t ' v.. 1 VHE FRA5KL1N COURT CALENDAR 1 1. .7. A. THOMA& Editor and Pnyridor. i i ilX MOUTHS, THBEK MONTHS, fl.00 65 85 TAX PAYERS OF . FRANKLIN, 'OPEN YOUR EYES" AND READ I '.. -to: FRIDAY. OCTOBBB 10, 1902 ATTENTION CONFEDERATE VETERANS. Senator Prltchard has put through congress a bill pension ing the men who deserted you In the hour of danger, and went ever and Joined the enemy. He places a premium on dishonor. He is the Rewarder of Iniquity! Do you like him? NOSE BUT A FAIR ELECTION DE Tnere is some "band stand" talk on the part of some ol the f'Lily Whiles" here that the Democrats will endeavor to prevent a fair election in this county. The complamers theoo s' lves know that there is no disposition on the part of the Demo crats to prevent anything of the kind, and all this "flourish" of writing com plaining letters to the Raleigh Post is only done for the purpose of arousing sympathy. They see that they are go ir g to be beaten out of their boots, and aic only grabbing at straws. Regarding tht "complaint" sent the Raleigh Post that Mr. C. K. Cooke, the Registrar for Louisburg precinct, h.d refused to allow the Republicans tu inspect ths registration- book, ws are authorized by Mr. Cooke to state this accusation is false. He did not reiuse to allow Mr. Harris to inspect the books, but he did refuse to turnish him a copy of the books. Mr. Cooke claims, and is backed up by the opinions of the best lawyers in the county, that the law does not require that a copy of the Registration books b.- furnished to any ons. He further says that he proposes to fill the posi tion of Registrar as the law directs, and that the attempts at "bull dozing" on the part of the Boss "Lily Whites" shall not deter him from doing what he believes to be his duty. Every Registrar in Franklin county should do his duty as the law directs, and allow no amount of "bull-dosing" to keep thesa from doing so. The Democrats want notbisg more thai a fair slsctioB awl Dels they pro pose to have regardless sf threats frsm any one. There is nothing which more nearly touches evetr. fatally In. Franklin county than the administration of the public school. There is notaiog that counts more in the progress of a people, and it importance cannot be judged by .to day or to morrow but most be measured in generation. ' if soy money is to be expended carefully and judjcioaslv, it is the money that goes' to the maintenance and equipment of these schools, ad it is the right and. tb dy of the voters of Franklin county to take into consideration .the record ofaov party in such an important department. , - " It would almost seem that late had fixed the record of -the . past six years with a view to a comparison by the people. From the Stale Superintendent's report it appears that in the years 1897, '98 and '99, the schools of Frank lin county were managed by a Board of Education which cooiated of Jobs F Mitchell. Chairman, and T. D. Farrar aod B. F. Person, (col The V W County Superintendent was B. S. Mitchell, brother of the Chaircaea, aod it can therefore be called the Mitchell administration. Since then, in 1900, '01 and '02, the Board has consisted of John ILUi zell, Chairman, John C. Winston, and L. N. Williams for the first two years, aod R. S. Foster for 1902. The Superintendent hs been R. B. White, Some very interesting facts appear in the State .Superintendent's report lo regard to the years of the Mitchell administration. For instance, in 1898, Average salary of white male teachers $1303 colored " $14 69. In other words a negro teacher was paid m ire thn the whit uno. The Democratic record for last year is very d ff.renl : Average salary of white teachers, a8 55. " colored $zo 15. Which do the white people of Franklin county like betier ? Here is another : Paid to white schools in 1899, " colored Compare the Democratic record for 1901 : Paid to white schools in 1901, " colored Which do the people want, an administration that gives to colored schools more than to white,-or one which gives nearly double to the people who pay the taxes t But take the whole record. In the three years of the Mitchell administra-. tion, the total apportionments to the two races are as follows : To white schools, $14,430.00. " colored lI377S o ';' Ot FreoAUa Se parlor Cosrl.'tkio- brT .13tU. lloa, V. t. UUtw. Judge rrvaldtegt : J ": . ' . . F0at, It! waxi.', ! ; &d Jlohtk AlUktsrs VTTJWsvm 1 14 Alfred Moore vwU K Jojr IS Joho 11 rprrrmaa a w K Mae aod wits i- . 131 O tt'KorJ - WJEU Joans. 145 Jehum WUaoa ts DSa roa I 140 TI A KiftTOfT adra ve.Je&e and Martha Mt 3 Bnmmoo Docket Ktr t Klsj: A SainBimaDoelt OUt vs CICU , SatnuAT 1T Mtx 151 J 3 Man rt sJ t Ceo S fUlrt ISA LJoim am) J K DsrrW ts WUlkua M Vrevrc 164 Tbs Ilcgbv Davis A To tG W Hendrkks 163 KPIiiUttal vs WsJur JobA- soo . 165 U R WoodtM vs Jaan Uajro 171 Srtllw WiUwvs K P HiH 17 X 11 4.930 I5.05S.00. I6.155.07. l34 8 178 203 156 lGO Difference in favor of whites, only ' $655.00 The Democratic record for three years is different : Apportioned to white schools, " colored $18,013 00. Si 1,868. oe. $6,145 00 NEW REGISTRATION. We wish io impress upon all that the law requires an entirely new regis tration this year, and it therefore is not necessary for those who have moved from one county or township ts an other to have a certificate from their former township or county. The law requires that the registration books everywhere shall be open for the regis tration of voters from nine o'clock a. m. on Thursday, Oct. the 2nd, till sunset on Saturday, Oct. the ajth, and must be kept open on every work ing day during the days of registra tion from 9 o'clock till sunset, closing for registration at sunset on Saturday, October the 25th. The registrars are required to keep the books open at the polling places of their precincts on each Saturday during the time they are required to be kept open, 4th, nth, 18th, and 25 h, but on all other days registrars can be where it is convenient for vot ers. White men can register under the grand-father clause of the constitution and there seems to be a disposition among Democrats throughout the State to register under this clause, consider ing this to be the roll of honor. It is to ie hoped that all illiterate white men will come forward and register unt'er this clause, as all can do, there by showing that the pledges of the ad vocates of the amendment are made go. d. Negroes who register at all rnuit register under the educational clause, except those who can prove that they are descendants of free ne groes, (if there are any such) and free negroes were those who could .vote be fore 1835 when an amendment to the constitution disfranchised them. Registrars should remember that they are the sole judges of the ability to read and write, of all who offer to register under the educational clause; and the law requires that they shall be both able to read and to write any sections of the constitution, and those who apply for registration under this section will not be entitled to register, soless tho registrar, after examination , snail aeside that lie can do both. No Difference in favor of whites, Which do the people want, a difference in favor of whites of only $655.00 sr ose of -$6,145. ? And yet the Republican League has had something to say about taxing whites for negro education and at the same time nominated for the Legisla ture the man who was bead of the Board of Education wnen,tbts record was made. But outside the favoritism shown to the negro schools by the Mitchell ad ministration, there are other facts which are passing strange io view of chargr of Democratic extravagance. The Constitution ot North Carolina has all along required that the public schools should be run 16 weeks every year. Notice the record in the years of Fusion control : Average term in 1897, 12.10 weeks; io 1898, 12 07; in 1899, 14 weeks Total during Mitchell's administration, 38. 17 weeks. This makes an aver age term for each year of 12.7s weeks. Notice the difference between this and the Democratic ad mioist ration: Average term in 1900, 16.40 weeks; io 1901, 15.25; In 1902, 16.70 weeks. Total for Democratic administration, 48 35 weeks. This gives an average term of 16.12 weeks for every year of Democratic control, nearly four weeks longer than the term of the Fusion isu. Further more it was not done by an increase ot the school ui, for the rate is the same now as then, and with the exception of one year, the money at the disposal of the Board has been practically the same. As a matter ol fact the Demo cratic administration has given better and longer schools and run them at less expense as will appear from the following statement : The total expenditures of the-Mitchell administration amounted to $31,. is 1.55, with which they gave a total of 38.17 wetks of school, makiog etch week cost the county $815.34. The total expenditures of the Democratic Board for all purposes have been $34,832 74 wirtrwhich they gave s total o 48.35 weeks, making each week cost $720.42. 'llierefore a week of Demo cratic schools cost $94.92 less than a week of Fusion schools. Aod If thvs is multiplied by the number ot weeks, it will be seen that there was a total saving to the county of $4,589.38. All expenditures are included in the above and when consideration is had to the fact that the Democrats built twice as many schoolhouses and estab lished five Rural Libraries, spent more for needed repairs, and took an ac curate census each year, the saying is all the larger. Furthermore they in creased the salary of white teachers from $23 to $28 55 per month. These facts render the showing alHhe more noteworthy and give to every hooet man food for serious thought when he considers bow be shall vote The schools have lieen better and better patronised. Under the Mitchell admin istratton the enrollment was 46 per cent, and under the Democratic it was 55 per cent. The average attendance under the Democratic administra ion was also 10 1-2 per cent larger. All these things have been done by the Democratic administration: better attendance, belter schools, better salaries to white teachers, better equipment, terms nearly a month longer, twice many houses built, and at the same time $4,589.38 has been, saved to the county. The money has been divided with a jast and proper regard to the differences between the two races. The record is open to the people. Which do they like? E W TlmUrUk v ftrvwdtovt J II tfcGbMva TVn anJ Jak-I Perry WilliAtu Efrprton vs PaUwjl Ejttrton MOXOAT 9D XCK W O Faulkner vs Jatnwi B UosWy Atha Jeans vs John U- Wlb- 1 rsbjr et sJ 166 R L West vsP L Waodaxd 173 James I Moor S T OoC?! et al 1&3 J M Dean rt sJ vs J 00 Den ton. Tcesdat 2o wt 174 0 W Ford vs W T !Ittrw 176 W T ilvgbm A Or) vs 0 W Ford 1HH W E Uruwoj vs A M Ussrfe 101 L H rblllip vs W T tLodr 195 Marv J Strickland vs Jaoob Battle 152 N B Finch vs Alfrvd Rdrda 190 Meadows an4 Harris vs U R Bobrta Southern GrorrT Co v J 1 DavU rWtXrron vs Harris and IlaxrU and 0 W Ford 194 A B WasUr vs Mow Cook 19G J I Davis vs 8oathca Urocry Co 147 White Sewing Uachto Co vs K T aad IWtU. B 11 W 197 I H Kearosy vs P R WQano 201 Sanry .Harris vs Loey Meys alias Loer i'ersoo The a bore art th oeJy cs kr trial. Caea not rrchJ ctt th &j 1 et will nnt Iom tbMr pWw. bat will be heard on th day tolkrvia. n.B. muni?. CWk Superior Coart, 192 193 SENATORIAL CONTENTION . At th fsonatnrsl fVtnvntinn shirk c u auy rigni 10 interfere m any met at Nashville on Friday last Messrs. way with a registrar in the perform- Tjhn E. Woodard, of Wilson, and R. anceot his official duty. Every man B White, ol Franklinton, r nntni Vi . " 1 a- v ui V ws a tsuisuiutwui wjmkui uaoa,,8Ul 10 pP.y ior registration; mously nominated as the Democratic and to see that he is properly regis, candidates ofthe7tb Senatorial dis- tered if entitled to it, but further than trict, exposed of the counties Of Wll. th,s, the rsgistrR h by law proteeted WD, Kuhind Franklin. They srs sgamst the intrusion of all persons. raosl exceiient nominations, and they 11 .... . a.i persons were uaDie to a poll tax will be elected by a large majority. hji 1 11c year iqoi. excent thneo akn w 1 f- - " UtU A new and sWt lot of I.4i ad GeuU lomirj at All Pre. Co. W. P. Neal k Co. hav ot Twirmi a Una of Sample llothlac and win spU tbsm at New York cwt. 60 DajT SiclYl BiiplJi- at J. P. Wiostoss. 100 PsiU Clothing less Uaa cost, I have 100 frock coats sad vests at fast sost : to mass. 3.000 pslrs Uses' sad Women's Shew at and bslsw eesi, woman snoss nosjj, ana 4 si si bargain, don's miss eaHiag foe these naabsrs if you wast a cheap nos shoe, CsJieo best prists 4 and 4 cents a vard, BlsaksU, Oswa terpaets. Dress Goods. I cases basiDS, to close sverylbtuf set befors J mas. I ears all klada Patent Msdielsessosh as Rasaewe relist, Qrovse tsstslses skill ioais aod a thoosaad cihsr tblsrs te oo.me.reos to easstlsn. 63 dslUrs worth osedlasjost eos balf price. Wolso nodorwtsr. . Ceta U J P. WtWToa. Land For Sale. Mv old piste at niUUrditos. Nash eoontv, eat op aod dlvid4 isto three separstt farms, saeh witb goxxi pooils roaa f real aad plenty of water, paatare ajd tisa ber siss of farms, about 123. 150 I aod 250 seres rsepeeUvsly. w. L, Tttoars, Roekj Moaai. N. C. oO 0 rJ5 - TUa Blfntvr b em trmty ko of fhm gmatm . Laxative Bromoiinise"rftu Us The Rubicon Crossed Meadows & Haxristo the fronti and leading. : Riverside Brick Warehouse. - 7 i Everybody call at Jao. W. King's and see the different presents he is were mty years old or over on June ine 1st 1901; ot those who have be coaas of age since June the 1st, 1.90 1, r those who have by law been re lieved of a poll tax and if one is liable for this poll tax for 1001. he must ha. paid it on or before the 1st dav ol Uivin8 waT just for selling you one may, 192, or ne SHALL NOT w K 7 5 U iL,, so savs the nw thnnoh ;t k. I aer. - J -j .uwwju ts uc has failed to pay this poll tax as the iaw requires, ana is otherwise quel i- SFJLILS. fied, he may register in order m ot I ' the Dermanent rr.ll if k. j..:. . . Nw Oate Htkee South Cm(IU BUe SmaU 4 us ucuits io Honnan MKttnuEtMMiiur.iiuu. week. Picked LAND lALE Eaar Tbbms. If ant sold privately before Tues day of Fall Term court I will gel) to highest bidder 139 acers of land ia Harris.' Township, sear Clifton's mills, adjoining the lands bt BUI Young and the estate ol John T. Clifton and others. For art ber particulars. Apple to E. Wafosmia,Airt, e. o. w. Franklinton N. C m if i feilsaSliil do so at this time, but SHALL vnTL vrxTK. m; ' Al'ij wul Kln&ans Saaage three tuns peri VU tfc, tnis is in accordance with the i Figaieeuand tripe at & nick. f aecistoaortbe State Attorney Gener- NriotRoyrter rW at i f, si. Jivsry man who is liable to this I Tt 0M ot mr Wock kima JM nnll tit mini ,1 l:- . IF.HickS. ' . . . .. I". i wu uis uoii iax I tecelpt, or else prove to the satisfac- FkZ USHeta pertlt st U produce his poll tax L! satisfac-1 P. Hickn. . . - -.-j '-.-.- ... . . .t. - . . - . I . . r- T . - . Ht .won or ne registrar that he paid it in Kbinnapore hog amass alwaya twek at OliveeSe bottle at J. W. KtafTs. -Onion Pickle at J.W. Klnrs So a bottle. ' Just reoelTod 140 tamli aaver kins half &, auo aauop toff, eora mmd 1 ttmtm fthrnvi An hud UJ. W.I all registrars tO Carry it out to the let-1 Sfaeon'a freahenMdterL Sims' (tassr saape. aomm mswiiw tv as im a . ,t , rwtl n Mlk m jn wVaa t m anvt9tlvs ftrt wi . w m vassa saw aas aw w uvu aaa w aue v. mmb w Mt Jt JS t new SWOm amy to apply it and I prompt and free osUvarr, i. w. Kiag. time, or he CANNOT VOTE. . Durtog the period for registration, ;' "' -a""" - wu.,j,uw nimseu, I Just receive UO barrels atlvet Wns " ; both lUOZe and mrt. The law i aim 'I patent floor, priees to salt yoa, aleo do -Jr - " lit- .!,.. mi . pleat ttplicrt, and4t is the duty of oatHiwaToa - ail registrars io carry out to the let-1 naeon'e men eradcei W i-.. tiA i . I aaeeds UseaUsat. W, when . they have done this, then they hire performed I their duty. ; Compe tsnt and honest men have been chosen 1 al registrars, and we believe they will simply sppljr the : law, then their duty y aonev Oenuine uEleo tuntr" home made Tlnetrar gsarauteed to keep anrmtaf made y It, for saw nr. e. .jbs; j:-. - J' -Jirv-s:;- - -Armotirt Pork aad Beaasv . ' ' KOTIC. ; -The School Committee of Cmlar Bock township will meet at CVdar Jttock AeademT on oaturdav. Octo- Der J.o, xvvj, as z o ciooc p. ra , lor toe ptrrpoee ol electing teaexiera to I teach in the Public Schools ot said township for next term. -Those who wish to armlv for. scLoobi in - aaid township will please file their 'appli cations and certiScates.wlth the un qerslgned on or before maid data. t Joseph TV iKscos, Beery. ' -Ml 6 a: Iff ?.aot?2s armour! Potted Him. r.-;--' ' - Annou'i Potted Ohleksa.'''vi--?:i '?,-:' "; i iiooari Chipped Baef. '-v'v - .armoar'i Smoked Saaeeee. Aroaoar't Beef steak a4 Onlose. J."G;Baket:fi Son, 0V? ' PAI NTER9 . ' ry-X. LOyiBBDRQ; i N. a - AlUKlnda of Palntlogs, Kalso- jplniug &c, dons on ehorl ttotics, rTAX NOTICE. V ThsSuts and Cocet 'taias lor 1002 are rxw dae, "aad Ux -books I open in myopes la the Cocxi llocse lorcoUrctioD, where tbose abiJig cao cAll aod sett!aT " -, C1 ri U V1 Mew AT Allen Broilers C0FIPAWY. Our buyers havo just returned from the North era Markets whoro they bought tho largest and moot varied stock of goods in all lines over before brought to Louisburg. We simply ask you to come and ox amino our stock beforo making your purchases for winter goods, and vjo will assure you wo will do all in our power to sell you anything you want at tho vory lowest prices for tho very best goods. Wo havo just fitted up a now store for Clothing and GENTS' FUMISHIM G0BS. and wo can offer you as clean a lino of Clothing an can bo bought. All New Goods. From tho smallest boy's suit to tho largest man in tho county. Nice lino men's and boys' Overcoats, All kinds DRY GOODS AND SHOES. Hats Caps, Groceries and Hardware. Tennessee, one and two horso Wagons, Hackney Barbour, Bock Hill and Hill City buggies in car lots for cash or on good oasy terms. When you como to town it will bo to your interest to call and cxamino our ntoc Wo will always tako pleasure in showing you and mak ing prices whethor.you buy or noL Thanking you for past favors;, wo are; - Yours truly. LER BRGS CO P. S. All lands Country Produco bought aWgh. est markot pneo. . - ssaJB sW,W. KBfV