t V j as. a. THOMAS, Editor ni Proprietor. -v 'JL'H hi OOTniTTT, VL'H H STATS, 'XU Ll-l TTTIOIT. a? a-.. y . " I a VOL. XXXJI :IX)DISBURG,: N. 0, FRIDAY, -MAliCil 2 1 , 1902." OH C BOH DIRECTORY MXTHOOUT. Sunday School at 930 A. It. Gao. 8. BUIB. 8upt. irAcbinffat HA. M., and 8 P.M. v-ry Sunday. l raver meeting Wednesday night. M. T, PLTLia. Pastor. B-PHBT. -tiiuday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildsb. Sunt I racbiaff at ll A. and 8 P. M., u-rv Huadav. I'rnrr m eting 'Thursday night. FoRBKar Smith. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, s n iay School at 90. .-rvicB, morning and night, on j.i n a ir 1 aoa 4ia oanaaa. vuiQR Prayer, Friday afternoon. J ohs Husks. Rector. LODOBd. PAxYOUR POLL TAX. " This is a general election year in which both State and county officers will be elected. Every Democrat, ' or every man who desires good govern taent,' whether he call himself a Demo crat er sometning else: should feel it THE : STATE- SSflOOl 1!THIUII . L -kAV0RK0rfV . - 'There is -progress : ' ja?1 .North i : Caro lina jin many; directioofc.'.There , k reat need Tof progress In other "direc The great,c4d state. is not asleep. It was never Rip Van T Winckle" as iu enemies called it. bat was in several his djjty to cast bis vote for the man J very impprUnt particulars in the lead of its detraaors -who-sneered Hi. and measures his jodgement approves, "1 ' ori wnoneerea jn eovy r i uu ijsDuimnce. vne sign oi progress but there is one requirement now th.t the .tUck, n(Mn .. ..inn V . ' si . -.7 .. which has not prevailed heretofore I hate . to a great extent ceased. :Tbe enemies were routed fairly. It was seen that war odod the Normal and Industrial schools for women, the As 4 AA AA AA AA AA AA 7 oooooooooooooooooooooooo ' O ll 4 OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo f TT. Tf , TT- TT . TT TT CLARK'S & . A 000900900'! 0eo93O9639C9 . 000000000 000 0 0 000 00 0 0" I FTTPP o o o- tie rtrii snt as! tteTtriinn Tin G Wita, Party S&ccm. it St so 1 rx tax: D J tu k ooosooooooeoeoooooooeofto 096000000000900004 000009 . TT TT TT ; TT ; TT TT T To fUt yt Tx U puM Iry! ft n I HE aaOdcst thine that has ha- JUMtfcaa vwtay f fcU n r : ll twned ta this world ctac that I ats r.s and pne that might be overlooked by voters if attention was not called to it. ; illuattfoM Ulasooiian - Uarft . 11 , Twala abed brtajr and eoploos . ion luuio . jiaua the acaUar of Xitm tonlr ip lomatie lepreecotatlT xmx is i r j xr ii A o J M , meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday We dtd this some months ago and now ncult ' la eaon monin. Crot'oMMional Vard, J jK. 8. P. BURT, l 'AA.OTICINQ PHTSICiaLN AND SURQBON. Louisburg, N. C. o:H In t,h Ford Building, corner Main m l N.wtli treet8. Dp Btairs front. jK. R. F YA.RBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN A.ND SURGEON, L)t'iauHe, N. C. ,n j l floor Ne: building, phone 8ft. Miniii -a.il aiiswert'l from T. W. Blckett'B dVn again, because it is a matter -of 1 common Khoot systeo , ll x wHjusi u-wrong as oppressive xo com importance. - hw tn i , nr - The election law now requires that! of his poor ; neighbor's children lo i school as it was to educate some poor B MA.-KNBURQ, ATTORNBT A.T LAW. udea at tba VcKlaWy memorial awrr Sceaw . Thla -twoet Uial too ' UrtaOo grew out' of th sujjottxmau fact Chat tboee QlojrtrWu courtier. B& toe Jo seph en-oQ Foraker aad Cawnd Charlea Hearr Orosveoor. both of Ohx the voter shall have paid his poll tax ' " " who aa ehatrmea o. the seaat and - meritorious ooy at a state college bouae commlttae were charted wUh K nau.c lo pou on or oeiore me or the oni-eri,ty. They are all sop. gettta, up tha rofTanuow and wit first day of May in the year In which portea by taxation.by money paid "1k J he offers to " vot,. nH .halt hf. from be state treasury, and for the imperial etiquette. In txtenoatioa ot education of all classes and conditions, tueir grievous raun it may do pieauea Deing -permutea to vote, present All the m0n- mm,, frA,-ihe .ni lDee " ' r Buckeye statesmen are nw to the im- his tax receipt signed by' the sheriff of of North Carolina, except ooe receives I pedal buatnesa, They ax courUera U tederalaid.' if we are not mistaken. We the raw, to to apeak, out tbey are aa .u. .-a w o-n. tw. alduoua studenta of tw new achooU and county or township where he resided principle in taxation is the same as to all state schools. It one the county or tax collector of the The when the tax was paid LOUlSBURe, s. o. I the court of the state mandatory, and the payment Will iirnctlce in all orHce In Court House. VI. OOOKB, ATTO RNBT-AT-LAW, LOU1SBUB8.H. 0. vVi.i und the coarta-of Nash, yrankllB, irniiii. Warren and Wake counties, also the -i ii r -iiiH court of North Carolina, and the U. -i ir -nit. aud District Courts. law is of the poll tax within the 'specified time absolutely necessary. No poll tax, no is l HITS C. WINdTEAD, AT T O E NET-AT-LAW, LOUI8BCB0, N. C. OKFICS OVBB W. P. BEAI, k Co.'8 8ORS. given to all business vote, therefore every. Democrat who values his vote and would not lose it, should, if he be liable to poll tax, take the precaution to pay it in time, get his tax receipt, and put it where t may not be lost before the day electoin. is wrong, it to be denounced, to be fought, then all must share alike. Tben goodbye to education in North Carolina Those who attack one of our stale schools -carat attack all if fair, hooest and consistent. The absurdity of the thing has killed It and now the firing is not neara along the noes, it was extreme folly to tax the people for ten, fifty or a hundred years to build up an It may be confidently, predicted that aa they are quick to learn, after a aoO cient time they win be able to gtva pointers tn Imperial etiquette even to the bedlacned and beepansled rrpre sentatlves of the effete tooaarcble of Europe. It Is said that Lord rsuncefot, the British embassador and dean of the diplomatic corps, has formally expostu lated with Mr. Secretary of State Hay as to the indignity placed upon hlta and bis high and mighty coafmrw and that an entire hour was eoosamed ta consideration of the expostulation. While It is not given to ordinary mor tals to know what was said by thoew institution of learning or several insti-1 two Imperialists it may be naturally -H .' lal Attention : ni.HUtd to me. AEP ON THAT FIGHT. I) 11. J. E. M ALONE, MACTICIN9 PHYSICIAN AND SURQBON. LOCISBUBS, H. O. i tti. over Aycocke rtrufj Company. Not Dissrusted With Tillman for Fight ins: in the Senate. assumed that Colonel Hay rsbbed mock salve upon the burning wound of the wrathful Englishman It ta to be sin cerely hoped that this awkward Inci dent will not precipitate a war between us snd all the natloo of Europe com bined. It ta a humiliating klea, to think for the education of youth I of our Uncle Sam falling oo bis knee of I tutions of learning and then enter up- on the hateful work of demolision. It was madness indeed. . Take the University of North Caro lina. Beginning in 1795, it has steadi ly worked the tattvrsta C kU e4 events, at raegvsMQt wvrw ta4 fry acr tvat. sdee. JowpH lLOaMk. te at big xrxaa at evwt. ht V) tlct Urn tut ta career t V e 94 a to U. king M tat ta t iSirmit wiia im xtxz. rrcri a&i eijrr Iw. if ttre as say jlctV ttig Wfco ka a rfgkt to b from Ua caJvsw tt to tlorx. Tky art km, ra- towX. amaatsc if be 14 4oajM3 brwcbea, k wol4 awl faa tr pdtsd to have kts csJrt U4. a R U said. XLz. WaltrUw IUe4 kas Ammw Nay. act sk ITtlkewl aey amftrUJ aids or aijsncta I wocil kare x)u ttrd rock a gorf pair cw ke th- asterisk syv of tke Itmtek Wi nters ss taas aw fe at ft. Jatswa sloe the day of Ptta fat boy. Uocg is tndeenit rwyaf. perfioooajy. e4owd wttk ratv. tlzt be woald not do ktmt tnha aa4 tocg stocltax erva at Hat eavggCia ef Joe Choate. Crt U Ucx: Uay his tribe laore: Notktag so rrfrvehtsg kas trwe4 eioce that okr erat AorVs rv foswd to rvtoov Us ket frr 14s er gt a to the pre txm ef AttMVt tlar4. prlar of WiK sertag, 1 ass as c tlaguJahed ta eay ptx4pu aa IS IMace of WtWs )s la tie. wtfefc, Uf tag said before kls krtervc caj vita ro&padoair Tlsi Ccmtmt at Xw OrWwas. was abaMtetefy tro. . Wbw a great forra a-rtra er4 gsd upoa Da&M Wwr. W tw4 to hr msW recoet ta a rasy r 4 CxM and ricUJas!. Tta Wt t caa oow truly say ttal t kat smra s maar Wkat U-r eri tiM r that UOs drpborct salth aC Had W Uv4 to fX br 7a e tlx to-w-rrtot fere ot Jtam . ah CooVl tT treiy aaikt. 1 acxXbvr osa I) R. K. 8. yOSTBR. f RACTICINQ PHYSICIAN fc SURQBON, Louisburg, N. C mice OTer Aycocke Drug C Jmpany. Wvi. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTOBJSBY-AT-LAW, 4AUI8BQBe, s. o. Wlil irv;tlce In all the Courts of Franklin an.l adjoiniug counties, also in the Supreme Court, aud In the Dnited States District and Circuit Courts. offlce In cooper and Clifton Bnllnlng. Y uos. B. WILDKB., ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LotnsBuae, v. 0. offlce on Main atreet. over Jones ft Cooper's tor- has had a great strujrRle and many misfortunes. It lost a laoo.ooi en- I wasruminatingaboutthefight.lt dowment by the great war. It has is common property and everybody pushed toward the front until in 190a has the right to talk about it. Till- it has scarcely one so great, possibly man did wrong in jumping over three not a superior, in all this blessed south- desks to strike McLaurin. About one land. It has 40 teachers and nearlj desk was the limit ot propriety. Three 559 students. He isan.;. wforated desks gives a man time to cool and lunatic and an enemy to higher educa- makes it against the law to fight. As tioo who woold destroy it or cripple it to the time and place, that is of no now by parsimony, assauls, misrepre- consequence now. There was a time sentations. Higher education is the m the days of Webster and Calhoun aim in a dozen or twenty schools before the Europeans and axels Imtng, TeccaTl, peccarir But since wt kara become Imperialists end asplr to stand well with other Imperialist It may bH necessary for our undo to perform tVat un-American caper. It will be remembered by those who tske any interest tn the history of owr early days that when Thomas Jeffer son wss president be, for socno reMn known to himself akme. took Mrs. Dolly Madison, wife of his secretary of stats, out to dinner tnstead of to ding out Mrs. Merry, wife of the Brttls embassador, which precipitated diplo matic complications of a most Ucgk ahle sort, ending In Secretary of Bute Madison requesting that Mr. Merry be F. 8 8. SPKDILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, IOCI8BCB0, K. O. will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance (lriiville. Warren and Wake counties, also th Hupreme Court of North Carolina, frompt attention given to collections. oiHce oyer Bgerton's Store. and Tom Benton and Henry Clay I From one .writing a few years ago said recalled, which was dooe, Jrfferaoo"s when the United States Senate was as this of the highest public schools a 1 sacred almost as a church, - but now a I ground the sfate: large maj rity of itWmbera get their 1 ..Shall these schools be closed? Shall place by conduct infinitely: joaore d is-1 iheir instruction, be curtailed eight, graceful than fighting.. Bribery and 1 nine or ten years to three? Shall the corruption have got so common that 1 orphaoi in the Oxford asjlum be aU royalty and an Its wort rvo as the asked. Wr bi t i&xtsr tmmM man can'fget there without using allowed to stud tIa tin or to practice teL. l devil hates holy water. He waa doc as 1 wwa'a det4t 9 tV 4omrte - , j TOu; 1 , . m Imperialist, as are Colonel Hay. fceo- UU aad sajiy dye ric big pile of money and making a lot oil egraphy ot stenography or typewriting LtVs, and General Or. I pine waVrWso tt an promises. Uf course, 1 do notjnclndc Shatt the-blind - cirls and boss be aH Jeffenoo. therefore, taavr be exeoss4 1 wkat was mM m tU fsewsse t4 our Santhern Senators, for thev haven't l1tn1Mrn n iKr.;nr. rirtlrn for vloUOng tmpertsi etlqostta m 1 drmded wtMt olett b eU ite lal conduct on that oceaatoo gar tb ewe to all the American U&perUlMj to above him and calumniate bias aad to hold him" op as an awful axstnpu of bad manners; bat then tt meat be re membered that Thomas Jefferson was an untutored Democrat, who kat4 royalty and all Its wort rreo as the D arris 1 UlaaM Qemarkv TVe kUth Itaa44 tatkoia ef tVs k pttw mmettt 1 tv los u ry Uhtetrstsd by lk foCowtt4 Ka!rict; mot uaa a weea's ol was ed oa tb o)eaeargrtas U3 1 rrythlag bo(b fe aad rla n tare fade stated to tw-e &aa Oa the rmipi&e tartS Hn. a mm m i ot rarvwcalag cwuwwn, mij ww dlrs debate was ceigtaaay pcrwtaiA WbMk tt roe baek frca IW kdd dowa wtUi fa-.lea 4 Mr fUctuardsoa. lb rerir0 r. saked fjr e kecsr ta ?Ut li m'swrlty ealgM teVy ii;ii K ea kxv. rt wss Attami taa. a4 is ttssx Brtoo K. rj. ckatrsjuaa ef fXe raa etlttew on ways at &mm sad Bo fi Wder ef t&e R7aAraav wttb a saaile IJuat wts ctJii uu blaad. cXt4 Usa tktrt fam4L which tikardtt eoa;sm toe-esfy aa4 srecafaiiy rvfsswd. T Cm m&mv& ta twee! ftorrM XM Uaaaa t der lv aa aw ti ta rati mSt m SUrkardsco k4 eetUvM raw Oe sad K did riga fcw. n a-ty Iw Cks au te4 WW a aWt er UWf kW UU fa ptVa Us tAg arr a&eav Wssas we s ttrut ne wa prUmUf wJ A ta Oe a4 grvasa. L"rn-ur wS Iw sr eT U4 puguasym aes firw- aTi-v lA.a la atwara aa tncawsjsi memwm teaan, 1st WCl Urn to X fmaf. not. A:m aM ti WktOf wnm ra wd atari ft fsvag 4 mm S Itaga A. ICieiswere. - : 2a ftel Savsae 6evs s frv wVN t .- t X tf res ywaitai aaU wist t Kmi to aw D - staa tc4 aa t ift'j aanrrva eecsvo- t "in aw fCw - I a Sat tt SltOw rwaatSMriSBw w arw at .ava.niit to a toea. t rpaat ttal WXS smAjssoa, sa tut a k5g ea art awajr frvxa U aa4 skisinaawtras Ctot O rrttK jarty is aui rc a aw smsI ewaaked fcs w are e;;en I to fcra tt la taatk sis In s isfi ram. t law aa s4 tmmmt l- Wl U tots&Ajs carry Q ew ttoa ta tUt aancoUy fVr fje nt to tka ejCt SJkJ wVb IV twaanria carry 0 07 a a r"V ta D, al fwrtolsy IncuarTe eto SM aej-y aaTtoa eaarnsk to tow u rtoe3(fta toOf af arin.aaa 1 asajSMrtake to ag. aOr towS. (to r aaf isasaniifsJ iwtfnAcnaa. OUri St 9a a ttot est AatorVaa txeRMun aal s tt fiiCH sa-Saawi rrtft wf CWs wosv try. vtocfc we a pwmGf aa4 Mil wto eeeeaTea SvwV to way rtol nJ af tto sereu svo e eaa4 r Vi Lipase f. twyaa to t: ywa eawuss gad aaXO tt to to At 0aw rypmiserm Gtnm aa I u S asn aaf f to t"V ed sa4 it is a graato) 3X sew- (iy toxaaaw ttore www sas eff duo aad smS tonatMw rvy w-e smm totoCk g. to esy Oat n4 U M.tKH U$nAS wto) titog fwr lraB4 MrXSakry yw 1 aianasl t-a4 WMUKW r to toCtoweeto 1 say Oda. tVaS wtoaa O t 111 w er to free. If ywe w-mu4 mm a rata (tot tsw n"fHwa aaieaag to tMo rrato. Si4 ttoas ttot Ctof e4a.-4 to .iH'iV; rtawiC CUt ewAl to a3 rU4. -a4 tto Ms rt Wtoa (to tofmne are to Jwvw, a toe to (to A.WCJtwa to Itos awaaaaaay kniaOaM to fto rt9 aawta ia aasietoa S a. WW rakavtai&. TW Ve smS aaira' aaafSTM t ana to a eaan4 t im aim (to ctaa. toenwa a sm4 iln rt V'its wtotftj a iim-9 aaax4 to lv to estov to swa ator IVa toaa eaaritoa 1 eta4 eaa (Ve atoae T OO iiiwiin eom. as4 I f9al aawsr. TtoV to I to 13 Slawr uwav TVwa af' , " totf to ae9 traaa tof a ' p-Gmtum aa Pee are to) let fsasa -a) sa.r. kW AAAaurV etpuaaf at f aa4 tkau IV ayH ea tto fasry s I a e;sauBS j ro sva y. Tkf tVUaA i"h ta nw rjr:w4av J&e to a y J.-f la ' taatay toew as &- s a-a a to fc-rj4 ta e ih Mi,I yJ TWg . iaaaaa lu'to tor fW . aa. -rOatrt to4 t ftof ewtarte ;i n f Tan a vto kw 4j ittoy li trw f-i easaA e d , tbmvM ia C't "'a aa tWratowt Iwairtif to iU.a4 "lit ' UrX If4. tt A.'ttJL as? kaiarl aa b sat aa to wuaj-w ee aaf grfftavisra to to Jiaaa; tttftrtoito! CVtoareaxa: ao to ttt kekai ir tTT ki:n-d i ru i, a i..iir wul. f tt4,t!k i;kl . . . a wt..h viix-a r.rrnr. 1ici.um 7seA Vtos arCto t was at a-vten aaawi at o atAyttit aaf sjisntciaB es Pw tsa&f !, aiS a atosa ta tttoa. TVsi w to a. a aasa.rtoa f fri ' to fto emNfy StraS tol, k to 1 i:ti Jivir ?d:t iAlVW wt syr snra a to j tL-tnj I if ufltrUir,, toaA aswe tawwtttoa K. J nif A , 3. wrw XXaaae aij u aaa-a Bkti a.e.lkk Va ' leaasns sttf ri si ta W a at to aa wJ aa t-a KVtnAS toe eranteteA. an.T x laaaf aaa.k v.a to aVfa WC'f 1 . f 1 Haa Oa 1 a J I C'S Ji VOU?!st U aou a a wasw I . . - aa w f i TrC i r-M taw tor?ra4 Weto as J i maw! ua.. TV f art .t-w sf t f O s 1 A saaa lt fnut 4 a-ll4'e !y a.ae;e -fa eaaa4 1 i. S tU-lto-ftotoaaa W th, ta. t .4, V . av a aam aBBaaaaB an aau aaajeaaasavaiasaBSfei 1 , j 7W to aoa U-lt f w-rna f wltk a I ft-.a "J a Mf ea'aaaa a asiasaC .aw, ra-, tm, Ura,,i t,,, mimt e a m.w. 1 " " w -m IM tnwtlti! a Si I WMiy Urn smT aa)l at isiit. ?U . Mii 4Vmm , j T" " aa tf Me sw ui u hi a f M W. BICKBTT, got the money. If we had some mil singing from teachers paid by the state? n. 4 ieToranca oa 1 wit talk a aca:s-etoto lionaires in ueorgia, t.lay and Ucon -"This movement against the state this occasion, but the foreign imperial- I to reUroi aQ tspnetaac saaaara would have to step down and oat. .' . I making provision for higher education And I am n6r so disgusted : a ith within he border should cease. Hand Tillman for fighting in the Senate! tn hand go edacatioo and fodrustrial chamber. He bad reason to believe that his partner had received promises, J tering upon a great career in both and I reckon be had. He certainly lines." Wilmiueton Messentrer. had great expectations or be woold WOMBS TS- F1CXALKS. T. aTTORHKY AND COUNHKLLOR AT LAW. LOUIBBUBS S. 0. I'rompt and painataklngr attention given to fry matter Intrusted to his h&flda. Uxiar. t nhinf J nuiSfte Hhecherd. Hon. John Mnning, hob. Bxtt w. Winston Hon. J. c. J not have fl ipped over to thCiRepubli u., Pm aint Natlnnal Bank OI ' W1B- I rW ' ton. (Jlenn fe Manly, Winston, reopiea swu. cans jq suaOeniy. fOIlllCianS uave 10 of Monroe, Chas. a. xsyiOT, jrres. wmma De paia tor meir votes, luiman is a true, man, but, be is not a great .and good man. I admire him for some traits in his character.? He, cannot-be bribed or'intimtdated. He dares to say what he believes, and be uses-his pitchfork with impunity. He is impet uous and combative, but he is sincere, and everybody admires a sincere man. Sincere is one of the strongest and best words in oar langaage. It literally m-mA I means uuacaicu -1 wiuwuv-i w..? v. iu Offlce in Opera House building. Court atreet 1 "JV""" , aii legal business intrusted to him j the olden times betters were sealed wni receive prompt ana c&reiui atwsuuvu. 1 , , , :. - it was not sealed atSfcli, for - wax cost money.-'-f " ' :? Tillman is a bold, defiant, stubborn man, . ,tm bf is pot great ?e man like progress. North Carolina is now en. re. lion. a. w . nmowaw . Africa In Court House, opposite aaena a FBBSOBT, ATTORNBT AT-lAW, LOOISBITBe, a. 0. Practieea In all 00 arts. Offloe Bill, ling. "y H TARBOROTJQH, Ja. ATI OENEY AT LAW, LOUISBTXRO. JX. C. lata win hardly fortlre them for a ond offense of this nature. Morgan and Hsnna. ' There Is a roatset 00 ta the aeeate which Is of more tkaa passing taterest to philosophers and psycaotogrsta. I( Is between that fSustrlooa Detnoctst. 8nator John T. Morgan of Alabama, a J great lawyer, and that eoospvroows Re- nobUcan. Senator Marcus A. Ilsaaa. who Is not s lawyer, bat who ranks very high as a business man. The boo aoj 1 y,mmff M w.a to itot if mntootlon Is the rout Of tttt ltS- 1 mtmtXnt (Ul S - Vf Jr-1., in dis spcccnaiinc ucuicauunoi mbln cn&L Morgan cbamptooa .Kr- I artt kla to tw aa4 to, tori new building at the State Normal Col-1 ragua and Hanna ehamptoo Panama. I ttert tree AiV faJmfO. w.i fi,.n.horn N C Mnnrla, I Of course others wQ take a hana la jraere. uctfal. earaM. to tto ery rsastoew ef Oaa af tt aktoae aSMg U sgrottora , IeorraU ta (to tlssrh A. Dtsaxasra ef Arassaavs. rto finale rvowrrat eia (to craat eaaasan to ef fcrirs afstr. tftaaae arse racky wtoa a cao-e to PBt,g?aa s-to years sga ta totog aaigaa4 to a a atrte art ewe dsttoa er r vcamaal to al ustca aad ta tto laa af Us rtswra- II e bad toea ssiia to In Heal l)lt. I). T. SMITH WICK, DENTIST, LiHJiaBUBO, - - N. c. oitii .' over Purnlture Store. HOTELS. F R ANKL1NT0S HOTEL . FBANKLINTON, N. 0. SAM'L MERRILL, Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling' publie. Good Livery Attached. -, r MASSENBURG HOTELr Webster or Calhonn woold have said to McLaarioj Weill tiriif I am a liar 1 deserve the epithet If I am not. then too 'deserve it iTbat I shall not stoop to give tt. last. Rev. J. L. goodoaturcd but h man's behalf. Talking . of "female school." ht said there was ooe word especially abhorrent it gave him the cold shivers. "It is the word .female. The word applies to -all anamals. There "is nothing distinctive about it. It is but a perpetuation of the monstrous heresy of woman's inferior! ty to man." Referring to the custom minbiers have alter a marriage ceremony, of saving. "I pronounce vou - man and wife.' ih. ,h Bflr. tint ic is cjuverwaur cw aia ta a L. Curry gave some that Uorgan and Hsnaa art tb J atreogth w cr aid f tto tow aa4 I wa ard knocks io wo-1 leaders In the fight. It Is shrewd, bard 1 tavartabiy ta fates? s3 ye-s aa I o-Wf to t ae naOw caowssa to tva a sea furMi seal a na,.1ia a fm na sto. o-.ee ara m4 fxonr at to tori to enn ato awa-at sfiat aa mi n re ui:t tan? toae 5 a as .yajeanana WJy to O trwa t WJ s.S yn ll ra to toaM (to b aVa p fs toerg to tta f to rxitoat Sa I fjs tmn (Sas CtAlark (to4 brf a to (toase mamaftifte aeae Tto I to (to toe atona t . Kr e ts aarae to toaaM a-at at Sw4 saa-ataae 07 to tarenraae eato tlfeiT. HS In is aim Cfcrj W toaraml aaaaee SworaU (V!t4 Tto letfa (tose ww (to tmrrui ag ee ttofi aaijuto T to tasafw l l raaaaitar ImalTlinMa to. Saw I ctw anrin aceeaaaat a nMktar4w4 C3 aa.f to n;to4 WC3 cM M f saa faaa ea as anH Wtoj Jm toOiittg stoaa S tliinma. wtjsas tones rtoaatow 1 aau wary s-to3aSkwe Sor tt It a gaaary fmaas erftoa JM. toaa ta4 toa SunWie.ia If tto flato aa? Ctoar saBaa 1 tatout to atr cm (toea to h4 a ansa a Ctos fima to I raaftMt m toto lAe ar cmrtvs ttV (to twa W a aa to awuaafle sty a toe a ty (toflr Inafawaw aa)Mnf, toaa to taane ciae a4 aiaftaa Saato Wtol tlT AW sm4 k-at rl yrM eA rna aos to tmAmtm CUa taiiet maatcitJA. , toaatoatol a lJtona. Tto (itoiamm aaw fwm tee t IWwnS to aftaeS SKaa-a as Cto rs4 Itestaa fraaa tUsaato a 111 na I ktaanC a uawnaatu WtaftaaC SXXaawaX, ttQ sa e 1 iiinrtwa Vef Iwitaat u an 1 ae t. a wa mm! re aa e-. flMi w , 7w Cth i , eat VSeraatiaaa. a go fMaaiwe W ?m SKea 1 toat, t a.ajHt e a4saa to . Ve t fa 4'aAf Kuwait w- lvka Its wn.s aaUravf-e awl to Httol Unias saaKWire I a r v If .a ta tto to.U . tex Vji i'.rtf.4 en s 4--X;a t jgf IW irn ia awatHattt a aaaa aaa aailMiaat kaiap Naa aa. Ska fWglitto mt y iwn 1 a tia. wS4sjsjti 4asBsas ayaayal wtj(,i atotjaatatoMPeV flaHI gksV - a. t luia f na a smm to aM to Saa ., w aa I er SfceasBa aaMsaiauSa aaAMA WBF" pwr "asasew.. afcpa Sm aa QQ"." 'll uy V- I Ta aMM tn'a ajat J nw ' nai''f mini ma aiawa 1 v a aw 'aa mi at anaa KUKUMACUiiL SVe aJUi(r a metl-uli inP m. ga rs a?t as. rv.an t aaaianc Ha I'm a:i ma U A t. la. SM wtl wa sa Wa am 11 aa a aa h 1 Smw lm a f rvtod-i txiar. . a u W fcn-in) a at la ii a toT fMMtWM headed buslneas capacity 'against learning, forensie ability and profra alo&al tralnln. The contest win at tract breathlesa interest, ktergsa as, haps knows more than any other Mrt&g man, but Mark la a fighter from away back. Let Them squabs W. Democrats may well take heart fxar tho rrnarrela of the Bepnbtkaa. Oo the surface thlsga ara pUcld aa a flock pond, but beneath th STsrfac Iber re storms and disturbs area of aQ aorta. BepreaeoUUvta of axrVaJtaral coostrruenclea In the great aad got geona northwest art becoml alarsaal Wh not hnahand and wife or I to txitr re-eiecuoa uw aw w "Why not nusoana ana wiie or 1 n.wwa artuea. af man and woman"" Dr. -Lorry askec. 1 whlcn fliers have be mora kail tkto : He reproved people; Who use the j session, though It la oaiy tbratoik -name of mother-in-law and stepmotb- old. than la any session la th last tra veara Th beet tugar torn, tk rta el reproachfully Twif of tbebest pco. I mJVLT oeo ajuj several other torts af i..:mM k. e 1rn rer hk I mea era at sack other's tkroatt o- th were all that great,- This thing W;ferlr;- . . . . j - wc. "i , . - - , r. mother In-law. He expressed hit tyro 1 wish we Cuban Quest! oa. The ratiptociry a I to sentinglhe charge of lying with a blow p"", . 7""Tf- . - catet and tk .Wlmipeew ttsw KU,IUS 6 ' .-- : . a natli for those Deoole who couldo tl.M wftiin eerb ethrr. Th feeMftX rtasooabto Cflasursre. toeg aoa. la a raikr warm 4t4to ea tto atia. auaUc aad roaaraSar afTraartottoa tX kt gar tk faOewtag g (7aa(Va af tt ertrag Aavarvaa"t !our; toaay atraaoooi . Scteo yrs a a gwoctua af Weag tTrxtaia wat sa;tor4 to b caaatai al SagaaskL Jsiaa. II waa a far. so to tprak. ta &crir partora. It V4 arrr bew atreaij amrtot to bad sarrer ba 9t af tt (awXaa 4 Ckt state af Wewt Tlrssai. aajcto n may bar beea to eaes to (Us w$tof ar to go to Jtrw tett. Oa amto at ftsgaatU h fooA-H taratiaatost to sararw. wopa otortare fr ktt r traista. - . nit CwaM MpU fcaa; t wVrk ta satakCsk kto a&r kt k f.a aa Ataarkts axrrtot Aca knatsaoaa ta ItagatoU, wUt aavl 1 kPV TeJ eaa hart tto raet abwe say taarV t Mr. lttrrk. tto araaitoataa at w: I sta t?eaxtsg to tl? ive ajM ae Mtj ta-wi". M , a I ,)PW aWwtswisaBsaaajssajssy (ss ajaaavaeMa, wa 1 toa Bi.n.ltW ea a.M.i.i 1 t . a a a mmjv m am m. e IVa SHM r Nmn aHi p i ll k niai to kw 1 1 1 S (m mni hi .rt- ft aaniiaa. ( JM . ,., , aK-fMSaa-M W -aa m am in rtw a4, ja.7. a arvj a m . 1 ' a aa a. aU mla - . . 1 Va iBwig tag rrf trA. n Strfte ktoHT" U tlsmaftSv fal Qa aaySM tf T al sto knIV toa tAgw'w ar rrry'g us a ftaaty at t1i MAit anVi to twluad.t to (to faaiaf eg ru tWiaMeiia ta (to aa32w Iff. tltwaaa wto an tMS to k r Wtotoar. tyaaaanaj la f3tfw ta taaranto wakt aa t 4w fws to n mt fi a trtor tto raaa a Vr atrfUuftr fa) gja4 ra " to s af rto 4 titrK toa awrakAf ftot to ws s4 arveMrtoJ afxrr as taae raafxa! ta;V'Mt anaa-o t to iaaa tasutoat acaA -- Cto saa S ef r.faaStos e-a-a ef .' to a mt Tnr ajrasrtoral toe, ft to tt tt tt af tto tVsf ttal -e-njn-4 aai toa to taaftt af a soaisvwf toa toa torn too Wauiaj t ty (saw Cst taaal Xwf rrrrrt.: ton'wattaiek. ie"" w aa ne nuei Uak a.u. 1 limn m e taaa a- w that tistw aa4 tototod V gag. It was lu - k" a ! fnr those rennle wImj COuVdn'tl n. Th feeder I kzmTjktlf tto4 If ft wto-S it 8mil;prversio0 prcriT kiattd. talaala tHUtXlf Ut IS rtJ ff i. k- v5 I "w - r""or - r-u-J' m h.ku tj I aawai'v. Witt ntt o - V. " A 'U v I iiv.w is.nre tt earaaamla Casa I Maa ef arika tAAU4 ( iWt 4iS vaj :.. -t-o-rv. . . i.. I ciaira me priviK ingft-riitlgfmjnr.ea ,MrKins htnmerkf. 1 rf- i BWlUUllUK w w 'fjj . jp J 9 v . aaaa-'to. to,H jj in Sim mit.a S- "toat-aa aw j laainai t Jwi. ah W na,a i ans aa !ai:r: W Tt t toTi, fttaajf . ' m ew-flMW fiMa aH to w an a iw m mi a aa a , ! an fx a I ""l ilium a w ! 1 aiatt to a an) a! pi m m j to ' a "' a hi, a tknai 1 ' ' isiaa In. t' '.) S aaar a a wa ' to Hi awMaat mvm mmm a f-aa-to ir na mm. ami tt Sa waaM e " e'" e a 1 " " aime aa fclllniiiia 0i !' T in an a ina 1 a W a mm. aa a I in a mn nwa, nw laiai aa eaa t to aal. . 1m' - awwwapaiaf a haavaj mmt at etoMS to. pi nwaay aaa mmm a. " " a- t, Iw , 1 a w a , 1 OCIfTAU H00W8 Hi ! trt rt d ?a Urn! frctt. a ww to a lW ' ' I a aa nuuiimL Tsa ABlriaf (a aX 1 awMwiam w-w " !. .w bnberv or concealing the troth;; bat I ' Am Arkansas editor wrote of a cer. I r al I rsr rrrtU r-f- btr. - . r M t. - - - r . atrav . U. saaresr Vmw -M waaej ia a -w yoa mast not call him a liar C awrvf oqng lad j - that .her breast was at , c" - 1 V u 1 rty ii.-W -iXiivf .it &ZiSmli& filled wllk; ngenbat the cdmpotitor- .natg off to Om J B wukirat. t , lto1 to to W eaaafiwi-t w- Rea-agCVri toT-4r eaeaa-atof ! tea Oacqy, Unl ft touCa-toa Ja tw. editor rot the Word ."rags. ; thoagh that is not ia the rDecalogae. ejit0r it now on. a long vacation . JT P aXaassexibiirflr Piropr I Aft that I tegretgbdarthe fghv isJljU ytfr laftoa4 Laaaga. - V t hendekson. n. a Qood aoeommod&tions. Good fam Po Ht aa4 atteutivs ssrvaatr.-' .. i spoopef ijUUi5; l and gef .maaled4brjit btlore McLlarin came ra. - I WaotcaomebodyaiWhip RnrvMierrrHe Vwaa the teaser , tnat NORWOOD HOUSE Winartoa. teaser: THST1CE OF HAQ0I50 $ Clouds the happiness of tie hol bat a naggiag womaa efiea aeedakeJa, She may be so Bervous and raa doaa la health that trfflaa anev kar. If pkt Is' melaashely,". -ex brought' Obi the fight and was deligblea J eiubie, troubled with Ion el appetite, hee that it occnrredV betwera'weO Cair fmche, sleeplesraesaveotwtlpaUoa, or feinting sH&i-&? ,Z.i-i?2-l v I aA disxr spells, she aeedt Eleeirfe Hitters, BBtttCll.! W'-Sffi fr ailing wa T. Icrimc Etoishoxjt dowT ten!4boasanl I-- w. j. FioftwwOJFrairiotoK, Filipol wbo fclase fto jpre ap tneu i - 1 Ui wtaft kldatya have .'--t -.si country, but it tbocfa jthem awfully: 19 j -a and beoomt healthy aad kap?y. Qaly (Oo. al ntasaan cwi yi ' 1 !' 'Hag abUeSoUdted, ;J? have LA(HIPFS CjnCXLT fXkttk Ta th wUUr sf 1131 aaf lft I we 1 TWU nty A tto weJarM twaaayat Uke dewa wltk a stvtre aitotk al atollsj .4 r-uy tf.f 4 tailed la OHyaeesra P. U Hsaett. alTBj. ft.a.1.MMlaitoMii promises t drsgxWl at W lsalf, JO. I 4 4 a.ivaal aU-aav! sly saedjeise 1 see as (aa ie lg.a;A p,lLn-. Ckasiberlala't Ch aeaaaty. ll areas ay .t . .11 - a . -. IU a wtTa 1 aglaadlkaasf-aeseeatreakM Alf tsta tit rtira U ak U. wttkGripva.1 Cktoe4eJas Cc Peeal take wilkoal fervltg AO jytfj. edy ess alvsr kegapasfaf VaA jfj 4 ap a severs said aJ ward dif k itoaial - ., . ,: 1 eaed attack tt pstsoeaU . It 1 iaMa . teUks,to, wklek laakesU me aral!t Lar ?;- eito f'.il ,l-r a o ( ad ess tf the a art payajve preTaraatoae araeiMtal a-Ure i! w af t-? t Uses for tkessaUainta,: Xvf iLt ly X- Iliary toi T-. V - a . ta-W Ta 1 sAa ITtoa tof-Wk--ia a4.ax. Cam Mf k( aVwiH "A C'aaa ( aai in I ml i...-a tPna.'Wtoa, Ceee t ' m a a -ue TVs ss in t y ew U J s-U U crta with f w- V m'-i it t-if ttf AWallk trie to iV- tt. -.- , ; 9 am 1 a - I . ....... .. -v.-.- .4. a..... . fi t t r-. ' af St a I t.j " , t a 'a '.- J 4 .a .. - j -a r-"a - r j i '.. 4 7 fir tl W aaOato fla tuaj,x-aa eat, tA a.a rra Irtit a-ta, vtit at Claaaiaafaae af Vto ae ituaa a atotftad.. a (i)s t awanaifl asi iitt aflf 3 4JUa jawQas U 1. I It-e- Mtg ratoaar, tf-weattf Vl J .lwf rSuaf 4aaAaH ew-afti Vml 1 t'- Ittf en 4ra- ato-a w rt;s Vuaatw -a-.a-r raaei, a v f . yir rn ea W I ! , C.a. fW aMK 'Ta , t C t .ms mn . SkaV fUt anaa) i,it- .mi ', 4. SWV DOKT FORGET. TW t toa ea 4 f-ie Jtsr J f-y V sw i U.U,p 4 k klitf lot ttilaf f fUj t a.4 t t.aaw to lew toaf - a 4a V aaai euA tf Ks-'-ft fftoav. V. f).t. t.. JalLatos f- f-j k-.iaaa- a.aA.Va paaavltoaeA. tok tto l'irtiatias tamVa, ;wUaf- li a t-4stoto art S.I tr ttim 4 J a U 1 T tyf. -'S toaa flianre f 4a Ciul i t nm I i m S": laa-iTt-wl 1 . Dental Rr.t, - fe,vtiiirra Is 1 ! ar a tt ifV--t y J. f. a.TV-a ra! UBC i a a I tataaaia t Tts W-fr trf a' a 'i.WW . aa I- ti t '.- ' Ci,. f J-lt i'.. "t. V aa.. y l X-.ft A if" i. 1- aaa. I SM-aaaaC to e-ea-M r V toa-f-a 4 a-a a.;aa.'.. ! ' . MBa Xui-a.t' a .. W toi,j ., ar a -afc-tal a-l a . '. 1 - i kt -a . et-r., ' I V .. r; . X i r . . . re liuls fracas iathe tenatg chars-1 jjj q 'rm App 95lipltV3ft,rr Uf, x.x.j;r.tushv 2- ItUl -.a4 tai fajBf it dm)i I . 1 1. t . ,