'potent bever ages. There HrtiT & Rasruu, f N o Aiosaiaa ran. ottaia situation ts.M scrvast: for, which a' Tartar com- pciea. accv are ejucmciy qa;cx,4y wy Ai-kA r.XL 4 ana nsnay. t DfirTimwe psee woe: 3 alone enable oaa m ciitingish them from Ecssisns, f who hare" heavy, wadilia j "exit London Truth. , , 4. j Molten invention inspector, France. B tion and h developimr by Tcdocia conditio mass yet witho organic London House. ' C CosVifcA-.-L It has often t-rerfraed that the presence ot tlci iaV-iit Is a u.T; clcnt criteriott U clutjr:rii4h it as cf cosmic xi t.tt' th" If tcrrcstrUl viim, it kj.a.ia w.ji tLc?3 snoa that nickel" r7fr i tit a: hence thatxirA.V.'.Jd?t nu It iiA.laUJ tbecn shown CUT bo: terrestrial' fsrltn mo i found la aa.:.JU.;.V,.niisern!s, la many C3e:uty-cut v i?o.-V ores, la soot and J.3 ttri'-'.cnc dajt. r.VijLV.. j ij-i 'are more of tea lis rt cl laJS; tlon tbaa aaTUiri v:! .'jtprlWe are osnally IrriUlX ttjj sraaky tadV vlJasIs who tnsas Vr.-si.;. for sll tbca aroond tbep. Dr. Ijai r. rJ"s DnrP- Usk3Bsk-ti Utr . .,'fcl'ssl r - storS bes!rh a4 fcsti jij lis too.-'! , Ejf aiopp;ng. to ..' a w Jcrjg jvn b:t Urg-j; a occ?r;r.i tttt e . j - y i' 11 1 1 11 1 11 j Th vtrst lrr-rrtr! J for alarl 1 til l t - : !y iroa S3 J , i a a lai wooaas rc-t'M mr r.i:uf!'f .a:;- wr.e uv: t a l diieovxrml by M. de Gall, . i!t.t.SfrS.i"(.t-.t .;iYx r.LJ cL forests; t Lemur, l-wecast,. tr4irta t iH . . . ' . . i v.-r-a sta c:tM ir i lis v.canar dry iitlilli.-l'ri'r, Z?:mV k-a&s u iii Tcatcd, there-1 1 if u, Ki r.t. t:' u i -s - I n.. 11U; 4w-inz o2 the:;.,1"- isi.ire t -rtriir- 'tiM aamee th sUtctcr of coaM.rtti." a,. ..,vi tt;$hTisV trace cf.thej - ' " ! - i stnictcxcXu.at mineral 4 1 1 1 - K ia'm'Ts.t r. r ft ' N This new;vy t h but can u f .-tT' r.?,,; ,:,.:;;:;; ihspcd aad pouTslTit w;UU-ln-V'f,iit,,-,f"-" ',;'xt--.e- pcrvious to water ? acids end ii Jr'Y a perfect e!;!;JioiducL.-.-- .. tt t-;.i . , .f 2 . ? (.. -iW k J. TV, .... rJ -r- . '.TV' M in r -.T f tr " f ic n ih t.tl. 1 4 -",Arr ' arnt. -.h a . . . t-.r thro: r si i Jl sSrarw rr- TU 1 -a'Vysnr la CsAjr.intr.ra!e.awtt-r bU iff k. - ST t kat I wo'J h tA-xam: un U-aft-taw ncj ca llv tiWHiicl abjortidf Sna Mstrocr-K ti J' V H. VauMo it.; IYra.ttry, i9 ' Un4tw. UJ"f. ?a M . 1 1 I II . 1 f J V:.p nm.m -4 S? 7 ' ri'- c. ' . f : - 1 " " :.-i-.J:...3. .i tf- tjity 4. IViti ; . -t.a ( . u 5- J fiTonDtsr'J cista. XI tho-jh i-.rr rc f y2 cd 'c jt . p-0 r' oc 4 od - r.-,e aJrf ic;l str.uJ. l A zr-w- - q?-'" too, to .J jftWV!!- f j T 4 v ."7 " uvspepsia-Cure ! DirjcsU what yoacat. TTvis nrrrstraxUn rraaisaoa a!l cf ttm 5!c,'KSl:ax,i. !:'.va:iik:&4i (4 rc.'). Mine? lntsct rr . cf airievTV TaJ!stcort.lXs::nei jra u CU'&U UfnAi y'wj msnt, Tbtnrwt ar.UJrt stSKtvtiitastUkr tl. "I .usttecr.aj:y tfcoujtn l -c f jdytrUttajrc bee a CVrl r.rr rrrri..r s t;rd.."ll fivftttI..frr.i.a.!ori'c.f'Ciioo tie stcta fwhVfiHvirfe at! ri--tf:ercitr. Iilnuna toxrf, I ksaaa I lo uko. It canfi befp : i .! - i t s'botdo yotf nood I i-i--.i (B vv-i 1 fuws u c as ! i Air'Ci PfV'X CtJtLAQT. f j llThe knk afsvsvke .crtrf boot UtaavdertnTi -eatna lie ' tt4l lo qi t t jtSB si . . . .. . " - J Wt tU&ftL tia'.iliKAVLT.s , , !A-pare;plrlfw Js ciTTr "Us it '4 si torbxi hra at .tmlar rJm ( ii U, l ats uun's r3r to Wild. fiet!'. t- .'.4,cJ- Z'lft nt- t:ts rollov; TU tV'.svS vmiA cf lhrowlit 9g liMSi VLtsk tie Wsv. ..-1 ,U ,iv4, lis iLCa, JMH9 f i iac. craor ot iAf4. teefe- piiu. 1 1 J 4 M;. i;iu tMif c!Mltnt J J(u. .s-i smi tt vc -ytU0 sf - w t ui.,r. r. l4.t-4 r ' " . -" " - " - 7 ( ftt -j n cfuajftr jr Vi -fT-ri ehh'tft'XTcfctr tWrtl rae imjici ; r.4 s- (It'tA 1-Tre T- siri l'.iswas4wf ?t4JM li.. li ;r ;'..(,. T -T it l.,r f-j. SttCntsU. rftSt ' !. X.' I. ft." tjrau.'ii Ij js . t I r- sS aora5jTtt earr aLt.U iarestlihe i at Vrlt AV.je 5V ;sm S4 Tvy; MWe eati ftrf C- SM4 tr IMS S .lMbtMr.i sr- eti i : -1 s-.-tviw its ri Xjt. , 4; . , j-. - . Hi..lr!'l. fci S , r. 4 I . f. v r.-J T- . : n i ... - a.v . ii . . i . ' w . - - i r: : i i ii, a . r - - tivriii"1 ' -y' ia ' f t'.i't tirt ay i l J r. , 1 j' r p fc";. Vt r "111 cilil t ? Ml :. f.'i'i . to-1 t r ' v; -if.: :c:::: You have mid c!l sorts of courh totz- J t DUl It yi:!di it i; Icd d;:p swlci Itmaywccr itsdf out ia time, but it is more liable to produce Ia rippe, pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection. You need something that -will tfrve you strensth and bu3d li 4 L o v f r-s, - - da this sKtn cvtrj-L1!- tli tali. TKert b no izdt boat It It noarlihtt, itxxnstHcns, Uds vp tM rruXci the body ilrcr.jf arvd hex' thy, not crJy lo cfl Iha hard cc: bet to fortify L-V miem itlnit further illiclx. If )-oa txt run down or cmidiitd yoa should ctrtx-rJy txXt this nocruhL-i food median. PEERLESS STEA1I CO0IER- TbU U the tine cf aU lira as very ioojekte;er aleall rj cooTta.ti'ee foealtlt. wtsm lave TlefTtateat cooTttUaee f all la the.rcaaxaiss Etxajc Ooctxx. It lit TIME, LAX02, JTH. and FOOD. Aoy qzsaUtj ef fire lUt win ks-eptwo qasrtaef wale tveiUa wlU with IU ftae'ef a Fxxjllm Bmu Coo xxi, ek a rasal. . J. A.TU0UAS, BlILtT. I-MSk, jl ft. Bawrivt. .J.lTXiLT.CAa, LocisEuiio. jr. a . t . A3 W4 m s-rr W iw - T A R !! i W AiXS, . AkTli' f". R r,!CkT5tsr. 4 i r. w. - a r rr, ' ... ri;.. i tiXT. A-w T awl Mlrt Its 1 ' . 1 eV?rr4 sn;. . - GuxjLAxvrajvTT3saTa' Orrxx. - ; 4 Hcrtxjoy,?f.C, IV.5,1M. -.. . . . J ros ji;t brara ktrt , UV lrO W low IS ATS or- r lj the VoiX -rULs a 1 - 1 f 4 ke. tii lie rl! i erwwi-.a rU-sL.J wIt srtlfs ca tvs-i a-r L. , ' - V ; "mou:ixcn:a to Esrt-ica. fiarilT J. 1-5 3.' ' Iv:r-so, Kr.j, . H rrworW oro, tirvwi 4, HU..ro, Ut:V.ca Merfsr, 40 asvZX 5 25 OxLri. . , n 4 a Ilciy l?.ss!,'M 3 ft?-.:i-a .n-w.kl ao 4 SO Fjr llcr - 43 Tart;ro. - ri 0 WiUi'orsiU 40 VTarrraiea, , ti . --3 Vaulca, i D VTLiU-a, C O T. C TOiirLCXJJf, Csal PC7 v . DON'T FORGET - - it wbss yea f, rjfy,;',iTs; a&t year r., ct a " t ! : ia ti.5i lit rtjiirs-l y? i w;.; i, e r-fir ths tl'tr h. 0 H Writ ilia cf raia I ' . ft .s -1 s -r I 5;v 994 Saiopuino?-,