JAS. JU THOMAS Editor tsfl Proprietor; TlHIO COTOTTT. 4 VOL XXXI II LOUISBURG, K. G, FfJDAY,- AIT.1L 17. ' CHURCH DIRECTOR " JtSTHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. II. - Gno. 8. BaxaaJBapt. ?ery Sonday. v. - . , Prayer meeting Wednesday nigat, 11. T. Pmlml Paator. ' - --' BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. , Thm. B. Wants. Sapt 6 Preaching at and 7:30 P.htV wery Sunday. ; - - , Prayer mating Thursday night. -H. H. Mabhbbbhs. Pastor. . . BH800PAL, Sunday School at fl:30. 4 Serrices, morning an.i.nignt , on 1st, 8rd and 4th Sundays, Bvening Prayer, Friday afternoon. I - - XODQBS. V Louisburg Lodge, No, 413, A.' F. & A. M.( meets ; 1st -and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month.- - V Vrotbssional cards, . gPHUILL & ALLEED. 1- ATTOaNBTS-ATta.W, ' Will praotlce In airibe Courts. Office In Loalnbarg and Toangsvllle, N. C D R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, s: DENTIST. . LOU18BT7BO,' '. N. ft. Offloe Over The Green Tarboro Oo,' Store. jB. 8. P. BURT, PaACnoiNO PHTSICIAH AND 8URQBON. liouiflburgj N. C. Office in the rear ot Boddie, Bobbitt & C'o.'e Droa Store, on Nash street. i : yL B. V. TAKBOaOUQH, PHYSICIAN AND SUBOBON. etm anA flnnv Han', ttnildlnir. nlione 88 Nlitht ealU answere'l from T. W. Blekett'a I residence, phone 74. ' -: 11. MABSBNBTJBO, ATTOBNBT AT LAW. LouiaBvae. w.a Wnl praetlee tn aU the Courts ox the State Office In Court Hons. M ARCUSiC. WINSTEAU, ATTOBNB5Y-AT-LAW, Louisbubs. N. C. omoi ovsa Corner Drug Store. Fascial AttenUon gtveato eoUecUpna. p ractlce -wherever aeryloeB required. -JR. J. K MALON, PaA.CTICla PHYSICIAN AND BtJBQBON. LosisBuxe. r. c." Ofliee over Aycockft Hrug Company. R. K. 8. POSTKB., rUAOTICIlSQ PHYSICIAN A BXJHOBON, Louisburg, N. C; Otnee oTer Ayeocke Drug Company. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTOBNKT-AT-LAW, jbouisBvae. v. a A7TTi fvMUtt stlce In all the Courts of PrankBn snd adjoining counties, also in xne oupromo court, ana in ine uutea diw iwh Circuit Courts. . omoe In uooper and Clifton Building. rjiHOS. B. WRVDbjK, ' : ; ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, ' ' LOUIKBVM.S.O. ''....t..'; omoe on Main street, over Jones Ooopefa tor. ' y S. SPRUILL. ATTOBNBT-AT-LAW, tOUMBTJBO, . C - . i - : Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance. Oranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. . Offlc oyer Bertou's Store. T. W.BICBLBTT, STTOKNBY AND OOUNSXXLOB AS LAW. Prompt and plnstk1ng attention given to very matter lnteusted .tohsnd. - Beiers to uniex uu "?.1'"f " , un. tnht W Winston. Hon. J. C KienTt Eyfwnl? S of Monroe, Chsa. B. Taylor, Prea. Wake For- st OoHega, Hon. av w. lumwui Office over Veal A Co.'s Store. H. pansoir ATTOBJrrr ai-law, bomsatrme, a. o. Precuees tn all eonrts. Office on Main , street. w. H TABBOBOTJOH, JS. ATI OKJTETv AT LA W , LOUlSBTIBa. H. C Offloe in Opera" House building. Court street All legal business intrusted te him erlll receive prompt and careful attention. J)R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, - ' DENTIST, LOUISBUBa, -" H. C. ; ; I Office over Furniture Store- - - :"" HOTELS. FR ANKLINTOK "HOTEL .&. W. (ZOIWiiY, Ttp'i. : Good aeoomodation for the traveling Good Lhevy Attaehed MASSENBTJKG; HOTEL t E MasientTire- Propr ; ; HENDEBSON. IT. a Hoed neoommodations.-. Good fare:;: Fo ., Hta sad attemtiva eervaairl S y NORWOOD HOUSE I w WirMrf lurla fare" V . ' " - , ,.4. rW. J. AORWOOD, Kropr1etor4 t ataonaan of Commercial Iravellat PabtteSollaltoa, ' ';','.v;';;freedr-'-'r'" Tourists ant C hamp r' -? " atav' m - rj f DSpftcial Washlncton Letter,! O be perfectly plaba about it, tt seems that' some people, - "who are' given to seeing hobgoblins and ghosts, are laylnsr too mncb stress on ex-President Clereland's pro posed swing around the circle. :lt may be that Groyer ia estimating the. edu cational 'effects of that" moch adyeiv. Used tilp too Mghly himself.'. vThls is a free country, and we .gayr'."Let him swlngr A - president of : the .United States once swung; around the. circle, hoping thereby to 4 drum t up r votes enough to ruminate himself to succeed himself,- -exit his -swing was a" teetotal failure. The writer of this Is not author ized to speak for, G. C. and therefore does ; not know . that he Is ' swinging around in search of votes, but if he is and his whole past justifies the belief that be.-iSr-be . may be, and perhaps Will - be, as greatly - disappointed as was A. J. In 186a So let' the old man travel. - It will not hurt him unless the train jumps the track or there is a col-1 lisloa things which may happen to all travelers and his perambulating about the country -will not hurt anybody else. He may even pick up some valuable Information to enable! hkn to write some more of his delightful essays on fishing- for the Saturday Evening Post of Philadelphia, the paper started by old Ben Franklin, G. C. shines in that line of literature, and it causes people to have a kindlier feeling for the portly old gentleman.- Be is doing no. harm fishing until he turns fisher of men. As long as he sticka to the gospel of laaak Waltojn beds all O. K. If people could ; be convinced that he is . not a candidate for president and atjbis age he should not- be, be is sixty-six he would! receive a more generous wel come .than be is likely to receive as it is, but unless he chokes offisucb yaup ers as Joseph Pulitzer and ex-Govern or Charles T. O'Perrall of Virginia his trip Is likely to be construed as the de vice of. a perpetual; candidate and: be will find the cold shoulder oftener than the glad hand, ;" ; '- : A Wise Constitutional Provision. , ., ;; The constitution ef ; Missouri contains a- provision which . authorizes . the "gov ernor to veto any partlcular.provision Of an appropriation bHl or to scale. ItT down.?; What, sp pity that -a- provision like that was not placed In the federal constitution! It would save the people millions annually. , As It now Is the jobbers all seek. to tiaye their jobs fasK tened on to a bill of general Import and general necessity. That done) they feel certain that the president will not veto the bill of Which their Job consti tutes a paragraph, section or item. The Missouri plan takes from the jobber his golden opportunity " provided: there la. an honest ;and conragcons man in Qte executiye chair. . : .:-. : ; - " There is another provision of the Mis souri constitution . Which Is invaluable in opei-ation. That la the -reqiurement that on roll call there most be an af firmative vote cast by a majority of each bouse in border to pass any bill. If that were also a part of the federal constitution, it Would cure many legis lative ills., . . ; ' . - Kfl The Philadelphia- North American-' .Wanamaker. paper e.nd therefore ;Be puMican says: "As a stern warning to officeholders the assistant attorney gen eral's will be acceptedV and a change of metbods'- wtll. be effected in the of fice.' ThifyWill be a severe Wow to the get rich quick concerns and Mr. Ty ner's clever young relative." "Truth to 'tell, Tyner had been in his quiet official .berth so long tbat people thought he was dead. A great many public men live too long. . Lee's Stotue. - The ways of making an ass of one-J self, are so numerous that' it may $ be superfinous to -point out oner more or less. The fact that .the legislature of .Virginia -has selected' the ' statnV of General Eobert E. Lee to be one of her two representatives forever In Statu ary - ball; - the -American ' Valhalla, has afforded occasion for several gentle' men to spring into sudden prominence by -making exhibitions of themselves. Among them I regret to note my friend Major John F. Lacey of Iowa. The major. Is nnreservedly against, the Lee statue and rushed into print to say sp. Nowl am too youpg to have been In the civil war- 'Sonre a large majority of American voters, and . men of my generation and of the younger genera tion regard i the . prominent actors 'In that , bloody . drama as great " historic personages, no matter, on "which aids they "fought r. ,-vWithIn the last four or five years we have heard a vasf amount; of . talk a good deal of it gush" and twaddle1 about "a reunited country.-"; If ; It la reunited neither Major Lacey tor any' body .else 'ought to-bject to : General Lee's statue in Statuary halt ;If it la not? reunited; let us hear no more' rot about it Certainly; If General . Fits- Hugh , Lee - and General - Joe - Wheeler are fit to -wear Uncle Sam'a nnlform and to he on Uncle Sam'a retired list General Robert: EL Lee, the courtliest knight of them all, would not contami nate the? other Inmates , ot? Statuary haH by standing in their midat. Another thing Major Lacey and oth er ' kickers honld remember.- Is this i they, have nothing to say about who shall stand in Statuary Jiall that la. notlilng to say- properly because each state has a right to select two of her TS Pcriniila tells ft roves G Flii Estract P2HUVIAN BARIC i : Fl'ii Estrcict LLACIC HOOT V" ri'-i Estrcct DOG WOOiXBAIUk Q G la rk's q 1 O O J - Staroe and Laeey'a Objertiesv Senator Stone the Democrats ny-Iavelau.d's Swift Arooixi the Circle o sassi O G 6 dlstln)rulshed sons In Statnarr rin and nobody has a right to say the state I nay; It is a-matter exclusively for the state, - r , Another; thing, the fame, of General . Lee grows, day- by day! - The consensus of public opinion. la that he was one of the; greatest of all . English speakm captains." If the American -people bad .their Way, unbiased by cheao Jolm nol- lticlans,'they wulddecree that Gcnef- al Grant" and General-Lee' Bbould be aisinterreajand reburled side by side arArungton,.Mnter alia we -claim to be the most generous people on earth. Let us prove it now. It has taken the Knglish government-not the English, people 250 years to so far forgive that immortal rebel, Oliver Cromwell, as to permit his statue to be erected la London,-That Robert Ev Lee's statue will some day be' erected in l Washmatoa there can be no doubt. -Will we Imitate' the English example and Walt two cen turies and a ". half J -,Thaf s really the qnesaon and the only question.. T" Absurd.: H'i-r.-ir T Of all the ridiculous farces certainly the senate secret session heads the list Executive sessions are not really se cret, and everybody knows it. . They .ought not to be,- The reason why they . are not is that there are and always will' be- senators who are extremely, anxious to curry favor with, reporters. and they will blab. There used to be a man in the house from Uissonrl whose chief stock in trade was to give away the. secrets of. the delegation. It paid him. Gammon. . -v -r-1:. . The Kew York . Evening Pot Inde pendent does not appear to d much stuck on. the Ohio crowd of politicians and delivers itself of the-following more or less sarcastic remarks touch ing presidential politics ' In ' Buckeye- Corn: . . - V ' It is astonishing how early end at how many different- places Uie- presidential campaign of 1901 begin. We Intended to claim the real starting point far New York by showing thrft th fat of both parties would depend upon the success of some candidate- for- mayor next fall, but senator- Foraker baa anticipated us by announcing .that Cincinnati ha a superior Claims. Tae Democrats or tbat dty have nominated Mr.- Ingalla. -the well known railway manager, for mayor, and the -Republicans have named a Mr. Fldachmaatt, not wiaeiy Known to .lame, but believed by Foraker to be "equally good." The overwhelming reason, accordlne? to Foraker. why -Fleischmann should ' be elected Is that "this Is the beginning of th"great campaign of next yer. He says '"It Is impossible - to disguise tills fact" Xrora whicb. w tntec thasube 1 ocrata are doing everything possible' to conceal It and are pretending that nothtaa but municipal issues, such as the rule of Boas Cgx, Is fit to be considered. - For-' alter win tear off that mask. He wol show that not only In Cincinnati, but tat all the cities of the Union, the Democrats are making believe that they are trying to reform local abuses while they are ao tualiy aiming- to defeat the Republican party -next year. The proof -of. this la that "everywhere they are preaching har mony and perfecting their organixatOB. What better evidence could you have than that? : If they were ' everywhere preaching discord; and allowing' their or ganlsation to fall in- pieces, there might oe some ground cor saying that las nam-. tnatlon of such a man as IngaUa was In tended for thsoIe benefit of Cincinnati,. out wnem tney are avowedly harmonious and energetic their designs must be dark indeed.'- In short Foraker thinks that U Ingalla u: elected -mayor be wll-ber Mu line for the governorship of Ohio and the mow, - unquestionably the .Post is a great paper. It wai founded by the author of Thanatopals," William Cul- len Bryant- but it Is not an fait as to Ohio politics. Senator Joseph-Benson Foraker. knew precisely - what be was doing .when be wrote his, earnest and tear compelling address to the Repub licans of .Cincinnati, -i He I knows that all decent folks In Porkopolis are tired of Coxie, old boy; and his machine, per haps the very - worst case; bf boss rnW in 'the land, and he knows that unless something desperate is done they will elect -MUE. Ingalla, the t Democratic candidate, and bury Coxie, oh! boy, to deep that .even Gabriel's trumpet will not 'resurrect' blrh And what would Joseph ' Benson Foraker do then, poor thing? ; Foraker is still, a presidential candidate - and -will - be until be dies. He needs George B. Cox In bis business and proposes to save hla ' machine If possible. .Jvvl -7: ti The Washington Poet rises to remark as follows: -1 fi-.;. '.-.:-'.v .r When' the Republican leaders wanted te strike a decisive blow at n trust,' they re moved the duty on - coaL When they wanted to fool tbe people on the question, tney enacted some new. laws. - f. Now,, what I want to ask. If it wlfl not be considered Impertinent. Is this If y taking the tariff off anthradta coal Was a decisive blow to the anthra cite coal trust, what is the reason that taking the tariff off steel would not be a - decisive . blow -against the -steel trust, and so on to the end of tae chap ter?. Now, do not let all the Republic ans and trust -defenders 'answer at once.' There la no reason under heav en known among men "why the rule that? works.; well avto coal -will not work well aa to everything else oolhe fist of trusts, -. - -s Interesting, rv- v -. . ; . The i senate arrogates to, 'Itself the titleif upper houseof congress, and Tyet the queer fact remains that there are more college graduates In tbe bouse nf-V representatives In proportion - to members than In the senate. Just why this should.be. so It is hard a under- stand unless ty. reason of the different methods f election. It may -be that a: -. v. the story r lnit!MC Not a patent medicine : a thin spirituoos Euit; of a rJscscni I the mMi cf the pop! ttlnk roor of pcQHrge Caution tto Ca it Duibr I 01 siaie wguiarurra, The fBprrae court of JXionrt h dealt the beef trust. ca of Use (Taut trusts la the land, a body bfcjw by Ca in? each of the criminal companies tv w ana aesini taathr 1 r n r,- costs, its. Of course this U co!r foretaste of wast tbv may tt hereafter. When It n ctair4 ttat they were In a criminal conspiracy to put op the price of meat food prodwta t0 buorai1 figures, much In splrtt or uom 'Tweed thrr d-anifv if quired "What are yoa -going te da about itr Weil, the txxw found out to his sorrow, and the trusts are end ing out, la Missouri. X red especUny proud of this decision of the Missouri supreme court because it was render ed under and' by vtrtae C a law re ported rf tte committee cf erhlci 1 was chairman when I was in the Irsie latnre. As a matter of fact lion. Ly. sender Thompson of Uacoa and Hoo. . O. Allison of New London were the subcommittee which I a r foisted to re duce the bill to proper shape, aod l gether we pJloted it throngh the krla. uture. eThls was in JSsa. I suppoea the bill has been somewhat amended since' then, bat It ht subvtantUily the Diu or liS. How, , If ktr. -Attora-v General Knox will secure a few coo. victtoha, Tecpie will begin to tMak thai the trusts are not bigger than the gov ernment - senator Stone's Opinion. Jhe following Waihiagtoo dioatrh must be of Interest to all person in terested JLa .the next preaUentlal eiee uon: t - --. , -1 . . v : ..' WOUaa 2. KtoM tant MtM rro saissoon ana vice chairman e vtu nauonaa cotsmltt. said tanicfct wnru aaaea as lo tae furore et th Dm tnoe party: - - . I prefer Dot te make irmriTn.i m.m paramount Isswia foe IJo.- . - Asked as to tbe prebabJe-maksna if the next Democraue preeUtnaai Uckt en iw oiuoi savai - : "I do not think Mr. Bryan wta Va lasted, oar do I think that ha atthar a. pecu Mtr tho-aewmuen. If say effort la frttag mads te ethniaate hlaa. It win fan. t or be le stul wndeajnMir Use wan corn ma Ming- raarrMaoA faree ha the party. He cannot be etlJBUnatsd. no say uw ib uui urtctios ww inosn anempung rt Tba -- -- mt aUminating people frees Us party te not la. It would be more nrefltahia l " una oc getuac tneea oat car party, vka nave pientv ef a bis woo woum make ears. ncMmOn nrea. denta, all hough they ssight not tadaige tn imug amuwntiMa as the country on the Uptee of earptancy. - ; . drw4 me DemoeraUe eandidata to tw maste n remocrat who ha atwayaswn. porreo us- party ncmaa a party wno. u eieeted.- would gtve aa n stalwart wooers uo e uaiaaetratloek It la not airissarr that have eubaertbod aocondiuooAlT-r ta declaration of the Cbicaaw aa 1CaM nry ptatxorma, r b Mffidnt fef ha haa aiwsys stooo loyally by am party fUat imkM. or reorgnaiatCLg th party b poertle and alily.- Soma aaen reorgantatng. hut tho party 'Wheat assted waat ha'tomhr eT that ra. cant talk to tha affect that the rtnkr trerooernts wem taststUig en toe aaaay ceoawne - cram, gold Dcaocram l wanted te come back tale tbe party. sVcn ator Stone aaidi - . . . 8o far as neoole mwtltn tnfai tVa aae is concerned. I want e-nrr one tmtrat U is no oaesuoa of repcaiaace. t-rtiii and ashea.. The doorera ocara. sad tf a man .wants te co operate 1U tan peaie cratlo party all h baa to do la to lata ima with ha party. There ta he form eg. euag is lo i a xaow ex exeapt ta n." Under Cleat..'' ' ' T iV--. ' - " It Is a pity-Indeed It Is pltlfnlto an old pool' servant Rkt AssJatant At-- torney General Tyner of the poetoCce department retire nnder a cloud afta . rpeni pnnopnHy in oe ptib- ,.. . . . to ubUcan pdce! He ws. p u.ia.a wwi uiauu larwg ap fwlnar1 ti lMa reed tiie great Connecticut tanner. Vtar- a r'r.iuini w awr shal Jewell, who had become enamored of ,th Brtstow r. reform - Idee, a thing abomination in the tight which was to oi me oiien t boioier. . Tjnet aa also one of the main tnatrumenbiSiVe la de- of the Sliest Soldier. resting Blaine for the prestdeatlal noca- tnatlon to tSTa UecUlsaed thntBlaJaa bad proniised him him a-grent chsh-maa- ship- In the house provided be woe VI support Blaine for spenarr, vera ne did, and that BlaIo railed, oegieetffd and refused to deliver the goods tboogn fVtxrtllAn 91 9 taawn vnan tshwt aSarn aw Aa Th. I thing aUeged against Tyner Is that ta his rulings la the postoQc drfartmest he. has farorcd'tbe xeladtixg- trf; la- vestment cornpanJcs which hare ceeced the public out of mUlJons of doQars. . It it even-claimed that a yooag toaa re lated to him resigned a position ta hi office to accept service wtth said coa paniee. at ht could ate tit knowledf of .postal affairs greatly to tbett ad- van tage. : If the news from Causae it troe, then the Kansas BepnbUcsnt are the hsa- grtest.tet of poUtlclan en too e gronod. ' It to said, for Instance, that thirty palpitating Jlepubilcao pa trials are ttroggnog for the cosg-retalo&al shoes, of Chester L Long. "Uocrry Joe-'must be ' the progenitor of the Republican statesmen In "the big Sev enth,' rendered famooa by Jrrry Simp son. - Again, " that vociferous ' Cpnbllcaa Jingo, Senator J. Ralph Barton,' tat hardly warmed hit crrrule chair ne yet, and still hat four years to serve if he lives; but wlctW Republicans art al ready scheming to . yank hUa pot. Among' these aspiring Jajhawkars Is Governor Bailey. - How Barton treat have gnaahed hit teeth when be found that Bailey wat lunching with the prm- Idsnt in Washington, a performance which win be worth a great Cal to Bailey in Mt impending ruaaie with J. Halph. hitter - .1 ' ' mi. 11 v- ll. wu.ctirn.7 ll.ra.r ll:tl ' "It a. , - - - , (ti.i UVIl " 4'rl. J UK. ' t lea t a rSatj Ul t li Itr-ral J T Ut J ---,. t . ; . i " - " - Mt-rf iST r,.-:a. fa ti. .lt a.a- -V. '- " - M . . , , ... , . rt Onfl -e - M.r9. l .ir.a-.eal I. ,r 1,-. . ce 1 " U " " , ' T'LTM . ' - - -1 t 4 . - T . 1 , . . ' . ! , , l. a taste, ret do Cf t r r-a p T - a r aa tnr " ' ,i j a-.-f.r-i. r- i . '" ' - ' ' ' Flnld Extract F07LJI Ba?JC Fluid Extract FRICIXY iIH DAT,! Fluid ExtrccV SARSAPATJLLA QailwO a-.i W 1 - rnou ins snsn wcxuv SUttiai tr. Task cf a Talxa: ABrls; Cola la ku Eju' Tie l" tor ttJifBaal aid Tkta fea- Niw Yof, Apr 1 Rt. t. Uk FsbI, tt4of the rUaLi! M Fak & WssaiU, sod w3rlf torn j a poV.bo snttr a&J ei.iu, t:codrd a ftivttt 7rte!jsiie etag ia r-nxklja rtccot? at wth a .r.i, Im ta I be rp ;t wrjj u Taka Rnkotra. utisf.uW auwd. km J. Foek'i fot Mr lotttatie frwpd, Ittaie Ward Ccrcrrr, cotatasskratr rit t rf t 'ere cf tel jrr.i'.,,a ii r T-v I, wnmQiV.bg ciit i,i Itt lUa IV a v tkl!e co4n t.ftowfj a ifot Df. fshk item riofcnx CKa. a til koowa ftteat'.si, M tW jy fxrht ol iUwtftiisc U &:4ttj D- liddAj poU-hfd by Df. fsst'. Wesw, h4 ntttf fero rttsreexj to rWrsace West o 14 k: bn and tket Prf-kan WtU. who dd two star arrv M I te a good'il cf wotMUi la iW I rpliil snJd rmt the abarnc n Ik coaa troaa the tslnebW' cl)et ke had left beared hcn U M d-d, and OeU I.kt to Wri i irtsrn-rd. " - When Dv. Fa ak ind xMaity dmW to the tmoljrha Ki.n:i tux Ve s-d tailed to rttsm tic coin ta Trw- kwot Vim the Vaac Uk4 ii - ilatb Vast o4 Htary Wsrd lVrxUf s4 ta lnr taUrd M wp tw f,hosi ot ftxrtemx West. hh . Ik rt eelt ttt la a wry skovt trae the e Of John Utrstfe tttsnned fa ItU TV that U he o.d lox4 ta lbrhv . U taft k hat cSce he eot'j 04 U co4a tt g tmsl duett. , o the sate aa4 Ibend the role ihm. it coin at one ol the ait i w Biiia, tv w . . i AniSaaa tcaha tiaV VViw " Jnk coa4, Ihaw as iW naie ; eaitt, im taattnet. and is orm eats, tandrtd ilolUra, lu rvernct b Wn I lt atr !1 tWe yetrt swl Ikt ntntcation ol iki lect pe iW rpo fijohn Rattuta ajhl Untj, Ward Beecbev. s(ti lot Nottnar West. whro be bl.wJl k4 no kira e. ka herrabocia, has tunJ Dt. f esk. When area at kis kot ten'-tU - Dr. reak nflsanied tJUt tae Ksre - fiMtrmrnsFN Like the running brock the red, blood that flosm ihrcush the .ytias Has to .come frurrt soTncwhtrcT, : The springs cl red Uood are j ; ,X trj, m I lU? (t COf rf iht boaC3 dIIcd the tfUrTOW - . . ... I some SUV rtd LlOOd OUUO CCISCJ fr0ft 'pJTW Hdithj bcC I v-wij tynm I . f II I liTl 1 1111 ni UL - ' : J . . c'. T,.t.: t.; ww Muw.i4VUlivt,w 1 blOOd by - ICCdlSg the bOft I rrurrow and the iplcca with 1 k-aia t .tl a t V.-. .ChC5tJ UU lhe P4 ' ! CO2 UVCT Oil. I ! For no!r? r-rinrJ mr? rA I r--.irJ. .. fA .U . invalids, aad for ail hcc ar.d pale. I wwu a4 ;vi uvwu a I Umulsioa 1 a fueoaoat axvd rch 1 blood food. I - . . , i( (10 OrtlT ICCXIS ! tC b!ood triAkir.S OTCXa btit rives them . ttrcr.rth to do their proper work. etui r a sue a a. . . aa sex tas j .S3 In Hf jtn tea at p'ttiV hot atUke tptltt if yoo lUitt U f.l4t m eta gt. 11 -. . Carve) ft-Cs ii aaaS, I te h t aai Itaaaa Tafar Ike Uaa V tatlaa ,.. R:as walah at t Ue f ....... .. .... i aa osa, aaia assay m", aaa. wer4Hrxa,aa ee ta iwa mi sis, B. B R tf1frW.ltit4 l atarH sey saiatad imi, C tl IL. I aM heme- ia Ue t'd, trv-4- t aarihe traafeJs aai trvl WuU aaat It r.ui R:aa4 fWai Ce at-aaia On. M, A. a F, h. naaaaat. , , Mia reeessblt tit g4t ta ettV IsfMtooraat to delvjr; f pd l thtlr fHa rrtatares. . Ton Cevni A ttak A r!.i; ra-J f U Kr-al aaaal.Lte VoaU alasye ta a rye attaaA T r I loaik t"Ti l.f im-ii he hU C 1; rarUia'a . Ca.ie. llcitt sat I. i atrr a t.:aaal ka U a. f eaie f Af A tnaa ef Bark it t&t nktrs i! re start lokt Hit lit ts4 tf s taw-batk- a a Tkh -is s4 a retla ssfJ-tM si yti is at a s liai y-a in a - yiv t'f e- --sjth Nct-irte aaa '.a i'tt r -U h,, w t f.. (. - ' . i . . t . i . . . 1 t; '."trr V t aa ;i Ii 1 ..I ( t I X . - i-4 .t "I I ' ' ; r . : '. r ! 1 ' t. ' t l t - .tit 'ltt-.ltr4,l-.U.-tr.'tf--i'-'i-" ' ...... at . . . , . , , - v! .... i . - r r t ' ' - i - ; fi ,..- ..i . . - . "I a. a - ' ii . : ii ; . r ...-. t i r . .-.-. v t . " . t t . - a '. t r .--"si .... t , i . " 1 1,1 1 S IT V.'VL DO IL Is Ftarcchin; rrTT la axil n rir. It t t ll naf at.1 e-.t'.w. ii Wrw 0 Tom nn fUM H nt Us Utlr Lar UV r..,.." " 1 TOtr KTOm w a T TTTC asjr t w I - isa. - - 3 T- V in i v-a lt aa ..i, i . awa MV t at . v i , .mlNra. Sj t -f aa4 e e m- a, 9 y-; . - .maifartpcii cwMMf-1wtk,lPji a-a,, . ., idiUr iSirt?;l. . - " ! J tWta3 U Tkas O r t"oe T ri.a A U' CmU' ti"t- ni:milil tt;e UtH ix a. i. ui j an tt rcn a ctnjo t crantur. ?e taaartee In a Qaav Tvaa A,i aWrwaa ra & af tt na ktra, 94rapmpaBSsna Oar filrnde sfwa littk Ktiu ear BVae ;-tk f aA. e4 UteTiiw bt n atv faD ha wm. lHaJt 4r4 (n-a t. ..Ha Vnfncre Ue tflrU eg fJWe el aseen tkAa 14a en - rtnnt it Me lae thlliuia mlt Na teee h via 4 Mfc .ts TVaMs wan he in s I aJI tiaua taat t mm Ua ! nim ' sew lt rrW a,-? aaharr ..3a TWf ta ea4 aa n aMtt at Lwt a B ii a we aMaeiss fas wl in cie n-lf . (ira tragCsw rsrt-ee4tf U I4t ereernsa? 4 -. ej-'JI "' awt "... - nk 'Pfcea'snJ kef aaVeJ 4rC-s1'aBe kCkt. Aeaa:s4 W;a4-aa, L e See Ut FCe ne4 eh mi ed eena aa4 wen taaJy eaad. tVf VU rVW Loi It feahMet laxs U a-Wl TVatm, ' A eavriSasf inii im, tt n-ri4 t Ol r.iaW7.av en Ja-a-. f e-aa te aa aefai t f Wira. aft aaie eaa aOauaat fSrw4 eyae )- etanark. yH swil,tan'3y In m ea-l efaAjav at , n4g eea tseawy ey ewy. ,awsfra ..w. a -- - tk. tw f au - -- - a- - - - ' J K-ae fAahM 9 c - rA, e e I I . f . . - t t I N W I lefC af . . a, . . 1 T .VT, . VT a JT" iar,arfpir7w-ip. " " e4lf . f .A r.X. fiiamien,Vtdan - W.L.. . "1 -' TPblVe Uea) efva tMk vtl tt kttte-tew. pttTiA cr ecu Atir. TVs a Aiwa smhO a. f t Uai, lMt af fca sa-wa.a. I ' 1 1 m tHKv ,,,,,! 1 1 miia aa l'ltu,liaiiil t tttwfc. hma - I Va 4. A h Saat ef Hmatw 1 aV aa aaa-l AJ r ta aM I rTTl T 2liai. Vtf4iMn.f iUlM a simwe t eaartin at that -tm i a- i sw4 a aa s.n r tla. aar e.ha S' nibs i i-t " wtMlaWmMt, W saraakf dfwana ejs CeJI tsrntla. Vtl tun nn4 tn . tlntA LVa sua. eman f ywev fa . hf tW- n aa swn la tea f t a tt e 4 . t;V ti ei -a ti-t ;'.. .rj, i 7-j.j. aaI he lHl-a tlt taa ai e a t m at n a a O-'t ea., '. r- X m a WWrTl-terV. f wal-.H I '"-A. It U vaaJ eirarC -i i .a-tia ha-SL-iVaV ' taa. . lV m7 aa i 1 f a- a t- a.-ro4 ' J aa-4 0. ha w i!i.ra.f iiA v ( e4 aat -e - n VrMs f an t4 eoaa, If vM i u ri:-a-tv. try t It arat W - j t ia ta- J v ecaA!c s-"a aawiiaiaf at m-f an Lh " Ta 13 Sa araa V J aaS rt MU-mI tVa faa. SK va Vt aaa.a. A r'" v-tg i -a. w 1A. u mi. -try. X J. t i aHatad Mat I i. hai am i i te aKini aaf wm i. fcaj ftf aU lis Hnlft!!f.7is Uall 7 1 9' Sriaf4VB 1 1 ily, ti entt. km'tr.c att . "it tr cur r laaa. f- " f . W V - t I" .a aa . "" rn i t aw. ' ; a V-a t iui .i t 1 at . 1 TC'J COCD. an J U::::z'J:. 1 Crs. Ul 1 f:m ,Ki t -;4 n r? -rtrt-r SK t-fc. v t.u' t" '.'t il C 1. mia J n a n m ., AU n 9 Wlrtr.X, a t.. , , 'at ' t a-M.ro .4 m.1.m ! i a WOOD YARD. If 6r Z.i w-mx eta Utf a C ai 1. , fHiw, ;.. ! J.. l.rn JACOB KVAXaS, i::? u: n:r nm rrnjAM a-U.W-b4. , LOAD'S PREFERRED STOCK. urr-tU. fit jn2taJ at-2 t If tisnilv.aJW F"t:r PinrtSYLVAHU U-te &t fs-f e W lif Ce eartavett. -4 I f u;;u:n niraurr. v trimtit i tt. ..w ! ix. Seed' T.Teal 4 4 Hcts s I 4v . tsaata Ue WfwW! eft. Jaaaw itia I'ttl W7, f taf ef rJa it M4mi4 4 4 EXCELLED. tt w tii4 a tiiu.1i.Gnn f lirt a f8 ertiii' tta-5 Urtl h nlafcirtaS e k Imtn. J" f eM 5 , 4 STCXX iW vertex. aa Mal aa aaftaitaswai t,ia n aan .a-a aV t ) i-nmail i ai i rt. al Stm.a Sah.it t. a- t a Ma a aa.ta4 ha M4a aaaaa a.l aa.m.'iiaja,, a a a-t , L i ama, awnai aa. . M -VaiWi a-If- - aMaMr mm a a IMinn S awn a 1 1, fal aa tua aw m, a-lt- aa t"w " ( a mm s aaaH. v a a t.va V ; W: t A, " e". A,.. ,..,.. 1 at. I 1 hi tat, t'f "; tt m imm t 1.1 fi"a Ctir" : rh.-l rt f.fi 1 it 4jj aJaa!Uij wnBi'.ir-e i 1 ait..i t.act,. i -a ln.I. ., tUir tf m t -t ea.- ?n tt n.t V. a I t s ji't S t. ; It'.., ai .kat lto fiditma J,, t.. a-tn-i)ra m n S. I.: a , i ? -vtt tt-t I ' l.a 'a. '. I i. f Vi aa-V'. e i4 1. if. Iv-ua.rar W J t Hi ll"Wl art. art StaJI -tita Cr-w a! .r--U.':ur u.f-t Ci f .r a-as5e - - f k 1 Sitti ti'Jafi IKtUK..l4 -. l:t.fUl.J t rtlt t.t wm., Vf t aW-n t. at ij-ita 1-f n,tJOm -. a.is aa .;:- t fil-a-ttt .. Stt V f:r 1 ti.l. ' :tfc t- t,l r.;.rv V u a --v ; : i : :.. V , A I : T ft $ m, Lin 1 , T. V.rvrv-w.t.Au . if i I t jrr-n s-t at-t ,r i j e ;.r-a :l t rrt i - to: n.'t l -t t n t '. tit 1. 1 x . ai-i f f 1 1 t tir. t fay tf I! '11 u Hill' . . . . t J a a i - ? 1: i 1 . t ' , lit T al U e it . a i .. t a . ' 1 :lt 1 ? it ft IV a , a 2 im1 j Is ert.n vrt fc- fa rknr ftCmnisiiis f al . . . . r f , : I . t. a i I- - e ,L J1 : : w . . . a . 1 ' V O '"t - - " rkvt-M . c. r l. i.. ... ...... l ! - ri n.r irtn W" !-' t.f ,.r Jfc j. , ' " t ,; . t X. a..i a ,.i ,. , , t , - ... i -' ' . U.S 1 .; i.rwi 1 . r fg) J a ,...., J. 4.. : v. ' i )1 i.iiur 1 r'-,t ft.J t i., " f rtnrt-. i'1:ta sit faaa m Xt w X-. t.. ; , . i s- aiU ta.uae U . I , ;t ..- a : lh VI J.if-an- i r..a t,' Titt, anti.. aa.Ua.L aa.:. t M(.. ts a, t a-t 1 - Cr 1-1 , ,., , I i:,i St In r. ,i I t,n. a $ jrS I'oi t : ? m ' 4 r t-aa d at,C ,.uth . i.a t. ft, X t a uf a t r-i.a ui t1i I - , tiewra, r'lirannw naa-.r- e jK.h J te t tarrvm a ita ;', Wl a J.ltlr "tt nttl asrr iV-.n! f eria .t r-w4 , a n naaMa' i i a ' w h a liwuuis-ii -att tia 1st I. Jiis rriai awii" rM U n t a I II aoF ft. -taa t.n-r. ar' tt.r-aS t.a 'wa tairt a..r.f- t-, ;.' ,r au.f JitMt-vnrtn i C...n -a V W-ssna. ihU. lutt.. . ' a r J. l e k ' it. a .rvn Jtitw 4 i. lii'Vnja, t. y.ai ta , -. ran.t.n I. tn tNxnspas g aM iwiuit SEABOARD- a . e W B .a aV " ISBBJrSBBB"ll1rlll aW"-' ''WSaMstSaasnVMn" WSSMBH t ,TX rAn: 4tT iv 1 v s- I rri;Mi,aui, -,.laWi,ia.a f a-a W , . - t m -a .-a , '-W..-. tl illM t ,, a, ' a. a. ' t-t A at avaaa I ( VI t ei a-a -'- ' aa5. HS Sl aaa. !' I af (as Bt.a. r.aa-'.a 4 n V f a . s t .J Naa ... HI 1 S. aaa scC R7at r .- a. S a.a f 1 t fh k Jl mt , ta a t mm fivn - lai'.awat f i a . 1 M-e : ; i t - t It - mm. rwar , f x 9 , . -If t : a t r I t i 1 1 t . t ; I 4 ; Ma fw. -a f a a a . a. . W - s - a-a a- rw M , ,, . .""" : '' """"t . a-a. a. 4 a "in a mm I , p t 4 , a. "' ix , , -""'''""essasBnanBSa s4V-ante i-i.- t rtir. f i Ta . J i . i, mm. r-Ma a-t aa I i , ? ? H , , ' W - s . aa t ' ., n ia mm mss a 'Vi .ajcrr. ' 1 f 1 . I 5 r v . m ti ,i, . 4 if , i m t mm 41 ak t t a f-aaatrftuat I M pa a Suaa.. -.. '. ... i . I, " t-mm T a t aa, .at " a '-" V f at a i aaa a-aafnama !l ;i it "T r "t 4 a Iw II 'i I v - ! a tt - mmmm , - t w a. ,a i I M . '''imm , at )'. V iMa.Ma)'.a t at "" "" . a .t.iiani a ' J I ai - . . aaa I - h.a.Ma1.rw' 1 I I t4 . , JH. j . lf V 5 i l I .-a. 1 - an niMai'a,. ft 1 mm , t i i ' - V t mm ' . ,-a. I .a f fat a-a I l 4) j at ...WaM.ta. .4 ,aa 1 ' a i. i

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