MKTHODIST. Sunday Sobool at 9:30 A." it. . N.-G10. S. &Ana, Rapt. . Preaching at 11 A. U4 and 7i30 P. M. erery Sanday.r - A Prayer meeting Wednesday night M. T, Pltlbjl Pastor BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildib. Snpt Preaehlng atjl A.M., and 7:80 tjL, ivery Sunday. " r-: Prayer meeting Thursday night. ' H. H. Mashburbb. Pastor. KFlaOOPAL, Sunday Behool at 9:80. ... Services, morning and ' night y on 'it, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Kvening Prayer, Friday afternoon. LODGES. Loaisbarg Lodge, No. 413 A. F 'i A. M., . meets 1st and Srd Tatdar BiDii iu eaoo moot a. libt..Bii gVRTJILL A ALLKED. ATTORNEYS-AT--LA.W, Will practice In an the Courts. Offices In Loulnburg and Yoaugsvllle, N. C. Y)U. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. " LOU1SBURQ, . - N. C OiHce Over The Green Yarboro Uo.'s Store. R. a. P. BDRT, P R AflTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON. Louisburg, N. C. Offiou ia the renr of Boddie, Bobbitt A Co. 's Drug Store, on Jfaeb street. 1)R R. F. YARBORODQU. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LoniBCB8, N. C. OtHoe Sua floor Ne: building, phone SB Night calls ana wore. I from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 74. . MAB8ENBURQ, ATTORNKY AT LAW. LOUI3BCR8. K. O. Will practice In all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. M A RCUS C. WINSTEAD, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Louisburq, N. C. Orrica ovbr Corner Drag Store. Ht-eclal Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services required. JJR. J- B. MALONK, PaACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGK05. LOCI8BUB8, F. 0. Office over Ayeoeke rrug Company. "TR. B. 8. POST BR, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN SURGEON, Loaisbarg;, N. C. Office over Aycocke Bras' Company. yyM. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, hOmSBUM, X. 0. Will practice In all the Co arts of Franklin tnd adjoining counties, also In the Supreme Oourt, and In the United States District and rircolt Courts. Office in Cooper and Clifton BuUdina . r(H08. B. WILDER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, louiaBtn, a. a Office on Main street, over Jones ft Coop (tore. J?m 8- SPRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IfOtJlSBtTBO, BT. C . Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. ' t Office over Egerton's Store. - . rp W.B1CKSTT, "' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LOUL8BCRO jr. a ,, ' Prompt and painstaking attention glvea to every matter In trusted to his hands. Refers to Chief J ustice Shepherd. Hon. John Manning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J,C. B acton. Pres. First National Bank of WIS 'ton, Glenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chaa. & Taylor, Pres. Wake For est Collre. Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. Office over Neal ft Co. a Store, at. PERSON. f ATTORNEY AT-LAW. LomntTM, jr. a. Practieea In all eo arts. Office on Main street. ' w. H TARBO ROUGH, Ja. . ATIOBNEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG. N. a Office In Opera House hull ding, Court street All legal business intrusted ,i him f criii receive prompt and careful attention; J)R. . T. 8MITHW1CK, DENTIST, 4 LOUISBURG, - - N. C. Office oTer Puraiture Store. . . HOTELS, f. V FRANKLlNTOli HOTEL ; FRANXMNTON, N. 0. Good accomodation for the traveling nblie.: Good L1vaT Attached ; - .. f. f MASSENBUHG HOTEL J P Massenbnrg;; Propr HENDEESON, II. C. : ' ' " Hood accommodations. - Good fare: Po HU and attentive servaar I4f ii NORWOOD HOUSE rf i., f ' ) .. ' " .J... nw--'- it nfiriartoi. JforflCtrci w. J. AOntTOOD, Proprietor Fsuronsgt of Commercial $ Tourists sad Pahiligoiiciud.' : l CHAMB St ITER Special Washington letter. H ur. WAYNE MACVEAGH Is one of the most puzzling enig mas of our times. Every once In awhile he bobs tip serenely and gobbles a good fat office by ap pointmentalways by appointment; never by election. Having filled it and drawn the salary attached, he lapses into a long period of obscurity. riysterylJa this: Why does any ULWsobscnrityt expUcable,Jhtng. Garfield made him attorney general, Cleveland sent him as ambassador, now cornea Roosevelt and Appoints him to represent us at Tae Hague. The chances are that Wayne could not be elected pound mas ter fh his ward, but for some unac countable reason he is a prime .favorite with presidents. His renowned father-in-law, old Simon Cameron, the Win nebago chieftain, and his autocratic brother-in-law, Den Cameron, general ly appealed to the people when they wanted office, though each was secre tary of war by appointment. Simon Is to have a statue at the expense of the taxpayers of Pennsylvania. It's a ten to one shot that Don doesn't care a rap about a statue. What he wants la a good time in this life. Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw, who appears to be the chosen mouthpiece of the administration (when the president is silent), seems to have carried his oratorical pitcher to the fountain once too often. He got along all right as long as he went about as serting that the panic of June, 1893, was caused by the Wilson-Gorman tar iff law, passed in August, 1894. His Republican hearers thought that sort of oratory smart, but he took it into his head to depart fnjm that sort of sophistry and to make a few epigrams, whereupon the critics of the press de clare that he is a flat failure. A man must, in order to be a success at epi grams, be endowed with the facultyl Epigrammatists, like poets, are born, not made. Mr. Secretary Shaw should remember the old adage that "the shoe maker sheold stick to his last." Hon. Beth Low, reform mayor of New York la in what his eminent friend, G; -C' would denominate- a woeful plight." It was to be expected that, strict party men would look askance at his administration and, fol lowing 0he Mlssourt-TUle, would de mand to be shown, buf Sethlhtlsf hsve been amazed not only amaxed, - but disgusted when Hon. William Trav el Jerome jumped on him with both feet lately. Jerome Is the howling swell reformer ef the whole lot While these .reforTAfera.woof Jfeach pother ja oer-i tain dairyman at Wantage, England, smiles among his crocks. Pennsylvania Clevefanders. , - The Boston Herald, - independent Democrat, gold buggish, etcthus em phatically expresses an opinion: The sugKeatSon that Orover Cleveland may.asaiai be a candidate for the presi dency of - the trnJted' Statesxhaa: had its natural effect upon Colonel Henry Wat terson of Kentucky. It has set him to writing- again upon this always, to him. Irritating theme. But he need not respond half so promptly or so profusely to the present waving of the red ragv. Another.' symptom developed y tnia Vleveiana en terprise, and a outer one, ia the starting of a movement in Pennsylvania for Mr. Cleveland in this connection. Pennsylva nia., of all states! Pennsylvania to take the leas; in- Democratic politics! Pennsyl vania, which Wasn't any Democrats who amount to anything except those wh en ter the service ef Matthew- & Quay!" There is something exquisitely absurd In', such a state starting- out to give instruc tions, or even advice,' to the Demoe ratio party of the nation. After reading that the Pennsylvania Clevelanders writ go away back and sit down. . , , The Ftafl Covers 8lavery. The Boston Post thus discourses upon slavery under our flag in the Philip pines: ; " - ; V , This, undoubtedly, U one of tb wk ward altuaUons in which the United States la placed by the Imperialist policy which McKlnley forced upon the republic, but It ia none the less intolerable. It has been our boast, ever, sines we stabliahed hbmati liberty at the awful coat -of our civil -war, that the-flag ef the United States waved only over free men. The policy of the dominant party, in the gov ernment looks to the surrender xt this great principle to . the semlbarbaxous praotlees of yellow men in soma of the islands of an Asiatic archipelago. ' Titers the stars and stripe cover alarery, . and the constitution which that glorious -flag represents is made subordinate to - the practices "intimately competed with the relfgion". of a people whom we hold, in subjection only by military power. It is ignominious. ' '. . . Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles may be a great soldier, but bis Ideas as to diplomacy are erode t- deddediyi crude. r For instaqce. In Wa 'round the'' world Junket be visited Peking, and he thinks that eor dlploraatic establish ment there Is not sufficiently fortified to stand a siege. Great Ctesar's ghostl Who supposed that It is? And why should It be? Is a diploma tic-estab- JisihjenJ parta0dtfcelif mi hostile invasion ? By no manner ef means. It is predsely the reveirse, ar evidehce of -friendship. If we are not welcome in China, our remedy is plain come home and let the' Celestials severely alone. A False Prophet '' - - ' The Globe-DemocTat Is at it again cngeged in prophesying. In an ex cathedra sort ef way it settles the pres idential election eighteen months in advance, t It.sayg.Under no cendi- pton hareith Democrats chance to : twin n T90."g Important' ff true, but r, LE i5e OW Standdrd rove stcdUdjtc5t 25 yccrs. J Average aniuiLl edes of iiicriL anoElo LHcel wJi every IcrJa h n Comments, on the Dolnx or fromincnt Politician Some Fellows Are .Lucky the G.-D. has proved itself such a'faO nre In the predicting line that nobody believes a word It says as to the future. Asa prophet It wears its headlight behind. Last year it iterated and re iterated the false prophecy that the Republicans would carry Missouri, and. ks when the-votes were counted the Democrats had an increased majority. All over the land are idiots who went through the winter withoat overcoats because jthey believed the C-D. a true prophet. - . .!. Poor old Cincinnati! ' No longer the metropolis ef . Ohio, -she clings' to Boe Cox with the tenacity of a mud turtle. While her successful rival. Cleveland, is progressing rapidly and increasing hr lead under the mayoralty of thatsplen-1 ma ausen, xom Johnson, Cincinnati hugs Coxie, old boy, to her broaat and continues in the mire. Cleveland illus trates Democracy; Cincinnati illus trates Republicanism. Of course Fleischmann ran for mayor betaaae George B. Cox, the hoodlum boas, said he might run, and for no other reason. Cox drove Brownwell and Shattuc out of congress and substituted two new men. When he wearies of the latter, he will retire them and send others. Poor old Cincinnati! Adfal Pralaea Hearst. The William R. Hearst presidential boom Is growing. Former Vicr Presi dent Adiai E. Stevenson heIiod it along somewhat at the Des Moln, gabfest by saying: The appeal will be to the young mn of our country, upon whom will soon rr,t tho burdens and responsibilities of govern ment, i deeply regret the neccwrv ab sence tonight of one who would have N-, n an honored guest at this board William R. Hearst, a splendid representative of the young Democracy, one who w..uM I a welcome guest to .any - Democratic as semblage. Orfly those Who bore the brunt or the last presidential contit know to the fullest his untiring devotion to cu cause and of his splendid service from the beginning fb the c'.ose of thnt mem orable struggle. As representative in con gress from the great metropoli s on 1 t- greatest Journalist of the ago his tVM , ' usefulness la enlarged, and the li but the earnest of what he win t ac complish for his party and his country. From the foregoing e.Ttrn. t wo may j K.xjnnm inai .-vuiai is not Bit ting up o' nights nursing the presiden tial boom of his old running mate. : Well, welL politics notUnry tnakea trange bedfellows, but it causes di vers and sundry persons to indulge in many queer remarks I But of all that ever fell from human lips surel Hark Henna's'. objcon to Tom Jormm heads thejist easily... Uncle jiark ob jects seriously to Tom because Tom has used his position to build up "a political machine!" The next thing we know President Roosevelt will be out in a brochure lambasting Nlnirod be- cause he" was a -salghtjr huater or lar- raping Marshal Ney because be some times led a cavalry charge. Was there ever such a rank and patent case of the pot calling the kettle black as for Uncle Mark to object to Tom on such grounds 7 Hire a Halt " The News of JSewbur. N. T arJomn.' jly avers and vociferously 'asserts tbaf fresKient McKlnley offered a cabinet portfolio to Hon. Thomas W. Bradley, congressman elect from the Newburg district. ".At the rate things are going it will soon be in order for the emi nent persons who refused to sccept cabinet positions under McKlnley to hire a hall and hold a convention. Mr. McKlnley Isf dead and cannot enter a' denial; consequently any Republican statesman may with impunity enhance his own standing by alleging that he twas tendered a cabinet Job by the de ceased president. -Chickens come heme to roost some times. A Republican national adminis tration established -a press- censorship to' the Philippines. ' Patriots who pro tested against that un-American per formance were denounced as traitors. We said that such . a bad example would return to plague the inventors, and .we were right The Republican legislature of Pennsylvania, at the be hest of a Republican governor, cousin to Senator Matthew Stanley Quay, is Incubating a press censorship bllL Per haps and most probably other Repub lican legislatures will follow suit. Can Any American defend such a perform ance? Wethink not. . Governors will be elected In eight states next fall Ohio, Iowa. Maryland, Massachusetts,"' Rhode . Island, Ken tucky, Louisiana and Mississippi. There ton be no question thai Kentucky. Mis sissippi and Louisiana will elect Demo crats and that Iowa will elect a Re publican. Iowa ought by all the rules of logic and common sense to be the strongest Democratic state in the Un ion but through, some freak of rata she is about the strongest Republican commonwealth. While the trend la to ward the Democrats in. Massachusetts, it is hardly to be. hoped that she will elect a Democratic governor this year, though she is liable to swing Into the Democratic T column Jlar.lWML; Ths cnances are that Ohio will also elect a Republican governor. though if Tom I Johnson-is the Democratic nominee) he' is apt to be elected. The governors of Rhode Island and Maryland are Demo crats. - If the . Democrats tarry both this year it wCl augur well for 1904, and'-viee versa-; i-A-.wr .. I v 'A Taxes sird; Poblle Expenses. Public Policy says: - , . . During the ten years from 1890 to UOt ?- fiifv w" t ' U. w" yon ? No Cure, CLARK'S - - -mr v a w w a a Is a Ten CentPacka-a cf CHOVX'S ZLACLl ROOT LTvT?. f3' rVe imii la rt.L. . . laKUncto tt was an rv wat . i i - i v. t e usa aa coaae aa a bait saaat W aai4 , ai-,r ing addlUotMl Mnt Uqtnn stead of t&e m e4 mere U.viat, ttrMrM(fe(, w t"wri sswBaiae 14b -w itniH aaore asaisrkai sal 7 ax, Un( la rau4 v taxae for tfce spart W scats s4 kaU gxrmauuta. Wa ksww we ve 0k sVsstrs e rr taxaUoe mnat stsa. c Why does not Public Policy tura tu Mgls optic on Ulasocrl, where the Democrats have rot dowa tsxstVMi from SO cents on the I10O T veran to IS cents wtthn thejUX twelte years? The Ukooort alata tat is cut down T ceats e U 100 es Val uatlon this year. There ts as ehjaxt Icmmo for Puhrlc rtUcy 'to talk sheet. The same issue of PubBc Poliy tains this videos J)ah at Mayor ftetk Low's woodrrfsJ reform admlaisfra' Uoo: . - . The secretary ef tie QUwSV Tas'W terjected socse sigtttftcaat r sardins the presaat ervto af Vkm efty 4 Nw York Into the SJaossasaei c4 Ike ss ntcipej owiMrabtp aawuasi mn Se 4. clared that "thoaeaads ot cr mitU)m actually average about tmetftvt Uvn we the year revstd. Sd Smm. days; and gtvs v.ry taJtrtur wn at that." This Is ndr a rttarm a-tiafniw tratloa In which the mt WvrtaMi4 ar ammed te b auk tag fcao.t meant to scur erariest aad eoakoasOcatl earrw The same apakT aaM thai wttk prv? suprvislon the svrrtaarat ewa?it ia m run at TS pr ct ef tb p mt owtMy. NoLLlng In lack. ehV Lrt aotao b. Hover In that Idea go out to Oro and Intrrrojtata Hon. Blnfu ilermaaa on that vexed subject, tie sttJ ae ceptaMy In the national bojj of rrv re-ntailve for ten years, but In IHM hU on:Hu.nta defeated bira for loinlnatton with Thomas II. Tocrw. j Mr. McKlnley appointed Hercaaa I coruuilslonr of tb gvoral lawl of I tW In March. 1S3T. Tongua wts over. j .M In ln isos, ix god 1U I l:-xl last February, leaving a vsran.-y ; cf full term for the Fifty tgh:h roo k-'fs A few days before Tcj-a dli j Heriaann rr-aigtn-,1 from tb LnJ ..-..- urhler ireur and was a tatecii3 "Hit of A Job." to u the fe:y.!.- i phrnv-.o6j of John Jimn I.-.ja:.. i Now Hermann has Nen norr.laa'.od fr j ootigrcaA vice hU ooa'jaerr Tcjv. ; d Nothing la lu- k. eh1 .i I U.: Teii that Uliotlc ta to tb a I "lov.a Idts" Is "Groggy." j "Ti e l'iia Idea" aj-ear to t C.n;l:.K- V-roggj." to Nrr-w w--J I frot:. The T.-ahu'.ary of Tr.- , i'l'-'.t Hi.Telt. S.-rr:rj of War r. .:.. . l.jit ami tx rtr-T at I h T-.. . ury LesUa 1L 8 haw bare pm4r-i a into Insensibility. Its great cfcatsplosv, Governor A. B. Cummins, is m ther oajdlacredtted that he win be tacky if be secures J0e m rvoocalaatkra. Unless he has a majority at del! already Instructed for hisa he wlU aare to haul ta his horha to do that Us oaghtita hare had etas eoough ta know that there can t ass evteag down of tarUT rarea by Bepuh&caa. Going to Repubncsns for tariS rsfom l very moch Cke going ta "a goats house for wasP-a parformsace whicfc has been cooaidered tidicaJoaa. Cross a time- whereof the memory ef man run neth not to the contrary. , Nothing ta a name, eh? . Cvarybody that believes that Is food of freotfag Shakespeare's -famous exetloai and answer: "Whara ta a same? A rose by any other name would amen weet." Ncverthelesai and aotwtth stsndlng It weald require a good deaJ f a rgu mentation to convince the tw-ty-nine Kansas nsteamea whoa Victor Murdoch snowed under the other Cay tu the coorratfiinl RepuhScaa coo ventkm of the Kansas htg Seventh that he was not moat fittingly chris tened. By the way, the editorial fra ternity win show up la great shape in the Fifty-eighth cosTes naarvf, Llveraash. Hitchcock. Mardock. Brow. low and others. It seem really at If the lawyers la: congress wl3 hart t look to their laurels. Can Stand the' H set , When the old'womaa heard that the cow , had eabra the grtadataoe, she) Joytusry ehontsd. 1 told yoa sor Likewise I say1 told 70a sor That is to say. when it wss gtvta out that since the deatit: of Thomas Nasf, the immortal cartcaturUV who was our consul genera to Goaysqufl, Ccuador, nobody could be found courtgeotM enough to accept that post of tools ments and danger oa the equator X said that as sooo aa the Missouri Urn pabacana heard the sewa there wooM be divcis sppUcstiooe, No oOctsJ place la too oUtagerooa or too hot for a Missouri Republican,. He wants as odea, and he wants It even aa tho Ml sisstppiaa wasted the revt4vsr--Cka the deuce.'" The coosal rencralshfp at Guayaquil la 00 longer vscaot Hon, Herman IL Dietrich of Attics, Mo, has sppUed for snd heed appoinird to tut position. He caa stand 04 teat eneveiM AselrsrfsrrSiv! - A ."- The Boetoa Herald, tadepeadaAf, has this .to say 1,..;. f Tf Vt-w ) The Manna Tunas, a oessssaec wtk 1 ia certlaed te as kltkaru fcartsg Vmt ts favor with ths aotbartnaa IS tat etiarue. gtvee a alscaorsgteg view a prcewai IVU tpplne feeling toward tMa eowatry. tt aays that the aatlvea La the Iataa4 are only a tirUe lea aoatn is L'aitaU Btataa thrt they were wfeea th hwini. ! Oon among taeot bA. tr.. thrv sad few year ago. and aa eve taM to beilrv that Urrfr taa- ef the 11 ne . 1 are waieff cenerreee swrrtrahad-f e cit ranef frora The -UtX ot T Jod A-J "ttwl comroru.wui a aS to toy arssa wita wtUcH to attack AscarVas. .IC wy, muck aa U iwo- rars far rtoea t i-Ms- kl stag ta whir k tt will bo ep-pcpteieie to' censlder tf tka FTSirtuoe can't A?ev aahlaad. ;pKr.tSJ afl4d-t mam anouga ts ecurajr l ittf kaUv-l 1 ana racy t M m warfare sgstaat , domlnloa ever tfceaa. . , No PaVa 3Cc. I M " fi- a tm ""nil - - - - - It axwttsir Wg u trmf tMV M Us aalb( llpn, as4 esr 1 W Usm U fnsasiiwiiik gat aj Itt. . . 1. ... . - ' 7m " 9 5-t as M J USaet. lhclasart f4 eicgre ' at A U Mlna w4hU4aiakv TVisaee. r nt Pt iU a fUt9 is tit OJliajlsJ iMsasv U xUrt f tW "' K !!' tlJt HJ wwp CtTUIa tUUs4i'S l4aVSfe)f m0 mm wS ssk. a SI Ur rtdstaaowas fes aaa ! Ivtoefsg TV latat 4 W ,p s.:4 lsf o, ctis tb ra tVf vxaof ar wxxttrr " taere Wk A m t4 tm tw aos s c ! d t4 sMltftettdSmatt t, bus ,f. ,,rrT at ristiaeg aat Ufrsri - aif the t4T aaJ ,4 u4 mSo 4 'cte Ma-rr ts) :siff a ad ttt a tsaarsg start as iW ds, e k.refa. TVf ls. tWy ssaas r-rri7aa4 -ai cottat! rt7l.k.- ikan asi a ! s--d Uaji esvm' a: f ta-J ' lr' ! Ifcat ai4t m.lX ., 4 ( 4-mm I 1 ve Tfr lay r. Bsr m., Mfs bi sadrrf4a! tv on-t iM ' ttu Lag . T; mC. m 00 ray c-'da beava twj awtif t1u aa j c cioa mm sad 3gw 'fi iff oy ft -3 i kmui an- ic- g - 10 - , . xi 1. a t a . at f - 1 y m vanMkMf;lM, ea4 tAare . a Wv ak a c bmis. cc a loooed a the csrw od iWdeUvert twfW I Vass 4 e'tlaxh estiarr Mi l -taaax? ism. Csjs " gv esj saaas M tnn csrtral Mb trvi cWaa ka all. s wrJJ ta ool-f ,3 a TTrme rmg - U4ss a aa Was acsvr ctkrr Wa -tmt tf a saj has taraai! r; tattoos W ia a we lard ortri lf fce asahrsa Irvtof ,aa4 tsu aWy (Aasstipf A Iki iaaaJ. ' ' , t II Basa"oseit lead a4 fare sJ 4ip.nca,s sb m -of Ott oe a a eU'e l- avta haVe hssv WceojfcxuhAe trf' iard ah sad cns ttaiMf, tMtthassas Ilea sxna Ar td hoe aod sa4khwws aj oea Uada Wm? ljtat f. lad red if hat laai.sal jrn.a red, tMhe tax ahhT Via yoaaf ssd 4 row if; g tras hy e-teruh-lj.' Theadrpest tstsser k fhs as'U arrs taw laite eeot. It at aVe kind labor lhtltstif wtt. tjWr tarm; Ue ma eUhef ftvd Is flow or dHve. Swro Us utile shrt tu -Weal laam." U aaslre Oa) rraJ larasaw trytUrd. r,tsf that pafs tM -sra oofl, cteoe siieatsoa, atit rtso-o- s7 aid , eacee. lha average ea; ;" Seotfi. EmaUIoi h tW ncans c5 life tfui'd iKc cr jbymcnt Oa'liitof tKouuradi'd -nai vrotAch i&t thixJftx - To the' men Sco'A' EauJ. tooi.ffim. the Ccth.'aai Urcngth so nccciiiry far the Curt o( coraumpiiDa and tHc ffpilnnj o body Iks frtxa V rpr worncrt Scat's Emc). IcnIoc this and more . It ti tonic for the tpccial IruU t.Hal vromcn have to bear. To chudftn Scott's nmaU st oa ; give-, food ani i ircrth for growth of tlh arj Use andfblooaj.- For rule prls for thin and skljjr bo-i Scoit"i Err.u Is a great help. - 'd tofra e at4av ' ccrrT tows:. rH. tw-iPMfsimt. hYa nOo, tad S l.OO 1 ausAkOitia, Mlllff4 gaj Tt&StU Sf" ill. dea of rvfe , .. 1 a rona ir rit Tdrscr ottur.. , V4ffor fit ,4i At!,::i la 1 f'gal. 41 yoo aa t u ilti Ti"S al Br- eat-e tal dtei'Te faVa tf ti r- l aa. trw-W. WktlaJtaLl y B-a i -f 1a i " '-4.'ia,t If f-: t , l f a - r' ' f v y- . t i.a la i.f ftM iat k n.,' f tii af a ii'ryii is a:. tSr tfW oi-k armwa I r r t i r-.-a I a M fvrt-l It act ! lu'j a. 4 ..( i c-.r-vr I tag Ml-i "'.ti t r t ; ) f i r . - ihm r . ,,at ; .f .,. j.. .... t:.. ; ... . --, . , torv v3 trie AWea, fm Uf fmm f. Usi t&4 IspM S. lmm4 tat, fStt) eae 0,1.4 ks m aMk fk ... . . ... w" seaj as t UU ki 144 s44 Vw Aj-M jt eM. i. siry ?a aa, J1 e lsrm (14 4r ym ame M He 45l lfiitei r-tste Ji ,Be ev et 44 fkta lU aM.rM 1 r fm -a4a) J, as lf ts su4rv lra, tt W UDe-ial tnas, rSm ts t--4 yva tS sd a-nas asm) ts-J tttff IJV S tM UhS s la. e4 - sW4 va Wa (awa tSA4 eaasSlfcatsBl rW sa.S tt ttsrserjna, er saw "i"f sase. 1st tSMsal MsaA4 Umm, isjs cmpW. kpa pa Ua.y tVrfWM a. - as . as) te Aa4 a3 tVsi n esbt eee s t .k, ev 4Us aaas 4 Os ijaai . 4 afse4 f ifaj ew(J a. S aef sj im tf i4W eY. a ! aiassae kodef. Ha mm 4w o j ( Ufctl rv7M tS m an (Vbmv a lilfcM (it m-- 1. - .H(a.eWk TW BMW aa m. a.... I " 1 a- a 'Vm naw Br f BM 1 rca asft TVi g.a re M j wa. i g,tt Un ea i.aW t ea, 1 1 1 rl WaAt ae ' s utm f .aw. eo.4 cw BVMBtft "a aa sa-v m W las' taw t'naVB a.14. i-m4 niaa tas aih saat a: t . . t t i. f m. t-a . i--r. ft wm s t, a I " m..f t.:-e W in m i. .a Mi ;l, M , -" n , ' aiMt-v 7" vU Si. no. " f a t 4 w Ola-w o.a tn , Kk."a Bk tW a aaf k iaiaaa4 elha r aafes lay ajinse r-a (aa, - - . . t WSHBBSBJHSBrW . ?Uli arsvs4 sWrUI ft pa.- , oiuutt,r to faae a suit mum ajroBj4ao So aarx aw t s .Q .! ,. .m.. mm sko a - f -r naj t - n - . " tto m CMB a-a k sry k a Mas ka m S . It M ISdo4 ft Wsa a at j. t s Vs la 4 r mtol bh-i .a a'jv a -4 iiiim m s e rT- a a majm TV ta a tW aim m aa aataae (VMa.W4t a -Uaa Ca-aap a4 ttuwki kMtr) ka aa-kMtau: aw4 iVtttwBtaniin.AiB,! alria os aav4 as suaoa a mw a trftimm (MaMtfaiaMMtvatta,. V? ' TVn sra e-Wfrrt JrtVm.U Wt s h4 MSf a ataa w at taa VW7 - ' - j - Bs ? - ' A raBkas roaVshMMhf Ooa a Ue BK-Wb k 4 i ka o v Sm. e aai aa ana tt Zrmx j mm at . aa at 4 it I Ba a.Mi Mf e w., a. . a. .r urktyraam jr. . 4 tirlkHM4ri 4 oa mmHtU m I Vi a,S !... 4 a- a a4 -r !- rvf w a.rJit a.r t - a fa iwa ' t .4 a w t i a ako b 4 aV rOMtke SrwMka lt Cw . t Wt wsrna ttot etfUtk. t.aVsttrltaaySwS frnJ-Umi m jX Wars, 1 - - '' - m a a t-a, va W f e twx a- "IHhllMifaatn tw w - a. ta krH W t KImbS Sa. a4 a-M r arf , m u liana '.mm i.a. a bA m a.Lc. Vwaa Ui-w , a y Sy imaa ;4 aa ' It It ft4 iXralsUt eoaoaa-taaa W klsa a eaUy Ut Urrth a e4 .- ' A trk r . .t iCUe a&aaf a -t v lu t i -a rrf 1 i as a aba "m. t ia LV4 mw nf a ... . fc-. - iAi v.. t-m . f. , r -f.l(' M . r A ka U 4riU4 jf 1 -a - rs a ra tf an ffUWW. .. EtkTl f" -,UT lUtgt sAaf will dtrf a ass's aaV::.ts, TW W ef IV rf; f -'7 cwl Sw r a, ..(a aal J '' m ,mm f a. ' i v r . - f. ' : -- -. l . .. ... I Cm,., . , f j , At ' Pa - , ' - faasgm, mA Tm CWbbS Say Oi it aaa , Wg sB r, t-ru asN.tea V f, aii.i.ww mmm mmM a) o Wha 4 teissw aa,Bs ior ati w4 mjl"1 'BBHSFIV ... ,, tt my a m mt m mi i - -- - - ea e t SVJi a r A Ot a - . w ' - - - w ... i """ aw at Vwv.4a IskeMf eta .wiMtd .rB ttm iiwiusi ian i mil M i M, 1 tM m -- eauftwJt W tw ejm. a i a aM wa S- i -7 iin ia a ' as, s-a a. ! 1- - - It . TV wtatj. eoj-wis4 Ms- M,as t t ..a . . - -. f M . k !asi. ..11 t Boe m 4 t - t -a- -a, e-e.4 VLft If ftj'ts) C-4-SMB) 0.4M ! S W7aV f44A e-fulk, a. k4 e s ka-t,a ' J a, ch,!! m( w bu a.HKti.a avwa e 0 () a .. amiws aft m k t, f Mr. cxrac; tKarrtATTeiS aa ctjr tAt-wetrratA. ti. t. -" Ba.rtw BM ? Hm - -r i . 11... WOOD; YARD. t Its- ;-? s a-,,? tvd is t-n tT avuee i fW -ot a.4 fttif ftt "l f Jarn H ff lttt eaave t4 y . ';, We aaetwif hfmjf u'JM m sskSg SusbU tu a a.L. ' " , 4?. tvr,niv;-' JACOll KVANS. !;:!ii:n:t tim- Or iw j-tt-T aja4rntaM4 . awaaba ki i-., , ' .... m . . . . a . PREFERRED STOCK; ttaiW ltai,. ,J4,.J ,t PEnnSTLVAHfjl tm-ft.; ttu.a il a tU C.,f -attt. f..;.i f ur.::r: :::riiun.- (L l.tlttuall 4 a.-. -? ta wjt a. ta f M.. f f J. C-ia..' y Mm Ca- ' L U M 14 at a a r 3 4. X-.' i " . 1 aJ. as-a fksUa.i n'l "!, kjj ri ta4 a a.-. a ' i . 'B :l ..mS a i . 1 J - I I I . I -.,1 i r .a i ..,.. " ' t t i. ! -. S- t - t v- - t a. e-ur . las, , r Vptaa eMflfkea- . . w m- w m,mm Mm in .at , s"in- -(h y ! TtirTr ."! ' - M t tf Ma tl a4.I r. late "- MllM. P - , 1 : a : Saa3a. AaM. t . I e -J 1 as . ',, aa . iv-, - J ' V( t.. ) f - 1.1 J ' , j mm . int , w ear cnualaa U ? fT" -. sstaf mmmmM . Ja - .... - . t tu 1 sea n 1 M, )mi mt eoAeaa, eye, Ss S au. e,,!1 a4 fu v a j..,iao . - a 'rais. VsVaa s I . .. I- al. .e wr t y SS ""slii,! , JWUsN ' m 4 t- Tt ' I' ' . .. i - . M'AIH I A HI) t-'J7v't 4 r : . )T,a -tia M Mfw i. M , ,mm , . M at - . ana. ,,I'I"II',I,I',MW "3 eaaSa. f, 4 d , a 4w - lt .. . . .... .'-"' 1 mm m 4 1 4 a m 4 4 m e ! uti a w-mmm J a tea . ian n at. a M-BB . m mm . . aewKBr.M ' a s a 4 a . f r a . , aa Km ,4a - a, " ,( c 4.tth. sn .1. . wm mm , asaa , , , !i - w a ,.' a-na f I t U If iaV t " aaB'TfcT I 1 K 7 V-at a v - ' t . 1 t m ' t. :.l pa . "" a..i, , f t mm I " a aT ' 'm pm , . I i w. I 4 s j 1 ! :wia a 1 " "bhTTi !fc " l ' .LI Jfc -.. 3 - , ' - , . . m 1 K mm . . . r -' . t , .. z a.f, - , mm. j !1 "2:"L '""" I a tw i ii i . . ... h-. t 4 r ..., a.,. - """" i . , , , ,.-. .... . . , , ' f-e )-a , ! . ... , ' I. , . , ., ,. a. i .' " . , "" - mm 1 ,. ... V t . , . ' .I I ' ! - 1 t ' .- ;: Us