'ft. ; 1 11113 FRANKMN TIMES I I LI II IM III mi in IP II Ill l-IW J. A. TZOXJ.S, Editor and Froyruior. , nuttS ' : , f 1.00 ; 'it ; MOKTH3, ' V r-;; - 65 THBM lCOSTTBS. " 85 PaiaaT. . - Jasuabt 16, ; - - ,1903. V THE LAST BALLOT. " ;; .The Democratic caucus, had' taken up to last night about twenty -fi ve bal lots for a United States Senator, t Last q ballot stood as follows (bverinaifs 5; Watson ; 5 a; Crai 30; Alexander 4; ' Cunningham; x. ,L Carr's name" ; ' was withdrawn lasVf night.STbe ;Swucus will meet again to-night. c - THEttOYEKaOB'S MESiAttElf Governor Aycocke's message to the General Assembly was read ; in both I ;;.- ; houses on ITbursdayof last week." - It f ; is an able document and I contains somel ' i 1- VCfy w"se timely suggestions " to tfi the law-makers. For the benefit of ? ' our country readers who do not see tbe dally" papeirswe -intended sending of a sappletnent containing' i the message in fall but they did not . reach, us in ,:'vsV'' !:'SS' i1-;3!!-:--S,5'i' I time. . , . - - . - - - rjt?' Among the, many isesoggestibns ; '1 contained in the Governor's . message to the legislature is that of a hew cod. ; , V , lfication ; of the Statute ; lawsMThe ' present 4 Ce was published twenty .years ago, and ttie; legislatures ,that f s have assembled ; since that time have . ", made so i many J; amendments 10 T tne Various Statute that the old book is y: almost unrecognizable." By all means v,. gentlemen of the legislature lets have ..';' a Code Commission. OUE EALEIGfl LETTEii. FEAREliUrS BEPKESE3TATIYES. In looking over the various com. miltees of the Senate and House we ;-'. find Tranklin's Representatives on the following committee; Senator White is chairman of the . committee on Insor ance (a err important committee) ; and u also a member of other com mittees as follows; Education, Judi ciary. Finance, , Appropriations. Dr, Kiddkh'sname appears on the follow ;t ing Hoose committees: Insane, Pub lic Health and Penal Institutions. ; THE WHTTEWASH : HAS PEELED o "We do not think thelftesldenf v wise in ienorine the race anest inn in distributing office' and emolument at the South. He - would not : venture ; - upon a similar course in New York or : vaio, tot - instance, and everybod ' ,, knows iu .V--h We make bold to uv howeveihat Z if the whiter Republican, movement at ne doum naa ederal office for its ob. ;. ; ject; if it can be checked or even dis couraged by any! policy the President , may aoopt in the dispensation of pa :'t tronage: if it cannot . subsist withnnt ' the aid of the collectorsbip, the pott '..offices and so on it does hot deserve to v; succeed, and. the sooner it collapses jmo ucucr. ,, . y asDingtoo f ost. :r News well says surmse ol the . Pjt is cnrm , the vaunted "Lily. White" movement, the masquerade in sheep'sclothiDg, was imply to blind the eyes of the public ;to the real object. The ' supreme and , only idea was to get the negroes out of ' the way in order that all the 'offices - might go to the white pie-seekers in ; ; ; tne party. ' The Post says it Reserves COllapse tnd il n collapsed, the whitewMb has peeled off,; the $1 f0 h1 fkeo flight ana th old ; dephant stands revealed in all ( its hideous reality,' ready i tor ide vinn i- the shoulders of the negro at the next telectipaj and: tie him oteach9 , ; Pie-counter i wheVBhroogft Iwitb him. , T : ,rJ ; , Raleigh, NC.jaa. 13, 1903. The Governor's message ha not yet appeared printed. It is a lengthy and exhaustive paper and isr a good cam paign documentr?3; ; i'L: : : !S Speaker Gattis is a great big hearted jolly fat fellow, a good presiding, offi cer ana very popular. v , y Nepotism is scarce but will crop out mougn nnpopuiar ana condemned. Getting there is the principal thing in most things, after. alUJ;-i; -V ;. ; An bid Senator who has seen many legislatures says this one is an excep tionally intelligent dae and much good arjomayjte HWhere is the east where is the west ? Where is the dividing Jline? ; 1 . was thought; t wo years ago : that .' Durham was an 'eastern county. . . Now it ' U f western county. The east - ctaimed the Speakership and an eastern vmaa west of a western countv cot it.' TSo the east is west of the west - and ":: the west,is east of the east. That's right. There, is no east or west and but one good grand old North Carolinav f ' J- S, Cunoingham, O.. L. Joyner, J. 6, prayelyjand others werchere -last week and perfected preliminary ar. rangemenls for thorough organizit ion and work for . the '.Tobacco Growers AssocUtioi;af : . Lobbyists are somewhat scarce, but will be here later. .'oVA - TZs-'l' . Temperance and child labor is tak log much of the attention of the leeis lature and several good - bills have. aU readyJeeaintroduced.;l;J'; ; Many old members are here looking on at the Senatorial : fight - No da.ru horse has put in an appearance. We believe there is some .; aversion to aay. :There"was a'joinjt session of tbe Sen ate'and House TuesdaV for the ? bur pose'of aanvassing the eleictioVreturns. While the two Houses were ' m joint session G.R. Glenn, of Georgia, agent for the Peabody fund, being fpreseut was called npon and made an excellent talk on edacation. ; It was a genuine North Carolina talk and we bet there is North Carolina blood in his treiaV!' fElGrafid Lodge of North Caroli. na is in session in the city f and there are tots of Masons here. It was a good time to attend the Lodge and see the Senatorial fight, r;. ' That (bis legislature will be an eco nomical one no one doubts. .Toe mem bers "are : in favor ' of ; economy.' - In proof jbf this a member wa Recently heard trying to drive-a bargains, with the boot black for ' shines - at reduced rateSii;;s;-; -.v . --'-&SU''j&2:y- House committees were 'announced Tuesday. ' ? A number of Franklin people have been here thfe weekiSJ3'Iwy The work of the" Legislature is just coming on. t . s i s ; ! As the Charlotte the I Jhk Republicans and; assistant Re. , publiscans of this kiiediaitief sectron lemocrauijat iheye ver glad to get rid of the negro as a voter, but v'v.in "ost cases these yery same fellows ; : w rewse-td criticixe the iPresidenl '. wen be appoints a negro to positions Hof importance' and trust. - As . yet we 4 failed to - hear of a single one j : vwho does not endorse!: kooseveltsacJ - pottoffice case,' wheVe ; a negro wo'nan, ( : Minnine Cox, . is being forced on the , people against their wishes, r, .THt Press of the country galrdtess V of politics, are ; pouring ' hot; shotnto , ; Roosevelt for hisj;apparent detiermfns tioa to force negro; office-holders on t the 'Southern whites! There is V no ; complaint along this iiM fosucb"a p : 'pointments in the I North as he wouldn't : dare appoint neero ; to any important office in 'any of the Northern btates. ?, Of course the Presi dent is not looking' for any electoral k Totes from the South; but he does-want r rotes from this section inJtheRepub ; Iiean National; convention, and this 'slobbering over't the negroes in the South is resorted to for'reasonfct First . to hold the negroes together . for the Republican party in the -North, and , second, to rebuke 'and humiliate 'the Couth whites who refuse to submit to r the oppression of the' party to which . tts President belongs; - WHO WILL BE THE ; CAJlDLflATE. ; I think the contest in the next nat ional Democratic convention for'the presidential nominatbn will be between Mrl Gormtxt Judge Parker of Ne w Yorkv and Mr Olneyl of Massacho: setts," said Representative . R!chard- son; Democratic leaderin the house, fto-day.I thinklcanse a leanine m Mr. Bryan toward : Mr. v'Olney. Thereis ao cestionihatlie3s beine boomed mthe west. : . He will make a formidable candidate.-;-: Mr. Gorman's friends, will not let the ! nomination go to; another,; withbut a contest, and Igeen BllParkeri of New York. is forging.to the front .venr -raoidlv. Vom: wha I hear cf hiiothe would be entirely acceptable ;to , the sbutbern Democrats if he should .. be tbe choice of the convention. - ! Vbat ;:will be the issue; after you Wt the man?" Mr. Richardson was asked. "What better issue; do we want than the one the - Republican party is now ff oishing - hs through , its division on the tannsqulmfonfMn saidi .'Tbe people .are demanding tariff reform.; .The Republican; high, protectionists will not give it to themJ "-Washington Dispatch to PhiladeU phia Record, January x .',.; ,;';.f ;,; the the A runaway hone in Wilson, hitch ei to a bujgy, and driven ; by Mrs. T. J. Hadley, accompanied by a lady Llzni ens day test re:k, came very rnr causiag tte dz: Va cf both ladies. A-:L;r f'rcrz "":;ntv against 1' !. s dr;;- - , , . : have c;ver !"'KVU' ' ' ''-I ar; -3 yl'iySsULQAZVSR - KOTESMf -'Pierpont Morgaji is nndoubtedlr 1 most . lascmating . ugure W before world iIt6-daTiMr iMofD-an: - u?i Advisers and His I Organization" are discussed at length in the January Cos mopoHtan by Johni Brisben ; Walker, "pettMaysl between 'Mr. Morgan's and Mr. John Mitchell's of- pcesin September, ' in the attempt settle the coal-strike. , s to of- ; EDisolfoa 1903. " Thomas AT Edison's New Year's feriBg to the world is a perfected storage battery. He says the. problems of tb coming year art fizhtin? bacteria getting electricity direct - from" coal getting power cheap from the elements and applying electricity more general ly to manufacturers. He intends mediately attacking ; the problem cheaper electricity. He hat words for Marconi and wireless grphy He has no faiih ia Cj machine talk. He says medicine played and tkicks scientists may the gercj cf eld t- .Tee newspaper, ia r.:s c-:zi-:-., n 'ths greatest r F V r -,-. 1 , 1 1 . ' , - -- oo ror a wc ira of good tele- ina is find Per, school 3- AFiuiiT ro Tilt iiiudli: ::an. We sympathize earnciily wi'.h the d fight against the rcta 1 ei blishraea'.s of the American Tobirc-i pany. The abolition of the end man U a socialistic ideaofihe wor' Jt means the sutn'.rutioo ii ployes of a great monopoly fvr thr independent small dealers. The true socialistic idea ia ihce matters is that the government, rep resenting the people, thall operate ihe factorries and deal directly, with tie people The theory of this is jit. however impracticable its practice ma propose ta Com die kind em be, The American Tobacco Company J had cerer Uca ov.'t wea is tnat the maoafactarer hH deal respo by nobody. ; I! it is successful, the to bacco- trade " will be a monopoly a it is in some of the European coaotriet but a monopoly not responsible to the legislative body or the people," as the European governments are. The cod sueaers would pay as much for their goods as they do now and probabl; more. The difference woold be thai the share of the profits' which now re mains in the respective - commonittes would goon to the central corporation The; local dealers would be-, mere eta ployes, at the mercy of their eroplot ers and with wages constantly dimrd ishing. "; . . . , - .The people have it in their power to check this movement now, jo Its inctpiency. - All they have to do is to avoid the local branches of the Amer ican Tobacco Company, , to refuse to buy their goods and to coafioe their trade to 'independent dealers. 5 II the independent dealers, for their own protection, see fit to org anite and re fuse to handle trust goods that is their business.. The early Americans were willing to forego their tea for the sake of liberty , and in vindication of their patriotism. J; Certainly, the people of this generation are . not degenerate. All that is needed is to . have their at tention called . to the facta; - They are not even asked ' to abandoo or even diminish the luxury of tobacco. All they need to do is to chaage the brands ol tobacco they- ose, if neces sary, and to take 'a little pains to see thaKhey buy--from '? none ; bat inde pendent -. dealers The " Richmood News.'.v" -;.-.-r - 'IT-c rv, : wisawtiToir letter.: from bar Xegolar Cormpondeat. replied -that, as: the Senator from Io't:r 1::' x r : : , - - ac.l t f-r : 1 - :U li-c .'r,- -. . I ha; ih- r-r . t - I ) r , -,. t-ten n ie f- - -of h ii 1 ,.., . , , A:t cf ict n i .-i ' 1 r , -k Di the rhir; ? , ,t t : we.l a u -h e o : i c 1 4 . t by the S-cnatv r frrr.i ?! ?. dolgfj ll:e po r.t ltlu; ir. ed to ifirj ite i i-.ttvt-x Vett at a tc;V-- si t? e character of Mr. D rg'tj t t c : .- J TcsaetT cf tt Titt i- direetly with the people, bot be J p'c e ihe ftr !t and i-c -re iSc es- nsible to nobody and controlled ctm?Dt c' n' "' 5 If : a hit rtwiw. Tl it i .nrz-r,.! iK- 1 h5U,!e'1 ,n ;' rl rtla-.i ..r. U-.wef 3 the Adi5:n'i'ftt ar. J tvf r-i..Urt of ibe ub cotonii'.tt-e c.ff. it prfrr!tm ff an ac!-trt rt-3ft. When Congr . tufl Ihe H- e Ciary cccmutt sppo:c:r-l a .b cta inee crniUticg cf Mersrv L ::'t f.f ; J. Power, 0erstrcet, De Afrotd asJ Clayton to tftaii tfsn t; L Tv zb commtttee aiied tve VttV !e r.t t 1 tz idmbijirnon awiiate so lit tutt' fur1. Tej a-krd th Af -cry Geotral i ff hi r ik r.t j t. They were fximihcd icd iU c'-?a-mittta . ImcnediittSy t q -9 9 drafi a b H-ejjW djtf-i ih. Tro, to the aoiifratm ol J,Ir. UwUitU and hia conkne. Mi. Keoa tent ti RtpreeuaUve Jakici, Cha rtraa cf ihe Judiciary Gcxoahife. lw f.;u wit arrqi-it that thty tx iatr1icrd. This was dote and osly ha iy ast prared Jo print did the ayb-ccroaiitrt, whKhhaibetabarolaib ffcJfs'hs ed otr its measore, leara it tad Uta completely Ignored aa l Hat b;U had been lotrclactd which were calcs lated to reoder . oUolt. it Um which they bad es;ix!d so msch time abd labor.- Under thrtat It ta errt wctaroo the members of the Seeaie hart cio ented to Ihe passage of some six.f tt aod ionocuoQi sot! ticrt sctaisrta. Tteae bill, they say, cdbm bt M i n. pie as lo provoke tvo kejthy dttate and auat recti re the eaaateacMt s port of l he republicans whh k tasta. rhouet toaaylpgthat thty tnat; t so drawn as to tJoapb!e c4 ihwartiag the inteotio&a or drsitcs ol th ima Thevletigtby aodaweeptcg Ull trvcgki ia snoch spec a- a'ar al.r t eg by Mr. Hoar has sntjrctrd the vtVerabU Srtu aior to nothtcg bi rkfxulf sect so upset bas the old , (tDtenaa becce that Thursday be moved the raa iRe of a bill whxh was raacird tsar, ly a esr ago aod ihe Senate, follow, log bis lead, pasted it. " . The PresKJent waa nVjed 10 whai the French term a bad quamf cl a a hcrarat the Cabinet sscrtirg cn Fri day and a my bad quarter of aa b-er U was. lodividoally a ed col! ret ml y the members cf h Cabiaet rvproached bilQ with ihe U voders he tat coev mined lo aitfioptirf to carry fi to effect a holly qatitxfc atsd tpeetalaUt Soother ro!,cv. Tbart!&ltBci el one; Dt. Crvro, to be Crrv if tw rort at Caarkstoa, 5. Cl aeJ ihe saa. pecsioa of the pc:&!ice at I&d aacla. Miss., were made the teals Ice the curtaio lecturta dtlitertd bthind the closed doors cf the Cahi&ct rocaa. Repteseniatlve Barlctt cf CeorgU m4 tayoareorrvspoedtot. aprofce of ihk rabjKV "President Rooafelt ha wtai you m'ght call a tpcctacQlar n:ru tond of pJavioe to the laikt. L2ka all other profess iooaf re loraxr he has One of the sharpest debates recentli witnessed In the United Stairs Senate grew out of the effort of Senator Yest to have a. bill removing the duty 00 anthracite coal, io accordance with the President's recommedatton, reported from - the ) Finance committee. In terms made thrice ; eloquent by , the feeble condition of the speaker, which would not permit him to stand with, out the support of his desk, the Sena, tor, for the secoodtliaa ia o&e week; pleaded ' the) cause ; of ""the . poor aod needy.:1-He betrsed hia oDooneara for the sake of humanity to abandon partisatr "considerations Tnd ' pass a measure offered "by a poor .democrat" but calculated to lighten tbe hardship of the old and feeble and of little children who wept because of the cold. In heartless but forceful, terms Senator Aldrica 'taunted ; the Senator from Missouri with havine consented ta ifJE!. ? t- dol on i bulooeotHtio vw at,l that la to rarJiM Tfc.. 7 VZ "c"r..r."" 0C,,eT 0-.perw.eU ChatCf st tbe . . p . . . a jk t - ... . Rhode Island well knew, that dutv was? tt. . . -.t..i , . ....... admitted lo the -Wibo. bUI becaux tothe oeat Natic.l Cos3ve.iiosT.a3 four democratic Senators who held tbe he has beta making a tnM staad balance - of power were notrue to their pi.r tar. ihe negro nea ta tbe Stk party and made the 40 per cent, duty becaoa ht know, ihat thf eooirel the the price of their arote for the bilL He ,-.-,1 .v.. .Ij....... . - Urged tbe republicins to re above the ReprtsenuUvts Johoaoo. Howard. I sordid conaiderai ton Afmod lni.t.i.ln....i . ' ..t - , oraauey, aocBrao, ratlertio, Lrtr, and partisan pol.cy and for once solely Senator ekcl ttittet aod others ea. loJ 5 e8tue.?'. tnmanhy. bat bis words 'pressed similar vkwa, . it Bcin ilie Ieo) Year flrit i! n by opening aa account with the ttronn lTln-i1 rP t fnn J. nr - h-'- "J". It receive dranailte a! am Twi. -t t. Lj - ,, , f - - and allows Four per cant inUrwt, Toul I ' S:-: C-'-V-'--ourceai of this Dank U over I M E D T 0 AND DOLLARS ;ii V -We invite cormtpondence.. . 0 V J- B."OWM8, President. .;.;-.; W. A. lit sr. Caahkr. --; t .... - v. -' ;::I DESIRE TO RETU RN Thanks t3 my enstorneri for their libral patronage, an 1 . vrlshing all a Lappy ar.l pros .' - peroas New Year, I aa Yoars tralr. r Wo desire onco more to call your :;t:c:; to cur : of General Merchandise. V.re have our : :or . V r than over beforo and it is always ploasuro to havo customers want it, and at tho when you havo tho following your intorest as V 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 Over Goals G'.:: We have a fov Over Coato Icit that wc will r:ell at Your Own Price for tho next Fow Days. W 4 . ... 1 t W -a , t V J ,, . . j .,.. i. J como in and oraxnino our stock beforo doing your buy;::-. ES, CijOTZ ' 'i m Ni, If I I t . 1 4 " r 0 , iDlemeiius f GROCERIES, -PAINTS. OILS. Hardware. Buildin;; r.Iatorial. V.:: -and Utiles. If thorc is ahy:hi:r: for it, and if we haven't ';ot it in . tr. Thanhinr; all of our cut:a- r. ; patronage in tho pa:;t, V.'- ;-.;. ; 1 n w o x n Llio i.,i,ui.. c . . . r lock - s W our w f i -41 m

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