JJL-Jv M 7 Iffy -v.-J bgj feV4 U . . c j i ' . J - V a jas. a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXXJI L'-hLHJ CO U Jsl WX; ''111 ' ' a .... -- "' a- CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . GkO. S. BkKXB, Sept. reaching at 11 A. id., aadS P. M. 4vrv Sunday. ivvr mewting Wednesday night. M. T, PiTLsa. Pastor. BAPTIST. - ,n lay Aihool at 9:80 A. M. ' Thob. B. Wilder, 8upt it- K-hin t ll A. M., and 8 P. 1L, Hi-rr Sunday. I r v vr rn eting Thursday night. Fore but Smith. Pastor. KPI800PAL, - ; id.iy rfchool at 9:30. -,.r i.-.-m. morninic and nurht , on I (r l and 4th Sundays. ..-uiiirf Prayer, Friday afternoon. J ohjt Husks. Rector. LODOB8. 'lmburK LodKe, No. 413, A. P. & M , mtB 1st and 3rd Taeeday u ,iit,H iq each month. L'ro t'ewision.a.1 ; oardn. ,s I'. HCHT, 'H.V -TI IN) I'H YdlCIAJJ AND SURGEON. Louiaburg, N. C. i; ,. in thi' Ford Building, corner Main l s i,'i Mt.rct-tH. (Id Htaire front. It V. YARBOROUQH. IMIYSICIAN AND 8TJRQKON, Lol'I-BURe, N. C. 2n.l door Nea. building, phone 8a. -lIIs aniiwrei from T. W. BlckaU'l icw, phone 74. i;. H. M A8HBN BURQ , ATTORNEY AT LAW. LonisBuiia. h. o. i irctlce In all the Courts of the State oiHoe In Court House. I. t'OOSK, 0. A.TTO RN K Y- AT-LA W. IXlOISBUBe, Hf. o, a 1 1 1 attend the courts of Nash, franklin, iriM7ili", Warren ami Waka counti4a, also the j Court of North Carolina, and the D. - .iri-ult and District Courts. M R( i;S C. WINdTEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louibbceo, N. C. okfu-K over W. P. HKAL & Co.'S 8TOM. -i i tiLl Attention glveu to all business ritlMil to me. 1) R. J K. MALONE, ' R ViTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBON. LODISBURO, N. a i mil 'ivr Aycocke Trag Company. J R. K. 8. FOSTER. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN h SUKQaON, Loulabarg, N. C. Htice over Aycocke Drug C MLpwj. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, LODISBUR8. V. 0. Win rartiw ln all the Courts of Pranklln in i a.ij.jiniim coanties, also in the Supreme u.mrf. ami tu the United States District and Cirruii, Urnirta. uitli-n in cooDer and Clifton Building. T HOB. B. WILDER, ATTORNKT-AT-LAW, LOaiSBTJRS, m. a ') on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's tori. S. SPRUILL. ATTORN ET-AT-LA W, LOUISBURO, a. c. win attend the courts of Franklin, Vance QmuviilK. Warren and Wake counties, also tu" .supreme Court of North Carolina. Pr , in i,i attention given to collections. ' itHce over Rgerton's Btore. W.BICKBTT, 1TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LouisBuae v. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to iry mutter intrusted to nis hands. . K.-frg to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. Jonn Mnning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. i. C. Hmt. m, Pres. First National Bank of Win ton (iienn a Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For r College, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. ' rrice In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LA W, LOUI8BUBS, M. O. PraorUcea in all courts. Offlos in Seal BtitMln. a YARBOROUQH, Jb. ATI ORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBUECr. N. C. Office in Opera House building. Court street All legal business intrusted to him vill receive prompt and careful attention. ) It. D. T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST, LOrjISBCBa, - - N . c. ' ' tfl ce over Furniture Store. HOTELS. ANKLINT0S HOTEL PEANKLINTON, N. 0. S&M'L MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Li.-? Attached. ' MASSENBURG HOTEL J 1 Mansenburg Propr HENDERSON, 21. C. Uood accommodations. Good fare: Po Ht ud attentive erva'r NORWOOD HOUSE J wiii-rtoa. North Cartlisi J. Norwood, Proprietor. 'swoBs, of CommsJefal Tourists aad jMvsung PibUeSoileMe. ' - "7 ' . COMPBTITlONOPPOSiTlOir. .-ryoroncs compete, ln paonc mattes co-ODerate." th f ... - . -r -' i ptrajof .11 eommooiun based .Unnri th imalllnsnt A i: , r - "- i aiKaiiQQ QI Inc foregoing principle, Commcntiog upon the above- the Wa jne County Advertiser very truly says that Competition is the lite of trade when competition a legitimate, open ana above board, It brings out the energies and directs the ambitions of our merchants, fanners and manu facturers, it leads to the more careful selection and baying of merchandise; it prompts the farmer to improve his stock and enlarge ite varieties of hjs produce; it compels' the n a ufacturer to seek new outlet lor. his wears and improvtbe wethods bi creating. All dvancemett1ti private business is the result of legitimate competition, which means the spirit to advance one's in terests and not the inclination to posh a competitor down hill. Paradoxical as it may seem, com tition is the surpassing of your neigh bor in the marts of trade by conscien tious means, and not forcing your friends to the rear by questionable methods, misrepresentations and dis honest scheming. The advancement of matters of a public nature, such as building schools maintaining churches or the organiz ' ing of a manufacturing enterprise, calls for the co-operation of the men who are competitors in their private bust ness. The men who compete honestly and conscientiously with their neighbors are the men the community can de pend upon to co-operate when the uni ted efforts of all are required to pro mole the welfare ol the community, and at the same ti-ne will make any one hustle to keep up'with them in the competition for business of an individ ual character. It is the small-bore man, selfish, un scrupulous and grasping, who dispar ages his neighbors, mistakes opposition for competion and who will never co operate to advance the welfare of the community which he burdens. Uncle Sam's Greatest Secret. II there is any secret which Uncle Sam jealously guards it is the process of manufacturing the fibre paper upon which his money notes are printed. He pays a Massachusetts firm forty three cents a pound for it, and this firm does its work nnder the surveil ance of a government agent. The pa per is manufactured of the finest rags, cleaned, boiled and mashed into pulp. As it is rolled into thin sheets, silk threads are introduced into it by a se cret process. These are the distin guishing marks making imitation of the paper well-nigh' impossible. The sheets of paper, already counted twice and placed in uniform packages at the paper mill, are stored in a Treasury vault and issued to the Bureau of En graving and Printing as wanted. Be fore leaving he" Treasury tbey are: counted tbree times more, and the re ceiving officials at the bureau must re ceipt for them.; Then the bundles are iiowrapped and the sheets are count ed twenty-eight times by a corps ol women. This is to insure that each printer gets the recorded number no more, no less. If one sheet of this precious paper be lost the entire force of men and women, having; access to the room where the misplacement has occurred are kept in," like so aany school children, to find it. Each sheet is issued from the vault for the print ing of a definite amount of money upon it. If the lost sheet were in tended to ultimately represent tour thousand dollars worth, of notes the group of employees to whom the re spoasibility of its 'misplacement has been traced must make good thai amount if they cannot locate it within a reasonable time. The most, expen sive loss which has Jbos occurred - was of a blank sheet issued tor the printing of eighty dollars upon its face. John Elfreth Watkins, Jr., in Ladies Home Journal. , Polities In the Sural v Free DeliTery : Serviee. Washington Cor. Charlotte Observer. The charge made by Representa tive Kitchen,-that politics was too oft en seen in the operation of. the rural free delivery service, is receiving some official confirmation Information has reached the civil service comm ission that certain" postmasters have, failed to notify applicants for" the position of carrier in the service, to appear for the examinations prescribed.and s-ItJa charged that lhewrpose of luchomis sion has been poUtUaUiH'lwicoaimiii sion has announced that all cases which come to Its notice where postmfsters Jail to notify applicants will be invw tigated and it this has been done pur, poselytfae coesmttsion- will recommend tbe remoyaV'of an'y?postroaste. soJ4c4 fendiDg. '"V if 11 - ' "' - ' " i - " A Kovel Hotel BUL' 'Talkteg tboat' tooaieeoioi- there w uc a man m Yankton whoae woodertolw rfBri. -,, --C'i wondertally efficienLi . He kept a hotei and heuW Betrtier- read -not nte.-l He did not(knoTiBoW tospeUisow nwne, ; but he did( f fhriTipg.tosinesa ana collected every doHai of J;hii ac counts. Once, yean agef, when 1 first came to this country; went b hit ho tel and stopped there two week,1 writes Milt Brinben. tWhen l left, he presented tntf with; a Kaienreni ot what I owed hi , and it was a curiosity. He bad copied h from his ledger., At .the 1 top-'ot. 4he sheet there was : a picture of a soldier on the march and after it three straight marks Thenhere wa a sce'ne'irajw ing a maiv vMiaUeeatlag; jThca fH peaTed a bed with a marf in' ft.nn tbe amount column there was a picture of a dolr and after it the two letters Its." After the picture of a man eating there were forty-two marksi afier the view ol the man in the bed, fourteen marks. I looked at the account, then at tbe proprietor, and told him, it would take me a week to answer that con and rum. I was completely stumped; and when that bo. el man deciphered toe amount for me it was this: This pic ture of the soldier walking meant march, and the three marks supplied the date, March 3, when I began boarding. Tbe man at the table with lorly-two marks after it indicated that I had eaten forty-two meals. The man in bed with fourteen marks showed that I had slept in tbe house fourteen nights. The doll with tbe RS' after it meant dollars,' and in the 6gure columns ap peared the figures 14, which was (he amount T owed him. And it was a true bill. "Yankton Press. yueatlonabie Beaduvr. Next to the people with whom we mingle the books which we read shape our sentiments, and make us what we really are. A recent writer givea in the following incident a suggestion which cannot failed to prove helpful m these days of wide and careless read ing: Coming down to the office ou a train a few mornings ..since, we . noticed a girl of oar acquaintance eagerly read. ing a book. Our seat was just behind the one occupied by her, and it was impossible not to see tbe title of the volume she was devouring. It n well-known book of questionable mor al teaching. That evening we chanced to meet this young, friend just as we reached the station, and upon enter ing a coach we sat down totether. Presently we said: I was sorry to see you in question able company on tbe train ibis morn ing." The young woman looked startled. and said: "Why, you are certainly mistaken; I was alone." "Not alone," he said; "aadou seemed to beuch delighted with'yourf company." - - -l What do you mean ?' oar "young friend demanded ber . eyes fiaihiag with indignation. . Simply this," was. replied; you were reading a silly book. You were reading it with evident relish. You were so held by its fascination that you noticed nothing that was' transpiring about you and. looked up In'real sur prise when you found yourself at your purney'send. A book Is a'compan- ion. A silly companion is a question able one. A questionable one b a dangerous one. You judge people by the society they seem to enjoy. Is It not fair to jadge them also by the book they choose?" Monthly Greetings. Sciatic Rheumatism Oared After Fowr ten Tears of tiufXferlog. ."I have been affileUa wits seUUe) rhim mstUut for fourteen years.'' says Jm 4 gar of Qermaatown, t si. I was able to be abound but aoalnt anflT.MBA - I tlA everything I could baarj oCaoJL andVUt was Mua to try turn be riatii .Pain Balsa, which I did and was Immediately relieved ann in r short time cored, aad I am bapvr to say it has nirt slje retamer" 1 Kkr' aVt nee this liniment and ret well? It is tor sale by M. K.A K. B. Pleasant. Basel an troops w ho have refused -fire on - eroere ire heloir trun-1 to-fire iehed. Ton never heard of aay one usiajr totrfk Honey ond Tar aod not be satisned. sold by M. K. 4F.B, Pleaaaater The cruiser Cincinnati will go o"9so JDomingo to proteet Uni ted States interests. Bilionsaeaeja a eoadittoat ebaraeteHaed by a disturbance of the directive orraae. The stomach is debiQtateLtke liver aarpid. the bowels constipated" ,Tbr is a loath ing of food, yaia la tba bo.wela 'dbw a ee rated tongue aad vomitisr, tret of the dirested or partly- dirested food aad tke of bile. . CbambrUia's Stemaeh aad Liver Tablet allay the distarbaieeaof tbe Uaf aeh aad "create a : healtkv anpetita. , Tkey also tore ap the liver t a . besltby aetioei aad regulate the bowels.' Try thaaa aad yon are certain to be mack -pleased wita the result, sold by M. K. Plaaaaaba, CIosei;ieirdev areeeldom - the The &o Bor4 Yo 8aieea-vj :,Few mekkejj complete soccr any insasrrtboM .in'fUnxTbe pathway of tnost mxtMkAtmm k pawl with laflnrer they art be -Hgw boards poinuog t? sucjemT' 'TW meul IhU.wtll ,Jve5oa,thr4neT ring whew ttrck ir- no sjabeer 4o w than he begin laying toTudjaioV lor anotheF struct urr TbTrbc that wrecked r him beJbieIr art wtH ' lVo now, add by avoidifli: then W tavT . 1 onward and 'upward tfotit 'he' rtatthcal the goaj; l( i'Ty 'V coward Wio stops mUooeywho ' k'ready W f fve up woeV" W'inettswhb f'he til fe'rses thit'wW''i ...1 w ' lA-ioc nDoxoi,ud foe strengtbeotog bisf Sftd fitttwf htea tbe success, Oolalo4.rmihrowWway hlaha,frT' ivwjVai4Wl No exceUence wSoooTgTrTUbor h ux Oid aod ,trtyf sWotJ) j v ww us (ro . earnest aaa palaetaxiAg endeavor. - Betweea yr eanMr a IU tvwna J Itekiac odbrmla ,casaiaen4 v oUer skis dUeeaes. H Whf.r stf BnikWa'. Aralea -Salrv. rri,,t jtrviat baaier. Qaietsaa aare for ..Uot. sores, aal4raav. eats, birao biakM. Is allible for pUt, tie ti M. K, r. JL rieaaaau drf at Even the xople , wb have mon ey to barns taa't take it with them whso they die. Twvprttig-is fVaerie Coa.Uot moUoa jar Ua kldaay bW. are kaptt. plj tbe be4y v a. M ra. u-alaaiej. lraa , ,, ,, and U fco drtrary xkeu tm kidney dtacaaa la otn forai. Tdtt JCU cey Cure nrwh,M tk tUtm aad Mm 'wot 01 anraav rxM j Of o. IL aaMa.teoeUv -art., u O, writes, ieaw t, rm raod rat a rraA dal 1 bmU. ,u tnr kidaava. I raw a rttf eadir v4 - nar.a rtaa Foley's KUaey Cerav' aata.. An author Dim Ut bad stuff you ea wriU IsnUl he become soeoeeaf ui. HOLM UP a CUMatfefeMJUf. At the cod ( Ike eamaainJ- sm.. Ciap Clark. U'ufMxl'i bUliat irm maa. from oftrvork. ear 104 uaws loaaeralaep aad CatUa spakUI had aboat uttsrlj eoliapeed. fi aek tkal all tbe orgaee in my body r M( , r,, bet ikree liti nctri milt me all rigki, ll'. Ue Vwt all aa4 atedt erne evar aold ovav a 4rIiat's oaWr' Cver warked, raa dowa aai aad Wek. aiokly wnaaao-gaie eplvwdJd ktaltk s4 tallty toea EUetrie Bltaaa. Try UUea, Ow t b-m. uuiuim by. if. K- A. r. ft -1 Some men are known by the ton pany Lhty keep, aod olhars by tbe fellow they shake. .J1 T:" t baa aid I (VibM wilk OrU disease. Jells kwtft ftJtM aay taa Uir ekOdrae) Uok wkewpiag ewwgb Lmi wwoerr ,r Uby ty a-,. ee.1, m(ka eld, aadoviag is ar g4iaf U. CbambrrlaU'e loacta k.ali 1 on oftkajr pleMMtWa. a4m4t la moca oeuar a Mil a tkaa 4br akiMrae vHMpaniwt ae nuui Cor olkeat I eoof h y for When a woaao atop having her picture taken every year or ' Wifi to feel bar aga. - ! Doa'.t atari tke aeataaar wiik a Kafwia eo(k or eeld W a all kew a-kal a -waaa-mat eol la. It's Ika karaVa kld m rar. Often ltaara Urveak U Mun I are taaaaa Take it ia kaad rigat mw. a Mw d4Mo or C ee If tnete Cmmt Care eta lwt Jei Jgaa.fera tara t reaka. id yo?? "iS broaeklUa, all Ura4 aad leee iM , . A7 Ara. at eeaav Ckildrea like it. "OaekileaU Cek Cera ' bat mcdUlae I arar aad," aara J H. BoUa, Gravatoa. X. H. "I saw feead rvoiag aiae taat at4 a aafalr qatckly. Areoeke Drac Ce. The profeealooal pollticlaa doesn't care taueh aboat the eat. come of a campaign, to long as It means an ineosae. USE A DROW.XISQ MAX "Fire yaar a diarssS deaiaa swXWd 7r Uok aaeklaU af me ikat I eil fJy r." WTitae Ova, &. M aaau wall kaowa auoraav f aoa. Ttt -t lk bt salklarfkpava. aa , ic jrabe at a straw X grabbed al Kdi. t rH an improvaaiaat el ee aad afwra ft bettaae am bound aad wtt." KAlc 91 f, prt arMla vki e-xaetlr rwvvd ly ia tbe ealy aaa wkWk aav ml ;aoI aad ear-eey freaa ateaaacb e The fellow wh Is always And. itht ptpt Vf M: looes his own. No Loaw Of Tlaaax ' KtS CWrW Oalla. CkaWa aad OUrtmtaew sVMedy iayr, aad waaal raikar be eat av aaa srr tke a it I old fve bottle al UyvaMrdar Urvakeaa oad ajra- a I eerwlaU saivlpK Ptysaeetk.OkUkea. AewiU U tlSte above U Ursekera wavw akU I kee e witk tkair week wiUet Uaieg a tierte iy-e Uava. Yea akeeld keep a e4U af tU, rwr beaae. Te aie by K. K. Long tonga la ma are a alga of what loogr ears are, td t)a sire pwddokeye. ; RrTKLS a GaXATSEOttT. 4 ' It fafefWa sATd hoVkta eilaf rare tka fua tkVe-a VxUlaa, arv ttWed byDtUnr1 trewfHaaWy f CaMap tfo..-firvVMWet.AHU tal owl lW pelerm aad rema-Uteatad teva, aad lb Weitaa aiyxva Hak aal vibaJla tk. blood. It keala Us talamad, ieaW worm Ureal aad Isara. fad m4 ttabWa taafti aoyt14 U Pr. Xlaga Sew Dieeovery, tke sea iaNHikle rwaWy for aH threat aad lesg diirai 1, Caraa teed keU2 (0a sd $10. Trial Wule free at. aaaats Br1 drtg iter, ym bt ahoaM. 1mm. h. Ilail Hprl.rrille, AU tkU iU.4. U aaJa by PtMat'a Hraa. rt - a. " ' - nrr mm "WW n. n 1 t t'! V-W tit . T wr rt-aaWaiV-ea. - H tt puMd tta. laa ' I '! S1 ahtTSV 'hm sraAdajaamA -.LJ eetti (DvitnlBa,ritf tui.. rt'f.grJee Cajwt Lca! t4 V t-r r.l!4Sa tl tv X. Phiim.aYww3AiU&a ar rsrt;jx ed Is whu rj mrtttsag m rvrw a r Aav, Tt . WaaeesrM 4 taei atraai s4 ta-a. tsaawav ,It Ws rmaf ftat efaaaif ba l 1 iiatJt, hlttw.rfiUpMaWiatac;. but It ksowa v iaiagv e rv ai u eri odltociaJtl; A4aaiabntv,arae ad WwH a rae 114 aa eatf- w rv a ve rrerWy to. TV AeberV) tmim arw not foot. Vt tim tttr Ce Iaw SfcTt ewfvvw U wwrd txxr Uxlak tVj arw.ad G (UalMa tb eksnia. d a NaartO. ka. b Nowcabar aadretrae tiuva. tt avar few t tao ySJew rav aiaaww aa-tfa. ann tM . a ........ nwawa aT. va a ! . "T1 r 4 TaaJdy Jtelfc. W U-rv b. CO SO b Csee r criwy S1 . af am, vrns, freadtf 1 fto-rsa bl a abareve a o "TeataB tTUef wl-s aw msat caoeuowev M TyM.OcUy afaVV 4 0wl laAo IWA m Wd tto fteatdect Vyad t Uw fwexw M aia fcOlwt WaaJaeM fw (Vat tf o, bo we,e vesTeS T fgia li S, a Xt b-t IV naaw kw wa rrtatf a eowa rVdia eeao Cm is an WaMa. raff brsme kssaaa a kUka ba ewe aeferw Law covt atrtt4 trrkaat ia raJ Jak-Savax. wkJO, v 4acw4 taaay Uarv iVal aaw a was ana'aawu. MmOtxt Wad a fc4 Prl awe taw swwtA ed tw t uM SUata) wkw d om kS-r tVal n hwukrry d u avr, u-r VUrs d wwaow a a4 t&lrwV ail t o EWy f taw AWuaa lsrac tt w www iaw"Tca at Lnm Ikal tat taiTV. At v- Bwaem saeteAs af War tt rUrratad Ik I tWa Aswrkaa Swacaav ta. rla-Hax Cakaa ill l inaa sJt Uaaawrf. ea ewffrr1a rrwaa kravVa. tt aaaear turel eka t aaaa ftywaaw akaw-Me Oro. vary asaww ta a4ntia Jala, ewd rwt aaaa 7 aW wfal e4 rwuwVel rapare bawra kAgta wti rkrMta4 U aaa A tka aaaia ttov i-wty fce a r wv TvdJj ,ra a kie arauarw: raeakaw t gvwat advaatsra t Va t WeodraS wnlaaajt da: Tbaro t a kl (aafla ayag be fka rffert tka I Va kaKk ba fkry tka a w. ata ooara". Bae a-waia ta tba Ratbarea rtrrmm ad iNauaavt r' graro daejX as be tka raCataxry t (kat &a r- yvare aat yaare tka rWlaMtarpkka tHra kaa b tw tapdy raaafaay ad aawabw bfaiik-rw (ttaauey Qway. aaa kwa kia aaaa faav fad arvttor. kaa eweaavtaaS k2sa to a a kAa-a aaawW-fto, ... jSkmg,, TWSmJ a4 t bw fT i'J, (. eanj?4d t tka raawejsl f iuakv daSlpa4 ktfa Xmt tt-rt1 tkaJSB asaaue ktetLVrw StfaaVyy U t ta army tkat as TV tajtm AHjC daay aal kisltw rs m raa ear. . a. ed Maa4a. k- annate la a. raaa IV aaa aa aar-taa erarer Piatiiaiaaii aa aa t ) ramea. Wbaa Q-a r arto taa carvare r a aa ay bm aad a waaaa ga ka aanaikav (k ka Aa tt aa bivHla SisirasUiat. a tTba tiaiikatta, tw ti n nn aa-araa ed faaataw Q-aar b kaavaaeuoa aa a Now. tka Xaiar ka aaae a taUad d hawataa papaf. tw wka coioar Wkat Qway I a.ikaa ka faryvare a4 tol tka Uf ?w aa a4 ka kaww r yaar wa aaaV'aaaf tkat tka farata! ear?t. raa4 froee tW kaeaaarwM Ajb)T4. atavaafa aytklaer if art Twate w-ra Csttrataa IV wtba 6EwraaU ad BtW10aai paCtVa ta tVaewjTrA ta AtotW taCtoxtoJ Tka tawaa ears: H ka afc-aaad fka aafTbaaaa a n ed rrttaaajrg. a kaa aa ma mint .. Vart rac r a eaa wave ed rwV aa a aba I I aa. W baa iaau ti a arvai.- a-v a aaw aw raa aaa a. aaaa. WW ai4. Tka kaa b -tt k a 1 to ai. tw UaaJkla. Itaalakr kUre r ktdar CAa tka Va, aliiat- ea4 aia aSa a. r-aaa'aatafaakK rafcrr1 Al a. . .1 an wiiaaaat lafaaf e 111 If is . . ft ilmfuaa aa akaia an Uisl rV baJaVTkCi, f. . ilvVir . .1 ' ' a-a l .: .. ' t II atmpt to kkada btatt sh geaeraUy MU httfaew sg aJewt IL. 't " A iurraArttwr, R yaa ana aaa A a taWT UaQbi aw ba aaa ka-a af to IU aaa Via A bW. If tka aaAaai la a A-rraM aaa ! rar r ka4- aWaa- V V -. t aAaa Cy- wbaa a i laalu Oatf. aaifna fka kl -twia to laaeiMa ba raae.- fawaaa a4 baa baa W,aaaaa.ia raaMa, aaaaraa raM aeV ka HaaaaMt taaa kanwa aaraaaaa auaaa. TVarw ka 1 'J mm4 ka aaaatov Oa awya a, -avy '-7t a. , e-rTaik, Xt ba.a AC k. r. JVaaa v1 - - .11111 e eie tx tx ti tt tx tz pf ks. bwa Oaf avMaa Mte. wc siii.ii Aa f Siuaai rroaaaa' twaj cwd'c a exia r i Trty.terttr4 rim Ow sA6af ajf are U dxwu 5u-e od tw47ist-w r- ta e-g wa mil atvj H$9 Cattvsta r. Jtra. I?V C-hry a rjrein a aww a-r Jwrf. '7' -w , wa- , ema, ta eavane ea, W-f C- bUy . t; rr Ver 4 a SNerraerar 0 atn Cow wet t TV DwW aw We eta ad" U iauq a tw4 (Va tWl ad ktr ry. w tr ,T daid ewra, r,, WttMh4jrail. rwspaa)t el Say wyaaaU eKk d eaatm 4 n n ea e aanadaiC nt INwat tty vu u aViw U toe ea fs nftraJao a&s nn a e1 -VU:r Vf aii.ne a4 U- Ofcrp w bH! Ti aA c-y-mm kw. tWy at-e flimgat'tff " aaa.axi aaary rim eanavl wvn v ou ! A. fo.t- r. wwSa)gg , Qa I 9aa. 4 W ,v, a,, f vt tvt..u.sMWtf a U m eTat i fcaag, , - - . , Ul ' trwyea lm uml i lmf tt i . M hm, kda ACa tw V a4a W tov aaay edu tV va a raC" wraaa f ) AaJTlrW a. ad rttt awastfauunaa, -Ula ) base utikt,a aw Waady Ada rvfjj 'Ti i uiiiir a e4 r . aa U aCWU am Wl CW rtwaana) artl kfta l Vm atCt Ittwa tWfaai I am Cwiw ib .a awar )-tVaa Via ftteaaw at ia At w- avat4 tt rVtavrnV -iTi rf w aciva ,f , fatfv rVtjwaar CVMy to tte IVsaoar !) f f CiarV44kMa 7.i" t WTk tla Tw d eusm d aifaiw aa k aw ky. WaMBM e ii in m. Ly.f 1 VM-t tr s? H"rr H j wjw ka auwHt nn a.t srtat-i be tla tCjMa a : ka raaJ U:-i.t aaftnaaa aa ka s AA v-m ta aa a 1uk raM aa w-aanaaa, aOa-la aa as m aOaaa. I n atf M aia. Cwiaa a n ad rua. ta I. a- a - -a aa ia- !. o'.arPaiXnjtr aM a- a- a-aa aaai; ., a IV. kuiaa.a, Ck- aaar, e-af aaa At A-a tuumrZ a, aaa tna ajiait eaW aar karwa. a.fia .at m. avf Va,-t traa tn tla i.- "7 aaa -. i flaaaa.fta al a rwtv a-bwA , 4 av-w to M) Aatana s ! a.( fybaatC wVa aaa Ia4 ateam 4 f Raa- a ia a (.a.ra. t Ua a-a kaaad W waa " A., -MtaauC ad'aaJ a, at tl- f Q CU aato aaVMa tatnta), tavlaae lima aajadt r?aa&U ka bijm tiiai ma a, 4 praaasae Ai-a a-a.( raairirta 1 Tka aetaC. nanaima rtbaai ad SwvaaAtar.y aa cta ka aaa aoaa a aaa-aa raaaa aaa Oato fL ayaa.T Mht Aa7iaA rU atl-aS (fVr art at aft ha eaa man a. waa ka ava-aa to a-a kf Cai(t a Auai 1 CNauaa. tt. aa a frvataa. t4 o ( in tr. rai4a aaaaC AaaaaH., a w -rf a l;a ka oV4 W-rf-.d wsck iaak.rf aa . via 4.5 rbd. w-Wad arra4 tvtn, 4 Aaa-. ai,H4,k oa fat iBtoa taU -- ,k Taaf toj atknAr. to tla a-arf Aaaa aaaa a Wk piaiEdAra aal SwlVfina. A 1baaAa1raa kamaa ta4 ksa e ftibr ?v, ,1 .. rAan w aa tutarav e-ag OarAMCa gaauaw ajaAg aa Aa ra savk amr.'aa a-HJuot-v Aa aa aaf aa. airii ami. a u wa a. a a. --, ew fvaaaae ta V . kaakat tw to kaCk ava k eVa'irvafa V Ual enu.2 t4a raaC t vjy Akut X Cnaatuaifctaja eta. PL f Aa'aaeraC fta aUf aa.aa sda a k (ka Avis - " 1 ' m-w v i.i-w wa,tv fir a IWr4 tilahrair AK ..f r mmm w. al atr A. aaa j fax WbamaJ taaa? avaa a-f a aai4 al VvV VKauatvi JOt'aav ( Aiae bat raauli ka jlaa4 fta liYCfj ka iiaaaf (ka t,t)M AMe ua aa 44Va ftra k CSttra f a-aVaktiaTai toaitia kaf Swat aa wCW aay frw A.ae s Va laaaam aaady. tta wrmvab Si PkV eiiaiAasataae a? m -ummJ iVjeaaarat rrav Aa A en (ka ka-a aaa ! a4axflaay Wlaxt, aa toaat aaJS kaa aftaAMg ead to waaM 1taaa AHafnav cka ka-e I Aal a a ag Tvaaa r aamwaaar ai rb )aar T Aa CaJStia fiJUi l l utk rl aa4 aanvaM Ttvaaft. litnaensnaaak aflAMV, v Tkat aaMAqrf,i 9).S aana4 Awaa CIAs rV-a giava 11 . , d a r.a trtS4l j.?, Aa i4Q eUaUd ad Ckar tuakaaa,. fTViar a Alia mm ka wAaJwf wTaAar f Arsrav CWaiiaea waat tAm a gaAd saaaftad rfcatkaa kssaaa tt bt aaaAa knMa a m 1 fum ad Aaa t .n Ckaaar aafawaaak. mmt mtm ? Aa anlaa iartw a-, awnaanje. TWbaaMt k-ar taaag Truth Sy t Attid haftVia. al ttltlra. - n ka a?aij a.. a ed ?aanay aad ea ""'d b-adl. fa iaa ka tjrt rV aa aaii ka , TVf AM "f "la'a a f4.r a a,i a aa a,aa.i.Tf aaaa.aa aaa.aa baa kka rfmi a- VI a kaaaa g:, eaads Wf f-aai. e 7;:ti ice , x.rMiw ? 1 " - . - . "f are ML fSM t Vif awi -J aavd a t'jia 3a. awr t K it awae ad rve ji ji fwwn r be yn.iJ.f fa imw kr 'J awaaa x a w4 h t rw w-r ") gag .' ra w W-M e-a-C Taw waAaaatsl avaatta af Ue tut- b wh e waaW ve waman a. . gt VaovM "w kaa. ka sa rTwast la i Van an a-- ra ot aw r-riw t t-w twtiowr r a a.i. .a..-. kafiaWtoa t Hi. w Ve w-isa-e a ! kaw - wV CUi kwra.aa ait S,ia a... auaav-4e r at aw wtrr-at rim fAfwsad W aVasrtasv -weAeaar kavsaf trnft Ck a daa turn wt, va. evsm" Sjojajl !&, eaa WaaJia a,a. aaal aw h ree a. M a- laaa,! aenvaeae - U mt e abj At. i ta w-aw awaabw eWk we-a av kax ?l W eattv koato ka jvnww ee.ii t'Wuaa4l- U. Kim afSUaatkaS eru4'a t.r" ' w )C r a-va e jiimo e.Ttva.Hia, CW saasaf saaaaaaaaat.MaWr tTaauPaA. ex -M amaaaae v.,a aVJjMfWW grTf wa.i. r.wt Ct arana.nui (f (uaw tut n wm.4 a'1fial a.t)aata (w a-. 2 aia4Mav U r w tTff wr fe tn wtant leu arw V eaaafMH Wa, 9 at aaaR Va eaiaj. aaat "W- VaattJIrtww SI..TI. iie) erkei - '" of ka W-WV 2 ke w V wn Amm enw k fWU Uuuwaa w-w- M W. .muHa47 j..;U- 0 m-ff jaf M )aua f ewade4 1 tv . e ua at Slbt -. WwrfM4 tkMa W7Taaa t4 ClMd rut aaT 4 aall nitinaw Wt'F fUaiis. A-4 to attagbaa aaittista a Oa oa mm t U raitavawiaa). rnaaia fQadl ff taawba IbUUt kw tvU taMa) - laBaav w iltoaaB a fW O eaaaaaOa ItNamaaavaq t -nw . uw aaaMf ttoa atw WaANe tVa aaaawa anmaaavta aa aw,, t--5L Ja kaa taaaOi.a a -aa.adL fka f , f ZZZ ! w m aa.( tk . Wmi aSi aaaaaaa - 'A W d a kaaaw av W wawapa aa. ;. ,, Haack- a- 4 a-, 4 faf Vaa tM va. aa ww i rrritft. ai " Vrai ,;-y'ifTiii aaiim aeir aaad ,4 ed f'irbaayWP-? e, jntwaaa aaha. A v -- . I? h -haaajaaa wr ay aa fa . .tt, .e1 aa kia b-a a f t, a a ffta a SVa ka-eaaMa. ' mm.. ba awaa4. 'aw aia JarwT I ; t ada kaaVaaa, eW gfvtaa W a tar AM pafirrb a A Aa-vaaa eA r eaara,! .iT a 1aa HTa.la, nfi immaw a. t aa aaa.r a- savaa va ci 1 n e-JWaaaae a anaw Ml taana ta m. ( a aaaaara AUe at. Oa eaaa-Wkaa aaaa ml Aa zrvz we b Aa a- ra ea Ma. bia ta aaauaa aad ar-4 aa ar Sarth, ' f . TTto. k ' Tiar.vw W EH kaaMit y o-k...iu aaf d JW t dat .1 ailia in iita a.ia ad aaa J aa?Ual to da- a a.a4d' a6tta, . i v4gy .PMa9sji: V hi fVnaS A A a.bjA.aa k aaaa, dav- vag ae-r, - we A.tk i '.A kmk.ak -aw . Vl- t . 1 s aaaa amw v. ey ; ' A3SB w i, to Oaa fmA .4 rW-a r-v. 1rke tkaa tka aaaal aa W - - I ad CM mUmm ea fj anlil ka atawd totmr t waaad ka a ej atat Sftitia aa.ai Mar W-ba eaaas to eaa At tAav aaaa k CHag to tAw faadk 1 Claaaaa A -f -Oaaaaa AaSV fa3 f -iitatji a f A aaa ,. aaaa id taa taa V lawasaiie aacabab A IAfW. ad f tAl"J, ff taaa w am e rt I3a Ta t a: a ai Mart 1 .ui a. aaa aa- , aw a-r a'K-'Va.. t ffmtt aa tMi f aaaa a a - i -a 5 " J T. rLl - -a f eCawttata toataaoaj laaaa ?aaoi !,... j V" Jl' " "' - -n a. ean a Aa it 1 1 ) iat mmmm , fyt'i1 atSl? aaaa kaa . 0a ta eaaaai) 0 ' - aaaaaaa tka f . a. kasiafltea eaa.abak aa- tb ;uwf. I JLl tUaaaa Ai in a VaOattu) la a ., ba lllbaaaara atoaaa aar eaaa aa aat'KA a t 1. 1 aaaMrif - m ; I , w"iffaam atiaas-i.a ai sa. w a-.! a,, raa. a.. aaa we eaa V eaa . aa Aaa al'iaa aaa 1 a. 0mm aa. a--....w Aa a ba aavaaa n a. u-aa -aa a aafaa INaaaaaaar t . aa St.t . laima a, .a a mb a .it .kMa m -i1 .ll -a . aa ' : . . . rwa i - vd I'm? r ? .Ok kk.a W O -a j C.rr tJfrT On 4, aj,r jn.r lar. cr tetttrttj t4 llr q m int .; wrrvr bttd rta. r-r.ftw lrisk. . it f a ' 1W Vv:ur fa. kirt;? viir r5,M-rj Iritif r V m'J tw 4 W aviSt,. l r -Wtfl 9t , Wtt Stud Hf r 4 3irv.Y c tt.L t 3tir j -j,t.a ? 4J 'd " i T: ' it - - - J, -tt eait e.tcrnaetfjla. j X Lj- , 4favae . awTT- Tw a awn al.k.M - .kj " wiurv u n.m Ma a.. n ' t) ad ei.vtf y t tw 4 - 00. 4 f. I t I 1 i.ma Jtft't fit,. . vA f r. Sw f, CM a4 VO.t-a t ft "a ay ' an a , g. a.a .. ". r titrt: '""rLaiiiit mn.il, a a : n-smatiaaw. 4a. jsa ip 1 n ka t v a x 11 r a a . t.i?Ct.t!ftc tx. VaiJ;nAtf!U. m . .aj.ag, it,f4n,a,.) n y a aaa4 la Vla vata . tV. eaaa..w w,r.u4 ! f . J-tm & a fad ani:: u r V ww ,!; ,v W. i aa . - . - I " . I 1 ak MaaV T d 1 I aaaoavt,, -a a - - . 1 Fir a-Clla.!. PaESTAUHAIxT. '1 '.; S aaaa Ct efrM4a.f gakaHB a Clad VaM -a a... .t. , 1 JoaA,, ., Uh jHaag EU fin.aa 1 lal !. aak aakaw IOB OREHM and CiK iiaftfaftAta aaatvai. ., IF-""- a lb ri t .a Vmh lyV. rrri.fc LJL!?zz S)ajma jgejae WekaBSJBej 'w vwwSf ..,, eaalaTar stlatl a tuw ., y.M Mia7V aZa-T W mm,mmm aaVIa avaa ItlamTT- """it .tittMa "inr'nr .' a-'niair mmUm H W V-W.. a, , .Trl, a, aaaa ttiat mn w anaaaa JaTl. aal aM ,: .twa eUa riaiiu -- aiaaiiaaa aaaaa aa ea aaa .. ilt m 1 1 aaa Mur, mlL' " ! wa .. : to '' at a 2"-rraa. W. .a.aaa ta, waw,. iaa a. rr .r -a Taaa,. Saaaaa f.. - aa aP. aia, . -r, T-,x . ; t4a4 e Saa.t. ft,. ,t raa Vaiaa W awt. mm aaa a wati i,aa, r a, -t-Ti.ii Ja Ma Vaaaj a4 , - 1 l lxa lva ft l.t.t : a 4 - it-. , ' ' mmm 1 ia m aa - . a ! a,a( ,1,1, a i i a.. I f j fmmm a aaa. . l tt.,,ii,MMI ?tif -va r t i . - '?

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