US. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. -- - i. . iy ... . . , . 4 f . ?. w i r .... VOL XXXII LOUISBUEG, IMDAY, .HiHCIl Ii, mi .. -;.-.r a. . , - . . PAY YOUR POLU TAX. EOUSSTKLT 03TBJC WRU33TBACK kA'-'.A'' 4 MS TtlUn CHURCH DIRECTORY MBTH0DI8T. Sunday School at 9:80 A. M. Gao. 8. BaKBB, Supt. Preaching at II A. M., and 8 P. JI 8very Sunday. , - " Prayer meeting Wednesday night. -M. T, Plylkb. Pastor.; BAPTIST. . - .7 Sunday School at 9:80 A. M. tl Thos. B. WilDB, Sapt Preaching A U A. M and 8 P. H., Dvcry Sanday. . Prayer m eting Thursday aignt. Forebst Smith, Pastor. BPISOOPAL. Sunday School at 9:30. Services, morning and niht , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sandays. Bvening Prayer, Friday -afternoon. J ohn Huskk. Sector. This is a general election - year 4 In which, both State and coontj officers will be elected. Every Democrat,-or ! Toe.A rollowbjt , editor ial from the Washington jPpst scarcely seeds cota eaenu ;. . -. '-v- . every man who desires good; goyerti j H Soe oloorSoothcni contempora LODGS3. Louirtborg Lodge, No. 413, Av F. 4 A M . mertts ist and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. irotfeHoiial cards, JU. 8. P. BCRT, PftA.0TICINQ PHT8ICIAJT AND 8URGEON, Lpuisburg, N. C. Office la the Ford Building, corner Main and Naah street. UD stairs-ironii. 1) B. B. F. YAKSoaouoa, et Senator Eey Xa' DtUte-Wn i sun riiht on Oc. csuioa DavtiJ XV. ItuTl SpcJt A TUt I al r"U. fH4 4 n4 oa Tte rn win Mto nbmAi uwmf rjMHi rA t TSia U taa CrV ment, whether he call himself a Demot xl dBpleaiare at President crat or something else, should feel it movement at anarch). : In the course jfj his duty, to cast bis vote for the man 1 01 a' lew eztemapraneous remsika ail and rne. hi iHm.n, I G 1 banqtiet last; week, the -" J & D :j '-.j. - - - - . - ." - I - '" '.-! r ' . . t , - - - but there Is one requirement nowl; : vn tt . I . which has not prevailed heretofore, J lbe dela ? the food Presi r waAtawiiwr.i i " andone thai h, iir h dcDt McKihley, who d.ed for tbe peo: U-.nArB bo prtde at 111 0 f 1 pie, exactly as Abraham Lincoln died. I I I .Propbrt. and ytt tMcmo-w f krra oters ir attention-was not called to iu Vnn h iK- ki- ; .v- Mt. 1- I I - snawr wowpo wna uiiy We did this some4nontbs ago and no I ' wade war against anarchy 10 ; . , ,1 any lorm. xua maae war tor .lioeTty 1 praucuoa which . 4 . mv rrwjuraurT ' I " t i lt- ti tv rxr vir mu-wm tt do it again, becaase it is a matter of I .li'ii--c 1 ." - " ; - made about him baa ainaif bo aar.-Uf M f4Js Ifitft4 Kf-iV 5y ! ,7. . .1.1 ucr sol ? twi reocnlacd aa U atreciMt dbate ta j rr! -. I f-flro iartsy e - - - 1 K'uu iKUND inniir. iiubh (if liable to poll tax) on or before the war of the early '6o's fought for the I Hoar and otlr Bepbtka area tors out w a runniBC nr ccm 00 -3 tuwf md eh Urn 4 t; ttnmk. A rani I4 itnat4 anon .t.ii. w -: Hi, I44n t-, wna tX av kti fcM4 .n. tui Urn Crrm '4wy. ?" CW Hi ! MtotiAt it m df Ci yM WfrK. &o.t twtm, . V9 ! v. - MtuM .aiW Iny TV W wn 1 1 0 UU BUI ACTVitH M4 IMl I " - " . I rf 'if, af rr ft trfw1T tuar 1 importance. "The election law no the voter shall have paid hispoll tax 1 tw ww ,.ucira bi iu..ra w cure? . " . -4 d nhnMio -..m 1 1 J tivety perform oar duties as citizens asj two year from tb day km ats foot fa I tb tavszu "Vm wt atwaS I tttwTpw Disims w rrnnirM imm .l'ui iuc .fiiii w 1 " 1 archy.' PHY8ICIA.N AND SUBOEON, LoPlHBURa, N. C. Offlce 8nd floor Nea. building, phone Night calls answered from T. w. Blcketta residence, phone 74. B. B. MABSBNBUKO, ATTORN BY AT LAW. IX)O18B0B8. B. C. Will practtoe In all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW. LOUISBCBe.F. o. Wul attend the courts of N"h. Franklto, aranytlle. Warren and Wake unUes,aUo the iipreme Court of North Carolina, and the U. -I circuit and District Court. M ARCUS C. WINdTEAD, first day ot May in the year in which preservation of the Union of States, ona and MctlS he offers to voteand shall, before The government did not make war for by tb. arbluary JfJ ' - the purpose or with the intent to free Pro Tem. JTrya wa om U tb axwt N- being Txrnritted to vote, present a single slave. This is history, and 1" prfo?Dwoc' 0 "la thA BAiia tit thm eoaerrlfiC fathom. his tax receipt signed by the sheriff ol President Roosevelt is assumed to know angajoent waa abort and sharp it by heart. Early in 1861 and effort and ended In a dedslva Tlefory 'or tt thecounty or tax collector of the rg made- By the Repnblicao leaden T8!" U ,,., . , , r gava him front rank la tb ka swmt- county or township where he res.ded lo avert the impending war by putting oua branch of natloeallatatar when the tax was paid. The law is inlo ,he Constitution a provision that Tho constitution waa tfc tbsn. Aa . w the institution of slavery should nevr. anII?QDd Ljf1111 UT mandatorv, and the payment of the - J Bailey baa no auprrior o thi cetl- be interfered with by the generl gov nt. Uia poaitloa waa atoJtty Uo- poll tax within the specified time is ernment in any State'in which it then pregnable. . It waa this: Tba awoata 12&3 MM llN,' AUnt tbt swaaw Uavr fkat n arc- Beffc4 atstP-assi at Wimsjs) aad a araaTixTa-w 1 it pvxauass vavft etMT u Mirw rWUs) wf a rratart. eo waa ctTtaai (IaM W rta Ttt 1 a Ua. of t2tc tftocy fa a tvtfl hciti U Xrw . Aa rf ectawiw (Wt u sw AsxrVcaa M ft gww'Sl ersu&ie aa tta aata wi ftaJfft U. Ikfca makar.of PUUlcid. X. J. aa - turooniM a al a rr 9 4 i a)r!sra pnwBTiaa fwaw t waraor tj a wf to Wim ! unit sf w-ftapia at, 2 ja. Ttiwj wy V wianwC k4 w-itr Uewt VJ tw (Iff rw M ti Wt:f(i Lk. te ovttws ausaa wy .h tiM K. aa4 C3mi cm . Ai HV. m ftjwrva rwisraw Qi ta (Vt aaw a Wt?4 aT ttn cra Mm tsi CW aWWi'JHa a c at rvwi o ir&sis vca n ftW wwaAa aw Mm wrfia V V a. a A a A ..hi-,.1. m ii . fxtetMl. PriiHnt l.inrot.l L,na .1 L " rlQl lo epnT a senator oc """'""7 uv-waoij, i,., mi, uu i 1 r hi Tote; moca jn.n t-.w y o- WWUf wt arv rvrmus: Sa--ty U aaeOto mObv Vat stv to atUI tw rtaiy fo a AawtKar IUw In Im haa tba etMldlM ' Wbtiw la lUa ttM'jJ. fs iTaS I SSJ U WVT fWa wa ttm raatf t K f avur Htt n aw4 lka kiai I m . & m. . a.MVn a aaa a. w f 9 ..wwbTw 1 aa i si M - - bl Sa sr -. - lher.-fr.rP PVPr nmnrrat !, " "I"! OfflCtf IKD MSI M W Bf ISt ! I . u w "-r ' " " . w v v M. ' ' purpose was to save the Union either 'Alt. except by expulsion. j Izx onrwtra by gt t m li A- I Mt. ira t m u-u u valnpe Kie .nl. anH o,r,M nnt 1. U I I On that nmfMaltVtft flatlM t.r4 1 trtaM f GVX iti. tt U fMafvCaT I tl . .uu -v-.v i wun or woitnout slavery, l he eon an- . . ' " . I i m.t w,, k , , .i . I . .'. I Ma opponenta ta a mortar, aod ba tt I riy aaw 4 h- tt. ,. -hould, it he be liable to doU tax. cipauon proclamation issuea auer An- remembered that the torn intut rrvecoca wmm tiaws t-5!1 ilirwt Jmda' aTi 1 l''rii'i a t uy ra.t wWJiiry jTtm rsot ew tir? VM tiatMtMt,Mwi ttoa Iskianrt 4 14 r trti wot., ftr " f'Wf V'wi.. TlV tt,1 J'Wf Vx. Tut rn w w j tik -n-Hi 7 ynw e4 ft. e-t a tt aiaiwof. tMfi ' . . -1 ' 1 Vtife) t a-t )MSVa eiy. e. Cms f Vkm mtm eat CImnw tans ewra&w a(rw aa Vmw 4 mmm Of wiaa aa ftiimnmaa i CU aawKg AAA wa04 s4a4 eoa R. e tVn wo aw. TU at aa 9 mk 4 mo a nwi.c tw ; "n-lj r,' ajiurva ti limit f rww i -.-r n4r( , t tnrt 4uttir tie tfclA jAa.e I nv.Mfie iuh it ai .nC erm,tif widaH4 4 w lj n.w 1 attmf wtin caf av'fi. had fciwv-4M 1wm ) i ThtrwivnMdM' - ' ?"va tin va v, virV nv"vu uiit. f a.nM f 1 v- tietam, in September, 186a, offered I whom be wa pitted are act weakBn L v . - wa a. a a . a n a.-e to the rnnfPi.Prat anrf th. Hhi uul crc V"CSJ Oeoaters r I tv,. u.t. ATT OR N BT-AT-LAW, Louisbdrg, N. C. OFirics ovaa W. P. BBAL k Co.'s Stobs. Special Attention given to all DOBlneas ake the precaution to pay it in time, get his tax receipt, and put it where I . km t-. .11 I 1 . . - 1 -v..v . .Uw.v.laT 1 uauey rreeiy actzutteu that tbe twt' t may not be lost before the day of I Ihe Constitution 00 the sole condi- te could Inflict any puaUhmetit a electoin. I - u- Htaftw t ej V eifig VC ht I iinmiiiiW 1m .oil MtMw'to i I-' l -l. aerte wilt V"T l vmm ' Mit WmAiH ' , la, " !. ' :', fnu 1 t I f " 4 tn Kj tU'IAtVt ,3fL entrusted to me. D R J. B. MALONE, THE COUNTRY DOCTOR. Oxford Ledger. fdACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON. LO01SBURS, N. 0. OiHce over Ayoocke nrug Company. a. K. 8. KOBTBR. The newspapers have chronicled cases of real heroism in which men and women risk their own lives to save others. . We read of the heroes, o old and we cheer the heroes of our lat- t a - - - m-.m Mt tea aelA itjowlM U teteet U IMt a r f f J ' i- t ... . . wrtaar twr 04 yewWf -,v-. fi mm. . . I fxa T. . awn-f f raae 1 - e.r .. . .u. , ,. j I to exDulaion br a twt4Mrd rote bet u.a imstt. I - - --- - i - t uuii iui nicy wuuiu y uu wa iucir i - , - . i , . I - i.., v 4-.. ,ik .... . ' ' that ao lose- aa Till man arwt Urlaatta I aet) OraV teee l K I - . . . . a. . 1 ' " "" - arm hpf.-re IKp first rl j v nf linmr I a . . . I . . . A - I . . . " - - I 1,1 j 1 1 i remauieu eeaaior in scata r noma aax. ewrww wrT waeawemwav. i a y at a JewMMi i mhmmi. t smm m a 1863. And even after that the war Carolina and the couotry war eatltied oca ef tVe abieet caewiWa 4 U f-e 1 aweai n aajH 4 bMO. J t waaed bv the armies of the Union wai umz vote. cru wve twrt. 4 ca aerwa tx wy.ii t.arT v . ' , w . I 80 complete waa Bailey's trims; b, I Uh pararaU. at M k fat aseay I we&ar Gmmmmm U ttaoe wm4. . tire u..rauuu 01 ,uc iciti ao thorougnJy did be det&onetrate U aa4 baa -rrv4 fawre IVa tew yars wa 1 imtl wa 0 rWqOu. Mi rri aasBk, wwa etr&p4 ewta a t)M tsw. 1 tv te atr. ay tve wa mi oe eiM ItT Tote, tbat fUaihv Bv I HTKa MataUSlka taL. iait'J a I tttiJrfjj ajsmte rt aw mil . 1 M was an Incident and never the object pro tenx, who bad ordered tbw mm rarvttw bU tewMt w w kar-a j wi4 a 4t 4w- ot ihe conflict. I of the belligerent tvatD trtcaeo ty nwai bKdaVm AV iv awww I an tl a sJraaXy twe faavkt if ( il 4 i 1 1 torial integrity of the republic Eroan- abanrdlty and cUtxitt of prrtaJltJag tte tba tearK a e cipation, an exercise of the war power, J" t0 "l?4 n-t5,b'' f f3 W-e J aiawaaaa " j "TVe e ata .ii0 . ) ' ., t.taej ).) I mij jftve ta a Ae Aim w.l.if ' a-iM. A .a-e ( Mv.1e-v sfUuew tiMt-l we m; it to kM .y.i a. ea.i eaCTICINQ PHYSICIAN A SUROBON, Louis b org, N. C. umce over Aycocke Drug CJttpany. ..T?nt ttv. narrh rtanae nf th 1 froni ro'J. baateoed t bav tbU pawra ara a ?: eWt aa I emskera a44 faet est war Schley, Baeley, ShioD, aod I o , . . 1 nma restored to tba Cat, wLVck deca-1 er. Of fwwewa tt h we ms y 1 wo wii 7' K 7' - pp' President's remarks is the cbeif cawe 1 h,. .11 .v.. . . . . .. t.f t .. I a aar e I w a-e, wa.-w J wm v - M iaMI SkTMV I X W I W ar P" -swn w e 1 " 1 vv M: HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN BY- AT-LAW, LOUI8BUB4, K. 0. 'TWTw C9 aw Vatfn 1 terv.- t;. ::! V tot nthers .with wild pnthnciacm anri pi I ... I I . . 1 . . .1 . , ol c nense to oar bout hern coniempora- I iryrs ninoaight u superior to Ua tore-1 aa to KeeflAa arfai m tvom, i a-e-rs ta awnwa cxe nm.i t waa m a iiiWM a-.. m t a.1 1? r . 1 . I . - I . . . B - . - . . .. Ha--JL-. A inequaiuy oi me courage is not any i ri- 5 ,ha ihe'Preaideni M,Mi,. ! LSSl Uwywr toa-aa l t a-a rww iat4rai - ja e a., ...m. If Che cootentlon of tbe BvIVea f la Cut srae.aI of tba ea; i w p ewert, i rtw e.-y taw rriawiij et.n -. rwrt , a(. u iWii. im iwiai, ua a maja-ny oi turn swo i ow rtucw are a rey I i t ..,...,, , 1-tL aie cau aoapeoa a aenaow for free I nu w a )r tuCaa l-TTtvw4 i r nuiwian t a nee a ea ew i. ..., w,. rft. mu .j r "L J ri in iw e... t tuttij nt tt4r. MTMa "4 H-Ml, Wt-. INcm wnS ImnU.iO wt w. it lit l)M . I WWl t I 9fetw) i esVa9em ea wt ! v I'll mttl iri Iim SAW !A wW tantt, wm . -'it n . 14 .ltM W .U.) ries, and in that ibePreakieni permit- higher than that shown by our country ted hjmself lQ t fnrther f doctors He r(";rw-nd In a rail at ann I . . . ... ---r- j . corQ luan rie aia in nis aeciaration hour day or night, in- rain or snow, lhal the raeD who WQre ,hc b,0 f hl hour and deprtva him of bla vet, tbeo TUt beta lb ra-a. 15 t -nv TJ ? Z?mJZtmJ that involes a very disagreeable ride for ,itortT WM nothin, n.r "bt 'l J f" tuavma aw4 l tX ftT, , t - "certy. there was notbmg parne- tore time -roapewT rrery mlAertry yer wViw are Vaw twK twt kaa s-. I e w a-a. we wa w - f ii'iwa Hm a'-twwa, tumuli i mm W- . I mi .ia !! K.' tavvw ,1 i m w' e win oractice in au the Coorta ol rrankHn . . rj e . j ,v" . . r I lore uxn "suapewr- rrery miaonty yrr wvaew are -w aK ta kiea aVi-aH I e - a we waa W - i .ud adjoining counties, aio in the supreme ana so me aanger. tie performs hist aUrl. irritating In the latter ii wa senator, not for aa bow. tart tot tb be npeitAmi, Tbal twaa I waiwieQia I ' - 1 . . -onrt7 and in the Dulled Btatea District and . , . .- I 7 I . . .v w m I . ' .... . I ea mwty m -mTtrm i,m t im V. i aim pi y au nisforicu mrstaae. oui ine i ... . " , , ,- - ' - i ' r . . lof their BetiatorUlrnwautlo4X..Tbell Or ta jmi fm Vtkav lie t Court, and in the Dnited States Olrcoll Courts. - - Offlce in cooper and Clifton Building. riJHOB. B. WILDKB, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, louisBUBe, a. o. offlce on Main street, over Jones Cooper's ton. a duty and thencturns. imrtr an'hiatnrical mfetake Rnt the I antlr term, thereby cWprlvtasi etatoa aWy Cta 1L-1 twU. tnver- A strong sense of duty make the couo-1 . . t -i of oMrlal rrptvrutVi. Tbl Or ta crerewa frwot bfatee. IUU rk. 'iuug atuocui uuty ia?ac lllctUUO-i a.Darchy bosfoesS goes far btTODd vonli! te ddlB fct s k.ra h... iun.. try doctor a hero, not one but many lhaU Tbe secfelonist were not an (what the conratattoa aay a be dwoe; I f te yer. time tMougdoutnis 4e He baa- no Urcbists ia Myaense of the word. They onv0Dy VwlTniJ Wty. iftdeeu. I H , Mill cc - j . . . .. I - ' I aa Senator Bailee eo ftianr taaamtad I . - . a.eiaewi: lr w el anew a 0ji etlia t t ami a office hours; his ideabf personal safety 1 h. 5; ' wwkmet firml. .. !! !Jw!l' Tbe rVtr. Vafnfi V. seldom disIurhsAis Thilrwrnh hMrdavl , . .. . . t i. I eirn f feCtS! rewowrR RL It 5e I wa a . . 7 . 7"" I '"oien oi inexsiorin. i ney reiaioeo ' . "T. ,w fcaatai to Ut tMWm.m Wi I - keeer af bw F. 8. S PRO ILL. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, LOUI8BUB0, a. C. and night he ishe cbomand-of the lDefr guteind municipal government., JVT0' .SS people spread oyer Urge territory and and op a central government. where, ta ems! separated by rough- roada and by 1 .What ia anarncv? As defined bi deprtvatfoo of re n A l Im. . z- i : 1 I vttrtfmt aamatnrtal n I r" i uul un urarcry iu Zenker, a thoroughly competent ao- rrZ''"" Z. .. . 1 tad ex rreera t4e a 9 K A was 1 t At ft IwiWtim Unmffl friiU ae Ve aw e V: ..mi-. - . v. I .InrttiKAn n mI. u.. w-.- 1 aaw eaeavweww . aW 1 mmm w w t i. (iif " "lIutyr 'nD J 1 T7 ..7-;;. prawkja-UnbAay taa The RepubUcaa senator rceltd AiMAui ike aswa HV kW ka ill t-Stotwae eW rVe I... TJ e ai.. IU" t e; t a. vtjCC twa.f-tci-a, e riding through the darkness and the thotity, anarchy mean., in its tde themaelr. 14 a cavity.- Dr!m.. " 4 . iL.I I. U 1 m I I a .a. a A . I BVt W F. l1TB WW WtCsf"A fjaBB viu . conrtaof Franklin. Vance uaugcr m u wrgcsi a.rreicr. tne r-rfect. on fettered self tot Everett wouju way. 1 i. . . .., i .iu ... . .... I r f ----oi I worn u r n w u. m " h" coaTtu ortlTcilni: I tic rte is the doerpl good 5 all- the ernment of tbe individual and couae Pne Hry. Vlt. a rs eel tini. raa e i in am Prompt attention given to collections. Offlce over Bgerton'a Store. alomrty to wR. AwrV4 LwAaaautia Tta dowa sot trwr tbal tBA it a Tn"a ewaa h4 mi a Wnaua Mr w a. aae rw m? a time. He carries cheerfulness mto the .i .u. r . The marnlflceot rrcrtitlon or. rrtber. I eeatoeat erwecexe are eayawA e Out 1 eet i i , , . I ' ' ! BP ripe or recentlona tendered ta IHa I a Wr an a m tot I Dom-vnesnowsDoor people- now ro i -...-..i, . " .7 V . J . IT. 1 17. ' ' - TT. 7 I - eae ra4 traa Sa a..-W ew aa.ii Ma i t t. tu t'u , a!1. KwuM iuiM a ml r latey iea aaw- fmyiiM. , aae W-n Mm Tii aa ; Wlmm fa iiiiiH .iti.i WWat IihHiWi Vt i ii ii m a. imnH.m ea4 MHAaraeatM., t n.a iM huaiai miyw IRW aai Tl hi at i 1 1 --- - I ' ii m W eiririM) w w.iw 4. ttw.i A a.: fiA tr:: ..Irt.lx t.ia; u .a. rtai n"'mmt aa nai.n e n' i i i iaai t, mMm at Nie t e T. W. BICBJtTT, at mM JXX. the courage and manhood he put into lhis time, and for a sad reason .Jl J."? "1 -nTaoof ?n& the portrayal could not exceed the Ainericans regard anarch, and it, de- SrTc "n' ' ujte kica duxlou. rnn. r ixoi, iluuum t aew caw ww ta w tl t earf. a aae ut nr,n K w TimrtAYlake. Office In Co art House, opposite ShecUFs. tun is wmrnp O 98. -ae"- ae-v-we & w w weM ae a lirnTT DI I u W I tVatk A ITea isf f weaara, I TTPi " ' " 1 - - . . . . get along better and be insistsupon the I No on-and snrelv jiot so well in P and TOvenuaeot moat do arret t. Ma a . ruaau tu at eMr ia an- a r- rich'to do their, duty more fully. Ian formed & m,n u psident Rcoerveli. fOT!. to Qma V ta ra- l Tet ta. Mwt rj-rlrr 2L-. T. J irJrL'; kTTORNBY and COUN8KLLOR AT LAW. Macharen. has drawn the nicture of the .:, .v.. V1. 00t UT frWodly tt tba d-rreww b-twttl I ".rt w- i k - i woaiti Eiiousi w amirnu inn me 'rtri i rMn. t . i . v .. wmm. . i i . . . 1 - i . . . - - , . . . - . i . I , . , a . ... .1 I wrMi -" ww m wuvw I UTB WV1J I HSai a B l aiuayitja ir I """" " I (1111 CULLl) UUCUir. UUL Ull IBB Ikil )( I - I i: 1 .1... .1 Hill mmm Ml rlm mm tv a .ak.. 1 . v . . - - - . a . ' r i siouiais uciicrcu in mat ausuruiiy. r i i Av " , a rMD Bneo, awy a i rarai m! ar a- l iu ks, t wm. aa. mm .a I afe a oi Win-I fori in f hp lives of man i nf iKf qhk. I . ... , mi I T-4 tt.m . M a - I . . . . . . I mm T . vr.- -" i, an., vooniaa TuaK i t . . r , prpes wun oecuiiar aDDOTEnce. oere- i urwi uwi awai ibtww- Brerauea eaa ia nja ec eareerr' i - Ufdwm. v - - for-if ia tbe more regretuble that tie - mZr, flZ - r . rJL . . I . " . .. "e mdmobh, wet. wm. raeoee i adrettttxra tbat. Utttf sre UT I r..... ew a.. u " ' "s". u,u President did no exercise greater ns- renUeman and seemed ttotaeaerty I tbiak. DavM l)-wwf ftu - 4 I cou&trv doctor died. -He had given a I . - Li i : . 1 . :. I nlpeaed with the ramMoe aa a tval el . . .i - . 1 e -r - w I crctiuu "ia nis vuuitc ui iciujj. 11 w , - i u a. si awn aa """Hr f I a wr; wn it a aa half century to the people of his coon- rfiuswihu pM.k fnr iKp cn.hpr nnt 10 V aM WUJ Jci . Ii eaeet be tWewa-4 I eaw tw www-, n-e . . ;- ... . eaiy carry bacK witb btm to bla neUra I .a. v -a k. ij K- 1 ta uy. ne nao . never-oecnnea 10 n- neonie to be official!v designated a land moet cleaaant wcoUerti-ti. of th 1 77." ' . . ..,7" 1 v ataoce Ul partarajb la eeta t a4 w el a iai aetia eaaae , al in ma n i,., aw VW 3 m a et Mt to wail W t, a W c, e la. PBRBON, ATTOKITBY. AT-LAW, i LOUISBTXBe, V. C PracUcea In all courts. Offlce In Seal Building. swer a calf; however bad the wheatber J To add anarchuu to that I American peopt. iey must have been anarcbtstt if wan stated: H TARBOROTJQH, a. ATI OENEY AT LA W , or however poor tbe patientriara ma- lri. mnet k,-- he anarehu if I Not Beeomlno Efftiwaata- tenal sense his lite was not a great sue- nhe men who wore lbe 7blue in tl e Tt-K aLtTlS.- all a ism Vi m 7t7T cess, say writer, for be cared ; little ely KXlk, foogbt .glinJt aDMchj. ,1 tlw tot money ana generally gave away .ig tn exasperation which we find it im- tog lnflneocea f modera. cimUaUo ee.y.eta4 wtu aaa4e eeMi4 what he goL But ter dhU dthtbf possible to believe the P.esidTnt reaVy W tokalwa4toIosek:l people realized what he - had - been to T . . . ' tbere waa a knockdown arad drAroot 1 nt. tu'i m - et ee .... t . I .w. nu. . .ih. !.;' - l mni mt aiarriaaq lexiaaarere; auaw i wwiai aw ai rer r-Mw ewaiaa Offlce la Opera House nmiding, ww-ww. iuOT.iMvr...TOu,u!usaa!,. wi . nrrlte a nneHtatli, ae.fn in -tbe tr.T I b aar.' aarTwrta; Vm saeeWaea i aii lea-ai bnauiess intmated to him dren's thildTenr-go they hterarjfaised -The comrades of the G. A. R. and Pf1),tf: W I tetr reearV tw r n- . will receive prompt and careful attention. e(wd, 6m; and? eyeeteoVa momn.f theirfollowoWiers fought forandsaved Jr.2r?..ZW 1 ?f ! '. r' " 7M ! tfcp-Ttninn. That ia rlnrtnnnjh. Thee Taa the imarlnn alMMnta of tadst I amy ike araMa 4 w-. o - y I ' . . vu af tie, ewte att ta r lawws et m did not" fight to free the slaves, aod Jr H F 7T I vwww ta e ea a w Pi in i aa ia an "t'Hew : i SMaaanev tWN rWi iaaj tiam a t awnneaai - f a are ear re iia -7w e eweva . eae Si im a mm Wnaf ei.cM ie aM a 1 W la ti. imatiaaS aw m i ma iw e t I fmttaW, aaaaae ew ' wa.iatia iml a i , w . M af a i 4M f-nw a e,. a mmmt m a ii t . a, f taw iiamti a, a tiMa-M, e aaa te eee See a4 eaaw w Wa-T- wawa aw iww leu e at Ckaee f iia a . S' i e4 ai.rM ww Iniea eMaeiir, t lr w av a eKis a aanuai KHKUM.wt1.iK. j aatT atr.ta. "' .... . . " w a.e mwaa w. Mf .ft ea e4 1 t. I llCCXl 1&J tlCt !0f llX. lt ata4i I e t I e rm a,. a i wi ii. i sv a msh av e m w tianiwi 1 W ' aae Ik ll MW-ak titjaiiaiia Ma. e. Am n nl mm aa I ne 'Wi aa m ea LV1- t c ! e m. a 1 Saaaaai t I ak, 4a aallna; ! 4t - fy -mm a:lt-)t a"-U-" T? 4af" aV aa tanwarl! I'aMM t a LOUISBURO. N. 0. 1JU. 1). T. 8MITHW1CK, OENTI8T, L0DI8BDRQ, - - N. C. Office over Furniture Store. goodly ment to hinx! j.It wasbne of tbeajdst I genuine tributes to . simple gbddness : ever knolwn.r-.-. rBut.In all cacmcies and in all sections are country.aoctors wno desftve larger appreciation , while Vthe y liv and "noble J memorials after thcy die. v-:. - - " - HOTELS. WODLD SMASH THBCUJB. If member of the W'Haf Fvr , AMOcia- tioaw would-use Dr. gVHeW'PlBeoyery FKANKL1NT0N HOTEL or -?onsnmpUon, J the clob would go to J ?Ti.ea :' .iHAwe-AnRAe1 sVvkeat wWfcea lake) V -MaT PtVfJVBf 1VI X lWVVB-VHtiiO wVaa a awe wa . . .-;. . . . a a. FRAlfKLINTON, If. 0. 7 I asthma, the Kind that names toe ooetors, k I wholly drives from, the system. 'Thousands OU. M L MEnJtlLL, Frp'I. iof oaee-hopeless sBflerera from eonsamp I tlon, pneumonia, brenchitis owe their lire rjood aoeomodatdon for th twalliie; j id lieatb tota t M'eonqtter grip,' saves public. I little ones from erca and whooping -ough n. T I : I IU I. Uimill I,IJ .IMI.KFIVII iv , vioou idvexy Asweoetu , - I ..a .a-m ka- et no -t istal neatle IV . aa U L wa VISMIve WW m.awe . a w pauwarw free at Pleaaanta Broa Drug Stor. - ;7, m QCT?wnnpfa TrnTCT uA-uxevt uvlNtiMe'kefllsf9 brains Aodaoaiw J J? Massseaxbturar Propr j aeem to ba)re. wheels,. 8ood actMmmodations. '-tTeod farai P 1 ClouoUiVinf hatteibut a n,, : ; t nagging tioman-oiten necat neip. one may Hte aad attentive eeeeamfr.t fa health that NORWOOD HOUSEHg If ifsar4.. j WW atk -1. rtiil.UDI. -lOniwinHI ftft avoiiderftfiudyyr: ailing Wo w.j. wARWA..n .ia 7l:men,7hotidfaufterera from, female rkteonag of QeminewJaf Towfisti TrtaagbuotoUclu4, nbiesbaikwhnawe usedU ft&4 fbecoma healthy'and MP?7 Try U.OirfyjS0e.TieM McLaurtn try Tillman I tba Crat lay. rtiiIa-.,T-t-naa I tn on. of band-, ta Ttolmca of ooa KtTZwk 9TA a wiafT . hamu .Mn,i r . - . . . . i ; ; . v .. I j"a ww.wai i mm ran weewi W ' -'a.a aa I cnerewas not an iota oianarcnyon ir I statesmen are not. Tba awatticg of I tree a a t we.t cecesaion7tde.' Commenting on the above the Char' lotie.Newe ray: awhile what they fooght for i. a vftal i .fcroo far c,, tu VM ymr. Of i nifiiraMM vriai wraa in rammn. i . - . . . . l ' - ,.iM.hi all tenrf. nnle fA aKow i hat I T " ...7 .7 7T ! I are 44 re p ittwew 17 weiaw M - " I tee room ana sw w ujw vpe-a wwa i e.rwrriie afial ea-ee-etc. I Tt tbey.wno aia not know lor wuaiiney 1 eenator mean txu unvn, avu n av prvy Creweel. fought included among them the Frea. . aenator ty aaataer af oca wry jo - -rher . tWearrervtMrteafr I tw.. aoxaexcura 01 fwruvueay pi ibw ear I .v.. eBy .y tut tew trwiVti I awwa. r velt L, has said that it is - nis ooiecx to . in the. boose, and tbat waa darts: I -. rra- ta --..' i " .. .. ' "-. . . 1 I av . . v. aYsak Ma. I aaae rawa. a wre weW tne WOritt ana ; ooutn togctnc m i m , -rl I sewrtt-el eet This V wa.- more J. nearly accompiisnea oy me iaie mar tyred President than by toy other Ke- fa& war.-wbea Berrta ware atrvmf tsj ! aaauw rr r- t w wtet ta fawee a. arrwiwt er la.ra - ff, rr..iniA. k. a V . y aeTet waiaeiiefta., w T r a mf ain 1 m aa new tMeetfWfi. a r-aUav Ht e 1 le ee e n ia w ea Bwa faMMMa a yn aimt ST M u Saeajgan tw aaena Ct amaae Waaiae ra inewi w latfi ie .- en me tia atw eeaft J eji) ta Qtf emaiaw a ! red n 1 it iw Sa ta tlinw aw 11 na Mii.t a-a-t aeW a a ea """ SaW t mm Hall wW a fwwaj eutB) taw.n a tHa 4mm Mat i tlai w San W ta O anwaw m-mmmm. 4 VM taiMW ii in ii, re ii t mm am laie-PiW tW ta-aa. Vavew aa a4 ifiiii amiiM Maat atf "aavW mm A . aaaj a, uai aajuia tVaWCf Waa aa B mmmt aan wf a Bav-hrw aa awa e M Saa w- I SI aa ! eat rtjtt:y aafa I win. i wa.s wa.ia tdentw toe uoucu oiates. ? ot OD,J lexampla to tb membera ef tb nova. I J m4 t ,,.... . ... ae that, but one who wilt again seek this whom .tbry airptetlJoety Se I MU fliTTi !? u"iTT I mM '' , . . rr:. j .v. I 1 D. I vocar uuwwia. aa e wow iwaiij wmm 1 ... WM - - - - aa I a ' e-. ine mgncax .0 Tthl(,. rwreoaal etiewofiv rCT j " r'tT t " ? i ee . v l..w.'ia t ay1 waaa) aj aaaawJ waV rbjl tj4 av J aejl f & 9' w'sws st Saaya wewVWovaM waeabaw I T.miwtim e et ' 1 Waa m wu a aaaaj Jtaw Or IafUte-4 Latere, ziAtaaa Tw w . .. ,f t-i iv.' aaavl kal " 'VMaH4tf "'Avaaw. r0,l Ccvul," J,7.1,w,e ... ,-e tUMwrifj UtretbrfU tewSn - tarn wuwr wa - I . , ' t .v jtw -mtt . a.. ..., .f.tta. 1. 1 a4 aa." ag lidsSe eir.ik ftierf l 6y$birinpghted'-TOces rffic- relltd La Qrippe.-aeye' f. U Itrertk alT'- 11 !-. It t)it i tbt RoosetellUboold on- proaalatat abt at Utwli, 10. "-Tb, frr,: ' deiiake to dilate upon, a matter regard ; i -r-. ar -V,-M1.-., - fc I Ckaaberlala's Ceegk laraMNty. ll Vrtke attih ie" la nA hetter nested than I .. .. . .. . . .. ' . .. irifien,heH.h.- ' .-V .a eae ateyywa . -I'-f . . - . '.,7- a , I ll. AHtm.r. VIUMl hn. f . .' '. i l.ari. ..t I t.M .mt bUa V.M iMlVlaJ eliaUe, trttM.tfipptttte, aiaaa , .-y Tr' . v . IJtrr:: wl " ta, bw bread I. Mttttu. U Mh&shreDleasnessJconstipaJionorlto amtTm. ' w'mm. T 1 " " r s4isieis to inseperable bonds..- And it w.7.7r,T7 Uaa. , . . la. Ia aVa- aM Kr I " f m I . su la.wiu nu .-7 7rv t Uks. teowkkb aasAaa rnie nor tbat oi rs.epuo.ican.., d , , 4 r j " e a a? - uii aW a a aa I a UtS u t ' tB OOOf oi.- .XBBi w-'ju ate fartitt aatu. Tew, aei j.ji.'waJL ... ! Itetarf Cwre aarA 4 aaAo C nw4 ewt "JieWa. Caeaw r-- . aaxf wta r "'C Cm-" b'. ma i trva4ee It eewt s ii i w iw ew4 Urn - " wit m $l r. f . rv-MH i; ; t amliU imh4, e aat (KHy a . wae tu.. aaM Wt tvaa Wl- mt W A aiiaaaai , OCrfTAL ROOMS Tit ! xx Krt C Silxrul ftco. tt m 0w y aw- at iw b- ewjf-iiVeAw tle eSwr t' JtmiVt rt. i.k5 11 tW ra-V. 1td AA. n&wi.e S,lManai,aw t(U errt aaaw wA ocw.'.itaw t l'e 2 -a fwn ty ttBwatlwA awaM atM aw wa mt aa i'W I i a.. aMH 1. Wiaaa . 4 W"lMI W M 411 .i i 4a eb'OAaaaSjBseaW kmmmW9W0mt k aVweasf' AC wVeweby Bkea aa eaa 4.aii a , iai. mil ia w ew in 11 w w w aw a' W W'""t i wia mm 4m f a ' w a wai mn wit. ea TM e .aa tei .1 aniMiw aa al aa an iaa Inwimn a, lit t ail W 1 H'Vf a aia aa taawM waa "We Im waa , l'a, ...DOIiT FORGET TVt V y-e wt t -tws far eatii tar .Tu bw U yw.:iie CU tut 1 wa. It f If . tfef'w evt tVt-f kwrrtrf tt-w ywWR. VMwbJ tt 1 1 !.) "uwe e74w4 f-w e-.U f It s t wl.jHt U-aj ejvt-w.Hv.-a J y Utulmif L ea tea U Stig t kaU! A a. a. a 1 n ..i f tfkMfo . j Irf-t.ajHH 1Ja4. M w. n f t At vka at. , few. Cat a ta l tnUtl t ' Iwa Mi ha farrow aftwg are atilfrea rwjJvta at ra, . - 7 , V weft at'iOw est &! flaaweek, ' T... I ey'IH "- f.e e-j V-kwr. U -en t wA.e f f it.: It, m J i sow' f t . 1 rr CtMk.c aaMftt ra stw ') tf .-at a W'-l.. e1'. MMf tilll iMa I KaMl aw. f wm :ltMia, . manw.M tnUhaa law tl S aMMu 7 ar-4 4 m aawr-t 4.M an I aa 0 i -H Svia a4 mmI VM if-r jt Cjr :v.f. TnncrTTa.r-i t i f t-" Jam W .-i.. ii , jr.Ua'.t.U m tal 4UMW 4k ,wt iW I T f I NI. C w . . MTWre Waa,. Iry, w-I3 l.aew .w-e mt h tf ti'ljat t ' ,., , t-r (i-a Iti. rif:- Ji-SAfV-s"''! Vt. tuaalita - ,4 Uiall .?... ( (,., JiM-NViJtMn. ' ' 1. ... .if 3 . t .. t V m. -'- 9 t li.i., w... C ft. ! H Ca'A jm m a ( k e-r aa-, . a-i,, i t-.. . Oeninl ncrr.i, i t a i i . t'- t 1 7" -t t..-. HM ?.t ta.1r It Umi t-c-t w;r ) 1 ".., . ; 1 , , , ' ltwdelrtutMa'r'VtVe ft!! t-tky tekt J" - 1 V ' " " Tt ' V" V 'l f . . I . .. , .'Ti a f"1 mn4 noli . i n a , )er prtyejaiwetl W.-,i4l rafkUva - ei ,w, ear. 4- r ; r. f. J rft .T !". ; a . "Ttrtala f U.lTtty aifltr. Ttr tt .U.:i f ,.- :... ; ir H" Its : ft'. X 1 t ' ' , I j-.t. u f . ft r, U Tit- :V Iv-tn .'. 4 l", . - ' OmiMtyl twa.