a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. J AS. THE OOXTNTT, THS STATE, TICTTOTION. : rut tm tar. rtr.; ti ux. . .' VOL XXXJI LOUISBURG, N. 0, FRIDAY, JlCGUSr !f 1W1 J ' I) j) i; c. i . ... - III liCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. , ! ,y rirbool at 9:30 A. M. Qbo. 8. Bakbr, Bnpt. , '..nt; at 11 A. M., and 8 P. SI. - in 1 y ,-r m-rtting Wednesday night. M. T. Pltlmi. Pastor. in BAPTIST. r-Vhool at 9:30 A, M. Tna. B. Wildbr, Soot hKiu' at 11 A. M., and 8 P.M., , -r iu ting Thursday night. Fukrbst Smith. Pastor. EP1300PAL, ! ly School at 9:30. m ,vs, morning and night, on ! i iid 4th Sundays. m ii l'rayr, Friday afternoon. John Huskb. Rector. LODGES. lwhurg Lodge, No. 413, A. R. & , mtn lnt and 3rd Tuesday -i i :i ftieh month. 0 0 0 Us "c a 'is 'si a s o CHAMP 9 CLARK 'S LETTER More Speeches of That Memorable June 25 Flunkyism That Dis- graces the Ameri can Name es " )Q S. O O i ,i r i I'. UIKT, I NO PHYSICIAN A.ND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. n the Ford Building, corner Main i str' tH. Up stairs front. it r YAKBOROUQH, 1'UYSICIAN AND 8URQEON, Ll('l8UR8, N. C. Ju l tloor Neal building, phone 38 anawpre-l from T. W. Biekett's I lhol) 71. rt M .iHKNBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOOISDUR9. It. O. .ru-.Mce in all the Coarta of the State office In Court Houaa. A. i:' VI. i,''OKB, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, LO0I8BUBB. M. 0. i ittHri'l the conrts of Nash, Franklin, : ,!-. Warren and Wake counties, also the il- I 'ourt of North Carolina, and the D lit, mi l District Coarta. M W INSTEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Loiisuurq, N. C n K 0 KB W". P. FEAI, OS CO. '9 STOBB. ill AUeiitioti given to all business l in m. v I K. MALONB, , 1 1MO PHYSICIA.N AXD SORQEON. LOU1HPCRG, S. C. . r Ayoocke r rug Company. H. FOMTKR, c 'TICINa PHYSICIAN at gORQBON. Loolsbarg, N. C. . over Aycocke Drag C a.pany. w i.VYWOOD HLFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LO0ISB0M. X. O. i. .' in all the Coarta of Franklin :i.c i:oant.iPs, also in the -Supreme : a Uie United Stales District and irt.H. i ' ;jit and Clifton Bulldlnf. H ,-t. H WILDKB., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LoaiHBOBfl.M. a. ii viiii ii street, oyer Jones Cooper's .t..ir.t F. SI'KCILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BUB0, H. C. iti.-n.lthe coaruof Franklin, Vance Warrt-n and Wake connttes, also n;riiiH court of North Carolina. ui.Hiiii.jn (rivnxo collections. - v;r Krf'Ttou'S Store. 1 W. BICKKTT, ITT iRNKY AND COONSELLOB AT LAW. LouissuBe v. a. fnmiitind painstaking attention given to -ry mutur intrusted to nla hands, n.-f-n i.'hiHf JastlceSheDherd.Hon. John M tui.mn. Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Bui: p. Kirst National Bank of -Wln- it ii ii.-im a Manly. Winston, Peoples Sana of vt nr.). chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For t Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. r r i in Court Hooae. opposite BherHTs. -T- w H. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Pnr.tloes LOUI9BVB. X. a in all court. OHne in Heal In: If w. U YARBOaODQH, Ja. ATI ORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG. N. C. in opra House building, Court street lfal business intrusted to him rm-.eive prompt and careful attention. J) 11. D.T. SMITH WICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, - - N. C. i nvt otct Vnrnlture Store. HOTELS. FKANKL11ST0N HOTEL FEANKLINTON, N. 0. ".AWL MERRILL, Prp'r. Special Washington Letter. NE thing President Roosevelt ought to do dead sure pop, . and that is to recall instanter et sans ceremooie Joseoh H' Choate, embassador to the court of StT James. That conspicuous flacky objected to Americans celebrating the v ourtn or July in London, even in the most quiet manner, for fear that it would , raffle the feelings -of King Ed ward, who was miles away. If such flunkyism as that is not a disgrace to the American name, it would be im possible to say what is. Mr. Choate is a great lawyer and a famous after dinner speaker, ut he is unfit to hold his present position because he in no way represents American principles or reflects American sentiment. He is almost as un-American as William XT7 I . j . i . . . t aiuuri asiur, wno uas ueciareu tne United States to be an unfit place for a gentleman to live, la, who has for sworn his country and who for years has been expending much sweat and treasure In a mad search for a title of nobility. Whatever else he is, Colo nel Theodore Roosevelt is an Ameri can, and he owes it to himself, to his countrymen and to the high position he holds to recall Mr. Choate under such conditions as will constitute a public rebuke. Mr. Choate is the same man who only a few years ago advised all the Irish in America to return to the Emerald Isle on the ground that then room is more desirable than their com pany, oblivious to the fact that our cit izens of Irish birth and extraction have done as much as any others to build up this puissant republic. It so happens that that .other pre eminent flunky, Don M. Dicpfnson, is in London. It is a great ptVy that he will not settle there permanently. At a great banquet "betwixt the walnuts and the wine" he nominated Theodore Roosevelt for president in 1904 and Joe Choate for -president in 1908. There may have been something more asinine said somewhere, at some time, by somebody since the confusion of tongues at Babel; if so, it has not been recorded. Don Is evidently "rooting' for another big office, and If Choate is to be president which God" forf end he could, not find a fluuky more after his own heart than Don to nil the of fice of "minister to, Dahomey." With such things happening one is com- 4 pelled t5 pester his head to discover if he is awake or only suffering from some horrid dream. Send the Irish back to IrelaryL indeed! Any honest Irishman beating rock on a turnpike or digging a ditch who came to Amer ica because he loved liberty and our republican Institutions is worth a field full of such flunkies as Joseph H. Choate and Don M. Dickinson, to say nothing of such illustrious Irishmen as General James Shields, who poured out his blood like water in defense of his adopted country. A Rising Texan. For years Texas has had one of the strongest average"delegations in con gress, in both house and senate. Some man from Texas has been to the fore in congress constantly for a quarter of a century, or, more properly speak ing,. I should say. some men, for the Lone Star State has and, excepting in the reconstruction period, always has bad more than one of her sons in the public eye at any one time. The im press of old Sam Houston and his great compeers is still upon that mammoth and magnificent commonwealth. When Coke, Reagan, Sayers, Mills and Judge Culberson retired, it was generally taken for granted that the glory, of Texas had departed, temporarily at least. Not so, however. The youngsters who ctime upon the boards still maintain the high "reputation of the state. Culberson and Bailey are the youngest senatorial team in the less numerous branch of the national legis lature, and they are second to no other state's senators in ability. Her thh teen representatives are men of un usual ability on the average. They are all Democrats. In the next con gress she will have sixteen, all Dem ocrats, heaven be praised, not only Democrats nominally, but Democrats who possess the courage of their con victions. And they are good to look at big, strapping fellows, with great beads, set on broad shoulders and strong necks. They are the glory of the republic and of the human race. I did not, however, start out to write an essay on the Texans, though the theme Is a tempting one. I set out to tell a short tale as to how Thomas H- Ball of Texas answered Charles E. Littlefield of Maine on the trust question. Ball Is aT rising man Indeed, he has already risen. He is as fine a specimen mentally and physically as one will see in a day's Journey. He , is getting to be one of the best debaters. In the house. Onthe 24th of June he was making some remarks on the trusts when Littlefleld, one of the Repub lican chieftains, asked him, "What is the Democratic remedy- for trusts?" Quick as a flash the big Texan re- eorker a 0 a 0 joe Oood accomodation for the traveling lood LUj.t Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL J r MnBsenburg Propr HENDERSON, N. C. Bood accommodations. Good fares Po lit end attentive eerraatr NORWOOD HOUSE Wirmnon. North Caiclla - --: w. j. Norwood. Proprietor. tatronage of Commercial Tourists TnvsUng PubUcSollclted.- . -0d VN V : daisy, a Jim dandy, darter, a sockdologer. A Patriotic Republican. There is one Massachusetts Repub lican in the house who remembers the lessons of the- fathers, understands what Lexington. Concord and Bunker Hal mean and who Illustrates the best traditions of the pld Bay State. He is Samuel Walker McCalL the scholar, statesman,. Uteratus and patriot, who k represents the famous Harvard dis trict. A good while ago there were men who were known as "conscience Whigs." McCaU is a "conscience Re publican" and evidently believes In the old saying, "He serves his party best who serves his country best." On the memorable 2Cth of June, when the fighting was fast and furious in the house, Mr. McCaU ofTcred an amendment to the Philippine bill and delivered a -five minute speech there on by which he can afford to live and die and of which he may well be proud when he goes to Join Warren, Samuel Adams, old John Adams, Dan iel Webster and the other great wor thies whose fame Is cherished by Massachusetts. It 13 full of common sense. It breathes the spirit of patriot Ism, and here it is entire: Mr. McCall Mr. Chairman. I move to amend by adding a new Bectlon The clerk read as fo'llows: Insert the following as section S3: "In this first organic act. creating a civil gov ernment for the Philippine islands. It Is hereby solemnly declared to be the settled purpose of the congress to extend to the Inhabitants of those Islands every aid In enabling them to develop the capacity for self government,. and when such capacity shall have been developed we pledge lh faith of the republic to confer apon them the right of self government after the fashion or the really free nations." Mr. McCall Mr. Chairman. I will occupy the time of the committee only a moment upon thla amendment. Different presi dents hve spoken upon what should be the ultimate policy of the people of the United States with reference to the bt ture government of the Philippine Island. I will read now what President Rooil said in his first message to congress last December: "Our aim ts high. We do not desire to do for the Islanders merely what has else where been done for tropic peoples by even the best foreign governments. We hope to do for em what has never tx fore been done for any people of the tropics to make them fit for self govern ment after the fashion of the really free nations." The treaty of Paris does not confer on the president the power to fix the status of the peaple of the Philippine IsiandsC but Imposes that duty upon congress. 1 agree most heartily with the utterance 1 have referred to by President Rrxwevelt. It seems to me the time has at last ar rived when re who are chargedty treaty with responsibility In the matter that now, today, four years nearly after we have entered those islands, when, w are passing a bill, a comprehensive act. an organic act for the government of the people of the Islands, an act which looks far into the future, it Is time for congress to perform its du.ty under the treaty of Paris and declare In at least general terms what the policy of this people la to be. This bill contains provisions which should never, be enacted unless we couple with them a declaration of the line our policy Is to follow. If we are silent as to our ultimate poUcy, those provisions will operate to determine what it. is to be. One part of this bill will foreclose this question unless we write in this law nd tice of our purpose to the people who may act under it. Thla bill opens up ev ery stick of timber, every acre of land, ev ery nugget of ore to the people of these islands, to the citizens of the United States, I might sajr to the world. Now, our people will go there, capital ists will. swarm there like locusts and I do not mean this In any opprobrious sense, because the movement will grow out of our commercial spirit and enter prise they will make Investments there, and after they have Invested, if the prop osition Is ever made to take the Islands from under the Jurisdiction and sover eignty of the United States, they wul come to this congress, and they will say that they have Invested their money on the faith of thls'act; they will appeal to us to protect them. Gentlemen know as a practical proposi tion that no matter what may be the de sires of the American people congress will be practically powerless and that we shall probably never get out of the Islands un der those circumstances. The relations between capital and imperialism are very intimate. The Boer war grew out of the investment of capital by the subjects of GreatBritain In the two South African repubflca. If we Invite the capitalists of this country and the world, to invest there under the shield of the United 8 tales. It is morally certain that everything that has been saJd by Our president, by our ex- commissioners and our other public men will amount to nothing and that we shall remain there, if not forever, at least Into the far future. Now, I desire to have It written In this act, so that anybody who goes there will go under notice Imbedded In the acC that we are not liable to stay there forever. Ultimate self government Is the policy, as I construe It. so well enunciated by the president of the United States. It Is that about which the people of the United States are thinking more than about any. thing else connected with the Philippine Islands, and rt seems to me here and now are the time and place for us to make some declaration with regard to it. W have followed the policy of drift long enough. We have voted tariffs for those people. We have created an army to subdue them, and we are now construct ing a frame of government for them. Somewhere between the covers of this minute bill, in all its eighty-three sections. we should find room enough to convey a hint of our purpose. If we cannot here find a place to avow our purpose, -when, I ask, may we prop erly state It? Whatever our and their In terests mar seem hereafter to demand. Whatever an awakened sens of fealty to the vary principle of our national life may-point out. IX we are aUent now. we shall, I fear, bind tbeae islands to us with cords of steel. This bill contains some to mid and to awrkwialy poodc C&tt speech. - "" The Republican voted dewa IX ft CalTa amendment. DofwKhataadla t stroos, lamlnooa and truly AaocrVaft speech. . , ., ' Cochran's Honvet4 Amend! . ", The Democrats did tbrlr beat t tot the public lands la the rhOrpfitse. tar which we paid $30,00X000 ta ts say nothing f tt eot of the Var. thrown open, to tvttler ta small title noder the toco cat tad kti ta stead of being sold to .ecrpcratloea la large block. Coloocl CUrtn r. Cochran of MUaoorl sa able.' fmrfcMa and patriotic LVraocrst, offered too following amendment aod dttT4 the following terse and oxtaaswabhi speech: Mr. Cochran Mr. Chakmvaa, the ctsg as amend 4 by tkla proposed awtatltet would rad as follows: "That all Unda -acquired tfee thotity of McUm u UUe act eka mm smote a part srtd portion t tto pvfcna property of la t isiueit a Qa rvnta. pine Islands as b Md. cvaa sold and oonvarad to actual ealUra astir by the artrverasneat of aaid bUaai oo such tariMi and eoodlUoB a I assy pre scribe, provided thai a sanrs taoo sixty hectare of aaid taod eOall to . quired by any one porcpa.r sad lkt th actual settlers and occvpaat at the Hue said leads are esquired try the ioims.il ahsJi have the preference over all We to purchase er otWwtae acoutrs laer holding, not eaoeeding tilty hsetarre tm within svteb rtsmubi turns a m Only 50 Cents refc ' A fifty emttt AorrV oaf Scott's Emulsion CtaAJT Af MJCA I AatiVe tA Only oo catftf S My, think of ft- ttt fc s m I. t-rWSaV t a ti I K'3,'t a.-. - jmn, tm. la a4 tun, eg iVo wVr Brta-d rait , 6 fee. A3 ! w Wi. Ira Umt U 1 tU Ac&OKAe t4 f$t Oaa W - l;;)m..Ci7Wl U. K.C,rftMiUa tr4 tajr mi 11 It. Grrme t-4 D. E. MILLER. Jeweler end Optician. lulail Orders. I weo a 1mm( i s i ue t aMi WATCHES. CLOCKS f tar U.i f t XUm Zf ZJt ;u ' akejy aautf )vvt) jsj o..Ultttoa.. NoteWWt7 0 3i eK tote fiAbtf , tmmh U ?S Wt4 laa&taf AiWa ot taw!: rrrrri. J-rrrrL !We CTlfOMiwQ, Tr.L. r.ig. a rrwssd 'eat.4 Ot Sr. fee e-M. m ttt KlfarxrVrei- raA4 -wo f-s a4arr rKrUs faH t l wfi A I esnhr wn $ra-A 4 U mi ia Uao5 autfftk rwcvntt.& Aene a tWy waaAl tta ) . C , r-c-ea-v C,a. area. be determined br a fed rni i rammt The gentlstaen froca ISdiAae, (Mr. Otl. packer eaya that It wowld be to and purchasers for thte vldcd In thla manner. He ear there are not enough people Id Loaoa to orcmpy tk agnc-uiural isiands of Uve coaatry yet. at tbo tegtnalag. vhta tti meat was fouDded. ho (ted a pwtMsa domain whlcb ws taa taowat vouM last for centurlse. we saw at to thrvw about It the protsctk of Ua4 tewe. which from thai day te Ibis have llmitsd to ISO acres the amount thai ceeJd be en quired by any one persoo el ooe Usae ky purvhAes or horaeatrad eetry. aad 1 W lleve that the greatest eaifort laat ever befell this pop( was whta aa sv or a rod of that land was diverted Cram the purposse to which It was KjimtH by this early nattdn t of tba rwwtJa The ger.Ucman sajrs thf are not nMt people In lAiwn to occupy t& UaL les ion la as populous as Rboi. lslaal Ev ery Inch of arabls land ts Iks taUed of Luson is under cultlrUe or ba tn at some time. When ws wsrs proWltBa-. for cur owa people, we ltmltsd' acqsteltloas 3r co try, hocaeatsad or otnarwts to let r Tou thought tt DsosaMry ttM this rse-tlne-nt afforded laad ru(Seiaii to tnnev modate a populatloo of em.K pacvt- ta limit the stitry to Uu sctm. Sa-m yws say roM ars trying to pro4sct th niloitw The amendment I propoae ftrm bto a stan'llna- tn his own country ta rslarstarw to the land In his own tslsedo prvrtaaty such as you have gtv te our oi eft, tsns with rrfrrvivca to or puMke Isada. 7Are yo-j solng to throw opaa tkr r to rr: 4 '.a ion there Ua yw aouU aa4 thmw opvr. the gatre to spvc-uUlers haraf Aro you C'.ra to eUaw m.n a ho 4wiri ta establish Ursa piactsilons saO srs tiaw nana farms m opportunity In tks TU. Ipptp" ls.ar.ds which yoa nearer ha . dared to gtvo ttx--n h-r.T Are yoi eaaa ta ra Jot t this arr.crHl7i.ot er.d tka ga bacne ta your oonstiti cuts axj txe-tv4 that ya aought to protect the IhUip4aa Uada which the government to stwwt to say from tks friars froon las incrMdwiel of speculators and bosaou farssars? tVaaw we bur an Indian rseervatloo aad t LfWf, stil I ajstaae4 ta aaa rarre kt ery Ceer A(Wd Uklsf akraa m tm t wee seUretjr rea eed aa4 lava sariaa it saw eailr la sf sw.aa aa-4 aaartily asasa ataa Iw eaa an f tm, iaas ir mtu I kaa k ta ka4a4 Uni a rUnssli 9wk tad lUrm:s.ea a Toa. If il it a tit for a ejoU U ftr7 i is her UftQt Ii U ft UasUfal la crvTTaAr?': sa ..--.io. Vsaflar tfa ra at at.,is fMiitHa aa (a. wta. weaawa aa4 Tlwa aaj'ie aaaaadaaaa T Cairva rtKaai Tkmfti tfM ttaoad. Try Aasst as faaajv Ck ? A. f e at.a( a.' rsf a . a a a a ' t - W i . Uts ta r4 af lt 4aIa . ..l w Ta aaaai ta " mE e M.aet-tiM ITS EBSY EROUGH . - To 4tmrr t eryi.t.trt fitter r f'!t;;icr4 Vyl X rvia tihJtt Ac t ti4jt t,et Uto tuTUu af CfTf tK V ! 4 tird IKIh JtV. a Regular Slipper and Shoe Gaminl. IF Uw n Uts We. aaa4 bOa) t kaej ' m UHKUMACIDK. k4 tauatt e, a. akM& kat rra4 tka-Maass stesiti aaai a-4, suae s4 . stsdKia Uvatsxst. -v feu4 arvs tafuagk .ta kh4 Vy aav--y a.j i paiava kiia ntaa Ua saf aMka i ika kaaSS. .cSsK s.'a i. aa4 !! (Urlt, kak4. r-'a. keaetk tsraird k-sris. Um aata( yvfa.4 rmf. sV4aafa BJa- (Wu 1.1 a J Um4 vArUy r ' f paau lp f "" tai . ) sa vaa.44.11 a-v aI Uas hj -14 t4 fis't. i s. at tas at e ... I rxa int'juii in. y ns Fan fci Ca. Aits. lea. ,.LVI ea-i lr S44;t adaa i sail af XOfltT'T t t C lt r? tt ty JL . ft , JCaaavA. ' Sf Ue rae . Iia4 4f 3um4 if M t n- atla IAe Slim . f - ia . irt M. rtk f'a f j i Va:ik. t raa i e" iir.ai. ci? ..ilt ti-'a-t'',,Ma ,li-t ta. tr. Jit ( Ivt ft ,'. (Ct Ttt. V 1 -.... eaa saat4nM. t. Aift t ! A T - V Ta eV a fa e aaa iula. m t..a ta 1 aamafTiHf mt CmMhn Tk.nns aa aaaaA a ad 1mi aart a f -a 4 atae ttwiaawa ..4 O44 wal aaaf.ia tu Mae a H Ii i: I a enwi new caimaT r .i.-.i at. s-ite.es 4ea4 Art ft f I leaMf . HI fl Money Saving Fete lor FeeL '. I .uc ua, "lie 1 aata tattC li.o I. it-v tt.-r.tnt'i t it. i, t m fa ;t.t:rriu, THE BIG RACKET. Mil L l I.U. IttTTstlltt. it open- to settlamaait. do w osaaidar UM thM couairr thara ere veaf II UU LJUUU r VvU U. i ? f -a. T a .aa U)Ti: an PROPRIETORS. J xt' ntA nil trust mnrlp articles liberal features. J think the gentleman v 2 r viw tho tmora the fro "Wlsconatri and those upon hla eom- on the free list to deny the trusts the mltte hav conjered this question la a power of interstate transportation ana proaj spirit, but It seems to me it wculd the use of the mails ana ta jnauganue an administration which will resort to penal statutes and not to Injunctions in the 'prosecution of trusts." In the slang of the day Ball's answer was a fact OSUx. In unsettled areas aad ssy ta the soaraUlare and bonanza farmare that taay eaay Wy the Indian lands wlthoat limit? WW ws took the meesurva lately to opes p car ta In Indian lands rn Oklahoma. 414 w. limit the amount that any eeta could aa qulre to 103 scree? This amendmeat Barks to tsspaaa the same limitation In th Phlllpplrve tsUnda This amendssent seeks to praraet land monopoly thcra It sVeka te pre-rett taa rich corporation and Individual from tak ing possession ot areas of laad saflV--.t to support hundreds of rasnUWa caasaed in sgrlculture. snd If yoa rafuaa It rou do It with knowladgs of the fact that tha proportion ot tha urban poputetkx) of tha Philippine Islands to the whole pepaUttoa la many time greater than tha or taa population of the United fltstea Tom da it with notice-that naarty every nan, wo man and child tn the PttUlpptnea. outsiaa of some of the large cities like Manila, la actually engaged la agriculture and la oa other business and has so other ncu sf .baia tence- That also happened 00 lb-r rorrno rable 2fitl day of June, and the rir publlcans with great rcanln:tfy toted down Cochran's 'propoaitlo-.j. oow!i standing bla unanawrrable arfurucnt Cochran went dowu Just aa Mtt'tll went down before tha brut forva .-f a beaitly' Republican majority. Wr-th er the A tuerlc n rxocila rTrn if tbay finally decide to retain tbo rblUpviara permanently wtll take kindly to prac tically giving tbo crown lands to grvat corporatlona In vast bodlrw Inatrad of opening them to actual erttlera ra malna to be aen. A r . . . k. . 1 tv.... ci.ri, the waahingtoo rt 0nd Carolina the completion of our mammoth brick iwuuruu, nu au vsuw eui lur. still pnsj I T. O-T. its faith to Buckeye rtatretaaa aod ht I HvL V 0 LUG a doubting Tboroat to Colonel Rooa. velt'a capacity to wta out ta his nghl with Hrnator Hanna for the prraldco tial nrnlnatloo, for It make thla rju Icnl remark toocblnj; a rvceol apf(nt ruetit to a fat office fcr political effrct The lion. James Sullivan ttsrhjoa aa been appointed ofScUl kaepca of tha ad ministration's southern detects krafcets but the southern delesrjt bas Uaraed few new tricks alaeo the ttaa the laws man was considered an expert ta thai sort of work. Perhaps Cokmot Rooaowlt. Senator llanna, James Sclilvan Clarkaoo. tha Fort and all coocrrned eouWJ Icaro sotnething to their ad ran tag by raad lng Jobn Shermao'a tnctaoira, ta which, he speaks with bitter feeling sod great disgust to th auccroafol method of General R uracil X. Alger ta taaa- agtng th ouutbem dflrrate kcooois. uasa manageo toem to tbo qiKvoi taste. By tho way. what baa bacocn of the ex-oerretary of war? lie oercta to have dlsappeorod aa cotnpartrly as If the earth had swallow blca. If there is s big eoongh acTambie for ta presidential RecioWlcan aoxoioaOotv, perhaps be may i rammt htmaatf. enter the list and Up his barrel ftgala. Then there wRl b Joy ta th soq there d legate kennel. Forfl, NASH STREET, It is with pleasure wo anno unco to tho tobacco growers of Eastern Warehouse. Wonow ml LQJ 1 ft I s-a It mZ7 and Most Conveniently arranged Warehouse for tho aalo of Leaf Tobacco in North Carolina, to Equipped with superior advantages and amnio capital, wo intend make every pound of tobacco placed on our floor BRING ITS FULL VAIel.iK. be vastly Improved if the amendment I propose were Inserted tn it, , Every American citizen without re gard to politics indeed, every lover of constitutional liberty would do well Thia is no idle boal, but vxrrj warrl of il U tbo tra!. 4 Uiml ilJ rtDt.oe- vx, N-rcm, mX A;ruH. Oar Mr. rnrhnra U nn px-cTirtet-v! totwiexonU: v4 Oh. toit i t rtrt a.-ia. IJ t. Xmnn nxurf in th bosint! for rcAm and Haa rtvrxilii ioc of lb Urrrel lcvrt j veils ct Cit musX. 4 lit f uv Tho Loutburj markat i fortunnfw in hii him to ti9.v ia tter rir tatv .? tmi um-.ti l- vrill pro tret their intercut wheel their tobanoo U btxrzzti in nzt h?5Wv I J! i.u fUt. IaA 4 citt:iwJfir- nod their CKfOti. but try tw nnd conTisnrU 12. I rsno atra jcrsr .?.l"r u c tW cum- ttit mnttr wbcro ioc3td. Cmr lbrtv ta?. li.o'i;fxtt's A . Aitiicstc 4tir:irrr. tumor? What most people want is something Quick Relief for Asthma Suffer.- I - Wanted a lioiEOfat tostopi the pane of glass. - ConsHiinptloji Threatened. H was troable with a backing eongh for a year and I tboagnt 1 1 n w.uu,r'";" ays rCrXJagerf Slftiple 8t U fP1?1. 111. I tried a great many remedies and I was under the oare l physicians ''JJ al months. : I Used one bottle of Poley'a Honerr andTarf It cored ine, and 2 V not' been troubled iooe.;lt. K. 9j ?leaajta, ,.t-T, t U Wanted a cemetery innicb te bory some dead languages. A Necceaaary Precaution, " i.ilia'anM ' Ilia trorst than as .B:?VT leaa.; Bv otlni Caa. &ite Cough Cure yo can eura U at oar. Vii.,. inflammation, clears the bead. aooth ea aid strengthens tha raucous membrane. ".PoVebi. eroap. throat and la ns trout F'TaSnffi? gJ.vAct.liatalaValy. cTildreji Uk it. ; At wI Foley Xldory Cr. Will eure BHgbf a Disease. Win ear Liabrte. , "Will rtrt Stooe U BhwJArr. Will ear Kldsry sad Bladder 2iMsse. 3LC F. K Plcaaaaata. , MtJhw. Solicitor., Inrin Orwj, J, T. Hart Ver&cn eaar5is. W cirjrs Ptj, DatUc and 21. I. Tnjlor. Wrigbrr, K. H. ord, to l k'-I Xo t lhu frKta M .J Ltwr PARHAN & FORD- ft. r. The phoolgrapher Isn't always llBtfll wwb OH,! ! I tt a T ..U t.t stnea astil 11 il Uk lit ftel tUltil U kU till swlln II III t-a H IssI TiAm. at a &a f-a 4 . A , ,v ,.w ; .v . .a Tobago Co.. he 8 traaela k-cad M use ear ft u v-.?s a. n f vm j hw. f , u.a aaiv j The Uwi ol bralth rte,ara that tk Vw 1 f' ... n n...B iatr lettf tl a taiaaa tie. d 503 Miaawly tif. Ka, ra W . T . ....... I tsol laaaU Cot W. T. sftfVa, 14 neftUW u4 l,-1aw V $ ft H t ' f f 1 owaS .f e1.. , , w ltatt vjar "l-Ti tf- TlKiJllnlAarar Catl0 ftftftO llWpmWHIrHllla. . f-. m . wraw p4w-a ,-.,.. BJ w f a. . .e O.... fc. vuuv.i'wi "ween r-. - - , , , ....i. .t .1 1 ..! ...1.1 .....I stlt . a utti n.l lei Flo raiUiai IUI LMtUld. . . . ., . whea oeeeaesary aad yeo will mtw aaw I aJoa l Ul ao tnatver m uii aa a eiMs-r.ewre. - -w,.. - . . w ... - owm aiBf thatMrerepaaitkaeattaflirkal JM lakifjo al BOSse hat n 1 11 W Vea )naaa U , a me,.X3 aesta, rartevt ay . awa.avi ,i...v.li(t 1 rlLTlif A 1"1 . ... -

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