7V y ill A A ns. a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor.: r f . . . . VOL XXXJI FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. HVYTl CHURCH DIRECTORY MBTHODiar. Saaday School at 9:30 A. M. . Gio. 8. Bakbk, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. II., and 8 P. H. every Sunday, v Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T. Pltlbb. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sonday School at 9:80 A. M. . : Thos. B. Wildxr, 8 apt Preaching at 11 A. M.., and P. IL, vtry Sanday. Prayer meting Thursday night. FoaassT Smith. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, Sunday School at 9:80. Services, morning and night , on int., ;ird and 4th Sundays. Kvfainff Prayer, Friday afternoon. Johjt Husks. Rector.. LODGES. Lodge, No. 413, A. P. & A. M., mt8 1st and- 3rd Tuesday nifcfhu iq ach month. - -1 er I'ro t'emonal card j jit. S. P. BDRT, . v l'rt. n :l.VQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. o n ., in the Ford Building, corner Main mi.l s.utli Htreeta. Dp stairs front. J) A. E. P. YARBO ROUGH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lopibur, N. C. oiUce 8nd floor Men: building, pbone 39 Night calls anawere'l from T. w. BicKett's residence, phone 74. B. MA8HKNBURQ, ATTORNBY AT LAW. LODISBOB8. K. a Will practice in all the -Courts of the State Office In Court House. - (J. M. onoss, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LO0ISBUB9. If . O. ... . ... A Vnblln I Will IILIBUU bUII CU-JIU VX K HWI. I QnuivillH, Warren and wakecounties,aisouie I -tuDrmne Court of INortn Carolina, ana uu u. Irr.uit and District Courts. M .UlCUS C. W1NSTEAD, AT T O BN E5 7-AT-L AW , LOUIBBDBG, N. C. OFKICB OVBR W. P. NIAL fc CO.'S STOBS. . rti, lal Attention given to all business iMiiruHted to me. 1) K. J. E. M ALONE, ''A ACT ICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGBON. LOCISBCRO, V. 0. o tlo- over Ajcoctte rrug Company. 1) K K. H. POST BR, i RAi.TICING PHYSICIAN STJBQBON, Louisburg, N. C ;;:,', mr Aycocke Drug Company. HAYWOOD RUFFIN." ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BCB9. X. a Will practice in all the Courts of Franklin tn.i adjoining counties, also In the Supreme Court, and In the United States District and Circuit Courts. Office In Cooper and Clifton Building. T t HOB. B. WILDER, ATTORITKY-AT-LAW, LornsBUBe, v. o. office on Main street, over Jones a Cooper's tors. rt. SPKUILLj. attornbt-at-law, lou1sbub0, h. c. win Attend the courts of Pranklln, Vance a th u v t u. Warren and Wake coantiea. also tun rtupremn Court of North Carolina. I office over Egerton's Store. W. BICKBTT, aTTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LociBBuae k. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to Try matter intrusted to rus naaas. itHfnrs to Chief Justice Shepherd. Hon. John niinlnr. Hon. Root. W. Winston, tion. j. v. Kurt,, ii Pi Blrat Nat.lnnal Rank of Win. ton. oienn Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank I ut 'ollege, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. orrioe In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. M. PBRSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOuisBuae, s. a Practlees In aU eourta. Office lxt'Neal Balldlna. H TARBO ROUGH, JB. ATI OENEY AT LA W, LOUIBTJKa. N. 0. om in Opera Hoase toolldlpg, Co art street All lt-Kal business intrusted to' him will rec eive prompt and careful attention, j JU. D.T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST, LOUI8BOHQ, . . N. C, Ottlce over Furniture Store. HOTELS. F IU IT 1 .1 VTO " nnT F I r Ii A J ItiiliJ 1 U.V 1 lili FSANKLINTON, K. 0. SAM'L MERRILL, Prj'r. fJ 4 accomodation for the traveling. V 1D11C. Good Livery Attached. M ASSENBURG HOTEL.; A iaiHiaieiilbm-g' Iropx HENDEKSONf N C Qooi accommodations. Good farei"- Po andatteutivn ervsar'- kinouinnn imiinr "1WHMUUU nUUOC '.--I ffiranrfoD. - . lOfta CzfllllSl w J- nhwod. Proprietor. ot oonunawdaf i r alUeliUslled. " - wta lsa.pi ftosaa. C. H. Mebane, Ex-Superintendent of Schools In Catawba College News - : c'We have great respect for -and conb- dence in the wisdom of oar - Governor to regard to many public policies," but we do not agree witbbim on the ques tion of getting the ctmdren ntd fbe public school. t - . . We fear? that public sentiment for education will have thousands of ignor ant, indifferent parent io North Carolinfas President Roosevelt's pub licity willia upon the trusts "of the United States.-- . : ;' : - Moreover while5 we are in the busi ness of making' rjubtic 'sentiment.fcr education (wbicVwe contend win' pevt first touch thousands parents'), thous ands of white boys and.girs are ".grbf ing into manhood .and '-womanhood, not only to be deprived of certaia rights of citizenship, but also to de!bur dened so long as life shall last with all that ignorance and vice brings to thoiel who are bound down bv thenr: Lives I , . : ... of ivhj tuai eis iicuuui auu nave ill lucm I possibilmes4bat would make jewels to adorn this dear State of ours which is so blotched with ignorance. Pray what is to become of these children who are growing into man- nooa aoa womanhood wnue we arc making public sentiment for educaj tion? ' - ; ' We do not fall out with our Gover nor or aDy ooe else upon this great question. Right in the town uf Newton is a public school within Me hi of Catawba ' 5 ... -. , , , oumcjc wun u uuuiucra more inao 200 childrenrand less than 40 f these were in the school before Christmas. The children are not in the college, 1 are. not in the private school?, except a small part of them. Where are they ? n ,.r: . ' 1 iicy rc loaimg. some oi iQem, ana I some are in the mills. A WRONbr fTATB ME8T. A negro of education in Alabama, and a teacher in the A. and M. col lege, a former slave and intelligent, Professor Conncilfin a recent address t said that '-the white man sees the shiftless dudes and criminal negro, but rarely stops to note the intelligent in dustrious, . lawabiding,.: God fearing army of negroes, 3,000,000 strong, who are forging onward in the lace 00 I of slander and detraction to recogni. j tion in the world." So far from the! truth is lhat view it can bot overtake J it. The whites every day give full coun-1 teoance to the bettei clashes of oceroetl ious, sober, law-abidtng welt, .jorityioWUmingoa today the mcastrious, behaved majority. thousanda of negroes are wetf cbrai&f. I u e . - u : . ed and employed by the white'? race; And so 'every where. The bad negroes. the drunken negroes, the violent ne. groes the murderers, rapists.-robbers, J Z ' i. , ' l house burners, are suspected, watched l hunted: punished when they -are c lUgbt So it is not true in the least in I the professor when he affirms that the j whites "see only the bad. negro, 's The white do give heed and help and svm- I r J l pathjr and kind words and smiles and protection to the better class those who do not steal and lie. and outrage law and decency. They go . farther. I : They even employ tens of thousands n ! whom they cannot confide because they will lie, steal, aeceive, ana are without all semblance of gratitude and friend .. . , . ship. 1 his is happening . alL -around everyday. It is a slander upon whites to minimize or deny their the kudness for the 3.000,000, because they do not condone the crimesjor fail to punish- the others numbering mitl Hons. The Messenger, has never fail ed to discriminate between the faith ful, reliable, industrious negroes and the gang rogues and tascatauand raV pists. - All kindness and favor for the one and the fullest punishment possi ble for vicous devils : and. law-breakers. Profevsor Couneii is not wisfe br iodi- cious .or fortunate 111 his statement m charge against the . whites. -Wilmington Messenger.' " V .. '." ' The ljasjjff card Of It; Mv little ,'bbv took the-!r0UT one alrht ana soon- grew bo oaa yoaxoaia near aim wreathr; aUv?VeV wOTOi 115-a: Bey??lds,-'-.Maaansld.Wefearedr he weuio..aisi out a iew aoses oiyne siinute Cough h -eufe ouickiy TSiieveu aim. ana ne : to ileep.' That's the last we heard of ronpi Now.istn't a "cough cure like went t the crotitK. Nowistn't a cooi'B la- abablately ssfs ;.and sels.iimnedisteiy air otheV andrfn?troubi"a oerMun cure very i pleasant to taau - loctfy k rt' ?-.:--:" ;. r - little oneaUke it.' Ay ooeke Drug Co :;.J v-vl?;;-;: It a lwayii tpoils a 1 woman's' cJn - joyment of her swell dinner if ber bnahand .insists . orT' eallinff ; tba diBoea by; their Engliab names. ' Bared. Htm From Tortured ; There Is no more agonising trouble than piles, The .contant itching and -burning make tife intolerable.Ko position is com - portable. The - torture ie. unereaeing..' De -"I Witt's Witch Hael3Saive curea rpilee at lice. f For skin diseases ute burns bruis es, au va-lim oi.iUBU5i tii oueuunieu,, 8. GeralL St, Pauls. Ark savs: "From 1865 i suffered .with: the j-protro ding, fbleeding 1 tiilas and cuuld fiSd Botroe'to helS me un tU x usea " it s n (Uuu cia-Bi o ro. few boxes oomFyeiirsme." -Emr, .rzr- POO. TAX : oaLY.-V The Raleigh Post falls ifcto aa . er- ror is discussing tbe tax ,'proTision of the recent suffrage amendment to-the Constitution1 It MwTfe rV ;;A allcitixens.lcnow.Cor t'ooghi tJ j f U .. .I B. .. afterihe first day of Mijr next wbo ha "failed xo pay his taxes7poll tax Inclod- ed for theear'prewdintbei fiist ;6f J May'prior,to the elecUon:,' the polish other taxesi w Vtterjf not actnatlynecessary to avoid trouble that the receipt - shali show that; all trortypol,,; paid; and were paid oa ox before the Weresume that : moat people., themprortyJandjxll tax at the"tcoci time and itiadisrrabW that all be pajd there, is nothing in the Suffrage Article of tbe!C6nsrution making the right to TOtedePendenl upon the payment of t upon the payment of 1 PrPPe,ty Ux o -Or.Peiore the first, day Mav. or at an. other time. Onl ' -r t x; Ti w . . I iuc irajuicuv ut rvuL. iz ts iuiicru i wuhin the time mentioned, as refer-1! ence to Sec.' 4, Article 6, of Aht Coo stiintion win show.- Therein it is slat ed: - " "And before he snail be entitled to Yole hlU bave Pid OB or Iok the first day of May of the year io which he proposes-to vote, hia poll tax for the previous year' etc. Again, in the same section in refer ence to the voting of those upon the permanent registration, we nod these words: ' "Provided, such person snail have j paid his poty tax as above requir ed." . The election law. framed after the adoPloD of the amendment, " provides mat no nersoom he nt 1 Mt in nu -T r i "u uc oa'5 P nia wu. tax, I and - says - nothing about says - nothing property tax. Winston Sentinel. ALL HE KSKVV ABOUT IT. 'Herel Here l" said the rich old widower, What are you doingf "I'm pmchin your legs to see rhich, of them is the wooden one," said little Willi. Boy," the old into testily replied, n you bother me. Ron away. What do you mean byne of my legs being I wooden? I haven t any wooden leg " "Well, when Sister Fannie said the other night that she didn't want to .mafry. yon even with all your.mooe j oaoiber told ber botto' befooliah, be 7PVDa4jn;TootB;tKe grave j ooWq'II1 Iongr; So that's alt I-knowabootit. Clerk'e Wise 8aggetknr - r ' 0m! wntes-M. 8. Mead;lea3iig pharmacist ol Attlebore, Maas.-I sould eat hardly any- thing; without rofTeriD several houre. llv fSffioMf no ntore trouble and when one ean go after such a time, ' their digestion must he to eanng mince pie, eneese, caaay ana nou K'as.- Y. E&t ! the good food yoa want but doa't J -. l. it-j-i r overload the stomach. Kedol Dyspepesia oare a-gests your looa. Aycoote vrag uo. Humsn nature always crops oat every tirasr aolleetion is taken up in church. " . j wiuiiiuu, b.i.o K-v k jj" uridoua that it geTt a rood boiikon the system before it is recognued. Foley'a Kidney Cure will prevent the de- ve4oinnentf fatal dieease-rf Ukew la twe. ' Pleasant. Sow wild oats in the most bar j ren soil andHbsy will - grow there las readily as any wT5 ere? else. ' ; Bucklen'g Arnica Salye Has world-wide fame for . marvelous cares. - It earpaseea any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for eats, coma, burns bolls, sore&Veloae, nicer. tetUr chapped handa, akin! eruptioosj Infalli ble for - piles. .: Car guaranteed. Only 25c at Pleasants Bros, drng store. woman who vroarrvs a rlth axilla :!-'.- i.it. skisriro purss.ana emsu WMuaes eviaaatij. yraiara uo.i.rs to sense. " ' : 5 Workimr Urertlme. oar. Laws sra brnored Eight boor, Uws sra Ignored by . those toPSZtf"0?- I T.t P411. M llllnna mr tlnii at wnrk. ..-v. --d d.- -nrin ladhreeUoD. bll lBaaaatipalloa. slek headlebe asd j -arTiila, .n,i bowel tronblea. i j . - ,t .PL,Mn.. l " 'J. . . t Bros, drug Store. rv:; v' i I J.Jfy!9yH L wortn together jmiUitii facto- - Don't voa tell what yoa. have of 1 beapty, atreogtb, edocatioof mon 1 ey or'geniue. -The T-only.; thing I ies-only thing I W b a t y oa are d o- i care to consider la ) tng with it-'- 5t?V AVireman'B i Close Call, v . v' stuck to my sngfns, slthougb -every j t loint aobed and every nerve was racked I with pain," writes & W. Bellamy, a lo - 1 eonioti fsJlreman of- Burlington lows . A4 their use. Try them. 8atlsfaetloagoaraa of j jssiby U, T, 6 f . B Fleawata, Piles 1 "I was weak aad pal aad all run down, results ia ear ratiy to i.s u ss re-la- t - .k.. -. T , . KtT. I tRotna a hoaaahald accesiliv. Bt It tr--r-t-l (AO . W W KITS UU I ft u " wv.w I " - . ' , , t?w.u nttfJ r.. affii. taUno. .It W s havtat any- deubl etl tl a ta t s n ilii .7 1 mZ. aia T i Tif- time aad araio preveated rrouy. Tke t-il-1 1 felt aa well gel ever did in. my life, . f ...i.,. I Weak, Sickly; run aown people siways d ' Uai oar radra. t':rf.a:u I gain new life, strength and vigor fromllHnul .k v. .. srj... ,i,,t, - o mum - wT ii - .i ; ' - IpW 'Wirttnjto ixtar.) :.TT 'TODWO caaOw la ftpala Is 1LJ cukins ttx yrt bvtors tb aS. Ik.. m ' III m. ranJ1 of anything to da to? trf ti an at "aprtnginx sw pl4o- vert arw In th teed, with ocraatosal niHH Fairbaaaa sad Spooocr tt nomliiatioo troDbt cU la bia . vZ interesting . work, UJs YaUcHutkwn trom DavW Bnntt UUl at Nvw XOTk mm twm Th.i.i o Tll.! V TUlmatt as the OtlkCr. Tb UtMl SLkvl most InteresUa prOfntitSoo as U a Democratic candMats cobms la ibt shape of a news dispatch Croca Bostaa and ts to the effect that Hoa. tnillata J. Bryan Intends to mass Tota X. Jeha son, mayor f Cteveland. th reWdoary legate of his prreideatlal ewtat. If that dlapatch ts tn. rt Is of yast tn portanc to the American pol. Bry. an s lufloeace is in oaquewtloosWy great wttlk the rank a ad file, Toea Johnson has much etrrorth et his ova. Bryan's strength added to Jotasoo's -would make Torn tmctsttbW ta tb coorention and at th poUa. Total Johnson has bea Jwetty ratM as a Kg man rrer sracs in rtrqr-ain ratv grees. Many peraoas taw beilevd htm a presidential quaattty, aa4 bis .recent career has Increased ts aeavbt of his admirers sad ad&ervstt, II Ve geographical 1oatioo Is rood Crrt rate. It la rumorM ta Ohio that bs will ren for govsroos bsxt ysar. If hs ihuubi Foraker fead wffl ar4A tiMa .s. If be U eleeted goreraor. aa wtU at loom up. as s prrsldeet la poaaa. . If he Is elected governor aad Bryan sup port him. he will certalely go iota the presidential office March 4. tSKC It Isrrn CnflHah, Yoa Knew. If Hon. Charles Fremont Cochras cf Missouri is not careful be win M&r htmaolf nravmJ umi 1 tn. a I PL.- T to Introduce Lata the bouse a rewoto- tion laming fJouta Afri s Grand OU Z:. 7. J 7 " iTOUfnuiin Anfir, to visit '1 United States as the astloa'a aroestl nvrsirauBf aMMi a pay iM apsossa U kis vialt .Steald It pass) mnA aruvnvl lr Vrmmmm 1 f r v. I ana anouja air. &rerer acrrct u .plain people of Aaveries, BepaUkaas ss -well ss Democrats, weald gtre klm such a welcome ae would warn the cocklesajf Ms great heart: but tt win " mttuujcb tmswiw wutitreav sr rata n&Mt -rw. a- see to thst Cocfarea may latradaca an the reaolotlon which his gwaeroos soul and fertile mind caa rasxtat, but this Itepoblicao admlaltratia wVl never permit them to pass. It aroaldal be EngUah. doa't yoa know. ' The People Wsnt ft, " More and. more It fcecranrs SpparSal dally that the Democratic party is the party of ths maawes sod the Republican party the party of the bosaea. Of late yeeVs. there has beea an Insistent movement amocg the pro - pie in xaTor oi eierang uoitn outre senators by the people taatrsd of by the legislature, afore than oace the national house of represeata tires has voted to submit a eoostltutlooaf smeod ment to that effect. It vii always per mitted to sleep the sleep of death ta the senate the millionaire club, De I ocrats declared for It ta their Wat j UoMl pJationn, If aabmlttrd urtb I vy wuw w'" wnoop. At wax ue iepuouons aava ehowo their band. It haonrned ta boaa i nnnpn linn wnr iu Kafmmva dwmnra nanus and Foraker dlvtds Buckeye world between them. Tto resolution came trp In the Ohio boas of mJtftatlYe1ltVh-niover. wbelmlngly ItepuhUcan, and was kCV t.Vill J Burden of Taxation. j Aa s phliowopher audi toglcUa tto Philadelphia latpslrer Is A dsod jea. verily, s Jeemes Dandy, last for amusement read this chunk of wtadotn from that source. It ts rich, rare and racy. Ths Inquirer says: "Yrry few people bave felt the war tax. Very few of them have knevro ttoy.wvre taxed. Indeed, many of theat aever were. Why, therefore, simply bees ass I bs cut off? fn wa aoata H 1 to ad - 1 czr. z 1 . ntsger :xra, ec:eoure we caa. I SQuander a Urre rorttoa of u to buying flsnoels for our new wards I In the tropica or fans for our old wards In Alaska. ' There Is no trouble ts bod ways to use tt; Quite the . eoatrary. Ttnt. rtrar. whoa manrT la Uf The j people stud tbe people waaf the taxes cutoWo. TtoyrsTwiniaf to stood an the mousy necessary to support lbs e" UDTir:. I'lTf I desire to be mulcted beyood that. rovernmenc noerauy, dux tary-ao not i .-,. r rhrht. or sU tbe tJotttksl eeoe I e amv tv r. omJsts from Adam Bmlta to the pre I 11 m are wrong.' - w - pves - Ths truth Is that many of the war I taa-wsra Irurdeawome sad veis tkaaffiit ftrrer!fu-rwil airsr Btsmp Uxes bgra aerer bera water in this country , auxe ins . osy ct George.GrenTine and bis stamp tag act. ilany of the feature or the war Bometntos? Taat wGl . tw Tew T Good. - .v- . :'-.", ,' " , Ws ksow ef ss way lnwkUW w aa to of more aervlee. to ear. reeds (law l(aD threa ef eemctklas tkai will to ef ml gd oftbtta. For thlareaeoa vswact.Uae quaint abvai with what we eoaidro af (U r hftt rWMnlla oa La a wurk at ta coombs. -"U.aod ttot alarmio eUiat lcroup. - arefer to CbaaberlaU'e i afk I Bemedy. - We have aaed tt w:U k r4 keenltia thttrfco'" m a aaftraar 1 trilirt I croup. Crn4a C) Utlrtaf?.-, I'(f tl hyLa:r,R,i.:t5V B4 Wn s V St oooeoeoooC'ooa J- i . . 1 rr4tK4 tx Twtaw" fff Us.aww i& ui q fUtntam -ma a ir sad rxApra. 11 M om tai it rotsxrrws fast Um Wrr: rrw te: 4 sj tt, tt l&y CA LlajCta Unit TS- tastn tsx u wnr;i4'aa ewetraa a sworrw tmuaei tasv rt?TW csjb tag mm tat taHOrtiMW tJwa wid ad CwparUa t tW vtiw wC eowaO m. tUls tU t CJXcx- Aa4 sw wt ts thestKle fUHf. U Ta sowr wt3 pot Rs est ts frtEa4, H vO asrvrtala CUt t-r M; cf rts vaet la tstwsrpls4.aA4 tVcr rrpwal wd toes tbiwr frw we a tfcw sweaw pp&&ay cl C tkfs twTwssw WKers ls OrvM( Uin. ' Hoo. WKOaa - gbwf. ranaat yooog DwSMKrst frce fterwr Twr. SW nr crvr,4u foe wer4ti a blD U f jrrw tM trwy e4BU)s to roa-t Wb3 rw4s ta Uall wfJca vat pay 2 tier et esi awarUrt Vsiaanev r. SXTrlarj- ti Trvsewsj IUw sdmtts tlut W4 w s Uv Ww ta ef . fwrt tVe aotMVWwt vrwl Varw tat tbs a4snst swwef sf fiianck.firn. kv etMsai sws ta cuteoaM mIs LUuit pvstr n rWwt vy twM- era La clT titmml mt iu a . .r. ram c iv 4tamint9 U a. U ftmsru.VO ty as ley. .,c a.a4 UrtWt saaaarMat e fwSC rsaU. TW law ta tt ttttm frtw tat tbw staiw trwaewrw M IW rS4s ta th Maka wkfra rta fay to atr rt per wt va 46y taxoHa sfimr SMVtag stawa a4t aaal avw4 ewtty. TU sxbe-t trrt4 kas a ehsra ta Vtlri e&4 ts torrty aas tsctd IS pii tva. Wly wr?4 s U that wrrta wy t kfUawit tv slew wta wo wVra trt t fivat twJsnrws ttMtamm Wayi Net s Mefwy Cee4, .Weodetw wta swewr cwaisw tf 3-n-eral KaaMwt rwa. t&w War 'rsswouUrw ta ttis twaatry. is aw . . ' . fiUataonal IW tW4y tVMa 1 ve 0909 wp s rc-J ram araay waal4 aalwranr cul CU- Mti is fae last tf-t tto AaaarVas cocUt wtMrs te rctaa wJ4 rW4 at rar m ew iwrv that aaa Aa f-g Jiniion'Tit irtrsrs l-rffrvt wtia s a.i M. r- x KocakSL Um tw Crr ta rvafwwUr amy vi2)VaI a&aUV. ..... unwliMiMM..n...., Ue hraawa hrr f yagateww Tat that spot ef aQ w a&M(i to wtirt ed aa a.toa t ir-fi. M.n. .oUl lt twvs Is (to very tto prrvi4St rtltoS Is kewek 3 tU EagtJb Wkwi er U JTta.rt i to proceed sla4 It. aa4 Occtal va SOS it rtxit ta k4s ?rvt3e4 to ts eprrwrt as totsto: tarL TUt ta s aeatral asOee at Waal tt Is e to be. sad rheaal ettfer (to ikewtreja ty laws wnitoet t reality : ta-w-aa taewld Wrtira ttoea,. That sapTemisirat awotorlf sw Amsrtraa srtiiScrsrr vW swat areas ts S CwW U. IVkwatr te Txtz& lavtcg stvrWs e4 rjal Uae to Irsrc9. Tto csaa wto ra break tto Uti$ CrW gastag toak. he rwraired wia arUI fcy tto saarato Ewprrce rtascta Jwt wf Awrt tlengary sad wfc&e away s tot?y totf hows wick Coward VI I. Is ae tlry ta srott tto eatory a4 ay e s3 aakydoa. it ta org kaww wtoCtor Hr rVwwtVtt gT-ara wf 8trary sa-rM m u bU, to eat tVu ta to I sue a vetooe eetttfed Trewawd It s t tUt9 erl storeJ4 to tamraW I .i, . . of ilooacos arto ta trtorw tto anaarory pvtvwtata ta rrpw Aa as Afrtra store tto Uia of tto f.iwwfigs AWxa4rr, eg list e rVrt'J Kf. Bcawsb caw sdd atrgty to (to rry sf tattooe If to a estate la 5t3 bow to bseagad te trk (to tmS4t toak. rwrtop (tot was wtol to Ua Cdwmrd VtL, fUyWtf IHBlka saS Warwa. t rrotbwr lubrer U "Vy, a?r. 4tt?i tly." ,Ule Xlajcc la Iiagvaart. IS tsoga, sir. tfrvtr tocg,- tto ttot dVrcxkty wsrvtor. rr ogee ttoa a year tto Wlareoafa cwwrvaaasaa toS toww 'artag' srwea4, pawtag a-? (to greead sad -vexta (to rtrr aragrarat attscsbrra VtiX d-i4r5V as ' to I what to weeW kl wita 04 Trtota lis 1 Oown the taruf oa tortaia anscwa. 1 tv mw a. u . wtoo twe &uwnw avesatore eg tie way aad caaase rcolr wre aa wcat to soeve to tut lis tart? rwtoe- Coa Ha oa tto war rereatas ral blO. En tor Hah aaAferectoe Jna-a Tawaay ef kflaocee'a, totk CrOO so. tva4 fee It. hat f rew tt was df ted. aad defeat It tLtmiJZ I ae. the nx suadiag 7 is s as I Bgi karw tl wacUl to aVrfaated wtoa he e?Vrr4 tt, - It is said aew ttot ft ana st a 1 tto eUha (tot nttv a-t4 aa4 woahl bare rrv4 tt tod tto rw I XrnKrrats tora rrret aad ttorafae credit,: aa4.lt ts at.' fattor. ttot I Drvttor IUb was toartsg ators t4- I IJc. ; Tr. ' It - was , atorp . pc.i-a l-eo atorp ttot it n f4 toey. c atoy w.aU 4 rla.a u a cm ti .. a tie na. 1- 'u f. rrv tot rearaateed. far aaie ly M. w r. : . t j , . A. wooaa would ralbar be aei - UeI bat aotleetl, Ibaa ta be fovad bat aot.aotiee.. - Ua frT!'. r a-J -'ti yv : t au- f ti T i i V'a, Uf II Jhk ala-i ! CkJVarta;' fi vr- -k Tky -:rv i i a; i i ..-i3-a- a4 I i'nv ' 1 . Tf rW Cs ts ta .--. StJ ' e BM aS .Ank.t2UCtt4 aaT rewemUtf eans tx. C''. r4 Whs. Xt-i m Kwr. tWwa ihtTifwf ar-r I rt TAa ws ax 5 a . fwrw as r3 t 4 vie i ary fMt tr uu'ia e A4 fctrux. T a-e tmpcm Ikm .l t Qaa aart rruk. tni , vc lui ri St Sm4 a W MwnJW iit t r a4 tr j , Is 0t ct t-niZi's ?rh TT.. Aasa ! inJms CKatMntjKit,, aaw4 EVtf ei- I " tu3 fb. 2avS) Tt SUaAry C4m, "tt ! a w'it... TVst W f h4 V mwn. sroas tVil tUtm a irWS-jaj aaO t. t rat:ti f -.( (ra tr-f M s4 a ss e a somxw fus us A VU as cvrtTssaww tuwwjr awrsis4 at COeOa CV, aM 04 itwmS fjr is MteSsw. w4 U tva erw If txat m4 fW rWMwt Sa4l lsM tSWiS) V"aasesa Vs Is Sxrr ft tcw-awe y V wi a VA aut? mt cw fm4a w Omi XtaesMt rsx,' tss 1 14 wit u fwxr-we es a eor s4 y:X;l Qmtv a Oa SUA ' M ts sua4i4 a aasaas cs as sms Oaa kva 1ojm WW tWAAa w ssvetyatiaw U sw""! a whei w t erauca vt4wfuwU 9ts tmM U wa I "TT" -waa rsritsxi. 9m ! re s-nw V ewm j 14 aasOrw ft aie SUA. tt eWa a fatrws twa ts Oe3a tscto. tl 'Was (to toU&et as cmns A&cs, fwaKrvy taaaaw4 "lUa try wTTsaess . a3k aaa . we a tVhwA aaiaar aaaaa rtw to tC w a4 wtoM eAgy a rvto awiAe atorwi atafasrftoa Ttowe Sier sw ttovw totw toe fvw atoaa, OrtiMCto wee stae mmmm aa Um g Alo OL TttjrWAsv -tto Cttl ana ansTOiy to se toM tto saaat saaaowa g sto mft, tt ts (to at i ama torn as ttoa. tawrwa-w T. mi ts,r ka wvs a lawar fSwa was to oaa to a aaaa at ewsvraty a4 aVasaXa as ara a t-a vi wto ta sag aJul. to wws ta nuBflwcto t ra ctot m was r-U aa to ttora. t saana Url (tot IsCtoaS tswiawwea ltwry n. Owafge Tssto ss! ta3r toa. It, say tonwwsfy tto t to Ida SAaJs) awe (tot a ms ea taa-Cy Sato a aeraO wwtoaa saa-Veg aar swaa f as a g-ws ms tto aaaw way w3 eraave" graa as nw as Cli4f ratot Altoa. 'TtSSa Warnsaatasa Sw4 WsaaOK. A a'asaaaa,a saal Oai age wtoa Mr. Ts lfe a-as a rs-aC Ut far gaars. a -roa g1 aaraiy rwnavrto4! 1 to togw Mr Ta hUaa w3 to auras a. Ttoa we wtl tow ars giarwaa aa tto lrw ess tto kT ana affaat as tto mnrvt u aa w--asaT as wa tow ssay ktg aawa f s UTaAca aa4 lto tt. &raaa OUa Lm as i IT S aa.a3-actoi. a wf Uav4UtorabQ.tow) T toasV satew to wto e-aa a?ew are ewuarsaal aaal Che we aa tvvi (toy aarl eeaitots St eCV en to4 taaat g?wt sa fee a we bltMtaitnjiUteCM.isu toe tL.-aar Tto r jra ttoy arw nessa saanaeaaea-iagauweara aat a-maa sa4 IA4 aaae to Ckk4 to ra to tto I 4(Ve ClatoS tWr a las Tw eassewaaeto as "scry aaa aww aiMy to eeai awaaw rsraatowiC toS law rit7Saae fre to tto T" TCto aawaaisiaia4 CtoS toaav ItovrasVr to4 S wren t toas mt & rana wrrt4r S wOl tto vka. wt (to wwrwl towak wto wtoa tor rwvalae taOaa4 (14 aw g swS far wMsaser Taara esaabanaJ tnng toa wwa wwaAi Ue swk v toa tor $ (to ewwwwaVa e4 eSaratos stag ttowrr rttotto tla toxywf f X Saiaaaery stow4 Sar3 to ataarSaaaa ws aa4 wtor wl toe ar was ( aw toma rvc swa SJVi.7 ssrae. esj mt wvaaw t wrjenaiy et?ca ttoi (to toawat a tto aaaai atf sato4 totf aa mnx3 Tto toaawt re. fy Sta sa ww aa a salary si tint 'frwatiaa twWtf yiit trmnnal Siw ; va to tto edTaat (tot w gorvxuMS na Aayw ato3 ?ifiKy to toOary s try f:g tarrwaaw as Wf toe ri a greet nvwag to sa4 a ig W saarv glwTtoy raato ttot M ttota (to as? trrMt, s M Xtoe are sti. tf il'iwiV'wm'M fJait stwt&ta eat w (? ttos. TtoVfy a trvy a4 ttot M Is aasfiay M tataw sa eetor g Ca( ewr ttoa a te fcrtig tto rawaattrsasu, Ttoa ta est wrary ss! Itowa. ws cy sag rv ICy gtwwtag eesftaa Ttoy sw-w smaw toe stoag xwi.tm. .Tto-. rwa lJk tTs sttg tuSrTS a re5 v aCitore ttarUl tat D axUUnua y g ttoa wtot. wto wS aa.. I Tto frCJ-s toe totttol t U .fla a4 t "Trs4ral yw Vara a to sa f Xs; t ve c4 Kaiy. wiwa?ya UTa. faV F.mmrf T -wS a lMUif tiV af aaa a awwi lMrW(l (mi'ii wniw)i at ta va v ia a. .a r.c f it at t 1 Tiers are tO.CO ca-sast al wts la AailraUa, i.1 1 --n. " ' s ttoa TR4 ea tit I ur w !( 1.1 ' '...... " ln a-l I m 4 a- ..' i " sr-. r sue l . sa. ., - '. I a 1 Wfa 4 a t r t . hi liiri I r I - - i. ' y. n tow eaaaww www TSaawaa aa4 I v-nna e snv w tmut aw. ; ; - Tl& ' trri:.-. riLrr tr TWi tbt4V" silt m ta "7 s s ervr n4 ujsi, TUS sta asoy aS f j ; aa ,m W, tauthM4'ne (TtorC tMi, bww a. Ji a rn 4 aema i mys, CW t Of a BAt LajrcV, eU t (W.r slUS I eanaVKi- - Ow vsjl.'4 ev tn.o-K as tv . Il4 SMS W-wn Stat f f.ir tWr f-atew g U aaun'tta .. erw-'f t. vU4 sitJ eot axw.-t-e. tV S&. arawc;'! rw4 V Cnavtua a f sw 4ftS S-wS 1ft 1 vktwti. 1ia!: ee. ettiu; '.! s.aatfi aaf ."M ihwrtw e4' sa, r.is e aUrul ei eawf W TU tCi. 4W t Os J as sas Tt wm, s nawnA b Urn awt st iu vt tr" 1 a, n Its wMf Vs aWssMVs4 SMHwrt'isi a ; s&SBasa ta wliaai Wa rwXsWto a St Onf -USJ haJ 1st. 5 I' ' ' . " ;iamt rrtm turw , waTsatt fm&f CWH a tvft. avk U msj a Wr w waiit.AACia wis a6 la sw 3 Vf awaaj euwa jj -fVleje ynstol toav.c Ws Ch rkru SS tHS toaaar rmmrt VaVy-MS fto(S ttowwv. KX we tos a trfttoat ad ne aai. slf eT rtf irtots 4 -u, toa4s liivee 'r, f 1 1., iwrsj ara ttyv tarn swa su ava-e toaf towjatosanw a. aj. Tea, toOweaV,' "f. satfl tto seftto-e todV to. to3 O. yiw W.al f wm&t I : t aW ii Ue rrf ( VwwJ aa-fcaow"! (to sJU&iat sitasPSx, ito-y aua-j aw auea. Is aNw tto 1 iwr j w-s-to4 swt rm U.H stoaM ' t. toawv tf una to aa7 aariaw. i toe s etoa ywa w3 lrf atonic toN rf- ia tto swnto aVJtC ee f e I waSaAaJwavv a $ ea a..nw.t Itoswa. at, a, a f a, rw..ia Ksa Is tA eaf aaJiska: ItoJ .? ise aa4 eaAr-y-a a b f uC.u. I 9 v. a. t-ia. a rk. . a-t. I " :mhc ' I '', - V ' rt-XT - . a.2. v, uiiM.i e M-a tZfJZZ t!lT ZTT I wua. aw a, e- I w t ma) a s-iawMw $ I ' a, k r. a. n a I tr f ttYX't: I U . . " - cieerraavrrtit m tctiija. tntistr'aab Q8a U Tto Wi V" S aT SM j itaw miEUihltilDH. I a t-r . tstCa?)ta. Iv, ., mi ua swrnwaiia mt ala a mVs wJ1i,j SmMiMw ;iMMa tw to w Sa Swa an teaa4 sms t. .. t.aw. t. ew ae 4H.. na a et aM- aoxw a- 'a a tlmm f aS Slw m w jw a a aaeuaiin ! niViai- to Sm lUif JaC7. ?1i.wsh. a IJ If. DCfiTAL ROOMS, -ar'totort.arra ti toat a't l.t to S taaiw to a wrt--to tto i.a.f sy itatW (i.a4 s- ew f A tl . Ta I alav ewMJal a iiJ CuMsawiaa g t Vt ewetl-wa ti eaUii ta li-le t Va-r mr&f enmaft. a4 Save i3W to tto yaastjua Ue . vm ttjt Um immr Vtn'U tto( U- y ertwwttor (77uui Ve r f kvff S toY-ltoA, t .as VT4 rrcats. . sIm aa f to ei. a--ina f .Ma ,a mh4 aa rwtu 1 1 ,w fx, . t-n.nrt. eM tf I tnmm . i , Sba. ' xa e t . i.iw.v, tt MC Tu'r .t.C ri. t lrr-X Vl. Va tto f-- arT 7-wr 1a f j-i'.rtr. e U a 7 C?- J cia I imw it. tm u fu7. el l n iVa.-r Cs-we-a. irt-'riwl $ Ku1,aj.w J ajA,Tiii 1.. .Dental Hoomk ' I'letiifl t tto nmA f Vto Ira a l ? - P. r. -Tt era r ! U'i ? ; i ' a tl t . .. - .:l f.t.r .1 t I Ull.f, I as V' as r rr y r maafe vV; gt. t;hi4 ateiiyi j tvgf m.ua ,s;;.f t t.rluUt: !at b iTi.v.Sifr 3-i!g f t.'r-b In :ie ,,ui tt T v - ST.. . - t .1t:ifinr, cv ril r-s 5l,rtT. rV tt.U t lltrrr. ui r-r-f,. ti4t-'na ltcn ;".! t- C'W lis v;.a hli4 t:UM Sr-.i-i V Ln WMtit. Via a- -a, if I ta-a .' a t waaa44sweaa vaaaasp a 4iaa J f . i - A-' atf cr? a Jt 'v rt. - ,' A e eaaMa a 4 "" j awaXe?efaiv a t:rt::'a3 attv . --a t 1 1 n tactt!f si . airt'stt is mrHrrtfiA ' 1Sa- Xi iisss n4 a 4 aV aa Wh SVitwirwuas (MM Mrf W aw. aMdt a w Ma. 3 V waiman. m a tow t a Q Smt iww l a. " mm IM wm a toM k-mt i wwaiMie MMtv mm li.Klimw .! a m- emmm mm t mm anwmi.niii aaw . nin aM - MMa aiM a,-a a mm a , ? aw a nwiiiuiirf ms m 1m.ii ex K aa to emu w.k lo - ''to W ri j;-a Va toa m M l L;Kf)iJ :s ?as taw . twaa. taa toStMi a rto Iwl tf mi a ms t e.ia a at r5 t:.a.f .tt. 7 to. aw pvl ' DONT FORGET TUl st eH Jja. 'if 1 1 19 H, a U.'-1 a a U. w-ta y.iw e,K t.i4 t Vto : V fxa tx, its If wra SuCs ad Ka.'-S etV. arw1 a.. I, fi. a a tm a j Uiato t-e. A.; g f vn .:tua,. &x rt :tyt x a titar rrrstrtT j tW Sr' . (B ),( I 1 1 :i At.:.. '. ! t-4 i.rvw. t- ' Vt5 t;tt!vi w eaMiiM Iwiwt i siii w " ' iMa ata w iw. atM sms Maae sama4 a e i " hiii a aiaa ow VoiMH 1 W mmnm H Ma. .,...,, exa 7 aw ew m i e j " e.. i-immiia h swi " axe , in mm is mm j a nun m imuia-iiw a a iai,aiw vmI I i w Um kmm 0n.mttm aismm I r MMW JM ITT j SO Mill - w r m a1"' asm -w ml mm ae ttK WMI mm at,4,a vi ffi,vf.Mi (.(4,94,.- aMv w' wa aMwa ewa whhwm a m m 4mm In in a 1 ki M M a to " an- ana a m lata n m avr am ii ii ea aa wmiw V" Nim w ft ii i in ii ii r mrm mm i 1, i . eni iniaa i ia,, lw W i l in wi w toa H. m, SM h liwn m all Itllll 1 SwWwiMi.e fc nmmu an i t m a smi, alM ' .c t it, : lu jl l.f..J, t t ll.ll.) g 2 a "i . Ci ifi't l V saw. I IT. iiT. I. is .i- . , I,. ewnw i t-a - - I t i rt. . f ' : It -i-a.'. , r a t.t-i J s t -; Vi .i I a.. . ii ! . 7 a aJ Jt v l.i t 'a a s-e- V r;( a, 4 eyuat:r,ei.s. r -"S Co, i.;i , i :-s . i - A

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