. - - . 1 ----- . , ,sv , . , i. ' --- - "r, . . - , .... n ' as. a THMI1S. Fditnr and PrnurlPtnr. ' il, XXXII .' 'x7:v VI WDISBDEG,. a,:FRIl)ATf OCTOBOl 21, 11 S I)' LS CHURCH DIRECTORY r HBTHOBIST. rlny School at 9:30 A. H. Go. S. Baksk, Bnpt. .vhingat 11 A. M., and 8 P.M. v S'inday. -t?er meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltlsk. Pastot. Bipnst. ;n y School at 9:30 A. VL Thob. B. Wilsbr, 8npt r.- i 'hin at U A. MM and P. M., v S'inday. . ' " ' riy-r m eting Thnrsday, night. H. II. Mashbubss. Pastor. EPISCOPAL. , Ivy School at 9:30. v . s. morning and night , on 1 and 4th Snndavs. v-ning Prayer, Friday afternoon. filiiip lark s Outlook For Democrats RcpubBcaa Fam3y a Uiap py One 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 LODaaa. iiMburg Lodge, No. 413, ! , mU 1st and 3rd m ia each month. A. F. & Tuesday I i'l-ot'esmonal cards ;: I I.I. t ALLRED. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ,.r u'tloti In all the Coarta. Offices In iri mid Toungsvllle, N. C. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. I.OL'ISBURG, . - N. . i iv.-r Cooper's 8tore. C. ix l BITRT, vTlHINQ PHYSICIAN A.ND SUKQBON. Louisburg, N. C. . i i the Ford BnilditiR, corner Main -.li Ht,nts. Dp staira front. i) V. YARBO ROUGH, I-HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LorfBURe, N. C. .. 'nl floor Nen. halldlnjr, phone 99 , answoro'l from T. W. Bickett' 11. phone 74. I MASH EN BURG, ATTORNBT AT LAW. LonisnuRe, h. c vrvtlce in Ml the Xourta ol theStat offl-e (n Coart Hoffse. i i-ddKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCTSBHRO, 5. O. ,tr, I fHe conrts of Nash. PrMikltD W irren nrl Wake eonnties. also the 'or.rt of North Carolina, and the U .lit 1 WHtrlct Courts. fA i s ( . V.'INSTEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, l.ouisncRO, N. C. ;.. nvBB V. P. WEAL & CO.'S STOR. -t.rtion given to all business i1 i KA1 T! ; l MA LOSE, ..J PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LocisBTJRe. ir. c v - iv. r Ayi ocke rrug Company. K. -i. POSTER. :ING PHYSICIAN BTTEGEON, Lo'iiatiurg, nTc. nr Aycocke Drng C jn.pany. I ! A V WOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LOCX8BCB. V. O. -v Hen In all the Courts ol M.uirf orintles, also in the rranklln Supreme District and the United States . 'in "cooper and CUfton Buildln 'ri .M B WILDKa. ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, LonisBune. v. o. r. Male street. oer Jones b Cooper' F. ATTORNBT-AT-XAW, LOCI3BTJKO, . C. Tni. vt l the courts ol ?1t!janS) ....... Warren and Walw counties , atoo of North Carolina :1 ;,t tientfon glren to coUections. '., ovr Bgerton'l Store. W. BICKBTT, RNRY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LouisBUBe . o. lr tn;t lino d nainstaklng attentipn gWen to r ittr lntrusw -0 JollD Chief JuarH,.,. c. Hon. Robt- W Winston, Hon. n ,,t ..... Pres. Wrst NaUonal BanX ol vv .t..r. i un Manly. W naton. Peoples Baa v .,., Chas - B.Taylor.Fre Wake or if , Hon. iv " "-rlt- aharUra. i nOttiv. 1 w if f'.c in Court I i. PF.RSON, P:rt,lc,e Br.: Una. ATTORNBY AT-LAW. all courts, wiaow in w YARBO ROUGH, 'B. ATIORNEY AT LAW, LOin8BTJB.Ct.H. 0. t House building, Court street wmatad to nun rp-eive pr In Opera legal Dusiue.- .tt.-tion. ompt no " Special Washington Letter. HE New York Democrats did a . rattling good r thing weo they nominated Mr. Coler for gorern or. Pattisoa of Pennsvlvania. Coler of'ew York and Hollis of New Hampshire are a good three to draw to. Pattieon has teen elected governor of Pennsylvania twice be cause he is. an honest man. Perhaps the same thing may happen to each member of this illustrious trio this time and for the same reason. But hasn't Republican politics fallen to a low level wheu a .man can be elected govembr of a great commonwealth solely because he is honest? The New York Democrats not only put their best foot foremost In nomi nating a candidate for governor, bat they made a radical departure in mat ter of platform by declaring in favor of government ownership of the an thracite coalfields. There is meat In that proposition, sure as you live, and lots of it. Perhaps the time has come to settle once and for all whether J. Pierpont Morgan & Co. or any other set of men are or can be stronger than the government of the United States. If the proposition of the New York Democrats should be accepted as the proper thing then we can see the begin ning of the end of private monopoly in the public ownership of general utilities. Presidential Perambulation. A great many persons are coming to the conclusion that the presidents of the United States should perambulate about the country less, thereby reduc ing the chances of death by accident or violence. Doliiver an Trusts. My distinguished, mellifluous and elo quent friend, Hon. Jonathan P. Dolii ver. junior senator from Iowa, spoke on the subject of trusts in Chicago not long ago. When Hon. James Gillespie Blaine wrote his once famous letter from Genoa, a disgusted patriot de clared, with beads of perspiration and agony on his brow, that he had read that mystifying document right side up, wrong aide up and cata wampus, and then didn't have the remotest idea "as to what the magnetic man from Maine was driving at I am in the same frame of. mind with reference to Er'er Dolliver's remarks as to trnsts. He speaks, like the ancient oracle, in a double sense. He owes It to a suffer ing world to publish a diagram with his remarks; He must believe in the celebrated mot of Talleyrand that lan guage is intended to conceal thought for he most effectually concealed his thought if any he has, on the subject of trusts. Senator Doliiver appears to have taken a lesson out of the book of his senior. Senator William B. Alli son, who rivals the famous Earl of Halifax as a trimmer. Great ia the Iowa statesman! The Wall Street Gamblers. Two sets of gamblers got to playing high stakes on Wall street recently. The inevitable happened. One set got the other where the wool was tight Immediately the set -with the upper hand began to squeeze Its yictims. At once there rose as wild a yell As all the fiends from heaven that fell Had pealed the banner cry of hen, and the cry was: Stringency in the money marketl A panic is at hand!" Immediately Secretary of tbe Treas ury Leslie "M. Shaw made unseem ly haste to rush to tbe relief of these gamblers by placing illegally as many think three hundred millions of the people's money in the hands, or rather the vanits, of certain pet banks in New York to relieve the stringency I Thus did Leslie M. Shaw, who was going to show the bankers some new tricks, follow in the footsteps of Ly man J. Gage in aiding and abetting Wall street Vive la bagatenei Query. Who cared which set o? Wall street gamblers skinned the oth er except the gamblers themselves? Did anybody ever hear of a secretary of the treasury rushing to the aid of the great masses of the people when threatened with a money stringency? Never? WelL hardly ever, and nobody ever will hear of snch a tmng unoi we get a really Democratic administra tion. American Products Abroad. Some Americans wonder bow the American mannfactnrers can beat the foreigners in their owu markets, under selling the Germans in Berlin, the Eng lish In London and Liverpool and the nnris. and yet have to be a? icuu to enable the trusts to mulct th peo ple here at homo of large sums of money billions of dollars each year. 8entor Harris' Shoes. The other day Senator narrU of Kansas came home from a trip through Europe. Time was. by the way. when every Republican paper in Kansas would have pilloried a statesman who would Indulge In such a luxury; bat happily, even. Kansas la of late year growing so liberal that It sometime breaks away from its old moesback manner of thinking. But speaking of "Senator Harris, that urbane gentle man brought home on his feet a pair of new shoes. He bought them In London, but they were of American manufacture, and, though freight bad been paid on them to London and traveling salesman's expenses had to be paid across the Atlantic to sell the shoes, yet Senator Harris bought them for 20 per cent leas than the same shoes would have cost him In Wash ington. He knows this to be true, be cause he priced tbe same kind of shoes. made by the same firm, on PennsyV vania avenue, and found tbe price to be 20 per cent higher than In London. This Is merely one of hundreds of proofs that the American mannfactnr ers sell at lower prices in Europe than In America. A few weeks ago the Democratic congressional campaign committee ad vertised in the New York papers an offer of $100 reward for a copy of the export price list of the big Peabody concern. After much effort they se cured a copy and -published many ex traets from it showing that hundreds of articles of everyday use were sold by them In Europe from 10 tplOO p-r cent cheaper than they would sell the same articles In America. Of course it doesn't take a Bmart man to cipher it out that they Bold them cheaper there because they had to do so. that they chareed high prices here because the high tariff permitted It and that they would not have sold these articles in Europe as cheaply as they did if they did not find the bual ness profitable. If they can make moo ey there, for heaven's sake, how much do they make by skinning those poor Americana who so dearly worship their high tariff that they would' rather con tribute toward malting every Amer ican manufacturer a billionaire than vote against It What a pity it Is that every fellow can't regulate his own tariff 1 The free trader would speedily be buying bit shoes at the low rate paid by Senator Harris. I wonder If the high tariff men would Bhow enough devotion to "pro tection to continue to pay the Penn sylvania avenue price for their ahoe. Senator Harris In an Interview saiU: In Heal Everything ol American males la cheap er abroad than In this country. My wcrs tor the St. Louis exposition took me to all the great stock farms, and I was par ticular to ask what the Englishmen paid for American farming machinery, pitch forks, hatchets and other necessaries of farm management, and I found tnat they paid a great deal lesa than 1 sm forced to pay in Kansas City tor me same ari:ci It seems a very great Injustice and Im position for American citlsens to be forced to'pay such high prlcea her when foreigners secure the same things al a much lower rate. It Ls the high tsriff that la to blame. The Amerten manu facturer says that he must be protected against the foreigner. This ls not tru. He has nothing to fear from the foreign manufacturer, because he la successfully invading the foreign market. Neither la It true that the American poos which are sold abroad are surplus proOu'-ts. The American manufacturer la selling his gooda at a fair profit abroad ana ai a tremendous profit at home. It seems to me that U would bs very easy to lower the tariff, which would give the American consumer an opportunity to purchase American gooda at a decreased price, and. If necessary, the American manufacturer could raise the price slight ly abroad. Something, however, ought to be done. The prsent conditlen of affairs ls not Just to the American consumer. a t An not believe the American peoale will stand It much longer. Bomethlng la radically wrong when 1 can buy Ameri can ahoee abroad for lesa than 1 pay for them here, notwithstanding the fact that freight for 8,000 miles haa to be paW npon them. At the Mercy of Pierpont To this extremity hath It come at inaf. Morsran la now In such a posi tion, placed there by a government that permits the formation of truits and the mereine of vast raiiroau wwrwi that the financial world haa to fall at Ins feet and ask for relief when riot ous speculation and inflated valuations have brought Wall street to the verge of panic Of course if- panic were threatened while a Democrat sat in the White House we are free to guess as to whether Morgan wpuld pome for ward with the advanee payment!, i ue preme be-och. as bis wptalo mtt cooatitutloriaUty eX tbe ru&tii& f ncxatto ably teetlfttfe tie te a & pebtScaa t tt liacota type a, type by tbe way. that le rapMly bwowt&c extinct. However, ible josvk (bee be be, be Lae ertdentiy staged tt In tries de of tbe f satire ga0j and tbe peculiar bablt ct tVat teat- To thee wba knaxta tbe ace eurrriBe cowt IvtVe tm be thing tar moo red freo tbe fug et ordinary oea, a aacaetbtAg eerre4 a4 apart, tbe following - prise - Cestcb wia prove a yeraiaUoo: - Jostle Daetf J. Xtrewer C rva Cmr Lata mnn emsrt was Wiy bora abwst tbm fscw a4 mmo mi MB r seae at Tee'e fwM. La On m pi era, last evemioa. Jade 1 mslaeJ loo at ke lts hare the ataer MUim aa4 w Inx aoaae area tbttt ate eir Liberty Hail. He bm4 a aawat C gaaoUae to make fa brsiai hmr 4 - l tbe aai of Msno accident cevrrd. like prempUa ettesj lav - a gm4 aurslag a a la b et ha a mm stay without aoera. Tbe moral of this raJQy regrettable accident to JUce Brewer le-lfrery man to his own work. - Applied Reewbteaalem. Nature endowed tbe state et imaafcs moat bountifully and siade her a arret state. I hare aatd to tbrae Wttrra good deal about "appOed Democracy a fine example of wblcb la foenad la Missouri There te oo finer tret Of state's real pcoejeea than, can be f eoe4 In the record of br ecboola. Uleeovrt is Justly proud ef bee school eyacen. built up and fostered by iHcuocra:. The school at t coda nee la large a&d eoo stantly gaining, and she has tbe Urger per capita cask school fund tjeean nl by any state lo the Union. Texas baa what will probably proee a larr fund, but It la now la the form of un sold lands. The Chicago Record-lleraM jeb Uahes an Interview with Mrs. rveeore Kelley. Mr. William K. Curtis eeccred the Interview. In It Mrs. KHley cans attention to toe fact that in 1.H30 litt nols stood sixth among tbe Kate as to the percentage of children or school age la tbe echco. Tbe ttftt censua showed that 111 loots had ro back to fifteenth place. Tb'j tt a frightful Increase in tb perretsf of Illiteracy and cannot berp In a frw years bat show Its dire rvewKs La in creased crime and cVattttrtkw. 5nrn a eoudiUou U bound to breed anarchy and riot of which I II loots has rarely had too much already. The lawmak ers of Illinois are rrepnoelbie for thia condition because) tb laws of I ill note ore so Lax as to prrmlt tb employ ment of child labor, than which noth ing can be more pemlcVoa. How different are tbe laws of "poor od be nighted MlawocrV" where tb heartee peualtlea are prewrrlbcd foe tboe who employ children where thHr raetrtal or physical bra !th is lUble to bwoi Un paired In the? sllgtteet Mrs. KeOey rpeek of the "hocking locoenpeteex-y and Indifference of tb oOrlala." rose Old Republic tlllno. -seee started stepmother" (to use tbe wcrda of De Qulncey when be a poetry atard eed Oxford street), "tboo drtnkeet la tsere ef the children and hrret tb crtae of the fatherleeer Ro tew iter and tbe Oeeee. Republican "harrcoay" lo Nebraska properly begins with the letter "n." but It should contain hot four letters If It L aimed to correctly desrrtb tb present condition of tb fl O T. In that state. Kdlto Roeewatrr la at war with tbe party orgaoleatlow and la headiug a boiling moreoeot that tbreatena to defeat aocne UepebOran coogTvuameo and tb stale Ucie. rvomor Barer hi had nimawtf to tcrvlewed. Erldrntly the Bret age was named from a trait of chars ter that haa been handed down to tb governor, for here la what he eald: If Reeewater haa a aawth fcrata psier left as Cod give te ge a eriy realise by this Uaie that th p- not ldore W Beba e rojCae, political Bghta I ti aM Vt tor the maa who te oee4 the devU and the S Twr twwMf year he haa waged a reteaUeaa wrtar agmrnst the fuete en4lte fee is rnea, For evral yeare he e4 rrWe, 1e ik frUnda. fdr b has neoe fee eeeerai year he and the who rear am a w4 one of the moat bitter f.rt taaataWe agatnat Meror. New. Ut ca k e a between these eaodtdatesT Free Trader Fee NemlnataeV Tram Oaf xks 0tT3t4l- Scrrrtary SU 144 tVt lerrb' tue5lUd to. erwwt bt tb (artta nl j toftrtt. He baa mi n i II rrea- taomtpt el SeKrttArj Cit 14 tan be brgan wt tm t tbe 6tt$ e tb4 Wall &st Utrrrwt tbee tKnJ etaa. t fL Il k txaas4 t IM peaent pejrebste 03 imttl be 1 eo.ooo( a tU ,lrtvurj it t!! cba - wbcti cro-A ena brag tb tool eso4 Cf aaone nrJ3 teea l,HTrnf, ttleiik tier Hamm3 baak cireuvjoei wirf M'. kwe taaiW we, hie, ee I t .. e. t Ceitaed that tan iU teal ii Sr tart't eCerl ba tw 4yUam ml relieve the ot etrjeitari abMfb a to brd La ten a. few a. rt lireevi, ee iaf e t w ti-r,-nvroi. bj jttam e4 e ta-5 en tt aS rjoxi toei 14 frt r&. e.i cotirct detare tat raxae tl tbe t-bee dnbmefairnta. Unmrb4, In. fc. trnw e.t aw.at awnnw e .Tef t"bekU4r? ear Jweg ee. Tbe .1 y ALEX . 0 liSTO:? oot and ShoaMaier, I rWW rp be e-t U eWJ V ?a eewb a tUe AiiUr.d Wail Orders. : or ' I ASS UTS new yonc. r .- e SUHFLUS ovint e a r e e. w fcAwJi It we Qs tuned reMW fMlUea iHt.l,inii twtCi to-teie w. ewisniKMMn, A an - )eikaaMr lwja eubvi tt ttaT w-um an hew a( t ext. weiMwa, VMevi . ta rKAerC tf, tiller rL C--tiXe- ae aMtiaeeartaeita t . H, ettxeeasiMNtV es tVag t-re wi-3 4 e tevrejaj 1C kj r rtj nine Ai a Mp v4kt. VI 5At ! tiUMirtu. I ontiCLatfiT- donbtkreaevee a divtw. af a meet tee.ee im Bttaue. ij ftALCtCkH f. O. Secreut f ttoccwd ae7el re Ik aaaeai j c4 k batrf e sad J k IU4 ; rj no plMt INI Mahajcan cj- j St?1:' !f,::i,Jeler find Opilclan. erw ayeej a S1 ee m - er-eey - i mce waa trvated to tk Kw!e ee I D. E. MILLERe it b rr l -If y e4 tk Tesef i o tadly CTMard treat, a-J s a kef ererai toexe abc-re tk t-ei . e ecaaa s oo ol b"t et.-rl !-, tuIiA m B! M 1 THOHfl'S CHILL PILLS Ca k-M ,,. i t w 1 rb..l W.C f. r-S BATCHES. BLOCKS h Am ) t I JCwCltT. I 4 4 4Au w M t'. I ) hmw. tn to mmnm t e-it. t foment ( i mi ' tle rvpnWjcao n ten it bream a tt-ci i M ntX ataird. AM' '. tmf g fc ? chattn hn ledimee w-tb itne T, i i .... . . . . 5 once eaoee lata in aeti-ct o m l w r"- ... ' .... ? w bnt k greet) :-st-i?i 4 tit t"M m a direct was tk.t tt ea.5 ' a irval. la ibaa ae-e-t. " ' - - - - ' - -Tber, fc, e.fcsg feferabinetf i V A T 1tflU rrcmt MCertioa tanl tk d t wkjc ' were rrrpoceitet kar tbe dtarat cl t Pmidrnt'e CtUa rtxty rweai f cwt ( ApparroUf, Ibe Senate tSMfWe tbe people do no. rr4 rr ' nrrtx Ward lhl Ibe rrtt4jcnne k.4 ' a en evil at twa cm n lie ' v - Sum w.mIi m .-e. I., ale or ver nearly tut. eJ tki t. ,.u mf tv.,. Motaar. Ht asaet Ui iiwmS Ikes i w , ... ,rkl l .r!kii.iii tA4 V i . ' rkteel a Wet, f u a.ii a i.( is t- f a- .' . 7l.i- ka4 "X.llm 1 7 tilVClfi.. '.lie Mrk4 l.4Mf itii.t t 4'CVmh t .MM r-e'ea it m 9 . iH4e ' t- mt-fj'if f tiM AND GROW FATii Ttjorqas' Ctnll Pills. t e nk V t nw,eeTtri e -fible Sgei lb trm beard 4 tb rrpaUaoan eo7xrtkd trf brenant !Swaj 1 epc cbaa trr atki by JLrjrveewai.M Tawn7 ta tbe i loose. Il hi rem Ij a new docxrine tbai ibe eainoe y party In Coefrrea sat V Ibe aa. fjfiij lo caste ? ru a:ad. b4 ibe: lo be lie tirtct Ibe beaauc aa t.trt .it l tet. 6mf nt f rH Ve t:ke I I U. (b. MITC. ncmcx M. K. & F. & Pleasants' froea W Settlor VX.cTa ca Wabiotaei rtrently and daj eua bt Ule to auie b-a pceutaDO in rrgtrd tbe coal litnaLkM. Hi aaad Scnnase HQ is wronf. and Artoraey GrvU Knoa tabu" Tbe cneJ trnat an4 every other I rest can be toearaed tf Ibe axaeaoa Van- and tn-ettanen: tw. fcctly wUbia tbe power ol CcrTT It rrmaine to be at, Wrm, tf ear rtpnblKan nvtrUy 41 dare to etci a u lxt wul gm eoen. eene B. vwMliBMt mm rmmmf m im mm -e- e . 1 1, ii me a. JMe)nv aenaenaee e4nntbnjagf. tnwewbenfa m a m in i lm,JZm -hmt mbmmtmmmj a mm m0 leiej m awe c. omi mmn 1 tfSMe. mttt 0tmm m. hi mm.mm e j im niim j Wiliniin mmw- g-in.e iifm l-na 'tm I- mm 'f rWeb4 U einr n ft 4-&ea pe4 M . a. aitwwMMMi -DRUGS 4 l in. t.f... -k.t E i irt iit t-mm V e"' eeejeJ mv i t. j 5HsS5tHHT LOnjpOQDQlQS ncSCflpllODS ewei .. t prjwTT to lb rrrajdrnt or be t:tney tsrrkL I a nei a i .fntnul a mt i ti r t. f ,mt.i.m I ,t f lVe. 1 't-k e t.ti MM ft Te Ummm Cp la Maaaachonrtts the Cght tn Ike Republican party ever tariff reriaio ke waxing hot Eugro rt. 10 Ui ba nominated for eoogres on" a platform that eo fir as Its Urtff plack U coo cemed. reads as If U hd been "Q nigged" from a Democratic p-h It declare flatly for tariff rertalon and free trade In article controlled by tbe trusts. They want free raw materials, they want free coal sod free bef A Bad Outlook. The Washington Poet, rodependetrt. with RepubUcaa lea ol ore. In summing up the political situation, ears: Speaking as an Impartial bet ey? tattle looker en. we are diapoeeJ I ear that tbe lot ef tbe RrpobUcaa ftmUy at this time ta net a happy ea On la eonrraxy. quit the revere. It seetas I H literal! honereombed wlLh ekJ. dJaagreementa. ev fr. rXe are divtdd among theaaetvea teea .that are raailf vUal a ad they are en gaged In hitter quarrels over raat- tare ox party iarrua ana qiwiw Shylock was the rrun wlo wantrxl a pound c4 hunvxn Hcsh. There arc m a n jr Shvloclcs now. the ennrak-v rent, liic ccnturnptnT, the sickly child, the pe yjr. '.reman, all wxr.l hyman ftrah ml incy can gei c Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Ernulaion 1 tlrh mi blood, bone and rauweic-itlccdathencn-o, stfenKtK-fj he dtfMtivc organs and th-ry ced the whole body. For nearly thirty yer cott'b ErouUton ha.t beer the ;rcat ftvtr cf human flevh. w mmr- m 4 B ma m-t e mne .filial w m mm fimt ni ft MM iHH4 lllMf m mm mmiS )mmmm Wm fc. n j e Win ta !. V 4n S CwmiIm , Tktm mil mmm mli m MkUu mm mm -It ' mtmrf TM Oim t I O. (ua t-rtwrf .f i r WOOD YARD. 1 b ee raceneij J--fi ka lrrie lt? as4 J1 Arite 1 yvn ai ) t y Wel& ia rwaati It trwa 3i emat enA t Wit W e e oK4 te. y-e y a-4 4 tt wta ttc-rd. 0-ive aa a t. J. b ta ..?. JACOB KVANS. ret oJ naa-aaass b::i iid n:i inn rop ctt- IJcCisre-eena'a lnasetirr Hh? ftHTAteUxa a rirui.TT PERFUMERY A!D TOILET i,nn TiiM.ea.l..,t A e-a.ai.Mk i 7 Cl.t ruu.iiitd imnf Ae efy, Me. F.w en.arUi4 t a t.nj.. mie tiei.g ttUie, LOWNEY'S GANDY. f vt "' t u . A 1Mi t wn-e e ,tnt rWU. Cieev,:a k. il. K. k Y. !L 1'LEASA.VT.S. . . i hnm hv n hieh tariff ..- prou chronicles the event I Out tn Iowa 8oaker Henderson baa Joe prou M-- -vrr- - - - " - declined a renomlaatlo. Uc-e Wflll V lit?! r eU ar I ID IUC 1UI ivnig,i . . .3 M l nn Tn a I ) ll 1). T. 8MITHW1CK, DEST1SX, LOOIbBCBO, . - n. c. i fflcf over Furniture Store. - hi. nHrtotv onotea arucH? v Americaih invasion, of Europe," show-ir,o- thnt American-manufacturers can t . trade couutries and "pro tected" countries alike and distance all HOTELS. r. v-nrk Sent. fA-J. P. Morgan Co. today noOfled the shareholder of the v. rloua companies and corporations foe ; vi, h mrt mm cecal Barents that they ... ..Hfuit October Interest and I narments neat Monday, two flays tt we read by millions of J 4B advance of the required time. Tbee competitors, it waa reaa uy u""1" , j - "J ,f Mtimated. win approxi- nnlA- It started a long tram oi urn- rf.r Arm mt tw action Is taken to , ftnrlala of the same char-1 - mistm financial eonditiona. M.R. ,-1 and Bewsoaners. It . The United State Steel corporaOon an- F1UNKL1NT0N HOTEL FRAKLINTON, V. 0. lAM'L MERRILL, PT. Ui in Kiacmzines and newspapers. Droud of America's rcbievelaTrAs. but It did more than . ,h -unl every thinking man. Ztll abllcan party.- to the ! IZZLIZZ f-at American Industries M.aW M th opposition on its own notroced td?l ay that It would mall checks I tomorrow for the quarterly dlyWend. on due Bent nl and that the check would be payable Sept. t. n,. . n the nnerterlr dividend la ts a.Q26. and that sum will he released to ' bp money market ,. .... BuuMie ea a Bruah Burner. irround certainty do POt need "protec- . lawtat JnirHee David J. -Brewer . . . u.llnr hnmii and that the oniy i - l -'T.r.'L .w. rtood aoinodauoniorw - -w i non u- r ; have la lU unOOUPieqiy. - awww w - -r USC eWe a 7 he ta not tn karaaeny U hie aeeoetatee reerarda Urta rvito. is new ier the Repnbttee nTatee ka bee e tKe vera af eadfee.lasa the iiia for Utnat aoeer. Tw nowerrul faction were e-tJog at Kk other, and It te eeenly declared rant th anugoatam te Boeede met ia pwmtm 4eat himeeU. a well aa Oeerer 0n. In ereat Wester eta tee Hit hTekln. w.Kr.k. end Calirerota thera are Tf eontentkma irme Cuban ettpeedltyfc ee4 all the eonflJcte are ef a ehererter vtllch Ineuae aa aftif sastb ef rr. n matter which eld aaay areveJL '.Ve wi3 Kad you a Ccarpie c4 ovsxri tree. CXJTT lOWNt. Oweejuet. IOO-4I8 Feert Str. KT Jaa.a4al 3 , Mont . ata feel tore bra lag tbe Cutul !cruvitnm'i Crr.T. A, V, PERSON & COMPANY'S, Clean, Always Frest) Groceries thai Uej bare s)r Voblic. 'iood Llvb.T Attaehad. possible MASSENBURGr HOTEL HENDEBSON, C oo Mkaemtaodations. Good fare: i,u ad aittive eerraatr The Beet prptioa For Malnrln- ITOTJ Fo a ess tjatw xonw. - -no nay. ."' in ntaateiesa . -' .v.- I iron JBUI nine PrUseSO. Keep thT ndi; -na ujr will keep tbee. - When yea Wake ap il a bed bvn U ---- .... .i.. 1am.. ni trtinm wiuawit J . -y "" w ::;.,, .i.i iMiuk. cure DuiHHm,u - natien. . . - .-'" ' ' -. : - ' , -; . ' fit ffl - - . ContUat dropping wear awry I atone. , - ..' ';- ' MXOVt "VTHATTOlInre TAK1JIO end auinine IB . core po pay. Loo One fne re eUT.U re aa CrWre atUtee. e ewy ee aeeiteW kr tet mteaa f Bf e Uue rxf r. lata UtUe Ue e nt ry-w Tbf w-e ik bwie reeilf. Weeir. a4bf i (IeleU aeiev gt te e4 etreertn t tke gCaei. Ayee re .ra?.ii jl. a , A. boneytneea it eflta J VelertbgUra. ' U.t - "; te Oeeat rwy - A rbleaee ee It i l t4 -3Uw4 TV ewxtr-rr to Ljbat U 3srg bseewe nr tw RanfterinJ Vy U k3Jr ej4.w jrw 4 tJU rain bw73b .waue era be ent4i n4 afne PeBk irm 40 w?rA-:rrv7.3 C.vrCiVV. w Jiaan, tTrT.ake JT 24 ? en NORWOOD HOUSE H uanrton. lortli Cirolil w. j. RWOoDelTeprteteB''' .... rSrrT OP DEATH'S JAWS. w'hen death seemed f" J w s .v ilea trouble that I bad severe stoaaao '-vt, -. . . - What mainUlnB doe to! woold bring np- V" 'rr , wrttes P Jne Sdmrner VTf DrZfietb Aroold'e Get a free anejel ef CbanWrUla't Ua iaebaai UvefTaWeU U yes ureg c rv r eJar tn take aal nleaeaat te ecee taa y"- XIm mm fceliee tkl rei ee ml tVe kalae a eetae. kl4Jy a tCr. e eywee-aAf -4 U-t k.e,.t -. T r--r Lkf U. kleet e4ee e-4 . a t. j 44 eenrtrt ehe U v..il V:a la r le lata eeeJif nana trasater . Ak..dl'e Ce( lUewJf C1 rVl yen yf ul.' an tkr He wbatavee Tre r - ' : rjtwaewClif. liar! (UtbrttK, rtriAja rrasaxtn Greece 'e, - flrwoeice. ti.icb rp, tlntea, !le.5rw?aa' Haw t.vr. tkal ese-ikds.' Ilaieave nni f -- to tWSi fc at U;X tehV. l--t y Kjnri. 13 .9 Mbl , li 3 fcrA Uf" 49 Wi. Ai Twt. fX A- A.3 V ere. V.a, t3 1gb:& " Aif S3 bfaV faa4. Si AA VTcuetonav, ... 3 Ai Uifcaa. t3 eM tii fKcj.'.c . Hie? Ivcvnti t.n liv ' -2 ;,"c:t- assctjii; Vie frx.rewt twJafl tCi Vin i;i, ' THE DRY GOODS V.'E X eeryi akre fAr ;t.cr1 .lil, fc.lij 1CI a t,. rcm l CTT r--e.A.w ?r?t Ti.l i ije A jt,r r ' leTrt.lirm 1eAtlt, fjit 4 OUR SHOES. FOR THE TfmJr. ruxKiT4 l.f Vr bttir unit Lhm A . SOllEHOW WE HAYS frb4 rfcsrw tr CnnmrTd tvjC.Uw litli JliJ U r-e X t0 "r-irt - U-ttr' r:.J yt arv tisrtci f fataetrfnj e.ttfA u l w b anrt-: V Sb1 ntl ft T.rj' t!csw 1 -. :ti Ccte- Att1 te rv If j ctj rx.s:1 f:in t Ar Y.-PERS0I Sl CO. raftered with for ye, ene en w 13a. box. : . - : .,' . . - Patronage TrQUag pabUeSollelted. iblleSolleKee, - - . -, I Bert PJ v A let! Mil I ---- - f n .... r V - - 4 aagfla

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