hi n. ;-v-;. JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. mill g U3UISBURG, N. C, FIUI . Vf M. Vf. iy?. CHURCH DIRECTORY : , .; I MBTHODiar. Sunday School at 9:30 A M." Gso. 8. Bins, Supt. . Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:30 P. M. every Sunday. ;.. - , Prayer meeting Wednesday night; M. T, PiiTLXE Pastor.-- "BAPTIST. ' 8 unday School at 9 :30 A. H. Thos. B. Wilder, Supt Preaching at 11 A.ftL and 7:30 P.M., every Sunday. Prayer mating Thursday night. ... U. H. Mashbubss. Pastor. Y wisdbPAL," , v 8uuday School at 9:30. - " Services, "morning and night , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday, afternoon. LODGES. Louieburg Lodge, No. 413, A. & A. M., meets 1st aod 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. 11-0 t"eion.al card SP BUILL & ALLEED. ,1 ; ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW, Will practice in all the Courts. Offices In Loalnborg and TonngsTiUe, N. C. . - )R. ARTHUR II . FLEMING, ;, DENTIST. ; LOUlSBURd, - N. C. O Bee Over The Green ft Yarboro t'o.'s Etorj. R. 8. P. BDRT, , PRAOTICINOPHTSICIiN A1SJ 8URQBON. Louisburg, N. C. v Office in tbe rear of Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.' Drun Store, on Nash etre. JJB. R, P. TARBOROUQU, PHY3ICIA.N AND SURGEON, Lopihbcro, N. C. - - Office 2ild floor Mea: building, phone 3 Night calls augwpire'i from T. W. Blekett's residence, phone 74. U. MASSBKBURO, ATTORNBY AT LAW. , IiOUISBUBS, It. C . . Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court Honse. M ARCUS C. WINSTEAU, ATTORNEY-AT-LAWr LonisBuaa, N. C. Ornc ova Corner Drag Store. flpeclal Attention giren to collections. Practice wherever services required. JQR. i. K MALONK, fHACTICtNQ PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. tOtTISBORS, W. C Otfloe over Ayeocke rrng Company. 1 T) R. K. 8. POSTER, fRAOTICtNO PHYSICIAN Ac 8URGBON, Lonlaborg, N. C Oisee over Ayeocke Drag C Mcpany. vv m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN.- ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, ' - louisbub. v. a . Will pretlce In an the Coarts of Franklin nd adjoining oonntlea, also in the Supreme Court, and In the United States District and circuit courts. Otnce in Cooper and Clifton Building. "jTHOB. B. wilskbV V, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, " kotnsBTTSe, -v. 0."" "7,' - OOee on HalB street, over Jones ft Cooper's .tore. S. 3PRUILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, IUISBUBO, H. C " Win &tbtnd the courts of Franklin. Vance SranvUle. Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Snorem Court ox norcn uaroiina. Prompt attention given to collections. Uffloe over iwrenon s more. rp W. BICKBTT, .. ' ., TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. .- LotnsBUBe . a.' Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter intrusted to nis hands. Refers, to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hofl. RobU W. Winston. Hon. J. C. Pxton, Pres. Plrst National Bank of Wln ton, Qlena at Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank vt Monroe, Chaa. B. Taylor, PreerWake For st College, Hon.B. W. Timber lake. , s j ; Office over Neal a; Co. a Store. . -yy f. PBRSOjr,1 ATTORNBY AT-LAW. Lovustrae, a. a PraeUoes in all courts. Office on Main atreet. i f- nr H YARBOKOUGH, JB. ATlONEYAtLAW. LOUISBURG. N. C. ; Offlee In Opera House building, Court atreet All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. J)R, D. T. SMITHWiCK, DENTIST, JXUISBUBG, - - N. c: Office ever Pornlture Store. V HOTELS. ' Good accomodation for the traveling pubtts. c ' - . , Good W.-y Attached . . J1ASSENBDR6 HOTEIi: J 3 Mnsnltii-jEr JPropf HENDERSON, N. C. food seeommodatious. Good fare: ' Po . - Uta and attentive servaar i' - ; NORWOOD HOUSE 'Vt irnrtu. . - : " iMortli CaroKai ;r. J. 5mv04D.Proprletor4 tronge of Commercial - Tourists aad Cmtllng PabtteSoUclted. ' J i fleeOasapla Boose. , 0--0':0."0-lO eir : ' V. Q Special Washington Letter.J .-.. P course thirty senators retire ;eyery two years. The ayerage senatorial going and eoming 1 don't amount to . a. .hill of beans, but In the general shakeup this time there are several features of un usual Interest, v. 1 . The most astounding phenomenon- in the opening scenes of the. new. senate was the: tremendous ovation tendered to Arthur Pue- Gorman " of Maty land. This statesman evidently has a- great liold oa the. affections of the American -- - - pedplsTTfie reason is. not far toseekv. When I was a boy back in the hill coun try of Kentucky, I used to hear old Dr Carter say -that he judged people by their flesh marks. .. That, was Dr. Car ter's way of saying that he was a phys-- lognpmist, and we are; all consciously . or unconsciously physiognomists. Judg ed by this standard. Senator Gorman kjeserves to' standyery high In the af fections of the human race. He has the Meal-Greek head and face,; and it in no way detracts from, him to, say that he has. all the" sinuosities of the Greek mind. - He is the greatest par liamentary leader of this age.;; A great many people believe that he will be the Democratic leader In the next cam-. paign. - - Senator Allison. ' - Senator William B. Allison of Iowa Is the second man who was ever elect ed six consecutive terms to the United States -senate. The only other man who was ever, elected to this high hon or was Senator Morrill of Vermont, John Sherman served morehan thirty1 years, but not consecutively. If Sen ator Allison lives out his present term, he will have -the longest congressional record, and, ' considering the, fact that he is a Republican, he has done pretty well. He is an affable, kindly gentle man and discharges his duties accord ing to his lights, which are frequently feeble and flickering. '"Physically and mentally he Is one of the - best pre served men of his age. Living as I do in the transmississippl country I can't help taking pride in the fact that Iowa Is represented in. the congress of ; the United States by one of the strongest delegations in the Union. - I take spe cial pride . in the fact .that I count among my friends the members of the Iowa delegation in the senate and the house.' Even a Democrat can congrat ulate Senator Allison on his new pre ferment! And everybody will be glad to see Dolliver go up. It Is a matter of "pride that the three strongest-average delegations In congress are Iowa, Mis souri and Texas:"""' Exit Vest, Intrat 8tone. . , - , First and last Missouri has had twen ty-two senators, and it may be safely said that no state bas been more ably represented In the v less numerous branch of the nationalcongress;- Be ginning with Barton and Benton, clear down to Vest and Cockrell it Is a re markable array of- mea that Missouri has sent to the senate of the United States.. There are many great men and .scarcely a small one on the list Of course Thomas Hart Benton will forever rank as the great Missourian, hut George Graham Vest. will rank as one of the great three Benton,' Greene t and Vest. In some respects Vest is the greatest of the three. As an orator he outstrips them all. The bold that he has had on the American-people-la absolutely astonishing. -. For" eighteen years be and John James Ingalls 1 of Kansas were universally acknowledged to be the greatest orators of the senate.. And the "Tact that I competed with Governor" William 4 J. ' Stone for ,the United States senatorship will, not be' taken ltt derogation .of, tbe. statement that he hi mentally worthy . i succeed Vest. " I predict for Governor .Stone a great career in the Jsenate, . But the. Btrangest tale that was ever told Is the fact that Kansas Bleeding Kansas,; that apotheosized John Brown of'Os- sawattomle sent to tbe United States senate a Confederate soldier," William A.fiarris.- If any man had predicted such a thing forty years ago; he would have been placed hra straitjacket and a padded cell. . This astounding fact demonstrates the generosity -of the American people, ' It took.' England two centuries and a half to get over tier ciyil war. "We recovered from onr greater civlj war In' less than bairn centurjCa fact to which J -wish to call' tbe attention of my good friepd. Major Jobn; F. Lacey of Iowa,' who has ob jection to General Lee'sr statue being put in Statuary halt - -: England! Food Supply, The Washington Post says: vA few 'years-ago.; In 1897 or thereabout. ft was deliberately stated in the house of commons that England never had on any given day, more than -three weeks' 'supply of food at hand.' :: The assertion-.was not denied, for denial was not possible, but there was some rather light hearted dis cussion over It, which, however, left ev rrbod y r In a 1 contented - frame of : mind.. Blr Charles dike, lor example, assured the house that there .was no occasion for uneasiness. In the event of a war with any European power be argued,- England would still have the markets in this coun try open . to her. for he felt quits con vlneed that . no continental - nation would dare to 4neur the enmity, of the United States by Interfering with our -commerce, and, oddly enough, this ingenuous op timism seemed to satisfy his audlense. .' The ' question has , been revived from time jto time since then; on each occasion with Increased urgency and a more seri ous and insistent demand for reassurance. J0n Jflarch & a very large nd influential deleration waited upon Premier. Balfour, asking again '-for reome-' explanation of England's, resourees In the matter of food supply should that nation become engaged eaT morelncohnrana" unsati'r'y Mr. Balfour wee. ir possible. 0 et has stbojod tho tcst 25 YC-irs. AvcrGgo annual edes over Osc ancl a Half Llillion bottles. Decs trliis record r" - - -- I-. a.-'.-;" . -- - " - a, ' .pa r a a a. ci merit apicd Enclosed with every I ctl'a I f ' aM o ' 4, Some United State Senatort Why, England Loves tl Bryant on He. naoay President Roo.wveU ' 0 o V.;' V V ,- W V U than R 0,1- Ttliv. 1 1 v-. I htm. - He talked flnently about prteca, to- j oould b kept down and the rata of Id- urance not be permitted to rtM too ma ed. nd aereral of them would be better than others., and ail the rest of ft. - We , ""J 't"K1"e th mental condition tn 'which Mr. Balfour's yiattor retired from the fpreeence". quite u readily as we cm Imajrlne Mr. BlXoui- whUe- he prattled Je-"' . ' iV r4 Tfiir fat TTanw Dat.ki.tr A - - -- m tMU Oasette an article 00 tbu eubject. 1 aniT frnin'H.-TiTin.li it. n 11 I i in I ndr -from-'Kj-juftarf--the BritiaU uublie t Wilt derive . good dead mora. of really n I. MJr. tn 1 -M Henry -shows that Enkland trtm nn " "e gram ane consumes trow Run- I sla and the United State most of It from ia. from this country alone England low is, which conautute the bulk of hr sup. ply, and the writer, does not think that an unbroken stream of grain from either country could be coanted on. In time or a really aerioua war. - Russia might at any curred while the Americana could easily, and In Sir Henry's opinion would, take advantage ot the opportunity to ralaa the prices to a point at which England would have to cripple herself terribly. In order to mwoiun-uM necessary aupniy. Alter de- 1 scribing the magnificent financial ability I at the back of Che unequaled UcUlUee for rnnin ,-n.A.-.t .w,. I country, 8lr Henry says: -r , Business,' Not Sentiment. ' . "On Its financial aide the'Americoa Wheat market la elaborated ta nrfaotin and among the grain men of the north west are capitalists of the first magnitude and trained business Intellects of the first order whose main object la life la to pile up the dollars whenever they ae the chance. In a word, - everything , that knowledge, experience, omnlxatloa and capital can do is done and 1s ready to hand in oraer to capiure tne wheat market of I the world should opportunity arts. -The trcomeTV war in which England waa enraged would I imagine the Baltic and Black . perl, SnettTTdmn! jtaeTSt theae drenmstance if any one supposes that friendly feeling on the other aide of I the Atlantic would prevent our American I cousins from endeavoring, aa individuals. I StiTSS ""'Z,"- read the American character and alto. I gather misunderstand tranaatlantie buaf-1 in. other words, . Sir Henry Beton-KaiT I oeueves that we love England about aa devotedly as he knowa-Xngland wvae us I and that our International relations are I on a business and not a sentimental basis. It may be objected that he knows nothing j w nr . vi- . . , . 1 M Vw v. . ww. , , .i.i:viiu ivr.iua CVIIUU7 1 ms country : commercial ktodasS? as smanueetea at uomerioT commercial I imuijttM, uipiomauo- luva i easi s a DO la society demonatratlans of all to -this we reolT thatka does hla atita.- .hnnt th. TtiutnT, Unml. ' I the Saturday Review and about the prrv- I r.rr.,.Z,Z 1 tne atanaara or the notorious attitude of 1 the Conaervatlve- leaders and represents- I ",vef .1 il1" . . J" 'ot I blah American bounder., will challanse I his conduaionsT 4 c- r.- . 1 , , I we paaa air Henrrs eaeer at the mooey I uaauag- ubiisci oi " our American coos I tf..h.. r- i.-v.- ! it carries witn it its own sumcient com- I mentary. The. revelation ef tmocrtance I ?poB tD UnJtel Population and that an heTpwteauons or rriendahip are referable to this notort-1 ous fact . Bryan's Ultimatum, v ;;J! J?: i." The most important piece of newt in the last ten years cornea from Detroit It is Important because it comes from the Hon. William Jennings Bryan and ia as a roi 1 a versa 1 . . i o Ke ivtrvni- .t ;. ' ' "V , . , t -v a aa s ae4 4 levapvi4 4V fcrw -rael I .ent. We must-not work on the principle I 1Ta nawutMoi tksasa eaa.aav 4 A a , a or expeoieney. we must be sure we are hulldlnaF An t Tves rfsfht a PSltltaf. Thari e aver area waa a time when - there -was 4 greater need for the; application of Deroccratlo t .rj. 1 i:. -CL. "eu rf m .a aswa iMVte.siWUt arwa-Jreg VUlQf things than about future candidates for the presidency. " I found that many -Re-I S.n!aT.'I fV0 IMirt named Addlcka.- 1 found that in aoroa I. places tbreeusrtera of the voters had deceived mono - fn- t.. . an-. w. r could not draw the Hps between Addlcka, S mon?dbrr?oV.ho eets. and other men -who bhy offlce for a corporation and nii it for tha latcreata of therporation. : What, my frieods.ol with the money of corporatiooe and go te The senate would not even take up fori conaideratloo, the bouse bill for control of These men are Worse than Addicka.- If you wanted anything from the Delaware man, you would talk to Addicka, but la these other cases you .would have to go to the .masters of the officeholder. I can't draw a distinction between theMnen who sell, their votes for $i and the one who makes 4 minion, trading In party politics. remember a case .where J. I. Morfraq made millions 04 a matter of Republican policy. ; All tbe dUTerenca between A4r dicks, and the reet 4s that he eonfesaax) epeniy to wnai Qtnere ao aecreuy.- ; I have been accused of. preventing bar mons- No . man wants harmony more than I. do, and no one has suffered; mors -for Jack of It 'than I have: but you can't keep in one organisation men who want to'eut each other's throat . They accuse me- of saying hard things about Cleve land. . I never said, anything about blm so bard as did President vicKlnley. wbo saldV "Cleveland Is trying te make money theTnaster and .all thing else the aerv- mt"o v-u: .- - I am not ashamed ' of any humble part I may bare had to . driving out . of .the Democratic party - . man who tried to make money the master and everything rise tbe servant .1 want him in some oth er party tban-oure 1 would be glad to help organise one for his exclusive use. ' The. Republican Outlook.". ""; - - ; .The close of congress enables one to j rum up the political, situation as fares the Republicans are concerned, and the ' evidence Is that President ,RooseveIt has a pretty good chance to get the Re publican presidential nomination. The Republican politicians are not for Colo-1 uel Roosevelt but tbere can oe no auea- ' : on that he la strong with the people. to yon ? No C ttt h a Tei CcrtPacks-a cf CIOVT'S I 0 - 0 - "0 He U the fifth man who has rxvM to tb prci.icocy through ta iW.h ' Li chief, end ix he t to-.:-j:u rj h wiU hare e:fc'.utl . c,v i But there will ct t scythlri itrttx about bla eatabiuhlnt a rx3, bcaos bia wbo2 rrrr La ta nomrnaL. Ut didn't cwnx latd Um jt4 dencx th way tbt other tr pr!!:? lUd. John Ttu n aerred ta both braacb a.' ! cw3ktt ana ua a rconi oo rr nnhllC nHMtlnn. . I nnezpertedly bcaiB prUt h t nd thereby ep'Jt up tie NVt.'x r"J- Henry Clay, tb nvt Jrjprtoa C w- profrrmn5ft which WM CCCtrary to all political optntona Tyler err had. Of course thla rt th adnlaUt ration mnA ,htt -.t wa. 1!! " , f11 'Vr- at lor- eda and coded In the Uttrr aaalhlU- tloa of Tyler. Thr was as lascUrw- . . . "Ilara FTUmore., which deetroynS tfrr Will it I irti ' Ue Whig party, Aivdrw Jalirmnn 4.t a Beoubllcah, aiut It w, I thltb Wt4 Ht Wa A Wif Iktjomi I ana was nominated btcsws dam I Benjamlo F. Butler ddUi the otc- Imvv V . -v,-. president be retBTDed lr bla Democrat lc prlacJslee. '." . . K p . . a " That Famowe, 06. " ' . . -; Th re teal - ILrhf tha iw was In ISO." The greatest tteetlaf that ever took fclae ts 'lnuiv irTrr iZ-L 1. UTI- ChKO tiat year. Tte ooot'nOoa lasted bearty two week. , tUTtrt was loeffable. Oa tho-ooe BAOl the I . r.- m...7ll TT 1 " ldtf 00 the I other nana in w wma iMk,i. i beat OrmntT t Oa errrry baUkit ther 300 vote for Grant, aad the 800 organised tbetaeehret tato an association and vtataJ aah utmS a badge. ' -; , ., ? - I . But ao did not coostitsU majority 1 of that ceorenOoo. rxnalb Ger-Tl J James A. Garfield, who started la with two votes to berto with, rot tbe aorrJ.1 beglo with, rot tbe aocJ. nation. Axtd then, aa a sop to the, jraai-voQaiing. lacooav oesKTBi Coeav I tar A Arthur waa tw!n.4 t. I Pdent. . No laaguage .4A,.Trv-o we antasoulam betweea the ftather I the stalwart. he rviinVT nel reverb the rUoeTof tJ. aethieE- r-SJ!fl K?t 01 " vl Pta Wb4 la-K betlted the presidency Inherited a dirt, ed party. Cokmel Boose re It la the osiy K Plent who ever aoed to presldeDcy. with a Halted pertr at his baclL, - He bas dote : OoTS totars Tf,riKM-. t .v. . . , . uu. lim u 1 wuu OX SB orator; M M I good I deal Of a eokller; be ts a great deal of I - Utf era tear bavin r rtM atl . "tteVlf' "n V? , I -t y,i.. mini .u bdog en athlete. As SetMtor lUQey f Wn baa a Dutch cam aoaen nooks, ana n nri 1 hina.tr m . 1 oeug 4n atluete.. AS BetMtor BaueT I lion tutrd to haat. Tb'Mwin coma to contact With Wca tka tlraj lie U tho straogtst character that was t,inwuwfc f mj oeoeex coo- Ttctloa that the Deraoerat , Vie M- bct'er than the Bepublicana. - Too two tbln wlh A4 deoo that COOtrlb- stcd ttiost to bki borulartty Wer4 fcia mm m ha Mai umiNm .m( 1..., .--111- . w a Dent urre famluee. lie baa a iuumj auuru, woo hla record ta that regard la mnMikl with th arerax i lUrvaTd tord K PDU troorty to the AmerVeA peopw. I um mat Cbioaet Hoovers rt nlAra Iwlnt ihm1.1miI -,-, man -who 4vep beM the oaco. Tb only three) men considered ror the Ro 1. JT. ?7 iT Booeevelt are Senator Marcus A. llao - na. Senator Falrbaka aod rVsslor Spoooer. Thee are til Tery able taeo.J sue me prooaDUiuea 4 r that CowMl w w - -a, KooeeT'it WUl gti the homtaattoa. I -Bertar narn tuy T. bik- I : Tb n Of tho Hon. George Bruce I Cortflyou illtatrstee tLe old prowrh - - - w . - iii a " a sr I that It la better to- be bora tocty I a sl . aam, a. - . I tan and. It also Uustratea th great poeetUUUee ot ItBftVu tfe. Ten years ago Uu 4 aroogrvptxr; . ,:..".. . IT ' t -Tutwr 01 iz. caeur sea I in tb 11B4 of StlrVBtlnA fa t r.ra&. J deocy, Tfu. hla f ha sore of bevoeilPf I TOW uiata ia UMOt SOOcratXra. I Everrbodr who' knows .btsi eaeiTie to rejoice la bls good bck: Mr. CorteL Ta'B PJ'ntarct produced the tauxe Kew Tork havo fonr eel af rJaa na. j b, of tb ntltMt Cooattcg Cokwel Booeevelt 44 a member of bU eero cab met, too two atatro or lews sad Nsw York havo jost b4if, , A Trio'of Editors. - - The Fiftr-elgbtb cofigreoa win be cel ebrated on account of (be treat editor who win be la It Ilea mt of the- New York Amertcan. Hitchcock tf the Oma ha WorM-OersU, UvrDjh br tbe Baa FraacJscd ptsfainor. 'For aoe cthi. I "oouiittble rvaMo hot very tcany e&lora -bave C gored la politics. Jtn4 Wat. "sou -Webb served a terra, aod Uora.-o Greeley and Henry Wsterara sefrvj ( ninety days apkxe. but as a rels ed tors, have sot 4ucctcdd very wU ( politicians. Messrs. II rant, Hitchcock end LUcrnaab ere ttsble ta rut til Cr teres. It so happerji tbit afl tbrre era Democrats which La that couch better for tbe couatry. 7 ; . Bn Tkae raOaA. .""iAdy,", ventured Duaiy IVunla, "T am your locg lost eon. - -! "iiy 400 was Dot long; be wis short." retorted the housewife. Crt out ef here before I reach for the tt'Xa," ! ' Chicago News. , i:o rcy: V V CO, i i e:i:;x U Uhh, ru jffA .rrA tu r.j nuTt. Hnm:iUi54 MtaijL. tu rVe Ta J It ec ;r-rr tUi 'Mn !. i bii . . . ' 1 F i- n Il f-'y a b .. 1 t ,3t 4 trm or caOvei. itU -i et.4 u f4e Ut Ut I : Let px.t:Uet t4 tW wM f-rw D T er4nr m ao4 a t to iLe Ut 1 ct if srrai. Ca f.4ieni a,, eaxvj! isUnv.j. I5-t a ij'u unarU wa ao P1?? n3 fcf ditns) Sa tfrU tVai he taa4'ri,l, . - w r-m a. w m a a-eaj ka m - rv aTTVT BBk -r!rf MtM. lie e 00 rstd, cf csnn. eav- ii triZ. .. Z . . SOOWMs tfiat U 14 U&ir4H 4 ajjliamt freW i- ,f bOt r fsClt 4 4 he a- . 6,ea Wtrf Uxxjm P Ud!-W . r ' BKanl a I'wM-djJUf UJU T Wtirf t4 . V - rpW 10 ipH a4 tl4 l-rtt l - - ' B irmrae a4 oa4 atvptat tHbi4t4 tbe Cdecfae WtwMv 04 ft 4t octaJ. ty4lr4 l a a r " aiaeq mm 9 Ktrti tM t whi t sae4 tirrrauat. 0 ferr taiit,-. aa m-u . ' 1 vUm, fTtoM)OW cbiemlm tKaertvty. TVis si a wtf ! pnttf kovj a4 K ccunlk a e&rL It ika r t. . ' V IW E? C9 t -t 4 n Bs3 ttr4 l fciUim.. , " r-t rtfenofve- teTorae. te! !T IV k 4l4t lcr'w him . ... "'v rwr k ava etieoo Ut tbe ist U r tl pevti-t stt voebks lt UU tt a 'sTesxe;' snUf 4 pMsrttt b ... . . . . ' dapiaf - to eral4 le CM4rr4 . " -T P4fs) I4MS44 el lea lea. - , P'fTMereaUe jvrneai wV i m ewwa If tear 44 t'ent'4 tt;i "- w. a rn w I F8 tCt4. - Wpaifwrt bn'e jif tat brvo, U ertsu m Uve os4 j -A oaly ,: adetinbag trKy. leo wJtB) cceaairtat . tfaarma-ev liaiekaV44 rvteae4 U' 4 fe CTtAaed letate IV44m4, Tie Was Seo4ttstd IbAl to 114 etrni r4e) KSrS aa he otUt ejMivf pr Jees ! am to t4 best rrf tfrd tAai p 1 XBttrase f4j Uaeaeae If to l toei I A.f P.-.M. t, .... - I . r,f -be m C co4t I tM mr. a teocModlUv Id trm 11 taitfel reasesrrr. Weera) tcfc 1 , . . 1 ,"owX o. ia chi4as et eailway riBtVeri suhioa 4tf ooi e&tsj iao4 to 4 tee) 4t rood rt ice) 00 -m Cart, Frr4 rsa 444 llM stomw e Wa tsto4 f4 J Hft 4l B04 Sleiys b 4Cvlv-. lf xoe o ibto tAst he eawt cmt wee ot ooeVf l tf seel st Ike f t reaeeoe leooe atvei e;i. ! iheiiC taSsy tesp'-nt. Is IX olUa I ' 7 I s- Cfer-e, Weert. n U '.hst Coe-Iora eW U pr 1 iuf t- .. I . j'o akl befslf U- dMrraa. TTNf SMf I they 4ft tv djetnet 44 -vU rkJ I rc 4Joa 44 Otf 4 MMt l ai'!fr Irr!.. '.J I wJ a tbowuad tSUt t 'Jtaiii ea I . . . . . . f MU' V I F3 wf. P4t Srta, I ' TO Cl'BU A OiU) It Sat PAT. Te let.Mit tate (,UUe T-' AULrtX tU4 lie )n S t-? 1 iiv C W. Crrf t e-ftaxar a ao ee Ht ft Tbo latbber cessp4iee of &weJ a hare f.rtae4 intU YOU MOO WltAT TOTJ AHCTAR : -.... ta. t re .aCVa tW -t I eeaaaa t iai a t &a. f ! 4 itM) Ml"4 lUi U fc -m If A wooao a fteHbsr eor E34Ua1 tie tj. 44 1m I r sort, t4 !bUntast. Bavaa It la tg. P. A. I1? -f t4flfat. "a, af.t fJt Ba'J&t a l nj( are aa Vet orua i.l lwta, A re mo Sale eky niluii !. r-a?Sv. a.saa, f U i -a aIt IstVaairtt ruiHM-t Pi'f 7!., at U. ST. A F. . fl . 4m ir 7bt au v lie fewfr ray eoU tf ei'l llt .! rlre cli 4i f ca.Ut glr'a. t . j... va unitfH tvivt' t.i & a . ft 4-4 , a ta Un,, i..la:a. !'.. C. S -4 - .'. i a fc. ''''- : . - ! " ' -,( ft ),. ,Mt t. smm f . I ' ' ''" a i t t4,i''.fr-" '' lu..' in) n I 11 '.i Ih'm!m i!. 1 V-e '-t 'r ' H.'Ul j l;l 5 I c ! ' ? tf ; Ml 1 4 1 II f ' e y 1 - . . . 1 . S . v, - . I " .. , -4; - -e r tt IX rx t . .I fr-cl 1 pr . I r-k t-it sl ; s-z rr I J vtrn c-j la- n t . IXvil ri-t CXA - - . - - - r 1 v-. . , j,iw . ii arj bi,cf (ae unrl ii l.t ij y s-,"J r-l JJ w-til laiiV x' a-i rtj cask, aJI fr3 'e ci I'-.c till ijiciic L w-."l em. I erak r 4 IiAle a Que jmsV 4. a , 4a.a V w 1 ii a a "' 1 e at ' ai s j r-. am t! Aw uMa 1V tt - U 4V1 4W44,Uet ftveaj aeerw mt'T ma.i saxm a troaa say ta .Tie. a e i:eeff44J i-a4 lures Cf I trie C'e saaMSv. 4 C1aa.w la. Sa-HMaO a-4 l Tataxw w e TJ4 wiwi k aaaaa.. t a aa lr 4? eae lra la. - ran- ,11 t 11,. 1 mm umm lulla UJ tueU wU ii U4tfjMf U We il ne C4 Vaaaa Wvt e Jwnaai -f 41 nil Is rwia. .Jaia4 e . er te aa. eafceaJet. Oa ,i.aa..4 aa.4 aWS aaa V, t 44 I-- 4a.liae. Saaf awMSeaJa eeea. wWy Sa aa a CAT a, rWeas 41 e4 a,a, Tw te.1 444I a 7 leMs si a He, ret rtt If Ulln rj I. a Ulieta, TVs Iaa4 4-4 VayCt " 444 anew a4 staaw laar Aa a a-rv. f a:i4 Sm A4) r w aa aa aw aMa A aa.a4 t4, eawy ka M. aaara aa vaa aa4 a-w a., aM am a....iar ae I ana t i4a-e tvae Aa-e K-aaaa 4a at eae aa nm , :Paa, eae !a eK-aaa-a f . 4 4 aae .4 t mi''iiLWIJe- . -Afti'i'.U-aa Uce U Ue si-nrWl tl4 U !st-;4txe4i. 4 t-r W iiiMimi .4 44mi ae-l aarw ; a 4.m4. J-a. a-e aaa v.tat.. 4.a,- a awa. H a U- Ciin m a tVV44 aaa a4e 04 4 t Va VawaA, t-a-a aa A.4ol4-ef eeetr a?e-Ve lm ter.e-4,, Ta A A iaae )a ti aA4 a4 S-av a4 aa V- aaa aaaaa ra. W, Havana a I fty, Co-4, 4a4 'ifa a4 Ww e t a.l 4 4-':um rHi saa aMa - im 1. ,4im e-" e-aa A. 4M4 4Sa4 . tn S ta (.WW, 4h tl awl ' Vw'a4 a-a aa-aaA tt.e-.a -v4. a4 e-'" f a?t-r eit fc r ev ve e a suaa aa-t a. Mg i aaaaha. a.u4 it s.t.4 ,y. y. ri w Atw awU tnT'W Iwfaa 4a. M74tye a '4 are csfe lll!f 14 4tU IV tvV. " t4tutfrrtrtiesttr Ja t.ku ewacf iu, i (aMiiwwa, r ,a 4 a-cair kM. a-i- mm a-.-M aman-a. aM f Lia tt.iaaa-a Vi I m t4 k t,a t im f t . vtwn - a lMa-a i a I. ,- fWM HI4 (414 M ,U4 a. . , i-i n m Mrti. 4 , lii'.Mv! U4i 4.i.f u4 i mtmt. it a m a . aa a a ' - I n . u wt nin a4M,4 ii r aa.4 fc4-' la f M a.Vf (f-i4 tr4? U ;' -v Tie HitttU 1 e-t-t; Use ti !re- 1st 1 4ta u a s v ir.r Ta. A r a l".a-a at 1 ) m tMWllif .1 ia X k 4, b t,tiaii4n' it 1 'i t( .ut lit 1 fij Vt 1iii 1 1 I . m : ra ti a 1 . saaaa S S li-y s . ' J 4. a, aa-f, t jf ' .,. a " a- T in . 1 1 1 t ' f lt' 111 1-4 ,lWt II! MJ it- B4I I t a f d 1 ..i t !-.;. e;i i .f tf - t '''. a 1 4 ti , , ! I i t t r ; i , 1 f r x. !.'- 1 f-.-r" t wajUtto f f-e-e at tu4 f, WOOD YAHD. I - ifoitf a vM.f .f it tti , inf !.,; fn:,iat n. ,1,,, W u 1 Sii , 1 ai . ir ia - m it - t.. 1 V il V e jfw, ,tH , . f.. -V a., sr. 4 t& , ' in :::: urn rumve M CAFE, RALEIGH. 11. C. FOR LADIES and GEIdLEMEN. CM DAY 'AND NIGHT. Absbb4BbbbbSbbb4 DAtnr tufvCft. PREFERRED STOCK, PpitK ItYK VVWa Ve 14 Ut r; va4 a If t'Ssak.Oee fte pntnstLvxnu t-re. Cne ytl 3 1W Ca earasveV. f.t. f , Uii.) -a a.- --l I a W nwa a a 1 1 nam km, aim ' Ma .a . ii, a e ...." a. at, a iiiw aaa - r wii -m u 1 t rt. fc'.-V a. . 4 .w 4.1, 4 S a . .1,. MMM. 4. M . ....I . MM m . m. .ui.w4 - m. i. Mi i - i v m i.i 4. in """I m e.(i..a, n, - W - im. anwa . .a m -.. a w i, m m ana 4-.. . . j,, 4m " ' 1 l -i, 1 u n a -ru. 4W.M. oa e-a , ev.. 4MMI Mnt,a.4 fa ,4U.-a ,.,v 4 -.a, ,a a a. .i !-, .hi a. n. m. .v.. -m. i Z)ia4 .' Va 1 , riitrt a .:4: j ; It 1 3-4 .I'liife f!4a t I -. i t. a mc-mA Of a.la.S euL Va Oat 1 r1.H &uA-W J a- t.jV. 11 IU r,t:i ; ...tiaa 14 -- a 4 nx44ttttf a?a 4.'nU.i. V J'I. ir..a :?,. tafta-iS 1:4 a )!-. J in.! t..s u i fcs eo e " "f . ; !.. i f a Z ' TL f. 7 . a !- .11. t i ffaxn, 71.crji' ewftir' o".4 f4VVie't liua .?; 1m1 . ft, i. ",.Varn-a i a eut l.n". I 4.i-w'.it Jiao Ml i 0tHi1. a4 e e Miii i o i.l O h !.. V:n lat. e4 l. r. &if tMi l-'puae eta eta ,4 444,. aaatflase'' f.:'..i!? "Mi tli imi tit, . . J . . . 4 . , .. a A . . . . T. ..I4 .-I 4v T?i.'- a-J 5 I ITf ill' lr 4 4 a-1f 4;maa lir rwr' la m a. . ,4t,i Mi,iir; j 11.. , g W J u ! timiM i i.jo I.4.I . 7 ( .' ' t 4 1 v , a , ' 4 ! T II M -MM , M. 44 ,4 4- ' '."- ' 14 i . , .mi a. . m. 4v 1 -m. . ' 1 1' .ii. 4 (.1 t -. "-" a, - -m n-- - w . , ln,v a ,, , oa a. a aa. A ,awa --...a a II a ! H Sa-4 B-4 ear j V ..-....-.. f""" ' er, ax reaaiia,. n,,. -" ' -1 ,,u- i w ;n. i 1 " III1III41II 1144 IS,! 1 llowfsj4JI Jl i ) ttt t n vctt mix. J : . f ia ' ""' . 4 ' 1 . Ill fm. 7e ( ( A Kt . ir irt S ,t, I t'lg ' , 72 IZ V tf"f l aa 4. a Ik i-a tr In.; ,. 4 if a. ,'nri:ia I. r-t. I , .. - - -a iiiiw i a4.if 'i, .K'WtMRi.iiaaat i . " ' ' !-. ,i iii - i I,. .in - i i in -m.mn. 1 " 4 ! r-r-r fat ta . ' - a !, 4 .1. C--t t ttrt., 4 10 .Z,'mZ' ZZ? V- tTa. 'VV.' a ! .i . ... i . i .- -. , i . . i j V-O 1 smi. .wa.nc taa.1 j ; . ...... -'- ;- . J ? V M. , 4 t f (4M T"i ' ia --! -'f . -a t,w t.nw.im lit : ' """e . t-t- '. J'".. l1 7 . J. t..' - i .... in n -nr . en.... M 4t , -w aaf. ...m; ' " t ' ' 1 '"' a,4. ! -.'. r?I M.t -.:" 1 v. 1 , T.Zt i" f , , '7t'' . , ,Z tm'' A.:' id il. 4 ,4t4MIr i. t."l- t. - " ... ' I ... ... . t. i t J, t ia f ft. l.i "... ' "' ? -.. . K . . SiT VI a , X ;, . , ; , ..',' 1 ".'a 1 i, l.a 1 l.itV-v ,-; . .i t- I i ;i..:4i '..ut . .. :r i- .- t "' " C --!? ; s i ' i. mil ' -' iii - - - i . . - . ,. at ttit li.' 4i .!.. 1 .-. .a- . - t , . a , -! .. .. M ,1 t" i t . . :- H i " ; s 1 I . . i a t .!. . - i"i I . . : , r . . , . , i - - . . ' : 1 f 4 I 4 t - . . . . ... .. . " ....... i . . ; . I 4-t ' , t . r : . . . s .,;.,;,, t r ; . -. 4 t 4 ,- - .;-,.,!, , - I i .... , I , ,. I; I Hi ,.... 1 ' 1 '.i 1 I I a ... ., ,. . p ? v , l.t i ii'iiti t a .. a , , Via t-a , ... IT" la r.a.t. a. 1 - Mat t t t r t - 1 .-- I'ktitk, , -in. i -Vit a :. r., fc, I J -a. i- si I '.iili V, It. MUM' 1 1 - !' Law. 1 4 I. t.i.a t ,., , J't t .... ,, t-4 t't lull", 4. t. .f ;-7.. 4 f at tt-!, a V o, 1 : v "v : V a"' V -i ra K e t t f "v e . r : I fa.t.u.. Wt4 Ii Viv C'w C U lHlH,, v r.Miv. t" klhl nit,, t atoin-., ii L luen-in, 4t V S44 rt HIV Mail Orders. ti 4a : 114 . -'.!. 4 -a, :l ' a Vl 4.-4 ri.4)4 4-' w. cntct.rAs. AtrtC ex. c SEADOARD tw 4 1 4 a w .He, rtt, ;tir a hrt.i., 1 m a a ... 1. r m, a 1 S j , t Ma 4 v f A 4 m i a l'(.li... l i, i j it., T...M. I J -"" " J .: j . . . , .... -. 1 . j i t I i i ", i. if - I , i ' 1 4w4 S'..kM44W' V I a- a m.... , a .v. t-a ..I ,. 4 4 - r-a-a;u t I 4 aa . i et aawua s i j.," hR?M- f :;:, S 4-aa-aa, ff f 4 Sv j t ii ;t 1 , a w ii ,. a , ( 4 t tw ' " i 4 4 I 2 t 1 'v.-j. ! ' a , e i I - - a em m . . j - 1 1 1 .. . .a .ila i ). IHI . , 11 J,iiniii""r' j I .'- "" '""' - 4 . I j " -' ' - -I, , 1 l.Zin.i " ' u r e r 1r. . -. j 1 I S V Iii, r 4 Ot aaa - 4 .4 Mm t-a J laa,aia f t 4 a J ; Hut u 1 " '- ill e : r - 1 . 1 I "MT" 4 f f f l 4- t ' ' 4 a t-m. j ft. 4, : a e :, , 1 ,

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