XXXII 'tCh" - . - - 1 ' - . , M, ,L , ii , , ,, , (il uOH DIRECTORY METHODIST.'-' . . i . k n .on 1 " tir ; ( v -el) D" i au a w - ao. 8. Bapt" at 11 A. tl., and 9 F. H. .V'y:?' 3nm ri $V-: I d. e. teller, ivsii n,rr: flL1."' AAAAWWWWnA'AAAAS I to P to this bitttr war. f I I V . - . , ... , , 1 U. :,t,c j 1)! l I'M ; - -OS..- - : " - TanWul Awfn U'Vtt. V - 1 nmn iltna Int t tfcjl MifmnrM I . - - I TT. " . "'K ' . ,t,t . - II II TI IMT. - C5 -fiannlTit In - Mabwhn-' 1 - . - I- I .t - . . . I , - . . 11 II I fill Si . .-.:iy. - ' v- r mf.ting WedneBdaynlght.. M. T, Pltubb. Pastor. ' BAPTIST. Sctiooi a. ju. . I'Hoa. B. Wildrb, Bapt i at 11 A. ML, and 8 P.M., ::t.iy. - '- - ,n ting Thursday night. il. H. Mashburbb. Pastor. BPI3COPAL, " -,-hool at 9:30. i, morning and niffht , on ,,t 4th Sandays. ir, Grayer, Friday afternoon. L0DQE8. ' ' Lodge. No. 413, A." F. .& .,ir-t 1st and 3rd Tuesday t -,r-i-iioiia.I ocurdM A. H ALLItED. TT ( ) RNBY8-AT-LAW, ! V.-t 1 in ail the Courts. I Youngsvllle, N. C. Offices in KTlirU H. FLiEMLNii, .. HKNTIST. i 1HUURQ, . - N. C. . r Cooper's Store. r. r.i.'RT, ' I MI t'HYalCIAN AND BIJIiaBpN. Louisburg, N. C. ; Kord Building, corner Main tH. Up stairs fronts !' H v YARBOROOOH. t IV-K IAN AND straoBOH, 1. XMBURfl, N. C. . i iioor Nel huildlng, phone 89 insjcpre l f rom T, W. Bloketfs ,. .-. .Mie 71. M A-SKNBURO, ATToRNKJf AT LAW. LOOISBOBfl, H. 0. ,v'i ,1 m nil the Courts of the State 1 1 ".i.- in Court House. KB, i rT"R2iEY-AT-LA.W, i tii courts of Nnsh, Franklin. m.l Wake counties, ulsoth lri f North Carolln, and the U. i mt-i-t Conrta. - .1' INSTEAD, ' )itN3Y-AT-LAW, l.ullHHUBG, N. C. ' . . . K,( v p. KaALktjo.'sSoM. t nt ion given to all business Special Washington Letter. GOOD many of- the newspapers are poting -f at Hon. Tom I Johnson for endeavorim? tn Induce sn eminent divino i jus cy to ma lorHCoagreg. Jast why they should imdertato to make fun nf that proposition is hard to understand. 4 lirst aaa last a good many preachers nave, got into congress, and as a-role hey have demonstrated their carmcitv as legislators. It is a fact not gen erally remembered bat nevertheless a fact, that Edward -Everett waa a dis tinguished minister of the gospel be fore he began bis great career as a statesman. It is but sober truth to say that in his official career he never did a thing or uttered a word incompatible with the highest standard of Christian conduct General James A. arfleld was an amateur preacher; so was Gov ernor and Senator Colquitt of Georgia. I myself have served in the house with half a dozen preachers, among mem pr. William Everett son of Ed ward Everett; Judge Vardeman Cock- rell of Texas, Delegate Callahan of Ok lahoma, Jeremiah Botkin of Kansas and others, as the sale bills say, too tedious to mention. So far as I was ever able to observe, they attended to their duties ably and intelligently without in any way saeriflciag their character as ministers of the gospel. Consequently I am one of those who do not Join in the' funmakingTn the case of Tom Johnson and his preacher. I would not advise any preacher to ran for congress, but if one who feels that he has a call to go to congress does so I think he Is liable to acquit himself about as well as the average member, -and-there is no reason under the shining sun why he should not leave Congress as good a Christian as he enters it As a matter of ; fact, a few preachers scattered around through congress would do good. -1 dm rather inclined to the opinion that it would help the preachers themselves by giv ingthem a broader and more charita ble jrlewof human nature. race other multimillionaire will ntw. ana au will go merry as a marrttra bell in the legislature of Michigan; pro Tided it is Jtepubllcan, which God for- bid! . I"- - --" . ; MALONB, . , I'HYSlCIAN AND 8TjaaBON. LOL I8BUB8, N. C ' yc.octte rrug Company. KwSTKK, I N'd PHYSICIAN & SUBOBOil, Louisburg, N. C. r a j f or fee Drug C jupany. ,'RspubIican Harmony. Frequently in these letters I haveTe f erred to the fact that the Republicans rend and tear, each other Individually and collectively. In all their abuse of each other nothing more caustic has come uiKler my observation than this excerpt from the: New York Commer cial Advertiser touching that eminent. Republican statesman, the Hon. Lem uel Eli Quigg: Y AY WOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, ; LOCIHBDEO. W. O. tn all tne Courts or mamna ountles, also in the Supreme ii the United Hiaves AJinwit uu , i ioouer and CUfton Building. i if. H VILDKR, ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, -LOCISBUBS, n.a. n Min atr?t, over ones k Coopert . sr HUILL. . .. ATTORNBI-AT-IAW. , LOOI9B0BO, O. nt. n.1 the courts ol Franklin, Van i.. warren and Wake counties, also ,r,a rnrt at North CajTOllna. fru in i,i attention given to collection. fflf over Bgerton S DWiwt . (Iru t.hf rj- W.B1CKBTT, ittmrnbY AND COTJBtBKIiOB ATtAW. L0UI8BUB4 JT. 0. H,,mV.t d P8af ,v.r Atu-r intrusted toWsbei John ; i..r, to Chief J aatice Shepherd, Hon. onu , ; Hon. aoM. . W. WUjHon. b ,i: Pr. First NOJBaakoi wn ' 'M r -. CbaJ-ftSS. ... uou. krite BherUrs . in oan nwivi' iffif w. PlH''T.lfW B ill '.liiii. fKRMOOf, ATTORNBY AT-IAW all eouna. O ffice in Heal Why Qulgg? What particular reason Is there for Mr. Piatt to reach back Into the political obscurity which has envel oped Quigg like a soft and soothing gar ment for a year or more and lift him forcibly into the public gaze again? Mr. Piatt must be in possession of the rea son; nobody else has it. In fact, nearly everybody else in the party seems to have several' plausible reasons why Quigg should be left undisturbed. Nobody -has asked that he be made temporary chair-, man of the state-"convention, while a large number of persons, many of them of weight and influence in the party, have protested against such irritating use of him. They say It would "queer"-" the convention. - Why it should "queer" It is not clear, but there seems to be a feeling of uneasiness in many sections of the party when Quigg's name Is men tioned or his engaging countenance is disclosed. Quigg - -can scarcely be ig norant of this. The gentlemen who suf fer in this way have spoken of their feel ings : with great, frankness. They are speaking in that way even sow. They do not see the. need; of this fresh torture. Why should Mr. Piatt-subject. them to it. and why should Quigg wish to be made the instrument of It? It is a great mys tery; but then from the moment of his appearance in politics to the present hour Quigg has been a mystery. - - Ruasell A. Alger Redivivua. The death of Senator McMillan of Michigan affords the Hon. Russell A. Alger an.opportunlty of emerging from that obscurity which becomes him so wen.-' He bobs up serenely as a candi date for the : succession. , He has the one qualification,, the one thing need ful, f or a sueeessf ul Republican career in Michigan a barreWand what pleases the Republicans most about Russell la that when he wants any thing he taps his barrel liberally; he not only opons the bung, but ne knocks tn the head. " Hence there is much Ju bilation in the Michigan Republican camp. There are great times ahead for Republican members of the aiichi- gan legislature. It will be rememoerea that General Aleer - was a candidate Et Tuf BruteD.. , r ', L O tempora, 6 raoresr For, to, tllei many years tae effete east, especially Massachusetts. ,baa. been - makin mouths at the south and west u a bar barian country because occasionally some conspicuous criminal is lynched. They have delivered to us all sorts and lengths of lectures, denounced us as semicivJUied If not wholly savage and have greatly 'enloved themaelvM h Ibanking God that they were not as other people, especially as the people of the south and west. But the mouth of the old Bay State is In the dust in these latter days. Her pride Is in tie mud, and she lifts up her voice and cries: "Peccavil Peccavil" Cn in the village of Marion, & pleasant summer outing place in Plymouth county, Mass. only think" of it. In Plymouth county the citizens took a poor . wretch named McDonald, tarred him, feath ered him and rode him on a rail, a gen uine case of White Capping. The Job could not have been done In better style down Tn Mississippi or out in bleeding Kansas. An of the partici pants were disguised, but are said to be respectable citizens. Sometimes scoundrels are lynched in the south and west for such crimes as rape, ar son and murder, and on such occasions Massachusetts has been in the habit of rolling her eyes toward heaven and condemning the events on genera) and geographical principles. For what crime was this McDonald White Cap ped in the village of Marion, county of Plymouth and commonwealth of Mas sachusetts? The sole charge against him was that he was a lasy, dissolute loafer, addieted to the society, of d's reputable persons of both sexes. Xow, If Massachusetts is going to White Cap all persons of that character within her borders she will have her hands so full that she will not have time to at tend to the aiTalrs of the people Of the south and west Alf of which goes to show that human nature Is very mnch the same, whether In South Carolina or in Massachusetts. Of course it is customary to charge that theiyneU&g, feablt is confined to Democratic states or communities, in which, of course, there is not a syllabi of truth. Judge Lynch frequently holds court out in bleeding Kansas, where the soul of old John Brown is supposed to be always marching on. West Vir ginia is overwhelmingly Republican. A week or two ago they lynched two men in that state and then after the lynching discovered that they were In nocent, a discovery that didn't do the victims very much good. Marse Henry. Maise Henry Watterson in a letter declining to be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor of Kentucky wrote a very brilliant letter, as he always does when he writes at all. Among the reasons assigned for his declination is that he Is too old to turn rascal. That is certainly an amaz ing declaration to come from one of Colonel Watterson's position and ex perience. If it was intended for hu mor, it should have been labeled, "This is a Joke." If intended seriously, it to utterly Incredible that Marse Henry could have worked himself into a frame of mind to say it. He is the best be loved of all Keutuckians; he Is 0be of the most brilliant editors that ever wielded a pen-; he has been associated with statesmen all hiajife. With the single exception of Governor Tailor. against whom there is an indictment pending at Frankfort for. conspiracy to jnurder. Colonel Watterson never saw a Kentucky governor whose Integ rity, was seriously doubted by any liv ing human being. The standard of political integrity in Kentucky governors . has been high; the vast majority of -them are, like Csesar's wife, above suspicion, and no body know 8 this better than Colonel Watterson btniseir. He speaks to a very large audience; no other editor In America is so much, quoted; he Is the only Amerintn editor of a great paper who. is crtater than 'his paper. His atonal coavraMoa t ZXarvs Tva4r ly iKlirad in will atv wi IM reciprocity paitcqr as exposal Vp W V UaiB aicJUnWy at BffeJe a4 as a0t by Tfeeodore KoMmlt ta Us cm 4 Cuba. , Tbr wmat to awe Um awMati of eaprtSA that sr haeta ts twa of the Beeeaaarles et eft tromrkt p wi'.k s round tura br stats 4 faml slat t. AnoUtvr IhiaaT ta Dviswmrv & publicans wast to ti ta sxwmvatfcm of reveovw Uw ,tat ast combloauons." . : Preaching Versus PrssUc. - nu a-resMsat norm is caper ing around over the cwwtry tattles; volubly and Todfereosl about wfcat he. is coins; to do to the tnsts him st torney sarsi. Us'tlssk l'tlunAae XX Knox, Is csioyt&t blsosttf to Kw&l Toe troth U that GoIobsI tloossveU could do soars to sw week to br sp the trusts by brtagtof Mr. Knox lck from Xurope sod lastltttlat crlanlasl proceedings against tbsca the a be could by talking about Ubem frota smtv till doomsday. The trosfs cart abso lutely nothing about talk, no tnsttor from what source R esaoat. bl they do care a great deal about a vig orously conducted rrtmtaai proe-9-tloo. They dotal ear csocs abo Junctions and restraining erdra. bi a few carefully drawa todktsttts would set them to thtcklag rtry serf ou&ly. f While Coiooel Beoaevth is d dvertng his oradoos sod Mr. Knoa It luxuriating" among the splendors of the old world the trusts will xyseese s few more mill loos out of the tmhsry coosumera. Colond Itscwrait taay take himself eartoasly as to a war on the trusts, but aobudy eh wtn loss he bring Mr, Knox back booe and assails them frooi. Cask sod rear. Republican Estrwvagaaee RepresputstlT Sslser of Mew Tors made a very able syeecn cm th but day of the recent scasloa of cocs-rrwa. In which he summed vp lbs H$ibDc an extravagance of that mmm sad expatiated at some k-ttgth oo tb slas of the G. O. P. I baT enty spac to quote a few paragraph of tal very able speech. Salter U a bard weeasr and a hard bitter. Us began thus: Wa bar bra ta inalma atoc tk Sr Uorxlar of last Dieratw. II b c lo4d a tons ilnn. aa4 K sas tb' most npai iaia of ctMrrr rwv add la au our butory. w aav i4 s treat deal of ta popi sM-fr 1 a bilUoo doUarm Aa4 what Cf U sea, I hol ta or haoU ct3sl the appropriaUcns mat! iSJta soit. 4 I uk lh clerk to rw) IK. The elerk rad a fotu. amtoraiartOM or vx:a nrrt-v3-r coMaiau. rtMT n4ic. (Omutlns bundfd. tTntent dAcJocy Ci4. Pension tai4M Coaaular and dlpUtaraik- .. UK SocooJ urjtni dfldmT... I m Poatofflc ua.Ta Third ortrvot defl4acy JVa LesJalatfra; xoUv twt tiv- etsl ...........m. fa tal, SSI Ordnance and fortfficaMon tw rourth rrat d0ciney tasw Omnibus claims bUI i . Artcultural IOmMI Rlvir sad harbors Omelbua pubUo twitdras Mil. . tCB India . , v s.tlk District f Coianbia lMf.S9 UUltcrr mmAmmr &wt Panama canal (oo yri Army . tt.UHa Kavy . Oener deflcioey U9 HlaoeUaiMOu Pinuont approprtaUoa right stuff. "Mm cl oak. arc rzza ia holies arc pixlc cl ihc wr5- i ' ' ChJUhood i ihc Umc to lav tuiuuon laat buimt let year, r Scott's lvnvnbioa h Hc rfrhi the growing paxp ci chvlilrcn, Wpf thera bcifsl a 6rm (otindaii)p for x ittm that li-ttitioa. f frh Jwae SCOTT at tXrWstS CMmi, I 4 Pm 444 St Vrw 'nAeVeaxS t.fXt SA SfSltt, FomaMia a4 faU tea et ttiirc M t ! '... t i .'it ll ! i ii - r imua t A4 ttor-ij lij. will "R. JL' ti:. si t.4..i.v. v . " w W"Y -w,t. J- m t F-J ffi U Pm iawj Mtt Ala, O U ianfta w-U su sjyiSl-1 mkmxm w"A gT4ef fcb t St.. ear faip ImtA l.X.l M. It 5cF.: H- Pleasants' Tm .. $4M t1 M i0 a,i . U-VaV, . . TXT TartOa,.- , ...... v- V-, 4a- h a res. a wit wit wt rt Ufc. Wkb taaUy 4 at M t 4 ' 4iAf U b4v tt JU, . ( im f' . !. W. ft. ft-v LniU. tt. 4x4-' f) tim aaib. i (bi UI IWmI rtif a4 m r Ua. It irtUt sr Ws .4?f r7 til ir t' w l mmm tv tw . bbia. . hA4 mml Q ft U takrh lia Mi 4 tl mt It 3i Tw w m mm. cars. $ lt tU4Airr. OUsiStftA. I DRUGS $1 r. novae. wfm irrtjMrv r, n v ti.ct, jwi .e tuwi ViJ. O aa4V ;jr.f aK fJsaW J, ssjtCxts , . CompoaqdloS Prescriplioos mtmm mm, ma a Tm tM.Mw, fttM. r S ait... a t tn e.W t. 7. ut f U ,if f titiil4 . 4a PERFUMERY AND TOILET A Card Torts Tors a fs . Ct. s tt-, 1 t Wt i fai ti fwn(hm i I fSnttaS - - I c4ii'iiffMa OXXTKIPV'Q rTJi KITV M0e;Jb jj W W H U 1 O V5F ll U I aeo- m11 .& i i'iiiimi Yn i i FvptmM wp4I W 1 fTi mi tm?t ot l.a tf fraaSi m If. d t-sfv . hUttas,A,C, A tat VK lllS, u(bv, tH44 A etW fb, Cib. tlbViuta- & l' - f, tWb o! mrttl i Mak47 tt v 4 h aia tanvf tttm rV et f:W t.t. Ttwv m timlm A 1 I iyM f tt Ativi. ;M. K r IL rLKASAXTS. "firn1 -1 . I ii i i 1 M II I f""" " ' ,I,,M " ff1 t ' ' 1 I m""MP"i " I" - f l W $ 0 IkMP aeMjajaBBB) aaaaaaam taBBBSBSaft Tali al 1 - - aaaa "" aasjaaaas JbS asaaaatF "aajjpi BMMiawsB Sjpts.. a'' pw Bjaw jnaK Mai Tl ML 1 62: Fori te presTdent inlKdthy PrlBcipal editorial, are -ent out by the ufJlHZ wil .w,ifrfv nrn- Associated Press in adrance, not nn- W TaBBOKOTjaH, Js. . AT10RNEY A1HLAW, LOtJISBTJBa.K- -on ov Bout btulalng, Courtateeet legal busiasi' stirred up things wasabsohrtely amaz ing. He didn't get the nominal ion. it is true, but he gave tne otner canai dates a severe nervous suock., joun Sherman flatly charges In bis book, or reminiscences that -Alger bought htt southern delegates away from him. If gfierman in his hour of need bad Total matHB Now. KvaUamco. that sUUcmiI rpwaas for lUelf. It cae b aaotia fuUy trevertad. Tbi t KwUlon ea ST, Vrwha)mlacty IUpvfcleaa ta betb branrhca. and tb Bepabtkraa rty aaaum the rpotbUUr far aU Us mu of comadaato aod aailaaiaa. Ta Kb Ucan paxtf t rwpoaaru tor alt tbal bs ben don a ad all that ba ba toft do, far all tb nvt attvBc od aboa of powar dart: ta Sr mam ton of tb itfty (a MtMa bUUoa doUar iin af ar.aria la a anomaly ta var liUitve bjMary. I sab the taaprrt I podr e tb ft. I sak tb pel bow ! tbr mr IS- Uc to eobcart to tt sad alt for Bltt chaap gVorf ot . coaqaaH. all tor Bubt sURar sad Pas for a mti UaI lac. Hew tea; d ywm wst H t laMt Tea can aaanrtr ta tb Ask yurtt what ba Ibis for y: wktl ba U iaae tern CM rab and aieT la the Right of IHtttto) wSllUt 'What baa Ibis twstpt for tabert Wber ar tb bill wbtc r scwiani for by million f rUtiMf cosra aas sn rosa wiui ttmw am aw l , a ji'LTsr rKsi: Have tne party ba tortMd deaf ear I -titloo. It baa Uslataiad ttbr 4ry oo tba or bTd tb altatr. Ho tnaa.wOl J b dw4 by tb RapobUcan pa a r ta Va bous and bldt Httm im , a was do vUk tb ssiHrt bn ta w Jat eoasT, bt tbt p waracd well tbn that It baa b trl aai with th aaai da f deatlA ta waft tnsmen of tb eouatry wbd fe t4 tbes potlUooa cl k!l 1 Tb ifht hour btlt t a abtaiad aaarpi. a wall as tb tamlgrauoei bat tb Wi carriers. MU. tb everttne br er ar f tsbt' br on svrrMaM rfb btxt ' tb ' bail din ox warabtpe ta swrrnea4 yards tUl bad lb CbUwa ttrNiira bUX. au oaa a. Ctoato bat sad tb btsWaiKM subject advar t tb tr et Aaericaa labor. PROPRIETORS. f Ml M lu TT m mm . ,. a iaa y N NASH 5TRE ET. It is with pleasure wo aunoiinco to the tobacco ctowghi of Fjrtrn Carolina the completion of our mammoth brick Wnrchousa. Wo nov7 ! 1 b i.tmaA to htm prompt andcsjefnlattennoiiki liberal In-his use of boodlfc as he an td Abrer was. tne ; onioan wouiu nrnbahlv have been president instead n0r, oral TTni-rison. Poor -Alger! - He ii D T. SMITHWICK L0UI8BTJBGI, - H- hotels. was made tJiescupegt u j , - - ;. . mt cnd ,watter ners n the spamsn wx Bonbellevea It 1 He has no rint to talk anPAwft out of the cabinet He tried I aon rieye iu. Si5 Teven by writing a boolbut i to I J-1 dI3jHonTt that respect he is-equall7 tmfortunate, Beeause be- la tml- for nobody reads his book, Jwger Z,; tJloved. because be Is widely tier the line, The Courler-jonmai win say tomorrow., but" under the more fetching introduction, -"Colonel Henry Watterson: will say tomorrow.' Thou sands of people believe Implicitly to 14m 1 doriBEiyself, I cant get over It to save toy" life.' From the time I first ti14 read the LoulaviUe CourlerJour-a-4l was " my "principal . pollticar- pabu ium, but I don'tbeUeve the Sentucky governors; were rascals, tiat Xt-i nec essary to be; a rascai to ne govcruor - ,rh .. J0nce. they were sure GabbWin eii bora humorist.' expUtoe the frtood, f We rnanirest toe required totsrV and be coottnuee:; . . -i "i " - "-- .'Bnt GabbWgb .never get farther A t3ll andlllost Conveniently orranKCd Warehous e for the aalo of Le af Tobacco mfNp1;Carom ti r lri r t' ' I 'V n . La- a-. ,. Eauipped with superior advantages and amnio capital. to make overy poimd of tobacco placed on our iioor BRING ITS FULL ' VALUE. o-intend ii " " witrK-hla harreL for there I tbab the ataga of saying r' fct- IANKL1NTU JlrrblrrVani barreis.VS ' .1. w V. - 1 ; Mnn. .n.-la.SBild to"iiave OUlte .a I y-. . - : 4t. . I tprwui rvm vut v. ia KRA-NKLINTOD r . w. . , -; i tbe ReDBblican 1 the nrst emment man wum-u. a r.An.-uA - 1 inree sized barrel, ana tne Kepuuucau t , fcn ntterancea eon- umwu -WK; '"z'ssxzstt SS sa--w-.a. - J.- : . f . V.r; i., it.:- Mk' tha 1 Ml I -it It. ' . - .- --s- appear that an the 09 -.the : tariff roaronw their tentacles on young . . allair I . . r, . ,. ffof Mm Into the I Stilt atMt. ---i x' , :" ." a , 4 aeeomodaaon Eorw Cfli-"X Tt tf both I : it would reanr PPea Public. - - r : racer. - :re . fio ,.a t i.. Attached.. - - - i w - - never knew the-Joy of prrpsrlag oa mot oa the topic of a toio that ws tow7 It foold no be beard, we rrssse our eouversatkra on the dlMppotoi- tnents of Kf et Baltimore Amrtcaa. " Tkljt U no Ul bomt btit ctrrjf worl of U i it tzih. ni m Ui) M iui .wv -yc& Jl C: Our Mr. Parbatn Una xr:fVor loH-irrcrUt vsd lt.o. i :-t, i rr 41, J 3.t.t '..t t ITQ9 Lonisborg morkttU rortos.iT? i hr;t,; mss 10 rr.vr m ; ?r. t- j-.c .t i a I will protect their lutrcl nhfA their lolncco k tfr:l to irsr i-c-s." t 't:itv? ta I U ii, -4 of ua: and their art?atii. but trr cn aca b coaTi:rxl tsa -as 7;r ; matter - ' whenr. . located. - - Our ; Unn Uc lon ttf, 5 A 1. vt r C m - , . -m 11SSENBUR& B0TEL " -i Tr-jit. i y - jr ' r Mnunhnrir -pTopr HE1TOEBS0N..1?; 0c) w. at-.' ' - - iiu aadattaaUvs arrar-:?V r H (JS SlalTI WHO VBSli B S3 Z'aWSasfftBi ta M- EbO TSitl Saa w -L.--. v.' 1 waili skllUll j aua-sm as. am w - ' 1 aTV . m.. -1 .J aliuaaL A - - ... mv w a s rri . . - TT . t .,.. , w " m. , . ., ... .au. m. a,., '1 V . " a m m , ... m. T Thousands. snffer and-hredaj;w uaw Juf, .r.'-i v' ' ' T" " "w Mb 4 aV war in this eountry-rroin wu Tonle because the foimuos ie piainiyipna-! tBd .ji i. &YBowel CmpUint Tle dr for :these- diseases -.V ""J" ' - .7 . effb rM-. U tm at U. CJb r. It riaasaata. . NORWOOD HOUSE-- . tiiiitiii. BortSCtrollsit W. J. NOBWOV010 utrona oi 0oinmrelal 'j Tourists . (rueUng Pa tteSoUeltsa. - :eei laatjit nwri.' . If aoeau't reqairo moch wisdom J iae , tieklUi. ISltota D.Seth Arnold's Bal8Am.-Wbr.Unre no pay. Me, . -.- r, -1 1 Arj- oU ttild .lwaT,4dniM till ranted to j?iT,e satisfaction- ?J.hJ- ' " v:.a.V;rk SntbeloftV-,drelt.ol BotaalBlood -nTlng 4Mrlaf .! Is b4. bk does " - - ;L : v ; uleert - screlala, wsetna, p s- and tUaeh, PARHAM & FORD- to findfftuU. f- Purify the Blood. ngV 'Dana. ' " ir. . K 1 Wu. boila. rOBTCKX riTOSiTA TKXaX. - Hobins ein r.-WnnMea.- H toa ar run I T v . J ! The BAst mad selag wltbstl rUa. I br V s Dr. JClagf Saw U?e fU-.' v ...a orv!... J -- , I caru ... .i,.!; .j .trnrth I wrviai . " description For .siaiax-. ?.B. uwm ..i. "wood Tex ..s. e llt B 1. Trial treat. I iftj , ,uoah sad CTtf p lLotiV'-rr kss rrowe, sl.t Ute VV UirHl ta;tt Is r? V:i s-i: fi tVe aav tf 7. TabacadCa- h 8 fcbttOlV- Li tb-- V U rf l :4-Mt I f IV if - Wl. f. r-I . K. Tv.-a Cv. w.tlk Mr. CL BCllitt as lU k ff wiHfc a ru t-.i ,t r. If f . e'S law " "iri lsv:. T)rurisU. down take B. and strength TaKatco Co.. T ii' mT- ibd UX bul C UasL Cl T. Ve rV.aUe $ t Ve s-s j tst t4. W -n i. , t. .H "a7iValiw p!3Bttr tobacco S8S3 U,tV5.Wl tte etl- .11 : a - j:.l K.a..f sb .i... ie Jt ?: r:i:. .a r, t a . suZ-IsM iloacf UieViiciKM s tibl il tl ? r.V I eyl il lUt Vw M ( Ui Hit .... : wtreevit. " 0i? tobacco ml toa. fe-l k;ttjUla - f'Via 4 FtrS ami N marirej l 0mtl V i . f e avu.-. ., i; f-f . ,, ir tia J. Ct ti t : ii'a 111 ... ...n. f nrove'a Test; w ' -v l"",VVr:r; It la simply won-uuH-- r-. fre- by wmue t-iooa o.m MB tnm iv.-- - - - No cure-ov oa. U, K. 4 jr. ft, rieanav. nine" 'in mvaew"..--- -. - 'iw-t.."- - .