i- . sm - a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. JAS- XXXII xL0UISBURO,'N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, ISC.' 1) M 1) HLltCH DIKECTOUX MBTHODIBT. School at 9:30 Af M. uy Qso. S. 8AXSR, Hnpt. )1A. M and 8 P.M. r mating Wednesday night, j M. T, Plymb. PMtor. y BAPTIST. ; "t i iy Sohool at 9:30 A. M. - Thos. B. Wildkr, 8apt ,1,1) At 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., - i ti'lii y. ,.r m ting Thursday night. Korrbst Smith. Pastor. BPI3COPAL, i iy ScDooi ai :ou. night on s, morning ana i mi 4tb Sundays. l'rayer, Friday afternoon. John HusKa. Rector. A SURVEY OF THREE CENTURIES. Tie Achievements of the An;lo Saxon; The Dlffasion of Thonehft The Ad vance and Extension ofClTilizationi The Else ot the People. The Me nace of the Republic, and its Cnre. A Vision ot North Carolina. ORATION OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICE WALTER I CLARK AT iOANOKE ISLAND, JULY 24. LoDaaa. .hurtr Lodee. No. 413, A. F. & mta 1st and 3rd Tuesday in fuch month. I'rol'ctMNional ocurda U voo Ijw how SCOTT S I pny had prtWt4 lu aecaUiba fjULSlON VOcU bcijXO I ilrcKihta xr vcjX LVcnl I ar.d krnti rv3 pet ywa tn tcv I vxdiix aUu U now, - I'. Ill' KT, 1, I Ml PUYalCIAN AND SURGEON Louisbarg, N. C. , r Ford Buildinir, corner Umb , , , , r-"t . Upstairs front, il K YARBOROUGH, - , 1 HVSICIAN AND 8URGE0H, U(TBURS, N. C. . i iloor Ne: building, phone 91. .Li anawpr! from T. W. Bickett'a . phoiiH 71. 1 MKNBOaO, STAN01N6 ON ROANOKE ISLAND hatening Yii; aa'd the SpaoUid I ogy otrrrohitiw had r-traajlrt 1 oinuio un nuAnuM. loLAnui WM assetll0g hia ri hl to aod u lo lnc people and U pfopWti pillage m Holland. The fires of the I Uut loe WfU m iwi coQniry loqaisition burned in Soain tod Bel 1 bv restrictiar tb riiht to will gium. France, rank to a second clan power, grovelled beoeaib the rule" l one of the most worthless of , its many worthless kings, the third Henry while -.bogland, the bnglanu ol Drake aod Raleigh, of Shakespeare and Bacon, and of Elizibetb, already lay beneath -the growing shadow of the Armada, whose success threatened the txtmction of English liberty and oi the Protestant religion. Russia was a small collection of barbarous tribes and Germany, and Italy, not yet na lions, were mere geogrjph cat exres sioo. Contrast Hat with the Eirooe isom oecaose ol the signihcance ol 0f to-day. The change is birely less the first celebration, of the landing of I startling there than on this side of the the Anglo-Saxon apon these shores, water. ...... oH rn- r.4f ,h. I The change hisbetu greatly the re . i n;x action irom mis stae. iviniiitua ,u ucul FF"Hw- has been and U on the steady raciease ness ana surj-ct matter nas not oeen in lhe betterment of the masses Tne sntpassed by a North Carolinaian, we I leaders of thought, Snakespeare, Btcoo, use these columns to print the addres JYlicnaei, Angeio, uante, feirarcn painters, tne . sculptors, tne statesmen were as great then as since. The dif ference is in the mass. Then they were disregarded, beaten with many Stripes, dying like animals alter living like brutes; to-day they have a voice in every government and are beggioing more fully to perceive that they have unlimited power which they can use for their own advancement and the betterment of their material surround- Roanoke Island, mg. ATTORNEY AT LAW. louisBCRS, a. a , rilc-e in ll the Courts of Ue State i ifflce In Court House. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCI9B0B8. H. 0. uiii l the courts ol Naah, Franklin, . Wurren ami Wake eountles, also th ,.. . ...irt, of North Carotin, and the U. hi' n,l District Courts. K, W INSTEAD, A T T O RN EY-AT-LAW, I.OL'IHBOBO, N. C. l k IVKU W. P. 9 SAL CO.'S 8TOBB. ,, M'. ntion given to all busines K M ALONE, , ivi I HYS1CIAN AND SURGEON. loi isncBii. N. c. r y rrug Company. V, - I" .STfc.it, w ill! I. I i:. i I'li'.'sICIAN SURGEON, l..ri:r. 'irg, N. C. r a - m DrugCjn,pany. AY WOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCI9BUM, . O. r u.. lnalltheCouiU of Franklin . :mimk i-ounties, also In the SuprenM i ;n the Dulted Stotea Dlatelct and iirUi. !!.. i-i cooper and Clifton Building. r M. B. WILDKR, ATTORNBT-AT-1AW, LOOISBUBS, K. a . in Mln street, ott Jones k Cooper'a V. ;pkuill. A TTO RN B Y-AT-L AW, LOOISBUBO, H. C. w i tini the courts of Franklin, Vance in, v ,i Warren and Wake counties, also i, supreme Court of Nortn CaroUna. tion given to collections. :!!. ovr Kgerton's Store. W. B1CKSTT, kTTuRNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOCI8BVM . a i r ,mV,t and painstaking attention given to .ry matter intrusted to nis hands. U .I , , rkl.l InatliahAT)M!rd.HOIl. J Olffl amiiiirf. Hon. Robt. W. Winston. Hon. J. C. Bui',. ii. Pres. First NaUonal Bank of Wln . ... ,.. - .. . . winatnn. Peonies Bank ot m ,urm, Chas. K. Taylor, Pre. Wake For- mi Hon. B. W. TnnDeruj ' f fi - in Court House, opposite Snerura. of Justice Clark, at July 24, 1902: Lidies and Gentlemen; Standing on the Aventine hill, by the banks-of the Tiber, we can still behold, the be ginning ot that imperial race which lor centuries be!d in its control the entire civilized world in their day and whose laws, whose feats of arms, whose thought, have profoundly impressed 7all succeeding ages. HERE BEGAN THE GREATEST MOVEMENT OF THE AGES. Standing here we see the spot where first began on this continent the great race which in the New World in three hundred years has far surpassed in ex tent ot dominion, in population and power the greatest race known to the Old. Farther than the imperial eagles ever flew, over more men than its do I minion ever swayed, with wealth which dwarfs Jts boasted treasures, and intelligence aod capacity unknown to its rulers, this new race in three cen turies has covered a comment, crossed reat rivers,.butlt great cities, tunneled mountains, traversed great plains, scaled mountain ranges and halting but for a moment on -the shores of a vaster s 1 I . .1 1 ueao, has aireaay aonrxtaa mousauu tsUnds and laces the shores of a West ern contiuenl so distant that we call it :he E-is-. We do well to come here to visit the spot where thre great movement oegan. It is one ot the great epochs of all his tory. Here, 36 years before the land ing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock, here 21 years before John Smith and lamestowo, in the year 1584. the first English keel grated on the shores 1 i what js'now the United S axes. Here the greatest movement of the ages be gan, which has completed the circuit of the globe. For thousands of years God, in his wisdom, had hidden this Und behind the billows till His ap o jinted time, and .n Europe and Asia millions had fousht and Deris he d foH the possession for narrow lands. The human intellect had beendwartea witn the dimensions of its prison house. In Hne season Cooernicus gauged the heavens, revealing countless worlds be yond our grasp and Columbus almost at the same time unveiled this tang -ble world beyond the Atlantic. Stunned, dazed, the mind o' man slowly real zed the broadened vision unrolled be fore ir. Since then the energies of the numan intellect have steadily expanded and thought has widened v ith the process of every sun. Here broke the spray of the first wave of Sxon population and now westward across the continent to th? utmost verge and beyond it, there rolls a human sea. Three centuries have done this. Abont this very date Amadas and Barlow landed here, for on jniy 4, a day doubly memorable on these shores, they descried )t !t4 ftatet W"tl 3IJ T WAIT. ( 1 n4 ".fi 1 Cm Th The change started here when a new race began, without feudal burdens and amid the breadth and freedom of unlrammeled nature. With new paths to -tread, new roads to make, new rivers lo travel, new cities to build, nen began to think new thoughts and to add to the freedom oi nature the liberty ot speech and of action. WHERE THE SHACKLES- OF THE AGES WERE BROKEN. ' Well do . we come here to visit the spot where the shackles of ages were broken, precedents forgotten and where man first began to stand upright in the likeness in which God has made htm N-tuebt tells more forcibly the de pression in which the mudi of n men of that day were held than the fact that the hardy Eoglish mariners. the descendants of the viking of old, delayed nearly a century wfter Lolaro bus bad discovered the New World before the foot of 10 Anklo-Saxon had trod the seores of N rih America. From his discovery in 1492 to the nisi landing here in 1584 .and lhe first peimaDctil but If el-e letileruent at Jroestowa in 1607 was a long lime. Could mother new cou inm such as this be discovered in 3,000 miles of London to day, not as tuaoy hours wou d elapse as our ancestors of three centuries ago permitted )eit to pats, befoie the English race would land on its snores. In 1520 Cortei I d the Spaniards to the Plateau of Mexico and subverted an empire. Yet 65 year more passed before Amaoas and Barlow led the first English ex pedition to Und on this continent. Not only were mens minds en thralled by governments wl ich existed solely for the benefit of the few, bet the condition of the upper classes was nnlv in decree better than that of the " s 0 troy the retotd atooarchy a ad it. baild.the republic. propfcecy km come true.. -V , ? - The great expooodet of the oir tutioft wa tight, rower f .wa those who own the property it cocntry. v Deo property at wweiy d tsuibvted end a fair share ol ia forts of life ere equally tb rca of all, acoontry willtea:n a r pobtie. Wheo property, by whatevtf af ttxy. becomes concentrated tn a tew ka&fli. a change b tmpeodiog. Eahtf tt few bolder will bring io, as he started, an army that will cbaagv the twn- mem 10 a mooirur, or , revw will force a redtatribotiow ae is Eg land and France. That ba bc the lesson of hisioy. In Iba day, of wider fouuigttx end general edocailoo, kt m bop and believe that there la a third wsj hitherto unknown la practare, a that by the operation o4 yst and wtsrt laws enacted by ibe sovereigaty erf tne people, a more hm and eq-al dsn- button oi ' wealth will follow aad tb enjoy tneot ol tnaterial wU txiog will be more generally diBiMetS aaweg tne masses. All power ' derived rrotn aod beloogs to the people and shootd be osed solely for their fool. tow s the fandamrotal teaching of the 10. stitutioot which DCkia imit recorn from the landing of the Aoglo&tta race on these shores, a Uodiog which was first made at this pot. Had I the ability ot Mr. VebMff, cold I speak with his awthcxrly, might point oat as he did the great danger of the accumulation of wrails io a few hands, and might rorsee aod foretell the remedies which a great, a wise and an all powfbl people will apply. But I snail not tokr la the path which he has trod, MAUD ru BUS EQUtS. Let os not forget 00 lb occaawa that to this island guished booof(of being the brth place of the first Americao gil. Ii as the Eden from which she spcorig. Sf ha1 00 predecesaor aa-d rrsnams wna oat a m (del and withoo: a nvL le thit firt Eleo man ir fr: at rival and tr tardea a taiUre Hrre irve k'iiI as tht fin; rtial sad ths b ys have tolloel Ivr IK". Utre, aorl dnng, rtel-h fj.. fc cei-or have lo enr "-C d j ei, wrc e to hett',!i to !- tv.i,of 1.1 t h rfcr . jf u4 4b AmcT cu gul, ints . i..S. iti nvr oroduct ol ber ks tud A tkew r Uier agev. M0RTH CAaouA rvrcas. When the first eipeditwo laodrd here there were, it ts esttcoatrd, ia the bouod, of the present Sate o North Carolina, jo. 000 IckJvso, earoiag a precarious liviog by fisbiog aad baot mg spending tberr mrserabie Irves tm laymg aod tortailag ooe aootber. Today we have oeai 1,000,000 A th tore moat race of all 1 be woW, frvief ia peace and order. CooW 1, like Mr. Webster, in hrs Plyowwlh Rock oraiioe, prophecy as to the fatore 100 yean hence, I should predict a Mill greater i - I SCuit howsg. C'HA, VI o JL tcratth taU. . , lean 10 1 VM a nil mnmmA4 m-.4 ! r . 4 f tin 1 1 s wl y av a. a De E. filLLER Jcnctcr ontt OplcIar Orders. Mil III MS) IWSfc, ! rrUUra Nnii a mm. r w ll a aanniisfc. Ctmift Citws f WATCHES. CLOCKS '" ZU V.tl ww iia)-j4 ttwi.Tl , A rvWw Bt-aLnl. '.Vf- 0Ma, JIi-f. a tiU y'a a Of-, k r . v mm at S Ui mt irtmA WWr4 til UfT 14 W4 I www Ms ffw4 atasJima law ii'i 1W, fll I tiaartNi a rwrv a.M r carw. arW4 ulf mvI mm uJflT rHM 4 r--4 if tmfSmm U mUif U saf lrblr I H t a-1 KIM f tJ tmU (WSWCM ll ia 4ss mi m . n tm " ri mmmmmim tssj . ommwi nmnin,.4 U.-S S- V 11. 0m iminnn al "nil ill 1 mil 1 ft s "t T" " 1 y-n a'1 ,SNMIM'WI I va4C tt tt'a mn si Onontsirta Cctb Ccro ! vrr llsLrtr VJ-zzr -mi ia- Tm laawawai tr-Wm pm IjlutiTuiicn. ITS'EBSY EiiOUGlI Pit eetapaaUae a ralr fVl&( hibjtsomum t4 hasuy fM aJL t tfm t.W s$ife.i lio tlM. fe. a UaC) X.C.cm 4 Wiow IV tr tm f 4 To em'Tim vs crr.t-rjr fillet try frijTjsur., Vvl am CV rtkMMi s r7- f b w r rv4 tau flisvMMsi m ttn r uik viu n,i ;. iumUI k4 I 4 s4 mmdnimm luf -4ai P r Unart lit a4 r a i"'f m ltal rmmmmm l -Wl L U B-Ma Uiaba. sJMM ', ) 5A Replar Slipper and Stica Ganiyal, as Wo&f ftn t -t J- aoaa w3 lt w-Mft- tie limit k W"rti4. ' en!!. (Wa H. tWtv. a Lw.-W uaw ii- tK vr iv-f-h.-ti-'. Srr4 W w-H cva ,4 Aaft wa i tiViJ. at enwja iw TOwaa4 jettw t l&r - wtsS. t ie, ' C. wT jLcsvv, Ct a. ?,,T - Si a ex?T i:r t tic-i t it ft4t.l trntir cif I.St SsJtt t tf.aa l,t , t.S C.ra.aav- B Money Saying Fclc lor FceL ol aar aWi tr-.. r-ir Trial Lflt frv ry vl C, AO ate, CW. I-V" 1,M nil. ml arfttM ai lra bw M t'l ff ay af, m Uf V . - aa ii Lnl fc-rra aa-4 ti-t ta-s'eJl tmmWm NWWf ft ft. ul tk al.MJ W. r- beloogs Ibe dutto- ' ni v at a-Ma, norrs. .a ! .a. i ist,. n. ItT iiaaauft avtifi Ui iia. a lw j:i:t!iiirjl xx.i.' ra. ..-'. j craT'.W- trtiatx THE BIG RACKET. r4i in wn 1 a IS 1 I 11 J - k-J u L 1 vi Ml ', V J.mJoV in ii 1 : r 1 u w M. PBRSON, ATTORN BY AT-LAW, Pri-tl-.es Buii Mini. LociaBOBe, . a in all eoorts. Offlee- la Neal w. YARBOROUGH, Ja. ATIORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURO. N. C. poortr. U aee, sugar, tooacco, poi toes and other articles of common use by lhe poorest to-day were un known. Queen E ixabeth herself lived on her beer and beef, and forks being unknown that haughiy lady a:e with her finders, as did Shakespeare, Kai- o - eigb and Bacon. Articles ot tne com monest nse and neccessily in the dwell ings of the poorest now, were than not to tie obtained in the palaces of kings. Carpets were absent in the proudest n dill M(QiJi PROPRIETORS. chasge, 1 i&oofd cay thai with the saose rate of iocreaae Norib CaroJioa wttl then have 6,000, oooof people aao thai nii n( 100000 inhabitaois will le numbered by the score; ihat cmy vil lage will be cooneced with us avrtga nor by electric ioad, foe steaei wul hve ceased to be a motive poet ; bi education will be universal aad poverty unknown; that every swamp witl bare been drained tobecowie ibe trat o hinm hooiti that errrv river will be r r palaces and 00 the fresh strewn rashes deepened and straightened; that pqd4 r.naih their tables princes and kings works operated tor the benefit of the . t " .u - 1 . A Krrkn meats i nnnl and BOt SOI the eOrSCbaaCOl of inrew tuc uuun u k r M irom their fea ts. Relizion was to most a a few, will briog com farts aad coovtoi a I aV-A land and failing np the gross superstition, law was a jargon ana ence. now sN., . 1- iSBURG 9 N 1 "J. n- .v, entereH with their barbarous and . medicine the vilest tant hreswe; tnat toe wn o ' coasv w .j I", .a.. the I- ahnrtened: that the toil ofatftCal- two small vessels througnan in , etf quacaery. . v"- . m.,hiafWr Aad nrobablv now closed. Proceeding masses have- Deen eaucaicu, u ' " ' -t- proDaDiy now .',., . . tK a, their that irrieatioo wtU have baaaahed nas aavanccu tiYiimnuu - m Oprra House building, Court street i.i Knainoaa intrusted to him rtvei Ki Dusiness lu.i eive prompt and careful attention. )k. D.T. SMITHWiCK, DENTIST, LOUISBURO, - - N. C. n.-- over Furniture Store. HOTELS. bly received. WHAT WONDROUS CHANGES! Nature remains unaltered. As on that July day, ot the long ago, air oW a .nH cea remain the same. The UU om J w-fc same blue arch bends above us. The same restless ocean rolls. The same sunshines brightly down. The same balmy bieezes breathe soft and low. The same headlands jut ont to meet the waves. The same cays ue .waiter the coming vessels. The trees, the foliage, the landmarks, wonld all be recognized by tne sea-worn wan derers of that memorable day. But as to what is due to man, how auereai To the westward,-where the Indian paddled his , light canoe on great a a ' mw.fmf riff rivers, innumeraDie vesscis,."v the energies of steam,: plow the waters, freighted with the product of every In dustry and the produce of every clime. Where the smoke of the lonely wigwam and in ma terial well being. Unlike the foundihg of Rome, where the seat of Empire abode by its cradle no great cities arose here at Rjan.ike Islabd, "Jamestown- nor at Plymouth. The uew movement begun here was not for empire but for the people ana it has advanced and spread in all direction. THE GREAT DANGER TO DAY. In 1820 Daniel Websier delivered a memorable oration at the anniversary of the landing at Plymouth Rock. In tha speech he prophesied that our free government could Und only so long as there was a toieraoic cHin, the division ol property. What would he say could he stand nere io-uy ou count over the names of those possess-, ed of $20,006,000. of $50,000,000, ol Jioo.ooo.ooo, even of more than AAMAnA. and name over the NA5H 5TREET, It is with pleasuro wo announce to tho tobacco growers of Extern Carolina the completion of our mammoth brick Warehouse- wo now have the already the most progressive coe among us, will have practically abot ished all diseases) save that of okl age, that ticop'er laws aod an elevated aod all-poaerlol public piotto will have cniuimi'rid ciitne and reduced the vvl uine ol litigation; that itligKHi Utu aec tariao and daputatijo about .creeds and lorn will be practical eietnphtxa. lion ol that love c4 kllow-asvan' wbkb was tvoified by rts d.vine kwndet 'that every toiler with brain or Tnrf.h flnTnlmfL an 1 a a 4k wa A and Most Conveniently arranged Warehouse for tho &alo of Leaf Tobacco will nrosoer and that oodet jotsttr U the only inequality in wealth c cccdl- lion will b that dot! to ibe dtCtrtoce in the energy, efforts and nataral glfta of each poaaesaor. Thrs ta bat lhe fixtf of many tocccaa site celebrations of the laodf here and if these feeble, ragttUe word! shall be preserved to that distant day the speaker who shall read them ta a vast audience gathered here will fiber Jast- it. the nronhecv oc at Uaat ft wta wnoi-' .r r . and amnio capitaL sto mike every pound of tobacco plnccd on our tloor 0 Intend BRING ITS FULL VALUE. FIUNKL1NT0N HOTEL PRANKLINTON, N. C. i SAM'L MERRILL, Prfl. . r ... i,hm nlla I .. IrncK and CDrWNSllvua w i - . - . . ,a a. . : . .j rose, now tne roar o. KIC " -a Vo n.ntatlona at their - lD U,HTO! . .aTrf a?" ua ww- . . m fcrtewatii raff. 1 Bat r MIQl IU fiamTV ('xA accomodation for the traveling IHiblifi. : - ' J ' ''xd Li-y Attached. ' .a. -.. a K Mitt nf electric lights l lew uxes . . .u. ,1,. whs, then amid I own will, ereater than teaaena i - - . - - - c toiftriflejr the war-wnoop resou- 1 f0r an w , TsUI aw. - - m-m - uAin Heath and torture, dqw-hk i He a thousand steeples ana an"" 7- Pnnce of Peace noat uptu MASSENBURG HOTEL HENTJEBSON. N- C 9a aeeeaunodations. Good fare: Po lHa a4attntiv aervajifr NORWOOD HOUSE . ! frirmnn. Kortii Cirollfl w. j. 5okvoo0, yrewrsetor. the air. Where the plumed and painted warrior stealthily trod the narrow ws t mighty- engines rush. Where ; a tew .vfnrl , naked savages: miserably starved and fought and perished, near O0i neoDle oer. Three short centuries this done.- ... rnNTRIBUllON TO EUROPS. t v,-m Mstward'the ocean rolls nnrhancred: but OOt as those exacted government w ika nvaa r instances that "nen im monasteries and other church corpora- nr the Tndors -tnreaieneu come tine. tions Qvtck rullei'tbe Aatbarv aWrTW. FoUv, ilMty a4 Tar r-oU4iei .iur u aatkaaa aaCttera la ta wra atrre English prtilt til eight -confiscated Ibeit nroneritv f as has been K. a JML flaaaaai. - . done laiur daf by Mexico anu Utin countries; ana re .nnistiona. He might nave wnawir aa. a.a u ui sw - ha a at atronaffs of Commercial tnv.llBf, pa McgoUclVta. Toarlsta for its passage anu .Mn now messaees wnrw: - wbrme. u . ... Man I .k a,a4 lair .uppredeccie,,- in re-creating , ""-h . " . it on her to pause and that ? vtT rftet sovereign had the then lo' be "usv7t- ber throne by 1 w baterZalwutaistdca- The sew tnanwlH mannera. . Mttipior ii waifVi to aitt Disown fatmre. - " . a. a What la laarratd lo Ue craiia laaU UU IU grata,; , ThfU no WW? tafilU . 0ar Mr. rtuhftm iJ iva rvt ,r.l. f uu. wiU protect thdr latent bhvT2:V tSw liv t vw ,1,m . m&ttrr irhre locatrO. Oar fcy ; T jifA iit; c.L rV4 H McGW. SoiidUir Irria Gra, J T; Jf J Jj " BattidvodIl,ITirjlor.--'Wf PARHAM " & FORD OIKUillgW, a. . T . .-ft-ttui COffllnOD I OI voy-6w. : , ' ---I.. Wr- Vcuav r Prance 1 "a"i stiim " I . -.!n ta tne hw-s au - I vaa ww n flash without the onto point t torirt-- its shores I by ner rv ,..,inn. oroperty I AwT-rT. ' - CvaaauHpatcas TtVMtwd. I .ia trl wtih a WkUf t a .ar aad 1 l0xkl I ka4 MMaf4 aa'rs C Ua-w, tia MajOe 8a, I M I trtaa a traaa .a y.frrTTT TT! ' I .i. " i..ia Ivnerl ana; piiw , - v. tni .he bad gravitated ,w a- -r- ( aka aan al lT4lau l i I aaaJ mmm MVLK H'lwn Tu It ari aa.aa4 t ka at ba tramaaea aaaaa. . . rVaaaaata, v - , , ;" , -""X .."-.", - ' ' " a . . ,,. Irfrt aaJW al lal tw Va t Cl J ... a, TeV C ha eaaaeaath Vw U UU .ar. U-e V4. Ml" Jf ,f, tr. y ,i w ... w U-a : , ? LWOrm a-e-f - t -. - . . . ..... a ...... . a a,LalM at UI r ' ' d laai Vl ai Uaat. W. T. Iltg ! 7 ' V J al a7 .7m 1 as I -wT -O " " n t - ... .. .-.a.a...-t....a( mm a 14rJm 9 IV SJ I - . . . . . , .eto al Loss, bat trie a ae t - . . i a. i.; .- iUeer sia tab a,aj evr cuXl a.?tr!A lasnile aeosiw f