4 ' j as. A. THOMAS, Editor utf Proprietor. tl mrrM'tUltTV-- rtetT -sr aw-r & nrm. . . -. .. VOL. XXXII LOUISBURG, N. C-J FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, i!?l r 'rrr i. -. 1 . . u Metier: CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. " Qko. S. Bakxb, Supt. reaching at 11 A. U.t and8P, M. v Ty Sunday. lVwr meeting Wednesday night. M. T. Plylbb. Pastor;1" BAPTIST. .Sunday richool at 9:30 A. M " Thos. B. Wild kb, Supt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. 1L, -vfry Huoday. i'rayer m eting Thursday night. Forrest Smith. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, S in lny School at 9:30. s.TvirMH, morning and night , on it, .ird and 4th Sandars. ; .. s iivHQinj? Prayer, Friday afternoon. John Huske. Rector. LODGES. ,.uiborg Lodge, No. 413, A. F. & A. M., meets lat and 3rd Taeaday mi;h;H io each month- Why tU People Mluooit WQt Not Put te Republicans la Pav er A Pair 0 Able Young Coe t reumett bhhhkbmam tt tt n l'rot'owsioij.H.1 otix-l l) I. .S. V. BURT, 'TI'HNO PHY8ICI4H AND 8URGBOS. Louisburg, N. C. 'irtl In tlit Ford Building, corner Main 1. 1 Snh Htret8 Up ataira front. K. R. Y. YA.R.BORODQH, HHYSICIA.N A.ND 8UKQEON, Loi'lBUR9, N. C. 'mrn aiiii tloor Nea: Tialldlng, phone 38 Nilit calls answera'l from T. W. Bickett'a r-'riMeucw, phone 74. I tt. MASSBNBURO, 1 . A.TTORNKY AT LAW. LOUISB0R8, H. a win practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. 1. COOKB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Loni3BUB. II . O. Wiii attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, tritnvillf. Warren an.l Wake counties, also the -iiii.rMme Court ol Norta Carolina, ana the u. s 'Jin-.uit anJ District Courts. M VR'XS C. WINdTEAU, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, LOOIHBUIIO, N. C OH'ICK OVER W. P. PEAL Co.'S STO&S. given to all boaineas Ht trial Attention t ruateJ to me. I) K J. K. MALQNE, ' vi.'TICINQ PHYSICIAN AND SUaQEON. LOUI8KUKO. N. C. i .itii'.e over Aycocke rrug Company. J jR.. E f. FOdTKK. PRACTICISIO PHYUCIAN SURGEON. Loaisburg, N. C OClce over Aycocke Drug C ja.pany. HAYWOOD RUFF1N. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCR9. H. 0. a - practice in all the Courts of Franklin in t i ijoming counties, also in the Supreme ir 1Ul in the united states District ana Jr. -nit Courts. ' ) ill I e In Cooper and Clifton Buildinjr. y lioH. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Locisxvse, v. a ouice on M&Ln street, orer Jones A Cooper's F. s SPKUILL. , A TTORN EY-AT-L AW, LOUI3BUBO, H. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance iruivin.v Warren and Wake counties also thf supreme Court el North Carolina. Pr impt attention given to collections. wiHoe over Ejferton s Store. 'Y W. BICKBTT, aTTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBUB9 jr. 0. npt and painstaking attention given to matter intrusted to his hands. . Prom Refers to Chief 1 ustloe Shepherd, Hon, Jobs Manning, Hon. Robt W. Winston, Hon. J. C. 8 niton. Pres. First National Bank of Wln ton, Olenn A Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank or Monroe, Chas. JS. rayior, rrea. nw rvi- ut College, Hon. K. W. rimoeriajie. of rice In Court House, opposite Hhertff's. Yy PBRSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, lOUISBUBS, M. 0. Practices In all ftoart. Offlce 1c Heal Building. H YARBOROTJOH, Ja. ATI OENEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, S. 0. . Offlce in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him vi I receive prompt and careful attention. R. D. T. SMITHWldK, DENTIST, LOUISBUBG, - - N. C. Offlce over Furniture Store. HQTELS. FKANKLINT03 HOTEL FBaKLINTON, n. 0.' - SAWL MERRILL, PffT.r- Oood accomodation for the traveling ctsibiie. .- Good Livb.r AttathedU - ISpeclal Washington letter. 1 HQSE Republican organ grind ers who are yelling "Down with the trusts!? hoping thereby to deceive the unwary voter, but who at the same time are so much afraid of what Gov ernor Steele of Indiana denominates "tariff tinkering", that they are op posed to Cuban reciprocity, would do well to 'seriously ponder this editorial paragraph from the Washington Post: The Republican party will do nothing practical on the trust question as long as it is afraid to revise the tariff. To understand thoroughly the force of that sentence it is only necessary to recall what the Post is. It is an ex ceedingly brilliant paper. It is doubt ful if any pager in America is more ably edited. It is independent, it is gQldbuggish and also a high protective shouter. It was a great admirer and a stanch supporter of President Mc- Kinley and all his works; but the Post, with the skill of a great physician, makes a correct diagnosis of the trust disease, recognizing its origin and sug gesting the remedy "tariff revision." Everybody with two ideas above a mud turtle knows that Mr. Havemeyer, president of the sugar trust, told the truth when he said, "The high protec tive tariff is the mother of trusts." The Post wants the Republicans to revise the tariff, because it knows that unless the Republicans do it the Democrats will. Of course such hidebound Re publican organs as the Globe-Democrat will kick like steers at the Post's sug gestion, but the fact remains that the independent jress of the country, which the Post represents, and the in dependent voters of the land, for which it speaks, hold the balance of power at the elections While the foregoing paragraph from the Post is a mild hint to the powers that be, it serves to show which way the wind is blowing. Another Straw. Hon, Chester I. Long mournfully and prophetically remarks, "If the Repub lican party confesses that reciprocity fs too great a problem for it to solve. it will matter little who is the candi date in 1904." And Chester's head is level. Who is he? What is his evi dence worth? He represents the big Seventh Kansas district, made famous by Jrry Simpson. He is a candidate for re-election to the house and for election to succeed Hon. William A. Harris in the senate of the United States. He is a Republican member of the committee on ways and . means. and he is In favor of Cuban reciprocity and other bits of reciprocity, deeming It necessary to Republican success. What is reciprocity? Free trade in tnvita TVhrcv flhoHtpr. phnriro'" Gall. For undiluted, concentrated gall commend us to Senator J. Ralph Bur ton of Kansas. Certainly If there were a world's fair for gall held anywhere beneath - the vaulted skies Burton would walk away with the blue rib bon in fact, with all the ribbons. He would have no competitor. In a speech before the Republican state con vention of Missouri the senator said: There la no capital so valuable in poli tics as integrity of purpose, and I would Impress upon the people of Missouri that it Is to the advantage of them all. Demo crats and Republicans alike, that their state should be Republican. Missouri has the finest kind of climate, the greatest amount of raw material, the richest land and the greatest natural advantages of any state. It is a great producing state. Production is wealth. It is better and safer than trade. "There is no capital so valuable in politics as Integrity of purpose." Very true, senator, very true, but even with your gall you will hardly have the face to claim that yon have a patent on that opinion or that you originated It The value of that dictum lies in the appli cation. How do you apply It? By say ing, "I would Impress upon the people of Missouri that It is to the advantage of them all, Democrats and Repub licans alike, that their rtate should be Republican." Indeed! That Is a queer non sequltur. Missouri was Republican for eight years L e., by frauds un equaled in the history of the human race and by wholesale and brutal dis franchisement the Republicans held the offices in Missouri for eight years, and the outlandish manner in wliw-h they abused their power and plundf ml the people during those eight years is the very reason the state will never go Republican again. The dent piled up oh the state like Pelion upon Ossa by the Republicans during their brief orgy of crime is not quite paid off yet after thirty-two years. During their mis rule, no matter how people voted or by how largo a majority Democratic can didates were elected Republicans were counted In. Drake and bis gang would toot permit Frank P. Blair to vote, thoagh he created the Republican par ty in "Missouri, fought four years as a Union soldier, commanoea g corps in Sherman's. march to the sea and was pronounced by General -Grant to be one of the best two volunteer officer In the army. They awindled General James Shields the bravje jold Irish he ro, a major general In both the Mexican and civil wars out or a scat m con gress, giving It to some obscure Re publican whose name . i am uhiw m say I have forgotten. Shields was shot through the lungs with a grapesbot in Mexico and fought Btonewan wocbbou tooth and hall. In the vauey or ir gmlaV -Nevertheless be was robbed of less set of political freebooters that ever cursed ahv state in tha rrniAn When the. Democrats came into their own again, they promptly sent Shlelda, uieu. an oia man and broken In health, to the senate of the trnitiHl Rt thereby enabling him to boast that be was the only man In American history ever elected to the senate of the United States by three different states, the three ' being Illinois. . Mlatesotsr and M IssourL "It would be for the advantage of them all. Democrats and Republicans alike, that their state should be Re publican." "What fools we mortals be." Missouri is Densocratlc. Kansas Republican. During the decade from 1890 to 1900 Kansas lardy lield her own in population, while Missouri gained enough In population to entitle her to an additional congressman, who. thank heaven, will lio a Democrat While grand old Mlssonrl under Icm ocratlc auspices In rnpkily advancing to the first place In tlic rare and radl ant sisterhood of stntca comes Senator Burton and advises licr to Ixrotne Re publican, which is the snrae thing as advising her to stand stock still while the procession sweeps by. Will ho follow bis evil advice? WHl hardly -not till people have lost their memory. At one point In hla speech a strange thing happened. The Globe-Democrat says: A cup of water was handed to the speaker: but, with (he tragic air of a Kentucklan when offered water lo tlrlnk. he spurned It, saying his mnchfne was run by wind, not by water, and i,lm slat uses only wind and not water. Yea, verily; Burton's machine Is run b wind. He did right t say so. An open confession Is good for the aonl It remained for Sonntor Barton to claim that the appropriation made by congress for the St. 1-ouls worhl'H fair was made for political effect by a Ro publican congress to Induce Missouri to go Republican at least that la what the Globe-Democrat reports him as say Ingt If he said nnythinc of the sort, he stated what was nlsolntely false If the Republicans In coucress voted to give $6,000,000 of the public money In order to induce Missouri lo go Hcpub llcan, they were Iwdly hoodwinked by somebody and will Ie sorely 1lp pointed when the election returns come in. Perhaps they will repeal the bill making the appropriation for the world's falrl That is evidently what Burton would advise. Perhaps there has been at some time, somewhere, a viler statement made by some nonde script and irresponsible Republican pol Itlcian, but Senator Burton of Kan sas Is certainly the first person holding so high a position to intimate thnt the congress of the United States woold pass such an Important law as the world's fair bill for tbe purpose of In ducing a state to quit one political party and Join another. What other Republicans in congress will think of Burton's bad break remains to be seen. A Rising Kentucklan. The Hon. James M. Kehoe of the Ninth Kentucky district has been unanimously renominated, an honor worthily bestowed. Kehoe Is one of tbe brightest young men in the house, an indefatigable worker, a most ex cellent public speaker and a Democrat without guile. Kehoe redeems! the district In 1900, which for several terms had been misrepresented by n Republican. In fact, tbe Itepubll-ju have elected more representatives from that district since the war than the Democrats. Keboe carried It by the skin of his teeth In 1900. He ought to be re-elect ed by a large majority, for a more faithful representative never sat In the house in Washington. He looks after the interests of his constituents. Demo crats and Republicans too. Ho attends faithfully to bis duties In the house Itself and looks after the wants of bis constituents In the departments. A Brilliant Young Nebraskan. One of the most promising young men In tbe house of representatives Is the Hon. A. C Shallenberger. In addl tlou to being a very able man, be la a very handsome man. lo the flower of bis years. HIh style of delivery and the modulation of hla voltv rrfnlnd ono somewhat of the Hon WillUm J. Bryan. Shalleuberger has n great career before Win if he stays in con gress lang enouglu There never wsa s more systematic or successful fight made In the congress of the United States than that made by the advo cates of the great Irrigation scheme, and no one among the advocates of that great enterprise cond acted him self to better advantage than did Sbal lenberger. He had evidently studied the subject from every conceivable standpoint and took the boos by storm. In discussing the proposition that irri gating the west woold be detrimental to the eastern fsrmers, he delivered himself of the following passage, which Is well worth reading for many rea sons: ' Let me Illustrate: I remember that when I started eastward for this capital I wait ed wtth greaf interest the hour when I Should enter tbe historical con Ones of the great state- et Pennsylvania, because mj people bad settled there ssnid br moui tains . almost years ago,' and X bad often heard tny father tell of the riches and e-lortes of that grand old oowmoe- wealth. . I had been told by a gantlemaa, ja whom I bad great confidence that la tha southwest corner of that state were centralised more productive capacity od material weaitn tcaa in any outer hoi nlre I rertsjk (Vat aa Itbran all over Umm t?jt4 Slab ejwl tea aa.ve its ewaee almost tusatf tmt fca a Bis tttaaost eatdemrers h WW y fc Ue raced by dytatar rvaj tt waicfc Ma ly eaiaalaated tm ta Hst etei l alnn d oat rial eocstttwaO i avse ksea Va as i a tbe Catted Statee Steal Missnuaw. But wfeeo I looked owl 4 Uw em wsm dew oat a, drearr Nevieab sssrtan! aa4 ve ca-agfet say am a-Uaaps e4 reuaytaie 4 . sou aad sw bar UmA mad Wrrwa ivtua. ner rocky vaners, awe etoeur fereae U bar rivers red frees Um wis f bar Uf aad ssvad. 1 said t saytoif ste redr ar father Ml tble cbeevyea reert&a oe a) aa be eras able lo Ira ret a 1 ad e1 the fruitful aad fertile eaU tiuaoia, surf tbe t bought caaM ta see tb it I were so brtos a aisev (root tbe greesa mMsM ed beautiful Nebra sad. tore Was esi fatten ego) ibaeo saooetasae I ami aever dare te look a atear' ta tte roe aarala. But tbet eras eavry tarn seaertlaar Itaetf. . 1 had ladged tbe a to Mo wtlb oriel em I was see of I be smelrW on tbe level stretebes ot ttnaoae aad r ed oa tbe great pUlae at tae foMbme ed tbe Rocky saouatetae. ead wbee a trass soon deaned late tbe tUtiti ed Ibot sraol center ef (ItaaJo lodeetrwe a4 sit ctal activity-roe cMyed inutuwg oad 'hen out aod acres tb bine sued dew those bistorts valley aad nsUM rtrere where great asattirtaitai euaa e strung one after eaotbev eJoe bar rA roods tike beoda opoo a atrtag. I baerao to understand wbat tt was I bat fails a thro oeeearaeT wortbieo od borrow baode so valuable and bow coeaplotaly aunl irpoe. Iheeo cooler et taduotry lb ro ot the people ed tbol grot nomcmwlli Do E f.TJLLEn y cwuoiei Scott's Emulsion ui SNQoo-Tcaot tr siiieeaons e i tiMbtter. trreeafSvoMe i - - - . if . oftrr aaTrw-sis Xafwev4tt,i,.U4 awlnaaiJfiweier and Oattrlai-. tfjB-. . .. e- - Aw4f a-)uev I IsoW'I-oerC fX. -rieel tavivl ' " l r- o a B-AM. a .. o,. m o- . - . ... 4 tVjataaf, tif erm low. jJ' VJ?-! tt a i' -ok t okKBaosa or am tassvari i - ' 1 lu ail 0 i m vl oe watch.es. cwcks! fait CM- U .s tH.f ..ne '.!. bw tSM fwreu ,4 evbaflaj, a .iii. U-M ea iU4 b4 tssa td'.on are rredt deal vatdw Id MU:Urf. v U - 1tt9 SrHtfcowW lbJoaT SJ Artneciaa It tW. Gam taxor. e mjmUj a Wafiaa. i 9ab'tirveo. Kt.fi e-te aU rawa. WrtM bl t in ial etj i see ekk taor'o 4ae vm re reo I W4 Vo m wwove waao. etaaey sis nil Sot bii MM ood buvd vora f lood t ewa-t abtoaj a tbe aaiai ma wsu m oUi I K004XS.I ba ti- Ke oey cm. M bllt aa a!, t vVety rvnoeod a4 ad I eo eribo M aw ewf b at aeeeeo tetVI -eojw I o ov a- t4f ovfopeW c4 IataaiWtoV lK-eVr r.m vean va gad. l-i"w,a, I o. a.1 ir t m - -.u - , t i aw oaowl su rwwm.iiawinieioaaHOT aae 4ir sol m lei I V i i daSow e - g; J -aj tva a mt m mm vm 4 -o aww.a exr b v. O. wi iiioOmi . eMI wea pmtmmmm e 4 SW eSOOSasOBBBBBBfc ITS EflSYvEIiOUGH ar ad to know wfcr eb la todaad sod I truth the Kayvtoee Stale, aaceod ba ulatwn and weoltb ooMreg an lb etolao Cf tbe 1'nVxl. and wben I tolok Ibot Inaao dtatlnarulahed aoaUatoaa V Peniurtvanla upoo lb to Hoar woii4 tot oa that all tbla laduotrtal orttrtly. tb) world of wealth, this greet liai aaorbaa has bean caade pooaiMe bareeo a kfcity goveroment baa grvata a roatxlaa; aore fcer nvenufectart rndaatrtao aad fea that bar products find IWf MM ewUa aot to the eoo. bwl to lb eewlb and rrL lb tboaght coeaos to ae Cbol It Dl baoeematb a Peansylvsalo risfms ( a t We lo pro! cat sgatoot UaWUtire ewtaao aneat la weatoro efllavorte ood Seaoaee- ment. Aod. Mr. Cboimukn. wbol lb aaoao- turlng cltW aloeg lb itw oooroae ot lnnyU ar.la and lb are I Ibot country so wUI too Irvtratad voltora aad plateoua be lo lb avoooloto aod paana ro- aiona of the yraol woai and booth Trtay will bo lb eoetar e4 activity and devloonot. bcib ba ova ta na 1 wealth axtd la hlabae rrrUUoltow. which wQl ul tlma tl f osoha for lb eA vancrmenl of that grvot regloai aod Ike wbol nation aa wall. I wish I had room for all 0 hla perch, which Is a good 00 "frota A to luard." but I bar ocly spec f hla peroration, which Is as fotkiwa atd contalu a greet amount of trutb: Mr rtulmaa, Ibbt aeaotVa te graoiar than tha JUEUpptn qaaolleea. graotar ba tha Cuban Qoaotloa. graoler tboo lb tato niin canal gvaoitoo. boroooo of lla grwal bcntflla and the raogolftceot ofiosrltaHl) lhAl shall flow from n. II tbe be nark 1 la aod lb bast Inn 10 fay rb boot nation 00 earth, and a?1 iha-boislaei and th rroooaelly kkk ad tw t Us train aboil b lb cocao-o baeltar 4 the Amerkon paofil, eal eoxhlog S lake It frJT (Kem. Tbts IxiiUlkm appreia te as aeeUA ly liwauw It la to Ine toleraot of a grrat agrKrultural pofi to 1 tanv o cfaaa of who rcrve lttl caa soon eratloo from th Aaoerfcoa utMa X millff bow tru b we anr bco of r m-inufactorlng sod calnlne woaltb. Ibe growth of out rtttre aod odr aeooceaj grrarnrm, jreC I tb CnaUJtT, th far Is tha foundation, of oa aJV I-ika Alias o aad. bo baore th buaJn fa brio o4 lb oio 00 back. aad. Nooh at Uovee bowod dram by weight of woo borooo o tool or disaster which obra brto opow tb coonlry. yt a ft or tbe Morsn bar raOad by If we will bot lot the forsaar got bat broad shoukJore andaraaalb oof coaoj rial structure one saoee aad gtve bias but a moiety of proSl In hi bi t a . a little nf the IcgtalaUra lualk le whkw la aotllled. he wUI stand aewha (. ood In hla rising he wlU lift us iU. ai Ur tmi 1ataVa II (MMlal ll I bedrd 10s ! Ub eaataoe o. aa." rWeaaie ln'i Sd ba. Fie, iJtar ) at p-ef-e'ay rxsrs-A:-?r . i.-fsija. T ieannr.4 ta ttfihUy t'.lin Cat flrjitrr, itfl cw t;'ii lXal Jur1.:nt lu. In tt?. Tne 0ma -iw ) - awn. a-iiiiiM eo ? .wmoi a jA Regular Slipper aod S&e n nan. aaa 1 m 14 S-eoia ba tw - Xf ie -i eeaaad-r f UHHUMACIIHi mm rat,,, IQR. - v o Bl e-a a M -r o. . W l J bbe I ft - tb4 . - d a al nnt ( I fVa hl e oaad Swtaai g.i Obi a - la jiaA I ssdtia lrai4. aa Kwi Swa bf"TsJ gttlat noVa f atA r ta.b lava fc by 4iH-f-t U j - wmoAmv Bom b a m a bb nsoaa lb ef - Mha -t b (iMun Viinnn b o, )aita. WU a' I , t i at V ' 1 wWWo glaoa, k k i 4. (ae f ll 4 ri flH 44 iaaa 'elk. lJf 1 1 - (, wiw ta 4 . am yfa r. Ba4M !. i.ti ara &A (I f lCj;t lf laoVt I ' 4 ly t mi mil i : aatj,' &m-- 4 Jai,tlljnj Xuvi 4-t'. Uit r.t.aA. :rr.uuli iH Money Sarins Fde tor FecL ea fWfeani t-i y5alf oaAt ti l w I h'ia nun.. at bv 14 4 t' . ft J a. t. res iraneeii :r y a-. Ira dvo i- .-: 4-A - tdXITtZ Cn r aa b. b toy P. a . tb aid e' ad b i t- , U 2 ro ." , ' i4 & aak tb bbiwd V- A ' af a-r Vai j T tU j ooBoBoSSi nrc or. Xmv t. r t, fV-4e. WIC t; ert 4 f C'V tl v a,;.i :tttit Ve THE BIG RACKET. I ut Mil I. tm. ri.arr.anx. . a. ! mi r W :Jm- nv in hi' n I I " If t If ) r w 1 r ! Tl o rri n 11 - ai Mfli li m u PROPRIETORS. .0 j 1 'y 1 9 1 In Danger. The Washington Post had better look a little out or It will lnro4r ttaetf la i serious trouble, perhaps grrat danger, even th dasger of being kicked by Embassador In Ordinary Joarpa It. Choete, Wbltalaw ReM. evAbeaoacVd extraordinary, and Dot M. Dick Iosco, tooter in ffeoera! for all csakyAeex Tuo Poaf, obllvlooa to lb aarret oadr atanding between lort ftaas aod John Hull, has the temerity to cWoootx Jo seph Chamberlain and hbi gabg a "rulhlnqi plratra." In a glow Ing r logy on General Ixrd Kltchror tbe Poet has tbe bdrdlhood to say: Kltcbeer. who did tb rt work tb war. Is th oatHheola of ChajobarleJa aod Mllnor. who provoked It. 1 an oeobobd Ity h bad no tlktng for lb Laak aoa'g'aed him. We can wU baiUv tbot b -ed aad avcordtngty lootbed tb as aaa aod sordid purpose baehad tb sauaa oL L'o dooblodry It ailoeed bad gard bias, a It did ao anaagr of Eagtaade out I nvan and woo an. ta aa ihoo ade o brae fellow aocrtAeod to tk avorbr ef a g a no- et rulhlese ptrta. That ihr was e lant fr let loo betweoe blaa o Ibe hand and CnoaaberUkt aad MUoer eai tb other rrarybody knew aod atonit erary- body could explain. Tby alood I lb way of paec lost par wbaw misbiesr had ecwred fed stag ta ad aawrfci batr tarma than It was Anally a.oairiad ba accept. Tbey added both dlSbcwHy ood distaet to the parforaaaae ed tbo doty bo bad andortakee. and M a easy c oodae stsrv) thai be bW tbeea ta aoaiUdd contempt. After reading that soold what wCl our angloroanlacs do. poor tbtf? if some nnfrUled Democrat eahl that, every Rcpohiloio organ grtoder to land woold Jump on kin sod tm him ss a dernagosroe seeking to c Jo tor b the enlrat rordUle m itrtle Mere Eoaland and the felted "'.TJ' 'T. I and MoafcCnntroniontlv arranKodWoroboufiO for the aalo of Leaf Totncco r:":,r lin North Carolina, NASH STREET. It is with nloasuro wo annoanco to tho tobacco growers of Eastern Carolina the completion of our mammoth brick Warehouse wo now have tho ft EauiDaOed with sunerior advantages and ample capital to make every pound of tobacco placed on our floor i2o Intcxid le rata of Ibowbe Try . OVIbache I. sarC'jae yoei Bad R very asnoylBg win the baby U frtfl. Nupop It's wry soaoyle. To eesri tell whether ron ocght to tire bJssj medicine for the cclie car a adbklag forhbicrtBbhsod. roiUdrfpal IVte- BRING ITS FULL VALUE. MASSENBURG HOTEL . J 1? aaexibnxr Propr HENDERSON, N. C. weed accoianiodationi. Good fare Po liU aad atteative aervaalr NORWOOD H0tlSE:, Wirurtoi. . Mortal Ctrofla w. j. AOfttvoeiK, brreprietor. letronag of Ooaninercial Toariets TrveIlngPa Ue8oUelted .weed aBfld Reebi a seat' In congress br'thd goat heart-pan .rth: that tbere wa bunt op Quick: Belief for AsthmaT Suf ffers. v' f.iV trnneV aod Tar affords immediate V-lief to asthma sufferers in the worst strg s and n taken in jiatv ".v. K. FPleasantv-. ; tT. 'Sv If TVoald 04 TV oat. nrvitt-t tn rd, n toa wc t to the theater. Jewett Ob. come aWeg. Tbe fay wtU be frost day r y.--ew I car Time." .'-- TbU i no Ul? bntul bxsl rmt tr.fxlofil It ih irs:. d irtU -S r',jt- ?tn& v.. QvuVl. Our Mr. ltrhiio U rxptksc4 oV4Tiiltl vt lcr lnm iU e-7 H t.i l"t4 mi in tha btwi&f for rramnaj h rr?ri&3 t&z Utti tf3 U te.t ,if f;u u , ea f 1 . . . . . . r . . - 1 K.-at.sA. r,, a,,. awa b,. . f. ft Srr t.t T lcaitl d.altireid 1.1 it t lr ins lainununr moxati is ioncai hi i- iwhimw ta.',ia,r e"r- -.----. -. - - ----- willjprotrc their iatrrol nhA thr tfm U t rrsl rxT - What moat people waa le aomethlog . M j J .i!. . VaA I nad nf a nkvmi Chamberlain's Stomach aad JIV Tableta t fill tbe bill to a dot- Tbey are easy te use 1 aed pleasant in en set; rar aais ay .- I ITk. rieasants. . . 7 .-. - roaey'd avaooey usare- WlU eere Brlgbf Diss a, J .'. . WtH ear TiaJbala. " . , Will ear Ptoee ta ttfadder. ill oere KWav aad Uoddr tK St. K. oY F. E neesoaana, . t m S . . a art.. a . Ji.tlu nnrl tKnir firntd hut Irr tt Ad Id tMrtftnfe3 f3 a TXf .ij ki3 - """" McOhcv Bolidtor. Irvla ' Gttit- ! .T. Han. Vri UUnS-m r- Cr; l.ii rvrr BattJv and It i. Tivttor. W.Ur, K. A Fota. d l 5a tVa tn-i- i O v.rm. Hamburg' Bhipping tratlf witl lT"tJon8aii . PilipioM htr AuBtralia 4oobled .in 1901 beeo Teeinate4 T AmBTieanB, Consumption Threatened. v. i . i ; -.. i "I was trouble with : a baekieg conga :Aeesaury rrvxsautlosu, - r DonH aegleeCi) cold. It U jorrt than as -I tried .great dnsny r-ed- u Mad.aooth under the care cl phyaicians foi seyej- r Aiiay- rtreBheB, y,, tnueoos membraao. a vesr aod I thought 1 ttaa oonsoinp l w oka d I .1 months.. 1 a8ea oneeox . - 6urM k croup, throat as i f --- I Honey ana ur r r a r b. lew -Abtolutel; , w. ' tclTvJr7; ' ' V I not been troubled siiuee "M, K. 'Sjik, ft. Aycoeke Prof Co. - Whole kaU corre4 wltpdj p are oaudtoa aad tlrUitj ' Tkaiawaaf heoitb reeslreOMl lk boo. ahi aaova oaee aaak d r and ae f U . title far vt alalia i Ui law t yUa. ato t a V V-.- t,.a .at t it ta ' tVo t. otailiata av3 Clii ovU- f 'V aa'h e.f toa.t T. 1 . . a-ari.s-Taj r - - " ' . ... .. . . . w. 9 rv. .n . iM.lt V . la l.b o af IV V tA.'f a.ot rill X - ? Itrw. " r ran ! Takxcrd Cd ha she ft cat TUrcd Co-, mi Uf.an.cv? tvtr ,u j .i t.rib5 lttr t.1 i'hwl ldolb r d itt'J otn-il. tr rrp J'. PARHAM FORD- to w f.. i " a V t;iiiu i h IV J aa 4 Ut Val t-Ct Uui. Ci'a. veer bwia reralar by blliii " I . . " . , . .., . . . tbattherlaiaV teu aad Uwr Tks 1 p!o-er Uhd e tt S3 tvt I IVU H, Ud s-rUW a.. ! V - . - F - w,.- - lla t'lat aVae a adoi a .tl !( e --.- w " " - wbea lui-etrf that aever aiaa Prte. 13 real. Pltaaaats. -. , raw oil! aever be t iaiKCCa I . a. L r r re vait by le. ef Ud -Wit taaUdd t tkbl ;$ see . wiy4 -w' - - f laUxeo bl U. Ml Irtaf Ufa UTtlUa d Fad 4 H -wi twr-i . - r - ; . a - . . . k a.

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