j 4 3. a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. Vol, XXXII CHURCH D I RECTORY METHODIST. -uii iay School at 9:30 A. M. Gso. 8. Baker, Sopt. IT.-achina at 11 A. Hi., and 8 P. 11. v.-ry Sunday. I'ravr uaeeting Wednesday night. M..T. Pltuuu Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. li. Thos. B. WiLDa, Sopt l'r-rh;nrf at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., :.-rv Su nday. I'raytr m eting Thursday night. Forrbst Smith. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, S -in. lay School at 9:30. -.tvichh, aorning and nurht , on 1, ird and 4th Sundays. :. v-Qiurf Prayer, Friday afternoon. J ohn Husks. Rector. J DEMOCRATIC PLAN OF ORtf AN1ZA I TIOJT. LUIMiUd. iiininburg Lodne, No. 413, A. V. & M , meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday -hr.M in t-ach month. 1 r"olVMc4ifrin.l cards, s I. BURT, 1 ; v Ti :iNO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. 1 H In the Ford Building, corner Main ( . ! irth rttrwts U Btairu front. 1) K. K. K. YARBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LoiiiiBORa, N. C, 1- Sii.l tloor Men. tiuildinir. phone SB ii . alls auswtre'l from T. W. Bickett'8 r ti ! II'. , phone 74. H. M AfWENBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUI9BURS. If. 0. am; practice In all the Courts of the State office In Court House. 1 M. coo KB, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, LOUlSBCRe. X. o. , vUMid the coarta of Nash, Franklin, r:ii, Wirren and Wake counties, also the iuh Court of North uarolin, ana me u. ait and District Courts. A' I in1 ill" K( I S ('. WINSTEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LoniHiiuiio, N. C. l)nn:ii OVR W. P. ISBAL k Co.'s STORS. -( .-.tiii Attention given to all business r i.it'1 to me. 1) It. J. E. M ALONE, I'.wAi.'TIClNG PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOUI3BCRU, S. C. ( tlir.- dvt Aycocke rrug Company. i) R. K. POSTER, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN & SURG BON, Louisharg, N. C. Mile uter Ajcocie Drug C mpuiy. w li AY WOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUR8. H. O. a . , nrvtiffl in all the Courts of Franklin j, 1 ij. .iiui.K .:ouuties, also In the Supreme !-. if. n 1 111 the United States District and (Jifuit ' ','UrUt. ' p. cooper and Clifton Building. T HOB. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOOISBCRS. H. O. imce )ii Main street, oyer J ones k Cooper"! ktorfl. F. s Sl'RUILL. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BUR0, H. C. 'A.':!i attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Or,invm--. Warren and Wake connttes, also tn siiurmiift Court of North Carolina. J'r mipi attention given to collectiona. i i-.noe over Kjferton's Store. 1. The onit of county orgaoization shall be the voting precincts. In each precinct there shall be an Executive Committee, to consist of .five active Democrats, who shall be elected by the Democratic voters at the several precincts in the meeting first call by the County Executive Committee. And said committee so elected shall elect one of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all committee meet ing?. - 2. The chairman of the several pre cinct committees shall compose' the County Executive Committee, which shall meet at the same time and place as the County Convention first held in each election year, and elect a chair man of said County Committee, who need not be a member ol the com mittee, and he shall preside at all meetings or said committee, and shall hold his place until his successor shall be elected. A majority of said precinct chairmen, in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum. The County Committee shall likewise appoint a Central Committee of five, who shall ict in its stead when the County Com mittee is not in session 3. In case there shall be a failure on the part of any prcioct to elect its Ex cutive Committee for a period of thirty days, the County Executive hill appoint said committee from the Democratic voters of said precinct. 4. The members of the PrecitSci "otamittee shall elect to any vacancy ccurnng id said co.umittee. 5. The County Executive Committee shall call all necessary conventions b giving at least ten days' notice b) public advertisement in three public lace in each precinct, at the court house door and in any Democratic newspapers that may be published in -aid county, requesting all Democrats f the county to meet in their respective precincts on a common day therein itated, which said day shall not be less han three days before the meeting ol che County Conventions, for the pur pose of electing their delegates to the count coventions. Thereupon the neeting so held shall elect their dele- ates to represent the precinct in the County Convention from the voters ol he respective voting precincts, which delegates, or such of them as shall at- end, shall vote the full Democratic strength of their respective voting pre cincts on all questions that may come oefore said county conventions. In case no meeting shall be held in any preciucts in pursuance of said call, or no election shall be made, the Precinct Executive Committee shall appoint such delegates. PRIMARIES. 6. At every precinct meeting there shall f be fore the delegates to the County Convention are elected) be a vote taken for the different candidates for office, whose names may be pre sented and the delegates shall vote in the County Convention of their re spective districts in accordance with t'nis vote; that is to say, each candidate shall receive in the County Convention of the vote to which ry W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LocuBcae v. o. h r mpt, and painstaking attention given to that proportion ur.. t.,rhiUf jn.MMHhxnherd.Hon. John the orecmct may be entitled which he ftUnuiiitf , Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon, J. C. I , tu. k .t .. pres. First National Bank of win- received in the precinct meeting. The chairman and secretary ot the precinct 1 n tieiui & Manly, Winston, reopiea of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, rre. nw i .dlftfH, Hon. K. w . nmueriMo. if flee in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LotnsBUM, jr. a fractions in all courts. Office In Neal Bnii .it. vent ion, ra no other instruction thai I be given: Provided Furthxx, that when only one candidate is presented and voted for at such County Conven tion it shall be lawful to instruct for such candidate. 2. At every County Convention (before delegates to State, Congress sional, judicial. Senatorial or other conventions are chosen) there shall be a vote taken for the different candi dates, for office, whose names may be presented, and the delegates shall vote for their respective counties in accor dance with this vote; that is to say, each candidate shall receive in the State, Congressional, Judical. Sena torial or other convention the propor lion of the vote to twhich the county may be entitled which he received in the County Convention. The chair man and secretary of the County Con vention shall certify to each conven tion the vote received by each candi date given: Provided, that where only one candidate is represented it shall be lawful to instruct for htm. At all State and District conventions the delefctes from the different counties may disregard the vote ol their respec tive counties as to any candidate: Pro vided, that a two-thirds majority ot all his votes from the county consent. 3. The chairman, or in his absence any member of the County, Senato rial, Judicial and Congressional coo vention, shall call to order their re spective conventions and hold chair, tnanship thereof until the convention shall elect its chairman. 4. The Executive Committees of the Senatorial, Congressional and Judicial Districts, respectively, shall, at the call of their respective chairman, meet ai somy time and place in their respec- uve districts, and the chairman ol said respective committees shall im mediately notify the chairman of the iiffsrent County Executive Commit tees of the said appointment, and tl e raid County Exective Committees shall tonhwith call conventions ot their re spective counties in conformity to said notice to send delegates to said re spective District Conventions. STATE CONVENTIONS. The state convention shall be com posed of delegates appjioted by the several county conventions. Each county shall be entitled to elect oae delegate and one alternate for evert jdc hundred and fifty Democratic voles and one delegates for fractions over seventy five Democratic votes cat therein at the last preceding guberna. torial election; and none but delegate or alternates so elected shall be ei.ti tied to seats in said convention : Pro vided, that every county shall have a least one vote in said convention. GENERAL RULES. i. At all conventions tne delegates hall be selected as near as may br from the friends and supporters of the candidates voted for 2. Such delegates or alternates c absent delegates as may be present at any Democratic Convention shall be allowed to cut the whole vote to which tieir precinct or county may be eoli ted. 3 In all conventions provided for by this system, after a vote is cast, there shall be no change in such vote until the fiDal result of the ballot shall be announced by the chairman of said convention. 4. All Democratic Executive Com mittees shall have the power to fill any vacancies occoriog in their respective bodies. 5 The chairmen of the different county conventions shall certify the -1 ; .1 1 1 1 II I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 ; ; mnilMHIUHIHtl . it 1 : -V' cf tore t tcmaxire, -Mooti if 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 j h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mT i t n 1 m in Htm y m ISpecial Waafctacto Letter. EVIDENCES mwrUpiy that law Republican party la jm etili tled t bw called a happy fas. U7. Tb members of In O. O. P. claw each other en ttv sl'xatrst provocation. Foe taatanrv, toy ram bl ai4 ' sxxaetliBM titrWWc frWtx) Ctulet Htsry -OrasvfMt feiesihfl orer thw Ohio Bfvwbtiraer enuJwp the other day. ErVWotly tb reJ Stay geoefal was In a Uteeoucfcty pacifle state of tntcd. He was t4af honored, and he krrea honor, and that eaa-wfwrUf. U ta r ! t$K lx4- 14 WkV wwa rwa4 aitr tvcM a. al4ew rtwea Urf la ctefca kis irrsawai u .fan of tietr ttieMsm V Mt4: t "TVy woe'wn4'nif am 'BafVsi nor Kr UreU ? f-rwrr, tw1 a w-svw aa rtrt.rrMiv q at swetltetci rrt a.iA la iW aeaa-acfUei t&ni wsCtaSs, wj1i tlvyiJkcva Vsc caVyiaX' tsy m He rtMlratkia. Car fV ai-w ef that fUjr Cwy 14 e oa tnnrm; a thw et(4eea 4 t Wtr fwisrj't tvr M e-wer TTT (mm t a tasva tos trwwrr wa 9iit t7.n1.wr vtue mbi tj MCtfiAoe t-rw-rM'-i fwr yswX aVM CUI Vam te swe U'i mmvmeim e Utwm lelbM fasptw wrnn t tweaitaa e tMQ4 ee amtrjii iamt a 0 toi4 m. JtawKfty rrjWj IXaa&a f34 f wt4 a ksa war Ot tLc0uZua frwa. A 4e Oww 9m e Oe efty uwvw wm a ta:MtW' 4 f nu aitea.iet, aet r fi st4 wi mm graw r Be irsva, s-n6 tie anta tlmmk 0-:r U Ortw Vim m&im UU wt Oov a a (h mT aSM s tWvr y-nwMMt vl ta Iwwve a ejwiM e-nwny t. e4 U3. rwKaa eemHixi tavw a mutm ttaia, fuUMV eu, 0 rmte W aa4 fliaAma e7 fa Mtwti a ta&ra tMflMa's. aaa ts mi i t (m ee - ru tt S wteinie f 00 mm mm fta e-M nm i let U ewsJ riiim 1 UuHvi Cm faXie eWw 4 m.svw lae as a lf4-w tr-m 1 im.( we tmmm wT Wia W eO. kMiW Only 50 Cents NiaalrawyMyM 5ccUfsErntiIsIoaI w -Ber m m z m ft. i V ft - - - -- - - . .Br . m ft'M . 9m mn Alflsi mm 'i-Mwlem t4k1 ewiUV a WyenatMl as) U4af e3lea, Vhn twChswa tte lw weatu stwww $mm W wnsta a l f;U,i titefia hmmm la 4s eVyi: e. Ctm eu a - - t im.. m a - a- riiv a.ewf a. j antiV Wf a m r.w a l-f weasa ft xm If. w4Cf tmmmm Am aw ejf a awa ' M w mimAm t a.-ii ts) awt sjsmm, Um, aweiV a Iwf hmm ttt Ma isigiiwitolwf,. fjfshwsa wa tat aatMaw W aa4s.wUtreAeV 4 U-e 4a. twraMiA -J -mm asrwa vw ew4 I 1 a ik.- a Hi.. et wmm 'e it . V a-- ! '1 ee. I .mwv ewa a e4Mew aaTV., ; layawea. CewtUtt9 IkTtMaw eee fiUe. put him In a hlgnly rml b Among othrr ebwrftil thtrtsa tw aawl i Lo at taw attay wf lowrvis ! wuce I Porto Bleo eaaibeta tbw nnxIM re-i m! h fW. . u..C suite of Amerlcaa cirltUaUeii- Wc wlil I C'im IV rrrstV. tTVtf ti,v 1 tic mut i rrpeat In the PhUlrplnr oa a hrr n ost tale swtv.w? WVii Mm iwwu rj scale what we have arcocDpjntMNd en 1 MQ ve kwre at tr mjiT rt- e. I wtf JLtft!." m sfmi f t&r4 ' a a ta e i 0 I briUfantly In Porto Blca." ttwitt a 1 ' 'Uihwi aeMe mmm eel w.-e-eee. -wse ay fe w V Mr Ctasw. (k., "V "iie t . a. ' -Basseeasaeaeee 1 mt wMrtMak ai ne t., T. f smmi r ntT'e a iei' t1 We aMenww etwV W whw lr. L tve ai-t isiis. tare e te fieg ct ttbe feteo. rxatciisw aks4 cca-a WhetkfT true or not. that oWUre i ;ml mat llMt la tw err te i ' r 'f w-k. r .iwn jM. mw t. au, i A.M.kw . tlon would appear to br abciatrlT f t- ,au bm e r?airy ee e f T"" te "" " t;llm, w narmi ana in no way calmUtrd to' aaul der the imhtd ..t i !" ' ' - ) J-y I MM urn1 i.i I. excua. Lot the war go 00 -tWe rnr of It the better off the country wi;i t A Heartrending WaiL In the Immortal worda of Hark Aj tony In hie greet oration o-rr C'-eere dead body, "If you he vr trere to 9ti. prepare to sbed tbetn do " Tn. torn them on quick. The PhiUdelpbU In qulrer says: 'The attention of the cItII e-rvVrr comnilsalonem !s dlrerted to tb of fenslve parUaanahlp of Rrrerjce t'ol lector Hers hey of Deophfcu eoooty. If there Is anything In the ruWe o4 U t proclamations of that demand respect, then bj akwcVd be enforced la tola rwew. Oe5rrtor Herahey has planged Into a partUao t u Sti, -... Vt v ee tU t.i( T ' wg';r'"i'iniit f. 6m.ti igm 9IMtlTt . liUIMM 4 -lrW11ft r! ag:a-a -tjtite , cmt t?T a tt.' f.--f titiMft TVe wv eli ae w e w s -tlieg 4Vee yM-te li e tAa C sw,vt: uni, iuu 7 t inr v ukiu 1 , auTefotgl. tt'.U Tree. ei:xtMj t I tcr Ocean, a rampant RefoblU-en or c Ur a trf t fee g tr f tesf-rU I f-we arimjrr. jump 00 lae georrmi bbo "ABU M tfcr fcate taajrm belabors him at a feerfal rale t a f art. i t-o w tKal iiT m a: xt f 1 C " h v., w k-uu..u i 7. in tmtae K trcia eaa frre.a tarl 1 : tit ra turumEH.)-. tmH. . v i.M (Wy lv nalng tro venor s d.-cUrafio ss aa tt-, uk BA-rre ka ae hti.a . as t-s n,0Kf r rT.u..- -..n. 4 . "JCJStl ta t pntr erf i3 (V, r ttf V11i" fn. .. t, uiur HI tktrf ' .1 n . (mm u.t mm. wbv-h Jwt aad eeebai'.UoB; m , 4i rS ir! t, n wil ' vt f-mmm .u.r it, pwrnalL, Ttt tSews lae ei tvt j tynrtaJ1 aa nAw-t n-a . t, , twst!fB gVVoe eSht ttunynrie aetey 1 r- H a tAw. W4 r a t mm a e W a of tke surrfe e tt X.r . fn tae eUt ef 4vx Ui im tiiit of fijiy "War ties f -.s da&geve l!iet twt t ytmty I ' t-sa kaw tket GmtSam IV yetarS ' r-e c (W raH-terafVw f tabra4 t a 4 nsr te (W MsCi(a I U Ve eeUy c aw afkre. shJ ! tK of ta etalce end oV t W weeafti ! " t (lis :i f S rsetQ?; lael I W rifsJSMK limit; ' ' w e' v. jr-t .if the- coraaUeeiorwre : ' . ' . " " , " - tt-m revsbJV rest arte fal ' iw imiM ur- rr:t m. rmTT-l,TTi Kr ,K W. U. . f l ' ' " " """" " ,r ' " Quay and la making Ultu-r!f oMius tatoUT? t--a. n m nimtrvniY m Omm ufrntramn tttt t - - - - i . i . Wlaiet!e Me a4 teirctae Me i wr tjr crwT7T, Asrt fmm-4 'i I wmwratmw-' mw .imt mmmm y . ibji n.i i ,hi k mm. .m M ewrojSw ere (Im e-VJr t t e " tw ioMi kMiw m n.ii Im. n,. ne ra m tw yafst T tw y-xa ? I aMiwf. "m-tr-M ". imnm Mta I gjggj---... wawala !t t i (Xst s rarv-ec y ' 't riiMHtf '. imt 9m-m -a 1 re keg vaetete s Trow rrtrMiU 1 sweseitary .r'i. u a, ftM W.wm, (3o Cot tVeea taw i t tea ' .,rw f a. v, MMM, e. ., . .4, ia, mjewnrw mi eawteeeeeee Wttwy mmgi mm-ii T i& -nraiVisTi7 m mi auo ' ui hi i i t nil i , i n 'tv uttaB rarTV n mT m n nit ( rv a rmwi um4 m tctercee tba tt T ce I fTl isljiil t ei j l"i Mv 1m ti! tnmtt thxa c4 fsT aa IW -cvy t wan , i -mtt.. tnt .. v, aj -li 1 Sm l la M Ht oliMi m.. .... aa IU4a kaMaWM - -W4 t'.n. . 1.... mmpmt . tit Ij IT "' " awla m,I j Oil mi. a. kb, a a. t a 7-e aMtti 1.,mp. . m tee t III f k , v : . . " l "" W. e ll.,.ia( ,.,4..,... 'V. t , w atta. aal .1 a. ! Bia, at ). Im-W lmal " aa.tl m. 'we W tWe W- -.a,,.. a - la. VaWM- a ! e. fc imii Hi ,,i ' -- m..a. - "i I -mm mmm tVavja '-' " ' - a.t lauli aatraa, m4 w. . in, , , iia r mm ai ii 1 1 1 a. 4a, " - '- 1 . - ka4 f ' ( aj : m.4 aaa ttajm m .,tt la a Mii,mM t - ... W" aa, k f n W wtt mr.i ait.Mj. u YARBOROUQH, Ja. ATI ORNEY AT LA W, ir-irai business intrusted to him I manv delegates as it may see fit. win receive prompt ana careioi iiiifcivi. meeting shall certify to the County Convention the vote received by each candidate at the precinct meeting. 7. Each precinct shall be entitled to cast in the County Convention one vote for every twenty five Democratic votes, and one vote for fractions f Ust q deiegtIe and alternates of the thirteen Democratic votes cast by the differeot District and State Cooven- lownship at the last preceding guber tkmSj and a cufi i,sl Q said dele natorial election: Provided, that evety gale8 and aiterDalef lo the secretary i f voting precinct shall be entitled to cast tbe Sule Centrai Committee. 6. It shall be the daty of tbe. Coon LOUI8BURO. u. c. . I ..-lA tm.m-.jA AArtVl Sl rtH- 1 tl f t TT O T Tl H Offlm lu Opra House building, Court street one vuic, uu wv P'--""J 8. The chairman of the Precinct Committees shall preside at all pre cinct meetings. In Iheir absence an) other member of said committees may preside. COUNTY AND DISTRICT CONVENTIONS -i. The several county conven a aa a. a 1 mm. tions shall oe cniiuca iu e'.ect to their SenatomI, Jodi FKANKL1NT05 HOTEL c,al acd Congressional convertbos one deleeate and one alternate yL I). T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST, L0UI8BUBO, - - N. C, 1 nice over Furniture Store. HOTELS. iy Committee and its chairman to fur nish such information and make such reports to the chairman of the State Committee as he may desire. F. M. SIMMONS; Chairman State Democratic Execitite Committee. . M. PEARSALL., Secretary. FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prfr, Good accomodation for the traveling pnbllc. Good Li-vn. v Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL T 1? Massenburff Propr HENDERSON , H. C. Good aAeommodations. Good fare. Fo lite and attentive serrajir , NORWOOD HOUSE " WtTtartoi. . North Caroliat w. j. Norwood, Proprietor, (stronage ot Commercial Toorlsta ?rieflBt Pablio8ouelted. Spring Fever Spring fever is soother name fer bUlost neae. It is more aerieua than moet veeplt think. A torvld liver and lnaeuve eeweu ly, MoBBds ville. W Va. Taey do na saere gowd than anything I have ever tried." Ay eoeke Dreg Co. for every fifty Democratic votes, and I mean a poisoned tystem. It negteeun, aer I tit l.lla. . aemJt... Tkam 1 g 4 I lOatl ILIIlcH Uia lUilUW ucu iisiusvsiB), amrw one delegate for fractions of over uttl fcarlr Risers, eneaieg the . c... n.mrj-ratir vnin cast at I bowels and cleansing the system ol isspari iwcuiy ii.t a.fatUe- Never erioa. I kave larva tact nrffiiinir (mbernatorial elec. I lWitia little EarlvKuteretaWteraii hve . 5 . k-; i- nti-. and T7 -uring f or yeara," write B. k. Evtr- I lju 111 t iiia imvwikw -j none but delegates or alternates so elected shall be entiled to a seat in said conventions: Frovtdsd Further, that in all county conventions in which delegates shall be selected to attend any State, Congressional, Judicial or other Conventon, a vote shall be taxen in accordance with the plan of organ ixation as loathe canatowci,wnosc names may be piesented " ttf such County Convention. The delegate ball be elected from the friends and stiDporters of eacjiocjdaie Wed (ct in proportion to Ibembr.of vote be sball receive in guciv vuuiy.yw fight and Ls apparently obeying tie ls j struct loo to tbw letter He will be beaten by the people by an erterw baa- i Ing majority, but that fsct oVre not ei cuse hJs Inteoeely offrnsirr partlaea ship, whk-b la a ertrne tinder tb roWe of the rommrjaaioo. a strtrt tarretiga tlon woo id eeeea to bw aerrwary."J Now, that wall W enwaga to move a heart of a ton (hat la. It woo id ta- if we did not koow who and what Uat tbew Stanley Quay ! rnl aio U and what tbe rhllsdelntila In-iulrer la re years and years Ilitthrw Slinkj and 1 tbe Inquirer hare been s.rt of peJ't ' leal Slarneew twin, iiul doricg all (brw 1 years nauseous tq the d'ot pal of I Pennsylranl Quay- has twa draB preeiaely-aa bw la data now. and dr ' ing all tsowe y-ar tt Inquirer In dorsed what ret t he r&i ;oe dM. Foe somw ocmtt reason lately tL Icq-oirr and Quaeparts-J ctobeny pt th goT ernorskln.an4 Qumf U pra-ding la his ownai wry to roeaaflWte his csaa. whereupon the I rKjulrrr lifts up tfs toIcw and weep not by reeano of tb vicious methods of Qoay. bat tax-easw ho ls nsing them agatnet Its Rian. Vrey much depends oo vbow ox ta ax! but clearly the Inquirer U ewtofv-'d from protesting. Republicans and Trusts. In cars pa tsn leg fog cvogrewe Oe-wral John C. Breckinrtdf of K-tUo-ty. once rlcw preatdeat af the vRKJ State, used to tell a tale to tt- e-w-t that A borrowed a kett; frora n sod returned It with a hoi- In the txnioa When A complained of the tnjory to his kettle. B alleged tbrr- tfclcga rlrst. tt had no hoi In It; erad. if there was a hole la It. It wt tbr wtreo be borrowed It. third, that b mended the bole. Tb poeitVon of cmr BepubUcan friend oo tb sobjc-i of trusts Ls about as badly tu!ti as w-at R's defrasw a to the boi to the aettw- Flrst. tbey aokroaJy Bcrat-J that there are po Crorts ; ecr-d trary aeaevt. ed that all trust are blwa;ngx ia l evltabie rewurt of nvaVrtl pro-xrr--r. third, tbey eUicoed there are ru) trusts and bad treat r. forarth. tby as serted Republican petemlty or BJttee nlty, one or both, for sll antlfna lews, fifth, tbey mad a feeble bio? at pro rating tb "bed" trust a. Tt j a rv r to have a self adjusting, bark acting trwat plat for S3 warranted to plet any swdi anew. I wooder how ntx-t Vorvger ta bopa to play that brsieo garaw and te deceive tbw pnbUc. Ta Uaioa Partic Railroad company oocw hirwd a boww threw card moots operates- to beat ail the other threw card moot opratate on Jts line, and be dVd It. Per be p the' K epAb Act n. aa visa rreatwd te- trutta,-know beat Vuw to bear i& traata--yra prtaapw. Judge Hewer's Elow.uawcw. Nobody can rrer predkt with any thing like certainty what AnterVaa public speaker will grow ewqot car what bw will grow eWrort abweal. Jodre John A. kfooa of Temn has been ratd ever sinew be rata to roa Kre as a man of etroog part a. as a lawyer of high standing, not wry cawefc liren to rhwtorle. Uot (wept "waSd eonalder tbw adtnUetoo of Arts, oa la bo ma a ad hw UeaJow as a ViJ4- ly rroeaj krabaKt: yt tt w? rxs XtW tnalter of fstt aowrt that la awtttr f raet larwyar bmt tontt lata- St. . m- WvaawM. t .... timmm. . ,H.,, Wfc 1 Mil .aa! M I mm,mti - 1 4 . mt li, m : i ui at in raa I ial 4 ' m . l ....M, - a ajiaw fl , S a a IUU lMt V.tTfe Wt - ' W aMN.atM.1'f , f ... " ' f '' - as oeetreyta tt-a.Juc ef a,w aa 1 t-f7 tn8Kttd Ji . t.'Wi laa " . a mi , k.t.ui.. ... .. - ,,r. - r, t- t mmt t nmrt mu.rrmtt i tllW anuiOl. f m nayla ! aalti ni.a' . mtt.mmm ' H' mmm t .ta,a aal U,la P.. ftM.ll- a. mtMm . aa TTtr i f - mmm. f - -- -- ' u aaTaaaaaasaB--aa- ssawaTaTskTaW ajataxfaa uHKrMAcinr. T. klwaaal uf C . B.-. ! WW ' t-t akas vayaat if mm e m.v4. t 4 ; it 11,4 "r.w ajMff' a..,aa S. f J .-a.. rrntU see (S aa-wwew ta tha datrwVoa) f trm mtmftmx 'Aad. Mr rajxr wiwea laT .il tbaiy sfacu4 eaa.f fiat gret nam-snsn- wa"ta Ikat rvaetia. tJ a t i.ia x.; j W4 ar COWi ttS mtr4'mx l.m t-f.a I UtWia asaj Its fr- art ta fmfm mi that hJKsry datfawiFaga tWa tWaay ia !t star ba wrta ta at !1a j fa - of ta3?a4u! r' (VarrratVea of rvaaa wjtK t I tbaa era rwt taa cv-sat tu ; rrt v. I pertarraaa ef a yauears aatWa tha taift ta ta f-sim'.m. n- VtmvA. Lt taaaa airataaal ti.l ! :mt I im aire. h-i , ,,f fma--K) k!!l tVJa cf desgae 'ttiwt 'mtaimt t4 ( r Ji-t.' ittO. t-tlwt ai.i,T an aj AcjerVts Isatrfvttoea tuC IV 5; : f axj.cn. f.,i..ni . ,f , Maa t rt f-J-al psrwv kae t"a ee-arl a i ijfrt Ma n. u.rr? , a siwaeta a4 tia sntti4 aaa ata.t.a.n. C'ay i, t viaj u.t .tttww ba s1Il fcs.ia .' t Aa4aa t : ic '- tia '1an.i fKa ia Ma msita tba grt ss4 gfgaatV rv7aa l:oa atta, r v t iwimijin.i.. f , twniiuau Sa) mi mi ail ftnv a "t Htm ".ia ennac i-tr- n ' L. Viitw ii."aaiit y ca irii' wii, ii.m.i ;'m a.i-a ftt r-.is ' ifiti an t m 1 x ttr Y. e'Vl M tlttr-tw t,u-t...f, 5l ttat I "l.t ( Tm (ana ti a'Jfc aa t'aa r-twx? a ir at jaa. r,n - E VI a,n n, im i MMWl aa - an j; f xtMaj att f m tswa "tn.j'i1 M.a 'Oa t- ra aa-fxre It.. tM.WTj a Hmj-fml mi vtit a, 1 5 nit agnt naH.iua 1t aij.. , xaat iTimj inti ii,m ta M 'i aa.M. 4 I aa-.i,t a! rs,BBwaas' VaTsBaaw faVSBrSaaa4BBsaaa) avaaawjss Jes- wMaaeaa a. 4 aasaje; tth r 1 1 taei s aay aaes4asBVa) a, llax mm Im I la. a. a,aV O..a u a.aaa.ua. i i " - T"1-"" 1 .-. -aj tmin aa. --ai- ., Um mmm aha. mm. ,.a aa ,n4 MWr AiMHMaiaa M ,m. . . in " a. . .....iiili. a ..t .. .a M ta-a a-. Aaaf a. is-t- 4ae iUi en a t - . 1 m ... awawaf rfaaaaa.. Wa. a n ... a. ati,t VWia Wral" .m..-mwm r...rl a W -e a. . tll.Wak SS, tl.u. . .. 1 kaiaSiai, t I 11 1 . n.arft .. a - . t-t t i J im . ' V ' ay t.T.i.i X, . j t'tl .M . . 1 1 in tmmmm, mi , . jj,, aay y. Ma4 t t.-, Mnaa av ataaaWja, W ilv r a l,J ft- a-. rC J ao'MS. at a. t r ... 1 1 l "III I ' I III 1 i - e i iii -a . aan . , ,... i ?ta aitaaiaTLaW wits aaMl aA..a 1 1 TU f tZLktrf f ttlllk Zm 5ww a rta - if eael -ta-wi tW f tw, WH I, JWa. r-t.tt. W te ia. f,aal lianii t.,. i i n " tfcat Urt grawa tWTe4 ' ( !' ..o. fia uina. rifwtiaat mm I ti.:n. MU I! Va f-'ta.i a. luttm . ,nr C Uw aew whara M t V ; stanma Icha-TTtit Snwaew ef ax.4--t t to4 t Vw.jptr ka ta taa vme.:-,'.sm. as tla s3rr ef ptvw Tlwav.aht jawac sea tmr CU taaw. s ettrVe) iaa rary ay Cft (Vs eeaaa aw SWlWfj-7 frta t!aa taxa ss3 gwxwtr axeej tla t"i a ig t . ,i a, ta. . Ilaj tu. Ufa fa inae. jf t.n. X.at-t .a Vtartaty ta.l aa a t mm ela xi, . aaut et ry tee at? FAaax. pm 9 af ytww avan wwrut tla yaat re f asje. 'Hf saatt imt 1 Tl a SS ufia aattajtan MuaM kit U t- 4 1 aa V- i a ,a aaaf ra auamaaaw -a .awj-ka axat 7'ii ana in tne xt tt., a w.m. Jinaa .), niinmiV tn -uua ' ta ta f-Ti amiata .ltlillixa ttuta rai j tat"- a) C f rt'114 -.m ftMi-a a at ailm! "W t tr. liifaa 'xrau, tlt 1. , ' wtat tia i a Aaaaj( ai( a 1 1 enavt ' aa aataVwi m-- tu, , M, , I Before bwiajr tougbt how to Bboot'it ttifbt ba well for tha youn idea to learn to know when l-j it is loaded. saw Caesib-vUU's Tale fwhw Yoa mar as well expeel to rt aeUaas j -ergkl week kava iginewithoat water as to lad aa aettva, I -,1- paj., u k. XLewd Is la lite Kearta. fieoeee Sekaek. a wall keaas) Qttwase titiaaa ef Xrw la, !, ts aewwaJwat rewdec of taw Dayta VetrHe. Be wtavi wkew ka sVat etTafeaaf'Sar Utereia fee lata kwwk. kw dhl aa4 kaaUal tw aaylag a VMtl el it fe aU wtfe. waa ... i td of ta-ir tyreee. WTtw t fajrW w'J J at mtmtt iat .ut daHT-cr It te tha f;a-ee r;v-Wa-aira , Q fjt f fa Hraaaiinw a. , "If wa &3 S aa4 tvr iTifl ! yft SSH Jnr'r f f ban taa as Oa J dacgare. tf wa s farWWaa f aa a,t I fa t Via fi aimiaiMt rwwtxt thBWa p '.- f- f f?M gaa-x. ? ".i.t.e, Tja t aa.M " -a Stwey Vim. tswwt foe walea e aw kwrtw f-t-t at Saneaawt e W .aseaa aa' fa ;tl-l I wsrw W tais. Xm fagwi roT-eor-t tacat ta vva'Ve ky eCtatieeal aaaaeUsaew4 a rs nrf that Ca fo-wrf C 7 IIM Oa rxjcSaaa of I'm t"t!aa ta km gaat taa (ba CaJtfW stwatf . laal raey faa- 3cV thax fadwra xaaaCttai'jaa sa-xaS Sa sttevtaa) i (ts faS tail ! !Va (K-iV;a cat tha UW twt ta faatgot. that ail apaa at tea saar eoe tVa Bag. caSry tha raaaCMefkaaj a. ataxa fca-ward tha saavrra f tha er.Va ha tn grt t'saVe-a ta fhwt AaeUavt that eaax taaraa la a aaighty recjaaVSr vhaa teaea. loatVa esa) Wt w trTt al k3kaawy uke tmf. twaatis wa tha ewaj 3 y e talk frwAl ktarxa te si tha fa.rTa wUh gfe1aa y A Wtew tayt. Taw ear ear tha W aSi-'-iia lSaw ta e-joras tawww f thai axaaa aaaa href tarw-vceyay C4 kfaiaacf feaj-ai If U1U4 a fall ewjt e T-aMy It Iht M hrwtaw: aldZfel sswwaa: "Tha ry-jr tag la IVw mwu; aa Wt rauaajX bwt tawy de tw thw htaas faaf Jf rr- Hf ta taw SftaKaww. Chaaeey tvat IW ta-fWmaW-ae eWay ta.aC W HP e ee aa aawwaw a (ha saftftrwjr e Weesriat fiay si; ta fhaa ww (Vaj tt aasy h rawsartaat (hat aaaataa JeAa C tttiatiiwww. w e7 tha ah-aa ml Its tXrpw.rfa eVafrrw.a a saw a wha ss atvar4?y raarAa4 a w tafaai BsJ t mmwniZtJ. SBWat ha f.Wl kASSaaCl karw StaW. far SH ta whaw a a dafroa cs Oaeawwl i.h lUifihW ttaa ed Che pVf 'rMaara Vs kr4 eaa 3C0 yawrw f a4 drg law fea fhal tha saae laweseta argVavteaa MFa4 ' , CHrtaa taa M s i kUary InatVcta tf afia eaww4 ky at tee aWttae ta-ief arttttetaJisiie. AtataU a laa tUarw e ewaa k e-ataa yaaa- Kataa CWaaw ta. u " r. at at twneuias awawa, aar, a, J.-, UlM-WW flnrnMHftrttw aa-a-T aaaaa -. atrw l. Ml , " un-1 " " r a aW aW ate wtiaw, 3ttS nn4 Wttt-tnn ta j "aB-a-a-a-a-j. kxt:- tev era. ai amittiirt for a.nai j aMMa. T r.Ti.ny-r-, . . faa""a ewaai H 'weaa Sa-vW ta f " J ' 1 1 1 1 V J a-T I ,' ae' I' a? V f-Wt immZi'l tM ll) ft ,OT.ir tesss ha QsS)isaraa, t S tMt ftiuti aaaC XuM Iwt caaaaaf MX M t ttSa. . t 14 It ' rwtat 1 m faawnaasiiai tai ; ?. aa I haaa ea-aaai iw-a-f wva Ua ftfate a'tai ha . .-.aw ea-tj,, aw- esTt-att. tl t j J.I t I 'H j Ul H r r'a.tl.IJ"S- 1.7a ,a.... a.. ' ' ' auitk ytn fct t.iw.n tli it Ua m. mm t:W t aJ tcaaaat atiaHua wtilx a. fattia. eaata atsa lst"ti Satal lu Mamtliaa ttua, X titaa ua.lil.in a--aa thaa aaal tt 14a toir V ewfiat Iwwaaf - eM.st Ca-tattt efcx VI en tn.Jt aaa Wt. x. awwa www --j lt--j-, s 4stwestias iH wwl. aaww Tm aaQaA.b,waw rttt pmm I i,.-?-1 aawaasaa Camm.taeri.HM. Whie fham .... kMkwW Whata , u. aM tiaJaHTW ftcaat St. t. fvlStfltaW e WT.Hfta4t a4 ailaawva I akdt.Ma.ta at. .rW tvlkala y eajtawag t, iaM aititti aa?a f Oa a IWW S mwawiWlWa . , a, arftan, Bea )rxal aa tha nsir-at Cat. Saata ? aaesisiiiaia e-x.t. H rv aa-t, tiaTVw .ntcrats etantss Car tarWhta) fhwak SnsieafStaaMf aha faaaiat-a lawaa Oa aaaiavra " ya w kaatt'W fwa W il faf aaatjf l" a a taW W. w-aaw Sltaa-a t.Ji wt t- I terJk CWtu.a swjUaaltw taatr. MaJtd taw f aw1 tstlWiif Ve ta-a ea-a.at tJ te (law as. t-a-4 ei-a; iwaiit' ataaaitiaae 1 i. !- aV iTw.. etstt wiirw g'aaJ t eaaaaw a. I Um eaa f4aa.-a aw flV.it, 1 ta as t.ae ea taa eaa. WaWj.iiaO.wSM.' Ik, j (,,, If. e:tfacBk - W'W a.a a w sajaVet4 " r taw eo may re, I MQ. I. aaa k..a .&,r' -a.L4 aa u enenreuemaa swn" "T",,r?v.lrJ!.L till wfr,'i(Uf aiwU4 Tmim rJtnow that ia Uver U torpawixta. aei a-r-1or . -m a saw. ! w 1 1 'aat a tawwgk bat a aaew.' a4 k isea aa not reliafa hi food or feels deil aad lan geld after aatiag. oftea ha I lag the ewtire easeertw l iaw kaaUae ae and sometime diaes. . A few cJcwae ef I Parable Jsa had eatirary vsaUwew a4 Chaaiberlala-a waa aaaurer .ww -U a,, ,:.sv kwa.k.ll will restore his her ewrwiaj fseow a,UM.. n7U r. UaakM sa h-y-ai reserIataray irefro-, hla.di4wUow warUf tiivWa wUl kesrwf kae rnahaktra.fef Lkw aaew saaa.- rria 1 t.wi 11.1 -m a WUU . . kC- . a aa n WtBKVtSI W W Wf J wsa w-- -a w- UMeenta. 15ample-rta at X-..K. . B-lealU rr kT tala , X.4I f. Lnrtt irkntwaauv, - " : aata . . . t r - si .naiieii A let afnue li wa4tw4 If ' (hit taa ,1m fart aa4 It law yawaa: sv. - : j " trsrrrr-r-w- CO aa tn ust i vw tin i aaat awal s Ila sw&e a4Ciftaetae IWaaaea s4 tlvae rta4Uaa Taw- ae mm simiaiH thy. Thy wew awyweaa aha weea. stywagxa iha f f ir us w4 Haw 'ea Saw Ueae eaatewwtaa Thy ea mmm a a Saaa ea4 taaaatat l tTwa. Jg. !& r.MM'a, j. 1 eaaiU ft tf- iwiaa. e rwa Iha StavaeaiS ft If aa eaav. a taa aaa I eQarat w (ha VaaxS 711 1 1 is. h" sntilaw ha aaaV jaw attiita 1w -aw en-ai ua Vat eawvSw ett F14 HaWI aaatV' , 41 tVaa eOa WWW tmfTtt taa ta aa r-a- w t at., ria' tast eAat aMwaVntWat lanMaaie at-h ta haw eairaae (Thai ha aaa xa f taV - tat "TOiaiaai AaaH'M, Ct a. a Sa s.rtaiaf a-aaylMaa aw, I aa ha t-auiat sailaaT aat faaa-t a Wmanw m4 X'mh, St 9 t A twa 1 a-re sat faas teas Ckwt a axta la waw tt cj s-V- Aanrwa tXsl UhtUjii . j . -1 . Taaaw k tV a. Ota It, CatntaVal Xd gettiw m$ W .-UWaaa (4 aaa Oae aqul ajuaa faaw T.m3.H0 haW eaaal ae ea aatttaf ta 1 V t-mVwf V aaart Tha WaW I 11 1 ..I I aaa . ' f " -ta Vaaw iaataaW4 Wa. kt,tf.t . wt wwwwawwasl Iwsja 4 3 taat st.tara-.aa haaa a,a ft-alai . t, aj-xia-w .aa.ya . a taatttaa' V wa taaaW tt.W tail . aaaa a Vaat - mmmtmi tlnsii iSl 1 . (! i u,a ;r., ;n:it i la - I U t aa 1 -. . twa-aaa hwaaf aaaww-V lataMsaV 1 Ttl IciJ t Dt C tfal aJTCt! f'fcXt. i a-tttt aa esava sOaal f mM m f mi ee.aww'tiw "'l s tTfty saw iwatitaaj kt a fth W-tO. aw Aeaaa.t4W. fj-rnA. at w , )aa-. tm U tttii ttt, ItW eaaaaOta ea t lV. twi ftaarT-f.'eae Vatai fA-W-t -Wwaf .art j ir?atiit mi th awMttrtaa ttur i . la i th.ttr-a wt t eawf. . aieha 7w.-i.aja .Mal itta JUTtwe-aW - W raa) X t4 alasaaj) Sttift jat4aaua 4 4 fvtUShJW.. Tm aJtWrl ettawat WW a-jaa eaaaiti eaaaQ w-iUtata ea -y ertxatai.H ataax I hwwas 4aat eat aax tsfliaae ef ttae txm4a w-Il ,ia J.awaxiw.isav taa tavk WHasttiwi a ma-U.liy 4a. at I w.aU.bt.W Sawae Wt t, eflieatni eB ! at aaaar t-s i eh-wt aaaaa t.wd a4t.a htw vfe atttaaa , va Was t,laa av. SW.allt tS W.a tawataxaaaa. fawa-ar jaaa a a. aa , a. I. W Win. la a e. aa aa- Saa aaa 'Laaj Waaaaa. taw W-WW f a i na, ma Wiajaj San a Wa aa, . l aa ittta laa) laa a !., SMaV Uaw ia.ii. at a Wi.t mmtmt ,i tM. .aau VU a, C f .af atatllaayawAil teHiwttaa Jnum i ..Ma aaavaaatxaa . taaa.taaa1.taa4 wt t' itaat a.f tlr,Aa,Wka.a tte eal faaw Slaa ha jl-a.taa ttedi-. htstaMtasf iMwaVaw as-watts- t,? m,n Veavs aa-aaiT. ! t..Ul , fw-vwv ?m.l4--wt-ea ta4 fAaiUaaaw4i Cwaihay. tsttttasf m Uot t,t aw t snatt aepasa, . Itak f aaet Jaaaari' iSittf haaa I sanm. ow. - ' 'jW Vaaa SWjwWaWlltW U4 Vaai. 1 tW4WW WtitnWMale rv. wt, jjucx tlJU, era CaitV)iiawW Twwtit ia. 4 w 1 e , v 'W r;itu:r? m nZ CKm trtWHas 'fh 0tr:! K:tfniv. lT.aiAvtaaeW l.a aaaj a,, CtaS - Jt.a,. -r W i ... . a 2 i , . aa ii wmt, na( m I at tt t-;wrv..i i ie 4, 4 laaapu floaBV