r .- 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 . 1 it r e. : Am s f jas. a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor;! . ,n f.jwi - X'JLiil 'COU JM X,X'; PECEj , BXAJTX? VOL XXXJI 4 .: it" . 1: ?zir rt3strat srtr s r-r x.Tt : 11 ' ' i " . COLLEGE 50TKS. Wtto'Wea Lawfer Falconer CHURCH DIRECTORY '' M8TH0DI8X. : Sanday School at 9-0 A. M. Gao. S. Bua, fiapt. Preaching at 11 A. 11., and 8 P. M. evry Sanday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. T, Pltlke. Pastor. BAPTIST. ' Handav School at 9:30 A. M ' v Thob. B. Wildul, Bnpt " Pre achin at 11 A. MM and 8 P. M.t vr7 Sonday. Prayer meeting Thursday night. FoREasr Sum. Pastor. KFiaOOPAL, Mn.i4av Hnhool at 9:30. Hrvlces, morning and night , on l one lawyer Falconer Kaing Prayer, Ifriday aiternoon. uiuc u pm. seven umcs uciutc, Johs Husks.. Keetor. but it was alwavs one lawrer Falco- - , -. j - net" and nothing more. Id one of fnUbnrff Lod. No. 413, A. F. & n ' repotws, w mc .wvcrpor,; A. M. meets ihs ana dra i.nwwxrisisapeiiotenaent Me Dane iefers"to 1 rPresideBt Davis of the College for tiishesl or the following ' iaterestiog aistory Q A very interesting article appeared in the North CarolinaXa' Jotirnal 4 few months ago from the -peat of the Hon. K. P. Battle which gave a short history of the life of his grand father, the late Kemp Plammer. Id this ar ticle mention is made incidentally ofj I had seen here, bat Falcooer'aodT I Haywood r aw n7'Wnn-6a-f6rihe doubt, that 4oe'yeef heli office nor saghKpittootloVTil3C - Sometime, in tb.ejajttcr part of the eighteenth century, Alexander . Falco- from Virginia and settled ia. Franklin coooty, NC'.-Dlne,- mtksr Aocshof LoaUborg on the WarreritOtt Toa.' H LODQBa. ighta in each month. iro tV5iona.l oard. was not ft1 ScotchmaQ ' as has been suted, aod as whimsical old bafche- lor" he' was a signal failure -as will b seed froia iitbe ilioj.'ifaff iffi copied from bis wills, :And ; whereas I have expended the sum of tSoo;"1 Oil the education of myrsoa ! Robert more than I havepeodedr? aif wtber ciMidreBfioirect ihat,nt.-.ana De 1) It. S. P. BURT, fftATICINa PHY8ICIA.N AND. SURG BON. Louisburg, N. C. In the Ford Buildinflr. corner Main au.l NhhIi Btreew. Dp stairs front. this man- as a whimsical, but abte old bachelor lawyer,' Falconer." i . quote below ad extrict from Dr. Battle's ar tide. Speaking of his grand-father .H.j?Miisji.;.;vIa Plummer. he says : "His facet a only gral charmctef Falconer 1 was expressed in rhyme, were quoted in $ ",uo"- lw.Q,TIC,' J the counties of his circuit long after his piH vcr W tp.cm : rean to raita ana practice,: ana urea PHY8ICIA.N AND SURGEON, LOI'ISBURO, N. C. n tw 2ud noor Ne: Milldlng. phono SU. Niiut anwore.l from T. W. Bickett'a rsi.i-iii'. yhone 74. ti. MA88BNBORG, A.TTORNKT AT LAW. lC18BCBe, H. O. ii practice in all tbe Coarta of the State Office In Coart House. death. His witticisms -were r entirely without stings. ; For example! ridirrg one day with a friend, an elderly, 1 grave, sardonic lawyer of Scotch birth, Falconer, by name, whose mount was a thick-set pony, known far and wide as "Shandy," Mr. Plummer sang out : Yankee doodle, doodle, doodle, Yankee doodle dandy, Little men ride little nags And Falconer, he rides Shandy.. He had not learned from Rev. Sid- m tne work! just tor tne" pleasure -that he could geiont'-ol It, eakting noth iog bejoodDcHe wak Jut-lit wealth acquired, partly ; by injtieriuace, , , but mostly by marritge. Tie; wasowhat toe preachers -would cai) a'maa ofbe world, social, rgeQfaTndheahed liberal xo The poor, a firoTtte with The rich and popoyu-' Wuh.al cesses, but the religious element in bis make was entirely wanting. Such a man ,e r-!.vr:) -.- y '.-? - t - - L . ..1 - . - a, W . A uqa QisTQryarneea DQt jW.dokxj wt v i . v-.v: f- . J. . , ; . the legal protosknx a'fci'Mtan'ititi able lawyers to waxth" co koictt Cam er in'te eteoitlo'tf bf; wrtL'J.TU three Uwverstttusexltg'tmWr aad ao tiVoiorkttlteYtb rW itati 4 volTed" on" the ' ioitaf tamtP'iloce. Why late a ble tawyett raiould info hf 1 1 , ' Toho Haywood, Jr.1 vu tlx "104 el U r l tTtr uom i 4 T a veW able Uwvef'iit4 the mcm' kaae.l TUma"kmi OmttUl IW Ward! isaoved to TecJsa, whets Ul I rsnl.St.nea iUi j fMcfaj lauwb, 1. IW r.v 4ArS roev5 . Uw aOaiiT ujc. uicjvDici jvnicc rxcBovriw:jsw'a 1. ib swm ?.a ,VfV "I lff? ."rr "!! I ttoe Js bwaawsvtavyvw Xr than Jjba Uaiwood tx-rtrarrod $11 tia jb i V rU tl H W J- fc . . . , . . ; h- w - ,a9"lV $t u tt -45 af T O taM. U ;u4 rtaMftMk a4 V y 4. o4 mnl. - tl 14 C a tMi(t rjwt tSav wat KM "W3 sf "ttACy aff r4s wlrrr iw wy t4 A.Fttyt . v . r - Ow IT m Orw f M ltAQi f'a.r7; i4 wn w-r rtTTT- ef j T-n m W2.J. "Swrf. 14 1nt VnliU t Ma? . J a trt W at.n. fianal m Wmfm Cta lr ftt .imoiS Si tui laaiiiwi wjc -r w w OjMMwA.MHUnr Jk 14 rwwtk, 1 V0 am"'" im ii yw snM iW f Tl C wH m)m t nw Imp vV arwi wrtr.MMe tS owrtatt a w! on . 4rv I T Viniw vnmrl 1 ow tf wttf rv M4 w m iry '"Tjoa ci Tt itrnt Wit. ami wO'WW Wt'A. w4 ,ajfM U atif v wain tw Hw a T I m4. 61 a ww v4 w. W4a W otne s,v W wW i0 ru.ri a wf 7 z ! .n . e-nt U;Vr-' t,r n.It- w I.. . k , - . irrvM"Cs " t-" S'-:!, 5i'W c4 Tii. l;iCa. . TXi a iitww. .: - - , zc raX ui .,t. . it St ..-.it; lr?x it. ..Xuit vv':- lhe.bariaot fat.oa ikw btACQ 'ittVtfwitfe 1 wari.IUI U w-5 pct&i&b; bi lua ralikot jibd f or rvJst t f Urw io hi. day .Wa ooe U the-k4X U ' JnT?a?ltTii 'rTi vtrr lo-'tlnf aecikXli tW. .wJiHt a4 i wti INawwl .U. (ived'aiooi for mites btV ot Lia-' .wWela Ja aav UU Lk- hor ht- h od a lift liArd wtt H, t&tem was UUt 4, jCrv a4 estate and fa , cfcuVThat tL Xf 'ZiZ donated the land on which Cf M rvur tUC vtk wwwJd s niatraM built. HauwilLsrsi prohair! 'P t8i& brintWk)cnK4MataaXt-l I m . A -4 -:' s: waTwv i w-twww !;r . ,,rr i tw wa vi Tw mtw t; .ijya, Ui il wCl iUf a itav tMwa r "liitww'ti(lt 1 W tt-V aril rt?i aasjiaj a u awC t-M mat trw mwM -t r tfccT4 Jwa l- r Ce4 9ry 4 w VW - f iXt. VU atSiwr xty r rv anmM wtA ta- ifwl M y ? Thai ha84 S a aw aaaarvtvwtai wiai phi A-. UA,. . tiU., . n d ' , 4 ij Acr ti TV rt." tif smm ( 'V a ai a. w aH aw w till w a i fut 1 n tmnt-i Yk M ru tw uf tv turn M aU.S m tui ( t'HtoaaMaaMatlMiMl4 aodjp U he be-eaLhao.bw cbtkkeoj trpoa wsJOa v- m ttkl ,M, W4 WW. W-m4 WUa mmOh aJ j " isrt av P w, MiW tfK Tv W n tlafl wa Wa 4 . f W.4 c. XTTORNBY-AT-LAW, Looissnae. . a. , .M.n tho rnrtn of Naah. Franklin, Grnvuie, warren and wake coon tiea.aiaotte j prised irnprovisateur to a combat Suureine wan 01 nurui vivu..-i H 1 ;lrcait and District Gourta. ney Smith that it takes a surgicalope- coukl hot hut ixeris rp6"w'rfu( in- M RCUS C. W1NSTEAD, ratioo to get a joke into a, Scotcbnoan's head. The irascible Falconer leaped from his pony and challenged the sar- Mr. Plummer gently replied : "Why 1 Fal coner !" The dark cloud of anger passed away' as rapidly as it had gathered. Say 00 more about it, Plummer; say. no more about it," said f. n trusted to me. D R. J. E. MALONB, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. v. U- V RIAL ft CO.'S 8TORB. s- eca. Attention given to all boaineaa Falconer, and they rbde o together as gooa trienas as ever, now, from hat I have been able to learn of the character of this man Falconer, I feel quite sure that his behavior on that oc casioo was wholly misunderstood. He was not the sort of man to get mad when made the butt of a i ike. He would more likely turn upon his per- 1-aACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURG BON, LOClSBURe, K. 0. Offlce over Aycocke Prug Company. R. B. S. POSTER, fRAOTICING PHYSICIAN k S0RGBON, Loulsborg, N. C Otnce over Aycocke Dru C jitpany. fluency in the onmrnit j, f bjt ( piore especially over the minds of young men, all of whom looked upon bim as a paragon of ' excellence?' ThTs'' -rnftu-ence was not always aalulary 10 its ef fects, as his tastes led him into certain kinds of dissipation He was emphat ically a sporting cnaracter and kept race horses, Jox dogs and gaa3,ichicc ens. He constructed a race course oo his own premisciand, enclosed. ,11 ith a cedar hedge topreyenlt thNhos irom nying ine iracx. inese ceaais grew to be latge trees, aod some ol ihem were Handing' wilhio the mem orv of persons now living. At - his house the turf peat for miles around would meet 00 stated occasions, aod s?cutor and beat him at his own-game, I spend the day in their tatocUe sport of VP HAYWOOD RUFFIN. and this is just what Falconer, did do that occasion. His action was simply 1 the spontaneous outburst of a 'keen sense of humor and Plummer's com plete surprise was the climax of Falco- horse racing, and the sight in other and perhaps, less ianocewt amusements. It is said that Falconer's pernicioai io- C.jurt, and in tiie Dnlted Statea District and CircuCoor cufton BolldlnK. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LouisBoae. ir. 0. A 111 practice In aU tne uouxia 01 Z.2 triumph Dr Battle makes the following state ment in reference to bis illustrious an cestor : "The estimation ol bis .fairness and high tone as a practitioner., by he community of hi circiritfo best shown by the fact that he t- wasc uniyersally called the lionest. lawyer."- Well, now it is really refreshing-io read xf. "an honest lawyer." , Ktstory records Jthe rjJHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, L0UI8BUB. . o. otnce on Main atreet, over Jonea ft Cooper'a to rn. S. SPRUILL. life he wooed and won the heart aod band of the rich young widow Freer 1 his lady, wnose ma 10 en name wai eaech ei estate ia JrrakluA..carmiy, riia rvasavry erwet TaJ" aa wr t , e mw n r. thhtiw-t- c j xi w t V a e. mmtt doubt, inherit frooi haEthra,-r.. J L 2TJ. iHltr.- '.V. ZlZTLt-i 1 -w a. Tf . oot si weti inowo u ft hodd f r.M"r tl2T ' lu, . . M.-T J . rZ-T J -JTIZ. be, and mj cgjrU.U.COllrXt Cadi tfed 1 cuuUI3ailit- U t in 7ww J ' a tf- wt'' iocide.nu coooected.with hn ,lik have itt-V ai r7ttTW-1 f .4 i - a "g)v jr-W )-- ' rjr'VrTwI tZ!ri al . ' i :, , .. Ytt, d tat 4 tft arwU t ttl";Xti, JZ ZTZZ(Zfmt t a w-a .1 r., u STAND UtEAflTOJiG Wal r-ia wral aaJ taswvlal tl'. X H 1 , J !l w w -t .nrk 17 va ,r .-, v, Itehlar a,wl.f Waa-a-wMa-l ar hft'faW? naTai Ka n TT, V -"n a - air r-a Mhtr Itii ffinajM. 'nf vtr aHw laa rinalV S a t ai HiltTl lat rf I 1 IT n - r - - 1 - " H-A-f . '. .h .h.. tj.. aealv. QMftrat er far Iara, wr aorca. aatt rfcaaaa, et. taraa sr Wrttoa. f ialUbla to fitter ISi "al "HV PTaeti 4r ra. - Peopla whi mrw lwart bUs4 time should b fed ew te4tkaU- flaence was felt to that community tori mJ Ljn. yi 1 gja m nid saUll many years after bia death. In . early 1 JJT" ,tT - k Y7 fi Oaa4aat aaoii9ara U aMaay wav Arytia PU ta tfca Wy kt a UCanaai. Tala ta t - 1im al r era. u-aiaa, aarat ew , aaaHii aad. aU wfc ,4rt tary uf ! kidatr dlaaata tMaaa f-raa. jratyia:M j cay Care ttrcvaeaUr kafva4ewr Taii form e stdy cm Tj INr iliiw. U. U. Jlaaa, laeaiaif fleV Liaa O- wrttoa, ""VXjattaat viavaSI f Ika- - giaa ntMd a4 a M araajW. alia KM f W 4rta-tUa. If CaaJ nx WVtaiaw Xa4 waAl t awJ4, w Wvy aataw rV wv-V3 ,a-w. wta VWy 44 eT CSBral nrauaa Wi, faa ' Ue .wi JCca3aA oiwr axrra CailJaa 0m raj r thai trtrxa 14 iwii0ii1s' rr- afty. IX W tMk&a M H ms Wwa'Akn aat I a aafta kltamtt. W( wtUi TUav Waw aVfU K la ee rwVat lgwwC lie rtr& th mn4 U gVal : I t Ami - r "W VJI ,f a ii y" fWiaawa a Nothing is batter than a g d woeaan, nothing wortw than a bad ODt. Wyaoewas the. graodJaug htcwaof k. "".-WK. the Rer. and Hoa Green Hill; aod the aunt pf the Jate J . jE. Thoaai who was for many years the- standing candidate of the oldTAvhi . party for the Legislature, though elected on It once. Falconer's mode ol I3e was nx ... . .- ... , r ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BUB0, H. C. ae Ju bla. coffirrf names of two sacb, Kemp -PJdnuner, j calculated to.pat mone "the honest lawyer" and. MQoaeft'-joe 1 n w" jo w yri.J t-v ti,.u . n mm i ii a v ai nis mirriarc inin nc was on ,h nrr of Franklin. Vane ' ""T ' oranville. Warren and Wake connttea, atao , th . whose names histori- the day of his death. Late In life be .. rwr.., nt Nnrt.ti uarOIUU. I - prompt attention given to collections. ans have overlooked. began to realixe his mistake and made umce over Jeriu - - . . cr,. , .;,v. But who was lawyer Falconer? u -.-- That's the question I set out to discuss. '0"une. nc : v T Wishineto know something of the course, sola ms D.oovcaxDorK.y0? ! history of this man, I consulted several dogs and devoted tbe retiderol ba Inrominentlawvers of the Louisburg "e to tne praciK ox nrti,oq, r I.... : ll .J-.j bar, but not one knew anything of At nis country rcsKjer.ee r conOBc, him. The first man I approached was " aiauDew jcauwia, m4a U,iWea ajcWeaiw. ttta.UI aww as tertoa aaai mjrm'ntrmm nm t3W- Ca! raH -Or-tWj ltBajaatm v fcaAar. . T&4 aa a frw 4t wm aa1neeiaaa' "a ia i ai Qalinl Bnawv U a trt4 fee at atwawf eiwrwr: V4. UrrtM l adUtorUl frawtaaaaaare a4 W t aaartav. Vkl ettraaataairy aamary th roraaatVaaa a wee. Ocar tadarv-d aaywwra. ! fi hi ttnaafa . . . .1 . - - -AtTM a4 alThe aaV 'tMai Uaj-waf-e ta- lata PMm fJift fUa rTfrt rHa-i ieeaw i ai 1 CtaW DaCWeare tUB. "ttara aa aaa. arVw. awvtea ieaa,.aa THbaw-r M B a ff-a tk. fvaaW toaa el a1K eatf CMt MlUi Wl IMW, twi aw aboal auartr oiiml--Zv. aaaa. lAttl 1 a - er lo tit if " ' L " m w tat. wm , n 'Tuffia iW tui Aa i aS a n a.. Sw . lMaaaw n tiiei a a - it. . ... . . n w ai i" a T"-' rl" " "alu "" SMkM. taa a cannon iminw a cint vmui 4 Oa ami u aw ar . ewaaaaBaBaMaBaaaaaaaaBBBBaBBBaaaaaaaaaaBBaBaB aH , ia .nii-wni4 k q i pw mi T. AJf t,m.v ii ; 1 .,Mi.iBf tan.ii 4 lTl a-t a .im 4JJ w aMuL m W. ! - -. - - ' "liiniii ' trte - t at. kwMi iwtai ' a a avK a ... . a -1 -i iirwij uij -. ii l ra w ,- -r aiua a ; v i was, w4 a a ta ai VWI 1utM Vwtrwa'n.iMil aa inirniiAftiTiT!: . . a, aamMM.. ! ! -Ar irt. JT a tuMtavaaj a.wai' m mmmttm al-4 . wii w w tiUn. ,t aM Wm aa aa mm - 4a , Mlw w n- w.- .U CM W nn im . . , . . . . . v. . mim l aaaawa 1 4,W mm - - - - - - i wa tu aamiaaa i rw a 1 w - - ' - a a p aaaaaaaa aa'vwavBw 4 W u ? . 4 "rt" jj.jaifact.Vl U. l.rt uf f""! yaMl. Wy i ar. ? a r-nir-i.fr - f Jtja,IJ4 1 niior? lulltil 4 M . v j -i , f w 1 , I m fie VmOiIiiii, ,r ua.w, ' ''" MHI n W iMimit W I 1 jjMKtrt. a V ttf . M mmn 1 ii i Ml a aa w wm awH i a mn ! I n mhi W ! I tinuitte. m an v mi ii im mm1mw j , in . -tuu. m.m . v 04tmV .if uiia l ufx t mm WW g-lWf 7 " ' 1 ""I - - y-t iai c ikyu.il varta - ytraatT'w W visas wenyast vasaa aasaaV(4 liiwiiilla tinmm ma taa, 4i aw aa a Am ii nm urn "in in iin aa a aifw w ra aMe at it. I tiry j$. ft ot,. aa t g r T. W. BICKBTT, ail U arfiaa U.ai body vaH el ml t j:H aet thM Waylaa al Oj-rt Bu4s a.l tao aaB nafbL "Ifa tfca Wa'a3 araie n7lt aiee ever Aff flrttV aiakly vmmb gala vUli4 fcraJ0 a4 Ulily traai EWeuie BitMra. Try !- Oa iv soa. QaaraaleeJ bv. V. K . A. T. R. P1aaaata. i l ' a iTba 1 Vw atatiimMaa m m a (. aw a iaiw i a- J w f j ! a i j j ti'rtc SwXCJ 4 f-V i M. raw f- - I I n - - 1MI MMUlVauBl IM ViarH.l , Va aftaaM a 4Wa a ,f aw vk U awi m a -w w a- i t TTSZTlT?? , V i -7a- aaS.imrrje a saa. I s MaaM nii Im t,,,,., , tt4a aa aa , u n -- j. aTTORNBY AND COUN8BLLOR AT LAW. LonisBtTB a. c Prompt and painstaking attention given to yiry matter intrusted to bla handa. Rfera to Chief Jnattee Shepherd, Hon. John SrTy lawv B. Well. Mr. B. said I. can the first preceptor- of tbera.klm ton, Q enn ft Jaanir, wmnwu, xwv.- i . - ... " .n.lnn.n ,w T mk. of Monro, cnaa. r Wtor, pie. wake For- information about Academy, now known as tbe Lonla. a.t College,, Hon. K. w.nmw ' . .' .. . . . K. Vf.U tnHi aa on- of hia "one lawver falconer, wno use a to "a " ' nract.ee m the courts of 'Franklin and PP This Matthew Dickinson was adjoining counties'. ."I cannc-twa. P?dtey JVrt97; the laconic rejly, "as I do not know rtis Wr Field tnd others, alatbe trttt which wsy he went when he left these ck ot Don. M. Dickinson of Mich- diMings." A gentleman who hap- in, fmerlf-a member oli President r a tt,at mr.mi.nt tn he atandin Cleveland's GaBlnet. A lew years "- ton, Qlenn ft . College, Hon. is. w. iiiuuo , itt lee In Court Hooae. oppoalte Snerura. -yy m. person, ATTORNBY AT-LAW, LOCISBtJM.a. 0. PracUcea In all eoarta. Offlce In Heal Building. H YARBOROTJGH, JB. ATI ORNEY AT LA W, LODISBURG, N. 0. Offlce In Opera House building. Court atreet All learal business intrusted to him will receive KTwatiniaa lf.Ve aa raaJUaaavt lh Itrnttaaf bla t abUltlea mAl XLm poeaibillllaa of U csptitU3. 1 Xe tmf i 1 (MUfi1 k-aa W Jr-z i -v 1.2 xrr A ar.uk. tw aa.YT a I ! witJa bia iU-a.4U 1' l tyroaa a4 iaucffra H.JrA aayac Omt tLrta ahiLiraW-vaek wboitaeca kaa a.( a a a . t i a j !; 4 yt . a. wT J a-x V f' !i ffi-.S aa a i I ) iHtai CaAfiary Ual i-iiH Mi Ti i v w. t rtim i 1C c l- tmi, e awa 4-- nM!H mmX j nn4. k h)uwiMim a ia j--- cj i aia c. '( VM, ,.UM-'tw wm -4rt SVif, Z. a ftaaaa a 0mwfta j, t.w ,tf tiaMi ' ea4jiv awit- kvnnln ua a i a0 t rj4i a a-lx a ilTXla Ul S6i-f Ul fi i vr . Ittan., . mmt bJuwa t a of "nnai il ut ,tUnl J. ) '-X Hi) in. V ,m,-. i-iittM . miiiiiii' W1CEH BH.0TSH5 k 1, ftwrm ' r v minima a4 aa-aaar, . b.t,y Wy aWai -1 Urn TUX!. lUTZ aaoMka eld. a-4 ewlag aar gtrUf Lkaa at aaawwa. wae-a ea i a ChavbarUia'a tftwa Baay. tAay U P aaaa ot Uatr yle-yee a4 aa etl la ff r,mmm,p,al b iaaa macA bauar ktU ta aaaara .aUJrta whoa pxeiu d4 t aae ttli tbie raaawy . ail iat M rf-y 'tf V aawxa I f4tc "1 aa al 1 ciM.tMirt, a t m ta 1 tl , au ine J -w MHnaairt Ua " ; M,iue km . ? a aw frMts 3 i ".i wwVT ; w t in -f M v.i..ia (, XmJkZ4 A ' a, jmipi !.! . aKua a .m,iua 4W m ::.iu:ayy a.xh rAKO' HBa:v aira wiwtr nwwii. y-1 key UelC a-ribfTUU. AU. tata IUJy U 1 lor aaleby riauwnarai. ar Oia3 a VaM--a Uem(ttit O 1 Ml, MH, u.lu4 m .! i MimU da a aae aau lata raaaaay. I - - w aaa a ta min I ,.t . . u . .n... ...n i. ' . ..... . . -f 111 liaiia, i jiiina "ran Tr - 1 T m '-" . u ,miw w" a iawa waa taa ftafceienw aa a I Soaia ar.t rl W a W1 a ' , ru. 11,4 ut a- ftaar. Va t a 1 1 I & u.v-, it a Inmbii . . . ... .... t . w v 4 irtaaaai ain aa raeaeeraH -j-ttt. r tt ".r : kiu vai -a s- aaiacvfcaw Mri Cj.a.DC'r tatg ba, Va W-e nm.ml t 1 W Wa 1$.mV aawtiiif aaattU4 I b-f aU Immvw 4V Cm $ w 1 aw I t T:-i.l . fik near, remarked, (with a miscbievcnu 1 . ,m'1uw " t r t r V ,-inki. irr heve:V"Mr.3. von ce. X6iabufg bar, was Ibrceif to Xiv xp ' I... . . . . r-:ts I ,-; aK rt fenn- that, aa all law- his law practice on account 01 wuiog rot aurt tbe aaaiwvar whb UaraHaf "'U,J v,-& , r. l..a MMU SiillkM at a '-1 vers, when ther close out business here, inc ruwwJ -.7eoW-l.. If. ta. bw .14 a. . v. .u. j K- took bim out to his country residence oftaa H-kap ear- Urvagb ia- aatJre aw take the same road and go to the same " l . fake H la b4 rlsbi eew. a by what is glrsn to others Instead I 7J!ir 1 1 ! by what ii,graorjd fraai Lota. -r. V9 -r D05T 8TAAT WaOMO. f SSS- rT 4awr 4 fUtlur.Ma. i ' .... . ... ai 11 aaai a.1, W AMtw f 1 ue !tf-t lie aw - - ' a 1 mCS Aw ajiUeiVm aa"M n a i 1 t:iMa M.aitMvti a M aa a aw lne a4 t we aaM( jJUi!IW Wwryt.If f-. If wvaw a ae aa "a- bva aany. taa p rS-4 tt ita Mwt (aava aas ba awot a ranraraiSr )ry faaay a ta aaa ta rai4?4 ba tVa aaaavae iww aowa WAn. i atu Jt rtra , bm a" a a aw aaftnnA. V T"V-IV' mH- wltww va .iwM-rW a.-e r- vH awteya. m raWi a - b W-ai. ?atia ana 4mii( ea-tta aVull. 1 1 : :a,aM Vj laam " - w 1 . u rai amau riT.. a"T,u.:.TL,u w m, r nMl where be was tenderly carea tor aanng iTWd- c.e M.eau CewACaewtd F. . u...: a nrotracled illness whkh terminated t 7 '- !!. "T-Kr14 ) R. I). T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST,. LOUISBURG, - - N. C. otiiw over rnrnltare Store. that he had ureent business elsewhere l protractea . T ..... ri ihna French leave, with the cor- n xjeatn in tne year a, grip, araaeaiaa, ail tarae aa treabJae. Abeelatery eala. Artt arraiai aa T I 1009. MC was I LreabJaa. Abeelatery eala. Artt at eeee. 1 rk. 1 1 J I. a. fl a aaarkAA Wlewl. rt aPaaaaai ners of his mouth banging-, abontu an contrt private cametety h, u aa atfa tn?' t ij . .if . , andnine rein later ItSiM Falconer's H. twwie OrevauavSTK -1 -Vt'vs men DeiOW,lBCnorioutai. aniMft- ' . . aaytbla aiat taat atW4 aa aa;ery ae get anf ioam. Uwren J to 0 e f - J f-;n-.rrteur-elderlT U- P- There they J.e in lae same .SwaallV. a... HOTELS. I . - j :i r-.-M. I . -rnnainrance. Mrs. S. T. I cemetery teacner anu puii , alrtOM I taar fUIwy, -a- .- 1. .., ... . . . . I w. 7 r.' Wilrlerand Mrs. W. H. Allen. These me companions in u i-a alon oaiorw Jw praiaoa va Bava -rwf i.die. ari the dauehten of the .waiting the great resurrection aprn. py ooeoamoai waaa. - .... . . fc .r --aa,! 1(m ra uCCjal MawaSfr aaU 1 ftat awiieae o-.i- a im MbarmnWtriVai U UaalO.ra.li j aaa lea yvera mnymni f -aQaa 1 ti a. -7 en ; tAJa bwcOartk pas w-araf pw ameakt aa? tivMt'i sa na iawU j taa rwmnarlry. 4 aae wa4 nU 4 - ta4a. " 1 Ja Tt C3zXX TTva-aiaa aaaaana? , . w, Aamna .a Ul aa etuw w geaj i I miaaMw Otiuary 1ata-i ae -r niaae eras taw aaiwi.. aej raaetaa a. JUtama, waawa fctaayaw sa a eared ta W ta taa t44X a4 aaaat at taa aa4a. rwaeaaaTa aaaw af IM an is a , mwm wr 1 . wm a rw mml. P t w V a 1tiaV-JW(i- tava aa. Wiaf f . aa ' lETIifl LIFE- a 4 f t - C laaiaej tW- a ava4w O- iBB'Mwt a.Ufa'!SMa Qal aml $a e f 04 ae aary awacaoa. rya a ia a a l W0A' O wir"4 e enar Via tr'UU'Vw l t'Hilav FBANKLINTON SilM'i MERRILL Good accomodation for pablio. Good Livto.-y Attached. .N.O. his estate as executor. Terrel died in n-r -a-wl Taaaa. . ' i 6..i:lrie.w ltnectiCTtbtraephewvri km "ItJit 1 i'Ar iVliiCf airiV"U 1-41 .Wtd Mitf laa t f.- lUU aa raaatUr r aai lw aa torea ana icspwtu - 1 . . -r , . , . - . I r - - - - - - m -1 . 1 vie. a4aiAUvtrVW wta a rwrary aa 1 vi rva wvi nr fnr w tha tnvallng w kneerbin well - during his, UeftJ1 ft VMvT VAaA -v awthatAav af lm. WWbaa -? Li-Aaf Kaioned-abd bfclleVeFttconeW.aevenlbW'Aa .C4 f.l -ffti .lyears. Aslbarnopearanaiwi w. . . . I MMniu. aua ata nmWmm I . .... wl -w iL.t a. . . cw. Jr 1 a I rrta taa if bVarte 4,a w-a -wuuav r. ,..;,:. aa tvwf Ma St m aif aw - I .-. aa4 U4 a aawltft auut'Ve Sa . hawa a yMgaM fnataw $ taa CM m$ t-rm.twa a aa m 4 rva enNtavn.! ewMBS twWiwwa "J aaa -a a a tua aaal Jim .U iae A t t r.:rr t:imr:iX aV 4 MASSENBURG HOTEL T 1? M!susaieiibiue P'Opr HENDERSON, N. a Boed aooommodaUona. Good fare. Po lite aad attantiT aervaa'a" ...... . . .. .. - J . . I HMMflUSl 1MB ttMUr r j 1. j: .n nM)Mi .in I Alter do acata am iv avua .v - -, , . i.Im.&A - ' 1 luuuu incsc murea . 1 . - r- . - - : talsoner s nistorj ana iney gvc u tVw. -v'- vj-- - tf TotJa aarrv'aVy IM a n aaaa t araw more information in hie, Ayaeeke Drac ca. tbelawyen m laisburgconWgite in then: tncestorva tbeir anbcatnt . a weekend toibeniI am indebted hwry is , nuo-u. " ltlm taaaa, -at tbt -aftLhaai formostorthVfactssiMe lowing brief sketch. otFaiconer's liKv . A three de. ow ", , T - 7 a i I tiwaUCUaWWti CalKCa4a . . I Tlrmnar.tk fire laa.Vnr : cades pf tbeiuneteenUi-., ceoturj -there u t.;,, Tu"nrw owned' andlrt-baaaeaaaT.:tti c I aawrfan 4awren wlJO-tifaC-1 FApW M1 Wt J00 I aaU tva aetllas at UyaaMrdaa a. Urt.aave Wer?l.r,,leil-laWlrm YTW lLw-,Ulhi that , rfevet eenlleOUa, teeA eeaUge iaUf . aM n2 , : 7l2-!r UaaUAf bMarr aw CM a aaname 1 vaJr-- Car -i U IV Uml e aaa U-rf WV 1 tMM , a- H b a K ,-aiVa f-T"a iUwi Le, w m, ft Biyvat raeiaiary aC.r.B aU Utt i a.A-arf iaaa 'j ara H a anaA a a t.. ',raa a ptfuaaa. aw,' tt ava TVa iiii't r7a Aaa I w amH aaa aaa lMay a4 lan I MMa.i N.tnH ee WV- rVaawa 8-r- C ) tarn. j I , -J faCw V ta-aaJ h Vnvi i V,, a. W( LUI : t ru r - 1 jjccar nil frni'tSL X;il ; anyy , juant, at C;! Lali't"1 it ?'ane i aM t y A A. a.,-. IW. A-J- wtta-a f -f f a:::fi Tta aiaa itaitH fafaJl bJ 1m TselUbl tbbl raMtlVialM UL)i,HI?1 - lit t aa. iaa bartt IVa fe; l r lb. iavn mm a a ' " mm jMaa a ii i a. i earn a wi" nm mmm aa a-w J rrfr-faa,. aar;,rttaa. " b ! - iu t a ill'fZm f ' l u a ' ' - ?4 ba r ,a aa It a a a-"i- .- if " j .w aa ! a tt. r t t i X-fia f a- aa- , avw aa --a- f, a- a- - aa mf!!ira tjfr A4 4 i t.jtte. i r-a a - Tt a a- I l.i.apAi. a a4 ta-aleaiai tur-t rtwr-a, e,A.an.,va m .... . i i i . ti.A . ataia&i1 etlWti lrja.Us. 1 . t , rr.. "r" " 1 : , i "' r?r"tw. . wrr tn,i .-..1 va r. rr. i - t a M . t. . 5 , w I a 4 naiiHuua. iiuiai-a Wf" H - jjr -T. Mr? Charlet HT ftltCOO J j nyvaeai. Okl-aeaia A-.l.Veerea w.J.,.DfTU, . HiSrj2 Bw' SSTaSwTir " - -a t - I. a-a tir,, f . , , . . j . aa aa 4 1 a a i . . .1, - IHMMI a . j t a t m4 V-Mtwri . a-' f" i , ea y-a- -a n aryakw tl mi K. C at . Ua I ba-jw )inii a j. . V-Mf t aa. t 1 aa TC r. T. X r-a- a 4 .i