v . ,- v j As. a. THOMAS, Editor iai Proprietor. :: : VuL. XXXH buyjuiui, it. u, JtiuuAi.AluibT Z K7i llll-''1 , HI HOH DIRECTORY.. , - - - MBTHODIBT. , - ;. . ,y School at 9:30 A. H. -.1., Gso. S. Buib, Sunt. . . ,, !,mat 11 A. M.., and 8 PM. M. T, Pltlsb. Ptor.r ! BAPTIST. rVhool at 9:80 A. a - Thos. B. Wiuu.8aDt ,-hinj-r at 11 A. nd ' 4 P. M.t ..r m uting Thursday night. Fohbkst Surra. Pastor. KPiaOOPAL, H- School at 9:30. , morDiair and nischt on 1 nd 4th Sondavs. . I,,; l'rayer, Friday afternoon. J oh5 Husks. Rector. Chamff 9 f V WW n n Briglit a. Democratic Pm pscts Hore Proof f fie pnblicM.SoCdltj Major Tom iotflsoa ' ' . LODQ&B. ;4) urn Lodge, No. 413, A. P. & l , uiHftH 1st and 3rd Tuesday in rnch month. I'ro r. in; it. I Nil PHY8ICIAJI AND 8TJRQBON. Louisbarg, N. C. i tii" Kurd Baitdin(f, corner Main , str''tn Upstairs front. K K YARBORODQH,. I ll YSICIA.N AJTD 80B&BOlir, Lori-iBOlia, N. C. ; in I tioor Neal building, phone 80 aii answered from T. W. Bickett'S ,. .-. i hone 74. i M AS.SBNBDKQ, ATTORN BT AT LAW. LOOIHBDBB. 1C. 0. i .rm tire in all the Courts of the State i ittlce In Coart Hoata. m i:i"iK8, A TTO RNBY- AT-LAW, LODI8BUB0. m. a, : r n 1 t.ht courts of Nash, Franklin, '.vnrren and Wake eonntles,alao the nirt of North Carolina, and the D. ii- mid DUtrlct Coorta. :-i V INSTEAD, ATTORN EY-AJ- LAW, 1.0U1HBUBS, N. C. n . i ovkh W. P. KBAL ft CO.'S 8TORK.' " , ';.i:tiori given to all business '.V J K M.U.ONE, :vt ','HYSICIAN AND StJ&GBON, L)"I.SBUHS, N. C. r . k.: r rug Company. ,-. - K -VKK, v I KYSICIAN S0EOEOH, I. 'int.org. If. C .v -r y ke Drag C jrLjjiy. i 1 1 A V WOOD RUFPlN. . ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, LOQISBUBS, a i rv.tl. t; In all the Courts of Franklin initio counties, also la the Supreme in l i i the United States District and i 1 'iurW. '" in Cooper and Clifton Building. H. B WILDKa, - A.TTORIIST-AX-tAW. LouisBtraa.ir.o. ini'n r,u Main street, over lonea ft Cooper's F. Sl'RUILL. A TTO RN BY-AT-LAW, LOCISBUBO.jr. C i in-",, the courts of Franklin, Vance Warren and Wake eountlfs, also -u.r..in court of North Carolina, i; : lUHnUon given to collectlona. -'- 'iver Ktf erton's SWre. W. BICKBTT, i-' -OKY AND COUNSKLLOR AT LAW. LouisBune ir. c I r -ni.t and painstaking attention given to -ry mutttr intrusted to nls hands. K"'" m t chief 1 ustloe Shepherd, Hon. John Mtiinin, Hon. RobC W. Winston, Hon. . C. s 'n! ..ii, Prs. Klrst National Bank of Wto ': . -nn Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank f r.nroe. Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For ; ,,;. , Hon. K W. Timberlake. iff!. - in Court Honae, opposite ShertirB. ' V. PBRSON, ATTORNBT AT-LAW, LOUI8BUBS, n. o. Pmrt.irna in all eourta. OtBoa in Neal 8m: Unit. "., ' :, w. a YARBOROTJQH, JR. ATI OIINEY AT LAW, LOUIBBUaO, N. 0 . f a in Opera House building. Court Street legal business ntmsted to htm n-ceive prompt and care! ol attention. J) It. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, DENTIST, LODI8BCKO, -- - K. C. "!i e orer Furniture Store. -Special Washington "Letter. -.. I3CE54TLY I was on a lecture toiur through the, slowing and " gorgeous northwest, and T found that everywhere In that vast region the Demo. "crats have their war clothes on and are fighting tooth and nail to redeenx. Iowa, Minnesota and 'Wiscon sin, They appear to have a. first rate chance j;;pture three congressional wets from Iowa, iat leasts two' in Min nesota and somewhere from one-third to one-half the .Wisconsin' delegation. In the Hawkeye State the Republicans are split up the back on the tariff trust question. Governor Cummins ap pears to bo a. sort of bull fn the Re publican china "shop, while Colonel Hepburn, Major Lacy and Judge Smith will have the fight of their lives to get back to congress. Cummins is dead against' the old machine, headed by Allison, Henderson, DoIIiver et aL, and it is war to the knife and the knife to the hilt. The HoraeeTJoIes caper bids fair to be repeated. In Minnesota and Wisconsin the deuce is to pay. Disgruntlement among Republicans seems to be the order of the day. Governor Tan Sant is mak ing war on the trusts; but, as Repub licans created the trusts and can't live witbout them, Van Sant is having a rocky- road to travel. In the Minne apolis district that brave and fortunate Democrat, Governor John Lind, who has an amazing record of success, is hot foot after General Lorin Fletcher, one of the most amiable Republicans in congress. They will have the pret-. tiest fight in America. General Fletch er is certain of a nomination, but in distress as to the election, while Hon. James A. Taw ney is having a bitter tight for even a renomlnation. In Wis consin the tight is so unrelenting be tween the La .FoUettertes and tnenti La Follettcites; the Spoonerltes and the anti-Spoonerhes-tbe Babcockites and the antl-Bubeockites, that the state is llable to go Democratic horse, foot and dragoons, as-it did hi 1892. the year of the Democratic flood. " The Gu-D. and the Republican Split. It will be remembered by the readers of these letters that not long since the St. -Iouis Globe-Democrat - belabored -lire lur uecuLTUig iu ?my wuw - az.f siieecb that the Republicans are split up the back and that it declared un equivocally that "the Republican col umn Is solid." As further evidence that I was right and the G.-D. wrong I submit the foregoing remarks as to conditions in the northwest and also what follows. Item. Leslie's Weekly, Republican, bears this emphatic testimony to the Bplits in the Republican party: It is time to ask, in all seriousness, whether the death of William McKinley marked the apogee of the Republican party. While we are drifting apart on a question, of trade with Cuba-the Democ racy Is getting together. While such rock ribbed Republican states as Vermont, Ohio and Pennsylvania are being torn by clashing- factions, the - Democratic leaders are falling Into line in solid ranks and preparing for the contest of 1904. Is our leadership lost? Less than a year has elapsed since the pitiful death of the lamented McKinley, and we find a third of the Republican membership of the senate,' representing a dozen states, nearly all Republican, in opposition to th administration. And over what? A perplexing tariff question! This Is not a new question for the Republican party to handle. It was far mors difficult .for William McKinley to adjust It for aU the country than it is for the present admin istration to settle it for the little republic of Cuba. William McKinley settled it. as he did wery other question in his time that perplexed and tried his party, by conciliating, by harmonizing, by making concessions and, 'whenever necessary, oy compromising. Evidences of Solidity. - ItenL-Wbile it is seeking Informa tion the G.-D. might be instructed by gluing its optic to the following plain words from the Chicago Inter Ocean (Republican): . The Republican party believes in pro tection, and in reciprocity as the comple ment of protection, and In justice to Cuba asa national duty, and upholds Theodore Roosevelt and Elihu Root and Leonard Wood in their efforts to fulfill party pledges and to keep the nation's faith as It was pledged by William McKinley. So to believe and so to do are plain du ties imposed upon the -Republican party by the greatest protectionists in Its pres ent or Its past. cTo believe otherwise, to da' less; would mean', neither protection nor. free trade, but simply brasen repudi ation an falsehood. a And all the soft sophistries and honeyed evasions in the language of politics would tail to hide; such a -wrong or to adorn such alls. possible by .the high tariff, la other words, the steel - trust la taking out, of other industries t30.OQO.BOS or 3o0QO.0qS) year mors than It Is fairly entitled to and mors than It could taks did not ths fed eral government bar out legtUinats com petition. This is sing a government of. the people to rob. the people and hers la we question; which the Republican party has to face. The sooner we make up our minds to it ths better -will it b for the party.- The congressman was talking;' about the enormous and abnormal Croats of. the "bimbo dollar steel trust. . T No doubt with Its wonderful acumen and superhuman ingenuity, the G.-D. will be able to twist that into evidence of "a solid Republican column." Out of Its Own HOTELS. FKANKL1NT0H HOTEL FRANKLUTTON, TS. C. SAM'L MERIULLrPrfr i ol Meotnodatioa for the traveling rnblie. 'lood Li-y Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL J P Massenbprs Propr HENDERSON, N. C. Qood aaconimodationf. Good fare: Po 'He sd attostive servan'r NORWOOD HOUSE :v- wirwrtM. KorttCafalli1 w. j. or wooO Proprietor. -tronaR of Commexelat ; Tourists Trvimg p, HcgoUelted. 1 1 lasmnjt rjeen. Mouth. Item. By Its own mouth the O.-O.' 6tands condemned. After the Wiscon sin .Republican convention by a vote of two to one had sent Senator Spooner to the bottom of the coal hole with a dull, sickening thud the G.-D. evidently con cluded that, after all, "the -solid Repub lican column" is shattered, for it lugu briously remarks: Senator Spooner of Wisconsin probably wants another term. Be Is an able and worthy man and deserves re-election. The convention in his state, however, was controlled by his enemy. Governor La Follette, and a Spooner renomlnation ex pression : was defeated. Bat when the matter comes before the legislature there Is a strong probability that the senator wiU be rechoaen. He has had large ex perience In public office, possesses tact and personal popularity and. Is a decided ly useful man to have In congress. The Republican party needs men like Spooner at the front. Surely that is a remarkable sort of harmony which induces Governor La Follette and his faction to turn down so brilliant and eminent a Republican as Senator John C. Spooner. Item. In the same, issue July loa the G.-D. contributes to Republican Harmony, with a big, big H. by wind ing up a long article on the president's action In retiring General Jacob H. Smith with this vicious dig at Colonel Roosevelt: Tct Smith Is the man who. by masterly soldiership, quieted the island of Samar in the year 1302. the same year In which the president says he can be of no fur ther use in the army. There Is some thing whimsical In this business that Is decidedly not approved by the American people. General Smith stands higher in public opinion than he ever did before. That paragraph will hare about as much tendency to promote harmony in the Republican eamp as would a good, big chunk of raw" meat In ths animal department of circus. . Item. Not satisfied with that thrust of the dagger into the president'! back, the G.-D. contributes this additional tidbit to Republican harmony: General Smith will be admonished when he returns to the United States that ev ery old soldier in the land offers htm the hand of fellowship and congratulate him on the brilliant success of his operations In Samar. Item. Continuing in Its efforts to give a quantum sufficit of raw meat to the Republican menagerie, the G.-D. hurls this chunk to the Infuriated ani mals: The Indianapolis Journal ridicules the beet sugar Industry because It Is small. Just as its local Democratic contemporary derided American tin a dosen yetirs ajro. When a Republican paper Is discovered holding a Democratic rifle pit of the year 18S0. Its friends ought to call a medical consultation. Of course that paragraph Is not only Intended as a hard knock for the In dianapolis Journal, the leading Repub lican paper of Indiana, but la aimed at all . Republicans who are "holding Democratic rifle pita" L "c all Repub licans who are in favor of Cuban reci procity. Who are they? ' Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States; all the members of the cabi net, Sereno E. Payne, chairman of the ways and means committee; John Dal sell. Governor Steele and Chester L Long, members thereof; Da rid Brem- ner Henderson speaker of the house, and the vast majority of Republicans in house and senate Verily, verily, there la a' distinguished company of Republicans in -"the Democratic rifle pits or 1800 who are In sore need of a medical consultation." More Solids. Item. The Globe-Democrat while attacking the president thereby dem onstrating the existence of "a solid Republican column," might lucres a Its stock of knowledge by perusing the following brief but pregnant editorial from the Washington Post, which the Kansas , . City Journal (Republican) quotes approvingly: 11 any. one Imagined that the war be tween the beet sugar faction and ths ad ministration ths latter backed by a ma jority of the Republicans in congress end apparently by an overwhelming majority of the Republican, masses and the. party press would end or begin to die away P- on ths adjournment of congress, the name -of that credulous person must be written food tcntwt wftH all the aatioea of U4 I enrtn aiji th rest of tasailtxT : ; Itecwrhe) fact that the Um MlV lers afcmclatioa Is saaktn ttft vu oo Breaker llrtkicrsoa for rs-tUrtSoa to coosreas and ths farther fsct ttat ths anti-dproclty gang; is grwuals Mr. UttieflU of Mate aa a rtaUidtU for ths speakership, is the tncrefcafcte vast that tss RrpobUcane siert it next boose, i vscwkeltntni preof U ."a" solid Repoh&caa eolntfia,. ,, .Itexn. What optnka wUl tk O-D. aa to its "tooUd Rrpeblkaa coi- uxan wbca it reads tkU Btlatis d torlai about rrsJdat RoosrwU frnes the Portland Orrfuoiaa. IradiAC B jmblieao paper oT U PactSc aJotT The Oregnoiaa says: " " Uaqneatieeiabty leers la aT vasraakte and ominous priM aeiween lae rwre ssarked oot for hlsneelt faA a4toltTy roUowrd by rresMent Hsweeertl iM t similar Use et eeodvet wwsi ewe v enteen yvers sr by Orover OevttaeA The cesdittoas tst the tws retiiiese ere so nolforss sad sesslsteM last kiaeery as reesoashty eertels te reseat mH. Roosevelt Swas seen svtdant Um Oee s year, hm te , tset Usm ke set Ui4 broad and tfeey the HMder!aa e that bate and etrry wtuu hj jetr esj ssj ueeiM-s.eae OeCeelad fttas res re tiow Is tnr asd sesit fcrta ss4 tits mm porters tate estls s ISM asd DNV w We a rengerel facttoa taex seet4 Wetles aon as wen as Brysa trsnene te thata-st waatsear ees. and se la etat H la preetsety the easae wsy. AU the trouble that has beeai s Is be Presldest Roseseetv a4 H ta e sa,U has sprosLr frees the Oestre te lect kiss a. leseos e- Oeatrs waeee ralSSieest volred npoa the RepvatteM seMtaee sa4 teprn saUOvee) wW are ectaaarUy ive Pnesrts of the Repvbtleeji ssctrnae4ss the various states. Item. If th G.-D, will cartfuOy asV Just Its classes and read tbs foOowtng from tbs Hartford Coeract OLrpL&r an), under th eaptloQ "Caholy auv a nee." it win discover evWence sf "a solid Republican coiajQu," aVso ths opinion entertained coocerciag its sa Ocs by other RrpubUcaa papers. Tike) Courant aaya: The rank sad file ef the IsaMei party are with the presides ta this Oa ten matter and agsiast tfte aaheiy efe ance of setfiah greed end ateslthy feoo. cal larrhroe that, for the aniaaiat. his thwarted aisa. la state after etata, yese. aa fast as they get the BssoetesHy. they are ma ring the fse kaewsw a profeaaloneJ poUOctaae of among the pralnstonej where, there la pteaty st m Q toward Theodore Rooeeeeltsseetly eewerSiy ss4 covert. The leading party eeK ta the sUte, the St. Louie OVsbe-ti i sin i rat, has surprlaed ns by Its nts tag ssdlffar esce to a rials ebllfatfcMi ef ksajsatu and naUooal hoooe. This week the hue. sourt RepnbOeass have sa4 ra state m venUon. Look st thHr pUUerea. -w approve." tby wmr. ifce soKy ef Fii deot Roosevelt rap-set tog mr ree reie Hon with Osbe." SplIt-Up-ths-Bsca SoCdiVy. Item. If the O.-D, wants any fir tber proof that tbs Rt-pwLUcaa party k split up ths back, let U read the- follow. InK xlitoria) from that stsacta BepJv Uca a organ, ths CbJcefiO TfTVuns: The satocrsUa rule of I he ttrpehncaa leaders ta the bosee la threetsol Lwt month the beet sugar r.rpesncea eM4 wiih tbs Democraie lo ewrrele tke lee, era la the taaitvr of Cedes recfareeiry. Day brfore yeaterdey the toedore seef with another rebeO. The seatie set naval aftsira bad retectastty provMe for the buttdine ba a navy yrd oi a ef the sta cocetructWm ot-wtkfc-aj Is to be aethortsedl An ameodaseat to Street the kuBittiag e three ahtpe taatead of ewe tat iiiirseisl ffst :rt aisia wx-"ttaW. ItsVe4 "Scott's Emulsion UtMtett tal;. t i ye-s t til cctt.s, ttt car rrej 1 k.s wcaiiir. . ' - ... . . ft M .) fuu a. r rr m swwk, a -3-iJoneUr cr,cj Optician4"41 Ul , nli utsje Je eiusav H tt rvu . av )l,t.,tivM5rV Jjl tf mii W r W km WATCi!L. CLCCSS r. t .l '"."-..i! liJl"lt.llr J3'""il AHl Cu alwst ass tota trol!s tkss aasTSjtaU;aft, ' . A r"jecfJi . . lf. G. ' T e e.g. e yfct-:jj f f i.tL.$ ef etie"stlweev. ,!r see Si. trh tlteekrs vweaj f 1 1 -", f uif Hfcey I'm- T yvee 1 ! f lw f t VeOe 1 fa IW(t ! a.er .- a- fUr-l yw.:r f ' J mwy i 3Jk I eAs-ej- W I rtTs O fifCww IVg t.wt seeajMst res OMr f'tl e4 ew a eye wis lv rs eWr M r aaarttry nsnseul Ms e-e area st eieae let e taselWe (vn leMn hi U ka.rvee Warn ei fwtea sees.- fleeeesie tr Pr tseeey - Ea4 a csss! ftsnl UUirja aa4 wits fats- : e.;a ew.V.g a im as W s.t.:M --it tf Inn hvg 11 ft IImC fk-tZMTm$. Is erw,Jay tA-r U-e t.fif &t is t-e tV'Jj State t!Um a, ff vr. C T)!0r. A ew mw m4 f I eM 0m 4 fitmmttH 0lvm iiliSie mm a srr cues m fee J.u ew DaSAeea CLmS Jts4 Se CW T1rogt Ja U4. Try. W-eU eee hit U f tiA 41 lVJ ssewte fsewateaees -s-re. e tiaa Tsea teks e SCe wsie See rerea) seme Ii 4 eaeetke ke4 rf Sl e4 eefavel se4Wle wo lews a, Saie fm eWes ree u tke I I ry rr.l.otocv e 0tr J 4 XhaB l.ae-4Mtua 'ttan enTla e wasy pw",wwwwr w"? """ssssp ITS EASY EI10UGII r ase u mm ca v.a y tnthe sWBsWsBSft ssaftass ffAasssk, A-asMesh. SHASsasa essjBT vsstr r aaji.- srwae jassBsrssBaj MvW ki4S)S 1 1- B'lumt Sel lie FLOWERS,; fLqisasA. (VrvaU nja. lar ft3 i rra Cptrm?ta. Cm a 8 a I tos) J 4sVSa. I lU-WW Jk C tsaisa ekiesj eeeeM Ue eNj e4ee le ske Wiata. eelAa A Vul esUe tHsWa. Usltw. eeiifaeA. Wl I vesta. Istasirtd keertes, rSs. taee erikie j VmMk. f eonni a sevlee rere,' ewUy Ues4 fee rs al rare kWaasts rrer ess y i4 Se4 yee. rer-UL ft. TrUl trteUevStt tre St vvues bml BaaAea Ce, Alias te, Oe. tWeertVe 4 e4 tree si txiee e4ree sites '! seeeiC. Dee 1 five as keye. 1st Ut R k. k. askea ike khe4 pare es4 rLk 4MM iUfiD res sera, V-4 t-4f. 3. kt. tv saekea ia )kM rw. eitre u la DONT FORGET TVs l wVs js waal Its Hsa. Ssgrf. wr attais U IU tla-e M7-lreS ye wtt t I SS tasty iVa 1tw Iriire LVa ssst siis f y aJa sire U T. &. Gartit. f. ft. t wiH ais U iVWw i tqi w ftrs tu rat v. rLvrn.t if wr M k c-5,iw O.il l In vs tiri trni In. A Regular Slipper anil Shea GtuveI; Va rf'i r ti:rt-COr ?V.t,t rKn4T tt rjr d Woney Saving Fele lor FceL Sk ll.a l,vwv x -?ticTt.ts tt.fcj w r. luttuts v s-rtl 4.1 jTHE BIG RBCKET, a, tr jU;MUar f.ltkri Aa, nnnr-n low ll f H 1 1 1 f u n I ILiU 1 1 i i r yards was carried by the vee ef Ums- ocrata end rehelUoae KeyeeiteaaaL Taw cbalnnen ef the eocasklitee ef ta-e wlaate ruled that the a an inset wee set ser mane, but the houee rivsrsed haa rsteet. ae it did the reJteg that the sea tie s offered by the beet soger aeesi te the Ge bea reclpreetty kill was set germ sew. Tarty dhartpttae Is ta eaagvr. aa4 rse ruUng power" ta the kewas te atera4 ky repeated end evaccesafal tassini ll as. The example sasy be eeetsgtees as4 the baton of commend be w tested ft sis Caw hands that" have head K as ksav Te malptals aethortty saoUaiirs te thw arsay or bstt. te coogises er te s feJlUcai er rantaauos bom be eVtentprtes 1, sat Ue motlnsera te the hews Save punianeq. ass if. saey pantah thenm. The RrpuMlesa legteUttve seterrete are lisjmevlvve lartety to Ms me for the tee successful revolts which kwvs ee eawheej thetr asthotlty. They have raed wits too heavy a hand. They base sever se vered their dletaUasi wUh s sssse ef esw cUUUoav Thy serve sreveked saeuay ay thstr too rlgM sUeefSUite S4 by tl ufflBUeo that wteiuu dat wits alone. The RsvobUcaus party ta the ' shoe Id have dtertpUae. bet set the dte clpune of the drUlsseeter. XI sass.il swre Vaaders. bet sot taima If anytMag was evrr proved by k man rrtdcoca, X hart ta this krrtxr and the preceding oo proved the troth ef ths aascrUoo I mads ta klalns that ths) Republican party Is divided a rata Itself and for which the tlD. Jstsrwd on me. I could cits mora, bat this As enough. Tom Johnson. . ETklentiy - stofi. Toa X Johnse, mayor of CJeveUxxJ, belMvea ta tha old dogxrrsl v If at first yoa don't assssid. Try. try agate. For that Is prcdsrly what that bril liant and agrTssslrr slat -ems a doss. Ue has urged three rent itrrft car fare. ; That waa ooc of tbr prlnrtpal planks In ths platform oa which br won the mayoralty a ad Mrtwt chief magistrate of Senator uarvce A. Ilas na'a town. Ths street rail art nag. nates appealed ta tbs coarts and a ffT Tl PROPRIETORS. r vL7 9 N NASH STREET. It is with ploasuro wo announce to tho tobacco growers of Erurtcr Carolina tlio completion of oar ni am moth bricl: Warehour-cx Wo no ihavotho ml 1 II 311 rr t v n J Hi j;i I ; ;: !j (aJ r Of course the fact that tber G.-D.. ta fieainst . Cuban . reciprocity, while" the nresldent Inter- Ocean et aL are 'for tat creduloua person must be wrttt presiaent. inter Jf ar!, n into ths listi of : thoso who nmsglns It Shows, ra soUd Republlcancolumn. . , ! thing."- Inatead of anbsldmg. O Item. WbUe the li.-u. ib aayocaung Senator Marcus A Hanna's - pro gramme, "Keep on letting well enough. alone!" It would profit mentauyDy studying the following interyl given by a western Republican congressman to the Washington correspondent of tEe Chicago Record-Herald: - This meana that we avaot to revise tbs tariff. -:Ths American people snow that ths averagei protection on- ths prod-; Act of ths steel trust ls-nesriy.w pwweuw They knowthat on account of -this pro tectkm there la no foreign- competition la our market- .They-know mat uie prow of iron and steei-ars irom cent Higher thaa theyr abould b and Jhst these prices.twhicn enawe-uie roll np'such;enormoua proflta,,. are maas that war. "now trebly taundertng. swells ut -gale.""Markr Hanna was a true prophet when "he said in ths senate last Monday: "My opinion I that wa ahaU hear from ths people In unmistakable terms . It Is the policy of the administration today, as t would Jiava been of Mr. McKinley bad he-lived. -to treat. jcuba aa a wara ana friend."--.'.: v-'v.'V ; Item. The fact that four of the beet sugar Michigan - Republican, congress men. have been ignomlnJously defeated for renomination-wUl conflnca.tha G. Df- beyond all- controversy; that "ths Republican party Is. solid" and getting more solid, : Just- as ..General Za chary Taylor remarked' In his only annual message to congwss-thaljfws are on. --j . y - v . . - rrfrT tins &d Most Conveniently arranged Warehouse for the sale of Leaf Tobacco tha courts bars decidrd ta favor sf Tom, which piacss htm a koog atra farther on the road to tha tatqaor ship of. Ohlopsrba pa tS'tba Waits Housa whtf knows? Stranrrr tDOca ttrajxger thlnga - ha va bajxword thaa that Ton Jaiuksoa would aactrrd Tha odora Rooasrtlt IfarcH 4. IVCO. la tha very beat awnsa; ha la tha frtead cf tha peopla. Ha works for tk-t psopi. and ba accomplishes things for tbrtn, This fat chubby, baadaona, bafrj. tsdoa txioua young koayor of arveUad ta a sharp thorn la tha alda of ystar Coda Mark. Wouldn't It b mrioos if VXark and Tom wara both ' pars 1 pi ted for president la 19041 OrvelanJ wnald b a oot town sura asouxh. t ifi Worths Carolin a, , r . . .. i a . . , ' . -- , -r J.. ... Eniiinned with suncrior advantaircs and amt3lo canital. intend (to make every; pound ofto t "''' " "' '- BIDING ITS - FULlJ " VALUE. - . . , . . - .... , , U no idle borval, but vttry wonl of i! L h tratj, 3 n Kal a fr-.t;;. jva H ii .J 4-? nsri e rrartnntA in IieL Lit3 ?a CrftJT 13 t-Ti M fc.rr. at. T-.Vt.wnri JUT ltt4 tftf'vi U.tl l.- w v , w - - - - - r - ..f - nfL'.i mir want ta something mfld and gsntls. ahen in need of a physio QuicKItellef for Asthma, Suffers, Foley's Honey and Tar aJTord Immedisis BHld and gaacssv "TtYKalrt. relief to asthma nfferera ia the wont atryes w pleasant F.RPIeasantav "Hare ehantf'fo ignoraoce. knows no belter;- rV ;V: - "-a.-.ssssaaaaaaSaaaMaaMaaaWaaWaaaaa fc i- , A Neoceasary Precaution It ' Idle enrloalty '; tJwaji looking kr Foley's Ktdoey Oara. ; - Will ears BHrkra Diaeaaa. - ' Will ears X-Usetee. , WUl ears Ptoss U SUsMar. HI ears tUdary ssd li.'s-4Jr Sissasta, 51. K. aF. R. risaeaaat. . - . Uai.-ai ii i l a'ieai . : The cautious - nag Utrata.aeref commits blmself. ; T " , . : Our I TV, T a:.1m1 r will nmtrct their Intcrrat hra thf tobikreo i bwt crf fc?o. Innrr trir-trrtfntA LuLtrY tUI ftr..l ba tTOCTltv! c ViJ Tr,"?r lcT'- l- rinf matter ivhcro ; loc.'itJ. Ogr. rm it uaf. - ''r; imr McOhcu. Solicitor., Irtia Grwa, ' J T. llw., Urr;: jt MsMwrr4 -S. 4P r.. r. i - : PAR HAM Si FORD- - Consamptkm. Tbreateo ed. T Was trouble with a backlog eoorn xov , NtVVRfwiarT sV jrjsuaaB.wsr--e -t-'- . hi aril iniUUiU wave- ew ee - aijj BQTf f arw a es ,TlJ ft is worst lian sa .year and 1 thought I- had alUaa far rlsUUag UU 1 gleet a eold It is C-Uneer; Sla Maple 8U, t ampairo, , reor T ; It U dangerous. - Bj urtni 7 "d - eat many remedies sad I jioaca r?ara von can core it at one RL -.i.t-UBs for iTtr. zr it i" : f J-j.. toa'i aei nlunnt. Slnate Cough Car yoa YLad sooth . ii t...mmtiim, dean the nao. sooin K1I1IVB 1QP aiiiiHMV.- - . es and strengths, the mucous r," "L- I nT "aaVVattk Fole ".pTsi . t. .M Mfl ma. ana 1 Din . - - . "v n rii v- y t I rrtee. cesie. lOS.". . JU T. 1 pi.aata. The laws ef ktaltk rrqse tkat tke We. els asove saee reck Cty eed eee et uyee U U yUw. ay UkVey a 4e ef as 4 UvsfTaMvte aad res will arvrr ksve tksssai Isfiievsi srwe vaa. yortsit by ..!.. Plaaata, - . v a.l - - ..i 1 ti U tVa.lar4l iaa?tl In a."! U't eivt'fa Ca "l-a sa'.a il Tata-Cw'Cav.wl.a ess 9rtnnls i U Ulltart .f l a t W. I 4 ky U. l.f. 1 A. a.ai 4 V V ww -wses fcf . . . , . i . l l'; swam a. A ' . w w eiST 1 . e T . i . a MJluibs l?VUui.r,l.T. Ueres, lU.:-..V:t ni r I a k., f v , V , .t . e . Ii I., t.v., tv. .-.fvMi tx , sMi'.t. lis a.. l.,e ..u. ,tt a4 r ..y w . a. ,.. V e .a. - a I. V.I a .t- .!! Slf t ! ttM :1 S W .V a 4 H 1 M tl SU t. S ti 1 Ubareoal toa. bat fcfUf U.a U TuUa A yUUrt -ul U Ctwl asr at.f feukkl ar.ria. - I T a i -.i t t.ij Tl 1,, v ea V W at t g a ,t ir "' ' f t- t f t If ! 2 i; : l W la e " tares 1' '