V ; , LODKBcnr,, y. q, fiuday, iwy-z. 11 i i; CHURCH DIRECTORY -" JAS. A. THOMAS Editor ui Proprtttor.; r -'V'V-'V-v- 1 a as sBkkkvMvava-agv..,- nrw--'J"j,"-,k- . .. ' Sunday School at 9:30 A. H. . Qwo. 8; Baxxb, Rapt : Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7x30 F, M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. T M. T, Pltlbb, Pastor. Bandar School at 8:3LAL . Tho- R- Wrr.-nve' Rnt : Preaching at 11 A.M.,and 7:80 vSu. Try ounaay. ' V Prayer mating Thursday night. H. H. Mashbursk. Pastor. r-- -f smsoopal, .j,, ' Soirdav School ato.on -r - Serrioes, morning and night on wf.. 9A an1 jfh Onn4. .. B rening Prayer, Friday afternoon. ioatBborg Lodge. No. 413, A. F. A A. M meets .1st and 3rd Taeeday uiKu iu rsqu mourn r r gPRUILL & ALLREE ATOBNBT8-AT-LAW, ' win practice In Ml the Courts. Offieea In J)R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU1SBURO, . - If. C R. 8. P. BURT, practicing physician and surqboh; Louisburg, N". C. umce ta tbe rear of Boddie, Bobbitt ft - o. g Dma: atore. on NaQ street. " JJK. a. f. TARBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND STTRJKOHj Ofllce Snd floor Neal holldlnir. Thn m Hlht calls answpro1 from T. W. Blckett's U. UASSSNBTTBQ, ATTORNBY AT LAW.'' UJUISBGBO, B. a. WU1 practice in all the Court of the State Office In Court House. M A RCUS C. W INSTEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Loui8bobo, N. C. Orrics ovsr Corner Drug Store. Special Attention gIren to collections. Practice whererer services required. jy&. J. K MALONK, PaACnCIBQ PHYSICIAN AND SURQBOn! LOUI8BTTBS. K. a Office orer Aj-coeke Irng Company. JR. B. 8. POSTKR. " PRACTICING PHYSICIAN 8TTRQBON. Louisburg, N. C Office orer Aycocke Drug Cxnpany. YY"m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTOBJTBY-AX-LAW, louisbubs. jr. a Will practice In all the Courts of PrankUs d adjoining counties, also in the Supreme urt, and In the United States District and Circuit Courts. Office In Cooper and Clifton Bniiainjr. lHOg. B. WILDKR, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, iiOuisBins. m. a. Office on Main street, orer ones A Cooper's tor. S. SPRUILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, - LOUIHBURO, . 0. Will tianA tli a A u v.ii SranTllle. Warren nd Wake connttes. also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. r luuyt wdbou given 10 collections. Office over Ererton's Store. ' rp W.BICB3TT, ITTORNBY AND COUNSKIXOK AX LAW. itOviKBUBe x. a. Prompt and painstaking attanttoa tvesi So rery matter Intrusted toUs hands. w vituex uaaee tmepnera, BOB. ui Manning, Hon. Robt w. Winston, Hon. jr. C. Doxton, inrea. nrst xrsttonal Bank ex W ton, Glenn at Manly. Winston. Paonsas S. Monroe Chas. R. Taylor, Pres. Mfk tor- - i.to, nvu. a. vv. 1 1 m inrna. Office over Seal A Co.'s Store. , yy pbrson, ATTORNBY AT-LAW, . Mtmnroas.a.s, Practices in all courts, street. Office on Main Ty H YARBOROTTGH,. V ATI OBNEY AT LAW, LOinSBURG.N.a Offles is OpentBoase building, Court street AU legal business- Intrusted to him will receive prompt and careiol attention. J)R. D. T. 8klTHWlCK, DENTIST ' LOUISBURG, . W. a Office r Purniture' Store. ; v - -t 4..; Vr' -- 'W -' c-. n HOTELS j ft FRANKL1NT0B HOTEL FlUKlOJNTON.N.a 0. W. WTW&t.Prp'r: Good scoomodation -for the traveling ublle. GoodLtvbiT Attached I -J f MASSENBTJE6 HOTEL;- J P lsmnbiirtrt Propr HENDERSON, IT. 0. 1 wood aooommodationt. Good fars "Fo Hte aadtttentive ssrvsatr II NORWOOD HOUSE :ly iViriartflB. V: IffirttCtr- .- W. J, AORTVOOI), Froprletor -r atrotiage of v CctnmerclBl Tonriftt 1 fWhjr.SIiouMa't PresfaW fwoswit Beconw HarvsLnl's nBead ttiMn Lytichh. v? 1 - OWN to old Mexico th Inaiat on the erf ormn tothepronundamento.! to- "tancCa clrcn. must: exhibit ItadYertlsesorthepatronJ Utled tn ? eTerythlng are entitled to hare their money refunded- wise and righteowiaw.' v President Roosevelt is not the only .strenuous chief of a nation. There are .ottera"TdMi-- , , r wine jfjK raise him tt hta 1 atrennosJtvl r?Z riuosity Among thej i, the ameer 1" "Trr--rs. "v iuk ouster w eqoai. A'xnan in his dominions :undertook toeornerrthoiw whereupon the ameer hung Md high - .JirBeTOtc remedy surely 1 ; ..Certain, jMwapapers .liaTe-started sv uuudm: ueaaea roorback to the effect that Governor pdell of New York lias knocked out Hon. Thomas Collier Piatt, the "easy boss, and will give President Roosevelt trouble about the delegation from that a state. As to Benjamin taocking out Thomas, seeing Is beHer Ing. and nothing will satisfy a rational man In that regard short of what Othello demanded of Iago, the ocular proof." Odeli has no-more chance to beat Roosevelt out of that delegation than be has of flying. -Waiting For Hanna's Shoes. vrp're8tfrfrePort8 indicate that General Charies Dick, at present a representa tive in congress from Ohio and: chair man of the Buckeye Republican? state cuiumee, la engaged in the cheerful business of waiting for Uncle Mark's senatorial shoes. "Hope springs eter nal inr the human breast)- Only a short" time ago General Dick set his ' eagle and covetous optic on the gubernato rial chair of Ohio and was horned off the track by Senator Hanna in order that Colonel Myron T. Herrick of Cleveland might "have a dear field. As soon as. Dick; was eliminated from the gubernatorial equation Herrick got gay and built as many castles in the air as the milkmaid. . He counted his chickens before they were hatched. He would be governor of Ohio indW dent of the. Baited States, but. Tom JolmWn-s gjt victory to Cleveh wuere ne, uerrtck and llannn all li I seems to nave knocked the foundations out from under his lofty honoa. r TTo. . ' - i a dead one. Vrtnr.TTtvnla . lnn eeived "a tremendous Jolt- Sueh nkth - er waiiop mis ran in the state election may induce him to retire. If ha (fans not voluntarily quit, General Dick is uaejy.Tw nave a. dreary time waiting for his senatorial foottrear. fnr "hnrr-n touch of sciatica. Senator Hanna is vuut. -aawisome a specimen of the genus homo as now perambulates the earth, but be is aged, and Dick figures on tne ore tables. President: Rooseve Ifa Amhltlon. Ifls said to bo President Rooaevelf a ambition, after another term In the White House, to serve as president of Harvard university. Some -of ... the newspapers make merry over that de sire of the chief magistrate of the re public, in which performance It' "ap pears to a mere looker on in Vienna that they are wronav Whv ahonui tu not be president of Harvard? It is a noble ambition. He is a Harvard men and a scholar. Should he be clewed in 1904. he will be only fifty-one years oui wnes nis term expires in the very prime of life. Shall he sit down and soend the remnant of hia rtav. nrt anng ms thumbs 7 Perish the thnn-ht( He.coaldn't do it if he would and be wouldn't if be could. He Is ' the em-- bodiment of energy and will be an ac tive worker tlB he dies. Jefferaon d. voted his time after leaving the White souse to rounding a great university, an achievement which- he miked one of .the -three oof which he rested ua iime, me oiner -two being the writing of the Declaration of American Independence and the statute of Vir ginia ror - rengious rreedom. , John Qnincy Adams served seventeen years In the bonse of represeatatives after being president.' John Tyler served as road overseer and died a member of to confederate congress. Andrew Johnson was a senator of theUnited Stales at the time of his deathl rbm. eral Grant most unfortunately went hho ousiness witn Ferdinand ..Ward, "the young Napoleon of flnahce,. and most, fortunately: wrote his "memoirs. Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harri son both went back to the-pcactlce of xl. ... .. . .. ; aw, very prontaoiyTo memselves. All of which goes; to show that r presidents may engage in labor of some sort. , As President Roosevelt is in every way qualified for the presi dency of Harvard. If It suits Harvard and no doubt It will be-should; have hU ambition gratified; It wouldftu nisb ' him salary, enough : to live com fortably and if a' position worthy" of an ex-presidentk .It is said to have been the. ambition of General James A. Garfield to spend bis life after leav ing the White House, if he had lived that long, to founding a gfat univer sity in Ohio. - He Was one at the thr. -great ;presidentiaj scholars,-Jefferson auu wvuo wuincy aaami oemg tne two others. -: PerhaDS President RoaoavoH should be- added tothat.smaU? but gooaiy company, f, . The United 8tatss' Senate. - It Is a matter of common knowledge that the senate of the United States eonsists of ninety members, but it.la hot so generally' known that ft is t t. posed- of .flf ty -seven ; Republicans and thirty-three Democrats. R.nnhicHin tmSlorftV ;, Oft tWentV-foni'.. Vn man- jyears theret have, beea, senators who wre aennerueraocrats Bor-KnnhM. TEo.Old WIsUAAtaaUl.Vl has stpd tho'test'S over Ono isnd tf Hdf LMion'bottlcs. OTETi6cr.r.?a:t.o n !!rt V1 ?5 hV Um: naieo,. oniy Democrats and EeoubUc f SfS-1" toe m twenr-fonr toa-ry.larg. -:" 1 - r Of conraa the -terms nf nnLa i Of . me the erm.'ftf nltT 1905. Can the Democrats win th thlr - Beata now. Held byHepoblicans in order to wmn . . . . JoVbut by. no means hoDV -ttu ,.h . . . 3oD.-Dut by. no mean hnnl -n- 'oUowing states elect n tWln nators-now 4 h-T, ..r-7:"-." i , senaiors; Tennessee, Missouri SisSSSSi Mlssissippv Florida. ftlSrtlS? !5S JWV. L TTrii r. ... lnd,orth Dakota Tetmont. Wlscon. sin, Pennsylvania;. WM vi.r.: iiKuana. Michigan; Minnesota. wyoining, New York, Nebraska. Waah, tngton. Mainland Ohio. . The first seven stAte. named above bave Democratic senator, fri,-. - w!1!.1 twenty-three hare era tic states will rf r, T Slderation.. Th follrt-nrtr,,, ahhnat . . t - cerxain " Ke- imuuca senators: -Michigan. MUmo- n-chW- Nora v , m . " o fcMJT rw wore or teas doubtful: Rhode Island, Delaware. California. Indiana vw v.w . . . . . 8 -MiicB are mors or t Jersey, .l'"" e" Virginia and eiaa-. bo that in order to cap- ture the senate la 1905 the. Democrats must :hold all the senatorial seats they tn do? factop. nnt miv.k' . - ; wuuurq now, which might defest the election of RepubUcau senators in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania. Wisconsin and Mich?- ean. wherever there am ki, m,. t loclaJlm, wbil. la growJ W ynr. t-n . . . . - w Socialists wouUl enable either op. wvuuuu wouki mni h. i9 ... v to coairoi tne senate. It would be more likely to give the Socialists th more likely to give the Sodallsta the iNuuivn iKiwyr .... uaiance ox power. ( . -t ;. . . , A Billion Dollar Country. ' The New York World thus discourses on "A Billion .Dollar Country The treasury bureaa of statistics reports that trom April V.waV ta Uuch iTua Inclusive the Imports of the United State 2 AflPiJLWe'" "nths tnour hunory reached a hlfMon dollars. The exports for the same period reached tl. 414. 73t.su.- The that by the end of the government OacsJ year on June 30 they wlU have reached a "d and ao hT, bck an other record. . -.--v.- . v Kelther our Imports nor our exports bad reached half a WlHon dollar liTiyra. im port, touched 1758.068. a to 1X90. export. la lffiO passed the same sum. and to US9 first passed the blUloa mark, recedlns; from it 1 th.J2n "at followed, but since 1897 they have been continuously above the billion. In some other reepecta-thta la a Ml lkm doUar country. We have one billion dor Jar .trust and six billion doUar railway "groups There ts 4 bUHoa dollars 1 the savin KB banka of thla Mat m.. t animals of the country are worth, three tolllioSisl. v frm sitoaether,twnty liiinois .ynchers. ; ' . x Carry the news to Judge Crumpack er, the great humanitarian who repre sents a Hooaler district in th mnrM. of the United States! A lot of enraged. not embattled, farmers at or Bear Ban' I ta re,lll unceremonJously lynched s I . v. auu i n i t im nnmisw I &pru zv strung him up as t ruthlessly I and with aa much dlsnatch as mu. I sissippl mob could have done It Now. f the Judge should introduce a resolstloa I to Investigate this latest outrage and I fMf. .f . . I uiiimiuu aaamsT an American i a4 . . I uuacu ui African oescenc too lodge a I careful and prayerful attention Is par I ocularly called to the fact that as soon I as the k mob had "worked:, ofT its vie-1 jam : It made -aT rush) for, a .camp of mlnwMl m&n .tis.mw i n I v- -.a. .u w(ua uouaing I anu openea nre oa them. The press re-1 ports say that several of thm m I showdown, while none of the lynchers . , , . .. . 1 wb iujureur - xow, n ine judge lets! all this psss by without rebuke and without investlgstlon he win prove to all the world that b is only a pinch- must not forget that thls hTppened to minohv a Republican state whose gov. senators are Uncle Bhelbr CZT a -... . J- I tJa.. ysnked:Binie Mason ?tt e a. jlt ea . aauuaiua. ssriin raini ra s praud in, Porto Rico. - - . l - j r. .. a l s changed- frWlt. r . canaa- we hanno k. eT".-! V. proconsuls. A late nresa dlanatrb rmmi . " , mm -jr-M ' Saxi Jo-n. Porto Rico, runs atlfoUowsr -Governor-Hunt today sete a letter to! Ifinor PalanlD a airing n. t,u t .Uo-nT-FaJao "is" the .Tor o,l afavajrue.--who ka. fiann .rak ..w I : uiuiucipai aaooa.-'. r .-' ,3 ' a". aka. .mm. .k.. I ' ine governor took this - . . .r..CT.iyi t'ho nT. nh I -fairs in Mayacues, to tBe effect that thare I fafrs in Mayacues, to tBe effect that thare had been araa. fmut ,ia Dart or amntaaaa. .nA Ainw P"" tart hat Feieraaj mtmrn men uiig krfkfii . maaioipeJ emnlovees '.with . eurrhii ih. . honex latter men on the police force, as Br ell aa with atx ffknK am. ,v. . 7 - s . ui. k u rw enuta of the city.., Falardo has sala t . aj5jn i or nan juan. lie was arrested a second tlm. a.iwt w.. in i tu bond. - ;- - - .-- The publican press stni sapporu Ta - yo?. - No Cure, aatlsr&tnr rtnH in a.n.. .a BQmberS at ZCahtCa. llnrta a a ... w wnurw io cuai uamscua lanimon k uuurt it Aijrira la . k -. - w . .aib. ' ' ' ' ' " : : : . . . . himii arm Trtunnt Vi u-Jous-hby tave both made m. prmu lam. tlatlo. tt.KtjtrtHa. s4 Hi report frao fWsi Junr oCti- A Wide Field rf FUc., The. faros of Prossxtrtlng AttortH? FoIi of St-IoU is extrtkL'sg onto tr ds of th earth. Th Mt4,nt editor of the-Kew XotkTnlairot sjjsj . f1 mr stTtssuOxraainor mt Folk of at. Lmi roer mmm. stoa te bast dm Wttw tkfMxHovt t United Btstesf Jf Urn taTa-Tw sepsrtsaeot of xlsatnlsOmttrs aevits a W0O14 ebrioualy be th wmiTtomZ teury. . By apptytav ls state asuhJ tu ' S' "iwm WOCB SB) l".aJr? rs nur tm. 1 w foe nwru WiZy I Vi tA-Wwli IcTs T"! w f 1T? ? M,rt4M rfia- r.t- I t tmt dncur. t e,iti . . I ib " w 4'f'-- r w r.ety intts rcw iiui:t... - .A ! . , - fssnsv ewt of etamt a r3tt?J2: 5 " ? I . . . - wvmm naws s a o teto aa. 1 s-II St...i - . rtndr. edits at tta by! I Senator Thomas CWUee rutfs tight I hand man. it rnmrr.s ,. tLt EU liPd to glT. thV up away toochin ..i.- -Zf- I UB?? business." Ths nss tt s many tin, ta . ZTT ! I back orar marnm m,mm.. - !'.'4"- tki Ma) Wsstl inn I you win nJi k.i . ia r.-WITr: "7 TTif ttoe. Catoa pVS; mw STSr; I puiaw, uw uxvi m.Laa. I -oi puisar, u toraj ravtLatiM. S 'h un to yw taMMiis t. f n-rTt ttraiTr: I " xm "Wing boo reIps-UUat whlc Wowtog ks 1oosl are d ta th m way. fJssi b ,U f I of tt.. Lrl nw . . i" Dt 230.0no osj WsD Now he has gold mto. which Pays him a cool taoessaJ r a. A Ut.rsry Trvt. i j.v ulQ vtvtj- pott T Co.?. WkU toT i fviit.. w . v lowhw fashion: om ... "l. . . , B. B B . . . - - . . - - 1 - - w m S83SJI wa. . : V . . wllk sytMoa tuT Suairi TZ Wll . IfTW 1 I aassjlsl asaawak aVaas) sv. M - rrU': x'rr'ra ea..atraae the doai. I 1? . .L' " ! . ' - m mm m wwiwa Ba aw wrnaa - - m7r-ZrrT mtwa.a eaa MatfbV. -TT, " former mes this Wis aaette er t. - - - - - - ...... regular procedure. The sathw aatarejrv accepts, ortea tke rabUsW at wtuta. WJ natinawad wars ta.. a w!mimi4mi.Li. .... caseef.tr. Kipaae btMha, Taewth.11 mows anther aatae by oesnnaer loaa. l. ik m- .i w . that tb ooataeaa sm at ta 4 - (Vs u-a w aat ara for assimaia liirrary oeiopaa tares teas M each try Because the rum mm a aUhO awau. aaa ii a aew aether rate pubUahev makaa far awi taaa j - mtm m.m m as taa wrtuear eg a A Jr. l . The) movemeat ta erect a 'loatuDai . wi.. nw n n asoxexeei i air is a sxejeotiitJr sad tUill te eocoarsged by all r-'-"t tUTjim wardlra ef political awnt.rt,. Poetical ecdnJoaa. I da ot say thes "-" m . . . w.u.u m smu m u mm na mm I i i . ot ln I Domes jetTersosi Mseaorlai sodatioo. but WcanaaTtf aoa ats to be erected ta great oi at ail yaerso tWaervee) cm a rVMy as aay m ,hal rrr It ts straagt) Cut K ,lmm V.. - . I " muu. hu am ueeu ooea tour bm. VW. . . .. .. . I wai-a aaui saue ta waaft mBn withotrt seetag r la rather of His rtht' PC. " Ptoattfal. titan stataa - " - - . w kws " "is ixoaaej. oaetal I UtrUkTl.MkhM t. . . . m n& aVarwe m 1 m . . - , . w ivtwhbw smai tb ttT? k1 national capital, hot Je?ersooa staraa ' "nfP5,n w hwooa II ti as consrrirsoTts roe its abstec. ui om-' w luotsd Oaa trTTl A "211? nMretWrsOcaw. grf. I -TTla HtTtKtrssem fat..sW k . I Mlseonri ba derlarvd I - aa .Tpf. r.rvtf tJurty ,t . . Ainsajun -J " wmt jmmm. -m. a. . -n t 9mm iviw AT" Ii .L? " . . lur wasio-l f,,- 1 .v .. . ... aw saa-.weg IW.tVa (SJ f fa sit IM Wlahl ff sff If the Missouri dk0oa na tt t.pata that the lkra sad Um Uatt v. .... . mZ"!..0" . - - mmm uuektea are nrotvrnivV.tik-. v.AAvu.k - . . ' -m w-ni -m-f Wkkka l ....... - - mw y VIUU SIS TS XSr33J4fa J - r - pr - nt. the Aki .1 11 P5 Nothing taora.H fiVS ara w. a.rrra a ad. U. ra4aaera axe M11 k V. V k a , Pan there have Vdos Decs this record r.'o Pay. CO ,,-,-,-- a... ," :. i - . . s t f . - r - -w-w art, red la larrw 1 Cibasuta .;ava,:i PTTrVt rim a r.. fTT Of wkiilW (t I Batll hm Ills ra4 c4 tV rwTBWtt. : . I trlat Urtc4 aU ftuiiack sa Urt wsisuto ea sa tetsmtt bt s sport ts tiCTpaitd la C, tKsa a ... oil lac Atoti.taa ssir. A rt:r I w o3 to rt4r U'i tw 1 . " Sf! Kwiiajrni-ia U.aml . . . . - Itt.tu w. lf I. v.. " rnwrti rI Cvol trr h a tctM. rail h... ' . w . . ,w I " W MT -bfrss Issnst ?js N M,r rif4 IU t imics si I aSMsUUie KmJele sa wwc sas C o sacvUtat t dtr. I I a'..i r ,.Arnio4iolCTt44.M the .. ' -.s; sw tt- I CTiW1 h CgruiaJf datm. L. IV, 4..a .li i I ds r04. tmvs eiil, I I aiiv w r-04. strrma w-i) crms Is, aJrWTL I MtSri a 1 W 01 114 "Pm tat bf iW faair.J"MKllltiiUlirti. 1 t, , ... I m! frstsr cat tWrawwi UorJ ta tW WimW I PKS Of sera. . finnlJ, . kU ceer rm'to iWW t ZUZ llZ. twejountrd k tliiim hsxwtd bf ibm fank Iass. tW I "fU I ftetuXJ. aa4 h kt si4 I. . T" i mm rdiiai w I CSUbtS CSSI BBC 1 ... . JL. k M mr m a at V I r"-T.sJ sososj srg llm!(wi I wnm ossroo sarr. As v I l ChkliaxlssYr tJ lU k'.J I loaa actf iaa - - - v . a - . i r- a aa sjaarea im I 5iaU cioeaea to ,Ww sal aa4 Isoacti IVa retirr-. ... .... L.. .7l ' r-" i w w iaer irs-aj - I aseawJ ik. a... i ' " . ,1 " ' - " eaaay lieae siaor lh ttn - rtea aunlt. .i V TVt Catsihs) Uit tWa a tatxi fas- ertf lii.fL.,,., . . ' Ut44 CaMetVt r .U. I mT irtrtaTf aads'rv fe oa wva. r P . U t Shykxk not iSc run t..-i . . Tv . 1 ... - - - i TT . 4ru tnty can rtt iff ilr 17' I Scott'i HraulMCO. - SB - - " v COUi LunuJ3ia U Cmi k t 1 k a . . eon l,Vl nTK: MtfctlhencrrCS, tf.TCTirhv UiC dlUrr: pjri.5 aaj tV? . a at l- eWtlr. vton I P W CS Hum.i tTd, T C1 hi pj a 1 5Vis t 11 SCOTT A tnwN! - - - tOiMtlrvkHfUMi, btvavata. S& aaw aaaai aaaVaaajM. hrflU r4 sal 1a-g IVBtii f) esesi fas -av-a -av a- a VBaiaJe KAh ., Ua TkW 1 aay he a,. , ,. a e a4 ey ayaaaae ar4 (a. rs. . i ,i. Him A . ' 4 a. UeitVt U 19 4 wlli'a-lrw ;(rewat laiVlU . - f s W4TTX3 We thaatl I t h, aa. itrf r II kMf tk tkfa.tflVn.klif s te tee ittk kiiwi aa. lilllk ixm'm. dr-,mm- t lra'iaa IXk 1 I k a Vaa-a r, m4 mi Uk-; . aa,t n.,vM s---eia. twat't m4 faaU. ka. akUkia.kS .kftNk 4 I k-t t li W iaa t.:'tt I iM-ll faaa, aay lr-i-i m9,ammmi 4i Ilk ktnjtk-kS k 44a,k Vaa!HiMiu ; W i - 1 f - n fN IlkJ i.f. al ' I T 1 5 US t mtt l.:i:4 '" ' :. 1.' f Sar S i r.4 f'V - a I-a a IS aak 1 K.'. -. f M . I ilM ak ta-a-r t -a .'. r. If .. ' k Vif r ., '- Ik rk u . Ta;:a,a,,.,( :n a tt CrU Krrtct ,f j.uwuMkr -. r... irn..M. 11, ita,-! tin f .1 M!blUU. a W...s Tkm is !0:mUUn:u it k SXt.A la Tf,4 t J4l .il tUsx-a lt)i Bi.iit iVs - v w I Cs U t,u ..in...,, - - - v.4 , , , ( , s-i.Mmt,, I . re.ii -.ey J-t!, U. i ffV , I f44 is t . K fl I fVe a a. J I i ft 19 .t i WM ai La 1m a.. W . - - w -T V v Ultl'fatl-l.a. a. .. . ISJ Ptt its srtUrf wriJ-j MUti -tU s,tWtl ra r "1 fr..a,. . I f I M Uera U . tje I -lUrst a,! w4 lig , a -rH fnr trvil sft a I w I I n.n-,sCX3 m MX UUI 44 4 lmn, Z Z llbMtrwi.'. I JU J.l.i. r . CS-Mta. immmX 'lUOaM Ayg CVagt tlnsaiiiSy. ft r. mimm . - - - - ... . f-K f. tA tH.wi t y e SWWUt lu.. t . .. . . - 7. I rtmT7 mt mt r--tmmu I HTv? " "A . T ,t i a a. -- - I ZJ7T "" - irTZZT ' " ' rf I . I -ss;ani af tv Ve r4 I st I " T eie.-j ,ae .(w I '-eMWta!M.,)t arL . eW.serfil c.Waaa,a-a ea SHafuaMMtf aw. a. , 'm7mJTJ SSI-HI AH lis trt4tfia a, ..j I r mtttieaM. af a L.4.1 e-t- LS U fSt.1 ara.2ev- fS"M wte ee e at mj a..-a . . "e MiimM bmia ag y- V kM, I . h. I " f 1 H kuaj a . ... yvM-e .- C.. - ' "7 I A atsa'a - f 1. a a Cm - a... - TT1 .. rirTr r "SJa a t. tm.m ml . . . tWkat1 a. .a- . .... . i iHk ka W M.aae araea . mmm. . i-k-i Pfia n ,, - a- m mi mW liri'fl SMtk UI'V 1 f ! 8441 .-f tVe f al.de a. . WWTS U..f rthllMtSisrliWt A takkA r' Sv4- SN-a m.S . w ete. . IU a... f ' W tak ...- ar a-- - . - Z Z '' , k-a ., ... . . a kS J ' I. fttu4 mm .. . . . ' U- ( v.k wnaMk k.f 1 . J a I. ".-) a-v aa,. ' mm kk a.. . a inWaatk ll., aw..... . I ia,4 ( s, TlrlV lfim eurt ! e, ' a ; t-i-s lOit i " T- Waa) aa'ilaj tW a,.,, av a aiiimil .! a.-'--a . j ..p..a.a a4 kaa k-M.,, I k -fk f ." ta fc.,, i iM-tf . a. ' . a k kaa n . . , ,. . . ... "' -.. . . J '"' '"'".'' " l nt-se Vtsk. w, sf U.i u U-isk. Itt fcrx MS in? srvitft r 1 tt tis i . r jt r sxs f , .t U-f a. o-..ia t - 5 r-w -h.m Sxhs v et ' "V V-a. Aisk . . :.w yr wiJi 1 4,,,a MWI T "v a. ... ... WT totfe , ( wf eM I sW $ ts Uasawww. . , tTT JUT" "' -Jsrmzi eTm jit i4 w. ii,a yn ., a., j. w ..... 1 , r- . .(jnM. Oi3y m JtsJL.CiU, 1 t-ea Jf A i1tmifm as axii ""I Se a i ), a M "i Stoltaa. Shm taa kHM - - - S". iiw iaa r":"t eaai e av sk. ay m m Brwr!Sie, n, ex kaa ialiia i, S'Maa JAC0H 11VANS. - nj aasesviS w ykti In ti iwnqiis ak4 ftnaeatfcaa eaMaadav Mtk. CH fwai Sxkra4 tarH-y i, rt4 r tw,., s , t kt Vs tafe.A " t. St. A wswlslrNfyil - AUajr?rf ) twtrtt.:, y.tria te lak-il-e fapa f5 ...jfc aa&ka w It W StWIe la U -W-. C)Mlto,a 4a farfif $:u.t 4d u 4a.nMit.ot bjaa, kVtl.ef? fn ii I fnrrt raa SHrt-e 1, WvkN f att eaaw tMaiiSBif 4e 1" , f I jnaeei air t ra?W es A4-SuaMw atntfr "T W . y .r ... i.; WwaMlM 1!MMa -aala, a-nn.i.j W ? -a tat a k. . i 1 - ' a . kaM -mm two . i ' ...Tt ' t ka i i . . . r ! a mmm,' ' ! 1 k..,rjtT S " - . i -aaa, M iiirr. jlit -' ' waaa am. a. kaaa kM kaaat mm am- a, tr a. S t r nu4 J.i.n ,4k V itr - la. r. ra,i. 5 -iit'B, X-bA. ,!!"k f.lilflll'fcl , .11 reu.f I,.. . jw..iui, .Mi i., , 1 sV- e wSt.1 . : tsT tn . . a. , . ' ' It" I 44 j s,.... -a t- . .... ' - ' T- art . a.,. , ,.. 4 ,,- ..iuR.i.k.t kt.r : ; . ; V .i l.fTT it kfl,i JM j ... , .... i .J k, . . ..... . .. 1 . . . k. i J k. i. k !t V wMeases)s ss) " T sji Tw y s4 UaAe. 11 ei ,li.iiiaii.,t.am ana. ,.i ., SI mmm l..a .i e.., i, 5aw wt aa n Ke-siSi 1 r- usi 1 & HM i a-il. 2t-tf a.,r 3 -44s U(U . 4 ea;, j lo nn1 s tit .iFilEFEhuEDSil i f ' OLD ' y?viiKix'2-z . If tssssusvsa f -U-ru;:,; VJiiuxx. H .y .j Wail Orders..--. -ft Lm t- ssejw Bk..'4 VO0D YAHD. t7nf a w.. t. ,w t.t SEABOARD SBSBaSaPBSjsjBj, jf,, u ttX trm, i: In sasatSs-aiJaaisal ImJm , a i I - F sr,a I -"'TJ 11 ' : r mm ' k t. M '. ' ' mmm t it ' a r " k-a " 1 ' r Ha - r-m. e- k a a. t7 r" UaSttMM . . Ik M t. I f I r j- tkt 1 1 i a t, a e ta t k fc St , ., . ' - ta m . k.) t. s ax . e 4 t a..-ia.. e i a.ta- a(f r - - ,.a , -.h - : tm a. t a.l -1 ii' , w J.. s- 7: .1 IT l- . n . ;:r: Sa tmt n -.mml " a .. .: -zr- : :: - ata ikiaa ar aa ""lrw"" '" ' " - . ZTLT ' BaW w, aa' g a, J, a . - - ea. . r f . II " - my m I 'i'"aana J a 1 ."T T f aa . . a k a kj a. j , ... ' torn m .. . " . - ...via k. M . i . a a. " ' ' a-., , a. 4 . .. a- m.t " " ' " '""".ma 1 a 1 i " 44 a . .ws , M e I s i aa "Ss '. f ...., 1 .. a. Z . " . T ' - '.- . . . .... t ' -- V t t . , t 1 " - ' I 4 1 . . . - a ' I'll! I ' --- ur--ii ,r