, , a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor;: VOL. XXXII- ' :ILKCH DIRECTORY' METHODIST. . in'lay School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Bates, 8npt - -vhns at 11 A. M., and ft P. M. I'nvr meeting Wednesday night, M. T, Plylek. Pastor. BAPTIST.. s r'.'i'j' School at 9:30 A. M. Taos. B. Wildrb, Sunt ! :-hm at 11 A. M., and 8 P.M., r.- -!. '.ay. r-"' ,'" I-, iv r ra -eting Thursday night. H. H. Mashbttbkb. Pastors . EPISCOPAL, i ; l iy Hchool at 9:30, ; morning and night, on . ir and 4th Sundays. ; v-nmrf Prayer, Friday afternoon. LODOES. n Von ri? Lodge, No. 413, A. P. & l , meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday h ' m i i) fiich month. ( 'ro'ivHional fiardet I'll! I I.L ALLRED. ATTORNEYS-A.T-LA.W, '.viii it ir.tie.' In all the Courts. Offices In ,'iN'.iirj( an 1 Yoangsvllle, N C. j ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBURQ, . - N. C. i i!l-o Over Cooper's Store. j j it S. 1'. BL'KT, v riv?TI0INO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. . i'H in the ford Building, corner Main mi ; Nush streets. Up Btaira front. I) K. R. P. YARBOROTOU. PHYrtlCIAN AND 8UKOE0N, LonnBORS, N. C. " ". -m 2n l floor Ne; boildlnir. hone 89 u'l.' r-alls anawpreil f rom T. W. Bickett's r- l-'iict, phone 74. 15 H. MA88RNBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LouisFuite, h. a win practice in all the Court of the State Office in Court Hotose. (J. M. UOOKK, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCRe. V. 0. will uttend the coarts of Nash. Franklin, 1rr.vtll, Wrren and Wake counties, also the ' l' rm Court of North Carolina, and the U, -i ci rcult, and District Courts. M Yfll Ctf C. W1N.STEAD, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, N. C. nrnr.t ovsb W. P. NAL ft Co.'S 8 'ORB. -i -lil Attention given to all business i .trusted to me. j yW. E. M ALONE, ' H Ai rriCINQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOUISBURe, n. a o'fl'-.f T8r Aycocke Prug Company. ft B. rt. FOSTBR. fRAUTICINO PHYSICIAN ft STJKOBON, Louisburg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug Company. w m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, tociaBUB. v. a win uractlce In all the Courts of Franklin aitd ailjolnlng counties, also In the Supreme Court, and In the United States District and Circuit Courts. Ottlce In Cooper and Clifton Bnlldlng. 'JH08. B. WILDES, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, louisbttba, ir. o. ntiMim Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's i.o ra. jp 8. SPKDILL. ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, lOrISBUBO, 5. C will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance rj ran vine. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. omce over Egerton's Store. ri W. BICKBTT, T. iTTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LooisBuaa v. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to overy matt Intrusted to nls hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Mn . nir, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. f i.i n. Pres. First National Bank of Wln ton. yionn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For t College, Hon. K. W. Tlmherlake. OYfi.te in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. -yy P. person,; ATTOROTBY A-LAW, LOTTI8BC&S, V. O. Practices In ail courts. OlBc in Heal Bui.' 'Ina-. H YARBOROtTOH, JB. ATIOENEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG. N. O. Office in Opera House building. Court street ill legal business intrusted to him vill receive prompt and careful attention. J) R. D. T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST, LOUIHBUBG, - - N. C. Office over Furniture Store. HOTELS. FUANKLlNTOJi HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. 0. (5. W. MWRt, PTV'r. . Good accomodation for the traveling pnblie. - dood LivtM-y Attached -1 " MASSENBTJRG HOTEL J P Maisaienbiurer JPiropx HENBEBSON. N. a (jod aeeommedatioBS, Good fare: Po attentive mmtr NORWOOD HOUSE Wwnrtoi. ' -;; Korti CarillBi w.j. ORTOODFroprtetr ' "ttronage of Commercial roazlsta ,804 . w sviwMWISBUSjy W.-jTJl'J S.W Wt tSi'- tiarii!j Clark's it It Special Washington frHERES'S a good deal doing- In ' II f the way of bear hunting, speak 11 ershlp hunting, committee M- chairmanship hunting and oth er species of hunting. There really appears to be a considerable prob ability of an extra session In March "to revise the tariff," so it is given out, but in all human probability it will, if ever called end in splitting- the G. O. P. wide open as a watermelon. If they L e the. Republicans really wish to revise the tariff, they caa do it at the coming short session. Babcock of Wis consin gives it out that there will be an extra session, and it is hinted that Bab's grand stand play for "Uncle Joe" Cannon-means that Babcock is to be chairman of the committee on ways and means, but Mr. Dalzell intimates that Babcock is talking through his hat, etc. ' Kansas Election Laws, I have been out in Kansas recently on a lecture tour, and the state of things political out there positively beg gars description. The Republicans are always yawping a great yawp to bor row an expression from Walt Whit manabout the great villainy and in curable inhumanity of Democrats down south disfranchising the negroes. Nev ertheless right in Bleeding Kansas, where old John Brown's soul still goes marching on, they have a ballot law that is a greater outrage and swindle than any perpetrated by Democrats, southern or northern, eastern or west ern, since the world began. Without that law the Kansas delegation in the next house would have been entirely fusion instead of entirely Republican. Verily, verily, very much depends on whose ox is gored! The Prize Ass. It can be said with absolute cer tainty that the breed of fools Is not ex tinct since Peter Ariund of Louisville, Ky., still lives Peter Ariund, whose descriptio persona?, according to his own story, is "a soldier lieutenant ma rine officer of the Danish army, Den mark." It may be safely asserted that when it comes to Idiocy Mr. "Soldier Lieutenant Marine Officer In the Dan ish Army of Denmark" Arlund's leads all the rest, as did that of Abou Ben Adhem's on a certain celebrated occa sion. Mr. Ariund assaulted the ex-tobacco magnate, Moses C. Wetmore, Esq., sometimes called "colonel" and famil iarly addressed by ex-Governor Stone as "Mose," which familiarity has prob ably been worth a quarter million dol lars to Stone. The fell deed was done in the lobby of the Planters' House, St Louis, where Mose stops permanently and where Ariund was stopping tem porarily. Mr. Wetmore, Stone's be loved and profitable Mose, was not much hurt by the Impact with Arlund's first, just a few abrasions of the skin of his face, about the size of the Star plug which Mose for years sold to the public and then sold to the trust at a large profit. Wetmore's huge bulk saved him. Like the unfortunate Front de Bceff, of whom good Sir Waiter tells us in "Ivanhoe," and like the fortunate boiler maker, James J. Jeffries, of whom all current penny a liners like to write, Mose is a man of vast proportions, a tremendous taber nacle of flesh and blood and bones. The reason why the Louisville prize idiot swatted Mose was the alleged fact that' Mose bad insulted an al leged Mrs. Ariund, the alleged wife of the said Peter, "the soldier marine offi cer of the Danish army of Denmark." By the way, where the deuce is there a Danish army except in Denmark? And there is not much of a one even there, where Hamlet once cut such fantastic capers before high heaven and sundry other witnesses. And Mose, the well beloved of Stone and who is supposed to be Stoue's "angel" In the senatorial fight, would not apologize for the "alleged Insult" to "the irileged wife" of Peter Ariund, "a soldtor marine officer In the Danish army of Denmark." Now, it appears that, the real Mrs. Ariund, the genuine article, was in Louisville. Ky sleeping the sleep of the Just, about the hour or, to be more exact, the minute when her be loved spouse, ' Peter, was disfiguring Governor Stoue's Mose. But all the foregoing, as gleaned from the public prints, does not ex plain why Ariund is the prize ass of this age. Here; is the explanations Wetmore rushed Into print and with bis pen skinned Ariund as badly as Ariund bad skinned Mose in the flesh, whereupon Ariund, "a soldier marine In the Danish army of Denmark," sent Mose a challenge to mortal combat with sword, gun or pistol. Mose bat . not been heard from as tothe duel may never be heard from on that sub ject. . If Mose accepts 'that challenge, which be is not likely to do, being, like Sir John FaJstaff, too broad, he will be as big a fool as Arluud. which Is dnw ing It rather -strong. . . : -- The laws of Missouri ,make It a felony to send a challenge, to carry one; to accept one or to carry an accept-' ance of one Morel than all that the Missouri statutes make It a felony to go out of the state - to fight a duel or to fight one In the state in . short Jo have anything to dcr with oneV. There Is uo escape from the penitentiary ex cept; roiclde prorjdea -tte .:Pfpsectrfc Thousands of people have been oared of rheumatism by taking Kheumaeide. Have yon tried it? Postively does not injure, but benefits the organs of digestion. : At Drug gists - "vfe'if '- ;2 ' ' - '. " & There . ar four : tsillioaairea iQ England to ooe.io Fran ce;,'V. A FRIGHTENED HORSE. ;r v Banning like mad down the. street d amp ing the occupants, or a . hundred others se sidepts, are every day occurrences.- It . be hooves everybody ie bate reliable Salve handy and thereV none as .good as .Rack len's Arnica Salve. - Barns, pats sores, ecse maaffd piles, disappear quiokly nnder its ootug eSict.o at if, Kf 7. Rf FJe8!?()t n n n tt tt tt ThaJ Arhm.uxl VYsteon AfW Territori Ready rbr Statehood dodow ' Muaoorl lng attorney understands his business, and Joseph W. Polk appears to be well posted as to hla duties. Now, the mys tery of the whole performance Is this: Why does this Ariund, who Uvea in a city where he can kill a man every morning before breakfast without any great danger of doing time In the hemp mills at Frankfort sometimes called the Kentucky penitentiary, deliberately choose a striped suit by challenging Moses C Wetmore In his ownhab!tat by bearding the lion in his" den, the Douglas In his hail, and by chal lenging him In the most public manner I. e., Jy sending his challenge to the newspapers for publication? If Ariund is so anxious to shoot, cut or stab somebody, why doesn't he sally forth from his castle or flat whichever he Inhabits and remark that he la out for gore? He would not- have to re mark it more 'tha n once or above hla breath. He would not have to waste half as many words as did Marmion In the celebrated adios to the owner of Tantalon's towers. He wouldn't have to shake his gauntlet at Colonel Henri Watterson more than once before the colonel would send a bullet whistling abouhls capacious ears, and if be said "dare" to General John B. Castleman he could not live, breathe, move and have his being more than ten seconds In the county of Jefferson and state of Kentucky. Suppose this "Vainglorious Idiot of an Ariund should signify to General Basil Duke that he would like to do a little bloody business with him. General John H. ' Morgan's old lieu tenant would accommodate, -him "in the twinkling of an eye," as St Paul would say, or In the shake of a sheep's tail, as the average Kentuckian would say. I name these eminent Loulsvil llans because I know them and honor them, but there are others. The town Is full of them John Coulter, ex-sheriff of sweet Audrain, for Instance, who wouldn't stand any monkey busi ness from Ariund or any other Idiot unless he has experienced a change of heart since he and I went to school to gether In the dayB of auld lang syne.' He is a brother of "Big Zay," who served with Sue Monday and died with Quantrell at Shelbyville Then there's Wick Petly and hundreds of others who would respond to Arlund's call for gore lnstanter et sans ceremonle. There Is no necessity for Ariund. who Is thirsting for blood,' to spend 'time and money by going to St Louis to chase down Moses C Wetmore. Ob, no! He can't stand on a street corner In Louisville and "whistle for a grts zly" without seeing a grizzly waddling down the street and" the chances are 100 to 1 that if Wetmore should get out his "Yanger" and bid defiance to Ar iund the latter would begin running and never stop till he had crossed the sea. but Mose appears to have more money than "sand" and will probably keep out of sight as long as Ariund Is on the warpath. The proper thing for Moee to do is to say by letter if he can't clap his eyes on him to Ariund: "Sir You know as well as I do that It Is a penitentiary offense to send or accept or carry a challenge In Missouri; also to fight a duel in the state or to leave the state to fight one. In answer to your chal lenge I have to say: Go to with your challenge. I will have no duel and penitentiary sentence In mine, but 1 give you fair warning that I live in St Louis and expect to continue to live there. If you fool -with me, I will cowhide you within an inch of your life or cut your throat!" That would settle Ariund. The strangest thing about this whole mysterious and preposterous business is that &3 he alleges, Moses C Wet more Is an American army officer and colonel of a certain regiment Will Mr. Ariund Inform an expectant world as to what regiment Mose Is colonel of? He probably would pay $50,000 to be colonel of any old regiment In a time of peace, stationed not too far from the Planters' House, and wouldn't have it at any price to a time of war. No, no, Ariund; Mose Is only a paper colonel such as abound tn Missouri. Whether Governor W. J. 8. promoted Mose to that rank I dd not know. If he did, It cost the governor nothing and was a great boon to Mose. The career of Colonel Moses in poli tics has largely increased his stock tit experience and diminished bis stock of cash. Glorious Missouri. Others may stray from the paths of political righteousness,- bat Missouri will not She is firm in the faith once delivered to the saints and solid as a rock in the basic principles of Democ racy and of good government As proof positive of Missouri's loyalty to the tenets of the fathers It Is only necessary to stats that at the Ustelec tion she gave a Democratic phffarlty of 45,244. As the Washington Post truthfully and cynically remarks. "Th pext time the Republicans try to carry Missouri, they will probably take out an accident policy. . Tea, lots of them. In a contested election : Missouri will n6t go Republican till people hart lost the power of memory. 8be was Re publican once, and a scalded cat dreads cold water; a burnt child dreads the fire. . . . Some Pumpkins. ". . - That we arc getting to be some pump kins as a people ,li clearly . Indicated by - recent ' dispatches . from ancient Santa Fe: showing how ;th Beveridxa A glass or two - of water taken half as hoar before break fart will ashally keen the bowels regular Harsh cathartios should be avoided.- Vi ben a parsaUvs is needed, take Chamberlain's JSuxaacb and Liver Tablets-; They ate mile and gentle in their aelha.- 'For sale by Ajooeke Diag Q -Up of Sarget, Mo , has poeel blr the shortest samaras u record Better Than a Plaster. T A piece of flannel dampened with Cham berlain'a Pain Balm and bound a the ai fee ted parts, is better than a plaster lor a lame back and for pains In the aide- or chest. Fain Balm has no supenor as a linl ment for the rellsf of deep seated, mw lar snd rbenmatip pains, for sJt by .Ay C9ckePrn0of" - ' , ' - LOlffSBURO, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEJiBER J1M1 1 ifsregarlon of talents, rrulcs aad aiory u mansrjnx to dlrSda tresis interest with that eminnt proar tha crown prlae of Ban. The sV of royalty appears te be traTtCc la foreign parts" for fWrore and t fonnatloQ. Senator Bercrtdf and him senatorial coafrerse are trareRag tat (to them) a terra tncognJta which ahodd be admitted Into the TJaJoe as vqnal footing with the original thirteen asd the subsequent thirty -two, 'One of Ue most flagrant !. ontragte ervf rwrpw trated on any: people la the . tht New Mexico has been kept eU U tie' Union more thaa fifty yaara, 4ptte the fact that daring that entire, halt century aha baa poaaessMd the m sary qualifies Uona for statehood, Thoea qualifications may be too low aad tnt few, but they are what the rather thought wis and proper, aad. wbat la more, they hare not been changed. What the crown prince of Slam may say or refrain from saying, do er re frain from doing. In New Mexico la of slight importance to the World,' tt America or to New Mexico, bvt afhax the Beverfdge commute may say and do is of large and enduring coaso qnence, at least to America sad New Mexico. The truth is that the omni bus bill" which passed tha boos ad mitting Arizona, Oklahoma aud New Mexico ought to pass th senate aod receive the presidential aixuitare early in December. There Is no awo or justice In holding th people to terri torial tutelage any longer. They rfrhly deserve statehood. The following dis patch Indies tea the wealth snd patriot ism of Oklahoma: Onthrte, Ok!a Nrv. tt -Charts & BUllna-aley. chairman of tk McSUaOy memortal committees loJay dpwau4 a check for COQO with Oeverwor rra. This la the run ameanl asked e Okla homa by the National Memorial mm i if tloo. but a private doaaOon i the fsd from Oklahoma elUaene of nta, wbc has beu forward to afyroai T. McrrV-k. national chairman. rlM OfcUaee&aa de flation to U. 80S. 38 foe a mUomI aMaraoMstt to the martyrsd praeidaoL Truth to teO, the people of the terri tories are among our meet rotrrprUtog. ambitious and intcnigent people sod deserve well of the republic. They ere the rear guard of that valiant sod In vincible army of pioneers who have biased the pathway of drUiiation across this continent Wul Wn Ting Fang has beea to a state of eruption again. What a pity be can't be squelched! He oagbt to hare been glreu his pasports long, ioog sga Ambitious. Out to Colorado candidates for the United States senate are sprlnjrtug sp as multltudlnoosly ss toadstools tn a damp cellar, and they are about as val uable citizens. Of coarse moat of thetn are rich. One of the peculiarities of Colorado politics Is that gvoeraQy the Centennial Bute sends rich mea to the senate and poor men to the boose. It goes without say tog that If the Demo crats carry the legislator Henry M. Teller oosbt to be returned to the seo ste, and If the Aspobiieaos control tt they ought to send WolcoU back. Ue has brains snd eloquence st ieaat" In Kansas Governor 8taotey Is con testing the aenatoraarp with Coecrsee men Long, and Curt la. while several "dark hoaaea," tododing Governor Elect Bailey, are champing on their bits snd pawing up the ground. Cotonei Marsh Murdoch says editorially tn the Wichita Post that Governor Retlry la too good and pare. to violate hie con tract with the dear people to serve as governor two years. Evidently Colo nel Marsh's memory ts playing hla tricks. Uvw, pray, did Rcee. Oeborae snd Harvey get to the senate? By procuring their election daring their terms to the gubernatorial mansion. There may be other wnoae rear win occur to Colonel Murdoch. It la doners to doughnuts that Governor Bailey wUJ turn up In the leg lata tore wtth as morn real strength ss ' 8tanley. Curtis or Long, perbnpa with more, and may be the beneficiary of a bitter three cor nered fight To Divide Naw York. While slzxllng hot over the remit of the recent election tn New York Hogh McLaughlin, Democratic boea of Kings county, proposed to divide New York. It won't work, Hugh. It won't work. McLaughlin Insists that he is to thorough earnest In tuggesttog that New York be divided Into two states. "Why ootr says he. -There's soooey enough snd-land enough for foor, bet two will da The farmers of New York demand the right to govern the stale, while the people of New York city pay the taiea. If we split the state to two every ooe would be eatiaSed, Let one of them be established above Albany, and the other below It Eaxh common wealth could too gorera TV self according to Its own Idea a" It wont do, II 0Kb. ' It wQJ set do. The f st hers may have done -wrong to compromise on the theory of repre sentation in house and senats; bat they did com promise, od their roc promise will stand, never fear. Without ft there would have been no coastitaUoa aad DO Union. Missouri Grit At Laddonla, Audrain county. MA, the ladies of a church did Dot bare ssoney enough to bay chairs for thetr edifice. One of. them was bewailing that fact to her husband, a snbetastlal farmer, who Jokingly said, "Ob, m gtve the church women e toad of enre If they will gather and haal It." and tbeog&t no more about It tin they appeared on the scene wtth a wagon, gathered the eorn, thirty -eJxht bushels, took tt to town and sold tt at taction. The core merchants were so delighted at the ex hlbltioQ of female Uleanort grit that they ran the corn an to CO cents a boahcL , - Qrus-baJi bog Tbomeva , CoiQ TUU broke tot China. . E.II.BobbUt, Cedar Hoc. t: - . .a Troth lite at I he. bottom ef well, bat the angler nerer tbere to flab,- - :': ' Te laa peeve ve the appetite'eee ctreer the digeetiea. try adoe at CYeastertsie Buratec aad Liver Tahieia. Mr J. It fXtits, of Da-trott, MUa, mrx. Tarf ed ay appetite wheat lapairrd. rljet4 me a blai4 feaUag aad ead a eiceaaat aad satisfactory eseveaeet of Ue Ww!" Thers era pee pie Is tale cMatir asei at each s neJ'.eiae. ler eaie t Af eocti Pr; j C, ti,7 rruti. 1 . . ... ...J!. M er raU v 4o snate a Cc wka i- idri, so ae u rr-aiece a at) k J pnlkt to was s ttwh fjr. XUt rsg k aa'at of iM . tf wood aboal tmcu to aa4 tockthsta.7 TW sriu' eui7 ajkoail be ar,t 4 kst Ut aad tW aee. Ul4trathoUWiiUWis) Weth aeaavrd frnst the Wf ti$ ft ckt a jgi ad ih tttf m Ihetrrtsat fix, TVt to tl ts? ortaoaut stri thcls U t fx he bottoa joto of the rwga, TH ttt hoeAJ U eewwajrd wftha Jsah tadPoa, fa4 by sseaee of the aeighs tirp to be id mticat, win tt a to (tog to toonpoad u rrva bottoea oi the dca ease eee la riJtk frees j to ti lac We. oe rre t, as rsaf U fad aexrwatt, to ovdet to csay ts ss-ara d waiet wkachaicsrwcted u fire laecegb U at aoy ooe Have. Seaefiar ite cnb ly dnchre nexraasry to carry cf tie i-3t face waiff ut thowf as4 by ike taw Ol the toed euhMi m 4 gr4st The bUdt cf the saachree ssaf te t at set draiied sagW. aa4 ta draws long h horsra cal tela t& vstUrw od evqvrs Ike sent horn the a ard Ike ceetet, rsaief rwttrrt slpag. tde aad diatrtiaf the tarih ami. lofelOef the Itsetkd wee. cutter are lUtW 10 brcHse d.g red by broth, wtrds a ed other dtfcraa, c drwroyrd by paeaicg eg0K sad h is therefors betlrr, waea tt rce per mita, to have the Je dacJwe shoee rtarrred to, even 11 the road be with a road eaachiae. wtuue tat a Xum rmtsli, U r Ike H -mi vriwa tut ir. t c. rwT a c., f Chleafe. dii mmf,4 m yaes ars Z aeke a ealte ttm Viwa lUmt vLa a e reW;a. VMia. M lag aad seMredtaf fiU. mmm rh, beraa. heeiMe aed a'l tkia ' lt L r. Wiu's Petre see e raaJ. TVW M r5 ' " WWMM Orag Ce. As average Britisher le a slroeg sat we niod Kodol rywf9arfe Car DVre4e aD eTaai d f trrUM the Mmm u4 dra fe r?'a. s.a irw asm mim ra r4 SU-O. veeeta, s.adi r-U4 wari pertsee sareegtWee esd tree. O, ST. A U hS.T, ayw ) have ad a aa mt wU U KaWeJ aad have fad H U M ,S. U a4. (dW a -J. 1 4t t r ii mM H rrVtada. A;m4i PrC. af S?-J. '" Jtpaeaea reisers are alreg 4 tm he flodlog Korea with cooaUrf.li lerw Te rnM trews. It will be r4e at fc Ue 4Ja .4 n tklUrta l Wv Ul nmpm be reeve ted. TVs frH aiee (m u ret A day ee l t IV, Ue ebne Mae a-r. TV at MJewW by a -eeW eab eeV o. r-beeaWriai C.Mb Imh4i m. m e-e ae Ue s4iVd . baa. . ,w afWvibe t4 eeed re- uiit d 4it alt ryoebaea eres U tW elldaaraad saiWy aay a-nH.d. Taie rMdf W eed a t sMf aed bee 1mw ItKtefaetlbe alf rwdy ib4 a ai esye be 4rrli - eel tat b staed ml, be atka. rMtaeW Ores iy L The varioss roeatriee ef IV world oto IS.iOO differeal hlsvds of postage ataaipe t j 93 niBTwitt s itmi TVeae wbe win fereiH te ihm mvm acaiaai abe ewauaeal iaw ef Dv. Stag ?re p eey a. eeaayUeo. w0 be e a bt Hm, t aub their tree Wee, If aed e44 er.e be eaa terwUetUe. Im4 wbet T. pt a a4 Bn,bibe,aeeUay U- tJ , esie bed eery tyae e( 4yl. Ve iek De. Sltr Nmhtji r Uiadeiee b4 tmU4 .eavwavai aate al ease ae-4 reer WsCe btij ee I e. Craaiaateed ky If. K a r. Ik. reaeeb Priee Ve eaud t CO. Tl Viim at a , 31 DieUebee, we UeU saale ear Isdcttrr eer aeadeaeaL OoUiallb. '!:'' ATtsaefy , Thle le Ueaesed ef tie eteeCbe sewdest sad sre?eJ I neeUe rrfUiA bee eeyety ad Ce4bvaia f-f l-m edy. ti le eertaie be e44 Vie abe ta4ee b vee. ead rvwelb ae eee ressrp a-l eUeieeerf wWa bt b brye at bd a4 s.e ae m ae I4e e-! U r uwd aad mtt it bee e-ee m4 H Ibe eyeua. Je a.' er (eei a eveve eei-l iy Ve eer44 a-f a' w iki Me4r )W ae a ae s-M bad ealaso el tSe ewld iwev ' TVe m ee eeete te HHe(ts teeSauwe e taiee ae berofa l e-beeaev tt U Use bb sra eAU.tM k bv Bey N sa I fee wul r U Ims. 14 afeere earve. FN eeie y A yeeek Pref Cw OsaUe feUw-eU I la lire I IV a f rax wiJt te aU te Ve a U tiaetblr feeetf ' Tea.' Aecseft fWr end lea lie lanr set sale ee say saJie to W e4ted srorll. Teef s.Vre St4 rea.aiee teeef U-sdtt -g SSfliUd f Isdlrvwilao ee bi-Wa. -e aearee, sad Ue? '-!- Ir 4 die UK aTMoe ee'raUa ee l4 fa4 are, eta, Thee a4 iwui tee re lea et the ei toes as-lser ftre. IJtfO af a ad 'ned f ed'ai tie Mi Jsvf t V Ue, eiate'e sx 4 err aOna ef Ue ereaa. a, tVat ht;U4f M eWr Mg d 4 tilUl iit lf wle 4 tO To 1 r s-l ilv 4 jM iMtri rf. ta l-,tVl frwt. ba avals Vbre W itUU arV-e X C Ue wi -X T T e a a tile r--ai res: si I a. 1 I i 4 1 , 1 si Areola vrtf tru T The wx!ib- ?kl h a aoivxicf ihcrn there zrc: I criont, sKo a.-c iln M weal; iml nol ilck cr-evrh togOtobcsJ. Chftmlc caxen- ihxVf tat UicdoctortCilitKt whfch incontnon luiihli mcui5 lar, sicifrws, ' ' To stop thr co-iicvctS csh thrr rrttd Scott s Lmoitioa, For the fccliojj of ucaVncst i W truVcs'r.t7ir fics-h il gives nor life to ihc ircik Scon's Emuliiotj gr-t ihin ami weal; pcn. oi oi thr rui. I- nuia rrBr n:h blorxS, sircaihct the r.crvct And tvt4 appcti'r for o.tlinar)- io&$. r , " . 1 . . . kt ,vn ri umc it K 3Cairf.t.l time 4:! 1 Jicsh in cvcr do4L W. aatn twi gWJ t MA ym, IfW cete treav ew lm m SCOTT A rars-n. CswretslafK CW PVart .V. V. W eui 1 ' , t naajk. ALEX DUliSTOK Boot andShoellaker, Pdaoe- rsfsa Haarv lUArnwa. I raeW yr to eJ9 low w W I k dosae wxwi m teUecttkiilit ct nj AOi.xmiuTTJsiri warren t-0 rULC, ltrwraat tm a a cayAer ei li- rWy- "WWt car rrajtia, enrt.v. sa! tjVsat W seal Is t in " -'. V. ? - - ... mm, mf-m, -m mm miwmmfmm WmmVmmY SjBJSaj pj CWlNesa i. CbeaUeAi e sK. ee rerU.o Tweaaaey IacaVe ItU. rOJ.StlJOtJorDt ha trci ec f-acrfio t I rahtaiie,. wl aa al f-vV trtM tat tA e-tHM iOjer lUljioehgMaJ ertai b toaMUale4Al 4 t 1. A ceW; laf srwee U 14a Irt. twiiiiag cue etcMrxaw hjaisieiak ea4 Povl s'.rws k A- Urw t4 rrA43AVt. lbb e la fta&aH A tei-aig. 2. A t4U3 talesHaed h IV hoe ba5iar c-a IVaal feavf e4 al avf;KiBuE Ue ajke-ee. mjui laoww as hmZLimf t (Waut Wareuna, saj fwe obtaa&e le twci liwVt c4 Uei lore of rrva-ilV. ea eoaUa.eelioe t4 itaa e aaaward m4 M tveelfcf JWwjie leasr rwn e ldT" i fMto(aQKaiswr mmui ekue smw as awll SotV boees, wet&jni bemae. S fowr a J oe evT atewe tt la rrwatSavjab, a e u6 g lrr Ux adrwra, aVdv9 aaavie (11 I Oery, CWra taif e 4 eniUra Tie Irrsu c4 Mil w5 . liird cmas, f W rMOMUtaar ha faaee boetla troea awie wb Stbre-ael oei Srfta saw, rw mW Isn a;7 w tA jar-u saareaotfne. IXae Jlere. ICnX, 1CX. ft. tV sTrrw. VL J Cws.re ,w. A i . tka M&tiftisr. r . II ava wve. Jt, fjl, I X TW ij-y teige a sMtttervtwe tleaA ta l;rrwit fwaie a-e iOMXmx-i4 l-y lia shg mT.mrms,tm eeS 1 aVM X raiaa lW Hi n:,lw,C a takCiaeiew a sol eJW (nk. iron fjocrjrx4 r-t!Lai5rj t-xx ' ?rw ?wrsa. tS ree4A. Ti ItVri. - ChawClte. li l"yn.tt aA t-3 t:4 X-i X' J-a&2 AS fWkv3a at) tAlV. I I ar,"e mmmmmM e ariaiua., t mt a a ai a, asax Q euaw. P"" ba bae d time Knimi a n UaM a M4 - - L 4t , V - i r"-aiM grr tveaw. Ua ae k -JV: j Kxtawe i B&- p-n CLOTHING' OR lraalr-V, so r-r- tit- ?t 1 ' nreetvw. A3 re ,u. tlnlo Ut f rn ? r UX n lria. A3 r,.-Md y U:t4L A T aviate. It It 1? A 01 Vae dl aw mmm W - .-ab. -' ale f :rw4. I! a T. v: . 11 e J.;rrft r.r,Tr rr:. it, ri r - 4 W m, 4 C r.-?C: . -.cat -1 M r. .;.;ti;x, ''rrkJCT:- e enuj 1 unburn, ' av. . vvooo YAna: !UtMrg ft IS iM.a mj mu tk la e-e .,.1 tW BVCS i fW4-t avsirvh, e. It il w iimC at, in a,4 at ! " TiTail Orders. tf Ul. ay-.r? . j.m -m mm. Fw-e I w,tt I. W"tia4 favtnsjd sWtteti-Uasu W.C.TM0MA5, DONT FORGET 7Vaa wW es e4l J 1 " " r- sea' V, e-t ttu ju U iVae re f e ,; fiui 1 a-a ae. efae 4f , u i m ae eae ad XaAb ffr. hirwet da m4m. Sg. eare a4Jg fsaltarv A . twg tseae4jf The Equitable Life Assurance Scdely - OP MCW YORK. ASSETS OVEH E33IX0OC00, SURPLUS OVEH 70300000. i tO 1 rnutnK Oetas CaftOijisi Heu) and Stylish Goods BIG RACKET I j wr eei.tre f iU-e d t-ae Cax.e e-a.e Something Hew K-ey m4j e . eu.t.e ti ( wUl r ! t l eje U-e Weddinz OoUiis m, eaii ee ml-. J. """ vea-e4av buAe dtVaax aKaa.',e A s ane .e e UI abebv te SHOES. SHOES, SHOES. e a eee tl q lot ret k eWf e,irf ere e...f Gmi we Ve IhtjW, be . ib-g Ve-f yee1 ajra. leee be-v1. FOB III EH N O el 5 i V5. J" 4 HTeV'e i2e Sl..!TT:1 e!.: e a a STB I CK L A I) r. . , . V - a ba ul: r.u ft 1 1 D.Ee f f r- 5 Jt etcr i 4.t4lft fMSrt, t I 9 M tt ua WATCHCS." CljQls I f , - au., r ,1UJ at, laugh A!vD i . . Gf.q-.V-FATl $ t ,, ea ea. im M -v swim) ai w i " "" ar am et en stat.M-su 1M! UI Hit I It LI tWa eae S.alkaawoiiets. Ftmiibttee rferfffv itygrtfco a wtrriXTT, Fw wdariias aeaeeflaw tdtau. sa eatssruh- e-eH ee eakilaitii bjn s aJ aii teTOKXa, fbe-e. aweav . g BU taeiM Ssymv ae t ma.ia tn. frifjevasirMca -,. .a 9-.Cb IXe flivt Oa.bat.it i and Slylisfi, 'm. et CWsk. at.t i,,,,,, Tee aa t- SMSCr ea.g Ju Sty al iaaaa la 4 Ue lae f b. li .. a.a oboes 4WW OHLY?" , At; LUiC n n i t S'tt 9 M ct t J 1 - 4 I . , . rfb' r i sis, a fatal 1, r. r r T w a mm an e t ItLttt. aMAamt e k eie u mm mm 1 1 1 w m - - - 1 "m mmm -e a- e , "" mm a Jfi mm aaw aW 1 H ee m m--m a, m Immmw mm 1 m