'; 7. Ji iiAdii':.- ip iTrA-J. ' ''. 1 ' - i THflUAS Fdltnr anil Prnnrtafnr , J . -r- -, - - , " ' ' rrrsr rr trtrrrrijzrrra ) co u x' r , tihj oxTO2A race xxrxoir. i? i I HMUi hflirnr anil Prnnnatitr . - --.-.-' ? .-- - - i - T-r"zz.:,zzrzj:jt j:. - i. - ,MM1,MllBI"'1MM,tas " ' " ' '' 7 . I . -V ITT .- ? -y- .' - v-u jy i- jjtvj-: . i I . ----.- -t ..... . I s - - 5 J PAY M , .1 ?l church DraExrroRT MKTHODIST. ' Minday School at 90 A. M. Gao. S. Baxbr, Sopt. p-Hvhing&t 11 A. nd8 FrMi Hunday. 'j, . pr r meeting Wednesday night.-s M. T. Pltuou Paator.J 5 BAPTIST. 4 ' S m Uy School at 9:30 A M.N-- Tuoe. B. Wilskb, 8apt I'rachinfic at 11 A. and 8P.iL, v-7 Handay. I'rayr in eting Thursday night. Forrest Smith. Pastor. episcopal, W : Smday School at 90. ;. . -..rvi,-Ht, morning' and niht , on , !r 1 ind 4t,h Sandava. Kv-ning Prayer, Friday afternoon. John Husks. Rector. 1: lf-rt i, i : - .-jr -s LETTER -Republican Harmony vEmphasIzeil . by , : Clnbs- and Daggers- f A 7 Few Personal References :.: IT IT ; TT " i Jy ftr fwl tr I to L ' EE T LODOBS. Special Washington Letter. J " tXi Jefflries-Fitzsimmons cham pionship, mill la over, and Buby.Robert went down before Ihe, Callfornian. "Tonth win be served j Wonder tf Sena- tor Marcus A- Banna discovers In the A I; i)J I'rotVHfiional cards ) HURT, 1) l R TICINa PHT8ICIAN A.ND SURGEON. Louisbarg, N. C. ' i ti In the Ford Building, corner Mais ri'i and Htreeta. Upstairs front. K. K. YARBO ROUGH, I'HTHICIAN AJSD StTRaEON, , f . LonBUR8, N. C. - i :!' 2nd floor Ke'. building, phone 39. unt rails anawerel from T. W. Bicliett'S r.-n. I' n", phone 74. " i b. M A88BN BURQ, I . ATTORNBT aT LAW. LonisBuae. . a. a ni practice in all the Court of the State OHlce In Court House. ATTORNEY-A.T-LA.W, Loui3BUBa,ir. a a 1 1 1 ittend the courts of Nash, Franklin, 'w-iviil.-. Warren and Wake countiea, also the s i;.r-iiirt Court of North Carolina, and the V. a Circuit and District Courts. M r xr jit -i o . vi.. meeta 1st and ard Tneadav I :,v . v"". wb nfaienoQ ht ia each month. . - t '"w th banda-oCft jnach youn ger man to wit, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt? .; Perhaps the defeat Bob received at the hands of the boiler maker will cause tlie Buckeye oss to put on his studying cap, and perhaps it will not Still,' there-is no disguis ing the - fact that youngish men are now most in the public eye. The cool, calculating Kitchener succeeded' the elderly "Bobs.' -The most potent fig ure in European politics is the Ger man kaiser, William of HohenzoUern, who, although -a veteran emperor," is still a young man. Next to him comes Nicholas of Russia, Who got up The Hague peace conference and .who has just startled the"world with a proposi tion looking. to an international stran gling of the trusts. On this side the water President Roosevelt, still in the flower of his years, holds the center of the stage. In both the cabinet and the field the youngsters are to the fore. Old things pass away, among them the ancient proverb, "Old men for counsel, young men for war." Temporarily at least the "boys" are usurping the func tions of the elders. Is It for the best? Quien sabe? No Politics In Teddy's Speeches. Little Paul Dombey was always ask ing Floy, "What are the waves say ing? Certainly since the ocean first was formed no stranger message has come from it than that which now is sues from Oyster Bay. It is given out that President Roosevelt in his swing around the circle this fall has no polit ical designs whatsoever and that he Is much annoyed that the ungodly should have attributed to him such motives all of which will be given the hoarse hoot by the junior senator from Ohio, who is one of Tom Johnson's most pre- t'mineut constituents. But Mark's cynical thoughts and remarks will not count. He will not be permitted to pull down, the ideal candidate, the al truistic statesman of Sagamore HilL the harbinger of the political millen nium, the philosopher who proposes to let the office seek him tind catch him I No, iirfoed-Colooel -ftosMivelt 'ls not going to tour the country in the inter est of his own nomination. Perish the thought! He's going about the land to view the wonderful crops, which Mark's friends allege that Mark caused to grow. Of course Colonel Roosevelt has not gone so far as to say that he will not accept a nomination not he. If the nomination chases and captures him, what can he do but serve his country and save it again by serving four years more! The bold, bad men who started the report that the presi dent is going on an electioneering trip ought to be severely disciplined really they ought. vlti i;.-S C. W1N3TEAU, ATT ORN B Y- AT-L AW, Looibdobs, N. C. nini B ovbb W. P. RIAL ft Co.'S Stobs. given to all business ; -' Ml Attention T'Mi.iM t.) me. I)" I K. M ALONE, : i I.Nd PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. LOCWT5CBO. H. C .. . . r Ayc:o'-ke Prug Company. w h hVSThR. .Tl IN 'J IHYdlCIAN 8URGBON, . L' i is burg, N. C. i- 'v r AycockeDrujr CiB-pany. i. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LouiSBoae, x. a .'. i i ractice In all the Courts of Franklin i . I i Ijoiniug countiea, also in the Supreme ir an l in the United States District and ijir-ini 1 ourts. ' )ttii-e in cooDer and Clifton Bolldlnft. 'j" Hi -H. B. WILEKB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCM, 2t, 0. til r.fi on Main streets OTer Jones k Cooper's F. in Neat Harmony In Missouri. SPRUILL. I it will be a ereat pleasure to Demo crats outside the state who have been alarmed by the twaddle of the Globe Democrat If such there be to know that harmony prevails among the Dem ocrats of Missouri, the first Democratic state in the Union, and that all the signs of the times indicate a sweeping Democratic victory this falL Nobody knows this better than the G.-D. It is merely whistling to keep Its courage up " Both at Springfield, where three candidates for supreme Judge were nominated, and at St Joe, where the railroad commissioners, superintendent of public schools and chairman of the state committee were nominated, there were contests more or less heated about men and measures, which were to be expected which were inevitable, in fact bat the platforms are good, what the people want and while excel lent men were defeated men above re proach and in every way capable were nominated. Of the thirteen Democrat ic congressmen eleven have been re nominated, generally without opposi tion; and will be re-elected. TDe chances are that . Missouri will have fifteen Democrats-Jn the next bouse out of a possible sixteen, that the state ticket will have a satisfactory major Ity arid that the legislature will be Democratic in both branches. Nothing succeeds like success, and no party any where; ever made a finer record since states were first Jn vented than have the Democrats of Missouri in the conduct - of ner financial affairs, the one thing whlcbmost nearly concerns the great 1ody of taxpayers. ; Roosevelt Stabbed by Organ Grinder. A" close and systematic reading of Republlcaa.ipapers will disclose the fitter warfare Inside the Gl.O. P. In bis Fourth, of July speech at Pitt burg President Roosevelt onaer xne InsDtrlns lnflueneet-of a ; great ; con- HOTELS. . I course of sbontise people and .tern norarilv foreetful of Hon. Btepnen d. mikina and the rest : of the senatorial FKANKL1NT0S HOTEL Box exclaimed. --Bedprocity rtUJ FBAITKLmTOir, IT O. - , i ; know that he ; did J Btmo 10 "J" . 5 1 duce congress 10 iw SAWL MERRILL Frv'T. A proclty WIL He sent Iff Special me onM W"UJullmj x ly a . I iTn, bogoHj croDy and compan- ood aeoomodatlbn fortns tT.liag 4on,.U, arms. Generanard Wood.; ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LO0ISBCB0, S. C. win attend the courts of Franklin, Vance tirinvtiie. Warren and Wake conn ties, also in.- supremA Court of North Carolina. .iu pt mention given to collections, (rtlce over Kgerton's ttore. 1 W. BICKBTT, klTORSKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LODISBUBe jr. tt Prompt and painstaking attention given to -n'j matter Intrusted to Tils hands. n.'fra to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John m tuning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. it n, pres. First Nattooal Bank of Wln ton uienn A Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For ( College. Hon. B. W. Timberlake. ' 1 f 1 c.e in Cou it House, opposite SneTtfiTs. , "YY' M. PERSON, ATTORNBT AT-LAW, LocissuBs, v. a Practices In all courts, , Offloe B UMlnir. . - -- - 3 YARBOROUGH. JB. ATI ORNEY AT LA W, LOUIgBTTRa. N. C" . ' -: offlw in Opera House building, Court street VI legal basinets intrusted to him -1 m receive prompt and careful attention. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, ' ' ' DENTISX, LOUISBTJBO, - - ST. C Offlce otct Furniture Store. - scheme: . The president threatened to call an extra session of congress. xvow comes tie Bt Louis Globe-Democrat organ grinder of Missouri Re publicans, Missouri patronage having been disposed of. and sUbs the presi dent under the fifth rib. The G.-D.. under the caption, "Going Beyond -Req-IprocIty.'J-ays'f v; -.,';''" , 'r Senalor- Bnrten of Kansas mad aa ex tended speech thie week' at Topeka before a large assemblage in -which he set forth the arguments that Induced a large cum ber of Republican senator to oppose the Cuban, concessions bill as reported by the senate committee. The main point Is that the concessions proposed go beyond all former conceptions or deftsiUons of reciprocity and assail the protective prin ciple itself. So clearly was this fact es tablished In debate that Mr. Burton as serts, "There are not fifteen Republican senators out of the fifty-four -who are In favor of the present bin at heart." Tbe longer the bill was discussed la the sen ate the weaker tt became, and the. ehlef reason fs the assault on protection colled up in the measure. That bill breaks down all former limitations of -what Is called reciprocity. Reciprocity' aa advocated originally by Mr. Blaine, as Senator Bur ton points out. was the admission Into the American market, without duty, of the articles which we do not or cannot produce on condition that the eountrtee with which the-arrangement is snade should grant an equivalent reduction for our products. From this attitude on a reciprocity, strictly guarded as to our own productions, the Republican party has never varied. The last Republican na tional platform refers only to a reciproc ity "so directed as to open our markets on favorable terms for what we do not ourselves produoe tn return for free for eign markets." The same limitation, moat lucidly ex pressed, appears 'in President McKlaley's last speech, that made at Buffalo the day before be was struck down at the post of duty. "Reciprocity." said President Ma Klnley in his address of Sept. t last, "ts the natural outgrowth of our wonderful industrial development under the domes tic policy now firmly established." The policy referred to is, of course. -Drotac-tion. President McCJnley said tn the same speech: "By sensible trade arrange ments which will not Interrupt home pro duction we shall extend the oatlete for our increasing surplus. -We should take from our customers such of then- products as we can use without harm to our own industries and labor." The reciprocity which Blaine. VlcKlnley and the Repub lican national platform favored Is ex plicitly Intrenched In behalf of protec tion. It was not Intended to apply to any product of our own. But what ia found in the Cuban concession bill? It ts a re moval of all duties on Cuban Imports re gardless of whether we p reduce the same articles or not. About twenty article were to be admitted at a reduction, some of which we. produce ourselves. To call this wholesale reduction anything reaem-t blir.jr what the Republican party or lead ers have hitherto favored under the name of reciprocity- Is ridiculous. Fretf- traders saw the vital dlatinctioa and eagerly Jumped forward to get la their entering wedg. Ail sincere Repub licans did not see it, but enoufb. were sufficiently cautious to save the party from making a breach In "the firmly es tablished policy." The truth about the Cuban conceesion bill is that it proposed a so called reci procity wholly unknown to the Repub lican party, to Mr. Blaine or Mr. McKln ley. A Republican congress discovered the falsities in the case and, greatly to its credit, halted them outside of the In trench men la of the protective policy. A Dagger In the Back. That editorial does not contain the pame of Theodore Roosevelt but ev ery word of it is Intended as a dagger not for his breast but for his back. He can write it 00 the tablets of his memory that the Globe-Democrat la dead against him and will deprive him of the Missouri delegation In the next Republican national convention If It can; but It can't Roosevelt may lose the delegation, but not through the in fluence of the G.-D.. for It baa none In selecting delegates. Hon. Richard G Kerens win attend to that job. If the president will take the pains to read the foregoing editorial from the G.-D. carefully, he will be very much sur prised to learn .that be Is to be fought on the grounds that he Is not sound 00 the tariff and that he Is a free trader. The war Is on. The G.-D. has evident ly enlisted under the Hanna banner, and Colonel Roosevelt must look to the condition of his guns and ammoBltlou If be does not sleep with at least one ATS not th pTMklawt Stat exW JLrytsV V8-- -W X.I, Ucaa sUttar also frr t4ts fs i 5 ,V-n f T advocating ta tan fatal - But U most QAiiadcst borrow a phrsa frotH that the QD. tut adAinJatered ta president ia tb foSowlng; , . Oeseral J. TL' trata. wf waea t suiec U iaUual,f it mar, la watt te natives- were stisnnm eoAB-re tia enislo wMav tn kKM Amtw etf I a t?C Utihifi ba 14, fectlveoMW. has tm. rew4 tr tas k. J . r,tn !MXT the ttAfU otsi ror SLuecwi loase eM kOf Va a ,mw ii aiuui os BHWiMH ecKrs, IS ... . errjr St Sv'St sv Oenerti . Bmtth M IMf tVe f tXarlssr ae I I imh r V im im mui UkN it U4l noMt wi I - Miiiiiixn be te-stlU m. naufaasi sad nnbk, Us perforated S great aaj ea tries ity eUt- acuit aervica to SM eooatry sa, Smaa enjoys the BJgWt. eeteem ef ke frftvw Officers and of bia (eUew tittMM, as tue Will akew. -la UM-telate af a aM many atrsrro UetMrai Vaaitare aU4 c4 feaa ts ef a far kgater attwe ra iaat ef Oeoerei Wood tst aeroUM . faaOt frm tbe Cobauv treasury ts rerfr e y.-;ai and eeo eaie rw t 'Jslirl rS-'T Oefiaval Btsmi wet Cisco om retaMtasi to the Catted Stalest tkat ae at w"4i- count wiib) tus tweer a- t : 3w-4cnctcr end O p it c J a f a j! I " i H. t ta tats. Ae. : r a, fv. C J Scott's Emulsion &Z'2;iFA a II h Ut o4 trMkJ? I . C tt. lrrTVrt, ta "a I . . . ? . . , . I 1 i i r'A iMXTv the i. I e 1 erv-TT sw-a a 1 neei r-wt Vt j - -K Mi S.L" ula. saak.xaa.'saa'ca irt iay mi H vW :, le te-a v .lMt. ie f.w e.U mmn I:'a ti TiuIlt. js w-i4 , km hi tla nr!tf ,a tiac4t Is-jr. ? icr- js--i fca VAICHKS, ' CLOCKS) wtfcfls J" Mssl ass wtiittJWf. , lT.--; ' - --- ' ! CaJ lv ;-air4 a. n.sfts-r. , . 'At tJ?aU&fQt4lalvcaa Ot Cte 4 rVow W. ' - ' . - ? w t.V fetf Va ti I k r. Oe Km 4 a sUrwvm, SW is1sf Jh yaVssssfc Does not th GteW-Daxaorrst k that Prasideat Rooawvatt tpdoraasj Oesv ersl Wood'a sctioa la sals funds froa th Cuban .treasury as h Old mm theml Ay mort. does) oot ths GLD know that in bis speeches ta sad a beat Boston the presddeut Bwld Gecral Wood sod Secretary EUlhs Roc4 n i the sdmtrlag gsss) tf all th world as gfMt sad vtrtuofl mx. wboaa asax pi all creatioei would .do wafj to txal tat? The reresideait Iasda Weal ae4 punishes Stnith. TV O. LX la ads BcUCS and Intlmatas that Wbod a&gkt ts bs punished. The rreeddent Is Rrpb ncan and so ts th G.-D, and yrt -tfc Republican coloinQ Is sondr Aayboty who says that th' Rrpubik-a ar split up ts "a quwsr persacv" N dcwrM the truth appears "queer" to a Refob tlcan organ grtodar. It Is dear as tVa ooooday run skia Ing In his meridkaa gWy that tf the Missouri dHrgaUoa to ts scat Be publican oat loo 1 roavawUoa sepparte Colonel Roosevelt tt will do M to spits of tbs Globs-Dsnaocrst lit tttgtt as well undcrstsBd that now as later. Hoodoosdl Judging from press cosns&eatjs. rrra from Republic papers. Otm aeoatrwUl days of Hon. J. Ralph Purls of Kas sat will b few. wA errePas! aft years, which is not half sa tocg aa Ve was lndoatrVoaty odavertes; ts break Into the senate, for fc wsa ooe of tt moat perairtent aeekrre aflrr a tsifa and curule chair ever a so tt America o cocUoett. At th rtiUdet rhla coo vent lop ta t!X at tse fc-4 of the Saafiower dcWstioo. V wae on cf tt loudest scooter rvrRix tp:. Now be la a I outs Hk tt prts Went on the Cuban rrvrprarty etVmar They fay that rata kerrl a tAkta ship, aud It most b trsr. fcr f ha XS ras City J our rial. wilrtv, bo p lUhcd In Miuoort. H ral'f tfe-s rf ad of Hloaaa Rrpabllra rea. lrttf ltfs In the folkrwtn; aklilf! feJuoej t s -, Kaaaca peUt!-Uaa vie keve We tease bit T s-aprtltloa readHv acee tT Samaiiar B.rton'e rrWWl sre two aertatcrtal sM t us atltS-( Lajte a4 tk Pewersr. Iwrtej sa aa a Laa Una. The tscuixwU la tke D have always had treeWa. wttk ee e eepctoo. ea4 It la rear44 as a AH toM.' ten t save ir 4 aa In Um Laoe llaa. served ta the Peeuerey tank, ta le Ysea t ror ilae lQef svrrwt fras MU LS7X Ing-IVs frost BTJ U Utt. rCTe frea un to VOX aod Uarrta freea m: I h pees set Uinew la Ik taaw Sn amrrmS froca tM4 U tXS. vim a was ted suicide; . O. Keas s-v-r-J frees I to irrt since whlek ttaaa ke be Mv4 poHtlral obUvtoe. be sm mt kte the Jebaaoo UspachOMat; A CalderaU froea in ta trn, slxned under Bre: Rofesrf UTi to 17. Jamea lUmt fi ana w UTT. P. R. Ptaoib troea tin to lata eWe he died ta eOce: IX W. Pwknaa ttrwet January. USB. to Jsaaary. ana: Ja afsa tin froca USS to MBS; Lex i tftakve? freaa Utt to UQ: J. R. Bsrto frees tsst to . preeat. Thus ooly tomt ewt rke senators tn the Laa Itne ever erw4 tell terms or longer. Tke WW eis e to for a year or two. ttae UK tk Ia time has bad four senators, tf are foUowvd ta Ike Im Ua. ftatrtwa win be a one tarcer, awl k mmrnm to break the precedent. A Strang Arks near. Everybody who U scnuatotod wft congrraarneo sad who tairs as tstrr est tn th Detnocrailc party DI b W lighted to know that Jodg Jofas A. Little of Arkansas has be rscweuV osted. Judge LRtis U rap Us. t defattgahle, coasdrotlooa Bveeabrr-s Democrat without rail. Lisa Mark Antony, be "Is a pes la. Want auia. wko loves hit frtooda." Xo poxe taaa ta. both public and private Ufa aver sat in congress, wbn a moat rarJwi Xf i ar se rears, at tee w!k Vtitf-m atei4 keaeer aa4 W m mw aos eaWasig fmnu Ultf ISeee to fke St fismims W.-t e gaa4 t SMt reet leei. re'JI I xeiaieiij We I wi t4 eyeswe. Arf toateg 0r Mvxl Wee swKeely reve. a4 an eariS U ee AeCy to e rerf' e aartte iats t ee to e-3 tavt Ue lee re Vva, toe. )nawM U Is fai4 wis wik e ess nieetsis IteVs fvti Seiare. A lUif tf U.slx UaJ.y nV U ecstisua ts draw. ' 1 J. i U Oa; -t v ?-e. I a ? t i . we a S Itm ri i ia mf 1 e - . e w - - a k .. I . - - . ItoS Tt.ee i Mt L ' -. ' . ea. ITS EBSY EHODGH Vm. a um ---. n ett aa eg sWadM eM ftoak XS Crta r JUV tswrU'W 5.tr - Ua liU-JU cr trtf r.j W l, li,n urt gtubt Ju. til Tkrowga tk tltoiat. C a saaaef as Try. Tea!4 ta kit to r r?l 4 Uei tArvw rkeesteli a a eTeje taee TVea tote a toeto Itotoa XmM ketk to r4 ttoaeae to at ssssjsstjfi sVspsl tssv4t aasAssTaJ'ljJ 4aPtj)HsVsjflas staWI eeeve Ufit ik ktM If lutn iim -e aetoset Vt Hums u e N1 eaM U ta ttoie. tieto. U.Ui t , e4 ell a cUa. toraier. e' tot FLOWERS. ft.giaia. CW-Aito a5 j atjjaita4ia' )Mri4 tttot'ignia,, laiSitt k-a.5 4 ri so.) Cn 3W.rruy f aasjcsr,, Ga&ieir Cwr awbl TVUa. s, f cm raM. 1 It- s!Vf r?t Wton. I A Replar Slipjer' and Sfe GErr.ival, tliijll rS'itf trt'ttlljr ILv trittf J.tvr 5f n!s iJ 124 keeatk, lit ajr4 toaeto. to Ito sMeAje a rfat ere. mmAhm S'".t JWIs OVai k!y te tv rte4S stf pa li iteafs viMier . to , take Try eI 4 rw- 0rtto. I; j frtoi irtut fto ty xMHt aa ( tre mmimin ettoa fttws a e'k I &ert fto e toy, toe try tV aV fk. i v . . f - - - - - , x a - - i a.-'kjhA ' y ia aZ raa swt Vf. a. tw tk Stolee ito ktowt eA, tto e rWa (to e4 re k aat. t- rtoe eetsSa. JACt)B KVANf ttt eas sssetAsj e:;i us mi um Ofv- n y-er 3.rna7e ett B Woqey Saving FeU for Ftd. ',i ;r;a"i tt if e i.1 ".Ve J .i.tts .lta TstiassaaP U X I tti-vrmrT-s ti. t ftvJ'l.ui'UJ :THE BIG HflCKET. n:n hi t 1 ' I l) ' TT MM ! I " t " ' 1 i .1 i .l m L. i Ford PROPRIETORS. 9 NASH STREET, eye open, be will be stabbed to death '",7" Hn wK-n o In the house of hi. friends ..J I UaTOllIia iarta Ls wma wva wi a i In committrea. work to ts 0rv lHUVO tllO Ilia as falling guca bsssor. ate Btblle. Good LivwO Attached. sveTmor enerat of C5uba; apent nou- sands of dollars donning puuuc ion la iiAaerlca,r favorable v to the I am aware that the G.-D. editorial is a very long quotation to make In these letters, but the space Is weU used if my readers learn from it the lesson which It teaches that the Republicans are hopelessly divided Into bitter fac tions, which will grow more bitter at the days go by. Democrats ave sv ery reason to-le hopefnl as to the re , sultB of the campaign now on. To your tents, O Israeli , There can be no Question about thr G.-D. having tt in-' for. the president It .virtually charges him .with beltrg-a free trader In the following remarks about the Cuban reciprocity btUr . - Therefore It Is Impossible to ses 'how the new republic can be ruined by the defeat of the proposed doable reduction. It would be much nearer the truth to say that the failure ot the bill would be a source of toss to certain sharp specu lators and a deep disappointment to free traders who- are anxious to break, flows the protective principle at a new point and in a. new way. : Query: Does th G.-D. In that para graph : Intend to charge . President Roosevelt and all other advocates or the Cuban reciprocity bill with being -sbarp apeculatortl-- ... Item. The G.-Pv returns to Its charge of being: a free trader, tn the following paragraph:--t. tl. ; - " All the free trade papers eentlnu to in sist tkar-Ofba wiU be ruined anleaa the protection of American Industrie Is bro ken down, but the people of tba United' States are sot' easily rooted by free tr4e gammon, - f-v-f r-" ""! --Mow;' If -a-'-paper Is a free trade pa per fpr;advocatlng.Cnbau reefprocity. It is with pleasure wo announce to tho tobacco growens of Kzzicm olina tlio coinplotion of our mammoth brick Warxrhotira. Wo ovt meats. perfect Integrity ' sod kit toys try to doty have mads him boat of rrad both in and out of tfs Tba Fourth district Of Arkaaaaa booore itself In bonortftg John 8. Lltft. K ValJtbl Ce oral an. Georgia bat door Levari arood by reocmtsstUig that ttrrUn toorrt that capable legislator, that fsrusl public aervant Jsdgs- Jobat W. Ms4 dox. lis ts tsstSAt to trasses sad t of srsaoo If tt tt ever cwt fttto tn proclaiming lbs faith oar daSvsrad to-ib fathers. Joha Utddcx. st ft Is popularly known. It Toot a tkj-Krtp Ins; era-tor. but a Basra saows twttrr what bs wants ta say. sod few asy a , better. In bis tprU-to sticks tn facts of tb cat, and b UavtrT Uw facta lata alt brama wKb raft fores. Georgia it to bs cocrraIi:sd on tucn fsea. - Tl n n n mi 1 tl'r i and Most Convcniontl7 arrangodWarchounQ for thoEalo of Le af Tobacco' in North-Carolina, " ' ' ' v- 0 - . EnLunDGd-vnt amnio canittoL. Intend to moikooycry pound of tobacco 'Phiccd on our uoor t " . - '''-. " " . , "... . f - BRING ITS PULL VAI.UI2. 'As tt Is TWsy. - ; Famocs rCact --Doctor. pAeajst girt tat my madid a sow. - Doctor Psfdoa ra. ;T doctor ta chargs of Issuing Tba other doctor wf9 ba lr ly-Cakago JouroaTw t TblaU Our Mr. in thty bufi a no tall bOfut, tral ctrry rf H i t irz'Js w .3 t -irt :ter;j iM vv W Pnrbata U ta ttiTirwd it4cvxlt'i fwsl tcr ix- tm.z iti ti tr uCl V ittwn. t:urt-Z t!w& for j-fskfti avM tivi rrr.nsti s si iW U-r as ti3 n 1 t-u f,r -rit f u u 4USSENBURG HOm I J X Maajsjoikbgr " l?s - . - " ; T . Ind tf taken in tima wiU effect a , eure. M tliUJM UHirUiUa r At v ; -, , I K. Jf.iH riesBnii -ftTtat moat 'neoDle want la settethlog lora"luul" " TInd wsUsTaatata seed tt a rbyvio. sndTar afForuS unmediate j v,.,,., gtonjk ,Bi lira Table QuicItTtellef fbr Aathma Saffers. LcFoleytHney fill the bin to s dor ibty are tjrj w uit ard plestast In eSecfc Fat salt by fcLX. FB. Pleaaasts.. . . --.-y,; Bood aocommodations. Gooafsrtl Fo lite and attentive sarraa'r - ImporMinity ia simplfboldlirig on till yoa get what ;yon wni. Fyrya Khlowy Oa Win cars Pr?4ti Cleraaa. win cere plabetea, VTtH rare 8toaa la Haiaef. -wlH cars Kids aa4 Uad4r .Caf, K Heaesutata. - J s - - Ji v H saassasBBs..BssB.BMBBBBaBaBaBsaeBSBsasasaaa 3tr - 5 j ,! toora to bt tUuxr iaa i SMpy wt ITV f AH.Kfi finrkAl la f.irtxlts&Say tfl liJkTtn tT 1I gV.-- t 14 2- 1 J l"U t.WU-ul U,-f I ls mmr1 aetata . it V IHtl fy - - - - i ' . - DVrttaa. I ... . i dl..tt Jil,.Mn4tl reM !nr-l l.i'Vti II ! !.a .!. l i 1 f -,. .- . .. im.i-ixi I will protrc U.C.r JvrjT?ie. wrt -i w ' - - - - ' " V ' "' ' .r- . Ifvnd ibclr ncratik' but try n nr.! be tnaatuxi ii-ai '..'-- t,:, - " " I v , " . . - . , rt . . a. a . a . .. , ... . aw sBBjsBaTajasf a j PARI! AM & , FORD. ,i- NORWOOD HOUSE Wiriartoi. North Cirollai w. j. isoBwooik Froprtetor. Patronage of Commercial TouriatB sad ' , . V .. - "7" -s- ' " I tf rl gry auuoo raA .- r-?--l It fW- ta WaoAltUk!, - , ' - - . t . . - . . . V tt t. l.a U, ri stall tils i2U a, i f 1 t sa'.t ttato? T- . V. I L ,., Honey and Tar. It cured me, and Ihav t ore , tafa. Actt lffltdiatly. Price. Wee. la, f6 kj L fc, I" . V. , , not been troubled ffoot-VK. ? n hkt IW Aycoekt Dnig Co, . J',wt5 - -7 - ' r - Trvettng p UcSolleited. MA SSBtplt saWfta 1 . Fb)St