: i.- . -',- , ; 3,'-.- iXTT-.- (;, a. THOMAS, Editor anil Proprietor. - v - ' - 'v " t .. ' x .... ' '' " nL XXXJI LOUISBURG, JtC 0, FRIDAYr SEITEMBOl 12, 10CC. imt'i Mrs 1 1 -r - .. a . "a v x v 11 " 11 x s . i i if I v , f D I ( II ntC H DIRECTORY MKTHODIST. 1 , y School at 9:30 A. M. Qbo. S. Bakbk, flopt. U uk at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. , r m-Hing Wednesday night. M. T, Pltlwu Pastor. BAPTIST. i iy S-hrol at 90 A. M. - Thos. B. Wilder, Sapt i.-hmi at u A. M., and 8P.M., - n.y. ... -r m ring Thursday aight. Forrest Smith. Pastor. EPISCOPAL. .. ,- School at 9:30. i. inominjt and niht , on : u). i 4th Sundays. :ntf Prayar, Friday afternoon. J oh- Uubke. Rector. LoDosa. iH'i irtc Lodge, No. 413, A. F. & ! , v.- 1 nt and 3rd Tuesday CHAMP CLARK'S LETTER " Roosevelt's Row With the Republican Con greuional Committee. Whitelaw Reids Dis appointment i ! W :v1 :' l f fl fl? fl $ Special .Washington LtterJ T may be taken and accepted as a sure thing that Colorado Is going DemocKitic this faU- and that that veteran statesmnn nnn Teller wUl be returned to the M. 1 1 1 i a month. l'cMsional cards i: riirii H. FLEMING, DENTIST. I. I 1SHCRQ, . - N. C. v. r Cooper's Store. i'. uriiT, 1 N i PUYSICIA.N AND 8URQBON. Louiabarg, N. C. Mi.- I"'r'l Building, corner Main , -.'n t'tH. Ud stairs front. V YARBOROUQH. . I Y I'll I':IA.N AND 80RQBON, L.x'i-BUHe, N. C. iloor Se: balldln niiswpro'l from T in 74. phone 30 mcKett's VlASrtKNBURa, ATTORNKT AT LAW. LOUISROBO, W. 0. i - it!.- in ail tbe Courts of the State ' i:t! -a In Coart House. M" V F. 1 r, m T. 'KK, .VTTORNB Y-AT-LAW, ii l t.h- i-ourtii of Naah, Franklin, a , r r ti a:i,i Wnke counties, also the . in I .North Carolina, and the D. i . , : iiiritnrt Courta. W INSTEAD, ) 'i N' E Y-AT-LAW, , i h!u mi , N. C. i'. ? SAL fc CO.'S S'ORS. kitcp. to all business r, IGIAN AND 8URQEON. I. . 1SBURQ, N. C .orhc Prig Vompany. . . Km.STER, T! IN Q I'HYSICIANk SURQBON, I.ouUbarc, N. C. - . r Aymc ke Drag C mpany. ;. I! A V WOOD RUFFIN. A TT O RN E Y-AT-LAW, L')CISB0R, H. 0. , r ..m, in ai the Courts of Franklin ii, .-o unties, also lu the Supreme it. "i 'iiu I ; tilted States DIstriet and i 1 1 r '.. i . - i . xiuorand Clifton Bnlldlng. H WILDKR, A TTO RNBT-AT-L AW, locisbcbs, v. a. n Miin street, over Jones Cooper's -.Si'ltUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCI3BUBO, W. C '. vtn,i the coartsof Franklin, Vance ' WarrKo and Wake counties, also .'i,r"in.i Coart of North Carolina. ... i'tf ntlon given to collection. ov.r Hgerton's Btore. W B1CKETT, iTT iRNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUM H. 0. - I t n,t unci painstaking attention given to r n,it.t.-r intrusted tonis hands. "f-n t, Chief Jastloe8hepheTd,Hon. John M-v .'i. n. Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. "if i Hrs. ?lrst National Bank of Win k " mi & Manly, Winston, People Bank vi ,i,r.,e. Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- Hon. B. W. Ttmberlake. "' in court House, opposite ShertfTa. w Pr, St. : w. PERSON, 1TTORNKT AT-LAW: M 'in,-. YARBOROUQH, Jh. ATI ORNEY AT LA W . LOUI8BTJB.O. N. 0. in Opera House building, Court street l.'Kal business intrusted to him 'eive prompt and careful attention. J)K. I). T. SMITH WICK, DENTIST, LOUISBtJBO, - - N. 1 '-v.- orr Furniture Store. HOTELS. senate, which he so greatly adorns and where, he Is so useful. The proof of all of which Is that ex-Senator Edward a PTotcott ia about to shake the dust of the Centennial State from his shoes and to locate .where his, political pros pects wilbbe brighter. Rats desert a sinking ship, and Wolcott deserts the Republican party of Colorado. Every body knows that he would Btay there and fight it out with Teller if he thought he had a ghost of a show. Teddy on His Ear. The press dispatches inform ns that President Roosevelt is on his auricular appendix because Brothers Babcock and Overstreet, chairman and secre tary of the Republican congressional committee, in compiling their cam paign book left him and his adminis tration out in the cold, when he not unnaturally thought that he ought to occupy the center of the stage. On dit that Teddy, in a fit of anger, per emptorily oraered those palpitating pa triots to squelch- their publication. which they could not do, inasmuch as they had mailed out 20,000 copies be fore Teddy discovered how scurvily ne nad been treated. As Bah -and Overstreet recently dined with the president, it may be assumed that they ..have agreed to issue a new edition. But Teddy may possess his soul in peace,, for nobody reads Republican campaign books. - A Sanguine Prophet. General David Bremner Henderson, speaker of the house of representa tives, has taken up the Tole of prophet and has assured the world in an off hand sort of way that the country is going Republican this fall, which is important if true; but nobody ever ac cused General Henderson of being any kin to Isaiah or any of the rest of the major prophets. All their mantlea fell on the shoulders of General Charles Henry Grosvenor, prophet maximus of the Hocking valley, who is very quiet these days in his vaticination depart ment. No Democrat need be scared by General Henderson's prophecy. The wish is father to the thought He is the most cheerful of mortals, the Mark Tapley of American politics. Hs?a an, optimist, which it is a rattling good thing , to be. If he had lived at the time of the flood, when Noah was building the ark and predicting the de struction of all things by water, David would have said: "Boys, there isn't going to be much of a shower. -Noah doesn't know what he is talking about. So eat, drink and be merry!" And he and his cronies would have been caught out in that forty days and forty nights of rain, as they are likely to be caught in the flood this fall. If re ports from Iowa are not greatly over--drawn, General Henderson had better quit wasting his breath and time in prophecy and get down to work or the country is likely to lose tbe services of those - great Republican statesmen Hepburn. Lacy and Smith. Whitelavs Sorrowful Homecoming. "As Mark Antony remarked on a cele brated but doleful occasion, "If you have tears, prepare to shed them now." Wherefore? Because Whitelaw Reid, flunky extraordinary to the corona tion of King Edward VII., did not, aft er all, get to wear his knickerbockers and other royal finery that is, in pub lica thing on which he had set his heart. No doubt he donned them in private and exhibited his lean and pad ded calves to his wife, children and do mestic servants in that magnificent house In ..Grosvenor square, the ultra aristocratic quarter of London, "the modern Babylon," which he rented for that august occasion. But, God be praised, he was defeated in his mean ambition to sport them in public, where the world's eye could feast on the deg radation of America and where lords with pedigrees running back to the conquest were walking backward and making salaams to do honor to Albert Edward Wettin. That's the point on which all good Americans will congrat ulate themselves. Whitelaw Reid, the American aristocrat, did not have an opportunity to cut his un-American and fantastic flunky capers before high heaven. Whitelaw did not get to march in the royal and imperial pro cession and make a holy show of him self and of us. His spirit was willing, 6yen eager, to thus abase himself and his country and her institutions, dux fate spared that degradation, and Un do Sam was not chained to the char- lot wheels of the, great-grandson or George IIL , yea, Whitejaw, the son- in-law of his fatfcer-ln-law, was anx ious. He spent thousands . on bis knickerbockers and other royal gun cracks He quarreled with garter king-at-arma, or whatever the cniej much-a-chueh of tbe coronation cere- tnonies is called, because as was as- f oremost in roe Rfirned to ride back rawMflion While the unspeaKBDie xurs Jr K A N'KLLNTON HOTEL land the head of the Frencbf flankleMn rh tut me earnaee. roue iaw roared so loud because' the .flunkies of J fbA effete monarchies or isurope. ab nd -Africa should ontraBK our nuaag- fo chief. te son-in-law or ms mep in-law. that finaljf, to stop his whin ing, they assigned mm carriage au to himself, which, after all. he did not FKANKLLNTON, N. C." SfiM'L MERBJLLLPTtft.. ' I "i aoau4tion for the traveling i Liv.T Attach!. get to ride in, poor thing I Hence these tears. King- Edward was sick, and conse quently flunky Whitelaw. with bis knickerbockers and his finery, did not have a chance to overawe Cheapside, Rotten row. Piccadilly, Whitechapel and Bloomsbury square with his rib bons, gewgawsv state carriage, liveried outriders and other royal and imperial paraphernalia. Perhaps since the days wnen sancho Panoa failed to his island throne or since Darins ureen ana nis nvuts: machlrM cam down to earth With a dull, sickening thud there never was a greater disap pointment in this world than White law's when he didn't get to ride in that royal carriage, solitary and alon as chief of all American flunkies. He had planned, so it is said, to have a band of hired boys in livery, of course precede his carriage, shouting: "Jo triumphe! Io triumphe!" In his mind's eye he saw himself knighted Sir Whitelaw of Ophlr Farm by King Ed ward. But all that has passed, and he returns to despised America with out a title and with bis precious knick erbockers in his trunk. Wonder what the tariff is on knickerbockers and oth er royal outflttlngs! Whitelaw knows unless our customs officer at the port of New York failed to do hla duty. This sore 'disappointment came to Whitelaw because a pestiferous berry seed slipped into King Edward's ver miform appendix. Great God! On what a Blender thread Ctemal matters hang! Over the entrance to the office of the New t York Tribune, of which White law is editor In chief, thanks to his father-in-law's money. Is the legend, "Founded by Horace Greeley." Won der what old Horace, who was -an American from skin to core, would think of Whitelaw and his royal and imperialistic knickerbockers! "What a fall was there, my countrymen!" A Pointer. Once upon a time I was engaged in a private Jawing match with General Charles Henry Grosvenor. I was con tending that the Democrats would elect the bouse this fall and both a house and president in 1904. The gen eral said that the present prosperity would prevent our doing any snch thing. "But,,, general" I replied ar guendo, "there is no greater prosperity now thau there, was Jn 18U2. when the Democrats wiped the Republicans off the face of the earth, even securing one electoral vote In Ohio, which goes to prove that prosperity has nothing to do with it" This seemed to nettle the venerable Buckeye warrior and statesman, and he exclaimed, "Ob, It was that blankety blanked Homestead strike that made the country go Dem ocratic In 18921" Of course the pro fanity is General Grosveoor's, not mine. But, while that conversation happened two years ago, I have been thinking about It a good deal lately and have concluded inevitably and nec essarily that if the good gray general Is correct in his diagnosis of the situa tion in 1802 we are dead sure to carry the country in 1002,' for precisely what happened at Homestead, Pa, in 1802 is now happening in both Pennsylva nia and West Virginia this year. Far stranger things have happened than that Judge Jackson and General Gobln should unwittingly and unintentionally elect a Democratic house of repre sentatives and a Democratic president of the United States, a consummation devoutly to be wished. Democrats who ar inclined to be timorous should re member General Grosveoor's words and cheer up. Republican Disintegration. The recent falling of the campanQ at Venice, which both startled and In terested the entire clvilixed world, is not more thoroughly Indicative of the ultimate destruction of that ancient city of story and of song than Is the platform declaration of the lows Re publicans in favor of tariff revision as a remeay ror tne trust evil s presag of the dissolution of the Republican party. The campanile was the glory of Venice; the DLngley bill has been regarded as the Gibraltar of Repub licanism. True, Mr. McKInley In bis remarkable Buffalo speech, which may be regarded not unjustly as his fare well address to the American people, overthrew the principle of the Dingley bill, sapped and mined Its foundations, by declaring In favor of a general pol icy of reciprocity, which Is free trade In spots; but the trouble Is that Mo Kinley did not live to carry out by his tact and the weight of bis great name tbe Democratic policy which In Ids Buffalo speech be borrowed from the Democrats. He Is dead, and he alone could wield "Excaljbur." He Is In his grave, and the Republicans ars wrangling and Jangling on every pub lic question, especially the tariff and its daughters, the trusts. Even the Iowa Republicans, who were doing their best lo walk in the light, landed the . tariff while they conaemneo tne trusts, utterly oblivious the great truth uttered by Mr. Hsvemeyer when be declared tbatthe high protecUTt tariff is the mother of trusts'- Shaw Versus Gage. Lyman J. Gage, former secretary of the treasury and wet nurse to the Fow ler bill, of which, he and hla bank ex pect to be the chief beneficiaries. Is In a fair way to become the scapegoat of the Roosevelt-Shaw administration ox Joe trwsury affairs, and tt srr Ly aian Tight, f or b tt msiabcrtd that tn 1S0O he deserted .th Dttaocratt and ratted to tn Republican ta order to seenrs for himself high ofSra. whlcfc he had never been able USo wbUa training with the Democrats, tie re ceived hla mess of potts reeaewtr. tbe secretaryship of tbe trvmrorj. Ttat he used tna great powers of that of fice for the benefit of the plafawrmt la generally believed; that ha wee ffcT4 and accepted a highly rwaaswrattv poattkm at tbetr hands woe sqoersed out of offic by President Boosrrctt ta known of all man. Ha quit tt treas ury when all was, srrrM wtt& tha fro nts uoa, self exploited, of being m treat financier, but there art break era aAaad for Lymnn. Ills successor to Sca Leslie XL Shaw of Iowa. Is Ukt Uajcr Bgstock--sly. sir, davtllao sty." If not "tough, sir; devilish tovgn." TV Is a growing defideoey la tbe teerbsea pf the govemnaent, coastactty ftwta larger, and Governor Shaw sir; derOiah sly" ta unloading tbe cdtaai thereof on Lyman. He attnbvtea this "woeful pUgst" of the trvry. to borrow your Uncle G rover's' p&rmSt. to Lyman's plan of paying race for bonds than they were worth, and be proposes to have tt thoroughly ondr stood that Gage, and not Raaw. Is tba architect of the treasury dedctt, Sbaw Is running for preeidetit. dowt know, and must have a Kitwn(: hence Lyman plays goat Strange that It never crura to s pub lic official so eminent, so satcteaad ambitious as Mr. Secrvtarr of tt Treasury Shaw that there are two ways for the govemmeot to mate boo kie and tongue meet the ooe Is to In crease the revenue, the otlr to car tall expense. Tbe lattrr ovrtbod dt er anggesta Itself to a Republic a. Tbe present congrem la tbe sacet extrava gant one that ever legislated for t American people. Its sppreprUUob were wicked sod wantoa waete. Its motto appeared to b "after o tte deluge." and the chance are thai U will be a deluge indeed. PrraooaUy 1 like Governor 8hsw. He ta an able and amiable man. tf be baa the cour age to act on old Ben Franktla's czx. "a penny saved Is a penny MrnedL" and to Insist that the eipen tbe government shall be retrvnebed. as be knows they ought to be. be will pass into history at a grvt financier etaeg with Gallatin. Walker and Chas. and aa a great pobUe benefactor, wbeiher he gets to be president or not. A ox-re petty squabble with Lymas J. Gag as to which created the deficit la te revenue will not stbH Governor Ftaw In his quest of the pr4deory. Th public memory la abort He la lo of fice. If be baa to U.o Un! to r! the money to run the goTrvurneat. b win stand no more chance of rvmcbfeg the White Hoqm than he Kas of be coming autocrat of all the RussiUa V Utopian. 2 It ia really refreshing to ran sen somebody who bclk'Ves lo Ctoola and the political mliUnaiom. Tb. Ail a polls Journal rrvpor. apTwrrntry la gdod faith, to re lis both by revirtog the old scheme, the utterly eaptoded theory of a permanent tariff couusl sion ss the solution of the 111 that tt body politic la heir to, for tt aaya: I Only50 Cents i, formal oX. f roar TvrtZ. - "A fifty Psw ocjJ tf )l Scott's EitiuIsi on TU1 ChlTTf M 9X1 y w to t'myhrap rotepi cidkL OaJy one rwrf at sta jr, tttk cf ft- 7f a A3 KiAtsKXDlLbWt OW r. r Iitemtar lit (4 staff, Vt a Tory Kryy rvaleb. tla f tllm Ki)4 yet imt slW xUaj tfe luV ilb 4 tiw TsWM. TVef hm- Ja Vvti j4 imuvjom. ?Wt rf'u iv -w (a. rvw. tt Sell R.Ln,L rwml BaoalMtlij ta aalarVt tUll t prisr. wWL'r bs tMk a is tAwaWUp 9Z2imm f " l.W natwM tiia &. tr.. iW i CirTwa 7 C na c XmAur i-u wrUlwa iZsr.tiae.s C3 m rwC X- It. AUwom, fWj. littiTmlm, AS rewaej is to H tVe fstijit 3v5wri 4 UsrHji Wax Uoasss tC. Jeweler ond Opl!c!ar iail Orders. I t Mnr h a toa W a. M. llf. M. ' w V.ATCUES. CLOCKS' :tsrtvT. , mm mmAm, W t S. ? at f fViif CVs ir iie :U aM. a, - eu0 j f eAswis . M ei tM C.acw Uc fWfiaa fVw I ZT ,t TrTTT - ' . ra,- t.i . -. .. I . i, iy w vripaa 1 If r C I " -"' r ihisTtj j fi W.CTU0UA8, C O. lM e Tsea laasMMsaa i&wm p3km 'i got iti: ran Mrs. m Im4 Ue Um ay fl ' all ts.4. Ve te'1 arAa U n4 m I te k " re 'ia. toitm mw ! . i rs Kf4 aaM ttM)Mf ee ae ff. IS t4 rN . n 4 ' oltrw Tt-mmi AJg tttfwMj w SZar W imtak. fe .W awlcJlt ti llUT3e jK-tifl:- m -m ......... - i mm - .1.. ft AT.. o o lmatm ih-m I XV Vy cf Hiytm, f i 1XTJ. 0 mtKiSmtm. i;ailiuM saUfwti. ; J. K. CX tn CCtttUisiWi M. i-ITS EflSY EliOUGH To AcaMrve ii. trtnaf7 r f i'-trjinr,, Vfl tr-2 -U OotitrlK! 1,e. U IWtlS tlf Crrt tX' t1;"i l.fcf, ! JtV. A Regular Slipper and Shoe Gatlval. If aoraoca 1 la toik of lassa dee; a father tasae4. a iov wiu aJM roa urt Ha fff . tfi4 W v. t. s4 a fS4 tt h. tt r t.. a 4 W ft. P" t eM a mi . tMunuy Tav! tt a i ua l.i.l l'jt4 liKJfj-r 7H.a Kit la. A Cord. To T t Teres c r fWi- ta.l I.W "Vj;.M U.s t w-rt;. Ia4.. ithnl IA 4 ,,, . npw4 t-f -" V1 i 41 - Ina aeia, b4 !.. of UasS Hues w m ii if.. 1 llMMl tl,'i?4 tM 1m 11. ! lC &m MK.W V Htr-m fl Money Saving Fete lor FeeL t(e arteu 1 .' I, . IfV ttc ftntrt . 1 tsx) a-tC U lu It J1it:,tt4i.,a .to 1 ftlCI :the big racket. t i.". TrtAl Vm4m b ai kt 1 II Tm tain ri tiji If A V U i MASSENBURG HOTEL 1 I9 Ala.8entTJLXer Propr QENDEBSONsHrC. Joo4 accommodations. Good fare: Pal iite and attentive sarvaar NORWOOD HOUSE WKwrtBa. Mortb Caral!B w. j. norwoud, Proprietor -'ironage of aonaieteJal Toorlata aaS llng p UeBoUcitad. .... Use For Pneumolav V n!.Wu:-Af AncreW.Mich.. 8SVS, VT. J m Vr """fi, " " , To I r, 'I have used ioieya musj '-.rr uti! nneamonia with tareatT.ery avr------ .nhsti uJ raanlta IneVCrVSawe tales. M. F. B. Pi ante. ? . Nobody i fit for golitado who is fit for anybody else. J . --5-5SSS5 - . i - -a a . ' ' - A New Jersey isaiior - M T. Lvneh,' Editor of the- Phllhptborg rTVDsUy Poa't writesx"I hars ".W kinds of medicine, for cough. my ismiiy ..;nrf sav to much in praise of it. M. K. F. R. iiea. When will tha day roaaa wha r p it wUl b rqy la tJsxil ttva ala which I qulta raaaralty ra-ardd a . culatad to prxX act Lb aevstry ta a larg de-r from that dlatrB of bvateaa which prlodlcl asltaHo of line re vision as a poilUcmJ taaroa te OX-if ia producT It ia lo b boed thl n day we shall refer thl snaltar ef taa tarUT, which ibould ba pwray a fcxalnaaa aal and never allowed to tin'nan aoUthral Usua. to a Mraef coas&laUM t wsj maitMaa man of all political fall we 14 have connaaac a4 whir a ahoU bo a aa partleaa la character. RacvoBaaawdalsme of euch a comovlaolOQ aaada rroaa um ta time would coouaaod U imatir.a la ta ludsat of ISa rowalry aa a a He of conT9ionaJ lValalWk. tfea me tlfcaUoaa of the tartS bale o grml saw V Ing as the result of loo axttatt. with coaaoqaeol haallallon and dacaorallaaUo of bualnaaa. but era dual a4 triaaiaL aJTactlos but few articles at a ttsa aaJ Juatinad always by taorwash Hon. Such a admlatatrall of tlve prlnclpla aod rmea aoatcy by parmaarot comitaato a4 la r ir i qneot gretr or la srauttoi of too subject from the fikd of prmctteaj aeanK Is a cosjrasasaatlo sas davowtry ta b wished. It ha racatvod ttM Uon of pa bile me a4 etudaata aAatr aad the tadoreTsiat of convention, hot It ha y4 I b -Ud In UUlUo aad tatraeted wh dlachante of arW f are! tea, tanea to rha com martial aad ta4trtai Lotrraata of to cowatry. Certainly Dothlng naore guifele than that has ever beea printed store rattvt Invented movabie trp. Faocy ti conclualons of s cocamttaioa toad vp of such eminent basin m a a Too Johnson, Charles VL Pchwab. Ur. Cramp, Mr. 8reno B. rayoa sod 8t ator Aldricb! Bah! A MIsaouH Humorlit, Tom Lloyd, the young son of Cua greeamao Lloyd of UtsKrort. UUa fair to rival Mark Twwla aa a Bucaortst. Not long sioc b wrote hi father aa follows: Ivae sV tML Hon. Jama T. Uoyd. SaaibyvUM. at a. : Xx Sir I would Ua far rat to too no tny panalou clali aad If poiiaafble bar my check st t aa taeaauiaiety; 1 bav sarred for about oo weak ba ta Itrvt vulunteer cerp of th Uoy-d He elaaatng brts. enaaadad by Uawtaa sat Oaoaral 1L II. DwcSl Qnsisaaj. aty back Is nrty orohea, aad say hand ar covarvd with hUater that I asa amSt tor any mar active srti. My ta la in.17i.SK Lis. SO. TtjI that y wet have the check forwarded aa. I r tm i r.a. raapactfully, THOafAS) U tXOTTX . lrtvi t Hour ftaaX A Hot Pactisnal FlaM. The latest Daws frofa Ksbraaka ta a th effect that noo. Edward ter. adKor of th Otoaha XW. la foot after tba fiocay scalp lock of Dv vld IL Vlercer. prtaest ctwygtwsttam, Both ar Republics aa, aad tmfortaaaby ly south district. ' idli ill. (0 ir.rv (OL-JUlJi . PROPRIETORS roc II I I 1 VI 1 i T 10 mjO NA5H STREET It is with pleasure wo announco to tho tobacco prowcra of Eastern Carolina the completion of oar mammoth brick Warehouse nave the We 11057 and Most Conveniently arranged Warehouse for tho aalo of Leaf Toboo m North Carolina, Eauinnedwith sunerior advantages and amnio caniLal. v?q In t And to moke every pound of tobacco placed on our floor VnleVs 1 Honev sad Tsr-ia- peeaHarly adapted faf-ehronla throat- troblea . and I will nnntiverv ear oroncnui. oarseaeaa and all bronchial diseasta. Ref ate snbaU- tstes JS. .". C - neaaama. v- All erlls are eaally managed If they re nlppad in tha bnd..'. . :" I; Cored Hemorrhage of th LatBg' uvi..m1 veer Ibc Bar Isnts war badly all ected that I had saaaT hemor. rharL write. A. U. Ake. at Woed. lad. -T took treatment with several pajaieiana witaeat any benefit. I then ttaried to take Foley'. Honey and Tar sad nay laaga ar nowaaaonndsaabuUef Ireeommnd it in advanced rtagea of long treabla.- kt. K. JT.B.Pleaant. ; I i-J When yea waat a leaa kr try tfea new rreardr. 0ieTUia' gnnr aad Liver Tablets. The ar tat a sad pleasant! efeet. Prte. U Sle Ira at aL, aat r.B. rieaamata. Misers .beat Iheatalrta and aer ar ino U diacorar tit fraad. .-I" i JJJ.U1. ULliSiaB.lJ.IJIWH;'HS -. V Fort BlViatalaisiiBii Eta. 1 VaJ tldaae traabt a bad.' ear. J J. Cux af Valley View. SLf-, "al t aJ aot wetk. as v feet war swollea t lawasaee sad t aa eoslsed t esy W4 a4 T airiaa.vvr aasWe t gi f r' lay doctor iaaliy prenh4 FaJay't g4 ery Care wbteh asad a wall nva f , Pleaats Lro's Dr r:oe. M mm TT 1 Hill BRING ITS KUI.I. VALUli. Tbi U DO iiltw bortat, bnt vxcij wtJtti of il la lh tmlh av&4 Usvl aJ vm. t uf f Ik; ext.fi O litiVf , - Our Mr. -i'arham l nn txMriofml lfaxrsl aS IV-. l-&tt:ra an n Ac-w,. J!r hu 1tu mi i tb .bawnc for rmr nad hrva rrf rti iM o of laT nl m? r w-c". u sn'ua T U f,u u Tho Lowiabarrr mrvrkat in fortonat? in rvATir fcio it t&zz&f U t 8rr wtii jiat-u- tt.v rt;3 tlti .a.. - a. ' . a. V - a . a a at. rTlJI protect tlieir fntfrmt Wtx-a IhHf to'an-O la trolii to crsr brasa, aTia.' vs va fttr-tj. W. n iwn jwrvicrr nd tLcirncntjt. bat trr tui nad t-s cuariryrl lal a r.il vu 5?tf lKisw i-if'f avt r c .;nra ft matter whrTC locitrf-J. , Our foni ic: raV if rrir. a. i'amiflrj, r!: Dattlo and it, 1. Tivjlar. Wbcr, K. H. Ford, -bowll- pU a I W iwii l J uti.. r. PARHAN FORD- r a T ,.V-.-. aw. ..tn tl la tk lart axa.t ta a3 ttU art fear W ." J tf ? Taba Cav, wBi a masiavata Wa WUlttantl 0Mm1( - KJ 1 f rl.SH, TKaea Ra wll if.f H CLtBJB lilf tf WtUl & 'ulf HTKW tf f W ""- 4 . i.-. m r 1 fj" r 1 1 . . V t .m'.i ...1 Ll Ut at bi b-Uil M aM' 'I'l im j wi w- . . . . a - - - - - -r - cloerar tcUJ fissa Uwx-l iV'.l await.. !!t Vm rtd j'sil al nei . a- f ..UHja.uii? at a. f taaa3!ain alter U Hal a a:i tial mt a.-jv .. a aaal .1 tl M W Wvi u . !.. tobatto at Wotas, bil trl ll ra U fuVia A 4 a-rti f Oei V any Ammmn, . If W ti t. -'" lis- t :U i : r-ajr-we wa . h aa - aw . a Kt: lk iw fe -... .t t' ! ' a -l St.fi IU f V . .mt X a -f - , - p Snta.

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