V V. " JAS. JH-V'S, -::r 2:3 Fr:;r::t:r. YOL XXXII ' ."' - T I ) ' ; CHURCH DIRECTORY . ' : -' 1 METHODIST. , ' Sanday School at 9:30 A. M: - , , : Qso. S. Baxeb, Supt. Preaching at n A. ILi and.7 P, M. every Sunday. . Prayer meeting Wednesday night. 1 . M. T. Plyler. Pastor .'It ' -' " ,, BAPTIST. , Sanday School at 9:30 A. IX. i' -. - Thos. B. Wjxdbb, Sapt Preaching at 11 A. .,: and 7 P. 1L, very Sanday. " - i . Prayer meeting Thursday night.-; vi" H. EL- Mashboehs. Pastor. - i f - sfisoopai - ' - - . Sanday Schqol at 9:30. -. Services, morning and night , oo 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. ' B vening Prayer, Friday, afternoon. -' L0DG88. ' ', ' . -v Loaisbnrg Lodge, No. 413, A: F. & A. M., : meets 1st and - 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. - S PBUILL & ALLKED. ' -- i; ATT0RITKY3-A.T-LA.W, Win practice in all the Courts, v Offices In Loalnbarg and ToongsvUlerN C - -'' - DR. ARTHUR H, FLEMING, e . s . DENTIST. X-OU18BUK.Q. ' Offlco Over Cooper's Store. " ; j" QR. 8. P.BURT, V PaACTIOINGJ PBTSICIAN ASD StTRaEO. , . Louiabargj K- C. r ,( ' Offlee in the rar of BnddTe, j Bobbitt-& Uo, rag Btorff, ft a Nash street; l f ; yyK. B. T. TAE.BOROUQH. . ; -! THTBICJ A3T Alif SCTBOBOir,'r - J OHloe Snd -floor' Seal' nulldinff. phone 89 !Uht eaUa amawnre't from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 7. .. - r tii. m aaaKHBUKCT. ; ATTOKNBTTAT LAW. ' ? lOtnSRORS. V. C ' WIS piaotlo la alt the. Coarta of the State Office In Court Hons. 0 . ATTdBKBY-lT-LAW ." - J - t 1 " Will Attend the eortrts of Ifash franklin. OraavlUe, Warren and WaXe counttea. also the Supreme court of nortn uarouna, ana we ut. 9. Ulrcatt ana inatrict uoarra. - ..- - . ARCD3 W INSTEAD CTt f - ATX ORinSY-A.T-1. ATW r r LouisbcrqV N.' C . omcs ova Corner Drag Store -w, v? ,: Tf' ' t ' - - -v .iJ. Special tAttentloife.gtTen to eollpctlona. Fraetlce wherever services required.:.--? - J) B. J.K. MALONK, 0 J BifctlCINQ tBICIKt AND 8TTBQBON. '- . ' lo pig BUBO. Tf. a 1 --JVa-jsais OlOoe over ArcocRe Trag Company. . :. TBvB.B.r08TBB. :"stf I PBACTICIITa PHTSICIAU U B1XRQBOS', - ' " - r , Loulsbarg, H. C. , - Offlee over AyHeDrugCJiEpany. YXTM. hayWood RUFFIN. 1 vt- ATTOKITBTeAT-IiAW, Win nractloa In all the Courts - of - Pranklia and adjoining counties, aieo in the Supreme Court, and in the United. States District and Circuit courts. - . 4 Omoe in Uoopet an4 CMlton BuildlnK. TH08. B. WELDXK, V ' - " - ' "W i-. "a " , '-' ATTOBaSY-AT-LAW, v - 11 ' lo vuB vb. sr. a. ; " - Office ob Main street; over Jones If Cooper's tore. - - t ' v B. SPRUILL.: 4 TT daSEY-AT-1. A W, ' WU1 attend the courts of Franklin, Vance arauvUle. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of r. North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. . : , Office over Kerton's Store. , , , . TW.BICKBTT, ' .jot?" aTTOBHBY AITD COUWSKIiOB AT LAW i ' ' LOUUTBITBe Jr. C - -1 ' Prompt and painstaking attention given to . i svery matter intrusted to nis hands. - - - Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John ann-Dsr. Hon. KobU W. Winston, Hon. J. CV ' BukfmrPres. First National Bank of Win ston. Glenn k Maulv, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. S. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est ColloreHoa. B. W. Timberlake. ..-. - - Offlee Ur CeriiHqaBeA opposite SherUTa. YY Yi' ttt ' -r , ! . ATTOBHBT AT-tA W, lotnsBUBe.s. at . - -Practices Building. . la all courts, omoe in Heal H TABBOROUQHa IJU .. ; - ATIOENET At LA W,: - loitisbttbo. H. a r , p OfflWtt Opers House buUdmgf Court street i All legal business ' intrusted to- him - will receive prompt and careful attention. r 1 tKr. D. T. SMITH. WICK, " v DENTIST, err Office over Furniture Store. HOTELS. FpiNiaiNTOS HOTEL - f ' FBANKLIITTON, N. 0. , ; Q. 'w.(TOJWfi:Yfty,r- Good accomodation for the traveling ' public. , ' Good Lhe.T Attached I1ASSENBUR0 HOTEL aT r-Hassenburff Propr nEUDnncoir, 11. c. anA anommodation8. - Good fare; Po liU and attentive anrvasr I7ir: r::C::: XT. J. iscr:.vrt:,rrerr!-t-r. Pa 3 t r c 4 IniSissiiin) A T the. end of the year the prudent I man of 'businesa "takes stock" I in : order tn nort.U' in' order to BRort!n- . . , "ne at, ' to borrow- a phrase 1 made-famous on a memorable occasion s by a statesman now out of a job. - Let us follow the example. " " '' "-- - " The results of the November elections prove that.the, trend is Toward Democ racy. ThafLSve did not win the house 4s true,' but we cut -down the Republic an majority by one-thlifd. - - . .Uxcept for the action of one' man- President, Roosevelt In . the matter of the anthracite coUl strike we : would have -captured the house and Carried New Tort. Even as it Js, a great many persons believelhat we did carryKew YoriC for- the party whicfu stole the presidency . from Tiklen'is not above stealing the governorship from Coier. -V The- revolution, In Rhode island and the reduced Repabilcan tEaJorities'gen eraTly in. the eastern states how-that Republicanism is on tb-down grade;"'-.' ' Since the confusion of tongues on the iilain of SUinar ; "at the foot of the unfln- ished tower of . Babel, ther if'iiever felt from human -lips" a more preposterous statement than, that-made by General Crosvenor in-;the house on Dec 17 In .these - words t , When:, the .election "was over, Jhere was nothing left of the. Dem ocratic party, -r -: After winning a great fight in which his losses were frjtghtful, reviewing the nem of slaughter, Pyrrnns, tlng-of Jspiros, moumf ully : exclaimed, r 1 f - we ha-ve such another Vlctory,we are en? aoner'v i commend those ' words -of wisdom ta my'Tenerable, -vitriolic. nd jubilant Iriend from Ohio, At present the differences among Re publicans are 1 more pronounced than those among . Democrats. " '-.The Repub lican factions are getting wider apart. While the Democratic sections are draw ing closer -together. :-?''. The war between the whole hog tar iff Republicans and the tariff reform Republicans is an irrepressible conflict. , The. hope of securing eligible places at the pie counter may postpone the Iner itable struggle from this session to the nexVJut" then its will break "out .with redoubled fury." If tariff revision downward prevails, the tariff barons will 5 be -disgruntled and will refuse to contribute the sinews of war to. the Republicans,- and with-! oui-aii a Dunaancc ox -uae Biilewa xae lit- publicans neTerdid "win can" never liopeJto win. i On the other hand, iftajs iff 'revision downward is refused. Re publican -tariff -reformers wilt desert i thejG. O. P. in shoals, join hands with the " Democrats ; And overthrQW those who believe in standing pat"r and In 'letting iwell; enough alone" theories -which every - unconvicted criminal In the land Indorses, most heartily. 4 . -.-' i On jther tariff with Republicans it is. a' case of ScyHa and' Charybdls the devil : and the deep sea "damned if yon do and damned if yon, don't." - Republfcans hive grave cause for ap prehension, 'Democrats good reason for hope. -r - -f:: .;';v; : . The . Democrats will reaffirm all . the essential features - of the Chicago and Kansas City , platforms, plant - them selves firmly on-the time' honored an.d beneficent Democratic,- principle of "equal rights to all; special privileges to none, more necessary now: than ever before, and wage the battle maln: ly on the triple propositions to destroy the trusts,-to redace-the tariff rates to a reasonable basis and to curtail public expenses: to the needs of the govern ment economically administered. .- . -Upon that platform all i Democrats and : all others - whoj love - Justice can stand, -.i' . J. .- Upon that platform we wiH place a genuine ;. Democrat i of ..high, character and approved capacity as our candidate with an:;equal:chance of Boccess. ". ' Leading , Democrats are already be ginning to express opinions as jto what manner of man shall be the candidate end; some go so far as to- specifythe man.-. - - - '" ' In aa'elaborate .Interview "CStogTesa- man Charles Fremont Cochran of Mis souri, one of the best Informed men In public life, after outlining ft platform much Tiike the one set - forth , above, "says: 5 r " : - - cr - "-The nominee in 1904 should be a man In sympathy with that platform and one who can prove" Ihcontestably his loyalty to the presidential - candidate-in 3S9S and 1900. - Going Just a little farther back, he-should be able. to prove unmixed devotion to the Democratic - platform ofJS92 -and- in sno way responsible- foir- the emasculation of the Wilson tariff bill. . The Democrats of the - west would not . support a-.jcandtdate for 'the presIdemcyVgiiiUy "btop-poslng an income- tax or who assisted in puncturing the Wilson: bill wittr hundreds of amend ments, each- embodying ; Republican - pro. tectioniam : and "-contrary? to-- Democratic 'doctrines - In. xay Judgment, the -nominee must come up to these standards. Wheth er he happens to-reside east , or west Of the Alleghenies is not so important. -."Hon. Samuel Bfonson Cooper of Tex as;' a member - of the "committee on 'ways and means, 'expresses his. ideas In these words: ' 1 ,, . ;" The Democratic- party In 1904 should nominate for president a man who was not . in ; harmony with the; Democratic L platforms of and 1900 On the money question, but who royally supported the party's -candidate-for president. Such a man Is Senator Gorman of Maryland or Judfre Parker of New- York.11 The plat form should make . revision "of the tariff and the suppression of trusts its para mount issues, I do not mean that i should declare war indiscriminately on alt combinations of capital, but it should ad vocate the correction of evils that have ta "-a . 13 JC. " - s "S M4, - - "0 - ,'v . f ) f.'ctar zlz;.lr...'dz9i a till tj.' av e. , '' - a - r-" -. . et p TaKfnJ SfoeK at r B.ymnm - " Hanna J "Ai. Ceni.tioo, JYot a Cbtorx" Ja J 4I w TV " trow cut of Lc'h comblntlon Th feaaon of tapertmiism &icissd, for. while th . &tcisJ, for. while th court h u- TAlnel th Republican contention tht h Korernment ha riht ta K Jvrrn cciw.fi uuid wa constitution. ! do out r:inr l (rvfiv jut, r, nerpa verdlc,t favorably to och a poiicjr. Th "nomine. I think, should com f rora th aat, anl either of the two men I hair mentioned would cnaks a blghly accept able Candida ta. r. .. Will For, Hannah " As fieretofore stated in tliei litters, when the Bhort seion of cin:srrra be gan to all appearances President Rooe. velt bad clear sailing for the Itepub llcan presidential-nomination. But things have changed somewhat, "and nut tto his adrantage." Nevertheless, . be if many- laps, ahead of .all.conip?mars. But the way In. which the name of Sen ator Marcus A. Hanna Lobs up contin ually in "that connection must b un pleasant reading la White Hotism tip ctes.-' The 'latest contributor to th 'Hanna literature ij IIoo, James J. Ilia tne puissant Tallroad magnate. Th Washington ".Times Is responalbte for ;the following gossip r '"When Jamea y.Uin was In the ev r- f.cently, he hunted jup 8nator Haona sn4 rasaea mm to become candidal tor tht . Republican nomination for the Drrirnrw. ,The railway roanate said thnt the OMo senator could rest assured that he wouli have .the iiearty support of th atrocj business interests of the countrr and thai It would be powerful enough to make nira win. The senator gave the reply lo Mr. Hltl which he has Riven dozens of others that is. that he did not want the Jok ami wouia not nave it f be could set it. ; -That Is most certainly Important It rtrue, for Mr. Hill Is a man of vast In fluence himself, and he trains with, a coterie 'of: men; who are powerful Id deed, and if he badlthe foregoing con Versatlon ; he -was most probably , not y speaking for himself alone, but also for au those who have interests lu common with him..,, If he did speak for tbem. there la more importance to be attached to what he said than to any .other po litical action this Tear-except what the president oUd In the matter of lb cos strike.'- -' r-, : -: -; : " : If Senator Hanna" said tat he did 'not want the job and wooWu't have It JLf ne? could "get lt be spoke perhaps candidly, but unadTlsedly. .He had sot carefully examined his own mind and t .heart, for it may be asserted without the fear of successful contradiction that there la not a citizen of tbe repubUc ,who would "not accept that partlcuiar job if he-could get It, True ttat Dio , :-tla R5ictel the Imperial crown c Rome ad that Charles V. of Spain ab dicated seTeraT crowna, but they wrr satiated with power." They bad soan4- ed every shoal and depth of honor and were weary of the world, and It will be noted that "neither D loch? Can nor Charles declined crowns In the first In stance "Nobody ever; declined tn b president,' and nobody ever wllL Sotn day,' perhaps In. the ages yet to be, some president will Immortalize bimw-lf" by resigning, but he will be a rara srl. It will be 'Observed that Mr. Hill made no suggestion as to a vice presldeatlil candidate to run with Senator Xlaona. -While I am neither the spiritual : nor legal adviser of the Republicans In g en eral'or of "Mr. IIIll ia particular, per chance"! can aid them and .him to fiH out the ticket. How would GoTerttor Tan .Sant of Minnesota strike them r It Is generally " suspected .'that Senator Hanna Is not unfriendly or unkind to the trusts. - Indeed, he is looked upon tn certain quarters . as their champion. Van Sant. on the other hand. Is opposed -to trusts in general and to Mr. Hill's merger in particular."-Tea, the ticket of Hanna and Van Sant would add to the gayety of nations, at least. - . "A Condition Not a . Theory." " V -; Unless all signs fait, our Republican friends will be up against it good and hard when; the house of representative of the Fifty-eighth congrwis comes to be organized. They, are always loud ia protesting their loTe for the colored man and brother at long range. They shed' copious crocodile tears at the po litical wrongs Inflicted upon him. . They solemnly asseverate . before man , and God that he la. worthy of high 3c. .Now, they "are- about to be put to the test as to the sincerity of their declara tions. .Rev. William McG HI. colored, of .Chattanooga, Tenru, ad Birmingham, Ala., proposing to take them at tblr word,, has announced himself a candi date, for the chaplaincy of the house and is now In Washington prrsHinjr ti clalauThat the .Key.- William .McCUI will cause a rattling of dry boucs La the Republican camp there can be no sort of doubt. "He seems to base his hopes of success on what he ia plesst-d to de nominate as Tresldeut lto'i9CTelt'8 rec ognition of the rights of the ugro" in the south and thinks he can secure the "support ,'oi the" administration la L!a amhitious undertaking". In th!s Mr. McGHI may or may not be correct, but the chances are ten. to one that if the president did nothlDg ebe betwixt now and the first Monday In December." A. D.1903, but press Mr. McGIU'a candi dacy the latter would never be chnpla'.n of the house of repreaentatHi'S. -Mr. McGill has not thoroughly considered the situation. . The Republican throry is that. the colored man end brctVr I? good enough to vote the Iteputllcpn ticket In any part of this great rcpuUIc and is good' enough to hull any o"i-o. big or little, 'high, or low la tbe south. But as to holding bi.ch o.ce in tbo north that is another story, a story which Mr. McGHl-and all his race would do well to take to heart. - y a jr V rf jr O i ' " r- ' . at r'-i'-t t the o r ! f 1 t'.ite l.t v. '.j : a? ::::y r 1 t-'.z yr--r ar. i in t. V. r- r Lit '. I a !. 11"C ( f'.ani.;!. Ct T r tie f.n:f. y tx j'U ..a i:i j - c!r.!..Tj rf V.." r..-r. fr-::t:oii "?.- u t (-t. '.vVjiV.f u ! IsUti.r? l'i irv f ; fv Ir.f"a-.c la . iv.Tj r. j c ; rx I 1 .x t: s. ' rra roJi! '.J1.-r.r3r. - J 1; that l. n:r-rtT wl : 1 rurr..:t t:.al If a r-- U cort:'u.-nrT. If I r fra r.r!.A.-J r-r .-- - ? - ns crv.l 1 r t nr- llrjo:. O' ' V.". 1. - New Tor It. Vr!,-.- 9 z- tb RToMI'Tin w.r'i tr fin1. ty s'iow lq Vlrs'.r.ia. V-t'.- XT. 1' tonr tr Tmr...-s-,i ilf Uir- j much f s sbow.as It U C i -3'-r tte ncro bukl tb f? J a -1 ;a t ri.-paLUon'rrty. if t c- t,j it- UoltM ni atrrrii-;r-. ttj j-3 north and Ia!l If y r f"fW!rt iaw-ki: a sk. rv'.' - v . gobble the'tioo'a aar for w;ti.-i I them th R"Tx:l4l-M woeU N a bopl-Mi elsiftty aa.4 t- COSap-i:.'d ta pj.orl t t-aCa-. A Itoroojh CTzn:tatV acvor KW wrt'.-: r rof rat of tt'.rf r - the nrxt U. ;-t!:cto prwuUtftiiUI u. . es the vlo prtiJotUI ra.-li:. I the v.er.t Cf 'njents wotiH "Lus4 a? least ue t trj i thSklt-xt. It w.Vl Uo -une to M a ftr 4!tttoa ef the epolia gtMTny. Ia adii:3- . a;j this, they rold fcrr-a vVr4 rvr-secitatUn- in tV rou .-rjMtal d.i-ti-tioca'froKtJi:fr,-t,it;M3' ra tr P.j parti tiohlng of state ccrrs (nra f rr. ernor down hi tte Cm3 Be It Warl iso.frWa.xi ttat 1 ea f advising them to'drC-'tl 1 bk" '..'. :y PcoUting oo what t&liht Lrtr" what may hrpxi. It U rUia tt RTtiblScaa .ruiy ,W et-t-r-T ef th nrgro '-TOf.-rs.w IS'Tjy tt- trr themarlvrs) da cot rrTcubi. Ik- fact and art opoa it t oa cf tie sayUArt of the tt3xjiUbk-i,t Era. It r. ly rahn btht ttmm tTt-n hate at kero aa rt-,'? f t their ooth-ra brrthrfa. Why. ttt-at are thy iirt f cUtTrT-f-ar t TV ocly rrastrt) wtrt b that Cy T Hy rv alis the bovl cf tt jt. Whit th-y tori t3!r1 t:: Jirp-sV IlcSOe 4A10 BVj'.:hiea!:tlai.3l fcf ie poii r-t-i'.' s..i cap",: Vr. j -rvrhaps Kv.'tVi.Uij llrtiiaa ta iv I ma: ivrha r. b 1. a . . i ka V. .ia i-fr-. a iV. . . I . . , ... .... a, ihj- r b statvtl sit ahc;(5t"r-ttaic!y, - t xnwrn iai rr pr r tJ er.t t . -.- -." a wui cmua K'puLV.a ccT-ci3- to bsve av crerry fi.'a U tt rs'ao of the sphAt Cofcma ?. Is tx a ry lucrative, posltioo tt L2 t antr. but It 111 raoat bopcvat; rK llm I la a aituntioo toaay t i th r.'-plrts party, "Sraa4 n4 .-t'-TrTf Mealeaif JiKtke .'" " -t The Wh!njrtr post cor.ta'ps C folkrwln ratict rsrQ4 rxaafj , - "The way that !! W.u-r Justice qj tj avrq fr-- it l"Bt:cJ state. rtuarkt Kr. 1 r n. 81gcua of 6U "Lcua at ti tea. -.-.. - .- .' "I wat t la Ual of ts -irwm a tftr T"r ro fo tr . ar. Stayr la a Uttt nt y U ri the- Trxa befr. 1 a-. n corps U a eb f-a&e la t buahee In &4 e!tk.-ta d tha avUc . il "Ol he ha4 ermt oirar fr tt t'Hr Wt cf the K!o OrnJ .- e(Ut r ra. Ita l4a!a a Hi:; tn f--'T t- pulqu wbll ib Sane us-i J xrtt4 th JaOMSy or i.m 4. :t K4 r rrai W t-vUJK c loo tw?k titrate the. srt of tb Acarvea t a a a--a aT ST5rrt. ' "At Irajt tat was t-.a iVT f ta kitUna-, Iwtuw a 4 --f .t. In to 1X ail tr s-o-- ' f -r-.J t body, ftcttt.f - ts rit ti Un djn f .r rcf-r. - Iu' ia ti rata very cee'tf at v?.v. t.r .ti and Ivory h rv 1 1. t n rri k ---) the dciJ. The r..-l-o ef fv vaa tfc orcaalon 0 a tral txf.-ra t 4-J SK-a!J or juiV ef tit tara tl -rm aca'.nd the Jaw tj carry att, - j lb drad- man P. x-1 : a. t tt q ttey JoockI co blra. for WcUlIsf IJa . lean statute- - . V . ..a, Ciectiort ftldden Ohio. D gustibu two dur''- -n" ta a great truth. T th4 rr.re WUr rs la Vlecna it went! arvr ttl t every year U t r- h cf a f .. in snj. wpitrviU i'.l c-:t.-.-4-.:'t a&l that -OU-X lo . ' Kanaka a r. -1 jif ujorrj' i?r iihj rr. i-j-.j-tci r--ft.-R-.-a-"wealths wbkh now Jo4b"; la H4t arrt Cf superflwjut tb'..n w--4'. 1 t4t X reform thTDIrp. tnt tii i-Uft u ia Vienna wii I t t.ut tj rr.U'jlftj If t Ucnce to ny snch fr-.siri2';a. A-ao -;- i.utiv. 1.1 j an .a 1 J 1. i. is. t tilne. Cenral CJ-artre V.. k cf Ci' i has ten (rp.-pl,.r.y tt? t.lijr ? laying p'.p ar.J p:.i: j -a-r-- f;r ! guberriatorUI tsc:r.5r.i:y-3. . t.3 lion. Mrrv.-i T. Ilm'-'k -rf f".- also Uyt k' i'z i' rT- " U?'-r p!; and pu:hrg ir--v i t' e r. l-tkius atatwa irv ::.:-j.-".'t i---.it Icjf ' l":i .V , rk.'T f ; -J l be tte d;-.pT...rr crft- '-. inpn In EurkryM in ci.rt -.. Tw Jo:-.r? -a r-r-a Lis fM.".otv t.-s. 21 -r v. "Uccle Mark's ll.'o r.v ra". : If tb-r :i r. t i. - tl.: "crRbTttrr'.itt r-Vrttoa ta Ox cvrnl cju:4t th-tr C.ris keys la j ace. L'kf ly t cntr'-t e t A It Ik ilcr era . . a ; . m.YYCY- j"" - f 1. ". ; t s r i'M . " : 1 ! - . . ' ". '. .:.-:'. - ! i S 1 '. I -! J . . . t - I ', s i i f . a m t f .... ? - , Will -. 1 a : j f - ;3 . 1 M 1 . f - 1 js 1 i . CI . T. -"i it t. (4 ai!4l - 4t.-,,,, 1 c i K. a r. A J- .( 11. t 1 9 a a; i a - i f 1 tf:'tf I I J :' 1 J it j .t , -W "11 In it.' - ? - it M 1 1. I u ji r -1 i -4 in. r ftr eatly vWlsa. - i; 1. .i.i .,mm ' " - X aKt'9k tuirtfiw; a ... ti Ilia,. 9mm, f i . it (..' L, ILmI,. ,. , t , ,M . m 1, fiwi d-uk.x w, r t ' e fca r ai t lv 1 -i... i-t Va t 4 4 m k av4 4 m j m M a-e't m .3 t4 ia t- , rv . m. a.;-i4s it I ' .... Tteatfc-e saaa J;mm iu Ui6ke.flitas4l.s4. at j Jea'l y It. tf-tt-i Mi Tw uv " ' J a ' ? ; ' s u t. a ... 'tw J - ! Sa rwt e t . "w ar -- vrHp r -5 YT "l l:i sajUUf al-:Aa oaatk" ft4l i.ntt s9 tf ll U tl lie i4l. t t r. tea f-a c (i twur m-i v tww '. u I14 Hi n U t 4 (tn, t i. - aa. .4 k 11. 1'itiaMil m K. at ! k4 t-t-f.iM a-a - u S i-. :.-. in k'4it u nvmn iiif I ' n 1 4 t iu. 4 . --n t ittf IlwU'tl. Ark M a t- 4 a' 4,-a L f."" .1 - !" Cat. lai W W ta1 4e'e U I at wt tr t:s 1 CZ ttt lie fit!4 1 '.. 1 .' t .. Tm f . I X. .- ai tt tt'4 ti-a " t i-t ! ' a." j .t4" is U. . u44l a- f.a, A j (- 4 t, 44 Wi 1 -H t a i tJ U4 jl SK1. . I t: wu I ai. 5 Aa laa. r i-t 4n .'-- jftm-4. Tit f Mi-- r .!.- . ill4 - ut I 11' 1 ( . 1 n r?,!imii iinf W:.n i J -f ii t it(f iu'.jh, Ta - 4. :.; -,4 ' . .i l.tiii i aiv (. ,i : i.:ii,i.-(iii ; if r.t i r t Tiff l sc-tt-c ( e' tt aail 4Ct;tI f r: -t .;; at: j ia tiiiec. r- '.. iHJiit it rtr T-j i.t r cut: r A r. I ? r it f;f ! ; il I ! f s'Vt. Ill J: I VttH : . I !( til' -. - It) t"a 4 . i -. ( - : r r-r-. t'.r cf l5t i '. !i ii : 1 ' - . Sli.i. 1 4 . . - '. a I - ... , . , 1,, .- . 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I.sj .''.c-W A i; a ;.:.t -i n ,..t ej ,":.:,r-- it r-tij y 4 m ait r .. -. 1 : : ..I '-" at. V..J D. E. f.'ILLERa Jcvfclcrnnd Opt c Ian, .0 4 S s W Caaa eN s In "n:.i It 4-1 I ..( ww I 11 '.VATCHKS. CLOCK-j - f . ..w 4 c v r. itvY. " .- n.mi ti wf mm t I t . 1 ! is; . -.f a a-.r I to 1 a. a Crayon Portraits.!:' III '. . I ,, i ; 1 1 , 1 1 ! 1" a - .--.it . ::.4: a.--.. '.4 4 W 4 IWil. 1; -- 1 1 . -. 1 . . ... i 1 f lit "l-lll -it ' - t : 1 I- ' '. ... . . t . r " """ ' ' " ' . .. t . . . a a sV -tsfak .. . .. 4 a .a f . ... ....... , ...... . .. ( - ... v a i f I a 1 1 lit' - I I lit! 1 t I : r ! I I : j - i ( n I : r '. -Si:.-i; - .' I - I : L c - .. t 1 1 .... ........ ; I ", t, ..1 r t a t . f 1 . 1 : f f 4 I