. ISA;-' JAS..A. THOMAS, Editor ani Proprietor. VOL XXXIII . - LOUISBURG, K; 0, FIUDAY, '- -'. .. - ... " : . . . . DIRECTORY XXTHODIS?. Sanday School at 9:30 K.'VL. ' Gax. S. Bakes, BupL Preaching at 11 A. tt., and 7:30 P. H. every ttan&ay. ."" ' Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pitlke. Pastor. , , BAPTIST, - "- : Sanday School at 9:30 A. ML Thos. B. Wildik, Sapt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:30 tJL, wery Sanday. Prayer ra-etlng Thursday night. ! H. H. Mashbubbb. Pastor. Sanday School at 9:30. " Services, morning and'hight, on '.it, 3rd and 4th Sundays. E vening Prayer, Friday afternoon. LODGK3. . " - Loniebarg Lodge, No. 413, A. R. & A. M. meets' 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. iyrotfawHional card. S PKUILL ALLBED. ATT0RNBY8-AT--t,A.W, Will practice in all the Courts. Loulabarg and YoungavUle, N. C. Offices In JQR. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, OEltTIST. LOU13BURO, OtHceOver The Green ft Yarboro Uo.'s Btore. . QB. 8. P. BURT, HaAOTIOINO PHYSICIAN AND 8TTRQEON. Louisburg, N. 0. OlBceie the rvar of Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'s Drag Btore. on Naeli street. v , - D R. H, V. YABBOaODQU. PHYaiClAN AND SUSGBOS, Loptobbho, N. C. Office Snd floor Ken', building, phone 38 Night calls answers.! ' from T. W. Blckett'a t esldenoe. phone 74. - B. UASBSNBTTBG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LoinsBOBe. . a . -i" WUl praoUeTln all the Courtl of UieBtaU Office In Court House. - jARCUS C. WLNSAU, f ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, , f LotllBBCRO, N. C. . Orrics ovbb Corner DMg Store. Br-eclal Attention given-to collection. Practice wherever aervloea required.. : ' ' ' JR. J. B. MALOSK, " RACTICIWa FHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. LODIBBUBS. V. a office over Arcocke rhcag company. - yR. K 8. FOSTER, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON, Louiaburff, N. C. " Office over Ayeocke Drna; Oompeay. yyM. HAYWOOD RCFFIN. ATTOBJfEY-AT-LAW, LotnaBtrae, w. a Will practice In all the Courta of Franklin tnd adjoining coanUea, also in the Supreme Court, and In the United- States District and Circuit Courts. Office in cooper and Clifton Bunding. rjHOg. B. WILD J! K, v , ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, -LOCIKBtTBe. X. O. Offlee on Main atreet. orer Jonee ft Cooper's tor. F. 8. SPRUILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, louisBirao, k. c Will attend the courta of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to eolleottona. . Office over Bjrerton'a. Store. . rp W. BICKBTT, TTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Prompt and painstaking' attention given, to very matter intrusted to his hands. Be) era to Chief J ostlce Shepherd. Hon. J ohn Manning-, Hon. Robt. Wi Winston, Hon. J. C. Pnxtsn, Pres. First National Bank of Wln 'ton, Glenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe. Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. wake For est Oqllejre, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Office over Neal ft Co. s Store. - f. PERSON ATTORNEY AT-LAW, MVJSSTB,V. 0. t Practices in all courta. street. OfOof-onMain H TARBOROUGH, JB. ATI ORSTET AT JiA W. ' LOUISBURG. N. a - . . . . Office in Open House building. Court street All legal buslneia intrusted to him viU reeeive prompt and careful attention. J)R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK DENTIST, LOUISBUBG, - - N. C Office over Furniture Store. - HOTELS. FBANKL1HT0H BOTELt. FEAXKLINTON.N.C. (5. W. MljfaEti Frfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. . . ..;'v;.c Good Lhevy Attached - - MASSENBURG, HOTEL 7 HENDEHSON, IT. C Pi Beod aeeommodations. Good fare- Po MU aadAtteative servmsV NORWOOD HOUSE YfiriartoB. - - Korti CiTBllai . '. . - ..,v - rtTVV. j. KonwoeO, Proprietor rtuonage et Oommerdal v Tourists aae n n n u nn 9 n Special Washing-ton Letter. - G EBTAIN : BepnbUcaa i organ grinders are vociferating that Bryan. is, ambitions , to" be - chairman of - the Democratic national committee. In the language of Sir John Fatetaff; Lord, lord! How this world is given to IyingP j ' The fact that Senator Fairbanks of Indiana If It be a fact is spending his money -in starting newspapers in the south to promote his presidential boom demonstrates that he is a mere tyro in capturing , southern Republican delegates. ' What they want Is .not newspapers, r outsold ;cash. If the altk tudiuou. Hoosier senator will 'Invest a few dollars in John Sherraarfa book and read wuat John' has to say about how General Russelh A. Alger eachred him out of his southern delegates, he wiube a wiser, if a sadder, man. -,' ' - Southern Republican delegates come high. Shortly after the Sherman-Alger. Harrison convention of 1888 a strange was; visiting in Texas. In front of a hotel he met a" colored brother who waa sporting an unusually handsome gold r watch and who Informed ' the straagefkthat he obtained his timepiece at the Chicago convention. Wereyou a delegate asked -the strangerc "No, sah," replied the colored patriot ."I -was only an alternate. If I had been a. delegate, I would have owned this hotel." : vv.; '.; ; ,: , v De gustibua non 'est dlsputandum ! Benatof Benjamin BTillman of South Carolina is hissed vigorously, wherever he lectures in the north. Yet he keeps on lecturing. 'He appears to be as great a glutton for hisses as Jim Jeffries is for physical thumping. The - question, ""The tiger or the ladyr bequeathed to the world by Prankr R. Stockton, has bothered the -minds of a great many. people, for a great many moons; but It pales Jnto utter insignificance beside this one, "Statesman, or mountebank?" as ap plied to Castro, president of Venezuela. He Is certainly the enigma of the hour. The late lamented Pblneas T. Barnum was not in it for one- moment as an advertiser, and so far as 4ejrdlng- a strenuoUB Ijfe is concerned President Roosevelt's is flat and stale when com pared with the South American's. "The early bird catches the, worm philosophy Is certainly , believed In by the Republican mayor of Indianapolis, Hon. c. A." Bookwalter. He is a can didate for re-election and ordered a nomld&tion convention for Saturday, March 28, notwithstanding the fact that the election does not take place until Oct. li If Brother Bookwalter will consult the "Sage of ; Wolferfs Rooet as to the polior or Impolicy, wisdom or unwisdom, of the eatly bird 4 convention, be may learn something to Bis advantage. - - - - : - Free From CarpetbaggeKL Debt. The Democrats of Missouri recenfly. had a grand blowout when the last Republican state bond" was paid off. The carpetbaggers .had possession of Missouri only eight years, butmost emphatically they made hay while the sun was shining. Missouri was the richest state that ever fell into their clutches, and they plundered her at a most amazing rate. She escaped from their Iron grasp in 1871; and since then the Democrats bare so wisely and eco nomically administered her affairs that at last they iiave paid off the huge debt bequeathed to them. Most of the county .and township debts have, also Deen paid on aeots created by. cor rupt Republican county courts. . Mis souri is now a fit subject for congrat ulation, "Festina lente" CGd alow") would be a tiptop motto for those silly and evfl minded persons who are incubating a plan to kidnap President Roosevelt. They are liable to find themselves In the harrowing condition of the adven turous Idiot that caught a bear by the' tail and then yelled lustily for some body to help him let loose. When the president turns his - strenuosity full blast' upon them, they are liable "to pray ; for the - mountains to ; fall - upon them that' is, If kidnapers ever pray. My advice to them is Puck's "Don'tf Wonder if Governor - Richard Yates of Illinois ever' pesters his; head to find out why there is so much talk of Governor; Cummins of Iowa for vice president and so little of Governor. Yates? "Illinois and Iowa lie atomrsldex 6T each, other, and both are Republic-! an states. Yates has been governor twice as long as Cummins and is gov ernor of a state with twice the popula tion of Iowa. The reason lies chiefly in the fact that Governor Cummins has ideas of his own, . or, rather,- an Idea, which" hev borrowed, from Cthe Democrats "the Iowa idea," so called, of tariff reduction. - ' - l;-' -:--; - 8peak Low. . : Judge David A. De Armond "of Mis souri introdoced a resolution Into the house "just before the adjournment of congress looking to the annexation of the - Korth : American - British posses sions. : He probably did It because he favors annexation, and-for no other -reason, x He never; dreamed ' that he SSflS SK?rS2T2: fact. , his resolution was the causa, of the Undoing of Colonel John I Blttm ger of St Joseph, M04 consul general to Montreal.. He expressed himself vlg- orousiy and volubly in favor of De-Ar-mond's resolution and was promptly bounced. Colonel Bittlnger ' should have considered the - unhappy; end of H . : SJP m BTU - - avppv fBS . mm , ajj aw BaiB m Mmm W mmm J-etter: liTo Old Standard 7 hu-strfiio annual zdzz oyer Ona and a Hdf rilillion bottles. Does Llih record ofmcrit prtoyon ? Flo Cure, No Pay. 5 C c. rxAc: FvCot urzx tzjlz. n n.n -r-r .it - . - M - v Mlaorfrjr BaU la Rhod blaad. rVnits Froaa Oar Colnnfoa gait dom Shots s4 Penoos aA Thiss the parrot that talked too much and been warned thereby. Admiral George. Dewey also seems to'.haTe developed an unaccountable mama for talking. As an old woman whom I knew in my yoath ased to say, ."His tongoe appears trrbe loose at both ends and. tied in the middle.1 He curt ly. and. corjpctly disposed of Grorer Cleveland's candidacy for the nrmkVn. j-;cy by saying Taconically," f He Is too pldr and he knocked the fat Into the Are by his comparison of the American and German navies. "Speech Is HI vera, but silence is golden." ..." " It may iMb considered knproper at this, time can the careful and pray - erf ul attention of such eminent reform ers as Judge Crumpacker of Indiana, to the fact that the Wisconsin legisla ture, largely Republican in both branch es, is Incubating a bill prohibiting the intermarriage of" Caucasians and per sons of African descent, The todee thinks that the negroes are being mal treated down south; but Wisconsin is closer to him, and be can jump on that legislature which is 'discriminating against colored folks without jumping so far as he Is compelled to jump. In order to jump on South Carolina, Mis sissippi or Louisiana. ". It might also be well for Hon. John C Spooner to drop that Indlanalot post office case long enough to address m' few. words of admonition to the legis lature wlllch recently re-elected him to the senate of the United .States, but ifs dollars to doughnuts that neither Senator Spooner- nor Congressman Crumpacker wOi open his chops to pro test against the. Wisconsin law against miscegenation. 'v- ' Surely the Missouri Republican have not heard the news that the consulship a Guayaquil, with a salary and perqui sites amounting to $5,000, is vacant and that nobody la - applying for it Guayaquil Is on the equator. Thomas Nasi; consul, died there recently; yel low fever Indigenous;. Nobody wants place! Most assuredly Missouri Re publicans have not heard of that else one of them. Indeed spores of them, would have offered to sacrifice them selves on the altar- of their-country. What to a Missouri Republican Is the equatorFhat the yellow fever, when a good, fat salary Is in sight? Harmony In Iowa. That, delightful and much exploited Harmony, with a big, big H. now ex isting in the Republican party la curi ously illustrated by an unseemly wran gle nbW going on- between Governor Cummins of Iowa and Congressman Hull of the Des Moines district as to which of them shall be chief cook and bottle .washer at the Roosevelt festlvl- 4168 8000 to he pulled off In the capital dtr of the Hawkeve State. Thnu two -statesmen hate each other .snore ven omously than did the Montagues and Capulets. Each Is. the' bead of a fac tion.' and ifs a factional war to the death. Each aspires to be the jrbole show to be "it : Consequently as soon as it was announced thajt Preaf dent: Roosevelt In "swinging- around the circle", would stop at Dee Moines each, concluded to make political cap ital out of that eventfor himself, and the scheming promptly began and con tinues. It is already 'attracting much attention. These two enemies live In' the same state, county, dty ward and precinct-It is an open secret that Cummins' has made up his mind to drive Hull out of public life, and no man loves public life more than Hull. No doubt President Roosevelt will be In a frame of mind to exclaim, "A plague on both your houses I" The editor of the Washington Post ought to be arrested coder the stattfte against cruelty . to animals, for he makes this Irreverent remark : .' The Hon. William T. . Harrlty la beinc mentioned occasionally In the current po litical sossip. Jt la about time for Don M. "Dickinson to bee-la to stand around and make remarks. . . Does not the Post know that in mak ing such a fling at Don M. Dickinson it is poking fun at the most gorgeous mutton -chop whiskers In America? Hdw can the Post be so heartless ?. Undemooratle; Unre publican. . The Washington Post, Independent, contains this vigorous, scathing" and truthful editorial, touching tite deplor able condition of affairs in Rhode Is land 'and .Connecticut -, ,vs ; -t . ' The constitution if bode Istand Is aK most as unrepubllcaa and an B democratic) as that of Connecticut and there Is erea lea prospect of reform la the former than in the Utter a tale. WhUe each of the two commonwealths - probably . meets . the re quirement of the federal oonsUtuUon." a republiean form of governaent' both are probably deficient In the spirit of repub licanism and ectttemptuousty ..defiant of the spirit of democracy-. The PosTs read era are. or oua-ht to be. familiar with the Connecticut monstrosity,, but much less publicity baa been given to Rhode Is land' a . In the latter state each city and : township, - regardless - of population, has one member of the senate. This was not very equitable sixty year ago, and It has corns to 1 an abomination through the growth of dtlea. Its injustice to Illus trated by such facts as these: Twenty townships, with "40.398 -Inhabitants and S.620 voters, elect twenty, out of thlrty eight' senators. Eight dUee, and towns, with' a population of XM.OOO. elect only eight senator.-: Providence has 39.030 vot ers, but only one senator. The twenty townships with their I.S20 voters absolute ly control legislation. Having a majority in the senate, a small minority of the peo ple can and do prevent any amendment of the constitution that would deprive' tnem or plenary, power. ; This tnmorlt .rule is the chief source of the bribery and corruption with, which Rhode Island is disgraced. - As the. Chicago Tribune puts R: rf-. :.--- frhe Influence of money In election de pends largely on the six of an electorate. It would take much money to carry as Aill; fTUSIlll .t - . Comp.r,, ui"- rri been ee coeaDletat .u-ki . v . . lnvartaWy lct the ead:4t t wui pey out tb moet tnooy.- . . . ereaUon of a, pwblkj wnit ,ti . towns Into eomptuuw wita it ia or oarmcr. ' As the en stasHla, tbev ara thr partlcipanta In or prMo4r t I. famous crime c-f ertaM fr waicft tW law prescribe the paaitaaitUry. . The trouble about rrfortnicg TUxd Island aral Conoectlcut and briegtrg them Into hanaony with the profrvev alve spirit of the sge Is that la or4rr to change the proMtrt 'stats tit 3a3 towns moi vorunurtly rvltaquh tlwir power, and they, will not wuL'ngty d so. They are a boot as much tcjSoetwvd by public oplnloo as a dock Is by sa April shower. Served Him Right ' " --The following- dispatch froaa Bcertca conveys a valuable keaoa: TKla that Bag." Mermly MaU! Ceptala Henry 1. Aor f t mi fttate revenue iMtotr 0mij tauy as tha entire atua's cotiax.'a aMW et (flrrar-nartera. Vb aaaa te -m the cemssaiid was gtvvej SBMary saj4. .We eo who eaer K wut evv-trc tke ce&e with tts picturesque) taa- a4 it aoiema aseaalng. the starry rna aieae brightening the spot wkeew taesaai Stood, contrasting with ta ar Mew e men- emrortoe and the wane coat eg la 1 - " Tbi I my eouatryr tale te esy tag. Repeat the word.- tnaa.m,! im tainaad e haMfad etaUar rvpsttled No or It hi snv ever say a wr agatesf. Itepeat that &.- Aadlt was done. And then a a of ta akhye tig oanaea ue ma, -ails R, VM la r or. and mix Uom vu Um nr. hili 1 tr formed wM -u to stun watched. Then ta tk af alleajTan e administered. - -, . T7 , The offen which in avaa kal aw ted waa vu aboaa erf tb Ifnruanv winding ap by eaUiag tft Bag a Oirty r. Colored Men 04 'Juries. , ; 1 .'"Jl I Where, oh, where was Jartg Cms packer of Indiana when Mr. Jmrtw Ilolmee of the supreme coort of th an. was rendering the opiaJea refcrr4 to in the following edltorUl fresa the Boston Herald?. Tbi Herald says; Jostle Hotaea it the CaHad Itat. a. Monday that ha rac quveuos. A earrkrtad eowght a new trial ea la grouad that ta inai. wnjen was u aowtft Canaan, waa Invalldaied Vacau. althcwgn rewr-aftaa f ta nopulauosi ef In eoouaviaity ww the alleged rrtsa waa rnirain U war negro, b was denied ta right mt a Ing a negro 00 ta Jury. Th decsatea ml the court was agntaat a aw trteJ. It w held that no proof .vu shews swgyrtrtg th claim that fn Jarr wae kafaar. . W do not s bow tt could a waa r aai to doctar that a Jury trytn; a agr have en or Uvor aroe aw Dwaae lea there are actl vtev aweft a rw qutrameat would mean a eartata dtave meat of the fury, n matter wnate evidenc might b. ThJ aser ta have rested ea th ctaim that eird sees should bar bo out j th yery t iinni th accused requested U ea a rwt We d not wnderetaad thai a a an nam that to verdict vu contrary the si Mem waa presented te ta eoarv - Th Uoet Unkladeat Crt of AIL allnlsters of gracew defend tf! How are tb" mighty fallead lg Ufa worth llvlogl Here coosa th Waaalagtoei Poet and make th faOowlag- aataaad lag remarks: - The freqaent defakaOoei at Baaaats fflc1ale - dosaa't saearttr si rn a taa popular gevmeaaut of ta ha ad fallara. It ahoaid ft bora ta. salad a great many of ta ariaaln tkore were tea ported frees New BaavVaad. ana ta a uvea have sj4 chaac ta show what they Now. that prrgrnanl paragrapa rag gesta several thing: (U It a a broad Jnslnuafioa that New loglaadeca are .more corrupt tbaa tb mongrel popat latioo of llawaU. which Is hard ta a. Ueve.' ir true, tt Is moat drpfoeatM. That paragrapa eoqM no- saira ll intended foe hamor. If so. hwriaftec when the Post Intends to ba fsevtloo It oogbt to label Us oatpot the; tTate fat a joke." CO What baa booae af an of the virtue aad latatfigtae walch-j we were aasnred ta that namr a 1S83 were pmasand by the Hawariaaa? I have a distinct rvcoliecOoa that wWa I was boueatiy discharging any doty ta my country and my kind by pppoalAg the annexation of thoaa lalaadd la Jao. JS08t the Washington papers bus basted me to th qoewo's taste sod declared that tb Hawaiian waosa I waa try teg to keep oet ware aa extraordinarily ta lot of titiaens.' (3) Are they desslTAg a mild ' nam toe tts Uag bora c the thievian propenalty waa natural ev because our aatrspa bar taagt ttma the trick? Oar leper eolooy do aot appear to have been soch a gtoeioea acquisition after elL ' i Het Coming. f Reference la not bet mad ta Iri dent Rooaevelt but ta that other exxO ncntlf not tUoetriooa. lupebtkaa stataarnanrthev saTUa of rJaln, Thai fstnoos RepabUcaa poteatata ts own ing to the Louisiana Purrhaa expoei Uon. ' He wSl undoubtedly prw a drawing card, especially If he ts acevxa panied by his 900 wtvea and his ret inue of coocublaosl And ChrUtUa taxpayers. who beller la and pncOca monogxmy wCI be called npoa to feat the bills. Polygamous. potsaUtre rocse high, but we must bare theta, becaeae we ara a world power, yoa kaw. What a comtoeotary cpoo eur boastai conquest of the east or was It a tut chase? Was It not that briSUnt rase Thomas Brarkett Reed who eaoaclated the bitter truth' that we paid S3 peg head for the yellow bcin ta the rtO lpploes, as he irreverently -danotnleaV ed our new fellow citisens? IIow vari ous la -our treat moot of poly g mists! Poor Roberta, a Democrat was oa ccrcmonloosly yanked out foe hartcg three wives. . ReVd 8sot a Keyot an, ts kept in the aeaatet The.suJtsa of Sola, another Repahtlcaa, Is lo b wined and dined at th puhll exposj Tnr.tfcut5LtiTaiTj:L - . . . l.. "It i krrpct. 1 nf f, $ s T. I 1 t4& rrv ItWj. " I i U Ut el We tttxK" '' mt'.-'ftr uH tl ! - V . , - - . . . . -s v r3fTeieat I rmsij, tV leeiii tJ eritv. Itreq. mt it tt the way ecrm: , J o I am ftUtiag taU -. Tie eWf c:ar( t rxjclj a tr. r i: a fa;Uca caXkJ rae e? - 1 n't' I aa i atad t-aj as "t ts:lf t '., if ;rnca ol 3 1 ti '- U'lMltft. laag r tka asoOer fWtf : ft 14 ear t a a.! liel a trr e J Ira tW trtlMnaoa, a ha ho. Thai si's a ewrv tJtf . . rriwatiy teat Usj art w; a Ndk St4 by l im U woa4 Uck to VhaUwtiWsasM eatftal4 -'. Talk stoat a man an.ki r ba Ct7 W iw W4 ora I try do 'I til ta Uttrttr J praciica Is krpt x And he wtt ao dUUt i u with tbttt H aae et th sm. U nee b breoeatag te a asJ s am tosioa: Thert te elj owe ? U s4 it is lo th4t strt IW IW 3Uvvty i eexb rj t parcaaMa. a Irrh teeqri4 han re m . dttetaofft erxs rcrf fc,., ' I soch r eacre, sacrtaae. a o ;U li t,t H'tw it 4 saaa Ct ifrt to Ceiaet Wearia eoct)4 bathatWd4 ae b toaard . CrtTSSi-ro Rrcprd. . . . i -. -r . , ?gaaa Oeaad A It sat. ehtfh.W T rlaUta alTv .. aaad. XU ea ir ? Seta C Weta taO. CkaAera 4 tWvW r ev ree eaaavea edia4 waV n ! ha aaa. Prtg C. gee ea y t-- 1... .. ,!.' 1iiw TIB W0IL0 DClAtri eotUUtTT or lu, ' Col4bft4le4 Neat ax as at taaf aboaf at Bach to eael t eaea n a M)tW t'ae.TW tfrAliiaat isl ka df swad Ij iird fc eoi'sae aot rartTg. I tS-4 Jy aej itaat iW b tobrv saga ra at aa ad ta thai day 4 dgaw coaapetiiba. etn rnty raeaer haa o tar cw.. hejaoaeas aa sWaaead th eajmWrd raerrya rvaplrv ',ad iW sasa Va Waa The artvta cavta sad ta erf . Weed by H3 swff-awaa a44 Ul a aalarr m ta haa ha A r4 oe4 ceacaty( mkh tiaeiaadial tM ert aad a hrt M fttake, C3 aa fl9w a tftaakra ts Wrt ta aaal a U'. peof e t3 ax taiay a' 1 M whoar brata Is bee Wed eve t. c, te ahca tf rai r ta t wHh is taU ddaaaade tla4 IW a liciMaaall a tecVlf aa4 hat two e IWsb tW3 lspjrw y drak. TVt bnerea wsta a i IX W-sjcj tea ftwv saew sag lUa tt tu rm sgadc tt tVv t 3 neaaMcrj. . Ltx.i W a Wj baeiare. h ay SMMfcief 4 taa Mral Lsiar el li, aai iW bnnret weU a Lo4 apoai If, sad at sola f e i V trtv. tW tlal lUrt art enfetr saaa ' tacagh lha wovl-1 tatrtaaect iW teweeaa Moro4 svaairrf. i v Timbers coik Icrrp the homc-s!ciJ t'ocding throcH tho jtarL It jujs toutc the n'sht itufl. .' .... , . Mca" tf calc arc rvca ta rooJ hcxlih, rr.cn Km bodies arc mode c the tvnd est mitcrul, ' - ChlUHooJ is the tine to tir ineicrurxnuon icrattiirrfTcon aiittilion tKat will kit for )tin, , Scott t EmuUtoniiaWr'.&i , Scrjtts Enuliian tS;mu!i.ri the flowing irxcracl elilU rrrv, htlpt thctn hill a m (o:ndaiioa for a jt:;rt!r ctxuti tutica. atvd ro rroa a. BCOTT s OWNS. Cx-axeta. 0-4ia TeaM tlr, Ne Veftu BOO. vj il.OOi a J tfrvKi'e. 'Thai aslasai h lie aI Kraiot? A te- bacia Is its a ; ' t f ".ts TV 1 it? rt:r Te irtt eta a I a'.'. e i - '. ket. t I la'( i-a! Mt.a4 r ; I u -J 4 ,.- i.V.a a mt u i at, lf i st tt-v t 1 1 -a : - ' ; . ; 1 t a ' " a I r i r i f r IT WUL DO -It I 3 tt?VTTftJ gaA:-T.r fjut t.:4,4 m as ao a crtix- a jn-wa a Bt-aa w .tv. a tint,-.; Ci5VS.i SiJ dreads: C ,I T-a ea rt if I N'tttf ma-vy a t- al l Ve la-f a ra-ei tite a rWe e. TOC m Ht 1 ov A ft ft 1 s,L T U .'-.V rvr-i- - i- C II - j SA"t a, . . . i . 14 1 f tr leH?ti (4;.ire; f t Vara toawl n.o.a CilX w-nJ.!'-w H fert f a 1 twj aaSiWtiry fnav fWy Vv Ik-jea tueelMi a-S i4m t . . av jw: ihit -r u eeg . C mdsmS 1 la e a e-w e. TVe t'eaeh j-- lr VW,f tiee-Ue daf. - . ILJI.ajlLiilW'a) ttj rtfut a titx t m n car Te jaieeiae tima W- taai'ata. . . . . . - . . . h reqx""" rTe w 7 m m j a fc. W, - .imir m mm UK Vvi.ik , .J ' .. t m ttaawvtaaA J '?, eMMa a! va nni.ua I aa ltawe I! t- anl ftfti x TV a. t. lje( E. i n e a teeeaa Shms eM- tUft tWf ea e aa '! mw e-e a e ha a4 lamg aft l ae e f a pweg Cft. fahve aa4 twae are IW frtlis I frtft-uif. a4k JTfcllaBar)J gV ftr wSssh H. iaiaa ad W.i ,, t4L M aVet aa Ae a aVe ta eg w. gca -v ftss4 (tlka 4aM ftyVNMaMfttai dWny fiMMVMfaalh 4MmA gee ftjaatAa, H'aim sweA ftu Wr h-. H . ) e4 ft"l Sa .Lft4 r L0efsa4 a e oe aetaaiPy paaift,eTf aef Wkil ale a im glf r;4l7 eim faaaaaia at TV, ew a t-r a.f ..!. ad mmm Sv eV a ft ilvaM (wrraa. ax. aw-Mi an i e a4 Wmi !.!, ew lea e Mtf Hwat eWea 4 a aiaeae St A. ir.v - V UtUViwr Ll Tm taal taake raae iUl L ajaa. Aerd rapawa adl W CU ea ead ear earn ftAa t U r-C'a4 law Vv" aal r- -- U ftgU ef e-Hagi SAy-u tag- aaa . atM(w aa : aat ujtwUi AaUS ftr, Mit.Ul a Vaaea Xeh. e TWtwM a aa ibe aetOerrHa aa4na ft ta as nftat Im. sm ee t r. at- aeAe al t4wnieai4w 4 iv ! mUaf w) Wai l- sag e eft Waa lit ea 't ia e ne ma g Ma Aft' . IMaw. le -t t nay. Wali aaaafc4 Usee S v4-- aSiua (Xe Vast Mftr ta IW eaaWra ee eae tiff TV V(W T. ktvi,Mrevwik.ri4 ix; CJ fa. eal U aa. a. WJfwiM wv af umm ea( Lrvai . i4 WVa 2 Sat Chtw aag-a.a a.' eW T r wi.mf aa txm mt. j mHrriMt rrW i-wa ta .-. ' l.n a4 Hag lreWi. bM e , f -. ft a- en.' r Vaa'M 4 efext-a Hftaa iWa lii a fca t itw rvw f i "'w "' e- r aua-n n m wt 1 1 j j 4 vf . a at u y a-a t a JLnm an.W( re t-y a. , aiaVeneWf el lwti ;g hw 7C ft4 It. Cercity I a4 1 Ji t-re g .rr-; L !e tc. wi a f'? r a; mi;!; i..na rt rjixt rr ' cj tnir CVra v raa r-9 1 ( tiV rmtit t Tl i e J V f " w .- 1 .-." . f a ftM. t ri " r - t -l tt l utf im S I m m x t .,. 1 1 , I a a. a t 1 M k. .f , f ., 1 V ' . a,.i .... u , f 4 at M ; mt't-i ht 4. 114 ,M-nf ... (- 1 ' "! ! ew t ,. f f--wa. r . w- J w i a a t-ttm-t a . - w ( ' 7 I J I . . . .4 - Tw aaa 4wyt t,i... a ea 1 ' I tU j , WaUesMttaeuin ""L t!,i "T WTTTrmmmm 1 'blaiwlMteaem asf a,.. - , . S ' fl ke a akBBaSjMamase, dftaaaasaasaaLlaa.. wsaaeBBBsr raeaaaai!Syi sr.B.it la Weteftj wi 04 t a eMk. ea aVaMBftsaSa aaa amVm m.aAJh W"WBBBBB-W BBBBI BBBrV WBBBBBBBa. UmVm eat a.1d sum, . e . T- a i i ..m 1 Cm.. , t a H i.,,.fca,'' i hit aw... , it , , a.. .it ... , 1 , I , i . . 1 w . .4 a.. . 't a a.. a.-., . i a - ..a . , i . . . i ...... , . i - - ' - - - - - ------ - s YCU tCCD. ji f , T'l-e C-a iltlt tft. W h l a !,::. R -vurm t :. i n J.r-w ?7 A 7 i ! JUS aWa 9 ' 4"t a r-- r.- I v-l t UUU T ATT U. ln:-r a t.t .r ... 1 ... . . , ...... I e-S n t t h..,,-.i a.. vi 4,fc V' 7 -" 2 ' - att v. JACOIl i:VAM4.' va .4r asii.4.tHja - i:;t in a:r nm 43" e y(,nt ?o-(r ama' L"OHD?5 ra a )af at e ' a 4 a. tetkl tt rtw a UeAat Janata f ar II Cr i Vilbar's jSecd Weal a a ri finwt.L. ae tnr ,1 . et a Ae QTUI aag S Vha Wx-ard t 4 4 l-Ua SMKtlirHi yn a Me tn-jt 1 t Ma.tiu 41 atart4ta 4 IXX Cm lIiXO e . f JMte eiMii ig 11 .ua Ci t e Via rawwi f Mm tHtm C.;ii1 iT ya4"lt mi la i I e-Ja f.li 7rMtiaf:,.r ed W .1 C illtiliW' l r... U. . e-a ?. I 5 tait i. tr, jt, ;m:.. j I V Ua Va wuinn s 1. l. ,aHAH . aa CI i. I. u-fte t :l U I n a tr. U 'a f ftrtAi, L. JaiaK!y Am f. , . 4 ia4 .',""-"t '. " J. t-" v-. .' i !"- T 7 ! " .C -Jwi : '. a..i.atf a "t. .f ., fc aui-aav ee Sir. fciew ..t-t.l - twA 1 1.( tMi iu4 m '4;nf (un Vat.V.l tt m.."t., n it . , . , . ,,, , W . A. C u rirfttt ( .. X (tit . . Pa-s ft. i 7 i Tr-fr:cx cr tux: i t ; u .' : i s j, ,,, , ,,4 ae-f ,iT t i.r" at vv8 A ,! elf , X tui fr ; :, ; j ft.t.4 aaa. le t.l.e j.a .. f I" I : - Z 1 i .-!, t y 4 i mil 7 '" 1 1, 1. 1 a i: 1 '?if l et li-e ;!; t.. i a a.."i t C ! el S. a tt, . ',- . s 1 I 1 1 i art 1... I l..tt t tl '1 a j fi- ie-4 ial J a a . aa '. .. 1 "4 '. a V'.e ie ;lat-ls' f . We -;" -f e a. i l-e l U-l l i trf ., r a a n ai -a 1 a ' . a t T , . '. 1 1 f ,, ., .!. I 7 1 "1 t '. in' n " t V m 1 ' '. i f 1 . a t t -, t 1 f 1 a ', H'M J !ij 11 .t- t ; I ' , - 1 1 - a ' I ; "'"' ' t 1 t I ' t I I ... vw wa,. r TrTi ilrir T mi " a m aaaiim 9m i....e UH 1 , wZT" a, 3 , T ! ' S eift i a I ......MM ,1 if ay Sr-j y aa eav-w) ? 1 . t -. v I i . -- ?,rr n .- av t . . 1 a a I I trnt .tm a JttMa. )... , . . , ... l , mmi .,. tm-mf mi u.i,i tear e M ' ' e-. ... km a m kiwuat .it i m , 1 j uea m sm ,m e Mm gewi s, a !-'-- - ... ... , ,aau, to wa . ei ta jaiima . on, j - - - l (Ma. Ta a . -3'', J . r, ? fat 1 r 0 !. - . ... f t.'ia a e . J Awi sMatrte t, C eiW ..,,.. ) k "1 . ... a r I ,.,,) , w.tt . v-t a,,.. I. aw .. ew: . , i i , . ' V""? J-l ; ' J :. a ... 4 - im u..r ,.... ... .- j e- ; ' a a ... i aw t t'i a an'fterH f, la a P v r , tigs?- 4..J t lie . t sh m a im fi, i ii r,;i s r, SEAI50AR1 1 " atfe - a. e 0 Sw mmi 1.;... i 1 1 r. - i ; - - 1 - ... -, I I r - - -r 1 f '. k t ir , l ! , I ,.,, , ' v 1. H.rn.t ,. i ": .-f .. T a..' 1 ' t !.,., k ,., . - , . . . - . "" " at , a 1 ' ,- , i t tr ' - - " S T - , . . f r .- a J-'.rw . , J a a- - . M '. . , ales J r - " a-t e 1 I --' 4 1 , aa -eawaa A I , : . j ' ! ' j - : e e au - - - ... t e - i A V ... . a- , 1 . f 4 Mtai'Mtlf I t . t I f : . .. ? r 1 III:. a t . a ..t., .. f t "T t r . t 1 . . t 1 V ! r i 1 . X at T - 1 f.. a w a tawua e a m, m a a m 1hm I U a Ha ,iw I a V 1 . 1 a immt t t.nnaa 0 4 .r ff.'.a --'.'' a ;:' : : . t. ; , , t .-' f raveuag pabHeSolldUd,

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