jA3. a. THOMAS, Editor tad Proprietor.; I . VOL. XXXII ' i CHURCH DIRECTOR'S " MXTHODIST. Sunday School at ft&O-A. M. Gao. 8. Bakbb, Sunt. p-acbing at 11 A M., and 8 P M, vry danday. - Prayer meeting Wednesday nigbl.,. -M. T. Pltlxe. Pastor. BAPTIST. " Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . Taoe. B. Wildrb, 8apt v Kr-achinK at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., -vnrv Sunday. 4 . . " Hnyr m -etinjr Thursday nighty . H. a. mabhburhb. rastor. EPISCOPAL, , V - - s.n lay School at 9:30.-s.-rvic-s, morning and night, on Ht, :rd and 4th Sundays. Kvpning Prayer, Friday afternoon. LODOBS. Loaiubnrg Lodge, No, 413 A. P.- St A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nixhu in each month. .. " l 8 & 5 to km Revised Lift Prenden tiaJ Candidates V Hypo critical Republicans The Message ta ' ta a. TO svH, aul ,kt ami v - At ' SW MB . WW ' -r , i. : to tV to : ktav to ss. Ma to 52 55 S3 1 ! ro t'e visional - eatpd ' 8 1 1Mtl II-L & ALLEED. ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW, will practice In all tha- Courts. l.,Miiiirg and Toongsrine, N. C. Offices in I) It. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU1SBURQ, . j- N. Office Over Cooper's 8tore. . jJR.H. P. BDRT, V iCTICISQ PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. tm,- in the Ford BuildinK, corner Main ,1 Naih streets. Up stairs front. 1) H. R. K. YARBOROUOH. PHYSICIAN AND 8UROBON, LorifBUBfl. N. C. . oitlm 2nd floor He'. TuUdln, phone i!fht calls answered from T. w. Blcaett s risidnce, phone 74. B. aiA88BNBTJRQ. ATTORNBY AT LAW. uHJisBune, jr. c Will practice In all the Courts of the State Office in Court House. c. M. COORS, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW. uxnsBUB. v. o. Will attend the courts of Nash, FrsiikBn, Granville. Warren and Wake (unUea. alao the - oretne Court of North Carolina, and the TJ. Olrcalt and District Court. AltCLS C. WiNSTEAU, ATTORNEY-AT-IjAW Louisburg, N. C. O erics ovsr W. P. NAl. Cp.'S 8'OBB. given to all "business Special Attention iiilraateil to me. J R. J. B. MALONK, PrlACTICINa PHYSICIAN AND STJRQRON. LOU1SBCB6, 5. C o niv over Aycocke rrug Company. PRAOTICINO PHYSICIAN at SUBOBON, Louisburg, N..C. Offlce over Aycocje Drug Company. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IjOVISBtfBe. V. 0. wm practlee In all the Courts of Fraiiknn r,d adjoining counties also In the 8upreme Court, and in the Dnited States District ana C'rCTooper and Clifton BaUdta. IUOS. B. WILDBS, A TTORNRY-AT-LAW, IOT8Bt7Be,V. a. owes on Mate'stoeet, over Jones Cooper's itore. 8. SPKDILL. ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, iAui9Bcao, jr. C. . . . Vr&nUin. Vance Wl. "..wakeintles, also nA Usvran rJr a rrwnvt. of Nortn Prompt enUonen Jto coUecUoM. Office over KKerton's Store, W. BICKRTT, T. STTORNKY AND COUNSKLLOR AT LAW, lOUISBUBS jr. 0. rrry matter IntrusUd tohls hands. Refers to Chief instlca Shepherd, Hon. oim Manr. , Hon. Robt . W. WlpBVH?- WiB- ion. ijienn k owjji , " '""JC- w.k J4, xaywr, " . - Mt Oo'les-e, Hon. B. w. A 1VJ. ar,rUTa. Offw In Court House, opposite Btterm PBRSON ATTORNBY AT-LAW, ijonsBtrM.v.a. Practlees W fiOHrU. matter-of toe coal strike he was play ing everlasting smash- with the" presi dential . prospects . of : another distin guished statesman Hon. Robert E. Pat tison of Pennsylvania, twice governor of the Keystone. State. -If Roosevelt had not . intervened, Pattison would nave, been elected governor for a. third time and would have loomed tip as a presidential probability, of vast propor tions, Jjnt he carried his; pitcher to the gubernatorial fountain once too often, and Senator Quay's cousin, Pennypack erj 'Wili suedCKrernWWltamrA: Stone at IlarTisbbrgr : . Bx-Attorhey General and ex-Secre tary of State Olney is also growing to favor. Recent events helped him, bat not so much - as they helped Senator Gorman. After March 4 the Mary lander will be constantly In the public eye as leader of the Democrats in the senate. There is a new Richmond in the presidential jfield who is likely to prove a potent figure in the great tourna ment William Randolph Hearst, edl tor and proprietor of the' New York -American and Journal, of the Chicago American and of the San- Francisco Examiner. Recently Mr. Hearst was elected to congress and will unques tionably be one of the Democratic lead ers in that body. ' Mr. Hearst, is young, but since William Pitt pere gave Sir Robert Walpole a famous skinning it has not been considered either a sin or a disgrace to be a young, manl This particular young man from New York is a strenuous character and has a habit of capturing whatever he goes after. Far stranger things have hap pened than that be will create a great rattling among the dry bones and walk away with the capital prize In the po litical lottery. He has ideas in hi9 head brilliant ideas, practical ideas, original ideas, beneficent Ideas and is not afraid to express them. If he proves to be as successful in politics as he has been in journalism, he will be a wonder. One good thing about Mr. Hearst is that he is a Missourian by lineage and a Democrat by inher itance. His mother and nis ratner. Senator George Hearst, are natives of the district which I have the honor to represent in congress. There are no better Democrats on earth than the Missourians. Perhaps William Ran dolph Hearst will prove to be the Dem ocratic Moses. Republican Hypocrisy. At the long session the Republican majority by brute force unseated James J. Butler of St. Lonis, but did not seat bis Republican opponent They simply declared the seat vacant. - They did this notwithstanding the fact that after throwing out every ballot about whose legality there was the slightest doubt Rnrler still had a clear majority of about 1,500. Butler went home, ap pealed to his people and was elected to both the short and long terms by over 6,000 majority. Monday, Dec. 1, he was duly sworn in. That night he was served with a notice of contest on the ground that he was fraudulently elected. Butler may not be a saint he does not claim to be but he is bet ter than some Republicans who voted to oust him and who most probably will vote to oust him again. This much is true every district in the republic has an indubitable right to elect any man it desires to represent -it in con gress provided he is possessed of the constitutional qualifications. That But ler possesses those qualifications has never been doubted or denied. He pos sesses more ability than the average congressman. But wnat a spetuicie for men and angels the Republicans present, howling about corruption and fraud in elections anywhere or by any person whomsoever so long as Philadel phia remains on the map Philadelphia, whose chronic corruption is notorious and where it Is freely charged that at the late election the registration Usta were padded to the extent of 20,ouu! They are a beautiful set to be prating about the purity of the ballot box! They ought to extract the beam from their own eye before talking about the mote in the eyes of other people. They robbed Tilden of the ? presidency in 1877 They stole two united estates geuatorships from Montana when that state was admitted into the Union. It it widely believed- that they stole the Carolina. Special Washington Letter.) O use an expression mo.cn raort V emphatic than elegant, on Mon- day. Dec 1, the house Eepub llcana bit off more than. they could chew. After Hon. Carter Glass, successor to Major Otey of the Lynch burg (Va.) district,' bad been sworn In, Mr. Tayler of Ohio, chairman of elec tion committee No. 1, arosa and moved that the Glass credential b referred to hla committee, which should b m- powered to ait in Washington, or Yb gtoiaw-to waodfcr peronvad papers etc the evident Intention being to b- gfn-a congressional investigation and agitation-as to the constitutionality of Virginia's new constltntion. - A ton went round that at last tba great fight was on, and there was much rushing about' and laying together of beads. That was-on Monday. raarkyon. On the next day. Tuesday, Mr. Tayler made a nnanlroooa report from bia committee to the effect that tt was In expedient to tackle such a huge ques tion at the short session! A change had suddenly come over Br'er Tayler' s dream He had slept upon his sugges tion. It did not premise well What on Monday seemed a holiday perform ancethe unseating of a Democrat duly elected on Tuesday was too huge an undertaking for the ahert ses sion I Wherefore this sudden return to sanity? The reason Is not far to seek. Certain northern states, notably Massachusetts, have placed certain qualifications on suffrage which would cut down congressional representation if the fourteenth and fifteenth amend ments are strictly applied; hence the halt so abruptly called in Mr. Tayler'a programme. Much depends on whose ox is gored very much Indeed. Cronv packerlng is dead for the short seasloo at least. As to Presidential CarvdldtU. The short session of the nfty-eeventfc congress opens with considerable talk as to presidential nominees. The events of the vacation time appear to have In fluenced the political fortunes of many men. To begin with, when congresa adjourned in July the gossip indicated that" there was a big fight on berwlxt Colonel Roosevelt and Senator Uanna. with the chancee-decidedly in favor of the latter gobbling the greatly coveted plum of the Republican noxnmatkm. but now President Roosevelt seeme to have things all bis own way. It 1 a ten to one shot at this writing that be will break all the precedents la . mm A tw-. cases wn ere vice preewen nw Be come presidents by reason of the death of their chiefs and secure the nomina tion for himself. Of coarse everybody knows that Tyler. Fillmore, Job neon and Arthur all desired to succeed them selves in the White House and failed to do so, but in their cases their parties were badly torn by personal faction. In fact. Tvlcr never was a Whig. He was simply a disgruntled Democrat nominated by the Whigs as an expedi ency. Johnson never was a Republic an, but was a war Democrat Fillmore was at Joggerneaas wiia nunsm u. Seward and Thurlow Weed. Arthur belonged to the Stalwarts, and Blaine led the Feather Heads. At the pres ent time the Republican party Is singu larly free from personal factions. So Colonel Roosevelt has little to fear on that head. 1 But they are split upon- tar iff and trusts. On that rock his presi dential berk may split If he can steer dear of that, bia title seems dear If not to mansions In the skies, at least to a presidential nomination. The one thing that so greatly improved CoJonei j Roosevelt s prospects In life was bis conduct touching the coal strike The president is a good deal of a scholar, and he no doubt frequently recalls the splendid lines of Shakespeare: There Is s tfde in the affairs of meo Which, taken at the flood, leads on le fortune; Osaltted, the voyase of their lives U' Bound ia shallows and in, mlserlte. On the Democratic side the only man In the east who appears to. have been benefited by the vacation events Is Sen ator Arthur Pue Gorman of Maryland, be of the Greek head. and face. His presidential stock baa risen percepti bly not aa much as Colonel Boosevelf s. but it has risen. The wiseacres' with one accord consider ex-Governor and ex-Senator David Bennett Hill oat of the running. His sin appears te be that !lant wrttar and spcaatr. TT wil I add renown to the s(a!e wW4 H iVe long ago sent roth men aa AHt CaV latin. Jxe Black, freertt U. DUt and Governor CnrUs ta t&e SAUues pttaL-- . "-"-r- TW Meeeage. " J'J': t . - President Booswwit drr ernJ for one thing at any rat a4 Uat as that his anneal aaissage as resteers tlrely brief. How reetdeou tt rH it Into thetr bead that It was its' duty to ervwd a .dlenssBVa of tt verse and all tt ceatAh let e- aual message. ' to tvmgtim, - Eke tfee peace of God. paeri(Ji all msAnAo4' leg. Once wharf yoeeg lawyer era namoMrtog oa, the atcckst al efeer est principle of law .before a a? court one t Ue Jodgis ,fesrtp4 kirn to say. It Boost be prvsnteaed ttat this court know toes Hr 9 may be aaenoMtl that imrtwm to eC wholly destitute of a little lafortaetVaa aa to current event. PrssASsat Ssmbu vttt Is an optima, as la ebew by oponlng rarai: I, ' - . We etffl sMttaM s essial l.es bewadesl Irasesitv. TWs tviT a bxH Uwe run ks. a aXfiW-y Ue Vswe mmOm walaJs ere sw; as tutnwM(t) las ereeMag tvs rLinf vhte saade It naiawee4 f WanaiaUo It ssaia er t-e deetrer- K- Tkere wvi svest A-' Ws period f daiiriMlsav TV sran r ede. pet ta U4e w -t . Tkas s- Uoa s Mts4 m eui aa r two trl eoaaa. Zt a eMl r tfc doodats C sWssts ev. oml frvea umu the n 4 i 4 world bv the Mm, Saiaai 4 ae e advatwr found krts. aac surety wrest As a pol w have PT a la tb wrtd. ad r U VTtAi e k4t t) sio9 1V sia MrK!rn a 2.4 V:jMt k- a. "TV AtMSj psatcf i'-s c 1 t o le obnati a j4i4 ti WeMi ea the vlsvs. ti kt ite 44 Urrxn every way l Vr? lie o4J en3 i)a to 'r: ti r. D. C I C f . ira't . tot te o4 c f -c it 4 t ai kaa4.tCenWwA.rw irrt entire OTKV nvt a-l taJ-a 4 AO -iocm, .lie y l -3 sre. Cite do ao4 fe;. Hj f mLi 0llik TWr mZ be W1 tJ bA 6mj aXy d)a f"r"n ' ia'9 itt f 1 ? 1st aCii - SwlUttai . ewavrat iff tt4 1, U iV knaaro coaiA4a ai rf ta tW wn ecsai anta.e4. e4 (ratJ:. Very sMat 4 etnt aa4 esvVtar 5rt aaicesseiiy.V t ia ike rrsoA c4 uaWwkw, lU a lk aaate tWf 5f ffttst IW 1 avoea at eti aa o;e or op4t ekb fvro ootf . We ca oa fe eet Ve 14 4 dalsrs b4 a umj m sstyrued tag oor rature aar ims ta- . I tfe jm la natraa tor M rr b danis dweiM tt rs or for wJ a vUe et ,1 U K 1 t 1 1 I iiss l-gmii;3afcMfe-:w 'saate- iMyii J sw V WOOD YAHD, ; i i a - - T r i .. .;. .... I tltH fio. rt tt . - . i.r k -Hi.f karotit H.ln t.l . I vr- - V k -r' I lt 11 tn t tkr ewe vl tX aio a lister. W grants cUlf-ftedf la ol aavltjfaetUa. Office in Heal Bull tin r. w. a YARBOROUOH, Jb. ATlOBNEY ATLAW, LOTJISBTTRO. N. 0. Offlce ta Opera House hnfldtag. Court street All legal business intrusted w wiU receive prompt and crful attention. B-rtvAmArBhto of New York from Coler I he faUed to get Mr. Coler Into the gub- last month. So farces known, they J ernktoFial mansion at. Albany, though ve never failed to get any offleo by 1 R great many believe that Coler was. fair means or foul that was within fairly elected, ir that pe true, u seem their reach. . In Kentucky they resort- ft utje toqgb on the Sage- of Wolf ed to bold assassination, and then pre- ej-f Roost to bold blm responsible for dons "Governor' Taylor is now a fugi- theft of the governorship by the five from Justice. Yet they prate inces- RepubUcana. But succesa Is the stand aantlv of purity In politics and the ard of merit: and for the time being, at sanctity of the ballot doxi . i any rate-tJiu 4 m kww "- Pf .course poHtlcr ought to be pure roles aay that bo ahould bate nomlnat ori tho ballot naobt-to-.be sacredV If I ed Judge Parker, who, aa they aUege, Butler "sinned to these regaraawuuw i wouia mts uu D R. D. T. SMITHWiCK, DENTIST. LO0IBBJJBO, - - W Offlce orer Furniture Stor. C. HOTELS ught'to suffer the consequences,' but it is tb0 belgbt of the preposterous for RepubliCftnt to prate about sweetness or,riHfftit until they cease from their eyii practices, andtmake restitution of the goods which they have stolen.; ; t In certato' quarters k; w Buggn. that Hon. Cbartea Pmory Smith r of wni uripmlM assert tnat tne reason Jje did pot npmmaie .Parker a fee knew Parker would be elected governor and feared b would be elected presi dent - However that may be. It U plain js the nose on Lord Naplera face that Gorman baa gained la prestige while Hill baa lost .Gorman always baa. been .nnr iii ihm south than HilL The s. it; ttq tni : Bhould be elected inevitable tnat a nepuuuv " !r- elected. That being the case, no botter TyT 7J-iriTT-V PjT,,T lelectlpn tuia d ,-tnt, rrrl in. ationforilirv SflaSIS felSf- if a-most brO- ?taf tf, own presidential chsnceo in tne . y. - i in " V v -:l ;-i fflM or two of water take V?' 1 r- ' ' ; irhorisands of people have been, cared of tonrb.fore break fat TJ'BT heumatism by faking I;heumaide.,H.ve ?b rbowel. . regalar . 3 tjamMm nnAft unit iinurr. uaaa i .Mi w mfnn n . nwm m wan7e iir -ar ivbu ini v wwvw - - j a i naauH& - sjsw w w J" nnsfct not to forgetthat the great Ma lander saved them from ta Lodffe force blJJ,- That wa a greal perform inee apd rrtaropfd. Gorman aa the most brilliant , parliamentary keder of Na igeneratioa.' So the Gorman talk; gxee enapace,' awelhng In" volume aa ft goes. While Colonel Roosevelt wee unprwr. th aU. w mi MAt imm maUf r ssiOc sd arUr. tast avoid tt swSwr trvm tA U TMt failure or grset ssenias aest Kv U w wJd w ss fir nrt. If w stMald try. at foUow weald b th w H tr Urr pert trtf a4 arar. But ur pcvi-h e tt drU war. th oo e t wW ta4 Iron ta t Taicd eM t ist od fa tb rtr Mc tamrt 4 no etut of wta. Owre ta m ta O wkllar -ad tk wwre: wr ta t KximI ef aw ad r trm4 dW: w d rt rrs-e o ersr si bfora Th r er for e te (e at t M t ta ttatn eeetwry. avv yswSjiesae stnl mrw al . t w rw i W th 4 MTVI prvhSd atv al w trtac uo ta unu- 4 whh wvr itaea Vr aaw w to th dr m Weemtn covw-noMAl Jd ta tk T til i tv That be to bent to ate dtorttoe) aa to the tro taey Jb frety areatmL and stin tb atatt aaay t with tsrfct troth tfcat ale rro dattooe on that aebrt are dcldCy bary. The etaty thing rwrtata ebosjf K U that be adberee to kto orlgtMl ion. stated ta ti spcb to faO, tbet there U bo connttoa btw (be tr tff and th trusts, wnleft. I which milllooe taor baOv to oca.- Jsdgtag frw te m ir. ta prwaidcnt da a are rtrary fr at for. while be rr" at Vmaet1 a cooatltutlooal asnadtat to taW to control tb tnaata-fce apfervot a doc not favcr tb4r dractl Attor ney General Knog to kto facBMe PWe burg pch declared fKat tbe tow al ready est tbe statBt book or wV coogresa may ptoce thre Va aorri te cootrol tb tnasta. Hs a pay Oust tt emiaent pbyslcUa dvgrs sat a eb ject so uspertaet Among hie miner mmeo-Unoo the following to the toK and atxwt - slbl: Thr I iTSitaer t for Ut pbU4kni of dvm far wfcteSi thr ta rW Buaad jd fr th prtsttad r wai ir voIoom are tard t r ' I m.t erlaUa !) fa wW tw ta ""TT bo BUAeUoe. KtOtesitasMtairtsW by aay ef ta dpruta aaJiw M tJn awnalaf f pravat vrw. 4 tb cocigT sl4 wit a 4atr w ova rwy aaatertoOr ,1S"LJ provtd. Tb si tri r4 4 rra mol prtntiac ta a r ra t ax tnt tb poaiu f tb wb r . clinsd abstract rfwjid te dTWai th orw-tuat'a dot&e ear w wbta ca with preyrtaty b taT a ad. "All tamee." Tbcmgb they have aa aatUyTatrs society with bwedqoartsrt to Beacssj and brancb oOces ta maay eVv pUte and theugh tnscn baa Vera M to tee nortbera prese about trucbJa to lie aoutb and wrst It appr. attr alt that human nature Is mecb tb a north. aoutX- east and west, time ago ctrtata eminent cittorne ef alarloa. Plrmoolb coontr. Mas, tof red and featbrd a vtattlag beotW who was too aasldoona ta eta atten tions to a married womaa of that town. They rode him en a tmO. AB ! thlnga were doee ta Ue most approved style of tbo Wblto Cappere of tadJ. A gTat trproar eenrd Ti covatry was bered-Hrot to esncb tbel lynching ahoold take piece, but fUl tt ahonld Uka olace to tbe eenafy ef rtymoutb; ta the old Bey State. Tie Aatflyncb aoclrfj demanded tie V Ishment of the lyrKh, aaa ewva prominent ctCUeta of MsrVatv tty ootb coobty, Uaaau wire dajy tadlctad. and wt were tnformrd tbat the tp. tkm and'aewttywttb jwhlcSi ty would be pnj!jsn4 iro4 il tbe bMv twmuy aa. etampto of ew trtel lynchrra, The trial carat C, pthrabOe dicta, tie lrab-rt were quitted: .Mora, a&d were atCb erfcn the aoqultted ty&cbfte forwel te M ar joa, the populatioo of the entire ejsy met tbm at the gat aa4 aectrJ tbeo . Lumi cooqorrtttg bro-. It wai trtat Ur ti f Vrvae. U) the cooatx of inytaontb. J lie cos motrwealCt of UaaacbMt ' .V" food ttadeg Tto? Vu o Ual-4J be fwoity bMva4 le bartot aoeae fxA bv-.;4t el kl. Tot at ft a taiy ersn4 w yoasr pb M. $ wVn h4e nvadt ee4 nbett fas ! last 5e ; fn yon k fUu va 7 ye cuart e4 ee wtot ym sued. 5.i r e i o Cx-ka. a 1 f-t the f:ni tt - Jk-- tl-5 fcrst 4it;l t5 cAr9 J "' - ...... Iff .Ul Virrnt-rv &r-Y w-esV (;-J t! . art xvl WT-Ui tistoil U !"StTt U Sif rV.a I iKs Urtuf i5 fblt ir-rtt Lcix tt b t ti a I.. . ;ita Ijlail Orders. ? r-i .tf u fMh ... r t V t 4 t I1' 1 I I ' 1 i I - .W...t. . .. p ,: . . pin , a. i i, imi 1 Kara btaiksa t"ia wry Maito&ertrjiry rw?V, TVy broke Cte tot e3 HAt rwea4tan UU4. TV-y awfw Uto Immi Cbtil rraMafl' I te vr l-tssat i.U.raebm. M rMin sesjaaejsss wmrwi " 44si y WCTr0UA5 ra ua. FAT .. I 1 FORGET .- ... I mM . . . w . ftt., ,.hl u- 4 u .v t n--f n i n ti - , , - IL 1 Mft MI TV J V j-ihi A4 yw it f fT e- et t en CWa !, 4 - wit f Ck U4" ia (t V aw t ? )f aAb nen V. f, Qirvi 1. K I o.m A ..VMbi 14. en-hW4 f a JAtXU KVAKh rb tA fAbutauO m urmr nta tiV ttN Wr,MM , ftaxaas'b ) enM. ScoU&BrTc Tet f0'fsitv .wnt nvat,jfc The Dnil2b!e Iile AiOK or new tori;. r. Tae UeVef ka.nto4 e , ibe tree of life. cnrttT 1WT i Seb awarv'. ms f aJ. Cbm! Mf b4 iMJf I O f k a r"3! b ed ai tv. Eiy e tf rav ! bjt t iif i , Be 4 bwe-f TWy r f V ik-d sveo ALEX DUItSTOS Boot and SliooMaver, fbsssr rs tta-rena w attin, 4 Tr,'Ti t raW t-n ha JC le et t lar : sVoji trt a u CwbiUiy iy en ssmss miI mj ,ltfea aMtetiMatkai totl tt sHsaw d J )MH 1Mrt tll HwfF JtoH ta e.C 4.a "bl to yt( VMtlti. f"l a timli iii M.4wri)t Mt to , baxVa, r.tO at. ftrt-t r-va,we; a . tJ.a.fKta, s a, a t-e wswwta m !) ee-ie tot). . VM te S7tbie ta i tb . V ft T Ckce iCumw l rto- fK Mb ! lrk ta m iA4 ta "". V1 . - rw r t a4 r4&e b-w . 4 a abb n e - w wa-a fr . TV b tw rftM to, WijbTni Kiii Ab I rawauna b r" ntTnaTlwvtoaB. to. f in i ... " awwii) toMIIIIMM l a " NMrf M .!. , e s 111 " imm a mni in ni n in m tn tow. i a4 tota KW CALL TO SEE A. 7. PERSOH k C0L!?AHY, Ue oeetet f tnii Cta 4 tMA. rrtoiA. rs n -- aft ed ! . smrih X44 rb. twiws rti e 4 a unit, . r. iititok-A. n,. t bt 4 b -- M b-i lUatWwbil Wbt ry0w u4. tt . e yaw! ' NMvaHU (rw ta by frk4b A)-rb twd Cw a a ".' " J-.'i II ta Hr U real a 11 tie a etaeaUla T bowae a auu tb d -. w? fbaWa es.eat.b 4 U TWa. I. Wirttai4!l.rtaif-. "Tbff i e 'eU't ra0 4 e &. a 4 bafr H d bb Vri Tb tott 3eV tol ;m ab a fctMt. r. . If Or J C j gy to l tt ta euttr U aelegtao U a Vtg maa Vlai U ta to ft ttlCo . ti Uabd Ue dltorte ?4n ta amjsieai'jSBl '" A Ttoty a4b, ,' . V Q M Ok rm i7 r Tti U tb a4 tobbat aaU am? aJ Lmm r rb-a'i " 1i L mu1U b en i. b--uab b4 -U - b bb ta ' rtoto4 !mr H b - -b- t IV ?, te iv trr w j r be r4 f a be Ue rr4t b-lf b b tv ieute 4 ifc wii t- tV aissiif to tf i iia tr?: 4.af n bitoba Ma1-4 --- - . yhasly ecj p-.tabb. M-r r 7 yn Tkabardtr a tiaia abe tAJO JaLr trewiasvl A b aAr 5.1 jKttat rSoftkMPt M Ii-b-li wv b Ii bi bitojiwpit taif att.&ftof X 1 vwta,Laa K i, Cft4bv d eta. ee tal.cia Tauaatay lawenbdw I AX IVZ. t J b t Uta lar&jr9i lb f4 H-ttntw t 11 k3 mi fn-C-v wwtAb be U lAtniaad uAta7 U Isalaaig WJ A3 to vw t tv t i. cbb. J, A arts sii.l ibse4 be to bnsuut b twr- T..siian. ecttf f r4 ftrft bV faa-e-b f 4 Jx Wik kftrfrwb aw fJU b2a l A Cw VAn I., A cstMaWS fatoa4 H li Vew" Wvtaa libQkCjarf J:x-t to rb 4 Sbvl ot" t-"rt Us .--K att( lb-Wv tb7b- A CAaJuUS VeaAiemv JL. r3t IsA bfSibibJae U bawsl avWV IV waanai-aAe tltain e4Utoven e rrtnaintnk. blaaftab.tM3b ci Xb: edj Mt ' bat J l&atewriS t;tt r te lexca, 4 tfe U Jtj&: 4l awa a rOl taV - wAnt laa'tata, 4V rM a t4 aa Uf tb rr-" eb wwrd u&e j nrnav toaeea bwft,, ? .Miatyf tob Js 1 CJ-aZy, tMMrT 4g nie T3- fee& ef mM sm oS ta n UVn savsat. tle fbbsiAw aa leaft-i me.tslm Ire t taaie ii Vet i CW tag trwa F cJ t 5VV la ft J":y b A a . eoave Hit at jraia-e. tW W ;U 1 K'X . R. XL. W -ra, . tLJ , Carre4. - AUy -, tWfa :sm i ! ON COURT GTREIIT. TT l.re f .l? tit.s t ; Cw 4 o a.. I a se ? Cy a-.1 t .aaiua. Itabi . V V a -3rs RED SEAL FLOUR 0.- ft tX, W W4 1-M.a.f erNi k, 1 saj.11 ti OVweja fttar.- ?V,4 t ,y f rrabm.e tabruSH , 4. xasr f y- wit b 4 af sasi-na fb jA f 4.., tn-y Tan.'. -eu:ui:i mui:ii I W. PERSON & CO. 'TOR ME 0ILY?" N O public. Good Lfra.T Attached rata 'Us aai-3tf aV a ' lax- : jL" fbl , ml AJ t aaa aarrt treaVe uaa a Va ayaiirerr, e-n I nmtbat, X. . V J TW urv iwr f- t.itti IS! U 1 .i. br-e-ti j" .t-e ttat.4 ky lb bcaeaf ,f.rta. - an. 04 US rbJUa) l-rv V.. ivlu w'J: r er ta 4 ar -- AyA. 45 bt--a-?n2y. MASSENBHRGr HOTELS J 1? MaWoiibtajr4y ; Iropx HENDEESON 9od ao4atioi rou tried i. rosHvwyvue.wvrir.r-- .nooia n - "T V v 1. j ...ci. ti. iinniAf a mnoB. ' at v.i"s i n.uti. uta 1 ntmoeiuuu VUUW 0 . -. . - - -' ... ... IT . . . N.C. . Good fares Po lit 4atttlv rvar " gists.. , 'Howr4o bees diapoao honey ?,TbeySseH Href r 1 . T.kl.t Thev ar sail and genu t. their atlAn.: For ual by Ayeock Drag Of -tbelr I Cow :tf i. now It Is fons. Tba ftts'obset U lrUb tVe XiL aaapeopUUto jr tWHr"4 Ik c3. bow be realgw altk. Tk Irrt a be tbulttd by eeergy, bote ad a. tegt tb'Jkre4. (rood kj r? g Grrsa'a Abgoat Flow. Eiol4 ye t A tt). la eaettto. e. Ito . Vaxar bta".fa. '. wi. 4bla TU rrtia!4ii U b a it f ,-irta e H f - frtaR!a air,u s t"- takts frra It be t-f V f li 6ik tr.lJl lr v A iVill.'t ci lVa w-a r--ix tt.r,u, 5 i in. Ai y-r.s-ix 1 f1i;4 tUSL Ai . 2 . 1 ; I i . t -it - t, - 4 1 - J-S fv.:..1.; t. Hrrap kr i- y k T U .a --a -' r - - t 1 tarr 4.-'W'bC at-ln-l't e- t 4 : 1 1 bytk s4 NORWOOD HOUSE frtriBrtoi. vv;i: w. j. olWOOIHiewrr Patronajra of Oommeralal'- -T'onriats and traveling PabUftSolielUa. , ' -r. frffd f wya r.r" . tng L ' Jl FBIG ETTENEB BOESE . Banning like mad down the" street 3nmp i.TiT)ants. or a nnnarea ou. ...... 'rCir: : baa only 00- i--wr-i f - lOg. . Better Than - i Piaster. - . ' e.,aaf slnmahbal vitaCDeVJS A piece pt ""TV;; . . .V. .t ju,.-- 1 nidents, are every nay ocurr - u ttetlhM p u.u, wt eysrybodytohave r"e-'iUine b-aci: Dd for ptn ,n" "",,1 i. .nnrl as Bnek I 'Jl .r.RalTnhanoapenr llal linrtvAS fiandv and there's "none as good as ion's Amiea Salve. : iJarnsj b'"i r- .vain Balm ha no apenr s meat for the relief of deep M.uf, mn.cu UrsndrbBumatipbloa. or - j oendUltls. lsd!tka, t-S5-bi tv nredaeh. pIPifl'' eltbtr, v,r stomieb. hbbilotl stilts, cf tb bd brP3 r-roatraU-53. l' solriu, t.. yoa td s5 -?vasc4i tfir. Twodos- Cfth wUkf-sA goat Flowar will r:: Tea a car. U to Ayeoek Drag lo ae J r a naj.. .boUl fr. I?3Ur s t, TJ tU, Ctt grti-'irvcltl Alrt, . ..- rrl t. ae ta. attira : I a - d ia f l til i e ta a ar: r w 1!. fr rv r-i l-n- f - t f , : 1 r- t ' x . . A" t t-. ei a-iq 1 . 1 '-"- , Hi. f' I ' a t: - it- -JLm -a y i f 4 1 1 j- i J r .--a--a an i b.:ij i 1 - ' . t.-w , 4 5 ia a, 'm T aj'i.-ifr,,. ; .... t. : 1 tit 4. - J l '. ...&a. CLQ7ING OR Furnisiiinns. : - a 3 t : i tT. f Cta - f XaCta tf ( ill r ' 1 , 1 I .1 . L"- C . c- . a. . 1 - 1 J 1 Boobs ect.230 a . t " ...' - ' .

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