, . i . f i.- I. i ; ' - - ' t-: . --VN .... . . . V . US. A. TlT3kAS,JEdltttf:iafl Proprietor, f 1 r vol. AAAiiL . . , Vj. . -, louisiu;. j, k. c-iriday,.:: ::rn lr-xi. CHURCH DIBECTOBT'l '-' ' :T "- '. " - - ' - . ,. . ' ' p- "" ' " Probing at 11 Aw and 7:30 P. M. 4nnl1V. 1 " v- P raver meeting Wedneadwrnlght ; M. T, PLTLSBTT8tor. BAPTIST. " -i- I .r-A I I K L I A StaJwxi Son 4 AUImwjm V I Cocr ot th w.t, . aivyur. rtfil:t. i.M ...v-. ' Sinday Scaoot B:su a. jo , Taos. ft. WrLDSR,' Rat-vt l'rachinK at 11 A.H.. nd 70.r. ry Sunday. . , , Prayer m-eting ThtirBday night.- H. II. A ABHBUHHE. FMtor, . Sunday Sch?ol at 90. i l 1 r l and 4tb HaadayB. : ; - ;sjo.sf Kv-nina Prayer, Frid&r aftamoon. lodqes." - 4 L.-.mborg bodge; o. 413, A. jr A M., meets 1M anasm - Anesaay nitfh'.H in each month.- . - lSS 1'roteHmonal earcl' I It I 1 1 ,L & ALLIED.. .,.i ... tjgj.i will irrtice In all the Courts. Oae 4n l .mNl.urK and YOUngSVllie H. j jK. ARTHURH.FLBMlNGgl i.nrisBURQ, -, '-: N. a x" i .v.r n-.-r Cooper's Store. - v .". ? i - ' .. .' ; - j j 11 rt. r. BURT, ; ' ; : ' -r t n TIciNd PHYSICIA.N AH0 SURGEON. Louisburg, N.C " ):.. in thn rpar of Buddie, Bobbitt & r.).' Uniif Store, on Naeh'strert. K K YARBOROUOH. yil YHICIA.N A.ND 8URQBON, -LoriaBURe, N. O. v. . v. ottim 3tnl floor Nei: building, phone 89 Mvht cKlU unHwere l from T. W. Bickett's rHi'liiici. ihone 74. I b. MA.8HENBORO, ' ' arrORNRY AT law. ; - LOOISBDR8, B. C- V- t' Will practice m all the Courts of theStatO I Office In Court House. . .!'! M AIU'LH 0. W1NSTEAU, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I.OUIRRUUO, N. C. ' .' ovrics ovh Comer Drug Store. Hpnclal Attention given to collections. Practice wherever aervices reqnirea. J R. J. E. MALONK, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGBON. LocisBORe, s. a ' - . 1 once over Aycocke Trag Company. JR. R. a FOBTBR, ' ; " FRACTICIIIO PHYSICIAN S SURGEON, Loulsburg, N. C. , Office over Aycocke Drag Coapany.- . HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LOCIHBUB9. S. O. Win practice in all the Courts, of Franklin nd adjoining counties, also in . the Supreme Court, and in the United States District sad Circuit, Courts. - - : oiHce in cooper and Clifton Building. : rpaoa b. wildsh, ATTORNBT-AT -LAW, tooisBcae, a. o. i onice on Main street, over Jones fe cooper's; tor. Fa S. SPBDILL. TTORNEY-AT-LAW, U0I8BD0,. C. win attend the coutrti of PtankliD, Vaacs OrMivtlle. Warren and Wake eonntts, also the Hnpreme .Court of North Carolina. Prompt attentioa given to collections. otflce over Rgerton's Store. - fj W. BICSBTT, - - .; aTTORSKY AND COUNSKtiOR AT LAW. LOUTSBURS . r-.v Prompt and painstaking attention glyen to Ty natter intrusted to ais bands. -:- Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. Joan Manning, Bon. Root W. Winston, Hon. f. C. PuxVm, Prea First National Bak of :Wh rton, Olonn at ManiyLWlnston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Case, a Taylor, Pres. Wake Poi nt Collage, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Of fle over Neal h Co. e Store, . r i M. PIRSON,' ATTOBJTSY AT-LAW. Lovissuas.a. a Practice in ail eomrta. Offles on Main atrwt. - - '-, vv. H YABBOROUGH, Ja. ATIOElfET At LAW, LOUISBURG, N. 0. Office in Opera House building. Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. J)R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK; DENTIST, LO01SBCBO , BT. Office over Furniture Store, , C. HOTELS. FHANKLINTOtf HOTEL FEaNKLIHTON. o. . - . Oood aeeomodaUon for the Itravellng Good Lie-T Attached - . . ? massenburghotel: '.1. . HENDERSON,'iV.;6. iQoQd aeeommodattons.- Good fare; Fo IH and attentive sarVaar NORWOOD HOUSE - liraartaa 7 -V'tntlnrlli ParnMnS ri;w. j. Oft'fVOOD, Proprietor J 'atroaags of Commercial Tourists and . .t ' - - --w " 'i m A - L Drtnetr trt a rv work tw. .ij I Jl t. t f - . ' tinu . . I "Ha euerj a-i - - a or the strongest men of the uoase or TrepreaentatiTea 3 la sHfiriry j; CSffyton of AJaba&a: ', ) He la' studious. capable: coqf- ageona.and. iiMiastrioa8. He is a very Iiaodsome mnnl f At ,a aooKwi 'in -tuaating VaC cnancea gommutee or ,tue ioon8e Itf toe debates "itiir Bl art.Bon of 'Alabama.:4nia speech, of teu noure'iengtn was -full; of godd I things. I Irish I had robmr for ,more lmaiiti3tej t ollowiag xcertapgj;- -.-.ft rnere is no orsrajilzatlon ni nrK the rule f majority carried to JrtaUty la so well exemplifiedras in the case-of yoor:partyTour party has created these ;trnsta and pow protects thenvl The trusts have; fed; you duringr'the campaigns, they have furnished thajnoney .-.-that- has paid iyovff i election expynsea, and the Repub lican party Is aa'wbse as the two animals -memionea in the Bcnpturea "The ox knowetb hla owner" and the ass nis masters crib.' ' . - Now, go nhead with, the &esslngr" and you . will, see that this biU . as presented here today wilt never become" a 3aw. And while the gentleman from Maine rMri TJt. '. tlafleldl seems tolse so tender o. his own record 1 want to cau attention to the f act that -at .one time in the process of hla evo lution he favored : the exercise in some way. of the taxing power against .trade monopolies,: for ' he introduced ' into this 1 house a-bill proposing to levy, a tax- upon mo waterea stocK ortnese-corporauona, Eut evolution., goes ont and the - taxing clause !s entirely abandoned in the htu which is presented to this, bouse today. "!.:Mr. Chairman, this greaVBepublicaa party-has. been in power for Btr years "has It- not? rYeSf you- have been In power or me trusts nave been.. -qr5r -- . -- . - Mr.- Ol tnstead-r-We have no more power .bow ..than you had in -1888.'., ----- -Mr.'xaayton-You havetuH powers We did Jmt have it. I confess that my- knowl edge -of evolution ; and natural history is ao limited -that 1 : can hardly distinguish the.7 difference between' the .trusts - and " tha Republican-party. You. belong to. thenv ana. you; anow it. xou Try the fat" out of them in every campaign, but there may -come a day-when platform' declarations - and campaign promises will not purohase place and power. - . . ..- . . ; r jot,:" t-nairman, tnere are some or us who dissent somewhat from the view of the president that trusts are the negiU mate result of commercial evolution. Wt '.believe that the trusts, as they exist to-J. ' day,, haver- come from either soma: federal "legislation or federal privilege, permission or toleration, in cases where congrees has anlple power ; to enact remedial' laws. But the trusts are here, and we should legis late to control' them. - . ;.'" - - You are backed up by the consolidated and organised greed of; the country: The Iarty. to iwbichaj " owe: allegiance recog-i nizes all legitinmte occupations.'.--Ityea-' courages the accumulation' of wealth. - It Is proud Of the progress of -:tha ountrv. but K is mindful of the great tnteresta f Cm wager1 -earner, the "Wipyer"afiI" the smll man the man of moderate means and the consumer. 'This party: believes in the fundamental doctrine of equal rights to-all and special -privileges., to .none,: - It believes, we .should give every man -f air showing in the race of life. Enforce the . laws against . trade conspirators and let the era Of real happiness coma in our in dustrial progress. . - ; aj-.:;. , The "eloquent ' gentleman Mr. Powers who opened this debate' has spoken enter tainingly apd regretfully of the growth of socialism. Ahy gentlemen, cease content ing yourselves with deploring that growth." irBemember - that -everjrL time ; a ,-Iampt.-- is lighted In the cottage o the poor a tribute has - been , exacted ' and . poured ilnto d the coffers et the Standard Oil monopoly. . Do something." .Throw away -your artful ex cuses.' .Abandon subterfuges and fulfill some of your petty, promises. - Avaricious commercialism ought not to continue more and more to control you. ' - " . . i The 'government must be not lh theory only, but Jn fact, for the people. Constitu tional authority you have.. "When will you cease trifling? We owe Jtrta the country, to . ourselves, to humanity, to ..make ef fective use of the power to regulate com-, merce and all other lawful power, neces sary. - Why, knger' reject the suggestions ..of the attorney general and of your breth ren on this side of the bouse? Let us see to it that Justice is done between the ver rich and the very poor and to the great middle class, Most of us here belong to neither of the extremes, but are, I clalmv and with becoming modesty, I . trust... of that great mass of self Reliant, independ ent people who toil with brain -or hand or - with both and" who are at oncer the' bul wark and hope of the perpetuity of Amer ican institutions. Let us not be controlled by " the trusti potentates, who, ""however commendable it may f be, . build monu ment to their selfish selves is the form I of libraries or' great nniveraiues with -, corps Af sycophantic professors .and who also vainly endeavor to bribe God Al mighty by giving .-magnificent, structures Of stone called churches. J,r. .-r.-; ' . -- This Is a government to some sort by the states, in another sort by congress, by the federal government,-and" in its -hut analysis It is a government, by. political parties. Speed the day Wflen -the .party big enough and brave enough will be cho-. sen to enact and enforce legislation to- re Strain ' these conspiracies - and . combina tions against the welfare - of tha people nd a party that will, In the language ct a great Justice of the supreme court of the United- States, prevent "the .submer gence of .the liberties of the people la a sordid despotism. orweaKh.-- t.-.- j MlrabUe Dlctul -"- , l . Wonders - will -never . eease. will -never . eease. r'WhDe that emiaent "performer, Kev, WUbur Crafts, has been whooping it upto ft very large -and - nuanoua, -extent around .Washington as to the ruinous effectsiof the proapectlvedonning'-of the senatorial'tocra :by'the Hon.-Reed JSmoot Of ltahv. becauseisforsoptb, .'the foresaid Bmopt is a Jkiormon jropnet, the Rev;? H. I Hutehlnrdlscovers that polygamy is flourishing bvConnecticutl So It appears- .to a mere i'iooKer n 10 Vieonfl" that not"only is 'eternal vigl-H lance the price of liberty,but ils also the - price ...of ' monogamy;" ..-That emi nent Missouri philosopher, Mark Twain, remarked, that human nature Is strong and-thit -most of a baye. a. good deal of it In us, 4 fact that the good Dr Craftswould do -well to make note -of Tie also "would do well to make note of. the further fact that while the Hon. JJrtgliaifl JJ, Rbbertsr' being a Demo crat; was- unceremopiously yanked out of .the house, the Hea, JJeed. Smoot be- JngB Republican, will be giveu g rout has stood tho tst 55 vyc,irs I Average anniid zzLzz ovcr Oiie and ti Kdfr.iillipri tcttlca. Dees tlih record of merit apdflb you?, ;.Mo:Curc, Tio Pay. 50c. ' Enclosed with every 'fcctJa lsa Ten Cent PaVase cf C-CVTl'S LLAC: r..C3T LTr fZXS. seat in th senate. Dr trmttm r to auffetlnr humanity jto, take a day off and investigate the moral dellnqoenciea lathe old Nutmeg State, as the follow ing press dlapatchjwill uhotfi - v " J. Nw Hawn, Conn.,- J'eb. JXRer. H." 1 Hutohlna, who has beennaking a tour of thla- stAt in the inter eata of the- Coo neetieut Bible society, read paper today ata meeting of paatora of Uil city, ia which he presented the results t bis ob- a way that startled his hearers... . Pceertario part 'ot Connecticut. Mr. Hutcttins - said ' that DolvramT. Is towns h the eastera The deaeneracv of I the-inhabitants of tho' town referred to,-f Mr.iiutchlns said. was productive et murder and other crimes. He added that another feature of Ufa In that section and In the northwestern part' of thestats was un.rauioiw vi a-jass ox mueraiea whom .he. called ."Toor;whltes.M. Tbasa live in Shacks and "are an ismoranl' set. f The speaker- thought the Inefficiency of me counrry school -was responsible in a large measure for such conditions, and be believed : also, that the church was -.sot holding It own in these dlatricts. - ,: x '.Judge .Groescnp of - Chicago'-la cer tainly a "most nprlght: and coorageoua offlcial.He not only: knows what tha law- la, bnt he is not afraid to declare .ItS: Hla recent', decision in; the meat cases before Him has carried consterna tion --Into every nooks and corner . of trustdorn, and nnleas his" decision'- is : overruled by the sapreme court of the United States. h6 has discovered a' way of Bquelching-'the ; trusts.- While ; Mr. Littlefleid and other puissant' and re-' -Bowned .trust bnsters have been botb- enngtneir: august and profound nog- I ; gins 1 to discover" some -new law with wbfcbrv to - disrupt : the - trusts ; Judge f Urosscup. ."busfir-tthem with the old law and declares: that It la ample. -The trusts rwijl' now place their reliand on the supreme court of the United States, and. Judging-the future by- the paBt, It win be we.ll placed. If Qroesctm keep on the road he has started he VrCl be come a large jmd commanding figure in publie affairs. - The people generaDy. will watch the Supreme court s conduct of this matter with Intense Interest-That court shook : the - DUblie . confidence- in Ira i1wta!nn when It decfared the Income tax uncoo- stitatlonaL It would be extremely cn- f ortunate for; It to render another de cision. that would bring that high tri bunal under suspicion. , ,y-. Historic :Truth. r. - . .; -! t -'r--. . : . For some time the HepubUcana hava been . falsely claiming that. Hon. John Sherman, was the author of the so call ed Sherman antitrust law and turned tceJSfifelve .mightily on. the assumed fact that a" Republican was the author f that law; . -Of course intelligent Be- pubheans knew the claim wasrnot true, Ignorant Republicans : thought, be was tne autnor Because nis name- waa- fas-- tened to- it - The truth Is that 'John. Sherman Introduced what be called an antitrust bill not because he-was op posed to trusts, but buse he bitterly hated General Russell AI Alger, whose great match - trust bad Just been - sat upon s heavily .by the.- supreme " court. Sherman introduced hla bill .solely to get ar chance to make a speech against Aigerv wnom ne accused of buying hla southern delegates away from, him- at Chicago in 1888.x The bill which Sher man wrote wa6 clumsily drawn that anytyro at the law .knew It was tm- constlttiUonalrduaeqUently,-'after great- deal of dVebatehd. reference, to at least two committees of .the senate. ail of Shermanja bill except the enact ing" clause was stricken out and What I Is now knowtLAs theSherman antitrust biH was put In' Its place.- In the follow ing letter to tie Washington Post Sen; ator George Graham Vest throws much' -light on the subject -,- ;j . Editor Post 1 notice In'thla morning's Issue of your, paper a statement that the friends of the Hon. E. B. Taylor of Ohio Lara claiming for him the paternity of the antitrust or ao called Sherman law of 1X30. The history of that law can be found in tne tJongressionai Beconl-and la substan tially as loilowsr 1' - -4 - 1 In 1890 the Hon.1 John Sherman, then a. member of the senate, favorably reported from the finance commlttaa a bill Intended -to res train, trusts or illegal, combinations injuriously anecung trade.- The bill was placed : on . the calendar, and soma days arxerwara, -on motion of senator Sherman. was taken uo for consideration by the san ate. it caused great opposition front' th lawyers or- that body, principally upon tho ground that It wasStot confined in its .operation to Interstate commerce or com merce" with foreign nations, but tnterf ared wlta. the. onUtutKnl - powers -of the- ; States. --.After soma threa- days'-., debate and the offering of an amendment ta'tha bill by Senator Bpooner the blU and the amendment- were referred to the Judiciary committee 'withj instructions , to report a measure to the senate : as a substltuta, The.iudkslary oommlttee at that time was composed of "the following . senators t -George J Edmunds of VermonT; John J. Ingails 'of . Kansas, George , F. rHoar of Massachusetts James--JV. Wilson of Iowa, William IL Evaru of N'ew York, James L-Pugh of Alabama." KJohard Coka of .Texas, Oeorge-. G. Vest' of Missouri and" jf amcS Z. George of Mississippi. ' - j . -t After considering the bill tor some three Weeks-or a month a substitute. was ra- Dorted by Senator Edmunds, chairman of the uaiciarrcsmxaittae. ta the senate, and byA yea" and nay vota (which was called for. by Senator Edmunds) the bill waa passed with- but one dissenting vole, and that was east by Senator Blodgett of- fjew versey; . - '- ..- . . I was under tha impresatonT untn I centty examined the Record, that Senator Sherman did not vota for tbe blU, but find on investigation that ha voted in the aformaUve. It was very well understood in" the senate that be felt-sore over the. fate or the rau that he had reported rroni the-finanee eommittea tnd stated that be Aid "not propose to have anything fur the to do with tha matter. -1 never beard th name of Mrr a-Taylor, of Ohio men tloned in-oonneetioirwitb the matter. Err, err member of -the senats-tudlclary com mittee had more or less- part In framing the bill.- Senator. Hoar was active in. the 1 committee, as he always is upon impor tant-legislation, and-without doubt con- .. f '-v td loilowtng lctervlcw rntstri great 2eal of good, tard, ar.f-r Alabama, Denocftr ..i it r X :!n E. rc. a prtRlnnt Uwyr ti iv tt ststa, st the Rir 1 um corns to the eonoUuMoa tt( u the '.- tA th uniU few. t - . m t poAuoa as urns- sa iay sr phry sbls to perform Uvr'.r dutt.-. 8na i". tus. despite tta art (ha ft sars Jocoaeiy that be la a busdrvO. h4 m cp poattkm tn or tva-Marur f mu ago, aad b Mr. Morvsa's yvt irsi IerieK. in oos Coacrsaatoaai d'MTM th people are emtneatry plwiM4 wtta 5 r ord of -their TprotU. Kan. Knrr D. Clmyton. ana the prebabCitr ta tba.1 b aa keep cOmtag to-WasbiaatM as Wa Jalres to retaala la ptac Cfa.-i I UUaa th idea Is raising grotia4 aU arrar I Uriuent cbancva of cse ictd as j- I , . nndonhtedry et tBtarrat ta th read-Pd oi wh jotters: There Is a toarkad HSjrwmcm im aseto. tions of aatuas swats la -AUUau aed ta some other states, auck, for xaai. aa Montana and DeUsrars, Tba Uatv Es mond W. Wttaa baa rsoorua that tka ae tirt coat of JUs recant atactica ta tb at in. Alabama was the vata t tt I: a sum to aucb aa ofBoo is eovbOas rM(W "U1 'aoomful - a ma en s C3ticksna ana aebara. aad tba SMk. od of expanainar this eaaaoalsik tmmJ hm th vc era Die -aon lor from AJabama, ras a remarkabia aa tka aawunt MsaU. It was not expended for fctcbbails. or Dear, mtc went to Ue scr if ry OC ststa. la Alabaaia to pay t&a)afee for a r .ttftcat. .Tab) waa a caaa wttar tba a sought th maa. - Is ex-Governor Laati VL 6htw. ar- tary of the trearnry,- In favor t per! petuating the pubUc debt! 1 woU da bo man wrong or Impute to blxa vrU ions which be doe bnt eutertatA, bat certain of Mr. BhaWs recent etteratca j Indicate thit ba ta becoming an advo cate of the Engliah Mm of a xrT-fral debt and to bellsvt ia th EntlUh oc- ferine, -"A. public debt Ja a pdtilk biss ing.'; Everybody knows tnalto prra ent' national banking sritcra waa da- vised primarily to furulsb a ukrkctfor our .bonds issued dnringCie dm war. the national bank eumnry beiAff tMtaad on tbebooda,-.The law SQibortalag aau.wnipeuuif uai noenvaooa, taa-1 en. in co4iimcuoq wttb.tba law uxjna notes iaaued by sUta banks' 10 par trot, turned the whole financial syatttB wr to the 'national banks,' giving then a 'nwnoporjr on the paper money trttsn of the coon try, a monopoly whkfe they are loath to" relinquish, speaking oa this subject, KacYsUry gbaw ay Tne rtaqaaaf garcavaae at rtLravaal C bona ran aar tft taioaci iTakalM t .CUuttia swvaUjr baa aNia s ayiry 1 STOwtnar-. pnpsilsOia. a4taui WaklM faeUiU an4 xeadia traaa aortw ta aeea OC an avar tarraaataa etmaiatloau I tberafora baUeva tba Uoa haa amw4 wkasi U arm ba ai canary io adec aa ( two pUcia eUhar (Aa g-rarisat b ssasv oa perpataatail aa a bast for a Uoaaf bank etrcttkatlow - ana Autiaei boada ka4 as ocaara saay raaotrt as aoaaa otbar systsw saaat ba prvvMaaV Of coora "the otbrr rrslsta tinted at la the asset eurrewcy scbam a4v. rated by Air.. Fowler ta the TowWr, bllt - ..;-.:r. . - -," ,,t . rVatty Much Um tame. r RepubUcans up north bav a cmt on the neeroe by the soutbank.paoc4. The foUowtogr extract froai'th -Ttxaea of bowling Qrccn; Mow roc to aaaw that trumaa narure is wry urtich tb same' on north aa down sooth: -A bUl was tntrodaead la tka WWa legislators last wee abkk, If s4oce4 T" j I ,ta. I a taw, wui pravant marrtagva Mai groes sna wait perse) ta thai ata Tb aatbor of the bUl ts a. Rmt.-ka ut B nv,d vha lotKrwing roie(s the bill jid th tatartaarrUM a and white peepta: "Snrr oa a tudgmant knows that Wblta t uraows as4 negroes should sot ba aUawvd ta tntar- marry Tha raaulta of aocb vtolaooea af a jural law are 4 flora Me rrosa avar point o view. zpane baa tteri Uuf sucn aii'.sncva tend In siavoet awry ka atanc to dehas and dagrada Cba aatsras of both parUe to tka cwntraot ar--l rr-'i in a hjrhrw progar that aai?y kaa ee social standta- with attkar whit ay rns., Ia my . opinion, the aratt forrua arialns from aocti amar (alts oa tha childran. who. .waaa "Xty raJk year ot - understand Lna - od 6a4 iWy bava, na aor!! mf a n w wtiw Mit frequently ptansw froW tsMXiNttiy to aegraoauoa or am lewcat cbaraetar. II seam to ma ws n t botb rwaa prevent aucb saarrtsgsw. t da sm th negro so aroch as I do tke wtne pr son tnvorred In aucb saarvtagaaL it Is ta. possible for as' to eowcerrw bow kUb mladed. Intel Dgvat. whit srome ea W eoaa a party to sack a marvtx aaskjl os-aally a whits woman, c a while who contracts aob aa all la oca. A watt aaam, rosy b avar so dvmdd. but tka thought of marrtaga with a wtgrtm fct soost ravolthaa- to tttra. It siima a sea that It ts right and prcpr for tba law t Step in and pewant whit ww rm ommitunavthaa trrvparaMe mtstika.- 5 Tka Tbraal Tkvat Wavbad. - The slender woman faced the turrty . burglara deadly Htolvrr wiihowt a tremor ot terror, for. aa la wall known, ha weakest are- ttra the bxavMrt. - ; , . -"Tell me wiwrr tar mooey U tkl," t? hissed moat tTOcjilrntty, -t IH tr."' 1 "Never r she aoVwcrad datrrtnitmliy and with a marked accent on tb "r." "Kill ma," If yon wilt but I will aevrr .rerra) the hiding place of my fcnabs&d't hard .eanmj board r ..TSUIa, - da yotir -worst!" - . -: . . - . - , -I'wUir aaarkd the arQadrt Uf. fled for, the moment, -bat net bta TeQ me IraUatly or ITJ drrp tti I'-i, woolly caterpillar down jvar tvxkr. In three mloutrs mora be tad bx4 the boodle acd.wat splUilng th tn'-J-fjlgbtdarknrw tn a nonhtattn dlrwo tio a Smart Set. . - . . - ... : v- a d -: the ul' il Ur e is I tc rl c'u-t, r-f toy v, i .iiBsul Lf U tot. r '4!t t st Ua a pirts at ta i v ? u ?t.Vai IVktltd is aNri 1 rl vi' f , . . " , - rr a wy Wr is t Kf rtd L o41 - &t Ci sttk sai Wua uwt, H9 ttwt oi artau:k) t Um at it tUt iwUkt hns h 8J..da aomihB, Girtf, "" 'i -i - - - - !- ' . To ciat: a cxiu i oyn nxr. UU taamiies ftraasw QsWaa TaW trtf ms fvf sn tm trftfU itU art. : K T. . Grata "t ff40M It m ara be x " i, . -t J Tb bat-ioo's Ifrttm li fata Uy ibUraa'.lsK tall pMgtXm. ' N, J( .., .!J1. .. -. ' f at . . iT!T-T ' - - TOU KSyw WfllT TOU AUC TAX. , -A- ..' f tC2. " .: " - Waaayae taiafW's Tl-f . Cvia Ti IX awn a tk fjsala U rjr a4 f-J Jrea a4 Vtaiaa i aaiaaa Ursa,- X f 'esenaa art st arcrt Ui. IrOobla UuU U nak iWa, MaVavaa nwtf. 'Of t asaa-Oa U ftTaJ raU rMa lAai JbaAla AraaJaey Hft.bU lnii P-t aTKt WaaaJs, jlJa ft 14 vat aja Ita tke a-avlA, Cai gvaraal. ' Oij at . & av r. aw n j Tb mjrrdaabV ffl,. U U JM of worn as, tf i i a latlra ,. f -",T Jte lliak riMtfbea4 aaHkava a aat aty a grata as aw UvA-tUaml i Ua aye. rwa wul Ca aa&aaat V a baa . rvIUVia rmtf U Umfi; jUJl. TWara'i a g.ta4 k ra WV af Ua. traf a4 kJ7 aa CaU tUt let a. Hi .mm4tTi bia. sa4 aVfa aarrHat tl (Htw4 ait sra4 aitWfM fvrk ;t4w bta aafvaajUM- fbttMaw a4M. rstgia 14 iyV a-CiU was XHr t bt, ad asjUvUV raaiji4 tt'TWa drwa. Irajxtasa v. y?lf)yb9 Caaa) wfcj ssarrtsi MiVai.Wa kit a :trbitt.i- rt '?lTtU AMIES rVtrrar L ia Uo t.a. wWai H Vlba liaaat C C- rvW:ia aim.. af ltri.4jWK'. MwfwntUf ta ala Cs Wiw. AtrHtAstkea tpee& Vt . ' I a k- .4 k4i. U a.Wav vm r, eafa t a! lia J.ia.i tK rl . aa twuta tt'.iaa, AV tHUaaua rs!.. au t?rw4 1 . . r, i X k - 1 . """-. II I .- .' -tatlsasd kJlfOftoss . i -v" ft ifft's'fatw t kf - a . . - -' " - " ' ji . : a4j:.w.RCAi4t w 4 lia saaae rskaV ay t a H ay, aa ta-a aas va , tt a ht ' tit-.tt r 1 J la', alt m ai.i tar4 rv tka a Miast Va Oar Tk rartkivg a-M a el read (Sat I raa t la w vt Haa tat m fV a r a w M rxwrt. af srail a4it f aaad fa St it a la ( aa f are- , rar k4waa, 1X1. . w.i.:i rsa4y r4 sea atir't IW t Vrtkte4 af Mara 4 aa My a wtMiat, 4, . VaA. raa lva t. j Mcatu "Caituyi, l la Ua6arTs rraxakiia Ucaaty Cvorf. w.T. lUgVt atdl M.I-T.T.U tra f. leg kW.T.Uf tu Vk " Ialkf lfawets.t Itsf - Tetarra WalsbeoM Ceea ; erpysib eader Ita lava ef aataU . allatouri- " TljsdcJdsai ntjott tr.-j w tal4bOtratt.At tki.-9oawr la t abcifa -pl;t"-.f artkaj waai iMw-xti acaiitt ti; dIfiJ.et ea ta Slat day et asa&ry. I W3. ty J. J.- Tar' row, I et of tb Hafr.-r t lb fTvrj c4asidsti4 ti;. 2 from tbd?a!tat r.xr 11 w- 3 rr-Jrkri'.y rf the f-jr-arf 1.-. t. 4 - NtCrwj ffi-s vi taUi';t tv J. A- U WaJter, ne I b- n--r;al tr ?r-.-i, alorSsfT, ia5fi:-jfRa"l foaftja-ja dtie fn.isi C:-S w SU-2 laantliKtbi'lall f mil to lbU f-r fY .y ef I rail, i l a ran !VS4tS - If..- , ? r"lrt.'VIoaTcl l?ar-a. , . M v. r...a I . T . - . " ' 4. Cfc-ri wnjrar-t r- a ocl r.f ! I'. J'l.,': lH taa . J . V M J rrty ..f --' I i'.-'.-r- mat i a r . ;.-r t; a rtcr r i t i-ttt : - 5 j v t I .t I - r . - a t-.i - X J -r. -1 'a re,', a. tf - T' " t,t fry a,-;-.( f -, .1 ;'.. r-f-. ; "a - -v . 1 ( ; rt f r t : t. r v . - rv . '. i1vlti ycjcr.it titbtr t ! a:n you en t c.i . I .. . r-.iJ I'ii ! PV'4 - 4 S. i .V Karl (o hcrct Ixxiy &r not cJy let 5:r U' . t t . If M jiijjr.ai uicxtcvj mem 20. SOACr frCK. Hcai iM J fior imck tot -t . . r - . i i.-4 w sl aj m foe a ' ' varf 4 1" 3malifXTi b a rich ti'ceev 5rlh food, zM x ra!'jrzi ;.5ct4Ti Exrwujon for besrve. "k hueilMA (SIM k k aa-aa VAW k a J atT thin i iaj aaai , sw) , fcitttf Via UiNn4 wUJa, ; - ' t . r . '." 'a) 1 1 sve aaaM TWkti CIOI ISa w 1 V trrjr a,ati-atJary . tmi IV11 fcrk C3.3a x ' sbs v - eJS .i,ce t-5 rwc ritart a-t-.v csmm. i at. . I rw. tiare-a. Tk USta tkUaUs rf ra1f frxr ICT4M hmv aet w. W9 La TV-,- SC ! 4 04.1 imf, m-ut $tttau AUUnaa a. SffsiHTdnCiifc. w 4 ate.i . .t Mawa-at . jrw-4 W Waa4,i, awa. tVV b a fc C f - . . " ' . ; ia i-na ale vUskaak vsilai ar.l - ai t .. 1 ... ... ji Saw ad aW m ! sVwS It ari im ia akai no.ua 11 I arM at.nn . ..... " -a - - A T4 f r a4 a mm taiiwa, aaaaJI ary k aaa-y a x a aa, .f M a Tn 1114 il'll lil X.Mw anaai ""na a-a - aa a Wi-a ri. .. ., S" uil'ijsj m t WWrf f ll ) SS.JW- fwilBlll 1 as a m4 af .kaiaw ',!, TM a.aaV a, M(W -- IA .V aa4 yl ( W t.a kS'rwara aa ki-.t t.if aw tea, kef l4-f asiaita tv4 rK a4ik Snria rw:nwM kwt u.2 Taw af katrwak Imm Sj is mi IA avarw ea-l mw ta., ! ? wa fif. aar-M'l ' ft a I .a Vwr. t.u',a.H aa m'i talnruaaiiH era k. aa.1 11 M ba4blk4 .naat .M a-i - sank i.4 iiaatmi Wt aiaiair vmm, lnf M'fraJ lw rw Aarw Ptaw.tal tt'.l t -. a t w4mJ t ft iKIvaiatM eiiaa. rar : fi t Tilp 01sa"-a-M raaiiile at Arwala i-ra featwaj, tiimm tarn sail Ut . -3 - 'A vw-MtSk w ar raa t U t-r 't l Ut ejttai f l:;Uwraw ' .V -- .. f.,nj' ta. iu . - tt r 4 t,Ta kvt r oa t.r A Wf PmXkmtf . fwi A aui.f I 3 rWi. t-a4 r " ajaSMt.i Ui Ll evil.waa a4 aia U a im .( Ut 4 hn4a ia- a. ia-. U4 a )aa La3 y u. r a i4 ttfa . 1 a "V.. f finaj f. u y-fv A I tell W nnwi t 1 14 ' e lav Utfut aw i " -' 4 lVa V raMMH ! a- tX-w I v T ---. t ia 1uwa VK'aH f i It -4 aa ' axii aaai. taAaa tk-a k aaaaa a a - la (ir- i.. Ill I .4 1 a aawa . - . -. - . L; xw-. av.,r yj. w: f-arY'wt 1 a- "'- 1 1- rmmj 4 HWf i 1 i,.44i tMj ka t ' f, T aju? tt i t Jav tf : W rf ; j . . . ! C A. -.V I . .. ' " J kl ! w-aaaU -Mt Tt aa Ti-"3 - I . .. 1 a -! 4 44.-4 l -4 f t'lMl i. S . .4 : aa4 .-. a. ' 4 a k, a a 4-i - t . j a. -4 , v i ; I- 'T ti ja a- - -f 44 tt.tlV ' . ' ' i 4 4. .i- i-i - in ,ji In. , $- ? m . . . . 4. . 4 1.4 " 4 4f - . 4.: I h.. 4- a-. .v . 4-a f .. . j . " 44 4."'.4. ' 4.44 4. 1 l-' 44,4s4. II 41 -. 44 4 l,,-. j ? 4-' I I 4 i 4ll.il u t lH ' I , " I M-4 A 4-4 I t- I 4, 4 4 1 . i 4 . 4 a.4 a-i I i , i ii. .i i -4 iitf lii I tin I ( ( ... t l, i i , 41 I I . I - i 1 1 - 4 i i 4 I ' 4 4i 4 ! , , -! ,.' i , . ! :i -.-ii ;.i !-, i,. . 4.. " atm.t (St., vcod YAP.D. it r I a I Arv. 4 . M . - V . " - - ' r 1 - - v i s ,rt",;'' s.t t rii 4i a at, a h ; . I JACOII KVA.NS. r t tt; t ,41 i::: n: n:i um . -va a.t V-a ra.ixfs: totit - ! CAFE. - j; RALEIGH, 71. C. FOR LRDIES . . an-J GENTLEKCIf. crzn DAY AND NIGHT. r awwa - -. DAIRY LUNCIta u o n n s PREFERRED STOCK TkatiiM l.w Kt J .J 5 . )y tiwwa.a.1 t PfHalSTLVAnt S-4-4 Cunt i-a-i kW Ct m -al, f.u'.J Jr . 'a ' '-' "a. HHa 'III' MHD IK I , w - , ! j . l H J' 4 ! j ' r"H a. mi otm aa.. j i a. .mm. a, a -a a .i . u m -- iM, a.. -4 w , ant ,.rt,i -.mi . a. i I, 1 , ' a-w n,.., .i i. . m wi"- ' a .n, u ... ia w m ii, .a m hm . a w.a a-...., .,. a ai w -4m, 4 iw m a ,4 4 ..m,I ka 4m. a a -11 .1 a,, 4 . 1. "l. I 444 M., 44- 4 4 i . 1 4b. 4. iw .a v 44U.M4 . ,4NMi M I'M . 4 44. ,,44 4 a- w 54. bt. LT t u sVM j - l a" t "wT.T i; a jt-ar ".r . aJf 4 i f t ti.s4 - J . Vl-41 U4i X. 1 ra 8 a It iV 14,7 T-l4i. Ct th li-e aW Ti (4ifHr aa I Ij-i-a .-.ia 14. i -r - axt i, u ?! -'t..itrt.I Vstl 44.llt-., "-W. n.:r k ' "..n 1 4 ! - a 4-"n Sa..a a- i 4-i-u ita iia tta .u.4r waa aa'uxi 4i l . "vi. : ; r-i : . 7 : 4.. t ?.4t4t f,- 1 V It i li. 4.4 4?!a:l . 44' 1 M a-i, ) 4. ti irt ri:Anf.ait 1 -4 awi-i I I t-a Vw.f 11. u i-tv-- i4rt-t t. , ax" a.- 4 i,i.- r 'f ii iKin-ia ;i,a a-ir af i I V -t tl tl-:i- f ' fit 1 1 f tl "4 1 . I 411 1 I.I t , j 'J ttt, . . a-"'.l i.1,1 I ,.t V .:'. 4 ,J . ... I . . a . . a i i ia -:i i i.m ii I .i -f., r,.. 71.4 .n!-n. .,, w .1, a r Uii .i .-a Vt i - i t-1 i t ".4 1 1 a i, ti-i.a -i ii 4 I II- I At I ? : : .i . t V. V'i . 1,1 . r . 4 : tf tl,l t V I l "t I a i ti i !l. I I 1 1 " li a ". - V :.: I -W.-4-t? .14 1 ...- i . r i .1 - it: . . . i.. I aii i a- a TU-RH E 1 W-rit. Iff t'nisjpi III ----- v- a St - .. aW . 4 ,a li t., ! a-,,- k SaS tk Im f r c i u t , . i- i, i ., a. ,t f -Vti fc w I '"" I T 4.!l, -.V M- w n 4 irv. I a-i'tflv f - ! I." t'.'i'Vi'n. i:ifi.t-,A . !l Url ' ' t, 1 , I r - , t a ta. l4.t4. art- s uktit I y'-a.n.;vrn. X .irtiClli-JI:, 1.ilirt4itw Orders; - r ' fir? a a g 1, ' -te,V"- ri' x.i a , . ' frvm jt a- Wi -.ot.. riAu: iM c seaboard'- ST11' T -- laV aaX Sbs. aa gV 3 r-i T..' r; i rtigr-.tAii v : M''ll aa I 11 HllllHHIlM4 l il M . , ir4 ( i rp-.i t - ' S-4.-.M4TIT - . " - - - " 1" "i , 5- F I 1 1 - 4 - t . r . , - r . , v ).( 4 41 1 i , 1 m amti i 1 ai V 4- r f 4 a .1 4 41 ' ; j 1 ' V Im. ta ' " -ef9,f aaa . itmm.m . 4.1 ta liai,4iia Hi Wta S rw aaa 4 - .... 4 - Vta aaj - 31 - ! ... , r .. . . ,. - mm - V . " I I I I - , - t a s t 4- t . 11 , M a ( -,.: ' I I t lit.. I tift, t': ; l !.,.- , 4 r t-: :...,. ,!;, f ; ;: - ..j ,..a4l 2l tt t. .. a ft. A t V 4, ',! r- I I At W (v-raa.UaaV, J t : v ;.. ,;, Wail a , . v t a trT.,,' t ' mMHnm , , 1 , , a ! i ' a .. M i"-a J ""- " I ' v a i atz rz ""'"- . i fc m v. a m I 1 M - w IH Mr. - ' . ... M i. . ... , " 4 m, J 4 I " w a 4- . - 4.1 ma - , , -Jt f S a t a- a a.44..Ma I a W I ' w ia i a , If Jar twH ' .. 4 , a u.,ba t v t a. W . IWaaMwU a. " w jl4t-,NW.U t If J . a. 4 . a r -. M v 1 i a a..44.v,.a, r vi4M ta t 44- 4 4 4 Ii a , fc, 4 I 4.44ii ! si im "'" ; ; t.t -1 i o . - 1 a a -ia ' 1 .4 ( M4 4- I , i ! ' " SwiSkaaiaa rravaiiag PsbUcSoUottad. " I 9a3taaa9leiBoaa,

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