k ..aev I A ' - a "V --Sy.- jas. A. THOMAS, Editor iai Prtpmisr. j.'iLJtJ cOTjprair, tttiY cz-vrj - Tim xnno: r. .1: vol. xxxm ; LOUISBURG, N. 0, FRIDAY, HAY 15. i::a i an.. i ' a. J.- 1 i l . .. . i t- - . CHURCH DtBECTORT. METHODIST. - J""i t Sunday School at 9:30 A. If. Gao S. Baxxk, 8npt Preaching at 11 A. HI., and 730 P. It. every Sunday. -;.J- " 7 Prayer meoungWedneflday alghW -M. T, Pltlmu Paator. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A, M. - 7 Thos. B. Wilds. 8upt Preaching at 11. AjM.,. and PjM., Prayer meeting Thttrsday nlghV6' H. H. Mabhbubss. Pastor. snaoopAi Saadav School at 9:30. Services, morning and night on 'at. 3rd and 4th Bandars Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. X0DGBS. ' Vi Loaisbarg Lodge, No. 413, A. V. h A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in eaoh month. ' ' ' v 1'rotlBwaonal accurate tt n a amp XX -tt 'i XX a a $ l tl alia or tnrr, u: It , Letter -jr. I K)Q0dt Niw cotM a fantaxU tU- Uuthroplst la CncU EUm'a jpUy U J yoMfMo taperTui:UT arx aa rj9 0 - Grebirt Act of Gr ,23iv " Mm tA The Addldu MaLcUb " ooea, aod propotr Uut all tt b iTMi new umtt-iim ju. c af we have! What fo:i. trxtf AUa, DtUwint , - V . ? aoo. "la Addka I Dot cmTy t m two mm tor oC th Vaitd 8Ut. trut rtrr aed t-.iMi acq b r-m t ft taft?-i f . - Uas -!& jrr TWf itt U.y a a 4 "WW ; ISpeeial Washington Xetter. a Kuttie" aptht oti April, 1803, TU consummated the largest trana action in real estate ever 'pro posed since the deril took the fiarioor up to the top of a high moon tain and offered him the dominion of the .world v to fall down and ' worship him. On that day Napoleon, sold to Jefferson the Louisiana purchase.'-The effects ; of that trade upon the poll- tics, commerce and destiny of nations I- American-epanlsh. : vtr made us a pecially to .ua living west of the Ills- Bisaippl river. Hla name Is lrrltten on th mo xm tain. ... HU memory sparkiaa o'ar the (ouatatn.. I: The moan est rill, the mtghttaBt rtvar, - RoUa mingled with his tame f arevar. - Behind by Ninety-five Yar.K . It mar not-be. Improper to remind those palpitating patriots 4 who-tare been, going to and fro, up and down, in the last five years,-vociferating that the also to pave a atroog rrtj oa tt r lttT lla4 atj t,-j4l, ti ik:i t4i ernorotDeUware, jonfcy tt .. t. t. t lowing iVfcrr4&J'T.rr"Ctitt ' . from the 'TtSadsfrt&i LrCi . ta-lv tfca " ' J O&tmrmob Bom eC frtatrr la p-nwit-tis tha met wmlliia Uw vetanr a taw -to fail wtuwt . hi utmmlrr a aivn aa avhtbttioa e ?--. ,-icr A J dick wacblaa which la dar .-.3 Id.- Th wtcrac aaaiataal la Ja a taJ4 aa4 wbeCy ImltftAAlU 4rrte far thartac tha iCKtlnMM f Tata WrW. t H-.il y n tpskas, tUi i caa rrci'J t i- jf'a4'ii af l, f3l fy, bai n tSS4 S4 tff f tlsTV W-y S PRUILL A ALLBED. . ATTOEITBT8-AT-LAW, will practice in an the Coarta. LoulRburg and TouDgavllle, N. C. Offieea la J)R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. L0U18BTJRQ, Olflca Orer The Qreen fc Y&rboro Uo,a Htore. i- D B. 8. P. BDRT, PRACTICING! PHYSICIAN ASO SUBOBOS. Loulflburg, N. C - Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt-A Cu.'s Drat Store, on Nasb Btreet. J jR. B. . YARBOROUOH. PHYSICIAN AND 8URQRON. LonifBDBO, N. C. Office 2nd floor Nea: hoildlng, phone Nlaht calla anaweral from T. W. Blcketfa residence, phone 74. i H. H. UASSSNBDRO. ATTORNEY AT LAW. lovisburs. a. a Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office in Co art House. M ABCUS C. WINSTEAU, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, LOOIBBOBQ, N. C. Omoi ovsr Corner Drag Store. 8peclal Attention glyeo to collections. Practice wherever aerricea req.nired. R. J. K. MALONK, practicing physician and surgeon. ' LOUISBUUe, H..O. Office over Ajroocka Pruff Company. have been incalculable, r It Is not put ting it too' strong to say thaflTcbanged not only th luap-of he world, but its luterralae Satan had TOjmie.to'the earth whlclf her Offered aa "a bribe- to the Naxarene. and the first consul's title to his American possessions was what law books call Inchoate. On Daper heclaimed tt under the treatj of II Dei fonso, forced upon the feeble power of Spain." BeaUr be held it by the atrong grip of The lion'a paw, .The actual' transfer of this vast domain did not. take place till March 10, 1804-eo slow ly did things jmovthat ante steam and ante: electrioperiod."CaptalniAmo, Stoddard of the United States . army acted as the French agent in delivering the new. empire into the hands of the ttnited.Statea, Tbis;isemool-nct;ln. tte greaT'raniaor t3vilfisatlon was perfermed In the city of St. Louis be fore an audience in whose bosoms fear and grief contended with hope and joy for ithe inastery; for the ".Preach": and Spaniards sorrowed for the foreign sovereignty forever banished trbig this western Eden, and the adventurous American pioneers hailed the unfurling of the stars and stripes west of the Fa ther of .Waters as the promise of a bet ter day and-f Increasing .glory " and honor to their country. . The name of Captain Stoddard is teed In the his tory of Missouri by Stoddard county, Stoddard's aMtlcKjte;thety:.ofSti Louis" and Stodaardgr -acbool. Ther names of the great-president ancLbls faithful agents via this J splendid fea- gain Livingston and Monroe are also permanently established on our map as well as in the hearts of a. grateful Thirteen Great 8tatea. V- Napoleon's necessity was in this case the great Virginian's golden opportuni ty. The pressing need for ready mon ey 'whereby to prepare the sinewa for att',lmpending wart and- the -certainty world-power, that' they are precisely ninety-flve years behind - the ..times. ThomaSi Jefferson, the greatest states man -andDemocrat-that ever lived, did that; when he made his -trade with, .Napoleon.- iA. newly made World power tn- deedri Everybody -but - the -'lingoes knows that that is precisely what we have Tbeenfor a ;tull ..century J'Zb Corpican would haVi been doing a' bet- ter part by his subjects had he moyed them; "bag and baggage, with their larta and pc nates, to -Louisiana, and aban doned la belle France to her enemies: but, great as he was and perhaps he iTfas. the greatest of J all-fhe',aona- o Adam ne naa no adequate conception of the value of that with which ha was parting for a song. "Well for ua that a 3i a . - Sasacious Mr.- Babcock.-- - j Aa an advertiser Representative Bab cock of Wisconsin could have given pointers, to the late lamented Phineas Tlur Barter has haan ajiv aovl af Amtrrmtm of tha U, bcaua oa to poMtbia. It I btt 1 1 i tVcff W ; J wt r ? avn o( ua for tha jrvu-aoM a atiia I tawfne-i r U ct1 -d 4 a--a qoaat, oX tha siata fcr currtMUs Ma, & ty W di fc iato poUinr UotL to aa tXa4 14 Wta-3 I . . . . ; votar -staj boaefct-" , av4 DO ae c IM t S 2 :i f al t U J Mttft ah tm - c in i.4 a-J t-.tv;i t ',; i TmUii st.ww v. Wli wial aa al tt t a ""'" 1 n y n nil g --ai t . , , - k.,. laliL T t r ai"y ! ri itillll.tV.!....,.,. ! a;5 ttl - irti V4a4 .l.ak.AfLJku.VUJ.Ai f m w "V'WW 9 w-w-v ww aaw J iar f i.;.J, . l.a a .i t i:i5a a5 1 u; U t JI J a t 1 s Wf f i a , V t aVt21 iat 11 '. tUtiW 1 . ,. l.ar V III Iiit Ul 4a - M,M1W , I. -. . w. r 1 1 a-a ;a u wajaa. a a aa . A 1 l I t, a t "-aa i jt , A Vii'VttVu- til ;i:r.'Mrti J 1 ..i ; ti r- . . , 1 v . i an 1 "a T; rU'lJ k. tai.-ni lioaMUaT iitW. , - ....... T.l-.-. . a. .. .4 . ...I. ' 1 " " eaniaa4 tha ahaaaa aat4 aVaaaav a thia ! ""7 w7 "f " Itg V "ttlVe filVi. tVe W: V f ,'-t --t a.i 1 , -i . t.i t ,., ,., rJtltinrJat,S! -tal tB b' Wt1. , fatly . tU. U 4wX V14-' r.M...t it ... .f -V.. .a, V .. alt TtttiTf in lha iaaawHi wiM tha 1, -.1. !' ' i v " 1 , " . ' " " " 1 J iu. a i a 1 u aoveanor ta arnha the a a hOa- a4 f.t Jf ?a 11 wta- MiHn!"'.f-",T .uantfinc ai. ... v;.,.T11:1 : r t r:;TJn!tiTl'2k at haart. rvl tha iyrM - T" . . tzJ i"a.t.l wa A t U tU aCVaf k.t an ai w u -a. . ,. i ... ,t . I , ia fi w .. . ztJsrjZZ:. pMu .ii ,uaif 14 vit. t f st. tr,.xr;::r;w7:;:v ' u ,4 tfj bother daalhtr4 Jtk8jiaM-f. T34ttfifl ,W..ianUV4U'rV.lWii t. . aA H!Lt: " X- a. t - M tt 1 niia faj a dethaW taw la ha anaaa4 v to Ua apeecai ssao ja ua laaniatara ay scat 1 w . . 1 . Sanator OoauMr of tha Aav&icha twrty. wha I t 7, at saa jaly Maiaar. ft M (vVaf U faa? llthk -ii votes tndar te ovarawai ai thla law. I 47 fc T." BaraunL: d 'devant lord mayor of aa mt aopa frrtTa ta aaxm r va - -- BridceDort- and beatenrhlm -atT0a f banrtn-ia Iw fa tea ut H w I w 4 S I- 1 fw baa Bridgeport, ; and - beatenThim at "his own game? : By "carefully intimating many things and as carefully doing nothing as to the tariff Bab managea to keep his name In the newspapers all the time. He can do any living man tsi keeping In' the Jppblia eye :on so small an amount of capital. The Philadel phia Record remarks: - Secretary Root may promise that tha a4r tha booae look Uha ss fataw Thara) I ' " " ' n vaa ear as waa 1 utli I&ae if a djci rtal avaa.fe ta a ar aa : . . - sMaef hava - baaw rumora tiuvlBar tm IWla.wara tiat aaaktai ol anT can rananhar, ao4 X hatai ta haow that I bitttr, loveless ryvi at :f txevni. Dalawara la ttat tha aaOy ata.ta wher I . . " , vocaa ara boubt aod saaaaar h apaait at I g ta, ptWajT rreflf 0 etecuoaa. T taff. aaaaataat at at a tjittw tuMa it yj rl iWy ax-.t W grstil aa4 lVaifka,ia kf l-Uf Ut f2aV. ; ' . .. .' A fvA w- aT iKe tame 4xt, tat Cttw t t tfea I aaa-cUhtw t tiat iff m41j f if K- Oo-Jtf It ttt wanU -jiac:jf ! A" tml tohi-a by (W t(t!Wttn at4 tti-m afaaaj ftf iWr Jt4l t7ti olH taatr. Tl It - Ui Tw .iitUftitUaittii Mr U IV !fw sty atMf4 taiq a at A avaaT4 ,-.a. , t. . j j ivi.ke . a im, U a... i ua a a. ,.K ,Pfkf- r . M T a faa htn aa . T5i aaia coaaea ta tad taawaaawji ttaalf faa f aLraeeav . It laaawaa aaervarr a4 tha fnla. Whan 1 hay av hara 1 wmat aay ktaraav When a Detoectat bwr a wtm ha waaa tariff BhalX aot.be touched till after hla I hla vat. tVo yaai aaa that, thar la. aa I JchiatShaUW reflected, hat the taria ra- rcontand. a atk ta tt. I ar htr. tmm fona aenUment hi not ao aaadly put down, h-erat haa thwa aa vpcMartanUty t wr ha I f,, eturt tit t t ahr Iva a fca I J,a!ar Jtepreaantadva B&bcoca: -of - Wlaoeaaia, I vote Inatead of hate aaVamtaal aw f It. a f . " " J Mlnai oxaa-RcfMibUcaa jangraaalnaal I ha baa baaa ao anaay committee, aaya, "I racard the Fifty-I - Tha gutat aaroc a ecaaaaaa waaita ac laa 1 . K j , 1 .1 -1 I eighth eonareas as pledged to a ravtatoa I Vaioa haa ytJIr4 ta tha J that Uva I pajaa) at Btoaf 1 Bd laj V: 1 JV , faara't U, 14- af should have been dona at tha Uat aaaaion. art bkSd- ahU ba fraa al ot(rc4. 1 bTVTt Of t rrattv tf WV ill I tf, Va if Wj and Wwotlcea that at 4h4aatooak7aaw ImA tra4 hla have M ua aaaraa I ai .K cam at ei lirtr aa kia ra I a-saaa 1 a. t a Mt a, .11 a- ,1 i aaXuBa&t aad th pavtrtatlaaa aa aia rtataw . - - - .'III. " . J Was a gciauaer of Ua tat Paaaaaa) I aoora O aHH;S irM IM ttaVTa I Kaa-W. 4a-aia or aay rrreor ta aay stale aa U m I 1 arl iLall au aa.1 rtwii , w iMa v -ai 4.r a.. . t ....M a. n..M a - - it a . m ' , L' 9 i . , V aMMaat ava. w iraa-.. t l- aMf -ti s aat ur-, Hn.. .t. a- t ' , J It .!.., .,1, -vi,a ,,. J n .ll.!t.f t.: ? a.,f I "fla aUaaa at iot-iau p ( 4.. I inf. tt. fil.i aa, a. 1. at f . .... a eawvajiiat, n, ... w.. aai. 1 iiaM.a.. a. 1 x.n . ,'' f aa m itl4f , - - - A 7-m. . a u. aa)a..a. imi...i I v .t amn etaat aa atlaawji aau. ,I,.iva Vii'aaa 1 I t't.nj 4 , .nulmH a....... ania.,.am a-a tabaa a aa . . .a ftfc Mata.na i aitU 4tiaMa aw that England 'Would seize'' the French hand ha repreaeata northwaateiai aamtiaaest- I) R. B. 8. FOSTBR, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN gURGBON. Office oTer Aycocke Drug Ompa&y. . - HAYWOOD RUFFIN. " ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOVIBBTTBa, X. O. . ' Will practice In all the Coarta of Franklin and adjoining counties, also is tha Sapient ourt, and In the United States Diatrlct and Circuit Coarta. Office in cooper and Clifton Bnndtwav j TJAHOS. B. WTLDlta, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, irHnsBTO, a. e. Offieaon Main street, over Jones A Ouwjuai's atora. American territories drove the martial Corslcan to sell for a song the richest portion of the globe. Upon the land he was Invincible, but Ida rwer -ceased a (. ,a'- iram ihbi aa. Bnuw- fully signed the title deeda. Bis only! consolation waa that "by so doing he was helping to create a rival upon the seas for Great Britain,' his inveterate enemycand hls-predestinedonqueror. Frora been carved Louisiana. Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa,; Minnesota. :the two Dakotaa, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, i Idaho, Mon and the Indian- Territory."? VOf tbeae' Missouri Is easily the chief. It is writ ten by the finger of fate on the scroll of destiny that her fortunate .situation and her: Immeasurable: resources will atonal- electlora tha RepohUcaa. party lost j practically every city diatrlct la tha eoun- I try, probably, haca naa the coat of livinr had advanced;' Heavy atael and iron caaa Intra can be produced her cheaper than abroad, and yet ther. la a. duty of a a ton on them. Window class la about four times aa high aa it waa a few years aro. Vt. -Babcock la aaaweloua enough Co 1 ).ni.warf yaaaiajii- .ami idt raaaiiajaiaja. -a.A a. - ' a g--, . "L . a... ,,. r.ia, m . A, t t, J AJ V-f i'aaaaajaMWata, ' - ' 1 ' 1? -.. a. t hiatory racorda. evaaf Uht bafora Ua Here and Thar. itryt a havt I pagv; aa-1 a aa4 aaaa a aatwr Car ercUaw. rtbkc tia 4 1 tayaajaia a-4aa aay i I iA v a 1 1 1 a.aaaaY. .1 t It V A . a. t -that if protecUoaiam wiU not head It will be broken. Definitions. "Lame duck! la a" new political term, J perhaps at present rather-slangy, but age- wilt sanctify' It so that It will ptob ably be Included hi the next unabridged or International dictionary; . A . lame duck Is a statesmanswho "fell eutalde ! the-breastworks, to borrow President w ' ..aa H ia It wooJd raallv aDOaar that tha ar I " " aaaaUaw ! I y i.T 4 fal intervatja the rlact3aa. to Che I to dj tj? be a fe grt rl tat l&e ai 1 aajarl 1 lift AiUs - Ifa JC aeaat of XUrroa A. Ilaaa by bte caa-l to oagwWra; d evvA ' wtam at t I aJ a,.. r 'r?m. MZl T flStotru Id CtMkaw lrWartalaai venuy manueateo, was wjpmwwm. 1 . I ta fha aan a K - wt UQClf UVt lull rvvaiiva aua prvaiary wxiana, w awa son aFpi 1 py 1 ua) WM4itMa aH ? 'ajnooitSbe Becirye Bat-mc' Taw wt4 -j allwtaia aod aaatWe aaJ aarav W -- t '-aH Democrat.: a narubaeaa enw frtf JtJt-d A.ttf- - ... a jj. jmm . thairat. U has Jost daooawtralail emk -..? l trttowi Wl we -ay ; tN-ae fef4e ara ta tare vial a-aa-a irf PT?r Jr 5 maXl I t! twl lU way e Ut L A. I iVtlf Utvw wVa , xn uue nryaoucaiBi aoiia rwumu.aa 1 - - Ita MaaaaW. faf I ttt alw Tf Mia Ut " b lSrt tiumai.purenase cave iT lJu 0 and 1X but aWUUy Ulaa a-taVv-O-ittry aJ Ck i-Jte. rved the, sovereign states of I tribution to political phraseology. It! R nanna-'the aeator'a daaxMac I 7 will be remembered that Benjamin con-1 , . fnm. ?BM ,ft tfcra! tUt avae I y a fat-mt Jaal Utk U Va4 liUtrt Vt late titnaau. ' veyed to Warner Miller hla regrets in . that picturesque language when War ner's suffertsga by- reason of the wal loping administered to him by. the 8age of Wolfert'a Boost were' still In' th acute stage. - Hot. Our .Quartet w " u 1 1 ?V I : Mark deal red to attend both foaartSons, 1 ao be changTd the date of the oevo tlon. Most senators etmllarty altaatvd 1 would hare cliasgad the date of the wedding. rrocooaolar: rmrazaent has tveea cerrept and snjust since the worM be 60 F 00D Taa aaaaaee. attaakv. ta a,Saj.aaj aaaaf tm&'i.mmi kaa 4-aa4 tiaaM a. arae aat aMiu a HUtiimm an, araaaa ai.aa mqmm am.ia aa a-Mrnaaa m a in i t a aaiiintMa f m nil iium umm t.iad ak ,7a TSWaaaa aa anaa . a arwfrd i eWv"l le s-a A ".wsiiti, w i r tW M-VWT t is i'f A aaa)a, j JwUl 4- ! r a-4 taaejke vh( aat Va n -va.t t. f a aMa)MBM Ma aaaaat 'aP .ia 1 ,, " ar ir,.u4 ' aa a aaaVa 4.tiinaia..i ". . t """a r F f ' t " aa l.iay aaa... fc-aar aaaaa aaaa eUa' ""'"a " a ai: at S aV . .'. J A A I ;arw ;H'iJ a v i ! A tw - SoftamlcTOOa.rvlb?r.citicar finally make her thM gan. and it wQl coatlnoe ao to be ttal I Uad !cvif.. tlibWaUl, tlalO A f1-10lBfa T" I tnlAH , I -tfai a.auhauaLja. AVaA Ta at. CaK ja I Afk - Aw aVal - aa. J . .. . aa. a. . . fH- I m M .. ft I a Fa S. SPRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUIKBTTBO, V. C Will attend tha eoorta of Pranklln, Taaea. 9raaiTUle. Warren and Wake eoantiea, alao ha Supreme Court of North ParoHna. Prompt attention given to eoUeeUona. -. - Office over Bxerton'a Store. the American Union. - Hia Greatest Act. , ': v ,. : : Even Thomas Jefferson himself , who divides with King Sotomon And Lord Bacon the honor of being the wisest man that ever lived,- had na adequate conception of the vast importance and far reachlajrf tofluenw;human af- our "Jingoes propose that Uncle Sam the. earth metts with frvat heat, It I rtckcls tl Wi trint la. Tkc I - . aa. tv a-a a,uaavA shall have a finger In that pie or not? matters not whether the troco&raU are I i.rj .a V 1 f cwa at aaamaai. lavniarda- irnrCa. I ,'M.i- v..n " . I aaaaa ' f I aava aWawaj W teaii4Mhf taman. -men or American,, ...The vice latwrce In the aystatn. The truth of the fore going sentence Is once neve CIuttrih4 by the enaagxtlag eeaadaj ew-betaaf T. W.BICKBTT, ATTORNBY AND CODNBKIXOR AT LAW. IiOUIBBTB IT. ft' Prompt and painstaking attention given to ery matter intrusted to Tiia hands. .- - Refera to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. Joan Banning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon, 1. C Faxton.Pree. Firat National Bank of Win- a. ytt Wval-aw TLVInatAM TTa-saa1afJr TTsiTI T WUU twieyuaji mauij a vv uiowut -a- wy' ""' - of Monroe, Chaa. & Taylor, Pres. Wake ; JPce. st Oollea-e. Hon. B. W. Timber Uke. , , -O 'floe over Seal ss Co.'a Store, s 'anrr j. PBRHON. s ATTORNBY AT-LAW, iroxntma, v. o. FracUees Jn all eoorta. Offle on Main street. v Vy" Y ARBOBOtIGH, rt. -.ATI OENET AT LA W , -;;. . ,irjxsBTOo.ir.a - ' Office th Opera House handing, Co art street Russia has begun the. work .by openly 1 Greeks, Roman a. Spa olarda. EagCah I V , laying claim' to .Manchnrlt which ah has really possessed for some time. Japan wants the United States to Inter fere with Russia's, little game of grab. Only think 6f thatl Jspan baa been I inrctjated la th rTiUlrVi.n. Aa ar- ,nl-.r--,, l-cavoranir arouna-ror several years i xny omctr ta wiaa mra ior carrjic aat w,ih I,- -a-t rv ,. ,.. I with chltS.oa her shoulder daring na-1 an illicit trade hi aUhs. cerio. etc. The tial Corslcan. One of the strangest I fions ln general Busala in Particular, omissions In literature was made by to lmock ,to,- Now comes Kuaala and I coolly appropriates Manchuria, ido-Ji- .nit itanatn r t.nnAa- t fotiai trY ,i,ft, I pan,i Instead of tnobliizlng her-army I that la. w -w'j, .hii. y.... i.' i and declaring war on the 'Muscovite, I long the famous epitaph which he prepared bega ua to pull her chestnuts out of the " for his own. monument and which runs 1 Br5 ipnetv : u uiua vue Vl unina may do in prospecx ana u may not be. Napoleon said: rChina is a sleeping ' Hon. Let her sleep. . Do not wake ber This la advice which a good many people would do well to beed. But even If she Is to.be dismembered what have we to do with It? What will we gain by Intermeddling In affairs which right food for gnraiK. IVr.tiK" mus: rave L-TaC focxi, fcloou on through the lut. : Scott's Ernulticti i the right ircAtmer.t "Icr $4i(..tKa Caviiaswiil atf U faetf .v IMSaarial f T e' ltvw at t-1j-Jaa ae at iia taw,;ve asalseiai Ut tiTOrttPa. ss, aV 'ajiawif a a eta, a Aaa aT ymH H Saaai ' , WOOD YARD. t J taaua , y tHiam In- 4,4 e ,3 JUT w awl rHM ie e t-4 W aara Viaaywl 4a a-a It S etJ.iX i, . -1. W ie ar:e &. . 4 I.s I . - c . 4 .an.a nu If a V. -a .i J a a - aaa t aa "X a a-" a-av - a.l ,-a.. I a i-a a 4 . i .4 -i a a a . -a I !..4tHtHak a iMMi,a.a a a -" i it: ' V-a viat e a,i; a. A t-lr'aX, 13 way to abolish scaadaU af that sort U to aboUah procooaniar rwvermaeet. Whars the mattsr with Haass T Del rriie.'ltj? r ntii7ttftt.4 ftrxl . ahirv -fSa ta . M.rma - ilnaiao afafa.1 swat I 1 . . . ... tb eel his chndrca. Littkdr3cafrrcrTrl4 t-i'- i a I Ah aa S .ltl. I . .11B B.-- . - .. Wbce to the stndeeU of the Otvto I ,r-"7 -1 TZ TVlTZ aT-TI aZZl that he would tire-girl stal llOW lc4 Atnt,tcf. I a f. gaa .. very ttxne ta pw' error ta I 1yr- tatns rro y I'rr-"'' 24 1 t?f .( nat.a4 and. tf H were eot for hla wife. I ' ; " I - 7 7 . I e.- . a--a I iim rcn LviiAl 14.ICC ,UI P.r aaw. as ..a. ja a, - In this wise: - - : - - Here is burled Thomas Jefferson author of the American Declaration of Independence, of the statute of Vir ginia, for religious freedom, and father of the University of Virginia.". v ; j ? These - were.- magnificent deeds. Im mortal achievements, each one ample te give "him Imperishable renown - and for whleh'we are all his debtors for ever' and forever; . But" if he could have comprehended the full and-mar-; velous -effects of his unequaled trade with- the first - consul . be would - have added to that epitaph a fourth claim to the eternal admiration and gratitude of. his : countrymen and to - undying fame "the .author of -the: Louisiana purchase,'! which alone of Itself enti tles him to first place among American nocrapbrrt men would fill hlaoXScewlth tbatH.'-b-acaoa,' he said, nbey ar more IrateatrtoQaV more eOcieot and a good deal safer, beeSdes, I admire them. Taa, tadaaad. an honest confraaksn la good foe the aooi.; Since eed Smool. spcetlc, eteu. broke Into the acetate Mrs, liana dot do not concerii us? Have we entirely wnio 3i to gtrt rtaaoapher. departed, from-the doctrine of the fa thers that the less we hare to do with old world pontics and broils the better we-will be off 1-V -We' do. not have. to own a people to trade with them.-and to trade-with them la all the use we have or ever will have for the Chinese, j Bungling Indian. Matter. -Really It seems 'utterly . Impossible for bur government to. have anything to' do with the Indians, without acting AIT lecal business intrusted to hhn I statesmen.?: Tn"mT JBdent. it Is the t VjdiculouslT. Its Dermltting them , to will reeei ye prompt and aarefal attentifta.-j most stupendous of alt his actslf.he.l hayaj improved firearms even, fnrnisb- -Ur- Ditto all the rest e amatora wtvre. . The Sower booae of th tDloots lxla tature Is giving a UrOlog UlattraOoa of the purity and aweetnr which Dow charactrrtre , the Bepubiicsa - party Riots la legislative bodies ta the yrar of our Lord- and Ma tier 19C3 are net the best exeuipodcatloo es! the tiree tngi'ot free governnMat. - ' -. Tha post oclce drrertxaeutal niadahi at Washington. har Nvfl pxvwjn-V by. on of tharrvataLUtae U Oa land to be equal to the star route arta- dlAt-Vhich were so fW -aa, tf rto - DENTIST, v LOUISBUBO, - , H. OV One over Furniture Store, had; never-uved. someDoay -some time i in9 thomr- lihnm-ov ,flrnrme whpn I Aomt it . TR.PT.BMITHWlck, ,vi 4-weuid linTe written adeclaratlpu ;of jtjjey were atiinigBting cl vllixatton with j to .bold their &oasu,ll It pkaaaut ta 1 lnaepenaence. it-wouiu, pruuauir . uuv t nowder and lead waa not only ruUCQ- Dmorrta to know ajua ftoS a.AHM MMMy.u.n ,V malAailA BntAAn anil 1 : ' . . ' .1 . m a I ... . - K . . vwBmsatpm w uojwn. """I' 1 KUS, It WU CnmiMl. i-U plan OI. I DCan SX BUXU Ct U It. epic quauty ot jeserson s veciarauonv as and clothing thousand of thetn for but ir weuld'bave sufflced. f: If he had 1 Tea u th beiitht of tomfoolery.- It never been born, somebody would nave l imnTv - trnltivatfid their J Incorrizlbla written a statute for religious freedom inxinesa.' Indian schools mean so un- In, Virginia and would have established jnatifiable waste of the people's money. - ' t a-.-. a . t a "" .-att a t " T & t "1 w w . agrea I -university-it ue ariiix-. lt -? xgt year some esthet ic idiot connected with the Interior de partment took Klato his noddle that All the Indlansvbught fobaVe' their hair close cropped, and a great . row was the result.- Lo protested -with all bis might, which Is a good -deal., but the govern- the world. You'D Bad u road raeaX ment , snearea ninv .wiw anout as r bnt -trtv. dt. mv bov: strTk oot: CS- IrlOTELsieVOi FB ANiiiiNTdIi -HOTElI ion, ut If be had not: been president nr 180 we" would never have owned; 'one square foot of land west;of 'the Mississippi, and today all. over that matchless territory where Old :- Glory; floats there would flutter In the breeze the banner of the -Spanish Bourbons, "--fe " ' - - mmm astasaTaaaasjaa, r f J r.ir AAvtava. on ii n To not gola' to give you asy lotr .winded adrlc,? sa!d,ll5faiVrv. Aa m lt la thiaj Too' a,4d(a1eaa t:a ' y a if 'a t a. ' - TP.i aa n. - j,a 4VA 'afttaaraa A I. . " . tiood accomoaanon lor u araveung i me mcoiwr u r" rrl much proCt.as another idiot, who be- i t i toofr tt." mal tie tert came a pro vera, aemea rrom aneanng th Bocn'Ui aa ad lot as be cbttai up hla grip. Ira gtrfa to be a roCf- alooj.1 ball player." ItrdUaapoua San. Ltl - who. - Good LivaMT Attached St. George, Jefferson belongs ta the country, and the whole country, but he belongs e- .giIoielC a wolf.- What matters It whether aa : Indian's, hair la cut with clippers close a ft ta) aHa I 4 Ha aHa Sua aal aaaavlYa aat a atiaat a4 taaa.Aa.t saw AulaaS WfCRf ft0J - Otl-Ktl . t!C Ir''' " aa rwavt-a txcaiblc. Riffhtfoctl curr l t.4 the e-a an- aav , f m mm i Errmbicn hi pmrto tabc the nril -footi. fur i:fi Uir.c la child htxxL :. - 3 ' . J t f.'T av-f'al. ; " - SCOTT h COWKfc. Caaaaiav. 40-4t!, PM Sir-ax,- Kaa Vaar t ,afavaaataaajaa.ajtNaaa. . . I .'JL1!.--- I.L.'-' " ' e ; aaa, .araat tJSv TVert U Iit4 Ua4l si i!fa Tha raa2a) ea-aare aej fc Vara a ietwtf ;it;tg wif Uaa IV 1a;V-. - Oe a.aaa.a i( !i a Birriti t U't ta ta ta that h tr.tMl f.akl r eniLArt.T tianxtn i Vf m ra. aaajs aai a-a-aaav aaU Oar4 by 0.aaaVartJ" ' 1 .' Oagh ttoea aaiy, ; . , .,' Vr. ft. 1. haiWra. a aaat at la a. ta fafaaettUs, !1 H, h4 t-a-a Ua-Wa4 l ta at S raj yaawa ". a aila,a at4itl4i ll iky, u.'Ukl a,. if M ta V tAait i ta IW ta li af aaa. MfYiaa. htf SuW aws fja Nl.Y.l'(Ul(t"lUr f .Yl i-a. a- Y a'-a4i4 Va try . 5 ar .. t V fa t it t a Jail amjtMtiila) a-a -4 i UimiIiWm a tv la ! hlll li. raraa-saia- f?f ra-fc Wiieo a rata diasr titl U k'. 40 weitl eeatsr 11 laat 1.5 o 19 c:i (f.ta! wt;, Lla. Mlf. .1 JACOB KVASfs . A AtaAv4) i;:? in ntr um C- aaa yatsT antaarw a! paVM-W aa-uWUilb, LOED'S , PREFERRED STOCK a a " a a r-ar i ... . ,r ,. .( a a a m j - - laiiniiaaii . . . - aaa tMli s a k ai'ia,, v Salt ; . ( M a llaaaaaMS t -' SMa f - r. P t.a..l. .pai . a, If Waaa) t'aaaja' a .,' ya,. ( v 7 ' I .j ,r - niir rTaimii ma . . a. . l-a. .. ' a a , i Ja lNY.ra ti a m It t 5 l.aaal - - au aa I a-a a Uaa,4.aa4 , I ' a-a . -. a 4 , , , , -ll I J aaawa 4 a li a-a aaa V aviasaaaia) I W 1 .,, t. f-aa 1 v aiaaaai, lata . ' l aa . . m m !" Brf .a..- (? ai a-a. - SV. ,.... i t 4 I I aa - l.aimai IS f,1 aaa ' a Maa..t. Mia., ; ! aa V aaaaatfli.. g .: . t 9 mm ! tati K) 1 .. It ! ta SwaaxtHa I I ml t a aa inM I (a. - - ' a ; a. wiw.... ww ' . A t ai ;!, t I a ' - a. , . . a. - . aak (Va a-- aa (Va awa anj ti Vaaaa. aaa aa aa4. ks ira V .at, Ca44 aaa, aa a t a V tt '" t isaa r- a- aY. m W w -.a a at tat -.anat a VVa aa a 4a iaaai aVaaia) aa-.u at awaat . A jaiavt. 4aar J. aaa fYaY eauaa a-f irawll aUrae aaa. i I'-i" -!'a m .e ,. .a S ay. 1 4 P U K ! R Y J vai'. r. rw a5 ?tit j ; :,.r, ft t f t W i a , a t 'la aw j e..rua il a a 0 rir I V J at- aw 4i U aaT PEM.nSVtVA.MA j al r ft i . : . lla fiT'b fc' lul e tr la.S tl ttUn tin Vare - stay Itartf sa ia Ua a.j feTxlll.tl tt. ' ' , I l ,tt Gm,l$ .tl 'f U t C I A t-aftUat ra InaaSW - m.I Oa aa WI &., .2 aM r-na-. t Maaafaa aatat ar-anAraa 5 a, 'lt iBl t '' Kaaaa) aa kaa SliUmaal f i.-a . aia-i -i-- 1 1 . das e-r fcawv. Ik., V. aa aMa. f a a TU) fti a i 4 -a4 I - r v'iMMtr V a - a - a - - a a. a I tL l.lUiUU i XL, a a......a. ' a. ... ... t . . w V a ' ai.axtlt aa a- -l i aa I 11 a a-a. I - I .-a. a - " ! t an I a. Ha - ' na II ' .a. a a-a. M aaa t a ,4 t a " . aat f axa,, k, aa.a -ai f . J a ta a w - .ua..4i a-t Had ' .iMASSENBUBO. 9 F Massenburg' . Xhropr HEirDEBGOII, I7- C,: Good farv Pel -r Qi4 aaoennodataons. V .Hta aaid attaativ aarvaar'r NORWOOD HOUSE T' tYirisrloj. KSfts CaTa.H' v-. ar. j. & onvooD, Frrttor : FatronaaTa - ot Commercial Jonrlata sad j fTEU5riiiii!a --- v j jf. ; Hcl pAtect medldne : a thia splrltaocs Hjuii, ef a plcasart bitter ixsta, nia cf . 1 -UT . Ior tt TAT lorrr rtir tr. 'A i- 1 7 f ! t iVi li j 11 aa 4 tu j-m-iia ai .. 4 an. -a s rf"a C - k.-;l I ti -,aji .ta.-1 J. aat-a U ! Y aa - I .t I tt 4 a ' J Sara fciai a . - ka a- a-aaui-a. ar" aj a aa-at 1 I av V. Swaaf a- 4 ja a ili. a! '. Ci'i- a I i ! TUi' i V. A l. i a- V aa ? e t K.a, t . f r-a .. t ) ! t a N ..'.. . r t S " 4V. t-aa ...Y t 'a a. a 1 f .:t if Un fa;il a. Mil 4 . I fa5 nil r ', aa all I a ax aaa-i- 4 6cffof.s "-a af I r i st-? !( trl-.tlf. ,I,.J J -1 I 1 !f 111 Oil. ' sva T aa. :til ii'j laafai till trtnxi I. r-triatrtai ;. f L: -.:.' IuA t I a.f vf , iijit. r .?.. t-..::.a J.i .a S, ,. , . 1 ,:v an .'. J mm t i . Aft r ni Zzzt TZCJJVlAll DAPJI FliJ Estmct FOFLAH, V ATJI ifgn-'n-trirt'.ACIL LCOT Fluid Extract FICIILY. rH HATJw 171:1 Crtrccir D 0 G3VC 0D D All! i -Flaii'Xxtrcct SAHSi?.lULLA Cm fit, Y i a.na. rS;vG?Gi!i!it ether CliiU Tcnica Dct If f.-aaO . -f s-:'. Ja .a" 1 1 a . : r . ' ' a a ' f i a tax all'. .4 i is -. 'irWa v.'.h awvaa l a-' H-.l Hi . I?sr iMi'.'rt. aaiiaai s 'i-. I ilS s4 i S a.t af . r j ! '.aa t n 1 ai i -aaja, t - f i X a f Y -; aw I ta-. ; - 1 I ; ' iats i-4. a i w ; ' i f a I , - - ? i i - a , i .-a a f -! a f T" s, l1; -ta I1! tri! V ' r -'! t .e -.rn r t ttt: i t tVf -. SVt eaaf sfcat .,. i ftaw--lW4taS W- eaM- f - af ' J a. (. Hi t a i i t i i fMi a t . ap-sy- V I w ia!a . t a 4 4 I 4 Jr t.ra t a t -S I t a let a r-a.aa.t, j , , a -A - yae- - , , . ' t - ( leri Maj . i. a,t '-a-a-a-i. 4 i t a - i a a- u t 4 - ; Afi4iaar-T 4 4 . ' ;U ta I a t b 1 t 4 - eaa,. . , t t. s 4 - R ,' i ta-aaaMt 4e f '4 lata--, i ) . . , " a 'aw , s'j I M i ? a-a- t.a . - v iatt. t ; t i t 'ft - . t t f- .!-' ft I 1 a J ! U tt ft- ai ...it,', -t . r tff'S4'-l f -. t .lit " i' 3 - 1 I 1 I i '' i-i "S i- i . - t - ,i . . 'ill . ; i . " i. K . r- " - t I 4 "Vh.i a-w , a - - f I ! I . 1 -i S -a . a-a fravelliig PabUeSollelted.

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