t J f , i ; f i C- 5 f - -tf , T - r X" JAS.- A; THOMAS, Editor ui Proprletsr. '' h hi coxrisraTir, urzzz ctats, rrm. VOL XXXI i v , P -.LOUISBUF.G, In C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1C2. : w CHCRCH directory Bonday School at 9:3a AX M Jj -' QiO. S. BaXSB, Sopt, Preaching 1 11 A M.' and ft P. M. every Sunday. ' Prayer meeting Wednesday night, ;tUrW,fl WASHlStfTOX.LEfTEB. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. - . -v-.. i Thob. B. Witosa Sap t Preaching at 11 Ai M., and "8 P. M., every 8andayv: Prarer m ering Thursday ulghfc 1 . - 'FoftBsT Smith Pastor. - Sunday School at From Oar Regular Correspondent, - " ";IJ-h Washington, Jan. a3iT v -The. most edriot leadership in; both the Senate and the . House has alone v.1 prevented, the development of serious factional "disturbances" Jn i republican ranks during the week jast passed and it is only-a xjuestipn of time;, when they will break' out in a violent form on the floors of those bod iei.It i is -diincalt for one not actually ' on ' the scene to Services, mornta? ; and nUcht t "on aDDreciale d whkt an extent thiH(Wtf lat, 3rd aod h Sandays. - -Vf f ' A .z ETeoinj Prayer, Friday afternoon, l vt ukui.ii. uwwuW i pus UBSKBr Jieotor 1 deliberative body. - For a time the Re publican members feltl Ithemselves re- trf tfesfBional (oarda; I asked -htm why -Congress was doing nothing in in matter on which all the members seemed to be much of -one ' mind; : ."There' is little difference Jin the minds of the 1 members 'as. to . the necessity of passing a bill , to prevent anarchists ft om coming irito the coun try but there a great jealousy' In the Tanyorxu mas s mistake.. We copy lhe.follow'iD2 from la ex change, i aod bop, that il may be c benefit to some of oar young readers : Ooe of the gralet mutates tlr roucg men of the present day are mal ing, and it . a the "rock opon which committees in regard, to the y matter. many bave stranded, if thet fait to ap- QeneralSbattuc, chairman of the" com- preciate their posiiiog in lifefatid roo mittee on Immigration, does not ;.con- Wqaently instead of seeking to dcr thei r siderjbat the -JudicUry; com mittee has Tery'best to improve tbeir lot. be coat .n.ribt o pass on i any rneasure Which discouraged and ; dispondeot.' -They deal: with immigration: e -nieml jmigjoe if Provideocevio His' wisdom beri otthe Judiciary, com mil tee them, had seen St to have given them tome selves are Jealous of Chairman Ray be. mVoant.l posit loo lo' filt,. either in cause mey tnink tie. desires to arrogate I ,ttte or society, jhey would have ac. paid for, their loss . of jpwery;theuex- to himself too large a share tof the glory comptfshed wohders aod made a ne --t amDle Of Derfect discmlinwhirh' thv l.thal Will certain to the nftorshml'rvf i . v. - , . v . . ,. a i;.' -iri:. U8 - ". - r lie ltheuntrr bottivTthar they I the tai that fioaliyaan.;.X1ovSbe I tberA were" 'dead.'The' 'foreot-tb paAOTiciso physiciaji akd S0&QBOW. 1 afe'.in sjy great a m3iityaslvto" Jielieve j Democrats, ,tbey are , not involved -1 lines of the old poem or soo. which S Louisbarg,'N. C.? IelieTed fn?m n A of cept m so far aa theymay ? be: called J we remember to UveYead somewhere. Office la the Ford BuildiiiK, come and Ntuih atrMta. Db stairs iront r,,.The Committee on;. Resolutions . of t , "if cobbler by trW lltnikt It mj prii YSICIA.K AHI SUBGEOHf tin'r8UR9v "N. C. - t", .l?1'!: i Senator? who- to-day opewly say that laP the member wWed;,fv Ter7 . .- 7 -I ... - y - ; . i v-T- triAM Mtimat Afih- nAiM;-iiA'ii tiie attuuae Of the House towards aoy l . ttt . w E-vw . " tha irrtrvtTfanr nnsif inns wttftila f would reccom mend at Uhe-nexl meet gress must answer of no importance IP Sl?,neJocH3AW w mWo.l-. , . - - . . : - , .- ,kL r .nr JSL- .v.- advisable tocommit the barrr:at :this h" if V mr, nV.h, ..i-nnnU, ,nH irc early date to a de65fienolicy; on - the bHcUo oooeDC.! fi'herr Schley Gwpp4 H'n Toy ViTiUi A;n-a Fcr Eilitle. 4'AL-r.irra FchVj f.r. l Gcr.crai Te l:x Arzzi of t!.-? r.il'Jir.crtS Arr.tri c --. hare Trr.jr lca fust frieni. ' " , . .: t i.t ,- i . . .... . . . t . r.; irtcr tu I; rat mccUr. wilii t.v.a funeral, sav the Cbicaro Chrcr.lr'e. "I.-waa down c :T V.. coasi cf llcr to y? "on cze cf tha frig ate?, and -we ia a lot cf $'M.:: en ho re, Y.'e wcre'rs'.hcr shrrt cf fool ca boird ship, tut vcre f-ry lor ca deck trou;-rs. 1 tho-ht I would go off to tha carr.p cf ths s&Uicrs ani, if thc- waa'arj thirj Tre couM exch.ing'S f-r fr'.'h fod. A'ro-sr 1: .-.exact "who wts in tailors received LL'.r.'i TO CT.LL. a . V r :. "V t' :i x.e v. a it -.. Offloe Snd : floor Nltit CaU aoawnroi 'Smarting with a sense, ot. their, lossl lhe DemocratkLHouse cancua held : a of infljence the rprese'tttativesCare in-Jm5li l.T?e.00tfd.T,hle miliated by the arrogancetbf Jce'rtaTn nk definite twVdetera"Iped ;ai:L 1 fti him la waj I to hr.: 4 ! aic!:h:ri aakc4 t: " A ... I,. :i t: it t.'r Mr-.-- ari i i'. s r V -. , t:. . cu.m? f f c ! . :.a i-.r.--." .a: I Ir. Ilrry. "I hare a'ir 1 711 to lr.---n -i--: I ws.r.1 ti r-ft tc- a r l- ' r. Ycj are ru-:r.r? fr--ra r-fj :':-.-:.!, r. t : ' T C:. v:h:i ! I r! - I vu t et- V l I M . ' tot v.T-;-y-La. joa hat Wn t. XZ9 r?i hart lyli fear tr. ra rozr la thi .rt vatch r!.i. -5 CT? at w vb '.. iv. '. .'.a the ha t : . : r ij a.L: 1- -I lj f tr r . I i . t.: :t r ft. t t i r. ! - '.t'.t :-.r s - M-.;a'.i a-. I !. -. .1 ; J ; r.h:i i v-" . . ; xi ; at t r-3 T:;r i TrnJ.icutcr.ast As efEalU-I tV.r-v-h ror ta a,-. I -Uv t;i.:4 rnoT,.he fsud.' - . hr.r-.AZ'Jt iihozl,! it.:; arv. I "Tm-lxjign Schley of hfary-1 thir.5 X"-'' ta Tc: t.i- lacd. tail L I rly m'us rezx r-trotu f;rca. Ltam to trp tuU whrrt ys3 (aa ar,J to Icther ycuiv'f aU-5t IrJU that da r.et tczra you- If jUcr.l Jtntw. taw to da kUx t ,tt f W looked each ether OTcr. I had on n inio&ralate dack. tclt,1 1 3 Ji;- Wt CI- C ... ,1- I--r.ir. r-a ;Vs y-.t c'a i" c'! B. B. MasSBHBUBO, ATTOBNST AT LAW. WUISBUBOf M. C. And if onlv m Unkitr. na tj rkr na aurtk . BbU nend an old ketUehae'se." . ?. ' Jatbese simple lines are hidden the I phdotopby : s thatVevery'1 'yooog - m ao needs to adopt as be begioa the -j 10 c ney of life i forhImaelf.V It is the de. yiU practice In all the Coorta ol the State Offlee in Court House. - r ble lower bodSenator CuluiS iahnty of the questions: ltfi ;whicW ? tedirect. wtd . to day preparing a speech '.upf Co-gre. will hav dealTfiere rr, 1 r r tt - r . j : and noA-. the deed r itself that .js most! onosB a BOW, ATTORNBTS-aT-LAW, LotnsBnse. v. a. of his conteotioq that the House has no 1 110 necessity lor o doing and by mere right to be heard in the roattec of e l PrtT'n8 ff;1 4P? and oo the deed -itself that iia. most worthy of 'careful attention. - It is cot I the number of acres -o( land that , the He hadi Urg quattity cf vegeta ble and ioec insh tr.f-xL , .'Ned aujthiasf I aJkea . j proper tirr.e,a:f th rrrr dot&r "Xcd clothes A jrar replied. I octxratioa wttLi te trm , 'Are yoa tccdic? aarthizir : ' - Xecd grab 1 Atd- - A KUa Ut fty. " TTell swpr wfl-botb ihoulcd ; Trait a t-.fitr Uy te W at th same time, and for diver aai on :rprjtir U. Tha fzixrdx etuidry pairs of. duck: trauaeri I pot 6ae. who had a iz to diitrr Txndry-anl di vera parcel of food, tht ether tzartlzx at ths (Cot ef Agnus wore the trouicr. and I aU th frml puaervr'arsi f th tae rood, and we both eonsiderol 1 1'ecrjjlrarua ixra4 waa a t a lnot profitable tracsaction.-'. ' . lookia a rpfin:ta a jva cvsLl ':" i-r-i v- ' "" ' ' "' ' &i.ia V.day'a-rjnvrr. . Hi ea i rinrnr! t rout iaj tliaTK. aw f Vt (2A I ioe all that is raraidouro-the lerlsla . ..'I r.. .1 ... tion that tte i.rif mrt.,'t;.e 1 n OUt It i filing The dtic which hare ts$ LLa f ravrr bWWv. anticipctoraUoa, orduiaace ar l4 choi th ecrsen cf his kj1 .vqb scenes oi numcroca ctunorou i d he wtl r-ari- aoaaexiia .connecta ,wiui us ca-1 tier: ft- Ttia mhlt- 0TCa5lt cf, CCT law. . A. wan took: ti aci. D" p dressed. etidtaUr wotTtms - tld "c: it a rt i vytii attend the courts of Nash, FrankUn, President alone to consider, v" In " view J ir.n.illB. Warron and WaJteeouutiea, alsotho I , , -f- , ... .-, ; . ? - - , diorama Court ol Worth CaroUn. and the O. I of the ve-r imnortant snMeet nf , reel. j.Utroult and District Cowtt. f ... - - i procuy w m vuoa wmcn must soon De tvh. J. E. malonb, j deiei mined the position of lhe .senior fAaariciJKJ physician AND stjbqbon. 1 Senator romlllinios ania large nom ' LOmSBUBS, H. O. OlOoe over Stokes a Furg-ursOQ's. Ik . Y.T I nnn vll IMI mairM . TittM m wrnalnl vn m . rj, a k4Mk -t- itj .1. I . - . ... . . ' acv Mr, Ktchardsoo and his colleagues -7t rrrr". : . M, , .Dwatcj w r.s ar.p jx5 pt.- bVliWthey'will Sfrfn raU?5 Fiy Va tU tW. , t,An much more successful nd maoyUa high wokt thd law- wbik ia "I'd Ura joa j-l l ef W If twnio announce tbe pphcy.tp the . J. a trect ear reoaU Imt y doat kDv'kav U Uhara," coturtryjatet.ontigf:. ,a,m?lPer nfl - lbV Mppie dttexmined young toaxv who caa. Jjj MTtrtJr. snirn r ne a WRarara!-i? VX'""'; D B. E. 8. FOSTBB. fBAUTIOISa PHYSICIAN fc STJBQBON, Lonisborg, N. C Office over Ayeocke Brag- Company. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTOBNBY-AT-tAW, LOUISB0RS. r. o. '-1 ber 'of his colleagues is particularly ex asperating. Tnere is do mistaking the : Intent of recent! r ",k.v,",v' vm awu I iGNOKMca : asthe, first of the, three I sphere, let that be wbere tt may, treaties must be approved :by Con- principal drawba?kn therarmerI thB&lVares our yWng men make re gressr but Senators XuUom,' Lodge, rnention another; lbbeekiT due-to the delasloo,-ii'ihey ;rbad rm Spencer, JFrye; Haonaand others bold J'Su jJqvok TtemaHQ! This is a 'portaat dutles to": "perform or a revponi to the opinion that, accord ing to, the I tttbject to" wDfcbpwpleSvwiwl-J ibfe positioa to fill they would do! the constitution, the President and the Senl ar-.mrtr-1 rtmiA:4 kAi :t I ArV well rt "iheYr sVva"ifnn i.t -v. 1 j - -t - - . ucj u ocir ra,COTia eufwait o Mf jer;ai courtesy tULf wnd who4l A !onkef iwn rM.d rtr t- f-: ,7,, I thing that meat generally attract pubi I Jeflaed pcraon, called the offaadaT I rit icr wilts, or 111 aJU 3 evrr Writintr under the above rheadioff llicaltenttooor.armrovaU but it la m l ""u w .?u"LPfotrwr7 I yoa. ca excuiraAi. itrt te a :corfesrdent Mentioned domV-Wbesi: In ouxwn humble I . . . V iUJ TH "Ure? Wwlirtlrsx -C'Awaf .-.1111 I , : t A I T7 J - - - -. .- v . - - wui practice in all the Oourta - of Franklin mil aajoinlug counties, also tu the ISupnune Jirouil Courto. oinoe lu joo per and Clifton Boildlnft. . . ' . . ... - . 1 . - : v ' .-..'--- ' - . I ate atone constitute the treaty making discussing it onl? as it efifcets ibe-farrfl. j homble one It may tbe slighted: v And power., aeaatorigemQaiiieaiaJ ,,4 fiaaacmlwaIf 'ypoihoold I the. jnpg" meo who.are sl'ghticg their opinion somewhat however; by saying jke meatisticVhicl are inreach I work because-lbeir avocatioia Is not t that he betjeves that it would her coorr of t Biela,ioM weiueetfr. tesy to.consult the House because any WOQfd berprecd atnhe rertat fams I every day. life, who continue ' to bold reciprocal treaty afTect the question ol pay out for atrong dunk jtwanienor. feaiaipoiiioaj-:aa raisingrevenue:'- rz mou: ui -ooVtheVpeoplei The Philippine tariff biH. will be re-1 things tied down." It prevents brocressl alway followed them. : ', - ported to the Senate to-dav or to-raof 4 and we hadlaif l aa - well 'realize -ihat rrlkat;toe-1ddle.aied men of Z!V - Ter Tr i row and it is predicted that th delate theMWaemaay grMtVoKperlti I oprtowa ai;-B6t;.thoa:l?rhay apunin f ?n its provisions will last for. a montiu I for u o long aathis stateof affairs ( made a success in life and yoo can 1? " . n J Senator Lodge professes to believe that JistsT- If tbia money could be spent' fot loot help acknowledging they tare the ATtOKNBIrAT-; LODIBBtTBO, WUI attend the courts Oran villa. WarraO-anc th suoreme Court f rompt attention glvn unco over jsgertoa'i l'HOS. B. WILDBB, ' : . ATTOBNBY-Al-LAW, LOfflSBVB. K. U , . en : w:a?; : - t.-., U! di-" it? l - .... i .... - Xn.XJt:r:t ntrj Vi. t j cr .y ct; t.., ;; . . yt- til a f i ; ' 14 Th-trU. (X x-u r n : s va ; Luie r- .--.'? dr.iU , axj ivvrla , for U i-.-rr." .Tletj mrrs.a) 1 ddvrI I wj rrtrj any wvLJx it tit w i.a t Inxr j t f.a xh li r V Vi. r' ct der. yra drtk tt v.vs, ti .fa. XatlJe C!ur-It at bf, d.ar, H wxa"l fi x-tj It UT sy. uiu tfx'Jutr, r.3.'.$ tie. tsAa aitrj th. ruU cf J.? r; u-i. t mi.rw r a--trvi rrtry j j; J5t 5-1 Or.!? Lc trt: rr.5. . CC .U 5 U 1,'; urr c u tii wi it v?.:xj i tij 1 a . . nrr.;,a w- ih ivrs?,X' tr w r k tr I v " y'C j J J lic. lif,Mrwx ta.li't -rf.ft t Is :w -' . i T. j... t.-., U r v tu., Ai r?rr tj. s j u Tw.i r. . -rtVh thvflM LiVloM li d- 1 a at 1 ursrltr .t cer a3 CJ ws: a trirr; -tract axart hvei, Htla; ly a xrtf-a litrt, wUdi piiJir.v t24.i tztT Lve. - rrcMoAu aid uk cwrm . A VWe t-vijU-. Hcadiaaa cl rcaourtw i ti a charact erotic - ih whkh" cc fai liiriy to credit the Hswiaa jv-uaaf, but till story cf a atnorkr oa the eotu. Jrvii ,.Se aia and iadirtt that thtry cy la otna Ihrtazs r)i a tirVla brain, alLhosa thry it n-'iUy la cnmrnal jjiaciaer. - ; - r Tb aarfrrr, h tu iacrjliC a cudxr of 1.14 far ca a ii:lt, wa chalkavd br a ntccu cJlfr. II aaid the Uaddrra wtrt ri dli ah!e; but, tha oScwr prir;i:x viaMsx to mnifte Uuct, the r ? gjer detached oa aai da-'l tha o. car a blow ca the hed with it. - " . Thi UaaLUr,- which carUlr trzT9 trant, trnt aad aatrt.i 4 r. W. BICKKTX, iawi . -. u wiii De eventually passed. as reported 1 rood aarjen and look for the to fy-'-V'r tv . . a .. 1 buf there are memU becaaa rradialJt 1 catchr aul "thaL oSocr waa la a of FrankOn, Vance ty Who greatly differ from'-himand t the best farm implement and: other I thlnjrs W ihe beiiniog of their career. I J wLL!o tha pb-1 Uaia. ' , I, . ' : i. ; 1 wue wuiues, auo . . . t- . - - 1 , . . . i . - - -'.-. - . i uc pintca accuser preacrmi tia 1 - Aialicr cilarr who mv wijt of worth Carolina. 1 who say that-it will have to be referred i much needed ioiDrovement what won-1 It. Is true that : Providence 10 hrs wb-l Jr-. x ui ..-1 rrv. .u I Tv" . ' ." . . to couectiona. I.' . - . -v- 4 . -,?t,si-'- ,.,.;-. 1 - , . - - v - ' wu MisntmnaMmwCfi more. I "r .-"" rv fumiucui 1 ucriut.coaoKes-' twouia -OC'rwrUUZUl twin owe not www every young uvi ipan CiOSea W ContrOVertT WlJ : I in Tir.ii.ir ? aam. W te -r-,.. among these is -Senator MitchelL-f'ol I amonz us in the oezt fe w .Years. 4" 1 1 to choose his place and while" be mt I know ail about that law., I maa' Li i d'irJ of. TL tia- 1TTO&NBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. , " irfwisBUBe . a : " . 1? Prompt and psburtaking attention given to verr matter intrusteu to nu nan as Oregon. After the biH gets-through I -The day, wa when merchantli the benate it wiU ' have - to - pass - the tors lawyers, railroad men iiTotV.'doci assign: .nito'place jaot always to oat JJJJ eter intended for graUtat, ertact rae2j ;0dveo owajjkieg.haa -AlATVRAt I -dar has us the aowcr to be faithfal in oor ata .ifA imn..n. t. if : - Z House and if jhe Senate persists io its preachers 1 dranky: bat .that day ,; has us thepowcr tobe faithfol in oor sta- gfood the ."rcaioa Xar the aboat cf I , deteraiinatioa.toelttdet.&ly about pasL s Earienceairv faught tioitnd in .the end win : Well done laughter , that shock "tha car wiai I a"Ttar' frAm si vnirr in ttirrnhin iwiMAii Knnn. ,.1!j.mI'm,; C . LLa - r.hfnt - n 'TIb daw. ,'":"'v" , 1 TlTTT-flst Wl BORH THIEF. V Befars to Chief JBStleeSheiherd.iion. Jonn l :ai u-ru"? 'rfir5rl . : " . r" j ' " ' k - -.' . I ...'. - 1 ktanning, Hon. Robt. W. WinstonvHon. J. c. I "v j gyOXl n aou , laiDiui , . wcr vaui. .B.to"'?tef: if.. vJlJST affair theri is every possibnity that Mr. thev cannot drink and - conduct "their aaaia it U the voon man that resolve. ChJ-cf IVlca Ttrc-aj vait vrivjaaaa sv aaaaauu itiubwu a wwiv' : of Monroe, Chae. JB. Taylor, Pra .Wake rot- Pa ynei chairman ? ofth Wivf and I mf&ln an ai to 'aneiet.lCmnfeea have I to do welhwhat hi hand find It offloeln court foee. oppoeite sheriiTa. Means Committee, and his colleagues.! tound out they cannot drink and hold duty to'do that ml way u. PKB80N. v- - - mu umi, me iucmuic wun nun coo-1 tucir lOD. - " --- - t rewara in 1 The Lest Btorve Afti IHdj,' ltrr&aB, T:iint Cm. roa4rty a frr raoatha if? with a trfead, i2: sideratioalhey believe that' Senator j$iYbp jbave heard it satdTake.'care J tat to pmrnani Lodged ia his capacity of. champion of j of tbeceots and the dollar ;Dl take U I the administration, will be thus brought j care.of themselves" 1 want to chaogelU-rr.. . f': 6,1 Ho terms and will be forced "to" oppose thi a little for those who drink ami sa v, I i1 'trChUd yrorttT MUitooV ' I tin. 1?rtr.5 TJ.UtwC. c 1 ,t-;v. J,-. -.f -a;, I --My ehnd1ewefthaallUo to ," T",.-,. r,JHH;.avaisiwuw v w a, - - a aaw aiiv va vaaai aaaava 0 auus uiuiva Jjj" Jj j tee m order to relieve. from his present embarrassing jviThe Isthmian Canal, w. ATTOBNBT AT-kAW, . -j aoviaBtrM,.a - cr Practices in an . courts. "Offloe. Butldlns. v --a- "'' yy H YABBOBOUQBC J. ' " AnOENEY ATXAW, : LOUISBTJBa. X. ,0. Z. umoo in Opera House building, Court street I meaDs a patisaa question All .lo-al kniin.il inmmtA tli''ilim i "" " :- 'S. - . - - wtll reo7i7e ompN ;Vnde7fuTattentio ca.asing trouDietha nasi S.11 mm is.ii.ih - m I, ii a i.-,-. ii .! ! aiwaig; pjBatwwu IUV9 "TB.D.T; SMITH WlCKj ' v,. . -' DENTIST,' LOUISBTJBO, - N. C. " Offloe over Turnltare PvB. KB. KINO, iJ v-, ' Mr. . ... . . - The work apoa the rreat irf t ? . TV . I K.;V, t. t-, .fct taturaa pem wm. a receives tbe - -o 7., " I aot fceaa to tstisata that U is (he end.T-t.not in mot, Jg, uthaiaa. rirer at RocMk. i,TCvirtU mand success, but it U noble 4boat lit mile a bore Harriaburs, , iTrTaf VTl Ul!! - i rapidly aaaria completioa, ; tfi JelSf.T ff2..1 WisWi aiei raaaoary rcrrk. of tha brid, coa- . - . -V 1 . r"lV-' " vvu'fll "" I rmw!Vat t'. r,a t ra 13 Secreury.Rootjand the dollars wUI take care of them-w ph&lt '.coTcria ortr the artho. rT"" 7 tiT TT , , pcuoa. sejve: wtea ha naAa hi. rt- while - by,, no- A small leak mil sooa mptf a bar." aiTO." 5lth?aa1Ra7 f 'S . is caDable I relor hogshead. So-it 1awith - the I which- act t media iy. - The youe rri , - .. . - . ftecUlMla crs-zxxZ w tat jj r. may j develop annag wa fpostei pwi,. mu, 6aet ut. u uu iot noioii biv , Work npoa thia lha itrt trr. I " ---- - eaatJfkoraVa: r: i: rrr I Htl?V STnTjUr." f Vnda ailxSaxa briLrt ia th. world J2X JlTjjf If rU a ml rr a tVn e a?a tt all tckiU t:4 hav U -1 a., . ; TV iy-'- .-J n ..' at .i. r a. - . : 4tm uf lion. ' t atltl tar hm eatnJ tV U y a tss (i U Sla It ky ati'ttt;etc?ttiUd af a.i&.W v-' v, . wTor rr.. ". 4 - A ffw 41 wut, SAi MfWll a-it..i J rfc tn..Vu. tv' a a iu,r. r i;''tf i-f . 7 t e U, K. a f F tU Uit rtaaJf for a rU4 act ltir-rrv - j ' ? a. ' 1 t-f j. tt, r? f4 a. t-i - t !. a- r. A w, I .. ?. . i t t. , . . r r-J J T i .4 Mtii:ll 111 I f f l 'l i " 1.1 ' r J r 't a eV " f i il l T- S.I I! t 1 fc. M( . aS. ranis.- - .K.t.ir.V fVMM.. Ia- Trfcaatry DrariBvttl V-aa wt ! G,Ul V fUwl iat tv Hyyrrrf'.t tuaf , 1 TlauttuvwiKatf Te i,.i.4.j r aw fc t.. K (ti. k.t.u ,!. ati,n . IMt !miii. i'i.rt T.me noM. Utmm t.iiuii muL ba i f ! t:,.:Kti) aMj w.i4nii na. a- abivlav vvik. u W-.ia. tntrti.Ma. ii,iianiff.iiH awtfrx fcM t J -. Si-rliO .tH, I..' .! UlNit M MiUfWlu.. M l t,.ue II. t". tl t.M.lW9 Mir n . o i'), ttaaMi ft.r ri,.i. aj.c a- . f fmino. Iirtu a IUm . a " . Ccxojta. ci jttx: x'r' Orrct. a a. iaa Udmavkta ) enni jr , m l.i JMi.uaa IViU ail Aruf utiina, I . (KJ Wi .. r r VjiKMvt riu iMM4 Jtawta Ct.a atMx.bk, K'ti.o Mwt wl uamit. Ji6, Xxaw'W rt.kM t.f. i.nu f aw tiia4i 4lHI )MJI . U ! ('. i.'i., VtftM ,M4 r-tM-iu rtutu jt...a imum . u j-... fv e aM) r i.ui u-. muurt s-r" av. t. a . v who is as nrmiy commiiiea 10 tne tc-J i -v i . - -f .v ; . - ' - - ... C 'l Pntref inr f non.in the-. Intestinee ero. XiJ rgua. rumens ,; ever, caiieq , at. tne I dneea effeeta Tike., tnoa or oraeaie tnt ar. . 4 now uua : . uw V4)wi mv handy. - At this seaeoe pl sJly it Biey j wa begun lea than ttrtT Jr aO. be seeded suddenly. Ayeocke Ireg Co. .-1 IniUdeJphu EeCOtd.-, " tewtv-wh-o was hr attradia a tn.Tdiate ecrw.la wniw nouserecentty and came .i.i,, BUy, y The ltDuloru bat; to . taiUf ob twpw i yrrrcd. U ta ' iarrii4 store. , i ."v--, r-:T r I "VuiT!t'"i !: . vj" : f. I s:f I-'. tha , . . .r I hi jptervtew with the. Presidents- tt- i uliu0u oicinraudODB, rertrs.uj, -J2l - .- -a- r.' : v I mpiaaiT reponca wvw fi.v,4cu- i -. - . x ' .? .VJ J- I titver, Ivuiney and Uoweitronblee.".Unly I am8tTr.i fj , v. ' . I tin w-rit a Paria" fTtid-nt. -'T w-.w. 4.4wv .....lgM.u. i - -a. - I .'. ' ' . lrv- A-i,r f -fs V:, panpaVapparentisaffein.Ja. K .. .1 C sth XW. ; v-,1 bd' na tkroaffh a ajvey ef W :H.dL " JivorpftheDarienoute.iiThisrroate - Man a Bwea:oit.ia wreadj ..!, l.i- - ' bert aVsh..- write. I tridrta oa tha-wrhroad wa nU- DENTIST. LOTOflBTJBdj Or Fi -c ovxb Atooou Dana CovtxflSj -'.Or would require" the ' constructlon"'ot ;a I rUnitiff to wear off. i tunnel Jive, miles long, through A solid I ;r-" ' IL. COveratreet. of BIjrlB. Ten., -"tol cd at hi hotel It a rearm and i . - . .... . . i - ? i-: . I hear mv wife eonffh Belli it eeema her I l' V. V." iiut . tha hem cA had ti-e rca tt their rooraa, ; Or. s:rrr ha wa cl: i: esd tt tu d,iwrrrd thai thrra had la a wha.i r?Vhrv et thtewt iry ef a la th h:aa ' Kw lcrkT4-. . that ti-e to . . V ss aeKW (tociiral ry lit lv-.rx -CiTAAAi: er. at. jLi4 thi r'e 3ur v . ; tU3 'J ! rTW Ca &i isJae? TX- . 1' - , C2r.sj4e Uty. ? J ii1-t", ij CWaeve, , 3 f;ta-u-'t.. . " . ' Tla VtV.i ay aaju-a U tit g'o rtw.t Use wit a terry bis atd It tVx.y a-r ctWt'f r;.araUd. - - A fVnCHev.1 IvvmimwI. t as rn.l'.a ! UMHi Me elia mmmiki h we J t.wrtk." ae J . aawv" a ' J .1 et. .- u-4'lU.ur trf)'! -f-i i erui4 A mbu J- 4 t!W.. 1 i.l 1. 4 Ml . alt4.I.a. an. J I ..J-t "f tl' t.'- l J l4rf t I'M 1i ym fcjti, a..a I f f-.l n.Muaiiit. &Mi. Ai 'TCU ,.,. )aM4 .'. 'r.-ll .. I ..6..! 1 '-.. r t 1-4 4U.K I l p 4. f Mtt.t f U (,1.4 1 tr i ao. .tv. ' A M4ka4 ' t 'n vtia eiB .t iiiimj inn i.. ijl.uiMmjy Ur UnMUa V a taWt V-ttr 51 ia arr Uar, .lfte raJT.ta tut fi.J ; at.aa al r.nle'ej tei V vrtld C1 r w;.Vitt t . VI raj.ty. t 64 ra wis a. t-4 rtri,),"' W t W4Mi f '. 1.t'i..., 1rr . . 1 - . . ... . ,y 3ta, 1 x. a-. . . wow a at w X.J f.r- C i rsw, iV . ' A i "7 a ? . Say Hewaa Toeturtwl. I weak . and ore laogn wo old eollapee, With an e a sufficient nranii. hntii.tni'n nn4 : k.C.... I ' r b V ' I uvwt : flivlnH Mill th Kit n fa p trnn exDerMimt nt twcnt.tr.tiv vaant i . . j r i i .m i.i.'iiuinu sawi vain irvcu oorne xiwitn utMnmeuoi mima tniiciB or t " muiu4iii. at guarantee of my work In all om Alabama consider it '.lacking id I eould hardly walk,', write H. Eobliieon, j earthly help eonld "ve h-r. hot a friend L ed with ammon?e for-two diittrct forthcoming, the batofi.t was r m--v.-4-. vow yroieawoB. ., .1 fMe hilitif and : ?f. no-itatint- mm . mucDorooKn. xus..DUfciaeien Arn- recOBDmenaoa JJf. Kise enew Vitorrrr f efrrrip V5I r.(f esrrri-? til a --r x-i-s j , " 1eSalveompletlw: eared them. Act J and pereietent nee of thi il!ent toedi- ..1 falli ta dv!ar MSI - Sllirilllll . liriX W . B-MIISIS bW IVIJ. I liaa ataaa A 4 a a a, svaiH bab an BABaa .B a. lir. T . kI.-Ia b - - r - ,X ?- ' ' " : O yBaSBa vai va-aa'"! ".-v. J wvt . wV VIUB BPSB a Ma, B V -B)1 B I HOTELS. F IUNEL1NT0S IflOTEL SAM Good i public. tion, ncalda, boras, . boUs, ulcers. Perfect gnarranteed for Congha Old BroBchlti. pE? thro-T. l- octrct healer of skin dioeaaea' and riles. Care I Aathm and all Throat aod Lnm dla. i be Senate v Committee oa Com guaranteed by Ji. K. & F. it.. Pleasants, sec. - too aod fl.oo at M. K. r, & Pleasant Trial bottle free. barncr. It tfunrtrd tra-sr;.? that or of the rntrtri!r h 3 In come catacrlcd in and wai'kl.'rd .U.--rv, 1 ! o ,r- c 1: fc?. 1!U. U. .-. -. . " -.. a v. i r w',.. "J W a- re t,--ts, ,7? .!'-.;i'..t A? 3 f a f if f J a . i.Mf (MU b ' 4t f 1 4.WM M4 m. J f . . 4. it iu. v. t T '" ."- T 4 an. e.iwu. ai., r .u r .i . . '5 4 meree has mil nnriTPil a favnroKl. I - . - -j-1 - -' - 1 - . ' . 1.. i" ------ .- I - i UNmNTOIf.N.0. Ported the Hafipa-Frye ship subsidy Thpoorest man . able to u, ' W'mimr'Jy 7 f"1? Dem tain i lalMwpetLV; lt foot becauaa any other-woccaa ' ; Oradjtn, , cu. ; ; LJILlktUUMbjrTD JV'C- 'Ocmjcm''tbecommittee-'totinr-acrainst : .... . , . .-s ..- 'Tit?.At. river In r-M tri- ' ;' ' litr Senator Frye TuaesVhe mbsr eiJ--'AW8;'; " . countries lar baa Ivcorr.e accomodation f or the travelinar 1 - - 7 iwiuwi c i k th miondd merit of ' - - -' ! - I i i j . V '-r-Itravagant claims for the bill and lathe Foley' Honey and Tar ron would never rtl kidney and bUddtrtroabee eae l l1l3aalT aa orxv na- Good Livery Attached; MASSENBURa HOTElV - t? M.aen.tTirjB' l?iro HENDEKSONN. C.; Oood aeeommodation; ; Good fare;: Po "f aad attvtivii eTvaBr v, NORWOOD HOUSE au . Ir'' irifianH. - Jortt Ctr::::s W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor fattoaaaa of Commerdal -Tourist 'aa . .. CdzzjiV Jcax cf tha Ap.ar.rr vu vixitirg tr-S'-altr Iat;l H. lliil t c rr-.i 11 r-Oa a -:t Irr. x Vhea th t:.td-s cf ctt--L" ii falltz, a ;4riT ht 5 r. ' er-1 rrr i the air cf ih.;-. a .:- ta C.3 vrra-a. rue r i cl rzaa t-a;r.?.i Trcwa iz th- j vi. ca-i-i IV-at-r 211 1 3 r-i e r-e c 1 hi tTLcal rrru;. al.:.t 11.9 Jcz.- th Trvrt sr. I tit hr-th. Jean wa.:.i t-U th . 1 .r. CvT0hru5, si f :r.a Car-.hta i y.Tta:nt ?vr;at - : The f . ... . . - X t 1 1 1 t t T TTMlit. r --. r v - . , . w 44 r . a . 4. . . m, I j. m. nCDDmiriCLO. fttl'.tj y. ..-I 4. f 4v 4. as-aae-kiev . V m.ln kM ... -LI: J . .. L I WlthOUt 1 44.. wU6u 5 uuiigcu io iaae attack pncun,on5a or U erippe. j It may bis word in the matter as there is prob aT yo" "fe. m. k. a f. r. rieauia. ahlo nn nttir man irv th. C..f-. . I S - canyteU jost howihe. bill will -work! , - . seldom comes op to her ideal; the kv .caii . i I ... - ideal In most eases .. naa to y he prevented oytoe mm t elf y I ccri i ixjwcr dney Cure. U.K. 4 F. R. FUauut. . ba;lt to dred8 itily feet U thr water Lee and to resell axilv tt Tbe averse woman bosbaod I above it, a'.nnr the tact. 0!f when put JO practice. . It now :seems j . . V C": - pruuauic mai idc Din will -.-pass thet"7'; v.- v Senate under presure of the part y; lash j - A Woman -Awfai perit but it. is very: doubtful if l it - caa- get I ' 'There ! only one chance to svyoar . 6 " were Btatlio? words beard by Mrs. I. in the House will .vote against- it "and Hunt of Lime "EUj-e, Wta., from her .1.1.1 2.. . ' u -. . v. doctor after he had vainly tried to eare there are said tobe a number ot ,Re- L rof a fruitful eaaaof itomach trouble publicans who regard a'YOte for the bill nd yellow jaundice. Gall etonee bad loa anj b-e c. ; v rrew worw, come down to the husband. as political suicide. - t Th i '.-.ebozaa tj --j rii F 'ters "The acarchv bills are t?mr t r-ifci-l -c..y esra tf r. . I. a a woL-er- . -. ' - - I f ul Lto-ica, Ltyer ana K;iney re trouble m the House," said a Derao cratic rrsrsber. from New York, wh:n ' t"; Carts JJj - , Ix:3 ci Apre. it. C-'y r 3 ( ' Oc-r".;2. y. . Try ; r e -. 1 j f . . Caiiareu IpecUIIy lULla.'. ' Boroa. bruise and rata are- vilr"ily paioful and if nejtleete Joftn mn'.i in H -w.i -poisoning, l owurra are cjcci. y .u.'i' to gacu tnisnart Mtjn1 noi cr.'ti-. aremedr l)eU itt'a ,WitrU Htet i-'ilve i nneqaailed. Cra oulihe trtt to; th fain, noon heaJa the woe-, i. rr counterfeit.". Snre rr.re ! -r .U. I Wi'.t'a Which Ilaicl 5Jve rwrcJ u-y tibff! croma fur to r ;ire hrr e" writes Jsni 1! -'., 2. Vi ' . i-r, 14. pnres were si t 1 1 ahe I '! to t- f.ft . t B tciicri tn u costri-a wr.cro r . ex:it,, even la Ttry .:r-'.n -tr.ttt.'B, ere row cr;-ir.li- Cr-'1 r:. c:: fasic to dri..?r far c-'4 t rtla lively tri:!:r- cv.U . .4.h" i ; r. tiiilh-ra of p-ilj dr.t a.-.t rc clalrr.i In ti.is i'.v nnu'r.r.N ttji-JMm. ItrrhUdr-. Jc--itu! - r 1 tu YL ".a,-" r j . 4 4 . r. ctt: v r:t, DOIvT FORGET T"i 4 I tit l-3 fill lift r -ar a w.T l c i . i ,i in till c-r zz'.rr th'f wrrs all :ir. I aj i: i . v .t -1 c : . - t . . , ? v . t rvooa r. t " a . ' & r. i r - -- 1 ! - - t-- I!'.'"" cn r I 44 . .i ... . i- t ! t-t , t - 4 r. - r i ; if ::. 3 a fev c; ': s. ; 'j - -a I CO'-. ! - ! i . l ..- a, i- V? AJ-L 4 r a t-rt, I iff T, v in v l I' 1 If , is U. -: f ; I .-i-i I ti ..: f i i i nt tut li ).'' !'..' ii t Vrillt 'fh''4. n 1 1 - XT. t, t,T I r. r-. t ...i 4 ri ix ' : . b 1 J : t II!'

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