' kV 4 ..A A. "1 mm i m ':. aga a. . Jk JAS. A. THOMAS. Editor and Proorietor. . ..! liLi - - - VUL. AAAJii CHURCH DIRECTORY J? METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Gao. S. Baxeb, Supt. Preaching at 11 Ai II., and 7 P.M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Plylrk. Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Th08. B. WlLDRR. Runt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. every Sunday. Prayer m eting Thursday night. H. H. Mashburnr. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, Sunday School at 9:30. Services, morning and night , on i8i, ara. ana 4tn Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon LODGES. Liouisburg Lodge, No. 413, A. P. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday uiKuts ia eacn montn. irotfeswonal cards gPRUILL & ALLRED. ATTORNEYS AT L AW , will practice in all the Courts. Offices in ixmiHourg ana roungsviiie, N C. JQR. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBURG, . - N. C. Office Over Cooper's Store. j)R. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. Office in the rear of Buddie. Bobbitt & to. n Urusr Store, oil Nat-li street. JR. R. P. YARBOROUGH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LonBDR9, N. C. OMce 2nd floor Nea. riutlJlnir. Dhone 38 iKht calls answero l from T. W. Bickett's residence, pnone 74. B. u M.AS8ENBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I0UISBtTR8. H. a Will practice In all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. M ARC US C. WINSTEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W, Louisburg, N. C Office ovsr Corner Drug Store. Special Attention (riven to collections. Practice wherever services required. jr. j. e. malone, Practicing physician and surgeon, LOUISBURS, N. C. Offlce over Aycoeke rmg Company. j" j-- E. 8. FOSTER, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Louisburg, N. C. omce over Aycoeke Drug Cjapany. yyM. HAYWOOD RUFFLN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, louisbubs. ir. o. WTTl practice in all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining eountiea, also in the Supreme vouri,, ana in tne united estates District and Circuit Courts. pfllce In (JooDer and Clifton Building. rjHO& B. WILDEK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, .louisbubs, w. a. Office on Main street, over Jones St Cooper's 'ore. F. S. SPRUILL. TTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUI3BURO, S. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. OHlce over Bgerton's Store. rj W. BICSETT, TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBS N. 0. Prompt and painstaking attention given to vry matter Intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Canning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Wln ton, Glenn Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank ef Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College. Hon. EI-W; Timberlake. Of He? over Neal sc Co. s Store, f. PERSON, ATTOBirBT AT-LAW LOCISBfJBS, V. a Practices In all courts. Offlce In Neal Bull dinar. H YARBOROUGH, JR. ATI ORNEY AT LA W .' LOUISBURG, N. C. OfBoe In Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. J)R. D. T. SMITHWiCK, DENTIST, LOUISBUBG, - - N. C. Offlee over Furniture Store. HOTELS. FRANKpiVflrOJ, 110TEL franklSnton. n. q'. (5. W. SOIWftY, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livo.-y Attached iMASSENBURG HOTEL. f r Matiftenburg- Propr HENDESSON, N. C. 6od accommodations. Good fare: Po Mt ul attentiTA servr NORWOOD HOUSE Winartoa. North CaroIIni - W J. NORWOOD, Proprietor Patronage ' of Oonunerdsl TourlaU il rrarellnc PiMleSoUeltod. - Champ Letter Special Washington Letter, ON. MORRIS SHEPPARD of Texas, the youngest congress man, took the house by storm one day recently. He made a speech on trusts which compelled ln tensest attention on both sides of the chamber and which has received uni versal praise. Mr. Sheppard is serving out the unexpired term of his honored father. He is also elected a member of the Fifty-eighth congress. If he Uvea up to the golden promise of his youth he will rank with those Texas worthies who have shed imperishable luster on the Lone Star State. The promotion of Hon. R. L. Henry of Texas from the committee on insu lar affairs to the committee on the Ju diciary is applauded by every one, Democrat and Republican, who knows anything about congressional affairs, for Bob Henry is a prime favorite in the house. He is a handsome, cour ageous, capable young Democrat There is no more studious man in pub lic life than this stalwart young Texan, who has grown in influence and In the good graces of his fellow mem bers ever since he began his congres sional career. He maintains the best I . vj., ui lUK iaie or oia Sam Houston. The old adage -Better be born lucky than rich" is illustrated in the case cf Hon. Page Slorris of Minnesota. He declined to run again for congress on the grounds that he wanted to practice law to make some money. Now con gress creates a new circuit judgeship, and Brother Morris is to be the Judge! He is a good looking, intelligent Vir ginian; nothing bad about him except his politics. Redhot. The fight is redhot, and It's to the finish the fight betwixt President Roosevelt and Senator Marcus A. Han na for the Republican presidential nomination. All the signs portend a tremendous struggle. Until quite re cently the wiseacres thought that Colo nel Roosevelt had bagged tie southern delegates by dining Booker Washing ton, by inviting certain more or less distinguished Afro-Americans to the White House receptions and by sundry oilier tilings ne nas said and done as to f me colored man and brother, but Mar cus has raised the president at his own game by introducing a bill to pension th-a ex-slaves, a caper which bids fair to give the Ohioan all the delegates eouth of the Potomac and the Ohio In a bunch. Perhaps there was never such a cheap trick performed before. It will not cost Senator Hanna or nnv- body else one penny, for congress has no more idea of passing such a lw than it has of replacing America under tne dominion of King Edward VII. On reflection I must modifv tht oto fo ment, for it will cost ignorant and mil- uuie coiorea roiks many a good dollar. ror tney will be skinned and fleeced bv an army of swindlers who ought to be in the penitentiary; but the colored folks will not discover that they are fleeced until after they have delivered the southern delegates to Marcus Alon- zo, and after that he will not care a baubee what they discover or fail to discover. Senator Hanna Wfl porafnl to introduce his bill "by reauest" bo that when Republican taxnavera no north jump him for his proposed ex travagance he can explain to them pri vately that he is not in favor of it at all. In this way he can work the cred ulous negroes down south, where mouths are watering for pensions, and at the same time work the economics t taxpayers up north, who object to such wicked and wanton waste. Another Richmond. Colonel John A. Knott, editor of th Hannibal Daily Journal and railroad commissioner of the state of Missouri. does not propose to be left in the mat- ter of Democratic presidential candi dates. Colonel John has solemnly and elaborately nominated Governor Alex ander Monroe Dockery for -president in the editorial columns of the Journal, and he assures the public that he hag taken this important step "unbe knownst" to the governor. Whether his excellency is pleased with Colonel Knott s action is not known here In Washington. So far he has not fol lowed the famous example of Calus Julius Caesar in declining the crown when offered to him three times by one Mark Antony. It is an ancient saying that "silence gives consent," and unless the governor very aoon seizes an occasion to decline the high commission tendered him by Colonel Knott the public may Jump to the con clusion that "Barkis is willinV When a tyiiij nun ui iue timeraiu isle was asked if he would imbibe, he answered with the inquiry, "Wad a duck swim?" Governor Dockery is now in the third year of his gubernatorial term and has therefore somewhat familiarized him self with executive duties, just as hjs sixteen years in congress familiarized him with legislative duties. He is an ablebodied statesman in the prime of life, and the Globe-Democrat once char acterized biro as "the most pulchritu dinous member of the Missouri dele gation." The public Is anxiously await ing Governor Dockery's acceptance or declination of Colonel Knott's nomina tion. Astounding. The Republican greed for seats In congress Is absolutely astounding. Last fall in the- Asheviiie dlstrlct.of North Carolina Mr. Gndger, Democrat. d feated Mr. Moody, Republican, by The Formula telTs the story : Grove's .Chronic- Chill Cure " r if t n thhi till liiinm HijTjii, nf n jilaaiiint iifttr tuti. will rf RuM ExtiPERUVI BARK Fluid Extract- BLACK ROOT - C Fluid Extract' PRICKLY ASH BARK FIiExtractiIXG'W001 . It Cures the Ci tha Cure. yrH& Best Genera! TonSc. : - - No Cnrea INfo Pay. - Price 50c- - 1 im J" A 'A Ka.ns.a To Stainai Tlplop Spcsck of Mr. TVaavas. Rumors a4 Faraoml s& sfe afc small majority. Mr. Moody promptly Instituted a contest He dk-d on Feb. B, and to a reasonable man it would appear that the contest would bare abated. Not so, however. The Repub licans are pressing the contest with all their might so greedy are they for eats In the house. Of course they will not go so far as to seat a dead man. They are determined, however, to bT a new election la the ditrtct-L those- pressing the - contest. tm nr hope that the majority will not do a thing so preposterbu. A Poet Statesman. A rumor has been floating around to the effect that the Hon. Eugene K Ware, pension commissioner. Is about to resign. It may be assumed that the aforesaid rumor has no fouudation In fact for It is anonymous, as all ra mors as to Republicans tvsiulng good, .-fat Jobs should b. A century ago Thomas Jefferson Bummed up th his tory, past present and future, of fl eral officeholders when Im? said. "They seldom die and never rvslgn."" So we may not unreasonably conclude that Brother Ware will abide with n yet awhile, and. truth to tell, he ap pears to be giving as much satisfaction as anybody caiugive in his extrrruHy difficult position. Mr. Ware t a man of flue literary tastes as well aa a tip top lawyer. Still some of his iaja- . munv tuuiku mm (rricve by resurrecting hU carwioss rhymos. written in his callow youth, to -'flll up space" in a newspaper or to whll. away the time, which hung h.-nvy on his hands. On this head the Kansa City Journal discourses aa followi; W ARB'S EARLY RHYMES. It la shocking how the lndlcretlon of youth will sometimes rise to confront a man In his respectable old age. The Fort Scott Monitor Is reproducing matter from : - flies of a date when Oene Ware was J editor. And here Is poem by Ware depicting the woes of a reporter: Oh, that some burglars Into stores would break And heaps of "swag" Feloniously take! Oh, that two houses Would take fire In town And one of them burn up And one burn dowry Oh, that some one would strike With angry frown A seven foot man or coal bank Near our town! Oh, thst some person Who despaired of lifs Would ran away With some one else wifs! Oh. that some fiery Horse would break loos And. like a gambler. Play the very "dexic!" Oh, that some politician Would take pride In killing rascals off By suicide! The gold of Ophlr We may oh and owe for. But now. Just now. It's locals we must go for. Another Kansan. Indeed Madam Rumor has latf ly beon busy with Kansas statesmen. She now reports that Fourth Assistant Post master General Bristow Is to rljrn. This piece of news may be true, as It is coupled with two oth.T rumors which may explain the fact that b: la to resign. One Im that he is to go on the Dawes commission, and th other is that he Is to run for congress in the big Seventh Kansas district, now rep resented by Chester I. Iong. wnator elect Now, while nobody ran believe that Pension Commissioner Watv ! to resign, one can readily understand that Bristow may resign, aa he Is slat ed for a fatter Job. Out In Pike coun ty, Mo., where I reside, the cry of -Rotation in oface!" went up and disar ranged things political at a great rate. Uncle Tom Cash, who was a consid erable wag. was filling the offloe of assessor and at the sauio time wa a candidate for recorder, a much niorp desirable position. While ho was on his electioneering rounda somebody asked him how he stood on the rota tion question, whereupon he gayly nnd diplomatically replied, "Oh, yes, I sm In favor of rotation In offlce that Is,' or rotating out of one offlce Into a bet ter oner Uncle Tom was a Democrat, but he enunciated a platform on which all Republican statesmen atand- Tbry rarely perform the unprofitable caper of giving up a good. Juicy bone In the vain hope of securing a better one. They make certain of the juicier bone tint, A Certain Telegram. "Who sent that telegram?" Is likely to become as famous a question at "Who struck Billy Patterson V Tb particular telegram herein referred to is the one which came to divers sen, tors on Saturday, Feb. 7, in the year of our Lord 1903 and signed "Joba D. Rockefeller," protesting against any hostile action by congress against the trusts or, more properly speaking, which purported to be so signed, for It does not stand to reason and to common sense that Mr. Rockefeller would do finch an Idiotic thing. He probabry could not do anything which would be more certain to precipitate draatlc antt trust legislation thsn to send such a telegram to senators, provided sOch tel egram became public property. Of course there are senators to whom he could with perfect Impunity send any request or command by telegrarn, letter or otherwise, but the average senate, even when willing to do Rockefeller's bidding, would prefer that the matter bp kept secret Hut, Whether bogus or genuine, tn XOPISBURQ, -S.-C, -FRIDAY, FBRCAET Via KM .t .- ' I firr. bat sl amo tubsawa. iimii.. ti wiu trofcsUy nrftsM lavtstLjatloa to scwtta t wrf 6 WOWtd tO Owl t. b twMa. TtM9t abi!tv ir tlMl tlm ttoHtrtis vrt well HI tt utrMt SI. tion. UMIM. whieh 1mm m su b enacted by this mTms. If a ff-t, to oo at lBt tb amtwr ert or their profits 1U t U as , duced by tfc Wcfeistta afar! j drd. sotD ttu r m cytkkal m cat claim that tb frosts dicta ts tbm aat'j kflslatioA. A Tiptop SpK l f Xbp spwbmaktt om ttm trawl "qtZ Uoa was -not rrjoftamd Ui tW tsitin of ttm judirury cocsatts. Im ft. Ptf nprfc-n f Umt tt tH tboroostUy Ctki4rw fjy ttm-f 4llfw4 , . otMtTwmiri s-srtk- and ronrrvmUMvai rreUtkx) mr hmt-ii-itary In tu fstui:,. tfc f.tkct Wf Tb"mM bltim bm-ta a a b,wej ta br of th hou yns vWl liad rwm f..r Mr Tboea tf- but I cao riv, acly tU takmtXM rt-rpts: Mr OiatrtMt v tiia 1 1 ww 1- ruil cf tfc popU 4-.ma.4 fr jr'"" ta arrw m4 f-tia tfta trust evtl ta lata cwtrj Uor. than r,, hm Bail ntru.t taw w aa , ... i,U5. .,".,7 - -r .... - a- cvatrtmaji rrvnt fJt ,Jl a Ik ' arawta rf tta a.,, t.1.rmlr,ti rva 1!. bc..c 4 this H.;-uWu-ao a, ,J(, ,... in -f ta S.e., I tak It tfc Bp(KlrB carti ia cwUins' w?o tfca Maa -fcan .... . --' .---sa on M941 -MB that t- !;,;-jfi.,, o-rTI . f.t ri (fl. na Mn cf s., , a.sr.atlon at it, fwy e fauti,c ot capital !iri &v?tmm ik. , hiatory v Wht.Tr may aa th swnn far f,.- ins ana pr.aHn jfcj,. Kaa t , , cor.rw H ia irw eitaav tx, , i Saynjan act of i. MM a , , .v j ;f,t P-S laa te ts w i. . son U.H'aCl af 1D. sa : prraarvK) -fas Sum . not tn r. fbrcad a iL. . n tn ar.fbread a tfc- a . . . ralnUtratM4 r la tfektr ' swon1. that thay ar toaifr-tf or in part, to t-ur a-i r A.! tlflnr.el lcUiatlM la i'mmndmi by tfc. pao-pu Bf taa i .-.a.l not c-mmm t ha ifvaoste wlwu ..e rormatWa oJ srowta ef t.a. , ia U a .irf penjin mtmr, of tha COaj tlttaa I am ur thai 1 1 ftW fc. ft. . ft . . ditiary com m !;:. ani tsa wtwu ajuj'-cat. Us tfc cmrta stanir-tnt cf poatfc-aj mtm, ,..,. s va.t fW.d if ifcoat. xlr axh4 laaev. gallon Tfc. natkM-al r-J aiata aat'vM law, tfc. do-ia-.vaa of tfca t'aJtMj saprrme cort ! ha rm mmU,tnm th. cocaiU ration of . camatuTaa. "" Th Ir.t.r-ttata s.l4 facaiara evm.immr c:a U Of tfc. cosiMt-jtiea of t si-a4 larllcl. r(i a . -. anj th. d-iaiona of th. fivltwi Stataa a pr.tr.a covrt. iumrita to tlm raaiy .f th. attorney -.n.rl. data4 ;a k (MS. ta th cotnmunk-atioo ef Paritea . Chairman cf tfca a.at j4rt-ry ewnaiaJ . m '" KnrP ta saM fea- ' Awr'. npa aa.) :a.i caa. aiMrw tfcat '. &,, tw-r of ca. lo '--aa upon tfca a-aa4a St an-.p:. ao far aa tnt.ratai. nanaaaaa-ca t. rotvr-ra.,1. ICT0is Maf saai.ioo of Ka . rxwraaiT . w.-e,-v lntro4uel many ka amaaa aa.. . prortStng foe th. . I? "' Tr-.tr.t W.l!.f tr-aat naj. to ! . r.;ltr-a , mi-.mm -.r a; th at'.-, h a v 'r a-j.-fc laa rour-.n I .a -j tfc. - " cfcaapaa at--al hirr.. a" a :,. ;rv ta is., than to tfc. Arn.rVaa -it.aatv " "f 'h Kftar;.-, waa a t a a I o .he H-t--b;v-a na:f.!. aa a-s. I'sf .". tra ! i'--r;-v; '. -. the - .rr:cr.ltta the i. -.''rf-jiahttl a-i.4 I'-sa ; i. -,-ax j a t. a ,r. -ia ft i from M . or.c. M:: o I a&4 lltmalin ta - vary rr. .J f -.rrr. tfc. S.veaa Hut !.-.-- tfc. U.iior. 4 a:a--a tiaa w PJ,,,; " PerSr has ha-3 ar-na Cr.:w aaa. If -t::on of tfca fcyaUf evfaaaftkaa M tru- ar.J tfc fa-ijr. af ta. .i7ux ' rT qu'.lc a U!a S.I day aM hour tfc.y aa peot?,, .via saaaa-r. .f iaM r.lUf to lfca -oC.-a dDubt! :rl taa ,ura: fat. f P'J'' af-titrua una ca-c'.aac- tJj hoy. r.a-r-.o:, i;.., th. ao-t. a c-.ar "r " halrmaa. 4saa lata WaCaaLataa ' ' " ;"' "'"I t xa It ar,.a ai ru, , i -n. rin laoaa ft w.t.au .a I cvr. th rwa esjsra, mvvtt than to a'.ssvtaia tasap-iaarUy taa a-ru aa ' r.cnaui (row tfc air.. tha ro-jfury Saa.te aa trmi!m, aal ta ov.rcapitallaatksaa. af aa- trust of tfc rraswlry SW of a,tu.- ! bafXStf.j t,a a.-v.r. ifcar faamatu - ' th l.rtff ta of iiaa triMV.. ' Kary X Ilaaaaawyaa r-r-aa'rif 'a- au r trust. s:4 siia U ls: j 1 n n-.o-..-..r or ail trts Is (ha tantr nlll. It La tfc. arraraaaatu tfcr-t it lariff law wfck-b Pft-j4 tka ta,:a:A and th trust sra taarajy taa ia as&aa-a Th national W eotMlamn tka Eawy ctvrt9 law a trust braartic anaaaor aSifJlfWy 4r-mt to Sir th frw fairora waacfc ttr awl " - ann ig pta-ca opoa t! aaaay '"S ''' h hy fcol4 bjo tar -Mr Ttstxotk. rttaiyaaaa af Sa sat pu tillcas rora-risslsaai wttr .aaa. aalttw. in :i .&- "Ux th a! J of th tariff naasfac -? aao Us aortHtaeil prwmm ta taa -aaaa! market." And. as has baas taraai y aaU la DinsUy U lias IIm k4a af ia iratV can roniutaw wtuts Um trusts sack ki pockets." - t r wM rwa. First CooTtrt-I tisrWr s4 fs tell me dat mt day t roifhl to pewai dent. Bawnd Cootlct Bot ysr oTf wem First Cookt So, tmi I cats feaafwy den soms pvotw. r ( foaa jrisf term. Chicago iirwrn. a ! s -6a f ry aa.4 - - ',7Vnt tm ia.- i tf 'T' " s-. . Itl tkst lUs Us aa, tWt mm fs.s , ( tiVilhlW-wl.lMsisSas fa 4 SM la ffmi4 . I to W km tf!'. Ummt k:ciaiss a a s " Ha ftt r-jl t;,-a Wf treat ''MCiiicM M a taaias ! t . a a ,tsJ , j II '"" r. f ' . . at M . 'aw ,ia 1 T t.: a ,w a-.H! . ! . "brti a - - - r s lit t 5W-3jj ' C Jam ! , r''w fiw M v.. . " ; awa ia ba4i, ' - .-., Oalj assaH m. iil ll rCwfc.tlfiw fa Sit s tw ' T-T ktt. a . w . r aa ' ISJ Va r il -i tt .,fc ,.. , . '.ft tttf'M r ' :ta Il eoas'iaaai tafeca .as g I ai t a a p s i ( i . a : 4 Taa SUaay fll' (aa " l a ;.:ia )u , , ,, -ft ata fwn TWf ...,a t ax r. iaa a. .a, a.4 va. ift. a - - - - - .a. - - . . . - -ft -- r " - 'ft.i-Hrtm V1,,-,,a . f J5aa-a. a.., t f aaa af l -iw i. W-aaa ai e. - la4 aft a w a, a K..a I, aa fUM aa ta t , , , a . A . 4 a Dai Ca- rviu is iiNiint i ift f fa sa alttU fc- f filsiitra M attaalft: .a I lewa v w a a . - . A a a I 4 r. lift . , tl m,i , j , k a . . m jk, a 1. t a. i . , , t . 4 ft-.! .. . , ,i ia j , t, ,nt . , a. T iii!il, . - , . . , ,1 ft.J I I 1 I A t !. ti a.jc ' IV i.l f b . a laia-1 g iMtii: a lh C iift a Ma lata! utf '.. a., a r a. j -a ! ' .( hmi 1 . , " '" -. .k .a a . 4.. It, !!, -u i .(-. .i. , ., 4 ' ' "if a m .,.r t. ,a4 , ft i -.,! W ,, , - a , a i a . i., t ,. ., i,; ii ;.a 1. .' .,. it,ft4.( a-4 ay 1.- .a. . t, ,, . t , , I r?.i-.., . , . aaf i t taasc-i4..a. J., a a4-l 1 a. ... a-f S.I,. -..-,, f --. a '.af f i f f -.: tw-Jfss eWa'-j a I a . - 4 a sa m ar a I 4 . - fNjuaa 4 : r.. T""4 . aa.a., U . W - , "" f4-'- a. .. .,t a,a a-- vi a, .a, 4..a a .Ma, aj F sa a 4 . al aa. a,.i.. a..,. rn .t- 1 f a a I ta a m.. I (m . a,-a a a a-f i -.i I v swti .4 w..a aj I ,., . ' - S X. rxaitaaa tn t. (it Um4 la 4 uaa-a. -'1 (x F )i. r aa rUll saafj Va 'a-s.J . its r IB3 which traaa it riaaa.4. , talllaf laai 4ataitf IukU, tWtf a VH WaI eaata aJ a-aa. ta . f a 1..4. Wl taaUf sa4 f'ii-fti-v tw., t.aaa kwiaaa. M.(M a4 a. 4,toaM. k!s fa IM' a Ik i. ta r-aai aa Iksl Ii . t.aas V. far. . taa.la-4 ai.'4 kaaai,a.J ja u.w f4S. tWH- iMa. ta 4a 'ft ia a.4a kt . aaa4afnw aaa aa.ft.4a ailti a f p94 l a Col g Um -44svsra f, t4 hr fi glkaw tHf kswUt Moth to fart fmt lft!l. tV4i. lag table, trvsneHasa T- rW sai.4 tatlUaia 1 MMU.f as as .N . IV. ssatf-! XSfM. faf saasl-.- 4.70,ta.ftka I tawf lHl( f Ml .rs I iMiaaclavt NijftMM taSa- aw s4 iVrf !. Iss4 4 tts. dfe, Sjafka HNafaUj aa k,a,, . , TV-ww Wt ra ka wi iV wrmm ai . Llk 94 Sttaf raj,4 - law, ravakasaal IM t4tw a !. sSj4BslsW Mm lll aal s-rti f U aamsaaw aa4 tkftU ktUtWVh tWf twT4Nt 4 4 fc4 WW l4Ve -4 aw kiftaaK wf twaal a- W 4 Oaaa-a Aaw-M raw. t ?sVi 4. to sl aaisfta4 ik-wra k a-aka4r -. u awftk. t WiU fW4 . Tw r Ik a aCakaa wa gaa aa.a a w-aa aaf Mtw.! Iaaaa ay' xa l iaa llSl Itftn . ai'f aaa aa.. Consumption 1 ka 54 ? if i S; j J J S titers i ti I A- air f y.- t: . ih: a- ki r j r JV4 . . . . ; t-. ,;. ' - - ... -a-t SCOTT A i v r'" " . C....a .ft ... - ft.a ,. iW'ia,i '.,.,.,, ' "1..a- ?.... .... fHaan.a aw i ..a- at fi - ft M..t-,.,- l"Z. " "a-;".r " l , , ril , " ' ..,... ..-... a..a,. .1. a.. , " " i.l Ki ,a-, ,.a , - .tmaiM-. - ft.i 1 4ft. I i , r i I........ - j., ., ? ,, ,- , ,., , -- 4 - , ... , ,. . I r, .... i..M :, at i t , i,,., . , , . , ... .,.. : . i 1 1 c li t ft.tft-1 T --.f 1-1 .. "Htm M ' .wt TURNER'S CAFE. RAUEIGH. N. Ca. ' r f - a rM r et r OR LRD1ES 3 fl H k-T J T I I.l t t J -iia yUM I UUf'Uea. DAY AND NK3HT. I KVKEVTiiI, flI-Cim DAIRY LUNCH. LOEB'S PREFERRED STOCK, ncGGDonxr.i. PUIUC uyk w. f v H-.s-a.1 lata. Sw.aJkw rw PtHHSYLVAriU fSMU fWall f t. r:;airnrtt l it. ? ' :.:r. MWS1l't liSy. . c i WOOO YARD. J Ws ttM-M arai r. W- fM . .-.. taf a 1 a.r-i I. ! ... t" - a .la, m S' I y a ti a.i i. -a ta t - t -- : Mai aa 1 t.. -..,. t ,,, r .... i : ' ms Ii,, a ft,?,! "I I . a , M I l.,,i , ' t ...wa. 'I tart tit 4 ay, 5 1- W I 4 f' i r C. . i - :: aa. I I T ca ' . f.at -. it i W a it.a-f aaa VI aa ' am,,.. .. ak r . . ' .... t a.. a i.i -. M ''l ! ., f t. a. I1 t..M aaa -S .f l,,' !. '""i.ai - a V'W .. ...... a. ....w -iai.a a 4j , , u 'i n .!, a - , ari I : HI,; ' a- ,( ,,,.,, .f .i a .ri l.i a i . i i , i il aa i a. I., , eW-ti.a. i l.r, ': t i n- "t a - tcn.ln::.ri'.jr i :.r n if imx ' ft ft... - I I I , , , ,,, I ' " ft,.,., ' ' ' l a--' i -. t' . , ' 1 t .,, !t at ia tl aaHi4u.t ft..,, t.,., , t.i-. ,. , ,t a , ' I 4 i. i r ,i ,,, -' I - l tar Hi i it , ,.. . im i, f t M 11 a M jTafttt'' Mil. . t . ... .... . . :.. 4 f ft V . ,- M,-a lM. ,r. . . ... . . . !,., lit -a a ,- ""lft f i-i : t:: v , . rt,. . a I ' ' -a .. St. - wit. 1 , , l.l t I fjUftftf-t 1 V ? H 4 .sat ,.( W t. ? : m k-a,i it 1 a- t S, 1 i.aa .4 -., 1 Ii t aaw 1 ta a4 - a 4l "V -.( s a, l s.-t . t a 4 f ft V .'t 44 -aa a aaMftftaa-a-.,.. lla ftlft iaaMnaa.4r a ! tunmi all t M ttiiMM 1,ft-i a iiiiiiuf .ai t tM aj,.... sw.wf ., M laa.44a - ftar'1l Oat Aatt.n.riftaiH ., -U I Xm tmp . i Wit f ; J ta- W af U 4tlaM4,fa 4t4 .a , I -kaS'k lift ! a Vftataq 4aai(Bs, . 4 s4 M Mm SMa4. 4ta r. l.,, Wfta ' atrt If aa44il r .'! UaillHata.. ftU' san.aa .H... , 4 " ft.4S4.iaa f.4,. aw.. .f J".s KmiIW a. '.-.,, M'-ftiftW v HB1 l, It aljft-. " iwt-n lama !- Us r44 1H a t at) . a.ftft.M 4da - a . a,. . - - W ft"i I . ad tk tTiaaaftM '1 , vft-.,a F- - '4a . la-kv aaav.4a a i,, iu 1 , aa a, tattifttttawm ,. 4KMat4 at .. ., CtaaaKl 1 . Aa tt laiii I 1 1 aTw.M 1 iftis- a . 4 ""Wll!, Vlttftlk. wail4 4 aaatst,, i atili. k. tl- fk-ua. ft. .w-ft- - .m mtaafta m m . naa a. aaa. a.H M . iS4i, It 4W4aM4ft, 'UMft aa.t wlftnaa T.a i . . 1 , a.ii H ,t.tnl . W ttaiitr, V. w il M k wf! 5r.1 rinkW am 4ra a kliW4 .W fna4rT.rfi w ll (.tai kjlta lit ft4 iti' 4ttl..4 44t' I'W Mntita.i4. C 4 riStaajaarw. H!Jf J , f at4saa f J. . m t .a . - ,inn, I, - w. , aaia 'j 7 ' ' a tilt t V ?. A n. 'l,i - 4mI awniaW a. . a a. . .. . ''OatflMlftaaiauar 1 1 X UX tTtsisj t .. aj ! 4M- t ' Qa, l"wll Ti- - ' "y aaaasy -fl'i isi Ins a.. MS. HI- tajawia, f III m J-mll Mr. ----tl.. as-H. ' I. 4inMSC a... . . aautlaalia. a. wi rNma ti 110 taftam KXItMi.Hi, 1 f Mat.t..H tiuHite, t-a t' vn I ll.H t . I V mt, til V ui.tSft - V Ua.. VI- Va .m. W.. tftfikatina, Mail Orders. i ''est '4tMft fca, SKAfJpARD ' trttcrsf; tijn irjj. ac. 's w 1 a" aTta a4- ftaaSu ' k. V t aa aa aa - SM aa aa. s . ' a. f-aas. a tt aav ""jf I "If tWaa. tit aa a-. n I a. r W I ai aa. ""ii rl ! 1,1 ia ra fm SI 1 - at" 'aasl . t Tai, Sw-av, - t r " e !W f f 'ara,liiM.aM ' - " ...,.. as! nil 41' . Tj ,,, 4.n " -"a 4. 1 - -. 1 I t . - r f , i a aaa !" I Ka " ? ana- f aaa a f -a '- ' M iU ' a , 1 Ifta aasMa aaa, f M a f 4 a-a mm r aj, a.... . m . M-aaa f saw 4 aa aaa- 1 9 m mm I e a . Hk.4 '-. swi ' 1W .. I .-I' la M a Wk'SUaMllflkSIM, 4) I --H4 I i la 1 a I 1 - 4 aas 4a I ' ' . - I fI,T " f w n , a . , , a a. t4" a . I'wSSS -Sk "aa saifaaa I T I . a waa a 4 W fV 4 , f k f aw 4 .a a 4 a- ; 1 4M - a .ms. ? , 4 "a . t aa - ' I k.a I m (, a stT, a- kaat,.,.,, S kw-aaa -- -4- kft.aa. , s M - ..a..., f I S44 !.. """MatlZl kfta.wM. a as VTass it!1"-! fca-rwikiia, A-l fs Sa iiiia, ,. 44 aw ,e kaftaai ' . S It'm'Zm ,e iw ....- ui , .. . a t4 a. " ' , , S4M ... -mm' WMW - ) M- !" -jsessaiy; e ' I 4 ,S,N aaa, ,. 4..aw 1 1 sai a, Ssiaaja), Ika.iiaai j knpi4i Mi., a 0 0 faaas ' " -ri)j-i it aat Je IWta S.i- a'" awTa ' a Saift-raaa' 3 aw aT " aTlTT." '" ' m Sf aa , an. a 14. aiai aia aa at V aaaftnaaaaas, ian IA BftBaaaa,a.aiAaV paF"- W"WW 4 a It M m ii m m r tit tr kt tit it tr tti I ,.- ll t faa,. a,,..,, I . a. --'i Tug, i -taa,.. ' , ftft - - -ihmtiM..,, hMW ,iaaaaajaj.aiiij) a. , 0f tt Stss , 4, r--. t SwaawaJS H ATm Vrg t-rk. r? Lt j . S34i ti 9 t if I furW

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