.ttf- V 4 J AS. A. THOMAS, Editor anil Proprietor. O A. yol. xxxii OflUBOH DIRECTORY METHODIST. 1 ' - Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. 1, Qw. S.' Baker, Snpt: Preaching at 11 A. li., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. v M, T, Pmleb. Pastor. .: BAPTIST , Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Tho8. B. Wudkb, Sapt Preaching at 11 A. ML, and 8 P. ., every Sunday. " Prayer m-eting Thursday night. H. HvMAeHBOBHB. Pastor. episcopal Sunday School at 9:30. " . Services, morning and night , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sandays. -Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon; - " I0DGR8. Loaisbarg Lodge, Ko. 413, A. . A. M., meets 1st "and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. ' . - - S J PRDILL & ALLRED. ATTORNBYS-AT-LA.W, Will practice In all the Courts. I.oulsburg and Youngsville, N. C. Offices In )R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU18B0RO, . - N. C. Office Over Cooper's Store. JAR. 8. P. BORT, PRAOTICIWO PHTSTCIAW AlTO SCTRQfiON. Louisburg, N. C. Office la the Ford Building, corner Main and Ntuth Btreets. Up stairs "front.. I) R. R. P. YARBORODQH, PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON, LoniSBUKfl, N. C.. omce Snd floor Real building, phone 89 lht calls answered from T. W. Bickett's rnstdenoe, phone 74. b. MASSKNBCRQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. botrisBcue, h. a Will practice in all the Courts of the State OtB.ee In Court House. c. a. onoKB, ATTORNBY-AT-LA.W, LotrisBwss , it. o. , Will attend the coorta of Nash, FrankBa, rimnTllle, Warren and Wake comities, also the iir)me Court of North Carolina, and. the U. Olrcolt and District Court. - M ARCUS C. WINSTEAU, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBDRG, N. C omcs ovsb Corner Drag Store. Special Attention given to collections. Practice wherever Bervioea required. JR. J. B. MALONK, dACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON. ornee over Aycocke rtpug Company. R. B. 8. FOSTKR, fRACTICINO PHYSICIAN at BUROBON, Louisburg, N. C. Omce over Aycocke Drug Company. HAYWOOD RUFPIN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, 0. WU1 practice in all the Courts of Franklin attd adjoining counties, also in the Supreme Cnart, and in the United Stages District and circuit courts. Otnoe in uooner and Clifton Building. rjiHOS. B. WILDSa, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, MOISBXTBS, TK. C Oflce on Main street, over Jones at Cooper's (tore. Jji S. SPKUILL. TTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BOBO, H. C. WUt attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Qhranvllta. Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Supreme Court of North - Carolina. rrompt attention given to oouecuonB. Office over Bgerton's Store. T. W. BICKBTT, iTTORNBT AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOtnSBUBS k. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter Intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Mnn'Bi. Hon. Kobt. W. Winston. Hon. 4. v. Fax -n. Pres. First National' Bank' of Wln- ton. Olion at Manly, Winston, Peoplea Sank or Monroe, unaa. zayior, rxea. vyaae- jror at CoUeae, Hon. B. WTlmberlakeu - -Critic) la OonrtBiUMt opposite SbeiUFs. .... W7 V. FMBBOBi ATTOSkar at-lawV ' lOVUBOMail. 0. ' Tn-iaaem tsTai courts. Office to Real Building. w. H YARBO ROUGH, JR. ATI OENEY AT LA W , LOUISBTJBO.N.?0. OOee In Opera Houae huUdilg. Court street All legal business- intrusted to, him. will receive prompt and careful attentioni J)R. D. T. 8 MITH WiKavy.i''- : :4 DENTIST, ,i "t. " LOTJISBURQi V H. Cr . Offlee over Furniture Store. . - FU ANELINTOJS JlOTEli G. W. '"(KHJWftY,' Pp- 1 Qood accomodation'for the traveling pablku w J "s & r f,r-" Good LivfekT Attached ' V;- -;,- MASSENBURG HOTEL - J P JMEasjajeiibiurfir Pjropr QENDEBSOIT li C. Bood aoeommodations.'. Good faros Po Ht aadattutlvs sarvasfr .V1T'" MORWOOD HOUSE-- ; ff iriartoiiv Kurft Cuslla W, J AORWOOD, Proprietor Patronage ; ofj Commercial TonriaU and raveling' PubUcSoUdted. . n it r tt . SpeclaJ Washington Letter. . " " HE . Republican jnajorlty lnth . senate appear -ta, be determined that the omfilbus statehood bill, admitting AriaonaNew Mexico and, Oklahoma, shall net become a law at this eessiou or any " other' session, it taey can help It,-and they think they can. They have postponed Its "con sideration until - after; the holidays 'Whieh is-a-efeat for the omnibusr JilU pro tamo, for every 'day. Jta considera tion is postponed endangers the bill Itself. The opposition". Is almost-enr" tireiy political, -s for the Republicans tear six Democratic senators and nine Dempcratic presidential electors ' will be' returned from. those states. The whole thing is a great outrage. Okla homa contains more than a half mil lion people. Even Arizona, which has the least poptUattohof-the three, has more population than Idaho, Wyoming or Nevada; almost as much as North Dakota and Montana, which nave been states' for nearly , fifteen ; yean, and nearly as great a population- as Dela ware has, and Delaware la one of the thirteen original states. . Certainly under these circumstances It Is A pal- pabie outrage to keep Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma out of -the Union .and in a condition f tutelage any longer; but the chances are that the Republicans will do It ' Superfluous Thievery. O wad some power the giftie gie us To see ourael's as Ithers see us! sang sweet Robbie Burns," And his words ought to be full of suggestions to the Republicans who are' preparing to rob Senator Henry M. Teller of his seat in the senate. They re really per f orming a superfluous piece of thievery. The -Washington Post, Independent; recently contained this editorial squib cn the subject: The Colorado Republicans have fully made up their minds to go ahead and un seat enough members of . the legislature to enable th"temto- elect the auecessor to Senator Teller. What are we to think of a party that willQbteal when It doesn't really jieed the goods? -That they will do their utmost to de spoil the .veteran - and - distinguished senator of his well won honors is be yond all question, for they have never yet hesitated to steal any office they could steal,' from president down to constable. We have the highest au thority for the statement that the leop ard cannot change his spots p or . the flthiopian his skin; but purloining of ces to which they have no right, legal or moral, has become a confirmed habit with the Republicans. They achieved "the bad eminence of stealing the presidency from Samuel J." TIMen, thereby robbing the American people of their birthright. They stole .the first two senators from -Montana, and -not ' long since one from West Virginia. To rob Teller of his seat would be for them to pursue their usual : plan. ' The Bravest of the Brave. Napoleon denominated Marshal Ney as "the bravest of the brave.' If the immortal and stupendous Corsican could revisit the pale glimpses of the moon he would undoubtedly confer that title upon Dr. J. A. Norton of Ohio and Hon. William S. Cross of Oklahoma. Both of these statesmen are Democrats. On the face of the returns both were defeated for congress by a few votes. Now both "are contesting the seats of ' their Republican opponents with about as much chance of succeeding as they have of being made grand dukes of Russia" or pashas of Turkey; but their efforts to secure their rights And to sit in congress demonstrate that they possess gall In large quantities 'and nerveof the most marvelous sort. Do not these eminent and courageous states men know that if s ail a Democrat who ? has a large s and unquestioned majority at his back can do to stay In A Repub lican congress? Do they not know that while they are trying to break in the Republicans are hatching schemes to oust certain Democrats, who were as fairly elected as any Republican in the house? How then cto they hope to ?5win ? Do they , expect the Republicans 'to render justice to them- when they re- ruse to render it to anybody else ? ., ' I would like- to see Norton " and Cross seated,; for I have no doubt they- were elected; -but if they are seated" I shall be greatly surprised." -- . , Trust Legislation. -. , ' - " " - There has been a i vast deal of talk against and about the trusts,, much of which was never; intended to eventuate in anything tangible; but .there' art Bome members of congress who 'were earnest in '.their talk, and are proving U - by -their' actions. Among these.' Is Judge David A De Armond of Mla- sourL the; ranking Democratic . member on the judiciary committee. If is doubt-? ful lf ther6 1s a better lawyer Jn.con gress than-De Armond. i He was-lpr a fong;: time circuit judge and" supreme i:our: commissioner." ; He thasr- intro duced two bills on the subject of trusts which go .to the very, marrow of the jenatter. One of them undertakes In a .very unique way to prevent the water ing, of stocks And is la woi as tnd fig " ures-asJ"oIlovB, to wlt: '-.- i.That- lni addition tothe grounda' cf bankruptcy now", existing by' law a oor 'poratlon orr association hall ; have com mitted an art of bankruptcy and shall accordingly be subject to proceedings to adjudge it aa Involuntary bankrupt and wind up it. affairs and distribute Its "aa eets. JBrst, whenever It shall have Issued stock, in" exoes& of . the -fair, reasonable value of itspropertyi or, second.-whenever It shall have given or offered to jMty If yoe have catarrh, jheumatisra, kidney trouble, or aay disease caused ; by impuri ties In the blood, take Rheumacide. This wonderful remedy destroys the root of the JS. li n... .'.,".: Z;-'-:.. s..r . uisesse. Ait jyruggiot. - . r- - Fewer Gallons Wears Longer.' When : tbe evolationrof history is held back it results in Arevoln- PfJ KNOW WHAX TOi ARE TAK ;;;- ; ,,:.f;; ? ING. . . .." 1- When you take Grose's TsleM ' Chill Tanic because the formula is plainly print ed on eyery bottle showing that it is sim plylroaand Qaine ja a )istelo:iora, So Cere,:;? iv-r 5" - I tt tt tt tt Truit Lialatioa ; at Iht Prcxent Sej-' xion ;of Congress Judge" De Ar mond's Bills 'M0. ' person, association or eorporatloa ay prtvilege, preference, odveatage, fmctUUaa, ! discount or rebeu denied to or withheld fron any othor person. aoaoeioUoa or cor pora tloa. or, third, whenever foe period j of thirty days It shall have refused, failed or neglected to effect oetUeasenA of any difficulty or dispute with e majority of Us employees or patron or to enter Into full and fair arbitratloo.-or la good fmlth to offer to submit to such .arbitration ail the matters -in controversy. witA e, view to the . Juet and" final -deposition thereof, or, fourth, whenever directly er, fnoJrecUy It shall have engoged la aar eoopucyW 1 .entered into any oombtnaUon, -agreesaont oriadereUndlng to monopolise or aid In monepoualag' any product of geaeral util ity r aojnuefc thereof as to affect tojart ooaly: the geaeral welfare or to etllle or Interfere with, lawful oootpctltieo or to control or affect the price of or the mar ket for any commodity In geaeral use or demand, or,, fifth, whenever It .shall nave effected or attempted to affect any con solidation, jcombiaatlon. eo-operatloa. on-' darts king or agreemeat with aay- other corporaUon. aaaoeiatlon or person- con trary to any law of the Volted Ststfea or of any sute in which It ahaU do or offer to do any tmalneea. or. sixth, whenever ft ahall have given false information or re fused, failed oc neglected to give correct Information la reeponee to aay lawful -Sdal draiand or lixjurry or dooe anythrng designed te mislead, the poboo ae to the true condition of lu affaire or-the trae value of 1U property or purposely gtvea false information te or withheld correct Information from aay public officer law fully entitled to such Information or any person pecuniarily Interested In lta stocks, bonds, condition or. business aa to the matter concerning which he la thua Inter ested. . r Judge De Armond alao Introduced the following bill; ; . That all gooda, ararea and merchandise produced by aay trust or other moaopoly and aU goods, wares aad merchandise sold or bartered or offered for sale or barter ta restraint of trade or. to praveat, limit or Interfere with, fair com petlOoo or to ooo troL regulate or affect prtoea eo as u cre ate, continue or .promote moaopoly TT be subject to taxation ta the aaae amount and to the aame extent aa the like goods, warea and merchandise if Imported Into the United State would bo taxed by aad under the tariff laws of the country, aad the tariff and Internal revenue laws end the rules and regulatloB relating thereto ahall. so far as they mif he applicable, bo appUed and enforced in the levy aad col lection of the taxes hereby teaoaed, aad the secretary of the treasury shall from time to time make fad promulgate each other mod -further-' rules and resrulaUooa sad require such other and further re ports aad returns aa may bo necessary at helpful in the rtjjld ' enforcement hereof, and an provtalona applicable Bereonder of the tariff aad Internal revenue aad other lawa of the United States, declaring aad defining oft en sea aad Imposing paoaltlea aad punishments, ahall bo gtvea full ef fect In enforcing this leeislaUos. aad rally accomplishing lta objects and ta coafiecat tog property and punishing offenders. If those two lulls were. passed the trusts would soon be on their last fegs. Whether he will bo able to get thorn reported out of the. committee remains to. be seen. j; Funds For Prosecuting. , On Wednesday, the lTth day of De cember, that eminent Jurist from Geor gia, Judge Bartlett. surprised the Re publicans by offering "an amendment to the legislative, executive aad Jwll clal appropriation bill to'actroprUte the sum of $200)00 for the use of the attorney general of the United States In prosecuting the trusts. There was "mounting in .hot .haste' and. much "rushing to and fro and laying togeth er of heads on the Republican side, and finally Colonel William ; Peters I Hep burn of Iowa, chairman of the com mittee on interstate and foreign com merce, endeavpred to take the wtad out. of Bartlett s sails and to seise -the honor for the Republicans by "raising the Georgian at his own game by amending r Bartletf s prop osition so as to apportion "half a foil-' -lion mstead of .two hundred thousand: but while Bartlett accepted the Hep burn amendment, the honor of taking the . Initiative remained with Judge Bartlett and, consequently with, the Democrats. Bo the tnurt matter stands at. the present writingv With De Ar mond' s two bills enacted into laws And with tho funds to enforce, them and other laws on the subject, provided by Judge Bartletf s amendment, it would soon be a scerta ined jwhether trusts can be basted or not. The Democrats are doing : their duty .and: keeping their promises. - . : ' Amazing.. - .-. - 1 have repeatedly stated inoosgrees and out of .congress that la my Judg ment a . good business man can-.take the government of the United States and run it as well as it is Cow run for : one-half of the amount annually appro priated, by congress,. ; The loose way in which things financial are-done by the government i fully Ulnstrated by the following excerpt, from tbe Wssh- . n "... 't' - In having hi bill te fix the saieriee of the ; Isthmian canal oommlssloBere re ferred to the committee on interoceanlo canals yesterday Senator Morgan roade scene toteroatlnsr sUtements about the salaries now being paid. Ha told the sea ate he had .been trying for a long time to secure a statement from the sovemmeat of the salaries paid to the present com missioners, but thus . far-had failed. - Me added that the beat lnf ormaUon he could obtain was that those commissioner were still on the government nay roUe for SLOW a month eaoa..- ... . Senator Morgan, ecmmeotlng es the re narkable situation, dsolsred there was no provision in. the but to purchase tbe Fan smg. canal as to salaries of the cotasalar aloaei - Tbo.eompenseon to-be" paid was left to the dieerUon of the president. Xf the aalsrlea are eut down; aa provided In the bill I have Introduced." said the senator.; tho rem being axed at $3,000 a year, there w HI be less scrsmblmg for the places." He .said he favored adding te that compensation the satoal traveling ex-peBsee.i-::?- ;.r "..:"lv .;- v- - . f The Isthmian canal eomnUsetonere had received during their tenne of office, and as far as. he was able 'to ascertain they IT ere still balding office, the sum of tx&. TO CTJJBB A COLD IJt ONE DAT. V Tale Laxative Bromo Qalnioe Tablet. AU'druggeats refund the money 11 It fails oure". Jj.'W." Qroye'f Igaature I ea sseh box.- fJe. Th way of the trnreeBcr is to engage agood lawyer. " - - i ' " Wonderful Nerye, - Is displayed by many a man ecdaring paiat oi .accidental .cute." wound, hi uiie, beret, rcaids, sore feet or stiff jolBU. ,Ba- there't no need for It, Bucklen's Arnica Salve ul till the pain and core the trouble. It' tbt tet Salve oa early far piJe'i, too. 2!;t li. -. LOUISBURG! K. FRIDAY,' JAM'AIlY M::x fx. They ert aecordimg' t ( moey of CviottM trest.- Mid Ur U -tr-gao. tve weeks fa the btkanx J . aaia hrtho bbooU tl Jaauaty. wts x.s healthful ssesna. Xfter Mat Uy tcwl ata weoka ta Ktearmgaa. TT a save! acme ua ta Jsm. Tfcsy 1 tetmt expenses of tt.CTVSX watcrt 4 eM s lo aad. attr7rHl) b eartMft wn iw vw, s.KRe n eawi e rar i . . w , v ww mm v wofoiiwi aao tanarara i rmMi 1 Boulh Ajaewwoa.- '. t -. . ' Senator Uale rnoolred elw if ww hot poealbto to oeotre the pgiweaw aa4 Mr, hforaoa replied last be had eese sse to aeeore any e4sud ggwrvat tte fr cated a tegves freca -fvarr ce taring that it woold mr IS ee avails Ue force of the etsie trtea4 fee eolte -a- sorted ta swparlAg m eetaSkwi sxaietneoi. -....... -1 have boon trytag toe iaots ss Ur. Ja-orraa.v-t c thi htlami The common report ae that teo eaeMo. atooemare gettioe n.x eeetn, ee KJL Vm a' year, far their eervteee-' n Dom tea eeaeuor- meaa." .ss4 Ur. Kale. ' tha4 ' eooodr " baooo asa mkm oan And out hew aaae tbetM gvatiesaesj k ve . mtl "1 caa oory teswre'- the haa ease-taa baa beet paid fe eR)re-o e4 aew. saooatnur to IRruu.a, Tao ra ute noaiicm aev ree ininj t'w. ry-eiae nontbe ail tote, tf aK.a esay two BAoatao were actuan bm tathmo.M fir-ltal eald U was a resaarmaUe etatesaeot aad eoeMthtne eatM an a doae to brtng eot the facta. Vsnezwela. '- We pm'tM ta aowtog the wf4 la the PtUlTpphwe tad now erg here a floe iwcepect of rrepiog tee wwrt4 la Booth Atoerksv la the rWrhorftood of .. YeoeaoeJa. Whoi we gnhtS rhlOpploea. we gave the Uonrtaj trtoe Its cotq de grace, foe ft has ail ataog W tt1 Wr-Si7sn rho bad good pane IbktWtMk ll the eame time play the freotooser ta the eastern, beniepbtre jria the maagnr ta the Wwtsrt aM!UU u prcctsety what we are artempOag Ua wt eolotilie to Asia tad lefase the aaae privilege to Carotxe her. Where happenlBg to. Vntwr'a1 eftty the be ginning ef what we wta tare ta fare m Vang as., we cttog to the rhltrti-e. The rapidity with whteti the aaUocs f C rope are deiiverUf eittmat md fe ae. revohitieo . curved Teewvoela dnN skates that the season epo aer fct a Trecoocertrd srraogtxoeBt to teed the Monroe doctrtoe. If we hold eei fo the PhlUpptpre and also evdeavor to tml talo the Monroe dorfftho. we win be ccanpeUed oue day to fight. aU Ktrtf cotnhtaed, which Is not a choerfaJ feoe pect surety, Thl Ttewewtaa taattrr may blow ever, I have o doott tt CL Ifs only a feeler, a sort of fwreaE. ance ta force, to Sad oef hew far they can go wlthotrt ta acteal war wttH w. It looks as though we Ud Mttwa eff more ta Asia then w raa chew. The Departmoat ef Ceenivverte. . " : It tertBS to he the CoAMrnetat ef cws greaaloaat opinion tfcat anvo the tCOs whleh will be imaeed at tale ee ecAgreae U the ewe crrettno: the &ft meat of cotmiaerca. ftrtttUawet baa bee growing la Its fawar fcr t6e tlrae- One reason foe this state e a&itrs te that whet may be tewSdrted "a vfralght Up has tsweed fraca the Whttt Itoese that if the tfepertssecdt of rcawxamw tea esUblUhed Uota. Ckccge Brece me Ton, now swerotary te the prveldoct. wffl be the flrat eeoetary ef ccmraerm Mr. Ocrletyoa U ooe of the in tar public fusctieoartea ta Waahtrtae. aad to his djacalt pesJtk. for ft Is difficult poattieo. he has dteherred him delicate snd meittrartoee detJe wMh so much tact, patleoce aad sMUfy at te win golden optnVme of aU taem. There ts no ooe on .Cacle Ram's rotratstnooe pay roa who Is hrooght Into prwl contact with eo many seas term. rtre scnutlTcs, oOcUle. prtvate cttSaesa sa4 foreign visitors as the eecretary te the president If Mr. Crsrletyea hat ever offeoded aay one ta the jware ta wfck he has held that mporwible pmetiem. t have oever hoard of tt. That he WweSd make a tiptop cabinet offer three caa be no qocsUoa. Primary Election. There Is aa eroloflon ta fffcrraee ta Jhls couatry as to tbe saaaacr ef swrsS. Dating Candida tee for dke greet aad malL reopie are brgtoala i rdSm tbe topctthnt fact that petit ks I reform most origtaats fa rxxnlaa atone, fsr ea .strong are habit, prejadke , and ?t tnertls that practically everybody rotve for th iKtotneee ef h!s own party, bo matter what may be their tirsoae or lack of quali2cat!ooe, cbxrartrr e lack of character. OteervaUoxa trachea that to part with one's party te pah f ol operation. Of cooree there are tx cepUeoSyto this nils as ta tit other. The fear of being potatrd to is a rene gade or ttirucoat has lc!d jtxmj m m to his political aJWUnci hai ailrliLft had erased to beaevs.ta the fro4lfVL tensta of .bia parry t3Z iUJin& i2 land there, axe signs put mere ee r te to be tss&i ,fo fcftlasj'ittAL4 t irtain the WUl.of .tfce Jovfe tf-j 'mahtog rgirntn a til a It tListsCj 1 4 ' delegate cceveutsro syetro le tn yxwv tea. of .uifimy tiwlJi .fa'4 14 lit. wau. it was better than no orgeat, tion at all, a tittle better, Uttlth eey to manlpolate sad to corrupt esd ia tu reeult frwjiisatly .failed ttr rrteeet the wtU cf : ti people. The jrfawry eleetloa lithe pcsalng svptem. ttupe lag, adopted lt aoxae-e'.a r fathk ocarfy tvrrywhera, and Jt t ,The primary rgivr- every cittsm a -Uy veaat Be.nat tad ail s.'crg tl rt - jcsfly. 1 a voice ;ia tte statf. sad gr- rvvry voter at ttejftiiolmrw. ert- Uare ef lime and maoey a change to r-sjKf hU choice of pahtte arrvaata atei faaeev t iTasesttThwUlf JpoxrUa tats ewe elander glrla makes n :ry-L I tt'.fK the plumper a girt le.Us UetOg U 1st Gessett Ahf I cnarjt.lat.yt-3. Ul maa; so MUs Duo-rU;..; Us arweS you. ehr-rhl!ad5f bl lTveav nowllhljoaw. The Sral ot'e-t la t f Hb lie A Opti ca a people k to gel title lie eaeoaJ, hoe to rva-ttw good seal'b. Tte f ra eaa be cbuteed by eaergy, fcrowety eai ear- togi the aveocd, (mod ke1'.&) re tatsg Grvea'e Aag aai flseet.- PaU yea be a dewr-odat aafsrer frcaa aay cf it ef. ftete of dya?p!w, ! eotsrUlat. ap- Tnil;-itla. la lij'-le. vie . areh ea aUi h radar be, ralpiutta rf l. t'r, sear etomaeh. baMlsal e:U9e. dits's of tbe head, Brvce t,ni'ji, loo riri, et-e,, yoa t-i c t ai'r as day, TvjdwH cf t-e . 1 a a - v x gOit i", -vf r witl re"- fai ll fj . ( to At- t'T'-t a - ! rl'a ' J- i f r. 1 . - ' i .: , J ' ' -, W S 4 tM i. M a7 JasT httfit U iltet.-siirf tiel ltj ra eeai ssk.--v. w am . tV.ert.' i ' t I bate C .-! T". tt e-a-sZf ;ry i"is r,r- . 4 a t . , e rT; rie e ie o iXtr I VtZ r 1 La to 4 1 arw t.-A fa .1) J.ll.rrwa. rro -J fi net H t TU!.,, ts re Ut-, TtmiMlsa ts tss-atr U.l t fcf- fft'sl U tie j.e, r.w;a, A. ytarvoawae le-woo-te-w". ewf mww, Aexvile taa w-e iee. IU1 eCt ea-f. ee 1 1 M oa.iaev, T4 .I;(rf ua44 ok n en rr-e f i .wL. u J, u r- e I v (f iktHAtt;), fl I JUsn t t. a u.t Nt -4 m n wVewMe w;, pnwe... eeeite TV f-aw. verna w ;. aeawet ae av.t. w5 .... tra aeATaeg lr.Vwv, tvf fi:ii tt U aa.4.. ay f. S. f aw r IismL Ta lwiU ti-tm. Ml h (.re U as tre- Owe Raawteva PaXere la toe eaUe If. X Klm. t. rc,twM rwu wi tu-ms Uewere '1 aj iw t t Utalseesy duMMa aW wmr,i a. I e-vrw-i ase. tiakiMi... . n. la':4iNeHAwt(A,a iitwmt e- a aseawalfy aiwi &tnt rw-gf---x,wvwwv e. wwna. sww wwiiMaM4 aeeiad net Dta I aw It rewog G '. rgeare Ueeee . Be .rereee Sddte lta aa iVaailg leeueat U4f cf aa erttwaug. ttscaaa Rtawe rk, vweawwe leAeak w ''-"I1'-? w-7- aess It sV P-ar seeewaM.ir, uie ettf sa Sfaw emiwul eaweo f. m. as-.. ... b'Mvete tse tivmw a:. kv ei ua wC.4 t i r r Vui. m W Vsve aee4 te mm aU le see tree tease. . UeJ ' giro , ae llaa4Ue(raee. & eWeeat CwWlwalr'jia ftoe a ao4 mmim ta-a eaveesssOtwee A. t. teeft-A . TyT . m siAk. eatf a ew-e. as. neeCtrev 'wnmw f.Tt!r - tl lekM iVwW g ee la tej.t, eM ive ee e4 T wae-,-a-4 eaee teacwtf ew. f4-t veavw4. ii mst t.vaax.u. Wv. 4 aa tei es4 fae Nee Ceeg fm ' mm f-tn. W-e ae-Tata aeMweeV ; Mve C . , " " f- - " 'Be.. 'mejB -Feevf O.IUa, ew iarfv. " tt ft hsUfaU fs4 tUl tonal sf tUcaljeeta ef Xlc iat4 VI t are Qlaeeew - - - " - i . . " was ; X sWe-wtstaw Pwwewy. Cs4V -e f las aSMwtA aAoe e k m ieMa ewe ke e m ec-aierv per)4MrHUtt l4Mt2M t . aeaaal laleeeal a4 eZ a. ata ; ef as atee4v 6eee. eMwei keaaiii,' M iaAaennd cwniwiwe ef taa wtwarviketdle re ee. ba& g.a,i: e oval veaaeiat l e ee ... e4 .e nmsa re a aaiaUiw ji toto te4 a 4 .Atwwafte fn T-vrt It a i j tf ,a! efdSfe ' I-hs, hiib art Wllteaiealw.- .. . t. TW eewwaatl af aeeey . the ne aaee. a-e e-X ewe " Ail Hn a t?w4 trvVeaa to te (- Lie (To Caft a ": It. uriaeae. -Wee - ewssea. le eKksa UttSe l!twtt r. m aae .eee t eee e-ed a f fef. I es1w wfy aw e-aee tVee ae eevejftuae. yv. e-a feaijait.,e .aa .ets edl.ww, itaisveiaiyM aver Uvaaewa. AJMeete lg tav Be&aaas ib f artle t-Ae at4 seednte (rait ttte tes dee4 Soto DrHUe feleestakska. twt:t-. -. - - k aeaa-'y vm aa tea he Lao aMMawe 4 erw wS.iife. s sNn-a aeel .he IS the raiaiee4 M Ii.ee4 W asie aaawlitiaHn(ni ea-ew e , efareee. t1 Ca,nV- rw t4tj g-i edf. Nil natwaUMuw eat eawabaer aaUfei Mw4dta.. uuu hew ai4y t-e avaf ae rwuw4t.f. a gira a-ii-a asso- as -i-rtw4 eeevr MwlmeM 4f"r d-aafyaae. ft free OeTtjt aTara L4 . " fVala tatrUlega' lts- are tecp' esete nsltirj' Ua iaeear3 reality. , . " tHbs3eri .;' . T-l T Cfe-wMoJ rv II tie rt-vy ef ataHe e wfse--j ta U esse iWee a ertes. A eet fseia raa e , ess tax efce esd Uevia a ai.;. aa. a w a aa la taUsee f-aC'y MU ewea ri W ere yae-it. tale V-i , r:a- 4 t Lee a rvj-aiswi sa' 4 ie e-ea.he.eea4 ktif l-n3 a4 h...-f jwarwfMws rrvis-ev. Tv eee f Uo evsie-ft; a eJ (kiIV ixii Vi i .m ail to pasti e fee Vim. f j : aad k-awrae-4 fe4 K e "The re!lgteat ' atetitt t!f la dall aa Jeer tt - we tr-a;h ;. tif4v.,vlf raw;.: g ?tUis- r A 'l lea. Is ctfefyU sf e'tsjuak. e: a ta eat4t iVas c 4 j;ritv. a!t-l ei -sasa.ae as: : 14 mi ig a ei-a.f ' I 4f.- U k ae K'f iiai -a'ji frUeJ aalKi!l tmat fa.;.-!"! uaa fr;a aa f tjW:.; aa-f the 4ia rwijur l ire; y frres rae. A t-i.v mi im-m "e ?rrtp 3tr1 siit ytif f ,r in u,a I 4 U awa v UI f eev tM a 1 tX -w-v's r .... 1 . J it f t'i e ;t f : ; 4. m f s !: aaaetj,- a. S 'H-:-; s af eettra ex-ue. -it aif ? ; j : t . ; 1 tu aa : ' - r . (Ii t )i ' ) n a v ? a p r r tf i - V.". Ctttr t . - k- f & rev. m m rr J 1 l-TC'l-w;. . - i a r, t-C e ":m v , . "t.Jf t-fj I ?r- : ;. -v-r ; - f "'Vw-; le-T !.e . It' ::,c "."'l - ... aV 'C.!?tS tU 5.!? il t.lM'i, w- -- v tHT . a JyTT t-e f? tlvf h , lVf i! k.iJk zr i l-tVf-i rrt.:astsaa t r.w ..fi.wiijr". !e 4J IT"v lae MJtf-if fwe. trita, 4a n - f ?i' v Vr ., fl 1- rcrlt t nrsa-Hr 5t '.-A" v? g - a 4 e1?lVylti al T I "a . , - t.-a , 1,1 i-n m v1. -! i 1 ?iti'4jM'tViie.(r 4 taf, aj Atwt ;.-Ma ? aa3 lAernt " Bl 4wmU l- lyt tas eastt .! t f rW Jpf - ltbtee..ag 4 at. n saaj a C . fae ,S;ft. :i,-aa) e1.ii Si-! aa e1.iii SXs 4-. eaCJcttg a4 S.ie 1 eaati.. . Tta laiwiamta 1a.er.1i iimii4 i , r n I f. , w hww ewiwe e tiw .m. 4, a ej iim ik. at,. tMt i,i...t, ,0 .m I Vana mw ). Mr wmwj, I W ' " ' WW , WJ W -rj n a mi WMMWW WC WH w'Il. mm,. WW" i e-.a , e fciaw" tf tVljue l a (w"rw- A ,1m jMa-. I aw aT ee 1 1 ae-t .mi aiMtt f tae esjwafcaj erae.g.-ff i at t. Ch,a.ii. Iteia ee t: tevaueatAsw. vl J t e l ewQ nilt a.ui'UcH Iw etaaJs at aMaa ae.tet' . lrr.3.a IkUia eHaf.fun.qa JL t. w-'a4e sa CL Cm ! .teeae ; iter-ta'.t Ik aeie ekaj 1m. S.1e eaate 4 weJ U, Jt- tAa(Mae.;aiU; .4. to. - I. Ck- jpa.ii ia fjtJZf fkes ai ei4 era t a-ri j.v, 5va.k C. &. fcsavJ'M-;. r;.ta al.f eaUura i n.Jn.iia. l -fto-. erg aer aoa lat Mw f,kft4:f 5ifa off at. JT. fcje.a, faee Ujs). T. t, Jttt at(4kr Ota5AItf ta,-.MB asf at ? mtvm ioae iteif s.r-a a--! If a,fks a4.f lrswe.Se eaa are'e ise-e. - 4, Tw rwirvi:ttje - 3 tk ' e4oee cf oe fNtirea, eaMr. aA6e-e . , , ; . A, T Ve A ewor g ejawttaaeiaey ae a a 4f- rewt..eee urn ia.4 fiv - iJVs;' k tfwA.t. i lie f?k.:. 5 taanttalsnr t.-W t tc J! ffieeaa-asaj tfnj T. Mf?Tate, iwj. Crayon Portraits. 1 a ?t;-'w tMi eiwaAs t r - ' n r-f1rrte 0,1 raawattraiat.w SATISFACTIOri, My-e'wttTAn: t.. 4-lV i'iLJL lwt 71 i s it a a.a e-a a( altee UfMtal ' Jfaal eire-t aaaa If-iff'e ' I t ae e. Ie4$ tU e- . iiia;.J I ea,4e eaae ae ,e Of I taierarh I e I'; a . 4 t a as m . , 1. ii.si t r. - " ' " , - - B m - ' liv 11 al i en e .. ; 1 - t.i j j II a .t f aa e a te la tU.t g a I w i 1 .e g a i Is r t e I-..": j eareeftVs J"t's'-- j a .,-. t, . ?iir 4 ::aa. 5 f )' la I a t fU af lie... , . ! wt - wa t , t 1 r i L L ' T dl " UwSpV"!- jMaj(Bia' . aw , , . -,a a ' ' ?vn ee a j,,. tr-t flV':-;" l' a,..,., ,ee..:i .f Cijtxi!;t rtTT.i'-i iit C'r I t u -" 4 ? t ..t ' - Hlart ,',f.e is . 1 -: 1 r" t: " f K:l .ii.. io w e-w- ;ui2H Orders. JT rt e i t - t e a - a.v. I ,.,.)(, a ,. Ve (X THOMAS. rv i aV e.a.t..lWiM t "tftl -ie-s; faN-awea, eVa D. Ee MILLER. I " " ww at,M -i, a.-. I - e. e inw. e.ar .. v - ' wxC Hmw S.M.M. ) eC MtUHtfa 'VJTv.tr t'mMSW, wwiww " eww. t i- , .1 , r .. ,, .. e wsa mi -aa eaa awM44.it a eeMae ieat. laugh fat crow I - tH j , . --.. e. M4a. wwmm a ? T' to.n 4sea eaa . faV. wS-a:.'J. 1:1:111 jiuiittf thl; .- 5 , fiUtVW,!. t f wiwviKeraa ttajaaa -hw",T, - -f-af ffetieitlf;-rT evt aaise.. op new YotiCa ASSETS OVUR LZ23?.2,' SURPLUS CVI? 7lXCa.tDCI. ' The kW " Jw"flJt'-' ..i.i,k, k,. la-ee-naei A ! twuiws.n ei.., . . - ..." W ' " aaf .a aaa saai jaAjSa - a a f ta, A.k ff tea CeAatiaa.a eveie eaCieteiiif CALL TO SEE wawaw- sffwasswa sbbbbbjbjbe n . - ar - - ... . f y s A; v. person cc:.:?;,:;v, O.N COURT STRCE V e la -a .f t.a-e , Z- urntt e - 4 5e f a-a-f I e e .-C a . f RED SEAL FLOUR , i t W t1..f ej. J. e W i 9 IW'lE'f V.l r lit, :sa am 1 S --.,.... i 1 I t I 4 r1 . t ' a V r i a. ! i. . e e . tl,.. - t Wv- M- - 4 r a rr-i.v.r t t. I-? a ... t,,i . lilteu. i.. ... ta wf . .. tv. i t ; ... . f I.,. tiff.,.,. r j.: .. t it t t t t Ji t. l t r ;. s r t i t ?- t .1 t ).... t t "( ii, , 1 f.l 1 4 .-.W .( f a. t .( :.. . at f. twf e t f-.yP.f S ' ' t.i V u.nit v: - .1,. - el t aaiivb, ae ikrvea ( 4 ...,. t r ii t r V e ' 1-in.K,, a r v t ,i t-t.a. et A 4. t,. Ca a . ttt4 y . 5 W-e kimm; a e..,f j, J-,u , ei e ;t at.;.vai . i .... a.uu ( e ..,. . ,,,.. . "-TV"1- ittJV'V w 11 - - Tin ejeatie a aamtV. tlvae a -aU. . w , ? w.4eMaarwe.-e. f vwwmwv aa ! FREFEEr.ED SIC C: f-K-l D I'AZh IX l'UUK i!YK V,a4ae le f mi e.f. ?.. le iisn a, asewi w turn Ma.f.af Aeaetas fnd ttt -ke t. ; iK::ani:iif:ii.rr: ; f. r:ri i::;. ;r i tt I arMVwwlwttt. JwwA. 1.-.......- . ' ! ' wi.-ww!-w wwnmif Ji , fe?CAt6 ftaeeai ewi. at .&A, t saewa'et Ww f m.aa eHfceitittw4tt'a we i T .. :! e.f. f". u-. V a '.. ?.! i w. a. ao..e f ea t e e v i

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