rr-AjsiiLiN . times! .. mo J. l. TZ02US. Ei&r wl 'Proprietor. oxs YXUt, ICC M0TE, THBM MOUTH, $1.00 ;. 65 fSISAT. JASUT 80. - v- : 19C3 Dr. I.G.Eidic.. Our Representative, Writes tlie Times a Few Things Eegaro.2 the Legislature. ' Mr. Editor; I have been think ing for several days that I would write you a letter, but I have lieen prevented by the following combination; a little work, a little sickness and a great deal of laziness., I told the Democrats of Franklin .that I wanted to come to the EECE1VES "UEUE3 AS LyUALS Under tbe above head the Rocky Mount Motor thin ccrnraeoii ta the recent Vhi;e House social equality reception: , "The report comes that President Roosevelt has received cegracs on a plane of social eq uhty at the Wfc-te House at a big social function and thai Southern congressmen present left' the aff-ir. . It will take several days for the pub- OYERMAN 13 SENATOR,. . ' The deadlock in the Democratic legislature, and I am, as yet, glad that lie to realize what the highest official ia , - - , - J my friends saw fit to send me. ' To be the Uaited States has done, Dut when fi'.t!, I A i cit: -cU. "Trc '..; fjr lha f.r country be; ir.2 favrtv o Launa i I M my mi j I w . Lrgiir.J t u'. ihe m'(cr uv uoo. i da t( ov.l to te a' coarse il.e it -a 1 t 1 ; O f C, c . u U 1 1- r.'.J. 1 1 ' , If i If. : e t J :r l I'M Ui.t VeoezJt'a is tb; eia t ! I y r t . lv It ".-' : I til: V :!; t ' c ! f tret lo-er." s ' - ... of Buncembe, R. A. Doughton,' of Al- question as to bow social the particular! of the last ballot, which ieghany, Judge Graham, of Granville, lead to inter-raarriage of ' ' l nrn' i t Witmn Col. Lucas, of Hyde, are a few of Itke and the Other evils tha .WMMfoUowa: Omoan 73,rWatso. oldermen; AJmg xht J0Wg mea trough social equality Caucus at Raleizh was broken last I here with the present body instructs, I it is realized, a bowl wilt go up the ' . '.;v - - 'j..-. entettiins nd at tines amtistt. . . ' We likt of which hasa't been beitd ia ' night. The Tiims received a telephone membe- me ol North Caro- long time. message about 10:30. last night giving I Una's brainiest men. Gen. Davidson. I It is not necessary to go into the race the two race that will result ity to caa&e c8: Cralrxx. 'i 1 of note are Harry Stubby of .Martin, stench io the nostrils of every bue ' I Wescott Rohinson, of , Guilferd, and I man who xares for the preservation ol - The legislature can ow get JWV jones Fuller, of Durham, the latter has his race; at this act ol Roosevelt. busineaa. A yet - only very few to a large extern ine nery -oratory 01 ooseveit may get me Kepu&ucao - ', ': n:s father, Judge T. C. Fuller, who was delegates, from the Southern states bat bills other than local ; legislation have a honored native of Franklin county, he will never gel an electoral vote. Any v. - . ' And there is Settle Dockery, f Rich- white man who votes for Roosevelt we r '."' - - v I mnnii ronntv. Hn mmta does not in-1 would almost think it miM h i - :,. , i j--. dicate the sturdy democracy this bnl-1 lesson for him to have his daughter, it OUttHT TO FASS. V. . J ttaot young North Carolinian possesses. I he has one, marry a negro. How.wauld Speaking of a bill which has been Mr. L. L. Smith, of Gates, while not J that set on you; adiairer of Rooteveh? in.,vlnrl In ' the les-ialature "making old in years, is a man of parts, faithful Yet that's what Rooseveh's policy of Lankmark says ;; that if public Statesyllle aeols. a Jiut, l cannot mention all wool Koosevelt will be nipped la' the bud. seem to me to eive promise ; of .: future I He has sealed his Dolitical doom. ' , oagul to pass, ana me r i ims r gcco greatness. There are several physi. with the Landmark.1 The bill provides cians of prominence, business men and that it shall be unlawful for anyper- farmers of intelligence and ; wealth. ion Ufdrink a wfficient quantity, :of W lJme 10 W1SHWUT05 LETTER. intox:caiujg uquor w - ,. , ... . --jtM..-, -re rood the influence Of the same as to become men. Their friends are loyal. " And druak, intozicatid, stagger or be bois- I do say, that while I feel ' certain that teriouB or troublesome at any 4 public every vote I have cast has represented ,-.. m.. i- . W9. a large per cent of the democrats Tot Imprisonment for the first and $t$ Tfm Our BegTtlar Corresindint. -ir:-: Jan. a6ra, too That German V' has gone too far in her treatment of Venesuela and should Franklin, still a vote for either candi-1 e called opon to halt is the convict too date is in good taste; 1 The peonle of or manyot the leading men in Con fine or 30 days for the second onense. Rjiejgh say this is the brainiest, hand- gss. Senator Bacon, when seen yes- This ovi wholesome l. People somest (and ihe ladies say) most gal- terday by your correspondent, said, I who get drunk do so -Voluntarily and lant legislature In the history of the do not brb'eve Germany - was" justified ski r. State.- 5 in this bombardment fof San Carlos ey s.o,u ue 'ZZTuZ The speaker of the house, Mr! S. M. It possible the GeroV naval effice'r ne w-ivmii tw Gattls, of Orange, is developing into a may have ; exceeded ' his--instruct Ions with the if mpathy wasted on the presidig officer of grace and ability, but I doubt if his': Government will poor drunkards" while all the denun- He, is firm,', fair, and kiadlv. disavow his action if this is true. The elation is poured out t on the liquor J The members of the legislature of 1903 J harsh attitade of Germany ' is open to dealer No man is compelled to drink I ever be proud of their thoice, and very severe craitiosm bat at : the sime In. . . 1 . . . . In r 1: ft . V , some may imna u is ait ana , routine, 1 UP u J -kidj oj nana ezpres but taert is scarcely a day . in which I slona 01 opinion. r xi oermaay wants there does not turn up a spicy - debate I to blockade the port she a ay be juati with wit, humor, sound seise. : oratory 1 fied with the consent i of the Uoited and occasionally poetry.' , Our days work is alsout as follows: convene : at 10 o'clock a. m., adjourn at a Vp.".m. Nearly all nave . committee . wotk - to liquor.-" Nobody forces it on him. whenever one does drink to excess and y mikei himself a nuisance he should suf. fcr the consequences. " r. At the State Dfp tr.ti;nt 1 1 :i ! that the Unite d t:r, w.V.e-i it r-t-eot take aoy cogr.inr.ee c ( I'.n r- izj't action. It fjtthtr a 1 -i;!e J th! Preiidect RocKTtIt hn, tik-tcft-Enhion of the Mcnrse r-x'.r : e , pliced this coynir y in a tarn c' t tvjnale fcwition. Kljirj co tht(.!rr .-. lion, any Lurc;a power cia !ct:xi date aod ba'.ly a,ny Skhs'. Anaetfc-ja repaIand so luaj it it d vi rot land tror- and a'tersrt tv c- qiitt!oo of lerritofy the Ue'teJ S tr car.oot logcUy proiet. at WK na- not do 10 wuhrmt rejt.!ittict tNe Roosevelt defioitloa at tb J.!oaroe Doctrine. Mio Liter Bawea li ia Vfai.V ingtoo and ooicg all 10 t potr to bring abrot a pectfal etikcaeet of the d Cktlly, tat It tcett c j w-.a (rave otMtacles which art g:t;.j X e to sertotit raipkwo at to tbe r.cMtiy of Gettoaoy r ptirpox. That set. bf men ketovo as th lead ers of tbe rtrub'ican cr: b prtm rating ra the JUotted $,titi Sceaic one ol toe moat eclrar jo fj..lu.rr 10 patlianent history AHer a tett vote by which it was deennottrated that seveoteea reroblicaa Mcators a&4 practically ; all cf the democrats, txm ttituting a majirity mt th Soate, de sire to vote on the Suuhood bill ae4 vote aSrtoatively, tbe Secatt teadrrt, Aldrich, . Haooa, Spoooer, - AKioo, Lodge, Hale, et at., have acooactd that they will tot permit the qteitko to come to a vote if their dcternrsa tioa eecesitaies the eaUieg of aa ettra tew ion to make spproprlatloea for the regular expenses of the Gomavefit. Tbey are openly defyiog the will of the majority and artaetliog tbemelr up as oracles whoae will the Stoats must obey. " !0 i I o "J t attcm.o:: - Wo dcoiro onco moro to caU your of General Merchandise. We have our stores b 0 our n cCu Ecrly H5-cr Ttaa f nracoa Lttl ; 1 . WAKTS A 1)0(1 TAX. . rThe Tmu received a lengthy com munication one day this week from a I begin at 3 or 4 o'cleck p. m. and con- lubsuntlal citizen of , this county in which he strongly advocates a dog ' tax,! and he earnestly asks the legw lators at Raleleh. to take pity on ; the" ' ' abeep-raisers, tbe chicken and ' turkey tmues till 5 or 6 p. m. and then the caucus about 8 o'clock at' night. Of course a member can shirk, but . if lie does so, he is liable to be caught 'nap ping on some measure or . miss some ne or more of his - constituents who I may call to see html :7or the first 10 raisers and the people ', generally, t and ' give them a dog tax on the . worthless nearly every member was sick He g ivei some very good reas- . . . Mrui I r-.-- -.- r-.. . Bein: tlje IJeo) Year drit)t by openingan account with the Gitizens Bank of Henderson, N. 0. ' dogs. 1 i I - Ki-iiA- rJt receives deposit ol one Pollar and eovirrltj and allows Jt our per cent lntertat, .ToUl 4! .ill I. T fc- 1 I . euums ui iqis oaaa u crtr t : Jf ons why the worthless dogs should be dy was wy mQch in demand. Sena- bFQUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS.-! taxed, and aaya that he believes that tor Griffith, from the 35th district, was at least nineteen out of every, twenty given quite an ovation as he came into people of the county are in - favor sof tbe C40Cns on itb. He carried ucbatax. .Whether be .right in f0-7" . ' . - f -;4 mg a march on the republicans. He this assertion we do not know, but , in filIs tbe vacaacj by the., death the last few "months the editor has of Zeb Wilson, a republican who ..was heard quite a large number of people elected by 1,500 majority at? the No- vt-nrttt themMlvM in favor of taxing I vemDet election. Te invite correspondence. B. Qwisb, President. h I uull stop for this time,- Jut will write you again. - z - r. ; , . IvavG. Riddicx. NED FORD. '"-1.- vv W.A. IIcjrr,ClWr. I l J .. 4 I MAURICE CLIlrTOlT. than over befofo and it is always ; 1 b 4 ploaonro to havo customors want ; ; it, and at tho ' when you havo tho. following: your intorest as Over Goals Glioap. We have a few Over Coats Icfo that we fwill cell at Your Own Price for tho next Few Days. 0 - ,0 car our W V..,. - fy to li::c;3 it will be to well n f FORD & gliftoe: Vff tMfl I havjt hn nna rf MArtv m I . . - ' j wwvu wuv ruui t hth irninir u iaii ffAAii a a n . w - ii:k. . . I ular snbscriben. ftnrf ro rhf hM nf I t r: . , . "" " '- fv ti4 . kWe'd llietyctav.never--'-r-.-'.: . v ; - - " or J fT. -Harris, of had to call on me for my subscription. I rT vj " ; V : " ; the dogs. ': Our friend's communica . tkn it too long . to' publish m this issue,1' and besides ; it is written 1 T. l t & 1 V- Ti on win iwn sac; a I a OTITKIT WRITh- Tn rn v PmTn do , however we wiirirr , to publuh Editor Ti-utsr-Th. . first paper , it in a future asue. At bia request we lhat i ever wUh thi eicepti-lj of ' publish below a clipping from a paper the Youths v Companion; was i hhe dated Seotember ath. 100a. ; which he Franklin Tons. - I have lone j since consider! a strong argument in favor JroPPd off the former, but for the last A of a dog tax: ASHIVIIXS v. five-year-old son this city, bitten a. month ago by a mad i do Dot mean to brag 'for thai n; uU(r .. f.. . iUB xaB particular honor in doing one's dutv. taer Institute. New York, where the However, I think that should entitle C?f-W?4 Fronunced hc?P?le- T1 me to the privilege of speaking a few Childjwho is suffering terribly, is dying. words through your columns, . l f. -"H1.' "I -I have noticed whh 'nlMa -n.. ncPhew of ber of articles in the Ttmk nn fWii Rnaria. : - A nrl T a I T -- nwuM iua ais.& , aur aajLtt 'h v v 7 -.ucvu.. u-n my voice to the ple. for j,... ; roean can on as before yon buy. Tbe entire etoe- of K. P. Hill & Co tv r ,u . kZ XI r. c I or ,faveI " " 18 wiy-to say .amen" to! Dougnrcneap, and for sale at Wholesale CoU We tell for VZ1 Zl U-yA ' T .w T waat Iredy been aaid. , . If . you bury the child vu i Ktted with cqnvul- wish to ,ppreciate good-road., ride to lions :so awful that it was necessa- snri- nn . " 1. ry to telegraph ahead for physicians at et hune no amnt th. T?, RrM and if that doesn't convince - you, - try como in and examine our stock before doing your buying. 7 1 uOOCiS, t Ov TO'n . v. General LlGrchandisG, Sid,OES. CJ-jOTmILnTG-, abort time. The child is Senater f ritchard. ' 4 '. almost every station to administer opi ales. At the home here it was aecessa - . ry for some one to bold the child in bed and he frequently tore at the pil low as though defending .himself from "j an imaginary foe. He frequently called for water but would never drinks - -fi, ; : tae swamp next .ta-Simm's bridge-! ur, to our sname, be it saldiride down sjme of the most important . streets ' Of our county seat., What good does it do a farmer if Jia can get ? his - goods io per cent cheaper in Louisburf than at me country store, when he can't . get mem nome alter ' purchasing. ' "And can you blame tbe conatry merchant for charging high pricei when hauling means so muca.. et us have sawdust better CASIL OR ON- TIME. U ui. u i The Fayetteville Obseryer of , last Thurday's issue contained the folio w- That was a very able and eminently j roads, or straw roads,' or even lair charge which Judge Council deliv- dirt roads if we can't get themacada- icu at . c(4uirxuu court m me vr ucox i . .a-uu wny not nave -tbe best? u-j uswu. jniciuaj. , ne ex -auuur, uoa i want to use . np plained the law governing circumstan- H jour spare space, but I'd like to tial evidence in a way calculated to ask the President of Punkintnter, if elucidate it ' to the averege layman's "ere don' t happen to be a few jugs of C-derstanding something that judges backwood's unknown "gwiae?' down to not always succeed in doing. . Our tfcat same road along with the vinegar new Democratic judges,' by the way, bottles, v If so I can guess why he and 1 . J . 1 m T) . . . ' - . iuc uiuuuauawogac wisaom oi tnetr I wwn are not lonely; choice. , ine awe and admirable gen-t'-rraan who Is presiding over bis first . ;Youra Very Troly, FORD & CLIFTON. s 1 f 1 rpri O JL jDemeiiGs A w .GROCERIES. PAINTS. OILS, 540,000 POUNDS HAY, Idon'tclaimtobeanolinVian nrt w oarreia lonr. oeea uais. reed Oala, pound. Ba-UJ I didn't attend the rerminn '.k. Vre ln? oiapieg.uineken Wire and Staples, l.tpp Dunn anj DUlt . i I . ... r. :"-'I rlflw f ninu. . -.uajv m ma wu, uaiD a case requi- j juuiciary at v Washington, -' last ' week i2Z the best of any judge; is, daily fhen the coons" were in order,- but 7! r . itiuii ra n n rnrii .. . b. .i i it inai ii i . . . . .- -vow u , uc uigu ".-- imujs &ccp up, a snau resign c T.ce which he,r holds. - Long may my position m the senate, and stay at Ilirth Carolina ; enjoy ; the services of home, where lean amuse myself, as is s;ch oEciala, , - - . my habit, by killing tobacco worms TLe lazt referred to" In the latr n potatoe bugs. tiitaf te above clipping' is TudI; best ishesi C M. Cooie. A. QuiEat: V a s:e co cz 1 . ' .; ;,t J.oc" j, at a v;t.::s i: . jvirU-r.ydVr t 7 t3 t: a t? 1 ' i ' : : -7. i -: . 1 j - - - . 1 c 1 1 : t ' . t c f : : '.(:" COL. tUHlNfcrfiAiL'S TISWS. Col.J.S.Cuningham,of Person .one of : , -action. He tnc most extensive tobacco growers in I 3 tslief in ne- the. world : rrs.. i-... J - talnka if. L ": " cvc"'og irom a 1 wicif lAf. -V. I . I . w . asuingion. 5 for) surprise ; in 'sr "rptlonYof ne- DUNN ARD .DIXIE PLOWS, Traces, Harness, Grub Hoes, Picks. Tot ho!. Di Glasses, Cook Stores and Cook Store Her airs, War on i: ana oaaiia, xiagy , oeeis, j;c. nardV7aro( Building Ilaterial, V.: and Uulco. Iftbr.ro is anythiiir; for it, and if wo baven't Koi it in nhinuall of our eu r:o in tbe n:;st. in:.:3 in tho future. Your, Toa 1 y o C o::i' T)atro 1 ! : l;r-.hof con- ""sion. na is strongly 3 I 2 13 a failure, pposea lbe t-'uban reciprocity bill i c-ce te isnot UCT--use " would admit great qoaniti ties When you want anvt-ing to eat call ca ... V . '4 our - 1 o v r . k o .11 . r nyoc: ioi uoan tobacco to thi Yours r.f US COUnlrv and in' el. I mai. - v.... ..i ' ra7- r V 6 Aaerican sowers." :z'i 1 a.tiumrrni m , . 1 ixat another l rAna: m . - ; cf i' .-uou o, the state As:r.:it. . -1 .,. uacco Growers will t -e date has

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