t- - at V r a. THOMAS Editor and Proprietor. VOI, XXXII LODISBUBG, N.: a, FRIDAY, SEPTEUBEa 5, .U2. . 0mm ' 'ttBBI 'awaTaTaTasaBwa-, 1) jruT','?",r" ivr IMES. K , HUKCH DI RECTORY METHODIST. i.ui.Uv .School at 9:30 A. M. Oko. 3. Bakbk, Soptr. hing at 11 A. ML., and 8 P. ML. .rv- Sunday. l'- iv-r mating Wednesday night. M. T, Plylb. Pastor. BAPTIST. .. ,I; iy School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildm, Supt prtrlnner at 11 A. M., and 8 P.M., . Sunday. I'riT iu sting Thursday night. Forrest Smith. Pastor. RPIdCOPAL, i I ( 7 Hohool at 9:30. . morning and night , on : 1 uid Jth Sundays. . -u i a , 1'rayer, Friday afternoon. Johs Uusek. Rector. u u t$ u u u u XT TT V TT u n tt -tt Chairman Griggs twnd Hiv-Good Luck Pros perity Which . Repub licans Did Not Cause r..a. sraa-r ! 11 i eaT slaw. 1 . 17 ", --w - a a lark's Letter n n u n n n n u n u n D' LODOES. n .burc: LodKe. No. 413, A. F. & , mfHtH 1st and 3rd Tuesday h in aoh month. I'roliMNional nardt D K. ARTIH H H. FLEMING, IUCNTIST. I.i iI HBt'RQ, . - N. C. i 'vr Cooper's Store. 1'. fU KT, ri :ING l'UY3ICIA.N AND SURGEON. Louiaburg, N. C. ..'it he Kord Building, corner Main , jtrwtH. Upstairs front. K K. YARBOROCQH. 1'H YSICIA.N A-ND 8CRQEON, l,ortuBUR, N. C. in. I Hour Neitl building, phone 89 ii mi9WPr'l from T. W. Blckett's n , iihmie 7i- ,i M SSKNEDRQ. TTORNKY AT LAW. LonisnuKO, K. o. ; 'iif Mi.e in at! lh3 Courts of the State i 'tlce In Court House. )KK, ATT'. )RXEY-AT-LAW, i lEtTHS. V. O. Ti l ih-. courts of Nash, Pranklln, a trr -tt Wake counties, also the irt. if North Carolina, and the C. u '. DiHtririt Courts. WIWSTEAD, ) iS EY-AT-LAW, . ;.;:::.!, N. C. i. V Y. 7KAL S CO.'S Stobb. i t i. iii gWeu to all business N K, iV-ICIAN AND SCKQEON. i,.. frug Company. YV' :. 1 PHYSICIAN k. SURGEON, Li'tiisburg, N. C. t Aycocke Drug Company. HAYWOOD UUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURS, V. 0. -, zvir in all the Courts of Pranklln :j ii i ik counties, also In the Supreme . mi i in the United States District and ' i rl a. :ir , . cooper and Clifton Building. j'L H K WILPKR, ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW, LOCISBUBS, If. 0. i .t. m in strat. over Jones h Cooper'a to-. y si'iiijiLL. AT rORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUIDBDBO, If. C. Wi'.i tt,i the courts of Franklin, Vance ".riiivin.- warren and Wake counties, also til- mrn- Court of North Carolina. Pr nil'' nt.'.Hiition given to eoileatlonm. rn. iv.;r Kgerton's Store. rj' W UI.IKBTT, irtuRNKY AND COUN8KLLOB AT LAW. I.0CI8BUB8 It. 0. 1 'rmnpt nl pal nstaklDg attention given to ' ry m n w Intrusted to nia hands. ' Hf -th u, chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John UmniiK Hon. Root. W. Wlnaton, Hon. J. C. tiiivn. i r-ii First National Bank of Win ii i -iiti h .Manly, Winston, Peoptee Bank M.n.r, .c, chas. 8. Taylor, Pres. Wake For " V.-. H d. B. W. Tlmberlake. ii t'onrt House, opposite Sheriff's. w. Cri.ti.-c, Bii.i hi i v.u M . PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, all courts. Office in rteai la Y A RBO ROUGH, i B. AT10ENEY at law, LOUISBURG. . 0. rTi. in opra BxroM building, Court street v . nl basiness intrusted to him .i , r,-i VH prompt and careful attention. )!: I T.SMITH WICK, DENTIST, I.OUI8BUBO, - - N. C. 1 '!'. -ivit Furniture Store. Special Washington Letter. ENIZENS of New York are be ing taught a trust lesson which may be of consequence here after morally, politically and otherwise The anthracite coal trust is the teacher, and Gothamites, without respect to politics or religion, the vic tims. "Hard Coal Advances a Dollar!" Is a frequent newspaper headline. The coal baroirs may catch it where the chicken got It in the neck. If the late "lamented Phineas T. Bar naul, "lord mayor of Bridgeport," own er of "the greatest show on earth," etc., could revisit the glimpses of the moon, he would, unless he has lost that git up aud git which made him both rich and famous, hasten to secure the services of Mr. Babcock, congressman from Wisconsin and chairman of the Kepublican congressional campaign committee, and would advertise him as "the greatest living acrobat the greatest that ever lived." Bab's capers on the tariff and trust questions have never been equaled since the morning stnrs sang together for Joy. One of two things is true about Bab either he is a most uncommon somersault turner or he is "teched in the head" hard to tell which. Chairman Griggs. Hon. James M. Griggs of Georgia, chairman of the Democratic congres sional committee, is winning favor where it was least expected in the east. Judge Griggs is bright, amiable, patient, enthusiastic, capable, ambi tious and industrious. What's more, he's lucky. In speaking to Griggs of his election to the chairmanship, Ilon. W. M. Howard, one of the ablest young men in the house, said: "Griggs, I be lieve now that we will elect the next house. Your invariable good luck will enable us to win." Griggs is busy as a bee in planning the campaign. The New York ximes says: Mr. Griggs, chairman of the Democratic congressional committee. Is a man of senso. He announces that hia committee proposes to conduct the campaign for con gressional candidates this fall chiefly on the issue of the tariff. He reports an urgent demand from all parts of the Un ion for '"literature" on that issue. If the Democrats are prepared, as Mr. Grigg3 proposes, to wage the fight this fall on the tariff issue and If they will put up candidates for the house and for the senate who will not regard their elec tion as license for peddling their votes to the tariff beneficiaries, they wiil deserve to win. In many districts they will have a fair chance to win. and even If they do not Secure a majority In either house they will lay the basis of an honest and sub stantial political organization that will be worth working with and for. Republican Prosperity. Senator Marcus A. Hanna says that the Republicans made the present prosperity. Let's see. One of my con stituents, J. A. Norton, of St Charles county, one of the richest agricultural counties in the world, has Just har vested 70.000 bushels of wheat from his own farm, the crop averaging thirty-flves bushels to the acre. Did Republicans cause his prosperity? Pid Mark sow that wheat, water it, make the sun shine on it and harvest it? Go to, Marcus Alonzo, with such rot! Another of my constituents, W. 8. Nelson of Lincoln county, made last year $84.90 net from the milk of one Holsteiu cow, the glory of which performance Senator Hanna would claim for the Republican party. The chances are that the cow would have given the same quantum of dulee lac if there had been a Democratic presi dent and congress in Washington. -Another of my constituents, whose name I have forgotten, but who lives near New Florence, in Montgomery county raised ginseng worth $125 on about one rod of ground, which, of course, is proof positive that Mark makes it rain. All over Missouri the corn is from ten to twenty feet high, potatoes are big as ostrich eggs, the earth groans beneath the weight of a most bountiful harvest of all cereals, fruits and vegetables: consequently we all ought to go down on our knees to Mark, provided be madetbe rain to fall and the sun to shine. But query: If Mark makes it seasonable this year, why didn't he make it seasonable last year? Does he cause it to rain only in election years? - People ought to have Informa tion' on this subject, because It is im portant, don't you know. 8ubservleney to Trusts. Tho Washington Post, independent goldbuggisb and high tariff sbouter, gives this solar plexus blow to the Re publicans Jn tftis congress for their subserviency to the traet: It is not very Improbable that the Re publicans in both houses win be ready to vote for one or two carefully drawn antitrust measures when congress con; venes. They are hearing and will -con-, Hnn tn hnr from the people on that sub ject. They will know a little later, If they do not already realise, that there is wide- The difficulty with Senator Hawleya es timate of Senator Hoar aa a man who Is "craxy" on the subject of the Philippine Islands Is that the acceptance, of it Im plies too many men besides Senator HsKp- as in the same category. Mr. Hoar liVaj self may be &tr enthusiast whose devjatMo to his own Ideas sometimes runs away with him. but we think the Instance was never known before In which they led him away from his party. If there were any enthusiasm that was to turn his brain, it would be naturally. In th re verse direction. . But. to return to the point from which we started, if Mr. Hoar la craay here, so was -President Harrison crazy; so is Oovernor Boutwel! crasy; so Is Senator Edmunds, late of Vermont, crazy; so Is Speaker Reed crazy. It ther can be found any four men in this coun try who were less likely to have the soundness of their intellect affected by either enthusiasm or brooding than Har rison, Houtwell, Edmunds and Keed. we should like to know them. This is to leave out of account the author of the most magnificent speeches made In the present era of the nation s history. That Herald editorial appears to be a regular sockdolager on the Nutmeg statesman. He will have to cplt on bis hands and try it over again. Free Advice. The Atlanta Constitution, Democrat ic, rises to remark: The Democratic congressional campaign of this year should be a vigorous and ag gressive attack on those tariff schedules that are being used no longer to ward off Impossible foreign competition, but to rob our own people and build up enormous personal fortunes for favored classes and sections. The way to kill the trust Is to kilt the special legislation which Is th spinal cord of its lifo. The way to de stroy the leather trust and get shoes at fair prices is to repeal the taxes on hides. The way to destroy the food trust'ls to re peal the food taxes and let the cattle and fresh meats of Canada, Mexico and Booth America come In to regulate prices to a living level- And so on to the end of the chapter. That's one remedy and a good one, but it Is an old saylug that "doctors disagree." In a long editorial on the subject of trusts the New York Mall and Express, Republican, says: A more inexorable law than any statute framed in Washington Is responsible- for the early demise of these corportttlons the law of supply and demand. The American dollar frames that law. It is alert to opportunity, eager for invest ment, hard to beat in competition It at work all the time against tho trust that inllates prices or seeks return on watered stock. And it will omo pearvf solving the trust problem than will any legislation enacted by congress. Congress can do much and should do something to make unlawful some of the present prao ticcs of the trusts, but Individual Amer ican enterprise and capital wi!l after til prove to be the real and vital force against them That ia only another way of stating the warcryr of Hon, Sere no 13. Payna "Let well enough alone!" or Mark Hanna's Improvement on Tayne. "Keep on letting well enough alone." to which every trust and criminal in the laud will give a most fervent and hearty "Amen!" There in no sort of doubt that the suggestion of the constitution is preferable to that of the Mali and Express, norace Greoley said, "The way to resume is to resume," and tho way to bust the trusts is to bust tbetn It is true that individual enterprise endeavors to bust them; but. as a rule, they bust Individual enterprise. If the M. and E. would give a complete list of the private enterprises rruslied by the Standard OH company, it would ! a valuable lesson. The President and the Trusts. Individually I arn inclined to give the president credit for honesty In his crusade against the trusts. It Is said mat ne uas seiocteti Mr. lutueneui o; Maine to introduce and manage an antitrust bilL The Washington Tost Independent and high tariff shouter. s a doubting Thomas as to what a Republican congress is likely to do to the trusts. The Post is on the ground and possesses unusual facilities for information not only as to what is done and left undone, but also as to the motives of the actors. As to the Roose-velt-Littlefield pronunclamento against the" trusts it discourses in this cynical strain; It appears that an administration anti trust bill is to be Introduced In congress on the reassembling of that body In De cember. Hitherto executive activities in behalf of antitrust legislation have been confined to recommendations In the regu lar annual messages. President McKlnley called the attention of congress to this subject and expressed the hope that a legislative remedy for the evils of monop olistic combinations' "would be xJevl5eJ ana" applied. President Roosevelt In his mes sage to the Fifty-seventh congress last December treated the trusts In a con servative manner, but suggested publicity as an important feature of remedial legis lation. But neither the recommendation of McKlnley to the Fifty-sixth congress nor of Roosevelt to the Fifty-seventh con gress fructified in any antitrust enact ment Indeed, there was no feature of the programme of the Republiean leaders In poth of these congresses In the Fifty sixth throughout Its life and In the Fifty- seventh throughout Its long session more evident than their determination to avoid Interference with the trusts In any way. But In the Fifty-sixth congress the house of representatives did make a far cical pretense of attempting an attack on appose tkat he did oC Kav a fatS tandlnv and keeat fare which his cosaiaiu wa erpstre4 leg. It was a two act prodoclh tsjctad tag beaidea tkat fsnaowe aaturvsf. MO. entered epoa Its thirA y alamber. the still more wttatr fi st Itry a n-Napho-J ffrtkroa-Kay ce4ncara"a Mt. Vrust amendment, fml aa be la In the coMacOa ot I ha MUoa. ta "man from Malo" rvkt Ml M ft keexxneea of pvrcvpUo aad a mm C humor wblch canst kave fcetgfcleewa avke enjoyment of that rary farce cwne9jr. That Mlt. although Intended t rM death la the proc ot partarttlcav printed, aad several coplo of R nxe aft ta istenc. Feasibly Mr. UttttlM tM M of them. Ac aay rata, be ra raflBy a tala one. ea4 fee aaay find It mOUrttm t make a careful etody af the dm as wtUcJk auch dlstlngaUhad statcaAea aa Meeara. Ray. Jen Una. Parkar. Oreeesraxt sWv andcr. Wuafr aad others rmmmmir4 for the iuppritoo of rvUa tac44eA t monopolistic conblnAttoosi But If b the course ef hi tavnca tions of tha opera Ooeta of trviats e4 coca bines tt should happva to onror ta Mr. Uttlcfleld that aocae of Ute sea nlor tkmata aad xajpca (tag of fke Ilea are abetter or tarts? i which are not saetfod tor preoctto a reretku. what srUI he 4 the f That rtftr ft ttxxxt mm scttbtv is anything written by Janlett or rpeken by John Randolph of Rotooka. It knocks the bottom cWar oat of" tW pre tensions of the RffKibl leans trust fighters and ptllorlc flay tt Co. aa fa klrs. Of course everybody with any sense knew all the tiro that the bUI spoken of was ctrrap aod bold dema gogy, but nobody baa so trrsrly aod mercilessly exposed It as dors tn ot In the aforrmentloocU editorial. Sucb organ grinders as the (itotw-DrTaorr! mako a show of believing that Ray and his pals were to earnest hot ttvry ouly excite the dcrlalon of boorat men. When the devil sots about putting crt his (ire, the Republicans will boat the trusts a nil not before. "Et Tu, Brute I" The New York Evening rwrt. lad- pendent founded by Alexander Hamil ton and for years edited by William Cullen Bryant, author of Toanatop s la," toakes the following satirical re marks touching the prreklcoUal mid summer trust bunt: We would not be thought to lewt fi.'p- pantly of the prtaidnt's plana, lie la. ao doubt. In drad earnest. His taotrtcy ta the poettloa which h has lakeo oo tale subject Is as unquvetlonabla as his cocr age. W cannot, ksvitrir, bltad ureaivee to the fact that a loss ranee aumavar fight with trusts Is a vry di!T ( thlag from coming to cloa gripe with tha sooa- stars In the winter at Washtnatoo. Proca rtrrfl a hand to hand conlaet tha prafc)et and his party have just renrrgvd. and trusts were not the ona to com t ot of It considerable shuck up llk" rv "pr- ralncuoiisly chwi ." The truth la. aa a careful aludy rf the habit of the trust will show, thai nrl-nal Is trull mar fe ewU4 an ratlva:lna Instead of a MWrrvaitng spe-le It sV-p prrf 'illy th MiMRMf through, carina r.ut fur th !oui rrtaa of Itc xfcSJllar.t oo tuir.p cr p'tltmrm. Put wl-.pn tha winter cornea. wii"i aa rival MM in cot'.jrrr. Uk Mr l.itttfl!J of this year, then It app-..r3 nU trcr attij claws, and by tie ih f.t s th.oKh witii lliat liil would r.ot r-.ojti.iae It Aro'lc.- Witr.e;??. T!i.- Chk.igy rt.xxn3. ed Mr McKlnley hi prrs-cs its o;iniou of antitrust crowde: The most important obexr-rsllco talned la the prwud cat's nitmrg aV dra Is that In which he dwtarw that new legislation is needed on tb ra hrt of trusts and corabinatlona la r(rlot of trade and Industry. Probably 90 per cent of the Aaarkat people will agree with th prc14t oa the proposition that thor ahouM be addi tional lcUlctlen rriattva to tha trots of the criminal variety, but moat ef the who are In earnest In thrlr hoeUUty to such comblnatloos wt:i not support him In his assumption that that Ier1altkia should b In the line of rejutatloa aad control iclualTly. The klird of IrfUUltoo which would pat moat of the great coramervtal pJiarvimrs out of businaea could be Tacta4 by aa honest congraae la a few days aad la a few words by placing tha proOu-cta ef ev ery lawless trust on the fr UL Mr. Boaevelt adhataa to tha poUcy which makes trurta. H ha po parttcutai regard for a policy which wtuU anaaaha th'-m. A La SlUt We so- Renders of Charles Iik-km f bleesv ed mcracry will rrmouilier that at Ir rcguliir ninl frvKjoeat IntrrxaU fCUa Wogg droi.ped Into povfry. r4-aot If somewhat Inartistic performance oo the part of Mr. Wrgg. Soma aoooy mous writer, following Mr. Wrfj'a ex ample, tackled the Philippine prooiccn In this wlso: Spain once had a tiny lamb, tha saaak- eat .lamb around. She aoid the Uab ta Uncle 8am for twenty mllUcma Then Sammy took It by tha tall to It home, you know. Tha saaltas) rare turned out a bear, and Baa caa't Vet 'ar ro. The poet whoever he waa. Jasi abotrt exhausted the subject with wblcb ora tors, statesmen and editors hava beeo wrestling for more than threw yrars. C wA-atrt CaK U Cat TTJT OScottfs Emulsion! J rxlitxttr mry -alatrist ) V. hfVrsaU. tatknirfe-ptaiSf I R h a.grncr cr yru rG lm K i . r4 Um a i aw f W Sl..T tt rjcrwan, uoa avav 1 I TT Qo44. tstf wta rH, Vi gall Caa etetr 1t aTaraa. Itaee yej aeaee fMaaw fe i . g)w mm a mm- if r i yew wlH he WsawgMaf y iui lWV t Mat's ( 4 IJnw TVs aJaa ears tateaVeg a m fmh. T1 eWe Vr V. K. AT.. t XfrXZia fwaaUl U Ft&ika rV&tcaaJla 4 OeA n. ju rr. a,s U stsxjr ISnpaW Ok tTilfcH attt&RSB mZM W tWatweti. II. Qrrrx CVasTav 4. w. Atirfv-a, JU'j. r.taf fAc4e fc lU;rrira alx wvl tuaw tZm t.Wat tU(. tacs&a) ;tV T. A. rVa at eMAAn W tT.V. T2 (Vf erfvllsia (&taoa wS ta fajKwceW , JU la. Hkia.'am.a I D.E; MILLEH ; Jeweler and Optician, A. V a. t nataa 'Hi aiMi aj aaaai a ai tv , 'WHaa) V i.aas I asjaae a 1 t WATCHES. CLOCKS ejais mm lnniaiS , m 4 f mmm I lt e J 1 II 1 . 1 a.V -va a mmw ar a Wail Orders. fait wra. a-).ie sakvvalul t W. CaTHOM13, f ltV-f La Da Efoaora? uaiesplj Lhtart ef gi tK tha wtW 4 jxnt t&Mtf, hot ia3vcz roh irx. "I was tata4 far th yr a f 4oeta. ' arllae . A. 0a. IiCm j : riUa. U, ' (f um - M44 jaw Wat. . ail fai'4. a.fkUa's Aii. . f r UofVX. ia t via. kai. ' af ao p. t rVaaau tU-w. , lor. No)o aa Taut, XM paoa eMaJhru kO 5a,r" 4 C. C ViSiMM, iioaarsi.W. C I P tmr tWw lim i.mf ci trnfmn. ; tV 160?2 Oau'y wv-ib mi,umAztua I a t rxFwra4, J. H K 10.. f!U ji-u.u. V.t. C tnUiuiAs'i. ' ITS EASY EHOUGH To Aeaainr 4, c.t.ri.a-r eas- rr H-r;rs(r4 rr? tr Atm .m J,m- twn fC!iu ltv. A Regular Slipper and SbOB Gamlyal. t5iarTa.a, You rat always jo.4ge i iolelll br Ite (Is ef hie 1 taasj taoth. TJS:4 Sea) ,m what 4W Sta-taad tin,, s.c t ,tr 4t, lr'iur .l-t:t ?e c l,l.t tr d,e tx trtne Si. rS.j 1 1 it a rumi ILD ktri: ru urx aad a r,4:ag .' U!. I A Cord. To "" V cri we c-f f tasttrs Cej- B Money Saying Fete for Feet. tT. Ki ? rMMtftVf? ( 4.my. Uoa. tli asa W If. Jm 1 af fWfia-rJujf ti-1 Wit fwXlu'.iittm ei lMtt;u. Ia frt J i,s4 , ' r'at fMt r rM m! it ia Ifoa j$.m. fc It tai.a' : ... 1 ' r ta 5vt fXal ie to 4ma.?l rata iaaat ra!if a4 aaa 4 a It. tw--f ti fwasue w try at ah. . e a, - tnlr l w), aolt.mt ..!. . saw. mi aaaw fwKvsataav. unat a Uki anibwti en.Maf':t f a.aj sioaia bryaakiu iV. t-ZA aa 1 O-rtf rr,a it aatekaaa 1: 1- T ' K A if a1 ' ataoasaarw tarwac! a aa ' r - - ' I u i till. nn r 1 r r ir-v rt nil. uiu ntiLfVL. taag Oar -itiaa yn i " 11 m Tr.: fe-ti-w. ti cat p . . ' H l-'.c:', vt.! 1 h tin M'rrnrrt t Ji;'J '-'mm a-a. a - FretSu 5 C Ha a fattic which acpra-jCt1 1SCC thn eg the prraidrul'a II BBS ' " I n w L-s j OdTlTVlkl fJTi i N 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 dLl JIMll Fori PROPRIETORS. TFV O 9 NASH STREET. It is with pleasure wo announco to tho tobacco Rrowcrs of Eastern Carolina the completion of our mammoth brick Warehouse. Wo now have the soread and deep dissatisfaction with their J trusts and combines. Assuming It to be ithaorvlenev during the Fifty-sixth and j a fact that the president has requested HOTELS. NU 3 RUN TON HOTEL J'RANXLINTON, N. C. SnM'L MERRILL, PrfT. d vcomodifcioa for the traveling the long session of the Fifty-seventh con mm tn tha interests ot monopolistic in- , dustrtsi combinations. Whether they come twb. hni4As or defeated, they will com to face a atrpng pressure for anti trust enactments. And tt will not be stntngS if they yield to this pressure. As t9 Crazlness, Generai Joseph B. Bawley, senior and gerHIe senator from, tjonnecucui. Renresentative Llttlefleld of Maine, whose name Alia seventh place on the house Judiciary -committee, to prepare the pro posed administration antitrust bill, we are moved to remind that gentleman of fhe existence of an antitrust measure that was prepared by that committee, was put through the house almost If not quite. Unanimously and is now In a pigeonhole in the roOm of the senate Judiciary com mittee, the identical place for which It '"d Livo.y Attached. . . .. . r - 7i,A I was orunnauy intenaeo. me resiiui ooae ha fleelarea tnat senator uwrisc i - - . wn. tntpntionaiiv directed bie Hoar, the old man eioguent from j Dy lta framers and promotera. Mr. LJtUe xfnasflhiiRotts is "craxy" because of I field was even then, although new tn con Massaenusetis. u nMtinid kres. a member of that Important eom- hta ottitnde on the Philippine question, j ar w. v. . -Xt-A On Hawley's characterisation of Hoar 1 BuapCtei 0t the authorship of that .o Rooton Herald.' " Independent, re-1 measure, yet it would be far from credit- inarka: : able to hia intelligence . and sagacity to The Ueallat Savage. It is a qnfstlou wbetber any purriy savage peoples werv subject to cpldeo. Lc diseases before they came ta coo- tact with civilized uattoua. Tha prob ability la that tbey were not so, as tU universal prncttc of all sura pejooie was to destroy weakly aod ChMated Infants and also to kill off tpefl peo ple and thoe who had contracted any disease. This would bar tt ffect of producing an absolutely brat thy adult population, among which epi demic disease, unless l&trodocrd froa outside, would never b able- to rata h footing. Of Civilised peoples th !JcdlJ4aV Tians have during the period cerered by history been most free) froea epi- d fmlcs, although an appaxeot ax cap tion is to be found In the eotapraU prevalence of leprosy. Dot thbr can hardly be described as epidemic a tt hi almost entirely doe to the eating of tale and Imperfectly cured fish fltrtof the kcg winter. This ha t as llgned pa one of the causes of this dla easo. Dot it nas doc Dees aoaoistaiy demonstrated, aod oven lf.lt bad beaa It would be rather dlsraa scci- dent than aa eptderalc MM and Most Conveniently arranged Warehouse for tho sale of Leaf Tobacco in North Carolina, Equipped with superior advantages and amnio capitiil. wo intend to make every pound of tobacco placed on our floor BRING ITS FULL VALUE. This U no Idle borut, bat nrtrj worvj of it U Xht iralh tzx ?r;3 CJ &Hv jvs lj ctuZ Z Oar Mr, rirlmm U on txprWtop4 toUacrosial kt Vi-35 in 9iu rt rj ! lmn fr-r"3 In tbti bosincen for rear nod hv rm3tr4 of ib Ur?ri t?m In tt c?43 vu tiwli". if ih t uu. The LoaUbartr rnnrkt U fortrrnaU In r.ATi tlsa to tr is b-vm rx-3 tut f 5s t urr-nz, uti lm MASSENBURG HOTEL J f Iansienriirtf Propr o4 laaommodations. Good fare: Po '' aa attantiva aerraalr NORWOOD HOUSE Use For Poeamoia, Dr. J. & BisVopof AnVrew, Mloh., sayi, "I have used oley's Honey and Jar in . r m m 1 DIMM tutes. M. K. A P.E, Pleaaanas. Mrich of the sorry of lite comes from smart sayings. .. J. hORvouD,Proprleir. i A New Jersey Editor' Testimonial M. T. Lyneh, Editor of the "Phillipibarg w 1 nst?T Poit writes: "I haye ased many Wads of Medicines for eonghs and eotos my Fole iaLiA a 'trnna . amai family hot oerer wjuiiur . .-- - y's Honey and iai- l cuv. -f--- Foley's-Honey and Tar is pecnliarlT a.intiit ht ehronio throat tronblea ana iTittreir care bronohitle. hoarse dsm I w.5Trr?f ana. au orun"'" iTV. " " --tt tutes. ' M- v at g neasanva,- When yea treat a nJaaatal akytle try the sew remedy, ChassWrlala's Si natta - a. . a- aV a. a- . 'i . ak m 1 mW - r will protect their iatcrcst hea Uuir tod aero it ora;i 10 osr sw. ikx iw . v:rr; ;?-t and their ortntri; but try u and b conTisotJ lht fnzr UtrvJi I v.t t Ur lriir4 a.o matter when loeatfxJ. Oar fM t- tloot 4a-nr. A- 11 Aw Uitu, Cn-.trr McGhce. Solicitor. Irtfa Grtra. X T. II tut Vrraas tU&xrimK r;U liA.v Ptt4 V. and Samp JrtrTahleta, Ik y are-ea'y U lal a pleasant ia efft Ptiea. W .eea leafrM at M. JLa P. E. rWaaasla. A Obod cbaraeter cannot built on hate or enty.' be Sren a iweet girl nay took oar when the U "In a pltW BatUo and IL 1. Taj lor. Wribr, H. Kord, nivo "a t g4. t Var t l Uxr. r ' ' PARHAM 5l FORD- Cured Hemorrhage of the Lung. "Several years sinea -my Innjs were so v.ti affected mat l naa bmi na rbagea." writes A. If. Ake, et Wood, Ind. A.iL kUh,Mt with several ohrsieiaae wiftoutinTbenefitl V Fee8wo)lea toll tai. 1 Tebace C5v, 1 T o lw ,.tae Via walU It U IV Utr atflil U a!J ClU aww fa? V taJ mm 9 eaasaieX la utt whw v -fcr! eti it if Va Wars (ia 4 lVa"- ler-a. Xtt p, I relaK. m U 'at 1 I --reVTiTlT aa hi a. -vL- tavta I lTBVaIeCoJib Hi C. HCWliaB M U-lf ;tf elli Hi. C :;i:i? ,alt )a f.f.K, re-, .. g tU j: tV-J If?-4 J.CoTf VaSey VT."-:VV.HA I UeSlaaT Wl Oi W. CbU W.T. llai-, c-tkr at-l J-rW V V f UV 1. Wa 4 a f A i( UiillatttM v. e etwora.yiMiwereweie ta i-a-i ,MS. - o bill liroCtV UU SwajtVe- tit Sfc a eesa jn itr n w a7 - "VV " - , site aad X wMewaasea 7fF- f' ... . . M..,a, u thai a aaall taarl ! H e o r-V. aUh il e1 U at J-t fW ef twMit ti I Vr ia. Foley'. Honey and Tar ;ana niy ----- '"gMlhr prwtlv4 JeleVa Sal ,ak. a. la! btit f U en U PiUa A Tt-ri 4 .-rvrl Wr- . , Vis. ( .....ft .. a nUliCl - a rKwa.u.wu - - .. . - aj av van, ai - - nvw a- "---J -' . ' . 1nn(, tronbla - M. L I Bey -re aieo saaoe rvM awaai - I ..v.. , inVaneed rtaget of lung troable Plessaau Eroi Drtf Btore. I any cUtr au tit a-Zcrda, i u$ e " - vs "y $ v4 7" i- . 1 IX A eUng p0 UeSoUdUd. mac a F. K. fleasent. aaapla Room. - ants. " - h in praise 01 i..v ----