" ' ' ' ' . .. . r us. a. TH3MAS, Editor and Proprietor. vol mil : - . sv, a,.... 5 i - V ' - . t r ? r LOUISBUBG, N-0, FRIDAY, SETTEHBER' IV 1M. a .-...a I) 7?! win!, ix ne so s u frreai. l 4 -JW -i, f I I p tf t fr J a - . 1 aentuu nmoer. l i ttMf... . HI - . 1 we t14ie.Va.lwri.. Mill MKTH0DI8T. :. l iy School at 9:30 A. M. Qso. 8. Baxbr, Rapt. . i liinx at 11 A. M., and 8 P, M, .v-r meeting' Wednesday night. M. T, PfcTLKB. Pstor. " BAPTIST. - , Uy School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. Wilder, Sopt i.-hiotf at 11 A. MM and 8 P. II, . rv Sunday. ,'r uvr m eting Thursday night. H. H. Mashborhb, Pastor. EPISCOPAL, - . . I iy School at 9:30. -.i morning and night, on i and 4th Sundays. '. . :ng Prayar, Friday afternoon. John Huskk. Rector. LODGES. I. n-iburg Lodge. No. 413, A. F. & M , meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday in each month. G Pacification as it is In the Philip. ptaes-Repahficaa Harmony h 9 EHnois Personal Comment O 0 Til & 0 0 'O O o 0 O 0 0 0 o of i t- I khio nnl ojxrd ARTHUR II. FLEMING, DKNT1ST. l.ol l.SBURQ, . - N. C. . . i ivt Cooper's Store. s I'. UCRT, ri INQ PUY8ICIA.N AND 8URQEON. Louiaburg, N. C. i i the Ford Building, corner MaiD , ,., -i rtt rMts. Upstairs front. ti K YARBORODQH. 1HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, L')riBtjRa, N. C. .. Ju l lloor Me, building, phone 39 .-ills answrei from. T. W. Bickett'B . i.hoiie 71. II. 1" J i; M ATTORN BY AT LAW. UOUISBIJB9, BT. C. : r i.Ure In all the Courts of tbeStat o:!lcn In Goart House. ! ijnoHB, A TTO R N E Y- AT-LAW, Loui3Bcae. x. o. , . ;i 1 :h coarts of Nash. Prani lin irrna,nd Wake counties, also the nirt of North Carolina, and thfl D in t District Courts - W INSTEAD, A r rORNriY-AT-LiAW, I .i n ISHL'RK, NT C. K . t V. V. TEAL t Co.'S S-'OBS. : . i . t i - ri i?en to all baslnesr MAl.itXB. , i HYSIC1AN AND SURGEON. I.OUISBUK8, 5. C. : c;ke '"rag Company. w i. -. POSTS R. "I. I.NG HH YSICIAN SUKQBON, Louiaburg, N. C. .7r Ajcocke Drag C apany. i. MAY WOOD HUFFIN. A TT 0 RN K Y- AT-LAW, LonsBUB. . O. . rvi.i in all the Courts of Franklin mink-oountin, also In the Supreme in i i.i ihe Uuited States District and iir'H. ",.h in coover and Clifton Building. B i-ii U," I AILDKR, A TTO RN BY-AT-LAW. LoaiUBCM, . o. .ii MLn street, orer Jones Cooper Sl'RUlLL. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LOU19B0EO, K. C. !ff.ithe courts of yrankBn, Vance , Warren and Wake counties, also m.reme Court of North Carolina attention given to collections. over Ktferton's Store. W. BICKBTT, -UN BY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LocisBuae it. o. r i.i t and painstaking attention gtren to ry mutter Intrusted tonla hands. t.- b it., ii of M ri to Chief J usttce Hnepneru, m-u. ii. Ron. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C 1 1 , Pre. First National Bank of Wln H. n Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank r , unas. o. layior, rn. t - li e w TtmiMrlake. In Coart Hoase. oppoeite BherllTi r. fBRSOfi, ATTORN BY AT-LAW loiisbitm, jr. a stl coarts. cnnc t.li : in ;rt. Is Ne' w a YAEBOBOTXaH, JB. ATI OBSET AT LA W , lodisburo. H. o. k iu Opera House huilding, Court street Uiral hasinesa intrusted to him eceire prompt and careful attention, J)U 1). T. SMITHWiCK, DENTIST, LOUISBUKO, - - N. C. :!v. orer Turnltare Store. HOTELS. ISpecIal Washington Letter ! HE way that President Roose velt sat down on the wrangling, jangling, corrupt factions of the soothern Republicans Is decid edly refreshing to bonest men every- political persuasion pvprv- where. Tbe Republican party in tbe sooth is maintained solely for tbe pur pose of gobbling, tbe federal offices, and the factions are merely organized gangs in search of pie. If the presi dent doesn't look out, however, he will not have a single southern delegate In the next national Republican -convention. They want pap. Mr. President and not lectures. No set of wolves were ever hungrier than they are, and they would pull down and trample on all the presidents that ever lived if they stood betwixt them and the swill trough. So you had better go a little slow in tongue lashing these famish ing southern patriots or your name will be Denis so far as the prseldency Is concerned. A Fine Delegation. Alabama will enjoy the distinction of having in the Fifty-eighth congress a delegation every man of which has seen congressional service, some of them many years of service. They.are all able men, some very able all Dem ocrats who stand up to the rack, fod der or no fodder, men who are honest, industrious, capable and incorruptible, if all the rest of the Democrats in the house were such men as the Alabama delegation, the Democratic minority would be on top half the time and make the Republican majority uncom fortable tbe other half. From Colonel John H. Bankhead. dean of the delega tion, to the newest member they are clean men, sober men, courageous men, men who houor thir state and the country. They have old fashioned ideas about avoiding even tbe appear ance of evil. Tbey love truth, and they stand unwaveringly by the peo pie who send them to Washington. They all ought to be elected by over whelming majorities. Queer Pacification. . How long, O Lord, how long? How often have we been told that "the Philippines are pacified V General Otis announced several times two or three years ago that tbe war was over. His successors in office, have an nounced it many, many times. On the Fourth of July, 1901, civil govern ments were established iu the arcbi pelago, but they were barely estab lished before they fell about tbe ears of the establisbers with a crash that resounded throughout the world. Then military rule government by satraps was re-estahllshed, and it will have to be maintained so long as we bold on to those accursed islands. Governor Taft was received with bosannas, was he? Every hosanna was bought in some way at some price. It is absolutely safe to say that Governor Taft a most capable and excellent man, could not stay in Manila twenty-four hours were it not for our soldiers. The war is over, is it? Even tbe Globe-Democrat the most in veterate organ grinder in the land. Is forced to say, "Tbe reports of recent fighting in the Philippines will show that pacification has not yet been reached." What in view of that dec laration, does the G.-D. say as to the rosy reports of General Otis and others that "the war is over and peace reigns in the Philippines?" Would to heaven it were over and that the lives of thou sands of our brave boys over tbere could be saved! The plain, bold, un varnished, unpalatable truth is that when we were idiots enough to pay $20,000,000 for the Philippines we bought a war which will most likely last as till the judgment day. More'g the nltv! The Washington Post independent which is a good deal of a jingo itself, in this connection says editorially: If anything in the way of news from the Philippines could be -expected to cre ate great excitement in this country, that result seems likely to be produced in the very near future. War on tne Moros is sure to be a bloody war. They fight to the death, believing that heaven s aoor is wide ODen for all of the faithful who are slain In battle and that peculiar favors and special honors are reserved for sucn in the abode of the Messed, suuaiea as this republic is, and it is a situation tne responsibility for which Is on both par ties, we are bound to fight the Moros. Here to the way in which the SI Louis Globe-Democrat puts tbe case: "The latest killing" of American sentries by the Moros wat deliberately Intended to, nrovoke a war. General Chaffee will see that the hostilities rendered necessary are of the kind that hurts the savages." Tbe Springfield Republican. looking, at the case .- from the anti-imperial stand point, puts it thus: "The expected campaign against i Uoroi which General Chaffee foreshad ows will certainly be in line with, our history in the archipelago, wo single iooi of it has come under tne actual sway ui tbe United States except by military force. The subjugation or tne jaoroe is simply tbe btst' stage in a war of con quest." - . .., .. We sincerely nope wis wm in h it afaor " and we have no doubt It will be the hardest the most costly in life and In cash. A to Secretary Shaw. For some reason to this writer un known the administration appears to Is the parent of undesirable coadirtooe. Then why not arrange to have the pareat i an roa occasionally to the tncor- rigible child? Now, If the gifted and ubiquitous secretary will answer that aoerv and I tbe Post will comment honestly and ireeiy on the answer we will , bare what Dr. Horace Greeley, another great apostle of protection, would call "mighty rich reading." Let the secre tary answer and let tbe Poet comment. On with tbe dance! The more th merrier! Mysterious. Hon. Joarph I Brlrtow, fort& as sistant postmaster gnwrat of ta Coil ed Btatea, U likely ts t a now U ate tory as -it rsaa - with th afl scalp. He Is a myatery-that la, u way he keeps his scalp oa Is Mystery not aa Insoluble sod axxrararjax tbos other great tOatorte aaystertas wno strsek Bffiy fsttermr mad 'Who was ta caas) In th troo aaaetr bat a uyittrr MTrtbU. Wk J. Ralph Burton, th raaipaatest Jay bawker Of then an, was elected to tb senate, be mads; a harry trip to VT saa lnston to saatcb that scalp frees (war BristoWs heed and airooec4 feat t had succeeded. That was avrs thas m year a$tx and yet BrtatoWs rapat scd retains Us hirrBte cored m. Rare tb) Bartoa's newspaper bre as 4 It oat flat tsat Ralph had Bertoefa scalp st his belt, bat be baewT, Jd Brhrtow ts op la th woeda of stala wt V ll. . . aw cavuarr aoormsMBt prtact. i R art on has been eocnpUttty -tiers ed ) by Bnstow. but dot eastss) bare 7 try U4tr M,jwcicr and Optician ? Emulsion sSsS ks j iwi. if re svr wsjs r IMIeivNvaUoj 1 t SM4t a t . TW trspr tcsis4' 1 A NKLINTOX HOTEL ( .Yi!SSLSl:SS. ltmiUB ai T FRANKLINT01I, 3T.C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. -A accomodation for the trareling ' A LivT Attached. - MASSENBURG HOTEL' piece. The gomernpr Js orating general- lr nround over tne country. --x ne w au- Innton Post which Is- a high tariff shooter, but which knows enough to co in out of the rain, takes a ran out of tbe secretary as follows: - - Secretary Shaw admits that the tariff Hope Deferred. Surely the Isthmian canal buildin is another illustration of "hope deferred maketh the heart sick." Those simple Simons who are expecting to sail through the canal or, rather, a canal across the isthmus in a year or two might as well be dislllusiooired of that hallucination. It took ten years to dig the Sues canal, which was only twen ty-six miles long, a sea level route, in which nothing but sand was encoun tered. Even if we were to begin dig ging tomorrow It will be twenty years. In all human probability, before a ship goes through the canal or, ratber, a canal. I say a canal, for nobody knows which route win be cboeen. Nicaragua or Panama. Indeed the signs indicate that a third route the Darlen route is to be surveyed, there by wasting more time and making con fusion worse confounded. True, appa ratus for digging and dredging bas been improved, as have all things else. since the digging of the Sues canal; but all things considered. It may b not unreasonable to conclude that boy babies now in their swaddling clotbo will be voters lefore tbe canal U opened. Tbere Is no sort of question but that the transcontinental raiirnad.H are all opposed to the building of any canal whatsoever; hence all the Jug gling; bence all this superfluous stir veying; hence Senator Marcus A. Han na's thrilling oration on the subject of volcanoes; hence 1 1- (Went of the Mor gnu Nicaragiinn scheme; hen Innifl KM (Juigg's doctoring of tb- Phil rlelphia platform, sultttllutlng th wortl "isthmian" for the word ".N'lcs inguan." A Great Wool Pulling. 1 was recently over in Illinois oa a lecture tour and took note r political oondltlouti in Sui-kcrdom. The Repub licans are having a groat wool pulling and no mistake Hon. William K. Mason bas his war paint on and la go ing hot foot after the Yatcs-HopkJns gang. What -the Republican factions of Illinois are saying ulout each other could not be printed In any newspaper in America without subjecting It to tbe penalty of being excluded from tbe mails by reason of profanity and ob scenity. It will be remembered that the Yates Hopkins combine rolled Bll lie Manon at the state convention and incidentally rolled Uncle Shelby M. Cullom, whose chief Btock in trade is that he possesses a physical resem blance more or less remote to Abraham Lincoln. Tbey thought that after roll ing Billie and Uncle Shelby they would have clear sailing. Not so, boweTer. The rolling process appears to have In furiated Mason to the point of mad ness, tie is now out ror revenge, ana he seems to be in a fair way of getting it And sweet is revenge. So said Lord Byron, and he ought to have known, for he was in the bablt of lathering up his enemies with aqua fortla. Mason bas sprung a thing on his enemies which is goading them into Insanity. Governor Yates' machine levied a & per cent assessment on all bis ap pointees for political purposes, and now Mason has Induced many of them to institute rait to get their money back, and the very deuce Is to pay. It looks very much as though Mason's successor in tbe senate would be a Democrat Instead of Hon. A. J. Hop kins Republican. Bob Williams' Just QuarreL The best laid plana o" mice and men Aft gang agley. So sang Bobbie Burns, His couplet is likely to find a new verification In tbe election of congressmen In Illinois this fall. The Republican legislature last winter gerrymandered the state io most outrageous fashion. A more un fair caper was never cut but its fine scheme to disfranchise thousands of Democrats bids fair to be defeated. For example, tbe Canal district which J. R. Williams, popularly known as Bob Williams, represents with so much ability, they gerrymandered so as to give the Republicans shout 2.300 majority, according to tbe returns of 1900, but tbe Democrats propose to overthrow their plans and to re-elect Bob with a whoop. He was renomi nated unanimously and with great en thusiasm, and enthusiasm la more con tagious than tbe smallpox, the measles or the bubonic plague. Consequently tbere are great fear and trembling In the Republican camp, for Bob Williams is one of the best campaigners In the land and one of the ablest men la the gongress of the United States. He is a man with the courage or hia convic tions. Thrice is he armed who hath his quarrel Just .nd.; Bob Williams' quarrel - Is Just both bu political and personal grounds. He Is right politically, and a Repub lican legislators tried to stesl his seat In. congress? by a shameful gerrymai der. It Is believed. on all hands that arisen for Brlatir Area tors ETklcs t and Scott of West Tlrftala. Iw of tbe most Insatiable pU boaters la tb Uc They want the entire bakery. ItrUtrv was willing to clre t&eea fc and numerous SMeee, bat be wmntad ta re tain a few crumb for saAcry a ad palpitating patriots elsewhere. Cons qoeotly tbe West Vtratata stara vowed to do that wbtca J. Ra!?a bad ao often vowed to do and failed to do that Is, to remove RrUt jw'i scarp, I place my seetercr oo BrUtow. Of courtM? he's a KepobUres aad oogfet te be bounced for that rasoo, trt be'a better than Burton, in Vice sad IWxt who hanker after Ms 9 tov4aoC "A Palpable MliiMnr. Under the above carltaa tie WnS lngtou Poet iadepeed'TJt r a Her that blatant Republican ortraa crtdr. tbe G lot- IVnxxT t la tbe foilowtn rigorous fashion: "Th party tfct attaaka tasar to a distinctive m: etatmad by Ufc S4. Olob-rroo-r I tor tt, I grMl aaT -tVon of voting citUaaa k ceeMla IV dominant party. Wama a raaaMmatin la followed by aa tdnar la aa-1 srrnt profit an tucM riui IW aumr to par fabwlow Sivt&aada rapUallutUoo that 1a U-T S-rtltWv. thwra la a caH ror aa attaxh. aa4 tb nvooovoiUMc asacttrwa pt tuck a m. btn ar mad I u WU by a tana ul that ts DCt ndd far aay WliaMa purpoa. th polat of mtUIwt atlavft k obvlovia. atul taat la irtaiy t& fMt whk-h th RapabUcan partr aa b. latently rrfd to aa -N la a hi alon' kaa bA th rpaaa ef (k R. rvubllcaJI Iradrrs to rwry Hfh a antitrust tart it a;ttalei. A to eXh-r nathodx f rpTaatne UM irrwr-J of trota Um RaUira party kaa tn rqvany n1tt U. Th U14 a this ubjrt. U prvparvd by RavsMVaaa r Iy1n ce)4 to th riftntWM af ro nlHtara to whlrk tbwy wwr rrttrrmi. It th- Rpublk-an lead la the rtftr-afltk and Plftk-ewvwalh ctx-yt ka4 d.rwt all their crjerxia ta tk ta ot tnuw any lntarfcrenca wl'h tba trwata. (Sat rcorl of aurcaas ta that wtaar torn 4 not har bvn mora reaapVt taaa It Wa "Tn party that attacks Ira"- taa th Olob-Danart oaa that paraaa aa e ha 1 !- te rWtkvU? tt wl aaa-wap that purpaa adaatraaty af taa ftawa taaseaaae 4 UHmmm a,iVa. raa W ae ataaaaa Ae . C aik Ve aati4 b vavx ae . aa-s UnTt.ia rw aha eja a4 aaa aaaa. TVt feUi ia . a, fa, 13 VU ay. M. X. A r. . ,t 11 11 1 man a It ta sealer ta waie a teh lla a sasoslaia. AS frmmim waJtr Unm m fstZar SwJWAe mi Ivafartiba laesi. ia 1 WATCHES. CLOCKS Orders. f4 a 4aa lta ey;ti m1 asaeeif ui tat -et wtaa.Uaaa, TCa1fiaJi? -a w i sua ata t-ia.as.tj,. , mm j, it.,L n aavtapa m re tw aTjfttMa-. lutnttai a- a JL, rav al 4c.lAttA2 Mm X. C a ea Aca ftaJitaH-e. Jaraaa. W 7?Ok t J ra.'e -Ka aH f- frtalioaja a-TS Va faaas at. . m aa We C.TOUliLaaa .A-l.t.iC A3 ftaaaaabe aaA aa aaut Oa1 T,Lm wsaaKe 4 Urea Wa-MAv I avi tMaa.sa t W IW -;i4aia7a) ana J C C aaaetax. la.Va.Vn.-",". V T. f a laaatfa la f tarnAaaa. , llff. K. & F. B. Pleasanls' I" a .a laa ful aa lb mmt jWteaa. aaa aaa jaa.Vte U fe - e.eaaa ii )aaiae.tat -aa iyaa,-4Wa eWa- 'X tT uxmsjkra ttr. aa taat4 fe tA t t""l ' ' a a via a. .Uh. MfCm-M , i3. O. f ae pa aaa Saaw-'a. W aWa ' VI tathoa. kW't A 'aiaia . m I t a ta (t m la-a. , 'waa, m na. ra4a-M a 1 t f, t a- far. I'm t V, tn ' tco. MIJ raai; m-mum ayadaaataaae ' p J 4k J 2 R tn. CV. r-ti.a. . r. VUiCIl faw"e r I! "OCX, tanaa s. t. aa , a-a 1 a hA-m. laaala vaa.l?- - ba aa- aaaas lufm aa (ft.asa ta-a la tsaaS k CorapoQudinS Prescriptions A seshaad ts s4 a las thai aa b-eroei i4ln: a etTi ttr tttc roi :.rt jib !ixi.fy i)H(a4 k a v. fi t i a aa v 4 t l . : i 4 m. -,-N 9a r-1 -- ..nt 1 !. f aa ( . (.. W tt SV-v .. t--vti. tal. H h-i l iia - !aa wtta. l r liiil r 'aaaat ri--! 4 tl ww. . f.Uat 1 a way C) .!, lib a a,a ra Wmii)' h r - . ra-.l 4 ... m I r-t ii nalcajaaa aut 3 . . t irnVa Omw( v. at i. ti 'X t-.j v.: . -t a c. s r raa a a.r if h; a taf l a it f..( a Stt aa e - aa4iv PERFUMERY ASD TOILET A Cord. To tti 1 oria a rat iat fat M-t nf i.a t 1.m iH:tiria if tV" -" atry t'n-'11 t-iii t -?um rt h taatt Wai f,W MMn'iiUti if U ;tMei;ua a1 lit Hai acn f t ;nd Jimmv l.nA- fcoiw -af!J ea a . hiotqiaiiAai i f ot ia- l4iiil Irit i.u lftnl ti" Frff-a.i 1 iimra y--t.t lit ru t. 0 -ar.a-t r-nUaba C. Liar J" '- '' i.4a Cta-V4a.t tw.a taaa. wij.imw tnu a( a"a--ti..j aaaJe a . ?". Iaa( LOWNEY'S GANOY. r-l a! a t aa-1 a t.aaaU C !aa M rati ? I'LL 1 7,w --.., . 1 , t ? t t.:i j-Tr.M n:t- 1 1 ;i-.:ifa rytxx .n n nnnr uu lJUI I U u P war Iaa siflniai That is a strong rrttk-Ura of tb O.-D.'s idiocy or mendacity. What will be the effect 00 the O I.1 NU-pra-ciscly that arvl Dothlng mora. Coarrtkca a saaa agataa bla U H ot th aatae epiaiaa atUL Of course tbe C D knows bcttrr. It la simply trying to hoodwink Its read era. Any port la good In a storm, in the foregoing article tbe Peart ladkatre bow to boat the trusts by rwltlai down the tariff 00 article oa which trusts run up price. One on Governor Dacksry. This story la bring tod 00 Gorertx-r Dockery of Mlasourl: A few days era he started to walk from tbe rtecotlt mansion to a hotel In Jtfferaoa City On tbe way be paad two k-taoej.3 stands which had beat, started sp bj youthful residents of tbe capital He paused to observe theta mora parties larly, and tbe bays bvn vehetsetxly to solicit his trade. One Informed hlaa that his lemooada waa 6 cents a clsaa, the other that his was ocdy 3 raota. Tb governor, tbiaklng ta give tbaa a a object kraaoa La both baiaaa aad politics, bought a glaas of tbe threa cent decoctloo. After wiaktag aad wiping his w Makers be made a few remarks about tb advantag 0 eoca petitiOQ and then aaked. "Sow, ioba oy. why la It t&jt 700 cbarrs & caots for your letaooada while Tceamj charges only tV Tocntay did aot wait for Johnny to reply, bat so-werad ta s piping voice, "WeU, yo saa, air. tack cry, th pup fell in mlna." Evidence of Restjbllaa Harmaay. Th Chlcsgo Tribuo. aptjblk-a. rises to remark: Tb tariff rirWoa wblcb aawtara Aa publicans bav la aUaal t o4 which will rdr th lnaa 4 ta fi-r-cmmat. bat ahleS aaay taceaaa II TV towrrtng to a potat wbea oaly UaUiaaat protccuaa la afford! af e 4aty wkVe la so bih aa to be pro bib tory ail iaeaae the rweenue IsaaasS of 3aaiae Ui Th taeetaae aaica It la Saira4 ta rarfaaa through tarUT reeiafaa are Uke I af graet ladaatrtal eeaWaattaaa are aatna OalVea taat are ta I a a act Croca boxsa coaavts are aaaeattaal prtoae for thatr pa areata, lit laa acaitaa Sown of DlaiUaale peaSta attaJ at ay RpMieaas whoa feaart are eat aa 19 rftlo the eatlra aoaimaalty ata ba beseoiad. And tb ProvVJaoce Joaraal. tade- peudent Republics a, chipe la with: Thar appears to ba traaeae ta Ove Americaa Frotactlae TartS taraa eacratary Comeuas N. Bllaa aa at a. er aaabar havtas ra--a4 evtaaatly ba cause tbe leaarae'a tattaaaca u thrawa against the Kaasoa tattpeeafty traaUaa and Cuban radproctty. TV jimieat the lagu adaaits tt aad aad that irasS. f roctty 1 simply ooaala tha wey ta fraa raSa" The laaaaa, t. Uaa taa Haave Market, eleb, appaara fa be aaaaaat -laa Buffalo plat foera " ad tha tariff eiawe af PraaMeata MaKtalwy sad We as mil, fly tbere t traaU aaaad. PT U. L JLlicuL- &. Ford, PROPRIETORS. Thoosands suffer and huDdreds die " I Aliyewa .- . m .i r aen..MhnM. Pranr 1 aware aear in this . eountry iront , om w. because vn. P""7. p"-' a a urn esa ---ar " 1 1 -I CompUlBt. The tes rem ed oa every notue snowing vast 11 1 1 mBl pieaaaatu . wr fVR?l aaaaas: in ehlldren ' or iron and quinine in a tasteleu torn. 8mVU free at OMUXiUaun': . : yt: .rZZM BalMaU War. ear now. - - I . I you BHOW WHAT XOfJ are Tal t . Wkaa Toa wul a aleaaaat sAyal try When you lake Grove' Tasteless Chill 1 tie reeaedr, O aajber laia'e gtaama a s s rt 1 . 1 As a & a k . & Ts.oita. By are er M laas evvet- mea, x eaaav It. Jt-A r. B. naasfa. oi accommodations. Good fars: 10 I ranted to a-ire s&UsisewoB vj t v fit and attentive eervutr I A-tt" t riAtalli. for these Jai 1LSIIIL1VU Wir. - r NORWOOD HOUSE kre thV tompwU U greater iv. j. onwooD,Prprletr . 1 KM a a a asi i a a a j tv J i Jy Mb. S NA5H STREET, It is with pleasure wo anhounco to tho tobacco crowcrs of ErLCtcni Carolina the completion of our mammoth brick Warchotnsa. Wo now- have tho liirpit Mia Ugt" 1 1 Uli and Moat Conveniently arranged Warehouse for the sale of Lcif Tobricco in North Carolina. Equipped with superior advantages and ample aipita!, to mane every pound j of tobacco placed on our lloor -sro Intend BRING ITS FULL VALUK. TbU U no idle bonjt, LUawtrT4or4 of ii U sroih lr! "1 .tw Vj c-iii it: acvM Oar Mr, Pttrtwitn t nn n peritr J totocast Uotit t t;twew i its n S.t. tiwns n&tf& In tbw btJ4iow for jrrirou bat irprtfsai4 o.a or urrrj 3t t-a f w c?5 t, u tij ir u. fu u, Tbo LouUburg roarUt I fortooat la ttHTl- bls to rcr tt-ia?- .Ww, t3 ;it.t.iti?, tuj 51 .nri;?5 Vlti J. will proteXt their ioUrot -bca ihtlt lobanro U bfrl .a cj-f J;cm, tvi SaV & u iXc Wl r if r:tx ,;. find taeir mntUr DatUo and ... a a a - tk a . . M a a If . 1 . -a aw st.. i. a OCT aW, OUtlrr UU RCtl lw CtHT.&rf4 CJXa saevi jcaX t"r sa.a rwijr a.yuer. VtbvrG ' loCdtraJ, Oar fan ' S lfcoot.-tir;era A w. Jls-..tMO . 7'Wtte- it:rr-e P, lVTarlor. Weigha. K . TurJ, wfca 3 ial ftiilt4. . r. a . l attae fair faiinr. than a false "ny ,D naa . e.K warwaara - a- - I .. BUVUVBa je " . . - TOmVZ FATOlsi A TXXAJt 'ircne ot Commercial 'Tourists ..aad : The Best Prescription For Malaria. rbius andlever is a bottle of Grove is aswr d Dro.u, t. (JblS Tonitf.- Ifeis simply bn-aadni g &eB,. b. wrlu,e Blood ."toe tasteless form. fTo cur-rno pay. j Jff wj, , . Psurlfy the Blood. - r J - b Lllnr th old reliable Botaaio Blood I arr.-t.. iUMl. fa Wi. baak If wo, are ran dowa UkeB.II her t e Dr. Kief 's 5 re LIT PC.- bTB. It wiU rlr iife.vlUUty aad strsogth j write W. P. HaUsVaaJ, f Keasadala, to the MotfA.R ? Tex, s4 so fall Ots a a m. lata , . . l till, l . . v ili. V.. .t Kd Balm VO, I oe ia iwus hi aitwa Hitwm va- litM?t1 I5 r.ttm w rri ini rtcrt. - - j PARHAM & FORD. V V W k a a- I ?1 a.v e.t i a sa- l aV tl.s : a . i t Jity? a ).! -t t a f , Jt , f.aa f l.l r-?naaa at 'a 5 , . ' St u twtaaa-e M M We atf li itlmi M ... mt t ar . a aa S a i-.f ?!:! . e . a - . ... rlosttr UUko eta uitt;u tv uu pmum. -" a j . , - r . - ataasr ll k9U rcslUf tt tail t :i M -A tT1 wtH U ii U mi4 tkl 1 . . t a,", .V..M .1 V-. tit Irisi 11 S3 la 1'l.ta a rra aa ,ai.rw w vrr. - a -a - -t a ' 7' T fllt,.V Vuemst srtj ll ai iV Uffal atwl S la b3 Uli la-t f O-S . i? Jaf tVaaaa . " . "... . . . . -.a j YsbACf C. 8 rcsatSMl. V Ul r S. ta Savraa aasf y ' r - - , .a a a ri- w i a. TaUecs C viv ISr.a D.CVita as aaytr viu 7-t M4 iaatUl avoi UsU CL W.T. Usia, Us W at I st;l wVt . r!or toUr s&sa UnciV l UU saatir. II 1 r r I i i J ;w4 iaasflf isrv

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