.- -w .ti s.c a wsb . . 1 - t wusk & i i ' I i ( x , -L' . j, jLJ,;J , hj o j - -A. v jas. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. I: VOL. XIIJI ,i,.iL0tJIJJ D.irGJf.vC; JTUPiTJ; MAI 'AM? CHURCH DIRECTORY MBTHODiaT. Sanday School at Sk30 A. M. Gbo. 8. Baksb, Snpt. . Preaching at 11 A. U., and 8 P. ST. rtvery Sandaj. -r v r Prayer mewticg Wednesday night. " - M. T, Pltlbe. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. WiLDBa,apt PreachinK at 11 A. M., and S P. M., -very Hunday. Prayer m'eting Thursday night. FoEKasi Smith. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, Sunday School at 9:30. Services, motaing and night , on l -it, 3rd and 4th Sandays. Kvening Prayer, Friday afternoon. J ohn Huskx. Rector. LODGES. Loaisbnrg Lodge, No. 413, A. P. & A. M , meets 1st and 2td. Taesday nights in each month. . . 1 'rol'osmonal nardM, jll s P. DURT, TI INO PHTSICIAJt AND 8URQKON. Louisbarg, N. C. iittlrt. In the Ford Bililding, "corner Main ilii-I Niutti streets. Op stairs front. J) k. a. f. YA.RBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LoflfBUBO, N. C. o,;ir 2nd Uoor Men: building, phone 3 N itfhi calls answere-l from T. W. Bickett'a r'Hi lnce, phone 74. j ; U. MA8H&NBDRO, ATTORNBT AT LAW. L0U18BUR8, 9. 0. Win practice In all the Co arts of the State Office In Court House. c. M. UOOKB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOOISBOBO, H. O. Wui attend the coarta of Nash, Franklin, Dranvtlle, Warren and Wake coontiea, alao the -lupreme Goart of North Carolina, and the U. H circuit and District Cooxta. M .vacua c. wIiNsteau, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisbukg, N. C. OFFICB OVB W. P. BKAL ft CO.'8 STOEB. Steclal Attention arlven to all business u rusted to me. 1) R. J. B. SI ALONE, frtACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LOUISBURO, N. c Offlce over Aycocke rrng Company. I) R. B. 8. POSTER. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Louisbarg, N. C. jfflce over Aycocke Drag C Jixpany. YM- HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LociSBune, 9. o. Will i ractlc In all the Courts of Franklin kiiI a.ij.jiulug counties, also in the Supreme C mrt. ami in the United States District and Clrrim Courts. oiUi-H in cooper and Clifton BnilHnr. riH()8. B. WILDER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS, v. a. omce on M.aln Btreet, OTer Jones ft Cooper! tor. S. SPKUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO.lt. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also t.h h ii ii re me court of North Carolina. Pmrapt attention given to collections, utnee over Egerton'a Store. T. W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UI8BUB8 V. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to v r y matter in trusted to Tils hands. R-fra to Chief J ostice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. K niton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ton. uienn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For Ht College, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. office In Court House, opposite ShertfTa. yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LouigBUBe, t. a Practices in all courts. Offlo In Heal BnlldiDg. y H YARBOROTJGH, JB. An ORNET AT LAW, ; j LOUISBUBO. N. 0. oriice in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention., I) It. D. T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, - - N. C. o nice over Furniture Store. HOTELS. FRANKLINTOU HOTEL FBANKLINTON. N. C. S AM' L MERRILL, Prtfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good LhoVY Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL J I fttawcienbiirf? Propr HENDEHSON, N. C. Bood acommodati6ns. Good fare: Po Mtn and attentive servu'r NORWOOD HOUSE wirurton. North Cirollai w. j. Norwood, Proprietor. ' atronage of Commenia Tourists and leveling pabUeSoUdUd. ' ' ; f5- f aff ntjm. fl .;; v., - From Oar Regular Correspondent May 39TH, 1902. There was a remarkable scene in the Senate on Thursday. An nM maA white with the snows ot manjPwinters and slightly bent, stood among the senators, likely Socrates teaching the men and youths ot Athens. He ap pealed to them with an eloquence sel dom equalled, to remain true to the uitb ol their fathers. For a quarter of a century this same old man, George t rishie Hoar, has sat in the Senate chamber and no one has had occasion to question his republicanism, but on Thursday he announced that his con science would 'not permit him to vote with his party on the Philippine ques tion tot its exponents. had fnrmttn : J D - the faith of thfjir ancestors wuose les- sods fell 'upoQ ears of -men dazeled by military glory and delirious with ihe lust of conquest.'1 Concluding a powerful arraignment of the republican policy m the Philippines Mr. Hoar appealed to his colleagues in these words: 'Let us, at least, have t his to say; 'We too have kept the faith of the fathers. We took Cuh h h hind. We delivered her from age long bondage. We welcomed her to the family of nations. We set man kind an eximpie never before beheld ot moderation in victory. We kent r- faith with the Pniiippine people. We kept laith with our on history. We kept our national honor unsullied. The flag which we received without a rent we handed down without a staiu.' " Two democratic speeches of great moderation and replete with unan swerable arguments marked last'week's debate. Senator Bicon wh has not yet concluded his remarks, exposed ihe weakness of the impending meas ure with merciless logic and Senator Dubois, devoting himselt largely to the claim that the Pbilippines would prove the open door to China, warned his oppenents against arousing the dragon which now sleeps peacefully. He pointed out that greed for com mercial gain was likely to result in the upbuilding of a competition which would eventually undersell American manufactures in the" markets of the world where no Chinese exclusion law would protect the American workman from the "yellow peril." He dwelt on the tact that the Chinese are able imitators and that once they bad been awakened by the efforts of capitalists to secure their trade they would en danger . the commercial prosperity of all white nations with their half-paid labor. Senator B;veridge, who at tempted to answer Mr. Dubois' argu ment, presented an alluring array of figures but in so doing lost all sight of the trend of Mr Dubois' argument. The sudden death of Lord Paunce tote, which occurred on Saturday morning, has caused a shock to official and social life in Washington. He had been suffering from rheumatic gout for some time but no one had anticipated that his' illness would, terminate fatally. Lord Pauncefote was held in high re gard in Washington where his demo cratic manner and his affability had made him a general favorite. His popularity at the White House during the incumbency of President McKin ley is well-known and it will also be remembered that, in conjunction with Secretary Otney, he framed the gener al arbitration treaty between this coun try and Great Britain. It was through his effort that the Clayton.Bulwer treaty was superceded by the Hay- Pauncefote treaty and the mistakes of a forrSer American administratiou were so remedied without friction be tween the two nations and witbont the United States suffering humiliation. It was the ambition of the late Ambas sador to negotiate a treaty covering the delicate questions of the Alaskan boundary and the- fur-seal fisheries which should be agreeable to both parties and he had frequently said that, that. end accomplished, he would re tire from the diplomatic world with tne feeling that bis career bad been .rodnctive of lasting good and bad been , properly rounded .oat.' Lord Pauncefote willbe.:. succeeded as den of the diplomatic' corps by Herr yon Holleben, the German Amjbassador, As no official announcement of the death of Lord Pauncefote reached the White House until noon on Saturday it did not interfere with, the ceremo nies which attended tbe dedication of. tbe statue of Rochambeau which took place on that -morning. On a stand before the statue, which was draped with the flags of the two; nations, un der theflags of France and -The 'Uni ted States, stood the President and the French Ambassador; the Countess dj Rochambeau, the Count de Lafayette and numerous others, while Dr.:; Staf ford efferedthe invocation. 'President Roosevelt then extended to the French anests a cordial welcome and. ' as the MarfoV$andatrncup thCMarselU KiicoyeiT.e"fl 7 Z.',r ,-- .-ft J .ft tl,.l aiut taa Jit na Oaraa ..... Lm-m- w-. laise," the Countess de Rochambeau J t .vy, - ,1 teed botUa 50 ana in, stepped forward and Jmyeacd the s?!. pheasants 5ro drag ttert. gons ot .tne roortft: BaUUion txKxaed baUbe national sa)me,,Ue French and American raannei presented araa 'aiad the Old GnardffloaUfntfor threw up ihetr halt, the whole presen ing a scene wnfctr in 'many1 retpecw must have resembled that depicted at naniora iaa jean ago. when General George Washington' welcomed Connt deHochambeaa ind the 6,000 troops and the companiea of marines be bad orouni 10 assist in the causa ol Amer- can independence. The French risf. nora attended service at , Su jPatf k'tl cuutcq yesteraay morning and kfi Iau i 1 . . - 1 evening for Niagara Falls. Tbe re. ceptioos which bad been ' planned .' to take place at the residence "of Mia, Letter and ,u the Freocir embany s Saturday, eteniag were omltted'oat ol respect to the late Lord Pannceiote. : The defeat of the, rerblican karjers in the House of Representatives which took place when the Cuban reciptoci. ty bill was under consideration was repeated when the ilouse ovrrrnied the decision of the Chair, on an amend ment to the Naval appropriation bill, an amendment whieh provided that three of the ships to be constructed be built in government navy yards and which . was adopted, and now the House has gotten into trouble with the Senate in what promises to be a pret ty fight. The House, objsctiof to a Senate amendment to the Army appro priation bill asked for a conference, ad ding that it had tnstucted its coo. ferees not to yield 00 certain points. This notice the Senate regards as a vi olation of its dignity and Senator Pettus assured me this morning thar the Senate would never yield. It seems probable, therefore, that tbe Howe it uc cumuciiea to receoe from its position to its own infiolte bamlliatioo and if it does so another blow to tbe prestige of the present leaders have been struck. Will STAND LIKE A STOffE WALL, Between your children asd the tortures ol itehing and burning ecsema, acaMbead or other skin diseases How? why, by asing ttuakien's Arnica Salve, earth's srraUat healer. Quickest cure for alcera, tvr sores, salt rheam, cats, barns ar braise. Is fallible for piles. 25c at M. K. 4 F. R- Pleasants drug store. When people discover a man's I weakneaa, they hit it everr tima tney enoot- Tavellng Is DsaKroa. Constant motion Iars the kidenv whL-S .r. .ept in piaee in tne body br delicate al tachmenta. This is tbe reason that -travel era. trainmen, street car men, teaasurs a au wno ortve verr mnch mWm fm kidney disease in tome form. Fnlva Eld ney Core streiurtheM the kidnen u m all lortns of kidney and bladder iisM. ! Geo. H. Hauaan, loeoiaoti v enriaeet, Lima I - wntea, "Constant vibnuioa ef the -a giae caused me a great deal ef troeble with my kidneys, and I ron no relief am Oil vkI Foley's Kidney Cara.' M. K.Ar..P1aas ants.. When a man quits abusing hie rival, it is a sign that ha baa his riyal down. HOLDS DP A C0NGRE38 If A3. "At the end ol the campaign," wntee Champ Clark, Ifissoari's brilliant congress man, irom overwork, "Tiervoaa teatioas. lose of sleep and Constant apoakinsj I ha about utterly tollaseed. It aeaah tkt all the orgaai in my body were oat of order but three bottles f El c trie Bitten saade me all right. Iff the best all aroaaid aiedi eine ever sold over a drnrriat's eoeattr-" Over worked, run down men and wtk, sickly women gala apleadid heal lb aad VI tality from Electric Bitter. Try then. On ly 50e. Qoaranteed by. M. K. A. F. RJ Pleasants. menu foreaeb meal made oat weekly will save" mnch anxiety aa to each day's catering. hooplas Oowgh. A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells ho w to prevent aay dao geroua consequence from it. She says; Oar three children took whooping eoogk hut summer, our baby bov being eelr three Utopias oia, ana owing it oar giving vmbs Chamberlain's t ough Remedy, they" lots none of their plnmpoese and easae oat ia mnetibetter health than others eblldrea wbose parejts did aot ate this tata remedy. Car olkest little girl would call luiUty for coan syrup oeiween wnoor key Hall, Pprihgville.-Ala. for sale by Pleaaant's Bm,, . Vegetable eoups are nouriahing, and not to heatiag ; m those1 mads from meat stock. DONT START WstOSd! " Don't start the sammtr with a llortrtai cough or cold f e ail knew' what a "ram mer cold" is. If s the hardest kind to ear Ofte it "hangs oat throagh. th entire est- few doses of Cue Miaate' Co.hCVrw1U set you aiabt. Sure enrt for root bs. eolds eronp, grip, bronchitta, alt threat and laag tmnhlaa A KavilntJkrwr f aa Aaw''i mmmm aaawwwawart tav sat to aw , Arts at Children like it. "Oae XiaaU Coagk Car is tbt best medicine I ever weed. saysJ. 11. Bowies, Uroveton. rt. "I aever Ioad anything else that aeted so safely aad qnicauy. Ayoocke Areg vo. ,r, e , : : ' .f Boat) and candles shooM ha botrjrbt in qaaotltj, as they laat longer and are mora efleetlva when dried. : ; ' . RETEAtS a gbkat skbet It ia often asked bow saeh startliog curee that puxslt the best phyrioisns, ar effected fby Dr. King's New Dlaao Very for Ooasoorp tion, . Here's tbt aaortt. It outs wtl tbt pelegm and germs-lntectad aaaeaa, aad leU the-bfe-triTen Vxyrea esriek aad vitalls the bltod.' It beala tba laaaaatd, agb. worn throat and' laara. Hard tolda aad stubborn eoagha aooa yield to Dr. Juga Info ailjhtoat; aad fatg kjcu uuw." ""- . V1.- m.. P.Ava irn tfnrL " tt -- nrrnn 'rfw.raMrTw i r twrtl -ffaeftiaertM iXtor.l I 0 tmm TT m li hi a V . w. x . t Ir-ttnw-er-wHM vKfvfaabecJit,tm4 atSl.aBd ew,tit ttk u t U4. Thk tUbnl&taA ara rto ie vietory. a nrU Taynw and i id tmbmu -rw twM4 iorsw,Uawksj4 feajwsoe mm tJM Ckmm Twjr inrA7Ty rrwetry t-uxa rw aeocia4Q, aad-harf ph lake tba iniOatAra aiaea iauVvciU.'4 . Tha J,Tok PrvwiC w-aka Uatfwa fo bo a lUptabtlca.tataiv, U ecttic lj-rarntsiLinjr oomoeratsf rfmtttuajit tion and with 'bo. le t not at aQ m!y movtbed taltrf raamaa aa to -pubtlaan aUUeoara. Fbr map!, tt aya; "What omfaorrtis tim trww bi.ftsrvxacpjti n&mm t tw uat m xnpattaa b,fi ba'S4 U tmm action or tkiw on.sw, -kWtt U ttnarolabed as fVes W ear wsrtuni o tW national kfUltra bayo ,b , fr craaa . laco&piK7 asd - 6m&rtiS TOboerrtaneo to Aaria iatr ewta.- . Than aWfaaVbt w'mJrI ' Of conrta, a tho-RetrobQcaaa bvw fcrtr- thra mawttr ta df twfeo saJ elrtro niajorrty 'la tba raat fSm taoegv tenta ana dandiTnoada tVn Tvfwrfd to by tba trato PmMe ar ftpt:tSoaa t- eoaarmenta. and, 0u3MtnadA Bat there's moro to fo0ow, far tV Trtoo eontlnoeo bitter ty, "70 wxnrt$raMst could com to tbo tarty rtoea a -j. traction of tha dQbratki of tti eV rooratlaed and datoorarHtf&f body fc yond tba first cypotttmtty ta M rid Ita mischief soaking try aajc-araawrt That baa rtferanet to tb proposed x tra seasJoa of murwa. TWa -TW Preoa proeeda'to tsaa a fa w( f CotoMl RocwrreH, as roTWe: Tb -tra session wnald tlt saor bam to tb party Wft ta rack srWtxftd wct by WllQam UeStatey, fur nrf y that ita work cootlaavs tter art e44-d nav OlaaatlafaeOon a ad fjresOi etcruKa to tbe rvcerd atre4y haxcrUtaeaf and Ganrtrotia." Surery Tba Ttm tfiu to b arrystsd for trntty to aalwMla Bat tba ftirron axewfta frwea T rra ara .nilkS van weired ' wttb tbe foThmlaa froco'tW aaW wmf beotad &pubUeaa aovrt. "Tb work beftwo tb RrpobQraa prty to a ea enlarrataeat of tb forty of eneifiteaK but Ita suppreatSea. Tb txptoa which win b oarvw tta ytarswew tt deaxtnc JPM Sttyred 4d oa wbJrt tt rtand U not tbe speaker tarvi It U tarn duatrfort." That U aiaspjy owfeX-Xfc fcW.AC such Republican this fu too as Hon. A. rrTvo C rayna, Hon. John IetaJL Ilea. Charlra Uenry Oreveor. tTacie Jew" Can 000 and Cotooei It fltvbvra b tng carried cmt 00 a daaafcrk ta eV olntely- irrnfMlc?aa fvs U. v rcog alaed aad powerful oecssj af tW B J?UblVaia party doea roarMt, tt. blf. eooldrb moc wa4Haaf ttusa -nrh mhrnitem rrtit tK. rt cnishad.daad. Tbyioabt at mm u ba rlran daeaut ttatrna. Ttrtiy. tw tiy.tha finrabtlcaa rty ta Bow a bap- py ramlTy! Thrta New ttat. Tb old toaa bath tt: Little drop ot water, latt) rnato el i. Makt tb mithtr oca and ttm mmm Uod. Llttl tblnct abow tb atttr m- neea of -aocoe popl. ttra ef rwrtal one ta blab pUcee. For setapl. c long- erne tbt boos ps4 tb ooaav- bu bQ admlttlas AHsooa. Hrr U U,co sua noma law tb UB a s atatea. whereupon tb PtUladwtpbla lt amrrr-Whlrh aboaM bw above iert ptty 'parformancra, aayt edUorUllT. Tba bona baa followed tb pJatXcwvn Of tba last national EepubOraa root tfoo and propo to roamett rtata-' bood to Now kiexlco, Artsofea and Ok la horn. That is on of the cow detnned half truth whlfo U art lie. Tb Inquirer kaw that to b tbt Democratic and BtpubUrao natloo al platforma dcclartd ta favor of state hood for Lboa trrrttortoa. Why. tfc. did It not amy so. If It OMBtki plat- forme at all 7 Hixnpiy baa tt waot- ed to deceive its r4rs and by ctdvtnjc makt a Ottk capital for tta party. Tba Laqttlrtr kotw foil w0 tbt all tb oppoaltloa to tb omnlbaa but cam from tb RtfinbUna aid of tb i nouaw ana vm Ma ny ul rtooKa&i f Bepbblfa warlWia.,Jcl fAartea Htnry Orocrtttor of OhJo. Tb ta dulrar fwrtbet ,rtaarka,rib araatt baa yet fo dJ trkh tba aothHo. aad tba jlnat fat of tb bm la problwtMtkv al, tboofb tt U bilrd to b.va tb prr4daat'a vsqo.V It did bc bow-. avar, .vouchsafe to an aaxtaca world irby 1U fata ia probwinaCcal ta tba ate. tbotzxb It ksww,tka fwby, t-tftcity weu. tm way u taamttooifaa atora may oppoaw tba adtnlaelajs tf tba atataa, ,pAfrm av atnaa, . af yaw- tkm, af-faf yoAIUcal-reaaoaa. U When tba drbate waa. rotat on ta tba bonaw X ran aero Utwara, Paya aad DatoelL Btpubtkao htm taJcxML a Caw treat aad MM, to tW4,Ti smtim- d toot trprar tab my tmty ta I making saw state laat tww - wb L upon Mraynr-, wttb a aUf that waa I . I.J .a , I rBJlfl IIM strUl INJlsmlad arJLaa-r ' ll 1 staaat'tr- a brp maka Dtnocrtue Vnilmi 0tata aenatara wbea I know It- ' NotwttbatandlBf tba feecoJCg; farts ! Tba Inqttlrtr baa tba asMQtoakabl ran to undertake to give tba bwcr ef tba ratrfoaacatatbaBmbtlraaal Tbafa ; ptmaut po&tlca wttba veraarav Tba A L om in nJtA Healtbr tUttr ' tTuv tb -faattWeU froaa th Vloed. aa4 athra iWy at iat ia mmmim m 9mym .iia.p. m aw , Cart make toatd ktiay 4 M44et state. It attartJto-a tM bf T or tale by H. A-A F, p. H Th taodern Tevtr of Da Vtt If ; built aot of dejiare. A BSTIXATIOX. - If ye win atat e isirelry U w,l a a re veiauoa i raw iloe tt Tt aw atay eb ki aw bUdAar traablas t trmm mr a I ,KJ i W. If ta I MU1)I KUaeyl l tt 4 mfmm4 sWml aid. Fltya liiappoiqia, I or aaJt M. A. A . Cr.rar - l.tn ... axtsi 1 .: rt9ttflat haa :wiy afiawt tat raa eX ttaasU Cmi ft. .Xi pvf tw I ta tsM a tn, t aAooA-oi of tiaa Wrva fM'Arat3M4AMNwa4 frwsi H "ftwJMr at ta rrI t " - nvw rui'M fca-rry ts-rk. Vi ter xjt-rI tV? I4r jf 1 ad f. nun ' ee): att t w nyta wtUrtW frrr na isTi af Uu ymvj mm UM ampkmhm ara-aarw rv-saa Dm tfcQra fr wrtae.is- rAsMS (fees -4rfav.yl ; Hav. tt f- CWa Exwy tva ff im eri a aw taw 4S rUi HJ.V. wJ. Te e4 efaJT latr(a e rmM mmmmbm rev IVrf tMfVm tVe ta. Fr f?y ty-4 ta ta ewH m ITW Mrt eat kUM atAMa m raw pot ave4. UkMa.fk e nn. ec4 v ava w-Nlre iwaiMHa . J4 ea a rfr F. TV k ,WA krn iw eft Ifbsflpfv JkjMNb, 4Klsflyst. svftjl SteMM tMM 9mA tV. .K ts ea ra. adn4 ts t stM oavAto Tb be4?4 tf IJnf J5ri f, lb fiartt e ettsa. Ca ta A lat trn.- wukt rt; ssswf tty tnKt i 4 timfr rv amad dciia ff art l a nt im awaw wan, Ciuw liriHa a & ajas b tTfelted fjln l s mm tffvisu ww 'la 'arfcraa ; ta . - vaa tw roswd tt Uti' laiit. ta WtWw Tq MaHS'4wA4 ! asl as ta araa4 leaii t a4 ran e4 a aa iv,! trw4 vrt tf 14 am sm h reJ tn wtsi-wy ea rye ifw a wen r3 Cm y ef aw- ItaiafwMrw a'tysawy ea Uwv w aosa al..TMaw A C A tracy efcarja fOi jkMit, CMaasrai MsjawC fMw at aw esNTWa m tWewaj rra-rU ataraja Oar4 s Tfwyisswdwai .of C Jteat t awa .at aaa w4 baa. tOr y ma taOaaata -TXt Twry ectai ttaM Si t4 iTVUrt. IWr )m .ciatjrai itfrn. ftara.xri9fM pat tat tftat oa&rf bm e4 CMrraUe tys tl so Wjwul a3 CHfvetey U ESaMiafcae rtjmt awr tl ta. TW Jtw tm Utmf tm mm to aw Jt s- 'ft Najatpfj'sfaf wwf ha t B-raaai ' vi ta 4 bm I ajsjvtr rmtrmt mt a tlaa ay aa ta mmsmmm w mv a t f istt hat itiaae 1 ti tx t ivi . stihi at tw Ttst i in rt i, ttM. imrr ear toa Tf at w to t Ml . U um W-s mm mmmt tm mt ear t ifn to r i ii hi 4 t at ia fin Hit nl a a- ' w.ea toj to raaa .m ta awe a um i i acr ar m wn a wiii sue i ta taj avtttw n a- aci tva trnt It be Msawd t . .m-a ,- T .. ,a tf- tkicA Oal t Irtwtawa.'.Jaf t 1 w i T - S t "Will a frvte-t w tt eeWt-' Ille tuaaa ta Tt- a It a I Maf trtwd a blwaw's- uar'aiaJr wk . va ewtwadosx few. ;ats rv fisto aa tt,frt tb, Mwa. tt-itatoa4 fu. ef fsHC-tflt. atstof aMtl tms--jB iKftu baefty sbifail asa Lga smKI bwr a La ewntlaay'ta ao a aj.1 14r. Tb lta ta. to4 a a a, fbwr f sav frWaadA Cto-a.1 H r TWu tm- r.,.r-r . t.,--,-. Mrformaac ut a r--i, ranav. w4-fc ia ftwmaa ear a.v I afaeJlfc Kl& aa Baaa. 2mm. IWI I TJbr t wt.. aa-. A ftotoMlr taava aawaarf lwmmm . tatata Uk ml raartost Vi t . ear cratraa. a4 trto ww m totHd aa a-a a. -i a a t4rM T ra I t rwra wia lie ewaaiaaa Aitoraar TV rsvrtov aa aa) tola fcto ta mm f nal to totot rtatvto aa Cmmmam a ewSeal aa M ta tw Ctojr -Va. , S4H BMto a Ua eaaat TVa nji ra . artja t-J-4 aieu ! aaatrvtot W tabtara, taat at aaae ra tas Wt tW Waa Wtot Wmt w ia Iwywra aad tVfna&tas ta ertaatawt aaa -wHS fwadsy mm tla a4tcnaj ta.; Cajlaaiel Otrtov't ftsv il vq aww aiibcl twatatrvasanaarwt 4 wf eaw rf&aa CVrtov tVwwtei, rja tbaama tt? tba wbt ; It ta cvrfevjw wbal - - 1 w aata mUt teaKri ta at I raat. SSL-i t ra f rw -a. a- tirtta-rata w ut tf O ftwtw stoca. aajtte c-a ctJoj Varatww tsMaay aacb ate-grmnH awswass a eVwfwrr Ittt 1 t atta atMtarf foato; aawwtr. It tt tVwaa a awi'totjelinia el t ttwaliM Caiaaj aayatafia. ak4 M a Sk-t aat.( ia to ear. TVs to raw at ta fmrmm ta enty aWt. at awfc-ii.f i iiaiiii I to rrt ral rm Oar twt ttow. Cod etvtrglte UU rartr t f4 any jtU, . t ' what tw i routs yttix. ittt gTwatow yto af aTf-totto: 4 a I .Mni tw ti-"t 1X1 wvk Jj. Tby tow t4 ta-rt Uu ta trrwtfjtt wrrt-t. rmf y4 a ywtoto tr Ut tyttosw pattoA t towf. a , larptwva ayyoCba, aA ktaJay lm. 0 lat mZ n lint a vw m a eM um cm I -wa in . a sm v 1 h'Htini a, .. fife "unit itiiiK wartaaA va w aas s ra.. 1'i ai tto Mwf twat ewwr to iw aaax M ! aw riagw.i Ma Vtm prmmrnm. to arm I LatM U aa mm aaw 4 a lawaal mm Oat rtownr baam to. ae aa.a tw a lj!-t II, K, JTj 5. "ntiK 4 Mkarfa it e4a ta sv,a tawia aur.tn jt a cm m iTy fut tf cbe Nrftit - A.rcurtM'V Jjs twV4.. -- MMt If .t.r.-j aM tayv a aHAmff rflimnwl afet o Dm owel avMaaa . JMaayta - ""' ; . ... . tW U .1 s.iiim iew awe) M is Mair e-i .& at m4 iwm9 (Hjaw n4 cut mum m m ta ikv i ew t-wa w sat T te " Vt mr 111. u j tMH m e vhi ie ' at - MJa JVa. Stmt, I'Sm. 4 Imui tM iw aai tiuvruM -t.e Myia w wiau ina Owftma 4 ru-oa , a a IHH u nt an.Mr-m v.t l r-ne t tau: a.Aer t-afi ti awn mil e 4Ham a O 'V. mm mt S ta Mwitww. awv..niti. i-0 m. tof $mm I "!'. t" Vim ) aitkt t 3B-miftil.i aW Mra n twmu wf a tw -. lv it i 1 1 sa.nr sa-tit sa tut winxe t at awnua, viaaw4 Mm ftM &t-- m aMttsu to tl iy pmm i " ", syx I " en I rmmt imwi bb mk I ta.a .ivm w r. m4 1 an Tum at m. vv Mt., . t t 1 (n I w M t m "7 1 w a. I vwawaMta s I w t I . . ,t A " . I Jti' p:Ha aaw a t wptrmi. f wtry w rtc ta t IJ""" twta witty W I m : '"" " m I ua liit w T".T 'Mf "l"" wn. at v I " '" 1 w- ra,:,M "" ' I ? a --- a- tw nsi. t- I wt etwaaKUit 4 a amtfTtww I tr-.lajem, Mt Vk tw U I TTlxaA. f esa.W ef law a I tw&A-a tm..ftt a mmtm wi.ih 1 w" upvj. a at ajMuSkajatia Wtltl fut'mmUm" mVjpm4 rtuw toawi aw ato 1m' a eal if tto Tv atauManr m tfti kw4 a-et.ra, tut ft Rr4Su tut - .itura-ita ntdl A tPtonA-ar asf Daf t aa -ritorwi a ajst.- a atSwr Oa taartua JUanan. rMsr f3m WS mmm m mmvmtO'Hm Omm a 3 as we ef fVa wtboa mm f tbe tM wtnH!aato U Oat W-W4C kAa.t fk Tw , l SMiaf nr-"t sAtos Uatitftumtta, a a I mm. f2rV3t 11: at eiiuwey tinni - i .. a-trv "l aw a if y Un Ua etrtfw fa(S af a3f tat aattw v a wwntw fu aa ta say haAMar-oriiatiaw A. A. A. ttarawaw fa m. 1V aa T I Ito-wf Ta t to M nwMat tot mtto At ii aw4 Mi4k t t ittot at tow M aHWaMnttHM to 'tow .! ?SS3"WI Ta 4aaf erata jss u War la frattf. a u . i .mi a tra ?n tj. r-j cr. 1 Waw a f S'-ra lt tt t.'iai i i sm mt a.,4 j t I mS t a t -Jt to to.iu.ii a i Li V. 1 " M ! I wwl WS WJW WW-aF HweBW-W W ww-WWtW A intPW 1 u v.-.. 1 1. T-t ew 4 a t -wwaa. f-weai a r" -" MIsbS fe mm mmtm 4 mtmn mia r - . i, I ewMkMa "v " ee 11 in 1 1.11111)11 1 swmiiI smim sww ""J' " a a a iinat w Tjnm r ar mmw w.SMiis xii..a mmtm at a it mi e i him a aw on sW w5lftHaj)ls 4Ms4r4 Wavsltt ww tfttBaB fklftfftl 4PtP 4 we -w e l ewmnjra mw r e,., r t.rtt,w ar mi it mtiaat aae m "TW .. ti w a wat m TitnTrmZs CTiro? r, a l- liO.iit mJ twiu - - .- a w tMt t fw t t -11 W eUMM aw w M twwlie, vfcee 11 v eniti urn NwM auwM-f a , ww V Iirtiwe e m W r a w Um vm k aan .( Sv HiWMi w -liiii satsi t11 niime ea mm mm f .own wwmiw t 'TilZiiwJ' Lw 1UMfc " will ftllhMkM emx jaa mmmmx. 9K m n im fue a n W 1 MM mf S nan r JtMSiMMi mmm mtlv ft ww , sr. .aa. w T ImL r . 0VJA.O v:: Li in I- Iesn A .rt XC. 4. LA-JU f J"7c- j :rK,Srt CSd errrrf fTUa-ra ! c rtt i4eir7 irtrt i Ftt, rt R'tk 1 5 r4 an! l-!.jrrJ fTil f sadl lei tSSlAI ttli i lav, I tf. av'af CUt b Cat 7 Sal: J$ A f xrlalu srtanrtt f fA l rTjry i:tf Ul'Ci It i f: r- ? 17 U"X All I a. w : i . r t im a a as paif t 1 aWTaVsj 11 W .a a-Wlii-f eV.fc. ' tmpin't T ast n &mwm mmt ef m at at a. ri ., tHan r K rv tr4 a-a ltaiaa.i i. . t va v M.a' a ttiiat iaMtV fllfM Ml a0w Him iiiH. mm w I im, ,,11 x mmi,mm ImI myT? ' mmm t.. f Mjwtt, f W III 1 sjl a m 'B'lJS 11 1 00. tlf Ulir t mr i , XaJLlJl2-a.LJlXllUa yvt wtiMti m mm mm mm mm, m tmUmtmrnmrn mm wwaf JpMtMfJ 'Waaifa to a mf -a.4.a.aU.. tW tart i,. .". a wra-al' I ' aMi I "Vw ...rt .- i m rr I tocnicx. 'iwm!,.!t mr.je HEAVY ASD FA SO CLfkOC'Cttrat, tA:, tw . ::rr t jrfx ,4 5 tVUttfto.Hri!UrU Mn tn. ST toa4a m.Cy Mtril f A lrw- A U a4 ,1 3 ta f '.. awwt-t a-5, Ww. aty ; i.Hn r all l' wf t t 4 M ' wKWA ?'jaatitAijaaa,4'iitt jHuXuaA,.- , mwm a a a. . RESTAURANT: I Ata a;.- tjrti guv 'i 14 UU -al at. a4 ml. tawf flat ftoflBJMat awaiiBinia f a f taffJaJb t-W . - IGB ore; --- ' and- CAKE f aJLLttfewCl) Ctt tVttf , ' a " i l aAit I 1 " ?' i t f tan "as ,. HHwf ms i Ma. etas J J 1IJSMT 1 T.lHlll.1 fl -tbi I "" "T ta it aai. m tMM m. ; It tnWIM. SO : twe um ; Kttswa mum ,rt a (HSf twtC ini ve em aiwii m' S"-" sii'iiwiiint pi km T iie a 41 SUM- rSwMfcM M , MM tMm lit. 1 1 t... TZ r!n "" r''' """"" t1"""" ! tn.ai aaieia. a"niaa 1 BBBtaajBai aatsaasauwaa. 1 M r - 1 v.w. j--, ai... l. m i owrf tea a;- - tu f f'ww- a.4- tw iw tk. we,. 7wi a ' 'LJ ?T l Ii hi, i )oU.f 1'''ea J"l jrwof tfa -saj- -fca b t tWrat Jmhs. I ariw jokw.r I -. ! -i.iw' ; rMHrH ea. at awajsvl t aa, tatts efr . W smC aV- Maatswal . f wa v J fca w ' . JSH. . . A ... .. - m ai ( altv , 4r4 I 3 .. tW to Lsj tit aw aw t ottf tMr cm.. a"i i. 1atw.r tes JppaM4MlM4B ttp" aaa, gesjasa hj) ay iajpt S1U15C LXtrKI;n'i' aanHtttf tj.UJ sr tfUvvtae . 4 ke tMtitiaMi. ah rTiiamsnt tM a. sum, j.!, liMft i.ta, M .. a-uA af rk.Hi.itat itl IhtttMlvt-B tfctl: ti. M a-. ttvrt Hasa."tsMrta1?l mm a Mmo7 1.1. tMa iwi , m ,c a t.i- a. t. em I f ttf 'U. tHutiMt-t, jr Wttat li aj Oul M t vt 0. THOHAS, ..i. wan wi.4 .ri$j-a 4 awtaahtk. r.ear-ia-,i f f , J to t( ?Wlt. Vl MaiitMM- 'taait to CUaat Cit f.UtatHf toit'tw atte mnttmmmmt- f im I. Maf 111 tox tMaAaiw 'Mto tt a li pnAh wt lt me Mf esfftaw utm t- wtwwL nr, , t1ltf.. Sit tViHaU-;. ft. i SMif.4t-l!f fV ttt ?iata Itatatlttw. Ubtsww JtWt-atT;!!,.. frf. fttnttia. I t a IkmHm, t r. lataatn. ( tl tWa j Knuui HU fit. atoattoMa faaMl St. (I t,i! ttattt44, tr Ht firm, Ufk. V b aimav. t'"t at toOftto.. t'.a atl lirtWtwK, V- t.r v 4t . rr atO V'Uiott 'ff.t yti v 44ttststa vt at V luww-u. - tttf At Miaaajne .ft ft I CWwaafltH, J ttHV. 1 yttattaMtH, 1 Ig(itaa. I rtou4 Iw-toitft. J tolU4a,. j C WwTlHItl,, f t ant. I X .M.iwmiltj!, '?. j i lt-iaWwtK, ! t- m tnCit.JL (! Pity-to V- ' on, ttVa HtlTcttwtUlri Si Imw toWww t. sti erf &ai to at a(-tiua flit tnjaw .w 2iett twtto aat fatal. ily f-ra., s.A annlid ttmtitnaa Jf iW (itw $ fwiriitj'y ontiiajii iuf., aatoC Jir. tw tiw MMiiet tt lt. tiWttf a tttoaat. trtofct fiawt aiia tar tttaatw 'wwit.toait ! art A 1jAAv . a ?ft tt mia. , tHitM 1aM(, a to fl kl a watsat wwwttww wwwajBA jjf1' wlH . aa. Ji.aaim tiiiar taaa TW ai . t naama flax toa 'a a."ai ii.ii a ia lam vwi'ni ta.. Cau i anaa 1 tia imiI-... imkii t t '- 1 C f ' -tM" ' ' Oat lts.lwn.ttto , ; ,.mpi w", la I e AWito tt .t law : m .t .' A a. .a. i . t ,1., 0 C r. t s f H :: if. 7..jft,t.aMt 1tt tw e-t ; Vt . t