nday School at 9:S0 A M.- GwkS. Barb, fla?(t. r: 1'-.. vchinj? at 11A. M., ud8 P.tl , ., v .Sunday. i' nvr ineting Wednesday night. -4 M. T, Pltlu. Putor. i BAPTIST. X ' ' ' , 4,:a,U7 School at:30 A. M. B. WlLDBB, 8tipt ? Thob ! .. J . ' - .v- r m-oting Tliaraday nigaC V H. H.,&lA8HBU&as. Pastor,;: KP13Q0PAX. - , w School at 8:ao . , mornia?';' nL- nitfht , . on nin Prayefi Friday affernoon. LOSOSS. . .. - : .r.-irfc Lod?e,.No.-413, A." F.& : , -n-fn 1st and 3rd Taeedajr XX it f ir ioiional cardft A ALLRED. A TT0RNEY8-A.T--L AW, i.n.-tioH in all the Courts, in; in 1 YoangBTllle, N C. Offices In I)' ARTHUR H. FLEMING, ... 3 ' s LO'JISBDBQ, . - - N. a . r",-i ov.-r Cooper's Storp y i -TlItfO PHYSICIAN AND 8UBQE0N. Lonisbnrg, N. C. '" la thp Ford BuUcHnZf corner-Main, , i '. . h t roots. Up staiw-Jroiit.-: ; k. v. YARBoaonaH. ! r'HYatClAN AND fiURQEON, 1. M-BURa, N. C. ' . 2n 1 floor' Ne.-U haildlnff, phone 39 j'-.- aaswcr6i from T, W, Biokett'B r t! I u ". vhme 7i. . . . TT0BHT1Y A.T LAp. ".' v :;i praotlc-j In ill the Courts of theBtste i) -ace In Court Sous, ' l V. iWiS. , .VTTOBN8T-AT-I.AW, LO0ISBCH9. V. C wui u.tcnil the courts of Nash. Franklin, nrniii Wurren and Wake eoanties, also the j , ,r rni Court of North Carolina, and the U. i :ir -ill' nd District Courts. M ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W, Louirbdro, N. C. u- K 1 1 K OVRR W. P. WBAl Co.'S8T0R. given to all business ui vtt-ntion Mtivl '-o m?. ) IC J. K. MALONK, .ivcTH'INCi paYSICIAK A.ND 8UKQEOH, u;isBtfBj9, v. a. i l. - v.;r Aycocka rhrua Company. II. K. H. c-OSTBR. r K (,TI 'INQ PHYSICIAN fc SIJB-Q'BON, Loulaburg, N. C. ) :r. over AycockeDmg Company. HAYWOOD RtFFIN. ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, uomsnwas. ir. o. a, u, i.rc ice In all the Courts ol Franklin l a li Hi: inn counties, also In th Supreme i-'. in the Qnlted States District and .-. : i ' :ourt3. ' a -e In cooper and Clifton Bnll11nc. Mrs. B. WtLDItS. ATTORNBX-AT-LAW, totrirauKS, m. o. 'n n on sialn street, ott ionea CoopWf s. SPKUILL. , , ATTOBJBY-AT-tAW, LOU13B0B0, . 0. ' . w i;i Mted the courts of FrankHiV Vance Br,viiie. Warren, and Wake cpnuUes, also tiu. Hapreme Court of.. North Carolina. Pr .ir pt attention Rlren to coUecuona. cure over BKerton's Store. W. B1CKSTT, r ITTORNKY AND COTTHSKLLOB AT LAW. attention glTen to r intrussea vo - - Chief Jostieeghepherd, Hon. John ion. Roht W. Winston, Hob. t. C. tTes. First Hauonai x" " ' " .i-ink Manly, winswn, -" - . " - - va airA l i o net, and palnstakliw attentton .ry matter Intrusted to nls hands. fc' Hon. Root. W. I i ii i -1 toe, nhu r Oarlor. rres, rtmm.v trnn. r w. TunDenaKe. w. iCourt House, oppolte Bhgrm'a. ' r i ' . 1 ' '.' jLTTOBimT A1MAW, r ... -'4k' -; ".:)-'-"vi p-viir.es in all ftuta. Offlea H w. YARBOXouaH, J. ;; ATI OENET AT 1A W, 1 ' LOTJISBraa.XC. mr m opera House building-. Court street Ml lepral a t 1- 1 i,niii introatea o uuu receive promp ) li. D. T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST .-v LOUISBUKO, - W,,Cr offl5e over Farnltara Store, j,;-. HOTELS;,; FKANKL1NT0S HOTEL FBANKLINTOK. N 0. - 'it - - Special Waahlngton Ltter. " ; OKRAjpt for J. B; WflEfiams o a -.Illlribls, commonly known" as : "BobP . A .Bepnbllcan legia-S laiore so glrym4nQCTed the - 8tate es to' Dntv- him " intn : district Repablican.by 2.200 matorlrv.' LThey thought they had finally done loejsoty, bnt ... - . 'r. K" The best laid, plana mice an' men -i " Gang afUgfey. v r. . ,- i Jost sa in this case. " Bob was to be snowed nnder, but Bob- carried the dis trict by nearly. 300. BoUyi for Bob! wen done, Bobertl AnotCer caper or two like that -and: James Robert ,Wfl liamg -wlll become a presidential pos sibility. He & abler. he Is courageous; he is clean; he. is aggressive; he lives in Illinois; Everybody will rejoice at his great victory except the defeated plotters Who supposed and hoped that they Were well rid of - him. His tri umph shows! what may be accom plished by-a .vigorons and well man aged campaign. " Out-Heroding Herod. No wonder-that Senator John C. Spoorier's vocal chords gave way. Itfs a wonder he did not faint dead away. He has great, reputation t 'or Wisdom, and I have exploited him somewhat for the Republican presidential nomi nation the nomination,' not the elec tion, mind you butbe achlteved "the baa eminence" of - making the most thoroughly un-American utterance heard during the last campaign. He sa$d and it is most unfortunate for his fame that be said it "If we could elect a good; strong .Republican presi dent like ..Theodore Roosevelt and a strong: Republican senate and house for a Term of twenty years, it would be better for the country. I believe the demagogic, tear up comes too often In this country." Those be strange words to fall from the lips of such a man as Senator John C Spooner of Wisconsin and shows how fast the Imperialistic idea is making headway in this coun try. "Even Alexander Hamilton, .'the father of the Republican party, the great advocate nf an aristocratic fea ture In our governmental system, while he advocated life tenure for senators advocated only n seven year system for president. Senator Spooner "raises" Alexander at his own game from seven to twenty for "a good, strong Repub lican president like Theodore Roose velt," .Reasonable men will regret that Senator Spooner said that. Again Addicks. Once more the utter hypocrisy of the Q. O, which arrogates to Itself all purity and sweetness, is Illustrated, by the condition of affairs In little Dela ware. Through the machinations of Hon. Gas Addicks that state had only one tJnited States senator for two years and has had none at all for the last two years, and now Addicks conies up again, smiling serenely, with the grim determination of having for himself a seat in the senate because, as he as serts, he paid for It and is entitled to have. It He makes no more conceal ment of his boodle operations than he Would of being a scrub calf in the streets of Wilmington. Unfortunately, most unfortunately, the; Democrats lack one; of having a majority on joint ballot in the legislature. . If they had elected one more man to the legislature, they would have elected two United States senators, a chance which comes to very few legislatures In this world. Just,.why the Democrats do not unite with the antt-Addicks Republicans, who; presumably ' are the more decent of the two factions, and elect one Dem ocrat and one' Republican nobody ex cept themselves seems, to know, or, if the anti-Addicks Republicans are hon est in" their desire to rid themselves of Addicks, it Is bard to understand why they do not assist the Democrats to elect two Democratic senators Republican Boodle. ..Of . course- the use of boodle in elec tions is all wrong, by Whomsoever practiced (that goes without , saying), but just why 1t is a' mortal sin In Dem ocrats and a matter of jest for. Re publicans to practice It passetb all hu man pnderstanding: For example, the Washington" Post of. Nov. 5 contains this squill Tbatf noise which came front the west early .yesterday morn ing was caused by Hon. Charles Dick slamming iiown the cover of his check book.". Now, there la a f acetioua ref-ererice-to Republican boodling If s funny In a BepublictfnT Wbo is Hon. Charles Dick? - He Is General Charlet Dick, an Ohro Republican representa tive Jn'corigress. chairman of the Ohio Republican state committee, the bosom crony .and - favorite pupil of . Senator Marcus ".A. :Haona,V chairman of the RublkrilUittonali committee-- If General Dick Was slamming jdown th cover of -bis checkbook. It followa as the- night the day that be -bad,badv it open to Influence the Buckeye voters, and if It was necessary for boodle , to be used i InlOhio, Which . Is ' generally considered fi sure thing for the.Repubr Itcana, It may be easily Imagined what the Republican owners of checkbooks were: doing; to more kudctui .suiw. jSveirybody- la always, howllp? about the corrUEtic4i'rf;Tammany...wblclrU Da4 enough; no doubt but rarely is a word said about tne corrupuon, oi u Philadelphia and Pittsburg Republican gangs, which can giYe Tammany card and spades and beat It, Why make flesh of one and fowl of anotherf ; k ,' f. tpt, t?Annh!ican. Idiots reaiurea tf Urn RecMt UmW . lenator Mortaa's Bad BreaJt. fobs Bvrretr Amtvxing Cheek- .would flo so are now In a frame of nind to do some more or lees vigorous' cu3smg.Tbe Globe-Democrat UaedS its hopes jon slandering the state and tne majority of her cltizena, but the ioui slanders reacted on the bead of the. Globe-Democrat andlta party. It reueratea time and again in every conceivable-form which Its lMtnuitv could suggest that the DemocraU had taken, stolen and carried awav the ri: tire public school fund, amounting to nearly. $4,500,000, when the various school districts were drawing regularly the Interest-on the school fmnrla" vmp IJy year, and It takes an awful fool not to know that thieves do not pay inter est on what they BteaL The Globe Democrat did not carry the state on ita platform of slander, but in all human probability It kept several thousand people, from settling In the state and kept out hundreds of mniiona-ot wealth which would have been brought into Missouri but for its malicious charge. "It Is a dirty bird that befoojs Its own nest" Is a saying peculiarly applicable to the Globe-Democrat The Washing ton Post, which all along ha a made fun of the Globe-Democrat's prophecies of Republican victory In Missouri, says In Its issue of Nov. 5, "We hasten to forward our .sympathy to the valued St Louis Globe-Democrat and sugget that perhaps some other year Mfsaonr! may go Republican." Poor old Globe jrwbc bet on An Unnecessary Handicap. In the recent campaign Democratic nominees had to carry an unnecessary handicap by reason of the jabber of Senator John T. Morgan of Alabama to the effect that it would be a bad thing for the Democrats to have the next house of representatives. By such twaddle Senator Morgan Intentionally Increased the load of every Democratic candidate for congress. The word "in tentionally" is deliberately used, for the law presumes and Senator Morgan is a renowned lawyer that every man Intends the results which naturally and inevitably flow from his own acts or words. Senator Morgan cannot plead ignorance, for he Is not ignorant. It is very easy indeed .easy as falling off a log, and a slippery log at that for a man who is Just entering upon a six year term.Jn the senate to say that some other man of the same faith who is struggling for a two year term in the house and against whom no charge of lack of fitness is urged should be de feated. It Is an easy thing to do, but a very ungracious one. "What would Hon. John Tyler Morgan have thought If when he was last up for re-election to- the senate the good people of Ala bama had said. The Democrats should not control the senate," and bad there upon elected a Republican to succeed Morgan? " Does anybody believe for one moment that Senator Morgan would hare been enamored of that the ory? Not a bit of it He would have pawed up the earth and made the wel kin ring with his bellowing. Very much depends on whose ox is gored The senator, having safely made a comfortable port himself, was willing to see his party brethren sink. Indeed he was willing t help sink them, for that is precisely the effect that his dec larations had on all who were running for congress. By what right did he assume to say that a Democratic bouse would be det rimental to the- party? There are those by no means obscure Democrats ei therwho believe that some of Senator Morgan's utterances In the senate and out of it have been more detrimental to the party than a Democratic bouse would have been. How does Hon. John Tyler Morgan relish that sort of talk? The senator should peruse "Put Your self In His Place. Evidently it would do him good, and the next time 856 Democratic candidates are fighting an uphill battle he may at least be In duced to extend to them if not a "help ing band at least the charity of his si lence. If silence Is not with him. an ut ter impossibility, If be must talk dar ing a campaign, he should seek the se clusion of a primeval forest and not the society of reporters. Then be wjll do fess barm. The President's Statu. - The signs of the times indicate that only one man of eminence. In the- Unit ed States has Improved, his status this year, and that is President Roosevelt. He ia amuch more commanding figure now than he was when, congress acf Journed in July. Then hi chances of securlnglthe nomination, -to say noth ing of the-electlon.. were .pot .more than one out of threes Now, they; are easily two to one." He tnay not have a cinch on lt bufbe' comes Very hear. It A gr&at opportunity came to him, and he seised t: wlth'resolute.handV" thereby saving his party from utter-rout. and ruin in : the eastern states. . The, next house la Republican because," and only because Theodore Roosevelt settled the great: anthracite coal strike, . whereas bis masterful great rivalSenator Mar cus A: Banna, tried to settle. U and failed ir.wfll ; be, amusing : now to jtvatch the supple Republican courtiers fawn - upoii : Roosevelt the. very, some Republicans Vho ;jn July and-August were cursing him under their breath as a "marplot," .fbull In the china ahpp," etc. "To ahoutwith the multitude con stitutes the wisdom of this world" 1s a bit of cynical philosophy which the Re; publican leaders feelieveln aod'act up on. The world shouts for Colonel Roosov Tett uow, likewise tne ttepuDucan were against hint ahsost to a ma a and busy grooa.tng Eecator Haas highest tOre la th wvctt. time It seee that Pnsiikot RaaMvcTt baa his destiny In hia own hands sad sale he' doe eooxrtbJfig later on to knock the fat into the fix will b trnV nated. t ' ' . Amazing Cheek. . Zi For jnaadQltrrated and moctrcvrctal gall cotnmeo.YBS to lion. J&Ua Darmt of Matsae'itDctta, late retainer to Sl am and cow,wurlda fair comer? general to ' the . eCrie mm.-- IX 1 b4 .some sort of aa aodfearv with tW peror of China, and tr la the wy Li somrtary, Hon. Thcdor JUrtcf. 6 crlhca the august eveU to a tsg and dumfouoded world: . The uprcetat4 tuwior at Vtn ! vited on the &U ttsxif t tes t llsavea'a tbrona t . la p iwwl eonvaramtloa vlUi tfc nrrr ar-vS prese do-aar of Chin. bM JwM Wm tkova Jorta Oarrt. AMtlcfs calntstar t Clasa. Mv cvhMKCt t. tml to Asia for tb 8X Loi fV. and aftnlater Coor. iw twi4 IV comraisaloMC sraj to ta-r mfM on July X. This taa4vUoo la r)l prv eedure. whr. brtofor ctmrvaiiM ha mmds lbs ChHum covrt kww the ewst clc!r la the m trlk- lr.cly lotsraaflna' aa4 tai!tcf t. Not ciatnt wlib tmtllrjt Wr. Putrtwl the Arst audtvoc la lb fcoey c r-. kin yrx rtveo o a frrn Dtaiav on a similar rniwrtow, aro ea4 tniprwe dovssr took ad-rest- at Si- occaston to ask btra buou about. Aiaarteaji rr4dl t:ecw-rlC as. J th eh rartar en nttM o ta iW:ot turchas esposttiork To do It-.ts .7ty vtolatad ail prmJmlt and asten.a4 arrajr of pn news' atvj cvnfiyere pt t t reqvtlaa Commlasiaaer Aarrstl sa4 VC ta uter CotMrw to step opo ta nr4 throns platform itMlf. For ta or more their vah-stla sacsawS v4. with tb two Ainvrtean rr?r-lei. while lbs aurrowadla oCVda foK.kt in apparvst surprw irvtl as krwi l"t- tbsa for drfrina 10 afrtca ? iwtr i the Son of narsa. Tbcv mm: cv nourxtd that tfury rl et.'y w-raM a dirt tbat China niM pT'.Wp: Ir. ik world's fair. lil aruuid ace J 1 3 lap--r'-At commimstootr to rprsr-i Tr specially rar)Usta) Cef-JrtMtCi C-w3l Itarratt to coivt to ITai Uookcy mis thatr dp apprartation cf ti atn:- of America, toward China tn Hr ift That rroariablo rxmpt rU Mark Twain fauou dUuta. "Til! Is the man that tlowrth hU own brt I cat It 1 not blown." Ttc br-st the LoolKlarva Purchaae ipi:ki manaRrm conld do woaM t tn rv-il Cmtuls10Qr Gcnoml Rnrrctt forth with and to sqoplch hi s-rtary Leze Majesty. The brilliant editor of th Watb'.sj ton Posrt. Indium! et, u Uat4 'a fct. quite Ukcly to be baulrd op ft.? Uso majwty or at Wat to b tatx5 by our Acrtoroanlac arUtomtt at4 Utv1 grabbera If he do not a.xlJnl j cb-k himself in the mad camr upoo wt b he has ntcr"d. for la a frrrst rl,t.'.l. comnrcntinit on England's war opoo "the Mod Mollah," bo baa tbo Imr-o-dence to aay this: Ws suppos that tha wtsoia tr-4V I dua to a con vtct kra lodcxt r. ta tbe lirltlah mtnd that tit Had Matub 's country . and paopa ar rtO'r afukaw with, portabU proparty of mq k!t4. II la a eontrlctioa which baa always Srl ta troa Itrl ton's rwart and laJ to Tlrl.rx ta avry part of tfc a-riJ la wal- a- tau and t-r1toctta Uy undar thVa datb' a.' p lei on. For more Ibao fovr cCwtt (a Anlo-Bxoiui bawa -ba rr4y at aC Uffitl to to forth IMo tb foor Oarra o tb aartb at tba baraat mttttas of a diV dend In markatable ptrtr. Tby bara overrun India for sold are fwta anl bullied and prraccotad Oi'&a by way cf propacattnc lb optnta trJa till China., thav bsva barriad tba Tulcb la Africa Biooe th batrtnnlna ft tba nniranlh cantnry ootU tha dlaoovary cf and diamonds tnty-flva or thirty yvara ac converted thorn Into axtntnatar d set In motion arrets ruh a Er.c'a-d mi not put afoal or afoot ail her pfraOral career. They ara th carr.a !Urc aad bloody minded spoliators that a'.!3 fotH from Bcandl&avta tn t! datk aaa aa4 ravssad ovary land that couM m hip U -elf. As for Soma! lis n 4 and tha Uad Vtoitab we wait for further Informs '.'.on. llaj ba. after all. thay are worth lacUac Now I submit that things ar rorala to a pretty pas when an American editor right under the now of Mr. retary of State nay 4 rmjitd to Ulk in that strain about KntatO. un der the protection of vv bo. v can, tc cording to Joseph OutatrUru. w negotiated the calami tons trrety of Paris. It's, miaprlsloo Cf trraaon at least v Rather Borers. Every once la k while sooo jm ctrr takes a fall out of the sorctar t-rra, "and th-, once In a white rat editor of a secular newriepr tk a fU oat of some particular preacbrr. Tlx fol lowing editoria) irom the New Tork Press la more or ken aerrre: The sly la of Wall street prach!a has chena'ad somewhat ta th tt ont ary it4 a half. Tboae fine o4d faatowa rayaoA. Whltefleld. Wasley, Jooathaa tlward. Caldwell. Wltbarapooa and Urr (farbar of Aaron and founder of rrincatcan noire, slty) stood, oat In th dear Hb et heaven as otro tb scaprt Into tb c? board from th cvrbston. They caU4 htna by their rla-hl name and awve sinners poaatbty. The Tlav. Dr. Vtansso Ptx. wbo baa bean praacbto at oo w4 of tb a treat for forty yvars. paid leaw at tention to its habrtcea tha a aay tbe clerrrmao la towa. Tt atl . tntarvi a4 purpoaea b do not and Bawr dM know that sucb an roatltoOon aa the Stork Hr cban exists. No epn air ibondartra for bim! He prefer bia prttlf rob ta th ouJet pulpit of id Trio lit- bfsr. word of nxAatb veoM orrer cvwaert a Wall street sinner. Ha ka no ltm-ta ITsteo to preaxhln. Put vtrti a gtaewe of tb eye aa be hurrte acres lb atraat b can take ta - tb whole s'lttjl arvo preached by th tverahl d;e of r Uaioo corpora tlo ibat oww prcparty worth tn round ntanbr CXXO.00 CO which It baa never paid n tn take. What sort of ecrmoo la It? TB- voepel cf wealth. baaaa itk'btastr oo tbe etr walL and the cry ta. " BtlO tby earner' We were a deeply ploua . rcmaau&ity Ion aa tbe 'splr of Trial ty pKrc-d sky, bat ainc-It wow ptreVe oajy Ripper atmospbar of a akytrar w ad were ft " 'ZJL ' " r- m 1SS1 i Winn' vet tji zzl htciK .ifU; 1.4. Ui4U4 a. "a it -ALEX DUIiSTCH BootandSliosLIaVer, f!a VS ttaa Vaam.A. 1 3iT fT 1 -4 . 4 'UA hi lave i.rf nh Ss -. aViS . , 1 ' t. - for v.- v. "zt; fr cm v 'Jurux (or tU ' ; a ii 'i -ry Hera, I 5 urn; ,rv S55e.-V r s -r SCOTT . t i r J, 4 f - i 0 NT. i rW la - l-f 1.w t Uh i,j-w trcaft a M U a-Vi 1 aWt ft) at!, etaitilMS amwi.iMi iMowl ttm $ !!.". Inn mmrnt' awH .4 raata nii- 1 aa aa ; ia - Iff awJIM mm ant i 11 t I ' , ,m w.a. ' i llidll IW4 aa aaa a.aua aa m, . w-eav .i.va a , - (M - awaJJsCSaa .. r- .a P in .xavT.aaa aj I Ts 11IH r gl m a 1 A tTawaaab ai mm s-ai 11 aaf a ea an fa,-aa a ttm 4 a.C I lima InMnM tUfmm a aAaa aa aWy Caa.Maw J Ml-, a aa t a ahai aa a kaww CVwCk. ttaKtetii r vooo YAna. t M ulea , a.a,4 fnt ) tamika - ;S a,M 44, '" ' . Vt'.l. a I ,t v''t- 4se mm. 1 tnA a-r V Hr ? a.f a) D. ' 't. "'t a tr c C ; . : 1 i, a. t, t e'-4 aiiwa anti m Sr at P. taMlavr' b ' aa. a a-mMe at ea J t-a4.bt ea w a. ,. ru' f 41a Mat( taa mm aetTt a. I eaaa a afae auia a4- ' Mwm jwMa) 14 una TU i aiiiuMi a a etaiWI Maa b Cta a a ba aia.i4ais aa aa a Caaaiaaa i! e'i aw f aa kaat uan aan ta.a anaiasjat aw .a m as a-id aaaaVa -awW.w iats aiaia . &.. f Jai'aaS , TVa ta. MteV ; ft k. at., vism . , v. ... Mtzxt iiU ICu fn S4X 1 (i.a e ia earn ian iiiimiOMea aawiaaa ?1 ia taa twa vw at. Mte.a as VwnaMMa. jk t,.M e-iw t-ana, aa. m iH a raJ. aJa- ea S)n K) iif . aMatrtWi a aa r.t a , taa..ya a mm at aua. av eaa4 awMa, t w Vv- Wf4ea s;,i-)n f i a tl I barv er ;t ht' rt Jr. Tr-.-r t l. T tieji ril"a to ta. ai n 1 va a w !aliia nai axl. Va at ajfanaaa aaewaaaea aa aaaa aa rws aai a a eal ea naS mm 't r aia,a fa tj..a enii.iiina -U 1 malt al a. a.rx if a. a4 ' is ' a TV aa aa . ceaa. aatet. W ft , laiWL. OF f AUL Orders. ' ' w ....... kav.nt-1 t.f - I I eaSeWan-. W Ga TKOMABL - - - -a--TaT Cfivw'aT. a C- aL 1 a aa , s Vt at i.t. ft-. - a.aa . a-... f wk fc l-,ii aM. 1 11 . I a. a a.., ., tmm " law ,,-, wa "a . aa it. a. . -- - " 1 mn ii 1 ajjaiiLMjai-j.... p. u ! LAUGH GROVr it A i 1 a. a. a SM.T . , aa Ma Wl aa a , I . awa ewu '- aaaa a) a-raav 1 i .... Saav mm aa e aa m. ami a) " aut 4aN aw DOKT FORGET TUX f-" t4 - Ca J tlie I t. sa4 j-i .r. 4.. tt e awa n. 4- ci- ' M )9( ai etbaew.. w. A4V. A f it.wThaa 8 ' Mitwmm tm.. tsrTT.. wttf tn aa.ia.Si.AV i3i 111 ait ma tUwt t Or nU V fitviUMtt ttaaj,, eta trt ti fhatf f 'artio.cot (fJ at ttvejl-ijai The Equitable or. li!e Asstiraijce CV YORK. K'ei-. fr.r l of Ii iait-.S Cat o t i a at rvra J'tare l rt a ' t xfii'a fi - t. T1V1 A 'V' li l a V C- ? a "r tit a a f. rw e , J,v -. t aaaw ai l m ami. f i , oat V twwa Bi- -t a a avawe ta twiaaai Caaaa a taa - - i C.Aa iaa-av f i aa fta fta aaBMa apis4aa ? naa saaj j aaU- fivatiav waM aw aawVaVVaaS aba be waa a U f aw TSaM. Aeaa) : a l 1 1 1 aaw sa. a4 aa ana at W aaa a a .aa. CaaWib a faanajta I eJnta ! ks Oi.lVf Jf a aawrvx e.Mtaa aa) t-U a aa mttj a i ASseTS ovtiR siiiixcaaDca. a5umLJjs oven nrcoroa taatiMw da etin Mann;'a rt.taaa at(lutti hK4 U'ws'Nrt f-citofcaav f Ji-t Hta jiatiaantW'' tlaHw .t.taw W dk el Ts H We.1.1 Ut.i .t )taartvoaaiv U.aA..er(e aar tat ss.Va tO . CkT C-ffCk, eNaMIa .WV rVAJktax M . GA.t4.aC r, mat aVarefavV, ammar W a t ft . tatfc tfttitseair. v. For rrT iUU( i la e-s-es ltajr ta fool tec" kaax. . rawa Owaaa ft cm , M!pilKeio and Slylisl) Good w'.taa J. f aasMW 4mi aw ' f ' taird o-ftnWwAn btr fl n! e'flaa. Ta ff )H !d d k!si a ;t -. ft ' hi if 'at ttrm. -. -t -: a. ;t i-.r ia .ta". to tV, i'.l esa f.i4a- a'l a a rn a j -It 1 . r-at a . kaa-a at r. T(ft ia lb tt.lrl aoafctia-d ftt f t) tb -Jl of aAaf a a U I radaw bmt CeaiAai t . ItajAi, . C 1 i,wniiak.a.. ni aiaaniw UXX IX Ttimtt: ttd l. 11 W ' S t t-aA Br ta4f IJ ?. w - v Vfltau r: . V . r ', Ara Jm, ta i-i- a V nbla feir Jt ':' ewali. I' ti a bfwaaaa. t-J-, a'ear. rraftaiS. V'M ' iari. Mt 1W. fiafaatn J by " Jr-M 4e !. .. I .UI TL w cr'.d dsb I f s te relet a tnao'e track fUr r Iber. aa tb tb are frrowa wicked aatn. A laJsrmoo sac tb dmrcb descend. -..y .. .".;';,';, j.t.t- r.f1 taavellnir )lic , y J A7 i ;TMIssourJ going Republican because the cieftaina. Three months ago they i ' , , . t Giobepemoerat- kept on j saying ; It 1 r..-"-r MASSENBUEGr HOTEL IjJf ya have a-ba eoldlyoa need a gJ d reliable tnedielneKke Chamberlain' Coarh Semedy to looen and 'relieve it,- attd to l lay the -irritation nd.iBa"tninPUo-of t, throft and ItingV -tor-aaieDyAyeora: "The Hlghblowert art to 'aren't theyH w . , V , ii Well .they own evenJ bnes."New York Ufk. ; bad- odor. autota i J E M.a.mmejxbyu'S ' ZJ?ror HENDEKSON. H 0. - ' Meoiaaandafiona. Good fsrw Ma 4 attewti aarr ' rrr.Tbe Best JMndr' For Croup. This is the searon when the woman who know the best remedies fpr croap is m -S h yery eigbborhoo L; Cue of awhoop from0se of the enyaren. . wuwwH -lmnst are ure 4o be NORWOOD HOUSE W usnrtoi. S I wwa ar eroup reroeaus aw "r-ti ra lost, itf Case of eronp, .LV, " , v i.4 1 M of borerlarSr There; to be an oMIasMeaear.. . hitiA Bwrnn auti rvitif vw Mtrniflm ii theiigbeeV indiTid. oaUsniv : yaa sr ai bt. aa aa a -- a( rwaitr- UiPt TS? k. at bf x Xiat I . V UI f4 U a , Ya ar r-. af r tkal' air. itl ta-at aaA fbaa pireea-.l fi? b a-" 3baU fl bf aiU. . T"' a" sr" ism r la art. ,ti a 1 r ? - ada. Sd V AT V. It snikta a, t.aaa Wbttttsl atti llrae b Ua t9l a T - able j ltte bt Uc. . .. - . v. v rtt?i?i-n modern- yf " . an does not coat Wr? tr7flal -,tVthrw :fi:4.-Miaw-t -nreiT 'k free aair-bU so mucn -. av"v. r.."3 relief in I . I Bhprt time-Give ..this remedy f" W " leU to any one w. ?u v Aontfh. appears and it iJr? fo, disorders of ; w. j. RWOO0lro?rletor. p'tronas of Coaamerelal ; .Toorlat ! ttavsllagPabUeSoBrtttdl - t - J fwi IfWylf X1C Stomach and liver Tah- wanting a reliable remeoy - -naaeB an1 it win Li C i. j y r k a rnntarn. " nu musnrx gUt tO WKeS, Uf v vy , . .. , jyuavKV.-r - V. r,f;:A8iXEP amid ru-ta.'. ftMkl lalo bUaiar Vowie. t- 'lately drawea. the a!sepiaf Uaaatf troat , death. Panel -e-ftarUv, aaj death .r It's that way sail va ?! eooeha and l3a " Jo't U Ir; New Discovery for Cearuraplea trt br feetproteetioo acaroat an threat, tt lung troohlts."" K rep II- .-4 icJ taffrriof. dealh. bod altera o: tpoonfol atoop iaU rocifb, lflj!l asethebtoatatahW. narlraaasJ t Uaiior. It' siisraet at ty ty at. . p. r. r ! V ' I tic X iTtIiU bott'.ia Irta. . A C2rU ltl- la caae a l iaav wHk ta i ekaaca f lwpvl-r.--aJe. Jaj aabl Um la'-t J 4.lt Is a-o tb raf ra. f.v.. t. tt4rliIHrS it',t;a tAiaw fn ' b b ' a r- ia. k4 ik. d.atraaefUr t!rf fr tib t, A UU l HawbW arw lMt kti SaJt fwajr J aww a sy - - - ' - . 4i.ua will Twat aaft ta , 1 isrr do-e bOU sa-H-tsat a.a iVa. aa of UlWff rarla os U. b-rifw f wast. sfb.'rep.' w aay taaf tk tk4babt trtV ta ..rit waoi:' u a . r-. r.i lailvw. rat a wi ai,;5 ft. Got 0iS f'bT llaaaa. At mr f-Ialra ire , j-f A Ir I V ai on vabtb tO Nfll tCU ttil " dnjmtix A5wt:ui T-aL iaeU H sfHt kliSa mm aaU nf aa SsadV U t lt-""l i a V.,ik.' lilrti ln 0ft wr . , - - ...e ink.i tf a!- eattbUf t- i-f ixt'm'.fiia er t'l'-r. tta- ibl lf rl4-i iaat-l duiiK. rr t r" ra;i-w v - 'a-i- er, ic Tar a-v - earat rxt ii rt"a rbl-"-5f a" Hoaaf asd"i r- " a.tt.. f fVa liter. a iwaUwU ....4 Mcitla S(tKt t tt at Par! to carAa? : lit tw-J -f Cuastt o frw aa-k? . t SMil farwwirtaiii.lV4 Jt. I -rtJtats . H J. rJUl'V.jka 4 av fw-ft. ca TaXaaSajr lanat-lat I 'i. t3 oVi W . aft rt cf tia raawoAaw d faa4 Sta-lion t -fli ea t rntaaf . ca lAa t1! kidW lb l&tagr eaU .. Vavitr a IM owAaUi c4 I. J. Ca-naJu b a, Vir.J V A ouS biaraai kb Ufcaa itiMm CKrke Maaaaee awbf frbl '.rri e i v to- a c ra-al-a vjts, - a U tZJ i A ClarbaW bw 3. A av3 tbVewat ta fJU rfve- bAfisar cb Iob eta as rvwf Cat ! aMa-it2 l&a kt, , aa-o, f-mr4 A nkwa34aaa Vaniiia 3 I tvr ai aua V U ta4 M ra Vii tV fVq'aJUtt.:u 4 it U f rrttl-aiiNk, jat ISJf 3tmttm ft) fHarf nd ftc t. 4 ao Coli4eavaar ie aa a.J lcr 0S wi'.itt IaV rf 44 fjA 3 aVt" cf t.t4 Vr trw 4 4a t4S,T iJrWt. tietewx lat a4 O--- TW UkV el ak$4 U 3 4a tAVw rata. tl raiarf' f wtft-a eAfb trcass faA t;t to i liara CrS, tt'Om roar ?rtA al4(t4 Hr jjU h4 t3t feat iwaat-s. - la JWa. I Cn4, r.:. (L tt. Carta- ILJ Ourtt Ata'J. lVS-ar, BIG RACKET I 4 WblWbi wA 4 tw-saa 4Van.4e . KeV U I 4tt wit SomBlhing New and Stylish, t ?aav, -! ft kl 4 aa-; It aa a. a tia. Vr WediiiDz Oaiiits a Sp-alij. A l ea4 OewiWe vC A. 4uaw ta at. it - a ie OtrftAia!. vCu- :, aCWVfci CatauAe .( Jv- a tew savlbraN, ft. Cva. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. V U Aih I f 1 iaVl aawv. fjaaea ava.t O.tlfWtai4 !. t!Uawb. tl WCI w fax b "aeij 'V tax 4 J LU -r etiaa 4 aif Tavbw CMwaie W labw. X' y Aaa4 y bf b. 4 .,$ lut 91 at atW tU bf l a lv4lirw. - Tv-r 4rt-Jy, . 4T Ct9t4AA akruarTatcrf1! Orrr ! II3bert, K. C-, tW. t, I . Uj4V Usa t-wrvg t-W-Sa w $- QHOertjaji I jr Ua VasS inVbW . 4)5j t&e rbiaw iwf'.ia tx.i.". ; U b trrUff & 4A4 aOr lv A4. ' " ta UWCa,to l -.f'AfiAS. J ,TaJ.ea . . li-r raka-a era. J U frs. . 5 5 ! ArW. PERSON 'A COMPAIIY'S. Glean, Always Fresli 'Groceries ... x!t !fte af, VCl)l rxvttr Hit? M icV JYtrtv tiKr ;t;t-rei t Aii THE: DRYaGOODS WE" ' I - , i--"J rkf Ur it?.ce 1 f ! feaal Mftf jTifc: tie fr-i'V jr. 44 r t.3 ::u'u.r i- rur at a. 1 ta atl tVefJ--ak l'-ia saitad btaa-Vaeeiakae.V.l Ut trr a J a 4 a f ,rV aCjt- Is V'll t oat IV as?. -5. 0-iT.y. . tTJa t'-.tta.-k, .. ra.A 2 UWa tr5,.:-S t a. .". It rr, i.'-ci r-, iUk.;u, t ? . IVrBtt'l, 2.3! 2 ! X lC eJ 43 T.-a: t y Vf-vfV. J ? 5- J-.rt:-. it S3 f7-"C Jita l 4i TtlirfW, 4 5 4 u-r-r , 1 i 1 f " aa. Ti.r . if. r.i 7'. ', " 5-;s;trivT n"tt'r5 t$ di OUR SHOES FOE THK iltj'f, 5V i-frij:r4 Ui TrtTitl.t i..?4 i.tb C-c.. et.-. t a - r jr.. SOHJIHOV.; Yi'K HAVK A f - a 1 a a:x 'fvt f t . -.r J :T f if r- t . r -r ft V ti f ... f aa,: tr faaxir -t tkr I ?'- 11 4 T t ;.' a at At -- Liif i.- f. n" 1 iiir- c- I" ,!? a 1