jas. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. r: ::-'Trgzm thb sonata, "rxiaa uiTXOir. a VOL XXXII ; LOUISBJIEG, H. 0, FRIDAY, i! .Uiai'S, ISC. CHURCH DIRECTORY MKTHODIST. Haday School at 9:30 A. M. Gxo. 8. Baiib, Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. H., and 8 P. ftf. y.ry Sunday. . . J Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltlxe. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. Wildkb, 8npt reaching at 11 A. M., and ft P. 1L, -v -ry Sunday. . l-rayer m eting Thursday night. . Forkkst Smith. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, S iaday School at 9:30. -4-rcicen, morning and night, on iv. rd aod 4th Sundays, r, v-uiqk Prayer, Friday afternoon. John Hdsks, Rector. FAY YOUR POLL TAX. : LODUK3. " 7 I,,.'iiinbarg Lodge, No. 413, A. P. & A M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday a K-htH ia each month. I't-ot-!SiNiona.l card, j K. 8. P. BURT, prathcijjq psysician and surgeon. Louisburg, N. C. i)iB'-In the Ford Building, corner Main 4ti, Nih Htret8. Upstairs front. 1) K. R. K. YARBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LowsBURe, N. C. ,1'..., ., iloor Neal hulldmiT. vbone 39 iu-ii CiiiM answers'! from T. W. Blc&ett's lihmiH 74. i; ATTORN BY AT LAW. LOUISBORS, M. O, jv.ii nriotlce in all the Courts dl the State otllce In Court House. l. C'tOKB, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LOOIHBOBS. H. O. STATimCS OF COUBTSflU, ,t "'t will t,t.end the courts of Nash, Franklin, -trmviiw-. Warrenand Wake counties, also the -i u.r-mrt Court of North Carolina, and the U. j ir -iiit and District Courts. This is a general election year in whiclv both" State aod county officers will be elected. Every Democrat, .or every man who desires good . govern ment, whether he call himself a Demo, crat or something eke, sbonld feel it. his duty to cast his vote forf the ''man and measures his judgement approves, but there is one requirement now which has not prevailed heretofore, and one that might be overlooked by voters if attention was not called to it. We did this some months ago and now do it again, because it is a matter of importance: The election law now requires that the voter shall have paid his poll tax (if liable to poll tax) on or before the first day ct Maj in the year in which he offers to vote, and shall, before oeing permniea to vote, present his tax receipt signed hy the sheriff of the county or tax collector of the county or township where he resided when the tax was paid. The law mandatory, and the payment of the poll tax within the specified time is absolutely necessary. No poll tax, no vute, therefore every Democrat who values his vote and would not lose it, .hould, if he be liable to poll tax, What the World's Hovels Bereal Abort v; Mysteries on Which .Science Throw .H9LitfiV.:.v:.-: ; . CHAMP jUyWaae C-3rWg fw Cto v ,m . TaUSTW Visa. Pe&feai la a. , CO -TW Stow el nn 4 To s foreign statistician the world 'a indebted for tome very interesting data in regard Jo the most approved meth ods of courtship ia civilised countries. These data were -complied from de clarations of love and the statisticsn obtained the fallowing figures: Eighty out of .'the xoo men vowed that they could not live any longer without the adored ones; seventy-two held the la. Miles' hands in-a tight grip; sixty kissed them on the lipej ten on the right hand two on the tip of the nose, and one on the shoulder; eighteen .were so excited that they could hardly speak; twenty six lost their eloquence through certain qualm! of consequence twelve said io deep cheat toner, "Thank God," and eight frankly admitted that they were inexpressibly happy." By studying the conduct of too 88 83:83' 83 S3 3 c3 3 -S3 3 3 3 til 83 ! I C-A toff JL7 I - L-i I I 1 5 83 . 83 83 3 S3 S3 3 3 3 ! 3 83 3 3 3 e Wi cm "TV SiiW as m M a.. anr a v st w rs J 1 I tM M 4 sa Vtw im t imi tie ixm m m rv j tut s vm rvuvaa as ems t9csal Waistagto tMUr.) 2XB great Brfuttlcatt crtj la rest ta twala ms.Um UrtS QumloflL Th bras tWvt& fl ' ttcans havw tadaacM afur caucw w owraiN waat they will so abowt the Oitaa UrrS. Tfceae eacns nave bewa battWa royal betwixt iha rscfjaroctty eobartaasd tke beet ruxar crowd. Th BxM ft Klttenny cats wasal a Darkve t ttews of tfc Rppahhcaa facUooa. Uore jww er t their, claws! Srtt? tttt tter ra. gar tn a eaneua tte UpmU a Pe cratie botisf la tss xt tvn&im in creasa, a cooswnnmanoo 4rvwotr W be wiahed. IXy TtneraU aad vttrioCc n t-t aa rv.y or to rr ta friend. Oeaeral Cbarl Umarj Oreert nor. In the aarly part of Korvtobst de clared that tha awsiar lUpaWJraa victory tn Ohio naaat. tatsr aCa4 that there was Do more ehaaca of the Dtsa men whose suits were reiscted the sta-1 17 schedulea betag ctaegV4 than ttxre x obuid ,bc ,0.10.1., u,nr ItSj'2- SSS interesting figures: Forty ot them w.s ratting It rathr ttroag aad t rushed in a freozy out of the room; turwjuely. Kow Oeoseal Orswvoor twenty one said that life bencelorth UrUr wWcfc rew waissi ar t,. s at i w-m wt sey S-y am aass iwixa tss sm. A aaj3e si r-C Xm ka Use, wna f-r wa. W. aUJCMirf W tuaef n ems In 4 wse strut rT MSV SM V m ( vanfk m4 mx MrKtetagr - r4j W :a3k toOty as t'miMiiiH m ar vraa wc'mi its rsL wrf SflMN tJr, taat si fcat ki mm a?v se t aa r(n. TWr kaW iwt aM eaa4s ass u4 a a ea aSHr fi nw ImI tn'irti a- iv a err 4 "Vnwm Mian; TWr aa ta a eeeOir a r tm m4 my Ads It sair a. n owafil ayfrftb4s Mr. ttiklikf S a t4 tMe wtta r- fkiM( v n Kwa4 am a4 art,aas, twr m as erf Vw fnalaf be WaaMM IXsl M rW fkvst M - afNar ris sr f aav nww m eActfrsti tar kJs Irw4 sra a r ar r,4, ai a w c,a li M saHrnsa s m aaa l acaat. aOT- f -va us am M a ta fwi ai a-r itH aw s4 (ttuhe a V tK ! !ta Wn4 a S, ml AllCUS C. WlNdTEAD ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, LOUIBBURG, N. C. oirncs ovra W. P. HBi- A Co.'s Stokb. special Attention " Rlveu to all business ntruatetl to dm. 1) R. J. B. M ALONE, ''rlACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SUKQBON. LODISBUK8, IT. 0. otllce over Aycocke Hrag Company. I) R. B. H. POST BR, PRACTICINa PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Loulsburg, N. C. Offlce over Aycocke Drug Ompany. William AJden Smith ot Ukhlrsn as t iinMiii i ni rprnUUT of tie otbr $U going "" se4. la, about the huae and foelslnM. .dr ai S pm mm y i S aw s a tywxl awraw si awn use. s' ftjj ssMa, asKfc- a-fcO aMw -1 M S"ix S etfMi as aa i w awe j -! - ., l v n nMS V Ml eaa a Ce urn iisi i if1M a.Ans ia a i sMa - aw 1 1 si r Swa S kHtnM M.Mlun "" " a---. e.we a tM ' , Vtt fwy-tna-si ita a.uf y 4Wj. ' 0 v.- y stf M f tsM., . Ii4l fur if Mtier3ik A wee4 Vm Aunf Ictt s A m Vnsws na a lta I CUr tkaiU sa gM fSA. . CV j a . fn.u ; . JDsMiwa a W t yvtsMa, : ts a t a - ; ttrUU SAW K SMltkiif aMiaKHSSj. v T l Isiimswi wK i wwla $ut.( 1.U 1as as nii WJsifUnS sir assMSi! m eii enf am efWWs a! A awea mtmr etd r ana t.'i :. i.iin w :tr nn m a.4 fc -. rr-, )ks w!rt tfit rtrj tini tu U I-: lf i?4. 1s ftt.Cr- t ll .r.-v-n'jt.. 0t a rurt, irA.ssr-aa, v.t; er iaif toons ? tu r t MMM a M" A aMw W'ish iao, afa ni far laimii n sei v w Will uractlce in all the Courts nd vijoiuiug counties, also lu the Supreme I two erntcheR. Circuit Courts. Otllce in cooper and Clifton Building. T HOB. B. WILDKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, UOUISBCBS. a. 0. Offlce on Main street, oyer Jones A Cooper's torn. had no value in their eyes and that I ahowa that tha good, gray rtrl as thev would commit suicide: lourteeD I not too oM to )earB. k ... w vermJ days the dirytag rrta tional; six calmly resigned themselves and eminent statsem as Ilea. rVrrao to the inevitable, five avowrd their m- E- of Tork- naa John pet- . . ... aell of rennayrraola aad Uoa. ChMtsr tention of immediately emigrating to .l.t- of oa o aid a4 IIa, American"; three tore out some of their Charles E. UtOeneW of Uato. Host. ' t t . I it -rC hair; two bit their lips till the blood Ul o r a aaM wwis came; one stock his hands into h trouser pockets and whistled a popul ooe: and another looked uo toward I wa i mktr a i i-t . , , ' I bl. Sweet ootd out of thtr tate- ta aT ,.at rewss heaven and began to say the Lord s lectaal fortbeafii aod poured dww Uwir - aae me precaution to pay it m time, fjc- . uur .v. uw i hri ia . m Of th larties nr rem k no. I I ieaojn oomeexaois iss a www s coeaa- get his tax receipt, and put it where I , . . 8 plon long distance podeatrlaa ra. Ul iwwr foiehand that the proposals were about chairman Payne aad thw big Indiana ea. sea i . I e,, f ,v, ,oKV ,riK I for reciprocity, but are battUog to r- unn. ir4 vr iw electoin. .Seventy of them sank ss though ... . , .k- tw ZZZ o. T.. tauu ujwj r awvi wwy v vw iwvv-Maa ' - w embarrassed, into the arms of ibe lovtd I side of th hotisex. it La a war to taw I r . . . m-. - I 1,,4 a te Mttra atta tw 1 ii ain A True Rentleman. ones, and only tour fell gently doso I aeain.rmwwi in ractioos. I rm. T Mea a m - .... i. I What ratL laV CsostoviMS I ''' we never can be reminded too uu " i . ' . . ifcswa(., e. .u ,t i . 1 -Fnnrteen m-e.eit llwHr Wn.hin. fare BGrr' n DOWUD Jaew u at sa-.( a. si tw sa oibvu vuiti mo umrs ui a irnegen- coon try muat feol a BtlU cboefarwo tleman is gentleness: A gentle- Wllh thc,r bands; eight threw their when they realise that tbw rhujpptaw xnL awtZrtr man is a man who is eentle. Even arms passtpnately around the neck ol proptruKU bi driaiq o oa rmm w', mj , , tK- mW4 p,.,.. such a kw moral pUna that Bsstyard tat tmr r ee4 t a boy can snow the spirit of a lDe ro?n lwo 54 ra- "ease speax to Iill)Un4 ma)LM fan cf M aSMj jarti a twn t? a a --.a n j u j j ; mamma:" and one sneered. u Kt.i KnK- e twm fs" " ,p h goutitmiaUi Buucverjriiuujr suiUiicB I ' i . . , v - j i . hnv who shnwR thU -nir?t. Uoe uay, wno was tony years old amug imx ui iMi a tr mwm r - blooey Rrittsbers are anrty re- One day. we are told, some bove P'otestea vigorously against giviog cr were nlavinp- a ball m in a a. receiving a kiss; another, who was ol Among oLber rwat tDerska wtic A ba ZJV?JZJ?Tyi cant lot. A mono- theae bovs waa ahoat the same age, said, es, yen rolls under hie reoom toca ta ta!: a a. is. - w.a. cant tot. A.moog inese roys wM "1 am very gUd to kara on yoor abowl ta a4a, a ia h ia Jimmy, a little lame fellow about "J K1sa rac' 001 Toa muM 8 tng that tho Amerkia htm ioNcm- twelve years Oil. He WAt a pale, 11 ra icmicmamy manner. aaruuonauy lncapaDM or sammxsg T eaaa. miW s- a Such, then, are some of the ways in nimwu u, va iw TT - wh.ch proposals are made and received, j Uk to tMnk of tt itMrktM ..I 71 JT'CTTtlarit Thia Uma hoe- wantrl tn inin study ts an interesting one in sev any mora logical ttiaa oaraelreev Uf I , , , . . , ri .''nH ikoiitrf Mwinii, ctrur," aal Mr. Klptiag. "what a Aew Are susi e sm iui y the game, for ha did not seem to er wayv, and should prove espeicall, u ito u-t know how macbr- his; lameness instrnrtive to members of the (air sex of auUmHed powaraandabeciateuts- ZIa! JlT. would be in his own way er how London Express; rity"-ln wbtcb be diffave wdy fro M ia n , . , -u- v sncb old focWn as Oeorgw WaeAJagtow. a-i , va, ra much it would hinder the game. Benjamin FrankMa aad TVmm a Isffsr- i a The other toys, Terr good-na- SUetiESTlOSS FOE 8MUKERS. ,n. ttn-TTT-F H V!, tnredlv. tried to coax him to stand I OolefuL Ta SuSSs m Tin u ami loo saeaisv taw aarer essM s7 Ti awew W sAwt As t k a-aif eUtts) Cssmsm4, a gffiM wa aaf eerwsysA, atssa eg jrVtsaMSA iwfTwre ig Mil anas) sa Hutu rvs tvim nm.isvsv. ft Af.mm aoul Ue ensuff'Wi'asi fsnmaa a ewnrf o taCat easwerf ts ttWy es? Jiflfw.ie, wtat wt sumsDy nnaswe rts er.ats af AatTtaraaa, .a a rw at cg , tsw tt amav t rvs TaAeax TVe la aw num , aw 4aMa as) a tM jttAJ t ! j ,,"' ! ! Vt, PJTMaew tMnia erll e4 1m tH-ff 4mit4 tr ti ss away, -x sftss aca . s n,mWtHl mrum. u e Ut -wi tatlD ce J - I "Ma eirtfwe sm1 trmm (MfmiMM, cw ..nto - I tasl tnflefas w.a smmss w.tuIlW.y i j A" U sat IS SHBf tmnia e( fa i M Att l iii t HMW rwasi a t m nyniMa, tl a 1 4 ...... i . - . W Wt.V a t en.! . l4'1- krr tav'ja' Strt a t.nulsM!Mi tMa Its, a a moK ' aws. isbwb4 eJW art tmvlti, Ceuafy f.Amm la ejteas vivMrata Wta 0i eifjli! rattlir 1 Hu ir TV eww ta - f e w tt. t1,r :i 4a JHe- pn'.i, a tilt 4 I:im. Tii tta tt-w ' W waww . - - at rJ a X ttu.iMuti w tti'Ai etin.mf laiaenwew a t(e unsa A tiw. tci rr. I ' 1 . - A . Urt MSi w iV- w!m 1 a-it U aa fc o(Ut att i,ur ty ; uid'TM jMa tw fir?1i tmtl.ln sfcv-- .w swn enuai ,iimita i.m&. J hm im e ta 13 0aairs ss ta a m FW1 nrm i mi ami wM In rwaftl a e ry a a'Mt fW tiMKi fV Sa, l ' . Jl f af'' aiM 4 , rf- s iAm ee a ex M Mf t , Si4 a mi ) 1 s Vto Hill. Wit Ci aa T knnf kmawC fur swafuSWia e-y (m4 ae mum aJ Aa asxos srtwonra tU 9,- CAal the A rM.Am aO lev! eifwM to .aMwiBiarfy tN4 04 M.a writ ftxn a S3a i fW aia sMa e 4 f i V. k i i .Mil. aa 1 ') ! " 7" W j M r wi-"V 1 1 .si J V m - Sterf i a a-il m ' Fe W s- vifnw r" " e9 1 ' ? aaaaMHaanMMHMasiaMaaMSiMeasanMeMHM :il Ufi raT5at.afi.f -SW W tW OM.SM tw ttt turn Cm- k tAf gtwre) a SO. tins of , . tm e (rw a A etAw "fl tw e W 1 i A.4 ex Saw f M Aa (W aa-V f i a et Ci e-li. sns ' (-" t . 1 AKsm test a r 1 1 a 4 O ewt Aek Itslv esA 1 CWv. A .t w u , w Ik t,w nM ewt-Ast !- b fta aasswaa f ijit. ru a -tv hT eg wr a o On evMr'U ermlii W rrPkil eMr 1 1 a"mi twM W aiw: ii isiiiM m. HAYWOOD IIUFFIN. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, nnmirna. w n HVVUJUWW. " !.... .... .. of Pranknn sicsiy-ioo&ing coiia. sapported on F. 8. 3PKDILL. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, LouiBBuao, v. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance aranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court ol North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. otllce over Bgerton's Store. . . . . I aU ha V on one side, and let some other bar FWiiv Phvsieian. . eanrorn u. uo. or aTO i a- . , , . . l - - ' .. ." has bean aent for pnaatw to coos ta m ret?r m . , iaxe ns piace. ouii Jimmy urzuaa i 1. unmaTf temea nave prona l Washington to advi the tawm tatl ' aaaAe. in I blv tnfiVArf-' tobacco Isnnr than I ti a ta how the buhkhjws umUs tn i ' o - - i - -- rtowaty tmwrvt. m,."m m4 i the game. history has been. The practice io tn1 laraway temtory may o sna'.rnv im Wa ..u. TIT, T. . .-. . . J, , . . . . . ., ened out. and be ta cocalag as fast as aHoia mt aj two, imm "Why, Jimtniy, said one at China is of undoubted great antic- .team can haul him. It ta a fin kanie txa ob. u -s loot Vnn riii't nn. vnii lrnrtas ' .Uw I. ..... f l.IU.i e fl.K v. . t r4. en ". l arK ' - - - - I " - o i w. . -V r- a---I wVr taw "Oh. hush" said another the rr,t It ... tn lh- anciant wneu n geta or. ct , aaarts Aa-.a r We VMS toM4 4hU awg tl We aa.'y "an Maas4 KMnmri m m4 wa-Aa OOMf Msh I atW l.i, )m ian ssew 1 " "t ww"i a ww j . . - - - . i. .. , -- as. M - - - lu-k Sum. , a - i.a .u. jt - J - af-na, A4 0 sjaenAjw .aaaifte W ttU4 ' f I im n;liwtM ab 1niS . 1m- ettImoS hiM I. fiJ ,. ad taenia. iiOm m. M nMBM ae mi - l " ' s , - p w s-4 ea- caa. tt mTiZ 1 W- 1 m t-nawsa faaaas faX '- tsme W taMwJ w.miS t-wt " TVs wrs4 Wiim Ss mtm t- to tw NPtn4a leawa I . ... I Otoe ewa 1 sarikV aei es sjw A t"- a as.,, Cm ' i V h aiMw j Aty WaM ria to cu toy A r'W a-AJa A.- ya g KsinwiS t'ia V SVsI awaBaya C ; T - ' , -r 6.1 e Um4 sa aatHs o &iy ! Itva mms ra wj a a,trt ey rtt- A taw-t MMI Sa4 .N-a - A lin a V ina-avcw1 a.MM aKua.M k.l!IHif WW ,.a af . SAV yittiaa, Vna aMA m ylua K aw. . frf rA KWf V tiatTieaAsaaat aTS axastoaf aVexexaaafVaAaaaa) SsAati awaa 1 "PwP"npeW3 rw a-eiBW T"SW aaajp aBBBBBBjaaar T. W. B1CKBTT, kTTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBtnM TS. 0. PromDt and aalnstaklnff attention given to riry matter Intrusted to ais hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Bmion, Pres. First NaUonal Bank, ot Win ton. oieon A Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake or nt College, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. Of floe Id Court House, opposite SnerUra. tallest in the party. "Never mibd; American' races I'll run for him," and he took his U Is an rrpen qnsstiorwhetb- place by Jimmy's side propared er thert is any virtue in emok- to act. ''If you were lame like he tog. is," he said in a whisper aside to 3. Nobody denies that U is of t- the other boys, "yoa wouldn't like n prodaetlYe'of distressing re all the troable la that the Ilawattaa people were always opprwvd ta aaes atJon. I so stated 00 the floor ef fha ! house In tb debate on annlatWo la to be told of it all the time,' i salts. H. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Sorely,' that boy showed the j 4. Tobacco contains a volatile spirit of a gentleman. Apples of oil, sVolatile alkali and an em Gold. . . .. rvpiaaak. MjMvaf a-4 irar w As My e saj fm fmltm m,1t rt-ttumm, . U S WTAIaal (Aal .ma HrvuhM tore Ui sfaara l , ,v a; 1 aarfaxv. lafMskto ajk.4 1SW and dared the propooeata of ss-1 t- rvr, - t nx.tlon tn a.hmlf tW NarvtanAs na lutlona to a plebUdt. TWy-wera afraht I an ,w mmmi mt iw e-4 to do so and of courwe rrfnesd, an aa, ty rr ja.y ati the time claiming, bowrrer. that th rsrwppea- a-wa. Hawallana were eUsxtow for atuarx- llVlUCi Z2JZT ZZ, atlon. The bandfal of AmerWa ad- ae Vx sm as mrmm a ra n,uM venturera were, but xot the real Ha-1 fee ewra nmaiM a i- rx. TW Slat Ifliwi a4 -a mutm a- MMM I f la, A 'aw a, ii.i a H Jl 1.11 m a Sm r-waMi, A fa SlaMaS .av aMw. ah a a. watlana Now that tSewa Utter hara I ' -A, 11 m .i.iii.iw.ii 1 . m ...lis s sss mm pyrenniBi'eoii'' -x toishiw bi.ii 1 pcvsession 01 vam kiuusiit? swciuaBi l)am t ,o.f a a wa know as nicotine. The three tber are maxing their oppoaiuoa taanv 1 r.ii.r wsh- w atota tisaWM, - i.Aiifi w tt-e aaoia fca r w saM.eaia fNV M a-ay Smhj neeHm f"l Wf'IWI Al a asaaitrC man Otl Vt Baaa& ,w - 1, xstvaM. ! raanani a tti"V ?We 11 t sajuSMa Was a aM.i t a Wa-f A Wi I i W4 a aSuaW avf I tl as rt aka .al ca CuDta Or-trm Wanra W M iMira aetatwr nKW ' (Wa aa rw aaavs Arans w W e n tunajsant Wrs, TW mw te ' W tww faari t.iA, t Ww Ma-aft I AT a IWf ttw Mew ftfv AweJ I a. tw, ' ZsT W"a M!X-im la ana Mn, fwina ta j W mm( 4 A a m mw a SimglftaJ Sat av ag iti j '" . - W faia i Ww tiailMna L-., nit .(?i!i t. tswtVaw a fea s9Ma Aawa M W j emS S "t w.a.4 aM a-! a J a"- aw ., aaai, aw M UaA "XW Ate (ray li,-. 1 1- a a ar tBvr-)ra crf aarwy a, a a 1 Akhhia.ismsk-i a ...... . . . - . 1 s a4 yi - aaveaf SSS peaafca laan yMS ! RWa ,.'... Ail, II M K Hi a a i i i k- .!.. a a-aa'tw. ,in1r r , f T-ia m allWi am a 1 S 1 " , ' pun la -I 4. are dangerous. Women Boldly Smoke Cigarettes: a a j.1 it. aisa "VT "7 La-T -DuewI' W R. Tha neonorlion of noiaon is C,TrTr liola. pondent of the Phiktdelphiar '-B-4 j-millMt ln the hesi Havana tobac- The Vital Issue. feat and are dotnx all they caa to rre I wm 4 niwun.i J til . .ki.. v.. s m.9 I aa W4 atv. rC;gta qJ4 W a miwa a a aaasv yse ae tay wv Waea Waa aasaLaVsatoJ tA A e A A at;ift aa siaii 1 ahaBsafakBsasan The New Totk Journal has entered a m at ear usjm smv v-)k rv&rtsMs upon a unique project that ta. tt bast avsa w ta aisaai. aa. LOOisBuae, a. o. ... I. Va.1 I . f . A 11 f rracuce. m au v.u. e0ra wnsea sons ws cuswm ' eo; Aerefore it is a wise eelf-de Rullllnn. amn1r!nrf Vl rro Tlibll An f ItA ; fwaeK I j , . . .. , ibqcs w duiuo v l written to olvers and auxxiry iao-1 rzl nnra xaa mi mil itm i- nil k i rn i w a :ii - as ... . . . H yarborotjqh, a. I . OT I o. Tbe 8oaDd fflto may smoae i ocrata aaaung eaca tw writw.asvariaoe fined to yoaag tnem xne yoang do TjiWe ffl effeeUj 7 w4 to At ATI OENET AT LA W , LOUIPURO. N. 0. women have usurped the preroga live. It is now a daily sight to naoo M OM Of tebaceo. 6. The habitual Turkish hath (4ea law saiiMa t, ii ewr Wa 4 swyBMa aettlag forth what appears to hta aal nur. aeaca tw a4 ra-a tha vital laafia nae rnreatalll for aola- I ABSal tW CWrwns ea A$naC If yonr heart he diseased, ttolu tw old field acboolma stars w .' 1rT -T" wont ta aet na thla copy wWa wa ware I mtaMt ' tdua, 71 any nen ox many minas,- io tw aasta r aem-'Ya ftwm Offlce in Opera House Ijalldlng, Conrt street ee 8Core8 of Women quietly puffing aii i i i z a. j a-, a. a. - . i n. l im uaunuai luiaiou Ayeaaaa t ... .... . . a. . . a . . . . AU leirai ousiness uwiuwu w I . . f...ijj 1 - tratb OT WUCa W1U U III BBDU IV0 I " will receive prompt and careful atteatton. away MuawauH .. u. m. .mova wttb comtaritivA .Knit. k. r,t. tnniJ fcs- tw ra. I w t a ta- r- . te far removed from the watesedg. impanUT riotia an.wfra. for. whDa tt la a hWortc .uZmZm ZZTJi wT-taa. 1)U.I).T.8MITHW1CK, ne :prAc.a J 9. The smoker who discharges "n UT tiere la a) w .V. a unuJTJZZ U yoog ladies wTro in the evening . AfmM ..tn tfH VL1 !--- aa ns ru--y. DENTIST. T ,l!Llii..ji-V..a,. I J " -- I - - I TWsaAJ i LouiSBTIKa, - r N. C. omen over Furniture Store. ' . " HOTELS. FRANKLUNTON H0TEH FEANKLINTON, N.C. SAU'L MERRILL, Prp. a (rraat nnantltv of aallVA ifflCairS i TnntttnMHrr af lsanea. CaeA of IWa can he seen ptomfiadinthcot- Weation which means a ovg hi the preliminaxy f a eaa vmi u a ridora of the select hotels and their , . . . , , . palgn will be considered the nxwt tn iu. ... 0f ,?ae -aIe- ptruntyptlcul.rp.iso-tt JLJ- indicate teat ueKirie cuubjucc im.. ...t....VA I first to reaxwoa io tba joaraara nrr ititNsu. v '.a - ' 77 Uttea wsa -yicw rtJdeat AdJal H InTa. i . I hla aalivaias fast as -it is secreted. 1 a.-. .u .ki. Iaaraatej- when , sueh co.ao f ahsorbs morepoiaon than the smoh- on the tan ft. I waa tha arcwod. aad I .f. aa Qiaie inaicaae tuai nu gip viiue "f -'ifY permissible. Time :wmwBBB, BUB uuu aDsbrbs morepoiaon would ieaa .o oswaciBm. : it?-1 . ,n ii.,ty. tt alence; on the beach to-day Is i Before reHghUnga partial dicati?6,pXMelh lriffitfrctgtrriha fire In 'nbreb governing 'women's privileges, j, .utf Wow threw It-with Whtfe a fewspectotors lo the Wet Ik yonr langs; Good accomodaUon for the traveling fied, . mAry auother-young lady , - fa: -Tohaeeb smoked in sTclaen okjs oh apently enyions of the ppei ltV m jorrg stamor after the public Good Liy Attached MASSENBWG HOTEL. ; J P Maasenhnrg Propr HE1TDEBSON, H. C: Good aooommodationi. ' Good farat Pa lite aad attintlTs aarrufr ; Kan &s 11. Ia The smoker who swallows 1 C"t to respond to .The Jouraara hrvt j atsto w e e rao-atoaa Araw xauon waa x-k iTsaTJi aow aa. i- i b.,bb ap in Asaana e aaawaa. wfj, law Sarva eaaaaTiaaa aaara. CI ia.ra CWSTae an iaai w wta s mil here ia mr answer ra run: . i taaw easaaare a The rttal Woe tofere IW IwrVst 9 la yaa tsxm rasr - o ale ta this: -TVTut saalt W aarasaesar I !. see arcs aa4 ato sa-y Uw m Miirr ta tha PAnm class T . I w s law ass Aer- It goea to tw root a awr taruiarteasv I We see as . a4 rw riw k A area tar-aWarUea waa a ear- Sato tea I a tw sa a aaser.na a fwm idk taaev for aooa tt aracer Anar. I wa sssssa auAl W H IM f"A MUa - BBtaattoa Scpeada Us perpasadtr w tw I wa mm tto tl e reanbtla. " , - - 1 s- twt trato wa ! rw eS tk. t,rt Mim. t WTLLar llwriMewt,aaiia rw tathmlaa eaaal tat mssmst to tto I Wni ar as eaeaxa r aeA e nMU mmm mi all kaaoruit ta I Are tW yaasrawsv W lw OT niter tea I Uons pes ing rer asMSUoav a rsrraata iStr.- . ,- sr!. ato-T laaa hnrtf nl than 1 , - . . : i " I - 1 irronv no wsy., peopio iiuii 1 i-yua-.-- -a -". 1 moneVmakes thesta ofW , 1 -j.LAaQirPE tirtcxw OBJ.' - I lUaO tafUwwal AA. meht. laoiM) ""PgFAP i xnrkiay fashion: Li rQlfPE QClCXLt fXlXTx - - .-.-.TT" a" a . t .11 .- -13. cvns Cigar a day is oeiser t mjm tha vriaUr al m aaa JOT I TWU toar to tw Jfal eee Van twnor tenelnrs l diTl: I taaea dewa witA a severe auasa eaaat is i waasr aaa&Uaa atr-ary-a sfaa4 Ve Ota farois&ae of-..thaoma,bi a I-' .i... . v.. . prenreeet Irefxlstal UIM, IU. T itoa t- a Urt aw4 a Us tsaca. siwwoiBas$fta aAlpaSata taay ItT.,-?.'.v:r.5V; Jc. . ; lealy saedtdaalwsad waa twA.ttIaa af M r. A P. IL rvaa. be ao nerrooa aod ma Idowa ia health that j "15. Th smoker .who - defends J CVaasharUla's Cea jh aJr. U Wais ay 1 trifles anoyher T"1.!? a..!! Wetcaa are aallrd the wwasat atoenleaineonstipiUoa orfaiating W an?: guw.7u,. OHppa.' NnRWOOD HOUSE iKii1(a Maatrie Ktta?sr wWhStmooeef erialnallaw. . " " I adyaaa alwaya Va aapeaM aw , iraat I haahsi r4 f e irVlinOI. ' - ' RSrU yaTWiSfvA.Vdnl?rt atrfnc wb f . . - - . P aavara aaia aaa swat as aay tatsas fra A female i i ueaaaeaa onea resaiis iron a uwv,vc, a) i take. too. i. ; - i .r-' 1 HUUVivai vv. . 1 Ar wflsa nnwan. , JA now air avawva vnawwva- Patron ol OonunereJal triitng abtUSouelUd, CeastWf usav ttsaa a J. rtaas ur i tX, sWDmtSA wf W vttmmJTS mm, mvK rwrw to vssawaAs riaia raw y;ratlat ha a TaftoS lrtova aflMWf sA to ltoaVaeNta. W Wl CtU a ec4 Ae WW to wiat tw fctatiVaa ecar ieiaBBi as rw Amma j W IW tos ftaea. TWs SBaBTAsa-W aaa to 4 ttoa CUi A, 1 tt niry aw ettaS fWW -y tto nnaemmi aVM"1 a J WO-a IWt tway prmwtmm to tW swa AW AHLfw WWaS Ut fmjus ma fMaw at tW sMfiirtot towsid. TWt al Vm JMr cwy staavw Was. TWy are to a toeeynid na trtoeaf to aato (Wf Wraaftoy sawrwsinia saa faarta eQ W Asm l wA a sarfSAai a. Ctow TUeaaAnaa efsatoMsava. A ttacW eg Weaa Vjrfiitkm Wa l'y- Ana4 a twaiAarTiw Asnuf ra-J W4 W ttoatifU IW S tosaaaa, wvi'-fc Is to tW As tsar ef W2y CW liars altoiar g-aM to IW saafaansiS f W ,s aoiaw w r u-m hf m n a r . Va..H . tu m w, jM.r inarau'Svav. A. i. eaalliiBj mmI act tarnai,. Sw iaxaj, A 4 t a a arfla lililiXS ak TV, is ib, Wiisa t tin, a, ak . liaasis nxrxx ra r tar to. BM $ Acw.Mt a.Af! r a. !. Imq, b a... ,; faaHlat I' aaa), m umaal S"i pTy 4 A mm mmv a a mi m.w. ' m a Ash ir mbT a a 4a ( Ml aal , a SSMf A .. era. stiaft DCfiTAL ROOMS, saJnrt -asrtsw r"A Hi tnl Wtrt U Si xtit fax. j 1-i HaJk cwrra a w i r awr Aar U4 tW fir-yw to tw W,A, "WfU. t4 PWA rs fa gu4 AA AA- WPvmWSCA Tfwi ast W ttta) AaieWw aa W 9uaw tw aslatw aa rw aaav-- CkArA4 iwwa, . , - fVArf -v Wswwf Can MV aad a.i ?a. CVa S.na I na i anaanai Aeae r.xiapa.i s a-4 s f'Vya- 1 C-Mitsls tVetAHcf tfU;t,aA tAi wa af j-tjaiArtiy f w . JU Ura. .... .j . ' Yi Last aaa Waa try 4W w a asrV.to IW ftWra ftw .mmW a.. CW4 Sssa. wnPf raw. towt Si A wnA4 AC lannfUBS a0 IW eaarrVwe at JtotnfU 2t TIMl Vat-a as-"i-fl atmasanfi.t. aotS Aiw aifaw a lis town,, tie 9tA Ww'tt'X 1W t VtsKUtig Ois-1 ia' waj SiUvA tllxtat ajiKU oa lr ga- sug w Mswaa -! a aar wsBana tarsttsa. sane tt BMa a nr tap, SMNaka a a ' ai mi imr 1 aTaan, as Kb a, ta am , . as aa - m 1 1 in aar a an M mn ma ana . BBC. aw 0 mm ii mf mm 0mm mm f'tm ,ma aj.l a. an.i In l Anavaaaiiaaia aa stataMt a aweataBBBa., Ha a mm mmmm 'mm la aS aa; .t.:Afaaf 'j aaa. W ftaa 4,. .rU . ( . al aa, i Wtaal f 'tmsiae iuwt. ti S , ami t Sua aia, t a mmia ?bb4 bbmp,, toa. ..U irm e Aa"Jit- aaia'aiH Pt At) I J y h.bi ytt tW ftrvana SMMtlafeaA :yt, a tt, A IWsg tea sf f .rlt.a JP ,AfMi, l-T I iatH Mui ,n laaia aat tt ibm.m. m, aJTUat fliwUiiA t. K AW. tW Mrtaa fTW 4U14 an.C ruW ,f Wtw4 aasi'inaif t e;ti a Aafi . f K. 5 at I e ea t.lat uni Vmasa nis a aMatwy., mrV t M ills- a.m aa f ttay ar Vw W fBMava1 r SMt.f., " ! itat sa4 taixf a'i Iv t va. 1 Artrttitf tis Waxls if ' '. A., aiaA r ' l a-. - . . . . , f f.i-vW-i.i j;-iiia- r al'! keadaaha etten results trom a disordered I (MJ attack at aaeasaoalA H U Attaaaai ; - ,. 1 M.ilitia of tha stomach aad eostupsuon l k, . v . i, I J. Wm s! railiMl f i r - ri i i.i.ii .BiTm..b x i an.tr a n ith i : . . . - v 1 tv ww. w- . - . i?fw..r-. T "'. Ol IUI 1W, 40W OTiwjw ... .... . . ...... I a-aaT.la r , , - rtai: If H.IE;T aatTa. -vsra u a ( Cfesa4t aCka Oa ' 1 tWa taaiaa v 1 I ToasiatB'aaai V. it and Jbeaoma?hcalttV And "happy.! ui-'. Strirnanh: and Liver Tablets wUl eor - w iSiiiftl SMOTat ' 7r AnriT. tM i aA'A tiil,i( tlH 't ,.i, i i4 ;n i i i r 1 im viuiV , fi't rtl mw . A 4", X. tui im tx 'umsaa laaiU C.fV V J W f t.la s i , S .2 Ww eH-arra t .W Witt 1 g i!Bairtrt- ,,. -..w, Cjpt-v VAfw-a-Ti attic aau.a ; ry-w.- si. sa.. .r P i .a tTr---t CP- I'K l t-a. ' t at fe-.s ' ' laa l VU K .T Ml (hi . . . ... . L . . i ...... i . ' M . . . IliaflltlfcfW li us s ttf t V r . - - . . Oat l-a aa4 jstaau a . . -- .w t . . . a - ' . r-rw r . lAvwa i a i . J f fMt.aa, ue a; .i-i. Sii. . ttmf - I i . 4 1 i ... : ' , ; ' M I. 1 ; laaipU Qtess

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