' ? , -?.:?-r"ci :I- i -r -- , -, , , , .- -: . -. " . JA$. A. THOMAS, Editor and Prosrletar, ' -. j -- - - , . 1 6 . 1 : r : . ..; CHDBCH, DIRECTORY ; fT ? ', i -V. . " IXfT : -1$; tttt r - I -t. " I I- -; . r ; METHODIST. I',-'.- ; . v -' ;,'8ondjr School t 930 A.-M.V " Preaching at 11A. M., nd.7p;M. ' etery Sanday. - . ' ,fr , ' Prayer meeting Wednesday nighty r ' . : V ; " , M' -T, Plylks. Pastor, - ; Sanday School at 9:30 A VU.l. "- - Tirna H Wot wn ' alL x - 1 Preaching at U A. MM and 7 P. M., . eyery Sanday. ' - - .Prayer meeting Thursday night.. " ' Mashbubhb. Pastor. , Sanday School at 9-30. -, "i SerTiottS, - morninl and. niht ".'on 1st. 3rd aad 4f.h RnrvHooa s ; - ' - ! . 17 T I. . -r 1" . ? " - " f uvtiuiuv. rjer, jinaay atternoon. Loai8burgtodgre,5sro.413,lA. A. M., meets. 1st ad' 3rd Tuesday night ia eaolnaonth. "" - . ,J 1 olark's- :-Hemedy-A, National tl --""-! - - 1 iii "' St. .Wa face and twist hVjngular. Oa ! LOUISDUilG. f 'Ft:tt)'.v "irvmYv - . ' i.i-.tl .V i 1 JJ, J t.:jt a man wb act at tit ov3 u. yer ha a fool for a r5trt rl i-w l-Jy to a wom.n .laiiUrty itB, Lcca baa Jutlc 00 lr t:. tct ,n5y cot Ur tb wort, at f.!rt warn ar'arjviotd ty fPrti 1-traUoua aM may tw.rJ r?olotic power. Ali dicrst fMi U wU5 Ebca wcU. Mda a StnaatJorv ' TW chief aeruuta tn n cat3l Totat ot f HolUJ 1 . -, ' ' Arotfessiona.l 'csajrclat V gPEtJILL ALLBED. - , , I TOM practice In ail the Courts. Offices la Lonbibarg and YonogsvlUe, N. O. )R. ARTHUR H. FEMKNG, ' , " 1 LotnsBURQ, ' -. 0. . Office Over Cooper'Stora. , DB. 8. Pt BORT, - - . PaAoncisro phtsici4n and sukgeok. . ' ; tibuiaburg, N. C. Office 'lathe' rear of Boddie, Bobbitt A CcV Drag; Store, on Nash atrert. - 0B. B. F. TARBOBOTJQH, . . : - ,PHT8rciAir AND 8tJBQEOI?, Office 8nd .floor Neal bolldtn?, phone 89 Nisrht calls answnre' from T. w.-Biekett'a realdenoe phone 74. - ' tSpedal "Washingtoii ietter.l ': '- N the long ag ont In the aeat hlfr that Peter .Ariand aforesaid of tb uie im- j .ruiy aioreaaw waa a epecta- uwunn coat cotatrwfcrrr. ai is, fft? tate of JIlBsouri,-where 1 1 cle a tad spectacle. .ror naea and an- 0J ta thU tt,wil.4 now t reside, there lived .a -man I - So Colonel Mom hsa hla transaction art" nch't.- I.v gained Sidney Shaw, called ."Sid" 1 by proxy. - .... - . - I will never ta knows. kq. ... hnrr"'ir)n ... .. . " V - - . - I ...... m A Level Headed Mlasourian. V - nZ Z7 1 m rf tttOat J?? P s tatimen In the commute iirgr, falaerV it ooimtry haT trylnr. or hate beca the tw wboTr w, I ?JL pratendlny to try. to dertse wnU plan Efmib eT. . -r torenmrent thr'trtta.-..Thfr trU. Ilc'S" J gfieeted o remedy; At- thy UUI. Uth could orf b " torney. General Knox bn. .nV .,tw. .S:: YLt?. w4X t B. M. M ABSBlTBtrSa, - - ATTOKNBT AT LAW. , " j -, . m : looisBraa. a. c. , T Win practice In all the Court of thetate OfBoelu Court Hoase. M AECUS 6," VINdTEAU, T" ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, ' IiOniBBDsa, N. C s.Omoi ovaa Corner Drag Store. Special Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services required. TB. J. B. MALONK, 'BACTICMTQ EHY8ICIAS AND.StJBaBOH. - '- - .- iiomsBUBa, k. c. " Oifloe orer Aycocka Prog Company, TSB. & 8. yOBTBB, ' ' PBACTICXBTa FHTSICIAS ft SUBQBOK, , - ' l Loaiaburg, K, a -x Office orer Ajrcocke Drag Company.. " for short; who was much of a wit and somewhat of a sport, t One nighty being ia, Sfc Louis;; he packed the jUger la iu wirniost-every cent he had. Nexf morning about sab-up Side" dead .troke, and- chopf alien- ventured- forth in quest of breakfast He met a friend, who, noting his, woebegone expression of. countenance! said. ."SM fifth's the, matter r - In rugubrioua accents Sid. replied: ."Oh, the deuce! H have Jjeen playing the fool and hare nothing tc show for Itr; That la pre cisely the .condition of those Colorado Republicans,, headed by ex-Senator Ed ward O. Walcott, who endeavored un successfully to 'rob Henry M. Teller of a re-election to the senate "of the United States.- - - V . r'.-;'- . . Teller is an honor 'to the human race. He is the one great historic, personage given o the world by Colorado:-. He was a- Republican so lone ha be .and at the same time retain the ap- proyaior ms own mind and conscience.. vvnen mat couia no longer be done, hef with tea.ra in hla eyes and anguish In his heart, left the" party to which lie had devoted the best years of his life. As a Republican be had -n6ronIy. held," but hadhonofed, the positions of sena. tor uuu caoinet . minister.. "That he changed .his : political ; afBllatlona be causo of ; tLe purest motives nobody whose good opinion Is j worth baTing has ever doubted. .Nevertheless, the Republican press has pursued hint with a rancor that disgraces it and not Hen ry M. " Teller. . ; . : - . The Wolcott Eennhllpsna nf rviAM. do resorted to methods that would have been a revelation of violence to the toughest ward meeting held La the ieuuerioiu Qisuict or tne toughest dty la the Tvorldv yet Republicans claim, to be the apostlea of-light, sweetness -and purity; but In spite of all their machi nations, in spite of Senator Marcus A.: Hanna's brazen and impudent telegram begging the Colorado Republicans to elect a. Republican senator when he knew that - a Democratic legislature had been elected honestly and falrlyv In spite of all the skuldudderv in whioH his foes .resorted, Teller and truth and right-and justice have trlnmnhwi vTh grand: old man who bravely stood byl u iwjpie ux uieur aarKest notif gats another term in the senate, and Ed ward O. Wolcott,' who deserted them when their need was the sorest; Is once more reiegateo to the rear, another; iiearlyevery senator h l redhc ' T. U 3rl bouse. . It haa all ended in auggeaUoo " 1 w.IT'. wa U Ut lUi t La.4 and amoke-aa waa Intendad ffLTt A?1- w a!? 17 And moke aa waa Intended In most cases no doubt. ; While ail these hiah iwicuonanea nave tweo 1 iLTi',c - wfe mtm I " Tl t auit ,"":"u wuew pojaaant and august i a w 7T v . . tr iet fan Wt . heads In hatching .m. ilTZl " t M wu If. I . M Wncf-atrJ n 4a deafening racket iia to nn.L S3 fTTa l Ik1?1 we meditating V,! Vf '! li U Blgga, who 1. one of my cowa u c -7 1; O r, asj 4 4 ana the state senator from the aenato-1 ZZL7?T 1, - s rial district to wWclrl.Uve, hJ 7 lZ' more to throttfo th .v, I Ui. ZIITZ c'rmrM , - " wu u IU 1 -- wmmam wnammt BWJl u.a Mg bore-atatestoen tn Waahiogton. . lit I fc ava t un naa lnrnrwimwMi a kiu 1- . .. . 1 ha a. in trod need a blil into the MUatouri senate aDnroorlAn uft twine ractorr. I !i"T ewtTt ii u. "fci,. . - . . Senator Blgga, who haa lnvtwJ P Jr n W .72 1 .- M( ,Jrw,l the twine sub! thAmni, ZT I iT"lfso"1 . t a thAVl.a plan wlU aartb; aT,,:'1 from 3 tn K Mnta .MmdtfLa t . J V. "" . fnwutc r.i.t i! r ..... -. r.rt a im! 1 ; . t , t ; WOOD YARD - - - I V ' " ! j - : ,1 , J -B!,rf ,.f .... . . . . . J , . ;v ' "l 5 lit. . ! ' v P . f j ',t,UK'"u t :. .( . ! t i S ' --.--. '...,,....,,. -r i L - -.... .rivnti . . .. :at-.. . I'nrr: ; - -nt fxr f; rrr " - Live - icr i:;.r ... t; ",-;t " l.jS I ' "" ...... . """" 1 : --l,v, -, , S . .. . . r T..i.. ' . . .... w ..ff-.. . ... a f . - 'mw .m ... " .' . . l. . . rl 1 ;r k 0;:rr Ra.lt.1 h 'tenMjM, taaa S-t a t W-uf a km. lk:t -t ia -ka-J olcTAL! I -r Owcf. te..fi . tf M -,! irrtl't t-i.t, li:rf 111 . W a w AAA aa.-f . V- ..t 4 .. .. .. .w ---1 B4tV ( Y a ..' V w a ir4i a I.Xaa.4 j a a . .1 a 11 1 . jr- l t a, at M - 1 . ... - u IUUTI , . - . - ' . hi . a 1 i .t ,1 . iwiM. wwca means a vast saving to I th."! w w L atT f - WWf 4 i. tii J. They win. rise up and call Sena tort T or JwiMje I aa U - -. " , uw oioaer twine I ' ''f.:,. .-. ... 1 . - fproject la occeaaful-and from the a. I Go4 Aw - I 1 uf fcat 1 Wf k! IT 07 eeoarpr Blgga it moat I Th otWr bight at mkm sort r m r a ll n " w" IKfOIH IMMflMt aA I In Umi.. . . . I BW W 1 . STtSf to th fcmthera atata a4-1 ttf ' vweateu a KtaorT to the gwc tw64 ta JWs torch murder ta ofctahi rXlTmS "f. Tn',', ?f !rrt of Ptww to r4ar lauwat UJ at t lami 1t br:tlA HAY WOODRtFim AWOBlnSY-AT-tAW; . Wm. PT1?"68 n U M Courts of franklin Cparij and in the United States Diatelet 4 i, Offloe In Cooper and Clifton Building. , i- ... . . v , . - : f ATTORNBY-AT-IAW, 5 , .' MTisarae.w.a, "f-i ,: : Offlee on Main street, over Jonea at Coopera S. SPRUILL. . . " '.r "TTOKITBT-AT-I.AW, . WU) attend the courts of Franklin Vance, ; SvanvUle, Warren and Wake connHes, also Duiomn wuri. ux jsorm taroiiilA. , Prompt attention given to collections Offloe over Ecerton'B store. ? - - r" Again Addicka. Indeed this Colorado election miwlfiio is not tne only senatoriaMmbroglio In to which Senator ,Hanna haa recently poked bis nose only to get it mashed. ; He has undertaken to line up tbe-twe juepuDiican ractiens In . Delaware so -that they wllL elect Hon,JGas". Ad dieks from his faction and somehnAv-. no - matter- who from the 'other fac-' l which la- perhaps the easleat aad moat Puuou way or getting rid or them. Senator Biggs, la great public bene factor l am glad to be one of hia con stltuento; I am proud that he to one of mine.-' Remarkable.: .' . f I -w hat la bred in the bone wCl serer uu' wuw nesn-r u an old saying r nl L "vw. wTragaw , w r aa worthy of acceptance. -Early. imprW LHJ t""1f t V( 8tona,are never effaced- la another of Zt?? ,W rV- Tte Biar tsf Ut U m mJr I' the same aort i-Very much dependl n T" f - c4 a ear Vt whose ox la gored to aootherVncUot I EStZ Z l u ,M ttu,7 provert-full vof wtjm an IiTL.lln of .tvi .w- f - . ' . .. "tw r" ."""w vc aaM fuBrt t. - - - - i - ujnare rn recalled to mind -' u wvW 1 J ! ; rights fever- In Um.mi. 1 ?r lacarm .m. I fw tliMu k. . C r wu,ra ann the lart half maau, aTiJ aUC . tentury haa plumed hanelf mjghUly t?0?' WN.tefiTwrJTI 1 on being p.r exceHence the foe ef the CI heresy of j rtate righta,- She - ha. &.,i.Jl?r ' teiy oone an act which if performed nra nr ha . .. ' d-own south In Dixie would have been JZ 2 aaaVji," St denounced a rt. - . ... .r! I m tn aAMa. w mui JT Z!T . . """ V fc KUl aa I HMM Maan. t. . -w I . 1 I . ..M ..... ar wf lA-Jr:.-',-, am m J tmttm . . . .. K. T. W.BIOKBTT, repeatedly made, charges asrafnat' a a dicks which, if trneronirht tn i n titn. In the .penitentiary and which. If. net iiue, uuguiio lana iiiggins in the stocks. -But Mark is so anxious, to nave -the Republicans elected that he is willing to have the odoriferous Ad dicks., sit among- the conscript fathers. The antl-Addicka Republicans claim mat ine gas statesman .has spent, a quarter "of a million dollars In "corrupt ing the. Republicans of Delaware and that his sunoorters claim th unatnu. ship for him because he has paid for 1A( ".I.''" ttL. l . ".r .... . . - . ' - rBM hjtw eaitora within the baUIwkk of i l M, tW JTai Borta star and the aurora borealla. I 'irri,,'w " " m The old Bay State haa had th I P.!.? a-,- to arrest, convict and On. r" :L-W-.! Son, A federal Inspector of cattle, for I MTwSlra! uwKea-crueiiK'.fn tnnnt MHl.. .v I r- aaacy. at. .i. . - .,M .HUVI- I BHI - - - ' ' 1 '" - .ha the federal government la paying'. for I SJSn",l!?.. mfmb all killed, and nron,M, 7L ll 1 riL1!??!1 ?! PK t- " '-Jm inu Vf I vJWl view M 1M IU " - - - three times aa much as thnv IM I aalr tMVk. 1 JfL. .T? - -v, i wcwr wuonea ror not on, norwi bsndlnTtTat ex UnLed Sfr" S.' .T.T.rr.tU a? States Senator, Anthony HlS JectlStt 31 umuuKenng - nwthetica that la wnat we are ted to believe from the prewi oispatchea at any ratev And tt was In the. town of.nArwvmf "the embattJed farmers" picked off the oniuui regulars - and where Ralpu Wgldo Emerson DtmI m'rt .... apouted philosophy, that this late day Massachusetts. ; It will, be remembered. !rr.!L. TWW enlf4 aAay SSrTS I9"" atoaa a4 1M Tt liaWf tf fceTla a ..-. I ia(aM.k,i aa7 a.jH a fywlaj if , mmm ai. aat tAa. .iJ.. a. . a ftM,, ., rail c rlu. au.ia-ta- r.VJ."..!'' fia. . a a rr m PC-.r,y - vj U t "1' Sst.-r' ft a, a . 2 i - ,rS.: T PC? irr AN 3 t , d.rcr? -t. fV tk fee? t ; n- i:r Skjcj l.-J 11? f5 l-Tf Cl3 Urth-Ufvtiw til ra rJ ftf 43 Sa svttii r'tnVr' rr o.a "21! aSe twWUAlXAfiiaa,, a a J tv.4. trf k ...... . ai- - ti . .... rmwi. w atta hhiuti inn VM aax kna - - - - wear 'll l t'lila. 4 t.kaBu.&.M. k .? , . r tafc t a. M at a 1 I tV.r , a MV n..m e-.tfa .t 4 " 'ii tr ,.-. 1 . ..... . ii ii i-. . . t : i.,a . 1 ftMI w. , , f . , i lt.W ,jt ;,ta, -.... I - " - I 1 : ...... t 1. ..... , r ( 1 . ll i . .... j . . .m.aiB, ti V a. 1 w . 1 at ....... j ; : t I. w ... . O .....: 1 it. r.( Wsil Orccr.-. SKAUOAIU.) Ait- f y.la-.j; I Ui Af la aa k. ta-rt.... i . . ATTOKNBT AND OOpHSBLLOB AtftAW. ' 7- tovnuiuMV. a r)"f ' 7 ttl temporal. O mores. How"! however; by bose whaTTnTMli are the mihrv fiinr . i -7Jwtiws; who nava paw any Sumner.-Onoom rh ""ao: ny hl.tory that to men who til trreffard the Hannn fia. aiv. I .JlT. r. for rtgbbt p-rw.vps. j.-ee tka.aia Prompt and painstaking attention glTs to MTera to Chief JiiatlMcnTiATA. HVm. Jntva nin tlii. nVs.- Xir uti.u "r-r -w a agrora rrtlkax inv.iugisa; aiiutflu. lW..i L 1 k " wr-aa IIoo. John W-Wy C.i.f then taU ?i ! "W" lUrfct tiyit a cowuat Aroetiag arci I ": ' "' -" t wear to banltat aw. u vr k. I Afcoiir l Laa a'U .J rr..t L" ;:yu pud ucan par-1 much greater stickler for state rights ' tb bn3 K mr ki I Ams f ta a-; A rth? pnrT0o r t "-' auieuuinenca to the cooatltutioo I . cw sczrtBg cms te I l w . earth? Endeavoring to. steal a sena- of the lTn!tt flt.. . M . ... I rmlc. war!ita .t? . I itl'vTi; wnLno?-iL r V: ' uuy 1 puopnon. ... in tne Concord ease ahe wax I "w waiM?ra inta pTtB!i. niil manning Hon Hobt. w. Winston, Hon. a. C. t '""""f iu vu.oruuo, enaeavonng to buy adoption. In the Concord cam ah ... I Walter thmm emfAtt . urst wve- uearr Cabot 1-7 VUT-' mrm pfeg tt. Lodra tnniat tuwir k(m..i . . 1 e9 Baiter aa f ! mm .. . - t p m. w .uuivuiH Brn-iiay va Tv Aat a ton. Olenn ft Manly, Winston, Peopleu Bank of Monroe, Chaa. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- Office over Neal ft Co. 'a Store, - - " , ATTOKNBT AT-LAW, v. . , uuiHBDKa, w. . ..- - . . . r,, . . - - j jivi uiauiuicQ Suit agamat xxon s-.-awV src,,as iuiuuim. ' wetmore.-tobacco-mnimnt .- - - i.n : ... ' record, purely! Squelched. r. Some time ago the. attention of the reaaers or tnese. letters was called to the astoundinsr cabem nt nna Pnt i. iund of Louisville, KyVwbo claims to oe n omoer or the Danish army.V In. Lodge, must bestir himself. Plucky. . v 2.-: ' - " - " Miss Rebecca J. Tavlor. aninaf. ex-clerk In the war department, haa iuw courage or ner convlctlona. ..MlM Taylor has InsUtuted suit against Hon. aiaajai "t, Bt TABBOHOtraH, tit. 1 - AT10ENEY ATLAW ; . -LOTJISBUB O.K. O. r Office In Opera House building, Co art street "1 All legal bnsineae in trusted to him wtu .receive prompt and careful attention. T)R; t). T. SMITHWICK, ! ' 4. ' 1 .... .... , :. xomsBtrBo, -:l N.a' Office over Pnraltare Store.' '- IL-;. t; hotels; -y" . ... t- w AUVft kj, Wetmore, -'tobacco - maenate.th" rj Downed trust buster. lengna. tne aroresaid Moses to mortal wuioatr at least' tne Tannmn. 1 1 anegeq in-tQe newspapers that he did, m yecause, .as. he claimed, Mose had Insulted 1 Mrs. Arlund in St. the. very moment when Mrs.-A. waa in iuisvuie, Ky. . . The woman : In the ease, as it turned out.' wn a nnt It, was pointed out at the time that this Arlund "of the Danish the.prize ass of the age for committing - pwmieuuary onense ; by . Sending a challenge to the -Falatnfflan w. and then publishing 'the fact to the -won. ajc was. also pointed out to him dal dedaiona whether thta M.n....,. land of the free" or a aatrn potisin in which freedom of speech la nor peramrea. sae was some time taat spring , nneeremonioaalv 'itrm.v her position. In the war departroent for criticisine tha i(!mln!itrtinr,. .u , w aa Mva jar to the Philippines. She evidently la bored under the delusion that alnce the sedition lawa passed la the admlnlatra. Bon-or ORi john Adams were repealed the denizens of this count ha. ..t and stiUIhave the riirht t ik.r. tongues ad libitum. That la prcLaiy nuc.w jveDecca came to grief. She should have known that it u esty to crlticiae anything the Republic ans uor-A ner. nave am btiii k- wound j Ms awh wttx CriUr So, o testier what trt ta totWAt4,.la w fcocaa. Hw& Calais manag, L gir ti cvl Urocs TU 1UER'S he was domiciled In the RnAt .-An AAi4k 4 a A. j ISA- a : . T-t waa tatut w uitu ia groat gobs . FBAflKLINTOR HOTEL heunstand -ob.u. - 7 .. front doorstep in Louisville- and give ala. txAAAn jl vx n v. , i v -vA.-wvk wimuui aronsing tne . rr tvT.. rnwrv- vIr- J".3.? kits errant to a pitch y, iu. UJUllfliJll, iTp r. 01 rury wmcn would astonish htm.. -a..-.1 a ' 1 ". 1 1 r were TOrreci ln latter, polnt- abU . TT , - w our, .at any rate, for not long since, that.lf he was really thirsting for'gore which they prove that they own this taUll. .Good Ll?.Tr1AttacIiedl f. . MASSENBURG. HOTEL. ' 35Xa exvbpLxr Propr HEIIDEBSON. W.'CL Good accommodations. " Good far Pol , , Uta aad attaativa aervr 1 l"-' . ' f 1 . 1 - - 1 ' : fOTOOD KOUSE.. '": r:tr. J. AOi-.'.ir'aoi,Preprletar.' .ironRj otj uommeivlal onrta j Mr.-Peter Arlund becoming Ahtniu.! otia. and.yna'wstv.'1' w vWvm- ta.. uie sans - ceremonle nrrai - black his eyes, mash hia nose, pommel country. : ; It runs in this wl-ae; Th earth belongs to the salDta; w are the aaints; therefore the. earth twloags to tia." -. And. belncr hv -n . - , m w t, w IVIV .loraa of alL thev bar a hm ish anybody, or everybody that ran into question the parity, wiadorj. patri otism and expediency of wbat Uwsy do - ifcca went-iuto court. to dls-nver why Ellhu ouatisd her. tn ! her affairs, iitlranf lur Mnm.l .n.lK drew from the case and left her alone. sne Quit? Not mncb! ... She pro- .' flallaaj fttaa Oau Tcaothar day aa oct waa f?sg inx throusb Icdixt frira rty fJ IJrerpoof atrvot. Ja.t Ul'.-i :',rc MtacoypJ. Tt. yvosg c;a ks-rw aottlog of LotxSoe; tUa yt-ar.g r-..s anw a little. set) u wanted to know TrTtfc:r g f!4 a- talnwl that lha Brw.rvo fat ry w ft rua TifJ-.ir,-. tv9, o-. -r,-, hospHat wafr.a..i!: collected fct of rurtoua R'X;..'t4. tloo aboat tte ilot cci. wiki tal cnaugj ri.cr, with it Uw 01 r a. Tlve dritaf C !ytad aad earfy fcia way.- As tiwy came Lo4xt tr.J the yoor.sr woaaaa casitst a:tt of ti tatue of Qw Ace. -Now, we la thatr aie ttnadd Tta ::f tics:utyl .." t;tjk t' trrr , . ,-4 tab t?a4-;f .no -tefii- r , 1 'km rm: : r fier; -doo t W t c " ,Uj i;'a f Arc-"-LonJoa CWor.:. lia-FcizIa tcllotlio cicry: .CAFE. RALEIGH. II. c. FOn-LRDIES and "GENTLEMEN. DAY AND NIGHT. DAIRY LimCH. TVe ..'...f .. atH. aw.t ui. ... it.. .. .... w i-ta.t,! fc 1 Ha-wan a"'! - fc ki ., f . i . S.M.. .. .. f .. " . .... 'ta . . ... .1 ..- a....... . t . j.. . . . ... ... , n,i. inj ... .wU at ..a aa, f ii. f .. r;..,.. ,f j V f 'in. . 1 j ltr ,u , , . t J t .,1 ts i; , - m .M i.t , ,rf it u ' t 1 i ..i t ; J , ? ,t !i',',t,M,f"t i . ..4 i it-il datn 2r, tl:i. J iL " - .. - - m 4 tw , k..AM f ta2...ma w . aNHB"atii Sam ' Baaaiaa aaaoaaaa rV a. tt.14 .4 Ut m.um ta ,V m at,, ia aa-a.... ;, a. J f..i Aw.-. 4. mm,m,m (Mm ta,i;in( ta aw, wa t iMi ?-.. r-a awa.aaaw Tf HM.taa3 -.W- f,.ta 1 t aaa aW. Jraa. a aalwtafcMS m n.,,4W4. 41m,. - a.M.. H Mas j tai. - . .. w t .,, :i.ww.ta,' a aM. , WM -nt4 - ' . . . awagwasjCja. ' atw., ,.,r... . ..... , . J ll.',! .!.. . . . a- ; r-r .... . . ... . .1 . . , ... i ,v 1 1 H . .... ... M. s t. I I.. IXI-L. JACOll EVANS.- j:rrAtx:n j a trrntrr. t'-T" !'t t'.t.i.aj-B i.l m f fa.. 1.. ; " :: Va .-.rf 4 , .H t at i,..t, ..j, g, im 1 1 J Vi.I a t U t va axtitmti g T - ' - f J. aa.r ,. .1 it, J ia ij,, w,,,,, ,, vtw .f i. .f u.. a. -a . a...., a.f ..i..i p i i M4 ,,' . ; "Bw m.ja t w i.. t i.:.i?'' , Cif -wrt .in. ! if-. ; . .. . , , . i , , . . f M . I .... "- ... 1 t iMrM I a V 1 a- w.-M t 1 a si - - a , , 4 i. 7 a .t j . ... . ... rf mi i 1 a h w u v ! t a., j. . I i ."Prica JJJcnl ! THE SUN iHt 4 ta,, t )a f ' ... I '..- . . ,, ,.m ,jt , M , lll.,l'il. ? '.M-.I S. .4 Wm. ta, j-, T t t i-a (.i Tlic San at 1 Ce:t;r;--u . , itaii i.: 1 a t i .a v t .11. 4. ,, t'ji tmm rni: M,., aa La -.ta. ! i ., . .! ... ' ...l tal'l '''', M.a T , i. i..'Uii,i ki.( a "--a a.t ti- ; a, ' , j . ... ..... , i. v. J ' mt " I '!. i.f l : '.t . I . ta , , , l . .. ; : t .-. a i f i.. i It .' .:,!. U l -1 .., ,, 1 fl 1, t:.;..., ta . . " -. 4 . ...... f - '- . a r f . .. . ....... . , ' - . ' - -.. I V ( '"" " ' i .; . ? 1 m -m, aallt4 ( " wtaPiW.i.aa f - JW..,1W.. ' '','.. 4ok aW- . . f f - - ( ' 8 S IMt' J1 ! ..... i 11 Ll LUuLU u 1 U Uitf ;i t - -" i-. ... t.. t '--' a. - ...., 'i -,.,, ... , 1- . . i a ...,. f ., I - - - - ....-fc .'IU ..." .4. .4 i.. ; if-... T 1'., - 1 ... ' .. ... t , '. , GL'nUtNHUHKi: PURE iivj-: on n it n A 7 O f . i . . FS r v r not a patent mecktne: a ttJn sTritrtmra va t .... . . . wi " a vV i'' ' ,-". r-" w iv.a;;i riuer iv.tr, raaa ci - . - j fkUD Ujillll ' Fio'i F-f-r-t Arr r f f j. m- a Cms! UiVii -Von--- -- ' t ii I-a f -t !! ! a ! Ii If.;' 4 A 4 U A U al t 1 fa 3 fwre TH .i , I m n .,, ta- I 3 ' $ 1, k ta ... I I ft K . . . .., 4 i ... . t . n .- '! . S. .... .. ... ... I .11 I . II. t t t , ... t , (. - . , .1 .rt . 1 I T - . r a t t . : . 1 i . r f 4 t , J i P r.TiSYLVAril A I . T t ; : i ' 1 1 ty lie !' ; 1 . t I ' I.I. -A tc Vf. T'ai'a'ilisg PahllcSoIicltej. Ta ItI!. RiuiW. . .- : 1 1 . i A C" r: c 43

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