M Tl .r . . 1 - -, ' - - - t "V"" 1 - - TUB JiJaaiHI J. jL.TEOMAS. Editor OKX YSAB, arx Momma, thbxx icozrrfis Friday, Ssftbhbbk 26, 1902 tad at that veer as ywar a Snot is intormea ana ochcto m mwij T. K. WlATHWSBY. 1.00 swors ad subseribed before me 65 this tbe ijtk day of September, 192. 5 W. E. Tucmx, J. P. North Carouna, 1 Franklin County, f W. T. Wilder being duly swora -- . m ia vw. r 1 1 ua.a uc wo.a iu vuv ww w ATTENTION CONFEDERATE VtrtSAMS. Commissioners for Franklin county . Dnt(.h.rri has out with Mr. Weatheisby in the years 1899 ., - r a hill aanaion- and'iooo. That daring the time be ins th men wo deserted you in was on said Board the question arose th. hour of dans-, and went over as to the compensation which "prop nrf mm.d the enemy. He places a er to be paid to the Register of Deeds u. i. for nrensrin? the abstract of the coon- premium on aiinsnar, r-r ro , . .v- o iinuitv! Do vou like t?'s taxables for the use of the Aud . 1 iter 01 me oiaics. iwun suv nus nimr ... -,r 1 v t .1 Mr. w. n. xaroorouga, jr., wa iw tothat tri4oT. For. that , tarn .he J JotJe. most (section 3464 of the code) "every I To tts wfcs arw luw4 tt 1 WU dar cleanse the room of ibe prUoo lo iCewk; i WJ4 l . u atcn any prisoner snail oe coBaoed. 1 tv4. Inm, k . aad oaose all filth lo be reaoved there-1 V" Tnf.i f ,lv rJ't,ia- -1 P. T. II IL t fUJvtek). kia aar e t rro, ana anau also rornistt lte pn-ftrs e4 M riwry lr4 See oner a plenty of good a.d wboleme J--rVUaJ w&vci lilies iiuics iu vycij uTr idvi i tr? tj wfCieuf itflL . i sbaU find each prhoner fotl.Vce poood wlj,!; UlTu of wholesome bread, one ; pound of I for what ttt t do fct te W eood roasted or boiled flesh, and etert P we de ire thai ytrt wW . , .. .. t' "weuwe ey oe THE COMMISSIONERS ANSWER. MAKB county attorney; that upon the sug gestion of some member et , the tsoara she opinion of said eounty attorney was soaffht in resoect of said matter. That . o.mant in noon being cauea into siaic wnai , . sum was provided by law to be paid the Board by Mr. Yarborough, oa the First Bonaay im oepwjmuci the ni() attorBey replied that the com Published In the Record. missioners should pay such amount as T I io their judgement was fair compensa VV. M. 1 ARBOROUUH, JK., : . f WQrk ,he amoant As a pretext for your virulent attaek fof which tbe Reger of Deeds pres of Smemthr tst od as. vou say you ented his aceount was then stated to have been assailed in the coIboods of a Mr. Yarborough, and be replied that .-. k .k- -v,.irm,n nl the same was not exorbitant nor, r t ' 1 l; r.,ni mnn than ehnnln hft nain the Democratic Executive Comosiitee. lmnnnt fnr which the ac im aiw P. 8 0r rta4 titty I UW U tt Br 8oJf " Ja CWiis lid. kkh da ioiIm attU W cl. accessary attendance." It will seen that 9 per month Include com pensation for tvnrTHivc, and the omission of any one of the things rc required to be famished and done. makes tbe jailer liable to treble dam- ..j .1 ... .: I M ticMMar to em I Va r Lk T. . , . .... I UUUUlk l VAJlU-VJUllM. food, fuel, wa'er, service and attention of eery sort. The character of sert ice reqaited, and the environ mentr n a tf reel Ala. 9cMCiikNU4CnrUriUt.r.llM im lot Saiu et i-wkH u r. axa-. der which It is rendered, is DecoliaiU I . f.1'??!? iev ttmm m . A repolsive. Sometimes there are a doa en prisoners io the jail, and sometisoe there are, as at present, but two. For the service, water, fueV, attention, and personal supervision for two, there is exactly the same expense as for twelve. The only difference io eapeow between twelve prisons and two prts oners is tbe cost of raw food ten men would require. While there may be We fail to discover, in the fact that a wag pregented al tbat year, asLome in it lo te,jiiier with is newspaper critic.'zse yeur political in- your afgsnt is informed and believes, consisteoer, any warrant for your con- is exactly the same that k has been for duct in making us the object of your the past three years. onuaugai. ju yuu. I Sworn an(j subscribed before me you take advantage of your relatioa to lbistbe 30tb day of September, 1902. this Board as its confidential adviser, Gxo. S. Baker, . P. to air your newly acquired political Nort Carolina, l opiaions, aad to distribute a very Franklin County. ) adroit and misleading campaign docu- - ueing amy sworn prisontrs lo feed, there m edly a loss in it when ht two. most assor hss bat tbe on s boaw a i. w. Kt . Oolow rVH U t. W. Xta U fttU p4ot Hoar, prtc Ml mm 4Mn or. tuwvr adit 4 . www w4 Tmf cm a4 Ml. Klaws. StMott fra ovkar a rtixir M4MW4 MMllti. W. Kto . OkJI lft WO V tw wet Mwt w mi, rian wj irw wai, 4. nviwt m tf Mtun( ii y v. 1 I Anwwt 4i W. Bt. w4 iNw. ,1 A CARD. 1 have ba Informed that I Be that as it may, the Board desires nominated lor TrWJrrr br LL cca- I . t e.aa. a. i ' a . - .rfminUlr thi- rounil'i loiDCn venUOO n.d m IMQUUVTr l0 MM ,, . . . , , by Jamee I. Aloorw. I dwrfltv lo rwr- econom.cally and honestly. If yoo to u oai. , .Uq will causw an offar to be made to uj support tho tieki ooaiin a UrJ by lb tw rn sir-. h n iiiroNiiM i CIUmm Mm Uwtinz, tad I aa cat says: That he is now and has been person, to provide the items required hj &y Mr. Moorw, Anaa. ..niln.l 1 m V mimn Iks saving gce of courage to strike from the Board Qf Commissioners forth. for lBe pehon of one tall year. b theopan; for you discharged your county of Franklin. That two or tbjo poisoned arrows from the cover of your three years ago, the question arose be- ' . official position as Attorney for the he Board a, to what sum ol per month per pnsoner, the effcr w.ll money should be paid to the Register either be accep'ei or the present :n- C0"fty" . . . of Deeds for preparing the abstract curabent required to acceut the lesser You have much to say in an tndeffi- of taxes and ior siting ap tB- stub. nite way, about our "enriching spoils- books for the SheiriflL That thereupon ' .'. k., o.,f..l ,n th noininn nf th mont. tnrn.v. In '"pect f that part of your COB. Mr.W. H. Yarborough, Jr., wassonghf. UUBI"UB lu WD"-" 7yu wut That when Mr. Yarborough came into I lentioo to tbe law governing the sev- the room wheie the Board was sitting, eral county officers, we have only ih 1 ne was torn tor wnat purpose ne naa . . . T, ,mw. Jm. anee ia the role of the "watch dog of been asked to come. Your affiant ia I . iaconsistent with advned that dwiag the tmsion admin K1"" 7 wiwof istratmn nt mnotv fTaW s. similar I us a moral lectnre upen oar rJatks question fVpt rVwrwrtiuny. T. J. J eo 2oth. I9r3. enumerate wherein this very reprehen sible conduct consists. Your letter is disingenuous, and your sudden appear the Treasury," so your former record, as to be little short of ludicrous. New Crimp Room, pAttv Ktarol SIaHs. Htshfwt prxw r-aid oa all gnd of tobacco. Mu50 4 liar n, Riveraid Brlrk WsMc. W. T. Nml k Cn. hav joat rwwivwd n lot of SarapW 8how whveh tty a-rw wiling at New York mwt- Froiui Jnrs and atr Babbwra, al Allen Bro. Co. Th RabWn CVomJ -M4oww A UetrUVa VW krowt a4 lUverTrtda Brick WarrfeafUfc. F.vttrvxf rait t t n-v IV Xia a"""' "uu lus l"'' " J"" w" and see the dl5ttet rrwwors r giving ivif j-iat ir Mllrag yoq picktge of the very beat Bakreg P lr. FOR SALE One pair of flow motw, 7 vwarsotl. Thtrw good borant. I havw alao foar srood toowaad to horae t&rme for rot or wU. V. T. lIotxaaMwomt. of the then countv attornev was soneht l..ir .... ..4 . ..w . T. - . j rr . c j I o l it-i wrv. iwviu'ivva w iu & iv " - v..- upon tne same sudicci, xour amaint ,. w . and charge extravagance and official says further that the attorney to the K y0Or reltl,OB 10 ,h Bfd- misconduct; but wheo one remembers Board at that time advised the Board Apparently, accepting whit you say your relation to this Board daring all lhat k ould pay to the Register of to be true, during a long incumbency ...... ... Deeds for said work what was right vou gave us much advice whtch wa tbe period in which you say this ex- . , . . , . . . . , a . . . ' . 7 . . .. nd fair; and upon being advised of bad and wubbeld from as mock thai travagance and misconduct existed, it the amoaDt which the Regi8ler of ' raises the very natural inquiry of wh, Deeds had presented bis account for, WM gtoJ' for wh,ch yOU rcce,vtd you waited until you became a politi- stated that the same was not exorbi. lnd u t0 Pat u ro,lT " P0"1 cal turncoat to find it out lant and houW b Pd. That your bie, io shockiog disregard of gewd ta-.c v ik a t -V,. ,v a55"" told Mr- Yarborough when he for you, just as yu are leaving the h.id-.rf,uJrt came m that h; th door BaHio WOOD YARD. nJtVr rnntw'.Tni,. Tf V- 2 7 rmunera- XQU rc,d leclQre f Q wooJ to protect the county s interests. If, as tioa proper to be made to the Regis- K bonr and will d-diver at vbor door you so swaepingly charge, we were ter of Deeds for the work designated, committed, if at all, under your .d- wo ctlt .ny jj, a y quaati- wastinz the countv's monav allowing aDd tben told hm wbat hi predeces- vice, and omitted, if at all, with yoor tv from 3o croU worth CO WJU rm J M - m I. ..I la Colli g, i Commitlte J. C. Winston : for Com m issionera. alo aaw wood in ycror jirJ at SO (viiu eonl. (live roe a cail. J. 8. Laacia-Taa. NOTICE! i evM arlvtaAl f Km T?rvi rrl wkAn tVaLKMu.l exhorbitant accounts and na.incr ill.. ?". aF.u... - - i luaiuDisus were ib; ana xr. xarooroa&n t c 8. t , JU wiu.,,; ux.uii repiied that be coincided with such in your duty not to have advised us of advice, and advised the Board that It. None of as are lawyers. Had we lbej pay such sum as tbey thougt t been, we might have dupeneed with was ,&ir Ior Wld work and hat IP the newspaper reports are correct vrr .rvir Tf ,r.Mn.1UT,v lM amoaDl OI lt)e tccoa,t Panted Locke Craig is giving Senator Pritcb- was not exorbitant nor morethin a lrrt . v in . improper accounts and illeeal fee. u;r mmn.nMiiM i.. "d al! be wanU IQ th J,ot Jcn- while you sat by a tbe county's Attor- formed. Your affiant further savs SKDi whlch ney and bnowinwly permitted it with- lfaat when Mr Yarborough, upon the place i the State. out protest, there will not be mach hrst MondaT September, was read nhi. ,n ii. ,88 to tne Board hls comuaication Aa will be seen bv the call ebe Louiabunr and Kranklia county ao theblar-ewharVithelon., ' " ?" JL1 In the Ti-ts. the Democrats PPQLU. j.. i rvcs-uiu, tuui iuudi cnacavorea ioi ... i uuew ttt oatrwa ior uw rx)cit. Out of she vague insinuations of offi. interrupt him and asked bun the ixeCat,Te CoDaamle 14 called by the I Think of It, m honm fall oi cooda Sve jo jr nlckW and dtmw and get the creaUat bejirjairuievwroOprvd ! We. tbe onderaisned will oa Octo- tbey are having at variooa ocr 3rd open in the town of Loal. ourx. ana run tor t tnantM on it. a I flrat-clAMi, up to-dnt flrt aad Tea I Cent Store srivlns: tb g-ood ropU of cial misconduct made by you against I question if he nt. we are able to eliminate hiit in special charges, viz: permitted by Mr Yarborough to ask r ' such question, and was cat out off with (A) That we have allowed improper ihe declaration from Mr. Yarborough sccounts and illegal fees in the matter that be was not addressing himself to ot paying tor we preparation of the ab- jour affiant. stract of the county's taxables for the Sheriff and for the State Auditor's use. (B) That we have been paying aa exhorbitant price for the board of the prisoners in jail. (A) Let us examine these charge in the order indieated : Have we paid too maeh for the work of preparing the abstract of the county's taxables which is required by law to be sent to the State Aaditerf If we have, upon what advice and authority was the same paid f Without stopping to diseuss whether we have paid toe much or too"1ittle lor that work, let us pass directly to the reason why we paid it It must be granted that if we sought our Attorney's advice upon the sub ject, and then followed it, we are blameless, unless we ortelvee knew better than did our Attorney. We answer your charge of offieial miscon duct and extravagance is this respect by inserting herein the following affi davits : bad not advised tbe I airman to meet in Lontsborg neit Board as above set out: but was not I Monday. The purpose of this meetiar is for calling a convention to nomi nate a Democratic candidate to 11 the vacancy on tbe ticket; earned by he death of W. K. A: VTiUiims. A C. K. Cooke. I full meeting of tbe Committee is de- sworn ana suDscrioed before mi ..... i - his the oth day of September, 190a flr S Pino T p 'J WATCH YOUR PRKTHI DID Here then, the request far advice FRIESDS. came straight to you. Why did you The Chatham Record says that all not teH us tben, before tbe coanty's the old leaders of tbe Populist party money was paid out, and before tbe 8eem 10 hare abandoned both their ti.Kt f . . ,i;.;o,i : party and ks principles. Tbey oed and nothing over Uo era te. rWoMcn beroor opening dny Friday morn to ! ucloor 3rd at eiKht o clock In FWkley'e old stand nxt door to rigrrtoo'a WhiU Front. Yowre to ntt, - B. !L Tnws A Co. J. A. Tvhjiir, Uaaairer. A - 1 a 5 3 S 3 E a a w8 c a c c a 3 a 2 S11 a 25 r- O o 4 Jar? I iaQii5- U O a . . w r w- - a ' . L fcd U-l WW dMk W s 3 K In! oapfA" North Carolina, i FrankHn Ceunty. ) j"" aiiuy oeing duly 1 for. wur Hp ; 4 bi ae was on tbe Board E 3' Ul ' o O a i sf 4 NOTICE t - if i ,J;r'1;V';;; V that nartv inr nmmnlinn rl ik.n . . I . 1 .... I I J 'Vll UFu- you, mat we naa no rigat 10 pay owo peo., .dvancement, wbUe pro- what we did. We always followed leasing to be such dear Ineads of the your advice, and we would have done people. Having getten all tbey cooM so then, aye, we did do so then. out ot ll thtJ tnrew il a,id ' Befose passiag to the second seeciSe 5 leao tod hire 00 ,8rlbtJ . v . r use for it. charge, there is one other matter we For instance, the first chairman of want to call your attention to. Re- their State executive committee. Ma. ferrlng to the minutes of our former rioo Butler, is now the attorney of a meetings, we find one instance in which indicate of capitalists and is reputed I U . 1 . 4 l.l: II!. it is possibly true that we allowed an n 11 voice , . . is no longer heard pleadmg lor the re- improper account, and of that error liejoi tbe dr people," Hie twtxe,. you were the beneficiary. We paid jor, aa the-ncxr chairman of the Pip you fees, as was right, for the services olist State executive committee, w you rendered the Board outside the Artr niBie 00 weU usual remine duties. And yet when S2?Ved tMt f?de?,-lL" . , 1 voice, too, is no longer beard in be your aecount came in for tbe year's haIf of lfct opfreued mairee. for service as adviser, it was made out and strange to eay that delecUb!e )uo,h presented for one. half as much again oo a Wall Street broker la New as your contract with the Board called I York! ; N When we questioned yea as to TbU l,t miht ''"wed lofveai . . a ipnirin. inr wir n rirriw sa n m vf wa ia of Cemmissioners for Wli. county 7 T , T mchare' Uerj former VopuHstVleade; ahar j , J."" 10V9 ana 900, tfiat J " woraramec wora, obtametnlieT for himself h-a snsrie during the time that he was on Mid and that we bad the right to pay it, no further effort for the reiki . f .he uu incHucsuou arose as to the which we did. Was th.s an improper PWplf.- -7 rn,H ! barely poesible we paring ine aosiract ot the county's tax 0 4uciua ioai, 11 1 - uu woj. eswiai - uaiCii. ; t ablesforthenseof the Auditor of the J00 were lo b paid extra for evervlat J. iP. j Winatonar 100 Holla State. That at that lime Mr. W. H. rendered the Board, for what I Clotbi-g leas than coat, I b 100 yarbororjgru Jr., was the county At- was the annual salary paid ? v 'ock eoU and yeat at joet eoet v- ;i "- "-t- "6()vKtwu ui some member of the Board the opinion of aald county Attorney was asked in re PaTg too much tor the board ef tbe women gbotaNoe-J, S and 4s at a speet of said matter. That upon be- convict force, we have only this to aay: bargain, don' 'in lea . calling 'far log called on to state what sum was Whether or not it has been too ranch tbM numbers if yon want a cheap -SSSJTJS. wa.Ww; JrJ.t Mm. 4. ta It-Wtariuit biiin.-. to .;t &tS o"".'. their judgement wae fair payfor the ay we pay 9 per montb for board, bafota Xmaa. ' I- bate all .kind ber 18, 100i, nt 2 o'clock p. ca , o worlr vTbat the amoant j for which This is but one-half the truth ' andfre- Pn Med ielnea inch aa Baaaona tha purpoe t eltln tcre to tbe Register of . Deeds-; had presented QbentlThalf imtfi. u Wri Jui-. reliet, Grevealaateleea chill tonle Wei la tba VaUla Hcloci t waU btaaceonnuwastben.atated-lo Mr. .u. "'"Mrtill11B and a tboaaand othe thlnca too towuablp Ior fxl Urta. Tbatwbo .Yarboroaeb. and he' renlied that tha - cPe falsehood. : Toe $g per nwrn-mn. to mantlon. B2 dAiU to apply for wcL: u sil Htae wa&4 aa aciaHliW e li Twtry. all aacwiwa arte M nui, aaaj ai-i tOMMMriwrtMBi a aaav ta4 aJ faa o tt'A--a ttrnimm iruwl aa wmj m. ant tk-raa la wwi f aiwal mm aw eoaw u I iiauavras4awT. t.etaa mm vi 1 fcal lta wra4Uif tawavaay. SwyCXKA n 1 . m mi aji.mi. . - . NOTICE. ." ... .TT. .. vt tha lata rrim Trr. mim m mmm m . wbsh, uwpaira ; juena i anoioraTaMaiiaraaa a ia as to your charge that we are I tcw.. c, . 4 v.i 1 -a tw.-a im. kaw. aiaurla aai Mti taaa MMt laa a or Mow Umj M w4 ajUitM M aw 4MI oMa wm ba flu I la rr ae M aa w f. TkM aw: i iwut. ia-1 a .. .iuuMrst.rn.ti.aivi. 1 ' same trai not. exeesaive nor in bis opin I moa beratolbre aUowad for eaob prk-l worlh needles jnat one-balf price. wd botc iMBninia dc .ptio., ini' n - wan .conpeimtioQ ; tii( wnonn unoerwew. uimi vo ,. - , j. r. wis ton. ;? -?k rfl smottnt for wbicb, tbfe aceeant 4waiJjaieT getl ior every service be ieaden owaahJn wiUrlm ! !-'t arttt- cationa nd certlZfAt wita ts dcrsirnt4oa or L?-r saU 0-.!a. '-n j 1 ny l 1 IjJ." M A ' n i i ji v Mew U Hj J VVa3 O AT A ael .en ran e r3 C0FIPAMY. Our buyers havo just returned from the North ern Markots whoro they bought tho largest and most varied stock of goods In all lines over beforn brought to Louisburg. Wo simply ask you to come and cx amino our stock beforo making your purchases for winter goods, and wo will assure you we will do all in our powor to sou you anything you want at tho very lowest prices for tho very best goods. We have just fitted up a new store for Clothing and GENTS FURIISHIfJG G00DS and wo can offer you as clean a lino of Clothing as can bo bought. All Now Goods. From tho email est boy's suit to tho largest man in tho county. Nice line men's and boys Ovorcoats. All kinds DRY GOODS AND SHOES Hats, Caps, Groceries and Hardware, Tennc ance. ono and' two horso Wagons. Hackney, Barbour, Bock Hill and Hill City buggies in car lots for cash or oa good'oasy terms. When you come to town it will bo to your interest to call and examine our stock. Wo will always tako pleasure in showing you and mak ing prices whether you buy or noL Thanking you for past favors, wo are. Yours truly; ALLER ERGS CO P. 8. All kinds Country Produce bought nt;h!sb oat markot price. .