K t A. --. JAS. A. THOMAS? Editor and Proprietor. 'X' K h COtnjT; ,TH .1;! BTLrVTI- -.CTCQ "tnTIOir, VOL. XXXlil ... LODISBUEG, Nl C, FRIDAY, .ilAKCOT G. 1M. ... - . mm a l l -4T I. XAf. II l l ' l l It If l " r - m m a b ar m m. at m i I CHURCH DIRECTORY!. . METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Quo. 8. Baksb, Sapt. Pre&ohing at 11 A. H., and 7:30 P. M. every Sunday. -, Prayer meeting Wednesday night. . M. T. Pltleb. Pastor. BAPTIST. - Sinday School at 9i30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildkh, Sapt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:30 P.M., every Sunday. Prayer m-eting Thursday night. H. H. MiSHBURus. Pastor. EPISCOPAL. Sunday School at 9:30. Services, morning and night f on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. COLLEGE NOTES. LODQES. Louisbarg Lodge, No. 413, A. 7. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. (lynch law.) Mr. Ediior: Id the Times of January 30th, there is a very interesting article from the I pen of your correspondent, K. S. B, on "the origin of Lynch Law." The writer requests me to "get at the facts of the case and let the public know the result." He has imposed upon me a very difficult task to perform; one which has been often undertaken before, but every writer who has tackled the sub ject has left it just where he found it in tbe dark, and I have but little hope that my effort will be attended with any better success. There Is no his tory bearing on the subject but tradi tions without number and be who at tempts to get facts from traditions, that is something from nothing, will find in the end that he has got noth- The custom of putting men to death for infamous crimes without due process of law antedates all h istory. Since the day that Samuel hewed Agag in pieces and no doubt for centuries before, whenever a notorious criminal appeared in a community and shocked the sen faA-iTiciNO physician a.nd surgeon, sibilities of the people by murder, pil Louisburg, si. t. lage, arson or tape, it has been no uo- Offlee in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt & common thinsr amon? all nations, both . . r l'i Ml. .,f I " to the people of this section. A .re- llected from Lynch asm o-rcf which ward was offered for bis head and he j he presided a jodf e. TTaa ctptrvt . a. a. -t ja fc m . Professional cards gPRDILL & ALLBED. ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, Will practice In all the Courts. Offices in ing for something (his labor.) r 1 t a xj- n.4tiA XT ry I ' JjK. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBURG, . - N. C. Office Over Cooper's Store. 8. P. BURT, R. R. P. YARBOROUGH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lon?BUR8, N. C. otn 2nd floor Meal balldinsr. phone 39 Nlaht, calls answered from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 74. B. fllASSENBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LouisBUBS, jr. a Will practice In all the Courts oS tbe State Office In Court House. M A RCUS C. WINSTEAU, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Omen over Corner Drug Store. Special Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services required. civilized and barbarous far an ouiragrri people to rise up in their wrath, seiz the culprit and execute him regardless of the forms of la. This thing oc curs occasionally in every State in tHV American Union, and will continue to jeeur until human nature changes or our courts change their methods cf dispensing (with) j jstice. Men do not openly justify lynching but they con- done or palliate it; and as long as this is the case "lynch law" is here to stay 1 ne tact is tnat tor a certain crime lynching is the law of this land made was finally captured about eight miles from Nashville 00 the Louisbarg road by a militiaman named Bridgert who, in the fight that ensued, brake one of Beard' legs and left him lying in the road and went to get help to take him to Lynch's Creek about t a miles north west from Louisbarg where a company of militia was encamped under ibe command of Col. Seawell (prooouaced Sowell). When Bridgers returned he found that Beard had dragged hisuself some distance from tbe road to a spring. He was strapped on a horse and carried to the militia camp where he was hang without trial. After thinking the matter over, Col. JSeawtU and t)is men saw that they ad com mitted an unlawful act by banging 1 man without giving him a fair trial. Thereupon they cut the body down and proceeded to try him according to trie usual forms or law atier ne was dead. As might have been expected. he was duly convicted and sentenced to be hung. The body was then hung tbe second time and all conscientious scruples thus removed. This occurred on Lynch's Creek in Franklin county (then Bute) about the year 1 77S, and from this circumstance, the writer has always heard, that the term "lynch law" originated, not from the name of any of the actors in the tragedy but from the fact that .it occured 00 the banks of Lynch's Creek. This writer ras seen the large white oak tree on the right hand side of the road leading fx Li r ct :. I , "AftraS AnW Lr. a ! ceasM4i Hst, iU s4 itkcst4 t ftaat Vf ta JiVeo4Srf7 I 191 wU st -3 were tried teparatlly, each 00c of the accused being jtllowvd t saaka tit own defense, aod to show Close, tf W could, why he iboaki do t poekiexl. 1 fount guilty, the poabbatat was ioflicted 00 he spot. The groeral impression has been thai is all of Iroco Uw the penally wae tfeaih. This b a make. Cot Ljsvch te said never to hate willingly coodemaed a criminal to capital paaafcac(, a4 to have frtqaently kl prisoners off Uh severe flagging and then liberated them 00 the coodilioa that they wo'd leave tae country. He died in ty9tv,, C' ThefollowIog exuact at takta &aea tbe CentBry Dkttooary and Cycio ped tf , and teecM to tavov fista st or j t Lynch Law The kind of law ad ministered by Charles Lynch, a Virgin ia planter, afterwards a Coket ta Gta. Greene's army, who in the early pirt of thr Re vol at too, in cocpoctian wuh brs neighbon. Robe Adaoas aad Thomas Calloway, aodrrtook to pfo tect society sod rapport the rtvoito ary goveromeot In the rtgwo where helirvd.oo the Ssooto rrtt, by etlv rttW punnhiog with r.ripes or boaheot I T ,k,: rt V... w w, v atUtwIf satU tlwBrs tern. Kied c4 Wja teaa jasMiy jd. aad ira&raev'S t 6tK TM HOUvr w-aa af-rwad tmmmr4 ta 4ra1 ansiiade la. tJ." ,T taot Is atej(d Iwte sv $j to ttet tx aaaae ArtJUm snue o)4ka itst t44cl tW MMyat oGfttwsy to mve W ?, itJ perrfcirs tU treaiM e4 kk aUstUi wlj arttt to be tnt mdf 9&nm tl 1Kd skitW k i 4 Vt the wt-x. I tr g!ra V4 iH J vim irw j ttetal hi; cm44 Uu iw soVye aa4 tar r.V tsvt a vine i j d w o Cfl9es9 V( tfV lM eo $lLt ia Avf- a nuyl c'fl to tae aje of kM sf the irti in Coo ca m c&Titt 14 rc! aK4 U' 4 inch liwle-w or dwa&ctrd persoc a ", U were accused. According to tradita j " 1 Tories br agSt brtore iha tnfrrml Crvzc t5l Ja trvs la fiat tKsrtv. U aa vl tin frovettx 1 ohto ar-r-sit la ariof k l5cS tqi ca i r-rrf tali My pTT Sct5 ilsz J,- 1: b Lite ihc rtrr i i. rsClt txff is -avprlv IM ,!cij?.t bi!s,t L Scrv??'a K4tcia r tisti a r- f prr c; i ".sit cJ 1. -'.Jr K. j Vvi.y la- ... ti.i.c 1 I gAstamtta a, Mm si mi t V aMtrtt 1 jlld: Bf wooo una laV, "' t iMt H. tn.a. 1 Wmu4 mi ay iatirM, 1 a y t 1 tVw It . Hn m V lt. 4m enr a fwn y-- 4 tt , 2. t, Sawsr-ia4jawr,i (wna i JAOOti KVANS. rr . tei;a4j 1::: m nn urn r.iiM. e.fc 5 a., ; u, km twain aw fta a. ja. court were often hoag op by tiw' I lhamtjs onul thy cre1, "Libcrly forever, " bo: the peotliy of destK iu never let! cted. Charles Lynch i in early hie a Q raker. The o: 8 o4 ri w 1 -: to tienaerson upoa wbicti lieara was ,h term is ofeo erroneowl? ikrr.Ud hung. All this has come down to ui ; to h brotrxr. I ho I.tocb. tlw looDd- by tradition and of course the state, ments made cannot be vouched for as being in exact accordance with the facts in the case, but that the notorious outlaw Beard was lynched in Franklin county is as well 'established as any fact can be that stands 00 tradition so by the sanction of public opinion, alone." D B. J. E. MALONK, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOUISBURG, N. C. Oace over Aycocke Trug Company. R. R. 8. FOSTER, PRACTICING PHY8ICIAN ft SURGEON, Louisburg, N. C. Offlce over Aycocke Drug Csmpany. HAYWOOD RXFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS. B. 0. and adjoining counties, also In the Supreme tne term "L,yncn Lis. uoun, ana in me umiea buiu jjmuriviii uu Circuit Courts. Otflce In Cooper and Clifton Building. rjHOB. B. WILBKK., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS, H. 0. Offlce on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's tore. S. SPRUILL. TTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, H. C. But I am digressing. It is not my purpose to say one word for or against lynching. The question under con sideration is, when where or how did the term "lynch law" originate. There are many localities that claim the honor of having originated the term and in every case the people liv ing in these sections, with a degree of self-complacency that is sometimes amusing; will point you to their Lynch burg, Lynch's Creek or Lynch's Lake, and tell you that on that very spot in early times the ubiquitous Col. Lynch executed a notorious outlaw without judge or jury and hence the origin of All that tbe searcher after truth can do in this case is to hunt up the various traditions and group them together so that the read er can examine them in detail and then draw bis own conclusions. Halt a dozen or more states have geograph ical names that would seem to com memorate this mode of punishment. Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Ohio, have each a Lynchburg. Texas, not to be outdone, has both Lynchburg aod Lynch's Creek, and otnee over Egerton's Store. will Attend the courts of Franklin, Vance n..n.nia WnrnD and Wake connties, also the supreme court 01 .worm utroiuw. n0 doubt the people Uvint in and near Pmmnt. at.tent.ltfn o-lven to collections. r 0 tnose places can ten many irigniroi stories of desperadoes lynched there, perhaps among the number the Hon Robert Potter, formerly member of Congress from North Carolina, who is T. W. BICKBTT, 4TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LOUISBUBS If. O. Prompt and painstaking attention given to known to have been lynched in Texas ewtiTY matter intrustea 10 nis nanas. i , . . , , . Kerers to unier J usace onepaeru, nun. 1 " 6"1 " - w" " Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C, un.t.n wrot. National Bank of Will' nr, ai'nn Jk Manl7. Winston. Peoples Bank cf Monroe, Cbas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Office over Neal & Co. s Store, PBRflON, X7 H. ATTORNSY AT-LAW. vouisbub.ji. a Practices In all courts. Office In Neal Building. H YARBOROUGH, JB. ATI OBNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG. N. a Of2ce in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him vill receive prompt and careful attention. J)R. D. T. SMITHWiCK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, - - N. C. OHlce over Furniture Store. HOTELS. FRAKKL1NT10S HOTEL FBANKL1NT0N, N. 0. (5. W.' (LOWM, frfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livo.y Attached before he left his native State. He was not "killed in a private brawl" as Wheeler states though his tragic end was the result of a family feud. South Carolina goes one better and has a Lynchburg, Lynch's Creek and Lynch's Lake, and if it wishes to give every place in that State where a - - lynching has occurred a Dame to com memorate the event, then the geog raphy ot the state will have to be re modeled. The following is tbe Franklin coun ty legend and is from the pen of Mr. Geo. S. Baker, who received it from the late George Macon who lived and died near the spot where the scenes herein described are said to have oc curred. Mr. Macon died many years ago at an advanced age and his state ment of the circumstances attending the execution of Beard may be regard ed as reliable though there is but little evidence to show that tbe term "lynch law" catr e trom that particular exe- tion. This is the story: "Beard was a notorious English bri gand who bad depredated upon tbe people of Bute and Nash counties for MASSENBURG HOTEL." - X Maenburg Propr HENDEHSON. N. C. wood accommodations. Good tare: Po Mti 4 attentive aerowts NORWOOD HOUSE WirurtoB. . LNorft drolls IZ W.J. A OR WOOD. Proprietor. Patronage of Commercial Tourist aad Traveling PabUoSolleiUa, Wheeler in his history of North Car olina gives a very interesting account of the capture ot Beard in which a jug of old Nash brandy is made lo play an important part. The Col. Seawell mentioned above was a prominent man in old Bute in the days of tbe Revolution. He was the father ol the Hon. Henry Seawell, who lived and died in Raleigh and who was three times elected jadge of the Superior Court. He was also the father-in-law of Rev, Jno. King and Hon. Green Hill whose descsndants are scattered over North Carolina and other states. The following extract is taken from Collier's New Encyclopedia, Vol. 8 page 3758 and is the Virginia veriiQD of the matter; Lynch Law is punishment especial ly capital, inflicted by private individ uals independently of the legal author ities. The origin of the term is doub! ful; by some it Is traced to the name of James Fitz Stephen Lynch, warden or mayor of Gal way, Ireland, who about 1526 sentenced his own son to death for murder, and to prevent a res cue by a mob, executed him with hrs own hands without due process of law. By others the term is said to have bad its origin in the state of Virginia and Col. Charles Lynch is credited with that honor. At first ia the United States "lynch law" was not nob law as it is now understood. It was order ly, methodical and fair in its practices and was strongly opposed to violence or mob rule. Its distinctive feature was simply that its decrees and find lugs were executed sternly and swiftly on the spot. Charles Lynch was a Virginia planter, born in 1736. He was a Revolutionary Soldier and after tbe war took up his residence iu Pitt sylvania county, Va. The region in which he lived, became at one lime period of the Revolution infested by bands of Tories and outlaws aod de serters from both armies added strength and a remblance ot organisation to their operations. Wherever they ap peared tbe terror-stricken inhabitants were plundered, harassed and merci lessly subjected to every variety of in sult and outrage. Col. Lynch succeed ed in organizing a band of patriotic citizens, men of known character and standing. At the head of bis follow ers he promptly got on the (rack of the unsuspecting enemy, captured many and caused the others to flee from the country. When any of these out laws fell into nis hands they were not taken at once to a tree and 'hanged or a long time and had become a terror K n jary was s 01 i.yncnourjr, va., fco rtma:e4 a; Quaker all h; life. Th notion iht j the terjn gieted 10 tae tetfon o the Mayor o Qalwey ia IrtUoJ. 00 I James Fits S'.qpbeo ' Lytch, safco ia nd to hate eaecttrd lk law opto h-t on ton by hang.og him m 1491 erroneou." The writer of ibe aborc tira thai it: t I ih legeod n erroneoai bat it will t obred that he advance 00 ar(oett 10 prove the troth of his (-.atet&ent oc does he give any re too kx caakief it. Btre assertion without prool ov cvro the semblance of poof a entitled 10 but little crtdn. The tact n tbe Irwa Uory siaods on a better fooaditica than any other and t, 00 dcxitrf, tie true verstoo of the matter. The rollowiog the Teoorw;ory aod is from the pea of a Ioaahorg lawyer well posted ta the h:Koy ol ihit State. 'I hire always sjademood t&t lynch law" originated 10 TroMwt Ui ooe occasion there a ea to be tried before Jadge l.yoch tr too capital crrme aad fcY?ng ainnatard hu guilt, the fudge orderrd him 10 t executed without trial. Hence it orig.o ol 'lynch la, and the ioa oi Lynchburg, Teon , stands 00 or near (he very ipot where lha event cs ud to have occurred." The folloiog, taken from Cham bers' Encyclopedia, voL v, page 714 is the Irish version, and w the oldest account 00 record of any tummary execulioo in which ooe ol the chirf actors was named Lyoch aod (ran which the term 'lyoch la ro-gM have originated: The wardeojhip of the city of Gl way, Ireland was held by ooe of the bishopi, but the r ghi of elect .eg tfc warden or mayor, berwevrr, vested 10 cer aio families ol the 100 the Blakes, Bdkiturs, Lyochei. French, ic. To one o Jh Cld hou 10 Gil way wnich Is marked who a koU aed cro bonev, a very , remarkable story is attached of amayor of tbe oty, ooe Jiraes Fits Stephen Lynch, who to 1493, like Brutus of old, condemned his own son to death for m order aod in order to prevent his .being racaed by a mob, actually cawed bi to be haoged Iroia hu own wiodow." This story Is toJd by several d Jf.-rtoi writers all ol whora sgrce lo ire main facts in the case thoogh they differ omehii as to the time of rti occurence. From AppJetoo's Universal Eoey doped ia, vol. vl. fage 371: MThe or gin of 'lynch law has been variously accounted for bat it is osoatly derived froco.i Virgtftfa fiaar named Lyncli who if said toj bayH limbed unaaiboeiaed )s?4kaiilaacaico-lo the early history ol the Mate. TVs erg m is very doobtfol, however." The Lynch family has been prowl neot in Ireland, both io the army aod tbe bails 01 Kgwiattoo, foe many years raif. Tae f U; c 1 1 cx! . As3c( :W (i". - oi i tifn? ' rvJ v a ii w H al )M( bf wlwM'tfJ (ad a- T M K M tiA.'f tag al 1 5os. - r v ; 7 in fu'i i tw IL, 1 1 atrv tMs '. i-f (iiiit:fii 1 m... t , I ccwtevL t a x : a CAFE. RALEIGH. Ti. C FOR uL.iv 1 ...y.r.Jv Sj W m' 1 Wifii C i DAY AND NIGHT ai t.iiiiin.4iany, r lv.-.iv.iv m iW) mt vti.H, ai T.tMiu an lr.M. ., a ttt, tW mwm t i ft 0a Ch Sit. ?..au.M.ta TttTi Iff i".ia iKUMdai ift ZHntu at iv. m:tMii. i it tmrt..t rN axi Ml CNHH4tlV. frf 4i tvxHt fenr aw ail. UMNa. art t.t V t al f liaid, Hi Orders. fttiilKN, t (. r M21I 1 CS"a' If f ' t.i DAIRY LUMCK. TV at a a tU k l- t'.m, "! 1 1 1 1 " H:il 7Ct. Ctsn.ef a r.;! .an ci wjc.:: , ta a'.i :4 tar'.a ciys4 , tan u ot f it-i:au. I i' I era.vt tui Matt taw r J ai W h-smaaitr w-.U t f-otft J rca -.an Iwf V X'e $Mtn it t c 1? a eanha utM ttt j'ii F lly t- rank m-Si tw ti -. Mr l&e a3KHa. aav I S Uc C2 - a (VttM I! l-ftfti-in :,..' t,.-e m m r t a .4 a ar. fii 1 siUmm i tiimw 1 1 a.U ( w O t I I f h 13 1 I tOf j n- a aa o-sxsf t 5 A ( (isiv (Umi y totsVe o'o ntm '. 1:1 : s i IJfcat Ctvol o V! " ija -tn-4 bUs p a a4 ; iVv : . i iW 1 ex trv (-laae: a p --; -s c data. f. Vfiii th hwkga-g i : ytJ 3,00 X- D. lew e U . y .3 p-3o years taa iVi dn -i ! tx hv(Vtr (a ifce xaW 0 i:it iu j ibe fUa: c Ty t 4a tittt 'I t c-3 U11 j ;. ? t a t- -a:iJy bnro owl arl 1 1 taapra;; -1 ck io coc-wo, Tl f-.k' StMfret .H D'iff, jfttj f bsi0ty iawr-l a i;m!w A' lit; l4 VaU'-ain r--cv t tews OMbig aod oett0'i4 tauy iU &c anoft va a Kp UiM mV ti ft UtVVl. v rvi-4.- n tt 1 H4 UM till IHI, tMIWKII oim w aiw mJ 4u- 71 'n'.. ewt .t,.ff tLC et eiM- 44k - --n fvai. f Vi ( Vf &t'Vt,ia I a.( VA t.rtw.o4 W.I toll .A UJ . 4 v eyio. tMk il . v- ' ti Cmiil I 1 ... it.m ax 1 , nr . 4 Ul ' . 1 -i.. r ..... T ' 1 Nit lH4l 1 '-' ! - - - ;.' t iv M if .IX.ttH. !.' i T i !. 4 t. pbtxf i,iiwL.mi a Mia',.i i T ;. t 7.t. -?n:i: iivoalu ei,.T W C. TXOWlAaV. i : AiiOAH n as lrt turn. f-tttfH t3f JiftttBi taf Kltfj lata uf ril afk4l awsias, 1.111 1 nil 1 hmhho ' mm ! JtB.;r.:iTiiiri Uii i UiX rVftay ss ra)&'la a i - Vf al iWt Wj ltat la tk-e wrraw 4ir,t ew m aw wf mi a a I . . '""I t. 1 '"' ' f f (4 WMMMtt . 1 Tj ' T Tf IS V II aa a a TV tn tri a I e. The Formula tells the story : Grd ve's Ghr onlc Chill ? .Cure vNot a patent Biekioetntlviaa I . " " "- Riiid Extras ASH BARK ; Hiiid Eattract'DOGTWOOD BARK Fluid ExttcaSARSAPAVJlAA, TSe Best General TonicJ . r rt - ' No Cure; Nor Pay. Price. 50c - Noatw Cau. i Io tk i-fi Fraoklia Coaaly C-afV W. T. UfW o4 M.UT. DavUUad lifUW.T llmgU le ef A Co . J am-i.e a WfTti Pepef Taet f AtUak) War hoot I vt. ny. a rpralUw ; aoder Ike la i Missouri j Th iJeal aloi avrs4 i" take notkw 141 ve&tkoa ; l aViai t&-4Ww-ia! exj im 3is day of Janry. bj ! J fr Tow. tk c4 !h 8afv-r iVtrl d Frwaklio rcooty. nvtia raisA.L:t ll4) rwortff ol 9Ca dot e4 USa trom It- .! at a4e a w1 two cnarwt.ol tb torc!ut ol 1 bco truaa f-ialat. ty J !. II W talker, and t vrrvt W IrwclU torafw, lt9faa-w a4 reaaiaia;o-ie daw plalaliZ rroa d&-avljB.S Vic tmnoo W ttartJw to 1W Corv to bw b-M Joe Coiy ol Frwak Baoi2Sstb Uoc4y wVe llrwl Moo-Ut ol W-rrfe. ISKO, at lbs CQrt How t toarc. TU dttadavft I w iU V) IaI sw4few l-aJ 4 waVrrt ol altwreoevl waa awaowt) out of M Coutt o ii 3tt day c4 January. 1SOJ. 4Isvf ti $vi rtyolai4 kf4at. ar wj rant U rarftU to U Cwrt aa-4 t . U v4 flaoa t3w pmmm4 IpT tUHen Ol IVavoeyiaeJ-a and w br tJ d&r4aat U taif4 toppisr 4 avawwef l JkJ Crrt wAlWa tJaw En rm U cjf U tvwtajoe f4vat w4 mffif lor tb fviX deOa4 14 IV npwa- euhjt. " I WitfttfiS-r ia iMWtMerx.X, . - J.i. ruaatrw, C. C. rl tl- a aww. ' 0 i V.- fc fmmf tuA.h. t-"HI W ,r.C If -Sf. -im;, ii mt. r4 - e a tMa "., . - " M.f (MM e- a tmam it aiv 33 u.a. awl n iiiiiiiiav . tMlwt, .wv B.. 4 taw kW. ' i . V. VaJufiJ mat.iMiiii OKtm.i U amw .-k fMMMK tmnt.. , f-ia awl nif aiC l.r. t tax 1 . Si mv rw - 4 o at Mia witan fM aif-M mw ft tkrH J.t4 lit tr1 v t'lai Hmmtttm- i"im iftn.f W a nmn Un .At ttatl f tKi tixw 4 . t it) -f mV(Im eMfcM tt al i .mi m S4 1 H'.iK. - 14 to ta MwiAofua t" 1. I. 4 4tiwatr '. i. a,r v a ' toll it T t-at4 !( niiiifl; f.W !( , t'a,l lat f Uu wm 'A r" , ia ot tr iiua. 1 tnt ' i4 ' tittimtij tto.ia r J tUi aWK tMAf 7 7 i- Kin , (lUWV MUt.tiMlil ltu ilH.fi.4 .!, Mat a A,tC awm-, MM Wi i v a -r.,rt t.ttt - - M we ,' I a rt m wU M t i t-Ti au - . . . V 1JW:t Ca.cr. t. : t. H-Hirtm ' X,.tt a 1 4 av 4 M a w a V,i tae fvaf-i'itA e-4 weia- n( axi it a waif ktf aitl Cw?wj a.a. v ? ttg. f . c L t ; t t? tW 1 w t -. .4a.. ' ' " . 1 e.( aMaii ' m Ts T a; itsi )m 11 wV e av a- v. a i Tie t caw a a unvw n w t? r l nia&M V- l Wt -h4). VjaK a.i f M at a.eM 4 fWa-r Mlt fe W ay OHM'imawl mkl liatC Jbato M WC3 tjjw 1 i aMl I 1 nit, e r- -aw a 2X. ( ri wa,. aniaiaW . eay i ta ut4 ef Unr. a m a a y " "Ws. ew r"1 ra a -. pwe Ck. iMr-) m tMi tea . a a a If ) 4 r la Lvt ial fwwT Vi MVaf avcp f T r aac-ravat a t M a T ew I 1 awvi fci e iw tm.m a - a p ae a a a & 4 w-.r tiniiin.t a I""1"' aje ev"' "" w vv" ' nw ann tmm mv t -, a' w a. rt 4i 4 j a -"" M K 1 a. 144 "W l WM - w w . . w I a I - 4ka aa mm W a.aiiHlii tM a r -i tatl A Affltnfait 11 IW S- - Ji aii'. tti'l. f I 4.cw ." emaviat &Mre ttt iW 4liaMMto.t4 f "K'tJrt l- swittt.. ntuKin, iiiiliMt af Mi'- an4M- 47 avtiC lm ntaavj! 'Jia ulie f ajeftiaaMMtWWtrttlt.einvt.tt.itnw t. jAm a o CMta4 wa t finMit e ",i4't, Ota. aat Vv. taVawtiWf 4Wn-wJU r-4) lfc.H.fte atalW t l:S. 4 hM Um a I vtiwA.ktf a C. T 4MttO.a4 war eJ t-to" u4 wrn ( 4t't vete Iin ml tt ewtte CiHate ju , T ,aiiM4r I tut.. mta n t 7 ii a fet. twuMa.. wtiaa '. wMMtfa ejtaa aAt lm tt atU ftatttw eAn- i-'4 ik wv ftr t W eutt4, wWa er Vw Ue V4tW4&ad W WwyWr? twJ na wwW wnti f dw Mra ;l.iii wia-lfc w-t w.tt Cvt4 ? 1w t. tinier f m in-tv. at Uw i4fwr in aj". e V 1w rHM1 U ii4 "ma. 4.il S I ta twnrjAhl, V iMtawa aw attlw la itmtauW? . uW' ? ' ?ftmai. :m:.R , , t a a -K 4 4M 1 1 ' nay 1 at li.it, - f it at- " 1t., , m mm ) a a f r-' m v. - ew m r - o n aa f wa wwa W M M 4MB U aMB, it M ta, l W tHM I IM f tit m. it mm IMr tVt ia1ia,aiT iff Vt" IV W t4M rtM aw -t 'ar'-4a f tfa a- a- a4 w. aw ll an m r,J' I "I i" im Ti 1 ' aj.lW im 1 . IHMW'W ' t piiaali4a ' I ai mm avt '' 4 f I1AMU4 ,.. ,' niaif . taav - 4 , i t W la. t.aa. mm t " t t nW in al f at a j , fx V wi.i.a ,a W t J I ,1 a aa . - Iwii. I t I , j :-i " krf -aiii.iaii4a.i ' ' j4 a ..ajf e I r-n t , , , "1 t r J - f fat.4 i f Ipaiil a ti-tw ttt ntat w t.ur avuij .1 si ain 1 1 Jr 1 r I I TV i ttm mi lj aaMi aawMiiM f a..taat ? imh t In,,, i ii t ' M y-a wi-HawiMi , ,. a mi mm aw "V w m - a, W Caw 1 1 air t pm io.a ewM K