4 f 4L x US. A. ItHiAS, Editor and Proprietor. :: f T0LXXX1I LOUISBURG, N, 0, FRIDAY, JAM I . i . !.. ., .i OHUltOH DIRECTORY ' - - MBTHODIST. , 'I 4- .- 'XT Sunday School at 9:30 A M. , . V .. .- -. ' Gao. S. Bacib, Sopt.r ? Preaching at 11 A. M., and g P. M. every Saoday. - - - -Prayer meeting Wednesday night. . M.( T, Pltxeb. Pastor. . - - BAPTIST. - . - Sunday School 9 1 5r : , r Xb rfl..at:Dr. rrct- T'tf IZr. fhertnan wcr aa folJowt: upon b xroori Kot r--Tni;rT ; I loo. Thorra Trckt H4 !J s TaahJor(o r. 7. 14. To tlfii fm h bad bn.- tMcnttt e tv. r.o trtnlr with Ih r .:?.:. A ;-c : fin l t,;r gte,ttr i'.i: lie - i. ,ya a-e; cats. I tr r .-! I':. trv V". ' r C . V rVHi liiibliilllJlIDi Preaching nvery oanaay. , v, - " ; Prayer m-eting Thursday nlght.- r. r- cf ) CVAI is 'much disappointed. In sod L dissatisfied Tf ith. the new ex- Saaday Sohool at 90 - ; ; 8r flees, morning" and nischt on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. ', , , ... K feniasr.Prayer Friday afternoon; Tan s-" " ecutlve .office built, for "hi Loaisbarjt Lodsre. No. 413. 'A. F. r& I A M., meets 1st and J$r4 Toesday a Md bunding. night la eacn month. ftL , , ,1 ..t .wi-t - i-j-v- ,..,(.,.- . fcv '.1 " f 'eJBEfli. . Xl " MVf UKV WVV amoKenotise on : toe xrounas : or T ome- 1-tto tesnonai caroa I good tarmnoose; r: It . cost At least .that, handsomer Sum --was appro M KUILL ALLBED. f priated ior that purpose, and it Is sen f r erally understood that the . appropria-- ATT0RNEY8-AT-LA.W, tion was consumed. If so, it was a win prctlc in ail the Coarti. Offices in 1 8Teat,; -waste f of . public money. - .Ten ; Special Washington Letter. ';' ;?. te a pity that le cannot In the course Of hL ur- be rnvdrd mty i& wbica pUcd hJ3t la th fror American -ialmnah!pk IUr t - b!WtJ ctirctr.trt- whWli t. ability. lntrlt!c woi. irr.:a c,' c actrr. brottiht hiro popular tra t n- 1 :.Tiey a.lV Ui i J. U, Okcoca, ' ' f fdit that Ptesident Rooseyelt t nature mnaln on the bench twenty-I roumij 5rr.:0?.tii. ta4 tfi The Mlchener Mystery Z " . One of the most puzzling' enigmas of ioT!i airoa, wr.r r- history; ur this: Vho was Junlusr -."lir- There is no enign)a or mystery -about btr. a. nnuitf ft k:-. iu ur i. his letters, 5 They are clear as crystal, woat fimm et tha rw i rr'.-A-"tm bitter as-. a V- bltlngta . aau '.f or ttsl 'r..' "r-y( -ttw Ther "Peak f or tliemaeiTea.- The mys- birtory. " " eery anacnea o the personality or the J TlmaTy Words. r..Mnn -k.t I lioa- iWJ & Heath, uvn.;w. BT(WNiuiwii. (nil MWIJ liVt Af: flirty 1 itiiBharg and Youogaville, N. C j ) R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU1SBURO, ; . N. C Oiilce Ore Cooper's Store. ' j J R. 8. P. BURT, PAAOTICINaPH'ZSICI&Jr A3TD .SURQJSON, Louisburg", TUl C. , Dffl'n In the Ford Building, corner Main ml Nash street. Upstairs front. I) R. tt. T. YAXBQBOOaH, PaYSIGIAJl AND BtTRQEON, . ? tim Qn floor Baarbaildlnir.i1ione Muht c&lla anwrt from T. w. Jucieui .ii.lDce, pbone 7.' a. M.AS8BNBUKa, ' . ATTOBJSKY AT LAW. tooiaBOBS. a. o. thousand dollars would have been am r.ple to hare erected such a small, squat ty, ugly building as that. How ithey managed to expend $50,800 on such a structure wll forever remain "a mys tery to those who are not up in art The president- is informed well ta-fornred-on most subjects; No doubt he has dabbled "somewhat in ; arfc If so, hi artistic tastes must revolt ercry time - he gazes upon - this executire of-, fice. The White House has been great ly improved by the changes and reno-, vations of the- vacation - season and will undoubtedly be a more comforta ble hornei fpt!thCpresidenii family.; At any, rate, it gives them-two or three more ' bedropms,r which were . sadly. needed by a amily as large as that of President Roosevelt, - A Do Nothing Session When Hon. - Thomas Brackett Reed was ; nominated - for "speaker of the ney genera! of Indiana, has recently In tervened - m v presidential politics r by means of a letter which creates aa pro found r a mystery. a attaches to the Junius letters, but in the Mich ener case there Is "no mystery as to the author. for he signs his name. The mystery la autail postmaster garal. ti aww.tdaor vt the Salt Lake Tribuoav rrry baa ideas ana la oof afrtkj to axprve tUa 't'?". i - tf in4;.iM ea. 1" f 14 af. U ia 4.k a aU al r4 tvs liaft a-laal avaayaUa. 7V-a t Vaa 4 H a4 MMf4 t1, Wiui;bv)Mi (Mt-'. aU UV.a. al 'mm ..( M Unt a4tc u tUt w ,- . ,i -v I a -ww i Republican politicians are on lhe qull MrtiN ct ta grnurUc iaa vive to ascertain the motive of the let-1 pw4 to um aittw In rigortma EagUah. I avat Ut2y L u V. K.X. P commend-to arary .thosbtfl iaxr " " f f. kan citlaen o wbatenrr party t& fai- tct.vii;r.r " . . lowing extract froa hla papa: - t jJT tUAlf U UhU tmlt4 , On tf i4 taUf av Ua tia, TT! 'i. . t w' a . scnta. A week ago it appeared that fo Ti pr K.TaT nTItJSZa l Colonel Roosevelt would play ; a soli- f" " Uuj iLt IImI aJ m uuuv r.-'.s f err. r-:. ! r.'ir tf r the -J ir3 p... w . I . 4 v- 1 1 a V i VOOD YAHO, a I " 7 .ti (i in, - t '5c " '" ' "'nr'"' J J "'"'irilail Orders. ter ar.1 : t rt!vi. ar,m Ka. a I " cuut arHaaa,ta. MM. ... -'" I cent talre game for theRepublicaa,. preaK dential nomination. - His action touch ing the coal strike brought him such eclat that most people concluded that aU obstacles had -been removed front his path, so far as the. nomination la concerned," but suddenly, aa a bolt from the blue sky, came the Mlchener epistle to the Hoosiers, thirty copies of which he sent out simultaneously, to ascer tain, apparently, for hla own informa tion; -how the presidential land lies in Indiana. . ..;.. T . r "Mlchener la an experienced politician. BUtlad sv UUW taaraoalUa lor lb at ooodiiioa. thm faaVaal rvramaa.ait rtr rar aaa fta aa rm ta (w. picable form ot ctva n Cc or-tbr ttUwt aOaa ara vrta4 ta 99 la ravtir of aaxai aaataw bs iv om ran . tTroop. UJk traaa tb. mtu, iboaw wko are not tArtg-rai for the rnvHMti. aaJ tt a fcap4 la wul bmx atop tui ty ava atawHiaani rwulta. Bui win tbarT - -A fw yaara aa tba aocattiati i aa panaioraa to4 tVa wniar tbai IVa ianW ta bis braa wool4 "b btt. aa aral4 be aecoanptib4. tf c-tbil mt ta fhtu In ifia panaatMi mXUvm wav atwSMa traaa tbe rolla. . -Pot tbr win ba iacaiaaa. aid ba. Iimmi aa fcm" taaaw aria w voca cae CMtMAacaa mt IVatr a-w 4 9mg .- auv 4 W ZI I frt-. M WVWIV Ua4 vj aa I aaia aa-4 iWsa)v aaiW a f I a bA4,, fe.t a- r"- ww r.wav Pia, nM, M at. ali taiax aaj a, aata 4 -atta Pfil 1. .. A a a!var li al tat a tjan tan J a ffalr. y ; Offloa In Court House. Fiftv-fourth conzress. in i addressing Bn win practice man the Courts of theStatal the RepubUcan chuots, hfrlsaWihe f nn mrt-a thi.4nnMm.-h.. !aV. :..!?. . . I i - . ' , . . I - j - w nmjr ivua, it a wa , Buiy-nrsi; congress-was notea yor wnai suspicion- in certain quarters Indeed, I tbt ee-tbtrd of tb tear J um it did do. The Fifty-fourth? wp -be m many quarters, t Hla letter seema to tSZZZSL'lJ" noted for what itrffld-not do.- His Rmt - Man,- a IJ V a - Liiuwas oenaior : Aiarvras A. ninua 1 ftrtad for (ba ark tba am mam m m. ot-rOTto nn front rriu1Wt,n o. rjl. I f . . . . .. . . I T 1 T. ,"T - - i Eqnarejy in vne neta aa a canataaie. I a-a. . idcm aaatEr4 aa aa ba niiea. u ew congresses xnai ever, as-1 The Junior senator from Ohio unscl wronaa ctvu aarw aaaajaau HPmhlPfl difl Iacb than th Vlf tv-fnnrtb I . . ... I tie "Te laraJar aaxl iaMbiM aAaav - . ' I UUL UIUiniUlT BUUrWUDHll FTCUII Will I .T . - . fc . . ri - - - I m. .. I ' - ... - - : . ; I w aa a araaa M t ar rni ftjTi(l tha conrta of KMlu JTransnn. I .""kj ai, i snow Tlmt ma po apnarnr fa. In f ! I ikm im mi k. .v. OranTlUe, Wmrrenwd Wake cUea. also the tory-thar nf th ruahrnT maMm I th comm. ad .( tho wte ba. ! 28E2E12 Uowlnr h ti a'ht T,r I Aftr a pctelto. 4 - aaatM , , largely iniiuenced tbe destinies of. the gented."- The chances are that General I iaot arit VdTTidTw , repuuuc txia wragressr wr w me i Michener Will not have to tender the I tire oxsoar are coaivad ta snort session is concernea. seems ae-i mfo a.t. n.... i ea wwa enaatai irtMnav follow tbe advice contain-1 r..v .- .v I a ATTOBOTY-AT-LAW.' LouisBuae, a. o. iiinrome (Mrcult and District Coorta. tlavaUAt ! I , i tC.9i4 r--a t aa U mi. 4 a aura a4 rtab. baawa a-ate aw anaJb ani. wa atfraa, a4aa.f i aw a4 Mat aW aaa4 r. . a. Iau b anta to the -m4, ffrr. . r avVa trW- m I laW baata rwa a-a a. r. a, rTaaaaa. ATTORNBT-AT-LAWj-,; ' I ufTOioii. Ti..--- i irijjy.ionrmfeongress. ir nas aeter- atention-amT whtv tfc -final stcui Attention given to .all , boslnesa mmed' tdr pass the appropriation .bin,! outcome, there U no aneatlon but what -.truntfld tome. , . - V i nurhano tha .hfn mhelilir hTU .nil I . . . . ? . ... . .. i ' i .... ..I'-l.t-' -v - i ine immeaiate enect is to sxan ine r. j.B. MAXOiTK, ; ..- I go nomc. xt wiu De rememDereq I Hanna talk strain. The astonlaMn - . " - I that Mr. Babcock declared some time i thtnr .hnnt ft i. that r..riiuw ' mi; i iuih m witian auit ouiwjwh. i aeovinat no tarm tinnennit awouia oe i nioim. th.hia m-o-inn .hi . - j - : : - . V- . iw.aiaw a, .a. a aiaw am wwauvaas amw aw vooisOTra..e.. ; . - t ;; 1 aone at tins snort session, iie aavo-1 that- rrmntimr: Senator Falrhanba oat o9c over Ayeij;jaiwm running wouMb7nVitMT earij ui ui5 jEjuuis iw uic iimjraw; ui tucs . between Colonel Roosevelt and ; nw:-HWr""' I the Buckeye boss In Indiana. It had I atub ovw mm auaaw. aa4 aa wmie BaDCOCK was souja.visconsm orated sromid thflt-TaMv via In- I bacomaa av trval fcapr mt bb- wii and before he3 had: conferred with the yindble -o rthe banks .of . the , Wa- iTL7lL.(PJlt tl'VI powers that be. Since ; be reached baah- Now the chances are that Geo- tmre of malSlL , t2?uZ Washington Bpothe ;Babcock has been era! Mlchener Is "not the only states- ffleae mt scan mt the laapaaiaiMmy mt o Mstm-very stm! (to borrow a phrase iiaji out of atjobv to use the famous aTmI to aclocy. - . . from David Bennett HUD as to the ex- phrase of John James Ingalla, who la JTbraw "aw SUtaav .. . tra session. There will be none.- At quietly , . feeling the public pulse. It will b mambrt4 that at ta laat least all the signs bo seem to Indlcabi. Mlchener has been caught In the act. aessioa the boose paaard tb ccaarbqa j.n p;tet. : " '' ' " - v- that's" alL and if many of them are tatenood UU prorVllng fear tWada. - . - i reennjr ine dudiic DUise. men it roes i " w nir.m vwa. ion. jonn jBarrett rattea - ItiakaMfar Ua aaa U la flatea Mt back la faw iU wU Cap taaafb -jR. B. 8. FOSTKK. ' -,( . -.. lJaA0TICBIia PHTSICIAH'S gTJBXlBOll, ; Loalabarg, IT. C orace ovev Ayeoeke Drug Oampany. ft t bow PTCLnaid to at a laa to all arlOrm aa4 who tmrny Va apaaanl to poslUoa ta tbe ctoaatflad amva Tbla aaama tha oaly way to aaake aaj kaa ua sarvloa MSelaaL Tbe aauioa toM ar aa. aeatfr IBr will aUamaaa aa toaasaxa. tatad or toaOcJawt aaapaara to tba aat af tba ttUW an mi baa toaaT atar baan axpiorladL- Hm ami raa aaal aaol Va Uxaaa wbo wovt!4 t C aarva la aafar nvant by atartBa at boaaa a cai At HAYWOOD BUFilN. ATTOBJIBT-AT-LAW ioTjiranae, . a. wm praeUee In ail the Co arte of Franklin and Clrculr. nnnrta. umoe la uoope and Clifton Bull din. Ever since fbtaAvba.Maa' b4 ktaUw a4 vap aa fi aa a HlMfwM (.,.1 A, t, - M4M.tbr4.v.aiaV.a4 C- toata rfb tr W a4 aaiaaM a4 irtaw-a aflaav Li toy aa ia4 -aMa-aoaaav. a-MfM . M. abarftf U aawC'i aaa- aaaf raa( ; raa ai. ff-. a4 a.1 fTaJ aJ ba a m-M aa I -. a - ia4 t aa i ia a raw Qalkaw, wrara Laart. -Patera U an af Oa4. ' -.'.,'' ! - iraaM4J t-niauariaa!. ' KaaUl lia taaaaja HUi wtb ft at eaabia to tr Maj, a-a taa u , v- 4iiiaain,t aa ar-a.4, AJI auf 7ta ! aaviarU fmitmm mt tata) aM u rab a4 aba etab! rOMj.f aa faa bu u- at T ia awiwa 4 tae . . a ' hM. i2ttto- ttwrafc swt- . -, rf t- i L't tf: tve ajrttt twitni:; nyt.tt, ' aw TU J.q. , mn aa r- - -- SCOTT saying that Colonel Roosevelt ac . waito ib taom RT,wic.t to u .uri, aau f""rT7 R"; wr ".-""7 . TV " T I had better sleep with one eve open and f au w up mucn mt a dm is pvt rpHOS. b. wiLDxa. : ATTOBXY-AT-LAW,, hL,: his hand on his gun from now till the I dorsements" for some high diplomatic day-when - the- nominating . convention . wbt r aal aa-4 a aa ba aa-4 tfigaaUaa ata) to tmtrm mi lato fvM ba-Ml ;. trv vent the pass fa of the bill, tt was tbca ooghly andcrstood that down ta & Mufa "Aff,Hiu.ki. i. iiv.h. I DOtTOGl oz lont bearta nwal er is?ca IT r.1,ru. mMf Wn: I ' i uaiuaw uaf w I - ---- ; . Zm be Dennhv. But here is the myrterloua ". Wcrva, . u - .utUtu.i. thisanhersinthetate ,; -itn tha Democrata aaf Uwraoy nt VWfWi.iMm4 ratiaal. mented Phineaa m -Bafhum fwas gath-i -rTTr,1? 3. NoT T I them atrtmath aaMrh t. rr. tha . I l . " otnea on Main atr over JonMacocpartjg peregrins- . Mr Dear SirIt ir beUaved bera that t sac Of tha bUL. Tharvuwaa tn mcamxtm I rraa4 WU a4ar7 tlona in the effete east every time he 1 eenator Hanna wiU try lo at tha praal- I aDDcted-Ba.--tovi-llrtlna- ermn. I r,,w ataa-aa aa a 4 axw " 1J" , " , I mu fa ta 7v w'.aaa ba - . tarrtfortoa and I - uia fa aa.., Ta. fcca Qcaan ejf 4lll e y ta Oar tawfeal fMi-J.t a! ai", A (tjia-rt M.to ajriaav, ImmT i44tatW, . I wvj aau) 6y rWHu:a law m mi- m m f $ lo.5. al UW a.?.m.f f L J". LaV!trai5ifW a S-.; v t Aa l BHlit lSa ;i?M--ar aautiOa tAH A!to 4 aWMj ta C UbfarWa.' ai s.i - a :' j j i t.a ',tii md i fi I miwj. f "'a:j.a ,$ HsUrWa nut tawti- 4 r arav ' 1 fi tra.il 4 aaa4 t ' fV ..;..u..j ff i t. ff, t-ljKr.a. Vrf trlTtif, T.T mi a alatrW t to-'nu'.y at Jrt:tif.a ! raw a4 iriawa M in a-w.-'i- b-f aatoaw aVbvl iWte aat w aVrww, aV. TV r aa.aai ba lAa wraj awai: aV 4 bo ... ; TV As.Wa- 9 raWMUl . rVrfWV I'l at tawajwtrw J as ? r 3 T, X. ta atoaj 3 . j ! aa),i.aat taw, -a .. ,... v. - ."i.t .- ,. I, i.t a. a ..-a .t anV'a-t aTl- "'''"""' ' " ".f .a.... a-a.. S m a.: a-a tii, ! atT . a.f; a r J at a-a aw.' i kft ' ! j ton.n.,u. Wa C. TK0MA3 1 1 - t. TMrt. taw. ,, DOJiT FORGET a !V V lr tX''lllt aTrB'.a atwaaavMa aa rl Ulf ! f-a w.t f.4 (mMh.H, rt4 Cla ,aw lrifi-a aav ii.u.w,..-. f lUrV, It f t II it. 1.1. $ .. i it..a a. tt t f till ""t C Miliar,. j.r f ,i, t t i ..4 1 4 . Xawi a6(. Jf araatv " ?.i.ri.ln.a,, ItaliilaauN. - farfc-to.. 4 ttattt lr xB.iln.,,-i r" at- a nr, at V t.,ii.itl 4t. t.i V ...tw r t. "V (auH fl 11- V .aaai, V f bt. .jlt.41.i,i, tl) Dr-Ea MILLER, a Jeweler ftntj OpSicUa. tr4arifc.:s4V av. c. aa e a a, , ,... "" aa W- Mm. a. a.lt m. v j W -a 1 aH 3 ri i i r . . . . - t'aat Waiai l t.aa-4. .r a.aat . 4W aaM 1 -4 WATCHES. ;GL0CSSr!ir J ;U--- I 'SF. a- i. aa. 11 a.lw faft. bMa Mto bwraa aat r-a- aa m ina.i.1 w aa- , -araf aa . a- m . a.M .via ... a . ,-, r 1 "a a lin.a t 1 1 ..aa a air a-4t.il a arMMi a. MM 1 1 W f t iaajaH aW f-a.t.o f a4a4 a''.r .r,,aa-aa bl-la at $ a ra 4f .... .f w .i a tot a I- i !. riaw n fta ntUia aaxat ita.Sia-awraa a Wo.rfcjfa), f aja T a,Jr 1.a, . EAT, LAUGH boinsBva'e, a. o. tori. L1 S. SPRDILL. ' , , B - '" ". " ':-! -, . " ' TTOaSBY-AT-LAW, jtoinsBuao.jr. C ; wm attend tha eoorta of Prankun, Tanee OranvUle. Warren and Wake eonnUPS, alao tha Baprama Court of North Caxolina. Prompt attention given to eollectloiia. Offloa over Buerton'a Store. . m rshotVofa k0..,,".": tea," headed br Senator - V- . v 4V. va vuv wVarv vb Miiiwita. DViua vi Ua ueouienuueu u I nraaldent-a - frtend. ara a Kttla anaaa I Indiana. WhA Vlaitad tba T. 1TTORBXY AWTir COTOBSLLOIl AT LAW. PTompt a aaunataklng attention gla ary matter lntraatad to nla hands. : ; ; Refre to Chief Jnatlee Shepherd, Hon. John M ann. tur.. Hon. B-obt. W.-Winston, Hon; J. v. Pnx. .rTTpTTW. FUrab HaMonal-' Bank "'of ; ,yh iton. oinunb: bianly ,-Winston, Peoptes .Bank of Monroe, Chae. B. Taylor, Pvea. Wake, For- otficetn urlHouat4alteoliertn Prnnticea ni 1aa:twarta.tofflce limWeal ea ,jm jninisrer to-tne Japanese court, becoming eulogy. It would not be nr No doubt John war In high feather, OTt way to call It senseless euio but the5; Japs withJ oodtastewhich gr,wThat the Hon. Tnonxaa Brackett does ttiem honc;hay predated against fiee4 wag a gpgaj there can be no his appointment, being unwilling to as 'question; that tha usual amount of f ul rcjate with Mr. -Barrett. They claim goa miozr will be written about htm Lthat John did them dirt during the Jap- j ja atoeether probable. The bouse did anese-Chinre: War. It is" perhaps an- e tmosual "thing of adjounilng out of other case of Vaulting ambition b'er respect to" him, a private citizen. It jt4PfaB was an honor worthily bestowed. The iWBunKa.uYuiayfj:i Hon. Jamea Sr Sherman of New York H TABBOBOTJaH.i'B? i: & ATI ORNET AT LA V7f Hg2 WTJI8BTJBO. l'0fSgt Offlce tn Opera tt) use hnllding, Court street All legal baaiaaaa Intrusted fto him rtll receive prompt apieafefolattention. T) R. D. T. SMITOWICK, , ft HOTELS. F U ANBXlKTON HOTEli C t -fA fi rTf 3-; Good accomodation for the traveili ablio. K000M T Good UvtoY AttaBlld55 . ' MASSENBURG HOTEL " J P Maaaenburff Propr HENDEBSOII. II. a . .4 aeaaeuaodatioai. Good fare: Po ta v4 atteativa aervaafr - - NORWPOD HOUSE , wiriartoa. Icrti C:rci:s w. J. OR aVOOD. Proprietor. atroaaRt otfj Cdnnnerclal, Tourleta as4 has' come .within throne the?f act has the world,in, flaming style by Barretf a j about it - Do you think that Hanna cenid I tsadt a most iatooadlag repert fat r- I u Kaif t-wv r.a a uto aJaa I aM press agemvwno muse De S man OS W- I " aa- I nt, jk- ailmlra-i aP VVa UMba aaf I "f taaawy. s I Mwaaaati summate sMU and fertue Jniagh ..M,t. . a.i. I - atap. Ty e . niutuwcHrojuw, youra inur. -- f - I Ban TTT UJOOini OS C lOV. 1MI I a Ctaa. tataia. rfiri aa a.3 aaAaa Buen.v iicmu mwov;. vir ; T.t aa . 1 U prOpOaaOOO 19 C4Q tCBT th bU-I ilraP trMbaaa. AttmKm tt Cav ponumiy w rewwu ir, juuu wuw Mr. snermon on Mr. Reea.;,; .;ti' i eat and tha newest drilUatiotu ta As for. his great ratting performance.;:- It 1 1 When a-reat. ionan diea. usuattr tha I lea. That tha brUftUat lloewiap mmamtm s divert out that John" i to be appomt; i flooded with fulaome and un- I axnecta Ma bLl te become a law -a ta mj peach hla aantty. VThj, thaaa. did 64 offer It? v Tha facta go ta ahow real tt. la a flank movement ta pra-ract aty arw atata being admitted by thia toagreaav which would ba a great oatrtxet. All three ara mora fit fa- atatvbool iha .. WW a fbltay U UmUt tie aeaa avroalla taJaata Uiaa, - , r ; tuovr. W ewr)p aaoww aa Ua awH veee-t aaC4a. i a.4M bY.a4 a aba hraataiaal M tl a 4 ! ua IVmm two or three tats now aaroeg th far I mm aaa4-a baa hm, r , ... . .. . m ty ava. Tfclt la pcaTlArty tr- af Olle-1 f w taw .v r-x iu boxna. which. baa Ulf a tur& ! rw 1 1,! f '!l47i.viW,,l,M w ,mK JurJatr the very creaa of Ax&trlcaa cUAKba&r. To keep trtouUby a.poil'.Wi trVk would be a great eutraxv. .Jf gt la at aU, aha win owe riaind chleflr t Dawcrata, Z, v j.,." U i i I ' . ' . , . i wopaa wuicxi lor-gooa Taare ana truin- i rninrfpr wmtnrv-w,. service; noon the I 1 . " . - . . . I . A offered the resolutions, which are tn the ' - - 1 vafv hAot tatttA mllA. tha vmfw Ii..t" Tnau Tue, lawyers of the: United r States r r..:. ..ir' V' ftatnA.ai ha 4 ua iivr : ; a vuit auux Ma am, y f, yttv tana aw :av aaii - mi a. -.. -a greaaiTa, lftduatriou patrWb- pawpH I b bajbif aafia r....a7 m t.aaa (via iaa) aWiia t.aae4 iiU,rf 1 14 mf au rii-f 4oa t it ijiivmv -T iltrl fulness of utteraace have rarely been beAeh.'; Judged Harlan :is . one ,of : tha ".rh greatest jurists ever a member-of that 1 r,;;?Z:2r:. Z1 . m Bpirits of the mighty dead take apy t? cciuxance of the aflaLra of this lower ofethe inii8tr1ons.man fpr.-whom he is ZTt,, m ,if i.r ,.. k, namedohn Marsbali,-the great chief T Justice. - Judge.-.Harift , epmes:: or a hefinail Mid: , . , . . , . : race, of ;gretftjawyer8iliis father was ;- v ... . .7 - ; attorner general of Kenckys waa. y.t. m?ZZ Jpeparlanihlmself, and to , be attor- Tnr yaam ib than the aUotiad Ufa ct tvey gpperalf Kentucky IsTpretty good man.-and yet there was within n a macn evidence that the man is a good law- of moment that tola fama bacame grv :UJl?m ff BBtnoklana ' wm have nd he bating. Ha was a clttaao at ?er, , tGt :the mstPGtLl&na- WW nave my hia rettrement from pobtVo none other--. fill or-v told-;-thaf Office ju,' although tt was aa b rvprcaanUUra Judge Harlan in his young mannooa I from the atata ot Mama mat na renj.reo mti11 . thv Tenth Kentucky: In- eTio 11,0 PubUo-..n " - I L j .Jrawt JJa ffvn tawr. . Ya eaaaet t&aab a aisy itiri-lJw;t afrai. - .- - - - v.-L amaaa - f Tr-1 ta (Wtai tb. ti' a Uta aU iay e aj aaVf t aaa tlaH a-a A. a-.ma 4 a a, ba a a a 4ayyaia aa4 UUki r al'i a-4 u m a tnitm 7 taaU. Tta i:.''- wwm aa Mav ti aa a ' ry"Uija4 f ; ai&,tira a-l tWiaav twa. na aa r -; , rabccmcirttre of tba jajtrtary oittee la wrvrCcf wlta tha grt lrs-af problem. Kobody wbat It w& dxx lo tba pranttsto Itga Jcta Wa- ley ,;. Gaisra, who . trwu, cM Uermitag diatrkt of Taaacaawe, tt rude twe-erpa rate aa4 duTact tf- forta 00 the C'X to pd at? tract :a eal 00 tbe free fit. whirtj waM ba a greet booa to r..:'.:'.- pf j ?!; hat aa far, Brother G.t'.aa ha ba aVa to W.are the r.f;t:t:wr.' t arat clb jopoauroa. isi t. i7s;Kea 1 faa abaia rraw V 1 a a4 e.aa . rule the rooat, Thai U'J:va U ta aar- I Um nwv.' aa .-f yH. a i. Uw. tx. -a neat there aa ficbt. Ti It $ Lnf,itaAi.;.rv tw i! f-U' ngni ta equauj crar. WOeVTCAttC lAULa Catf al It U-m mi m fw bl a!e tr-u!aa4 b a fa Uaa4 a I aletttafUa Huii b4 Al ffJ TaUly el U-e aUv JV VUi awUaat a.4 atar a a4 rv5J la V tVVft al yfaaV-a ta-aalf. latfti 111 al a4w U: aafblUv. !0 laiiag ab.le 7ila -4 Ta.fa, ta IW ta;ast mt U .i.talj M l n . trvM aa4 ata bawaja., Jt aiders Ka.ar k-Y Uh. ay afJattt. 1 iw a f a-a-a a-: t t v a U' t ; fr aaojt al U Um Ha ti- trt t'tga X C tie IV. twit c 4aip-;'v.f r at I f aj f -;ai, a: jaJ t4 f- a.f. tt Hal Uj a ia;, a'.V 1 ra aU t ?;y. 7: Cj.:ib. Itart-la Tt.w mpi't't ' t il In It af V. T. f : 1 i ' a 4 '.!-. i-j4 a a 2 ?--'g aA a Ua la4 n. ? I hj A j tt.tu r' t ( ? t l a ! i ri , "7 J t la t'.al mm CROW nnrrrr-r FATl'iwtt.hEOSICCh, a." f L laJ 2 2 ar .2 aV J aaa a. aa a. jis. 4ia S im. il aa'. . .r tim " a al mni aa awan iaa 1 1. - m ' ' li..aa Val u t f-a a aaai.,- a-" waa im ., Wkaavr t4n aaaf ?t.n m ' ? ba" .a.ae f rr awriiai aM 4Cba U MKtTt' JALX2l-2;VANaS v'K a- aofcat, r.;j in mt mtt AiWty -. dttiiwaiM'a T ar-H'i. Jlfc.rva., Cl:-t tM) yv.nii aMto.(iir eu fma-toa) aaato.n.. -.w fj1.. . . " Ji.f.afc CfaiT. Jfl a j tf (ma. J er j. ,. f a) t: : :::nr rzn i u rr. Til tat.!tt ta att aa-34.1. P.! i Epial'Ie Li: or'nev torn:. , aa. Aba. ) -: i. . ' W" . r 1 4mt -w . i J assets cvnn surplus even " 4v'a w w'im. 'il laraHf aa "' 'O t.".i ii.it.a a.rt. .....1, 1, aaaa.Ml.aar: . f vaaw Kb - aaif ataraa J a. ra tjai" tr a ,M.f a. . .M,a a i la aVa a. a.u II . A a .- a- a,, i. i i a u.ht. ti . r via anu aaa. km nitii i . jjtir w ' faatrjarw-thJB K I. J7J . thenloh rmyVHe ia a stanch Be- To have-aerved with' Mr. Heed was ea J (Uffll) VjV "17,1 imbBean, but upon the bench has stood honor; to have been In cloae .touch, with y iUUJh l y , , . aa-4 Urn fm i a y r 1 aara. - Mr; Jnstiee Brewer Said in his felicitous j He -was ao great, his service to We com. speech at the Harlan : banquet, " The 1 try ao valuable, that It aaema te ma rtf. I may ntly depart from what. La tha uaual aTOuiBu",. 'I I cnatom of the house when one not la pnb- llfe JUage iiarian.ia one ot ine uiuai. Uelife dleaj. I therefore, Mr. Speaker, of delightful of -men,; He has a xich vein fer the reaoluUona which I send to tha of humor, which he wpeka ufirally It . LrT'.. ".. -j ; ' If you have catarrh. jheuroatism1 kidney j trouble, or any disease eaued by imparl - I BIB - ' f ra"4ty jLaaarfa tt. rauiiae Have joo' w(M:f U ba proud of 1 J p ri ff renelope Tea; ln pwd tiat I bara uotaoy falaef rUv Dtrv4l TtvmVimm. af OaIsto W La j. Hfis;a'.Ly f;f a'.itra la a fcf Vit e a aifra"a la ear r rrn :. vtii Jis" I ' a atoa as. 4 )i r "a " i ial f -i f, li.tt.4e V . 5 2 ;n'a I, fat a. Wi f t-v.l ' a i - . II Ml M rTj tta'. "- I i :" . it j i ".a 1 a "a a ViV C klr" .:r- laa 1:3 j. . .a It ft t :'.il"ai.l'a ikii. Ut-a S. rj ".V. 14 ; i 1 : ill Urf laf-tait. t 4 i-nU''j . . t r- 1 - t aw '.a. ail 5a.tr la a-a u Uxi t 4 1 y ,r. at , T a a. X V t ' r-W.A K t: aa ( f.a.vt a f .. atataaxAbea.rfw.ik, , f e 4M w.i, a CALL .TO SEE a, v. pEP.soiia 6 c:"?a,;v, CN CCURT UTPCCT. II r it - i;i i im i.a j t ;:" at ! It u -f At ? .. .11 IJIIMI-J l 111 I'l.li.l'tM I !if.-:i bt :.f tut -.tt -.i 1 A5 l ( ' v r w af . ties in the blood, take Eheamaeide. TaCCRB A fXjLD U? ONE DAY. -Tafce'Laxatlts Bromo Qalolaa Tablets, All druggests refund the money i( ft fail 4 a a a a x Al. ma.a .! I "aVI Tt " T k - -" to care. - E. W." Orove'a. aigaatara ia ca ir.r.v,. ...r.-ee-. r , K5 r.- Fewer Gallonsf Wears Longer. :" . .Do not that to a neigbbor which j yon would take ill from hm. Qfe cian.- ' - . - YOTJ KNOW WHAT TO vABE TAK When yon take Grove's Tasteles Chill no need for it, Eacftlen Arnica SIre wi'l - How II la tkxvav. Tie Cnt otjaet 14 U. alii Us AeH. can peop!a la lo "rt rVfc tb a 1. tow to rfra!o good fctalti. Tk f r.1 e j be cbUtatd by aBtTjy, kce v aai ?. Ino-t tha araoQd. (ruxl kI.'!:l t-v f J)0 ag you W0ijl4,be 4oB8 bywIOrrB's Aoioat Klowar. bSoU r m te ' t ' I a deapondaot iernf frota is; t( 1- af. fctltf drpra'. 11 v eoariaiat. a n,1 j-!:!a inA a. .U . IS II I ti IVonderfnl Serve. - . I fc4t.v ripiuU. a tt tt tf. v;r la displayed bp many imia enduriag paiaj j itomach. fcati'.cal c a. i ?. c-.u 'i oi accidental cuU. wouDds.hiaiaea, barns cf tba haai. err, r-'--- . ' .calds, acre feet or stiff joints. Ba- there 'a C,T. v . i - V- , uaj. . - - - - each box. 25c Persian. daf, :i it s ari ;f (U f it t f i t ! r- -ea a ( w . j '. . Ulit f f :a t T f . J a - ij. i ? ft? lirl Ik-'ll f : j-a f i . n ji.a i -A.. aa a : J twiijtn:; it Mli.a, I ll'rl J ; 1 ' . ( ; a ; s -t a :.-t it t ,i . I . . . I H . : t-t:;u.la S : f K 1 h'H!i. la V a 1 . e ma a a i ii i -' ! -a ...., t a. t im . ' f I I t C traa' V '.fi-a t Ill . t T C a tn t U I.H i aaa. I f mi:f5(3r'- .Vj5.:ri.j ;mi. aat.ra : : j 1 1. --. ti; .-1 a mi c? la ti f . i ; . ' 3 !ti:i, itut t a 3 ; r a j . f t 1 .. a j 1 1 V.- r f . ( " 1 i t i I-:. ' '. :!; 1-.: ' ., 1 t a f it n j a i t: f . ; i Is ( a t : t :: a i i i !- i ' 1 1 i w t t t! a i i. t ? t i !.f i a-. t i t RED SEAL FLO i.-! . ; . 1- t ..t a l I i i. t k ' t ' r ' i -t v a hi ji ( . 4 j . ' ..... r Tonic because the forronla is plainly print- yi tle r-:3?-Jc-if'-c"-. Ii's ed on every bottle showin? that it U an " t , . . , . ,. rly Ir-n t'.i Q":-? il a i ' i. ; ' '-" ? " c 7 '. " ' ' - tri: a ' . 1 r-' T if- f ., t- i-f FfaTaiiag PahneaoUclted. . ft "

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