IP. J$U JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. -m aaav, "a ,... .. .. VOL XXXIII CHURCH DIREOXORT ' 8unday School at 9:80 A. M. - ". - I . Gio. S. Base?, Supt. ' Preaching at 11 A, M.t and 730 P. M. every Sunday. - -Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M T. Pltlkb. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M . Thos. B. WiLDsa, Sup 5 Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7-30 P.M., irery Sunday. , " ' Prayer mating Thursday night. ' -. H. II. Mashburhe, Pastor. bwsoopal, m - - Sunday School at 9:3Q, Cl . : .. n tt tttt:;tt-it it 'tttt'.tt 'tt it CA , rArf tt LETTER Signs of a Great Democratic Revival Some, Presidential : Poibilitie L00ISB0RQ, y. C, FRIDAr EiriSr"" urn-mi - , - i : 1 ' F . - - naa. R- Special Washington Xatter.l ' - . Is'ew. York: Michlean "TlMnA... PaPr re ed- 'tand-Iowa-Ou ' I and tlfiliifr m . po ana ;wtton. 'Wbt i todoboutnr Tvrirt .t ti to no law. rwi u. . . lean luols so too . ... factory and coU womlip U' ,"lu'"-" or pay t&ocfX Butlntit nd PoIIUca. Tha Cincinnati Eo-vatrrr rTf fv. yvuuui atfldUf -r C 9 . .. '?;;: . VTOl h Sunda "C" W were gn, of sJ ff Kwoicbir -tr."'- - Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon, a Democratic revival. DemocrVtraret ?Cft, W" Srot cf 4 ,11,!,,;: , iruiuui oniDdir nvhtino ; i .uu nc-u id uTt:wnn i - i rr n..i i w , . LODGES. ' - Loniabnrg Lodge, No. 413, A. ,F- r . A. M . muh Ink anil . 9i Tho.4 i.-rot:fe88xoiial cardd, ' gPKUILL & ALLRED. " : " ATTOKNBT8-JAT-LA.W. Will practice In all the Courts. Offlcea In )R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, IXU18BTIJRa. . ..'i.a - lceOver The Green ft Tarboro Ub,s .Store. . V -f)B. 8. P. BDRT, . PaACTICINg PHTSICIAN AND SURQEON. . ; : Louisburg, N." C. Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt St km. b urug store, on rvasn etrert. JJBU B, P. YAKBOROUdH. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, , ' LocTHBURe, N. C. OIBw find floor Heal bulldhic. nhonn in Night caltB answerel from T. w. Blckett'g ! miaeuce, pnone . B. B. UASSBNBURO. putting on their fighting clothes every- '""t""1 wui-uiaiie it not for Repab Iicsms from now till the polls close in oveInbe.l904;- K r- : l; -' ' ' '.;Imwa in UhniiAvu.j t . -a. -T- " """m governor oar.i Tin is floffifcTlirhest to glye the people iiwni ana intelligent adminlstra tion. : T&e lower hnino tare is wth him. but snfortunately the senate is & thortmo'hiv: lican body, compley under the thumb or General BraTtonT who k the greatest bossn America. In Uttle-Rhody they still have tb same apportionment : they bad -when the Indians - were drlTen ' out 'of the uuu. o mat apout one-fourth of the people eteet the senate. In one district seventy-eigM voters elect a senator! , -vowi oi . ine matter is that Braytonand his venal senate thwart the beneficent purposes of Governor .Garvin and the Democratic bouse... The fight which-BossBray ton is mak ing on Governor Garvlnla keeping the latter constantly in the- public, eye. and people are more, and more Considering r.v.uVUi,a, possiouity, even Massachusetts most, of the prelidenflal aoout es-Attorney Genera! and ex-Secretary of State Richard Oluey., There can be no question that the Bay State delegation , will present Ms name to the convention and do all in its power to secure for him the nom ination. ' , - ATTORNBY AT LAW. Win practice in all the. Court of the State Office in Court House. Signs of a Reviving Democrat In fact, the great number of men who are grooming' themselves , or being groomed for the DomroHA tlon for president is i proof, positive thr MARCUS C. WlNSTEAD, J e Party is in a growing coudlUon. Besides Olney and Governor Ga rvfn already nameO. there are William J. Bryan. Grover Cleveland. Arthur 1 J?aTlJ Hill. Judge Parker. aru, Tom L. Johnson. M. EL Ingalis. Francis Marion Cockrell. Alexander Monroe Dockeryc William J. Stone; Carter IL Hnrrionn n..M r James D. Richardson. E. W. Carmack .w .U tt- r rancia. That list con tains everv. shftria Antni.. i : v.,iuiu iuai nay- body would deem nmti. -tT . a wcru UT lh moat libera! construction. Indeed. I some of the names thereon are not con- mcu mi uemocrauc ny Democrats. Of course some of those men have no more chance to h TIAmlnnfiul - ' Dreslilpnr th.B: f . . . . translated a )a Elijah In a: chariot of uul me . vfrv rant- thaf k grooming, themselves or., are heine B'vvu' vves uini democratic pros pects are getting brighter, for men do Win practice in all the conrta of -hankim I " . tronme to .secure nomlna KWaft JPP-" ar? worthIess- may be oirTuircolirtar u"" DmBm "nw i-suiery preaicted that whatever else the vAu-jq am uwiwr fma tJtLTLori tfmifnf. - ; t.wji. J-rvuwrrauc. CODYeDtlOll i iimv " no it ro ill i - j 'ii . ATT OBNEY-AT-LAW, Louibbubg, N. C. Omoi oviB Corner Drug Store. Special Attention (riven to collections." Practice -wherever services required. ... v JQB, J. B. MALONK, 'HACTIOINO PHYSICIAN AND SURQBON. , LortsBCfta. x. a ..." - Office over Ayeocke rrug Company. JR. & 8. FOSTER. PRACTICING! PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON, Loniabnrg, N. a Offioe over Aycocke Drug Cam pan j-. YM- Haywood ruffin. attornby-Lt-law, ' and val'i 4B rrxminnt rJtrj tnn m " - aaa ijijtt. tl lh,ir inaM left hiS Wife anrl vn ti.,. 4the Indiana in ; Illinois. , Now, there's history for you.; He left bis wife while ,t:IUV, reaignea- me gOTernorship end- went to, live with his rriends. the rui if .CeneraT-notiston was ecrin Illinois at any tjme la bis life, and It oiaw uodduu ir a Cherokee Indian ever set foot In Illinois. ; Of court. .iueaeire amau matters, but they lima trate the truth W the old saying that '.'Homer nods." Th Aa -t .,. wife by, Houston and bis resignation Of the governorship of Texas form one a A . . - . lujatenous chapters la American history. - Houston never explained It himself, and nobody else has ever done so. Per haps It never will b explained. Only this much Is known that whan ,m . . m. w wv I nls wife and rMlsnM tK. '.h.. v . . . ?. - "vr- ""' mro toe wilds of Arkan- s uu irrea-witn ws old friends, the Cberokees. adoDttne their main. rr,o " I aoool "Without IKr .L4 oi me iexan war foM rn l( tfc ,r FOR RELIEF Many Desire to Bo Cured cfiho l!so of Drugs. In... i. . . .J IS TMll-flar HirtEf U.lr Cra4 Aruf eUf.. tteir u tk ' Lsi4t " (cod Tise Dickl ' DRINK Ja J f Dc I . 1 t : .'.It 1 . r f ! s .i t i i - ' it I . r i a r V .5 mti. inf., I ) i - , , a) a t I t ( r . .tr n-tSwi k. if-, v I ...... . . . ' - 4 lf 1 r I. ' . ' -" aijf ts t. S l r.t, fv(X M --aw ft. a r ... th ri ik., r" H- ami rt KapebUcan Ka . - uv.iiia ar im aartf Sw ta amw I WCSAU of h a a f. - k turF z w. w wat t a. I ?j5 "TT ! .Wa th strr. TW I ';"-J WMit- ltht I 10. -"aw mil ui ranhui - i . . I w o . .... Prl Uiay hla .WrVnir: U Sm Yoak .. a.. KlfTLrf. f ti..k,..,. ""w aa .. . . . t"l w at "!: i.i Tt-. ; i.,..., - 1 , ' . . ' t fJiHOH. B. WILDBJR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AOQISBtTB. V. L I - 1 a aengntrul day in Boston. .Offlca on Main atraet. over Jones Cooper's going with my little son Bennett to see I Bwitor nm mav -ne it., win nnt k . us'.uuu. iooouy will suffer from ennui. Quite the eon-' New England and the South i spent a delightful day In Boston. Jpm S. SPRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AOUISBTTBO. I. C. vmi . . k.. ... . . ... m buwiu urn uourts oz jrranauin, vanee. GhranvUle. Warren and Wake conntlea. also s, cuiAiiFv Bbwuuuu gLVGU lo GOUeCuOZlft. w - .1 apiw an uavaoi rp w.bickbtt. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. irOtnsBTBe v. a ."7 Prompt and painstaking attention given to ww wry maitr intrusted to Ms hands. :.. T -t. v ? e , ue- aonu Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John down. She did her full Bhare dur- tePrlPKifW ? Revolution-perhaps more than ton, Glenn fc Manly, Wlnaton, Peoples Bank ner share and took it for granted 'that IflHUwr Hill mnnnmsnf irn ni v.,. . " w..., . ouutll UB1I. Boston Common, the Oid South church. wuere toe tea was fbucked into the sea "and ether places of inter est It does a patriot good to see the places made famous by great deeds or great speeches. On every- hand In Boston are mtmnri.ii ft k- . w. .usu lvr givm ueau. Of "Course Boston and Massachusetts Ia law f.jh J'. viaiiu tu uHiK imno mns-A at. -VM1. uiVIC lLAsau .zztfjr BO tuaiiy did during the Revolution, but vc vau turgive mem ror magnifying their achievements great care which they, hare taken to preserve every scrap that throws any light on their history. . , , That Is -Dreclselv whtrt tsa wm, uienn a Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank Monroe, Chaa. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake Por- Office over Neal a Co. 'a Store. yy person; . ATTORNEY AT-LAW. tjOUISBUBS.V.a Offlea on Main Fraetteaa la ail eourta. street. yy H YARBOROTTGH, Jb. , AT10ENEY AT LA W. LOUISBURG. K. 0. ' . Offloa in Opera House bnlldlng, Court street .11 . ...... . iu legal Dusineis intrturted to him wux receive prompt and careful attention. J)R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, DENTIST ' LOUISBURG, . . W. c. ! Offlea over Furniture Store. HOTELS. FRANKL1NT0JN HOTEL FRANKLENTON, N. C. t.nhll Good Lhwy Attached - . -- .w. Siimi Uiai history w.ould do her Justice. She left uci; inuie id cuanm. unii mi.m, ka. .... - i -: . una played her a. scurvy trick. The recol lection ..of -her great deeds is fading, away,: andJn another century the cas- nal (kkiiJaM .llt uw reauirr win oeuere tha New Eng land did It all. that YnrttnTpn la -k urb of Boston. and that the south had no labor Dart In the fmnwrfii . am not complaining of what the north . 1 111a 1 ri"M 111 -.in r n a a 1 think she Is to be commended. I am -: "O : mnnitvHuii -. me SOU ID lost by not pursuingihe sfime plan. : If uiiius or tma snnth hoi a. . yoiea more to Hterfttnrp nr ia a Itics, It would have been better for her. Homer Nods. ! , --'.':-- P Onis astonished at. the large space "eu iw-euKonais m the Boston pa perselaborate editorial Vnr In(n the Herald must &t.hf of editorial matter a" day. - As a rule.' iuy tar excellent and accurate edlto: fiala. I was surprised,; iberefore, tt find that ene of th iAatmr Piu. .. pers declared that on one occasion Joslr jjuukb went conions team it t iAtnmi. O Adam! NOW. I am a Miassnnrfnn and do not Dmnnsa that tha mn trloug living Mlssourian. Mark Twain." aKflll Via rlAfkilH.J .a . ... a v &ay or oia laurels. MarlTis the mnn wh-. eat all ar.A.14 -. . w w,, Utt; VIU11U laughing by; weeping at Adam's grave. independence roused him as from tha iiuiv 14111 come. : Doffing the raiment of the rav age and donnlntr tha tion. he rode into .Texas on a borrowed horse, became- commander In chief of the Texan forces and at Ran I.M.t. wrote his name on the scanty list of thrtmmAirf.1. r - ... . tuiuiuiiau. rif nirirnr m r. A ( ' . o M . v uwu era been greet came beca Once piiaet aemanded KIs pass. The oM ayjuier anew himself on Droadrr nA Said. "San Jnrinfn la . ti pass anywhere in the state of Xexas.- A Jab at Fairbanks. -JThe Springfield (Mass.) Repuhncan contains this vicious sqalb: enatorCharJes W. FaJrhanka '"has mhM 'Pr North Carolina to p" Who la Charlea w. Falrtankat . This Jab" at Senator Fairbanks Ts eminently; unfair:. Senator: Fairbanks Is not nearly so obscure a man as that wouM indicate. Truth to ten. he stands; third In the list of eUgihlea to the TBepublican Domination ' ' Flrat comes Roosevelt; second. Hanna. third. a uuaa; tourtn. Bpooner. This about aThan04a av. .... .. . nw usti u KOObevelt and banks tanda a , rattling good cha for the nomination. . A Boston paper Insinuates that Sen ator, Fairbanks Is busily engaged In buying , out the southern delegates. Nobody who knows Fairbanks b Ueves a word of this, in the first place, he has entirely too much sense to bu them so long In advawe. for the great charrtrfHi ts. ... - .w. w. tuv avuiurrn delegate is that he wiu not stay bowht for any lenath of m if .v doubts this proposition, let him read k. . - iDfr im iik i . ' - w mivw aod i i ""..- - .- I I. ..a.. "f mwiatcfM Ita fta. a.A- a Ti:iIJ 1 SSSRSHa jl jb . " ' 1 r Akt tttf Lai CI.. . t. 1 . , I ' ll . II III I , 1 (.f , k. isalaM4.'.-. - . a ' ' ' m, & i i-mi ij, LT " ' . 1..... a. '.Cr,r. IWia.ak at,.uk... ... i . . ; . . ri-aa Maal a,.- . Jk-... - 'J - "--' II I: v that tlMV Tll"7rT . I "BWiUCf A tlj NMM.'., A a . . I tftaa tk-J, kkkll ' . , . v v. aa usu DBVlRai PkaSl maaaaa AT at ... SrVfaSHl Blk.aSI-.A BT "k." aak - at u nd an ItttaiatW, w.C! Wr.wt. fiiil tla W Then tha. k .k.. . ,rW WCtf. Mat It s. IVla I trkk . a ' . - . ljtA4 u tui rm a . k-jf k . . .... p .. . . . ' " 4a. ' a a - att a tu. J . . . . .. .. a.ni. m ...... . i I. 1 ;i Maia a a-. ..id at. f 1!; ta . . . J-a.aHik,,,,,, jVJ.a Jaua-a-.ta,.,-, 4 '.' l?f ra awa A . .. . a . .. .k ' awng-rr , ai V K,U al ' -L U.AH l.a.A.A.al 43a W .kr" niatorr. Kaa t lr" it) M Qf mwa tta- ..l a. 11 lki-ia ha.,! k... imlM i. iirL:""' " i . I " w aa-ataMtatM I - - m-miv aa.rrtr.nl i a smnp a aa a ta ... a.. i.ii,a - .. aataaaj atf aaia.'k , - ,L1 f a , iijvkaaa -..aTat. ZZZZ i k- aak laa " akaJtT-LJl mil niJssaVt-f ta rhUIpp, Tha aaia v t --mtt U fie 7. wvi aacm aa f Aa-v i.k.t. . , . - - a . . ... .m. v, chance H-V.'arnr tlaT Yk -r f - " tt 1 Aai jtBen- n?. J, V. JrlaTT;,.? "mtr4 CU 1 eed n an4 Jath and At..ZrZ ZLrZ- Ua Ofi mii. a..- . . v . . . . IM. -a.. T'?'"7"..,r"w Wrtajaja,.! nZ' ZTZZrZVJr cooaity. All lav. U,. M John Sherman'tbook. Jh k.k Zlz I..'.1 ",5,r7 t 1 ftneV r' lWanaal.WW TV out uassell A. 1 our B.- M Lir..."- --j '.k -. .-'. -ft - s 1 rPM tit, aW-a ras.lwa-i.k kt . rL. rta Aaaaaav . rv a a MaV 1T1,'IW'Nb 4rttMafBtjBS9 tfftay (Bjaajal 'iMSJIVaMMH aBaM a aaa, AWaAa4 1 mlt. .mmZ taaian .,4 aa Ma an 'ki. . . . . . k.- . ' , a " J a. . . ,. ., ,M - .jwaA fata. ' X.- asn'aiai tnTziJtrt.av au tt. lMa m a..a: .k ..a . k. . . WOOD YARD. truth w. k.77!" Tv' w - aravw. ror in aak. A.ger came along and bought bem r.n; "t ' W away from him. e. .... a r I anj ir ma .1 .K-Ti-:..lt7. e?"'4 I .siV. m. r. a... . . stantia Uy in hi. celebrated book. An- J'.J1 tha.ktLaa -rJ L ? I a- " Saa) aajaamaasrijaa SJS1 I - - , aaj craaa CAica Al Kad Sb0t, wvtra! EltfaJ aa.a rt cotatef t tW aiiratio . j lex . iv . i t lS ta 7nMi j a. .a a t .. as-ataaaj Mf..l . W"A-' fS J f(,nn( .. " -wfk vwa. AO' ouier, ininar. 8enatnr Pai.h.v. i .. -.7""" w v wii wiaaa&ai aai arirv. a au u u i a unsaiiiii aaaiw a .aaam sldered an honorable man by those who Republicans aod Drracrau aau aaafea know blm best In view of these facts rJL?. "t? ' rraT, . the Springfield Republican U not doloj ,c tZtTltZ.r"" th 'n well to make month. t ...:: ..5 ..rSUl!!! 7!'.' - "' air- i -- arooor. banks, . .1 . .k. . .-. Philadelphia idol Makera. It la girea'out that rrealdeat Ban What ar we coming to anyway? I1. fe.'f .rtila oC hla aw aocnl- It iia Hsfay laCMtaia, Aoaat rtrr t Vt citA. . fa-ff f s-W I Aa. a la a.B a aa . . - a ' '.""" r"a wmm- aM4aMa.ti tLr U Fkar M aj m, , , a a l.T w ra.iaaciaMA, J This has been daotAriwrt i k . rk7. tlan. country bv a uniomn ,1.1.1 f tiff attiniAasrrnsa, AAa .I IL. a a. . - .h. - ; - atM v uani fllRtn, I -a.-. a ' m w f fir0J In Philadelphia Is now eogagJa ,mPrtt thea tha arlaUo fj. la manufactaring Idols by the wholTl Ur4 to aoQltuted. ao t2 aoie i or tae neatben to wershipf That I 7 7 kr0' Ma, da to p aems aimost incredible and would not ie believed were the fact not vouched for by unlmpescbable witnesses, - what. .la. ct-ITI " .k . . ... I IB la lK IKmou . .k. ... av iriui lu ma m inn mm u trva. dent RcseU u to tl 'ta W U on baring the wisdom and fornix I Frwa sqW c.- a rj ! ala to sea tha. approaching atrra awl to I . f try to prepare for It fJW. S I? Wt! 01 r l tU clt, Is la tW too. gad tZZZl TlZttZ tO tatar tvtarf . t a a.t. . .. H'Wfciaj.l ta aJa kk-a a. natloa that h tA atifl 7ZT' ! vuaninc mar Atvd ka. at - w nmiiu uht a . aa. u ... mriaTij n, . ...... alkliaav aaaa) 0i. - la th Sam a ; saaaaLr . , I a I a-art,, gt - - J . vr. a---- 5 ikUSKS, ril OBI. alas.-will not the abnormal love of money induce greedy men to do? It is written. "Woo unto bim that putteth the bottle to his nelthhor'a iin.r i. k.j, . .7 7" - " mwv .i uttuio say the very least of It lar estlmatioQ for the 'low' -.. w.a-. Li . yasg Vr- sra aaaa i sSs wii rsfe- aa tn. - " twrS. ' Ct ata , m .... ' ' -a-:rf a a J A COB II VA NS. tBa a4a aastAaaiui . iMl.ai t U a taanAkS .a,,,! , . V7 Uiffl f - It. T . , aVaJ fwjra.taa ' J at, mmi4 la CU 3U-lrl-t , f,T 11 ; ,,f , Ufa, t anj Ttt.ju j: t Jr tja-4.il.:.... t u., JJ-naa it. at.i.-ataa.r. j;. c,., am'"1 at 7.1.1.: .a at.farA.kB . . t . . , " a.r , .. a . . " " " T- aA Uaa .,;.., f. a Aaiitla M ?a tla l.ia i. 1 k-af , i.la U !' aar u. , i t j... , t aaavli e-tre l aa . a 1; . . . , 4.T , Ska, attkg ak.j. tu 4 mmmm aaU J. A . ? . , aa a n. a.auk. tm mm . aaa ... a Good-aacomodatioa for the" traveling !YJll''tbt Jobn ablte. . - , ""g j Qulney Adamg is the author of the . MASSENBURG HOTEL : J "I Sfj9Lssienltup)r - Propr HENDERSON, N. Or Seed seeommodationa. Good fare: Po , fta m4 attantira rvMfr l NORWOOD HOUSE ; Wirsartoa. 7 .Korta C:rcl!ai , Patronage of Commercial Toorlata ana Monroe doctrine hpp refuse to repeal, the decree hanishing 3AaMvaa TTTt 1 1 1 . Jl a. f . V "ums. out i win not permit f .i , -:" 'V I trr to nn-nara t. . . v m a laisti k-uui rrar flwras riiiniitti a . - - s aa a ra t n m i riaa mm r a a a- - - creatures to .wnrahint .tr-i.... I playing in great lurk, 48oa ae4 Wia Aa atlr.a a aense In sending missions ri. I rao mw rvfua a tlca rskjotui ro I kJibtt mrtdik'. .,i1l a.. . . a.n i.-.ii.. . 1 Inatfon. Tti V r . . I atirraji T A .... . ..t lravrArmaka ta ltS5. Ut . tU .ka I w'rs J A naf ..tWa Mlta tsiiwaat, tail aaaa lrie ku tUtrav. . Taa, Aaal atw3 I, ta W a am ,1. kkkf a a A ..a i.... . .. .. ttal . -wu.,,c tu ura hi. (111 linrtl In Mnl...l a ... . . . . Tha th1nA1ut. . . .-IM07" I Ot Of -fivav fA LWiunat a,.i.t. and are'wiilinir t mm . JL VI V- '-i i ' wl-ufe tfrma ta Nt5. h Ut . g.ca tatta . w i mMa " " ' ""f I that the BwinhtT-.. .k 1 . .a . . I f uiw t , I paiw, aa w-y faj,, maker fuatifv 7b.7nB;T..r. odU th Iirnwtt SBrt of t.H L. . " that Enaland ind nm.vTrv7.:" reform ' They re ,0- fcIa T "" WV What of tt?-England, and Germany Vl Jj:1 t? Iiave monarchies..-Muat we mnlotaln V?. .T rowfn ih's gaord via -- .. i)ia ppota tafarta 1 iai aa .... - - w w imk t Mr. CiJia g t. Cal tft I Mtf ionsiimpiion fi . r. a mon.rrhv t vL " Z ... I Wh-th Ih-y nroceaalon" C r W re la esmct remain. t " ' The same sort of logic br whlrh 1' Ptl '.WY?rk WorU ' booking it Idolmakera Justify themaelva. m trover cWrt- to Justify any criminal or uu.tu P"0'0- mad ta a performance iTrltLt lt ieiole J1 t7 ntn must do It h,a 1.! pwp,e baT ort futmorka. fot good or bad. we must bo In U if Vl .w - , "uo wua Hr. ru.r.t ICJr tj - ncrJcCtal More ami )m. . i,m I " rreqneotJy and faaoratfy I , , . . . tonodertgo.V-,7 h copicarcjcamir-trulo:: becomes e motto?. this bU v, l350"IIT " FrTyL: 0,1 ?U0 i$ a Cti nbfc disc a uiiiuH muiivY in nna a niimk i. m . i and fortunate tliino- tn st ir .i . - o - ! uuucauj a nd decently done, b n t if au. t ... j - .7 t r 1 I - occeacy. violate moral . y.., A kJ -m precepts and outrinr- tho rn. t7 f f "7 jI'jjC J CMd min imi1'irAm.k i .kj y W- I. wui u. luru pulling ' LOGB'S PREFERRED STOCKS -CWiDfKni..2 . I '12 - - zz . 1 . ..... " (rrr -.rr j : 1 . i-' 1 SB -awa k a a I t ataaawa a. , , a-aM.. a,.M,""" mmm --"- A , a .. .. . ... v; IM a ti.a.s.( i, ta ) t. U J.ejj-krWP tr.aj .f 1 t I 1 ,n ,..., ,,' : i 0 . 5 . Ittaal (taT aa, .r HIB & t m . . . . a - . . A k...aa uaa --a r-aa. w wuca HU rflr-aa iit t " Va ... .... . t arto 4ataLaM Aa aV aatMBk. ae a a avaaaa -4f taaaaaj-. I a Aa I.-.'i .. . . . .. . . - 1 '"w aa Ml u A, a-A. ,toi w a,., ? 'Jt r I a. ga I r. iITTalg ri. ria. s aa tiW ss.ait,, ,ultn Ala sumntinn t a , .t;.,. xa It neHe a? .r. . . . aMllia t.f, , , 1 . a . aMa.l .-a- a- a-4-..,- t ...., ; - If t.-aic-A,sW PEWSTLVAMA a2 C a - at. f .4 aA t , ' u s a a t- .. ' a . ' 4 Grove's; Tflsfeless'. OunM ' llaS StaOCd tshf t .n. . tm 'A over Ono -nVik uJprMr 1 fvrc-j cnm:m c:: over uno and a Hdf LiiHion battfo , f-f fmZi, ak-nn-1 JL aa a 'WWk UiaiJ 1 W W W 4 V,. that is so'odca incur b'r At the feint est tkispldcn el consumption gtt a tof.li a Scou's hnuliion arJ Tlic use cf Scott E4T.uU.0rt iat once. in thocrar .it il TT.Cxl a.r... .1 . I "'1 m 1 r a w a i A. aaa, A.A, A, 'Wilbar's 4 jaa . Via a- aaai JF rfOw rJl CWWkfa ' "A1 taaaaaa. a. in. . . -isa . t a. a . --a t .,.( . j ... aa.a a ta aa a ..i , .;; , . a-aa... - ak. a t as : I ., ..j., .. ... Ill I -a i-a !..( . . . i.i . ika I.. . 1 A t 4 iurr.ci tr.e La: ir.ee in Nc!cctcilco:,k5urr.p!,cr.t!--i I5-' - - .. r.ot exist wherw Srw?' .1. T.7 ".. " Mon 1 v I rcmr-t vstti Sor-.tt I ion cr.rv the clr ! ri'i f t- . ,.. J f ,. k , , . f '! M 4 a ,f , i'Ul''''""'' a. ... I ) 1 !..-. a a 1 ' i 1 . .... ... ... k i , ,. ;( ' '-"ikik- ..j1 ... V " ', ..a 'k , . i . l a ..a.f " a- .a , f r . . . . ... v 'l -- ... . t ...a : a . . i ; a k a ' I. r " ... ... 7 ,1 ' a.l r . 4 i H: 4 4 a 4 la a, 4 : C I a ,1 T, lirk.trk -. - r t 1 - ka,. i...' , ll'j I a aar a t a r s 5 t I.-, a. - ..i .iii-it!,.,, ;.- k ; : ; .- r. llilll i "..Hiatal - ; t jaj, , 4 . I I l tu li ,f .,,- J, . : 4 i 1 I 4t! t Tk . ,stti.t araj,a at. 't I t.f C ,- -T ? .... . 1 t I r. . j Tiaa ftt-faQ ...! ;.aa 1 raveling PubUcSoUdtad. rr..:-e J ufth every I rrJs h a Ten Cert cf C?.C VTTS ri.-..4..."i - - a w a. u v 1.4 i k.