CI '- - , . ' ' - ... . r JAS. A. ThXlAS, E2'.t:r i:i Fr:;:::.:r. YQL. XXXII isT" CHURCH DIRECTORY -MSTHOD1ST." , Bonday School at 9:30 A. M. - GsoS. Baxsa, Supt. - Preachingat 11 A M., and 7 P. M. very Sunday. - - """" Prayer meeting Wednesday night. . -" - - - - M.. T, Pitles. Pastor. ' - -- - BAPTIST. , ," Bandar School at 9:30 A. M. ' r ' ' Thos. B. Wilds; Supt s Preaching at 11 A. tt and 7 P. ai every Sanday. . - - . - Prayer m-eting Thursday night.;: -. ; -.? H. U. Mashboehb. Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30. " " Services, morning ? and nhjht on i 1st. 3rd and 4th Sundays. - Evening Prayer Friday afternoon, i . i " LODGES. " - ' I o o o o i 2 - mom v . - . . ..5-.-. i ... O' Judf Farkcr li frtiidtnt'ial . Timber CKinttt ( Dm - catic Victory J I , IH1' U U general and President Roose-1 whIcn D declined, bavin;; velt in particnlar a bad tarn. Reed neart OQ Judicial carwr. Oororaor mirao . unotM Tia"rTT, 1 Hill wanted him to accei t the cC.o cZ ''iUMtnnnnv tavm wl,S tSDedat -Washlneton Letter.! ana managea uxi cescpr. icjj ON,-REED- SMOOT of Utah. 3 ror goTernor. alp wa.e jwr t apostle and prophet o the jior. -.Itesiaent cieveiana czcrm tm !- mons, is giving RepabUcana in KQm, 0i ur1 ii.ui9i. r n t.,-i-,; . i ! ; : i : . 1.-5 :. r -t'- I - i Its:, t i.; :. -. Uii.i ty S.--, I'. - Anj or a t c f f- ivuwra-.:.-. T it a: y.rtr, cn rii-3i 15 !.. ' - CTi'' Til i. Tot r.-. r? r n e ' f -J ',14 fit States and with senators to stand. He has - heard of - the cushioned- curule Loaisbnr Lodsce. No. 413 A. P. & I chairs, the morocco" covered -lounges, A. M., meets 1st and :3rd . Toesday J the Persian rags, the lemonade, . the ; nights in each month. lJro ftession.a.1 ; oarda ; .;riVin practice In an the Conrts.: Offices in; " Irfnubarg ana xonogsviuer w- jUARTHDB l. FJL.EMING, - " J- JDENTIST.- ' , c " tOUlSBTJEa, . . O. ' ' 1 Office Over Cooper's Store. " PRA-OTICINQ PHTSICI4K AND SURGEON, lx)ui8burg, . .0.: J : , V r Office in the roar of - :Bpdd1.. Bobhltt & ' Co's. PJC ?tore, oU Null street. t ; , YAKBOBODQH. i.iirpHTSiciABr a."it BTJBtaBOir.t yt - ' - , l?ptfCBe, N. C , OBce snd -floor feP ??. Nlht calls aosvero'l from T. w. Blckett residence, phone 74. .- - . i b; majbsenburg, . ' ATTOaNBY AT UW." f reetjsarbers and the other gimcracks in which the members of the house of the ancients, luxuriate, and Reed ban kers? after-them even as the hearts ct the Israelites yearned for the fieshpots of Egypt. - What'B more. Reed is going toi possess them.' He will on March 4, at high noon, become a United . States senator-a Republican., at that '- The president may 3 gnash his teeth 'and rage like a caged lion Reed defies Mm," goes on counting his majority and is arranging to-take- up bis residence in .Washington for six years. -: And Reed is rigtot in claiming bis pound of flesh. He and his brother apostles and: proph-. eta carried out their part of the. con tract with .the ? Republican national leaders : to -turn - the state over to the Republicans on condition that the Mor mons should' have "things ijthelr- own wayand not be .tusturbed-!. . Keed has them OB the-Jiip, and he knows-it; con- sequently he pays about as-much at tention to. the messages of- President Roosevelt and "otherhigh' and 'mighty. functionaries remonstrating . ::against Ms "electionas a full . feathered duck would to a gentle "April shower. ': :;. It will be delightful to see the Re publican . hypocrites J in ; the ' senate eauirm when . Brother Smoot' walka lieutenant .governor, which hB also ;llned There was soon a vacancy co the supreme bnch, and, as Jt ajr-rari to be the almoet unlrersal d,ir c-t New York Democrats that JnJr-i Tar ker should have the rlacr. If- vmi r Hill appointed Linj, and. he 2ias Un r a the "bench ever since. In 1S0T he triumphantly elected, though all of the other men on : the Democratic ticket met with defeat, thus proving his great popularity,". " . ; , , -The fact that Judge Tarker is a prac tical farmer will have a tendency to In crease Ma popularity Heowni and lives upon a farm of 110 acres on the banks of the Hudson. " nia place U called Rosemont,-and there he spends all the time wMch he can snatch from his Judicial labors and is neither oshanv edmor afraid to Vork "with Ms own hands, as did that other "great New York Democrat, Silaa Wright. . " v ,WhUe not enthusiastic as to the Dem ocratic -platforms of 1S0C , and 1900, Judge. Parker supported Bryan man 1.; t J : ' ' tLe t'z'.' iUf' Ut r tO C 1 t '..: t ' 4 ctr.a fcv-xt j-r. t:-"" ' Lav T," ;-f r t to ta J.vr"'-' -t - .- -: ' toUl rf 77 r.-T x 1 - If I w ry. '. ; - J t ) J - f la w.j rT.-.sria.'I r. ": . tfc? saffaos" t4 ti'.:a tar cr.p-rjii: t:.: t her 4 rct -rl '. '.1 state tv r'jm rj u.- f .ir Jic!::. -r t J3,14i sal - a & ' rwt wa t't! Vy Z, t".t believe 4t Orrj, a ts ar.y L'T to ivnxw-raf'.c ttaa l Vr.: it TTi rtrslt la 1 - d.J t? local ciuvt or U- tvro -a'.:'- rf lt candidAtit. .;. " . t If I yrtrn d!p-iwl t t- fitfa- .' I Klsht clatra tLat vre tar f fo- worth 'corjliKr.i la W:nara t- ?ao in lono wa rwi4 i iaw ii iy2, but I rryrrt tu say ttat li:rsa ta arpf to t Joo3 to tt Wi 5 -Factors to Coititr. ; In stririns to fortcail rTrtilJs vtt at factors rattJit Ve yatdrfI, r' f the present tra4 cf rcr. tv pct;t: -l atlccrdo.ts of C f!f latcid tt dfh.'r! fo a Ti t?. rra-ati ta. S !(. Ill : - , 1 ! . i t 1 r - I - '. - ' t . 1 I r - J s !-; ;t f ' '.I " I t . 1 1. . 1 t rt it. - i i 1 II") I ' t : t t i '.I 1 bt I Hi - : M .1 r lK--.-f... I .1 ,....... t r f i M t-.-"-, 1 i' -f v Vi tf if fnll-r nt ,!r cwt faith In tint thoM MlgOlblf '. ttX tr'.V.:cal SWlCf'aX MT -campaigns. .t-. i'; - . -j -. the poUtWI rcrJuJorx sd tt eU-' f-js 4 S r1 -Those who are acquainted .with' Mm mttttoftUcfi ct Vr.-.o '' t ,v', t tr 4 t declare ilm to b genial and Jovsble. 'Nrw York u tr.ervi n.ttytA-si Ieo-. , ' f " becoming in one holding high Judicial ( 1 o will CoTttHK-tSrct. J7. position. rerhaps Judge Parker la the Demo cratic ' Moses, ; to-' borrow a popolar phrase the Democratic Joshua, more it twnf pctloslnaUthe Courts or the State A iai .n tho n nf Mr- f properly speaking; for lt waa Joshua - ... . I an1 ftrir Tm wKa fru-ilr ri i ian n tl " i'i 11 it i cus A. Hanna to be sworn In as a con- r 4 i Office la Court Hons. script father. Those bogus propagan-Cj" ? promised land.: 0: ATTORHBY-AT-LAW. ? dists of purity and sweetness have been exploiting -their ownYirtues .for, lo, these -many , years, - standing on ,.the street corners,; smiting ; theirs breasts, rolling their eyes to heaven and thank- Declines. r King Solomon said, There la DothlBg' new under the sun." but this new thing has happened nevertheless: A Repnblic- V an statesman declines a good fst otSce. - - 0- armvUle, Waffenand WakwjoptteaJwtDe - toprema conn oi nonu wkuuu e Olroolt uid District Courts- c- - ing - God - fervently, and, vocif erously-j . jjon. William -XL Taft, goternor gtoer- j j, trtrard tt rti that they are not as other men ; Now t cf the Philippines, decline to"uc- jjcb ,bt ni fcrU Delaware and WarjUad t&t trct. tly. foe thcA Cnr ! -i;Uy togethw. aiul tU :u tf W cf the 81 aM5tosl tVcUrt wtVh IVroocrata moat rorc. ! Wftt Virsla ris f -: It&orT f more Oftra Uvan l.4favM-aa. Who OutM Trots aff urj' wvcVJ t-e urprt!od ta s hrr 7 rlct-ral rctrv 'cast for thr.DrnrcTlj rr ti 1904. which would hat TWcpctU short only 5 Tor. - . : Catfocnl U evidently trviiag rp- ;r s tfrta ft v- " i 4 r;( cVTf ss f ! on , aj mv fp (We tftk iSaf trt i lV- s tn t.:t ijrt ciwt IS Jf.t'fj lit f f; 4 IV rwi OS I t t JK ! j""il -t. I4lust ta J . e. - t ' f "i . e art I t ( - -3 . . 1 - a - ARGUS C. W1NSTBAU, Locibbd as, , C", they must - fraternize openly iwitn f Ceed Mr. Justice Shiraa on the tupmns 1 w ,0 eW-,tn. fouc : r. , 'r" a . . 1 "r r - in u 5 ror ta t- breath. . : 7" V'r- - . - .1 omoi ovaa Corner Drag Store.. Special Attenttdifc eolfwiMU PraeUce wherever servieea reqolieo.- ja s , uaiimiA'a a ravT - -.-.-r-.- " At this stage of -thequadrennial pe- i l?iAcl3l4flTIANpi5rx I ilod between presidential ..elections It la inevataoie that tnere snouia Demorew lesa-presidential gossip and disctfssioB of possible or probable candidates. The signs of the times indicate that Presi-. dent Roosevelt is the strongest Repub lican; -.If the convention were held to- must fraternize openly "i. with ceed. Mr, Justice Shiraa on the supmns le Reed Smoot' Xor Reed controls two ; senatorsMpsi' one representative In congress'and. three presidenllal elect-1 hag .been tendered : Hon. Will lam . R. ors.--Heknows his power. ;They tare him on theit hands, '- Heis" not to be sneezed at. Publicly they ajust lionize Smoot. They-Can cuss him under; their Day, now a United SUtes circuit Judge yna U In-iata, In Ohio, wha.succeeded John Ehfrmtu J jj jvtT ft xxAm ta ar. - tjtace over Aycocke trug Company. , - i FBACTICHra PHYSICIAN ft BTiKaKON - v ' " ' " " lulsharg NLO.1 ,i " ' -r Office over Ayeoeke Drag Oropsny. -.v .V ..- - ---7 '- - ' . ii r.i ti-.-i i r- as secretary of state and who helped negotiate the treaty of Paria, which has L given ns lots of trouble and whkh la perhaps destined to give na more than any other document created sine the world began. Judge Day la a man cf fair capacity .and. high character. Ha Was a special friend and pet of Presi dent McKlnley and will do as wen for supreme Judge as most Republicans, . . Democratic Chances. - - If no more states are admitted, then tt Wo. Mf(i.'rt4il', Vif tf'SiMM liH-1 J:t lUMt ll Jit' tm 4 -'-. 4V I tin f 4 a f 4- J A 'i' a Tif t t'tl5i- Si .'"-. l t w f (41 U 1 n:.ttia t:allil mtHKUI Jm n t.5. tvl -S rJ"t ai have a ghost of a st rf carryitj fa J tl t1. t i isj 1 To tutu It all up, tirrs : . - r M t 154 Uctoral mtc wuiu t tv Iv- - ocrats Alat)csa. i Vc'-U, Georgia, K-.t-ky, I-eu! . H j fit. SM 4 4-rM f V v. Th tmtr rrr1" t y tji Dctr crats la HJt-"U" ITtJ -a. la sirpl. MiaaoorV Nrraia.' XorU Carti- j na, Fouth Carol: aa Ttt t at la f l-w I i r. '.,,4 t.n i ti rn i'sr-rtur j a iini r i t t em i.t v a ! t a-f i-a r '-r ! .1 i t i r : : 4 i r-f ' i . nil t W1 rM. HAYWOOD BUFFIN. t "t-""- ATTOKITBY-AT-tAW,- - i " . - ' MtrisBuae, w. a . .-' . win practice in an the Courts of yranknn ' -.': end adjoining counties, also In the Supreme Coart7andinthe Diilted States District and CireuH Courts. r - . ,tL t -; ' office la Cooper and Clifton BoUdUur. day. he would be nominated most like-, wiy in 1904 be"47& rote In the elect ly, but there is many a slip 'twixt cup oral college. Two hundred and thirty and Hr in -presidential nominations,1- as nine' will be reqnlreoMo elect a presi- In all things else" A thousand accidehta dent and vice president -' . . ' inay'Jiappen any one orwmcn ttooiq p: in iu tne jjemocrats camea Aa- be fatal to th Roosevelt boom, r inoeea I bama wttn 11 electoral votes, Arkansas it rnay be-'safely assumed that'seTeral with 0, Florida with 5.; Georgia with and Yh-gUrta: certala f tte trpctc- ana. 174 IUirU, IdUaa. I rwa, Ka- sa. Maine, Micl-'rarv ir-rxa,NorCi Dakota. .'U1 1 Orrfc-cJ V ytvR-a. Sooth Iakoa, Vrrroomt and VsVLar- too; dooUful, 14.4 Cl;for&U. Ctra do. Coctxctlcut. Delaware. I2h Ms- rylan.1. Uaimchcwtra. Se l la ft' i Mn -".- l t ftnr4it t) n 4 Mtft4 -ji mZili 'V 4 l -4 t 1 1 h ih 1 ablebodied: Republican- statesmen are 13, Kentucky with 13. touiaiana with I orasaa. .ewiiacjf-.iGrsi. . dtrmj, i . ... .. jwaitinff for,r hoping for,: praying If or 9,. Mississippi with -10, Missouri with New rork..nhoOe IjJjd, CiaX Wesi Ijv- ;:. ,v" V those same accidents to-faU upon the 18, Nevada ; with J,' North ' Carolina Ylrgtala sod Wle-A - , "ItL.L.?. V .. 1 ZtTiSU C . , - ATTOKNBY-AT-LAW, strenuous young- man now' occupying j with -12 Rhode' Island with 4. Sooth the WMte House. ii 'r--vr-v, ;,-; i Carolina with 8,- Tennesaeo wun X2, .Mnrcv find -more to" Democratic circles I Texas with IS and lrjaaia witn is, "is "the name of Judge Alton B.' Parker j aggregating 15S.- of New York discussed, and with in- - Therefore In order to elect a presi- creasing favor. .-In factthefour east-1 dent and vice president In 1W4 ta ern names' which are most freofiently Democrats must hold the state they la addition thereto carry The Republican Row. ; Whf a RsbtWca fall eflt, het men may ft VLtlt d Is a ry alight" ml.i-iatloa of a wf3 ktr saw. The tin Las cow te tt fac ing out of the UrpaUlraaa., Thry Law already twrao ta,wool fatj c-tbev to the frorn's Ut. rr.ator Cr r tvi vt f w a ri - i f f r-a .''. . T- - - .... Vielt Us SSA lafk .m t i t-M.m U it i ( 'f- :. 1 i.l t .; - .. ' i. n , m0 i. . j i St tt t t ! I. I" t ' . 1 1.1 1 ; Jilt- t - . I lit' I I . . t Hv, In l i. 4M ti ! n M f Y !,, '- S t '' WH, III II 1,1 i ! H 1 V f -. I a-. .t t twif fw ft 1 II ; t : .f a t , t .i. , V. .11 I i "1 T r-i T I : 1 1 S i i . I I 5 ci It i I ; iff 1 -e ,C.r.tit 1 1 u i i i 1 1 1 ,t A r I 'I 1 ?v.i ;t : ; t ' i tu r ', I ! I ' i . i a ( -. I I ' i t t i I If " t 2 I 1 t '' in i i ,. Vi, i4 ., A Skreta t - 7 ton. . k, i. . - - - TOKNBY-at.U'W;;';'' LonlsBtiBo, jr.- (J. - - - XOOZBBUBS. a. 0. m. oTr Jones A Cooper's I -hmrnl tn that connection are. those oft have and William i Randolphs Hearst, "editor or i enougn statea w give ueia.ei more Graham Vet-f Midori. t marts I ..rt v,.o.:af rnrwrtT dnHpar Arthur I electoral -votes.' - -. - V-.- I nfln.rt f rv.-, -ri mr'- tef. I t: ' 4i i inK.lw'.iul umafnr fliin thpv do ItT Tn Chance SMI I j-j . .k-...- , . v . , . ' . . - JT Ut? ' UJOil, -.-o"aw I ... ' - , ' . I uumi itwim;.v I. ifvt from Marvlandr Richard- Olney, 1 fairly good for them to do so. Most j off .'athrcit,, ooL wUrh rr-fWetka ex-attorney generaLand exHsecretary of I assuredly we are not without hop in .tirrtd up the anlosla iw t:e Itt" state, and Judge Parker chief Justice I the world. - - - .. " sa m-of rt at a rrt rt. Aktrtchc of the ?New York court of appeali'.;j:-rIa-. what states have we the oest r.hode laad Jtimrd Vrat. wht-! ws t"4.I W 1,ii, 4 ...f S-t ;..f..4 w i, im t ! , V 1- i ttr m-, i s. a. m-.-i;-, ' . f M-p il .A MM, It. I .' i V w i V f wr 4 1 t V M I t T :.ta r, ..... . f r 4 C,t f t .:- i it t. r , at- t a is flit 7 i t s :4 Prompt attention given to collections. . . UlUUV VIBI.WRWW" - . 1Y r-w.BICKBTT,. STTOBNKY AND OOTJHSBiLOB AT IAW, V oiHnn rfopinr.wlt:h ieonstantlv incxeas- r electors? ing vigor that thefact that he has been - Worn l'JW to iwa me iiepuoucan m honoh rf mnnv vears ana mere-1 nuonura uru u by removed from-active participation states by more than one-half (any- I of low, a brir.lant yoor.c r.rpcfcu. in politics will add to his strength as a thing approaching a like shrinkaRts la j jurar,j th rihod lLtv.r la ra candidate when taken ;ln connection t iwi wui iana every one oi mem m Democratic coiumnj: in ii isconsia iron ' V wrnteBdthe courts of rranWln,; Vance- Oranviue. warren u w Parker TOODC prospects of securing the 81 extra B.tt3r.L as AlJrtrh thtuia Llawlf li . V. UnAmA JIIITL UL'l UUIW-wv T I . w . , I . , , . - - nrse wall tartt advo-ts and Cort; bat. ta hU otti-r aajan:-i;t. IHiUfrr vUc-vus f.iaMcn. TU bots- f coa'.s tion. or the ary's cf iX-wrl, at rr'! anioug- tta Utnhlioa ta a rrr,ri'''J dAclaratioa of t-e U'.s Covraor NV son Dlnjcy. fitJ.r of tie D'.ssy Ur 13 Mil, that crr.Ala rt w purp-'fly j-'.'.ix-l-t ' : ta It a I 1:4 la: onVer t a-in v sr.- a It iU: I nfgotlatir.g r -.:. r --try trr'. w::i othr- natloca. ' l'y tU.-:.x tt-e r.- too tUh ta tte t i'J. tt tt-ry U. 11 would caL c to rut tt-.a a r-- sonatlo t a! la m . r :y t r - tlor.J, Pou sa ttat Ii'."i.-f .11 aif it a:d --t aay V .. !..'t. r.l It Uv- with his high character, great talents mi BtTflicht rpmrd as a Democrat In n.fw. to r.hifif Josuceeneputiru, du. vuici - nuiuo, 4 make nun avauaDiet iu .i aw ofennfciVrwPelS: 'Ban force in the contentloiv xore ra cf Monroe, Unas. J-JJ"1' rfmL. . -, ".. t STOCK'Seems xo-,ue. ritsuis., s j--u jmu, , Collr. Hon. ? W. JCMbeilak I . ehost. Wilt . not down. ttio fnrt tTiHt nobodv has vet been able A. , L ' -lt. rfwfr -i- ,f-. - '-f - ' - .. - . . . . . FSBao,. t , . I to trntan un. an charge-against mm : ATT0RNXY AT-IA.W. lJtnSBXTBS, K. 0. ' fmrtlee tln an eoarts. J, Offloe In. Heal BoOlina. H YABBOSOTjaH,. 'ATI OENEY ATXA W . - , 1 ' ' tOtTISBUBO. K. 0. -? w. helps his boom, amazingly. -Clearly he is a growing' man, perhaps the coming man. ("- L:-:','r-f.3 A Sketch of Judge , Parker. r' As Judjje Alton B.4 Parker is clearly In the list of possible presidents in 1904,' the principal events ot Ms life are here 10C5SI to 47,339. In New York from 143,608 to 8,803, In New Jersey from 56,899 to--17.1S3. m California from 89,770 to 150, in Pennsylvania from 288,433 tox 156,410, ia Michigan from 104,584 to 37.1 Si. in MasaachuiwtU from 81G) to 37J2a in New Hamp shire from 19,314 to 8J271. - . ; Those states have 142 electoral vote, 61 more than we need. - - No man" in his senses expects Penn sylvania to go Democrat!; hence the 34 votes of the Keystone gute ocht to "bo subtracted .from the 61, which leaves 27 more than we need. But In discusslns the ptaIbIUtle tk .!) U. J (-.-.' I. i ! 1- M t U M W a. f a W ; 1 t ! ti t ' ' ' t J- - 4 fM I'M ijiftl. l.ou tltlfit , , tt 4-n.. i 4 ui i M l k wi a j i ' f" i ...i 1 j Why is aa tt Va Use a la V- tsoie si 1U ae lie tl 14 r 'tr . -4 -- i,: j n m i j i- . iu it r i.. ' It. 1 i IM linH .!. i-i-i" r- f f -i ' i J I f t I 5 1 M l M ) It, fttS.'if "ill t t T t '.. t -. .ii I 1 i r i a .tui (Man, f . St.. I 1 1 t f tlA f".l- 1 i S i- M M I timf W II I f i ij , 1 ! ! -V - f II , I lt -- ! lH it t "I ' i 1 -"i t . ' wi . ,, i i.i i. t .;.i i i -t j 1 . ," 't't f . - Vm t . , - v T't. t j i i 1 . i ".i ti II i t If i t S- 4 f u.fw I .f i I t I I . tt l 4 k U , .li.l I t i ,.t . i . . r it-i ii. ' ,i . t 4 1 if J . . J H ' ii-.: V i. ( t i-t i.w I l t-M-J 4 -'- t I i.r .' '. .'- i -i ? "- l II : '. . !.. I f I I t t.fl lilt I'I III l"l 1 1 . tt t I It i i I t 1 1 .1 I ,t 1 k 4 1 t I' TI : a tu tf. t. i. . jf.T . t ' I f I t t .- . I l M ' I S t I ' : ' I '. Il I I ' t ll I t, I I "l I in jit f t f ii'i : i J JL I I i tl ' i i i i 5 t . f , ',(ii i i t ii it Oil tit .r i e . ; t t i 1 t . . jf Ml r t ' ' ' ' A " H f in I t't Ii Vt I i i t '. i " t .' I I " t I t i i t . t i i i '. '. i i t ' i ; .n r . . it . fill ;ti-; ' i;iit-i tint, it,t I i I I I 1 1 T - t ' t i '. i i 1 1 i 7'i - . f i t.t, fi I J. M.n I t j X: i tti ..... i , i 4 , -If t I ; . 1 1 '' Office ta OpT Hooe building. Court itoeet AirTegal bosinesS mtrustedMo him wiU receive prompt and caref ul attention. -. '- r DENTIST J ' i ;Uv.- louisbobo, -, v.-c ' Office over yurnltare Store. iJ-"' HOTELS; PBLlXT0!fcnOTiL '. " FEaNKLINTOH', n. c' Good accomodation for the traveling - public - - Good Lively Attached .... - set forth for future reference by the and probabillUes of 10O4 the 7 readers of -OieBe letters. - He comes of 1 Revolutionary stock. x He was born In Qf MaXTland ougtft to ta tha Cortiana county; i-, niiy-oue i 27. maktD2 42 more than we nwsi, fur. ago and is therefore in the very, prime whlJe Republlcao maJorUlcn d'.J of life. It will be of interest to tne vast Q. . nt or army of teachers in theTJnited States j--nectlCTjrg fen from 2S.570 t ItlD7 and toknowthat Judge Parker once wield- ,a frnt inru, tn eo&-tht ed the birch and. ferule himself,-- and 1 lgLttBT fjgtires be!ng"tho net majority on thereby hangs .a; tale pleasant to all congref,8men -ia 1902, thre bflng n whOiUave neauny uean ju wf i stale ticket. In calculating tie ctancm oms. f or wliile engaged in tnat.aeiecta- ble business he found, wooed and won bis wife, who may be the next mistress of, the White-' House. -' She was Miss Schoonmaker of the-county or lister. He seems to have had a penchant for politics from' the beginning. Having held various minor offices, he achieved his -first important promotion and rec ognition when he was elected surrogate, being the only successful Democrat on the ticket He was re-elected surro gate. In 18S5 he was chairman of the Democratic state executive committee MASSENBUR& HOTEL jp I? Masseiibtrcr Tropr hthideiicoii. n. c. . . . .,haiii. Good fare; Po , HU d attentive aervar it must also be remombored tbat both Connecticut and Maryland are ly Democratic states and go. Republic an only in moments of tcujporary aber ration. , . Here la Food For Thoujht. ' There is another group of states .upon which the gentleman fmrj OMo should fix Lis eye whoa t? essays the role of Btxr. Tbe V.& pubUcan majorities which tl-r rit last year will fum!?U hl:a much food for thought wttu be t.ikos out l '. fn- f j a c IS r.:M I i il r; i : Vi'tso t . Ucn'f. i t r. t r. Uer?s-s fur'.otu:,r an aV:r tie Ch anion the tlr?'S. V-zn tr ..-r j n , , , v . i i, ...v ,.-., Morp power tl.i-ir art: ! "Z"J re J 4 ,,v 1 1 tlvy wool rach oOr V t--" -r . t? country wt:i l., V-t c.- d.:l-.ter i'! 4 I'- ."," r 'l S . 1-UC-j f..o t a-d t- - 1 h tx-l-jt it fcuivly. . THE SUN If i ; ; fi; t M;.:I ;' 1 it . 5 :..'. s t H - , 4 f - r r a . 'ill I J r t w 4 ia ft ' 1 ' - f 1 1 i t s 11 )! ; V ' t 1 I 4 ! r f 1 i! t ' 1 i f t t , 1 - 1 ii n 1 1 1 1 4 , t t 1 : IT II t I i I Mr a. Ir.r-I-hcl 1 n-.y ft Trry ilrt. F -;; v. - Tl.'-.k.c-r i. J - t8d:-r:.-u .; 1 11 f.i ;-5s--4 l)f 1 . t . : t I i! , . , t r V J " S r ? 1 1 . . i. 7 : a ; : iiUi t - c . a u .1 sic 1 I.7-' l:i tLst rt-. t !f r.j 3l tl i ' 1.2 jc; , -a! 3 : a t --. f ' ' O V'f af f---n I it MMliwMl r - ' " s r- 1,1 1 . ", I" ft rir' v. c. T . ? J t 4 . . i , f