U.'H hi COTOTT, 'JL'.H 1:1 GTjVTH:, T1C2 TTZTTOIT. - -1 , . . Vol XXXII ' LOUISBURG, K. CT FRIDAY, OCIOBFJi 17. lC:a a. TH3MAS, Editor ind Proprietor; 1) i'r iv , HUIICH DIRBOIOBY' MRTHODIST. 1 - , in y School at 9:30 'A. M.. Gro. 8. BaxxbU Supt. ..v,-hinK at 11 A. JUL an48 Pi M. Sunday. ' - , ,v.t meeting Wednesday night. 11. T, Pltlxr. Pastor; BAPTI8T. , , . i v y School at 9 :30 A. M. Thob. B. Wildrb, 8upi . , rhna: at 11 A. M., and 8PHi , -o'-'lay. V- . . mi J r tn -enng inarwui uiuh . H. H. Mashbubns. Pastor. EPISCOPAL. i - tt H.-hool at 9:30, morninsr and nit , ! and 4t.h SondavB. o n Prayer. Friday afternoon. I t . lniSSlllQi I freeTrade the Only ; HSiil S'vr:;-?: 5 Medicine;; Which h tee-- ' ot st. Louis . . vi;r I ; ? on II t ;.f. . --i 1 " ' -"' - - ' . i Babcock st IVe Rap-tbUosa iTttss hs4 been turned 6w at mrr Nm h a pti4 far ruada. Ksasontag folks wt4 as for m ssfsets donht that Uir ts . tsmpt.to tar" apoa Cm srstfeijty st th psopl.. Th nry astsr s r rtea so far esrreBT tdkas thsf thav tt aa jrrn(Bt um puivU rs ut b aad tk mt aww taA te tak ftdraatac ( uwwkw th trwta ta r a Mar Bator at im torW aavi Qm tspowOttity ol tmta. Rm Tnrtfc Fra th Fwrt. Tb ' Waablnftoo pMt feat aa aUa Cliocial and rr tta Rrfnttkas If n)n canaoC ttlza u rVcar tretb BBlE; , : ' Soft Jtnt! crcxilrvl lor.c rr. tor. FOOD ;Jnm I.ndffe. No. 413, A. F. & ( mt.8 1st and 3rd Tuesday1 H m ach month. 1'ro t'eMioual cards m l .I. A ALLRED. A TTO RNEY8 AT-LAW, I i,rirtlr, la all the Coarta. Offices in . uri; and ToangsTllle, N C. " ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. I.OU13BURO, - N. . ovpt Cooper's Store. C. -v I'. HURT, 'T I (UNO PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBON Louisbarg, N. C. .. in the Ford Buildinff, corner Main ,rili Htrcflts. Dp stairs- -front. R. K. YARBOROtJQH, TUYHICIAN AND 8TJRQBON, LonsBUBe, N. C. , 2n l floor Nea". Tmlldlng, phone 88 ,-.n MiiiwPTe'J from T. W. Bickett's ) n ihone 74. H MASSENBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUIS BtTKa. Tf. o. ,i practice in kll the Courts of the8tt office In Co art House. i M. COOKK, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LomsBUBS, a. o. ! .ttnl the eonrts Of Nssh. V"--v.vill. Warren and Wake nonutles.sljw the , ,,'-tn. Court of North Carolina, and the TJ. Mrcult and District Court. M UU'KS C. W INSTEAD, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, IXU18BCRO, N. C. , ,rru- OVER W. P. imi CO.'S STOBa. , Attention gWen to all tmsiness 1 l.i m. 1 r. J K MALONB, IMi PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, LOCIS8TJR8. K. C r A.ycocke Trng Company. K. K. H. POST BR. . nvranVAV PRACTtCINO PHYHIC1AJM BUO"i Lonisborg, N. C5. once over Aycocke Drug C Jitpany. VM- .Vlil l HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOCIBBXTBa, . 0. all the Coarta ot Franklin " T.J .1 U-HkmA I vllolnina counties, awo in "";'"r ,r .Mi ..the United Stoles District and ' r 'm,''"il;oopeT and CUrton Building. T B. WILD KB, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, bOUISBXTBS, a. c flre on Slain street, orer Jones ft Cooper's Special Washington letter.') ; A" EVERAL years ago, when the trast8 . first began forming on. der the favorable lnflaence. of a robber tariftV I proposed .to pnt , . on the Irett - list every article manufactured by a tnifit. Becently:a good. dai has been said on the subject, and the Republican party. Is- badiy; di vided against itself on subject. Now' comes Roosevelt advocating a constitutional amendment says noth ing else will do any good. If there be others - who share that opinion, let them read this press dispatch: ' Peoria. HI. A" stir something IHse that caused by the handwriting on the wall at Belshazzar's feaat was created among the Republicans tn attendance at the conyen tion of the Republican State League of Clubs here by the- appearance of an inno cent paragraph In the Peoria Journal, the afternoon Republican daily. It occupied the place of honor in the "conxention ex-tra,"-Arst column, first page. ad was in troduced by a glaring caption. Here itHs: '"'Chicago. The combination of the great packing houses of the country which has been under consideration and in process of actual formation for the last six months has been abandoned, at least for the present, says the Tribune. The de cision not to contemplate the combination is due. In a large degree, to the attitude of the national administration toward trusts as outlined by President Roosevelt in hia recent speeches and to the possi bility that In .the event of a consolidation congress might remove the tariff on cat tle." 1 Thus the beef packers give us con firmation of our belief that a good strong free list will clean out the trusts. Why, the mere fear of free trade in cattle prevents the consumma tion of a" gigantic trust! ' This should effectually squelch all of Teddy's talk nbont constitutional amendments in the dim and distant future. A Demo cratic congress is all that is needed a body of legislators who will cut the tariff off of glass, lumber, beef, every thing that is a necessity of life and which Is controlled by a trust. He Dotes on 'Em. Congressman Calderhead is hot tear ing his clothes in his anxiety to find a remedy for the trusts in fact, he likes them. He wants more trusts. Another thing he takes a jab at organized la bor. There areXew union men in his district. There are many more Repub licans who would, loudly indorse his remarks on the subject but for the fact that many of their constituents belong to labor unions. Among the number Is KOTintnr Piatt of Connecticut, who emasculated the Chinese exclusion bin when it was in conference in order that it might not prove effective against Chinese labor coming Into the country. Chinese cheap labor Is the dub that is to be used to bring the labor unions to terms. But, going back to Congress man Calderhead, read what he thinks of the trusts: Topeka, Kan. In a remarkable political speech tV. A. Calderhead. Republican con gressman from the Fifth Kansas district, defended the trusts, which he character ized aa "godsends to the country," and denounced organized labor as "the great est menace the country ever had." mi rmnrUa have caused much com ment, as Mr. Calderhead ia a prominent member of the committee, on banks and banking in the lower house and has been regarded as conservative. ; . - J, II. a t a. r i CaSrtua-t-, 4w J He said in part: "Why That paper ia Che New Yoric Praaa. mouthpiece of the protection extremists: the men. who. while poainr aa-tha only genuine protecaonlata, ar dotng-far, mora toward condemning- that doctrfn and bringing It Into disrepute ihaiball of Its open . enemies have dona .o csjw do. -Xn the cas .of the speaker the Vrtam a sot admit.' la bo many words, that It pr- iera uoies,-oui ita rmaraa ara aQuivay- lent to such an admission. The . Preaa says that "it would. be-an extremely OlnV cult task for any Democrat to carry Hen derson's district, which la naturally Re publican fey a tremendous plnraUty, but the character of ex-Governor Boiee la well known, he Is so highly esteemed by the citizens of his state, and his record is so generally good that there can be no doubt, though ha should not succeed tn carrying a Republican stronghold wit! Democratic issues. thathe win cat the Henderson vote to pieces and thus give tne American people an aocuraie meas urement of Henderson. That la a splendid semiorr ror "uncle Horace and ought to be good for a num ber of rotes If skillfully utilised by the Democratic managers. But aa Hender son has a margin of about 9,000 votes the chances are that the Press and the fac tion' for which it speaka will not be able to dislodge him. The Globe-Democrat, should read that pungent editorial, digest It and $ben make the amende honorable to me; bnt tt will never do it. Journalistic Mendacity. The Globe-Democrat is caught lying about seven days In each week on an average, li ere is a rair sample 01 us everyday lies lies that are nailed as fast as they are uttered. The follow ing Is from the St Louis Republic: Mr. Irwin I Page, editor of the Bona Terra Star, waa m St. Louis yesterday. An editorial in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat of Friday waa shown to him. The editorial said: "Mr. L L. Page, editor ot the Bonne Terra (Ma) Star, has put himself forward to deny facts perfectly welT known and to call the Globe-Democrat a liar. Mr. Page's letter may not have been written by Sam Cook, but its publication will In sure for the Bonne Terra sheet the con stitutional amendment advertising." Mr." Page Said In comment on this at tack: "Aa for the advertising the Globe Ilea, as usual, "fhe contract for the advertis ing has been made and not with my pa ter. So. you see, I am free from bias oa that account. According to the evidence obtainable, the Globe deliberately faked the Farmingtoa dispatch- about Governor Btone'a speech. The Globe's regular Farmlngton correspondent. Mrs. T. D. Fisher, told ma emphatically that aha aent a report of the Stone meeting and that the Globe used merely a Una or two of It. That part of the published dis patch purporting to give what Governor Stone aaM about the technical constlta tionallty of the school certificate waa not sent by her. and aha says that Gov ernor Stone said nothing of the -sort. Unless the Globe can prove that some body aent an extra dispatch from Farm lngton It most coniess) mat we repor waa a fake concocted in the a lobe of fice. Certainly the burden ot proof is on th Globe. Mrs. Fisher has been the Globe correspondent at Farmmgtoo for fifteen years. It Is most Improbable that the Globe ordered a separate report from anybody "else. If it did. It waa' because the Globe knew that Mrs. Fisher woj14 not send a political lie. Anyway you pat It the Globe has concocted and published aa newa a deliberate political falsehood of fact. Xn view of the aavage attack made by the Globe on the country editors gen erally I am certain that the whole pro fession win thank the Republic for ex posing the forgery of DemocraUa edltors signaturea to ah Invented letter la a re cent issue of the Globe." Taking the Cork Onder. Those Democratic newspaper corre- that th Republican party If the Arty of political Craod and ciijrrjraacDta- tioa. Just 'read thle . editorial Mder from the Poet, printed oojt Tie beeeV tn&r "Astonishing MUttpfaaecUOccs:" Deliberate inlaatataeaeet ta&aswtaet. facta U ttever petlUo. WhOa 11 assy aw excusable foe a party ergaa a ia aa dodg sac fact it. asvar pays w t Umbo. To- stats kal of of so re teat a data as tfee ITftr stxta la to display sjeaeuaaa? rpre henalhle than uwiadorav HehiM aa th proceedings at that cenaresa. wit tv single esoeaUoei of Its ba-lly estahe tU ruler ts if ytm la . The -mm - m os tmmtr rasa I gTCUnrg CftU4 5151 Ot UtS muit hxtxs lcnc rood, Uto miL$t vxrc Hocxl Jfood arsd to ca-lhfoogh" the list. - . ; Sccu EmuUloals t.c nghl treatment icr . fdll "bcr.ci. in l-at4 MMt ss iv e-.i . i u na a sm iu ) mm 4 mi p4 a a I w w y aW . Sss F&ff J ErouUJoa His pftmntotc the riht food Jor Kit Uoac b childhood. . tnT thV jUflnm ard jrc tKathcatthif bo?itlhou!d Hire m.A v a 1 - ie Icgt become iirxWcf. oC& jolau gtor TrotcrratJaS finrnrtvt. corafc ta ibc UU heads. ' V; Wron? food cacvxl the 1ZZST. I lrobc IghifoodmrartiL farcical trestmaat It aMe ths trasa i I n IhOUJOlsfU t CXK Cr. t qaaa li wa mm nm i mww-w- tofore erplalaed aa4 aa every Itvs awe- paper la the United Hates tadirSiaaa, a fares cosaedy ha tws seta ssdac laa -agemest of the hosss hdary eesaaUV tea. The first act ended with tas eWast f aa antitrust aoisndweat f tas eou vaa of th Democrat. i(s4 rasrs a ta ghost of a chaao c effectiag the pra posed ahaaga tn the funds aeuJ law the natloa no oe rospecta last It weuU have bsea Introduced. Its pcaaesJattoa waa a feature of a carsfmUy seeas4 scheme to pnt th Danaocrata ts a aola Tha oblsct ot tas BsaaaseaMt was ts man of act ore capital for tas Ums fsscrag preaadeotlal campaign ot tK. The second act was the passage larwasw the house by a pvacOeaiiy aatea vote of a auingaat aamrast WW a ansa, tory ot or auppienvsntary t tas faiona anUtrast law. Thai UU aa I is pe destlned death Is thsasnsU at tlka Kale of the RtpoblWsaa asajcsliy ta Cast ady. The senate refused ta csaatdsr It Aa ep pOalUoa senator oa tas cvs st tas m& oumrant ot eongress made a vtgvws plea for aa opportunity ta vts a that measure, which bad rsretved tas vsts a every Republican as wait of ta fcaaia. but his appeal had so effect. Tas Wlw stlU on file ta a asoaia eosnntitfs rosea. , Such era th facta, and It wsvia a a ft " V CiTrurr aa ainiiCV. ttn4 imtm pt as a.a wt sx.t.ai e OF HCW YORK AS5ITT5 ovrn surplus oven e-3 Jvvr r w mm 4 i-'MWMllWw'Ui has atttad aevrw nsaa . rttilrf twit If 4 tm .mw 4-w4 anas ?a4fasli sifewwt le t4s tt l.Ue a Vsaalwa aot -. as- im Unn, tatfevs sxe-' tal CaCtm Cd v-CsUa-a e-e . -iCits4r t W.MI v UtHumtmU. ae COTT at aKywWet, CKaearaeav. 4Galt Pwrl Btreet. X Sac. e4 Skssi sS AatUly oay Ve Vat Italtae. Ts Os re A 144 la Oe D TalatAteet g-asj Q-wseTaiass rect raee Us fesssy H m ss? Rv . tirr a - a li. Pbsdt 4 net ut U LUIl - IJB si BSi urn R a Tea fvasy HmM Tm-mt Ha. I ltSN&. We rieaUts We. J, C we. m ITVim hlSLeas X Y rualM so as it ! tWf r 4 this a a "I t-vgi ai eaea ttuui e e4 ALEX DtmSTQM hru. Boot and SuoeMer, two Vm ttiirr" wrata(rwi(k. t TT yv W eJT Vra f . ash w-c m U Cu vrZj tt svy csflu asrtss 1 rtv4 a-i a ewee 4 ike !re4 . re- sale Vf trd r. Tboae w,e gSef th ljt. the tsxxt Ubf V tweeelais;. sees all this F. s SPRDILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, tOTJISBCKO, 5. C. . BDondents in Washington must be a IU8S swm vuc w. w.. I - .. . . ,,, .V ..1.. guileless set woo win mon uituwa to be hoodwinked Into sending to their naoers Impossible tales to the enect that the trusti will not contribute to the R epublica n cam pa Ign fund because Roosevelt has uttered a few peauxum Speaker Henderson has resigned because soma Repuoiicana insiai oa wiu. as a panacea for the imaginary ills which the trusts are supposed to represent. Why seek to remedy that which has been a blessing? I deny that trusts constitute an eviL I contend mat iney nv ww. a eodsend to the country. sympathy or- patience about the trusts. I care emanate largely within my MUiiewU eaassaas. ZJ2. TLrJL-,? -7- ltatsaeJUff i4 4 aav raia cf so esterpTtatag a avrtrvpoUtaa asw. I J aa4 seessfteWf asews Tt paper aa th New Tor Press stryyna It to as Icnoraat of them. Tat Is las facs of that record th Free derisrss that "asaeodmewts Is th gaeraas Uw attrmpted by th Repabtwssa sartr W It waa discovered last ta SVraa saw was Inadequate Is protect in trese and rtchU Ot th PuUie acaJast ossabtas- Uoaa asd arreeeaetsts in restrsiat f trass and cocapetitioa Were aefeaM ey la Democrata" That aa room easy as Isft for dosbt aa to ths meaiUasi st th tt goes on to assert that nn la nrtr sixth coagrsa th Rasshllras saaaged to make anch rhaage U a eirs.aa law as would make It fsUKl fa 4eatas of Its fraovsrs and taabU It ts1sless to be applied to all act la reetraaat st trad without creates or escaa. Pat tas Demoorats la eceigreas ailgsed hs- re soUdly against this RepsbHesa tgttOss and for ths ttms hetog kUled It" Th Press one easUv nod -tfcis nsca Dean legwiaOoa" ta the aonh 4 ta caplroL It reached Ik ptas II a -tended la cxKvvr, Th free aw as Tssdily find th geactlraCy saia D cratio vots 4 the aoass receerle fas tt, and th Press ettosid t aba ts daacsee SnMlisi nalaata ta4 a hwsessss t the rifty-slith CMcresa wsj fully attended Id tasa lb meat of Its firm sorpoa ts let th trssts Jons. Taos far th rtfty aev a esav m ku exsws eerasl dials)! Injure th fesUaga st ihs saasager st monopoUatld cotnblaea, Fourteen DtfTarsnt Way. The St. Lode rost-Diarsitch eaye: Just bow to prssoaac la saw presidsat aa a matter that pvaaie a great many people. H!a aaa haa gives, rvas a a grsaiar variety of proasacasi that of any statssaaa wh as frtnimA Ot front raak. I lake f roaa as tT astt Th Englls psopi aaa a ae- I (Va el reSerUeaT Uif ires when they erat saw it ts ad I a Wilff i lOiissVee'e Oers.a Americans whn taynn saw -i-v k w. te tea Dosapsn roseate t.'"r ' ... : . . . . - svses wmr W m wm ii , 1st dseWa lL aaU rVae sVaalv hT th e 4 Uras es- teeaU.e.a f er4ag Sea SI fS. BeaeetVagess tjev aaseaa. ssetre aartatVa. rrwe. a ear dhwsss at the Ur a4 lasers, e ass ssaaiaiaitr wsj-f U a retfv. gtstvCl ajM. Oei anAe fre rrm ftreoste Drag- CW tW etea, Tl eta. 01 tirve saJ llwai- Tilail Orders. rrf Vt, W re 4'e iiarafa a-tt ra4)t il4lim- W. C THOMAS ORUtaVattVT rueic IQ-M THOWfl'S CHILL PILLS Ss Van' tkamM eat tsa C!a..U TWirw la aa jijasaAa Vl.s ateatt lled Was CUe aaL.tt! :. ia CUI tW fy.m WA. ti e4 a4 Vaoaaw a wl l art CW m tVt mmm jV.ta T WTt ee 1 eaW "ss Ve-s raa fki-w tva a t ' irT W a.aaja'Ve, wC5 l j,f f-tta. elfM Ma. g-vtfcf t He O. Hrw Itts Tie fret e4)a4 U If . lW aasri eaa pswefetatU " rwr Oe !. - ts regale aa4 te:iV. TV tat save a ewtt fry rtrr. t al aa Ni iessssl. (rea kJa)tt astsai Or a Aui4t rVes. aeal fe e 4rjrmU tStt7 frene f iVe ef . rests of dytrre. ejt&xsa. -p.sikr4K UlWwa, rs a4 a - ia4rW, aJfuUss) sf IV V-ar. ot4, laiUMl sssesa, 4 saOsssa t th asav!. asffvwee eestra'.&Ma. Tkrw tlrtts, et, ywt e4 esd ete sanae.Va c?ay. TvtM c th ea As gsaa riswsy eul rei1 vw at xs. M AresaCrsOa.a4 g4 a save Vlie fees, CeftVt' es, tt ana, dst Or-'i Sfwatal AJmeeasi JeweV do?ci.n. TLiomas' Ctiill Pills. t W asaw. a aa lanim si i nWe saw )MHv f Hl gla aaaa Maa m-.H j m a ! 1 aii.'e set a WATCHES. CLOCKS ,"kJ I a sjjr2er.ut xu k. u I i. i lea jqijlj O tA.aX. s4 e iiossiaue1 f Sk 1 A ) MM as .! atsas easia Sf a M It HHi-"' fciMiiXe'iwS mt 1 aiwae im mi -r TLe men fwBe slexir tVa Use ilej age. AOssjaaa Hist Is ear atrU ci alisaaka. h t aasfee l Waj arlatsi ea4 a4 eaasAla aftsw UltW4 ta a eiV eafr- M erwie Us s 4Utw rrissale eaJ rUUre a as f a-! EAT, LAUGH AND GROW f raft U.. a Vsar ftvt n 4a mUt Wi4sv tas) Veavs.ves m ftta-a, ts. stlsMsaat taw an a.. V 7XT-W- Uaim W TVTJ e fi.fisa siisS fjt D R U G S FAT! I a., ()e. m tMsftiaBi. IssW) Cafef af yaaKlt-. )l CWa HI"sH elrt ? ane,f tiasf 4 a. alveo psi the spstltag ot his asm, asd there are soms purist who satelle aaaasieiest ay Still spelling It -Vrsonspsrts- sad ees aoanciDg It accordregty. Bat for a aaaa st wortdwtd fas, s th president st ths Called St tas asset pscaesaruy be ta thess dsya. there has sever before h a a sass Uk thst st -Rooseveir to pnssi aaeaaisd. tm "Ooeths" and "Pya- were ao a are ttfytog. . ri..jliee l&aa m srew lees I -a ai I sa 4 m We mt PHlttS) as- Cm i aa ss r- aaf Sae eait Ve esse assaawi1 ft aa esassi a sveiaa ae t sea sfr: Conjpoaqdini - Prescriptions ass ns4 ma - An ajfteiS eier m SmS. a tik nieei I a simIS mm e , ii ai i art i ire O. Oe ITMTTCe mm Sie kaVvs alt s f e asaat V.leVs e . is ut e. e sAiss l nave no . M fr, -nblp of their COD- I . JWWQ"- f T"' V " rL.-i with this ruas IJ, J , 1 Holland and esam air, not u ii aoes i irou . rvepuun-" i asmes are maan, nartv. I con- I ,a, MnnM ha rprv sincere D(n I tiona at ths nrsaldeot S aam are w 1 i. PwJ am Vine land are at as win tt.d the rts of FVanMUvanoe 8ider 1t all political buncombe. Trusts are . come from men who were elected rr,7iiip. Warren and ' ,LT the handmaids of progress In every cnan- ' . . i-invt. Af Norm H, . yt attention given to coUectlona. )itlr over Beorvu" T. W. BICKhTTT, nel of business and every avenue of Ufa hava reduced tne cost, oi They have furnished employment for la nromoted science and-en couraged Invention. , Instead of attempt inir to remedy or suppress or 'control or 'disturb that which we know is a blessing we shouia turn our that which la known to be an evil and I'rompt I Bm ton. Pres. rirso """r--S,iM Bank ,t, n menu ft Manly, WinstoneOples Monroe, Cha R TaylorPWJ, Wake For ""-wowSaaie Sheriff.. I UVUI SJ -ew - office In i TORN ST AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. utmsBUBS S. O. nainstaklng attention given to take a hand at ppressing organised , ; Vtrr lAtruatedtoniahanoa. -.- .'r"""," ha tov u r. trhief Justice gbephero, dou. y-i greatest, menacs ium -iTkl u 7 ht W Winston Hon.J. C. I ot onIy roD8 its members of their Hh Mtl,llln:.HoZl Buk of Wto- JirTt. instant menace to the trea. ruo. ,i sim HsnK I c' J - . . Uvea and property oi im wuuio c"f , "A Solid Republican Column." ? It will be remembered by the readers of these letters that in my speech at Bangor, Me before the Democratic state convention JuneiT I declared that the Republicans are badly- split up and that for making that truthful . .oortinn the St Louis Globe-Democrat, HDBV iva.-e-- . . RepubUcan organ grinder, too me w task, denying my statement and de pouncing me as "a queer person." what ever that may mean.; It boldly asserted "the ReonbUcan column fe solid." Subsequently I gubroitted trertain bit xehifh oroved that I was The Washing Practices BnlWIna. H. PRRSON, ATTORNaT AT-LAW, votnsBtrae, o. . - courts, Oinoa w in aU w. will receive i I) H T ARBOROTJQH, Jav ATI OBNBY AT LAW, . LOTJISBURO. N. C. m ,n rwra Souse hnQdlng, Court street K, eyidence which proved that mc in Opera rMaae to hto V rrB la another. The Wi All legal nasinee- rTeanrlon. 1 '!. T"."-e --tn 1r.--nrlal prompt wwv. r- . . i xoo rotsu, iuucu-v I " w-r A.iejtVVr seaasesae- headed "ImpiacaDie ttonuui aj o. The factional fight to the RepabWcan party, which broke-out, with great vtru rr',ri.h firat session of the FJfty- eonesa. tZS of the minority that caused thedefeat of the ndmJnlstratlonie Cuban Pf"-1 TOllcyf McKlnleyv o Roosevelt andjof R.D.T.SMITHW1CK, LOTJISBURO. - jTH' C' nmce over Farnlture Store. HOTELS. with funds furnished by trust' mar nates, who voted for the tariff law that brought the trusts into existence and who refuse to vote for a law to control the trust, who also refuse to enforce the present law against trust and who are opposed to any alteration of the tariff law that makes the trusts possible. Of course it takes a good deal of gall to enable them to pot op a plaint that is so palpably raise, out gall has always been ue ioug sun v. the Republican party. But it Is strange that the correspond ents of Democratic newspapers will bite at the false bait in fact, -they take the cork clear under and send the harrowing tale to the'r papers. The real truth is that the Republican onmniiim managers always . nave enough money to enable them to squan der it lavishly; while at the present time, as always, the Democratic cam paign committee In Washington 'haa ot enough money to. more? than pay postage.' '' r .- -' " x , The editor- of the" Fulton (Ma) ' Gs ette bits tbet-BAU 00 the head ta the YoiiowlngT , meoernlns neoTjle will Uke with a grain ef aait all of tb eranca ef V Pisr Sont Morgan that President RooawvaU must not be elected a acond m ha taose of his supposed unfriendliness ts the trusts. Mr. Roosevelt may have erred, from the trust standpoint. -in aver-mentioning the truatav but be haa not yet ven the country any anggaeUoa of prae Tio.i ieetaiaHon. -and his latest Idas, o- ierning the tarUf-that la. that Its i ragnla ST ahould - 1 ia. the bands of a so much ot ota wona net wttn. Psoeie In Eagtaas about It, Oe ths,aollosl elmest every saan haa his own optoios) ths aaaject. liars are a tew aa vne nn." BOA-rrt.T. ROSEN -rXt-T. ROOXB-Vtt-T. RCXT-Fett.T. ROAgA.rst.-r; nvaT-rrrLT. Ruxc-rci.T. tlon ahould RtrzTvrrLD. ROOZE-VtlX, JROSeWXLT. ROSEK-VlXXa ROSKK-VaXT. RCOgE-FtLT. RUZA-FSLT. The Man and the Hour. Mew York has bad be rarthorH And Jeromes, sod tbry all turned wt. to be fanatic without executive cape. Ity or poUtlclane tnervty pUjUig DQ the desire of so oTtrwrocjbt pofwUce, but Bt. LouU ha a tan aba U eae to ten minion In sn ttarrgrncj oswv W. Folk, th hard blteus; young proas rating avttorney.- The way be e has mering the boodlrre bee put bU earn oo every Up. The fetor ha cancb ta store for young Mr. Toii- Oo of tis day te wffl be baOed as Oo47eamaa Folk. Governor Folk or prvbape bettef than either of taoetv. When Folk wa nominated by the LVmocrata. FX. Lo was the most eotrepi city poCtkaQy In America; wttn the poaelhle eacrp tioor of FhfladtlpBta. The ell a4 teen ta th baads ef powtrfelly ts treoched BepablK rrag. s&a time th retom showed Rploc, majority bJa a JCJDOX tlat HoQ Well was elect ad teayer by the Data. ocrats tn a three eorscred racat The striae made by BV lo!f shxw thai happy chang vu mad wis prnUibi sere to make, the city DeooorefJt frar gwrapoo to come, r The cAtu Volk baa becocae as great a terror to JACOB EVANS, rsa oca sxiAo boot iid im nm Shop OW U6KjreewriA rxtreUtafe P?re, REFAIRIJCO 1 m3ALTT. V4 we"i PERFUMERY AND TOILET MMit ss ea es ae a fsfaiil masaTeLss eeer. Ci-t. new, e . m M UN aa e mm wapn ee sai frit i a i eg a-SMea fmf-f W s'tasaV l"t A m . . V C4aft. U.Mi'7. sef,se fwaalL Susaax. Ulaiat . aar ami Vf 1 e f -Am fWA, Glee re jor rtroa guaj-avnl ajstU2Ctee tao estea se .iii wae ay-s taaMSMa) LOWNEVS GANDY. fmt aCS W , V TsH4 Cjsvliaas, A. .ei t ssa ewtL Ofreet The Tourist Season mtth tf Aet rf safaas ajravr tsaaaTsaat! W "4 w' 'sw ZZtT j H e K Fe H- P i i A S A T TV .amssslsaiu anew asaV 1 a rwe.aira.. 0TOL saw 3m Soattieri) Haila3ay Hg y, PERSOll COMPAUY'S, WtanSeeHt4i a' e e Clean, Ataajs Fresh OrcceriEs ss-a tee a ea I a 'in siiii'i Sf i uiiMi 52if tHensj .Gun FROaAlLSOUTHERH POIHTS T iVe AsJI atf U 1W Ual e .a4VaaVs4velU friend, onngrea. nt fommK" muc. comrptlotiist. wa. that af . - . i aia r a.Ksiiuuiiuur' uinjvmj ' a amT-vaSTTsa uaui fisai a w w - .a - r,. a trtrnvrrnU II OTEli hoMe iT by no means essurede leading 1 1, nerarlon." Itr ta appsrsnt J TajojaelAn) $9 th rObbT 6 OCS A;- rnAH Xk. Ai xxa .a v s r of ' that bittar aMon preiwae j at , Mr ;Morgaa hosuuty is-s o . gdern tfft lTt& canart thatChalrman Ortgga ef MWL MMB1LL, W'r ?s no BenttT Eventh OhpISct '"f oVkTokg W f unda blLm. L MMiIbJXJ-U-U) r . , l ,i?SK-iiourements Of another tba the trusts and moaey baga . 7UI;,, iaM,i:.--- TTxrv. t " . . on.. ve tile .. - xt Mesllns' r Good aceomodauon iotvu "7 i wwauiadawd spavtaed pentatlve of the name rf leWall atraafwara waling to heoerhl v . MavtnM naca. I .... .mnmit ' ehii Chairman public. ,i Good Litea-T" Attached. r-a --. rinnn " 3fe iti H3l ajjwgsAWB a. S.r-."-J ttASSETOG HOTEL 1? Maaenl1ir4? , P HENDBBSOlf C drarta for any vnonat,- wbli Chairman 1 ioCsWO'WwTlOOaTS TAKING Qoed aeee-miedations. Good fare: JPo lUe'andaUsarivs aarva4r ' ' HORWOOa HOUSE ma. wsafc Trescrlptton For ;aliaw. 1 . i.v. n. Tasteless Chm r-i.Miwin3 ! ferers .'a botUe of orove s iw l-oa!- beeanae the loimuinie piwaiy Y"y &Sa iror I eH every bottl. showing '-ig JJSf3lV-TP feee form. No cure--no pay. I , auu,iae la a Uatalam term. . e MLkfkT ' I ' ' - ' I aura nOMV. We,- ' X-' TJ JTi . - . Titmsalf airs -Tti man SOS afiiee; . 1 -.-..-.,. . . . other excijee ior iir .-c'.-' -was yea Wake a 7 silk a VJ U-ts yo-trmjsth. gsaa aaes Ayeorks trei Store aa4 get a free sa-T.mt C . lava's Stomseh sad liver Tab'ttev -Os e two dose tui am jm ii "( 1 ri(U(,. v.. .w uwi aad aossfia I 'f-TT! Bus Hairt IfUtiitUs-t fctiiri Test asrtAew 4 Jferth Cs-sfia ar an ;. T1IE LAetD OF TUS . - ' SArnrtn eecxrat"" ' : ta adrtlewW aiSrertfe a. 1 A aiemra as. j 'is. a-- ea aW asv--aei 1 1- as-1 ! it asa a aJ 14 ss aev .te-iae- aes--i Hat a eapsasi al Mas-, -; s;: ' 5 ADWTToVLirU4 CatX l-rtasisj asria.W arh .- , . aar-sovew atiT-es lhHa4 Urn aa e-a-s M-ASt Cas&AA. ScrtxaaTWrTl Orrxv RsTafta. X C t. S, t SX 4-m er t" J rt" '"ei i CUV tis l-iew tA-i . t4t taaartii -t U at sjaai-s ss-e. ae al raJasa L-r-rw'h t-te4 Im j?srive n ftshi f fWrj 'hea, , 2a JVe-pe. - rs- -xVri. 3tae4Oa. ria--r-i te w TTKN rj;! C' jK:.;,k eAj aatfa ptf fstw txur4 in. t- s,iTcr:jfv jt:m1 ju4 tf THE DRY ' GOODS WE eaaarv . . Fae ahf Uas ramiav patioa. Th hsrt of the rnber i sated .0 '1U V1-0 ltw a" .-ayasw M tjs tret trsifeaa . ' m ' u TT OP DEATH'S JAWB.-J -.wkeneath seemed ryj--, m.-u. s...iie I ' . - i..nMi that nau - t ''i v ... 1 mtxMaren wiu.ivi J v " W. J. hOBWOODFrF--'V !ai tourist saved-y we anu-- r -r.lie g-iat s .lm S.Uea la f tea ma We sn"aas-s w a V saae . r-i.s l-eifjli-e v-- A- r'e s-; r rr. . I,'i,nn!i at (Tka-aaerlsIaS Pi yeryjtear, . T a f.--,. vl; - - - -.".Maek of v" lv. Tablet at yaek Pre, troubletaa-a n- -.100 rr" d ' .hould geeP Im stor. Tk.yr i TVs kwv a-a r s . Is 4 a4ei l le au af --; a-n -i S4-4 a. aad ar nee aicane-o ,. -- n..i- - .v T-w.iv.ir ued with rZ&k VttiHirtZ U Durham. K.Dr.W. ,s eaeeV.U j-Ua sUrtUf saved-my we r" ' . M. k, ""Sr 7 ' - , . ui-t,.:.er mi, ae l a IMf i11 MuUll eT- --- - ' i;.?trif, v v- i-Ma t "- Otf. (Wlrr lHte rrr-a. rAa. 1 rail Obs v is. ii--, rtt. I'.a-r -'--. I ' a w I- tvr. at tt-.riV r? Z.. . s. A SaV. 2 2.3 ,3-j.;.i. - t-S 5 i-:vx IV-'n -1 4.0 5W.t, - ..-Xt iiTi-'VrJ, J V t-r-vn - 5 1 - .:.. e e A t T . e A. Z V tit f --r-m'L 5 4 S V .t'.. a, , a". 4i li'. .'-rfJUiav S " tr-pi SL?f r-f l.V S?eH4 tU J-w tavtiO Vl U ;V' . UTt3I ftvrs,rt5. ' t OUR . .SHOES TOR THK - - , ' i'irrattTe Ou -e?w .tvf b iV'Vf i-tti 1 " a . YOl HAYK SOUEUOVf t jfrrtAl te 1 ?- At C 1 l V I : 1 1. . . r .: J f 1 ft 1.1.1 eii- a t t V r : 1 ' 1 .a. w. .--a . a I v w w a CO. .-HUM,, . ., TraraUai PabUc8oUeltsd.v" , we4 ? If Bet piH on eartii ana i Ayeocas vt- v ? IW FleasanU,

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