a JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprlitor. ...,.-.,., ... , . , . .. . . .. i ... n i ... . . r . VOL XXXIII MDISBURG, N. a,jnaDAYf HAT I. D.U "' . at -TO'-T a...- a 1 ". -1- t -f - -J - - r X. ,, ' LvlL Jw V CHURCH DIRECTORY o- . - . o o 'O o q b 6- o -o MBTH0DI8T. Banday School at 9:80 A. M. Gao. 8. Bakkb, Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. H., and 7i30 P K, every Banday. - Prayer meeting Wednesday night, -: M. T, Plyleb. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildrk. Supt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:30 P.M., I ivery Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday night. H. H. Mashbdrhb. Pastor. BMSOOPAL, Sanday School at 9:30. Services, morning and night,, on 'it, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. ' rfhai Tom Johnson's Victory May; Mean 54r President on x" Big Navy Silily. Talk by Cabinet Of Ificials i-. o O : o o ro o o o o y ! o o o I LODGES. - Loalsborg Lodge. No. 413, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. jLro feemional oax-da; gPKUILL & ALLBED. v ATTOENBY8-AT-LAW, Will practice In all the Courts. Offices In Looisburg and Xoungsvllle, N. C JJR. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU1SBURQ, . - N. C. Office Orer The 0-reen k Yarboro Uo,'s 6tore. Q R. 8. P. BORT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisbarg, N. C. Office in the rear of Boddie. Bobbitt it Co. 'a Drugstore, on Nash street. D R. R. P. Y ABBOROUGH, PHYSICIAN AND SURQBON, LorrsBURe, K. C. Office 2nd floor Heal building, phone SB Night calls anawp.red from T. W. Blckett's residence, phone 74. B. M.AS8BHBUSQ, A.TTORNKT AT LAW. touisBUBe, v. a Will practice In all the Courts of the Btate Office In Court Houae. JABCUS C. W INSTEAD, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, LOUIBBUBG, -N. C. omn ovsb Corner Drag Store. Special Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services required. jQR. J. A. MALONK, faACTICINa PUTSICIAN AND SURGEON LomSBUBS, K. 0. Office over Aycocke Prag Company. Special "Washington letter. S there such a thing as excruciat ing humor? There surely must be, for the following squib ap peared recently -in the 8t. Louis Globe-Democrat: "Colonel Bryan has a thistle patch on bis farm. . He la ar ranging to go into the Angora -goat business. At any rate, be' la trying to butt in? ; Clearly the first two of tbose side splitting sentences ere - written -to make excnae tor . working In the third y - - a:v .- ' A Taia f Two. Cities. v, " , For some weeks the' mayoralty elec tions at Cincinnati In southern Ohio, and at Cleveland, in nortSern' Ohio, have attracted national attention be cause it was. -understood that If Tom Johnson won in the city by the lakes he would be a candidate for governor .of Buckeyedom this year and, success ful in -that, race, candidate for presi dent next year, and that should Mell ville E. lngalls, president of the Big Four railroad, , win in the 'mayoralty race in "the Queen of the West, in her garlands dressed, on the banks of the beautiful river, he would be a candi date for governor of Ohio - this year and, successful in that race, candidate for president next year. Well, the day big with the fate of Cato and of Home in fact, of two Cato came. Tom was triumphantly re-elected mayor of Marcus A. Hanna's town, very much to Uncle Mark's chagrin, no doubt, and Mr. lngalls was snowed under. So he .is out of the running, while Tom is strictly and Ureely in it. He is most certainly and most emphatically a per sonage with whom all aspiring Demo cratic statesmen must reckon. The prestige of two mayoralty elections la not to be sneezed at or poohpoohed out of the way. His enemies call Tom a mountebank,' fakir and other pet names, and they disturb him about as much as a gentle April, shower dis turbs a full feathered duck. His friends and admirers denominate him a statesman and the friend of the peo ple, and, judging from the election re turns, his friends are increasing while bis enemies are fadings away. Evi dently bis star is in the ascendant, and Uncle Mark will have to bestir him self or Tom will sit in the White House, which would almost break Un cle Mark's heart. tlon owe It to their mbm of nation respect to speak court tout!? of tortin powers. Just as a aravs and eU rssrpct ui mu imu au aroaoa bus court ousrrv , But thonxh to boast Is b&d sod lesaly to insult another wore. yt wor inan au is u to do runty- of bcosUnc oven without insult, and whoav eU4 to ths proof to be unable to stake such boasting; "good. There U' sv boroeir oid adare which runs. 8poak atofuy aa4 car ry a bl stick; too wtu so far. If the America caUoa wul speak eordy and yet bnUd and keep at otto ef t hlsheet, traintaa . tboreochir offlesssit j navy, the iionroe doctrine wUi so far. ' 1 ask yo to thiak ovar thio. It too do. -you will some to the conclusion that it ore plain common swsso. so oovfoiaar sound that only the blind earn fail to m its truth and -only the weakest aad most irresolute caa fail to deatro to put It into rorco. . Lis present tUkor eCn. tf kw aatitji J ram rriorarr now ana cm ccx sm ring. It would V to kwtt UaroeW vprtsfd and disgusted ri-g ta'i rtaxdom, Gru um rtcg bover noi King Lear oo tegraUta44k lt ta cms Weaver rtatty turaa ref ortso tie ra will nod that Iear 64 a faTrty fprO lob In mrMJnr t 'in -f a t aazS i ct. Would Weaver t-e Jotiil ta I t U m soU ce tV7 oai. turning on the) rtag wkks create j fTe Urt X m t tm cwJi and whk ftooloatad aad oUcled tlx . -.m ,n with tKa M-tli- L.t h wVl m n 154 rW' tit rmajest Grs-m CerieJ tirrrvd a acVt at a Mt4 M'il U Yol tKr! ta tVt Merest W ' T4 f Hat taaJ aa4 etw4l prv'!ioej of IW ml caa4Jiaee) ! da SMt ka4w 1mw it mtf im MVrf K-t sfrAs 4 tJei t t rk r t ltR t irtj tl (Vt rrrnruMs ovti . trgi rl 4 $4S Ml '"- fft:saM I la? (old truta) aad tenpfx 3 ti ttrat Mgt ed t -?rMa aa3 e,5- th bead of th rtsil Orutaiy l!tii caao of tbo too no jasrcrytag to ecid. ru9lUsm In tfta teasia. S ' What the dooewla XUtf HUT. taattar wttb araaton of tb Ca3i 8utM7 8onator eet froaja s-ax The truth la that when he Is making American speeches as contradistin guished' from Republican campaign speeches the president is at his boot. That old adage. "Speak softly and car ry a big stick; you will go far," la admirable. Groat Men With Small Ideas. It is strange that great men at any rate, men holding great pooiUona will continue to say things which would oisgraca the most obscure crossroads politician In the land. For Instance, Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, ex-governor of Iowa and present secretary of . the treasury, is fond of Insulting the totel ilgeace of the country by claiming that the panic of 1883 waa produced by the Wilson-Gorman tariff bill, paa.eed la 1394. Of course nobody believe such balderdash, not even Secretary Shaw himself. Recently the Washington root. Inde pendent high tariff organist, took Mr. Secretary of War Boot' through a course of sprouts in the following vig orous fashion: I am not goma to argue the question of protection and freatrad. The second ad ministration of Cleveland is not so com pletely forgotten yet that that questioa needs to be argued in this country now. Secretary Root at Boston. It la cosy to see many strong points la the address from which that extract is taken, but It is Impossible to discover Just what to meant by that allusion to the second Cleveland admlnlstratloa la connection with the questioa of procso tion or free trade. It has long been the habit of a number of Republican orgs as and politicians to attempt to Impose oei their readers the impression that the tariff of US, passed by a Oemocratio congress aad permitted to become a low by a Democratic president, who saaledlct- AttsndSag ago. bat thy act (seen tie a lot etnstaoed aad 6ry ye-e-. roxlllaui peases to b Usotr 9rf . ITn t .Benjaaala BUaaa.aVal Tftka L. It .a Lsvxrt "pOrcm-eM e2i otter ta vpoer "penara, rtgt under t tr yt n oners bis Hear and Co eaJsaa.rT. tor. ' T&oti Senator Jeoapk vf . So Cry of Trxu rraeaoiS fort k-fis otrejeg and shapely Hgkt ana and tiolesUy taoA Senator Albert J. Borotidg lolUiui by the gooaler. TtL aarj-e-oed wlttdl the sacred pmiacta el tio twaata chamber, bat aTtor what Cwral Tts ds Mario CockreO oaociate moot augnat VsgUtlv body oak oarlV had adjourned. Now tosaoa; Waa(o James P. Clarke of Arkaaoa. wkei aa aautt Coorrrastsaa 8?pbei BrtBsfi4g shedding bid blood raore er Mm sA ousiy. Ttio apptod at tittle? Sock. It this sort of' thing Is to toatUrao among swot tors, th prcpe rtmt fw California fat to elect Ho. Jaa J. Jeffries, too ronowavrd boO east sr. to succeed cWoafoo Hood, aad Tork might srod "Red BoberC" dad Teea- dour or tbo tatgnty Joka L. to sucroed Piatt aad Doperw. . r Has the tars wsw ta ta asattsr of prosperity I That to tbo ejietla wtttrk every sooslbet maa wC f utxi ad to himself when bo Worse that tV w terty earnings of tbo areof troot have fallen off fJ0CO.0Qa Ut O bop tkal the inotltabl rara ba not yet cacaex. Hon. Carter IL Hamsooi raaso ar being ta poaittos to totcprelvet! ta a3 its moomfufceea Klac IWorrom's re mark a boot eanytag ote ptrbor to tbo fountain ooc too oTto. Ao t ho may eougratulsto ttmoig am heartily that a taUa ta as good. as a mile. . .v . W r. t al r ri te DR1N1C -3W U.J. 1 . IT li-VL CO tCJ CCCSn. 0 fcrTt A I sVaJUA-.Cal a ine(Ua.il i , u .akt iil CmW ;wi-Va, l Ivrma Is a aVt'f, nj o-w i wmoo ewjo aw Vtir V CX. T '. C ' la arrttuo ewui Ji tmA iZ o4 ut . n.s. I,i o :L .,, I ria: osV w'J a fm.M. i JC T? A 7 Isa a!fl r. SH su( ajst saa P-mm.aa.. Va ?tf Afr,7 Oal el.f U iJ Vtl-eO ?S?. raassssto . - 1,? KT-r.KX fr.rrt.rrt The strange thing about these two i ed It. waa a free trade or tariff for -rsve- pjB. K B. FOSTBR. FRACTICINO PHYSICIAN k SURQBON, Loulsbnrg, US. C Ofllee over Aycocke Drug Company. Jm. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, MUISBu-BO. V. O. Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin nd adjoining counties, also in thb Supreme ourt and in the United States District and 'lrcult Courts? Office in Cooper and Clifton Banding. city elections was that nobody seemed I to care anything for the Kepuoucan candidates, r Not, one intelligenL man in fifty can tell at this moment who it was that defeated Mr. lngalls in Cin cinnati and not one In a thousand can recall the cognomen of Tom Johnson's latest victim! There is one Republican statesman up in northern Ohio who is no doubt busy congratulating himself, and that is Horn Theodore E. Burton, represent ative in congress from One of the Cleve land districts. Burton is capable, and ambitious as Lucifer. ' Some two or three months ago the Republican lead ers on the lake shore. took Theodore np to the top of a high mountain and offered him the dominion of the polit ical world, mayoralty, governorship, senatorship and presidency, if be would only run against Tom Johnson and do him in the municipal election. Twas a great temptation, no doubt. Burton considered, hesitated, cogitated and declined! : He knew on which side his political bread was battered. A great noggin has . Burtonl - It la not known whether Senator Hanna was at the bottom of the Burton movement There Is no love lost between them. Quite the contrary, and it may have been that ETa""". seeing that Tom's triumph waa inevitable," made up his mind that It waa a golden opportunity to rd him self of Burton, who has: long been a thorn in his side; but Burton did not take the bait, -and be did well. The a I - Ik.A I, 'w.M.lw .liAetA aavv- Prompt and painrtaking-attention gtvesT to aro .i v. rrv matter intrusted to his hands. - . I ceived more votes than the man who Sm 4V 1 -tackled Tom, but the chances. are ten to one that ne wouia not nave reen nne only schame. If it were possible to put the brilliant secretory of war ta a class with those narrow gaogo organs and small bore politicians., on eoole un derstand what 'be means by that allusioav In she utter absence of that possibility, however, the mystery remain We give It up.- If Senator Aldrtcb were consulted hi re lation to that tariff, he would testify that he presented and secured the adop tion of one of the longest and moot tsn portant schedules of - that Democrat measure and that It afforded to the lead ing industry of New England an tho pro tection which New England asked for. It is an Indisputable fact that the bill, aa a whole, was highly protective; that there was much lea of free trade la It than there was in the McKlnley tariff which It succeeded. tHOB. B. WXLDKR, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOVIgBUB, X. o. Office on Mam street, over Jones k Cooper" tore. S. SPRUILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LO01BBUB0, a. C Will attend tho courts of Franklin, Vance. aranvUle. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collection. Office over Bgerton'a Store. rp W. BICKBTT, T TORN BY AND COUN8BIXOR AT LAW. LOOTBBtJB . a rerr Rofers to Chief Justice v.TiTiimr nnn RaM. wj winiton.1 FnitonTPrea First National Bank of Wln ton, Olenn Ac Manly, Winston, Peoplea Bank of Monroe, Chaa. B. Taylor, Pre. Wak Por mmt College. Hon. XL W. Timberlak. Of flee over Seal k Co. s Store. - -xr . PKBSOlf, 4.TTORNBY AT-LAW, lOtngBTTBO.X. o. Practice in all courts. Office on Main street. fy H YA&BOROUQH, JB. ATIOENEY AT LAW. LOUISBURO. N. a Office in Opera House building, Court street All leiral business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. J) R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, DENTIST, LOUISBUHQ, - - N. C. Office over Furniture Store. 1 ; " HOTELS. FRASKLINTOE HOTEL . FHAiTxiiirroN. ir.a . vi - ' ' : . ... .. Good accomodation for the traveUng Good Livswy Attaehed elected. Of One Mind. - First and last at least three distin guished men have agreed on one propo sition Sancho Panxa. George Wasn- ihgton and Theodore RoosevelL Sancho naturalls led off. He declared that fPeaee Is ttiBeto prepare for war, Washington elaborated the Idea some what, and now comes President Roose velt and clothes-it In language as fol- It is too l5fe to prepare for war when war has come, and If we only prepare suf ficiently no war will ever come. We wish a" powerful and efficient navy, not for Jpurpo8iOf; war..but,a the surest guar-. antee of peace. . 11 we nave sucn a -navy. If we keep on building Jt up. we may rest asaured -that thers is but the smalleat chance that trouble will ever come to this nation, and we may likewise rest assured that no foreign power will ever quarrel with us about the Monroe doctrine. The president also -delivered himself of the following philosophical remarks. well: worth Mmemhefvaiior-iMnider- This last point, my fellow dtlaons. Is all important and is one which a a people wo can never afford to forget.- I believe In tbo Monroe doctrine with all my heart and souL I am eonvinoed-that , tho im mense' majority Of our. fellow countrymen, so believe In H. but I would- fcnflnltely: pre fer to see us abandon tt than to oeo n put It forward and bluster- about it- and yet fall i to- build up-' the efficient ' fighting strength which in the last resort can alone -make tt respected by ny strong foreign power whose laterest it may ever-happen : torbo tevoloiato H.X-'&:flt vBoostina and blustering ar aa : objec tionable among nations aa among indi vidual, and the public men of a great mv Will that walloping cure ElihaT Kot so long as be can find an audience that does not hiss him. The Trusts and tho Law. What will the trusts do now, poor things? The supremo court of Missouri dealt the meat trust a solar plexus blow, and now cornea the federal court of appeals and strikes the great rail road merger squarely between the eyes, 'all of which looks Ilka business. and yet the trusts have been assuming that they were omnipotent. A tew more such blows, and some of them will be seeking cover. These events prove what the writer of this baa coo- tended all the time, that there Is law enough already on the statute books to put every trust Id the land out of business and' what has been needed for, io, these, many moo as wad pros ecuting officer 'Who would prosecute. Of course the merger folks are going to appeal to -the supreme oort of the United States, a performance which most probably will simply postpone the day of their destiny, for that high tri bunal of last resort almost alwaya de cides in harmony with an overwhelm ing public sentiment, and public senti ment is undoubtedly unfavorable to the trusts. It's a long lane that has no turn, and the turn appears to have come In the trust business. One poll ti es effect of ..these decisions may be that Colonel, Roosevelt will conclude that Governor Tan Bant of Minnesota la the vice presidential candidate be Is looking for Will Weaver Turn Reformer A -dreadful rumor is(blng whlapered from reluctant ear to' reluctant ear in Philadelphia to the effect that the new mayor. Weaver, la meditating an at tack for cleansing purposea on the Au gean stables of the City of Brotherly Love. The rumor, more startling than an earthquake, baa caused the worst ring, on top of groahd : to t lose much sleep and has caused the goooeflesh to rise upon such Republican etatesmeii as Senator Boise Penrose.,- By All In telligent persons' Philadelphia Is rated aa the most corrupt city under the sun. Such a thing as a fair and bonest election-1 not dreamed of. Even, under Boss.- Tweed iKew otk. 'city politics was - sweet and pure when compared with Philadelphia dty "pollrtea for the last fifteen or twenty years. -That rtng nominated 'and elected Wearer for mayor; as It had nominated and elected blni circuit attorney.' The ring took him out of. the latter office In the mid- oclaliatio Mssoathemetla, There Is Uajaachooetts! fWs-e4d W and Jodge fcyeirlTu.fTVe extra smart editors who have boo Jarr-rytM Dortd Bennett 1119 tat floetajr r- rumen t ownerahtp ef a a Israeli cool nine plank to the New Took out pUtfortu last year ooxnr to ram tocr tearful optica on the Mssos tbwaitta legUlir apt3cn boCa bnarto) wbooo committee of toveotagsO kevs recently reported a sot of eviction recotmaj ending .thaU. . - aatkraclte mlnea of tbo Catted Stat) be plsKod under govororaent cootro) or sepe vision, and If. tkki. rrov : a-CTective then the goreranoat Is to take meatureo wta load to aaoooaf erabipl BoctaJtata. pure ead aimpe. Is therefore taking dWp root aovoog K aachuartts UrpubUraiMil , , ; - We are not-the edvta ftraat, legal or polltVal, of O. tml tt eos to oa -that such patragrapa aa tkis from t bo-New York rrooa woeld auoke tbe sage of rMorwtnat" Qttoe,wwrde not to be foand ls'a9 paUr Vrur writer. The ! ey: . If by y etraags pervwsity off tale afa. CWvaUaJ ahuel bo s ilrsted fa tko preeodeocy. eh mata taterva-t ea tko pmea ooratlo party ,wai Ho to te.eco aom dency. ea too Uteery that e e4 a mm 4 cannot Irve out ba term Mr. OiriJ would be ratr-t,t ta starve tsaV wmscs would make kiss tke Hint ed a3 oear prseldeata aaeept Uarrtenek Wee Os4 ooe mocub after baa manager (test, lUeo o posofble cbae for a engaa 1 evao. The Hobeene I PaDtleev That gallant tar. Cantata llifbooad Pearson Uobawoj. has ajplratksto to break Into coogreoa. lie tU aooof probably Dad that tae p4tklaae are harder fighters than the ttcwnlerda. A deaire for oSic rono to toe Pworeoei family of NSrth Croflaa.' ! Tim cap tain's maternal uncle, lieu. R-tctmoeal Pearson, aoie mlsior pra-pe?ftlary and envoy extraordinary to Pvrata. ka4 the offlcUl mania ta suO rtruirei farr that be stole a aesit to roofrr bet fte waa a Repubcean. IU bis pcrr. Captain llobeoo, la a Democrat. TV dt si4 Ntot U to - of IV4 tv f lUt ta - I-.' rte a rrtrj is r. ITUt 1km (eti l"o ef jt4 of lk acgrw m vt f ak.' ti. 9 ) Uat IVrre jo4 seat -n4 4 bsjf;kS take aaWg Ul Swhtts et I rt lereardt tW serre, M mke to eeJaa Vke yoetatd ad tSavt 4 il6rajtt social ttf m fj dare, M taaJ3f aep4oWaa4 ori, iSstofe) II H Vge Sspt a oosm Usf m rt Uti e4 m Ih reaea) Ikae feettr ae ams a a racial lant-MV. iruaeeet KU Is rvrteaatwe iVal ll led wSm9 to gprt" aVare la fSt J C apot: 101 o4 lea? t a ' CW tttteg tie totral msmmmfm s4 lae a3we4 ft -f Intaig tf lie Bwgra ta oeeeree rbw taeat W 'W ee AfSeefd o-r miXmm Iao4c4 WsdvaoM. b 4 WVig atvw ?-, "). evt ll k We. 00) tf l bw e-rta4 aa co4tie ae ike) Ire trga a4 . re WWaCvl racial loati.ser'i 0m ee tilw cstt ed ike feaiCk. vest. j t4 -sW 4 tk w-e isi-sk eseat, iae3 ikrw ero nwisas g ef, Mat tl afito tf a4 cu dr i4jnU f ike wVne aaoo'e aaardea. . Tri are, lar ee, etw a saf 1 vaimake reUtaog tkjo fcotase 04 o ef ro 0 . ekkwkaa-et W eegeoeX ea eaoo to kveyag ek tW erv 4 trpw of ikia acxaeftae. A fcvetl wf tM arf te, 12 m-4 H 4 taauVUf c4 kii aa;reeoU aa4 advaaCtBwOt, a4 aaaxaef 4 eases-' VirMl UkcMg ae ! taet. fe h loCi restl) tgfrae b paiyenaerej ad Ik eetrdUf co tevaaie ej lb fsan ef U ak tr?tf ed fW $sase to ! eixi. lbo f r w JJ,tVsr wVa Ca be tiftstf eftke -ttv m-m tsiV ho at tad VtU ae V Wt ee tves to-oegM to tW ptat f oteo g ? - t red 1 Vat -?d f rte. toe q rocoed ttew ttoavf, Oet It bra rtaxVigf ikd atag k9Vra ett at drrTlf sd feractatoSf tmm ti war wf iik It tjaretaa ef Ik awf 11 ee avr-at of cf a4tverv ee ewve) fan h f?ltsl ptrcw?, nsrtt tmantdfetftf llb ad crwtd to rta d4Msla ir?. ctte. t4 tkaie to dealoet eJUev emkiepfv u (Aa cMt4!f n-'j rscei tke tcoaariiaeai d asssiriace TO(tBdO tttestif I t . , , , TMia lmm giMSMe .ftra ? , - r.. . -,r i. .. t AH 4-4l - i mhw V '-b 1 ?t . L ..!..,... a t . ... 4 . kbe, " - 1 - - 'srfs a..t..' - a. . v. .. - .... - . ... - t W 4 1 t . u.-u 1 " artssi n,tc ".t 1 , k toVevbw ae . o wU t my . eik a r.H fM.e 1 2 . . , - m . . . .. . 4 v r ' t 1- . ,!m. Visiiiw i ifis a sv a x . a '- . ! eaavv -&. ersMtf. 1 ttsa) y-V t 01 tt 1 gafc. A Oeooea1 1 - io ejMa A tU toexy est aa3 lato t tUAiew tf S U ulA.M It.. enwa. L4iMe 0 . enS'e ' k awtiia. imi ill t f. e eU. eu-ea a p. AMI CXU af Saat aa mm Bw Bv . oe4eMBV g exs'wa, f T ae e ? eae a a. va- C r. V ruse i sb. .. ar. aet.ti4l l -nrr hi rut mrt fliaj'oji um omsAm''! tie LOED'S It W easassra? ke lev lUle a Us U to Va Va esasa. SI I atst, . siiisua. SMttM M.kew I f is eaaea H,W Ha i BV ta BmiSmhP W iaiai stme. eaM , '! S Brfs -f ; L 1 Aiso. t.aoeie). a fry e V 4 a a.ii' . bwwa i ai o4 Oaaw ?AMea, u sue seoxos i i ensso a a-mnni i ; 'PREFERRED STO CK.HrfEEzS. MSMJ . e6 5tt.w.w,.Mi ;H.me.ea ms. eaU POHIC RYK TT. s4 W r V-t 4.b3 t. tttS if tiauvB , 1 im i si ra dta surtw f ei Me a U 1 fa V f eViiiaiOo f xe vwnw,Hr - firttnrvtt'iktt til e ft Isf III I ln U p it- 4 (a4ttljth,iA.WS tw f Jt t4 a 1f Ut C-r tw. erMMav, aeua T :Wf e awrf a aa aa4 ' 1 1 -Wa I W fw tWf e awrf a avaut M ' mi gas ana by avfasweo Te a.sase.1 .in, i -I H f3aMse rt4 eksMl ee'UXrex O aL4XWfayaA SUB S H-alXri-t avl7 (XlrLrTs Ca-XtX. Csea a. tt f, SAmteajiet. a WM e O-Mt a, SV We ta a moii I yal e miiniimmi eaM 1h4 f eafc aa eka- a swn fa,,, m ca s pi man ha erf "inisis;. i art av MmWWk4w ak fl -I e.'lOO Sanest baetaast a B OM aa etrfSK. ew paw-eawawal' msiib Skvef Of to tkoeiVfal aaad f)se ra. srt of ike Ubd. VrrT tsi awtpw f a, . e. . ea a si . a . I wfew! mmi wawKvev ar ew . . f j. . J,, A .Ui MnMaj IU sa ftaes I t--e oaavo awe ekear, pf tk tvrtte) t, "Dewi ;' tlj.VaaU UUfli croretiooai Ike art Heated vf t topsa, I el. ig V to da w?k tW aooxtecol ed. caisoex of lk e-rrra. aad obmwC ei iMatkaihtrawM k fta elbfl U eiio.-aS si of .eWlj BVeeaBsewwe)a BMeBtWBSBakaWS oof abort to f l-)g a , $:t I ,,,1,, s-w. anateaws eawoo ba' ek. I I so ra-"ea a a aeMaauei MC K 1 1 MS i as I . Bat ! Seed Weal at sit iaaeniV ? le at dBaa t ,lv .i ibst aad rrBartN KxXlt Tf dlto-B, U toaAsaej - e te tce4.j5s a4 eweda od aW r. baa wo U r -It It at tie? Wte l rarwe sreM kei, 4 sol si V otv, o VoAl fsret o gve tacef to a ' d " oct wt y we OS .. TW eMa a Xms usal eae Bv A. - !" a 4.i ta.daw aaU in "j SMHSHaey a ; eit Ka f - e-i frtaji smm i.! eeM aa eaad ekM - im M0MMa PwaV a) flees m-'mff ePBareaVeyBawey 'y3"! Isnaerf iaiaUtl4la - ldo for be wee re-etortod maypr by a j SKc tKiO Af4 atfik AVTbl 1 o an com rort a Die rnajorxiy. otn oe ooea eev. seeni to attract ettoeBoo) any outside his own bam Nobody knows, er be baa not taken the confidence. HMf eriMrr ki-a bttiUf to toy, aaZ IW aaaW a orw-f t.Veo oaf it ta as wiwViif. t,. i in i ujii w mi - A ska e em I a sWal e.os sT a1' a.-k" ' !!. t aeiiut Via) , ef ..tniineiia eW.e u u4S J (lei afa4 r..s viins g ass-lax iwa-w.V af ewaMM itt um4 Ve r EXCElOaliOe ?1 tt tl 4 etsMl!tftt ImA sm it .lie mt,, fvaroMkle I?,' Certainly after the rkBraVwa among Ooreroor Cnaamlaa. man . Hull and Mayor Breoiae, aa to wbfeb. ef tkeea akaa tkto hv tM car riage with PreaWeat Eorrn wfcast be viaita Dee Motnoa the anew abewid Uka'aV rest rrota pokox fxa it Um woman foe aqoabbQag aboejf aaatbrrs of pmwdefKeC, The pretdeat wouU aerrt that QuarivUoTu rrt rlgkr to t fuse to ride with any ef tlarnw A good long walk of some ten er fiftoow B&Ooa 'would bebj the governor, cooxrrwKsaa and mayor. -'.,. -. , V The aeandala ta the post ee de partment -at Washington, wfckn gt Woroe the farther the toveettgatioo kt tztended,' show what wlae tUag U would have been to bar etoctra tVetnocratle boose last year, tt woed have overhauled and !av-r:!xte3 ee ery . depertmeul of Ike goverataoet. which would have koeo a ratting good thing. the world late u I Ing trrutxr doun hid i!r.ft twelve pound! in krcigHl btisrt el. l--tTe fttk(J -- - u t r eo a.M aa a a ay'" :ib, . f. Biai ttmt M O -tl e-4ee4 f a-oMsA-e 4 aw ta raM f-s eaw tf i Ageaaag Ciraa taw sue v aae t he bet lie nrxi 6r.tKol - -a. . Et?.Kl -cents v Tie of a1 fclii".ie -r l9 yef fif less vw w Vai tt to kW ea) eW tt k lAt gteeaj tk. f a. i 1 I i t C3h I ' i - B " e-a I ) emsaitMs ao aiMi t et 1 ' e eaai asaa I - . ... " .- . - - - --- a. Oik aw .tj,,,. a ai. - j 1"' . - t - - - . - f a n.Tr ,j m aia i a 1 t - 4 a.t1 i . - - a.,e .nme r 1 " m f-m - ' a. aU -, ta' esasaa f , aJrw P awa, aee o.aaak M. bfeiOt a - - mm f f a . .r aV run i . i - u tt eV e kaaa - - 1 e t.ea,.iH. I I i HV "1 ta, vfc - vaa as , wai .Srk.fAr CLltli tnltikiif) frk.l . - T. - I a Oa aa M ne fir mix nt t a k ( a w ej .a - n i. . .. v - t - MASSENB0RG HOTEL - J I Maaasenbitrfir Propr HENDEBSON. N;C. , fioad aMommodattoaa.'- Good far. ' Po lit aad attsBtive orvaa'r :-v- NORWOOD HOOStVv .- " - 'It w i' vYirntttJ.,- t-.: KDrt-CircIIst . , . , , - ','.. ' W, a. OfWOOle Proprietor Istronag of Commercial TourlstB ; frsvtllng PabkofioBeiUa. ri: ' -' c?d r:T' ree-t: ;cnaL " Sstr.e ray rrxx, ars.c less some : gtt ROlticj la thtir. nvor.CT, Yoi ecl money wxfth w.hf ytrd b-.'j Scctti Emulivoa. ' We win ictA ro3 free.- .-. : to i- .. SCOTT & K, C ta. aoo rtaxi Strict. Kr feak. o W i4 mm m 9 a-aHa MS i0aa O er ef-U, ta luai "T"i a. t inssaiilg atiasa Pmm f Sf ,-e a faaeiaaaasaeae A ei Vi aala-l to lls t ktgWU-tk ltU tee W-)t-C i"f 1 -1 A t aaae Tml is. AU duoatee tpeak ka nt ?. aly aad eVai ally. t reel Ue Jtiki w r ' w mm fir ,15 Formula t-stoicy:; -.-. "'il.-- WtJleipsoaBtawB M nei:Ircct PERUVIAN BAUK ; Plnid Eztxabt POPLDUUC t I: .' FfcS. -aattet- CLAC ROOT t o S -iFInid Extract PIUCCLY ASH BATJC Eriict DOG WOOD BARIC Fluid Extract SARSAPAIULLA It Cnrc3i3iG Don't C Er,t Gc! Tcr.!c ! Mo Cere, ipY.V .50:. . we wjitriit We Vi 11 to kl. ttrwBck li-t e4. amaaeeTraet v. I - s bosk mi Va k Sd Or-J- Atdt fart IV. M . t.llra4W. dr-rvacsKeV j tailiHf iraela Utl liaa Wee et 1 -tad a ker .. r,b 4 j a. r aaeaaa, '"- 4 ed fwt. ta. ' t:;J M,!se js-rv-M i n;r. aa4.aWa. ft.praiat f,:ra a s-4a far. V i-' eaaal J.X ! ia akl e L'f Tk ' " aw'.t f.t r y' laa-lei . i-al ro-:tlrUaL. Bad ea W r f-i7t ! .ca a aJ re, aaa f ant mmS Xtf B 3 -! .-- s-a - e i l .a I . J f . ..' 1 fit! I I i -ai '.'t ,1 Oa ea Wf rM e ' t .a Karf9 ., ak '., aw i.i f-M !"- j-iaaj BaaUb a ' m e" ea U- f-'aa.ae a aa wneai eMU 1 Sao sa ee ae 0a m.i4 e senaiei ! www tr. sf mm ewaM-a mn Um a le a i n e aaa 'aa44. paAt i nula C-V , , -'"" - 't JXaty -i g k l ana) " wVa ki jet MkSs, ff t'c!ae af k 4W tf tl fli.e Ht tnx mi femaJ i ' tr tVnsiW iioisssauH.po , a. 'C .ut.t.nr l.etsy. o4.p , a- aatB tawnaa w stf A, t l- jnA.lts . ! w t al attitia ia 1 ! I . V'1- tlet la V oeejMiMiiej ? . a. yata,ai asiuaiim'f Ua n;iiw i atue -t -o ' eaAa le ti cm.iC I a siiiarwa eto Ca trt e t fm mmm e.rj:M. tl-i " i i, t Zml iaf 7 7 mivkmwm mtt u-t0 iw t tifCi U OMif I eBV baao tw anao mmm )-tad -J 1 i-ea Ortie .u eat eAffe a fli - fjfcjt fttna kr eui t.att LYO tlei Vv k -k ;-t wW. Tt. A. ca-e-rr-r-n., a-r.n a . ki. rvrrw-a Any. e swina ' f " Ba Si una ? "!. Tba V tvm tmtf . Ca bir.e a. a .n Caiitl, f . t l.v (rfvf j ? lo . kT, A K u.'.m ad o-; j rw f .aab TWIfc S . alu- fiWti." au -s, ' eu.i r-u T t 1 ta-l a .--, an '.. -C nt e .! at laaaa f ea--! Af SVe taaaa. a., 4 9-f .-ti , a.e W aaM'ot t aaC w,af t .? p a . V.- jaVWa T a-taj W l-a kM auaaa.a M l s-a -a -I t- ' ae r-e itM-a ' . ..-a . r Waa a , taa.'. I aa a , , 4 pa eaaa -.. X " .a.a . , a m w , hka rauaia ai m . a af. a. - fWHl , m4 a a a.a e a ... 4 s Va I ''' ,. ,'., U .-aaa.a a,-i ....' L m a. ,- i f t.i "I r f iil r Ua a ' 1 1 1 t T " , 1 . i i - . , , m l".i ; t. -tf , , f t t 1 l:lt.e .t i .-.t ', . ' ' I '.If if i.f l' t - J . I ! ' I ,,! f -I it t.la r .t.i-ii" t i.i, ' A; a : Mit - 1 r l' j , a la- ; t i r e i , i t i t t Vi t. e o .:. f-e f sk' aet ... . f bl V isj.e) MtiiW twij ,,n;a j .... t.a ea tj....! fi't i , 1 os 1 1 m -i , esro. .tawes U k j . e, t , "H. ") Ml Oxewusx- MS -., 4 g MBOUtT XOM. a, wa , , 4MI O .H dllOlM rMM.. j oMl .ry-4 twwe tM.,. ( 1te O-rV tia t.-!. ...! , .) I'Hea itMM ewa oh tn r-k .. Meiwf j JTt-wiiUMS. I ,,,t tn.. f eea eV a.ewiMee S.MnefMa. B 4.Us ai .4 .. f, J! (vwam ir t,4( t m sesn'oe -.tHa; t. SEABOARD 3 w-k w- tad iri tl. fS4. tit 3 X rT.: t jt 1 1 l"? vw. c sVSVfVt.vl. -I, 1 1 I a k t tit tl T . -.,.. if ' e 4 w V a. M . t '"' ' d fw w ;.K'iit'W v la ...., - r . ; i i it. -;- " t r a w ) i t I i Ay Mru...w i l T " "i . . a a- i - ea e - - i,i"e -" SH aw a 7 a 1 a 2 ',, , J Ii ., i I . ' r t tav- h " e ,-e. faaea t m. ' i" ' it M , L t.i.. ,i n.H f tmm. 'i (M ' I . i, m "T v. f mm r""M'' e T I . - " aasaBBaaaa mm- - - f l -es ' ' f J i ..-fWa ' " h. ,VZ 1 J ".a itww n . ,, e r I e ', ef t? ft'" A ' ' tf 1 r a IMh. I j kUt aV. v a a W., r 1 f " a- . ,, 1 , fciy VMWUWVMI4 1 ,,,1 e i " "a"rer"'' MMBH I I aMBMMII 1 4 tSaiS '( H i . ei - rr - t 1 i-- ." ------. m - 1 ? aa.tla - " . I aw O Sm m 1 v.- iwia IB '. ( , a. in a a a awtra edtt aa ea t 0 ewww-w at t V " aa aa t 0 vw Ba ii, a an t et ia - e aa a sa a si iMiei I t lira " a.a i ii) ? e t a a- i ' a a' " - K i iimimiw " ya a a 1 . . ... . . im e liaii ya 0 i ta X oanai taa aa aa ) .i.a.L ,-r- s , an M a-a a - mm - e- I ia a a i r-m. aanet I .all L 1j t i , I , t .., la. t i-e,' a. ' K t.1 a e aa f T . t V I a I ll rt Wt. m .a Sttt ea-e a ka 4 I HI l , r vi , ; t r . i h, t . w t . . i . , -. t . ta Gmm I M t t-,a . a ' , a tv, n.i . I ,4 i . - - "s ' . a Ww. 1 1 m 1 1 ., 'i , ,a o..a I .., T 4 . I 1 , -. i '.a I - , Mai ' . 1 )- I . a i- , I ... ... ,-. ( . . . - . . V.. a. t .... . , . -a O t - ... , ; . lit , i . - ' ' i-i- ,-a i , . . . wf' I t. 'it' a S T ... ... :... I.- I 1 t . .. . .. .. J... . ,.