1 MIL- Jb -M A H I , I T . . v; iQ hjjas, Editor and Proprietor, J j, ii Mm- XXXII LODISBUEG, N.' "(X, .-FRIDAY, DECEMBEE 12, I Hl'RCH DIRECTOK1T II t . 11 " ' . .. . ' ' ' - , "" I ,1" 1 1 ' MBTHODIST. lay School at 9:30 A M. Gbo. 8. Baker, 8apt. irlung at 11 A. M., andSP, II. TV i!i ly. .- ' i'r t v-r raentiog Wednesday nigbt. M. T. Pltlbs. Pastor. BAPTIST. . j pi Liy School at 9:30 A.M. Thos. B. Wildkk, Supt l'r"'vhntt at 11 A. M. and - SP, M., .-rv Huoday. ' ting Thursday night. H. H. ti ashbubrb. Pastor. KKI9COPAL, , ; H-hool at 9:30. , . m.roio(r' and nisrht f on ., .'.rl an'l 4t.h Sanday. K.--niat Prayer, Friday afternoon; LODGES. , . bur- Lodge, No. 413, A. P. & m--t,8 1st and 3rd Tuesday A. II Ik' h ' -i hi 'ich month. II II. I. A ALLRED. ATTORNEYS-A.T-LA.W, ;i i.rn-tii;.' in all the Courts. Offices In i rit mi. I YoaDgsvllie, N C. D Ii. Alc rilUil H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOCISBCBQ, . - N. C i -1 iv r Cooper's 8tore. j j '! s 1'. BURT, i'.U':ni:iNO PHYSICIA.N AND 8TJRQEON. Louisburg, N. C. in the Ford Rmldina:, corner Main . Smh Ktnuts. Upstairs front." K. V YARBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Loi'isBURa, N. C. 2n 1 lloor Neal . phone 89 -'alii aiiBWre't ive. ihoae 74. from T Bicsett's H. fUA88KNBURl. ATTORNEY AT LAW. L00ISBUB8. N. 0. II practice In ail the Courts of the State Office In Court House. I M. C'OOKK, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. LOOTSBUB9.B. 0. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, ir wivillf. Wa.rrenii.nd Wake counties, atsotbe j 1 nrin i :ourt of North Carolina, and tne TJ. -I i :i mult and District Courta. f.if K( l,S ('. WIN.STEAU, ATTOSNEY-AT-LAW, Locisbcbg, N. C. OKk-I lK OVER W. P. WBA.I, Co. '3 S-ORB. ir.!ijil Atti-ntlon i.runte.1 to me. Klven to all Duslness I) R. J. B. M ALONE, M vi'TICKNQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOUISBDRfl, N. O. i) over Aycocke rrug Company. h'1 E. H. KOaTER. ra(jtigt:'g physician a sttrgbon, Louisburg, N. C. o m r 9 o vst Ajcocke Drug Com pany. vv ,rM. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOU1SBUBS. N. O. w.il nrartlce In all the Courts of Franklin id adjoin iiif? counties, also in the Supreme nirt. undln the United States District and rcuil Courts. () til i:e in cooper and Clifton Building. 1 iHOS. B. WILDER, k ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BCB9, V. 0. omce on Main street, over Jones at Cooper! it.ore. 8. SPIiUlLL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUI8B0B0, jr. C. hmii ....t. th nnnrtji of Franklin. Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also th unnnmii Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, office over Egerton's Store. T. W. BICKBTT, iTTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBUB8 IT. 0. Prompt and painstaking attention giren to iiry matter intrusted to nis hands. Kef irs to Chief Justlce8hepherd, Hon. onn Mam, an. Hon. Robt W. Winston, Hon. J.C. lm n. Pres. First National Bank of Wln- rirn. Ql. inn A Manly, Winaion, jrwjjica Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- Mt Coii-ffe, Hon. E. w. riBiuwru.. Offi"e in Court House, opposite Snerura. w. f. PERSON,' ATTORNEY AT-LAW. LorjisBUE. Jr. a Pra f.tlces Bull ilQK. in aU courts. Office in new w. H YARBOROTJGH, JB. ' ATI OBNEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG. N. C. Offlc in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. D R. D. T. SMITH WICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, - - N. Office orer Furniture Store. C. HOTELS. FKANKLIfliTOS HOTEL FRANKMNTON, N. C. G5. W. GOIWftY, Prp'T. Good aecomodatlon for the trayeling publie. Good LhbkT Attached MASSENBURG llOTEL J 1? M!ajBaeiitiirr Propr HENDEHSON. N. C. ioid anoommodations. Good far: Po ii" aud Hnt1vA aerrr NORWOOD HOUSE Virairton. .. Korth Carolina nonage of Commercial Trareiug PahUeSoUiatidi v Tourist 9 o. o;oo":o"6 4ft Eeffer o 9 O O O 0 Special Washington Letter. ONDAT, Dec. 1, at hleh noon. Hon. Darld Bremner Hender son .called to order the last ses sion of the house over which he, in all human Drobahilitv. will ever preside This fact created a feeling of sadness in many hearts, for Henderson Is personally a Drim ite.'Trle is a most lovable, man, wears ms neart upon his sleeve and stands by his friends. Nothing bnt kind wishes will follow him into his retire ment. Over near the center of the Rennr lican side was "Uncle Joe" Cannon, ra diant and rosy. He s the rising sun, and many did obeisance to him. I don't blame "Uncle Joe" for being bppy. It is a vast nonor which is cominsr to him and will perpetuate his name in his tory and his lineaments "doe in oil" upon the historic walls of the speak er's lobby. Everybody had a kind word for "Uncle Joe," and "Uncle Joe" had a smile and a kind word for everybody. The speakership is an excellent srnWl thing to have in the family. Tom and Mark. Recently 1 spent nearly a week lec turing in Ohio, two or three of the days in Cleveland. Law papers begin, "The county of Blank, in the state of Blank." It would not be improper or rvtchmsr things much in speaking of Cleveland to say, "The city of Tom Johnson, in , the state of Mark Hanna." The sena- tor lords it over the state, but the may or is supreme in the city. That they are preparing for a death struggle in the mayoralty election next spring is known of all men in Buckeyedom. You hear it everywhere in the hotels, in the trains, in the streets. Tom is play ing for a great stake the presidency. The two stepping stones thereto, ac cording to his philosophy, are a re-election to the mayoralty in April and the election to the governorship in Novem ber. Uncle Mark wouldn't object to be ing president himself. He is deter mined that Tom shall not have it If he can prevent it, and so these two polit ical giants are burnishing np their armor,-netting their knives aiJrll laying in munitions of war for the preliminary skirmish in the spring, a skirmish "big with the fate of Cato and of Rome." Having served in the house with Tom, I, of course, had some idea of the secret of his strength, but in Cleveland I inquired into it more particularly, and I found that it consists in two things mostly the fact that the peo ple believe implicitly in his loyalty to them and, secondly, that he keeps his word with all men.. The newspaper jabber to the effect that he is a "fakir," "mountebank," "poser," "demagogue," etc., appears to have no more effect on him than pouring water on a duck's back; no more effect on him than the dollar mark cartoons have had on Sen ator Hanna's standing with Repub licans. Tom gets a grim pleasure out of his fight with Hanna. Not long since one of his friends said. "Tom, you didn't take any vacation this year." "Nei ther did Uncle Mark," replied Tom. And so they go on wooling each other, these two most eminent citizens of Cleveland. A Pleasant Function. While in Cleveland I attended a non political reception tendered by his ad miring constituents to Judge Theodore E. Burton, chairman of the house com mittee on rivers and harbors. It was held in the Chamber of Commerce and was a most enjoyable function, and Burton deserved it. He has a most honorable and laborious Btation to fill, and he fills it with fidelity and capac ity. He appears to have a strong hold on the affections of hi3 constituents without regard to party affiliations Evidently he was very proud of the reception, and he made an exceedingly felicitous speech. Burton's constitu ents should memorialize him to marry, as it is a pity for such an amiable gen tleman to go through life as an old bachelor. The Republicans in the Ohio delega tion dealt Burton rather a cold deal in his speakership aspirations, but his turn mav come after awhile. However much the Ohio delegation may turn the cold shoulder to him, his constitu ents appear to love him. Burton, unless his njind has under gone a radical change, will have a great work a most important and patriotic publie duty to perform at this short and closing session of the Fifty-seventh congress, and that is to lead the fight against the Hanna- Payne ship subsidy bill, a measure as vicious and unjustifiable as any ever introduced into congress. The clans are rallying to force It through, for It is a case of now or never. I make bold to predict that unless that bill is passed At the short session thia winter it never wiU be passed, for every day that it Is postponed makes only more apparent the fact that there is no necessity whatever for any such law. ' Our shlp Dinff Is growing .apace without any such hotbed -nrocesg. and in another year will have reached; such propor tions that- the advocates -or snip buo- sidy wilL be laughed out uf court even by their own party fellows. Conse quently they . will make herculean ef fort t4 get;- away with the swag at this session, Reform. . " - - It is given out that when Be Is fpeak- er Uncle JoeT i Cannon Intends to work Thousands of people have been "cured of rheumatism by taking lihenroacide.- Have yon tried it? 'Postively does not Injure, bnt benefits the organs of digestion. At Drog gists. ". . 1 " -V With some fircenl rtgarvyon get at least six scents. ; . c : , a r 8I BTEJJFP house, . -r ; Sunning like mad down the street dump ing the ocfnpapts, or i hundred other.. a eidentsare every day occurrences. . It be hooves everybody toihavs 4 reliable . Salve handy-aad'thee,sony.:.good;-BBok Ien's Arnica Salves- Burns, cats Bores, ecse ms and piles, disappear quickly under its o"o- o d o o O 0 0 0 0 Jtidnlflcanc qf th Shat Hutton -Senator Henry M. Teller ' Gbe Governor of "Little Hfody" jm 0 O.'O-O o o a reform by Increasing the membershtn of the committer on roles from five to nine. It may be seriously questioned. however, whether that would really be any reform at an. So long as the committee is appointed -by the speaker and consists of odd numbers, so as to make the-speaker' vote the deciding factor, in.' the- committee, it matters little whether It consists of one mem ber or any othen number. So long as that situation remains, the speaker will do the committee. Colonel Hepburn has a plan which would to a large ex tent emancipate -the " committee from the domination ' of the speaker, and that is to increase the membership to thirteen and make the members elec tive, each party caucus selecting its proportional part of the committee. Really the thing that gives the speaker such tremendous power la the fact that he appoints the committees. So lorur as he can do that, he will dominate the scene, and no change of rules will do much toward restoring the power of the Individual member which falls short of taking away from the speaker that prerogative. The occasion of the election of a new speaker is a fitting occasion to discuss a change in the rules. There ought to be a rule to the effect that during each session every member shall have at least one hour to do what he pleases with. If he desires, he may place any bill on-any calendar upon its passage, or, if he prefers, he may con sume his hour In speechmakin?, but the hour shall be absolutely at his dis posal, which gives even the humblest somewhat of a chance to have the will of his coustltuenta made known and enacted into law. Individually I have no right to com plain of any lack of recognition, and I am not writing so much for my own benefit as for the benefit of others who do not enjoy such facilities of reaching the public as these letters afford. A Most Radical Suaoeatlon. My esteemed contemporary, the Bt Louis Republic, is in such utter despair by reason of municipal rottenness that as a remedy It busts: esta the abolish ment of the house of delegates. That Is certainly heroic treatment for a most serious disease, but is It necessary T That municipal reform is one of the crying needs of the age goes without saying, but that a doing away with representative government Is necessary to its attainment I do not for one mo ment believe. If necessary In city. It is necessary In state; if necessary In state, rt Is necessary In nation. To ad mit such a proposition is to confess that our whole theory of representative gov ernment is a flat failure, which la inad missible Suppose that instead of abol ishing the house of delegates the II e pubiic should stir up the "better cle ment" to discharge Its duty to the pub lic. Then what? The result would be that the hoodlum would be in Othello's condition, for his "occupation would be gone." Individually I have never had any sympathy with the cry that the hoodlums run the large cities, because there is not a large city or a small one within the broad confines of the repub lic in which the hoodlums constitute the majority. That they do run many large cities and some small ones Is true, but they are enabled to do so because those who arrogate to themselves the high resounding and flattering title of "the better element" abdicate tbelr political functioDs in favor of the hoodlums, who attend strictly to business, and of the two classes that Is to say. the hood lums and those Who deem themselves too good to discbarge their political du tiesthe hoodlums are the better citi zens. To participate In public affairs is not only a high privilege, but a sol emn duty. The Shaw Burton and the 8haw Policy. A report, apparently authentic, comes from Iowa that "the Shaw vice presi dential button has appeared." Nothing unreasonable about that except as Il lustrating how the secretary of the treasury has outgrown all bis Iowa contemporaries. He was still a coun try banker, little known outside his town and county, when the names of Henderson, nepbum, Dolllver and oth er Hawkeye worthies not only filled but choked the trump of fame. But Shaw's growing reputation is the mar vel of the day. As Aaron's rod swal lowed all the little rods so does Shaw's fame swallow the fame of all the rest. Another news item about the secre tary shows how he recently rushed large sum of government money from San Francisco to New Tork to "relieve the strained money market" Of course, of course, and that action probably en hances the value-of bis vice presiden tial button. Not only did Mr. Secretary Shaw rash a large sum clear across the con tinent to help out the New York gang. bnt he has done many other things for ft, A treasury official thus enumerate a few of them: The secretary stimulated etreulaUoii by urging banks to increase their circulating medium, faking advantage more fully ot the provisions of the law in this connec tion and the prlyileges it gave thesn. -H anticipated - government 'interest, pur chased the I of 1904, anticipated tntcreat for the fiscal year subject le alight re bate; increased deposits to--banks baring free bonds. Increased deposits to basks which could borrow bonds, increased de posits to banks willing to take ewt farther circulation, released reserve held agmiaet government' deposit. , acoented municipal and state bonds as security tor pabHo PMM7 under certain ooadlUoj purchased A-glass , or two ' f water take ' ball aa hour before breakfast will ,suaHy keep the bowels rsgaUr Hart k eatbartiee should be avoided.-' Vhe a pureaUrS Is fiver Tahleta -: Tber ar mil aad reatl la their.aatltn. w For sale by Ayooeke Prag There M little warmth; In the iien hndei W rejeetad lof er. : i i Better Than av Plaster. ' A piece ef flannel daoped with Chstn berlaiu'e Pai'a Balm and bound oath at fected parts, is better than a piaster tor lame baok and for pains in I ha side er chest. Fain Balm ba no superior a Uai meat for the relief of deep seated, raate lar and rbenmatlo pslni. - Tor ! hf Ay cooks Drug Co, , Z T . long K utfcfpated without rebate sad creased deport ta. a tte lay. - Those thing ocght to (nnrt Shaw button into a valuable politic t asset when rt tome to a showdown cm i the rice pretideatuf Oretlan. If tty do not, then it moat be elrr that Nrw Tork Onaader. as welt aa repuWksv are" oagratefnL Tby ooght ts be!. Leslie 1L oo the prtacfpkt that ee good torn deserve aiietber. Art Example of Purity and uW That th Desjoertta elected A tooj Ity of the Colorado legislator tm Jot ballot Is beyond aQ qacsttoo. s4 elect ed It principally for th purpose of re electing Hon. Henry If. TtUr to tW east Of the United State. Th far' ther fact that th Re?mbXk& elected the state ticket - vaertly etnp&AAis Senator Teller popularity and etrrvrtSi with the Ooior-ie(a.ejtia-tee and notwithstanding, the tUfxrtt Ucana, who prate of rvreetfi sad purity, ar preparing to steal fa W lature. or, falling that, to set p a bo gus legislature of tbelr own grvt a crime as was ever cofamttted ty Bos Tweed or any ether poiitto ras cal of any party. TUr le a great hi turic persooage, has beet) senator tot many year,. was once secmary of lb Interior and has been a prveidVotleJ possibility. "Whatever people may tblak of his view on the man? qwertoo. rt will not be denied by soy prrsea be Is both boneet and ItrteUJgeot tbat be I the most dlstlagnUbed Baa yet jurist to the nstlonal cooncC by the Cen tennial State. Nobody ever kxtb4tl either his abtltty. Iniesrrtty. slocwtcy or patriot lam. For yoere he u glory of the state, wtxro nrb me as Tabor were ma king U rtdkukwia and such as Boweo briugtrtg tt Into dat-v pute. There may have br time srr era and svlf seekers etcted with Ws free silver movement pert tbr were; they are gvwrslly rourKtM with every great raovcaMnt but iVca tor Teller was no on. He did wbst he thought was right He foiknr-J bis conscience. He Wft bt party U) tears In his eyre and airrow U feSs heart, ami be deeerve fair tmismii at least. Uttte Rhody.- The results of th fwnt eWtkv while not showing anything Use landslide for th Dexoorrsta, did sbow a growing wentimetit ta tbetr fa. Everybody talk of th rloa fiaUh to New York simply" bcsu tte Empire State of th north I m big: but. while Brother Coler Is ta poattkxi to tht&k ef WhlUlers coapM- Of aU aad wrds ef too- m pmm The eaddet ar u anient beve bM Governor Odetl no doubt at4a ccst laUon In the aid saw. -a tutaa ! rood as a mtk. Colrr dkl not. grow. mJ Odell shrank. Little attention has been phl to tb revolution In Rhode I aland etmpty fee cause she U so email, but th Vntao cratte victory ta tb ewaltM of stare mean much more than tb tMcoorvvtle defeat In New Tork. for. wblfce New York Is normally a rHrao-rBtk- efat. Rhode Island Is ooraally RvbUc8i There 1 oo uaosual featoro at tl Rhode Island etvctkxi wbtcb bas bta little noted, and that la that brr tv- ocratlc governor elect. Hon. Li r. C Oarvln, t a snutbrosi by birth, a iiauve oi ironwaw. i are are ooly a few Instance of the kind to M-w EB.fr land history-In fact, ooly ow tbst can now recall, that of Oeorrat Ms I ley, senior senator froen ."taeuureuret. who was born In North Taroilo. IMa th Republican senator a&4 ttw tvtwe- era tic governor wrre UxUexi sE4dire. ur course, out wee it ta sue king strange for a southern or nortWr toa to oe eioetea to soy oaem bat It has slway been rare for a crotWorv t be elected to office ta New England or for a New EngUnder to b elected la (be south, white la Greater New York Utile or no account Is taken of naUUty Futile. The effort bring made to cetabttab a "Uly Wblte-.Rrpobri.-an party in tfe south ta utterly futile The sad re of Senator John L. tlclsrtn ta tb Ut et evidence of that. The arbue baa been auggeeted many Uavm, but Us al ways been abandon for lb simpi reason tat so long as tb txv rao rote at all tber can be found no sJderabl tuatrrUI from wblrb to rM struct a -Uly Wb-'te party. WW tb Republican for purrty svlflsb pmx enfranchised th negro en tat tney esrtanilaoed aucb evxwtt'ui ta several state that no la re auabnr of white men will affiliate with iwa a&y more rorever. Joet why mo able gro has not forced tbe RoVrftM t oomlnate him for vice prveldrot t b- coxnprebenslb!. trtte wttbecrt tb negro rot tb Rrpxtbikaa cd tsH carry enough state t-ny etartksa t giv them a prevMeot and Coogreeev Again Bab. It wootd appear that after swbOe pwpte wouM grow weary of tb Jub- cock lnterrtaws; but. Ilk Tenaysw' "Brook.- they go on forrrvr. Uta recent suggtJoti I that tb tart J ab wsys revised st aa extra rlov whs statement U wtd f tb mark. o4 b glrrs several reweoos wby It eb04 be thus. He I decidedly bty t Ut hi proposed extra session wiii b c3- ed. "It may b for yrsr. &d It &f b forever." most probably fwrrvvr If Brother Bab and bU point I prte ire not toroed out tato the evU. wbr there I weepteg aud w!Bag 4 rtb Ing of teeth. Tber ar few tbisgi Knew eertaba ta this world tb tbt tb tt tmbUcan will eevrr rut dw tb taf Mf rat, ' many f wfcscb -Ovm Pisgtay bimsvli aakl wr ttttt3oi7 mad to haxb to b re I down by rr rTOdty treaUe. 0 o-QaII box Tboraa CbCt FIX brok my C2iU. JR. II. DobUtt, Csdar Bret. . I o trying U gst hlarbUoaor a rnan goe at it the wtf way " To l reeve la arptti a4 the dttie. try a 4oe t ftoas " 8tetab ul Urn TbleM. "r j. 11 BeiU. f rtroi:t MUb aara. TyeUt rd say apnetlta wbe lsiir, rlv.f sae bloated teUg sag aal S ti! aad satiafactert stst cJ ta . Tksre are rreopl la Ui eaataitT seed ! Sak S eaadlclaa. fee t .Ay eocks ursfto. tnry ut wsmvUi ' Ar Vc Wert Ui Tm CWst J TeuereefaVe. A boy or gstl 'g fjrt CJMt fa rtstoMti. f tta 4 ft i wmi h cm Mtmd.;'-U tJ4 MUiUj ee-aiN kta to ttiaUHt. fffsgMy t Iva-ar ajsejcb fosj bjet cot fsg fNat dfttiaf ftwe Itktlex. Co3t tat tst bmd 4 c,!othijt, focr ubtz-LZmK yw doou's tils, lU 9t7 tbt l bit ryt c) f oat ptirt 4 i CJ op jrvc t brsj i cjt t d4 p lb d CScrtat ttt, ' B M sU,tb joj rtfWWnee fTl!f tsstU ril rot ls Foftb tm wwyTr 4 ymt jvm iMtefi ilea sad stsegtb t yo. )( aberlwa ratcn4 ovtt vxaawbew irwa trtll VTUlstia tbwtgbi la beipt ite twlkntt be wct of Ut!t4? Way a e bee saw4 a ibrisat rtb Was fia a9 tvrd k than bat tec sye o f . Yow bs cast a 3Md dial Tsai settW 1, ad lb t: enk er oe wotib if a.nrtret U 4 rrsuay ex Sw4i 3. t IMartbsM a sit.. pwttg ta4 Wb er . u as see seMsr ncd i bat ike piig e MMfpen sed tmt l sr'.evci' i rl a i-.s pwi o that lb )ttl a Cts'sw M woeth ail i-i era t j te rt. B owciio: Os Sja-4 tl mmmm m pa(attf t Ikil st pooe ica4ia..v 4 o tb oiJ tuetrv oe tm t te .. r oodt, sad iba it voeij tmmr bat tby bre ie t. ptc tbecB Mcoedwfte. Are yot otb wtt btt ct Tbat i a 2-ww3 ta n il ti,-ni fbetbasa ta ca34 aaale sM Qr, bt bsp a4 g' Va 9u bee cgB4Jfi sc-d carfare t ib ca rtr) ibat ta ibr nt t;f !.! t oeihy of s4 ibl M ta twe t r A ovn.T tvT.r tUta-ixi w mmmim y tfmnt-t lMMNil'; itm tMl to IVl ftw 4 ba jetl e m a t tk Kr jr LiU rJU. , aM.. - f k 4 e tee. . N UwsUm.. TVt fC y iVw,e. yt at- a m r.brWMuL If 7 em eH asarry eUilar. lb sat ti tblag It t tsarry . wtve'e ta si rtM 'rn I i. e .4 W.aae tteeal Smm. t. v. twmt M c. Cbsr w '" i t-. - ' eelt tm M)KA k. . VS ft I"VW r U.i4. W e eie ea-4 e" nn Ai ft Pe wi- gekt Oveg 1 If a nn assenat to aatUteg ;. J0"l bar V bsl ef bU -ee tor . K,1j4 tje (W 4 elt 4 11. a-ffcUt ""- EimsW eW4 e a w b. c. w a'i, s i "r I k4 imWi V.fn .rf lite e4. la4. rmwi, .h Tb sulsef i aye IsIm peak wbe be vim to eb rood . ; rwiTtia ajf TgA Tb- biH fwuM i i.Ube ejti.e tb M4i.el mumh. f P XlmiT 9e p,wi W - . w5i wt e . fni -a lblU lViv U M4 .( bt til iMiMlwe IW4 ? . !." . IWH. wiiMft. to ha Mf t,M V mf . tod eey STajwa 4 fu utf . ib t- Klee 3 ti,-tf sti . t-f taef ' 14 tenfmg. .upM iwiU i.m al e4 f .Ai f ! Qeareat bf H. Jt, A f b. ttoaett frWe b a4 tt v T0 .mt toj. II tb aj woeaa b-e rials e eery ties ht tu I tl abl pif Ue. i'.ias!'e'ji''.'"'''"ei""i A Ttoaefy Siatt.e Tk tat . f to r e4 a ea'wtel b'nei re bee evtt ef f e"a 'i'v gM wf li ta mi to e4 ttaf e4 ea. - .. resaH s4 et'wSMey m v beaut e4 rt a mm tike al feeifd e4 Vf Lf k mm eat tto srexea. t ah me ' t e ., um&4 sm to e a-f te lata eesa-ff irre e m e t f ta str 4 ia Mf VVe m e t gttre Sritotie tor M tale torn mMhs tt le ."--4 t tab e I sb ta e sktto t H y M 4 y enU to. t e- gee y ariwa aYf V. KmI bso J4 flVf b.tt thaa Ve tASfbt br(lag or lUal Ye. Agi4 l"We et;U I tto W s4eatafaat l a ti t e4 sreij. Yef astoW m4 f-cto et iVhA-bV f i4! asi'a: t ldjraOw e b".. lw wi earee. 41 Itoy sees toM diertsN TV' r!nii4 .t Is r,e.. Tto sjew4 S-' bieee 4 sW et tto etVrea 4 t-t er' lw--Ue f tt 4 ft s4-Wb tto 4i9 ef tto aaieseU1 X awwee a4'rata eii: f tto tr lb4 W4llLtoto. wto - -3 se t to' -3 ai e4 To 'f 4 T ! QnV itrt I .sr. is l-5'b I re 4 a...l ati. -S lire ta -g ejete Ut e- V ie Hb fp-t,, T t r" ra4f st Arr-5i I'tx, f '-yr. . r; ' aal f ra el Kmilla rets tht irciS hoi tit ii tkae t3w t?ci Tkc tbCt thxi tt i hrti St mm. t ., f 'B. to why it 0l Uitt 04 al h leril. k ti ,a i t?crn f. s ,, f C'i-t fit W-ii mhkU sA.OFt hif ga ionw!kra tzcrt'ms, 1 U .3C otjaj ft -T4 "1 It j . V . " ft fflf ft. 4 --rrrJTlie Editable Life tXCTTe C et f urn" aais-w . ALEX DUKSTOS Boot and Sboe Maker, ra: tesj tt-e'e tttwms. t tu pm$ h eJt is ei.oiu t W- f 4 w-e a LW Sw&t&Af t I I fVrwaat t e & I3w htw. j r rMm ei reAXi is4t It- llue eweJ tetee&g sevbS-Wal K t ..w. . in. nav at tlbw bf. t. . tfte pceMIiie I 14 lnrts t er-sl- 1 4 si tii arijMs, to Us li'toe ' tif t!ie toAverteig murnj mAmAm W to i este ci t I CbrA. , Ua, Aaeiemit I A csfaofttejr hxmm4 ta U teii adi ca ble.aw gtt f w. . . t . . . ... e4tfmto UW to- J rs4 todwn tl aijb . . A sPk . . btaag, ' 1. A eto .eJT aa toMae a t.W r baais. ajfiaOsig e n4 artrw -' nm -r,Maxiig l.to e1w-i a i I ire- eve rw:j-t OUMe.u.n e W iwaairili. I f !"" Wa eit.lav 0m m I ..g jtnr catrau to MnrKtH.. IVtsilW cat 9,to tor g Friitt.lturtonH. . e I Vft li".t -- li.?t, l Vwk-rti iwta, ttav4 bo4 t-ae-iajg tfiMW-r stw eieatin, m . I 4 te4 riHitir ! ewrrue af.ea eaaf ioi3f etUiwrl Stten, b rrt eutig . AfSkW 'riMia g W t.f i 1 v .u. - .. Ue rtrWd. e;iefiwg bthe ed . f f tts"a-f . fbeip to?t tawim Ti Iii4 e4 nm eMOe .B W tbard f5 fet.tofi e taaiie fm a Wb it-Wwt ito Xt tt Aa, fs tWtftf itmi l.f f$y to tSe '6"iew -,. eaeeeocsw . tbe W-e , Oii t;:x. la. ft. rfv C, J C3ri.ri i tlemrnjSMftasJSHS G-t Ssmrtariw ot' If .-. , Cm tto jl. t x T5 . way marf ' stiaa 111 tt9ttg , stto4to by Uws tog &ews ewe- e.j ,i rvtts lmfe4 ptAml r-a to eirw cm aaa awr KWii ... 4-tX. ' Miwa?i(rj'Jy,T't tHfCjtjtt. " " MiAJ:,a J-t t,l.a.rS tf 13 -r grnx. t tl.-!.. I t Pibrt. Vt. (tMietiir, CXsjl tt5 tW tGe t4tS4fc ew 4e . freaw. rr. - fVaiisf-tc rn, . IT a-a-I tuas 1 1 sti!!seai:SI I! a g.:rrr. J. enauw-i t-t S- t. M4 j . JI t XVw b.'-atiK S-S fv.. 1 9w4w g.! g.J fau.lt S 5 A Tm.i r-a. , ' J.S 4-3 tgariditoia' : J!.t X.i laauims. ' g? 4-3 Irjistsit.., t? 53 U rtrt S-! gl H.Wi,, .: 4 lilAAiJit, ' Ji r. ?-?t.xruzt ix. toi i!t:r?- 1 r nit -"! in " ' "f J'w ma" a. rtMi,i .m. C. . a , 1 mi Jii'-n, 11-11 in m ' t r!wrerc ae Hi a euwn w Mawtam Mt 1 1 t"i-""!i- SMMMflMM Skwa, HW w m. a, Sm fiininn! aiimi i,fiwne 1 a e mminwwim 1 Urtr. i VOOD YARD. 1'g sng ! 1sr Iitail- Orders. T e.tftl-i'f f Lr.jne i s tb fetof IW. C. TrIOM AO. j Ofrv&aiftT. 1.sT6jh .1 DONT FORGET TW tosw t-n -e4 jr $! I asav .fty. Ver. tm e., t U, itt: fc t'al h mp I I X VU fe lafe ,n tlf Ve4 euf,e g fa mn. V Jt CI.-, "w ttmtm or m c w tt''H 1 a.,-- Pk talS i 4ta4ef iitL a ...... hp .,.e t ,... m. mm M M t-itltJtaa. - - ' AS5ETS OVL'H S.Ji!COaeDDa. SURPLUS 0V!;H rijooajooa i I; I"' JrvtiieRitatr it r.w (m. rttj ( r if,,. 1 ! CS..jjrl WUiSti Heu) and Slylislj Good. bf I3e.li i.e iitw. I oe.f tw Ut ifvea bi 4 ci4 1 SomBiuing Hew anil Slylfsb. ! m. eHtt .( e.f ie-.l -i . i t.MewM , Wedding Oatliis talreeSMarb .rf fb..,,, t 1 VittMH t e..M J Iwtiea. sj ,- t.e '? ts4 taw tei a t tw SHOES. SHOLS. S550IS. a Wa-e tl Ci $mf - ciiw.e we tob estwa. ki -ei'f tn au'rt f.a- tnr f ef "FOR MEN 0I(LY?" N '4ajsl mm 4fQtf- Uai. 4 .1 I 1 r J r 1 -... , G LOTH ING OR Gents Furnfshlnns: 1 f . in j t . . , 0 Z ! L L. IILFL. I ee , t. H i- I e. : iiu i - j watches, clocks eat. LAUGH". AND GHOW FAT1 t -e , 4 m ef , r Mtoe fcetl m t ; e , -ii a Ca 4,. ajn-tTTTHi st eiA-sn tot mi rut nm t t? lil-tNiOi t:f-fcja4Tf ve esMUsW4His. vcet-S, YORK. ltift Mf w vSr rrtiti tMnm vifieeamsstt,, tl tM IU iil MSM,i,, 4 ew Aa. t S t. jImII I j li e-. (i.r. f tH:Hseer fke t.4 4Ue aavr.-e Hmi b eff : e al f Me4e 0 I -bS few $f 1, J '.1.41. f f 4 :i 1t.t! tit . f-tr 'St:.'l t if - if V I t 1 mi.. . r mm lin tMMl mmm e ew , si. .f,hiie f " sesv eM SMnfMNMaetth . &. t , e. eweev ft f s tt fm. - ;Mee Ca'iilU C :-5 ij l, a-iajjstslsa g P -jf? jr Te-v . lootio i eract. 25o e.t' IX, K. F E. ?Iea;9n Ji''

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